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A09182 The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 19493; ESTC S114317 166,754 466

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the wyfe of Ury Salomon begat Roboam Roboam begat Abia. Abia begat Asa. Asa begat Iosaphat Iosaphat begat Ioram Ioram begat Osias * Osias begat Ioatham Ioathan begat Achas Achas begat Ezechias Ezechias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amon. Amon begat Iosias Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren about the tyme of the captiuitie o● Babilon And after the captiuitie of Babilon Iechonias begat Salathiel Salathiel begat Zorobabel Zorobabel begat Abiud Abiud begat Eliachim Eliachim begat Azor. Azor begat Sadoch Sadoch begat Achim Achim begat Eliud Eliud begat Eleazar Eleazar begat Matthan Matthan begat Iacob Iacob begat Ioseph the husbande of Mary of whome was borne Iesus whiche is called Christ. All the generations from Abraham to Dauid are fourtene generations From Dauid vnto the captiuitie of Babilon are fourtene generations From the captiuitie of Babilon vnto Christ are also fourtene generations The byrth of Christ was on thys wyse When hys mother Mary was maried to Ioseph before they came together she was foūde w t childe by y e holy gost But Ioseph her husbande was a perfyte man and woulde not brynge her to shame but was mynded to put her awaye secretlye Neuertheles whyle he thus thoughte Beholde the aungell of the Lorde appeared vnto him in a dreame sayinge Ioseph thou sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto thee Mary thy wyfe for that whiche is conceaued in her is of the holy ghost She shal bring forth a sonne and thou shalte call hys name Iesus for he shall saue hys people from their synnes All thys was done that the thynge myghte be fulfylled whiche was spoken of the Lord by the Prophete sayinge * Behold a mayde shall be wyth chylde and shall brynge forth a sonne and they shal cal hys name Emanuell whiche is by interpretacion God wyth vs. Nowe when Ioseph awoke oute of slepe he dyd as the aungell of the Lorde badde hym and he toke hys wyfe vnto hym and knew her not tyl she had brought forth her firste borne sonne and called hys name Iesus ☞ Of the Natiuite of Christe Luc. ii Cap. vii IT fortuned at the same tyme that there wēt out a commaundemēt from Augustus the Emperoure that the whole worlde shoulde be taxed And thys taxing was the fyrst that was executed when Syreneus was Lefetenant in Siria And they went al euerye one to his owne citie to be taxed Then Ioseph gat him vp also from Galile out of the citye of Nazareth into Iewry to the cytye of Dauid which is called Bethleem because he was of the house and linage of Dauid that he myght be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe whyche was with chyld And it fortuned while they were there the time was come that she shoulde be delyuered Also she brought forthe her fyrste begotten sonne and wrapped hym in swadlynge clothes and layed hym in a manger for they had els no rowme in the Inne And there were in the same region shepherdes in the feldes watchynge theyr flocke by night And beholde y ● angel of the Lord stode by thē the bryghtnes of the Lord shone rounde about them and they were sore afrayed And the Aungel sayde vnto them be not afrayed Beholde I brynge you tydynges of great ioye whiche shall happen vnto all people For vnto you thys daye is borne the Sauiour euen Christ the Lorde in the citye of Dauid And take thys for a token ye shall fynde the babe swadled and layed in a manger And strayghte waye there was by the Aungel a multitude of heauenly hoostes whiche praysed God and sayde Glorye be vnto God on hyghe and peace vpon earth and vnto mē a good wyll And it fortuned when the aungels were gone from theym into heauen the shepherdes sayde one to another Let vs go nowe euen vnto Bethleem and see thys thynge that is happened whiche the Lorde hathe shewed vnto vs. And they came with hast and founde bothe Mary and Ioseph and the Babe layed in a manger And whē they had sene it they published abrode the sayinge that was tolde theym of thys chylde and all they that heard it wondred at the wordes whiche the shepherdes had tolde them But Mary kept all these sayinges and pondred them in her heart And the shepherdes retourned praysynge and laudynge God for all that they had heard and sene euen as it was tolde theym ☞ Of Christes Circumcision Luc. ii Cap. viii ANd when eyght dayes were ended that the chylde shoulde be circumcised hys name was called Iesus whiche was named of the aungell before he was conceaued in hys mothers wombe ☞ Of the commynge of the wyse men Math. ii Cap. ix WHē Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iewrye in the tyme of Herode the Kynge Bheolde there came wyse men frome the East to Ierusalem sayinge Where