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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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procede His house with good he will fulfill His rightousnes endure shall still verse 4 Unto the righteous doth aryse In trouble ioy in darkenes light Compassion in his eyes and mercy alwayes in hys syght verse 5 yea pitie moueth suche to lend he doeth by iudgement things expend verse 6 And surely suche shall neuer fayle for in remembrance had is he verse 7 7 No tidings ill can make him quayle who in the Lorde sure hope doeth se. verse 8 His hart is firme hys feare is past for he shall se his foes downe cast verse 9 He did well for the poore prouide his rightousnes shall still remayne And his estate with prayse abyde though that the wicked man disdaine verse 10 yea gnash his teeth thereat shall he and so consume his state to see Laudate pueri Psalme Cxiii VV. K. An exhortation to prayse the Lorde for his prouidence in that that contrarye to the course of nature he worketh in hys Churche YE childrē which do serue y e lord prayse ye his name with one accord yea blessed be alwayes his name who from the rising of the sunne til it returne where it begonne is to be praysed with great fame The Lord all peoples doth surmount As for his glory we may counte aboue the heauens hygh to be With God the Lorde who may compare whose dwellyngs in the heauens are of such great power and force is he verse 6 He doeth abase him self we knowe thinges to beholde bothe here belowe And also in heauen aboue verse 7 7 The nedie out of dust to drawe And eke the poore whiche helpe none saw verse 8 His onlye mercy did him moue And so him set in high degre with princes of great dignitie That rule his people with great fame verse 9 The barren he doth make to beare And with great ioye her frute to reare therfore prayse ye his holy name In exitu Israel C. xiiii VV. VVhit Howe the Israelites were delyuered out of Egipt and of the wonderfull miracles that God shewed at that tyme whiche put vs in remembraunce of Goddes great mercyes towardes his children and of oure vnthankfullnes for the same WHen Israell by Gods addres from Pharos land was bent Sing this as the. ixxviii psa And Iacobs house the straungers left and in the same trayne went verse 2 In Iuda God his glory shewde his holynes most bryght So did the Israelites declare his kingdom power and myght verse 3 The sea it saw and sodenly as all amased did flee The roring streaimes of Iordans floud reculed backwardly verse 4 As rammes afrayde the mountaines skipt theyr strength did them forsake And as the sely tremblyng lambes theyr toppes did beate and shake verse 5 What ayled the sea as all amased so sodenly to flee Ye rowlyng waues of Iordans floud why ran ye backwardly verse 6 Why shoke ye hils as Rammes afrayd why did your strength so shake Why did your tops as trembling lambs for feare quiuer and quake verse 7 O earth confesse thy soueraygne Lord and dread hys myghty hand Before the face of Iacobs God feare ye both sea and land verse 8 I meane the God which frō hard rocks doth cause many flouds appeare And from the stony flint doth make gush out the fountaynes cleare Non nobis domine Psalme Cxv. N. A prayer of the faythful oppressed by idolatrous tirants against whō they desire that God woulde succor them for asmuche as there is no comparyson betwene him and theyr false God or Idoles trustyng most constantly that God will preserue them in this theyr nede seeyng that he hath adopted and receaued them to hys fauoure promising finally that they will not be vnmindfull of so greate a benefyte if it would please God to heare theyr prayer and delyuer them by his omnipotent power NOt vnto vs Lord not to vs but to thy name geue prayse bothe for the mercy and the truthe that are in thee alwayes Why shall the Heathen scorners say where is theyr God become Our God in heauen is and what he will that hath he done Their idols siluer are and gold worke of mens handes they be They haue a mouth and do not speake and eyes and doo not see And they haue eares ioynd to their heds and doo not heare at all And noses eke they formed haue and doo not smell withall And handes they haue and handle not ▪ and feete and doo not goo A throte they haue yet through the same they make no sounde to blowe Those that make them be like to them and those whose trust they be O Israell trust in the Lorde their help and shield is he O Aarons house trust in the Lorde their helpe and shield is he Trust ye the Lorde that feare the Lord ▪ their help and sheld is he The Lord hath mindefull ben of vs and will vs bles also On Israels and Aarons house his blissing he will shew They did beset me round about with wordes of hatefull spite Without all cause of my desert against me did they fight For my good will they were my foes but then gan I to pray my good with ill my frendlynes with hate they did repay The second parte Set thou the wicked ouer him to haue the vpper hand At his right hand eke suffer thou his hatefull foe to stand When he is iudged let him then condemned be therin And let the prayer that he makes be turned into sinne Few be his dayes his charge also let thou an other take His children let be fatherles his wyfe a wydow make Let his ofspring be vagabundes to begge and seke theyr bread wandring out of the wasted place where erst they haue ben fed Let couetous extorcionet catch all his goods and store And let the straungers spoyle the frutes of all his toyle before Let there be none to pitie him let there be none at all That on his children fatherles will let their mercye fall And so let his posteritie for euer be destroyed Their name out blotted in the age that after shall succed Let not his fathers wickednes from Gods remembrance fall And let thou not his mothers sinne be done away at all But in the presence of the Lorde let them remayne foray That from the earth their memorye he may cut cleane away Sith mercye he forgat to shew but did pursue with spite The troubled man and sought to slay the woefull harted wight The third parte As he did cursing loue it shall betide vnto him so And as he did not blessing loue it shalbe far him froe As he with cursing clad himself so it like water shall Into his bowels and like oyle into his bones befall As garment let it be to him to couer him for ay And as a girdle wherwith he shall girded be alwaye Lo let this same be from the Lord the guerdon of my foe Yea and of those that euell speake against my soule also But thou O Lorde that art my God deale thou I say with me After thy
