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A04192 A treatise of the consecration of the Sonne of God to his everlasting priesthood And the accomplishment of it by his glorious resurrection and ascention. Being the ninth book of commentaries upon the Apostles Creed. Continued by Thomas Iackson Doctor in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty, and president of C.C.C. in Oxford.; Commentaries upon the Apostles Creed. Book 9 Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640. 1638 (1638) STC 14317; ESTC S107491 209,547 394

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accomplish the legall priesthood and sacrifices by his bloody sacrifice upon the Crosse the Iew may object that however his satisfaction might be full for substance yet it failed in congruity of circumstances and in particular for the circumstance of time O pus diei decenter fit in die suo Every worke is then well done then better done then otherwise it could be when it is done in its owne time or proper day If then Christ made full attonement for all our sinnes by his owne sacrifice upon the Crosse this sacrifice had been offered in better season upon the day of attonement which was the tenth day of the seventh month or September then on that day wherein hee offered it which was the fourteenth day of the first month a day as farr different in time from the day of attonement as one festivall day or solemnitie can be from another The answer first in generall is that seeing our high priest was to offer but one bloody sacrifice and that one not oftner then once for as his death so his sacrifice was never to be reiterated it was impossible hee should offer this one sacrifice by which all legall sacrifices and services were to be accomplished upon the same day wherein all the sacrifices which did fore shadow it were offered or performed As impossible it was that this his only sacrifice should be offered at severall times as in severall places Although most in the Romish Church seeme to avouch both parts of this impossibility yet they avouch it with this distinction or limitation that his bloody sacrifice was but once offered and that but in one place at one and the same time But of this if God permit hereafter His bloody sacrifice that Church doth grant was to be offered but once and therefore but upon a speciall day or solemne feast which did fore-shadow it by the proper sacrifice of that day Now not only the annuall but all the dayly sacrifices did fore-shadow this his bloody `` sacrifice once offered for all and all of them were `` accomplished by it Reason from these premisses `` may instruct us how requisite it was that he should offer this sacrifice at that time or upon that day on which the principall sacrifices of the Law which most exquisitely or most lively fore-shadowed it were offered The services or sacrifices of other feasts were to attend or conjoyne themselves to this Now as Ierusalem was the Metropolis of the Iewish Nation the place wherein all the seede of Iacob wheresoever they dwelt were to present themselves and to performe the solemnities and services of their principall feasts so the Passeover was the Metropolis of their solemne feasts all other feasts had speciall reference unto it It did point out the time as Ierusalem did the place wherein all other legal solemnities were to be accomplished Seeing then our high Priest was to accomplish as well the sacrifices of the pa●chall Lambe as the services of the attonement it was more requisite that the services usuall upon that day of attonement should yeeld unto the feast of the Passeover for circumstance of time then the feast of the Passeover should yeeld unto it specially seeing our high Priest had already punctually accomplished the principall solemnitie used in the feast of attonement in die suo upon the very feast day of attonnement which as is before said was the day of our Saviour's Baptisme the day of his consecration to his prophetical function Albeit divers bloody sacrifices were offered upon the feast of attonement yet the principall and most publike solemnitie was the leading of the scape-goat into the wildernesse Levit. 16. v. 20. 21. And when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place and the tabernacle of the congregation and the Al●ar hee shall bring the live goat and Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat and consesse over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel and all their transgressions in all their sinnes putting them upon the head of the goat and shall send them away by the hand of a fit man into the wildernesse To accomplish the mystery of this service our Saviour was led by the Spirit into the wildernesse immediately after his Baptisme bearing the iniquity of this people even all the sinnes which had been confessed by Ierusalem and Iudah at Iohn's baptisme And though he himselfe needed not to be washed and baptized as being all cleane yet as heesaith himselfe it became him to be consecrated by baptisme to this service to fulfill all righteousnesse and by fulfilling this part of righteousnesse in bearing the sinnes which this people had confessed into the wildernesse hee made a fuller attonement for Ierusalem Iudah then any high Priest before had made That curse wherewith Malachy had threatned the Lord would smite the earth or land of Iewry was for this time averted by this his bloody service 6 But as our Saviour at the time of his baptisme which was upon the day of attonement had fulfilled the mystery of the scape-goat so hee was to accomplish the mystery fore-shadowed by the bloody sacrifice of the paschall Lambe To this purpose Iohn the Baptist upon his returne from the wildernesse had prophecied behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Iohn 1. 29. Hee had borne the iniquity of Ierusalem and Iudah by his journey unto by his fasting and watching in the wildernesse and from this Iohn fore-saw he was to take away or beare for so the originall may import the iniquites or sinnes of the world He is called by Iohn and others the Lambe of God for his innocent and spotlesse life yet not so much if at all with reference to the Lambes offered in the dayly sacrifices which were altogether without spot or blemish as with reference to the paschal Lambe which was to be the choisest and fayrest of the flock and for this reason God in his wisdome would have him sacrificed at that feast or very time wherein the paschall Lamb was stain id est upon the fourteenth of the first month inter duas vesperas betwixt the two evenings Some think betwixt three of the clock and the day-going or starre-rising Out Saviour died a litle after three and was brought in peace into his grave about the sun-setting and by rest or reposall in it hath hallowed the houses of death as the paschall Lambe did the houses of the Israelites wherein it was slain and purchased our safety from the destroying Angell even whilst our bodies lodge within the land of darknesse or region of death The congruity of time and other circumstances between the sacrifice of the paschall Lambe and the sacrifice of our high Priest are so manifest and so well known as they need no further comment 7 The mystery fore-shadowed by Israel's deliverance out of Egypt which first occasioned the institution of the Passeover was so great that the Lord in memory of it did
