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A27962 A new version of the Psalms of David fitted to the tunes used in churches / by N. Tate and N. Brady. Tate, Nahum, 1652-1715.; Brady, Nicholas, 1659-1726. 1698 (1698) Wing B2606; ESTC R170594 110,635 255

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verse 56 Yet still they tempted still provok'd the Wrath of God most High Nor would to practise his Commands their stubborn Hearts apply verse 57 But in their faithless Father's Steps perversly chose to go They turn'd aside like Arrows shot from some deceitful Bow verse 58 For him to Fury they provok'd with Altars set on high And with their graven Images inflam'd his Jealousie verse 59 When God heard this on Isr'el's Tribes his wrath an Hatred fell verse 60 He quitted Shilo and the Tents where once he chose to dwell verse 61 To vile Captivity his Ark his Glory to Disdain verse 62 His People to the Sword he gave nor would his Wrath restrain verse 63 Destructive War their ablest Youth untimely did confounds No Virgin was to th' Altar led with Nuptial Garlands crown'd verse 64 In Fight the Sacrificer fell the Priest a Victim bled And Widows who their Death should mourn themselves of Grief were dead verse 65 Then as a Giant rowz'd from Sleep whom Wine had throughly warm'd Shouts out aloud the Lord awak'd and his proud Foe alarm'd verse 66 He smote their Host that from the Field a scatter'd Remnant came With Wounds imprinted on their Backs of everlasting Shame verse 67 With Conquests crown'd he Joseph's Tents and Epbraim's Tribe forsook verse 68 But Judab chose and Sion's Mount for his lov'd Dwelling took verse 69 His Temple he erected there with Spires exalted high While deep and fixt as that of Earth the strong Foundations lie verse 70 His faithful Servant David too he for his Choice did own And from the Sheep-folds him advanec'd to fit on Judab's Throne verse 71 From tending on the teeming Ewes he brought him forth to feed His own Inheritance the Tribes of Israels chosen Seed verse 72 Exalted thus the Monarch prov'd a faithful Shepherd still He sed them with an upright Heart and guided them with Skill Psalm LXXIX verse 1 BEhold O God how heathen Hosts have thy Possession seiz'd Thy sacred House they have defil'd thy holy City raz'd verse 2 The mangled Bodies of thy Saints abroad unburied lay Their Flesh expos'd to Savage Beasts and rav'nous Birds of Prey verse 3 Quire thro Jerus'lem was their Blood like common Water shed And none were left alive to pay last Duties to the Dead verse 4 The neighb'ring Lands our small Remains with loud Reproaches wound And we a Laughing-stock are made to all the Nations round verse 5 How long wilt thou be angry Lord must we for ever mourn Shall thy devouring jealous Rage like Fire for ever burn verse 6 On foreign Lands that know not thee thy heavy Vengeance show'r Those sinful Kingdoms let it crush that have not own'd thy Pow'r verse 7 For their devouring Jaws have prey'd on Jacob's chosen Race And to a barren Desart turn'd their fruitful Dwelling-place verse 8 O think not on our former Sins but speedily prevent The utter Ruine of thy Saints almost With Sorrow spent verse 9 Thou God of our Salvation help and free our Souls from blame So shall our Pardon and Defence exalt thy glorious Name verse 10 Let Insidels that scoffing say where is the God they boast In Vengeance for thy slaughter'd Saints perceive thee to their Cost verse 11 Lord hear the sighing Pris'ner's Moan thy saving Pow'r extend Preserve the Wretches doom'd to die from that untimely End verse 12 On them who us oppress let all our Suffrings be repaid Make their Confusion sev'n times more than what on us they laid verse 13 So we thy People and thy Flock shall ever praise thy Name And with glad Hearts our grateful Thanks from Age to Age proclaim Psalm LXXX verse 1 O Isr'el's Shepherd Joseph's Guide Our Pray'rs td thee vouchsafe to hear Thou that dost on the Cherubs ride Again in solemn State appear Behold how Benjamin expects With Ephraim and Manasseh join'd In our Deliv'rance the Effects Of thy resistless Strength to find verse 3 Do thou convert us Lord do thou The Lustre of thy Face display And all the Ills we suffer now Like scatter'd Clouds shall pass away verse 4 O Thou whom heav'nly Hosts obey How long shall thy fierce Anger burn How long thy suff'ring People pray And to their Pray'rs have no Return verse 5 When hungry we are forc'd to drench Our scanty Food in Floods of Woe When dry our raging Thirst we quench With Streams of Tears that largely flow verse 6 For us the Heathen Nations round As for a common Prey contest Our Foes with spiteful Joy abound And at our lost Condition jest verse 7 Do thou convert us Lord do thou The Lustre of thy Face display And all the Ills we suffer now Like scatter'd Clouds shall pass away PART II verse 8 Thou brought'st a Vine from Egypt's Land And casting out the Heathen Race Didst plant it with thy own Right-hand And firmly fix it in their Place verse 9 Before it thou prepar'd'st the Way And mad'st it take a lasting Root Which blest with thy indulgent Ray O'er all the Land did widely shoot verse 10 11 The Hills were cover'd with its Shade It 's goodly Bows did Cedars seem It 's Branches to the Sea were spread And reach'd to proud Euphrates Stream verse 12 Why then hast thou it's Hedge o'erthrown which thou had'st made so firm and strong Whilst all it's Grapes defehceless grown Are pluck'd by those that pass along verse 13 See how the bristling Forest Boar With dreadful Fury lays it waste Hark how the savage Monsters roar And to their helpless Prey make haste PART III. verse 14 To thee O God of Hosts we pray Thy wonted Goodness Lord renew From Heav'n thy Throne this Vine survey And her sad State with Pity View verse 15 Behold the Vineyard made by the Which