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A16964 A concent of Scripture, by H. Broughton Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill. 1590 (1590) STC 3850; ESTC S106737 99,386 77

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  140       49 1620   141       50     142   2310   51     143       52     144   ☞   53   230 145       54     146       55     147   ☞   56             57             58             59 1610           60         2320   61             62             63   240         64             65             66             67             68             69 1600           70         2330   71             72             73   250         74             75             76             77             78             79 1590           80         2340   81   After the PROMISE       WORLDE     Joseph Before the birth of CHRIST       from the Heathen Also in Paul and his systers sonne to vvhom all the vvorlde is beholden vvho by an Heathen saued Paul from the Iewes Andronicus Iunias Herodion are also in the euenyng of tymes noble deuiders of spoyles agaynst Satan Rom. 16 7. SAMSON of Dan is to the Philistines a Serpent by the vvay an Adder by the path byting the Horse heeles so that his rider shall fall back vvarde Ioseph is a fruiteful bough tvvo boughes vvhereof ech do reach vnto the vvall By reason of Manasses and Ephraim vvho not only make tvvo Tribes vvherby they had officers double and authoritie according but also encreased so in number that Ephraī ouermatched sōe vvhole Tribe and thereafter had his portion of the Holy land Compare vvith this Iacobs speache the blessing vvhervvith Moses blesseth the chyldren of Israel vvho speaking of Iosephs tvvo sons as tvvo Tribes omitteth Symeō because more thē tvvelue neyther he nor any Prophet reckoneth together Symeon for euyl behauiour at that time vvas vvorthiest to be vnnamed Aftervvardes Dan deserued most contempt that first brought in Idolatrie VVhē tvvelue Tribes be reckoned in Ap. 7 vvherof tvvo are for Ioseph that more thē 12 shoulde not be reckoned Dan is left out in detestation of his Idolatrie VVherefore some thought that the Antichrist shoulde come of Dan. In trueth he follovveth that Idolatrie by imtation is his sonne but in proprietie Abaddon Ap. 9 is of Cittim or Italy Nū 24 called in Ebrevv Adey-obed VVho 2341 father vvil also forgeue your trespasses But if you do not forgeue men their trespasses no more vvil your Father forgeue your trespasses Iesus praide for thē that crucified hym Father forgeue them for they knowe not what they do Luk. 23 34 VVhen they heard Peter they vvere pricked and gladly receyued his vvordes and vvere baptised and the same day there vvere added 3000 soules Act. 2 Steuen prayed for them that stoned him Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Act. 7. And Paul cōsented to his death and breathed threatninges against the brethren yet the lyght of the Lord shined about him cōuerted him he preached Christ Act. 9. Forgeue ye one an other as God in Christ forgaue you Eph. 4. HEZRON 1. Chro. 2 5. IOSEPH dyeth in Egypt being 110 Y. olde Gen. 50 26. By Fayth Ioseph vvhen he died made mention of the departyng of the Chyldren of Israel and gaue commaundement of his bones Heb. 12 22. His bones vvere buried in the lande of Promyse The Fathers also vvere remoued into Sychem and vvere put in the Sepulchers that vvas bought for money of Hamor the Sychemite Act. 7 16. The archers greeued Ioseph and shot hated him His Bovve abode in strength and his armes had a golden might through the God of Iacob vvhence he fed from the stone of Israel The blessinges of Iacob vvere stronger then the blessinges of his fathers Gen. 49.   82             83   260         84             85             86             87             88             89 1580           90         2350   91             92             93   270         94             95             96             97             98             99 1570           100         2360   101             102             103   280         104             105             106         ‡   107             108             109 1560           110         2370                                   290                                                                                 1550                     2380                                   300                                                                                 1540                     2390       After the PROMISE Moses     WORLDE       Before the birth of CHRIST       shall perishe in the ende at our Lordes appearyng 2. Thess 2. AS Christ is the chiefest of Eber vvhen at his birth Cittim in Augustus afflicted compelling Ioseph and Mary to repayre to their ovvne to vvne to be taxed and vnder Tiberius crucified euen the King of glory Reason vvoulde that the Kingdome by vvhich the Lord vvas killed should be continually punished both vvith manifest and spirituall Plagues The Empire of Rome both by Paul by the Apocalyps is discouered to afforde
