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A09568 A briefe chronicle of the foure principall empyres To witte, of Babilon, Persia, Grecia, and Rome. Wherein, very compendiously, the whole course of histories are conteined. Made by the famous and godly learned man Iohn Sleidan, and englished by Stephan Wythers.; De quatuor summis imperiis. English Sleidanus, Johannes, 1506-1556.; Wythers, Stephen. 1563 (1563) STC 19849; ESTC S114630 119,109 230

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others call hym Saturne they say that in the fyue and fourtye yere of hys Empyre he sent Assur Mede Magog and Moscus for to guyde the bandes of men whiche he sent to inhabite here and there and for to grounde and establish kingdomes of theyr names to witte of Assiria of Mede of Magog and of Moscus whereof the two fyrst apperteyne vnto Asia the other two last appertayne vnto Affrica and vnto Europa The holye scipture also maketh mencion of that Assur Assur and sayeth that the cytye of Nineue was buylded by hym Iupiter Belus succeded his father Nimrod who some say did Iupiter Belus occupie all the West parts euen vnto Samaria on Europe after that he had made warre agaynst Sabatius kynge of Sagnos whome he could not altogether discomfite because he was preuented by death but Ninus his sonne vtterly vanquished him Ninus and hauynge spred hys dominion farre abroade he first of all gotte the Monarcke Thre C. and fifty yeres after the flood Noah dyed And about eyghtene yeares after Abraham the tenth after Noah left hys countrey by the commaundement of God being thre score and fyftene yeres olde Foure and twentye yeares after God made a Couenaunt with him by the Circumcision Circūcision instituted which he instituted In the hundreth yere of hys age Isaac hys sonne was borne vnto him and he lyued after that tyme thre score and fiftene yeres for the lyfe of man was euen alreadye greatlye shortened The holy scriptures teache vs howe and for what cause Iacob his nephewe came into Egipt where he dyed and howe those of hys lynage dwelt there for certeyne hundredes of yeres and beynge oppressed with moste cruell bondage brought out and delyuered by the grace of God vnder the gouernement of Moyses Nowe thys goyng furth of Israell out of the lande of Egypt The goyng out of egipt is coūted to be the MM. CCCC.LIIII yere after the creation of the worlde CCCC XXX yeres after the promise was made vnto Abraham as sayeth Paule the Apostle After Moyses the people of Israell had Iudges vntyll Saull whome Dauid succeded beyng the second kynge of that people Let vs retourne vnto the Empyre of Babilon After the death of Ninus Semiramis the widdow of Ninus Semiramis hys wyfe raigned who was as noble in riches victories and triumphes as euer was any She enlarged the towne of Babilon The noblenes of Semiramie and made it of an indifferent bignes also she decked it with diuers fayre buildings and did compasse it with walls She vanquished the countrey of Ethiopia and also made warre agaynst the countrey of India Zameis her sonne the fifte kyng did nothyng worthy of memory Zameis But Arius that raigned next after him Arius ioyned to hys empyre the Bactrians and Caspians Aralius his succcessour was as it is reported borne to warre Aralius and yet not withstandyng we fynde none of hys actes in wrytyng Baleus that folowed hym did subiect diuers people vnder hym Baleus that was surnamed Xerxes did spreade hys dominion euen vnto the countrey of Indea and therfore he was surnamed Xerxes that is to say victorious a triumpher and a man of warre The nynth called Armatrites Armatrites was altogether addicted vnto voluptuousnes and ydlenes There is nothyng found of Belochus the tenth Belochus but that he set hys mynde vpon prognostications and diuinations Baleus Baleus the eleuenth is counted to be next after Semiramis the most industrious and valiant man of warre and it is sayd that he was greatly renoumed and praysed by the wrytyngs of learned men Altadas the twelue loued to be at rest and to liue a quiet and peaceable lyfe as the report goth estemyng it to be a great folly Altadas to be tormented and vexed with diuers labours and cares for to encrease hys kyngdome for as much as it did not appertayne to the health or commoditie of men but rather to theyr domage bondage The .xiii. that folowed him Mamitus named Mamitus did agayne stirre vp awake his men to warfare in such sort that his power was suspected feared of the Sirians Egiptians Manchale● There is nothing to be sayd of Manchaleus Spherus who is the .xiiii. Spherus