thy Right-hand did guard so long And keeps that Branch from Danger free Which for thy self thou mad'st so strong verse 16 To wasting Flames 't is made a Prey And all it's spreading Boughs cut down At thy Rebuke they soon decay And perish at thy dreadful frown verse 17 Crown thou the King with good Success By thy Right hand secur'd from Wrong The Son of Man in Mercy bless Whom for thy self thou mad'st so strong verse 18 So shall we still continue free From whatso'er deserves thy blame And if once more reviv'ed by the Will always praise thy holy Name verse 19 Do thou Convert us Lord do thou The Lustre of thy Face display And all the Ills we suffer now Like scatter'd Clouds shall pass away Psalm LXXXI verse 1 To God our never-failing Strength with loud Applauses sing And jointly make a chearful Noise to Jacob's Awful King verse 2 Compose a Hymn of Praise and touch your Instruments of Joy Let Pselteries and Pleasant Harps your grateful Skill employ verse 3 Let Trumpets at the great New Moon their joyful Voices raise To celebrate th' appointed time the solemn Day of Praise verse 4 For this a Statute was of old which Jacob's God decreed To
be with pious care observ'd by Israel's chosen Seed verse 5 This he for a Memorial fix'd When sreed from Egypt's Land Strange Nations barb'rous Speech we heard but could hot understand verse 6 Your burthen Shoulders I reliev'd thus seems our God to say Your servile Hands by me were free'd from lab'ring in the Clay verse 7 Your Ancestors with Wrongs opprest to me for Aid did call With Pity I their Suff'rings saw and set them free from all They fought for me and from the Cloud In Thunder I reply'd At Merihab's contentious Stream their Faith and Duty try'd PART II. verse 8 While I my solemn Will declare my chosen People hear If thou O Isr'el to my Words wilt lend thy list'ning Ear verse 9 Then shall no God besides my self within thy ' Coasts be found Nor shall thqu worship any God of all the Nations round verse 10 The Lord thy God am I who thee brought forth from Egypt's Land 'T is I that all thy just Desires supply with lib'ral Hand verse 11 But they my chosen Race refus'd to hearken to my Voice Nor would Rebellious Isr'el's Sons make me their happy Choice verse 12 So I provok'd resign'd them up to ev'ry Lust a Prey And in their own perverse Designs permitted them to stray verse 13 O that my People wisely would my just Commandments heed And Isr'el in my righteous ways with pious Care proceed verse 14 Then should my heavy Judgments fall on all that them oppose And my avenging Hand be turn'd Against their numerous Foes verse 15 Their Enemies and mine should all before my Foot-stool bend But as for them their happy State should never know an End verse 16 All parts with plenty should abound with sinest Wheat their Field The barren Rocks to please their taste should Richest Honey yield Psalm LXXXII verse 1 GOD In the great Assembly stands where his impartial Eye In state surveys the eartbly Gods and does their Judgments try verse 2 3 How dare you then unjustly judge or be to Sinners kind Defend the Orphans and the Poor let such your Justice find verse 4 Protest the humble helpleis Man reduc'd to deep Distress And let not him become a Prey to such as would oppress verse 5 They neither know nor will they learn but blindly rove and stray justice and Truth the World 's great Props Thro all the Land decay verse 6 Well then may God in anger say I've call'd you by my Nairie I 've said ye are Gods and all ally'd to the most High in same verse 7 But ne'ertheless your unjust Deeds to strict account I 'll call You all shall die like common Men like other Tyrants fall verse 8 Arise and thy just Judgments Lord thro-put the Earth display And all the Nations of the World shall own thy righteous Sway. Psalm LXXXIII verse 1 HOld not thy peace O Lord our God no longer silent be Nor with consenting quiet Looks our Ruine calmly see verse 2 For lo the Tumults of thy Foes o'er all the Land are spread And those who hate thy Saints and Thee lift up their threat'ning Head verse 3 Against thy zealous People Lord they crastily combine And to destroy thy chosen Saints have laid their close Design verse 4 Come let us cut them off say they their Nation quite deface That no Remembrance may remain of Ifr'el's hated Race verse 5 Thus they against thy People's Peace consult with one Consent And diff'ring Nations jointly leagu'd their common Malice vent verse 6 The Ishrm'elites that dwell in Tents with Warlike Edom join'd And Moab's Sons our Ruine vow with Hagar's Race combin'd verse 7 Proud Ammon's Offspring Gebal too with Amalek conspire The Lords of Palastine and all the wealthy Sons of Tyre verse 8 All these the strong Assyrian King their firm Ally have got Who with a pow'rful Army aids th' incestuous Race of Lot PART II verse 9 But let such Vengeance come to them as once to Midian came To Jabin and proud Sifera at Kishon's fatal Stream verse 10 When thy Right-hand their numerous Hosts near Endor did confound And left their Carcaffes for Dung to feed the hungry Ground verse 11 Let alr their mighty Men the Fate of Zeb and Oreb share As Zebah and Zalmunnah so let all their Princes fare verse 12 Who with the same Design inspir'd thus vainly boasting spak In firm possession for selves let us God's Houses take verse 13 To Ruine let them haste like Wheels which downwards swiftly move Like Chass before the Winds let all their scatter'd Forces prove verse 14 15 As Flames consume dry Wood or Heath that on parch'd Mountains grows So let thy fierce pursuing Wrath with Terror strike thy Foes verse 16 17 Lord sliroud their Faces with Disgrace that they may own thy Name Or them confound whose hearden'd Heart thy gentle means disclaim verse 18 So shall the wand'ring World consess that thou who claim'st alone