is the newe borne kynge of the Iewes We haue sene hys starre in the East are come to worshyppe hym When Herode the kynge had heard thys he was troubled and all Ierusalem with him And he gathered the hye Priestes and Scribes of the people and axed of thē where Christe shoulde be borne And they sayde vnto him at Bethleē in Iewrye for thus it is wrytten by the prophete * And thou Bethleem in the land of Iewry art not the least amonge the Prynces of Iuda for out of thee shall come vnto me the captayne that shall gouerne my people Israell Then Herode priuelye called the wyse men and dilygentlye enquired of theym what tyme the starre appeared and sente theym to Bethleem sayinge Goe and searche diligentlye for the chylde and when ye haue founde hym brynge me worde agayne that I maye come and worshyppe hym also When they had heard the Kynge they departed and ●oe the starre whiche they sawe in the East wente before theym tyll it came and stode ouer the place where the childe was When they saw the starre they were meruelously glad and went into the house and founde the chylde wyth Mary hys mother and * kneled downe and worshipped hym And opened their treasures and offered vnto hym gyftes Golde Frankyn●ense Myrce And after they were warned of God in a Dreame that they should not goe again to Herode they returned into their owne countrey another way ☞ Of y e presentacion of Christ in the temple Luc. ii Capi. x. ANd when the dayes of their purification after the law of Moses were come they broughte him to Ierusalē y ● they myghte present hym vnto the Lorde as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde euerye manchylde that fyrste openeth y ● matrix shal be called holy vnto the Lorde and that they myghte geue the offerynge as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde namelye a payre of turtle Doues or two yonge Pygeons And beholde at Ierusalem there was a manne whose name was Simeon and the same manne was iust and feared God and longed for the consolation of Israell and the
holye ghost was in him an answere was geuen hym of the holye ghost that he should not see death before he had sene the Lordes Christe And he came by inspiration into the temple And when the Elders broughte the chylde Iesus in the temple to doe for hym after the costume of the law then tooke he hym vp in hys armes and praysed God and sayde Lorde now lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace accordynge to thy promesse For myne eyes haue sene thy Sauiour whome thou haste prepared before the face of al people A lyghte for the lyghtenynge of the Heathen and for the prayse of the people of Israel And his father and his mother meruayled at the thynges whiche were spoken of him And Simeon blessed them and sayde vnto Mary his mother Beholde thys chylde shal be set to a fall and to an vprysynge agayne of many in Israell and for a tooken whiche shal be spoken agaynste And the swearde shall pearce thy soule that the thoughtes of manye heartes maye be opened And there was a Prophetisse one Anna the doughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Aser whiche was of a greate age and had lyued seuen yeares with her husbande from her virginite and hadde nowe bene a wydowe aboute foure score and foure yeares which came neuer frō the temple seruing God with fastynge and prayinge daye and night the same came forth also the same houre and praysed the Lorde and spake of hym vnto all those that loked for the redemption of Israell And when they had perfourmed all accordynge to the lawe of the Lorde they retourned into Galile to theyr owne cytye Nazareth And the childe grewe and waxed stronge in spirite full of wysdome and the grace of God was with hym ☞ Of hys flyte into Egypte and occision of the Innocentes and of hys retournynge oute of Egypte Math. ii Cap. xi WHen the wyse men were departed Beholde the angel of the Lord appeared to Ioseph in a dreame saying arise and take y ● chylde and his mother and flye into Egypt and abide there tyl I brynge thee worde For Herode wyl seke the chylde to distroye hym Then he arose and toke the chylde and hys mother by nyghte and departed into Egypte and was there vnto the deathe of Herode that the thynge myghte be fulfylled whyche was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet which sayeth * Out of Egipt haue I called my sonne Then Herode perceauyng he was deceaued of the wise men was exceadynglye wrothe and sente forthe and slewe the yere after Christes natiuite all the chyldren that were in Bethleem and in all the coastes therof as manye as were two yeare olde and vnder accordyng to the tyme whych he hadde diligentlye searched oute of the wyse men Then was that fulfylled whyche was spoken by the Prophete Ieremy sayinge * On the hylles was a voyce herd great mourning weping and lamētacion Rachel weping for her children