returned safe from Babylon was the type of Christ as King In respect of their deliverance from Babel or safe conduct in the way Zerubbabel had the precedency of Iesus the high Priest as Moses had the precedency of Iesus the sonne of Nun in respect of the peoples deliverance from Egypt But as Iesus the sonne of Nun was God's principall instrument in planting this people in the land of promise so Iesus the high Priest the sonne of Iehosadeck is the principall Saviour of this people after their safe returne from Babel into their native land the principall type or shadow of Iesus Christ our Saviour as he is consecrated by God to be the Author of everlasting salvation Zerubbabel the chiefe Prince of Iudah and Iesus the sonne of Iehosadech the high Priest and for his time the sole successor of Aaron in his office joyne both together the one a lively type of Christ Iesus the sonne of David as he was King the other a lively Type of Christ Iesus as hee was ordained to be our high Priest in the building of the materiall Altar which was to be erected unto the Lord in the City of Ierusalem after their returne from Babylon But whether of these two to wit Zerubbabel the sonne of David or Iesus the sonne of Iehosedech Aaron's successor had precedency in this great worke of erecting the Altar unto God the first worke of difficulty or moment to be undertaken by God's Servants upon their returne unto Ierusalem the City of God were hard to determine by any rule of sacred heraldry Ezra the scribe and sacred historian of this businesse gives Iesus the Sonne of Iehosedeck the precedency in stile Ezra 3. 2. Then stood up leshua the son of Iozadak and his brethren the Priests and Zerubbabel the sonne of Shealtiel and his brethren and builded the Altar of the God of Israel to offer burnt offrings thereon as it is written in the Law of Moses the man of God But in the second of Haggai verse 4. Zerubbabel the sonne of David hath the like precedency of stile Now be strong ô Zerubbabel saith the Lord and be strong ô Ieshua the sonne of Iosedech the high Priest and be strong all yee people of the land saith the Lord and work for I am with you saith the Lord of hoasts 4 Yet that Iesus the Sonne of Iosedech was the more illustrious and principall Type of Iesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer as he is the builder and founder of God's spirituall Temple Gods holy Catholique Church is most apparent from the prophecies of Zachary a Prophet in those times extraordinarily rais'd up by God to encourage lesus the high Priest and his fellow-Priests to goe forward in building the materiall Temple in Ierusalem specially if we compare Zachary the third and part of Zachary the sixt with the Prophecies of Ieremy Chap. 23. verse 33. To begin with Zachary Chap. 3. Iesus the Sonne of Iosedesk by progeny the sonne of Aaron is solemnly enthronized as deputy or Proxie for the sonne of David the promised and long-expected high Priest after the order of Melchisedech This story or true legend of the installment or enthronization of Iesus the Sonne of Iosedech as in the right and interest of Iesus Christ the Sole Founder and Builder of the holy Catholique Church whereof the visible and materiall Temple of Ierusalem was but a type or shadow is very remarkably set out unto us as in a Map Zach. 3. The whole Chapter as also the 2. Chap. from the 6. verse unto the end is worth our perusall as most pertinent to this argument First Sathan that is the adversary of Iesus the high Priest waxed bold to resist him in the building of the materiall Temple being encouraged thereunto partly because the remnant of ludah then returning from captivity was but as a brand pluck't out of the fire the light whereof in the eyes of Sathan their adversary might easily have been extinguished unlesse the Lord had rebuked Sathan as the Lord there by his Angell doth and his rebuke was an Authentique prohibition Secondly Sathan was the bolder to resist this worke because Iesus the high Priest appointed by God and encouraged by his Prophets for accomplishing of it was for his bodily presence but weake and would quickely have beene daunted by his potent adversary unlesse the Lord by his Angell had rebuked and prohibited him Thus Sathan himselfe in person resisted our Lord and Saviour after his baptisme when hee first begun to lay the foundation of his Church and to erect the Kingdome of God being thereto emboldened by the weaknesse of his bodily presence and appearance in the fashion of man and forme of a servant untill the Lord himselfe rebuked him as the Angell in the name of the Lord did the adversary of of Ieshua saying avoid Sathan for 't is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve And upon this rebuke Sathan immediately left him and the Angels came and ministred unto him Math. 4. This is the Evangelicall accomplishment of the vision which Zachary saw as in the type or map Zach. 3. v. 1. 2. But here it will bee demanded whether the verses following v. 3. 4. which were literally historically meant of Iesus the Son of Iehosedech can be applied to Iesus our high Priest either according to the literall or mysticall sense Iesus saith the Text was cloathed with filthy garments and stood before the Angel and hee answered and spake unto those that stood before him saying take away the filthy garments from him and unto him he said Behold I have caused thine iniquity to passe from thee and I will cloath thee with change of rayment v. 4. Iesus his outward habit or rayment was sordid and unsightly Qualem decet exulis esse Such as well became a man as yet retainer to the house of mourning not fully absolved from the house of his prison or not yet admitted unto the house of his freedome 5 This Iesus in this habit was a true picture of Iesus our high Priest whilst hee continued in the forme and conditiion of a servant or whilst arraigned before the high Priests or Pontius Pilat and although in this estate he knew no sin yet as the Apostle saith 2. Cor. Chap. 5. v. last He was made sinne for us that we might be made the rigteousnesse of God in him Hee is said to be made sinne for us because hee bare the punishment due to our sinnes And this sinne or iniquity God did truly cause to passe from him because our sinnes were never inherent in him but made his by imputation only The punishment likewise due unto our sinnes did passe from him at his departure out of this world unto his Father The new rayments wherewith Iesus the high Priest was cloathed are emblemes or shadowes of that glory and immortality wherewith Iesus our high Priest since his Resurrection is invested The faire Mitre which was put upon Iesus
