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A02359 Three rare monuments of antiquitie, or Bertram, priest, a French-man, of the body and blood of Christ, (written 800 yeares agoe) with the late Romish purging thereof: Ælfricus, Arch-bishop of Canterburie, an English-man, his sermon of the sacrament, (preached 627 yeares agoe:) and Maurus, abbot, a Scots-man, his discourse of the same (820 yeares agoe:) all stronglie convincing that grosse errour of transubstantiation. Translated and compacted by M. VVilliam Guild, minister at King-Edward; De corpore et sanguine Domini. English. Abridgments Ratramnus, monk of Corbie, d. ca. 868.; Guild, William, 1586-1657.; Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham. Sermo de sacrificio in die Pascae. aut; Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mainz, 784?-856. De sacramento Eucharistiae. aut 1624 (1624) STC 12492; ESTC S103528 49,280 152

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eate wee his bodie roasted with fyre because the holie Ghoste came in fyerie lykenesse vnto the Apostles in diverse Tongues V. The Israelites should eate the Lambes head and the feete and the purtenances and no-thing must there-of bee left over-night If anie thing there-of was left they did burne that in the fyre And they brake not the bones After ghostlie vnder-standing wee doe then eate the Lambes head when wee take holde of Christes Divinitie in our Beliefe Againe when wee take holde of his Humanitie with loue then eate we the Lambes feete because that Christ is the Beginning and the Ende GOD before all Worlde and Man in the ende of this Worlde What bee the Lambes purtenances but even Christes secret Preceptes And these wee eate when wee receiue with griedinesse the Worde of Lyfe There must no-thing of the Lambe bee left till the morning because all Gods Sayinges are to bee searched with carefulnesse and great diligence so that all his Preceptes must bee knowne in vnderstanding and deede in the night of this present lyfe before the last day of the vniversall Resurrection doe appeare And if wee can not search out throughlie all the mysterie of Christes Incarnation then ought wee to betake the rest vnto the might of the holie Ghost with true humilitie and not to search rashlie of that deepe secretnesse aboue the measure of our vnderstanding VI. They did eate the Lambes flesh with their Loynes girded In the Loynes is the lust of the bodie And hee that will receiue that holie housell shall cover and wrap in that Concupiscence and take with Chastitie that holie Receit VII They were also shod And what bee Shooes but of the hydes of dead beastes Wee bee truelie shod then if wee match in our steps and deedes the liues of men departed this lyfe which pleased God with keeping of his Commandementes VIII They had Staues in their handes when they did eate This staffe signifieth a care-fulnesse and a diligent over-seeing and all they that best knowe and can should take care of other men and stay them vp with their helpe IX It was enjoyned to the eaters that they should eate the Lambe in haste for God abhorreth sloath-fulnesse in his Servants and those hee loveth which seeke the joye of Ever-lasting Lyfe with quicknesse and hastinesse of mynd Prolong not to turne vnto GOD left the tyme passe away thorowe thy slow tarrying X. The eaters might not breake the Lambes bones No more might the Souldioures which did hang CHRIST breake His Holie Legges as they did of the two Thieues which hanged on eyther syde of Him And the LORD arose from death sound and whole with-out all corruption And at the last Iudgement they shall see Him Whome they did moste cruellie wound on the Crosse. XI This Tyme is called in the Hebrew Tongue PASCHA and in Latine TRANSITVS and in English a PASSE-OVER Because that vpon this daye the people of Israell passed from the Lande of Aegypt thorowe the redde Sea from the bondage of Pharaoh towardes the Land of Promise So also did our LORD at this Tyme departe as sayeth Sainct IOHN the EVANGELIST from this Worlde to His heavenly Father And even so wee ought to follow our HEAD and to goe from the Devill vnto CHRIST from this vnstable Worlde vnto His stable KINGDOME How-bee-it wee shoulde first in this present lyfe departe from Vyce vnto holie VERTVE from evill manners vnto good if vvee vvill after this our lent lyfe goe to that Eternall Lyfe and after our resurrection to CHRIST Hee bring vs vnto His Ever-lasting Father Who gaue Him vnto Death for our Sinnes To Him bee Honour and Prayse of Well-doing Wordle with-out ende AMEN A Notable Short DISCOVRSE VVritten by a Scots-man AS BALE vvitnesseth OF THE SACRAMENT Who lived in that same Age with BERTRAM 800 yeares agoe named RABANVS or Magnentius Maurus learned in all Sciences A Professor long in the Vniversitie of Paris and at last made An Abbot vnder Lodovicus Pius OF the other two thinges left vnto