and woulde not be comforted because they were not When Herode was deade the seuenth yere after suche flyghte Behold an aungell of the Lorde appeared in a dreame to Ioseph in Egipt sayinge aryse and take the childe and his mother and go into the lande of Israel For they are deade which sought for the chyldes lyfe And he arose vp and toke the chylde and hys mother and came into the lande of Israel But when he hearde that Archelaus dyd raygne in Iewry in the rowme of his father Herode he was afraied to go thether Notwithstandynge after he was warned of God in a dreame he turned asyde in to the partes of Galile and wente and dwelte in a cytie called Nazareth to fulfyll that which was spoken by y e Prophetes * he shall be called a Nazarite ☞ Of Iohns habitacion in the Deserte Luc. i. Capi. xii ANd the chylde grewe and waxed stronge in spirit and was in the wyldernes tyl the time that he should shew hym selfe vnto the people of Israell ☞ Of the fyndyng of Christ in the temple Luc. ii Cap. xiii ANd his Elders went to Ierusalem euery yeare at the feast of easter After they vver returned out of Egipt And whē he was twelue yeare olde they went vp to Ierusalem after the costume of the feast And when they had fulfilled the dayes and were gone home agayne the chylde Iesus abode styll at Ierusalem And hys Elders knewe it not but thoughte he hadde bene in the companye And they came a dayes iourneye and soughte him amonge their kinsfolkes and acquayntaunce And when they founde hym not they went agayne to Ierusalem sought hym And it fortuned after thre dayes that they founde hym in the temple syttynge amonge the teachers hearynge them and aposyng theym And al they that heard him wondred at his vnderstanding and aunswere And whē they saw him they were astonied his mother sayd vnto him my son why hast thou done this vnto vs Behold thy father and I haue sought thee sorowing And he sayd vnto thē what is it y ● ye haue sought me Wist ye not y ● I must go about my fathers busines they vnderstod not y ● sayīg y ● he spake vnto thē And he wēt downe w t them came to Nazareth and was obedient vnto thē And hys mother kepte al these wordes in her heart And Iesus increased in wisdō age fauoure wyth God and men ☞ Of y ● autoritie of preaching and Baptisynge geuen vnto Iohn of God Luk. iii. Iohn i. Mark i. Math. iii. Cap. xiiii IN the. xv yeare of y e raigne of Tyberius y e Emperour when Pōtius Pilate was leftenaūte in Iewry Herode one of y e. iiii princes in Galile hys brother Philip one of y e. iiii princes in Iturea in y e costes of Traconitis Lisanias one of y e. iiii prynces of Abilene whē Annas Caiphas wer hie priestes Ioh Ther was sent frō god a man whose name was Iohn The same came for a witnes to beare witnes of y e light y ● thorowe him they all myght beleue He was not that lyghte but that he myght beare wytnesse of the lyghte That was the true lyght which lighteth all men y ● come in to this world He was in the worlde and the world was made by hym and the worlde knew hym not He came into hys owne and hys owne receaued hym not but as many as receaued hym to them gaue he power to be the children of God euen suche as beleue in hys name Whiche are not borne of bloude nor of the wyl of the flesh nor of the wil of man but of God Luke Then came Math. in those dayes Luke the worde of God vnto Iohn the sonne of Zachari in the wyldernesse Marke Behold I sēde a messēger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before thee Luke And he came in all the coastes about Iordane and preached the baptime of penaunce for the remission of synnes as it is written in
whyche whan it was sowen vppon the lande Mathe it is the leaste amonge all seedes Mark of the earthe and when it is sowen math and growen it is the greatest amonge Herbes Luke and it grewe and wared a great tree Mar gitteth great braūches Mathe so that the Byrdes vnder the Heauen come and dwell in y ● Braunches thereof Marke So that the foules may dwel vnder y e shadowe therof Math Another Parable spake he vnto theym Luke And agayne he sayde Where vnto shall I lyken the kyngdome of God Math The kyngdome of God is lyke vnto Leuen whiche a woman toke mixte it amōg iii. peckes of meele til al was leuened Al suche thinges spake Iesus vnto the people by Parables Mark And by many suche parables he spake the worde vnto thē therafter as they might heare it and without parables spake he nothynge vnto them math that the thing might be fulfylled whiche was spoken by the Prophete sayinge * I wil open my mouthe in parables and wyll speake oute the secretes frō the beginning of the world ma● but vnto hys disciples he expounded al thynges priuatelye Math Then sent Iesus the people awaye and came home And his disciples came vnto him and sayde declare vnto vs the parable of the tares of the felde Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto theym He that soweth the good seede is the sonne of manne the felde is the worlde the good seede are the Chyldren of the kyngdome The tares are the chyldren of wyckednesse the enemye that soweth them is the deuell The Haruest is the ende of the worlde The reapers are the Aungels For lyke as the tares are weded out and brente in the fyre euen so shall it goe in the ende of thys world The sonne of man shall sende forth his aungels and they shal gather out of his kyngdō al thynges that offende and them that doe iniquitie and shall caste theym into a Fornace of fyre there shall be waylynge and gnashynge of teeth * Then shall the righteous shyne as the sunne in the kyngdome of their father whoso hath eares to heare let hym heare ☞ Of thre Parables in the house Mathewe xiii Capitulo li. THe kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a treasure hidde in y ● felde which a mā founde hid it and for ioy therof he went sold all that he hadde and boughte that felde Agayne the kyngdome of Heauen is lyke vnto a Marchaunt that sought good Pearles and when he hadde foūde a precious pearle he went and solde all that he hadde and boughte it Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a nette caste into the Sea wherwith are taken all maner of fyshes and when it is full men drawe it out vnto the shoore and syt and gather the good into the vessels but caste the badde awaye So shall it be in the ende of the worlde The Aungels shal goe oute and seuer the badde frome the ryghteous and shall caste them into a fornace of fyre There shall be waylynge and gnashynge of teethe Haue ye vnderstande all these thynges They saye Yea Lorde Then sayde he vnto theym Therfore euerye Scribe taughte vnto the kyngdome of Heauen is lyke an housholder whiche bryngeth out of hys treasure thinges newe and olde And it came to passe when Iesus hadde ended these parables he departed thence Frome the house vvhere he vvas and came into his owne countreye Nazareth and taught them in their Sinagoges Of the Lordes comming to Nazareth where he rode and y t the Nazarites wolde haue cast hym doune headling Mat. xiii Mar. vi Luke iiii Capit. lii ANd the fame of hym was noised thorow out all the region rounde about And he taught in their synagoges and was commended of euerye man And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed And as his custome was he wēt into y e Sinagoge vpon the Sabboth and stode vp for to read Then was there delyuered hym the booke of the Prophete Esay And when he hadde tourned ouer the booke he founde the place where it is written * The spirite of the Lorde is with me because he hathe anoynted me to preache the Gospell vnto the poore hath he sent me to heale the broken hearted to preache delyueraunce to the captiue and syght to the blinde and frely to set at lybertye theym that are brused and to preache the acceptable yere of the Lord. And when he had closed the booke he gaue it agayne to the minister and sat him downe And the eyes of al that were in y e sinagoge were fastened on him And he began to say vnto thē This dai is this scripture fulfilled ī your eares And they al gaue hym witnes wondred at y ● gratious wordes whiche proceaded oute of his mouth And they sayd mar frō whēce hath he these thinges And what wisdom is this y ● is geuen him suche as are done by his handes Math Is not Mar this the carpenter Luke Ioseph Mat the carpenters son Is not hys mother called Mary●and his brethren Iames Iohn Simō Iude And are not all hys systers here wyth vs Whence hathe he then all these thynges And they were offended at hym Luke and he sayde vnto theym doutles ye wil say vnto me this prouerbe Phisitiō heale thy selfe for how great thinges haue we heard done at Capernaum Do the same here also in thine owne co●̄trey Math But Iesus said vnto thē A prophet is no wher lesse set by thē at home and amonge his owne mar And he could not shew any miracle there but laied his handes vpon a few sicke healed them he marueyled at their vnbelefe therfore he healed fevv lest they shoulde say he despiseth his countrey men Luk Uerely I say vnto you * there were many widowes in Israel in the time of Elias when heauen was shut iii. yeres vi monethes and whē ther was a great dearth in al the land and to none of thē was Elias sent but only vnto Sarep●a of y e Sidonians to a widowe * And many lepers wer in Israel in the time of Eliseus y e prophet none of thē was clēsed saue only Naaman of Siria And as many as wer in y ● sinagoge whē thei heard y ● wer filled w t wrath And they rose vp thrust him out of y ● citie led him vp to the edge of y e hyl wher vpon their citie was buylded y ● they myghte cast hym downe headling But he wēt his way thorowe the myddest of theym ¶ Of Iohn y ● Baptistes death Math. xiiii Mar. vi Cap. liii ANd there came a conuenient day that Herode on hys byrth daye made a supper to the lordes captaynes and chiefe Estates of Galile Then the doughter of Herodias came in and daūsed and pleased Herode and that them sat at the table Then sayd y ● king vnto y e damsel●● aske of me what y ● wilt I wyll geue it
