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A44096 The principles of Christian religion in twenty questions and answers whereunto is added, a compendious history of the most memorable passages of Holy Scripture by way of questions and answers, for the use and benefot of the inhabitants of the parish of Wotton in Oxford shire. By John Hoffman B.D. minister of Gods Word. Hoffman, John, b. 1601 or 2. 1653 (1653) Wing H2348; ESTC R215272 23,157 80

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in Cattell and Goods and had much contention with the Philistims about digging of Wells 4 In his old Age he blessed Iacob and Esau he dyed and was buried by his Sonnes Q. 6. What canst thou say of Iacob 1 A. He fled into a strange land for feare of his brother Esan 2 In his Travells being once benighted and lodging all night in the field he had a sweet dreame wherein he saw a ladder that reached from Earth to Heaven the Angells of God descending and ascending 3 He vowed a vow and is entertained by his Unkle Laban to have the care and oversight of his Cattell 4 He had many troubles with his Unckle whose two Daughters Leah and Rachell he married 5 He had twelve Sonnes and one Daughter and grew rich by Gods blessing upon him 6 He returned to his Fathers house with all he had gotten at his Unckles and by the way in his returne he met with shrode troubles 1 His Unckle pursued after him and charged him with theft 2 His brother Esau came with an Army against him 3 His Wife Rachel died in Childbed 4 His Daughter Dinah is ravished 5 His Sonnes Simeon and Levi committed Murther 6 His eldest Sonne committed Incest and his sonne Iudas whoredome After he came home and was setled his troubles about Ioseph began In his Old Age he removed with all his Family into Egypt and died there and his body was brought back into the land of Canaan end buried Q 7. What canst thou say of Ioseph Ioseph is a worthy patterne of Piety and Holinesse he feared God and took great care for his old Father Iacob and for all his family He was sold into Egypt by his own brethren and was there wrongfully imprisoned but by Gods wonderfull providence he is advanced to great honour and became the Father and preserver of the Land in time of Famine 3 He was married in Egypt and had two Sonnes he dyed and is embalmed EXODUS Q. 1. WHY is this Book called Exodus A. Because it containeth the History of Israels going out of the Land of Egypt by the mighty hand of God Q. 2. What became of Iacobs posterity after the death of Ioseph 1 A. They were miserably oppressed by the Egyptians 2 By command from the King all the male children were drowned as soon as they were borne the Midwives shewed much pitty towards them 3 Moses an Infant is miraculously preserved and bred up by King Pharao's own Daughter 4 Moses and Aaron are called and sent to the King to let Israel depart quietly out of the Land 5 Pharao hardned his heart and refused to let them goe for which he is punished with Nine plagues which are these 1 All the waters of the Land were turned into bloud God gave them bloud to drink for their cruelty towards the Israelitish Infants 2 God punished the land by Froggs 3 By Lice 4 By noysome Flyes 5 Murraine on Beasts and Boyles on Men. 6 By terrible haile thunder and lightning 7 By Locusts 8 By dreadfull darknesse 9 By killing the first Borne Q 3. What became of Israell 1 A. None of those Plagues touched them 2 They goe out of Egypt in hast 3 The Passeover is instituted 4 They come to the Red Sea Q. 4. What did God doe for them there and afterwords 1 He divided the Sea for them and they went on foot through it and the Egyptians following the waters returned and drowned them all 2 He led them by Moses into the Wildernesse and gave them the Law on Mount Sinai and there they having grievously finned by committing Idolatry at Moses his prayer for them are pardoned 3 He commanded them to set up the Tabernacle and gave them Lawes about Sacrifices Q. 5. How were they maintained in the Wildernesse 1 A. God gave them Manna from heaven and water out of a Rock 2 Their shooes add Garments did not weare out for Forty years Q. 6. How did Moses governe such a multitude in the Wildernesse 1 A. He appointed Magistrates and Officers under him by the counsell of his Father in Law 2 God usually appeared to Moses to direct him 3 He had the Oracle of Vrim and Thumim to ask counsell of God by 4 The Lord went along with his people and led them by a cloud by day and by a Pillar of Fire by night LEVITICUS The Question WHy is this booke called Leviticus A. Because it containeth the Lawes and dutyes of the Levites or Ministers of God under the Law before the comming of Christ in the flesh Read often the 26. chapter of this booke NUMBERS Q 1. WHy is this booke called Numbers A. 1. Because all the Males from 20. yeares and upward among the Israelites were numbred in the wildernesse by Moses at Gods command 2. Because Israels murmurings and