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A19746 A hedgerovv of busshes, brambles, and briers: or, A fielde full of tares, thistles and tine of the vanities and vaine delightes of this worlde, leading the way to eternall damnation: with seuerall exhortations or cauiats for the carelesse to shun and beware the same. Now newly compiled by I.D.; Bible. English. Selections. I. D. 1598 (1598) STC 6170; ESTC S109189 41,295 88

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euyll and madnes is in their hartes whyles they lyue and after that they goe to the dead The way of the wicked is as the darknes Pro. 4 19. they know not wherein they shall fall A wicked soule destroyeth him that hath it Ecclus. 6 4. and maketh him to be laughed to scorne of his enemies and bringeth him to the portion of the vngodly As they regarde not to know God Rom. 1 28 29 30. euen so God delyuered them vp vnto a reprobate sence to doe those thinges which were not conuenient Being full of all vnrighteousnes fornication wickednes couetosnes maliciousnes full of enuie of murther of debate of deceit taking all thinges in the euyll part whisperers Backbyters haters of God doers of wrong proude boasters inuenters of euyll thinges disobedient to parentes without vnderstanding couenant breakers without naturall affection such as can neuer be appeased merciles EXHORTATION ENter not into the way of the Wicked Pro. 4 14 15 16 17 18. and walke not in the way of euyll men Auoyde it and go not by it turne from it and passe by For they can not sleepe except they haue done euyll and their sleepe departeth except they cause some to fall He that imagineth to doe euyll Pro. 24 8. men shall call him the authour of wickednes Pro 3 33. The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked but he blesseth the habitation of the righteous Psal 5 4. Thou art not a God that loueth wickednesse neither shall euyll dwell with thee Psal 7 15 16 He hath made a pit and digged it and is falled into the pit that he made His mischiefe shall returne vpon his owne head and his crueltie shall fall vpon his owne pate Eccle. 4 20. My Sonne make much of Time and eschew the thing that is euyll Eccle. 7 1 2. Doe no euyll so shall no harme come vnto thee Depart from the thing that is wicked and sinne c. Eccle. 15 11. Say not thou It is through the Lord that I turne backe for thou oughtest not to doe the thinges that he hateth Eccle. 20 17. The fall of a Pauement is very sodayne so shall the fall of the wicked come hastely Eccle. 27 26.27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein and he that layeth a stone in his neighbous way shal stumble thereon and he that layeth a snare for another shal be taken in it himselfe He that worketh euill shal be wrapped in euill and shal not know from whence they come vnto him Rom. 12 9 21. Abhor that which is euill and cleaue vnto that which is good Be not ouercome of euyll but ouercome euyll with goodnesse OF HARDE STONIE and Stubborne hartes THey made their hartes as an adamant stone Zecha 7 12 least they shoulde heare the Law and the wordes which the Lord of hostes sent in his spirit by the ministerie of the former Prophetes therefore came there a great wrath from the Lord of hostes O Lord are not thine eyes vpon the trueth Ier. 5 3. thou hast striken them but they haue not sorowed thou hast consumed them but they haue refused to receiue correction they haue made their faces harder then a stone and haue refused to returne Make the hart of this people fat Esa 6 10. make their eares heauie and shut their eyes least they see with their eyes and heare with their eares and vnderstande with their hartes and conuert and he heale them I know that thou art obstinate Esa 48 4. and thy necke is an Iron sinew and thy brow brasse I will hardon Pharaohs hart Exod. 7 3 4. and multiply my myracles and my wonders in the land of Egypt And Pharaoh shall not hearken vnto you that I may lay myne hand vpon Egypt and bring out mine armies euen my people the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by great iudgements It came of the Lord to harden their hartes that they should come against Israel in battayle Ioshu 11 20. to the intent that they should destroy them vtterly and shew them no mercy but that they should bring them to naught as the Lord God commaunded Moses Deut. 29 19 So that when he heareth the wordes of this curse he blesse him selfe in his hart saying I shall haue peace although I walke accordyng to the stubbornnes of myne owne hart thus addyng drunkennes to thirst Pro 29.1 A man that hardeneth his necke when he is rebuked shall sodaynely be destroyed and can not be cured Iob. 21 14 15 They say vnto God Depart from vs for we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes Who is the Almightie that we shoulde serue him and what profite should we haue yf we should pray vnto him Eccle. 