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A16597 [The copye of a letter, sent by Iohn Bradforth to ... the Erles of Arundel, Darbie, Shrewsburye, and Penbroke, declaring the nature of the Spaniardes, and discovering the most detestable treasons, which thei haue pretended ... agaynste ... Englande. Wherunto is added a tragical blast of the papisticall tro[m]pet. by T.E.] Bradford, John, serving-man.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, attributed name.; T. E., fl. 1556. A tragicall blast of the papisticall trompette for maintenaunceof the popes kingdome in Englande. 1556 (1556) STC 3504.5; ESTC S112650 41,263 110

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courte by iiii penny pintes and that with the dearest accordinge to the olde auncyente and moste honorable customes of the Emperours maiesties courte the kinges maiesties palaies here in flaunders her maiestie shall wel perceiue that I kepe many thinges secret whiche I am ashamed to declare Ye will thinke I speake the worste but when the Quenes grace shalbe glad to fetche her wine out of the tauern by eight pense and a halfe peny the quarte as the king and bothe the Quenes doe here in this courte her highnes shall well know that I cold show much worse orders and manye thinges more vile more shamefull and more dishonorable then these and by that time all these thinges be wrought ordinarely in the court of Englande ye shall smell them more vnsauerly Al mē that be here cōtīuallye doe see muche more and many worse thinges then I write But if these things wil not make your lordships worke wiseli and be circūspect in deliuering the crowne looke further vpon youre proceadinges and when your lordships shal be glad if ye might escape so well to be at the Spanishe counsels commaundemēt and wander with Spaniardes from one countrey to another and where ye liue at this present with all plentiful prouision in your own houses be compelled to lie in good tiplinge houses rost halfe a capōe to your supper and kepe the rest for your diner with a pinte of white wine and water a pigge● petitooes a younge shepe trotters halfe a loine of leane mutton and iiii or .v grene sallettes as the best of the kings counsell doe liue daily ye wil say woulde to god we had kept the crown in our owne handes for the right and lawful heires of the realme to whom it belongeth by iust and lawfull discent and bene trewe to our countrye so that we might haue reigned still and lyued more honorable in reste wealth and quietnes then any nacion in the world The Spaniards say your lordships most specially and al the rest of our nobilite with the moste parte of our counsel be without knowledge learning language or perfect experience and therfore thei hope though not spedely yet in proces of tyme to disceaue and ouer cōe you with their learning wisdome craft and policy Let your children therfore if ye loue them be brought vp in learninge wisedome that they maye be able to gouerne the realme prudently after your dayes And folowe youre lordships for the preseruacion of youre lyues honor and children this worthy and notable example of the most worthy king Codrus who seing his countrey assauted by the most cruell tiranny of his enemies sought by all meanes possible to deliuer his people from bondage with least destruccion of his subiectes bloud and being answered that there was no way to preserue his realme except he himselfe should be slaine appareled hys most princelike person in a poore palmers wede and after great lamentacion of his subiectes whiche woulde rather haue lost life lāds goods then suffer so noble a king to die for their deliueraunce became a tourne spitte in his enemies kitchen and when hys aduersarie had prepared a great armi for the inuasion of his coūtre he prouoked with cruell woordes remembring the commen and publike weal of his subiectes which he desired so earnestly his enemies so much that a skuruye kitchen slaue without mercye thruste him to the harte wyth a whote spitte of yrone ▪ who beyng stripped naked to be buried was knowen perfectly to be the king himself by a crosse vnderneth his brest whos death so muche discoraged his enemies that thei flyeng before his subiectes when the battell shoulde bee fought were slayne and taken in the chase his countrey preserued hys maiestie obteined immortal fame I wold wish your lordships for your honors the preseruacion of youre lyues and countreye as I truste assuredly ye wil though not so daungerously as this noble Prince did yet with suertie obserue thys counsell I meane ye are in suche estate at thys present that ye maye withoute the daunger or losse of ani mās life kepe the crown the realme quietli but if ye will deliuer the crown oute of your handes willingly then wher ye ought to venter ye to lose in dede life landes goods and rentes with honor for the preseruacion of your coūtrey ye shal not only