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A27789 The Book of Psalms in metre close and proper to the Hebrew, smooth and pleasant for the metre, plain and easie for the tunes : with musical notes, arguments, annotations, and index : fitted for the ready use and understanding of all good Christians. Barton, William, 1598?-1678. 1644 (1644) Wing B2401; ESTC R34049 146,371 360

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indeed verse 15 Thy stretcht-out arm redeem'd thine own Jacob and Josephs fruitfull seed verse 16 The waters LORD had sight of thee The waters saw and were afraid Because they did the visage see The depths were also sore dismaid verse 17 The clouds powr'd down their watry load The skies a thundring sound forth sent Thine arrows were disperst abroad Shot from the flaming Element verse 18 In heaven was thy thunder heard Thy lightnings did the world surround Earth shook and trembled sore afeard verse 19 Thy way is in the seas profound Thy paths are in the waters deep Thy footsteps none can understand verse 20 Thou ledst thy folk like flocks of sheep By Moses and by Aarons hand PSAL. LXXVIII York tune He exhorts to hear the story of Gods ancient works and to relate it to our generations MY people to my Law give ear Unto my speech incline verse 2 For lo my mouth shall open here A parable divine Dark sayings treasur'd up of old I 'l utter now to you verse 3 Things which our fathers have us told And what we heard and knew We will not from their seed conceal But with a joint accord Unto the future age reveal The praises of the LORD And all his wonders excellent Perform'd by powerfull hand verse 5 For he ordain'd a Testament In Jacob firm to stand For Isr'el he a law decreed And gave our fathers charge That they to their ensuing seed Should make them known at large verse 6 That th'age to come and following race His Testaments might know Who should arise in fathers place And them to theirs might show verse 7 That they on God their hope might s●● Not from his laws remove Nor Gods almighty works forget verse 8 Not like their fathers prove A stubborn and rebellious brood Whose hearts were wrong inclin'd Whose soul with God unstedfast stood Still wavering in their mind 2. Part. Argument The shamefull repulse of Israel going up without God of whose works they had so wonderfull experience verse 9 THe sons of Ephraim carrying bows Nor did they armour lack In day of battell with their foes Faint-hearted turned back verse 10 God cov'nant they regarded not Nor for his precepts car'd verse 11 But all his wondrous works forgot Which he to them declar'd verse 12 Most wondrous works by his right hand Had their forefathers known Accomplished in Aegypt land And in the fields of Zoan verse 13 The Sea he did in parts divide And made them passage there VVith clatt'ring heaps on either side He made moist waters rear verse 14 He also in the time of day A cloud their guide assign'd And all night long he made them way With lights of fire that shin'd verse 15 The stony rocks he also clave Within the desert ground And store of drink to them he gave As out of deeps profound verse 16 Fresh streams did he from Horeb bring And made fresh waters thence Run down like Rivers from a spring verse 17 Yet gave they more offence G●●ev'd God most high in desert ground By provocations great verse 18 And tempted God with heart unsound By lustfull asking meat verse 19 Yea thus they said controlling God Can God spread tables here verse 20 Lo tho the rock obey'd his rod Can deserts yield good cheere The waters gusht from rocks hard side And streams did overflow But for his people flesh provide And can he bread bestow 3. Part. Argument The great displeasure of God for the monstrous infidelity and ingratitude of Israel verse 21 GOd heard therfore and was incenst 'Gainst Jacob fire did flame And anger also came agenst All Isr'el for the same verse 22 'Cause they on God did not relie Nor in this Saviour hope verse 23 Though he had charg'd the lostie skie And heavens dore set ope verse 24 And rain'd down Manna for their meat And gave them for their fare verse 25 The corn of heaven Man did eat The food of Angels rare He fed them full with food good store verse 26 He sent an Eastern wind His power set ope the Southern dore Both execute his mind verse 27 He rain'd upon his people flesh Like Summers dust for store And feathered fowl he brought them fresh As sands upon the shore verse 28 In midst of all the camp throughout He let it gently fall And there disperst it round about Their habitations all verse 29 So they did plentifully eat And were suffi●'d and fill'd For he did give them look what meat Themselves desir'd and will'd verse 30 Estrang'd they were not from their lust But while they chew'd their meat verse 31 The wrath of God assaults them just Before they could it eat The fattest of them there he slew And smiting down did kill The chosen men all Israel through verse 32 And yet they sinned still For all his wonders was their crime Most shamefull unbelief verse 33 He therfore made them spend their time In vanity and grief 4. Part. Argument The Hypocriticall humiliation of Israel Gods favour and their unfaithfulness verse 34 WHen he destructiō on them brought And many of them were flain Then they for God inquir'd and sought And turn'd to him again With early care to him they flock verse 35 And then they call to mind That God the high God was their rock And their Redeemer kind verse 36 But yet for all this goodly show While their fair words intreat They did but lie and flatter tho With teeth and tongues deceit verse 37 For neither was their heart upright Nor to his cov'nant clave verse 38 Yet he in mercy infinite Their wickedness for gave And would not overthrow them quite But did his wrath asswage Full many a time nor would excite The utmost of his rage verse 39 For graciously he call'd to mind How that they were but flesh A temporary fading wind That doth not come afresh verse 40 How oft did they provoke his rod When they in deserts were verse 41 Revolting grieving tempting God VVhile they continued there And Israels only one confin'd verse 42 His hand that sav'd them so Nor yet that day they call'd to mind That quit them from the ●o 5. Part. Argument Israels ungratefull neglect of Gods Judgements on their behalf against Egypt verse 43 THey did not keep in memory VVhat signs in Egypt land VVere brought to pass before their eye By Gods almighty hand verse 44 In Zoan field his wonders strange VVhen every ford and flood And every river he did change Into a lake of blood That they to drink thereof abhor'd verse 54 Devouring flies annoy'd Of divers sort sent from the LORD And croaking frogs destroy'd verse 46 He let the Caterpillers eat The fruit of all their soil And gave their labours hopefull sweat To be the Locusts spoil verse 47 The hail destroy'd their tender vines And wealth of their quick stock verse 48 The frost destroy'd the sycamines Hot thunder-bolt
and behold And visit this thy Vine verse 15 And Vineyard planted here of old By that right hand of thine The branch which was made strong for thee verse 16 See it is all cut down And burnt with fire thy branches be They perish at thy frown verse 17 Uphold the man of thy right hand The sonne of man sustain Made strong by thee for thee to stand O make him strong again verse 18 So will not we go back from thee O quick'n us for the same And we shall faithfull suppliants be To call upon thy Name verse 19 Lord God of hoasts our souls incline And turn us now again Command thy cheerfull face to shine And safe shall we remain PSAL. LXXXI London short tune An exhortation to praise God with musick A celebration of the deliverance from Aegypt O Sing aloud this day To God our strength and stay O make a noise Exciting joys To Jacobs God I say verse 2 O take a Psalm and sing The timbrell hither bring The Psalt'rie too And harp take you The harp that pleasant thing verse 3 The trumpet sound withall This new Moons festivall The time hath thus Appointed us Solemnitie doth call verse 4 A statute this must be O Israel kept by thee Th' almighty drew This law for you T' was Jacobs Gods decree verse 5 This was the Lords command In Joseph firm to stand A Testament VVhen as he went Throughout all Aegypt land I heard a language there All unknown words they were verse 6 The Lord there broke The burdenous yoke Which Israels neck did beare His hand from pots were freed And in the time of need verse 7 Thou call'dst on mee I set thee free Deliverance did succeed I answered thee with grace In thunders secret place I prov'd thy way At Meribah Where waters ran apace 2. part Argument The blessedness of obedience the baseness of Idolatry ingratitude and disobedience verse 8 HEar ô my people free I 'l testifie to thee O Israel mine If thou incline And hearken unto mee verse 9 In thee I say there shall Be no strange God at all And never more Shalt thou adore Or on a strange God call verse 10 The Lord thy