punishments in the wildernesse are here set downe in order 3. Because their severall stations and removalls in the wildernesse are here numbred Q 2. Which were the great Rebellions of Israel in the wildernes A. Their Rebellions against God against Moses and Aron were many but three of them are most remarkable 1. That of Miriam for which she is punished with leprosy 2. That of all the people upon the returne of the spies out of the land of Canaan 3. That of Corah Dathan and Abiram whom the earth swallowed up and all their company Q 3. What became of Aaron the first high Priest under the Law A He dyed and was buried in the wildernesse and his Sonne Eleazar succeeded him Q 4. What warrs had Israel in the wildernesse A They had warres with the Amalekits and with the Midianites where we have the history of Balaam and of the zeale of Phineas and of a great plague among the Israelits for committing whoredome Q 5. What other memorable things have you in this booke A 1. The 72 Elders prophesyed 2. The brazen Serpent is set up 3. The Levits are numbered and divers cases in law determined as that of Zelophehads daughters 4. Moses is forewarned of his death and his successor is named to wit Ioshua 5. The two Tribes and a halfe obtaine the land on this side Jordan for an inheritance but with this condition to assist the other Tribes till they also could be setled in their inheritances DEUTERONOMY WHat canst thou say of this booke 1. This booke is called Deuteronomy that is to say a second law because it contains a repetition 1. Of lawes formerly given 2. Of mercyes formerly received 2. This booke is full of sweet admonitions and exhortations to Israel to be sincere and constant in Gods worship and service 3. This booke containeth Moses his swan-like song his blessing and prophecy his death and buriall and Iosbua's succession JOSHUAH The Question WHat readest thou in this booke A 1. The history of the warres of Canaan 2. The history of Israels going over Jordan as on dry land the waters giving way to them in a wonderfull manner 3. The Circumcision in Gilgall 4. Christ
Pharoah and dyed in prison in Egypt Q 26. What is said of Jehoiakim A 1 He was very wicked and became Tributary to Egypt and oppressed his subjects 2 The caldeans and other Nations invaded Juda and distressed him every way and he dyed Q 27. What do we read of Jehoiachin Nebucadnezar King of Babylon tooke him his Wife and Children and many of the Nobles of Juda captives into Babylon there he lived and dyed a prisoner yet in his latter dayes he had some inlargement granted to him in Babylon Q 28. What is said of Mattaniah alias Zedekiah A He was wicked and rebelled against the King of Babylon whereupon the Caldeans besieged the Citty Jerusalem and tooke it and brnt the Citty and Temple carryed away the King and all Juda captive into Babylon for 70 yeares according to Jeremys Prophecy Thus far goeth the History of the Kings of Juda. Here followeth the History of the Kings of Israel after the Death of SOLOMON The 1. Question WHat is said of Jeroboam the first King of Israel 1 A. Jeroboam for Solomons sinnes is made King of the ten Tribes of Israel 2 He setts up Idolls in his dominions for feare his Subjects should goe up to worship in Jerusalem and so fall off from him againe For which sinfull policy this marke of infamy is set on his name Jeroboam the Sonne of Nebat who made Israell to sinne 3 When one of Gods Prophets came to reprove and to reclaime him from his sins he stretched out his hand against that Prophet whereupon his hand withered but was againe restored 4 The same Prophet seduced by a lying Prophet is slaine by a Lyon at his returne 5 Jereboams sonne dyed young because God saw some good in him 6 He had perpetuall warres with the Kings of Juda and dyed Q 2. What is said of Nadab his sonne A. He being wicked and Idolatrous like his Father was slaine by Baasha one of his own Subjects in the second yeare of his Reigne Q. 3. What read we of Baasha A 1 He executed Gods wrath upon Jeroboams posterity and was a great warriour 2 For his wickednesse he is told by the Prophet Jehu that God would deale with him as he dealt with Jeroboam Q 4. What is said of Elah Zimri and Omri the 3 following Kings A 1 Elah being drunck at a feast is slaine by his servant Zimri 2 Zimri having destroyed all Baashae's posterity is pursued by Omri he fleeth to his Pallace and burnes himselfe and Pallace 3 Omri is made King by the Souldiers and prevaileth against Tibny his competitour he built the City Samaria and dyed Q 5. What is said of Ahab Omrie's sonne 1 A. Ahab was worse then any of the Kings of Israel before him for he brought with his wife Iezabel the Idol Baal into the land 2 In his dayes Jerico was built And for 3 yeares 6 months there was no raine in the land which caused a great famine 3 He caused innocent Naboth to be stoned by his wives instigation to get his Vinyard 4 Upon the Prophet Elia's message from God for a heavy