3 27 28 29. A stubborne hart shall fare euyll at the last and he that loueth danger shall perish therein An hart that goeth two wayes shal not prosper and he that is froward of hart shall stumble therin An obstinate hart shal be laden with sorrowes and the wicked man shall heape sinne vpon sinne 1. Sam. 16 7. The Lord sayd vnto Samuel Looke not on his countenance nor on the height of his stature because I haue refused him for God seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord beholdeth the hart Rom 9 18. He hath mercy on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth Iohn 12 40. Mat. 13 14. Mark 4 12. Luk. 8 10. Act. 28 26. He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hartes that they should not see with their eyes nor vnderstand with their hartes and should be conuerted and I should heale them Ye stiffnecked and of vncircumcised hartes and eares ye haue alwayes resisted the holy Ghost Act. 7 51. as your fathers did so doe you EXHORTATION WHerefore as the holy Ghost sayth Heb. 3 7 12 13. To day yf ye will heare his voyce harden not your hartes as in the prouocation according to the tentation in the Wildernesse Take heede brethren least at any time there be in any of you an euyll hart and vnfaythfull to depart away from the lyuing God But exhort one another dayly whyle it is called To day least any of you be hardoned through the deceitfulnesse of sinne This day if ye heare his voyce harden not your hartes Heb. 4.7 A new hart will I giue you Ezec. 36. 26 and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony hart out of your body and I will giue you a hart of flesh And I will giue them one hart Ezec. 11 19. and will put a new spirit within their bowelles and will take the stony hart out of their bodyes and will giue them an hart of flesh And I will giue them one hart and one way Ier. 32 39. that they may feare me for euer for the wealth of
thou lende money to my people that is to the poore with thee thou shalt not be as a Vsurer vnto him ye shall not oppresse him with Vsurie If thou take thy neighbours rayment to pledge thou shalt restore it vnto him before the Sunne going downe Thou shalt take no Vsurie of thy brother Leui. 25 36 37. nor vantage but thou shalt feare thy God that thy brother may lyue with thee Thou shalt not giue him thy money to Vsurie nor lende him thy victuals for increase He that increaseth his riches by Vsurie and interest Pro. 28 8. gathereth them for him that wil be mercifull vnto the poore The poore and the vsurer meete togeather Pro. 29 13. and the Lord lyghteneth both their eyes Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle Psal 15 1 5. who shall rest in thine holy mountaine He that geueth not his money vnto Vsurie nor taketh reward against the innocent In thee haue they taken gyftes to shed blood Eze. 22 12. Thou hast taken Vsurie and the increase and thou hast defrawded thy neighbours by extortion and hast forgotten mee sayth the Lord. He that hath not oppressed any Eze. 18 7 8. but hath restored the pledge He that hath spoyled none by violence but hath geuen his bread to the hungrie and hath couered the naked with a garment and hath not geuen forth vpō vsurie neither hath taken any increase but hath withdrawen his hand from iniquitie hath executed true iudgment betweene man and man He shall surely lyue sayth the Lord. EXHORTATION Deu. 15 7 8. IF one of thy brethren be poore thou shalt not harden thine hart nor shut thine hand from thy poore brother But thou shalt open thine hand vnto him and shalt lende him sufficient for his neede which he hath Math. 5 42 Giue to him that asketh and from