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A03912 The image of God, or laie mans boke in which the right knowledge of God is disclosed, and diuerse doubtes besides the principal matter, made by Roger Hutchinson. 1550. Hutchinson, Roger, d. 1555. 1560 (1560) STC 14020; ESTC S104325 175,281 406

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for God himself and therfore folowed him ▪ the which throughout the Bible be neuer spoken of any creature but only of him that made all creatures The name of God also declareth thys sence to be true which is Ihuh of foure letters in all tongues in Greke Theos in Latin Deus in English Dutch God in the Frēch Dieu in spanishe Dios in the Almaines tong Gott and therfore called Tetragram maton and in Latin Quadrilitterum deriued of Essendo or rather that word that signifieth Esse in the Ebrue is deriued of it The Iewes read for that worde Adonai not that it can not be expressed in their tongue but for a reuerence to Gods name the which as they thought was not once to be named The .iii. Chapter ¶ God is a spirit and how the scriptures do graunt vnto him a head eies handes feet and all other partes of mans body God is a bird a shoter a husbandman Christ is his Image and man also WE reade also in y e scriptures that God is a spirit and no corporall thing God is a spirit and thei that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth the Lorde no doubt is a spirit But you will say if God be a spirit how is it th●t the Prophet affirmeth him to measure heauen with his span to hold the waters with his fist the earth in thre fingers Dauid also saieth The eies of the Lord are ouer the rightuouse and his eares are opē vnto their praiers and the hand of the Lord hath driuē out the Heathē Hath a spirit fingers hāds eies and eares Whersoeuer scripture doth attribute vnto God a head eares eies eieliddes nose mouth lips tonge heart wombe handes right or left fingers or a finger an arm hinder partes fete it is not to be vnderstand litterally but a spirituall sence is to be gathered of such wordes Bycause our vnderstandinges be weak not able to perceiue God if he should vse such words as become his maiestie he boroweth cōmon plain words to declare a difficult matter vnto vs and euen as mothers before they can teach their yōg babes to speak are faine as it were to lispe stammar stut with them so God to teach our capacities vseth these familiar maner of speches When thou readest that God hath a head thou must vnderstand his deuine nature which was be●●re all thinges vnto it al thinges be obediēt His heares signifie his Angels and the whole multitude of the chosen Dan. 7. his clothing was as whit as snow y e hear of his head lyke pure woll where the head of God is his deitie and Godhead his clothing and his heares be his Angels and elect which be like whit snow and pure woll God is said to haue eies bicause he seeth al thinges and nothing is hid from him in whose sight as the Apostle telleth no creature is vnuisible for all thinges be nak●d and open vnto his eies His eies also sometimes be taken for his fauour The eies of the Lord are ouer the rightuous His eie liddes be taken for his secret iudgements His eie liddes beholde the children of men He is sayd to haue eares bicause he heareth al things The eare of the gelouse heareth all thinges the noise of the grudgings shall not be hid His nose doth signifie his inspirations in the herts of the faithful Smoke went out of his nosetrelles The face of God is the knowledge of his deuine nature of the whiche is wrytten shewe vs the lyght of thy coūtenaunce and we shall be hole that is graunt vs to know thee Otherwyse Gods face signifieth y e vnuisible nature of Christes deuinitie as Exo. do●h declare you shal se my hinder partes but my face you can not see that is thou shalt se Christes humanitie but his diuinitie can not be seen Gods mouth is takē for the sonne of God the father We haue prouoked his mouth vnto wrath or his commaundement The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Gods tongue is the holy Ghost My tongue is the pen of a redy wryter His arme signifieth Christ of whom Ieremy writeth Thou hast brought thy people of Israel out of the land of Egipt w t an almightie hand with a stretched out arme Wher also Christ is called y e hand of God For he is both his arme his hand Moreouer Gods hand is taken some tyme for his power Beholde ye house of Israel ye are in my hand euen as the clay in the potters hand Some time for his scourge saith he I wil stretche forth my hand ouer Iuda and Hierusalem and I wil rote out the remnaunt of Baal of the which scourge Iob saith the hand of the Lord hath touched me Furthermore Christe i● called Gods right hand The right hand of the Lord hath done maruelles the right hand of the Lord hath