judgment he humbled himselfe for the present whereupon the judgment is put off for a time 5 He was victorious in two great battells which he fought with Benhadad King of Syria 6 He goeth against Ramoth Gilead to battell contrary to the Prophet Micha's counsell and is slaine in the field Iehosaphat King of Juda being with him 7 In his dayes the Prophet Elia was famous Q 6. What read we of Elia the Prophet A 1. He foretells a famine upon the land 2 He is fed by ravens 3 He increaseth the Widdowes oile and meale raised a dead child to life 4 Obadia a good Courtier bringeth him to Ahab Elia calls Baalls Priests to a Sacrifice and puts them to death 5 At Elia's prayer God sent raine 6 For feare of Queene Jezebel he fled into a Wildernesse where he is fed by an Angell God appeareth to him and commandeth him to annoint Elisha to be a Prophet in his roome 7 Elia being sent for by King Ahaziah Ahabs sonne caused fire to come downe from heaven to consume the first and second Captaines and their fifties he spareth the third Captaine and goeth with him to the King 8 He was taken up into heaven in a fiery Charet Elisha being by and beholding it Q 7. What is said of Ahazia Ahabs sonne the eight King of Israel A. 1 He was wicked like his Father Jehosaphat refuseth his friendship 2 He dyed of a fall through a lettesse according to the word of Elia. Q 8. What read we of Jehoram A. 1 He was Ahazia's yonger brother 2. For Jehoshaphats sake he obtained a great victory against the Moabites 3 He is slaine by Jehu one of his Captaines 4 In his daies Elisha prophecied Q 9. What doe we read of Elisha the Prophet 1 A. He being with Elia going up to heaven got his Mantle and therewith divided the waters of Jordan as Elia had done before 2 A. He healed the bitter waters of Jericho 3 He caused two Beares to destroy forty two Schoole-boyes for nicknaming and calling him Bald-head 4 He multiplied the Widdowes oyle and raised the Shunamites dead child to life 5 He healed the pottage Caused the Iron to swimme He fed an hundred men with a few loaves He cured Naamans leprosy He punished his servant Gehazy for lying and for taking a reward He told the secrets of the King of Syria to the King of Israel He smote the Syrians who came to apprehend him with blindnesse He foretold suddaine plenty in Samaria in a time of a grievous famine 6 He entertained Hazael with teares and told him of his future greatnesse and cruelty 7 Upon his death-bed he promised the King who came to see him three victories against the Syrians 8 He dyed and in his grave a dead souldier is raised to life by touching his bones Q 10. What is said of Jehu 1 A. Of a Captaine he is made King over Israel he destroyed all Ahabs posterity he killed both the Kings of Juda and Israel he caused Queene Iezebel to be thrown out of a Window and he killed all the worshippers of Baal 2 For his zeale against Baal and Ahabs house God promised him that foure of his posterity should be Kings 3 He was a great Warrior but wicked dyed Q. 11. What read we of his sonne Jehoahaz 1 A. He walked in the wayes of Jeroboam 2 When the Syrians invaded his land he cryed to God and he delivered him and he dyed peaceably Q. 12. What is said of Jehoash 1 He lived in his Fathers sinne 2 He fought with Amaziah King of Juda and overcame him he was a great Warrior and dyed Q 13. What is said of Jeroboam and Zachariah 1 A. Jeroboam was a great warrior and had good successe and died 2 Zacharia succeeded him and reigned but halfe a yeare and was slaine by Shallum one of his own Subjects Q 14. What doe we
Jeroboam and two only to Solomons Sonne Q. 7. How many Kings raigned only over the two Tribes that were Kings of Judah A. The Kings of Judah were twenty whose names are these 1 Rehoboam 2 Abiam 3 Asa 4 Jehosophat 5 Jehoram 6 Ahaziah 7 Queen Athaliah 8 Joash 9 Amazia 10 Azariah called also Vzziah 11 Jotham 12 Ahaz 13 Hezekiah 14 Manasseh 15 Amon 16 Josiah 17 Jehoaaz 18 Jehoiachim 19 Jehoiakin 20 Zedekiah Q 8. How many Kings Raigned over the Ten Tribes of Israel A. The Kings over Israell were Nineteene and none of them good their names are these 1 Joroboam 2 Nadab 3 Baasha 4 Elah 5 Zimri 6 Omri 7 Ahab 8 Abaziah 9 Jehoram 10 Jehu 11 Jehoahaz 12 Jehoash 13 Jeroboam 14 Zachariah 15 Shallum 16 Menahem 17 Pekaiah 18 Pekah 19 Hoshea Q. 9. What is said of the first King of Juda Rehobean 1. A. He neglected the good Counsell of old men and so lost the greatest part of his Kingdome 2 For his sinnes and the sinnes of the land the King of Egypt came with an Army and robbed the Temple which Solomon had built and beautified 3 He dyed and was little lamented Q. 10. What is said of Abiam the second King of Ju●…s A. He was very wicked he Raigned but three years and died Q. 11. What canst thou say of Asa 1 A. He was a Godly King and reformed Religion 2 He prospered in his Warres against Baasha and against the Ethiopians 3 He and his Subjects entred into a strict Covenant to serve God according