him that woulde borrow of thee turne not away Luk. 6 34 35. And if ye lende to them of whom ye hope to receiue what thanke shall ye haue for euen the sinners lende to sinners to receiue the like Wherefore Loue ye your enimies and doe good and lende looking for nothing againe and your reward shal be great and ye shal be the children of the most High for he is kinde vnto the vnkinde and to the euyll OF FALSE WEIGHTES and Measures Deut. 25 13 14. THOV shalt not haue in thy bagge two maner of Weightes a great and a small Neither thou shalt haue in thine house diuers Measures a great and a small Pro. 11 1. False Balances are an abhomination vnto the Lord but a perfect Weight pleaseth him Pro. 20 10. Diuers Weightes and diuers Measures both these are euen abhomination vnto the Lord. Hose 12 7. He is Canaan the Balances of deceit are in his hand he loueth to oppresse With him is strength and wisedome Iob. 12 16. he that is deceiued and he that deceiueth is his Ye shall not doe vniustly in iudgement in line Leuit. 19 35. in weight or in measure EXHORTATION A True Weight and Balance are of the Lord Pro. 16 11. all the Weightes of the bagge are his worke Leuit. 19 36 Ye shall haue iust Balances true Weightes a true Ephah and a true Hin I am the Lord your God which haue brought you out of the land of Egypt Thou shalt haue a right and a iust Weight Deut. 25 15 16. a perfect and a iust Measure shalt thou haue that thy dayes may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee For all that doe such thinges and all that doe vnrighteously are abhomination vnto the Lord thy God OF SWEARING THOV shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine Exo. 20 7. Deut. 5 11. for the Lord will not hold him giltles that taketh his name in vaine Also ye shall not sweare by my name falsely Leui 19 12. neither shalt thou defile the name of thy God I am the Lord. Let none of you imagine euyll in your hartes against his neighbour and loue no false oth Zecha 8 17. for all these are the thinges that I hate sayth the Lord. Psal 15 4. In whose eyes a vile person is contemned but he honoureth them that feareth the Lord. He that sweareth to his owne hinderaunce and changeth not Ier. 5 2. Though they say The Lord liueth yet doe they sweare falsely Eccle. 23 11. A man that vseth much Swearing shal be filled with wickednes and the plague shal neuer go from his house when he shall offende his fault shal be vpon him and yf he knowledge not his sinne he maketh a double offence and yf he sweare in vayne he shall not be innocent but his house shall be full of plagues EXHORTATION Ecclu 23 13 VSE not thy mouth to ignorant rashnesse or inordinate Swearing for therein is the occasion of sinne Math. 5 33 34 35 36 37 Ye haue heard that it is sayd to them of olde time Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe but shalt performe thine othes to the Lord. But I say vnto you Sweare not at all neither by heauen for it is the throne of God Nor yet by the earth for it is his footestoole neither by Ierusalem for it is the citie of the great King Neither shalt thou sweare by thine head because thou canst not make one haire white or blacke But let your communication be Yea yea Nay nay For whatsoeuer is more then these commeth of euyll But before all thinges my brethren Sweare not Iam. 5 12. neither by heauen nor by earth nor by any other othe but let your yea be yea and your nay nay least ye fall into condemnation Accustome not thy mouth to Swearing Ecclu 23 9. for in it there are many faultes neither take vp for a custome the naming of the holy one for thou shalt not be vnpunished for such thinges OF LYING YE are of your father the Deuill Iohn 8 44. and the lustes of your father ye will doe He hath been a murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the trueth because there is no trueth in him When he speaketh a lie then speaketh he of his owne for he is a lyar and the father thereof They haue sharpened their tongues lyke a Serpent Adders poyson is vnder their lippes Psal 140 3. Take from me the way of Lying Psal 119 29 and graunt me graciously thy law A faythfull witnesse will not lye Pro. 14 5. but a false recorde will speake lyes A false witnesse shall not be vnpunished Pro. 19 5. and he that speaketh lyes shall not escape Now therefore beholde 1. kin 22 23. the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy Prophets and the Lord hath appoynted euyll against thee The Lord shall haue no pleasure in their young men Esa 9 17. neither will he haue compassion of the fatherles and their widowes