speaketh the wordes of God For God geueth not the spirit vnto hym by measure The father loueth the sonne hath geuen him al thinges into his hande He that beleueth on the sonne hathe euerlastynge lyfe he that beleueth not the sonne shall not se the lyfe but the wrathe of God abydeth vpon hym ☞ Of Iohns incarseracie mat xiiii Mar. vi Luc. iii. Capi. x. BUt Herode y e Tetrarcha whā he was rebuked of Iohn because of Herodias the wyfe Marke of Philippe hys brother for he maryed her Luke And for all the euels that Herode dyd Mat. For Iohn sayd vnto him It is not lawful for thee to baue Mar. thy brothers wyfe Luke besyde all thys Herode Math. toke Iohn bounde hym and put hym into prysonne for Herodias sake hys brother Philips wyfe Marke For Herodias layde wayte for hym and woulde haue slayne hym and coulde not Notwithstandynge Herode feared Iohn for he knewe that he was a iuste and holy man Math. And fayne he would haue put hym to death but he feared the people because they helde him for a Prophet Marke And he kept him and herkened vnto hym in manye thynges and hearde hym gladlye ¶ Of the begynnynge of Christes publike predicacion Mat. iii. mar i Ioa. iiii cap. xi WHan Iesus had herde that Iohn was taken Ioan and had knowledge that it was come to the eares of the Pharyses that Iesus made and baptysed moore dyscyples then Iohn Howe be it Iesus hym selfe baptysed not but hys dyscyples he left the lande of Iewrye Marke and came into Galile Ioan Nowe when he came into Galile the Galileans receaued hym whyche had sene all that he dyd at Ierusalem in the feast for they also were come thither to the feast Mathew And leauinge Nazareth he went and dwelt in Capernaum whiche is a cytie vpon the sea in the coastes of Zabulon and Neptalim that the thinge myght be fulfylled whyche was spoken by Esay the Prophete saying * The lande of Zabulon and Neptalim the way of the sea beyonde Iordane and Galile of the Gentyles the people which sat in darknesse sawe a great lyghte and to them which sat in y e region of shadow of death lyght is begonne to shyne From that tyme forthe beganne Iesus to preache Marke the ghospel of the kyngedome of God and sayde Because the tyme is fulfylled Mat. do penaunce Marke and beleue the ghospell Mathevv For the kyngedome of heauen is at hande ☞ Of the seconde vocation of the disciples by the whiche they were called to Christes familiarite Luke v. Cap. xii IT came to passe that the people pressed vpon Iesus to heare the worde or God and he stode by the lake of Genezareth and sawe two shyppes stande by the lake side but the fishers were gone oute of theym and had washed their nettes Then went he into one of the shyppes which was Simons and prayde hym that he woulde thruste oute a lytle from the lande And he sat him downe and taughte the people out of the shyp And when he had left of talkynge sayde vnto Simon Launche out into the depe and let slyppe your nettes to make a draughte And Simon aunswered and sayde vnto him Maister we haue laboured all the nyght and taken nothynge but vpon thy worde I wyl lowse forth the net And whē thei had so done they toke a great multitude of fishes and their net brake And they made signes to their felowes whyche were in the other shyppe that they shoulde come and helpe them And they came and fylled both y e shyppes ful so that they sanke When Simon Peter sawe that he fell downe at Iesus knees and sayde Lorde goe fro me for I am a sinnefull man for he was astonied and all that were wyth hym at this draughte of fyshes whiche they toke and so were Iames and Iohn also the sons of Zebede whiche were Simons cōpanions And Iesus sayd vnto them feare not for from hence forth thou shalte take men and they broughte the shyppes to lande and lefte all and folowed him ☞ Of the third vocation of the Apostles by y ● whiche they are called to y ● discipleship of Christ Math. iiii Marke i. Cap. xiii ANd Iesus walked by the sea of Galile saw two brethren Simon whiche was called Peter and Andrew his brother castīge a net into y ● sea for they were fyshers And Iesus said vnto thē folow me and I wil make you fishers of mē And thei strayghte waye left their nettes and folowed him And whē he went forth frō thence he saw other two brethrē Iames the sonne of Zebede Iohn his brother in the shyppe with Zebede their father mendynge their nettes he called them And they without tarienge left the shyppe their father Marke Zebede in the shyppe with the hyred seruauntes Mathe and folowed him Of the healing of a certaine demoniake in the sinagoge of the citie of Capernaum Luke iiii Marke i. Cap. xiiii ANd he went