vs in Legacie that is Of the Bodie and Blood of the LORD it may be asked Why amongst all the Fruites of the Earth chiefelie he did choose Bread and Wine to designe the same as if these did excell all other Fruites of the Earth in woorth and were of greatest value Which Question wee thinke may bee thus solved Our LORD did choose that the Sacrament of his bodie and blood should bee so received by the mouth of the Faythfull and that the same should bee converted to their nowrishment that by the visible worke the invisible effect and working of the other might be showne and made manifest For as the materiall Foode outwardlie nowrisheth and feedeth the bodie so the Word of God inwardlie nowrisheth the Soule strengtheneth the same For it is not by Bread onelie that Man liveth but by everie Word that procedeth out of the Mouth of God And the Word is become Flesh and hath dwelt amongst vs sayeth Trueth it selfe And as sayeth Christ himselfe My Flesh is Meat indeede and My Blood is Drinke indeede Now the flesh of Christ is Meate indeede because it feedeth truelie and nowrisheth man vnto eternall Life which is onelie true Life and his blood is Drinke indeede because truelie and solidlie it satiateth and slockeneth for ever the hungering and thirsting soule after Righteousnesse For as for temporall life men indeede may haue the same with-out this meate and drinke but that Eternall they cannot attaine vnto because that this Meate and Drinke signifieth that eternall societie and fellowship of the members vvith their head and their strait conjunction For sayeth hee Hee that eateth My Flesh and drinketh My Blood abydeth in Mee and I in him Wherfore it is needfull that wee receiue his bodie and blood that wee may abyde in Him and become members of His Bodie And the Sacrament heere-of to wit of our Becomming one with CHRISTES bodie and blood it is taken off from the Table to some men vnto destruction but the thing it selfe which is signified is taken by all men vnto lyfe and by none vnto destruction For who-so-ever is partaker of that the same man shall bee associate as a member to CHRIST his head into that Heavenlie Kingdome For it is another thing the Sacrament it selfe and the vertue of the Sacrament The Sacrament it selfe is onelie taken by the mouth but by the vertue of the Sacrament the inward man is refreshed The Sacrament also is turned into the food of the bodie but by the vertue of the Sacrament the dignitie of eternall Lyfe is obtained In the Sacrament againe all the faythfull Communicantes make a paction of mutuall fellow-ship and brotherlie peace amongst them selues heere but by the vertue of the Sacrament all the members joyned and straitlie coupled with their head in eternall Glorie shall rejoyce for ever Therefore as the Sacrament it selfe is turned in our substance when wee haue eaten and drunken the same so lyke-wyse shall
it were not at all or had perished yet not-with-standing seeing it hath beene often printed here-to-fore read by sundrie that by the forbidden name there-of it hath bene made knowne to all and that the Heretickes doe vnderstand of this mans prohibition by diverse Catalogues and that he was a Catholicke Priest and a Monke of the Monasterie of Corbei and greatlie beloved and reverenced not so much by Charles the Great as Charles the bolde as we may consider in the Historie of his age yet in him as in other Catholicke Writers wee must beare with many Erroures of theirs and we must extenuate and excuse them and oftentymes by devising a fit exposition to their words Let vs even oftentymes denye them frame a commodious meaning vnto them while as in Disputes or conflicts with the Adversaries they are opponed against vs And therefore wee see not why this BERTRAM requireth not the same equitie and diligent examination lest doing other-wyse by full suppressing of him the Heretickes accuse vs That wee burne and prohibite all Antiquitie making for them And therefore that it is no marvell that fewe seeme to make for them when wee that are Catholickes so vnreverentlie and disdainfullie thrust foorth and destroy all Antiquitie amongst vs that but in verie show doe disagree from vs. As also wee feare that not onlie that Booke bee read by Heretickes but also that by disobedient Catholickes the same bee more greedylie perused in respect of the interdiction there-of and that the same be more dangerouslie alleadged and that beeing al-to-gether prohibited that it shall hurt more than beeing permitted for there is nothing in it worthie of rebuke except the obscurenesse of the mans speach and an vnfit either vsurpation or exposition of some wordes and sentences which by a marginall explanation either prefixed or affixed if they were interpreted and the Authores meaning and scope were there-by declared and finallie if that some thinges which seeme not obscurelie to be by some Hereticke inserted or added