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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06909 A newe pathway vnto praier ful of much godly frute and christe[n] knowledge, lately made by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1734; ESTC S101290 98,046 290

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loue not only our frendes but also our enemies yea that frō the bottome of the herte Let vs forgyue so many as offende vs shew our selues of such affeccion toward them that offende vs as we desyre y ● Christ should be towarde vs. Lette vs be so feruentely gyuen vnto the preseruacion of fraternall concorde mutuall charitie that yf thorowe humayne infirmite it chaunseth at ony tyme that cōtencion ryseth vp amonge vs we maye notwythstandynge so shortely put it away by reconcylynge one to another that all displeasure taken awaye the sonne maye not faull downe vpon our anger Let vs euer set before oure eyes this sayeng of S. Paule ▪ As y ● elect of God holy beloued put on tēder mercy kyndenes hūblenes of mynd mekenes longe sufferynge forbearynge one onother and forgeuynge one another yf o●●e manne haue a quarell to another as Christe forgaue you so do ye But aboue al thīges put on loue whiche is the bonde of perfeccion And the peace of God mought rule in your hertes vnto y ● whiche peace ye are called in one body and se that ye be thanckefull If we wyll do thus whan soeuer we praye we maye be sure to praye wyth fruyte we maye be sure to obtayne what so euer we aske of God the father thorowe Iesus Christ we maye be sure to haue forgyuenes of all oure synnes euer to haue God the father a bounteous and gentle father vnto vs. Hytherto haue I declared what prayer is of what vertue strēgth the true christen prayer is howe we ought to prepare oure selues for to praye Now it remayneth that I declare in what place a Christen man should praye after what maner Agayne for what thynges at what tyme he ought to praye ¶ In what place a Chrysten shoulde Praye ¶ The. xxii Chapter ALthough God in y ● olde lawe was called vpon prayed vnto of y e Iewes in the temple of Ierusalē which Salomō buylded although God had chosē that place wher● chefely they shoulde call vpon his name offer Sacrifyce vnto hym read learne his moost holy law do such thynges as he had appoynted them in his word yet both at that tyme yea also many yeres before we read that dyuers holy mē prayed in other places besydes that Temple were harde Neyther dyd God so institute that temple to be a house of prayer as though it should only be there lawefull to call on hys diuyne name but y t by that meanes he shoulde kepe the grosse Iewes in an order whiche els would haue inuēted newe kyndes of worshyppyng God after theyr owne fantasy resorted to such places wher Idolles were worshypped by this meanes be prouoked vnto Idolatrye where vnto they were very much bent as we may se in the holy Scriptures Therfore god appointed thē to pray in that temple of Salomon not takynge awaye yet for all that the lybertie of prayeng in euery place frō the faythfull For we read y e Enos y ● sonne of Seth dyd fyrst begynne to call on the name of the LORDE before ony temple was buylded And it is to be thoughte that Abell also prayed vnto God whan he offred in crisyce Enoch Nohe Thare Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph with many other of the aunciēt Patriarkes worshypped prayed vnto God one in this another in that place before ony one peculiar house was appointed dedicated vnto prayer yea and God hearde those prayers accepted them graunted the peticions asked in them What other thynge do the examples of all these holye men teach vs than that it is lawfull for a faythfull man to praye wythoute ony differency in euery place Dyd not the chyldren of Israell praye to God whā they were oppressed wyth miserable captiuite in Egypt a lond full of Idolatrye supersticion all kynde of wickednes Dyd not Moses Aaron many tymes praye vnto y e LORDE in wyldernes Dyd not Iosue praye vnto God in hys watres before we read that dyuers holy mē prayed in other places besydes that Temple were harde Neyther dyd God so institute that temple to be a house of prayer as though it should only be there lawefull to call on hys diuyne name but y t by that meanes he shoulde kepe the grosse Iewes in an order whiche els would haue inuēted newe kyndes of worshyppyng God after theyr owne fantasy resorted to such places wher Idolles were worshypped by this meanes be prouoked vnto Idolatrye where vnto they were very much bent as we may se in the holy Scriptures Therfore god appointed thē to pray in that temple of Salomon not takynge awaye yet for all that the lybertie of prayeng in euery place frō the faythfull For we read y t Enos y e sonne of Seth dyd fyrst begynne to call on the name of the LORDE before ony temple was buylded And it is to be thoughte that Abell also prayed vnto God whan he offred sacrifyce Enoch Nohe Thare Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph with many other of the aunciēt Patriarkes worshypped prayed vnto God one in this another in that place before ony one peculiar house was appointed dedicated vnto prayer yea and God hearde those prayers accepted them graunted the peticions asked in them What other thynge do the examples of all these holye men teach vs than that it is lawfull for a faythfull man to praye wythoute ony differency in euery place Dyd not the chyldren of Israell praye to God whā they were oppressed wyth miserable captiuite in Egypt a londfull of Idolatrye supersticion all kynde of wickednes Dyd not Moses Aaron many tymes praye vnto y e LORDE in wyldernes Dyd not Iosue praye vnto God in hys warres whan he made the Sonne and Moone to stand styll vntyll he had reuenged hymselfe of hys enemyes Dyd not Helias praye in the house of the wydowe of Sarepra whā he restored her sōne from death to syfe Dyd not he agayne pray in y e toppe of the mounte Carmelus obtayned after long droute plēte of rayn Dyd not Ezechias the kynge whan he heard that he should dye pray to the LORDE in his bed obtayned to lyue xv yeres longer Dyd not Nehemias but lare vnto kyng Artaxerzes both do seruyce vnto his Lorde also pray vnto God Dyd not Toby Sara his wyfe pray vnto God in theyr houses Dyd not Iob pray vpon y e dungehyll Dyd not Iudith praye vnto the LORDE in her Oratory diuers other places Dyd not Daniel when he serued the wycked kynge knele downe pray vnto the LORDE thryse euery daye in his chāber Dyd not he praye to God whā he was cast into the denne of Lyōs Dyd not Ionas pray in the whales belly Dyd not quene Hester praye secretlye in her chamber Dyd not Susanna pray in the streate as she wente for to be stoned