Jehovah's Name o'er all the Earth hast raised thy losty Throne Psalm1 LXXXIV verse 1 O God of Hosts the mighty Lord how lovely is thy Place Where thou enthron'd in Glory shew'ft the Brightness of thy Face verse 2 My longing Soul faints with Desire to view thy blest Abode My panting Heart and Flesh cry out for thee the living God verse 3 The Birds more happy far than I around thy Temple throng Securely there they build and there securety hatch their Young verse 4 O Lord of Host my King and God how highly blest are they Who in thy Temple always dwell and there thy Praise display verse 5 Thrice happy they whose Choice has Thee their sure Protection made Who long to tread the sacred ways that to thy Dwelling lead verse 6 Who pass thro parch't and thirsty Vales yet no Refreshment want Their Pools are fill'd with Rain which thou at their Request dost grant verse 7 Thus they proceed from Strength to Strength and still approach more near Till all on Sion's holy Mount before their God appear verse 8 O Lord the mighty God of Hpsts my just Request regard Thou God of Jacob let my Pray'r be still with Favour heard verse 9 Behold O God for thou alone can'st timely Aid dispense On thy anointed Servant look be thou his strong Defence verse 10 For in thy Courts one single Day t is better to attend Than Lord in any place besides a thousand Days to spend Much rather in God's House will I the Meanest Office take Than in the wealthy Tents of Sin my pompous Dwelling make verse 11 For God who is our Sun and Shield will Grace and Glory give And no good thing will he with-hold from them that justly live verse 12 Thou God whom heavnly Hosts obey how highly blest is he Whose Hope and Trust securely plac'd is ftill repos'd on Thee Psalm LXXXV verse 1 LOrd thou hast granted to thy Land the Favours we implor'd And faithful Jacob's captive Race hast graciously restor'd verse 2 3 Thy People's Sins thou hast absolv'd and all
Race verse 7 He 's still our God his Judgments stil thro-out the Earth take place verse 8 His Cov'nant he hath kept in mind for numerous Ages past Which yet for thousand Ages more in equal force shall last verse 9 First sign'd to Abr'am next by Oath to Isaac made secure verse 10 To Jacob and his Heirs a Law for ever to endure verse 11 That Canaan's Land should be their Lot when yet but few they were verse 12 But few in number and those few all friendless Strangers there verse 13 In Pilgrimage from Realm to Realm securely they remov'd verse 14 Whilst proudest Monarchs for their sakes severely he reprov'd verse 15 These mine anointed are said he let none my Servants wrong Nor treat the poorest Prophet ill that does to me belong verse 16 A Dearth at last by his Command did thro the Land prevail Till Corn the chief support of Life sustaining Corn did fail verse 17 But his indulgent Providence had pious Joseph sent Sold into Egypt but their Death who sold him to prevent verse 18 His Feet with heavy Chains were crush'd with Calumny his Fame verse 19 Till God's appointed Time and Word to his Deliv'rance came verse 20 The King his sov'reign Orders sent and rescu'd him with speed Whom private Malice had confin'd the People's Ruler freed verse 21 His Court Revenues Realm were all subjected to his Will verse 22 His greatest Princes to controul and teach his Statesmen Skill PART II. verse 23 To Egypt'then invited Guests half-famish'd Israel came And Jacob held by Royal Grant the fertile Soil of Ham. verse 24 Th' Almighty there with such Increase his People multiply'd Till with their proud Oppressors they in Strength and Number vy'd verse 25 Their vast increase th' Egyptians Hearts with jealous Anger fir'd Till they his Servants to destroy by treach'rous Arts conspir'd verse 26 His Servant Moses then he sent his chosen Aaron too verse 27 Empower'd with Signs and Miracles to prove their Mission true verse 28 He call'd for Darkness Darkness came Nature his Summons knew verse 29 Each Stream and Lake transform'd to Blood the wondring Fishes flew verse 30 In putrid Floods throughout the Land the Pest of Frogs was bred From noisom Fens sent up to croack at Pharaoh's Board and Bed verse 31 He gave the Sign and Swarms of Flies came down in cloudy Hosts Whilst Earth's enliv'ned Dust below bred Lice thro all their Coasts verse 32 He sent 'em batt'ring Hail for Rain and Fire for cooling Dew verse 33 He smote their Vines and Forest Plants and Garden 's Pride o'erthrew verse 34 He spake the Word and Locusts came with Caterpillars joyn'd They prey'd upon the poor Remains the Storm had left behind verse 35 From Trees to Herbage they descend no verdant thing they spare But like the naked Fallow-Field leave all the Pastures bare verse 36 From Field to Villages and Towns commission'd Vengeance flew One fatal stroke their eldest Hopes and Strength of Egypt flew verse 37 He brought his Servants forth enrich'd with Egypt's borrow'd Wealth And what transcends all Treasures else enrich'd with vig'rous Health verse 38 Egypt rejoyc'd in hopes to find her Plagues with them remov'd Taught dearly now to fear worse Ills by those already prov'd verse 39 Their shrouding Canopy by day a journeying Cloud was spread A fiery Pillar all the Night their Desart-Marches led verse 40 They long'd for Flesh with Ev'ning Quails he furnish'd ev'ry Tent From Heav'ns own Granary each Morn the Bread of Angels sent verse 41 He smote the Rock whose flinty Breast pour'd forth a gushing Tide Whose following Stream where-e'er the march'd the-Desart's Drought supply'd verse 42 For still he did on Abr'am's Faith and ancient League reflect verse 43 He brought his People forth with Joy with Triumph his Elect. verse 44 Quite-rooting out their Heathen Foes from Canaan's fertile Soil To them in cheap Possession gave the Fruit of other's Toil. verse 45 That they his Statutes might