the xv was as it is reported a man of great vertue wisdō There is no act mencioned of Mamelus Mamelus who was the .xvi. Merueylous thyngs are foūd to haue happened in all places vnder Sparetus the .xvii. Ascarades who was the .xviii. did subiect all Siria vnder his obedience Sparetus And here endeth Berosus Ascarades which is read at this day of the which booke diuers do greatly doute and do iudge it to be false and not withstanding they obserue this order because that herein all other writings faile vs. Other do count .xx. kyngs vnto Sardanapalus Sardanapalus who was the .xxxviii. king of Assiria He was the most effeminate that euer was borne in such sort that he was always conuersant among women handling the distafe spindle and he was so ouerwhelmed in pleasures and voluptuousnes that he scarsly did at any tyme shew him self abroad These doings of his wer the cause that two of his lieutenants Belochus of Babilon Belochus Arbaces Arbaces of Medea did conspire against him after that thei had openly declared his filthines dilicatenes they made war against him He finally presented himself in campe vnwillingly with his effeminat company but hauing the worst hand he hastely retired into his palace where after that he had gathered a great heape of wood The ende of Sardanapalus he brunt him self with all his riches whereby onely as one wryteth he declared hym self a man These two Lieutenantes did afterwards diuide the Monarchie betwene them Belochus was kyng of Babilon and Arbaces of the Medes and Persians Sardanapalus then was the laste kynge of the Assirians accordynge to the order aboue mencioned after that this Monarchie had continued M.CCC yeres for the moste parte of the kynges dyd lyue a very long tyme. Belochus the .xxxix. or elles if it seeme better the first kynge of Assiria in the newe Monarchie Belochus the first king of Assiria in the newe Monarche made Manahem kyng of Israell become tributarie vnto hym The holy scriptures doth not call him Belochus but Phul. Hys successour was Phull Assur surnamed Tiglath Pillesser who wanne certayue townes of Iudea and led the people captiue into Assiria It is that Tiglath whome Achas kyng of Iudea vnder whome Esay lyued prayed to succour hym against the kyng of Siria and vnto whome he sent presentes Salmanasar succeded hym Salmanasor who wanne the towne of Samaria after he had beseged it three yeres and led Hosea kyng of Israell wyth the people captiue gaue them a dwellynge place in hys countrey euen in Medea as the holy scripture saith wherof some haue opinion that he raigned also ouer the Medes
third booke How the Almaines are entred into fraūce BEFORE that we begyne to speake of Charlemayne vnto whom according as we haue sayd the West Empyre was bequethed it behoueth to declare somewhat of the Germaines of whom he proceaded Fyrst of all it is most euident that the Germayns haue oftentymes passed the Rheine and haue entred into the French dominio●s to the end there to make their inhabitition because of the goodnes of the country For the Teuthons did pierce into Prouince where they were defeicted by the Consull C. Marius Synce as the Auuergnaes and they of Autun did stryue and cont●nd for the principalitie certain bands of Almaynes hyred of the Auuergnaes and t●●y of Sens came thether By litle and lytle they so encreased that vnder the king Ariouistus they possessed the most part of the country Iulius Cesar defeicted them in plaine batta●le And certayn yeres a●ter as he made war against them of Liege which is a people beyond Brabant the Germains passed again ouer the Rheine for to assaile the Romain host But they were ouerthrowen where the Maze and the Rheyne meteth Many yeares after they held thēselues within their limites because that the Romain Emperours made war vpon thē But hauing gotten a certayn apt commodious time they loked vnto theyr aduantage and forraged Fraunce without ceasse So likewise in the Emperour Gallienus time a voluptuous man and of no worthines they did inuade and oppresse it by succession of time became so mightie that the Emperour Probus the fourth after Gallienus draue them out with great difficultie Iulianus also Lieutenant of the Emperour Constans dyd ioyne in battaile with them Synce in the Emperour Honorius time the Gothes entred by force of armes into Fraunce who beyng encoumbred with diuers w●rres graunted them the country of Aqui●ania to dwell in On the other syde the French Almayns entryng in armes through the country called Gallia Belgica suppressed them of Trire Gilderlād Cleaue with them of Liege of Terouane