into Capernaū immediatlye vpon y e sabbothes he entred into the sinagoge and taughte they were astonied at hys doctrine for he taught theym as one hauīg power not as y e scribes Luk for his preachinge was with power Mar And in their sinagoge ther was a man Luk possessed with a foule deuel and he cried loude and sayd Let me alone what haue we to doe wyth thee thou Iesus of Nazareth Art thou come before the tyme to bestroye vs I knowe thee who thou arte euen that holye one of God Marke And Iesus threatened him Luke and rebuked hym and sayde Holde thy tongue Mark and departe oute of hym And the foule spiritetare hym and cryed wyth a loude voyce And departed out of him Luk and dyd hym no harme And there came a feare ouer theym al Marke and al they wondred in so much that they axed one another amonge them selues and sayd What is this what newe learninge is thys What maner of woorde is thys For he commaundeth the soule spirites with power Luke and they depart marke are obedient vnto hym Luke And y ● fame of him was noised thoroweout al places mark borders of Galile Of the healynge of al diseases Math. iiii Cap. xv ANd Iesus went about al Galile teachyng in their sinagoges and preachynge the gospell of the kingdom and healed al maner of sicknesse and al maner of diseases amonge the people And his fame spred abroade throughe out all Siria And they broughte vnto hym al sicke people that were taken wyth diuerse diseases grypynges them that were possessed with Deuels and those whiche were Lunatike those that had the Palsye and healed thē And there folowed hym a great multitude of people from Galile from the ten cityes frō Ierusalē from the regions that lie beyonde Iordan ☞ Of Simons mother in law L● iiii Mat. viii Mar. i. ca. 16. ANd Iesus rose vp oute of the sinagoge Mar forth with
calme Luke But he said vnto them where is your faith Mathevv Why are ye fearefull o ye of lytle faythe Marke haue ye yet no fayth Math. and the menne maruayled Marke and they were excedynglye afrayed and sayde one to another what is he this Math. What manne is thys Marke for wynde and sea are obediente vnto hym ☞ Of two Demoniakes which were healed mat viii Luc. viii Mar. v. capi xxxi ANd they sayled Mar. and came vnto the other syde of the sea Math. into the countrey of the Gergesytes Luke whiche is ouer agaynste Galyle And whan he wente oute of the shyppe to lande Math there met hym two possessed of deuyls whyche came oute of the graues and were oute of measure fearce so that no manne myghte go by that waye Luke whiche had a deuell a longe tyme and dyd weare no clothes and taryed in no house but Mar hys dwellynge was in the graues and no man coulde bynde hym no not w t cheynes for he was oft bōd with fetters and cheynes and pluckt the cheynes asunder and brake the fetters in peces and no man coulde tame hym And he was alwaye both daye and nyghte vpon the mountaynes and in the graues cryinge and beatynge hym selfe wyth stones Luk he was driuen of the deuyll into the wyldernes Mat but when he sawe Iesus a farre of he ranne and adourynge him Luke and fel doune before hym Math And behold they bothe cryed out Mark with a loude voyce mat sayinge Oh Iesus thou sonne of God what haue we to doe with thee Luk of the most hyghest Mathe why art thou come hether to torment vs before the tyme be come Mark I charge thee by God Luk and I beseche thee that thou wilt not torment me for he commaunded the foule spirit Mar to go out of y ● man And he asked him what is thy name He answered said my name is legion for there be many of vs Luke for there were manye deuels entred into him And they besought hi Mar instantly Luk that he would not cōmaunde thē to go into the depe mar nor y ● he wold not expel thē out of that contre mat Ther was not far of frō thē a great heerde of swine mar feding aboute y e mōtaines in y ● feldes mat Then all the deuels besought him saying Yf y ● cast vs out send vs into y e heerd of swyne mar that we may entre in to them anone Iesus gaue them leaue math and he sayd unto them goe youre wayes Then went they out and departed into the heerd of swyne And beholde the hole heerd of swyne was caryed with violence marke headlonge into the sea they were about two thousande and were drowned in the sea mathe and perished in the water ●Luk but when the heerdmen sawe what had chaunced they f●edde mat and went their waies shewed in the city mar and in the coūtre Luk and in y ● villages ma● al these thinges what had fortuned vnto the possessed of the deuel And behold al y e citie came out met Iesus Luc for to se what was done came to Iesus mar and sawe him which was possessed and vexed with the deuel Luk out of whō the deuels were departed sytting at Iesus feete clothed Mar and in his right mind and they were afrayed Luk And thei that had sene it tolde them howe the possessed was healed of the