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A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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8 And so him set in high degre with princes of great dignitie That rule his people with great fame verse 9 The barren he doth make to beare And with great ioye her frute to reare Therfore praise ye his holy name In exitu Israel psalme Cxiiii VV. VV. ¶ How the Israelites were deliuered out of Egipt and of the wonderfull miracles that God shewed at that tyme which put vs in remembraunce of gods great mercies towardes hys children and of our vnthankfulnes for the same Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 WHen Israel by Gods addres from Pharos land was bent and Iacobs house the straungers left in the same train wēt verse 2 In Iuda God his glory shewde his holynes most bryght So did the Israelites declare his kingdom power and myght verse 3 The sea it saw and sodenly as all amasde dyd flee The roring streames of Iordans floud reculed backwardly verse 4 As rammes afrayd y ● moūtains skipt their strength did thē forsake And as y e sely trembling lambes their toppes did beate and shake verse 5 What ayled the sea as all amasde so sodenly to flee Ye rollyng waues of Iordans floud why ran ye backe wardly verse 6 Why shoke ye hils as Rāmes afraid why did your strēgth so shake Why did your tops as tremblyng lambs for feare quiuer quake verse 7 O earth cōfesse thy soueraign Lord and dread his mighty hand Before the face of Iacobs God feare ye both sea and land verse 8 I mean y ● god which frō hard rocks doth cause many flouds apeare and from the stony flint doth make gush out y e fountaines cleare Non nobis domine psalme Cxv. N ¶ A prayer of the faythfull oppressed by Idolatrous tirants against whom they desire that God would succour thē for asmuch as there is no comparison betwene him and their false GOD or Idoles trusting most constantly that God wil preserue them in this their nede seing that he hath adopted and receaued them to his fauoure promising finally that they wil not be vnmindfull of so great a benefite if it would please God to heare their prayer and delyuer them by his omnipotent power Sing this as the .78 psalme verse 1 NOt vnto vs Lord not to vs but to thy name geue prayse Both for the mercy and the truth that are in thee alwayes verse 2 Why shal y e heathen scorners say where is their god become verse 3 Our God in he auen is and what he wil that hath he done verse 4 Their Idols siluer are and gold work of mens hands they bee verse 5 They haue a mouth and do not speake and eyes and do not see verse 6 And they haue eares ioynd to their heds and do not heare at al and noses eke they formed haue and do not smel withal verse 7 And hands they haue and handle not and feete and do not go a throte they haue yet through y e same they make no soūd to blow verse 8 Those that make them be like to thē and those whose trust they be verse 9 O Israel trust in the Lord their help and shield is he verse 10 O Aarons house trust in the Lord their helpe and shield is he verse 11 Trust ye the Lord that feare the Lord their help and shield is he verse 12 The Lord hath myndful bene of vs and wil vs blesse also On Israels and Aarons house his blessyng he wil shew verse 13 Them that be fearers of the Lord the Lord wil blesse them al Euen he wil blesse them euery one the great and eke the smal verse 14 To you I say the louyng Lord wil multiply hys grace To you aud to the children that shal follow of your race verse 15 Ye are the blessed of the Lord euen of the Lord I say Which both the heauen and the earth hath made set in stay verse 16 The heauens yea the heauens hye belong vnto the Lord The earth vnto the sonnes of men he gaue of free accord verse 17 They that be dead do not with prayse set forth y e Lords renoume Nor any that into the place of silence do go downe verse 18 But we wil praise the Lord our god from henceforth and for ay Sound ye the prayses of the Lord praise ye the Lord I say Dilexi quoniam psalme Cxvi N ¶ Dauid being in great daunger of Sau●l in the desert of Mammom perceuing y ● great and 〈◊〉 loue of God toward him magnyfyeth such great mercies and protesteed that he wil be thankefull for the same Sing this as the .94 Psalm verse 1 I Loue the Lord because my voyce aud prayer heard hath he when in my dayes I cald on hym he bowed his eare to me verse 2 Euen when the snares of cruel death about beset me round when paines of hel me caught when I wo and sorrow found verse 3 Vpon the name of God my Lord then did I cal and say Deliuer thou my soule O Lord I do thee humbly pray verse 4 The Lord is very merciful and iust he is also and in our God compassion doth plentifully flow verse 5 The Lord in safety doth preserue all those that symple be I was in woful misery and he relieuedme verse 6 And now my soule syth thou art safe returne vnto thy rest For largely loe the Lord to thee his bountie hath exprest verse 7 Because thou hast deliuered my soule from deadly thral My moisted eine frō mourneful teares my sliding fete from fal verse 8 Before the Lord I in the land of lyfe wyl walke therfore I did beleue therfore I spake for I was troubled sore verse 9 I sayd in my distres and feare that al men lyers be what shal I pay the Lord for al his benefites to me verse 10 The holsome cup of sauyng health I thankfully wil take and on the Lordes name I wil cal when I my prayer make verse 11 I to the Lord wil pay the vowes that I haue him be hight yea euen at this present time in al his peoples sight verse 12 Right deare and precious in his sight the Lord doth ay esteme The death of al his holy ones what euer men do deme verse 13 Thy seruant Lord thy seruant lo I do my self confes Son of thy handmaid thou hast broke the bondes of my distres verse 14 And I wil offer vp to thee a sacrifice of prayse And I wil cal vpon the name of God the Lord alwayes verse 15 I to the Lord wil pay the vowes that I haue him behight yea euen at this present tyme in al his peoples syght verse 16 Yea in the courtes of Gods own house and in the mids of thee O thou Ierusalem I say wherfore the Lord prayse yee Laudate dominum psalme Cxvii N. ¶ He exhorteth the gentils to prayse god because he hath accomplished as wel to them as the Iewes the promise of life euerlastinge by Iesus Christ Sing this as the .98 psalme O