lose life lādes goods wife and children but also al honour fame and renowne with the moste noble and the moste mightie kingdome as Spaniardes say on the w●ole earth with the losse of innumerable thousandes of Christen mēs liues For what nacion in the world is able to suffer the verye nature of Spaniardes haue I not showed you many things which ye cannot suffer ye may expell nature for a tyme as Spaniardes did in Englande lately but al the world can not expell her so much but she returnth in short space what deuelishe nature is this that no man can suffer the time is shorte or els I wold tel you much more their pride is of such nature that she can suffer no man to be felow with her Pride would euer be the highest and then who hath more pride then Spaniardes who canne beare rule aboue thē The Spaniardes denie not them selues to be the proudest and moste lecherous men liuing and can they then be without all other vices seeing pride is the roote of al sinne and the mother of all mischiefe Their hartes wil boile and borst to see any nacion nere about them prosper in welth and tranquilite I heare saye there be certeine bokes amongst you whiche in dede I neuer sawe as the lamentacion of Naples the mourninge of Millane and suche other which haue showed you the tiranny that Spaniardes haue vsed in other countries and in those points I wold coūsel you to beleue the same bokes and take hede ye come not in like bōdage For if ye do be assured that the same tiranny which thei haue vsed in other countries thei will vndoubtedly vse amongst you for if thei fauored not those noble men whiche thei say be Christned how much les wil they fauour you whom thei accoumpt worse then Iewes but like as thei haue destroied the nobilitie in other countryes euen so will they according to their pretensed purposes destroie and murther you priuely one after another so soone as they may beare rule amongest you Some Spaniardes say we must not take example by those countres which th●y be compelled to keepe perforce but be you assured thei must bee compelled within one yere to keepe England perforce also For doubtelesse English men will neuer pay such excises willingly as other nacions be compelled to pay against● their wil nor let their rentes be raised so much aboue the rate whiche thei bee at in these daies as Spaniardes woulde amount thē Ye wil say the Spaniards kepe their olde rentaking how can that be when euery poore man must
showe your lordeships other matters briefly I could write of the nature of Spaniardes A volume importable But If I should write all that I knowe ye woulde not credite me ye ought to beleue al that whiche I haue writtē because ye knowe perfectlye I haue written nothing but that whiche euerie man knoweth to be their commen customes and immutable maners And ye see by these exāples that I write not halfe the morishe maners whych they vse continually Manye of my frendes haue geuen me coūsel to write my letter but not my name for feare your lordeshippes wold punishe me with imprisōment rackīg hanging drawing and quarteryng for speakyng agaynste the kinges coronacion which I thynke ye cannot doe lawfully for so long as he is not crowned that manne is no traitour that speaketh agaynst his coronaciō but after his maiestie hath the crown the best of you all that speaketh agaynst the Spaniardes proceadings shalbe proued and ponished lyke a rācke traitor But I haue written my name plainly that I may thereby eyther geue youre lordeshippes warninge to kepe youre honours the whole realme oute of their bondage Or els that I maye goe honestlye to the galowes and ende this pore life with an honorable death for me my countrye VVhen your most honorable liues if ye disenherit the realme of the crowne shalbe ended with great dishonor wretchednesse miserie and shame for you and your successours for euer yet I wolde hope to escape when you are sure to die For doubteles after that Spaniardes haue safely planted thēselues in the ●ande thei wold trust me to be their faithful frēd because they knowe I ●oue trueth and am trewe to my coū●rey when thei wil neuer trust your ●ordeshippes if ye wilbe so rancke ●als traitors as to geue thē the crown of our realme willingly I woulde not your lordshippes should thinke me so foolyshe as to speake agaynst his coronacion if your lordeshippes graunt to it Some men saie ye haue gone so faire ye cānot turne backe I know not what ye haue dōe but I am sure what ye may do if ye haue graūted hī the crown it shalbe muche better for you to stād to that which ye may do thē performe that which ye haue prōised For I am sure so lōg as the king of Ierusalē is not crowned in Englande ye may chose whether ye wil crowne him or not And surely if I were worthie to be one of the counsell in Englande my counsel shoulde be that the king should fir● be crowned in the Citie of Ierusal● lawfully because it is the more auncient