Ammon B. The childrē of iust Lot vnavvars HERE beginne the first manifest afflictions of Abrahams seede by Ismael the Egyptian by Hagar 400 yeere before the commyng from Egypt Gen 15 13. Act. 7 6. 400 yeres Abrahams seede vvas to be a soiourner in a land not theirs that is not Egypt only but also first Canaan vnto vvhich in the 4 age Israel should returne to holde it their ovvne These 4 are Kohath 1 Amram 2 Aaron 3 Eleazar 4 vvho parted the Land Ios 14. Kohath vvas one of the 70 Gen. 46. he liued 133 ● Amrā 137 Moses 80 vvhē Israel came foorth all is but 350 in extremitie VVherefore in Egypt they coulde not be 400 yeeres 215 after the comming of Abraham into Canaan but 70 soules of Abrahās loynes go into Egypt 215 yeeres after that 600000 valiant men come foorth         84           10 85             86             87       1     88       2     89       3     90       4 1830   91       5     92   2100   6     93       7     94       8   20 95       9     96       10     97       11     98       12     99       13     100   *   14 1820   101 1     15     102 2 2110   16     103 3 *   17     104 4     18   30 105 5 ☞   19     106 6     20     107 7     21     108 8     22     109 9     23     110 10     24     111 11     25 1810   112 12 2120   26     113 13     27     114 14     28   40 115 15     29     116 16     30     117 17     31     118 18     32     119 19     33     120 20 ‡   34 1800   121 21     35     122 22 2130   36     123 23     37     124 24     38   50 125 25     39     126 26     40     127 27     41     128 28     42     129 29     43     130 30     44 1790   131 31     45     132 32 2140   46   After the PROMISE Abraham Isaac   WORLDE     Ismael Before the birth of CHRIST   133 33 ISAAC is bound layde vpon the Alter to be sacrifisced Gen. 2 29. So Christ vvas bound Mar. 15. SARAH our mother D. being 127 Y. old Gē 33 vvhose daughters the faythful are 1. Pet. 3 6 REBECCA is maryed to Isaac Gen. 25. to Rebecca vvhe she had conceyued by one euē our father Isaac before the Children vvere borne and vvhen they had done neither good nor euil it vvas sayd The elder shall serue the younger Rom. 9 as it is vvrittē Iacob I haue loued Esau I haue hated Mala. 1. SEM dyeth beyng 600 yeeres olde Gen. 11 11. Of him many thinges are to be said which are hard to be vttered because we are dull of hearing Heb. 5. GOD vvas not ashamed to be called the God of Sem. and Sem is the first in this honour Gen. 9. IACOB Esau are B. Gē 25 the 22 generation from Adam vvhich 22 ages are compared to the 22 letters of the Ebrew tongue Epipha in Ancorato the old Testamēt is parted accordingly into 22 bookes Euseb Naziā Iero the Apocrypha reiected vvhich vvere not knovvē vvhē the Massorites reckoned al the letters in the Prophetes Elia. Massoreth Iacob toke his brother by the heel in the vvōbe by his strength he had povver vvith God Hose 12 3. ABRAHAM dieth at the age of 175 yeeres Gen. 25. God vvas not ashamed to be called Abrahās God Heb. 11. EBER dyeth being 464 yeeres olde Gen. 11 17. the seuenth frō Enoch and not far inferiour to hym in 2141 Abraham shevved his loue in not sparing his only sonne God shevved his loue in not sparyng his only sonne Rom. 8 32. The only vvoman vvhose vvhole age is recorded in Scripture After Sarahs death Abrahā marieth Keturah and to his chyldren by her geueth substance and sendeth them forth into the East Suach is of his sonnes of vvhom cōmeth Bildad Iob. 2. These families I thynke are tearmed the Children of the East Iob. 1. VVhereas the holy Ghost noteth Moses d●scription of Melchisedec that he hath no mention of his father nor mother some thinke that Melchisedec can not be Sem because his father is mentioned But they are deceyued For it is spoken not of the vvhole Scripture that he hath no els vvhere a father but of that particuler text of Melchisedec Gen. 14. Novv vvho but Sem shoulde be that most royal king king of iustice sacrificer to the high God euen vvhen Terah had fallen vvith the rest to strange gods vvho should be lykened to the sonne of God and greater then Abraham Heb. 7 7 rather then Sem to vvhom the sonne of God vvas promised vvhiche therefore shoulde be the fyttest to deliuer the promise to Abraham Besides seeyng that Iapheths sonnes fetch their religion from Salem Actes 