Almighty God Audi Israel Exod. xx N. HArke Israell and what I say geue hede to vnderstād I am the Lord thy God y e brought thee out of Egipt lād euē frō the house wherin y u didst in thraldō liue a slaue None other gods at all before my presence shalt thou haue No maner grauen image shalt thou make at all to thee Nor any figure like by thee shall counterfayted bee Of any thing in heauen aboue nor in the earth below Nor in waters beneath the earth to thē thou shalt not bow Nor shalt them serue The Lord thy God a ielous God am I That punish parentes faultes vnto the third and fourth degree Vpon their children that me hate and mercy do display To thousandes of such as me loue and my preceptes obey The name thou of the Lord thy God in vayne shalt neuer vse For him that takes his name in vayne y e lord shal not excuse Remember that thou holy kepe the sacred Saboth day Six dayes y ● labour shalt do thy nedefull workes alway The seuenth is set by the Lord thy God to rest vpon No worke then shalt thou do in it ne thou nor yet thy sonne Thy daughter seruaūt nor handmayd thine Oxe nor yet thine Asse Nor straunger that within thy gates hath his abiding place For in sixe dayes God heauen and earth and all therin did make And after those his rest he did vpon the seuenth day take Wherfore he blest the day that he for resting did ordayne And sacred to him selfe alone appointed to remayne yeld honor to thy parentes that prolongd thy dayes may be Vpō the land the which the Lord thy God hath geuē thee Thou shalt not murther Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steale nor witnes false against thy neighbour be Thou shalt not couet house that to thy neighbour doth belōg Ne couet shalt in hauing of his wife to do him wrong Nor his man seruaunt nor his mayde nor oxe nor asse of his Nor any other thing that to thy neighbour proper is Beatus vir i. Thomas Sternhold ¶ Whether it was Esoras or any other that gathered the Psalmes into a booke it semeth he did set this Psalme first in maner of a Preface to exhorte all godly men to study and meditate the heauenly wisdome for theffect hereof is that they be blessed that geue them selues wholy all their lyfe to Gods law And that the wicked contemners of god though they seme for a while fortunate yet at length shall come to miserable destruction verse 1 THe mā is blest that hath not bēt to wicked rede his eare nor led his life as sinners do nor sat in scorners chaire verse 2 But in the law of god y e lord doth set hys who le delight in y ● law doth exercise him selfe both day and nyght verse 3 He shal be like the tree that groweth fast by the riuer side Which bringeth forth most pleasaunt fruit in her due time tyde Whose leafe shall neuer fade nor fal but florish stil and stand Euen so al things shal prosper wel that this man takes in hand verse 4 So shal not the vngodly men they shal be nothing so But as the dust which frō the earth the wyndes driue to and fro verse 5 Therfore shall not the wicked men in iudgement stand vpright Nor yet the sinners with the iust shal come in place or sight verse 6 For why the way of godly men vnto the Lord is knowne And eke the way of wicked mē shal quite be ouerthrowen Quare fremuerunt gentes Psalme .ii. T. S. ¶ Dauid reioyseth that notwithstanding his enemies rage and worldly power yet god will continue his kingdome for euer and aduaūce it euen to the formost end of the world And therfore he exhorteth kinges and rulers that setting vayne glory a part they would humble submit them selues vnder gods yoke Herein is sign●●ed Christ and his kingdome Syng this Psalme as the first WHy did y e Gētils tumultes raise what rage was in their braine Why did the Iewish people muse seing al is but vayne verse 2 The kings and rulers of the earth conspire and are al bent Against the Lord and Christ his sonne which he among vs sent verse 3 Shal we be bound to them say they let al their bondes be broke And of their doctrine and their law let vs reiect the yoke verse 4 But he that in the heauen dwelleth their doings wil deride And make thē al as mocking stockes through out y e world so wide verse 5 For in his wrath the Lord wil say to them vpon a day And in his fury trouble them and then the Lord wil say verse 6 I haue anoynted him my king vpon my holy hil I wil therfore Lord preach thy lawes and eke declare thy wil. verse 7 For in this wise the Lord him self did say to me I wote Thou art my deare and onely sonne to day I thee begot verse 8 All people I wil geue to thee as heires at thy request The ends and coastes of al the earth by thee shal be possest verse 9 Thou shalt them bruse euen with a mace as men vnder foote trode And as the potters shardes shalt breake them with an yron rod. verse 10 Now ye O Kings and rulers al be wise therfore and learnde By whom the matters of the world be iudged and discernde verse 11 Se that ye serue the Lord aboue in trembling and in feare Se that with reuerence ye reioyce to him in like maner verse 12 Se that ye kisse and eke embrace his blessed sonne I say Least in his wrath ye sodenly perish in the mid way verse 13 If once his wrath neuer so smal shal kindle in his brest Oh then al they that trust in Christ shal happy be and blest Domine quid multiplicati Psalme .iii. T. S. ¶ Dauid being persecuted and driuen out of his kingdome by his owne sonne Absalon was greatly tormented in minde for his sinne against god and therfore calleth vpon god and waxeth holde through his promises agaynst the great terrors of his enemies yea and against death it self which he saw present before his eyes Finally he reioyseth for the good successe and victory that god gaue him and all the Church ouer his enemies O Lord how are my foes increast which vexe me more and more They kil my hart when as they say God can him not restore but thou O Lord art my defence when I am hard bestead my worshyp and myne honour both and thou holdst vp my head verse 4 Then with my voyce vpon the Lord I did both cal and cry And he out of his holy hill did heare me by and by verse 5 I layd me downe and quietly I slept and rose again For why I know assuredly the Lord wil me sustaine verse 6 If ten thousand had hemde me in I could not be afrayde For thou art stil my Lord my God my sauiour myne ayde
