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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11090 The post of the vvorld VVherein is contayned the antiquities and originall of the most famous cities in Europe. With their trade and traficke. With their wayes and distance of myles, from country to country. With the true and perfect knowledge of their coynes, the places of their mynts: with al their martes and fayres. And the raignes of all the kinges of England. A booke right necessary and profitable, for all sortes of persons, the like before this tyme not imprinted. Verstegan, Richard, ca. 1550-1640. 1576 (1576) STC 21360; ESTC S116185 36,307 121

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¶ THE POST For diuers partes of the world to trauaile from one notable Citie vnto an other with a descripcion of the antiquitie of diuers famous Cities in Europe The contents doe farther apeare in the next leafe folowing ¶ Very necessary profitable for Gentlemen Marchants Factors or any other persons disposed to trauaile The like not heretofore in English. Published by Richard Rowlands Jmprinted at London by Thomas Cast ▪ 1576. A Briefe description of the antiquitie of diuers famous cities in Europe The vvayes and most vsed passages from one notable citie to another in Germany Bohemia Hungaria Polonia Lyttaw and the low countries vvith Italy Fraunce England Spayne and Portingale The value of the coyne vsed in sundry Regions Also the principall Fayres and Marketts VVith the varietie of Myles TO THE RIGHT worshipfull Syr Thomas Greasham Knight R. Rowlands wisheth continual encrease of renoumed worship and Vertue AFTER that I Right vvorshipfull had perused thys small Pamflet conteyninge a briefe collection of the most vseall and accustomable wayes leadinge from the one notable Citie in Europe to an other being vvritten vvith no smal labour and industry and not vvithout great cause very necessarily published in the high Almaine tongue and the like also to be seene in the French and Italian I thought it a thing very vncurteous and vvorthy of reproofe to vvith-hould so needefull a cōmoditie any longer from our voulgare spech vvhereby I vvas the more imboldened to the finishing therof at such times as I might best attēd vpon the same I haue moreouer set downe the antiquitie of many cities vvorthy of memory the founders of their auncient monuments the vvhich I haue diligently collected out of sundry approued aucthors It resteth now that I therein most humbly craue your good vvorships furtheraunce as of one most vvorthy for your great experience and trauailes into forreyne Realmes in the Princes vvaighty affaires as it is not vnknowne so that therby it might the better vnder your protection passe forth into the handes of many And although right vvorshipfull this briefe collection doth contain no pleasant history nor delightful new deuised matter yet doubtlesse a thinge of necessitie to be desired especially of all suche Gentlemen as are adicted to trauaile vvhich hetherto haue vvanted the same beside Marchants or Factors in forreyne countries dispersed as their trafique requireth But to be briefe I cease further to reherse perticulerly the commodities thereof Desiring your vvorship to take in good part the first fruites of my labours trusting hereafter if God lend me good successe to impart vnto your vvorship some further matter of more delight or pleasure in the reading thereof And thus I desire almightie God to preserue you vvith your verteous Lady in health and prosperous felicitie Your worshippes most bounden to commaund Richard Rowlands ¶ A godly prayer very needefull to be vsed and sayde before any Iorney be taken in hand O Lorde Iesus Christe with thy almightie euerlasting heauenly Father in vnitie with the holy Ghost very trwe and euerliuinge God as thou diddest leade the children of Israell out of the lande of Egipt into the lande of Promise through the vnfrequented Wildernesse in great safetie in the daye tyme by a Cloude and in the darke night by a Firy Piller Euen thou O Lorde which dyddest guyde the Wyse men from the rysing of the Sunne vnto Bethlem and home againe into their owne countrie by a Starre preseruinge them from all hurtes and daungers So likewise O heauenly Father I most humbly desire thee that in this my Iourney thou wilt be my guide and protectour that I may accomplish and bring this my way to an ende in health and gladnesse Preserue and kéepe me from all perills of Soule and body so that by thy fatherly protection I may