and more noble kingdome and bring all the Iewes into subiection and make them good Christians before he shoulde haue the crowne o● England wrongfullie either for fa● wordes great bribes false flatterin● promises cruell manacinges terribl● threatninges or ani other false craf● polices I thought your lordeshippes ha● knowledge partly of their counsel as they reporte that the frenche kin● knoweth yours But now I percei● their secrete priuie and conclude counsels lie hidden from your lordshippes when ye know not the 〈◊〉 principles where vpon many gre● matters be grounded if ye do knowe them and wil not credit them pardō me for writing in vaine if ye know them not howe can ye bee offended with me for declaring to your lordeshippes such thinges as be pretēded to your destruction the losse of your ●iues landes wiues and children and finally the losse of your honors the ●uine of the realme the suppressiō of ●he commenwealth the bondage of your countrie for euer Ye ought ●he rather to credite me beecause I speake nothing god I call for wyt●es for malice of Spaniardes nor to ●atter Englishe men I thinke neuer ●o come seke bribes at youre handes ●or my labour and therfore it appea●th plainly that I write for none o●er purpose but only to ge●e youre ●rdeshippes knowledge and war●ng of their most morishe maners and cursed condicions that ye maye ●e more prudently prouide to with ●and their terrible threatninges pretensed treasons and pestiferous polices and so preserue youre honorable persons and the whole realme oute of their tiranny and bondage Do ye think I durst be so bolde as to offēde god in speakinge contrarye to the trueth and lying slaunderousli and shamefullie against my Christē brother I know we are all brethren if we haue the loue and feare of God continually before our eyes in our sauiour Iesus Christ and we oughte to loue one another mutuallye like brethren but as god deuided the langguages of men so hath he caused euery nacion to loue more naturally all those that be borne in the same self country then foreners and hath geuen according to his ineffable goodnes certeine places of the earth for euery nacion seuerally to inhabite cōmaunding vs straightly that one of vs shal not wrongfullye couete anothers goodes and specially our Christen brothers which cōmaundemēt the Spaniardes saye they will kepe For whatsoeuer saye they is done in England touching the crown or the gouernaunce of the realme shall cō● through procuremēt but of the coūsell themselues For we knowe well enoug h say they that there be suche deuillishe people in Englād to work treason and make insurrections that it is in vaine for oure kinge to haue the crown except the counsell wyll also deliuer him certeine of the strongest holdes and porte townes mark my wordes well for his refuge at all times till his maiestie maye be able to bring in power to withstande his enemies and then we shall make all our hauen townes more strōge to the ●andes warde then they be towardes ●he see But know ye for what purpose they pretende this policie that ● small nomber of Souldiours maye ●ee able to keepe the Realme quietly and burne the countreye .iii. or iiii times eueri yere til we can be contented to obey all their constitutions ordinaunces and lawes they bragge that if thei may be vitled by the see at their backes thei shal trouble and toile Englishe men so long til we be able to suffer no longer for what great trouble wil it be for vs to burne betwene Southhāpton Douer Thei trust the quenes hignes for the kinges maintenaunce wyll poole the realme with subsidies and beneuolēcies so much as in her grace lieth and geue al our treasure out of the lande now at the kinges cōming to her grace so that the kinges maiestie with our treasure and his owne reuenewes in this time of peace shal enriche himselfe that when we haue small force of money because our● treasure shalbe caried out of the lād the king and all our enemies mai cō● into the realme and worke mischefe against vs for thei shall haue mone● from all places and aide of many nacions And they beleue assuredlie to be aided by the greatest part of oure own countre men For the Quene good men wil take their part against