observe his sacred Laws obey For Benefits so vast let us our Songs of Praise repay Psalm CVI. verse 1 O Render thanks to God above The Fountain of eternal Love Whose Mercy firm thro' Ages past Has stood and shall for ever last verse 2 Who can his mighty Deeds express Not only vast but numberless What Mortal Eloquence can raise His Tribute of immortal Praise verse 3 Happy are they and only they Who from thy Judgments never stray Who know what 's right nor only so But always practice what they know verse 4 Extend to me that Favour Lord Thou to thy chosen dost afford When tbou return'st to set them free Let thy Salvation visit me verse 5 O! may I worthy prove to see Thy Saints in full prosperity That I the joyful Choir may joyn And count thy People's Triumph mine verse 6 But ah can we expect such Grace Of Parents vile the viler Race Who their Misdeeds haved acted o'er And with new Crimes increas'd the Score verse 7 Ingrateful they no longer thought On all his Works in Egypt wrought The Red-Sea they no sooner view'd But they their base distrust renew'd verse 8 Yet he to vindicate his Name Once more to their Deliv'rance came To make his Sov'reign Pow'r be known That he is God and he alone verse 9 To right and left at his Command The parting Deep disclos'd her sand Where firm and dry the Passage lay As thro' some parcht and desart way verse 10 Thus rescu'd from their Foes they were Who closely press'd upon their Rear verse 11 Whose Rage pursu'd'em to those Waves That prov'd the rash Pursuer's Graves verse 12 The watry Mountains sudden Fall O'erwhelms proud Pharaoh Host and all This Proof did stupid Israel move To own God's Truth and praise his Love PART II. verse 13 But soon these Wonders they forgot And for his Counsel waited not verse 14 But lusting in the Wilderness Did him with fresh Temptations press verse 15 Strong Food at their Request he sent But made their Sin their Punishment verse 16 Yet still his Saints they did oppose The Priest and Prophet whom he chose verse 17 But Earth the Quarrel to decide Her Vengeful Jaws extending wide Rash Datban to her Centre drew With proud Abiram's factious Crew verse 18 The rest of those who did conspire To kindle wild Sedition's Fire With all their impious Train became A Prey to Heaven's devouring Flame verse 19 Near Horeb's Mount a Calf they made And to the molten Image pray'd verse 20 Adoring what their Hands did frame They chang'd their Glory to their Shame verse 21 Their God and Saviour they forgot And all his works in Egypt wrought verse 22 His Signs in Ham's astonisht Coast And where proud Pharoah's Troops were lost verse 23 Thus urg'd his vengeful hand he rear'd But Moses in the Breach appeared The Saint did for the Rebels pray And turn'd Heaven 's kindled wrath away verse 24 Yet they his pleasant Land despis'd Nor his repeated Promise priz'd verse 25
Lord assert my Right With such as War unjustly wage do thou my Battels fight verse 2 Thy Buckler take and bind thy Shield upon thy warlike Arm Stand up my God in my Defence and keep me safe from Harm verse 3 Bring forth thy Spear and stop their course that haste my Blood to spill Say to my Soul I am thy Health and will preserve thee still verse 4 Let them with Shame be cover'd o'er who my Destruction sought And such as did my Harm devise be to Confusion brought verse 5 Then shall they fly dispers'd like Chaff before the driving Wind God's vengeful Minister of Wrath shall follow close behind verse 6 And when thro' dark and slipp'ry ways they strive his Rage to shun His vengeful Ministers of Wrath shall goad them as they run verse 7 Since unprovok'd by any Wrong they hid their treach'rous Snare And for my harmless Soul a Pit did causlessly prepare verse 8 Surpriz'd by Mischiefs unforeseen by their own Arts betray'd Their Feet shall fall into the Net which they for me had laid verse 9 Whilst my glad Soul shall God's great Name for this Deliv'rance bless And by his saving Health secur'd a grateful Joy express verse 10 My very Bones shall say O Lord who can compare with Thee Who sett'st the poor and helpless Man from strong Oppressrs free PART II. verse 11 False Witnesses with forg'd Complaints against my Truth combin'd And to my charge such things they laid as I had ne'er design'd verse 12 The Good which I to them had done with Evil they repaid And did by Malice undeserv'd my harmless Life invade verse 13 But as for me when they were sick I still in Sackcloath mourn'd I pray'd and fasted and my Pray'r to my own Breast return'd verse 14 Had they my Friends or Brethren been I could have done no more Nor with more decent signs of Grief a Mother's Loss deplore verse 15 How diff'rent did their Carriage prove in times of my distress When they in Crowds together met did savage Joy express The Rabble too in mighty Throngs by their Example came And ceas'd not with reviling Words to wound my spotless Fame verse 16 Scoffers that noble Tables haunt and earn their Bread with Lies Did gnash their Teeth and sland'ring Jests maliciously devise verse 17 But Lord how long wilt thou look on on my Behalf appear And save my guiltless Soul which they like rav'ning Beasts would tear PART III. verse 18 So I before the list'ning World shall grateful Thanks express And where the great Assembly meets thy Name with Praises bless verse 19 Lord suffer not my causeless Foes who me unjustly hate With open Joy or secret Signs to mock my sad Estate verse 20 For they with Hearts averse from Peace industriously devise Against the Men of quiet Minds to forge malicious Lies verse 21 Nor with these private Arts content aloud they vent their Spite And say At last we found him out he did it in our sight verse 22 But thou who dost both them and me with righteous Eyes survey Assert my Innocence O Lord and keep not far away verse 23 Stir up thy self