God am I Who brought thee graciously With pow'rfull hand From Aegypt land And servile tyrannie Thy mouth then open wide In pray'r to be suppli'd And sure I will Thy pray'r● fulfill verse 11 But Israel deny'd They to my voice so free Obedient would not be And grief to tell Of Israel He would have none of me verse 12 So I in judgement just Ev'n left them to their lust And they fulfill Their way and will In their own counsells trust verse 13 My people ô that yee Had hark'ned unto mee That Israel Had walk'd so well As after my decree verse 14 I should have soon subdu'd Their adversaries rude And turn'd my hand Against the band Of all their enemies lewd verse 15 They that the Lord do hate Had bow'd down at his gate But Israels time Had been in prime And born eternall date verse 16 He should have made them eat The finest of the wheat And made the rock An hony stock In plenty very great PSAL. LXXXII To Cambridge old tune God the supream Judge convinceth and condemneth wicked Governors AMong the Gods God takes a room To judge among the great verse 2 How long will ye unjustly doom While sitting in his seat The wicked yee are partiall to verse 3 But should defend the poor Unto the needy justice do And fatherless secure verse 4 Save rid them from the wickeds hand These poor and succourless verse 5 They know not nor will understand But walk in darksomness The earths foundation quite decai'd All out of order runnes verse 6 I styl'd you Gods all you I said Are high Jehovahs sonnes verse 7 But die like men of mortall birth Like Princes fall shall you verse 8 Arise O God and judge the earth All Nations are thy due PSAL. LXXXIII Martyrs tune Consederate enemies conspire against the Church and are cursed LOrd be not still hold not thy tongue Behold how furiously verse 2 Thy hatefull foes in tumults throng And lift their heads on high verse 3 Most crafty counsell they have ta'n Against us all at once Consulting how to work the bane Of all thy hidden ones verse 4 Come let us cut them off said they And leave no root behind So that the name of ISRAEL may No more remembrance find verse 5 Against thee have they all combin'd Advis'd with joint consents verse 6 The Hagarens with Ishmael join'd And those at Edoms tents verse 7 With Moabites and Ammonites And Gebal do conspire The Philistims Amalakites With them that dwell at Tyre verse 8 These Ashur is adjoyn'd unto To help the sons of Lot verse 9 To them as unto Midian do Gain they what Sis'ra got 2. Part. Argument God is glorified in the destruction of persecutors according to the ancient examples of his judgement SPeed they as Jabin Canaans King O'rthrown at Kishon brook verse 10 Which there at Endor perishing Became as scattered muck verse 11 Like Zeeb and Oreb ô compell Their noble Peers to fall As Zeba and Zalmunna fell So let their Princes all verse 12 Those namely that have spoken thus Come on and let us take The houses of the LORD to us And them our houses make verse 13 Make them my God like to a wheel Or stubble toss'd with wind verse 14 As burning woods fires fury feel Let them this fury find As kindling flames at mountains foot With fury all deform verse 15 Them with thy tempest persecute And fright them with thy storm verse 16 That they ô Lord may seek thy Name With shame their faces fill verse 17 Yea let them perish put to shame Confounded troubled still verse 18 That men may know that thou alone Whom we Jehovah call In all the earth the onely one Art highest over all PSAL. LXXXIV Old England tune The great zeal of the Saints to Gods publick Ordinances and blessednes of such desires O Lord of hoasts how lovely fair Thy Tabernacles be verse 2 My longing soul is nigh despair Thy sacred courts to see O living God my flesh my heart For thee cry out amain verse 3 Behold the sparrow for her part Blest house-room doth obtain The swallow builds her nests full close Where shee her young may bring Even to thine Altars Lord of hoasts My God and glorious King verse 4 Thy house-hold servants happy be They still will give thee praise verse 5 The man is blest whose strēgth's in thee Who minds thy servants wayes verse 6 VVhich make a Well of Baca-plain In passing to and fro The Pools are also fill'd with rain verse 7 From strength to strength they go To Sion hill they all repair Before Jehovah there verse 8 Lord God of hoasts ô hear
voice With thine inheritance 2. Part. Argument Our disobedience and ingratitudo instanced and exemplifi'd by Israel and humbly confessed verse 6 WE into sins have run The father and the son Transgressing by INIQUITIE VVe wickedly have done verse 7 The wonders which thy hand Perform'd in Aegypt land Our fathers old Who did behold Yet did not understand Thy mercies many a one They did not think upon But at the Sea Provoke did they The red Sea scor'd it on verse 8 Yet letting them alone He sav'd them every one For his Name sake That he might make His mighty power known verse 9 The red Sea on each side At his rebuke was dri'd Through depths profound As desert ground He did his people guide verse 10 Their Saviour he did stand Against their haters hand Redeeming those From hand of foes That rul'd them at command verse 11 The waters drown'd their foes Not one was left of those verse 12 His words the men Beleeved then His praise their songs compose verse 13 His works they soon forgot For 's counsels waited not verse 14 In Wilderness Their lusts excess Restraining not a jot 3. part Argument The judgements of God upon Corah and shamefull Idolatry of Israel IN deserts God they tempt verse 15 At their requests content Quails to bestow With leanness tho Into their soul 't was sent verse 16 As they in camp abide Good Moses they envi'd On Aaron too They envie drew Whom God had sanctifi'd verse 17 The earth asunder clave Became a swallowing grave VVhere Dathan and Abiram stand And unto all they have verse 18 And in their company Fire kindled suddenly The flame caught then Those wicked men Which were burnt up thereby verse 19 In Horeb were they bold To make a calf of gold And worshipped An image dead Which they did melt and mould verse 20 Thus they their glory pass Into a molten mass Of Oxes rude Similitude A beast that eateth grass 4. Part. Argument Gods vehement wrath against Israel pacifi'd by Moses intercession their incredulitie and contempt of the promised land verse 21 OF God their Saviours might They were forgetfull quite VVhose pow'r and dread Accomplished Great things in Aegypts sight verse 22 He wrought with wondrous hand In Hams accursed land Dread things were they At that red Sea Perform'd by his command verse 23 Therefore he said that he Would their destruction be Had not alone His chosen one Good Moses been so free He stood to save them each Before him in the breach To turn away His wrath that day Lest them destruction reach verse 24 Yea they in careless wise That pleasant land despise And entertain His words as vain And deeming them but lies verse 25 But murmured in their tents And gave not their consents With willing ear The voice to hear Of his commandements verse 26 He lifted up his hand That he would them withstand To overthrow That people so Within the desert land verse 27 Their seed to overthrow And scatter them also In forein lands And tyrants hands To serve a heathen to 5. Part. Argument The corporall and spirituall adultery of Israel The zeal of Phinehas their provoking of Moses to passion and lenitie to the Canaanites verse 28 TO Baal the God of Peor Themselves adjoined were They are likewise The sacrifice Of those dead Idols there verse 29 Thus did they him provoke To fiercest angers stroke So hatefull their Inventions were The plague upon them broke verse 30 Then Phinehas rose to aid With justice he repaid Their foulest facts This part he acts And so the plague was stay'd verse 31 'T was deemed righteousness Which that act did express And ages all For ever shall Esteem it for no less verse 32 At Meribah they spake And him they angry make So discontent That ill it went With Moses for their sake verse 33 His Spirit they provoke Rash speeches from him broke Such errour slips From hasty lips So unadvis'd he spoke verse 34 They were advertised And charg'd to smite them dead Yet did not they Those Nations slay verse 35 But were among them spread The works which heath'nish are To learn they did not spare verse 36 And there they serv'd Their Idols carv'd Which were to them a snare 6. Part. Argument The horrid Idolatries of Israel the dreadfull judgement of God for the same verse 37 YEa they did sacrifice Their little girls and boyes Daughters nor Sons Their blind zeal shuns To Devill-Deities verse 38 And innocent bloud they shed Which sons and daughters bled Whom they likewise In sacrifice To Canaan Idols led verse 39 VVith bloud they stain'd the land VVith works of their own hand VVhich they invent A whoring went Defil'd with that foul brand verse 40 The wrath of God therefore Against them kindled sore So that the Lord His own abhor'd Such