prefigured or fore-shadowed either by Zerubbabel the Prince of Iudah or by his associate Iesus the high Priest in conducting Gods people from the land of their captivity into the land of promise Yes there is not one title or attribute mentioned in either prophecy but it is fore-shadowed either joyntly both by Zerubbabel Iesus the high Priest or severally by one of them 4 As he is the Branch of David fore-prophecied by Esaiah Chap. 11. 1. where to both these prophecies of Ieremiah and Zachary have reference hee is more exquisitely prefigured by Zerubbabel then by David himselfe or any other Prince of David's Line The Branch which God had promised to raise up unto David almost an 110 yeares before Ieremiah had uttered his prophecies was to grow up out of the stemme or roote of Iesse as it is Esay 11. 1. that is he was to be a man of meaner parentage then Iesse the Father of David was a man more unlikely to become a Prince or Ruler of God's people then David was when hee kept his Father's sheepe Of David's linage many after the captivity were poore and of as meane ability as Iesse David's Father was Zerubbabel was borne unto Salathiel in captivity and Salathiel himselfe the sonne of Ieconiah a poore captive Prince but wh●-Salathiel was the sonne of Ieconiah's body or rather his sonne by adoption I have no more to say then was said before Whether this way or that way hee were his sonne if wee consider the potency of the Chaldean Empire when he was borne or the Chaldeans generall aversnesse from the Iewes or their jealousie of the royall race it was more unlikely that any of David's line should be released from captivity or be suffered to returne from Babylon unto their native land then that Israel should be delivered from the Egyptian thraldome by Moses But the same God which had shewed his mighty power in the overthrow of Pharaoh and his powerfull host did as miraculously shew both his power and wisdome in the suddaine surprisall of Babylon and overthrowing the Babylonian Empire by Cyrus Of these two wonderfull deliverances of his people the later in the Prophet Ieremy his esteeme is the greater therefore he saith Ierem. 16. 14. 15. Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that it shall no more be said the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt but the Lord liveth that brought up the Children of Israel from the land of the North and from all the lands whither hee had driven them and I will bring them againe into their land that I gave unto their Fathers The like you may read Ierem. 23. 7. 8. Cyrus after his strange conquest of Babylon sets Gods people free and authorizeth Zerubbabel the next heire then left unto the Crown of Iudah to conduct them unto Ierusalem there to serve their God as he in his Lawes had prescribed But after their safe arrivall there they are molested by their malicious enemies the building of the City and Temple is after Cyrus his death for divers yeares hindred untill Zerubbabel by his favour and potency with Cyrus his successors procures the revivall of the charter which Cyrus granted and frees himselfe and God's people from further molestation by their enemies as you may read it at large in the Booke of Ezra So that part of Ieremiah's prophecy is verified of him for in his dayes and by his meanes under God Iudah was saved and Israel did dwell securely Though hee were not in name or title a Saviour yet is hee indeed the Saviour of his people from present distresse and danger And thus farre this poore revived Branch of David is a true and lively Type of that Branch of David in whom all the promises of God made unto Abraham and David were fulfilled who was to be a Saviour not in realty only but in name or title and called especially Iesus because hee was to save his people not from bodily distresse or captivity but from their sinnes And as he is in this sensea Saviour Iesus the Sonne of Iehosadech is the lively Type or shadow of him as well in office or function as in expresse name or title for hee being their high Priest and Aaron's successor did make legall attonement for their sinnes did sanctify the Temple Altar and their offerings and performed all legall righteousnesse for the● insigne of greater righteousnesse and salvation by that high Priest which was to come whose supreame title was the Lord our righteousnesse 5 But did either Zerubbabel or this Iesus the high Priest and his associates prefigure or fore shadow our high Priest in this royall name or title of being the Lord our righteousnesse Certaine it is that Zerubbabel did not for neither his owne name nor his Fathers nor any of his Progenitors names since Iehosaphat's dayes had any reference to this title nor import the thing signified by it in their grammaticall significations But the Father of this I●shua or Iesus the high Priest was named Iehosadech which signifies as much as the righteousnesse of the Lord or the righteous Lord. 6 But here wee must consider that names are of two sorts Some names agree to the things named substantially and directly Others accidentally or in obliqu● The former fort expresse the condition and nature of the thing named As the name of Adam which God imposed upon the first man did expresse his nature or substance to wit the red earth out of the which he was framed So the name which Adam gave unto the first woman did truly expresse the nature and condition of the Sex to wit that she was made of man that shee was of his flesh and of his bones so likewise is the name of Eveh a true expression of her nature for she was the Mother and Fonntaine of life unto all posteritie 7 Names otherwhiles though solemnely given expresse or import some circumstance or relation unto the nature or thing it selfe which they primarily and properly signifie So Gideon was called Ierub-baal not that ever he did plead for Baal but in remembrance of his fathers answer unto them which had expostulated with him for cutting downe Baal's grove 8 So Moses called the Altar which he erected Exod. 17. 14. Iehovah-Nissi the Lord my banner Not thereby intending to occasion us to think that the Altar so named was either Iehovah or his defence but only to import or signifie that in that place wherein hee built the Altar and at the time of this inscription Iehovah his God had been the defender and protectour of Israel in miraculous manner against the Amalekites So likewise when our Saviour called Simon Cephas or Petros the name imports not that he was either the rocke it selfe or Corner-stone whereon Christ's Church is founded But only that he had some speciall reference or relation unto the rock or foundation Stone which God had laid in Sion or which is all one that hee was the first which