mercy Lorde is all my sute Lorde let thy mercy come The humble sute of the Sinner M. O Lorde of whom I do depend be holde my carefull hart when thy wil pleasure is relese me of my smart thou seest my sorowe what they are my gref is knowne to thee there is none y t can remoue or take the same frō me But only thou whose ayde I craue whose mercy still is prest To ease all those that come to thee for souccour and for rest And sith thou seest my restles eyes my teres and greuous grone Attende vnto my sute O Lorde Marke well my plaint and mone For sinne hath so inclosed me and compast me aboute That I am now remediles if mercy helpe not out For mortall man cannot release or mitigate thys payne But euen thy Christ my Lord and God whiche for my sinnes was slayne Whose blody woundes are yet to see though not with mortall eye yet doth thy sainctes beholde them all And so I trust shall I. Though sinne doth hynder me a whyle When thou shalt see it good I shall enioye the sight of him and see his woundes and bloud And as thine angels and thy saynctes doo now beholde the same So trust I to possesse that place With them to prayse thy name But whiles I liue here in this vale where sinners doo frequent Assist me euer with thy grace My sinnes still to lament Lest that I treade in sinners trace and geue them my consent To dwell with them in wickednes wherto nature is bent Only thy grace must be my staye lest that I fall downe flat And being downe then of my selfe cannot recouer that Wherfore this is yet once againe my sute and my request To graunt me pardon for my sinne that I in thee may rest Then shall my hart my tong and voyce be instruments of prayse And in thy Churche and house of sainctes Sing psalmes to thee alwayes The Lordes Prayer or Pater noster OUr father which in heauen art lord halowd be thy name Thy kingdō come thy will be don in earth euen as the same in heauē is Gene vs O Lord our dayly bread this day As we forgeue our detters so forgeue our dettes we pray Into temptatiō lead vs not From euill make vs free for kingdome power and glory thyne bothe now and euer be The x. Commaundements Audi Israell Exod. xx N HArk Israel what I say geue hede to vnderstād I am the lord thy God y t brought thee out of Egipt land euen frō the house wherin thou didst in thraldō liue a slaue Non other gods at all before my presence shalt thou haue No maner grauen image shalt thou make at all to thee Nor any figure like by thee shall counterfayted be Of any thing in heauen aboue nor in the earth belowe Nor in waters beneth the earth to them thou shalt not bowe Nor shalt them serue The Lorde thy God a ielous God am I That punish parents faultes vnto the third and fourth degree Upon their children that me hate and mercy doo display To thousands of suche as me loue and my precepts obey The name thou of the Lorde thy God in vayne shalt neuer vse For him that takes his name in vayne the Lorde shall not excuse Remember that thou holy kepe the sacred Sabbat day Six daies thou labour shalt and doo thy nedefull workes alway The seuenth is set by the Lord thy God to rest vpon No worke shalt thou doo in it ne thou nor yet thy sonne Thy daughter seruaunt nor handmayd thine oxe nor yet thine asse Nor straunger that within thy gates hath his abiding place For in six dayes God heauen and earth and all therin did make And after those his rest he did Upon the seuenth take Wherfore he blest the day that he for resting did ordayne And sacred to him self alone apointed to remayne Yeld honor to thy parentes that prolonged thy dayes may be Upon the land the which the Lord thy God hath geuen thee Thou shalt not murther Thou shalt not commit adulterye Thou shalt not steale nor witnes false against thy neighbour be Thou shalt not couet house that to thy neyghbor doth belong Ne couet shalt in hauing of his wyfe to doo him wrong Nor his man seruaunt nor his mayde nor oxe nor asseof his Nor any other thing that to thy neighbor proper is FINIS ❧ PSALMES OF DAVID Beatus vir Psalme i. T. S. Whether it was Esdras or any other that gathered the Psalmes into a booke it semeth he did set thys Psalme firste in maner of a Preface to exhorte all godly men to study and meditate the heauenly wisdome for theffecte herof is that they be blessed that geue them selues wholy all their life to Gods lawe And that the wicked contemners of God though they seme for a whyle fortunate yet at lengthe shall come to miserable destruction 1_THe man is blest that hath not bent to wicked rede his eare nor led his life as sinners do nor sat in scorners chair 2. But in the law of god y e lord both set his whole delight in that law doth exercise him selfe both day night verse 3 He shall be like the tree that groweth fast by the riuer side Whiche bringeth forth most pleasant fruite in her due time and tide Whose leafe shall neuer fade nor fall But florish still and stand Euen so all thinges shall prosper well that this man taketh inhand verse 4 So shall not the vngodly men Although the wicked seme to beare the swing in this worlde yet the lorde scattereth them likechaffe with a blaste of his mouthe they shalbe nothing so But as the dust which from the earth the windes dryue to and fro verse 5 Therfore shall not the wicked men in iudgement stande vpryght Nor yet the sinners with the iust shall come in place or sight verse 6 For why the way of Godly men vnto the Lorde is knowne And eke the way of wicked men shall quyte be ouerthrowen Quare fremuerunt gentes Psalm ii T. S. Dauid reioyseth that notwithstanding hys enemies rage worldely power yet God wil continue hys kyngdome for euer and aduaūce it euen to the formost ende of the worlde And therfore be exhorteth kinges and rulers that setting vayne glory apart they would humbly submit themselues vnder Gods yoke Herein is signified Chryste and hys kyngdome WHy did the Gentiles tumultesraise Sing this psalme with the first tune what rage was in their braine Why dyd the Iewish people muse seyng all is but vayne verse 2 The kinges and rulers of the earth conspire and are all bent Against the lord and Christ his sonne which he among vs sent verse 3 Shall we be bounde to them say they let all theyr bondes be broke Inheb greate ropes or cables And of their doctrine and theyr lawe let vs reiect the yoke verse 4 But he that in the heauen dwelleth their doinges will deride And make them all as mocking stockes throughout the