blame his her'tage bore verse 41 He left them in the hands And under the commands Of heathen men Whose hatred then They felt in forein lands verse 42 Their enemies also Opprest and brought them low His people were Subjected there Under a forein fo 7. Part. Argument Gods mercifull compassions to his distressed people he taketh heart to pray for de●●erance from present calamities verse 43 HE sav'd them many times Yet their unjust designes Provok't him so They were brought low For their abhorred crimes verse 44 But never a whit the less Their pitifull distress He did regard When as he h'ard Their cry in bitterness And he to mind did call His cov'nant for them all verse 45 His mercies shew'd Their multitude For he repents their thrall verse 46 He made them pitied there Of all whose slaves they were verse 47 Lord God our stay Now save we pray Thy people ev'ry where Gather thy flock that strays 'Mong heathen now adays That we may fame Thy holy Name And triumph in thy praise verse 48 Bless Israels God most high To all eternitie And people then Say all Amen The Lord to magnifie PSAL. CVII To Dutch tune That God is magnifi'd for his admirable providence over captives and planters O Give ye thanks unto the Lord Who doth with goodness flow VVith everlasting mercies stor'd verse 2 Let Gods redeem'd say so VVhom he redeem'd from enemies hand verse 3 And gathered them to rest From North and South in every Land And from the East and West verse 4 No Citie they for dwelling found They wandred in the ways Of solitary desert ground verse 5 Where thirst and hunger slays Their weary souls did in them faint verse 6 When trouble on them seis'd Unto the Lord they made complaint Who their distresses eas'd verse 7 He led them forth by straitest ways To Cities of abode verse 8 O then that men would give God praise For all his mercies show'd And for his works and wondrous deeds To men of mortall kind verse 9 Who longing souls with goodness feeds And fills the
their flocks verse 49 Upon them did his wrath severe And indignation fall God sending evill Angels there To vex and plague them all verse 50 He for his anger made a lane Nor spar'd their soul from death But gave their lives unto the b●ne Of pestilentiall breath verse 51 First-born of all the creatures there In Egypt he did smite VVithin the land of Ham that were The chief of all their might 6. Part. Argument Gods safe conduct of Israel their Apostasie and Idolatry and the bitter fruits thereof GOD for his people did provide That they went out like sheep VVhom safe through deserts he did guide As flocks which shepheards keep verse 53 He led them safe and free from fear But in the briny waves Their en'mies overwhelmed were The seas became their graves verse 54 To borders of the holy land The Lord his people led ●he mountain which his own right hand VVith pow'r had purchased verse 55 The heathen too he did expel And did their lands assigne And heritage to Israel Dividing it by line He made his tribes dwel in their tents verse 56 Yet tempt they God most high And kept not his commandements Provoking God thereby verse 57 Unfaithfully they backward slide And all false dealing show And like their fathers turn'd aside Like a deceitfull bow verse 58 VVith places which they built on high They did the Lords displease And moved him to jealousie VVith graven Images verse 59 God heard it and was angry then Abhorring Israel sore verse 60 The tents at Shiloh plac'd with men He would come at no more verse 61 To bondage in another land His strength he careless gave And from his foes prevailing hand His glory would not save verse 62 To cruell swords devouring rage He gave his people o're Against his chosen heritage His wrath was kindled sore verse 63 Consum'd with fire their young men were Their virgins nuptials fail'd verse 64 Their Priests were slain with sword and spear No widowes them bewail'd 7. Part. Argument Gods mercifull returning to his people his free election of place and person verse 65 THen to awake the Lord began As one from sleep doth start And shouting like a mighty man VVhen wine hath cheer'd his heart verse 66 In hinder parts prodigiously He smote his bed-rid foes VVhom to perpetuall infamy He thereby did expose verse 67 Joseph likewise and Ephraim He did their tents refuse verse 68 But Sion mount belov'd of him And Judah's tribe did chuse verse 69 There rais'd his sanctuary's head Like high rear'd palace sure Like earth which he established For ever to indure verse 70 His servant David he did chuse And him from sheep folds bring verse 71 From following the great belli'd Ews And brought him to be king To regall throne did him advance That he might daily feed All Isr'el his inheritance His people Jacobs seed verse 72 After his hearts integrity So he all Israel fed And disciplin'd with policie His people safely led PSAL. LXXIX To Oxford tune The grievous calamities of invasive warre He prayes that the storm may recoil on the adversaries O Lord our God thine heritage Rude heathen now invade Jerus'lem through their barb'rous rage A ruinous heap is made Thy holy Temple they defil'd verse 2 And thy Saints bodies given Some to the beasts some to the wild And ravenous fowls of heaven verse 3 Their blood about Jerusalem Like water have they shed And none was left to bury them When they were flain and dead verse 4 Our neighbours with reproachful mocks And scornfull tauntings flout We are become as laughing-stocks To them that dwell about verse 5 How long O Lord continually Shall thy fierce wrath persever Shall thine outragious jealousie Burn out like fire for ever verse 6 'Gainst heathen men that know thee not Powr out powr out the same And let it be the Kingdoms lot That calls not on thy Name verse 7 For they have eat up Jacobs seed And lay'd his dwelling wast verse 8 O let not any past misdeed Against us now be plac'd 2. Part. Argument He prays for rescue of the Church and revenge against the wicked PRevent us soon with tender grace For we are much brought down verse 9 O God our Saviour help our case To get thy Name renown Save us and purge our ●●ns away For thy Names sake that bears verse 10 O wherefore should the heathen say Where is that God of theirs O let him be acknowledged By heathens in our sight The servants bloud which they have shed Let just revenge requite verse 11 To sighs of prisoners give access And LORD preserve thou them Even of thy powers almightiness Whom they to death condemn verse 12 Into their bosomes sevenfold O recompence the shame Wherewith our neighbours have bin bold To vilifie thy Name verse 13 So we thy flock and heritage Will ever bless thy Name And spread thy praise from age to age And never cease the same PSAL. LXXX Asaph humbly sues for succour in the bitter calamities of warre O Israels Shepheard lend thine ear Who Josephs flock lead'st out Who dwell'st between the Cherubs there Shine clearly round about verse 2 In Ephraims and Manassehs sight O let thy strength appear In Benjamins sight stir up thy might To save us Lord draw near verse 3 O God convert us by thy grace And turn our hearts to thee Shine on us with thy cheerfull face And we shall saved bee verse 4 Lord God of hoasts the most supream While we to thee repair How long shall burn thy wrath extream Against thy peoples pray'r verse 5 With store of brinish tears for meat Thou mak'st them to be fed And giv'st them tears in measure great For drink as well as bread verse 6 Thou mak'st us in our neighbours eies An argument of strife Amongst themselves our enemies Deride our wofull life verse 7 Turn us again Lord God of hoasts And cause as we have crav'd Thy face to shine on Israels coasts And then shall we be sav'd 2. Part. Argument A complaint of Israels desolation and prayer for restauration promising faithfulness verse 8 A Noble Vine of Israel Thou did'st from Aegypt bring The heathen folk thou did'st expell To plant it here to spring verse 9 Sufficient room for it to shoot Preparing by thy hand And when it once had taken root It filled all the Land verse 10 Her boughs like goodly Cedars sprout Her shade the hills did hide verse 11 Her boughs branches were sent out From Sea to Rivers side verse 12 Why hast thou then broke down of hers The quick-set hedges so That all the transient passengers Do pluck her as they go verse 13 All wasted by the woodland Bore Wild beasts from neighbouring coasts verse 14 Devour thy Vine Return therefore We pray thee Lord of hoasts Look down from heaven