by the Church for the feast of the Resurrection The institution or occasion of it you have set downe from ver 2. unto the 12. The meaning of the word or quid nominis we have in the 12. v. It is the Lord 's Passeover for I will passe through the land of Egypt this night and will smite all the first borne in the land of Egypt both man and beast And against all the Princes of Egypt I will execute judgment I am the Lord. And the blood to wit of the paschal Lamb shall be to you for a token upon the houses where yee are and when I see the blood I will passe over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt So then it is called the Passeover because the Lord when he passed through Egypt and visited every house with a fearfull visitation he passed over all the houses of the Israelites which lived amongst them upon whose door-poast the blood of the paschal Lambe was shed Whether this visitation of the Egyptians were held by some good Angell or by that spirit or Angell whom S. Iohn calls 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is as Moses Exod. 12. 23. entitles this visitor the destroyer I will not dispute seeing it is certaine the visitation or judgment it selfe was the Lords And by his appointment the visitor or executioner whosoever hee were good Angell or bad one or more was to passe over the houses of the Israelites as being exempted from his commission whil'st he smote the first borne of man and beast that pertained to any house of the Egyptians But at this present Passeover wherein the Saviour of the world became a sacrifice hell as we say was broken up and let loose the powers of darknesse were become as a raging Sea or swelling tyde overflowing her bankes and had wrought a more ruefull desolation upon all mankind upon the face of the whole earth then the flood of Noah had done unlesse by God's providence they had been restrained The flood in the time of Noah was a flood of waters only this was a streame of fire and brimstone which the breath of the Lord had kindled unlesse his wrath had been appeased and the flame quenched by the blood of the paschall Lambe The commission of the destroying Angell throughout Egypt did extend no further then to the first borne of man and beast and was to endure but for one night the powers of darknesse did aime at all and lye in waite till the worlds end to devour all whose hearts are not sprinkled with the blood of this paschall Lamb which was shed not for a few houses but for all Every house in Israel was to have their severall Lambe or two houses at the most could be priviledged by the blood of one Lambe but our paschall Lambe as he was slaine by the whole congregation of Israel cryed down to death by the Priests the Scribes and Pharisees and the whole multitude so his blood was sufficient to redeeme all the Israel of God from the Destroyer even as many throughout all ages and Kingdomes as will submit themselves unto his Lawes and acknowledge him for their Redeemer And for this reason he was slaine without the City as a publique sactifice in the open aire The Crosse whereto he was nailed was as the doore-posts of that house of which hee is the Builder and Maker that is of the whole world it selfe Now it is to be presumed that the blood of that sacrifice which was to redeeme and sanctifie all unto the worlds end which seek Redemption and Sanctification by him should not be as blood spilt upon the earth which cannot be gathered up As hee was to give life to others by his blood so he was to give life to himselfe againe 3 But is it imported in the institution of the Passeover or in any solemnitie belonging unto it that the Lambe of God which was to take away the sinnes of the world by his Death should himselfe be restored unto life againe Yes This word Passeover besides the former signification of passing over the houses of the Israelites hath another fignification or importance to wit That all those families which were priviledged from the power of the destroying Angel which smote the Egyptians should passe out of the land of Egypt or house of bondage through the red sea into the land of their rest and liberty under the conduct of Moses who had the great Angell of the Covenant for his guide in this passage For the Reader 's better apprehension how the mysteries of the Gospell concerning our Saviour's Passion and Resurrection were fore-shadowed in the solemnitie of the Passeover we are to consider that there is a two-fold sense of Scripture the one literall the other mysticall The literall sense consists in the immediate or grammaticall sense or signification of the words The mysticall sense is that which the Facts or Persons immediately signified by the literall or grammaticall sense of the words doe fore-shadow Thus by Israel in the sacred story sometimes Iacob the Father of the twelve Tribes sometimes the twelve Tribes themselves are literally meant And Israel taken in this sense is literally called the Son of God but by this name Israel Christ Iesus is mystically meant He it is alone qui tanti mensuram nominis implet Hee it is which prevailed with God and is more properly called the Son of God then either Iacob or his posterity were And that which according to the literall sense was meant of Iacob's posteritie When Israel was a child then I loved him and called my Son out of Egypt Hos 11. 1. was literally fulfilled of Christin a more full and exquisite sense as the Evangelist instructs us Math. 2. 15. For God called this his only Son out of Egypt literally taken that is out of the same land or Kingdome wherein Iacob's seed had been sojourners into the selfe-same land of Canaan into which he had brought them so that every word in this prophecy is in the literall sense truly verified as well of Christ as of Iacob's seed But Egypt and Canaan besides this literall sense and signification have a further mysticall sense or importance The state of Israel or the Sons of Iacob in Egypt was a map or shadow of our slavery and bondage unto the powers of darknesse Their passage out of Egypt into the land of Canaan through the red sea was a type of our passage from the bondage of sinne into the Kingdome of light through the region of death it selfe Thus the paschall Lambe literally taken was a picture of Christ's sacrifice upon the Crosse and so was Moses which instituted the sacrifice and conducted God's people out of Egypt but a shadow of Christ Ioshuah or Iesus the Son of Nun which brought them into the land of Canaan was no more The great Angell of the Covenant which was with Moses and with Ioshuah as their guide and protector