haue regard ye seruants of the Lorde Which in his house by night do watch prayse him with one accorde Lyft vp your hands on high vnto his holy place And geue the Lorde his prayses due his benefites embrace For why the Lord who did both earth and heauen frame Doeth Sion bles and will conserue for euer more the same Laudate nomen Psalme Cxxxv. M. He exhorteth all the faithful of what estate so euer they be to praise God for his merueylous worcks specially for his graces towards his people wherein he hath declared his maiestie To the confession of all Idolaters and theyr Idolls O Praise y e lord praise him praise him praise him with one accord o praise him stil al ye that be the seruaunts of y e lord o praise him ye that stand be in the house of the Lord ye of his court and of his house praise hym with one accord Prayse ye the Lord for he is good syng prayses to his name It is a comly and good thing alwayes to doo the same For why the Lorde hath chose Iacob his very owne you see So hath he chosen Israell his treasure for to be For this I know and am right sure the Lorde is very greate He is in dede aboue all Goddes most easy to intreate For what so euer pleased him all that fulwell he wrought In heauen in earthe and in the sea whiche he hath framde of nought He lifteth vp cloudes euen from the earthe he makth the lightnings and rayne He bringkth forth the windes also He made nothing in vayne He smote the first borne of eche thing in Egipt that toke rest He spared there no lyuing thyng the man nor yet the beast He hathe in thee shewde wonders great O Egipt voyde of vauntes On Pharao thy cursed kyng and his seuere seruauntes He smote then many nacyons and did great actes and thynges He slew the great and mightyest and chefest of theyr kynges Syhon king of Ammorites and Og kyng of Basan He slew also the kingdomes all that were of Canaan And gaue their lande to Israell an herytage we see To Israell his owne people an heritage to be Thy name O Lorde shall still endure and thy memoriall Throughout all generations that are or euer shall The Lorde will surely auenge his people all in dede And to his seruauntes he will shewe fauour in tyme of nede The Idols of the Heathen are made in all theyr coste and landes Of syluer and of golde be they the workes euen of mens handes They haue mouthes and cannot speake and eyes to at haue no sight They haue eares that heare nothyng Theyr mouthes be breatheles quite Wherfore all they are lyke to them that so doth set them forth And lyke wyse those that trust in them or thinke they be ought worth O all ye house of Israell see that ye prayse the Lorde And ye that be of Aarons house prayse him with one accord And ye that be of Leuis house prayse ye lykewise the Lorde And all that stand in awe of hym prayse him with one accord And out of Syon sound his prayse the great prayse of the Lorde Whiche dwelleth in Ierusalem praise him with one accord Confitemini Psalme Cxxxvi. N. ☞ A most earnest exhortaciō to geue thanks vnto God for the creation and gouernaunce of all thinges which standeth in confessing that he geueth vs all of his mere liberalitie PRaise ye y e lord for he is good for hys mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the God of Gods for his mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer which only doth great wōders work for his mercy endureth for euer verse 5 Which by his wisdome made the heauens for his mercy endureth for euer verse 6 Which on the waters stretcht the earth for his mercy endureth for euer verse 7 Which made great light to shine abrode for his mercy endureth for euer verse 8 As sonne to rule the lightsome day for his merry endureth for euer verse 9 The mone and sterres to guide the night for his mercy endureth for euer verse 10 Whiche smote Egipt with their first-borne for his mercy endureth for euer verse 11 And Israell brought out from them for his mercy endureth for euer verse 12 With mighty hand and stretched arme for his mercy endureth for euer verse 13 Whiche cut the red sea in two partes for his mercy endureth for euer verse 14 And Israell made passe there through for his mercy endureth for euer verse 15 And drouned Pharao and his host for his mercy endureth for euer verse 16 Through wildernes hys people led for his mercy endureth for euer verse 17 He whiche did smite greate noble kinges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 18 And whiche hath slayne the mighty kynges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 19 As Sihon king of Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer verse 20 And Og the king of Basan land for his mercy endureth for euer verse 21 And gaue their land for heritage for his mercy endureth for euer verse 22 Euen to his seruant Israell for his mercy endureth for euer verse 23 Remembred vs in base estate for his mercy endureth for euer verse 24 And from oppressors rescued vs. for his mercy endureth for euer verse 25 Which geueth fode vnto all flesh for his mercy endureth for euer verse 26 Praise ye the God of heauen aboue for his mercy endureth for euer verse 27 Geue thankes vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Super flumina Babilonis Psal. cxxxvii VV. VV ☞ The people of God in their banishment seing Gods true religion decaye lyued in greate anguish and sorow of harte the whiche grief the Eaideons did so litle pitie that they rather increased the same dayly with tauntes reproches and blasphemies againste God wherfore the Israelites desire God to punish the Edomites who prouoked the Babilonians againste them and moued by the spirite of God prophery the destruction of Babilon where they were handeled so tirannously WHen as we sat in Babylon y e riuers rounde about and in remēbraunce of Sion the teares for grief burst out We hāgd out harps instruments the willow trees vpon for in that placemen for their vse had planted many one verse 3 Then they to whom we prisoners were sayde to vs tauntingly Now let vs heare your Ebrue songes and pleasant melody verse 4 Alas sayd we who can once frame his sorowfull hart to syng The prayses of our louing God thus vnder a straunge kyng {punctel} verse 5 But yet if I Ierusalem out of my hart let flyde Then let my fingers quyte forget the warblyng harp to guyde verse 6 And let my tong within my mouth be tyde for euer fast If that I ioy before I see thy full deliueraunce past verse 7 Therfore O Lorde remember now the cursed noyse and cry That Edoms sonnes againste vs made when they razed our citie Remember