God both by Sea and Land the dependance of the creatures upon him the wicked are cursed for contempt of his works verse 24 HOw many are thy works O Lord In wisdom all compos'd The earth by thee is richly stor'd VVith treasures there-inclos'd verse 25 So is this great and spacious deep Replenisht therewithall VVhere things innumerable creep And beasts both great and small verse 26 The ships go also here away Leviathan here keeps VVhom thou hast made to sport and play Within the tumbling deeps verse 27 These on thy bounty all depend For seasonable food verse 28 Thy lib'rall hand thou dost extend And they are fill'd with good They gather what thou dost supply verse 29 Thou hid'st thy face they mourn Thou tak'st away their breath they die And to their dust return verse 30 Thy Spirits power thou sendest forth VVhich them anew creates And all the surface of the earth Thy Spirit renovates verse 31 For ever lasts the Lords renown His works his joy provokes verse 32 Earth made to tremble at his frown Hills at his touch to smoke verse 33 I 'l praise the Lord with cheerfull song While I remain alive VVhile I have beeing shall my tongue In his choice praises strive verse 34 My thoughts of him most sweet shall be In God will I be joy'd verse 35 Let workers of iniquitie Be from the earth destroy'd And let the wicked be no more O thou my soul record The praises of the Lord therefore Praise ye praise ye the Lord. PSAL. CV Old England tune An exhortation to seek Gods favour help and succour upon consideration of his wonderfull works expressed all the world ●ver GIve thanks to God call on his Name To men his deeds make known verse 2 Sing sing his praise his works proclame And wonders ev'ry one verse 3 Joy fill their hearts that seek his grace Boast in ●is holy Name verse 4 S●ek seek the Lord his strength face For ever seek the same verse 5 His marv'lous works to mind recall And every wondrous deed His miracles and judgments all Which from his mouth proceed verse 6 O ye his servants Abrahams seed His chosen Jacobs sons verse 7 He is the Lord our God indeed Through th' earth his judgement runs 2. Part. Argument The fidelitie and confirmation of God promises to the faithfull instanced in Israels conduct to Canaan verse 8 HE hath remembred still to do His covenants contents The word which he commanded to A thousand of descents verse 9 Which cov'nant he with Abraham drew And next to Isaac swore verse 10 And for a law confirm'd anew To Jacob as before An everlasting Covenant With Israel firm to stand verse 11 Saying To you I freely grant All Canaans fertile land An heritage allotted you verse 12 When few the people were Their number was exceeding few And also strangers there verse 13 From under on Kings government When travelling along They to another people went verse 14 He let none do them wrong But for their sakes he Kings controll'd Let no presumptuous arm verse 15 Touch mine anointed nor be bold To do my Prophets harm 3. Part. Argument Gods preventing providence to his Church instanced in Israels coming into Aegypt and preservation there verse 16 MOreover then th' Almighty spake That famine should be spread Ore all the Land and wholly brake The succouring staffe of bread verse 17 But Joseph he had sent before Whom for a slave they sold verse 18 Whose feet with fetters they made sore He lodg'd in irons cold verse 19 Untill his words accomplishment By Gods word tri'd was he verse 20 The King the peoples Ruler sent To loose and set him free verse 21 He made him Lord of 's family And ruler of his treasure verse 22 To teach his Senate policy And binde his Peers at pleasure verse 23 Then Israel into Aegypt came And Jacob there found place To sojourn in the land of Ham verse 24 Where they encreast apace He made them stronger then their foes verse 25 And of their foes abhor'd And subtly made them deal with those The servants of the Lord. 4. Part. Argument A memoriall of Gods miracles in Aegypt They are forced to let Israel go with honour and riches verse 26 HIs chosen servants had command Moses and Aaron too verse 27 In Aegypt Hams accursed land Wonders and signes to do verse 28 A darkness he among them sent A cloud of darkness fell Against his flat commandement They no way did rebell verse 29 To bloud he turn'd their streams and springs And all their fishes kill'd verse 30 With frogs the chambers of their Kings Abundantly were fill'd verse 31 Strange flies and lice by his command In all their coasts remain verse 32 He gave them hail in all the land And flaming fire for rain verse 33 Figtrees and Vines in all their coasts He smote and brake the same verse 34 He spake and locusts countless hoasts And Caterpillars came verse 35 Upon their lands green herbs they fed And all their fruits devour verse 36 all Aegypts first-born smote he dead The chief of all their pow'r verse 37 He brought them out hir'd thereunto With gold and silver bribes And not a feeble soul quite through The Israelitish Tribes verse 38 Full glad was Aegypt when they went Their terrour did affright verse 39 He spread a cloud a sheltring tent And fire by night gave light 5. Part. Argument A touch of Gods miraculous mercies to Israel in the Wilderness and Canaan and the end for which they were bestow'd verse 40 THe Lord with Quails his people fed Such as they askt to have And satisfi'd them with the bread Which he from heaven gave verse 41 He opened stony rocks where-out Fresh waters gusht amain And like a river ran about The dry and desert plain verse 42 He on his servant Abraham thought His holy Word and all verse 43 His chosen people thence he brought With joy and festivall verse 44 The heathens labours and their lands on Israel he bestow'd verse 45 To keep his laws and his commands O spread his praise abroad PSAL. CVI. To short staffe tune The great goodnes of God to his chosen people which godly men desire to partake of GIve thanks unto the Lord Who is with goodness stor'd His mercies sure Do still endure His praise do ye record verse 2 VVho can the acts recite Performed by his might VVho can forth-show That men may know His praises infinite verse 3 O blessed blessed they That walk in judgments way And he that doth The works of truth And never goes astray verse 4 O Lord remember mee Even with thy favour free VVhich to thine own Is born alone To them vouchsaf't by thee To visit me draw near VVith thy salvation dear verse 5 Thy chosen good Well understood Let unto me appear In that deliverance VVhich doth thy land advance Let me rejoice With glorying
in their mouths appear verse 18 Their makers must Be like them just And so are all that in them trust verse 19 The Lords Name bless His praise express Israels and Aarons house no less verse 20 Let Levi frame To do the same And all that fear his holy Name verse 21 From Sion hill Him bless we will That dwells at Salem bless him still PSAL. CXXXVI London short tune A thankfull commemoration of Gods mercies testifi'd in so many miraculous works UNto the LORD ô ye Give thanks for good is he His mercies sure Do still endure For they eternall be verse 2 The God of Gods proclame With praises to his Name His mercies sure Do still endure Eternally the same verse 3 The Lord of Lords most high With praises magnifie His mercies sure Do still endure To all eternitie verse 4 To him that wrought alone Great wonders many a one His mercies sure Do still endure To ages all made known verse 5 To him that formed by His wisdom all the skie His mercies sure Do still endure To perpetuitie verse 6 That did the earth extend The seas to comprehend His mercies sure Do still endure And never have an end verse 7 To him whose pow'r divine Did make great lights to shine His mercies sure Do still endure Not subject to decline verse 8 The Sun to rule and sway The motions of the day His mercies sure Do still endure And never fall away verse 9 The Moon and starres of light He made to rule by night His mercies sure Do still endure For they are infinite 2. Part. Argument A memoriall of Gods mercies to his Church and judgement on our adversaries verse 10 TO him your thanks devote VVho Aegypts first-born smote His mercies sure Do still endure Of everlasting note verse 11 And from among them all Brought Isr'el out of thrall His mercies sure Do still endure And so for ever shall verse 12 With arm out stretched and VVith his Almighty hand His mercies sure Do still endure For they eternall stand verse 13 To him that did divide The Sea on either side His mercies sure Do still endure And evermore abide verse 14 And Isr'els passage made Amidst it to evade His mercies sure Do still endure And never fail nor fade verse 15 But Pharaoh did confound His hoast in red Sea drown'd His mercies sure Do still endure And ever shall abound verse 16 To him that led his own Through deserts all unknown His mercies sure Do still endure As permanent alone verse 17 To him that smote and slew verse 18 Great Kings and famous too His mercies sure Do still endure And so shall ever do verse 19 King Sihon he did smite That Giant Amorite His mercies sure Do still endure Continuing day and night verse 20 And OG of Bashan King He did to ruine bring His mercies sure Do still endure An unexhausted spring verse 21 And did their land engage To be an heritage His mercies sure Do still endure Out-wearing time and age verse 22 That heritage befell His servant Israel His mercies sure Do still endure Times constant parallel verse 23 Who thought on our estate When low and desolate His mercies sure Do still