Church or the ministers in it will suffer us to think this Melchisedech should be a Canaanite For although we ought perhaps to be as farre from denying as from affirming that God had many chosen vessels amongst the sonnes of Cham yet is it no way probable or to be affirmed that hee had any visible Church amongst them at that time whereof wee speake much lesse any such orthodoxall authentique high Priest as was ex officio to blesse him with whom the everlasting Covenant was to be established within whose family and posterity the true and visible Church was to be confined almost two thousand yeares after Nor doe we in saying thus tie the Almightie as some haply will accuse us to use no meanes but ordinary in bestowing his extraordinary blessings But this we say that where the manner of his calling is most extraordinary and miraculous it is his pleasure to use the ordinary meanes of lawfull ministers for the ratification or declaring of his calling at least for the admissiō of the parties called unto the emoluments or prerogatives of their calling Paul was plucked away from the Synagogue as a sappie branch from a dying tree by the immediate and strong hand of God but to be ingrafted or inoculated into the true Church which is the body of Christ by means ordinary and ministeriall by the hands of Ananias a civill and visible member of Christs mysticall body 4 In like manner we doe not deny that the manner of Gods calling Abraham out of Haran and the matter of the blessings then promised to him to have been both extraordinary in which blessing notwithstanding hee is to be installed by Melchisedech appointed as Gods Deputie or Vicegerent so the hebrew Cohen properly signifieth to ratifie or seale the former promises unto him The manner of the conveyance is formall and legall such as God ordinarily useth in like cases And by probable consequence this Melchisedech whosoever he were was a true principall member of the visible Church which at that time was no where on earth but in Sem his posteritie Of those Sonnes of Sem which are mentioned in Abraham's genealogy most were dead others for ought we read or by analogy can gather from what we have read no way so fitly qualified for this service as Sem himselfe who was then alive For Sem had beene solemnly blessed by his father And although hee be represented unto us in the fourth of Genesis under another name and shape then he receiv'd the blessing in yet the holy spirit seemes to point him speaking in his owne native language and solemnly bestowing that blessing upon Abraham his sonne which his father Noah had bestowed on him Blessed be the Lord God of Shem and let Canaan be his servant Gen. 4. The implication or importance is as if hee had said Shem shall have cause to blesse the Lord his God for making him Lord of Canaan This blessing or bequest wee know was to beare date aswell in Shem's posteritie as in himselfe but principally in his posteritie Now wee no where read of any conveyance or bequest of this blessing made by Shem unto his Successors besides that solemne blessing which Melchisedech whom for this reason we suppose to have been Shem bestowed on Abraham The tenor of his bequest or conveyance is more expresse Gen. 14. 19. Blessed be Abrahā of God most high possessor of Heaven and earth This propheticall benediction implyes that Abraham and his posterity should have cause to blesse the Lord their God for giving them possession of that earth or land which was the type or pledge of their heavenly inheritance and possessions This was the gaine of godlinesse that merces valde magna to have the promise of this life and of that which is to come And as the land of promise or Kingdome of Canaan once possessed was a true pledge or earnest of their title to the heavenly kingdome so Abraham at the very time when Melchisedech blessed him received the pledges of his posterities hopes unto that temporall kingdome 5 For albeit we utterly deny all sacrifice of bread and wine yet may wee not in opposition to the Papist affirme or maintaine that Melchisedech entertained Abraham and his followers only with a vulgar or common refection These elements of bread and wine being confidered with the solemnitie of the blessing have besides the literall sense a symbolicall or mysticall importance and are thus farre at least sacramentall that they served for earnests to secure Abraham that his posterity should quietly enjoy and eate the good things of that pleasant land wherein he was now a Sojourner Briefly Abraham in that sacred banquet which the King of Salem exhibited unto him did as we say take levery de seisin of the promised land as it is probable in that very place which God had destinated for the Metropolis of the kingdome or at least in that place where Iohn did baptize And albeit Melchisedech did no doubt derive the blessing bestowed on Shem or on himselfe by Noah in more expresse termes unto Abraham by inspiration extraordinary and divine yet Abraham at this time had afforded him a fit text or theame to make these extemporary expositions or declarations upon Of all that had proceeded out of the loines of Shem none as yet had ever given the like proofe of his likely hood to become Lord of Canaan as Abraham now had done whom God had enabled to right the King of Sodome and other Cananitish Kings not being able to right themselves against forreigne usurpers 6 For any man of ordinary understanding that had been an Actor in the late warre so happily managed by Abraham and a by-stander at Melchisedech's blessing of him to have conjectured to this purpose had been as easy and as warrantable as it was for the Israelites to divine that Moses should be their Deliverer by the manner of his killing the Aegyptian which had contended with an Israelite Now the holy Spirit seemes to taxe their dulnesse for not apprehending this mystery from the manner of Moses fact Thus we may derive Gods blessings upon mankind since the flood from Noah to Shem from Shem whom we take to be Melchisedech unto Abraham in whose seede all the Nations of the earth were to be blessed This argues Abraham's promised seede to be greater then Melchisedech for Abraham was blessed by Melchisedech not in Melchisedech's name but in the name of the most high God whose Priest hee was Howbeit this promised seed of Abraham was not greater then Melchisedech in externall beauty or prerogative royall till after his Resurrection or second birth During the time of his humiliation hee was rather destinated then consecrated to be the Author or fountaine of blessednesse unto us For as the Apostle argues Heb. 5. 8. Though hee were the Sonne yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered And being consecrated to wit by his sufferings became the Author of eternall salvation unto all them
