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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19803 The wonderfull vvoorkmanship of the world wherin is conteined an excellent discourse of Christian naturall philosophie, concernyng the fourme, knowledge, and vse of all thinges created: specially gathered out of the fountaines of holy Scripture, by Lambertus Danæus: and now Englished, by T.T.; Physica Christiana. English Daneau, Lambert, ca. 1530-1595?; Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613. 1578 (1578) STC 6231; ESTC S105155 101,325 186

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vpon Mundaye and so shall you haue sixe daies after which followeth the Sabbath which is the seauenth Thus First Sunday then Munday Tuesdaye Wedensday Thurseday Fryday after which followeth the Seauenth whiche are the Sabbath dayes So that the Lorde began his woorke of creating the worlde vpon Sunday which is confirmed to bee true by a counsell holdē in Iudaea as Eus●bius writeth in the 5. booke of his historie and the 23. and 25. Chapters S. But in what Moneth seemeth it vnto you that the worlde was made M. I will vtter in this poinct that whiche seemeth vnto mee most likely and I craue pardon herein that no man thinke mee to bee curious notwithstanding I muste needes vtter my minde for that this question is demaunded by many Uerily it semeth vnto mee that the worlde was created in that moneth which is called by the Hebrues Tisri and is answereable partly vnto our moneth of August and partly to September for doubtles it began after the Autumnal or Haruast equinoctium So that I doe nothinge agree vnto those that write suppose that the world was made in the Moneth of March and in the Springe S. Can you confirme your opinion by any reason M. Yea and that by diuerse And not onely this that in the time of Autumne or Haruast the earth is most apt to receiue the seedes of good fruites as of Wheat and Barly and such like For at that time it seemeth most meete and fit to conceiue as in the Springe to bring-foorth fruite and in Summer to yelde them vp and as for winter then the earth digesteth and concocteth the seedes that are cōmitted vnto hir and embracing them in the middes of hir bosome frameth nourisheth them as a mother doeth hir young whiche notwithstanding shee bringeth foorth in the spring tune when they bee sumwhat growne and in Summer is quite del●uered of them as beeinge then ripe and perfecte Wherefore the springe and Summer doe seeme rather to bee as it were midwiues to the earth than to minister vnto it any force or vertue to bringe foorth whiche vertue notwithstandinge Autumne yeeldeth vnto the earth as beeing yet mindefull of the first creation of all thinges and of hir owne bringinge foorth of all manner commodities reteininge vnto this present the force effect and power of the auncient commaundement which the Lorde enioyned at that time So y the Hebrues will haue it that this moneth Tisri shall not be so called of must or newe wine but of iuce wherof the earth is full at that season And these bee the two reasons of mine opinion The fyrst for that as the scripture teacheth in the 28. chapter and 9. verse and so folowinge of Leuiticus this moneth hath beene alwayes since the firste age of man as farre as euer there can bee had any remembrance the beeginninge of the yeare and first moneth And therefore in contractes and bargaines in cōmon and priuate affaires and to bee briefe in supputation of the yeares and age of the worlde which was done by the yeares of Iubilee the yeare euer beegan in this moneth among the auntient Fathers in old time and among the Jewes and ended also in the same So that the yeares age of Adam and the residue of the Fathers whiche liued both beefore the floude and since are to bee reckened from this moneth The seconde reason is this For that the feast of Trumpettes which God commaunded to bee kept vpon the first daye of this moneth seemeth to haue beene specially instituted by God to the intente that the remembraunce of the first originall and creation of the worlde whiche was doone vppon that day might bee holily preserued continued in the Church Truely it was not in vaine that the Lord would haue that day kept holy so great honour reuerēce attributed vnto these trumpettes Instruments whiche wee reade at that time were so tossed blowne But by that great and pleasant sownd hee ment to admonish and put in remēbraunce men the whole world also of their first natiuitie which as by the special prouision of God it fell vpon the firste daye of this moneth so was it godlily and reuerently renued and remembred in the Church that the world might not bee ignorant of it owne byrth daye Whereby also it came to passe that God cōmaunded many feastes and holidaies to bee kept in the seauenth moneth which moneth was called also Aetanim that is to saye the Moneth of strength or strong thinges 1. Kinges the 8. chap. and 2. verse Yea some saye also that our Sauiour Christ was borne the same moneth and not without some reason S. But it is saide in the 12. Chapter and 1. verse of Exodus that Nisan was the first moneth of the yeare answering vnto our monethes of March and April and falling in the Uernall or Springe equinoctium M. You say well But therevnto I answere two waies First that Nisan or March was not alwayes the beeginning of the yeere but at length after that the children of Israell returned out of Egyt in the remēbrance of so great a benefite that is to say for the conseruation of the memorie of the newe founding restoaringe of that people Moreouer Nisan was not the beeginning of the yeere for all things that were done among the people of God but onely in respect of their holie festiuall daies and of the tabernacle For the tabernacle as it had it owne peculiare reuolution and differinge from the common so had it also a proper beginninge of the yeere not agreeing with the order of the Politike yeere to the intent that men mighte knowe that there was a difference too bee put beetweene the Politike and Ecclesiastical gouernment and that the reason of them both is diuerse and their nature separate and distinct S. How many yeeres doe you now accoumpt since the world was first made M. As some doe suppose since the tyme that the worlde was made vnto this present yeere 1578. wherin this booke was written are about 5298. yeeres S. Howe doe you beegin this number or by what meanes doe you gather it M. Euen by this short reckninge Frō the creation of the world vnto the generall diluge whiche happened in the daies of Noe are numbred in the Historie of the holy Scriptures 1656. yeeres And from the diluge vnto the promise whiche God made firste vnto Abraham and his departing vpon commaundment out of Vr a Citie of the Chaldees and Charris a citie of Mesopotamia are 427. yeeres And from that promise vnto the departure of the children of Israell out of the land of Egypt which was vnder Moses are 430. yeeres as it is written in the 12. chapter and 40. verse of Exodus And from the departure out of the land of Egypt vnto the beginning of the building of Salomons temple which was begun the fourth yeere of Salomons reigne are 480. yeeres as it appeareth the 1. Kinges and 6. chap. And from that tyme