endure And bear eternall date verse 24 Redeeming us from those That were our mortall foes His mercies sure Do still endure A spring that ever flows verse 25 For he provideth meat Whereof all flesh may eat His mercies sure Do still endure For ever most compleat verse 26 The God of heaven therefore With thankfull thoughts adore His mercies sure Do still endure Henceforth for evermore PSAL. CXXXVII Southwell tune Israels excessive lamentation in the Babylonian captivitie the crueltie of the enemies and Gods dreadfull curse upon them BY Babels Rivers deep There sate we down to weep And thinking still On Sion hill Our tunes in teares we steep verse 2 Our harps untun'd unstrung On willow-trees wee hung verse 3 Where they of us Required thus Sing us a Sion-song And even there did they That carried us away In captive state And desolate Urge us to sing and play They mirth of us demand Tho wasted by their hand verse 4 How shall our tongues Tune Sions Songs Here in a forein land verse 5 Jerus'lem if thou be Forgotten here of me In forein land Let my right hand Forget her facultie If I forget thee ever Then let me prosper never But let it cause My tongue and jaws To cleave and cling together verse 6 If for Jerusalem I do not quite contem ' All joys that be And count not thee Above the chief of them verse 7 Remember LORD the spite Shew'd by the Edomite Thus did they say In Salems day Down with it raze it quite verse 8 O daughter Babylon Whose ruine now comes on Oh happie he That does to thee As thou to us hast done verse 9 And blessed be his pains That dasheth out the brains Of little ones Against the stones VVhen Babels judgment raigns PSAL. CXXXVIII Davids tune David praises God for outward and inward mercies proclaming the comforts of the Gospel and his hope of further favours BEfore the Gods thy praise I 'l sing My heart shall have regard verse 2 Thy praise to utter worshipping Thy holy Temple-ward Thy praise for thy compassions tri'd And truth will I proclame For thou thy Word hast magnifi'd Yea more then all thy Name verse 3 That day whereon I cri'd to thee Thou answeredst me again With inward strength thou strength'nedst me My soul for to sustain verse 4 All Kings on earth shall give thee praise VVhen they shall hear thy words verse 5 Yea singing walk along thy wayes Such great fame is our LORDS verse 6 Though God be high he hath respect To such as lowly be But all proud persons doth neglect Sure thou wilt quicken me verse 7 Yea though I walk in midst of woes Thy hand shalt thou extend Against the wrath of all my foes Thy right hand shall defend verse 8 VVhat me concerns will God fulfill Most firm thy mercy stands Forsake not Lord but succour still The work of thine own hands PSAL. CXXXIX The all-seeing eye of God and admirable workmanship of mans creation O Lord thou hast me searcht and known verse 2 My sitting down thou know'st My rising up my thoughts each one Thou see'st when distant most verse 3 Thou compassest my path my bed And all my ways dost note verse 4 There 's not a word my tongue hath said But thou dost fully know 't verse 5 Behinde before thou hast beset And on me lay'd thy hand verse 6 Such knowledge is too great to get Too high to understand verse 7 Where from thy Spirit shall I go Or from thy presence fly verse 8 Make I my bed in hell below Or climb to heaven high Behold thou art in each of these verse 9 If mornings wings me bear To dwell in parts of utmost seas
Lift up their horn on high Nor let them wink with scornfull eies that hate me causlesly verse 20 Deceitfull things they take in hand Against such men they plot As are most quiet in the land For peace they utter not verse 21 Yea they their mouths have op'ned wide Against me spitefully Aha Aha mine en'mies cri'd We saw it with our ey verse 22 This thou hast seen no silence keep Lord from me be not far verse 23 Stir up thy self awake from sleep And come to Judgement-bar My Lord my God move to my cause verse 24 Judge me ô Lord my God According to thy righteous laws Nor suff'r it undertrod verse 25 Nor suffer them in heart to say Ah we would have it thus Nor let them say he 's made a prey He 's swallowed up by us verse 26 With shame confound them gen'rally With self-confusion clad Themselves who'gainst me magnifie And at my hurt are glad verse 27 Let them be glad and shout for joy VVith my just cause that side Yea let them say continually The LORD be magnifi'd VVho joys in 's servants prosp'rous state verse 28 And then my gratefull tongue Thy righteousness shall celebrate VVith praises all day long PSAL. XXXVI To London short tune Argument The vilenes of the wicked the greatness of Gods mercies and the interest of the righteous in him and them together LEwd mens transgressions great Unto my heart descries And makes it clear That there 's no fear Of God before his eyes verse 2 He to his own conceit Grosse flatteries doth propound Untill the sin He liveth in An hatefull thing be found verse 3 The words his mouth hath said Are wickednesse and theft Good things to do And wisdom too Hee hath for ever left verse 4 He mischiefe on his bed Deviseth to fulfill He doth delight In ways not right And he abhors no ill verse 5 Thy mercy heaven at least Thy truth the clouds doth touch verse 6 As mountains steep Or swallowing deep Thy truth and judgement 's such Thou Lord sav'st man and beast verse 7 O God how exc'llent things Thy love thy grace Make mortals place Their trust in thy spread wings verse 8 Full feasted they shall be VVith thy sweet houses fat Thy river which Yeeld pleasures rich They all shall drink of that verse 9 The spring of life 's with thee VVe shall see light in thine verse 10 Never remove From them thy love That know thy name divine Thy love and clemency Let th'upright hearted prove verse 11 No foot of pride Let make me slide Nor wiekcd hand remove verse 12 Works of iniquity Destruction shall surprise Lo there they fall And never shall Be able more to rise PSAL. XXXVII To Martyrs tune Argument The many and happy priviledges of the Saints controlling envie and ingratitude THy minde for sinners nor disturb Nor evill doers envie verse 2 For they like grass and tender herb Are soon cut down and die verse 3 Trust in the LORD and put thy hand To actions that are good So shalt thou dwell within the land And be assur'd of food verse 4 Delight in God abundantly And he shall condesend Thy hearts desire to satisfie verse 5 Thy way to God commend Trust in him and it shall be done verse 6 Thy truth shall burnish bright Thy judgement as the noon-tide Sun Thy righteousness as light verse 7 Rest in the LORD with patience stay Fret not thy self a jot At him that prospers in his way And speeds his wicked plot verse 8 Let not rash anger in thee rise Distemp'ring wrath forsake Fret not thy self in any wise In evill to partake verse 9 For evill doers shall be destroy'd But earth shall sure afford An heritage by them enjoy'd That wait upon the Lord. verse 10 For lo the wicked shall be gone Within a little space Yea thou shalt study thereupon Yet shalt not finde his place verse 11 The lowly shall the earth possess And there they shall delight And bath themselves in blissfulness Of peace most infinite 2. Part. Argument The impotent malice of the wicked and precious priviledges of the godly verse 12 THe wicked plots against th'upright And at him grates his teeth verse 13 But God shall laugh at all his spight Whose day he coming see'th verse 14 The wicked have their sword and bow Drawn out and ready bent The poor and needies overthrow Their mischievous intent And them that uprightly converse To slay with cruell stroke verse 15 But their own hearts their swords shall pierce Their bows shall all be broke verse 16 A portion put in godly hands Though it be small and poor Is better far then house or lands Of many a wicked doer verse 17 The wickeds arms shall all be broke But God's the just mans stay verse 18 He knowes the days of upright folk Their heritage lasts for ay verse 19 They shall not once ashamed be VVhen evill times betide And in the day of scarcitie They shall be satisfi'd verse 20 But lo the wicked shall decay As fat of Lambs consume Gods enemies shall fade away And vanish into fume verse 21 The wicked man on borrowing goes But cares not to repay But still the righteous mercy showes And frankly gives away verse 22 By such as he pronounceth blest The earth shall be enjoy'd And such as he doth curse supprest And utterly destroy'd 3. Part. Argument Many remarkable providences towards the godly verse 23 A Good mans steps the Lord doth guide Delighting in his way verse 24 He shall not sink although he slide For him Gods hand doth stay verse 25 I have been young and now am old Yet to my hoary head The just forsook did ne'r behold Nor HIS seed begging bread verse 26 He kindly lends to him that needs His seed is surely blest verse 27 Depart from evill do good deeds And ever dwell in rest verse 28 The Lord his Saints will not reject For he in Judgement joys He will for ever them protect But wicked seed destroys verse 29 The righteous shall the earth enjoy And therein ever dwell verse 30 Because he doth his mouth imploy VVith oracles to tell His tongue deep judgement doth impart verse 31 And he doth carefull hide His Gods commandment in his heart None of his steps shall slide verse 32 The wicked wait the just to slay But to the hand of them verse 33 God will not leave him as a prey Nor him when judg'd condem ' 4. Part. Argument Holiness tends to happiness wickedness to destruction verse 34 WAit on the Lord and keep his ways And thou rais'd by his hand Shalt see when he the wicked slays And shalt injoy the land verse 35 The wicked I have seen bear sway And spread like Laurell green verse 36 Yet suddenly he past away And could no more be seen I sought but him could no where finde But he of upright ways verse 37 The perfect if yee