2 vvhom God vvoulde persvvade to fetch it from Sems tentes vvho should rule Salem vvhere God his Tabernacle shoulde be Psa 76 rather then Sem Therefore tht Hebrewes hold him Melchisedec   47     134 34 ☞   48   60 135 35     49     136 36     50     137 37 ☞   51     138 38     52     139 39     53     140 40     54 1780   141 41     55     142 42 2150   56     143 43     57     144 44     58   70 145 45     59     146 46     60     147 47     61     148 48     62     149 49     63     150 50 ☞   64 1770   151 51     65     152 52 2160   66     153 53     67     154 54     68   80 155 55     69     156 56     70     157 57     71     158 58     72     159 59     73     160 60     74 1760   1 61     75     2 62 2170   76     3 63     77     4 64    
    1130   3             4   2800         5           Rest 6           290 7   ‡         8             9             10             11             12   ‡     1120 Rest 13           IVB. 14   2810       5 15 *           16           300 17             18             19             20           Rest 21 *           22         1110     1             2 2820           3             4         310   5         Rest   6           1             2             3             4         1100   5             6   2830   1     7       2       1     3   320   2 ‡   4       3     5       4     6       5     7       6     8   Rest   7 ☞   9 1090     8     10       9 2840   11   Since the com̄ing from EGYPT Abdon Samson   WORLDE     Philistines Before the birth of CHRIST     10 ABDON of Ephraim 8 Y. His countinance vvealth in 70 knights of his loynes is his prayse He shevveth Gods goodnes in multiplying Ephraī If he oppressed not he repressed the Philistines yet sone they here aboutes freshly oppresse 40 Y. SAMSON of Dan iudgeth his people 20 Y. Iud 16 31. A Serpent to the Philistines in the Foxes Asseiavv house postes the heeles of that Horse vvhervpon 3000 Philistines rode fellbackvvard Gen. 49. IACOB looked for God to be his saluation in Christ vvho in death shoulde ouercome his enemies and saue him selfe From Zora Estaol Dans idolatrie sprang and from Ephraims eleuen hundred sicles for vvhich Israel suffered oppressours an hundred and eleuen yeeres and Dalilas eleuen hundrethes of Sicles ouerthrevve Samsō Vpon vvhō at Zora Estaol Gods spirite came ELY of Leui of Ithamar 40 yeeres 1. Sam. 4 18. HE in zeale is vnlike Phinehas of Eleazar vvho killing the Fornicators stayed the Plague receiued from God a couenant of peace Nō 25. Ely stayed not his sonnes from adultery vvherefore God brought death vpon him thē vvith 34000 of Israel and shame vpon his house SAMVEL borne 1. Sam. 1 Anna vvas a Prophet spake of Christ 1. Sā 2. vvhō Anna Panuels D. savv face to face Mary folovveth Annas song Lu. 1. vvhich helpeth much to knovv her meaning Samuel is a nevv Moses cōparable to him in many poynts Both of Leui vvere kings 40 Y. 2841 Ephraim needed no glory yet for Ioseph Iosuahs sake God vvould geue them one Iudge Ephraī despised Manasses nothing regarding Iair for iudgshyp nor his Cities nor sonnes nor Gideon for discōfiture of Madiā Amalek nor Iephte for Ammō though for their lisping pride therein 42 thousand smarted Michas Idolatrie frō mount Ephraim infecting Leui Dan might haue humbled them vvhereby they three have the last and least glory among the Iudges vntyll their idolatrie is by Samuel remoued after the transmigration of the Land Also that Idolatry might be a great cause that God gaue vp 4000 of Israel in a better cause to Beniamins svvorde That Historie is ioyned to Samsons death to geue a close vvarning of Gods displeasure in Samson Ely in remouing the Arke frō Syloh Yet for due time is must be placed as I haue set it though great men olde nevv thinke othervvise This one reason of many may serue Phinehas vvas then aliue and about 90 Y. aged In Chusans first yere to haue 266 yeeres more by Samsons fall it vvere strange The Ebrews that gaue him so many spake as the phrase lyeth accordyng to their maner not as they thinke in proper trueth So they make Naamah Noahs vvife and Dina Iobs Thamar Melchisedecs daughter because in open phrase better men cannot be named though in truth it cannot be so So in Phrase Melchisedec cōtinueth for euer as GOD. In Zoar vpō Gen. 14. Heb 7. So folovving the phrase in 18 seuerall Scriptures of the Iudges   12     1   ☞   13   330 2       14     3       15     4       16     5       17     6       18     7       19 1080   8       20       1 2850   21       2     22       3     23   340   4     24 Rest     5     25       6     26       7     27       8     28       9     29 1070     10     30 Rest     11 2860   31 IVB.     