onely require her bloude with condemnyng such malefactors for euer more therfore but also would plage the whole realme most greuouslie for such wickednes But if I wer worthy to geue your lordesh●ppes counsel ye sholde banishe from the courte except whē the king is present which wil be very seldom what wai soeuer ye work mistres Clarentius Elizabeth Dyas the Ladie of phisike I know not her name and all other that speake Spanishe I wil not say that like foolyshe girles doe loue Spaniardes whyche might seme like to geue the Quene counsell in these matters For they vndoubtedly haue and dooe beate into her heade more then all you cā deuise to pull oute The Spaniardes knowe not whether the crowne do belonge to the Quenes maiestie or the realme whether it be in her power to geue it wher please her or in the power of the whole realme to bestow it lawfulli wher it of right shold be neuertheles they can wel be contented to flatter youre lordeshippes till that be perfectly proued And if they receiue any comforte therin to bribe you freli til the same be deliuered but then they must begin to gouerne and beare rule For which gouernmēt would to god I knew their counsels or els that your lordships woulde beeleue that whiche I haue heard and sene I haue founde other letters which I woulde not that any man should credit touching mi lord Paget That he should be the kinges aduersarie and the French kings sede debite to declare vnto him all youre counsels But in these letters be conteined diuerse other as the lord Treasorer is counted the kinges ytter enemye the lorde Talbot is not their frende the lord Grey they trust not the lord Clinton thei loue not therfore they think if these and diuerse other lords in the North were made awaye thei should be in lesse daūger and the rather obtaine their purpose And yet thei say thei must of necessite flatter my lord Treasorer and my lord Paget craftili til thei mai obtaine their purpose Because thei two bee apte vessels to worke treason by Ye may well perceiue therfore that they will flatter al you seeīg they flatter these whom they take for their enemies and so fayne these lies againste my lord Paget inuented treaterously to make him out of the way with the rest For if euer the kinge beare rule these which I haue named shalbe examined as straitlye as the Spanishe lawes wil extende to hādle the kīgs enemis There be many other noble men whose stowtnes must be pulled down their power abated I write not this to bring any of these noble men in suspection but that ye maye perceue what wayes thei inuente to bring variaunce amongest you that thei might be called to mak agremēt ▪ for thei hope if one part of the nobilite would once withstande the other that then shoulde they be receiued thoughe they preuaile not beefore time But reade further and you shal know the trueth They thinke your lordeshippes my Lorde Admiral the erle of Oxforde and diuers other to be their frendes therefore they purpose if euer they beare rule to ioyne with you in councell for a time the state of the realme once knowen let you die pleasauntlie with racking hanging drawyng quartering and whirling vpō whils ius●ly according to youre desertes ye wil say the king doth not vse his coūsellers so in any countrei in dede the king hath in euery countrey certene churles of the same lande picked out whiche be craftie knaues and canne finde at their hartes for their owne lucre and priuat gaynes to inuent all the waies possible to pole their own country according as his counsel can deuise to commaunde them and to liue as ye shal reade hereafter according to the nature of Spaniardes and so the true men to their country are traiterouslye ouer come perforce but thei make another reasō for your destructiō and sai thei may not trust those men long in the counsel nor about their king nor kepe thē in auctorite that willingly will bee false traitors to their own country I foūd two peces of a letter but the third I could neuer finde or els I shold haue knowen perfectlye what bribes had been appointed for euery noble mā wherin the Erl. of Penbroke was appointed to be gouernour of the kingdōe of Granatha and to haue fourtie thousande crownes of yerely rēt but thei purpose he shall enioye it but a short time Do ye thinke my lord of Penbroke that ye shall haue fourtie thousande crownes from Granatha and liue safely in England ye muste goe thether with the king or some other to take such sure possession that ye shal neuer returne For I assure you thei dare not geue you so much power more thē ye haue and let you liue in your own countri ▪ bee ye assured ye shall offende their lawes a thousande times before ye know them and your head shall perhaps pay for the first My lord of Darby shal perceiue that nother he nor his sonne shal liue long after the kīg is crownd The Erle of Shreusbery may well perceiue they flatter hym shamefully when they goe about to destroy the noble lord Talbot I am sorie that my lord of arundell hath escaped so many treasons as haue beē inuented beefore agaynst him and shall now be disceaued and destroied amongst vile treaterous and moste false flattering Spaniardes And yet I am sory that the realme should be robbed of so wise so noble and so manlike a gentell man as the Lorde matreues his only sonne do ye thīke these thinges wil not come to passe or doe ye beleue I haue not told you trueth or truste you to liue styll in your countre ye vndoubtedlye my lords they dare not suffer you The reason is this thei say that nacion those men that will woorke treason and be false traitours to and against their own naturall