Wrath of an enemie I had rather dwell with a Lyon and Dragon then to keepe house with a wicked wyfe The wickednes of a woman changeth her face and maketh her countenance blacke as a sacke Her husband is sitting amongst his neighbours because of her he sigheth sore or he beware It is better to dwel in the wildernesse Pro. 21 19. then with a contentious and angrie woman He that is hastie to Anger committeth follie Pro. 14 17. and a busie body is hated As the matter of the fire is so it burneth Ecclu 28 10 and mans anger is according to his power and according to his riches his anger increaseth and the more vehement the anger is the more is he inflamed EXHORTATION Eccle. 7 11. BE not thou of an hastie spirit to be angrie for anger resteth in the bosome of fooles Psal 37 8. Cease from Anger and leaue of Wrath fret not thy selfe also to doe euyll Ephe. 4 26. Be angrie but sinne not Let not the Sunne goe downe vpon your wrath Ecclu 8 16. Striue not with him that is angrie and goe not with him into the wildernes for blood is nothing in his sight And where there is no helpe he will ouerthrow thee Pro. 22 24 25. Make no friendshyp with an angrie man neither goe with the furious man Least thou learne his wayes and receiue destruction to thy soule Math. 5 22. I say vnto you Whosoeuer is angrie with his brother vnaduisedly shal be culpable of iudgement And whosoeuer sayth vnto his brother Raca shal be worthy to be punished by the counsell And whosoeuer shall say Foole shal be worthy to be punished with hell fire OF ENVIE HATRED and Strife Eccle. 14 8. THE enuious man hath a wicked looke hee turneth away his face and enuieth men Ecclu 30 24 Enuie and Wrath shorten the lyfe and carefulnes bringeth age before the time Eate not the bread of him that hath an euyll eye Pro. 23 6 7. neither desire his dayntie meates For as though he thought it in his hart so will he say vnto thee Eate and drinke but his hart is not with thee As the coale maketh burning coales Pro. 26 21 26 24. and wood a fire so the contentious man is apt to kindle strife Hatred may be couered by deceit but the malice thereof shal be discouered in the congregation He that hateth will counterfeit with his lips but in his hart he layeth vp deceit Better is a dry morsell if peace be with it Pro. 17 1. then an house full of sacrifices with strife It is a mans honour to cease from strife Pro 20 3. but euery foole wil be medling Where enuying and strife is there is sedition Iam. 3 16. and all maner of euyll workes Neither will I haue to doe with consuming enuie Wisd 6 23. for such a man shall not be pertaker of wisedome EXHORTATION LEt vs not be desirous of vayne glorie Galla. 5 26. prouoking one another enuying one another Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine hart Leui. 19 17. but thou shalt playnely rebuke thy neighbour and suffer him not to sinne Should a man beare hatred against a man Eccle. 28 3. and desire forgiuenesse of the Lord. Beware of Strife and thou shalt make thy sinnes fewer for an angrie man kindleth Strife 2. Tim. 2.23 Put away foolysh and vnlearned questions knowing that they ingender Strife Rom. 13 13. So that we walke honestly as in the day not in gluttonie and drunkennesse neither in chambering or wantonnesse nor in strife and enuying OF SLOVTH AND IDLENES Pro. 26 15. THE Slouthfull hideth his hand in his bosome and it greeueth him to put it agayne to his mouth Pro. 18 9 He that is slouthfull in his worke is euen the brother of him that is a great waster Pro. 19 15. Slouthfulnesse causeth to fall a sleepe and a deceitfull person shal be affamyshed Pro. 21 25. The desire of the slouthfull slayeth him for his handes refuse to worke Pro. 20 4. The slouthfull will not plough because of winter therefore shall he begge in Sommer but haue nothing Pro. 12 11. He that tilleth his Land shal be satisfied with bread but he that foloweth the Idle is destitute of vnderstanding Eccl. 10 17 Seeke not excuses