thee was borne wherfore I wil thee prayse with mirth both euening and morne verse 7 As to a monster seldome sene much folke about me throng But thou art now and stil hast bene my fence and ayde so strong verse 8 Wherfore my mouth no time shal lacke thy glory and thy prayse and eke my tong shal not be slacke to honor thee alwayse verse 9 Refuse not me O Lord I say when age my limmes doth take and when my strength doth wast away do not my soule forsake verse 10 Among them selues my foes enquire to take me through deceyt and they agaynst me do conspire that for my soule layd wayt The second part verse 11 Lay hand take him now they sayd for God from him is gone Dispatch him quite for to his ayde I wis there commeth none verse 12 Do not absent thy self away O Lord when nede shal be But that in time of grief thou may in hast geue helpe to me verse 13 With shame confound and ouerthrow al those that seke my life Oppres thē with rebukes also that fayne would worke me strife verse 14 But I wil patiently abyde thy helpe in al assayes Stil more and more ech time tide I wil set forth thy prayse verse 15 My mouth thy iustice shal record that dayly helpe doth send But of thy benefites O Lord I know no compt nor end verse 16 Yet wil I go and seke forth one with thy good helpe O God The sauing health of thee alone to shew and set abrod verse 17 For of my youth thou tookest the care and doost instruct me stil Therfore thy wonders to declare I haue great mind and wil. verse 18 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didst me kepe and stay Forsake me not vnto mine age and til my head be gray verse 19 That I thy strēgth might may show to them that now be here and that our sede thy power may know hereafter many a yere verse 20 O Lord thy iustice doth excede thy doings al may see Thy workes are wonderful in dede oh who is lyke to thee verse 21 Thou madest me fele afflictions sore and yet thou didst me saue yea thou didst helpe and me restore and tokest me from the graue verse 22 And thou mine honor doost encrease my dignitie maintayne yea thou doost make al grief to cease and comforts me agayne verse 23 Therfore thy faithfulnes to prayse I wil both lute and syng My harpe shal sound thy laud alwayes O Israels holy kyng verse 24 My mouth wil ioy with pleasant voyce when I shal sing to thee and eke my soule wil much reioyce for thou hast made me free verse 25 My tong thy vprightnes shal sound and speake it dayly stil For grief and shame do thē confound that sought to worke me ill Deus iudicium tuum Psalme .lxxii. I. H. ¶ He prayeth that the kingdome of God by Christe may come vnder the parson of Salomon vnder whom shall be ryghteousnes peace and felicitie vnto whom all kynges and all nations shall do homage whose name and power shal indure for euer LOrd geue thy iudgements to the king therin instruct hym wel And with his sonne that Princely thyng Lord let thy iustice dwel that he may gouerne vp ryghtly and rule thy folke a ryght and so defend through equitie the poore that haue no might verse 3 And let the mountaines that are hye vnto their folke geue peace And eke let litle hils apply in iustice to encrease verse 4 That he may help the weake poore with aide make thē strōg And eke destroy for euermore al those that do them wrong verse 5 And then from age to age shal they regard and feare thy might So long as sunne doth shine by day or els the moone by night verse 6 Lord make the king vnto the iust like rain to fieldes new mowen And like to drops that lay the dust and fresh the land vnsowen verse 7 The iust shal florish in his time and al shal be at peace Vntil the moone shal leaue to prime wast chaūge to encrease verse 8 He shal be Lord of sea and sand from shore to shore throughout and from the flouds within the land through al the earth about verse 9 The people that in desert dwel shal knele to him ful thicke and al his enmies that rebel the earth and dust shal licke verse 10 Theyr Lordes of al the yles therby great gifts to him shal bring The kings of Sabe and Arabie geue many a costly thyng verse 11 Al kings shal seke with one accord in his good grace to stand And al the people of the world shal serue him at his hand verse 12 For he the nedy sort doth saue that vnto him do cal And eke the simple folke that haue no helpe of man at al. verse 13 He taketh pity on the poore that are with nede opprest He doth preserue them euermore bringes their soules to rest verse 14 He shal redeme theyr life from dread frō fraud frō wrōg frō might And eke the bloud that they shal bleed is precious in his sight verse 15 But he shal liue and they shal bring to him of Sabaes gold He shal be honored as a kyng and dayly be extold verse 16 The mighty mountaines of his land of corne shal beare such thrōg That it like Cedre trees shal stand in Libanus ful long verse 17 Theyr cities eke ful wel shal spede the frutes therof shal pas In plenty it shal far excede and spring as grene as gras verse 18 For euer they shal prayse his name while that the sunne is light And thinke thē happy through y ● same al folk shal bles his might verse 19 Prayse ye the Lord of hostes and sing to Israels God echone For he doth euery wondrous thing yea he him self alone verse 20 And blessed be his holy name al times eternally That al the earth may prayse the same Amen Amen say I. Quam bonus deus Psalme .lxxiii. T. S. ¶ The Prophet teacheth by his example that neither the worldly prosperitie of the vngodly nor yet the affliction of the good ought to discourage Gods children but rather ought to moue vs to consider our fathers prouidence to cause vs to reuerence gods iudgements for asmuche as the wicked vanishe a waye lyke smoke and the godly enter into lyfe euerlastyng in hope wherof he resigneth him selfe into Gods handes Sing this as the .xliiii. psal verse 1 HOw euer it be yet God is good and kynd to Israel And to al such as safely kepe their consciēce pure wel ▪ verse 2 yet lyke a foole I almost slipt my feete began to slyde And or I wist euē at a pinch my steps a wrye gā glyde verse 3 For when I saw such foolish men I grudged and did disdayne That wicked mē al things should haue wtout turmoyle or payne verse 4 They neuer suffer panges nor grief as if death should them