thou art my fence and fort verse 4 Saue me my God from wicked men and from theyr strength and powre From folke vniuste and eke from them that cruelly deuoure verse 5 Thou art the stay wherin I trust thou Lorde of hosts art he Yea from my youth I had a lust still to depend on thee verse 6 Thou hast me kept euen from my birth and I through thee was borne wherfore I will thee prayse with mirth bothe euening and morne verse 7 As to a monster seldome seen muche folke about me thronge But thou art now and still hast bene my fence and ayde so stronge verse 8 Wherfore my mouth no time shall lacke thy glory and thy prayse And eke my tong shall not be slack to honor thee alwayse verse 9 Refuse not me O Lorde I say when age my limmes doth take And when my strength doth wast away doo not my soule forsake verse 10 Amonge themselues my foes enquire to take me through deceyt And they agaynst me doo conspire that for my soule layd wayt The second parte verse 11 Lay hand and take hym now they sayd for God from him is gone Dispatch him quyte for to hys ayde iwis there commeth none verse 12 Doo not absent thy self away O Lorde when nede shalbe But that in time of grief thou may in hast geue helpe to me verse 13 With shame confound and ouerthrowe all those that seke my lyfe Oppres them with rebukes also that fayne would worke me stryfe verse 14 But I wilpatienly abide thy helpe in all assayes Still more and more ec he time and tide I will set forth thy prayse verse 15 My mouth thy iustice shall recorde that dayly helpe doth sende But of thy benefyts O Lorde I knowe no compt nor ende verse 16 Yet will I goo and seke forth one with thy Good helpe O God The sauing health of thee alone to shew and set abrode verse 17 For of my youth thou tokest the care and dost instruct me styll Therfore thy wonders to declare I haue great minde and will verse 18 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didst me kepe and stay Forsake me not vnto mine age and tyll my head be gray verse 19 That I thy strength might may show to them that now be here And that our sede thy power may know hereafter many a yere verse 20 O Lord thy iustice doth excede thy doinges all may see Thy workes are wonderfull in dede oh who is lyke to thee verse 21 Thou madest me fele afflictions sore and yet thou didst me saue yea thou didst helpe and me restore and take me from the graue verse 23 23 And thou mine honor dost encrease my dignitie maintayne yea thou dost make all grief to cease and comfort me agayne verse 24 Therfore thy faithfulnes to prayse I will bothe lute and sing My harp shall sound thy laude alwayes O Israels holy king verse 25 My mouth will ioy with pleasant voyce when I shall sing to thee And eke my soule will muche reioyce for thou hast made me free verse 26 My tonge thy vprightnes shall sounde and speake it dayly still For grief and shame do them confounde that sought to worck me ill Deus iudicium tuum Psal. lxxi I. H. He prayeth that the kingdom of God by Christ may come vnder the parson of Salomen vnder whom shall be rightuousnes peace felicitie vnto whom all kinges and all nations shall doo homage whose name and power shall in dure for euer LOrd geue thy iudgmēts to the kyng therin instruct him well And with his sonne that Princely thyng Lorde let thy iustyce dwell That he may gouerne vp ryghtly And rule thy folke a ryghte and so defende throughe equitie the poore that haue no myght verse 3 And let the mountains that are hye vnto their folke geue peace And eke let litle hils applye in iustice to encrease verse 4 That he may help the weake and pore with ayde and make them stronge And eke destroy for euermore all those that doo them wrong verse 5 And then from age to age shall they regarde and feare thy might So long as Sunne doth shine by daye or els the moone by night verse 6 Lorde make the king vnto the iust like rayne to fields new mowen And like to droppes that lay the dust and fresh the land vnsowen verse 7 The iust shall florish in his time and all shalbe at peace Untill the mone shall leaue to prime wast chaunge and to encrease verse 8 He shalbe Lorde of sea and sand from shore to shore throughout And from the flouds within the land through all the earth about verse 9 The people that in desert dwell shall knele to him full thick And all hys enemies that rebell the earth and dust shall lyck verse 10 Their Lordes of all the yles therby great giftes to him shall bryng The kings of Sabe and Arabie geue many a costly thyng The second parte verse 11 All kinges shall seke with one accord in his good grace to stand And all the people of the world shall serue him at his hande verse 12 For he the neady sort doth saue that vnto him doo call And eke the simple folke that haue no helpe of man at all verse 13 He taketh pitie on the poore that are with nede opprest He doth preserue them euermore and bring their soules to rest verse 14 He shall redeme theyr lyfe from dread from fraud fom wrong from might And eke the bloud that they shall blead is precious in his sight verse 15 But he shall lyue and they shall bryng to him of Sabaes golde He shalbe honored as a kyng and dayly be extold verse 16 The mightie mountaines of his land of corne shall beare such throng That it lyke Cedre trees shal stand in Libanus full long verse 17 Their cities eke full well shall spede the frutes therof shall pas In plenty it shall far excede and spring as grene as grasse verse 18 For euer they shall prayse his name while that the sunne is lyght And think them happy through the same all folke shall bles his myght verse 19 Praise ye the Lord of hostes and sing to Israels God eche one For he doth euery wondrous thing yea he him self alone verse 20 And blessed be his holy name all times eternally That all the earth may prayse the same Amen Amen say I. Quam bonus deus Psal. lxxiii T. S. The prophet teacheth by his example that neyther the worldly prosperitie of the vngodlye nor yet the affliction of the good ought to discourage Gods children but rather ought to moue vs to consider oure fathers prouidence and to cause vs to reuerence Gods iudgementes for asmuche as the wicked vanysh away like smoke and the vngodly enter into lyfe euerlastyng in hope wherof he resigneth himselfe into Gods handes HOw euer it be yet God is good Sing this as the. xliiii psalme and kynde to Israell And to all suche as safely kepe theyr conscience