The Nations of the earth verse 5 Let all that are of humane birth Praise thee and not surcease verse 6 Then shall the fat and fruitfull earth yield plentifull increase Yea God our God shall bless us then verse 7 Great blessings God shall send He shall be fear'd of mortall men To earths remotest end PSAL. LXVIII To Dutch tune David at the remove of the Ark celebrates the greatness and goodness of God LEt God omnipotent arise His scattered foes to chace And let his hatefull enemies Flee from his angry face verse 2 As driven smoke drive them away As fire makes wax to fry So in Gods presence perish they That work iniquitie verse 3 But let the just be glad with joy Before Jehovahs face Let them rejoyce exceedingly And sing unto his grace verse 4 Sing praise to God with cheerfull voice Extoll'd by JAH his Name And in his presence much rejoice That rides on heavens frame verse 5 A father of the fatherless A Judge of widows case Is God in place of holiness From that his dwelling place verse 6 He sets th'alone in families And bringeth out the bound But le ts rebellious enemies Inhabit barren ground 2. Part. Argument A memoriall of Gods miraculous works in the Wilderness and the land of Canaan verse 7 WHen thou to be thy peoples guide O God did'st undertake And marchedst through the desarts wide verse 8 Affrighted earth did quake Then also did the heavens drop 'Cause Israels God was there Yea at thy presence Sinai's top Did move and quake for fear verse 9 Thou Lord did'st send a gracious rain Thine heritage thereby VVas strength'ned and confirm'd again When it was faint and dry verse 10 Thy Congregation dwelt therein O God thou art the doer Thou of thy goodness brought'st us in Provision for the poor verse 11 God gave the word of victorie Immediately there came Innumerable companie That published the same verse 12 Stout Kings of potent Armies fled For they were put to foil And shee at home that tarried Helpt to divide the spoil verse 13 Tho ye have lien among the pots Ye shall be like a Dove VVith checkquerd wings of silver spots And yellow gold above verse 14 When God almighty scattered here Proud Kings that came to kill 's Victorious Israel shin'd as cleer As snow on Salmon hills 3. Part. Argument The happines of Sion excelling Sinai and all other hills because the Temple was there built The glorious acts of Christ for the Church thereby typed verse 15 THe hill wherein Jehovah dwells As Bashan hill we count A loftie hill that parallels The height of Bashan mount verse 16 Why leap yee yee aspiring hills This is that famous hill VVherein the Lord precisely wills To have his dwelling still Yea here to dwell for evermore verse 17 Gods Chariots are not small But thousands yea a thousand score Of pow'rs Angelicall The Lord 's with them as formerly In Sinai's holy ground verse 18 Thou hast ascended up on high And led captiv'tie bound Thou hast received gifts for men Yea those men that rebell That God the Lord might also then Among the Gentiles dwell verse 19 Blessed the God that every day With ben'fits doth us load Even our salvations God I say Who hath them so bestow'd verse 20 He is the God of saving health Even God on whom wee call And unto God the Lord himself Belong deaths issues all verse 21 But God shall wound his en'mies head Their hairy scalp and skin That having lewdly trespassed Dare still persist therein verse 22 I will bring back the Lord did say From Bashan come shall these My people I will bring away From bottoms of the Seas verse 23 That thou mai'st dip thy foot in bloud Of adversaries slain And where thy slaughter'd en'mies stood Thy dogs their tongues may stain 4. Part. Argument The pompous carriage of the A●k to the Tabernacle the resort of great men thereto verse 24 THy goings in thy Sanctuary Thy goings Lord my King The people saw apparently verse 25 Before went those that sing The skilfull play'rs on instrument Close following at their feet Amidst them there the damsells went That tun'd the timbrels sweet verse 26 In great resorts Gods praise ascribe The Lord from Israels spring verse 27 There 's Benjamin that little tribe Together with their King There 's Judahs Princes generally And Counsellors of theirs From Zebulon and Nepthali Each famous Prince appears verse 28 They God by his supream command Thy strength hath founded thus Strengthen O God with thy good hand What thou hast wrought for us 5. Part. Argument The conversion of the Gentiles and confusion of implacable adversaries verse 29 THy Temple at Jerusalem Shall forein Kings allure To come and bring their gifts with them Thy favour to procure verse 30 Rebuke the spear-mens company And that unruly crue Of Bulls and calves till generally They pay their tributes due Till each man silver-plate presents Disperse and scatter farre All these tumultuous male contents That take delight in warre verse 31 Aethiop to God shall stretch her hands And Aegypt send her King verse 32 Sing praise to God ye forein lands To great Jehovah sing verse 33 That rides upon the highest sphere Of heavens fram'd of old And sendeth out his thunders there A mighty voice behold verse 34 Ascribe to God omnipotence His strength in clouds in shown O're Isr'el is his excellence verse 35 Lord thou' rt a dreadfull one The same thy Sanctuary shows Yea Israels God 's the same That strength and pow'r on his bestows And blessed be his Name PSAL. LXIX Oxford tune David in deep affliction prays that no good man might be discouraged by his sufferings which were for the cause of God SAve me O God for to my soul swift waters flow apace verse 2 I sink within a miry hole Where is no standing place In deepest waters I am come Supprest with flouds main force verse 3 My crying is most wearisome My throat is dry and hoarse Mine eyes do fail while hard bestead I for my God do wait verse 4 More foes then hairs upon my head Do bear me causless hate My wrongfull foes are mightie men That seek my soul to slay The things have I restored then VVhich I took not away verse 5 O God my sinne 's not hid from thee My foolishness thou know'st verse 6 Let no man be asham'd through mee O Lord O God of hoast Let none that wait on thee have shame None to confusion sell For my sake none that seek thy Name O God of Israel verse 7 Since for thy sake I suffered scorn My face was fill'd with shame verse 8 To those that were my brethren born A stranger I became My mothers children do with mee As with an aliant deal verse 9 And I am eaten up for thee And with thy houses zeal I bore thy scorners blasphemies
from youth to age I am distracted while that I Indure such wrath and rage verse 16 Thy fierce displeasure o'r me goes Thy terrours cut me down verse 17 And every day they me inclose As streams that threat to drown They all together me invade verse 18 Thou sep'rat'st friend and lover And darkness with it's misty shade Doth my acquaintance cover PSAL. LXXXIX Dutch tune Ethan magnifies Gods love and faithfulness to the house of David verse 1 MY song for ever shall express The mercies of the Lord My mouth shall all his faithfulness From age to age record verse 2 For mercy shall said I be built For ever to indure Thou in the very heavens wilt Thy truth establish sure verse 3 I with my chosen have agreed To faithfull David swore verse 4 My servant I will fix thy seed To stand for evermore To ages all thy throne I 'l raise verse 5 And heav'n shall find a tongue Thy wondrous faithfulness to praise Thy gathered Saints among verse 6 In heaven who may any way With our Lord God compare VVho of the glorious Angels may So bold compar'son dare verse 7 The Saints assemblies that are his Must greatly fear his Name And all that round about him is Must reverence the same 2. Part. Argument Gods goodness to the Church in creation and government of the world verse 8 O Lord of hosts what god excels Like thee with great pow'r crown'd Thy faithfulness who parallels In all thy circuits round verse 9 The restless raging of the seas Thou rulest at thy will Her swelling waves thou dost appease And mak'st it calm and still verse 10 Thou brok'st in pieces Egypts