Legion Mark and of the swine Mathe and when they sawe him Luk the whole multytude of the Gabaranites besought him Mat for to depart Mar and go out of their coastes Luk and from theym for there was a greate feare come vpon them Marke when he was come into the shyppe that from the countrey of the Gerazerithes he myghte retourne into Galile the possessed prayed hym that he myghte be wyth hym Neuertheles Iesus woulde not suffre hym but sayde vnto hym Goe Luk and returne home to thy house Marke and to thyne owne and tel them howe great bene fytes Iesus hathe done for thee and howe he hathe hadde mercye vpon thee Luke and he went thorowe out all the cytye Marke and beganne to publyshe in the tenne cytyes howe great benefytes Iesus hadde done for him and euerye man meruayled And when Iesus passed ouer agayne by shyppe there gathered muche people vnto hym and wayted for hym by the sea syde ☞ Of hym that was healed of the Palsye Mathe. ix Mark ii Luc. v. Ca. xxxii ANd Iesus entred into a shyppe and passed ouer and came into his owne cytye Math Capernaum after certen dayes Luk And it fortuned vpon a daye that he sat and taught Marke and it was noysed that he was in the house and immediatlye there was gathered together a great multitude in so muche that they had no rowme no not withoute the doore And he spake the worde vnto theym Luke and there satte the Pharises and the docters of the law whiche were come oute of all the townes of Galile and Iewrye and from Ierusalem And the power of the Lorde healed euery man Math and loe they broughte hym a manne sycke of the palsye lyenge in his bed Marke borne of foure Luke and they sought how they might brynge him in lay him before hī And whē they coulde not fynde by what waye they might bringe him in for the people they climmed vp to the toppe of y e house mar they vncouered the rofe of the house where he was and when they had made a hoole Luke they let him downe thorow the tylynge with the bed amonge them before Iesus mat And when Iesus saw the fayth of them he sayde to the sicke of y e palsye Sonne be of good chere thy sinnes are forgeuen thee Luk And the Scribes pharises began to thynke mar and thoughte in their heartes Luk sayinge amonge theym selues What is he thys that speaketh blasphemy Who can forgeue sinnes but onely God marke And when Iesus knewe in his holy spirite Luk theyr thoughtes he answered and sayd vnto them Math wherfore thinke ye euyll in youre heartes Whether is it easier to say mark to y e sicke of y e palsie thy sinnes are forgeuen thee or to say arise take vp thy bed and walke But y ● ye may knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue sinnes vppon earth he sayde vnto the sicke of the palsye I saye vnto thee arise take vp thy bed go home Luk and immediatly he role vp before thē and toke vp the bed that he had lien vpon and went home magnified God And they were al astonied and gaue God y ● prayse mat glorifiynge God which had geuē such power vnto mē Luk and they were filled with great feare said we haue sene meruelous thinges to daye marke for we neuer sawe suche Of y ● feast in Mathewes house Mat. 9. Mar. 2. Luk. 5. Ca. 33. LEuy made him a great feast in his house math and it came to passe as
saye vnto you whosoeuer putteth awaye hys wyfe except it be for fornicacion marieth a nother he committeth adnoutery and who so maryeth her that is deuorced committeth aduouterye Mar to her warde Luke and he that marieth her whiche is deuorced from her husband breaketh wedlocke Mar And if a woman for sake her husbande and be maried to a nother she committeth aduouterye Mat. Then sayd his disciples vnto hym yf the matter be so betwene manne and wyfe then it is not good to marye But he sayde all men cannot comprehende that saying saue they to whome it is geuen For there be some gelded whiche are so borne from theyr mothers wombe there be some gelded whiche are gelded of men and there be some gelded whyche haue gelded them selues for the kyngdome of Heauens sake He that can comprehende it let hym comprehende it ¶ Of yonge chyldren whiche were broughte vnto the Lorde Mat xix Mark x. Luke xviii Capi. xcix THen were broughte vnto hym yonge chyldren that he myghte touche them laye hys handes vpon them and praye Luk but when the Disciples saw that they rebuked them Mar. and thretend those that brought them neuertheles when he saw it he was displeased Luk And Iesus called them vnto him and said Mat Suffer the chyldren and forbyd them not to come vnto me for vnto suche belongeth the kingdome of heauen Luk And he sayde verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer receaueth not the kyngdome of God as a chylde shall not enter therein Marke And takyng them vp in hys armes and layde hys handes vpon them and blessed them math and when he had laid his handes vpon them he departed thence ¶ Of the yonge man