waters depe Yet none can there thy steps espy nor know thy pathe to kepe verse 20 Thou leadest thy folke vpon the land as shepe on euery syde through Moyses through Aarōs hād y u didst them safely guide Attendite populi psalme .lxxviii. T. S. ¶ He sheweth howe God of his mercye chose his churche of the posteritie of Abraham casting in their teeth the stubburne rebellion of their fathers that their children might not onely vnderstand that God of his free mercies made his couenaunt with their auncestors but also seing them so malitious and peruerse might be ashamed and so turne wholy to God In this psalm the holy ghost hath cōprehended as it were y ● sum of al gods benefits to the intent the ignorāt gros people might see in few words the effect of the whole histories ATtend my people to my law and to my wordes incline My mouth shal speake straunge parables and sentences deuyne Which we our selues haue heard and learnd euen of our fathers old and which for our instruction our fathers haue vs told verse 4 Because we should not kepe it close frō thē that should come after who should gods power to their race praise al his workes of wōder verse 5 To Iacob he cōmaūdemēt gaue how Israel should liue Willing our fathers should the same vnto their children geue verse 6 That they and their posteritie that were not sprong vp tho Should haue the knowledge of the law and teach their sede also verse 7 That they may haue the better hope in God that is aboue And not forget to kepe his lawes and his precepts in loue verse 8 Not beyng as theyr fathers were rebelling in gods sight and would not frame their wicked harts to know their god aright verse 9 How went the people of Ephraim their neighbours for to spoyle Shooting their darts the day of war and yet they toke the foyle verse 10 For why they did not kepe with God y e couenant that was made Nor yet would walke or lead their liues according to hys trade verse 11 But put into obliuion his counsel and his wil and al his workes most magnifique which he declared stil The second part verse 12 What wonders to our forefathers did he himself disclose In Egipt land within the field that called is Thaneos verse 13 He did deuyde and cut the sea that they might passe at once And made the water stand as stil as doth an heape of stones verse 14 He led them secret in a cloud by day when it was bright And in the night when darke it was with fire he gaue thē light verse 15 He brake the rockes in wildernes and gaue the people drinke As plentiful as when the depes do flow vp to the brinke verse 16 He drew out riuers out of rocks that were both dry and hard Of suche a boundance that no floudes to them might be compard verse 17 yet for all this against the Lord their sinne they did increase And styred him that is most hygh to wrath in wildernes verse 18 They tēpted hym within their harts lyke people of mistrust Requiring such a kynd of meat as serued to their lust verse 19 Saying with murmuration in their vnfaythfulnes What can this God prepare for vs a feast in wildernes verse 20 Behold he strake the stony rock and floudes forth with did flo But can he now geue to his folke both biead and fless also verse 21 When God heard this he waxed wroth with Iacob and his sede So did his indignation on Israel procede The third part verse 22 22 Because they did not faithfully beleue and hope that he Could alwayes help and succor them in their necessitie verse 23 Wherfore he did cōmaund y ● clouds forthwith they brake in sūder verse 24 And raind down Manna for thē to eate a foode of mickel wonder verse 25 When earthly men with angels fode were fed at their request verse 26 He bad the east wind blow away and brought in the south west verse 27 And rainde down flesh as thick as dust foule as thick as sand verse 28 Which he did cast amids the place where al the tents did stand verse 29 Then did they eate excedingly and al men had their fils Yet more and more they did desire to serue their lusts and wils verse 30 But as the meat was in their mouthes his wrath vpon them fel. verse 31 And slew the floure of al their youth and choyse of Israel verse 32 Yet fel they to theyr wonted sinne and stil they did him greue For al the wonders that he wrought they would him not beleue verse 33 Their dayes therfore he shortened and made their honor vayne Their yeres did wast and pas away with terrours with payn verse 34 But euer when he plaged thē they sought hym by and by verse 35 Remēbring thē he was their strēgth their help God most hy verse 36 Though in their mouthes they did but glose flatter w t the Lord and with their tongs in their harts dissembled euery word The fourth part verse 37 For why their harts wer nothyng bēt to hym nor to hys trade Nor yet to kepe or to perform the couenant that was made verse 38 Yet was he stil so merciful when they deserued to dye That he forgaue them their misdedes and would not thē destroy Yea many a time he turned his wrath and did himself aduise and would not suffer al his whole displeasure to arise verse 39 Considering they were but flesh and euen as a wind that passeth away and cannot wel returne by his own kind verse 40 How oftentimes in wildernes did they their Lord prouoke How did they moue stir theyr Lord to plage thē with his stroke verse 41 Yet dyd they turn agayn to sinne and tempted God eftsone prescribing to the holy Lord what things they would haue done verse 42 Not thinking of his hand power nor of the day when he Deliuered them out of the bonds of the fierce enemy verse 43 Nor how he wrought his miracles as they themselues beheld In Egipt and the wonder that he dyd in Zoan field verse 44 Nor how he turned by his power their waters into bloud that no man might receyue his drink at ryuer nor at floud verse 45 Nor how he sent thē swarms of flies which did them sore annoy and fild their coūtries ful of frogs which shuld their Lord destroy The fyft part verse 46 46 Nor how he did commit their fruites vnto the Caterpiller and al the labour of their hands he gaue to the grashopper verse 47 With hailstones he destroid their vines so that they were al lost and not so much as wild fig trees but he consumde with frost verse 48 And yet with hailstones once again the Lord their cattle smote and al their flocks and heards like wise w t thunderbolts ful hote verse 49 He cast vpon them in his ire and in his