ouercome all perills and daungers through Iesus Christ thyne onely welbeloued sonne our Lord and Sauiour Amen ¶ Here foloweth the varietie of myles GEntle Reader whē thou shalt finde in this Booke Italian Myles then maist thou know that 5. Italian Myles containe one Germaine Myle When thou fyndest French Myles then thrée French Myles doe contayne one Germayne Myle If thou fyndest Spanish Myles they are equall in lengthe vnto Germayne Myles If thou fyndest English Myles then doe 5. English Myles make two Germayne Myles If thou shalt sée Hungarian Myles then accompt two Hungarian Myles for thrée Germayne Myles If thou fyndest Switzers Myles then accompt two Switzers Myles for thrée Germayne Myles GENTLE Reader I thought it good to aduertise thée the I haue orderly marked in the margent by certaine letters whereby thou shalt know which are Cities Villages or houses of Religion lying in the way as thus The letter C for a Citie the letter M for a Market Town K for a Kloyster and the letter V for a Village so foorth And on the other side the Myles from one place to an other and for the halfe Myle this letter d. ¶ Here foloweth the most vsed wayes and passages from one notable Citie in Germany vnto another With certain brief descriptions of the antiquities of diuers Cities And first of Augspurge THe Citie of Augspurge is of great antiquitie taking the name after the Emperour Augustus after many conflictes had of the Romans began to florish but of late yeares it is so encreased in all aboundaunce of riches and gorgious buildinges that the like Citie is not found in all Germany Beside that for marchandise it may compare with any citie in Europe forasmuch as their trafique stretcheth through all places aswell in Africa as in Europe ¶ From the Citie of Augspurge vnto Nurnberg V Gerschho●en 1 V Langkwaide 1 V Westendorf 1 V Merding 2 C Thonawerd 1 K Kaiserszhaim d. V Buchdorf d. C Monhaim 1 V Dietfurt am hanen kamm 2 C Weysenburg 1 V Ellingen d. M Pleinfeld d. V Gmynd 1 V Ritters bach 1 C Schwabach 2 C Nurnberg 2 The summe of Myles is 18. The Citie of Nurnberge is replenyshed with cunning Artificers in all kinde of Sciences by which the Marchaunts thereof and the whole citie is chefly maintained conueying the said worke into all landes The Region or countrie there about is very barron vnfrutefull insomuch that with great labour and trauaile it can scarcely yeld any commoditie From the citie of Nurnberge to Leiptzig V Buch 1 V Erlang 2 V Bayrszdrof 1 C Forchhaim 1 V Hirschhaid 2 C Bamberg 2 V Ratoldesdorf 2 V Kaltenbrune 2 C Koburg 2 C Newstattlm 2 V Iudenbach on the thuringer forest 1 C Grafenthal at the ende of the Forest 3 C Salfeld 2 C Rutelstat 1 C Rhall 2 C Ihena 1 V Dornweck 2 C Naunburg 1 C Weysenfelz 2 C Litzen 2 C Leiptzig 2 The summe of Myles 36. From the citie of Nurnberg to Leyptzig another way on the Bergstet V Schnatten 4 M Thumbach 5 C Rewitz 4 C Eger 5 C Falckennaw 5 C Elenbogen 1 C Karlestat in the which
La venta dos hermanas 1 La venta fresnedilla 1 La venta Daran d. La venta de los locas d. La venta de la cruce 1 La venta el Halama 1 Las ventas nueuas 1 Las porquerizas 2. d. La venta guadalmes d. La venta dell herrero 1 La venta taiada 2 La venta del alcalde 1 La vēta del molinillo d. Tartanedo 2 Almodouar del cāpo 2 Caraquell 3 Ciudad real 3 Peraluillo 2 Malagon 2 La vēta de la zarzuela 2 La venta darazutan 2 La venta Guadal erza 2 Yeuenas 2 Orgaz 1 Las ventas de Diezma 2. d. Toledo 2. d. Lazara Buey d La puent guadarrama 2 Villa miel d. Huccas 1 Noues 1 San Siluestere d. Gismonde d. Escalona 2 Paredes ● Cadahalso 2 La venta de los toros de guisando 1 La venta la tablada d. Zebreros 1. d. La vēta la palomera 2. d La vēta de san Bartolme 1 La venta del marques 1 Mediana 2 San Vincente 1 Santo Domingo 2 Paiares 2 Areualo 3 Ataquines 3 San Vincent 1 Valuerde d. Medina del campo 1. d. Rueda 2 Tordesillas 2 Torre lobaton 3 Castromonte ● Valuerde 1 Medina de rio seco ● Moral de la reyna 2 Cuenca 1. d. Vi●●●lon d. Monesterio de vega 3 Mansilla ● Leon. 3 The summe of myles 133 ¶ Here followeth the ready way to vnderstand the valuation of the coine or minte in the principall Regions Landes and Cities GEntle reader although the varietie of the Mintes in diuers countries is great by reason of the goodnes and delay of the mettals and also the diuersitie of places and prouinces and the alteration of the successours of them whereby it is ofte times changed augmented or debated I will therefore note down the chiefe coyne which passeth furthest thorowe