in my behalf to Judgment Lord awake Thy righteous Servant's Cause O God to thy Decision take verse 24 Lord as my Heart has upright been let me thy Justice find Nor let my cruel Foes obtain the Triumph they design'd verse 25 O let them not amongst themselves in boasting Language say At length our Wishes are compleat at last he is made our Prey verse 26 Let such as in my Harm rejoyc'd for shame their Faces hide And foul Dishonour wait on those that proudly me defy'd verse 27 Whilst they with chearful Voices shout who my just Cause befriend And bless the Lord who loves to make Success his Saints attend verse 28 So shall my Tongue thy Judgments sing inspir'd with grateful Joy And chearful Hymns in praise of thee shall all my Days employ PSALM XXXVI verse 1 My crafty Foe with flatt'ring Art his wicked purpose would disguise But Reason whispers to my Heart he ne'er sets God before his Eyes verse 2 He sooths himself retir'd from sight secure he thinks his treach'rous Game Till his dark Plots expos'd to Light Their false Contriver brand with Shame verse 3 In Deeds he is my Foe consest whilst with his Tongue he speaks me fair True Wisdom's banish'd from his Breast and Vice has sole Dominion there verse 4 His wakeful Malice spends the Night in forging his accurst Designs His obstinate unregen'rate Spite no execrable means declines verse 5 But Lord thy Mercy my sure Hope above the heav'nly Orb ascends Thy sacred Truth 's unmeasur'd scope beyond the spreading Skie extends verse 6 Thy justice like the Hills remains unfathom'd Depths thy Judgments are Thy Providence the World sustains the whole Creation is thy Care verse 7 Since of thy Goodness All partake with what Assurance should the Just Thy sheltring Wings their Refuge make and Saints to thy Protection trust verse 8 Such Guests shall to thy Courts be led to banquet on thy Love's Repast And drink as from a Fountain's head of Joys that shall for ever last verse 9 With Thee the Springs of Life remain thy Presence is eternal Day verse 10 O! let thy Saints thy Favour gain to upright Hearts thy Truth display verse 11 Whilst Pride's insulting Foot would spurn and wicked Hand my Life surprize verse 12 Their mischiefs on themselves return down down they 'r fall'n no more to rise PSALM XXXVII verse 1 THo' wicked Men grow Rich or Great Yet let not their successful State thy Anger or thy Envy raise verse 2 For they cut down like tender Grass Or like young Flow'rs away shall pass whose blooming Beauty soon decays verse 3 Depend on God and him obey So thou within the Land shalt stay secure from Danger and from Want verse 4 Make his Commands thy chief Delight And He thy Duty to requite shall all thy earnest Wishes grant verse 5 In all thy ways trust thou the Lord And he will needful Help afford to perfect ev'ry just Design verse 6 And make like Light serene and clear Thy clouded Innocence appear and as a mid-day Sun to shine verse 7 With quiet mind on God depend And patiently for him attend nor let thy Anger sondly rise Tho' wicked Men with Wealth abound And with Success the Plots are crown'd which they maliciously devise verse 8 From Anger cease and Wrath forsake Let no ungovern'd Passion make thy wav'ring Heart espouse their Crime verse 9 For God shall sinful Men destroy Whilst only they the Land enjoy who trust on him and wait his time verse 10 How soon shall wicked Men decay Their Place shall vanish quite away nor by the strictest search be found verse 11 Whilst humble Souls possess the Earth Rejoycing still with godly Mirth with Peace and Plenty always crown'd PART II. verse 12 While sinful Crowds with false Design Against the righteous few combine and gnash
their teeth and threatning stand verse 13 God shall their empty Plots deride And laugh at their defeated Pride he sees their Ruin near at hand verse 14 They draw the Sword and bend the Bow The Poor and Needy to o'erthrow and Men of Upright Lives to slay verse 15 But their strong Bows shall soon be broke Their sharpen'd Weapon's mortal Stroke thro' their own Hearts shall force its way verse 16 A little with God's Favour bles And by one Righteous Man possest the Wealth of many Bad excels verse 17 For God supports the just Man's Cause But as for those that break his Laws their unsuccessful Pow'r he quells verse 18 His constant Care the Upright guides And over all their Life presides their Portion shall for ever last verse 19 They when Distress o'rewhelms the Earth And with Success the Plots are crown'd which they maliciously devise verse 8 From Anger cease and Wrath forsake Let no ungovern'd Passion make thy wav'ring Heart espouse their Crime verse 9 For God shall sinful Men destroy Whilst only they the Land enjoy who trust on him and wait his time verse 10 How soon shall wicked Men decay Their Place shall vanish quite away nor by the strictest search be found verse 11 Whilst humble Souls possess the Earth Rejoycing still with godly Mirth with Peace and Plenty always crown'd PART II. verse 12 While sinful Crowds with false Design Against the righteous few combine and gnash their teeth and threatning stand verse 13 God shall their empty Plots deride And laugh at their defeated Pride he sees their Ruin near at hand verse 14 They draw the Sword and bend the Bow The Poor and Needy to o'erthrow and Men of Upright Lives to slay verse 15 But their strong Bows shall soon be broke Their sharpen'd Weapon's mortal Stroke thro' their own Hearts shall force its way verse 16 A little with God's Favour bles And by one Righteous Man possest the Wealth of many Bad excels verse 17 For God supports the just Man's Cause But as for those that break his Laws their unsuccessful Pow'r he quells verse 18 His constant Care the Upright guides And over all their Life presides their Portion shall for ever last verse 19 They when Distress