when thou shouldest do thy worke neither be ashamed therof through pride in time of aduersitie Eccl. 22 1 2. A slouthfull man is lyke a fylthy Stone which euery man mocketh at for his shame A slouthful man is to be compared to the doung of Oxen and euery one that taketh it vp wil shake it out of his hand By slouthfulnesse the roofe of the house goeth to decay and by the idlenesse of the handes Eccl. 10 18 the house droppeth through EXHORTATION MY Sonne in all thy workes be quicke Eccl. 31 22 so shall there no sicknesse come vnto thee Goe to the Pismyre O Sluggarde Beholde her wayes Pro. 6 6 7 8 9 10. and be wyse Be not slouthfull to do seruice feruent in spirit Rom. 12 11. seruing the Lord. When we were with you this we warned you off 2. Thes 3 10 11 12. That yf there were any which would not worke that he should not eate For wee heard that there are some which walke among you inordinately and worke not at all but are busie bodyes Therefore them that are such we commaund and exhort by our Lord Iesus Christ that they worke with quietnes and eate their owne bread And that ye studie to be quiet 1. Thes 4 11. and to meddle with your owne busines and to worke with your owne handes as we commaunde you Ye know that these handes haue ministred vnto my necessities and to them that were with me Act. 20 34. 1. Cor. 4 12. And labour working with our owne handes we are reuiled and yet we blesse we are persecuted and suffer it 1. Thes 2 9. For ye remember brethren our labour and trauaile for we laboured day and nyght because we woulde not be chargeable vnto any of you and preached vnto you the Gospel of God OF THE TONGVE and euyll speaking Iam. 3 2 5 6 8. IN many thinges we sinne all If any man sinne not in worde he is a perfect man and able to bridle all the body The Tongue is a litle member and bosteth of great thinges beholde how great a thing a litle fire kindleth The Tongue is fire yea a worlde of wickednes So is the Tongue set amongst our members that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell The Tongue can no man tame It is an vnrulie euyll full of deadly poyson Eccle. 5 14. Honour shame is in the talke and the Tongue of a man causeth him to fall Pro. 12 13. The euill man is snared by the
performe the wordes of the Law which were written in the booke of Hilkiah the Priest found in the house of the Lord. Act. 8 9 11. And there was in the citie a certaine man called Symon which vsed Witchcraft and bewitched the people of Samaria saying That hee himselfe was some great man And they gaue heede vnto him because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries Exod. 12 11. Pharaoh called also for his Wise-men and Sorcerers and those Charmers also of Egypt did in lyke maner with their enchauntmentes 1. Sam. 28 3. And Saul had put away the Sorcerers Soothsayers out of the land Act. 13 6. When they had gone throughout the I le vnto Paphus they found a certaine Sorcerer a false Prophet being a Iew named Bariesus Act. 19 13 16. Certayne of the vagabonde Iewes exorcists tooke in hand to name ouer them which had euyll spirites the name of the Lord Iesus saying Wee adiure you by Iesus whom Paul preacheth And the man in whom the euyll spirit was ran on them and ouercame them and preuayled agaynst them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded Wisd 17 7. And the illusions of the Magicall artes were brought downe and it was a most shamefull reproch for the boasting of their knowledge EXHORTATION YE shall not regard them that worke with Spirites neither Soothsayers Leui. 19 31. ye shall not seeke to them to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God If any turne after such as worke with Spirits Leui. 20 6. and after Soothsayers to goe a whooring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people Deut. 18 10 11 12. Let none be found among you that maketh his sonne or his daughter to goe through the fire or that vseth Witchcraft or a regarder of Times or a marker of the flying of Fowles or a Sorcerer Or a Charmer or that counsaileth with Spirites or a Soothsayer or that asketh counsaile at the dead For all that doe such thinges are abomination vnto the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth cast them out before thee OF FOOLES THE way of a Foole is right in his owne eyes but he that heareth counsayle is wise Pro. 12 15 16. A Foole in a day shal be knowen by his anger but he that couereth shame is wise The Foole hath sayd in his hart Psal 53 1. There is no God They haue corrupted and done abominable wickednesse there is none that doth good Eccle. 