land Like one that slaught'red lies Thou hast with thine almighty hand Disperst thine enemies verse 11 The heavens and the earth are thine The world and all inclos'd Thou foundest by that pow'r divine verse 12 Which North and South compos'd Tabor and Hermon wondrously Shall in thy Name delight verse 13 Thy hand is strong thy right hand high Thy arm is full of might verse 14 Justice and Judgement on thy thro● Retain a dwelling place Pure truth and mercy joyn'd in one Shall go before thy face verse 15 That people blessed we record That knows the joyfull sound Thy countenances light ô Lord Shall safely them surround verse 16 Even them thy righteousness shall raise And they shall take delight verse 17 In thy great Name that is their praise And glory of their might Thy favour such that shall there spring Our horns advancement thence verse 18 For Israels holy one 's our King The Lord is our defence 3. Part. Argument Prophecies and promises to Davids house recorded verse 19 IN vision to thy Saint was said For then thou mad'st it known Lo I my helping hand have laid Upon a mightie one verse 20 A chosen Israelite I crown'd With holy Oil have I My servant David whom I found Anointed purposely verse 21 Mine hand shall stablish his success Mine arm shall make him strong verse 22 No foe no sonne of wickedness Shall crush or do him wrong verse 23 I 'l crush his foes before his face Plague them that do him hate verse 24 But will my faithfulness and grace With him perpetuate ●is horn shall be exalted high By my great Names command verse 25 I 'l stretch to th'Seas his soveraigntie To th'river his right hand verse 26 Thou art my Father he shall cry So invocate my Name My God my rock my sure supply Whence my salvation came verse 27 Him my first-born will I advance All earthly Kings above verse 28 And ever grant continuance Unto him of my love My cov'nant shall with him stand fast verse 29 His seed shall still endure And I will make his throne to last As dayes of heaven sure 4. Part. Argument He shews that God corrects his people but never casts them off verse 30 IF Davids seed forsake my Law Not execute my will verse 31 If from my precepts they withdraw Not my commands fulfill verse 32 They shall be sure that I their God Their wickedness and sin With scourges of a smarting rod To visit will begin verse 33 But of my loving kindness yet I will not him bereave Nor will my faithfulness permit To take a finall leave verse 34 My cov'nant with my chosen King By me shall ne'er be broke Nor will I alter any thing Which once my lips have spoke verse 35 Once by my holiness I swore To David I 'l not lie verse 36 His seed shall last for evermore His throne before mine eye verse 37 Like Sun and Moon it shall be fixt For ever they shall be Heavens faithfull witnesses betwixt My chosen King and me 5. Part. Argument He complains of great distress besall'n the house of David seeming to disprove Gods promises verse 38 BUt thine anointed now abhor'd Thou hast cast off in wroth verse 39 Made void thy servants cov'nant Lord The cov'nant of thy troth By casting down to ground thou hast Profan'd his sacred crown verse 40 Of his strong holds made wofull waste His hedges all broke down verse 41 All passengers do him destroy He is in en'mies scorn verse 42 And all his foes thou mad'st to joy And liftest up their horn verse 43 Yea thou hast turn'd and blunted quite His swords puissant edge And for to stand it out in fight Thou hast not been his pledge verse 44 His glory thou hast caus'd to cease And cast his throne to ground verse 45 His youthfull days thou didst decrease And him with shame confound 6. Part. Argument He prays for restauration of Davids kingdome considering Gods faithfull promises and the greatness of the adversaries verse 46 How long Lord wilt thou hide thy face Shall thy continuall rage Flame out as fire so long a space verse 47 O think of my short age Why hast thou made all men in vain verse 48 What man draws vitall breath That shall his soul from grave detain And not at all see death verse 49 Thy former loving kindnesses Which thou didst swear and vow To David in thy righteousness O Lord where are they now verse 50 Remember Lord thy Saints reproach What taunts my bosome bears VVhich all the mighty people broach Thine en'mies taunts are theirs verse 51 Wherewith they have reproacht the ways Of thine anointed King verse 52 To God be everlasting praise Amen Lord grant the thing PSAL. XC London long tune Moses prays God the eternall stay of the Church to sanctifie the many mortalities of Israel in the Wilderness for their sinnes LOrd thou hast been our dwelling place In generations all Thou wast ere there was forme or face Of creature great or small verse 2 Before the mountains had their birth The world or smallest clod Of all this vast and spacious earth Thou art eternall God verse 3 But as for man that 's made of clay He 's
mount extend Her time for favour which was set Is now come to an end verse 14 Thy Saints take pleasure in her stones Her dust to them is dear verse 15 All heathen lands and kingly thrones Thy names renown shall fear verse 16 Gods shining glory shall appear VVhen Sion he repairs verse 17 He shall regard and lend his ear Unto the needies pray'rs Their humble pray'r he will not scorn verse 18 This thing we will record For future ages yet unborn That they may praise the Lord. verse 19 He look'd from height of 's holy throne The earth view'd from the skie verse 20 To hear the pris'ners dolefull grone And save the doom'd to die verse 21 Both Sion and Jerusalem His name and praise record verse 22 VVhen lands and people all of them Meet there to praise the Lord. verse 23 My strength he weakned in the way My lingring days decay'd verse 24 My God O take me not away Amid'st my days I said Thy yeers throughout all ages last verse 25 Of old time thou hast laid The earths foundation firm and fast Thy hands the heav'ns have made verse 26 They perish as old garment wears But thou shalt still indure As vestures thou shalt change their spheres And chang'd they shall be sure verse 27 Thou art the same of endless years verse 28 Thy servants sonnes survive Their seed before thy face appears Establish'd still alive PSAL. CIII York tune An exhortation to praise God for his incomparable mercies to his Church and children MY soul I charge thee to express The Lords renown and fame Let all within me praise and bless His great and sacred name verse 2 Forget not all his benefits But bless the Lord my soul verse 3 VVho thine offences all remits And makes thee sound and whole verse 4 Who hath redeem'd thee from the dead Destruction threatning sore VVith loving kindness crown'd thy head And tender mercies store verse 5 VVho with his gifts large multitude Thy mouth sufficing fils So that thy youth is now renew'd As Eagles casting bills verse 6 The Lord doth judgment execute And righteousness conclude For persons that are destitute Opprest by tyrants rude verse 7 His ways to Moses he made known His acts to Isr'els seed verse 8 The Lord 's a very gracious one And mercifull indeed To anger slow aboundless deep Of mercies multipli'd verse 9 He will not always anger keep Nor everlasting chide verse 10 He hath not dealt as our offence And wickedness hath bin Nor given us due recompence According to our sin verse 11 For as the heav'nly Orbs appear The earth so far above So great to them that do him fear Is Gods surpassing love verse 12 The sins whereby we have transgrest Removing by his grace As far from us as East and West Are separate in space 2. Part. Argument He magnifies the sweet compassion of God exhorts all creatures to praise him for his greatnes also verse 13 AS fathers are compassionate Unto their children dear So God doth them commiserate That truly do him fear verse 14 For he remembers we are dust Our crasie frame he knows verse 15 The days of man resemble just The grass which short time grows He prospers as a flower in field verse 16 Which when the winds pass ore Is perisht and the place can yield No knowledge of it more verse 17 But lo the Lords abundant grace Eternitie doth fill His constant righteousness takes place To childrens children still verse 18 To every person that consents To keep his cov'nant true And thinks on his commandements For observation due verse 19 In heaven as a glorious King The Lord hath set his throne And over every kind of thing His kingdom rules alone verse 20 Ye Angels that in strength excell And Gods commandments do That know his voice and word so well Still hearkning thereunto verse 21 Bless ye the Lord ô bless him still Ye glorious hoasts of his Ye Ministers that do fulfill What ere his pleasure is verse 22 Yea all his works both far and neer Bless ye the Lords great Name Through his Dominions every where My soul bless thou the same PSAL. CIV Davids tune The admirable power and providence of God in the creation government of the world MY soul the great God magnifie My God thou dost thee cloth With