of Turney of Amiens of Beauuoys of Soissonois Which done they toke their habitatiō in that part of Gallia Paris the head Citie of Fraūce the which yet at this day beareth the name of Fraunce Wherof Paris is the head Citie nere wherto is the town of S. Denis the which was afterwards consecrated to bury the kings as it is yet at this present They being so enlarged and holding also before a great part of Germanie to witte al the country about the riuer of Mein and of Rheyne did not onely defēd themselues if any came to assaile them but also set vpon others And as the Romain Empire fel dai by day into decay in Asia Afrike the Lombards also waistig Italy they maruelously enlarged their limites in Fraunce Afterwardes manye of their kings raigned there vntil such time as the kyngdom fel into the hands of Pipine of Charlemaine his sonne Charles Martellus was the father of Pipine who was not king but one of the princes great maisters as they are commonly called He vanquished them of Bauiers of Swaine For according as the writters of the * Histories of Actes yerely done Annales of Fraunce do mention the time hath bene that the kynges haue had but only the tytle and the name as touching the whole aucthorie it was in the hands of the great Maister The Great maisters of Fraunce their credit For they were altogether degenerated from the vertue manlines of their ancestours and being addicted vnto pleasures voluptuousnes they toke no care of the publike weale Wherfore the Great maister had the administration and dyd increase so much the more hys power as the lithernes carlesnes of the king did abound Pipine who was great maister in the raigne of Childericus came to the crowne vnder such occasion The kyngs suffer the pope to displace them the thing hauing bene debated vpon before pope Zachary as they say Mentiō is made hereof in the decree which they intitill of Gratianus where it is said to be lawfull vnto the popes to put the kynges out of their thrones But the tytle inscriptiō of that place is false For albeit that there haue ben two Emperours named Anastasius notwithstādyng it cannot be attributed neither to the one nor to the other forasmuch as the first raigned more then two C. yeres before the befell the other .xxxvii. Moreouer in the last mans daies there was neuer any pope named Gelasius I thought it necessarye to adde this Contraritie in the writinges of Popes for to aduertise the readers to read intentiuely warly the writigs of popes For we find in diuers places that their chiefe end is to put their lawes in credite auctority by falsly giuing to vnderstand that they are very ancient Ouer besides this that Pipine did suppresse the Lombards in Italy at the request of the pope as is before said he made warre agaynst the Saxons and moreouer against them of Aquitania whose Duke beynge taken he slewe After the death of Pipyne they oftentymes rebelled But Charlemayne hys sonne putte ende vnto the twoo warres to wytte that of Saxonye and of Aquitania but not wyth oute greate trauayle Lōg warre against the Saxons He had warre with the Saxons for thre thirtie yeares space and during this warre he was also occupied with others For he did subdue the country of Bauier the which did rebell vnder the conduction of the Captain Tassilon and made two iournies against the Lombards and passed euen into the land of Lauor in such sort that he subiected all Italy and ordayned lawes as touchyng policie He constrained also the cities of Gallia situated about the Ocean sea in times past named * The auncient name of Britaine in Fraūce Armorica and now comprehended vnder the name of lytle Britayne to do their duety Because that they refused to pay the tribute that was yerely dew vnto the kings of Fraūce He went also into Spain where he was victorious against the Saracenes but at his returne the Gascons a people of Aquitania did lay waite for him in the forestes called * Mountaines which do diuide Fraunce frō Spaine Pirenees discomfited him Finally at the eyght yeres end he vainquished the Hūnes who held the country of Hungaria pacified Bohemia by hys Lieutenāts His last war was against the Danois or Normanes who wasted all that side of Germanye and of Gallia with their sea armie Through these so great actes he was surnamed the Great For before tyme the French kings did hold but that part of Germany which is betwen Saxony and Dunowe betwen the Rhey●e the riuer of Sala betwene Swane and Bauieres But he annexed the whole country of Saxonie moreouer the two Hungaries Demnarbe or the great Westphaly● Ireland and the mediteran cost of Dalmatia The aboue sayd French kings did possesse in Gallia the part which is betwene the Rheine and Loire
