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A14114 A silver watch-bell The sound wherof is able (by the grace of God) to win the most profane worldling, and carelesse liuer, if there be but the least sparke of grace remaining in him, to become a true Christian indeed, that in the end he may obtaine euerlasting saluation. Wherunto is annexed a treatise of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1605 (1605) STC 24421; ESTC S106042 114,862 276

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Timbrell and Pipe and Wine are in their feastes but they regard not the worke of the Lord. Iob. 21.12 And againe They take the Tabret and Harpe and reioyce in the sound of the Organs They spend their daies in wealth and suddainly they goe down to the graue They say also vnto God depart from vs for wee desire not the knowledge of thy waies c. That is to say we wil not walke in that straite way which thou commandest vs to walke in but we wil goe the broad way 53 When the Phrigians first became christian the gouernor of the citie desired to be resolued by the Bishop who was then about to baptise him of this question namely whether those that shal be saued or those that shal be damned shal be the greater number The bishop answered that the greater number should be lost And I quoth the Gouernour will do as the most doe and so refused his Baptisme Many men at thsi day peraduenture will be ashamed openly to say thus as this Gouernour did and yet in déeds proclaime it 54 Wherefore the greater part of men shal be adiudged to euerlasting paines Few are chosen Many goe the broad way Fewe there be that enter the straite gate the which is not onely proued vnto vs by wordes but also by many tipes and figures of the scripture 55 God in that old world wherin Noah liued entred into iudgement with mankind Gen. 7. and destroyed the euill and the wicked with the flood but saued the good and godly And how many were saued in that great multitude A few saith Saint Peter that is to say 2. Pet. 2.5 eight soules c. 56 Furthermore in the dayes of Abraham by another figure hée setteth before our eyes the small number of them that shal be saued Gen. 19. for when hee destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone from heauen hee among so many people saued only thrée 57 Moreouer in the time of Moses 1. Cor. 10. God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt to plant them in the land of promise a land flowing with milke and hony All which things happened to them in a figure and were done to admonish vs vpon whom the endes of the world are come How many were ther think you of this people which came out of Egypt Six hundred thrée thousand Num. 1. fiue hundred and fifty beside women and children and old men How many of this excéeding multitude entered into the lande of promise Num. 26. No more but Iosua and Caleb 58 To conclude what other thing was the transfiguration of the Lord in the mount but a most manifest figure of blessednes but how many were admitted to this blessednes onely fiue Moses Helias Peter Iames and Iohn to giue vs to vnderstand not only that they are few that shal be saued because there are but few Christians Mat. 17.1 if they bée compared with Ethnicks Iews Sarasins Heretikes and such like which without al doubt perish but also because among Christans few shall be saued Wherefore whosoeuer loueth God truly and his owne soule let him labour and striue to enter in at the straite gate during the time of this pilgrimage CHAP. VI. Concernining repentance without delay IEsus the son of Syrach 2. Eccle. 5. giueth vs a very profitable admonition to turne vnto God from sinne and wickednesse so spéedily as possibly we can in these words Because thy sin is forgiuen be not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne And say not the mercy of God is great he will forgiue my manifold sinnes for mercy and wrath come from him and his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners Make no tarrying to turne vnto the Lord and put not off from day to day for sodainly shall the wrath of the Lord breake forth and in thy security thou shalt be destroyed Also Eccle. 12. Salomon to the same effect giueth vs most excellent counsail saying Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth while the euill dayes come not nor the yeares approach wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them Héereunto agreeth the saying of Saint Augustine Age poenitentiam dum sanus es sic si ages dico tibi quod securus es quia poenitentiam egisti eo tempore quo peccare potuisti that is Repent thee while thou art in health so doing I say vnto thee thou art without dāger because thou hast repented at what time thou mightest haue sinned 2 Although these diuine testimonies might satisfie a christian man that their hope is vaine and full of perill which deferre their conuersion and repentance albeit but for one houre yet it shal be shewed by other reasons that it may the more plainely appeare how néedful a thing it is for man with all spéede to repent him 3 There are foure principal causes why a man cannot without great labour and difficulty forsake sinne and followe righteousnesse The first cause is a custome of sinning the which being now made as it were another nature can very hardly be ouercome For as Mithridates vsed to eate poyson so long that nature in the ende could very wel brooke and digest it and the people called Gemerij are so well acquainted with darknesse wherein they liue continually that they cannot well endure the light Euen so men that liue continually in sinne and wickednesse thus brought vs to his allure then his care is to hold vs still in his bondage and for feare that we should make conscience of sinne and so turne vnto the Lord by repentance he putteth a faire vizor ouer the ougly face of sinne and so disguiseth her that the proud person which excéedeth in apparell saith that his or her pride is cleanlinesse and decensie The whoremonger and fornicator taketh his filthy life to bée but the course of youth The drunkard and riotous person perswadeth himselfe that his excesse is but good fellowship The couetous person beléeueth that his couetousnesse is good husbandry The idle person which spendeth his whole time in dice cardes and such like neglecting his vocation flattereth himselfe that his time thus wickedly spent is honest recreation Whereas if the diuell had not blinded them so as they might sée sinne in her colours she would séem such a deformed monster as they would loathe her for euer For her eyes are ful of Adultrie her eares are very large and great open to heare all vaine delights her tongue swollen with lying and deceit her throate is an open sepulchre her lippes are boulstred vp with the poyson of Aspes her hands are large to receiue bribes her belly hath a timpanie of surfetting and gluttonie her back is laden with idlenesse and yet her féete are swift to shead blood with her heart she thinketh vpon nothing but how to betray the innocent and oppresse the widow and the fatherlesse Yea from the very top of the head vnto the sole of the foote she is ful of