the ayer did cracke thy shaftes a brode did flye verse 18 Thy thunder in the fire was hearde the lightening from aboue With flashes greate made men afearde the earth did quake and moue verse 19 Thy wayes within the sea do lye thy pathe in waters depe Yet none can there thy steppes espye nor know thy pathe to kepe verse 20 Thou leadest thy folke vpon the lande as shepe on euery syde Through Moses through Aarons hand thou didst them safely gide Attendite popule Psal. lxxviii T. S. He sheweth how God of his mercy chose hys church of the posteritie of Abraham castyng in theyrteth the stubburne rebellion of theyr fathers that the children might not only vnderstand that god of his fremercies made his couenant with theyr auncestors but also seyng thē so malitious and peruerse might be ashamed so turn wholy to god In this Psalme the holy Ghost hathe comprehended as it were the sum of all Gods benefites to thintent the ignoraunt and gros people mighte see in few wordes the effect of the whole historyes ATtend my people to my law to my wordes inclyne My mouthe shall speake straunge parables and sentences deuyne Which we our selues haue hard lernd euen of oure fathers olde whiche for our instruction our fathers haue vs tolde verse 4 Because we shoulde not kepe it close from them that shoulde come after Who should Gods power to theyr race praise and all his workes of wonder verse 5 To Iacob he commaundment gaue how Israell should lyue willyng our fathers shoulde the same vnto theyr children geue verse 6 That they and theyr posterytie that were not sprong vp tho Should haue the knowledge of the law and teache theyr seeede also verse 7 That they may haue the better hope in God that is aboue And not forget to kepe his lawes and his precepts in loue verse 8 Not beyng as theyr fathers were rebellyng in Gods syght And would not frame their wicked harts to know theyr God a ryght verse 9 How went the people of Ephraim theyr neyghbours for to spoyle Shoting their dartes the day of warre and yet they toke the foyle verse 10 For why they did not kepe with God the couenant that was made Nor yet would walk or leade their liues according to his trade verse 11 But put into obliuion his counsell and his will And all his workes most magnifique which he declared styll The second parte verse 12 What wonders to our forefathers did he him selfe disclose In Egipt land within the field that called is Thaneos verse 13 He did deuyde and cut the sea that they might pas at once And made the water stand as styll as doth an heape of stones verse 14 He led them secret in a cloud by day when it was bryght And in the night when darke it was with fire he gaue them lyght verse 15 He brake the rocks in wildernes and gaue the people drynk As plentifull as when the depes doo flow vp to the brynk verse 16 He drew out riuers out of rockes that were bothe drye and harde Of suche a boundaunce that no floudes to them might be compard verse 17 Yet for all this against the Lorde theyr sinne they did increase And styred hym that is most hygh to wrath in wildernes verse 18 They tempted hym within theyr harts lyke people of mistrust Requiring such a kynd of meate as serued to theyr lnst verse 19 Saying with murmuration in theyr vnfaythfulnes What can this God prepare for vs a feast in wildernes verse 20 Beholde he strake the stony rock and floudes forthwith did slo But can he now geue to his folke bothe breade and flesh also verse 21 When God hard this he waxed wroth with Iacob and his sede So did his indignation on Israell procede The thirde parte verse 22 Because they did not faithfully beleue and hope that he Could alwayes help and succor them in theyr necessitie verse 23 Wherfore he did commaund the clouds forthwith they brake in sundre verse 24 And raind down Manna for thē to eate a foode of mickell wondre verse 25 When earthly men with angels fode were fed at theyr request verse 26 He bad the east wynde blow away and brought in the south west verse 27 And raind downe flesh as thick as dust and foule as thick as sand verse 28 Whiche he did cast amids the place where all the tents did stand verse 29 Then did they eate excedingly and all men had theyr fils Yet more and more they did desire to serue theyr lusts and wils verse 30 But as the meate was in theyr mouthes his wrath vpon them fell {punctel} verse 31 And flew the floure of all theyr youth and choyse of Israell verse 32 Yet fell they to theyr wonted sinne and still they did him greue For all the wonders that he wrought they would him not beleue verse 33 33 Theyr dayes therfore he shortned and made theyr honor vayne Theyr yeares did wast and pas away with terrours and with payne verse 34 But euer when he plaged them they sought hym by and by verse 35 Remēbring then he was their strength theyr help and God most hye verse 36 Thoughe in their mouthes they did but glose and flatter with the Lord And with their tongs in theyr hartes dissembled euery worde The for the parte verse 37 For why their harts were nothing bēt to him nor to his trade Nor yet to kepe or to performe the couenaunt that was made verse 38 yet was he still so mercifull when they deserued to dye That he forgaue them their misdedes and would not them destroy Yea many atyme he turned his wrath and did himselfe auise And would not suffer all hys whole displeasure to aryse verse 39 Considering they were but fleshe and euen as a wynde That passeth away and cannot well retourne by his owne hynde verse 40 How often times in wildernes did they their Lorde prouoke How did they moue and stir theyr Lorde to plage them with hys stroke verse 41 yet did they turne agayne to sinne and tempted God eftsone Prescribing to the holy Lorde what thinges they would haue don verse 42 Not thinking of his hand and power nor of the day when he Deliuered them out of the bondes of the fierse ennemie verse 43 Nor howe he wrought his miracles as they them selues beheld In Egipt and the wonder that he did in Zoan field verse 44 Nor how he turned by his power theyr waters into bloud That no man might receyue his drink at riuer nor at floud verse 45 Nor how he sent them swarmes of flies whiche did them sore annoy And fild theyr countreys full of frogs whiche should theyr lande destroy verse 46 Nor how he did commit theyr fruites vnto the Caterpiller And all the labour of theyr handes he gaue to the Grashopper verse 47 with haylestones he destroid their vines so that they were all lost And not so much as wylde figge trees but he consumde with frost verse 48