Emperour the Pope made him ready to say masse and for to purge hymselfe of the crimes imputed vnto hym he swalowed the vnleauened bread or the cake whych they call Corpus Domini giuing hymself vnto a thousand thousand deuills if all weare not fayned and inuented by hys aduersaries The par●●rie of Hildebrand he exhorted the Emperour that yf on hys part he thought the accusations of the Princes to be false that he had wrong done vnto hym that according to his example he shuld swallow the other morsell of the bread consecrated But as the Emperour did excuse hymself saying that he could not wel so doe the Pope did no more presse vpon hym but hauyng made hym a feast he gaue hym leaue very courtuously This being knowen the great lords of Italy were greatly offended for that the Emperour had so vilely and vnhonestly submitted hymselfe vnto him who by wicked practises had vsurped the Papacie who had fylled and polluted all wyth murders and adulteries The Emperour the aulter and defence of lawes They had put all theyr hope in him who is the protectour of Iustice the aulter and defence of lawes and had not only contemned the excommunication but also were sore animated agaynst the pope for hys sake now hath done an acte for euer vnhonest hath fyled and defamed the Empyre with aspote that can neuer be washed away beyng reconciled with the enemy aswell of the Church as of the publike weale These and such lyke rumours did runne amongst them and not rumours only but also they were mynded to electe the Emperours Nephewe and to bring hym to Rome for to displace the Pope The Emperour being informed of these things saw no way more expedient for to appease them then to breake the couenaunt and to ioyne hymself with them Which doyng he brake the Popes enterpryses so that he was cōstrained to leaue of his iourny which he had taken towards Germany He then not able to do any other thing declared vnto the Princes of Germanye by Ambassadours that whych had bene done and exhorted them to loke vnto the publike weale Rudolphus elected agaynst Henry This be fell the yere a thousand seuenty seuen The Princes then elected Emperour Rudolphus Duke of Swane who was consecrated by the Byshop of Mense Henry returning into Germany gathered souldiours the which did Rudolphus also who trusted chiefly vpon the succour of the Saxons But at the thyrd conflicte he was so sore hurt that he lyued not long after This victorie wonne Henry assembled the estates at Brixne where it was decreed by the Bishops that there were aswell Italians as Germains that Gregory was not lawfull Byshop of Rome wherfore the Archbyshop of Rauenna was put in hys place Pope Victor against Hildebrād and named Victor the thyrd Thys decre made the Emperour draw to Rome and assaulted Gregory who found meanes to escape and flye awaye The Emperour confyrmed Victor the thyrd and was crowned by him Gregory being dead Vrbanus the second who was the nexte after hym came to Clermount in Auuergne where there was an assemblye of dyuers great Lordes at suche tyme as Philip the fyrst of that name raygned in Fraunce There he perswaded the warre agaynst the Saracenes The Counsell at Clermount whereof afterwards Godfrey of Bullon was head who prospered in dyuers enterpryses and recouered Iurusalem Paschall Vrbanus successour was also the Emperours enemye who myndyng by reason hereof to take voyage into Italye He appoynted hys Sonne to be hys successour He beyng pushed of others and hauyng forgotte the duety whych naturally is ingraffed in vs The sonne against the father brought hys Father into extreame dystreasse and constrayned hym to forgoe the Empyre hauyng the Pope and dyuers Prynces of Germany that sette to theyr helpyng handes He was then Emperour the fyfth of that name whose Father dyed afterwardes in great myserye in the Towne of Liege Certayn yeres after he marched into Italy wyth a mightye armye for to accord the varyaunce that was betwene the publyke weale of the Empyre and the Papacye Henrye the fyfth and makyng hymself way be force of armes fynally came to Rome The Emperour conferred the benifices Nowe synce Constantyne the Emperours dyd conferre the ecclesiastycall honours and dignities The whych at length vexed the Popes that were becomme ryche And for as muche as they thought the thynge vnreasonable they stirred vppe dyuers innimities agaynst the Emperours Thys Emperour then demaunded out of hand hys ryght and aucthoritie wherof was