o'rewhelms the Earth Shall be unmov'd and ev'n in Dearth The happy Fruits of Plenty taste verse 20 Not so the wicked Men and those Who proudly dare God's Will oppose destruction is their hapless share Like Fat of Lambs their Hopes and they Shall in an instant melt away and vanish into Smoak and Air. PART III. verse 21 Whilst Sinners brought to sad Decay Still borrow on and never pay The Just have Will and Pow'r to give verse 22 For such as God vouchsafes to bless Shall peaceably the Earth possess And those he curses shall not live verse 23 The good Man's way is God's Delight He orders all the Steps aright of him that moves by his Command verse 24 Though he sometimes may be distress'd Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd for God upholds him with his Hand verse 25 From my first Youth till Age prevail'd I never saw the Righteous fail'd or Want o'ertake his numerous Race verse 26 Because Compassion fill'd his Heart And he did chearfully impart God made his Offspring's Wealth increase verse 27 With Caution shun each wicked Deed In Virtue 's ways with Zeal proceed and so prolong your happy Days verse 28 For God who Judgment loves does still Preserve his Saints secure from Ill while soon the wicked Race decays verse 29 30 31 The Upright shall possess the Land His Portion shall for Ages stand his Mouth with Wisdom is suppli'd His Tongue by Rules of Judgment moves His Heart the Law of God approves therefore his Footsteps never slide PART IV. verse 32 In wait the watchful Sinner lies In vain the Righteous to surprise in vain his Ruin does decree verse 33 God will not him defenceless leave To his Revenge expos'd but save and when he 's sentenc'd set him free verse 34 Wait still on God keep his Command And thou Exalted in the Land thy blest Possession ne'er shall quit The Wicked soon destroy'd shall be And at his dismal Tragedy thou shalt a safe Speator sit verse 35 The Wicked I in Pow'r heve seen And like a Bay-tree fresh and green that spreads its pleasant Branches round verse 36 But he was gone as swift as Thought And though in ev'ry place I sought no sign or track of him I found verse 37 Observe the Perfect Man with Care And mark all such as Upright are their roughest days in Peace mail end verse 38 While on the latter end of those Who dare God's sacred Will oppose a common Ruin shall attend verse 39 God to the Just will'Aid afford Their only Safeguard is the Lord their Strength in times of Need is He verse 40 Because on him they still depend The Lord will timely Succour send and from the Wicked set them free PSALM XXXVIII verse 1 THY chast'ning Wrath O Lord restrain though I deserve it all Nor let at once on me the storm of the Displeasure sall verse 2 In ev'ry wretched Part of me thy Arrows deep remain Thy heavy Hand 's afflicting weight I can no more sustain verse 3 My Flesh is one continued Wound thy Wrath so fiercely glows Betwixt my Punishment and Guilt my Bones have no repose verse 4 My Sins that to a Deluge swell my sinking Head o'erslow And for my feeble Strength to bear too vast a Burthen grow verse 5 Stench and Corruption fill my Wounds my Folly 's just Return verse 6 With Trouble I am warp'd and bow'd and all day long I mourn verse 7 A loath'd Disease afflicts my Loins infecting ev'ry part verse 8 With Sickness-worn I groan and roar thro' Anguish of my Heart PART II. verse 9 But Lord before thy searching Eyes all my Desires appear And sure my Groans have been too loud not to have reach'd thine Ear. verse 10 My Heart 's opprest my Strength decay'd my Eyes depriv'd of Light verse 11 Friends Lovers Kinsmen gaze aloof on such a dismal Sight verse 12 Mean while the Foes that seek my Life their Snares to take me set Vent Slanders and contrive all Day to sorge some new Deceit verse 13 But I as if both Deaf and Dumb nor heard nor once reply'd verse 14 Quite deaf and dumb like one whose tongue with conscious Guilt is ty'd verse 15 For Lord to thee I do appeal my Innocence to clear Assr'd that thou the righteous God my injur'd Cause wilt hear verse 16 Hear me said I left my proud Foes a spiteful Joy display Insulting if they see my Foot but once to go astcray verse 17 And With Continual Grief opprest to sink I now begin verse 18 To thee O Lord I will confess to thee bewail my Sin verse 19 But whilst I languish my proud Foes their Strength and Vigour boast And they that hate me without Cause are grown a dreadful
Works which he Thro'out the wond'ring World dispalys verse 32 Let them where all the Tribes resort Advance to Heav'n his glorious Name And in the Elder 's ' Sov'reign Court With one consent his praise proclaim PART V. verse 33 34 A fruitful Land where Streams abound God's just Revenge if People sin Will turn to dry and barren Ground To punish those that dwell therein verse 35 36 The parcht and ' desart Heath he makes To flow with Streams and springing Wells Which for his Lot the Hungry takes And in strong Cities fasely dwells verse 37 38 He fows the Field the Vineyard plants Which gratefully his Toil repay Nor can whiist God his Blessing grants His fruitful Seed or Stock decay verse 39 But when his Sins Heav'ns wrath provoke His Health and Substance fade away He feels th' Oppressor's gauling Yoke And is of Gries the wretched Prey verse 40 The Prince who slights what God commands Expos'd to scorn must quit his Throne And over wild and desart Lands Where no Path offers stray alone verse 41 Whilst God from all afflicting Cares Sets up the humble Man on high And makes in time his num'rous Heirs With his encreasing Flocks to vie verse 42 43 Then Sinners shall have nought to say The just a decent Joy shall show The wise these strange Events shall weigh And thence God's Goodness fully know Psalm CVIII verse 1 O God my Heart is fully bent to magnifie thy Name My Tongue with cheerful