ful safe shal bee verse 9 From Egipt where it grew not wel thou broughtst a vyne ful dere The Heathē folke thou diddest expel then didst plant it here verse 10 Thou didst prepare for it a place and set her rootes ful fast That it did grow and spring apace and fil the land at last verse 11 The hils were couered round about with shade that from it came And eke the Ceders high and stout with braunches of the same verse 12 Why thē didst thou her wal destroy her hedge pluckt vp thou hast That al the folke that passe therby the vyne may spoyle and wast The second part verse 13 The Bore out of the wood so wyld doth dig and route it out The furious beasts out of the field deuour it al about verse 14 O Lord of hostes returne agayn from heauen looke betyme Behold and with thy help sustayn this poore vineyard of thine verse 15 Thy plant I say thine Israel whom thy right hand hath set The same which thou didst loue so wel O Lord do not forget verse 16 They lop and cut it down apace they burn it eke with fyre And through the frowning of thy face we perish in thyne ire verse 17 Let thy right hand be with thē now whom thou hast kept so long and with y e sonne of man whom thou to thee hast made so strong verse 18 And so when thou hast set vs free and saued vs from shame Then wil we neuer fal from thee but cal vpon thy name verse 19 O lord of hostes through thy good grace cōuert vs vnto thee Behold vs with a pleasant face and then ful safe are wee Exultate Deo psalme .lxxxi. I. H. ¶ An exhortation to prayse God both in hart and voyce for his benefites and to worship hym onely God condemneth their ingratitude and sheweth what great benefits they haue lost thorow their owne malice BE light glad in God reioyce which is our strēgth and stay be ioyful lift vp your voyce to Iacobs God I say Prepare your instrumēts most mete some ioy ful Psalme to syng strike vp with harpe and lute so swete on euery pleasaunt stryng verse 3 Blow as it were in the new moone with trumpets of the best As it is vsed to be done at any solemne feast verse 4 For this is vnto Israel a statute and a trade A law that must be kept ful wel which Iacobs god hath made verse 5 This clause with Ioseph was decreed when he from Egipt came That as a witnes al his sede should stil obserue the same verse 6 Whē God I say had so prepard to bring him from that land where as the speach which he had heard he did not vnderstand verse 7 I from his shoulders toke sayth he the burden cleane away And from y e furnace quit him free from burning brick of clay verse 8 When thou in grief didst cry and cal I holpe thee by and by And I did aunswer thee withal in thunder secretly verse 9 Yea at the waters of discord I did thee tempt and proue whereas the goodnes of the Lord with muttering y u didst moue verse 10 Heare O my folke O Israel and I assure it thee Regard marke my words ful wel if thou wilt cleaue to mee The second part verse 11 Thou shalt no God in thee reserue of any land abrode Nor in no wise to bow or serue a straunge and forrayne God verse 12 I am the Lord thy God and I from Egipt set thee free Then aske of me aboundantly and I wil geue it thee verse 13 And yet my people would not heare my voyce when that I spake Nor Israel would not obey but did me quite forsake verse 14 Then did I leaue them to their wil in hardnes of their hart To walke in their own coūsels stil thēselues they might peruert verse 15 O that my people would haue hard the wordes that I did say And eke that Israel would regard to walke within my way verse 16 How sone would I cōfoūd their foes bring thē down fullow And turne my hand vpon al those that would them ouerthrow verse 17 And they that at the Lord do rage as slaues should seke him til But of his folke the time and age should florish euer stil verse 18 I would haue sed them with the crop and finest of the wheat and make the rock with hony drop that they their fils should eat Deus stetit in Synagoga Psalme .lxxxii. I. H. The prophet declaring god to be present amongst the iudges maiestrates reproueth their parciality and vnrighteousnes and exhorteth them to do iustice but seing no amendment be desireth god to vndertake the matter and execute iustice himselfe Sing this as the .77 Psalme verse 1 AMid the prease w t men of might the Lord himself did stand To plead the cause of truth right with iudges of y ● land verse 2 How long said he wil you procede fals iudgemēt to award and haue respect for loue of mede the wicked to regard verse 3 Wheras of due ye should defend the fatherles and weake and when the poore man doth contend in iudgemēt iustly speake verse 4 If ye he wise defend the cause of poore men in their right And rid the nedy from the clawes of tyrants force and might verse 5 But nothing wil they know or learne in vayne to them I talke They wil not see or ought discerne but stil in darknes walke For lo euē now the tyme is come that al things fal to nought And likewise lawes both al some for gayn ar sold and bought verse 6 I had decred it in my syght as Gods to take you al and children to the most of might for loue I did you cal verse 7 But not withstandyng ye shal dye as men and so decay O tyraunts I shal you destroy and pluck you quyte away verse 8 Vp Lord let thy strength be knowne iudge the world w t might For why al nations are thine own to take them as thy right Deus quis similis Psalme .lxxxiii. I. H. ¶ The people of Israell pray vnto the Lord to deliuer them from their enemies both at home and farre of whiche imagined nothing but their destruction and they desyre that all such wicked people may accordyng as God was accustomed be stricken with the stormye tempestes of Gods wrath that they may know that the Lord is most hye vpon the earth Syng this as the .77 Psalm verse 1 DO not O God refrayne thy toung in silence do not stay Withhold not Lord thy self so lōg nor make no more delay verse 2 For why behold thy foes and see how they do rage cry And those y ● beare an hate to the hold vp their heads on hie verse 3 Against thy folke they vse disceate and craftly they enquire For thine elect to lye in wayt theyr councell doth conspire verse 4 Come to sayd they let vs expel and