12     32 6     13     33   350   14     34       15     35       16     36       17     37       18     38 Rest     19     39 1060     20     40     1   2870         2             3           360 4             5         Rest   6             7             8             9         1050   10             11   2880         12 ‡       Rest   13           370 14             15             16             17             18             19         1040   20             21   2890       Since the com̄ing from EGYPT Ely Samuel   WORLDE       Before the birth of CHRIST   22   fought killed kings prated for Israel Both their byrth educatiō cōfirmatiō had great notablenes to shevv thē restorers of the state Ely
sentence at this day in speache of Adam that in one day he was formed and deformed by dryuing out of the Garden What shoulde I name Latines as Augustine and Bernarde the simplest learned this much Adam myght better then Iob curse the day wherein he was made and yet CHRIST is then promised a Redeemer Therevpon Adam nameth the Woman LIFE seeying how she redeemed from death shoulde be the mother of Chyldren that by CHRIST myght lyue for euer The affections of Chyldren to theyr Mothers should moue them to know the trueth of this poynt I wyl once againe in fitte place repeate this and hence to Christ his death wyll by yeeres expresse the direct state of the Worlde repeatyng these last poyntes● of the speedy fall and comfortable Redemption A MAP OF THE EARTH WITH names the most from Scriptures He Stretcheth the NORTH vpon the Empty WHEREVPON ARE THE PILLERS OF THE EARTH SET OR who layd the corner stone thereof God hangeth y e earth vpon nothing Iob Adam his yeeres Adam falleth before the woman is called Eue 130 Seth borne Gen. 5 3. And Christ is promised a destroyer of the Deuils vvorkes 235 105 Enos borne Gen. 5 6. * Sacrifice is a seale of iustice geuen by fayth The faythful are called the children of God Ioh. 2 12 325 195 90 Kenan borne Gen. 5 9. 395 265 160 70 Mahalaleel B. Gē 5 * By Enos birth religion is sorovvfully corrupted through mariages vvith Cains house the seuenth from Adam Iude 460 330 225 135 65 Iared B. Gē 5. 622 492 387 297 227 162 Henoch B. Ge. 5 687 557 452 362 292 227 65 Mathuselah borne Gen. 5 21. 874 744 639 549 479 414 252 187 Lamech borne Gen. 5 25. 930 800 695 605 535 470 308 243 56 Adam dieth Gen. 5 5. 987 857 752 662 592 527 365 300 113 Henoch is taken away Gen. 5. 1042 912 807 717 647 582   355 168 Seth dieth Gen. 5 8. 1056   821 731 661 596   369 182 Noah B. Gē 5. 29. Tho. ● frō Adā 1140   905 815 745 680   453 266 84 Enos dieth Gen 5 11. 1235     910 840 775   548 361 179 Kenan dieth Gen. 5 14. 1290       895 830   603 416 234 Mahalaleel dieth Gen. 5 17 1422         962   735 548 366 Iared dieth Gen. 5 20. 1536 The pacience of God abode 120 yeres in vvhich the spirit of Christ preached vvhile the ark vvas in making to the spirites novv in prison 1. Pet. 3 19. 849 662 480 CXX yeeres begin Gen. 6 1556 869 682 500 20 Iapheth B. Gen. 5 32. 1558 871 684 502 22 2 Sem borne 1651 964 777 595 115 95 93 Lamech D 1656 Mathuselah dieth Gen. 5 27. 969   600 120 100 98 The flood Wor. Noa Sem. Flod Mans age is shortened halfe in halfe Noah prophesieth blessednes in Christ to Sem and Iapheths dvveling in Salem Gen. 9. 1658 602 100 2 Arphaxad borne Gen. 11. 1693 637 135 37 35 Selah borne Gen. 11. 1723 667 165 67 65 30 Eber B. * Babel is buylded by the cursse of Cham 1757 701 199 101 99 64 34 Peleg B. * the house of Nimrod Mich. 5 6. Seuentie Families are distinguished into 70 languages Ages borne agayne halfed 1787 731 229 131 129 94 64 30 Regu B. 1819 763 261 163 161 126 96 62 32 Serug B. 1849 793 291 193 191 156 126 92 62 30 Nahor 1878 822 320 222 220 185 155 121 91 59 29 Terah B. Gen. 11 24. 1996 940 438 340 338 303 273 239 209 177 147 118 Peleg dieth 1997 941 439 341 339 304 274   210 178 148 119 Nahor dieth 2006 950 448 350 348 313 283   219 187   128 Noah dieth 2008   450 352 350 315 285   221 189   130 Abram borne 2018   460 362 360 325 295   231 199   140 10 Sarai borne 2026   468 370 368 333 303   239 207   148 18 8 Regu di 2049   491 393 391 356 326     230   171 41 31 Serug di 2083   525 427 425 390 360 Terah dieth   205 75 65   Promise Abraham     Mans age the thyrd ☞ World ☜ time is almost halfed       Christ   76   The Promise is geuen that CHRIST shoulde be the sonne of ABRAM after the fleshe Gen. 12 430 yeeres before the Lavve Gala. 3 17. SEM in Canaan called Melchisedec king of Salem a figure 2084 The Lavv vvhich vvas 430 yeeres after cannot disanull the couenant that it shoulde make the promyse of none effect Gala. 3 17. Senear serueth Elam Ellasar