foes do loue of lyfe they laugh and iest it oute verse 8 O take vs Lorde vnto thy grace conuert our mindes to thee Shew forth to vs thy ioyfull face and we full safe shalbe verse 9 From Egipt where it grew not well thou broughtest a vine full deare The heathen folke thou diddest expell and then diddest plant it here verse 10 Thou diddest prepare for it a place and set her rootes full fast That it did growe and sprynge a pace and fill the land at last verse 11 The hilles were couered rounde about with shade that from it came And eke the Ceders high and stoute with braunches of the same verse 12 Why then diddest thou her wal destroy her hedg pluckt vp thou hast That all the folke that pas therby thy vine may spoyle and waste verse 13 The bore out of the wodes so wilde doeth digge and rote it oute The furious beastes out of the field deuoure it all aboute verse 14 O Lorde of hostes retourne agayne from heauen loke betime Beholde and with thy healpe sustayne this poore vineyard of thyne verse 15 Thy Plant I say thyne Israell whom thy right hand hath set The sonne whiche thou didst loue so wel O Lorde doo not forget verse 16 They loppe and cut it downe apace they burne it eke with fyre And through the frowning of thy face we perish in thine ire verse 17 Let thy right hand be with them nowe whom thou hast kept so longe And with the sonne of man whom thou to thee hast made so stronge verse 18 And so when thou hast set vs free and saued vs from shame Then will we neuer fall from thee but call vpon thy name verse 19 Lord of hosts through thy good grace conuert vs vnto thee Beholde vs with a Pleasaunte face and then full safe are wee Exultate deo Psalme lxxxi I. H. An exhortation to prayse God bothe in harte and voyce for his benefytes and to worship him only God condemneth the ingratitude and sheweth what greate benefites they haue loste thorowe theyr owne malyce BE lyghte and glad in God reioyce which is our strength staie be ioyfull and lyfte vp your voyce to Iacobs God I say prepare your instrumentes most mete some ioyfull psalme to synge stryke vp with harp and ●ute so swete on euery pleasant stryng verse 3 Blow as it were in the new mone with trumpets of the best As it is vsed to be done at any solemne feast verse 4 For this is vnto Israell a statute and a trade A lawe that must be kept full well which Iacobs God hath made verse 5 This clause with Ioseph was decreed when he from Egipt came That as a witnes all his sede shoulde still obserue the same verse 6 When God I say had so preparde to bryng him from that land Where as the speach which he had heard he did not vnderstand verse 7 I from his shoulders toke saith he the burden cleane awaye And from the furnace quit him free from burnyng bricke of claye verse 8 When thou in grief diddest cry and cal I holpe thee by and by And I did aunswer the withall in thunder secretly verse 9 Yea at the waters of discorde I did thee tempt and proue Wheras the goodnes of the Lorde with muttering thou diddest moue verse 10 Heare O my folke O Israell and I assure it thee Regarde and marke my wordes full wel if thou wilt cleaue to me verse 11 Thou shalte no God in thee reserue of any land abrode Nor in no wise to bow or serue a straunge and fortaine God verse 12 I am the Lorde thy God and I from Egipt set thee free Then aske of me aboundauntly and I will geue it the. verse 13 And yet my people woulde not heare my voyce when that I spake Nor Israell would not obey but did me quite forsake verse 14 Then did I leaue them to their will in hardnes of theyr hart To walke in theyr owne counsels still themselues they might peruert verse 15 O that my people would haue hard the wordes that I did say And eke that Israell would regarde to walke within my waye verse 16 How soone would I cōfound their foes and bring them downe full lowe And tourne my hand vpon all those that woulde them ouerthrowe verse 17 And they that at the Lorde doo rage as slaues shoulde seke him till But of his folke the time and age should florish euer stilll verse 18 18 I would haue fed them with the croppe and finest of the wheate And make the rock with hony droppe that they theyr filles should eate Deus stetit in Sinagoga Psalm lxxxii I. H The Prophet Declaring God to be present amongest the iudges and maiestrates reproueth their parcialitie and vnrighteousnes and exhorteth them to doo iustice but seeyng no amendemente he desireth God to vndertake the matter and execute iustice hym selfe A Mid the prease with men of might Sing this as the lxxvui Ps. The Lorde him selfe did stand To pleade the cause of truth and ryght with iudges of the land verse 2 How long said he will you procede false iudgement to awarde And haue respect for loue of mede the wicked to regarde verse 3 Whereas of due ye shoulde defend the fatherles and weake And when the poore man doth contend in iudgement iustly speake verse 4 If ye be wyse defende the cause of poore men in theyr ryght And ryd the nedie from the clawes of tyrants force and myght verse 5 But nothyng will they know or learne in vayne to them I talke They will not see or ought discerne but still in darknes walke For so euen now the tyme is come that all thynges fall to nought And like wise lawes both all and some for gayne are sold and bought verse 6 I had decreed it in my syght as Gods to take you all And children to the most of myght for loue I did you call verse 7 But not withstanding ye shall dye as men and so decay O tyrannes I shall you destroye and plucke you quyte away verse 8 Up Lord let thy strength be knowne and iudge the worlde with might For why all nations are thyne owne to take them as thy ryght Deus quis Similis Psalme lxxxiii I. H The people of Israell pray vnto the Lord to delyuer them from theire enemies bothe at home and far of which imagined nothing but their destruccyon and they desyre that all suche wicked people maye according as God was accostomed be stricken with the stormye tempests of Gods wrathe that they maye know that the Lord is most hye vpon the earthe DO not O God refrayne thy tounge in silence doo not staye Withholde not Lord thy selfe so long nor make no more delaye Sing this as the. lxxvii P verse 2 For why beholde thy foes and see how they doo rage and crye And those that beare an hate to thee holde vp theyr heades on hye verse 3 Against thy folke they vse disceate and craftly they