and louers euery one Yea and mine old acquaintaunce al out of my sight are gone Misericordias domini Psalme .lxxxix. I. H. ¶ With many wordes doth the Prophet prayse the name of God for his Testament and couenaunt that he had made betwene him and his elect by Iesu Christe the sonne of Dauid Then doth he complayne of the great ruyne and desolation of the kyngdome of Dauid so that to the outwarde apperaunce the promise was broken Finally he prayeth to be deliuered from his afflictions makyng mention of the shortnes of mans lyfe and confirming hym selfe by Gods promises Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 TO sing the mercies of the Lord my toung shal neuer spare and with my mouth frō age to age thy truth I wil declare verse 2 For I haue sayd that mercy shal for euermore remayne In that thou doost the heauens stay thy truth appeareth playne verse 3 To mine elect sayth God I made a couenant and behest My seruant Dauid to perswade I swore and dyd protest verse 4 Thy sede for euer I wil stay and stablish it ful fast and stil vphold thy throne alway from age to age to last verse 5 The heauens shew w t ioy mirth thy wondrous workes O Lord Thy saints within thy Church on earth thy faith truth record verse 6 Who with the Lord is equal then in al the cloudes abrod among the sonnes of al the Gods what one is like our God verse 7 God in assemble of the saynts is greatly to be drad and ouer al that dwel about in terror to be had verse 8 Lord God of hostes in al the world what one is like to thee On euery side most mighty Lord thy truth is sene to be verse 9 The ragyng sea by thyne aduice thou rulest at thy wil and when the waues therof arise y u makst thē calme stil verse 10 And Egipt thou lord hast subdued thou hast it destroyed Yea thou thy foes w t mighty arme hast scattred al abrod The second part verse 11 The heauēs are thine stil haue ben likewise y ● earth land The world withal that is therin thou foūdest w t thy hād verse 12 Both North South w t East West thy self didst make frame Both Tabor mount and eke Hermō reioyse and prayse thy name verse 13 Thine arme is strong and ful of power al might therin doth lye The strength of thy right hād ech houre thou liftest vp on hye verse 14 In righteousnes and equity thou hast thy seat and place Mercy and truth are stil with thee and go before thy face verse 15 That folke is blest that knoweth aright thy presēt power O God For in the fauour of thy sight they walke ful safe abrod verse 16 For in thy name throughout the day they ioy much reioyce and through thy rightousnes haue they a pleasant fame noyce verse 17 For why their glory strength and ayde in thee alone doth lye Thy goodnes eke that hath vs stayde shal lift our horne on hye verse 18 Our strength that doth defend vs wel the Lord to vs doth bring The holy one of Israel he is our guide and kyng verse 19 Somtyme thy wil vnto thy saints in visions thou didst shew and thus thē didst thou say to them thy mind to make thē know verse 20 A man of might haue I erect your king and gyde to be and set vp him whom I elect among the folke to me The third part verse 21 My seruaunt Dauid I appoint whom I haue searched out and with my holy oyle anoynt him king of al the route verse 22 For why my hand is ready stil with hym for to remayne and with mine arme also I wil him strengthen and sustayne verse 23 The enmies shal not him oppres they shal him not deuoure Ne yet the sonnes of wickednes of him shal haue no power verse 24 His foes likewise wil I destroy before his face in sight and those that hate him I wil plage strike thē with my might verse 25 My truth and mercy eke with al shal stil vpon him lye And in my name his horne eke shal be lifted vp on hye verse 26 His kingdome I wil set to be vpon the sea and sand and eke the running floudes shal he embrace with his right hād verse 27 He shal depend with al his hart on me and thus shal say My father and my God thou art my rocke of health and stay verse 28 As one first borne I wil him take of al on earth that springs His might and honour I shal make aboue al worldly kings verse 29 My mercy shal be with him stil as I my selfe haue told My faythful couenaunt to fulfil my mercy I wil hold verse 30 And eke his sede wil I sustayne for euer strong and sure So that his seat shal stil remayne while heauen doth endure The fourth part verse 31 If that his sonnes forsake my law and so begin to swerue and of my iudgements haue none awe nor wil not them obserue verse 32 Or if thy do not vse aright my statutes to them made and set al my commaundements light and wil not kepe my trade verse 33 Then with the rod wil I begin theyr doings to amend and so with scourging for theyr sinne when that they do offend verse 34 My mercy yet and my goodnes I wil not take him fro Nor handle him with craftines and so my truth forgo verse 35 But sure my couenaunt I wil hold with al that I haue spoke No word the which my lips haue told shal alter or be broke verse 36 Once swore I by mine holynes and that performe wil I With Dauid I shal kepe promise to him I wil not ly verse 37 His sede for euermore shal rayne and eke his throne of might as doth the sunne it shal remayne for euer in my sight verse 38 And as the moone within the sky for euer standeth fast a faythful witnes from on hye so shal his kyngdome last verse 39 But now O Lord thou doost reiect now thou chaungest cheare Yea thou art wroth with thine elect thine own annointed deare verse 40 The couenāt which thy seruāt made lord thou hast quite vndone and downe vpon the ground also hast cast his royal crown The fifte part verse 41 Thou pluckst his hedges vp with might his wals doost y u cōfoūd Thou beatest eke his bulwarkes down breakst thē to the groūd verse 42 That he is sore destroyed and torne of commers by throughout and so is made a mocke and scorne to al that dwel about verse 43 Thou their right hand hast lifted vp that him so sore annoy and al his foes that him deuour loe thou hast made to ioy verse 44 His swerds edge y u doost take away that should his foes w t stand To him in warre no victory thou geuest nor vpperhand verse 45 His glory thou doost also wast his