Songs of Praise shall celebrate thy Fame verse 2 Awake my Lute nor thou my Harp thy warbling Notes delay Whiist I with early Hymns of Joy prevent the dawning Day verse 3 To all the list'ning Tribes O Lord thy wonders I will tell And to those Nations sing thy praise that round about us dwell verse 4 Because thy Mercy 's boundless height the higliest Heaven transcends And far beyond th' aspiring Clouds thy faithful Truth extends verse 5 Be thou O God exalted high above the starry Frame And let the World with one consent confess thy glorious Name verse 6 That all thy chosen People Thee their Saviour may declare Let thy Right-hand protect me still and answer thou my Pray'r verse 7 Since God himself hath said the word whose Promise cannot fail With Joy I Schechem shall divide and measure Succoth's Vale verse 8 Gilead is mine Manasseh too and Ephraim owns my cause Their Strength my Regal Pow'r supports and Judah gives my Laws verse 9 Moab I 'll make my servile Drudge on vanquisht Edom tread And through the proud Philistine Lands my conqu'ring Banners spread verse 10 By whose Support and Aid shall I their well-fenc'd City gain Who will my Troops securely lead thro' Edom's guarded Plain verse 11 Lord wilt not thou assist our Arms which late thou didst forsake And wilt not thou of these our Hosls once more the Guidance take verse 12 O to thy Servants in Distress thy speedy Succour send For vain it is on human Aid for Safety to depend verse 13 Then valiant Acts shall we perform if thou thy pow'r disclose For God it is and God alone that treads down all our Foes Psalm CIX verse 1 O God whose former Mercies make my constant Praise thy due Hold not thy peace but my sad state with wonted Favour view verse 2 For sinful Men with lying Lips deceitful Speeches frame And with their spotless Slanders seek to wound my spotless Fame verse 3 Their restless Hatred prompts them still malicious Lyes to spread And all aganst my Life combine by causeless Fury led verse 4 Those whom with tend'rest Love I us'd my chief Opposers are Whiiist 1 of other Friends berest refort to thee by Pray'r verse 5 Since Mischief for the Good did their strange Reward dbes prove And Hatred's the Return they maka for undissmbl'd Lqve verse 6 Their guilty Leader shall be made to some ill Man a'Slave And when he 's try'd his mortal Foe for his Accuser have verse 7 His Gift When Sentence is pronounc'd shall meet a dreadful Fate Whilst his rejected Pray'r but serves his Crimes to aggravate verse 8 He snatch'd by some untitmely Fate sha'n't live out half his days Another by Divine Decree shall on his Office seize verse 9 10 His Seed shall Orphans be his Wife a Widow plung'd in Grief His vagrant Children beg their Bread where none can give Relief verse 11 His ill-got Riches shall be made to Usurers a Prey The Fruit of all his Toil shall be by Strangers born away verse 12 None shall be found that to his Wants their Mercy will extend Or to his helpless Orphan Seed the least Affistance lend verse 13 A swift Destruction soon shall seize on his unhappy Race And the next Age his hated Name shall utterly deface verse 14 The Vengeance of his Father's Sins upon his Head shall fall God on his Mother's Crimes shall think and punish him for all verse 15 All these in horrid Order rank'd before the Lord shall stand Till his fierce Anger quite cuts off their Mem'ry from the land PART II. verse 16 Because he never Mercy sheew'd but still the Poor oppress'd And sought to slay the helpless Man with heavy Woes distress'd verse 17 Therefore the Curse he lov'd to vent shall his own Portion prove And Blessing which he still abhorr'd shall far from him remove verse 18 Since he in cursing took such Pride like water it shall spread Thro all hs Veins and stick like Oil with which his Bones are fed verse 19 This like a poyson'd Robe shall still his constant cov'ring be Or an envenom'd Belt from which he never shall be free verse 20 Thus shall the Lord reward all those that 111 to me design That with malicious false Reports against my Life combine verse 21 But for thy glorious Name O God do thou deliver me And for thy gracious Mercy 's sake preserve and set me free verse 22 For I to utmost Straits reduc'd am void of all Relief My heart is wounded with Distress and quite pierc'd thro' with Grief verse 23 I like an Ev'ning Shade decline which vanishes apace Like Locusts up and down I 'm toss'd and have no certain place verse 24 25 My Knees with Fasting are grown weak my Body lank and lean All that behold me shake their Heads and treat me with Disdain verse 26 27 But for thy Mercy 's fake O Lord do thou my Foes withstand That all may see 't is thy own Act the Work of thy Right-hand verse 28 Then let them curse so thou but bless let Shame the Portion be Of all that my Destruction seek while I rejoyce in Thee verse 29 My Foe shall with Disgrace be cloath'd and spite of all his Pride His own Confusion like a Cloak the guilty Wretch shall hide verse 30 But I to God in grateful Thanks my chearstil Voice will raise And where the great Assembly meets set forth his noble praise verse 31 For him the Poor shall always find their sure and constant