Tidal vvith them fal before Abrā so do the same nations fight fal by the Ebrewes Dā 7 being 4 troublesome beastes vvhose Images         77   ☞         78             79             80         1840   81             82   2090       After the PROMISE Abraham Isaac   WORLDE     Ismael Before the birth of CHRIST   83   of the son of God blesseth Abram Gen. 14. HAGAR the bondwomā an Egyptian is geuen to Abram Gen. 16 2. ARPHAXAD dieth being 438 yeeres olde Gen 11 13 Iust Lot fretteth at the vngodly The cursse of Cham vnto Canaan here beginneth to appeare measure for measure vvho mocked his Fathers nakednesse in vvhose posteritie filthy nakednes brake out An ensample of filthynes punished in euerlastyng fire is shevved in the destruction of SODOM GOMORA ISAAC bor Gen. 21 the seuenth from Eber. They are not all children that are Abrahams seede Ro. 9. but in Isaac shall thy seede be called Gen. 21. ISMAEL Hagar are cast out of Abrahams house Gen. 21 14. As then he that was borne after the fleshe persecuted hym that was after the spirite euen so is it now But what sayth the Scripture Cast out the seruant and her sonne Gal. 4. 29. SELAH dieth bieng 433 yeeres olde Gen. 11 15. ISMAEL hath 12 Dukedomes in the land of Cush in whom Sem ruleth Cham. Vnto this time Ismàelites folowing Mahomet trouble the Churches for their Idolatrie are described Ap. 9. For neare Euphrates Turkes Ismaelites discōtent with Iambrel king of Babel ioyne force set vpon EVROPE then idolatrous Cedremus Volaterranus 2901 Rome bears for armes 〈◊〉 one cutting Christiās Ap. 13. as Cittī should Eber. Nū 24. ISMAEL is borne Gen. 16. It is vvritten Abra. had tvvo sonnes one by a seruant an other by a free vvoman these are the tvvo Testamentes Sina Ierusalem Gala. 4 22. Fayth vvas imputed to Abra. vvhen he vvas vncircumcised after receiued he the seale of righteousnes of his former faith that he should be the Father of the beleeuing circume●sed and vncirumcised that righteousnes myght be imputed to them also Ro. 4 11. ABRAHAM and Ismael are both circumcised Gen. 17. 16. Moab
78   90 5 65     79     6 66     80     7 67     81     8 68     82     9 69     83     10 70     84 1750   11 71     85     12 72 2180   86     13 73     87     14 74     88   100 15 75     89     16 76     90     17 77     91     18 78     92     19 79     93     20 80     94 1740   21 81     95     22 82 2190   96   After the PROMISE Jacob Isaac   WORLDE     Ismael Before our L. Bir. CHRIST   73 133 though he sought it vvith teares For he found not the place of repentance but sayde I vvyll kill my brother IACOB goeth to Laban he seeth a ladder reach vp into Heauen and the Angels of God ascending descending by it Gen. 28 12. Iacob fled into Aram and Israel serued for a vvife Hos 12. LEAH is geuen to Iacob in stead of Rachel for his wyfe Gen. 29 23. IVDA is borne Of him after Ieroboams vvithdravvyng of ten tribes the fathful Ebrewes as Mordecai of Beniamin Hest 2. and Paul Act. 22 and all Tribes Rom. 1 are called Iewes Saluation commeth of the Iewes Ioh. 4. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Iuda Ap. 5. IACOB goeth from Laban he wrestleth with the Angell and is called ISRAELL Gen. 32 28. By his trength he had povver vvith God had povver ouer the Angell vvept prayed vnto him the Lorde God of Hostes is his strength Hos 12 3. Iacob the Aramite peryshing Deut. 26 bought groūd of Hamor Ge 33 that possession Iacob gaue to his son Ioseph there vvas Iacobs vvel There Iesus talked of the mountaines and Ierusalems vvorshyp and of the true vvorshypers Ioh 4. IVDA his incest PHARES is borne of Thamar his daughter in law Gen. 38. Thamar can not be Sems daughter for she must be elder thē Iacob if she were ISAAC dyeth Gen. 35 the longest lyuer of any since Terah that the strength of 2241 Esau or Edom his seede hated Iacobs vnto Herode vvho vvas an Idumean as Iosephus vvriteth CHRIST shevveth Nathanael vvho is that Ladder Ioh. 1 51. He founde Iacob in Bethel there he spoke vvith vs. Hose 12 4. Iacob vvould be content vvith meat clothes So Paul 1. Ti. 6 RVBENS prerogatiue in time turneth to Rachels sonne vvhō Iacob thought he embraced Gen. 48 5. and Ruben is a punishment to Iacob for his necligence in vsing Bilhah Gen. 30 22. IOSEPH is borne Gen. 30. Of Christ God spake by the mouth of his holy Prophetes that the Lorde shoulde aryse from Iuda Ebr. 7 14. ESAV terrifieth Iacob BENIAMIN B. Rachel dieth at Bethleem Ge. 35 18. VVhen our Lord is borne there and children killed Rachel vvil not be comforted That is the mothers there afflicted as Rachel vvas vvhen she called her sonne Ben-oni her sonne of sor●vv Herod is a nevv Esau Mat. 2. IOSEPH is solde for a slaue Gen. 37 2. 