The hie hilles are succours for wilde goates to rest And eke the rocks stonye for conyes to hyde verse 19 The moone then is set her seasons to runne The dayes from the nightes therby to discearne And by thee descending also of the sunne The colde from heate alway therby we do learne verse 20 When darkenes doth come by Gods will and power Then crepe forth doo all the beastes of the wood verse 21 21 The lions range roaring their pray to deuoure But yet it is thou Lord which giuest them foode verse 22 Assone as the sunne is vp they retyre To touche in theyr dennes then are they full fayne verse 23 That man doo his worke may as right doth require Till night come and call him to take rest agayne The thirde parte verse 24 How sondry O Lorde are all thy workes founde With wisdom full great they are in dede wrought So that the whole worlde of thy prayse doth sounde And as for thy ryches they passe all mens thought verse 25 So is the great sea which large is and broade Where thinges that crepe swarme and beastes of eche sorte verse 26 There both mightie shippes saile and some lye at roade The whale huge and monstrous there also doth sporte verse 27 All thinges on thee wayte thou doest them relieue And thou in due tyme full well doest them fede verse 28 28 Now when it doth please thee the same so to geue They gather full gladly those thinges which they nede Thou openest thyne hand and they finde suche grace That they with good thinges are filled we see verse 29 But sore are they troubled if thou turne thy face For if thou their breath take vile dust then they be verse 30 Againe when thy sprite from thee doth procede All things to appoint and what shall insue Then are they created as thou hast decreed And doest by thy goodnes the drye earth renew verse 31 The prayse of the Lorde for euer shall last Who may in his workes by right well reioyce verse 32 His loke can the earth make to tremble full fast And likewise the mountains to smoke at his voyce verse 33 To thys Lorde and God sing will I alwayes So longe as I liue my God prayse wyll I verse 34 Then am I most certayne my wordes shall him please I will reioyce in him to him will I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lorde consume in thine ire And eke the peruerse them roote out with shame But as for my soule now let it still desire And say with the faithful prayse ye the Lordes Name Confitemini domino Psalm Cv. N. He prayseth the singuler goodnes of God who hathe of all the people of the worlde chosen a peculier people to him selfe and hauyng chosen them neuer ceaseth to doo them good euen for his promes sake GEue prayses vnto God the Lorde and call vpon his name Among the people eke declare his workes to spred his fame Sing this as the. lxxxxv Singye vnto the Lorde I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of all the wondrous workes that he hath wrought alwayes In honor of his holy name reioyse with one accorde And let the hart also reioyse of them that seke the Lorde Seke ye the Lord and seke the strength of his eternall might And seke his face continually And presence of his sight The wondrous works that he hath don kepe still in mindfull hart Ne let the iugements of his mouth out of your minde depart Ye that of faithfull Abraham his seruant are the sede ye his elect the children that of Iacob doo procede For he he only is I say the myghty Lord our God And his most rightfull iugements are through all the earth abrode His promise and his couenant whiche he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The. ii parte The couenant which he hath made with Abraham long agoe And faithfull othe which he hath sworne to Isaac also And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obey And for eternall couenant to Israell foray when thus he said loe I to you all Canaan land will geue The lot of your inheritance wherin your sede shall lyue Although their number at that tyme did very small appeare yea very small and in the land they then but strangers were Whyle yet they walkt from land to lande without a sure abode And while fro sondry kingdomes they did wander all abrode And wrong at none oppressers hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kinges reproued for their sake And thus he sayd touche ye not those that mine anoynted be Ne doo the prophets any harme that doo pertayne to me He calld a dearth vpon the land of death he stroyed the store But he against their time of nede had sent a man before The third parte Euen Ioseph which had once ben solde to liue a slaue in woe Whose feete they hurt in stocks whose soule the iron pearst also Untill the tyme came when his cause was knowne apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faultles truth did trye The king sent and deliuerd him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did freely let hym pas And ouer all hys house he made him Lorde to beare the swey and of his substance made him haue the rule and all the stay That he might to his will instruct the princes of his land And wisdomes lore his auncyent men might teache to vnderstand Then into the Egiptian land came Israell also And Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger thoo His people he excedingly in number made to flowe And ouer all their enemies in strength he made them growe whose hart he turnd that they with hate his people did entreate And did his seruantes wrongfully Abuse with false deceite His faithfull seruant Moses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to goe to them his message to disclose The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shewe And wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also Darknes he sent and made it darke in dede of brighter day And vnto his commission they did not disobey He turnd theyr waters into bloud he did their fishes slay Their land brought frogs euē in y t place where their king Pharao lay He spake and at his voyce there came great swarmes of noysome flyes And all the quarters of theyr land were filld with crauling lyse He gaue them colde and stony hayle in stede of milder rayne And firy flames within theyr land he sent vnto theyr payne He smote their vines and al theyr trees wheron their figges did growe And all the trees within their coastes downe did he ouerthrowe He spake then caterpillers did and greshoppers abound Which eate the grasse in all their land and frute of all their ground The. v. parte The first begotten in their land eke deadly did he smite yea the beginning and first