honour and with majestie ●xceeding great in both verse 2 With light thou cover'st thee about As with a Princely robe Like curtains drawn thou stretchest out The bright celestiall globe verse 3 Upon the wat'ry element there His chamber-beams he bindes He makes the clouds his Chariot bear And walks on winged windes verse 4 His Ministers a fiery flame His Angels spirits he makes verse 5 He laid the earths foundation frame So sure it never shakes verse 6 Which thou didst cover with the flood Like garments over-spread The waters ore the mountains stood verse 7 At thy rebuke they fled Thy thundring voice compeld them all To haste away apace verse 8 The mountains rise the valleys fall Each to his founded place verse 9 Their passage thou dost now restrain By setting them their bound That they may never turn again To cover all the ground verse 10 Into the vales fresh springs he sends Which run among the hills verse 11 Each beast the Forest comprehends Here take and drink their fills Wild asses here their thirst do slake verse 12 Here feathered fowl do house And nests for habitations make And sing among the boughes 2. part Argument The works of creation intermixt the use of them for man verse 13 HE from his chambers of the skie The earth with rain hath stor'd Thy works the whole earth satisfie VVith fruits that they afford verse 14 For cattell he makes grass to spring And herbs for mans own use Convenient food for every thing He makes the earth produce verse 15 To glad mans heart he makes fat soil Bring forth the grape for wine Heart-strengthning bread suppling oil To make the count'nance shine verse 16 No juicefull sap Gods trees do want Those goodly Cedar trees Which he in Lebanon did plant verse 17 The birds make nests in these The stork in stately firre-trees dwells verse 18 High hills the goats befit The Conies in the hollow cells Of stony rocks do sit verse 19 The moon a certain course doth run And he ordain'd it so And when to set none tells the Sun For he the time doth know verse 20 Thou makest darkness darkness night The forests beasts do then VVhom glittering day-light did affright Creep all out of their den verse 21 Young Lions roaring for their prey Of God do seek their meat verse 22 The Sun ariseth then do they Together make retreat verse 23 In secret dens they closely lurk And then doth man begin To set upon and ply his work Till ev'ning calls him in 3. Part. Argument The admirable works of
The true Church Also he promiseth the conversion of the Iews In the true Church typed by the land of Iudah Gavest command to thy Angels Psal. 91. 11. In which time Absolom rebelled More then can be told From deepest darkest dungeon of adve●sity 1 Chr. 23. 1. Then barren places will be fruitfull when justice abounds Meditate of Christs government After one crop to produce another From the red Sea to the Syrian from Euphrates to the great desert in token of Christs dominion all over the world Some fruitfulnes in the barrennest places yea a plentifull crop to rustle as the boughs The subjects of Christs Kingdome shall flourish Gal. 3. 8. They die of age or easie diseases without pangs of body or conscience Iob 21. 13. They meddle censure curse how and whom they list Gods people seek their favour that have so much and that makes them more carnall and prophane Till I consulted with that word which I had heard there When thou awakest to judgement thou shalt make their vain pomp which is but an Idea a fancie Yet thou didst not suffer the temptation to overcome me Hoping to set out thy works so as that none may stumble at prosperity or adversity of good or bad The land of Canaan and people of Israel Deut. 32. 9. Live to be perpetuall For signs of victory T was once a credit to build now to break down No sign of mending or ending our misery We can witness many former deliverances Pharaohs hosts and officers that great Leviathan Exod. 15. T was meat and drink to thy people to see his destruction The red sea and river Jordan Thy dearly beloved Church into the hand of c. Ignorant heathenish places abound wi●h tyrants We see by what is done who is the doer that David so much opposed reigns King but medicate more of Christ. The kingdome is in a to●●ering condition under Saul for want of Justice but David put it in frame The cup of Gods wrath is a bloody one like their sins Their power For a faithfull and powerfull protector Arabian robbers are not so strong as God not the kingdoms of the world See 2 Chr. 22 21. Thy judgement terrified the world which was wrought for poor distressed Israel Thou gettest glory by permitting stopping tyrants rage What comfort I had heretofore To find out what the cause or what the end might be Such times wherin God displayd his greatest favours Thou hast appeared most unto thy people in such great works The red Sea seemed to be sensible of Gods presence Tempests there None knows now where that passage was As excellent things as Proverbs Apothegms He appointed us to rehearse these things See Numb 14. 40. The tribe of Ephraim carries the name of all Israel Zoan the chief Court of Pharaoh where greatest wonders were done Red Sea Exod. 14. 29. 19. Meditate of Christ the foun●ain of grace Numb 11. 4. Grew not on earth but distill'd from heaven as if Angels had sed-on it Quails The chiefest and greatest So that 600000. were consumed in 40. yeers in the wilderness Limited his power to possibilities and likelihoods In Phar●ohs Court and all the land over Messengers of vengean●● On mountains where they set up Images Ezech. 20. 28 29. Their Idolatry cried loud in Gods ear Ier. 7. 14. His ark a monument of his mighty Name 1 Sam. 5. 1. Fire of Gods wrath * Because the men were killed up The wives as Phinehas wife died also Also t was a fashion for widows to mourn Ier. 9. 17. With the piles 1. Sam. 5. 12. To build his Temple and call a king a type of Christ and his Church Build the Temple in the Antitype the Church A type of Christ our Shepherd In the Babylonian invasion or that 2 Marc. 5. 15. Worship thee not aright 2 King 17. 5. Ioseph put for Israel Amos 6. 6. 2 Chr. 5. 13. Shine forth in favour to us all They strive who shall have us their slaves Under parable of a vineyard Psal. 44. 2. The great increase of Israel peopling the land of Canaan Psal. 72. 8. Subject to the weakest adversary Cruell tyrants Alas it was but a little branch a little people The poor people whom thou didst fence and favour Signifying the melodie of our hearts Signifying our spirituall deliverance Feast of Tabernacles Lev. 23. 43. Lev. 23. 24. 31. 41. In Israel In memoriall of Israels going from Aegypt and God with him Lev. 23. 48. Psal. 114. 1. From making earthen vessels Exod. 1. 14. With favour whē I might on a sudden have destroyed thee Exod. 17. 7. Establisht in a prosperous condition Tyrants will not know their dutie All runs to ruine for want of justice As Iezabel Athalia Herod c. In hot countries they dwelt in tents The Saracens were indeed Hagarens of Hagar the bond-maid The Turks succeed these pagans Gen. 19. 37. Iudges 4. 15. 7. 25. 8. 11. The dwellings of Gods people Restles ever falling into evill as a wheel dragd i th durt If not for love for fear I even envie the sparrows And emulate the Levites constant attendance upon the publick service Psal. 134. This Bac● was a dry plain where they were fain to dig for water or use rain-water as they journeyed to the Temple Exod. 32. 17. Their going from stage to stage was a type of our progress in grace and holding out to the end Remember thy covenant in Christ for we rejoice in thy service If he have faith tho perhaps he cannot alwayes come Meditate of ours from the Romish Babylon and pray for a full reformation Perfect the good work Some of thy people are in Babylon still I am perswaded God will grant our prayers Wait for Gods good time The performance joyned to the promise Christ from heaven in his divine nature from earth in his humane nature shall come teach and give example Born in the Church deny baptisme of Infants and none can be called thy hād-maids son He asketh a providential sign and not a miracle Specially in the later days As God chose Sion made it holy so his people Psal. 78. 68. Hast glorious priviledges Egypt and other heathen shall be converted I le tell the faithfull that believe it and pray for it Such and such a man was new born regenerate in the Church God himself ●hall number them among his elect Store of Preachers and Confessors All springs of grace and comfort in the true Church As a man discommoned from the world free from any affaires of the world Knowing that after death there was no hope All these are descriptions of the state of death A type of his favour to the church in Christ. Thy promises as ingraven in heaven are as sure as the heavens themselves Saints and Angels there Mat. 2. Made Egypt ● dead corps by the ten p●agues All coasts corners of the world praise thee Tabor and Hermon are put for East West because they stood so who hast inriched