raysed a greate tumulte at Rome in suche sorte that the Emperour was awaked by nyghte for to succour hys menne speadelye who weare slayne of the enemyes on all sydes When the sedicious were defeyted he toke Paschal the second and dyd not let hym depart before that he had satisfied him Pope Phascal taken by the Emperour and made alliaunce and agreed But assoone as the Emperour was returned into Germany the Pope brake the othe which he had made by most holy wordes and excōmunicated the Emperour Pope Phascal breaketh his othe This offred occasiō of rebellion vnto many princes of Germanye chiefly vnto hym of Mense The Emperour beyng retourned into Italy sent Ambassadours vnto the Pope for to make peace but as that was a doyng the Pope diseassed and Gelasius the second succeaded hym The Emperour not content for that no mencion was made vnto him of the election The Pope and the Emperour are excommunicated came to Rome and ordeyned another Gelasius beyng dryuen out excōmunicated the Emperour and the Pope that he had constituted And forasmuch as his Ambassadours solicited them of Germany for to reuolte the Emperour was enforced to retyre homeward The meane whyle Gelasius dyed in whose place the Romaines elected Calixtus the seconde He displaced him whome the Emperour had created in despyte of Gelasius and by the meanes of certain he agreed with the Emperour Lotharius the third of that name succeded Henry the fyfth Lotharius the third who was of the house of the Duks of Saxony Cōrad Duke of Swane made warre vpon him beyng dyspleased that the Empire was retourned vnto the Saxons and went into Italye for to vsurpe the Realme whilest Lotharius shoulde possesse Germanye But beynge destitute of succour he retourned and made peace with the Emperour Innocent the .ii. was then Pope at Rome who had Anacletus to his aduersary and for asmuch as Anacletus was of a great house Innocent was constrained to forgoe the place Notwithstanding hauyng required them perours ayde he was reestablished The Emperour being retourned into Germany and hauing there ordered his affayres he tooke agayne hys way into Italy with a great army where he sacked certayne rebellious townes and amongest others Ancone and Spoletum He draue Roger kyng of Sicill out of Puel and out of the land of Lauor in such sort that since Charlemain there is found no Emperour that hath done more enterprises in Italy
It is saide that at that tyme the ciuill law which we haue sayde to haue bene gathered together by the commaundement of Iustinian and which since had bene put in obliuion through the tumults of warre was called again into lyght The ciuill law restored Henry surnamed the proud was then duke of Bauiers duke of Saxonie by contract of mariage because that he was the emperour Lothariꝰ son in law He coueting the Empyre hauing conspired sundry thyngs agaynst the Emperour was bannished hys possessions parted geuen vnto others But Henry recouered the coūtrey of Saxonie and as he drewe towards Bauiers he died leauyng a lytle sonne for whose sake the Saxons rebelled agaynst the Emperour And moreouer Welpho the brother of Henry diseassed conquered with sword the countrey of Bauiers draue out Lupoldus whome the Emperour had made lord of the countrey We haue a lytle before sayd Roger king of Sicilia that themperour did thrust out Roger king of Sicilia But he taking oportunitie of this that Germany was so troubled set vpon Sicilia defeited the Emperours lieutenant Afterwards he incited Welpho by meanes of great promises to offer alwayes occasions of war vnto the said Emperour so to kepe him occupied The kyng of Hungary who also feared him did the lyke And as the Emperour thought to go into Italy hauing all things in readines he died at Bamberg And Conrad duke of Swane succeded him Conrad Emperour who went a warfare against the Saracenes but hauyng lost his army retourned home where he ended his life Fridericus redbeard the first of that name Fridericus redbeard his nephew and duke of Swane was Emperour after him a man of noble industrie He in the beginning of his raigne appeased the princes of Germany and tooke away the variaunce that was touching Saxonie Bauiers Afterwards went into Italy with a great armie where he chastised them of Verone for that they had contemned him and for example he caused certen of the chief to be hāged About Placentia he cōmaūded al the princes vassals of the Empyre to make him watche He besieged Millan brake downe Ast destroyed Dertone Beyng arriued at Rome he was crowned of Adriane the fourth He suppressed the citizens