19 11 12 28. A Foole trauaileth when he hath heard a thing as a woman that is about to bring foorth a childe As an Arrow that sticketh in ones thygh so is a worde in a Fooles hart A mans garment and his excessiue laughter and going declare what person he is Eccle. 27 13. The talking of Fooles is grecuous and their sport is in the pleasure of sinne Pro. 14 15 16. The foolysh wyll beleeue euery thyng but the prudent wyll consider his steppes A wyse man feareth and departeth from euyll but a Foole rageth and is carelesse Pro. 27 22. Though thou shouldest bray a Foole in a morter among wheate brayed with a pestle yet wyll not his foolyshnes depart from him Eccle. 10 3 12 13. Also when the Foole goeth by the way his hart fayleth and he telleth vnto al that he is a foole The wordes of the mouth of a wyse man haue grace but the lippes of a Foole deuoure himselfe The beginning of the wordes of his mouth is foolyshnesse and the later ende of his mouth is wicked madnesse Eccle. 21 14 16 18 19. The inner part of a Foole is lyke a broken vessell he can keepe no knowledge whiles he liueth The talking of a Foole is like the burthen in the way but there is comelines in the talke of a wyse man As is an house destroyed so is wisedome vnto a Foole and the knowledge of the vnwyse is as wordes without order Doctrine vnto Fooles is as fetters on the feete and like manacles vpon the right hand A Foole lyfteth vp his voyce with laughter Ecclu 21 20 21 22 23 24 but a wise man doth scarce smyle secretly Whoso despiseth wisedome and discipline Wisd 3 11. is miserable and their hope is vayne their labours are foolysh and their worke vnprofitable All such as regarded not Wisedome Wisd 10 8. had not onely this hurt that they knewe not the thinges which were good but also left behinde them vnto men a memoriall of their foolishnes so that in the thinges wherein they sinned they can not lie hid Foolysh men will not take holde vpon her Ecclu 15 7. but such as haue vnderstanding will meete her the sinners will not see her EXHORTATION DEpart from the Foolish man Pro. 14 7 9. when thou perceiuest not in him the lippes of knowledge The Foole maketh a mocke of sinne but among the righteous there is fauoure Vnto the Horse belongeth a whipp Pro. 26 3 4.5 to the Asse a bridle and a rodde to the Fooles backe Answere not a Foole according to his foolishnes least thou also be like him Answere a Foole according to his foolishnes least he be wise in his owne conceit Take no counsayle at a Foole Ecclu 8 17. for he can not keepe a thing secret Whoso telleth a Foole of Wisedome Ecclus. 22 10 11 12 13 14 15. is as a man which speaketh to one that is a sleepe when he hath tolde his tale he sayth What is the matter Pro. 9 6. Forsake your way ye foolysh and ye shall lyue and walke in the way of vnderstanding OF WICKED AND EVIL MEN. Esa 57 20. THE Wicked are like the raging Sea that can not rest whose waters cast vp myre and dyrt Esa 59 7. Their feete runne to euyll and they make haste to shead innocent blood their thoughtes are wicked thoughtes desolation and destruction is in their pathes Ier. 5 26. Among my people are founde wicked persons that lay wayte as he that setteth snares they haue made a pit to catch men Psal 36 1 3 4. Wickednesse sayth to the wicked man euen in mine hart that there is no feare of God before his eyes The wordes of his mouth are iniquitie and deceit he hath left off to vnderstand and to do good He imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed he setteth him selfe vpon a way that is not good and doth not abhor euyll Iob. 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. Some remoue the land markes They leade away the Asse of the fatherles and take the wydowes Oxe to pledge They make the poore to turne out of the way Eccle. 9 3. This is euyll among all that is done vnder the Sunne that there is one condition to all and also the hart of the sonnes of men is full of