Chapter no literall circumstance or meaning doth lead or direct us this way but the contrary to wit to his generation or off-spring to such a generation but farre more ample as the Israelite● were of Abraham for so it followeth in the Prophet Hee was out off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people was hee striken And hee made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done ●●●●●lence neither was any deceit in his mouth and ver 10. When thou shalt make his soule an offering for sinne he shall see his seed hee shall prolong his dayes and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand He shall see of the travell of his so●le and be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many for he shall be are their iniquities v. 10. 11. They whose iniquities he did beare and whom hee justified are his seed or that Generation whereof the Prophet doth speake Vnto this purpose our Saviour himselfe doth speak Ioh. 12. ver 23. 24. When Andrew and Philip came unto him a litle before his Passion and told him certaine Greekes desired to see him he answered them saying The houre is come that the Sonne of man should be glorified Verily verily I say unto you except a corne of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit 12 In respect of this his Resurrection out of the grave he is called the first begotten from the dead for the Father of whom hee was begotten before all worlds from all eternities did now beget him as man unto glory and immortality According to his first birth as man by the blessed Virgin he was truly called the seed of Abraham the sonne of David According to the second birth or begetting him from the grave he is called the Father of the world to come and as man the Father of Abraham the Father of David yea and of Melchisedech himselfe who blessed Abraham For the life of glory and immortality doth descend to all that ever shall be partakers of it from the man Christ Iesus now possest of glory and immortality as truly and really as his mortality or life in the flesh did descend from Abraham from David or from his Mother the blessed Virgin 13 Isaac as all have knowne it was the true picture and shadow of our Saviour's death and deliverance from it The mighty increase likewise of Isaac and Iacob's seed was the embleme or pledge of our Saviour's seed or generation which cannot be numbred or declared 14 But the circumstances of our Saviour's selling of his betraying of his cruell persecutions by Priests and people the ungracious offspring of Israel or Iacob the whole legend of his humiliation unto death and exaltation after his Resurrection are more exactly fore-shadowed by the cruell persecutions of Ioseph procured by his brethren by his calamitie and advancement in Egyyt Their persecutions by the sonnes of Iacob doe in a manner parallel themselves Both of them were sold by a Iudas more for hope of gaine then desire of blood on their parts that sold them 15 The pit whereinto Ioseph's brethren cast him as also the pit or dungeon wherein hee lay in fetters after his comming into Egypt were true pictures of our Saviour's grave or of the pit whereinto his soule descended So was Ioseph's deliverance out of them a true shadow or resemblance of Christ's Resurrection Ioseph's high advancement by Pharaoh an exquisite Type or mappe of our Saviour's glorious Kingdome after his Resurrection or birth from the dead so Ioseph complains unto Pharaoh's butler Gen. 40. v. 15. I was stollen away out of the land of the Hebrewes and here also have I done nothing that they should put mee into the dungeon 16 The whole story of Ioseph's depression and advancement is set downe Psal 105. v. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. He sent a man before thē even Ioseph who was sold for a servant whose feet they hurt with fetters He was laid in iron until the time that his WORD came the WORD of the Lord tried him The King sent and loosed him even the Ruler of the people and let him goe free Hee made him Lord of his house and Ruler of all his substance To bind his Princes at his pleasure and teach his Senators wisedome 17 A more expresse draught or mappe as well of our Saviour's humiliation as of his exaltation is Gen. 39. ver 20. 21. and Gen. 41. ver 39. Instead of the prison or dungeon wherein Ioseph lay he is raised to the highest place in the Kingdome under Pharaoh Thou shalt be over my house saith Pharaoh to Ioseph and according to thy word shall all my people be ruled only in the throne will I be greater then thou See I have set thee over all the land of Egypt and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt So was our Saviour after his Resurrection made chiefe Ruler over the house of God Every house is builded by some man But he that built all things is God And Moses verily was faithfull in all his house as a servant for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after but Christ as a Sonne over his owne house whose house are wee The amplitude of Christ's Kingdome as man foreshadowed by Ioseph's advancement under Pharaoh over all the land of Egypt is described Psal 2. ver 10. specially Psal 8. ver 5. 6. Thou hast made him a litle while lower then the Angels and hast crowned him with glory and honour Thou mad'st him to have dominion over the workes of thy hands thou hast put all things under his feete Yet saith the Apostle 1. Cor. 15. 27. It is manifest that hee is excepted which put all things under him And when it is said that he sits at the right hand of God untill his enemies be made his footstoole it is included that hee at whose right hand hee sits is in throne or seate of dignity above him Againe Ioseph instead of the iron wherein he was bound hath the Kings ring put on his hand Instead of his ragged or squallid weeds hee is arayed in a vesture of fine linnen or silke Instead of his fetters and bonds hee hath a golden chaine put about his neck All these ornaments bestowed on Ioseph as the ancient and learned well observe were but resemblances of those glorious endowments wherewith our Saviour's Body or Humanitie hath since his Resurrection been invested 18 Ioseph was placed by Pharaoh in the second charriot and he made them cry before him Abrech that is as much as to say Lord or King to whom bowing of the knee was due All this and whatsoever more was done to Ioseph is but a model of that honour which as our Apostle tels us God hath commanded to be given to Christ Wherefore God hath highly exalted him and given