gotten the victory It is vsed also for the glory of the father concerning which he saith to his sonne syt on my right hād And in some places for euerlasting ioy and life And he shal set y e shepe on his right hand and the Goats on the left hand wher as his right hand is taken for uerlasting ioye so his lefte hand signifieth the tormentes of the wicked Gods finger is the holy ghost If I cast out deuils in y e finger of God c. For where Luke saieth in the finger of God it is in Mathew If I cast out deuils in the spirit of God Gods finger therfore is his holy comforter For as the hand finger and arme are thre and yet but of one body so y e father y e sonne and the holy ghost are thre persons and one substaunce one God The heart of God y e father signifieth the secret of his wisdom of which he begate his word that is his sonne without beginning without any passion my heart is enditing a good matter His wombe is vsed in thesame signification Of my womb before the morning star I begat thee God is said also to haue shulders because he beareth vp all thinges as it were vpō his shulders for al things stand by him The hinder parts of God is Christs humanitie the which he toke vpon him in the end of the world that we might liue without end which is called also Gods fete For as his head signifieth his deuinitie so his fete signifie Christes humanitie the which is subiect vnto Gods deitie as our fete are vnto our heads Thou hast put all thinges in subiection vnder his fete In some places preachers of Gods worde be ment by his fete They that drawe nigh hys fete shal tast of his doctrine You swearers blasphemers which vse to swear by Gods heart armes nailes guttes legges and handes learne what these thinges signifie and leaue your abhominable othes For when thou swearest by Gods heart
ignoraunce doth not argue Gods worcks to be vnprofitable yea Gods glory and wonderful power is more maruelous in making the litle flie to hear to tast and to fele with a mouth with legges with wynges a body the stoma●k the othe● inward partes then in an Elephant and more maruelous in a frog then in a great Whale and in a mouse then in a mightie horse If thou come into a riche mans house and seest much stuffe thou thinkest al to be to some purpose and darest thou iudge y t God in his house hath made any thing to no purpose Al Gods creatures ether be profitable or hurtful or not necessary thanck him for the profitable take hede of the hurtful and question not reason not of thinges not necessary For although thy capacitie can not perceiue it yet God hath made all thinges in measure and number and weight he made not y e deuil for he made him an aungel and he made himself a deuil by sinning when he fell from heauen as lightening For the deuill is as much to say as an accuser and a seducer of the Greke word Diaballi whiche signifieth to accuse to infame to disceiue God made man but he made not man euil so he made him an angel but not a deuil he made many angels but they made them selues euill for no euil commeth of him as it is written he beheld many thinges yea al that he had made and ●o they wer exceading good But why did he make him an angel knowing he wold become a deuil why did he make other aungels innumerable why many thousands of men women and children which he forseeth shalbe dampned Verely that he might declare himself to be rightuous in punishing the vngodly as he is merciful in rewarding the godly no man can blame him therfore but rather magnifie his rightuousnes He compelleth them not to sinne for which thei ar dampned Should God because he forsawe they would be euill absteine from creatinge them which is good Is it not lauful for him to do what him listeth with his own are their eies euyll bycause he is good should he not do well in making them because they would doe ill in offendyng him Of this thing seke a further aunswer in the .xii. of the boke of wysdom but let vs returne from whence we are straied al beit these questions are annexed vnto our purpose The smyth is not able to make any thing without Iron nor the Carpenter without wood nor the Tayler without cloth nor the Shomaker without leather nor the Potter without clay but God who is almightie made al thyngs of nothyng Before any thyng was what could there be to make them of except he would haue made them of hymself Iesus the sonne of Sirach saith Qui viuit in eternum creauit omnia simul He that liueth for euer more made al thinges simul together that is God made first a confused heap called in Greke Chaos of nothing and of that heap he formed all thinges as it is written Qui fecisti mundum ex materia informi who hast formed the world of a confused heape He made this heap altogether where he saith in the beginning God treated all thynges heauen and earth for the heap is called