great we often have by glad Experience found And seen how he with wond'rous Pow'r above all Gods is crown'd verse 6 For he with unresisted Strength performs his Sov'reign Will In Heav'n and Earth and watry Stores that Earth's deep Caverns fill verse 7 He raises Vapours from the Ground which dois'd in liquid Air Fall down at last in Showrs thro' which his dreadful Lightnings glare verse 8 He from his Store-house brings the Winds and he with vengeful Hand The First-born flew of Man and Beast thro' Egypt's mourning Land verse 9 He dreadful Signs and Wonders shew'd thro' stubborn Egypt's Coasts Nor Pharaoh could his Plagues escape nor all his num'rous Hosts verse 10 11 T was he that various Nations smote and mighty Kings suppress'd Sihon and Og and all besides who Canaan Land possess'd verse 12 13 Their Land upon his chosen race he firmly did entail For which his Fame shall always last his Praise shall never fail verse 14 For God shall soon his People's Cause with pitying Eyes survey Repent him of his Wrath and turn his kindled Rage away verse 15 Those Idols whose false Worship spreads o'er all the Heathen Lands Are made of Silver and of Gold the Work of humane Hands verse 16 17 They move not their fictitious Tongues nor see with polish'd Eyes Their counterfeited Ears are deaf no Breath their Mouth supplies verse 18 As senseless as themselves are they that all their Skill apply To make them or in dang'rous Times on them for Aid rely verse 19 Their just Returns of Thanks to God let gratefull Isr'el pay Nor let the Priests ot Aaron's Race to bless the Lord delays verse 20 Their Sense of his unbounded Love let Levi's House express And let all those that fear the Lord his Name for ever bless verse 21 Let all with Thanks his wond'rous Works in Sion's Courts proclaim Let them in Salem where he dwells exalt his holy Name Psalm CXXXVI verse 1 To God the mighty Lord Your joyfull Thanks repeat To him due prase afford As good as he is great For God does prove Our constant Friend His boundless Love Shall never end verse 2 3 To him whose wond'rous Pow'r All other Gods obey Whom earthly Kings adore This gratefull Homage pay For God c. verse 4 5 By his Almighty Hand Amazing Works are wrought The Heav'ns by his Command Were to perfection brought For God c. verse 6 He spread the Ocean round About the spacious Land And made the rising Ground Above the Waters stand For God c. verse 7 8 9 Thro' Heav'n he did display His num'rous Hosts of Light The Sun to rule by day The Moon and Stars by Night For God c. verse 10 11 12 He struck the First-born dead Of Egypt's stubborn Land And thence his People led With his resistless Hand For God c. verse 13 14 By him the raging Sea As if in pieces rent Disclos'd a middle way Thro' which his people went For God c. verse 15 Where soon he overthrew Proud Pharaoh and his Host Who daring tp pursuo Were in the Billows lost For God c verse 16 17 18 Thro' Desarts vast and wild He led the chosen Seed And famous Princes foil'd And made great Monarchs bleed For God c. verse 19 20 Sibon whose potent Hand Great Ammon's Sceptre sway'd And Og whose stern Command Rich Bashan's Land obey'd For God c. verse 21 22 And of his wondrous Grace Their Lands whom he destroy'd He gave to Isr'el's Race To be by them enjoy'd For God c. verse 23 24 He in our Depth of Woes On us with Favour thought And from our cruel Foes In Peace and Safety brought For God c. verse 25 26 He does the Food supply On which all Creatures live To God who reigns on high Eternal Praises give For God will prove Our constant Friend His boundless Love Shall never end Psalm CXXXVII verse 1 WHEN we our weary'd Limbs to rest Sat down by proud Euphrates Stream We wept with doleful Thoughts opprest And Sion was our mournful Theme verse 2 Our Harps that when with Joy we sung Were wont their tuneful Parts to bear With silent Strings neglecfted hung On Willow-trees that wither'd there verse 3 Mean while our Foes who all conspir'd To triumph in our slayish Wrongs Musick and Mirth of us requir'd Come sing us one of Sion's Songs verse 4 How shall we tune our Voice to sing Or touch our Harps with skilful Hands Shall Hymns of Joy to God our King Be sung by Slaves in foreign Lands verse 5 O Salem our once happy Seat When I of thee forgetful prove Let then my trembling Hand forget The speaking Strings with Art to move verse 6 If I to mention thee forbear Eternal Silence seize my Tongue Or if I sing one chearful Ayr Till thy Deliv'rance is my Song verse 7 Remember Lord how Edom's Race In thy own City's fatal Day Cry'd out her stately Walls desace And with the Ground quite level lay verse 8 Proud Babel's Daughter doom'd to be Of Grief and Woe the Wretched Prey Blest is the Man who shall to thee The wrongs thou lay'st on us repay verse 9 Thrice blest who with Just Rage possest And deaf to all the Parents Moans Shall snatch the Infants from the Breast And dash their Heads against the Stones Psalm CXXXVIII verse 1 WIth my whole Heart my God and King thy praise I will proclaim Besore the Gods with Joy will sing and bless thy holy name verse 2 I 'll worship at thy sacred Seat and with thy Love inspir'd The praises of thy Truth repeat o'er all thy Works admir'd verse 3 Thou graciously inclind'st thine Ear when I to thee did cry And when my Soul was press'd with Fear didst inward Strength supply verse 4 Therefore shall ev'ry earthly Prince thy Name with praise pursue Whom these admir'd Events convince that all thy Works are true verse 5 They all thy wondrous ways O Lord with chearful Songs shall bless And all thy glorious Acts record thy awful Pow'r confess verse 6 For God altho' enthron'd on high does hence the poor respect The Proud far off his scornful Eye beholds with just neglect verse 7 Tho' I with Troubles am oppress'd he shall my Foes disarm Relieve my Soul when most distress'd and keep me safe from Harm verse 8 The Lord whose Mercies ever last shall fix my happy State and mindful of his Favours past shall his own Work complete Pslam CXXXIX verse 1 2 THOU Lord by strictest search hast known My rising up and lying down My secret Thoughts are known to thee Known long before conceiv'd by me verse 3 Thine Eye my Bed and Path surveys My publick Haunts and private Ways verse 4 Thou know'st what 't is my Lips would vent My yet-unnutter'd Words intent verse 5 Surrounded by thy Pow'r I stand On every side I find thy Hand verse 6 O Skill for human reach too high Too dazling bright for mortal Eye verse