in this businesse was with the man Christ Iesus in unity of person and Christ Iesus is with us unto the worlds end as the Arke of the Covenant was with Moses and Ioshuah or with the host of Israel to direct and support us in all our wayes 4 But is this passage from this vale of misery to a better life any where in Scripture called a Passeover Or is it any part of the true meaning or importance of this solemne feast This mystery is unfolded by S. Iohn 13. 1. Now before the feast of the Passeover and it was but a day before when Iesus knew that his houre was come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That hee should depart as our English renders it or rather that he should passe out of this world unto his Father having loved his owne which were in the world he loved them unto the end Some good Interpreters note an elegancy of speech in the originall or an allusion unto the etymologie of the Passeover in Hebrew as if in Latine he had said ante diem festum transitus sciens Iesus quia veniet hora ejus ut transeat But to my observation wheresoever there is the like elegancy of speech or allusion in the original the elegancy is not affected for it selfe as it usually is by secular artists but alwaies denotes some mystery or somewhat in the matter it selfe more usefull to sober minds then any artificiall elegancy of speech can be to curious Artists Now the mystery charactered unto us in that speech of S. Iohn of Christ's passing out of this world unto his Father is this to wit That the legall Passeover which was instituted in memory of the Lord 's passing ouer the houses of the Israelites and their passage out of Egypt through the red sea did fore-shadow the passage of the Son of God out of this world wherein he had lived in the state and condition of a servant unto the land of his rest and liberty he therefore passed out of this world unto his Father that in his sight and presence he might obtaine the liberty and prerogatives of the only Sonne of God begotten of his Father before all worlds but he therefore came into this world that by his death and manner of departing out of it hee might open and prepare a passage for us out of this vale of misery The land or inheritance into which he passed is the inheritance of everlasting pleasure but the passage was on his part bitter and full of sorrow yet this notwithstanding hee willingly endured for the love of his people having loved his owne which were in the world saith the Apostle he loved them to the end that is hee perfectly loved them which would not suffer him to forget them when the houre of his bitter Passion approached willing to suffer whatsoever was laid upon him for their sake And as Moses the night before the Israelites passage out of Egypt did institute the Passeover so our Saviour before his passage out of this world did institute this Sacrament or Supper not only as a memoriall of his passage but as a perpetuall pledge of his peculiar presence for conducting all such as believe on him and to be a vejand or viaticum to strengthen and comfort all such as resolv'd to follow him as the Israelites did Moses Againe as Moses instructed the Israelites in the Lawes and rites of the Passeover before they eate it so our Saviour gave instructions by precept and example for our due preparation unto this service The precepts are generally two Humilitie which he taught by his example in washing his Apostles feete ver 13. to the 17. The second Love ver 34. ver 35. A New Commandement I give unto you that yee love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another by this shall all men know that yee are my Disciples if ye love one another CHAP. 34. The Resurrection of the Son of God and the effects or issues of his birth from the grave were concludently fore-pictured by the Redemption of the firstlings of the flockes and of the first borne males and by the offerings of the first fruits of their corne BVt was the legall sacrifice of the Paschal Lambe the only solemne memoriall either of the Lord's passage over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt or of the Israelites passage out of Egypt through the red Sea Are all the mysteries of the Gospell which immediately concerne our Saviour's Resurrection and passage out of this mortall life to an immortall to be referred unto this one legall Type or modell Is this the only scale by which we are to measure it No the feast of the Passeover was an anniversary kept but once a year whereas the Lord would have as well the deliverance from the destroying Angell in Egypt as their deliverance from the host of Pharaoh to be often imprinted in their memories and their impressions to be renewed upon severall and frequent occasions To this purpose was that precept concerning the first borne directed to Moses before their passage out of Egypt Exod. 13. 1. The Lord spake unto Moses saying sanctifie unto me all the first borne whatsoever openeth the wombe among the children of Israel both of man and beast it is mine and againe ver 11. 12. of the same Chap. Every first-ling of their heards or flocks is expressely markt out for the Lord with the stampe or character of the Passeover And it shall be that when the Lord shall bring thee to the lands of the Canaanites that thou shalt cause to passe over unto the Lord all that open the matrix and every first-ling of the beast which thou hast the male shall be the Lords and every firstling of an asse thou shalt redeeme with a Lambe and if thou wilt not redeeme it then thou shalt breake his neck and a●● the first borne of man amongst thy children thou shalt redeeme The reason of this Law is given ver 14. 15. to wit because the Lord by strength of hand had brought them out of Egypt after hee had slaine the first borne of Egypt both of man and beast therefore they were to sacrifice unto the Lord all that opened the matrix being males But the first-borne of their children they were to redeeme yet these as all other legall rites and sacrifices had a double aspect or reference The one to the first occasion of their institution which is here literally exprest the other to fore-shadow somewhat to come by the legall service or institution The mystery fore-shadowed by the legall sanctifying or sacrificing the first-borne males unto the Lord was the expectation of a first-borne male by whose Consecration or passing over unto the Lord all these and the like legall ceremonies should once for all be accomplished and their children fully sanctified and redeemed That these legall services taken at the best could be no more then shadowes of good things to come common reason might have taught this people