28. vvhen he had been norished 17 yeeres of his Father VVhen they thought euill agaynst hym God disposed it to good to saue much people alyue Gen. 50 20. The Patriarkes moued vvith enuie sold Ioseph into Egypt But God vvas vvith him and deliuered him out of all his troubles Act. 7. They helde his feet● in the stockes the counsel of the Lord tryed hym Psal 105 18 IOSEPH expoundeth Pharaohs Dreame Gen. 41. 4●         74 134           75 135         160 76 136           77 137 ☞         78 138           79 139           80 140       1680   81 141           82 142 2250         83 143           84 144 ☞       170 85 145           86 146           87 147           88 148           89 149           90 150       1670   91 151           92 152 2260   1     93 153     2     94 154 ☞   3   180 95 155     4     96 156     5     97 157     6     98 158     7     99 159     8     100 160     9 1660   101 161     10     102 162 2270   11     103 163     12     104 164     13   190 105 165     14     106 166     15     107 167     16     108 168     17     109 169     18     110 170     19 1650   111 171     20     112 172 2280   21     113 173     22     114 174     23   200 115 175     24     116 176     25     117 177     26     118 178     27     119 179     28     120 180     29 1640   121       30     122   2290   31   After the PROMISE Jacob Isaac   WORLDE     Ismael Before our L. Bir. CHRIST   23 83 godlines He was the longest lyuer of all that was borne after the Floodde and none after BABELS buylding exceeded much halfe his yeeres for Peleg the longest had but 239 yeeres Gen. 11 19. He vvas a great Prophet foretellyng the diuision of Tongues Ebers name continued in Abrahams faythfull posteritie vvho vvere called of Eber Ebrewes Adams language remained vvith them vnto the last Prophetes though neare lost in Babel ESAV taketh his wiues of Canaan Gen. 25 34. 26 46. Which were a griefe to Rebecca displeased Isaac therefore went Esau to Ismael tooke his daughter Maalath to wyfe Gen. 28 8. ESAV solde his byrthright for a messe os red Pottage therefore was his name called EDOM Gen. 25 30. LET no man be prophane as Esau vvas vvho for a portion of meate solde his Byrthright Hebr. 12 16. OF Esau eyght Kinges successiuely after that many Dukes togeather ruled before Moses vvas king in Israel Gen. 36. GOD gaue to Esau the lande of Seyr Gen. 36 and by his svvord did he liue Gen. 27 4. ISMAEL dyeth beyng 137 yeeres olde Gen. 25 17. The onely vvicked vvhose vvhole age is recorded in the Lavv. IACOB stealeth the blessing from Esau who shall in tyme breake the yoke Gen. 27. VVhen Esau vvould haue inherited the blessing he vvas reiected 2191 the vsuall
Oliuet as ye fled in Ozias dayes for the Earthquake Before Amos IOEL telleth of svvarmes of Caterpillers like Horses vvith Lyons teeth causing famine The Locustes Apo. 9 vvhich arfensed as bard Horses and vvith Lyons teeth and haue Abaddon of Cittim their King cannot agree to any but to the Popes spiritualtie vvho strong by policie vvealth denoured the fruites of other mens labours in moste of their kingdomes IOTHAM b. 28 of Ozias OZIAS yet can not be in that Leprosy for sacrificing Besides a long time he must needes haue to conquer the Philistines strong tovvnes the Arabiās in Gur-baal and Meünim and to humble Ammon and to buylde his great vvorkes 3191 IERO recouereth Chamath to Iudah in Isra Here the only place is that his kingdōe is called Iudah Dauid vvan Chamath to Iudah by Iudahs ryght vvas he to fight for it IONAS sent to Nineue fled to Ioppe hopeles to con●ert Nineue vntyll he had been 3 dayes 3 nightes in the VVhales belly as Christ shoulde be in the belly of the Earth SIMON Bar Ionas likevvise fled from the Heathen vntill at Ioppe God altered him Ac. 1● PV L might be that repenting K. to vvhō God g●ueth povver ouer Israel Arā hitherto vvas mighter thē Assur Heathē stories before Cyrus are but tales Homer knevv neither Nineue Babylō nor Ecbatanas vvealth els he vvould not haue brought Thebas Agyptias for an example Il. 10 Stra. 15. THE kingdome is by seditiō 22 Y. vvithout a king vntill 38 of Ozias thē Zachary reigneth the fourth from Iehu 2. K 10. The Earthquake in Amos had in Israel his euentes Here their state is tolde Ose 1. to be Iezreel of Gomer the Harlet and God breaketh the bovv of Israel for the valley of Iezreel vvhē Iehus vvicked house smarteth for Achabs as did his for Nabothes Notvvithstanding yet they be pittyed Ruchama Apeople-Ammy as the faythfull heathen are Rom. 9. 