the handes of the marchaunts wherby any in buying or sellinge maye the easiest make vp hys accoumpte and reconing The Mynte of the citie Augspurge 7 Haller is a Creitzer 8 Pence is a Bemish 3 Creitzer is a Plappart 20 Plappart is a Guldin 26 Bemish and 2 pence is also a Guldin The Churfursters Mynte on the Rheyne Guldins with pressed with whéeles which haue their waight are worth the péece 26 Alb. 30 Alb is one pound peny 15 Alb is a pound Haller 7. d Alb is a d. pound Haller 17 Shiling peny is a pound Peny 10 Shilling is a pound Haller 34 Shilling and 6 Haller is one Guldin 20 Shilling Haller is a Pound Haller 208 Pence is a Guldin 8 Pence is one Albus 242 Linger Haller is one Guldin 12 Finger Haller is one Alb 9 Binger Haller is one Shilling Haller The Mente of Franckford 27 Alb a Franckford Haller is one Guldine 24 Shilling franckford Haller is also a Guldin 216 Franckford hallers is also a Guldin 20 Franckford Hallers is an old Tornes 18 Franckford Hallers is a Tornes A new Tornes is two Francford Shilling 7 Franckford Haller make● a Lyon English 8 Franckford Hallers is one Alb 9 Franckford Hallers is a Shilling 1 Marcke Colen Pence make 3 Guldins and a half 1 Marcke of mony makes 2 Guldens and a half 1 Shilling Colinish pence is 12. pence containes 3 Silling 4 Colenish Pence make 9 Haller and is one Shilling 1 Shilling light pence make thirtéene Hallars and a half 2 Shilling light pence make one Shilling Colenish 8 Shilling Colenish make a Guldin 1 Vierding Peny makes 9 Shilling 6 Leight Pence make 7 old Hallers and a half 10 Young Hallers maketh seuen old Hallers 1 Pound of old Hallers make a Guldine and 4 Englishes 1 Pound young Hallars make 20 Shilling Minte of Nurneberg 2 Haller is one Peny 5 Pence is a finffer 50 Fynffer and two Pence is a Guldin 30 Pence is a pound 8 Pound and 12 Pence is also a Guldin 252 Pence make also a guldin 7 Pence is a Grosch 36 Groshes make also a guldin The Minte of Augstria 1 G●lden is 8 Shill●ng 1 Shilling is 30 pence ● Peny is 2 Hallers 4 Pence is 1 Creyt●er The minte of Hungaria ● Guldin hath 100 pence 1 Peny hath 2 Haller The minte of Missen 24 Groshen make one guldin 1 Grosh hath 6 lion pence 1 Gulden makes 144 Lion Pence 1 Grocsh is 12 pence 2●2 Pence is one Guldin 60 Groschen is one shock 20 Groschen is an old shock 21 schneberger is also a guldin 2 Sword groschen is one Schneberger The Mynte of Saraszburg 6 Pence is one Plappart 8 Pence is a Batz 4 Pence is a Vierer 2 Pence is a zwayre or a Creitzer 2 Helbling is a peny 2 Ortlins is a helbling 12 Pence is two plappartes or one shilling groschen 21 Plappart is one guldin 126 Pence is also a Guldin The minte of VVrtenberg 6 Pence is one shilling 11 Pence is one Batz 8 Pence is a Bemish 11 Hallers is 2 Creitzer 20 Shilling is a pound 28 Shilling is a Guldin 168 Pence is also a Guldin The Mynte of Saltzburg and Regensburg ● Bayrish pence is a grosch 30 Bayrish pence is a shilling 8 Shilling is a pound 7 Shilling is a Guldin The mynte of Prage the chief citie of Bohemia 6 Pence or 12 Haller is a Grosch 60 Groschen is a schock 40 Groschen is a marcke and after that rate a man may buy all kinde of wares The mynte of the citie of Vlm. 6 Pence is a shilling 21 Haller is a beohmish 7 Haller is a creitzer 20 Shilling is a pound The minte in the kingdom of Denmarck 32 Groschin is a Guldine The mynte of Polonia 42 Groschen is a Guldin 16 Shilling is a Marck 4 Pence is a with 3 Marck is a Gulden The Mynte of the citie Lubeck 12 Pence is a shilling ● Vierding is 9 shilling 3● Shilling is a Marcke 68 Silling is a Guldin The Minte of Kinigsperg Dantzke in Prussen 6 Pence is a shilling 15 Shilling is a vierding 80 Shilling is a Guldin 480 Pence is also a Guldin 60 Sh●lling is a Marcke 1● Pence is a Stott 6 Stott is a vierding 2● Stot is a Marcke 3● Stot is a guldin The Minte of the citie of Colen on the Riuer Rheyn 6 Morchen is a Shilling 2 Shilling is a white peny 24 White pence are a Gulden The Minte of Switzerland 4 Augster is a Creitzer 12 Augster is a Boehmish 60 Creitzers or 260 Augster is a rheynish Guldin The Minte of the citie Basil 6 Rappen is a Plappart 25 Plappart is a Guldin 144 Rapen is also a Guldin 1 Creitzer is fiue Hallers The Minte of the citie of Venice 1 Katrine is like a vierer of which fiue make a Creitzer 3 Katrin is a Market 300 Katrin is a Guldin 10 Marcket is a Marzel 9 Marzel is a Guldin 12 Marzel is a Ducat 12 Berner is a Shillin 8 Shilling is a whole Groschen 114 Shilling is a ducate 32 Berner is a Grosch in Gold 24 Groschen is a Ducate 12