more then commendable arts or naturall skill could afford them either for astonishing or deluding their senses or surprizing their wits However this of the Prophet Ionas being the last signe or forewarning which this evill generation was to expect from our Saviour the consequence of their non-observance or not repenting after the exhibition of it was most contrary to this examplary patterne of the Ninivite's observance of Ionas embassage by turning to the Lord in sackcloth and ashes Iudah was now become more contrary to our God then either her sister Samaria or then Assiria or Niniveh had been and God's waies became more contrary unto her and to her children The Ninivites repenting within the forty daies limited for this purpose God repealed the sentence which he had pronounced against them although Ionas who proclaimed it did murmure or grumble at it For he expected that the Lord whose mouth and messenger he was should at the forty daies end declare him to be a true Prophet by putting his sentence in execution The Son of God expects as long for the repentance of these Iewes which doubtlesse would have pleased him much better then their destruction But seeing they would not repent within the forty daies between his Resurrection and Ascension the sentence proclaimed by Ionas against Niniveh proceeds in fullest measure against this wicked and adulterous generation or degenerate seed of Abraham 5 But shall we be concluded from these premisles to say that Ierusalem and Iudah were destroyed immediately upon our Saviour's Ascension No but this we may safely say that from the day of his Ascension which was the fortieth day after his Resurrection both the City and Nation did ipso facto jure incurre the sentence of woe denounced against Niniveh by Ionas And we may further adde that the destruction both of City and Temple the desolation of Iudea and miserable dispersion of the Iewes throughout the Nations became more necessary and more inevitable then heretofore they had been not for the indefinite substance only of the woe denounced but the very measure of their misery did dayly by the like necessity increase both for intensive decrees and for extension especially in respect of the number of persons which did incurre the sentence or decree pronounced against them and of the time ordurance of the matter of woe denounced in it Yet were none of these necessary but by their continuance in their fore-father's sins and by not repenting of them and by the dayly increase of their owne and their childrens sinnes 6 During the time of these forty yeares after our Saviour's Ascension the City and State had a possibility of being freed à tanto though not a toto though not simply from destruction yet from such fearfull desolation as afterwards befell them But continuing as impenitent all these forty yeares as they had done for the forty daies before his Ascensiō the sentence within forty years after his Resurrection began to be put in execution according to the strict tenour of our Saviour's prediction Luk. 19. 41. 42. 43. 44. During the time of these forty daies God's Iudgments did lay seige against Ierusalem but the son of man Christ Iesus yet conversing as man here upon earth did bear off the punishments due to their iniquity as Ezechiel intitled and in Type the son of man had before prefigured Chap. 4. 6. Thou shalt beare the iniquitie of the house of Iudah forty daies I have appointed thee each day for a year see v. 1. 2. And thus at the end of forty yeares after our Saviour's Resurrection allotting a yeare for every day of his abode on earth the City and Temple were destroied This Calender of a day for a yeare was no new or uncouth account to this people either in the daies of Ezechiel or at the time of our Saviour's Ascension it was a Calender of God's owne making as we may read Numb 14. 33. 34. Your children shall wander in the wildernesse forty yeares and beare your whoredomes untill your Carkeises be wasted in the wildernsse after the number of the daies in which yee searched the land even forty daies each day for a year shall yee beare your iniquities even forty yeares and yee shall know my breach of promise I the Lord have said it I will surely doe it unto all this evill Congreg●tion that are gathered together against me in this wildernesse they shall be consumed and there they shall die The people were gathered against God when they were gathered against Ioshuah and Caleb and bad stone them with stones ver 10. And the Glory of the Lord which then appeared in the Tabernacle of the Congregation before all the children of Israel had now more personally and visibly appeared in the man Christ Iesus and yet how oft were they ready to stone him to death The former people for their rebellion were to die in the wildernesse without hope of seeing the promised land 7 For the rebellion of this later generation specially after the Glory of God was now revealed by his Resurrection Ierusalem according to Micah's prophecy was to become an heape of stones and Sion the beauty of the whole Nation was to be plowed like a field and the mountaine of the house which was the glory of Sion was to become as the high places of the forrest a more gastly wildernesse then that wherein their Fathers wandred The cause of God's plague denounced Numb 14. was that generations credulity to believe the report of the other spies concerning the land of Canaan contrary to the good report which Caleb and Ioshuah had made of it And the cause why this generation were to die of a more fearfull plague in Ierusalem and why Ierusalem was to become an heape was their distrust unto the promise concerning the Kingdome of heaven whereof the land of Canaan in her highest prosperity was but the mappe avouched by Iohn Baptist the Preacher of Repentance and by Iesus the Son of David which had viewed it and presented the fruits of it unto them And for this their distrust as their Fathers had wandred forty yeares in the wildernesse and never admitted to the land of Canaan so this rebellious generation had forty yeares time before they were cast out of the earthly Ierusalem never to be admitted into new Ierusalem which came down from heaven CHAP. 43. That place of Zachary Chap. 14. v. 3. expounded shewing that God did fight with the Gentiles against the Iews as formerly he had done with the Iewes against the Gentiles How the forty daies of Christ's abode upon earth after his Resurrection was fore-told THis wath of God against Ierusalem was fore-told by the Prophet Zachary Chap. 14. ver 1. 2. 4. Behold the day of the Lord commeth saith the Prophet and the spoile shall be divided in the mid'st of thee that is her enemies should not come against her as rievers ' or boot-halers which dare not stay to divide the spoile where they catch it