about the ende of the Treatise were remarked and eschewed there would bee nothing then resting which might be feared by the Reader in this Worke. There-fore neyther evill nor vnadvisedlie let all these thinges bee omitted About the ende of the thirde Page these wordes It is lyke-wyse to bee considered that in that Bread c. Even to this a good deale after But it is another thing which is outwardlie done c. And againe even in the same Page and in the next there-vnto all these speaches which followe As also these things that are one are comprehended vnder one Definition c. Even vnto that For that which is done in the lyfe spirituallie c. So these thinges beeing omitted neyther shall they obscure the preceeding meaning nor cause anie thing to bee maymed or superfluous There resteth onlie one scruple but verie little to them that are Catholicklie taught as BERTRAM not once sayeth That that which appeareth in the ●VCHARIST doeth seede the bodie is corruptible and not eternall c. For that the Catholicke Fayth attributeth all these thinges vnto the Species and Accidents of the Substances which were before Trans-substantiation is more clearlie knowne than can bee declared other-wyse For so wee aunswere vnto the Experiences and Assertions of the Berengarians which are rehearsed in Gvitmundus who sayde That they founde by experience some to haue lived long and growne by the Encharist alone to wit these Accidents did as much as other Substances Neyther doe wee thinke with Guitmundus that another substance was substitute for their incredulitie or that Consecration or Trans-substātiation did not solow when their intention who did celebrate the same was wrong For the naming of the Substances of Bread and Wine as hath beene sayde are taken for the formes or accidentes of Bread and Wine Altho I denye not but BERTRAM at that time did not exactlie vnder-stand that these Accidentes did subsist without a substance and other thinges also which in the latter Age moste subtillie and truelie by holie men were added Next followeth those thinges vvhich out of BERTRAM are al-together not to bee deleted Fol. 1137 reade Invisiblie for Visiblie And there-after According to the substance of the creatures which they were before Consecration that same they remayne after It is to bee interpreted According to the externall Accidents of the Sacrament Fol. 1140. But this which is celebrated in the Church is temporall not eternall It is to bee interpreted According to the corruptible accidents or of the thing it selfe or vse of the Sacrament vvhich onlie is in this Lyfe An ancient Sermon of AELFRICVS Arch-bishop of Canterburie an English-man OF THE SACRAMENT Convincing the late Errour now-a-dayes of Trans-substantiation Preached in the time of Etheldred King And in the Yeare of our LORD 996. Vttered in the SAXON Tongue And thereafter in an old English translated MEN BELOVED It hath beene often sayde vnto you about our SAVIOVRS Resurrection Howe hee on this present day after his suffering mightilie rose againe from Death Now will wee open vnto you by GODS Grace of the holie HOVSELL vvhich ye should now goe vnto and instruct your vnderstanding about this Mysterie both after the Olde Covenan● and after the New that no doubting trouble you concerning this lyuelie Food The Almightie God bade Moses his Captaine in the Land of Aegypt to command the people of Israel to take to everie Familie a Lambe of a yeare olde the night that they departed out of the Countrey towards the Land of Promise and to offer that Lambe to God and after to cut it and make the signe of the Crosse with the Lambes blood vpon the side-poastes and vpper poast of the doore and afterwards to eate the Lambes fl●sh roasted and vnleavened Bread with wylde Lettuice God saith vnto Moses Eate of the Lambe not raw nor sodden in water but roasted at the fire eate the head and the seete and the inwards and let nothing of it bee left till the morning and if any thing remaine that shall yee burne with the fire Eate it this wise Gird your Loynes and doe your Shooes on your seete haue you Stau●s in your hands and eate it in haste This is the Lords Passeover And there was r●a●●e on that night in everie house throughout Pharaohs Reigne the f●●st-borne chylde and Gods people of Israel were deliuered from that sudden death thorow the Lambes offering and his bloods marking Then said God to Moses Keepe this day in your remembrance and holde it a great Feast in your Kinreds with a perpetuall observation and eate vnleavened bread alwayes seaven dayes at this Feast After this deede God led the people of Israel thorow the red Sea with drye foote and drowned therin Pharaoh and all his Armie together with their Possessions and fed afterwards the Israelites fourtie yeares with heavenlie foode and gaue them water out of the hard Rocke vntill they came to the promised Land Part of this Storie we haue