frute of all theyr strength and might With gold and siluer he them brought from Egipt land to passe And in the number of their tribes no feble one there was Egipt was glad and ioyfull then when they did thense depart For terrour and the feare of them was fallen vpon theyr hart To shroude them frō the parching heat a cloude he did display And fire he sent to geue them lyght when night had hid the day They asked and he caused quayles to rayne at their request And fully with the bread of heauen their hunger be represt He opend then the stony rock and waters gushed out And in the drye and parched groundes lyke riuers ranne about For of his holy couenant ay myndefull was he thoe Which to his seruant Abraham he plighted long agoe He brought his people forth with mirth and his elect with ioy Out of the cruell land where they had lyued in great anoye And of the heathen men he gaue to them the frutefull landes The labors of the people eke they toke into theyr hands That they his holy statutes might obserue for euermore And faithfully obey his lawes prayse ye the Lorde therfore Confitemine domino Psal. Cvi N. The people dispersed vnder Antiochus doo magnifie the goodnes of God emonge the iust and repentant Desiring to be brought agayne into the lande by Gods mercyfull vysytacion And after the manifold meruayles of God wrought in their deliueraunce forth of Egipt and the great ingratitude of the people rehearsed they doo praye and dedesier to be gathered from among the Heathē to the entent they may prayse the name of the God of Israell PRayse ye the Lod for he is good Sing this as the. lxxxxv his mercye dures for ay Who can expresse his noble actes or all his prayse display They blessed are that iugment kepe and iustly doo alwaye With fauour of thy people Lorde remember me I pray And with thy sauing health O Lorde vouchesafe to visite me That I the great felicytie of thine elect may see And with thy peoples ioy I may a ioyfull minde posses And may with thine inheritance a glorying hart expres Bothe we and eke our fathers all haue sinned euery one We haue committed wickednes and leudly we haue done The wonders great which thou O lord hast done in Egipt land Our fathers though they saw them al yet did not vnderstand Nor they thy mercies multitude did kepe in thankfull mind But at the sea yea the red sea rebelled most vnkind Neuertheles he saued them for honor of hys name That he might make his power knowne and spred abrode with fame The red sea he did then rebuke and forthwith it was dryed And as in wildernes so through the depe he did them guide He saued them from the cruel hand of their despitefull soo And from the enmies hand he did deliuer them also The second parte The waters their oppressors whelmd not one was left alyue Then they beleued his wordes praise in song they did him geue But by and by vnthankefully his workes they cleane forgat And for his counsell and his will they did neglect to wayte But lusted in the wildernes with fond and gredy lust And in the desert tempted God the stay of all theyr trust And then theyr wanton mindes desire he suffred them to haue but wasting leannes ther withall into their soule he gaue Then when they lodged in the tentes at Moses they did grutch Aaron the holy of the Lorde so did they enuie muche Therfore the earth did open wide and Dathan did deuoure And all Abrams companye did couer in that houre In their assemblie kindled was the whote consuming fyre And wasting flame did then burne vp the wicked in his ire Upon the hill of Horeb they an idole calf did frame And there the molten image they did worship of the same Into the likenes of a calfe that fedeth on the grasse Thus they their glory turnd and all their honor did deface And God their only sauiour vnkindly they forgot Which many great and mighty things in Egip land hadt wrought The third parte And in the land of Ham for them most wondrous works had done And by the red sea dredfull things performed long agone Therfore for their so shewing them forgetfull and vnkind To bring destruction on them all he purposde in his minde Had not his chosen Moses stoode before them in the breake To turne his wrath lest he on them with slaughter should him wreke They did despise the pleasant land that he beheght to geue Yea and the workes that he had spoke they did no whit beleue But in their tents with grudging hart they wickedly repined Nor to the voyce of God the Lorde they gaue a harkning mynde Therfore against them lifted he his strong reuenging hand Them to destroy in wildernes ere they should see the land And to destroy theyr sede among the nations with his rod And through the contrees of the world to scatter them abrode To Baal Peor then they did adioyne themselues also And eate the offringes of the dead so they forsoke him tho Thus with theyr owne inuentions his wrath they did prouoke And in his so inkindled wrath the plage vpon them broke But Phineas stoode vp with zeale the sinners vile to stay And iudgement he did execute and then the plage did stay The. iiii parte It was imputed vnto him for righteousnes that day And from thenceforth so compted is from race to race foraye At waters eke of Meribah they did him angry make Yea so far fourth that Moses was then punisht for theyr sake Because they vext his sprite so sore that in impatient heate His lippes spake vnaduisedly his feruor was so greate Nor as the Lorde commaunded them they slew the people thoe But were among the heathen mixt and learnde their workes also And did their idoles serue whiche were their ruine and decay To feends their sonnes daughters they did offer vp and slay yea with vnkindly murdring knife the giltles bloud they spilt yea theyr owne sons daughters bloud without all cause of gilt Whom they to Canaan idoles then offerd with wicked hand And so with blood of innocents defyled was the land Thus wer they stayned with the works of their owne filthy way And with their owne inuentions a whoring did they stray Therfore against his people was the Lordes wrath kind led sore And euen his owne in heritance therfore he did abhorre Into the handes of heathen men he gaue them for a prey And made theyr foes the lords whō they were forced to obey The v parte Yea and their hatefull enemies opprest them in the land And they were humbly made to stoope as subiectes to theyr hand Full oftentimes from thrall had he deliuerd them before But with their counsels they to wrath prouoked him euermore Therfore they by their wickednes were brought full low to lye yet when he saw them in distres he harkned to theyr crye He calld to