1. Pet. 2. But they shal be vnpit ●ied Lo-Ruchama No-People Lo-Ammy as vve vvere from Noes dayes before God taught all nations to repent and to seeke Dauid Act. 27. ZACHARY 6 months SALLVM 1 month MENACHEM 10 yeeres   17     3       18     4       19 Israel called Iuda   5       20     6       21     7       22     8       23     9     Aram falleth Assur riseth 24     10       25   170 11 ‡ 3200   26     ☾ 1     27 ☾     2     28       3     29 Rest     4     30 PVL     5     31     ‡ 6     32       7     33       8     34 720     9     35 Rest 180   10 3210   36 IVB.     11     37 13   ‡ 12     38       13     39       14     40       15     41     * 16   1         17   2   Rest     18   3   710     19   4     190 * 20 3220 5         21   6         22   7         23   8         24   9   Rest     25   10   Iezreel born of Gomer     26   11         27   12       * 28   13   700     29   14     200   30 3230 15         31   16   Rest   * 32   17         33   18         34   19         35   20         36   21         37   22       ¶ 38   ¶ 1 690 ☾ * 39   * 1 ☽ 210   40 3240   2   From the DIVISION Jotham Ozias Iuda WORLDE Israel Pekachiah Menachem Before the birth of CHRIST     41 vvhereof some engines vvere in force lyke Gunnes to shoote arrovves and stones ESAY prophecyeth Of Christ he speaketh as an Euangelist of heathen cōmon vveales he shevveth that their potentates that seeme to be their starres shal fal as a Fig tree casteth her Figges as in Apo. 6. the Romans do IOTHAM 16 y. 2. Kin. 15 CHRIST fylleth the Temple vvith a smoke of āger vvhich to Salomō he filled vvith a gracious cloude Seraphim vvith sixe vvinges crying holy holy holy prayse his iustice vvho ten times punisheth Iudah that vvill not yet see vntyll they be destroyed Esa 6. Mat. 13 Mar. 4. Luk. 12. Ioh. 12. Act. 28. Rō 11 The going to Babel the afflictions vnder Iauan vntil the cōming of Christe the brightnes of glory Esa 4. Ebr. 1 3. All are shevved in Iothās times ACHAZ 16 yere 20 Y. olde when he reigned ESAYS chyldrē are geuen for a signe Sear-iasub Mahersalal-chas baz Esa 7. and 8. Beholde the chyldren that God geueth to Emmanuel Eb. 2. Achaz disdayned the soft flovvyng vvaters of Siloam vvhich in Ioh. 9. vvash blind eyes of one sent thither to see Em̄anuel Achaz hyreth Assur vvho vvill ouerflovve the lande of Emmanuel Esa 7. EZEKIAS 29 y. Novv 25 yeeres olde Vnder him Assur thaued ouerfloovvde Em̄anuels land taking 330 Talentes and destroying many tovvnes He vvas to the Philistines a Cockatrise as Ozias vvat to them a Serpent he obteyned health frō ficknet Eb. 11. 3241 About this time liued Homer Hesiod Gyg the first that vvas called Tyrannus Clem. 1. Str. vvho reigned in Lydia vvhose sōnet reigned vnto Halys the ryuer vvhere first setled the most of Iaphets house Of him the lande is called Gog. Eze. 38. PEKACHIAH 2 yeere PEK ACH hath part of the 51 but more of the 52 at the comparisons after vvill shevv REZIN of Aram recouereth Eloth from Achaz vvhen Pekach had killed 120000 of Iudah both besiege Ierusalē Achaz trembled vnstayed and vnbeleuing not vvilling so much as to demand of God for triall a miracle Esay telleth of Gods fauour for Dauids house that a virgin shal beare Emmanuel as Mat. 1. vvho is a child and a sonne that beareth on his shoulders principalitie a vvonderfull counseller mighty God father of eternitie prince of peace of vvhose mysticall large principalitie and peace in Dauids throne there shal be no end Tiglath Pileser captiueth Galily to be Lo-Ruchama tyl Christ beginneth to preach vvhere Captiu●tie began Esa 9. Mat. 4. Pekach is kild by Osee Aram captiued to Kyr 56 y. after Amos foretolde it OSEEK 9 y. in one sort agayne to the ninth after once he vvas remoued The kings of Assur are called for Isr Iuda Iareb that is defender Ose 5. Osee sends Oylefor a present to So King of
Antiochus Theos Such is the breede of the fourth Beast vvhich goeth to destruction Magas the brother of Ptolemy Philadelphus maryed a daughter of Soters him Soter vvas fayne to helpe in vvars agaynst the brother His sonne in lavv claymed to be King of Cyren pau in Att. Thereupon the ●vvo legge● began to knocke one agaynst the other At the ende of tymes they agreed● and Berenice the daughter of Philadelphus vvas maryed to the King of the norths son Antiochus Theos to make 3641 of it But Selcucu● house pleaded that Cassander Lysimachus and Seleucus dyd vppon a common agreement conclude when they ouercame Antigonus that al Syria should be vnder Selcucus Polyb. 