high they then vp ascend If thou do but speake thy word they fulfil So like wise the valleis most quickly discend where thou thē apointest remain they do stil verse 9 Their bonds hast y u set how far they shal run So as in their rage not that passe they can For God hath appointed they shal not returne the earth to destroy more which made was for man The second part verse 10 He sendeth the springs to strong streames and lakes which run do ful swift among the huge hils verse 11 Where both y e wild asses their thirst oft times slakes and beastes of the mountains therof drink their fils verse 12 By these pleasant springs or fountaynes ful fayre The foules of the ayre abide shal and dwel Who moued by nature to hoppe here and there among the grene braunches their songs shal excel verse 13 The mountaynes to moyst the cloudes he doth vse the earth with his workes are wholy repleate verse 14 So as the brute cattle he doth not refuse but grasse doth prouide them and herb for mās meat verse 15 Yea bread wyne and oyle he made for mans sake His face to refresh and hart to make strong verse 16 The Ceders of Liban this great Lord dyd make which trees he doth nourish that grow vp so long verse 17 In these may birds build and make there their nest In firre trees the storkes remayn and abide verse 18 The hie hils are succours for wild goates to rest And eke the rockes stony for conies to hyde verse 19 The moone then is set her seasons to runne The dayes frō the nyghtes therby to discerne And by the discendyng also of the Sunne The cold from heat alway therby we do learne verse 20 When darknes doth come by Gods wil and power Then crepe forth do al the beasts of the wood verse 21 The Lions range roaring theyr pray to deuour But yet it is thou Lord which giuest them foode verse 22 Assone as the sunne is vp they retyre To couch in their dennes then are they ful fayne verse 23 That mā do his workes may as right doth require Til night come and cal him to take rest agayne The third part verse 24 How sondry O Lord are al thy workes found with wisdome ful great they are in dede wrought So that the whole world of thy prayse doth sound and as for thy riches they passe al mens thought verse 25 So is the great sea which large is and broad Where things y ● crepe swarme beasts of ech sort verse 26 There both mighty ships saile and some lye at road The whale huge m●strous there also doth sport verse 27 Al things on thee wayt thou doost them relieue And thou in due time ful wel doost them fede verse 28 Now when it doth please thee the same so to geue They gather ful gladly those things which they nede Thou openest thine hand and they find such grace That they with good things are filled we see verse 29 But sore are they troubled if thou turne thy face For if thou their breath take vile dust thē they bee verse 30 Agayne when the spirit from thee doth procede al things to appoint and what shal insue Then are they created as thou hast decreed and doost by thy goodnes the dry earth renew verse 31 The prayse of the Lord for euer shal last Who may in his workes by right wel reioyce verse 32 His looke can the earth make to tremble ful fast and likewise the mountains to smoke at his voyce verse 33 To this Lord and God sing wil I alwayes So long as I lyue my God prayse wil I. verse 34 Thē am I most certaine my wordes shal him please I wil reioyce in him to hym wil I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lord consume in thine ire and eke the peruerse them roote out with shame But as for my soule now let it stil desire and say with the faithful prayse ye the Lords name Confitemini domino Psalme Cv. N. ¶ He prayseth the singular goodnes of God who hath of all the people of the world chosen a peculier people to hym selfe and hauyng chosen them neuer ●●aseth to do them good euen for his promise sake Syng this as the .95 Psalm verse 1 GEue prayses vnto God the Lord and cal vpon his name amōg y ● people eke declare his workes to spread his fame verse 2 Sing ye vnto the Lord I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of al the wōdrous works y ● he hath wrought alwayes verse 3 In honor of his holy name reioyse with one accorde and let the hart also reioyse of them that seke the Lord. verse 4 Seke ye the Lord seke the strēgth of his eternal might and seke his face continually and presence of his sight verse 5 The wōdrous workes that he hath done kepe stil in mindful hart Ne let the iudgements of his mouth out of your mind depart verse 6 Ye that of faithful Abraham his seruaunt are the sede Ye his elect the children that of Iacob do procede verse 7 For he he onely is I say the mighty Lord our God and his most rightful iudgemēts are through al the earth abrod verse 8 His promise and his couenaunt which he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The second part verse 9 The couenaunt which he hath made with Abraham long ago and faythful oth which he hath sworne to Isaac also verse 10 And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obey and for eternal couenaunt to Israel for ay verse 11 When thus he sayd loe I to you al Canaan land wil geue The lot of your inheritaunce wherin your sede shal liue verse 12 Although theyr number at that time did very smal appeare Yea very smal and in the land they then but straūgers were verse 13 Whyle yet they walkt from land to land without a sure abode and while fro sondry kingdomes they did wander al abrod verse 14 And wrong at none oppressors hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kings reproued for theyr sake verse 15 And thus he sayd touch ye not those that mine annoynted be Ne do the Prophetes any harme that do pertayne to me verse 16 He cald a dearth vpon the land of bread he stroyed the store But he agaynst their time of nede had sent a man before The third part verse 17 Euen Ioseph which had once ben sold in liue a slaue in wo verse 18 Whose feete they hurt in stocks whose soule the yron pearst also verse 19 Vntil the time came whē his cause was knowen apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faulties truth did try verse 20 The king sent and deliuered him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did frely let him pas verse 21 And ouer al his house he made him Lord to beare the sway and of his substaunce made