that asked what he shuld do to possesse eternall lyfe Math. xix Mar. x Luc. xviii Capi. C. IEsus departed frō thence Mar And whē he was gone forth vpon the waye there came a ruler runnynge and kneled vnto him and asked hym and prayed hym sayinge math Good master what good shall I do that I maye haue euerlastinge lyfe● Iesus sayde vnto hym why callest thou me good there is none good but God onely Neuerthelesse yf thou wylt enter into life kepe the commaūdementes Marke Knowest thou the commaundementes● Math He sayde vnto hym whiche● Iesus sayde Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalt not commit aduoutrye Thou shalte not steale Thou shalte beare no false witnesse Mar Thou shalte begyle no manne Mat Honour thy father and thy mother and thou shalte loue thy neyghboure as thyselfe Then sayd the yong man vnto hym all these haue I kepte fro my youthe vp What lacke I yet Mar And Iesus behelde hym and loued him Luk Whā Iesus heard that he sayde vnto him yet lackest thou one thing Math Yf thou wylt be perfect go thy way and s●ll that thou hast and geue it to the poore thou shalte haue a treasure in heauen and come and folow me Whan the yong man hearde that word he went awaye sorye for he had great possessions Luke and was very ryche Whan Iesus sawe that he was sory he sayde to his disciples how hardlye shall the ryche come in to the kyngdome of God ¶ Howe harde it is for a ryche man to entre in to the kingdome of heauen Mat. xix Marke x. Luc. xviii Cap. Ci. UErely I saye vnto you it shal be harde for a ryche manne to enter in to the kingdom of heauen Mark The disciples were astonied at his wordes But Iesus answered agayne and sayde vnto them deare childreu howe harde is it for thē that truste in ryches to come in to the kyngdome of God● Mat And I saye vnto you againe it is easier for a Camell to go thorow the eye of a Nedle then for a ryche man to entre into heauen Whan his disciples hearde that they were exceadingly amased Mark certayne that hearde that were more astonyed and sayd among them selues Luk Who can then be saued Marke And Iesus behelde them and sayd vnto them Mat. with men it is impossible but with God all thinges are possible Luke Loke what is vnpossible with man is possible with God ¶ Of the rewarde of those which leue all and folow Christ. Mat. xix Mar. x. Luc. xviii cap. 102. THen aunswered Peter and beganne to saye vnto hym Beholde we haue forsaken all and folowed the what shall we haue therfore Iesus answered and sayd vnto them verely I saye vnto you That when the sonne of man shall syt in the seate of his maiestie ye which haue folowed me in the newe byrthe shall sy● also vpon twelue seates and iudge the twelue tribes of Israell And whosoeuer forsaketh house or brethren or systers or father or mother or wyfe or children or landes Mar with persecucion for my sake and the Gospelles Math and for my names sake Luke the kyngdome of God mat y ● same shal receaue an hūdred fold Luk now in this tyme and muche more in the worlde to come Marke and inheret euerlastynge lyfe but many that be the fyrste shal be the laste and the last shal be the fyrste ☞ Of the laberous quotidian peny whyche were sent into the vyneyarde Math. xx Capitu. 103. THe kyngedom of heauen is like vnto an householder whyche wente oute earlye in the mornynge to hyre labourers into his vyneyarde And whā he had agreed wyth the labourers for a penye a daye he sent them into hys vyneyarde And aboute the thirde houre he wente out and sawe other standynge ydle in the market place and saide vnto them Go ye also into my vineyarde and what so euer is ryghte I wyll geue it you and they wente theyr● waye Agayne he wente oute about the syxte houre and dyd lykewyse And aboute the eleuenth houre he went oute and founde other standynge ydle and sayde vnto them why stande ye here al● the daye y●le They sayde vnto him because no man hath hired vs he sayde vnto them Go ye also into y ● vyneyarde looke what is ryghte ye shall haue it Nowe whan the euen was come the Lorde of the vyneyarde sayde vnto hys stewarde Call the labourers and geue thē theyr hyre begynnynge from the laste vnto the fyrste Then they that were hyred aboute the eleuenth houre came and receaued euery man a peny but whan the fyrste came they supposed that they should receaue more and they also receaued euery man a penye And whan they had receaued it they murmured agaynste the householder and sayde These laste haue wroughte but one houre and thou hast made them equal vnto vs whiche haue borne the burthen and heate of the daye He answered saide vnto one of them frende I do thee no wrong dyddest not y ● agree w t me for a penye● Take that thyne is and go thy waye● I wyll geue vnto this last also like as to thee Or haue I not power to do as me lusteth w t myne owne Is thy eye euell because I am good So y ● last shal be first