5. Then the PLESANT LAND fell to be troden cōtinually of these two Legges PTOLE Philadelphus for him the 70 turned the Prophetes into Greke Much they altered Yeres Gen. 5. and. 11. they faigned 1350 least the oftē halfyng of ages shoulde trouble the faithles For persōs they faine to Sem one Caynan ●an other Caynan betwene Arphaxad Selah Also they ●ayne Ioseph a third generation when Iacob came to Egypt and Ioseph had ben maried but nine y. This moued them They helde in cōmon speech from Gen. 10. that 70 tonges families sprang by Chams cursse that therevpon Iacobs house went to Chams land with 70 soules Deu 32. That those 70 matched in value all families of the earth that none myght rule ouer   When Sel. placed Iewes ●remen in al the Cities which he buylt Iosep A●● 12. Chap. 3. Christ wrought the mystery of saluation and glory ouer Gog In that Iewes were skattered among Iaphe●● sonnes and Greke made a com̄on language 4         5         6         7 25       1   *     2         3     280   4         5   3650     6         7 26       1         2         3         4   *     5         6     270   7 27     IVB. 1   3660 ‡ Menander writeth that euyll spech marreth good maners 1 Cor. 15. Aratus writeth that we are the kinred of God Act 17. 22 2         3         4         5         6         7 28       1         2         3         4   3670     5         6         7 29       1         2         3         4         5         6         7 30 3680     1   Seleucus Callinicus K.     2         3         4         5         6         7 31       1     240   2         3   3690     Gabriels 70 SEVENS Iuda Stars of heauen Gog-horned WORLD Egypt-horned Before the birth of CHRIST   4   these Saduces come to extremity Dan. 8. The godly vvho vver●egrave contrary to these vvho said styl God marketh hath all vvritten in a Booke for them that feare God Mal. 3. Dan. 7. They did commonly vse in this age the terme of the WORLDE TO COME at the vvyng that therein stoode the perfect blessing R. Aba God comforted particulerly the efflicted by the prince of Magog Such as be vvritten in his booke in that all vvhich sleepe in the dust shall ryse the iust to glory euerlastyng and the other to shame euerlastyng Dan. 12. Accordyng to that the Martyrs vnder Antiochus Epimanes as the sones of Anna often mention the resurrection 1 Mach. 2. Mach. Iosippus The Epistle to the Ebrewes doth recorde properly theyr comfort that they vvould not be delyuered because they looked for the betterresurrection Cha 11. Pharises oppose them selues agaynst the Sadduces in an other extremitie vnskilfully They said that Moses receiued an other Lavv besides the vvritten geuen by traditiō vvhi●h from Iosuah Samuel Ezra and such came to them They vnitie but it vvoulde not stande For Theos had a former vvyfe named Laodicea vvho poysoned her Husbande and styrred her sonnes to kill Berenice vvhich in tyme they dyd and a childe of hers The Angell foretolde this Heathen Appian Iustin recorde it Christians shoulde better marke it Herein the tvvo Legges of the parted Kingdome of Iauan ioyned in mans seede cleaue no better together then Iron vvoulde vvith Clay Nab. foresavve that and vve mistake it SELEVCVS Callinicus is ouercome by Ptolemy Euergetes vvho spoyled his Countrey and caried his Nobles to Egypt as also the Angel foretold Sel. dyeth by a fal Iust 27. SELEVCVS Ceraunus and Antiochus Megas both set vpon Egypt but the first soone died After Megas setteth vpō Grece clayming that his vvhich Sel●ucus Nicator vvan from Lysimachus The Consul of Cittim or Rome foyleth him He spoyleth the PLESANT LAND and a Temple vvhere he is kilde Strab. 16. Iust 32. Mach. SELEVCVS Philopater is that taxer that vvithin fevv dayes is 3691 them rightly more then ouer al other Zohar vpon Ex. To auoyde danger by the king of Cham his land though of Iauans seede they altered the text R. Abra. in Kabalah PTOLEMY Philo. He set foorth an huge army agaynst Antioch●s Megas who fought with an other great army Pol. 5. 3 Mach. 1. Antiochus is discomfited that Berenices death myght fully be reuenged Notwithstandyng Philopator prospered not but is kylled by Cleomenes a banished king of Spart Antiochus Megas prospered sūdry times against Ptolemy Epiphanes the sonne whom Philopater dying bequethed to the tutelage of Rome They compell Megas to be quiet who placeth in mariage to Epiphanes one cald Dā 11. Bath-Nasim a daughter of speciall womanhood Cleopatra the glory of a Countrey Thinking by the mariage to destroy his sonne in law But the daughter fauoureth the husband and both fauour Rome agaynst him Liuy 37.     5         6         7 23       1         2         3         4     230   5         6   3700     7 33       1         2         3         4         5         6         7 34   220   1         2   3710 IVB.   3     23   4         5         6       ‡ The booke of Iesus the sonne of Syrah is written which many be vsed as the writing of a