to his word 4 Two sinnes are laid to his charge 1 His unkindnesse to the Prophet Hanani 2 His looking more after Physitians then God 5 He fell sick of a disease in his feet and died Q. 12. What is said of Jehosaphat 1 A. He like his Father Asa maintained true Religion 2 He is blamed for keeping friendship with Ahah 3 He walked in the first wayes of David being zealous 4 He caused the Priests to goe from Towne to Towne to Catechise the people 5 In a time of Warre he seekes God and gets a great victory he Reigned gloriously and died peaceably Q 13. What is said of Jehoram A 1 He was wicked and Idolatrous for which he is reproved in a letter from the Prophet Eliah but he despised it 2 For his sinnes God smote him with an incurable dsease and paine in his bowells where of he dyed 3 His death was not lamented neither was he buried among the Kings of Juda. Q 14. What is said of Abaziah A He was a very wicked King he reigned but one yeare and going to see the King of Israel is slaine there by Jehu Q 15. What readest thou of Queen Athaliah A 1 She being the Queenes mother undertaks to reigne killeth all the Royall seed excepting one yong Prince Joash who was secretly carried away and preserved by his Aunt Jehoshebah the wife of Jehoiadah the high Priest 2 This Queene was afterwards slaine by the command of the high Priest and Joash the yong Prince succeded Q 16. What is said of Joash A 1 Joash is made King by Jehoiadah the high Priest and did well so long as this Priest lived taking great care for the repairing of the Temple 2 After the death of his Uncle the high Priest he groweth very wicked and being reproved by his Uncles sonne then the high Priest he caused him to be killed an ill requitall to his Uncle who had saved his life preferred him to the Crowne 3 Jehoiadah dying is buried among the Kings 4 Joash by a conspiracy is slaine by his Courtiers Q 17. What canst thou say of Amaziah A 1 He was a religious Prince and revenged his Fathers Murther 2 He challenged Jehoash King of Israel to fight with him but he is worsted by him 3 He hired souldiers out of Israel for an 100 shekells of silver but being advised by a Prophet to let these Souldiers goe backe againe to their own homes because they were wcked Idolaters he obeyed and is content to loose the mony God is able saith the Prophet to give thee much more then this mony commeth to 4 He fights with the Edomites and having conquered them worshippeth their ldole Gods for which beingreproved by a Prophet he continued obstinate and at last growing proud he is killed by a conspiracy Q 18. What read we of Azaria or Vzziah A 1 He was good King and reigned 52 yeares 2 He overcame the Philistians in Battell 3 He was a Lover of Husbandry and Cattell 4 At last he medling with the Priests Office he is smitten with leprosy and dyed Q 19. What is said of Jotham A There is little said of him only he executed his Fathers Kingly office after his Father was leprous Q 20. What is said of Ahaz A 1. He was very wicked the Scripture saith this is that Ahaz to shew the greatnesse of his sinnes and wickednesse he offered his sonne to the Idole Molech in the fire 2 He lost part of his Cuntery and hired the King of Assyria to helpe him against the Syrians 3 He put up an Idolatrous Alter after the forme of that he saw in Damascus and made great changes in Religion for the worse and dyed Q 21. What do we read of Hezekiah A 1 He was one of the best Kings of Juda and reformed Religion and brake the brazen serpent set up by Moses in the Wildernesse 2 He kept a stately passover and perswaded all his subjects to binde themselves by a vow to serve the Lord. 3 God delivered him and Jerusalem from the Army of Senacharth an Angell from Heaven fighting for them 4 He fell sick and upon his prayer God added 15 yeares to his life 5 He was a great builder and became exceeding famous 6 He offended God by shewing his Treasures on t of vaine glory to the Ambassadors of the King of Assyra and dyed Q 22. What is said of Manasseth A 1 He was one of the most wicked Idolatrous Kings of Juda and dealt with Devills and wizzards and spilt much innocent bloud 2 He is led away captive into Babylon and upon his repentance he is restored againe to his Kindome and dyed Q 23. What is said of Amon A He was very wicked and is slaine by his own servants in his house Q 24. What do we read of Josiah A 1 He was one of the best Kings of Juda and being very yong when his Father was slaine he was by the care of his Mother the high Priest religiously bred up 2 The Prophetesse Huldah foretells Gods Judgements upon the land and a Blessing upon him for humbling himselfe at the reading of the Law 3 He kept a most solemne Passover and destroyed the Idolatry of Juda and Israel 4 He goeth contrary to Gods command to war against Pharao Necho and is there unfortunately slaine whose death was lamented by all specially by the Prophet Jeremy Q 25. What is said of Jeboahaz A He is taken captive by