troublesom vnto vs but God giuing vs strength wée bare them with a valiant minde And in the very suffering we haue a greater triall and proofe of the goodnes of God towards vs wherevpon wee conceiue the greater hope So hope bréedeth and bringeth in patience and patience hope For when we consider that God was present with vs in suffering our afflictions patiently we hope also that he wil hereafter be present with vs and at the length make vs blessed The sick man because he hath confidence in the Physition suffereth his impostume to be cut Afterward as hee feeleth himselfe relieued he putteth confidence more and more in the Physitian so as if néede were that his foote should be cut off also hee would nothing doubt to commit himselfe to his fidelity The diuel so much as in him lyeth driueth vs to desperation and by afflictiōs goeth about to perswade vs that God is our enemy But contrariwise the holy Ghost saith Because thou hast quietly and patiently borne affliction it may be a sure token vnto thée that God therein declareth his fauour towards thée Wherefore haue thou a good trust for he vndoubtedly wil deliuer thee 19 This confidence wil make vs to resolue with the Apostle Paul Rom. 8. that no maner of tribulation shal be able to remoue vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Neither the losse of goods of wife childien friends lands and possessions nor any thing in the world because wee are verily perswaded that his loue and bounty towards vs is such that often times he most aboundantly restoreth those things which are lost for his sake and that sometimes in the middest of tribulation and euen in the very crosse and death hée giueth to his children so much strength and consolation that in very déede it is more then a hundred folde The losse of the said worldly things is to many a great griefe but is not the winning of a hundred fold so much and the obtaining of an euerlasting kingdom a good salue for this sore If we gaine with the losse of transitore things heauenly treasures with the forsaking of worldly friends Christ to be our deare and sure friend and with the refusing father mother brother sister wife children purchase God to be our heauenly father Christ our most louing brother and to be loued of the Sonne of God as his deare dearlings and only beloued spouse what haue we lost what greater gaine can we haue or what more profitable exchange can be made This bargaine and profit hath our heauenly Father promised vnto vs by a bill of his owne hand sealed with the blood of his onely Sonne testified by the witnes of his Apostles and left with vs in our own custody to be paide at the sight whensoeuer wée shall require it Whereof this is the content Who so hath forsaken house brother sister father mother wife children or land for my names sake hee shall receiue an hundred foulde and the inheritance of euerlasting life Who will deny but that hunger cold nakednes cxtreame pouerty and want of thinges partly necessary are a heauy burden for a man to beare But the waight hereof is lightened made easie to them that with a right eye and vnfainedly do beléeue Gods promise and cast their care on him Cast thy care vpon the Lord for he careth for thée Your heauenly father knoweth that ye haue néed of al these things meate drinke and cloathes He ministreth these things in due time to the beasts of the earth the foules of the ayre the fishes of the Sea and wil he not kéepe his promise vnto vs for whose sakes he hath made these creatures and hath made vs Lords ouer thē What cause haue we to mistrust his promise rather then the byrd that flyeth forth in the morning vppon this naturall perswasion that hée shall finde foode not doubting but that hée who made him will not suffer him to starue with hunger Haue we séen such as put their trust in him starue with hunger dye with colde or perish through nakednesse It hath not béen heard of that the righteous hath béene forsaken or his séede begge wanting bread For they that know the name of the Lorde wil trust therein for he forsaketh not them that séeke after him And he hath willed vs in the day of our troubles to call vpon him adding this promise that he wil deliuer vs. Wherevnto the Prophet Dauid did so trust féeling the comfortable trueth thereof at sundry times in many and dangerous perils that he perswaded himselfe al feare set apart to vndergoe one painful danger or other whatsoeuer yea if it were to wake in the valley of the shadowe of death that hée should not haue cause to feare comforting himself with this saying which was Gods promise made vnto all For thou art with me thy rodde and thy staffe euen they shall comfort mee Psal 23. Is Gods staffe waxen so weake that wée dare not now leane too much theron least it should break Or is he now such a changeling that he wil not be with vs in our troubles according to thy promise Wil he not giue vs his staffe to stay vs by and reache vs his hand to hold vs vp as he hath béene woont to do No doubt but that he wil bée most ready in all extremitie to helpe according to his promise The Lord that made thée O Iacob and hée that fashioned thée O Israel saith thus Esay 43. feare not for I wil defend thée c. 20 He is that mightie Captaine who hauing vnder his gouernement many souldiers and seruants Math. 8. hath them so at his commandement that when he biddeth them go they go when he saith abide they abide and when he willeth them to do this or that they obey his word For paine pleasure griefe ease sicknesse health life and death are at the becke and call of God and do come and go at his appointment as the faithfull Centurion confesseth in the Gospel Math. 8. Yea hée worketh so forceably in his childrē that leane wholy vnto his promise that hée maketh to them of paine a pleasure of griefe ease of sicknesse health and of death life As contrariwise to the vnbeléeuing pleasure ease health and life is a wearie irkesome and painfull death 21 But reason and our flesh are hardly perswaded that we are beloued of GOD when we be exercised with afflictions yet the author of the epistle to the Hebrews saith That if we be not vnder chastisement Heb. 12. wherof all are partakers we are bastards and not sons Rom. 8. And S. Paul to the Romanes bringeth in the complaints of the Saintes which were tormented and afflicted before Christes time Psal 44. For thy sake are we deliuered to the death all the day long we are accounted as sheep to the slaughter They which made this complaint were as cannot be denied most deare vnto God and yet they make this sorrowfull