there heauē and earth as afterward also it is called the water the spirit of y e Lord was born vpon the waters So far no time no order of daies is mencioned afterward God of this heap in six daies shapeth al thinges so that both be true that God made the world in syx daies and that he made all thinges together This article of creation is necessary to be knowen for as muche as some deny God to be the maker of the world and geueth the glory therof to aungels as the Menandrians Saturnians Cerinthians al so the Nicolitanes it is y e first article of our Crede The .xv. Chapter ¶ God ruleth the world after his prouidēce and how he rested the .vii. day OTher graunt God to be maker of al thinges but they suppose that as the shypwright whē he hath made the ship leaueth it to y e mariners medleth no more therwith as the carpenter leaueth the house that he hath made euen so God after he had formed all thinges left al his creatures to their own gouernaūce or to the gouernaūce of y e starres not ruling the world after his prouidēce but liuīg in ease quietnes as y e Stoiks Epicures diuers astrologers because it is writtē y t on the .vii. day God rested from al his workes To these I aunswer with the prophet Dauid God couereth the heauen with cloudes prepareth rain for the earth maketh the grasse to grow vpon the moūtains geueth foder vnto the cattel maketh fast y e bars of y e gates of Sion blesseth y e children within maketh peace in our borders filleth vs with the flour of wheat geueth vs snow lyke wol seatreth the hore fr●●t like ashes casteth forth his ise like morsels helpeth them to right that sustein wrong loseth men out of pryson geueth sight to the blind raiseth vp them that are fallen careth for straungers defendeth the fatherles socoureth the widowe wherfore he is not an idle God For as the body lyueth thorow the lyfe of the soul euen so the world continueth by Gods gouernaunce who ruleth it as y e maister doth his seruaunt without whom it per●sheth in the twinkling of an eie All thynges wayte vpon him to receiue fode in due season when he geueth it them they gather it when he openeth his hand they are filled with good things when he hideth his face thei are sorowful if he take away his breath they die and are turned again to dust The common wealth of y e Israelites teacheth vs how wōderfully God prouideth for thē that he hath chosen He preserued Iacob frō his brother Esau he sēt Ioseph into Egipt to make prouision against the .vii. dear yeares he sent darknes amongs the Egiptians he turned their waters into bloud and slue their fishe their landes brought forth frogges flies lyse grashoppers caterpillers yea euen in their kinges chambers he brought them forth of the house of bondage and slauery with siluer gold he rebuked the sea and dried ti vp he led them thorow the depe as in the wildernes he spred out a cloud to be a couering and fire to geue light in the nyght season at their desires came quailes and he filled them with the bread of heauen he opened the rock of stone and the waters flowed out so that riuers came into the wildernes he dried vp the waters of Iordan that y e people might passe ouer he ouerthrew the walles of Iericho and made the sunne to stand stil and the day was lengthened he s●ew mightie kings Sehon king of the Amorites and Og king of ●asan and gaue away their lād for an heritage
teacheth vs this prouing that there is but vnum primum mobile one first mouer who moueth al the heauenly spheres The Manicheis make two Gods which thei cal Duo principia contraria two principles one contrary to another For they say y e one is an euill God maker of visible things the other a good God maker of inuisible thinges and they say also that both of them be vnbegottē vncreat of them selues Then are they immortall But if they be immortal there is no god that only hath immortalitie Paul lieth who saith that God not Gods hath immortalitie And al the prophets euangelistes Apostles be liers teaching w t one assent y t God only forgeueth sin y t God only knoweth al thinges For if ther be two Gods both of thē must haue these properties If ether of thē know not all thinges then is he ignoraunt then no God If both knowe all thinges then is ther no God whiche only knoweth all thinges Both also must forgeue syn the good because he is merciful the euill because he is y e cause of al sin then is ther no God which only pardoneth synne Moreouer if both the Manicheis gods be immortal if both pardō sinne if both know al science thei be not contrary for knowledge is not cōtrary to knowlege but ignorance vnmercifulnes is cōtrary to mercy forgeuing death to immortalitie Wherfore ther be not two cōtrary principles but one principle one God The christian cōgregation confesseth that the father is Principiū a principle or beginning for so