him haue the rule and al the stay verse 22 That he might to his wil instruct the princes of his land and wisdomes lore his auncient men might teach to vnderstand verse 23 Then into the Egiptian land came Israel also and Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger tho verse 24 His people he excedingly in number made to flow and ouer al theyr enemies in strength he made them grow verse 25 Whose hart he turnd that they with hate his people did entreate and did his seruaunts wrongfully abuse with false deceit The fourth part verse 26 His faythful seruaunt Moses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to go to them his message to disclose verse 27 The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shew and wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also verse 28 Darknes he sent and made it darke in stede of brighter day and vnto hys commission they did not disobey verse 29 He turnd theyr waters into bloud he did theyr fishes slay verse 30 Their lād brought frogs euē in y e place where their kīg Pharao lay verse 31 He spake at his voice there came great swarmes of noysom flies and al the quarters of theyr land were fild with crauling life verse 32 He gaue them cold and stony hayle in stede of milder rayn and firy flames within theyr land he sent vnto theyr payne verse 33 He smote theyr vines al theyr trees wheron the figs did grow and al the trees within their coastes down did he ouerthrow verse 34 He spake then caterpillers did and greshoppers abound verse 35 Which ate the gras in al theyr ground and frute of al theyr land The fifte part verse 36 The first begotten in theyr land eke deadly did he smite yea the begynning and first frute of al theyr strength and might verse 37 With gold and siluer he them brought from Egipt land to pas and in the number of their tribes no feble one there was verse 38 Egipt was glad and ioyful then when they did thence depart For terrour and the feare of them was fallen vpon their hart verse 39 To shroud them from the parching heat a cloud he did display and fire he sent to geue them light when night had hid the day verse 40 They asked and he caused quayles to rayne at theyr request and fully with the bread of heauen theyr hunger he represt verse 41 He opened then the stony rock and waters gushed out and in the dry and parched groundes like riuers ranne about verse 42 For of his holy couenaunt ay mindful was he tho Which to hys seruaunt Abraham he plighted long ago verse 43 He brought his people forth with mirth and his elect with ioy Out of the cruel land where they had liued in great anoy verse 44 And of the Heathen men he gaue to them the frutful lands The labors of the people eke they tooke into theyr hands verse 45 That they his holy statutes might obserue for euermore and faithfully obey his lawes prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini domino Psalme .cvi. N. ¶ The people dispersed vnder Antiochus do magnifie the goodnes of God among the iust and repentaunt Desiring to be brought agayne into the lande by Gods mercyfull visitation And after the manifolde meruayles of God wrought in their deliueraunc● forth of Egipt the great ingratitude of the people rehearsed they do pray and desire to be gathered from among the Heathen to the entent they may prayse the name of the God of Israel Sing this as the .95 Psalm verse 1 PRayse ye the Lord for he is good his mercy dures for ay verse 2 Who can expresse his noble actes or al his prayse display verse 3 They blessed are that iudgement kepe and iustly do alway verse 4 With fauour of thy people Lord remember me I pray And with thy sauing health O Lord vouchsafe to visite me verse 5 That I the great felicitie of thine elect may se And with thy peoples ioy I may a ioyful mind posses and may with thine inheritaunce a glorying hart expres verse 6 Both we and eke our fathers al haue sinned euery one We haue committed wickednes and l●udly we haue done verse 7 The wonders great which thou O Lord hast done in Egipt land Our fathers though they saw them al yet did not vnderstand Nor they thy mercyes multitude did kep● in thankful mind But at the sea yea the red sea rebelled most vnkind verse 8 Neuertheles he saued them for honor of his name That he might make his power knowne spred abrod w t fame verse 9 The red sea he did then rebuke and forth with it was dryed and as in wildernes so through the depe he did them guide verse 10 He saued them from the cruel hand of their despitful ●o and from the enmies hand he did deliuer them also The seconde part verse 11 The waters theyr oppressors whelmd not one was left alyue verse 12 Thē they beleued his wordes prayse in song they did him gyue verse 13 But by and by vnthankfully his workes they cleane for gat and for his counsel and his wil they did neglect to wayt verse 14 But lusted in the wildernes with fond and gredy lust and in the desert tempted God the stay of al theyr trust verse 15 And then their wanton mindes desire he suffred them to haue But wasting leannes therewithal into theyr soule he gaue verse 16 Then when they lodged in the tents at Moses they did grutch Aaron the holy of the Lord so did they enuie much verse 17 Therfore the earth did open wyde and Dathan did deuoure and al Abirams company did couer in that houre verse 18 In their assembly kindled was the whote consuming fyre and wasting flame did thē burne vp the wicked in his ire verse 19 Vpon the hil of Horeb they an idole calfe did frame and there the molten image they did worship of the same Into the likenes of a calfe that fedeth on the grasse verse 20 Thus they their glory turnd and al their honor did deface verse 21 And God theyr onely sauiour vnkindly they forgot Which many great mighty things in Egipt lād had wrought The third part verse 22 And in the land of Ham for thē most wondrous workes had done and by the red sea dreadful thyngs performed long agone verse 23 Therfore for their so shewing them forgetful and vnkind To bryng destruction on them al he purposd in his mynd Had not his chosen Moses stood before them in the breake To turne his wrath least he on thē w t slaughter should him wreke verse 24 They did despise the pleasaunt land that he beheight to geue yea and the workes that he had spoke they did no whit beleue verse 25 But in their tents with grudging hart they wickedly repynde Nor to the voyce of God the Lord they gaue a harkning mind verse 26 Therfore agaynst them lifted he