that did rebel ouerthrew Spolet and made great slaughter He subdued the Lumbards and hauyng surmounted the ambushmentes which they of Verone had layed for hym retourned into Germany He punisshed ignominiously the Prince Palatine who in his absence had styrred vp troubles and debates He made the duke of Bohemia kyng The meane whyle the Millanes dyd diuers wronges vnto theyr neyghbours and reestablished Dartone that the Emperour had destroyed Therefore he returned with a great army and vanquished the Millanes by the ayde of them of Cremone The Millans rebell against the Emperour Pauia and of Noaire The towne being taken pardon was graunted vnto the common sort at the request of the Princes of Germany who had bene required of them All Lumbardie beyng brought agayn in to obedience the town of Millan ordered by his pollicie he went vnto other people thereaboutes But after his departure the Millanes rebelled contemning the lawes that he had made destroyed the fortes bulworkes by him buylt Againe he returned spoyled the whole coūtrey putting all to sack that apperteyned vnto them In the meane time great cōspiraties were kindled against him in Italy the pope Adrianus of whome we haue spoken was a doer herein who died beyng fully minded to excommunicate him The Emperour came into Italy the thyrde tyme The towne of Millan ouerthrowo● and raised vp the foundation of Millan made the authour of the rebellion to be beheaded and sent in exile the rest of the people Afterwards hauing layed siege before Rome he lost the most part of his armye by contagious sickenes Wherefore he raised the siege and left garrison of men in Toscane at Spolet Ancone Rauenna apoynting men at his pleasure who shuld gouerne the publyke weale This done he tooke his way into Germany After the dissease of pope Adrianus two dyd stryue for the popedome These two were Victor Alexander the thyrde The Emperour was more affectioned to Victors but Alexander excommunicateth his aduersarie Strife for the popedome after as the quarell dyd enflame he dyd the lyke vnto the Emperour The Millanes seyng the oportunitie did rebell and draue the Emperours lieutenants frō diuers places of Italy of whome they hanged certain The Emperour beyng retourned into Italy fought against them vnknowing who had the better The Pope companion of armes did flye to Venice At length there was trewes betwene them the Emperour tooke in hand the viage of Asia agaynst the enemyes of the christian religion where he was drowned by the rudnes of a riuer into the which he cast hymselfe for to swimme Fridericus redbeard drowned His sonne Henry the .vi. of that name succeded him He came the second time into Italy after the dissease of William king of Sicilia sonne of Roger where he conquered Puel Calabria toke also Naples subdued Sicilia leauing there great garrison because of the vnstablenes of the men of that coūtrey Then he ordened gouernors at Rauenna Ancone in Puel Toscane Afterwards at the cōsent of the princes of Germany hauing declared Fridericus his son then a childe successor of th empyre he went into Sicilia where he ended his life And because that Fridericus was to yong diuers were of opinion to haue Philip his vncle take the place But pope Innocent the thirde stifly wythstood it This diuision of the Princes styrred vp also great tumults for that some of thē did elect Philip other some Otho duke of Saxonie The great tempest was chiefly nere the Rhene But Philip so behaued the matter partly by armes partly by singuler humanitie Philip Emperour slain in his chamber Otho emp. that he brought hys aduersaries to reason then made peace with the Pope whō he had tryed to be his enemie euen to the vttermost Afterwards he was slayn in his chamber the abouesayd Otho duke of Saxonie succeaded hym who entred in the Popes displeasure albeit that before he had bene his frend as much as could be possible Briefly he was excommunicated by him the princes electours solicited of the sayd Pope for to elect another held their assemblie called from Sicilia Fridericus son of Henry the .vi. vnto whom they had sworne whē he was yet a childe as we haue sayd herebefore The Emperour Otho came wyth his army to encounter hym nere the Rhene for to stop him of his way But he was driuen back in such sort that beyng retourned into Saxony he died of displeasure as it is thought By this meanes Fridericus the .ii. of that name was Emperour vnto whom Fridericus The Emperour louer of peace sought the same by Ambassadours which at length with great difficultie he obteyned afterwards he retourned into