the beloued disciple calleth him saing In principio erat verbum In the beginning was the word in the father was Christ. Thei acknoweledge Christ also to be Principium who answereth the cruel Iewes demaūding who he was saying y e beginning which spake vnto you But the father is pricipium non de principio Christ is principiū de principio They confesse the almighty cōforter also to be principium forasmuch as he with the father the sonne made all thinges and gouerneth them as I haue proued before Notwithstandinge there be no● thre beginnings but one beginning only as there be not thre gods but one God The papistes also bring in many gods but couertly priuely Thei teach the people to pray vnto saintes to Saint Luke for the oxe to Iob for the pox to Rocke for the pestilence to Sith for thinges lost to Christopher for cōtinual health to the Quene of heauen for women with child to Clement for good beere yea they entise the people also to worship honor their images If thei be to be praied vnto for these thinges they be gods for in praying vnto thē we acknowlege them to hear vs to be almighty to be euery where to know y e thoughtes of al men to be a strong castel vnto such as slie vnto thē but these thinges belong only to God as I haue proued before Wherfore thei make them gods O crafty deuil O suttel papistes the Iewes are reproued by the voyce of the prophetes for making many gods in y t they praied vnto Baall Astaroth Moloch and the Quene of heauen for ayde soccour Why do we not aske al good thinges of him which is the author geuer of al good thinges both to his ennemies and frindes both to the heathen to the congregation Is his hand smittē of that it can not healp Haue we perceyued at any tyme crudelitie or vnkindnes in hym Are hys eares stopped that he can not heare Or his eies so dimme that they cannot se He planted theare he made the 〈◊〉 wherfore he both heareth most easely and seeth most perfitely And because he is the ●oūtaine of al mercy he graūteth our requestes most merc●fully He is not lyke an earthly kinge ▪ who setteth porters at his gates he is not hard to speak with for he is the gate himselfe as he telleth vs Ego sum via veritas vita I am the way the truth and life and Ego sum ostium I am the doore There is but one way on● doore and he that entreth in by the doore fyndeth pasture he that entreth in not by the dore he is a thiefe a robber And why For he robbeth God of the glory belonging only to him geuing it to his creatures They which sly vnto saints depart make many wayes many dores and many Gods If they are to be prayed vnto we must beleue on them For the Apostle saith Quomodo inuocabunt in quē non crediderunt How shal they cal on him pray to him on whom they beleue not If we must beleue on them then let vs be christened in their names But holy baptisme is cōmaunded not to be ministred in their names but In nomine in one name of the father the son ●nd the holy ghost Wherfore as they are not to be beleued vpon so are they not to be called vpon but God onli whose highnes disdeineth y e felowship of any creature Let vs therfore praye vnto him for he is the well of water of life let vs not dig vyle and broken pittes which hould no water let vs take hede of the stretes of Egipt and of the wayes of Assiria God is no wildernes to his people nor lād without light but a mercifull and a liberal God Such a● make flesh their arme are accursed Let vs make Christ our arme for he is the arme of God who in al things became lyke vnto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and a faithful bishoppe in thinges concerning God to pourge the peoples sinnes God only knoweth our nede scartheth aur thoughts and intēts graūteth our desires blesseth and crowneth vs and ther be no more Gods no more hearers no more iudgers of thoughts beside him He saith by his Prophet I am the first and the last and beside me is ther no God Haue not I y e Lord done it withoute whome there is none other God the tru God and sauiour and ther is els none but I and therfore turne vnto me all ye endes of the earth so shal ye be saued For I am God and ther is els none If ther be many Gods the diuine power gouernaūce and rule is deuyded betwene them and then it is not an euerlasting power but mortall for whatsoeuer is deuyded is mortall But naturall reason denyeth God to be corruptible and his power to decaye Wherfore it protesteth y t there is but one God which ruleth all Moreouer the diuine power is a perfit power a general authoritie for God is almighty and general gouernor If ther be many Gods ech of them hath a certeine portion to rule But they which haue but portions are no Gods for the power of God is a perfit power a perfit power cōprehēdeth all power If there be many Gods they haue seuerall dominions euery one of them lacketh so much