kynge and countrey the same men so sone as they be agreued and beginne to smart will woorke treasons againste them and their king but these thinges may be wrought in their time Ye thinke I speake my pleasure but I assure you most truely I wryte nothinge of suspeccion nor blinde iudgemente but those things which I haue seene and proued perfectlye and that be moste surely pretended and will vndoubtedly be wrought if ye take no better counsell to withstand them Marke my lordes if these bee well gotten goodes that shalbe the destruccion of you your countrey for euer doe ye not encrese your rentes properly when ye seke the losse of your liues and children without remedy be not those bribes dere bought that bring with thē the ruine and the subuersion of youre countrey the bondage of the lande the suppression of the cōmen wealth the beggerie of al the quens subiects the losse of our liberte the death of our nobilite the perdicion of al oure rentes
lāds goods and childrē these thinges I haue found in their letters bu● doubteles the kings coūsel haue pretended waightie maters towards you in deuising how these thynges shalbe brought to passe these be but rude principles but in the grounde worke be prudent counsels I knowe ye wil cal and accompt me a veri fole because I shewe you the trueth plaīly and put my selfe in daunger of hāging to saue your liues and preserue● my countrey from bondage but foolishly or prudently I speake nothing but that which I knowe perfectly y● may take my wordes as it shal please your honors if ye worke wittelye as your lourdships cā do if it plese you I shal reioice at your preseruacion● but if ye wil submit your selfe to bōdage willingly nowe ye knowe the daungers that wil folow what man liuing would lamēt the miseres that shal fal amongest you Herken there words after their writings Thei purpose if their power will serue not to leaue one liuing that by any maner title ought to make claime for the succession of the cowne Ye will thinke there could not remaine in them suche crueltie it is in vaine for me to write trueth if ye beleue me not It is damnable without remedy to call God for witnesse in false maters and what would it profit me to saue your liues preserue al Englande or wine the whole world and condemne mine own conscience But in truth I dare folow the example of S. Paul and call god for a iuste and true witnes that I haue hard with mine eares and sene the same persōs with mine eies that haue said if euer the king might haue a iust title to the crown and obteine it he wold make that most vertuouse Ladi Elizabeths grace sure for euer comming to inherite the same or any other of oure cursed nacion for thei say if thei cold kepe Englande in subiection thei could doe more with Englande and Flaunders then all the rest of the kinges kingdoms therfore thei wyll not worke so foolishly as to make dissension betwene these two lands and bring thē in controuersie or sett them at variaunce But inuente all polices to ioyne them both a like vnder their subiection I speake of no fooles but of the wisest sort and no meane persons though they knewe not me in such corners to heare their counsels Remēber if this warning be not sufficiente to cause noble men to take hede that so vertuous a Lady so beautifull and so comly a princes should first of all besyde all the greate nomber that shoulde folow afterwardes be eyther banished the lande or els putte to death miserabli for that whiche should be her own righte by iuste and lawfull discente If they that loue wemen so wel wil not fauour suche a Ladie how much lesse wil thei fauoure youre lyues I speake not this as some men woulde accuse me to make sedicion nor treson in the realme for that were the beste waye for Spaniardes to come to their purpose For our enemyes can neuer hurt vs till we make dissension amongst oure selues suche a time they looke for suche a time thei desier and such a time some noble men haue promysed them Lette all menne because I knowe not those traitors names that woulde prepare thys time endeuour themselues to lyue loue one another charitably and quietly that ye maye all take one waye and hold together lyke good people the better to preserue your country withstand al these deceitfull and most detestable treasōs and premeditate mischifes which be pretended against you and your coūtrie Ye haue heard many euils but god is witnes I cannot for shame write nor declare the vile shamefull detestable and mo●e abom●nable reportes whiche they haue spoken by the Quens maie●ie and yet her grace thinketh thē to be her very frendes but this one trueth I wil shew couertlie and wrappe it in as cleane cloutes as I can desiring all men and the Quenes highnes herself most humblye to take it after their words The Spaniards say if they obtaine not the crown t●e may curse the time that euer their ●inge was bounde in mariage to a ●ife so vnmete for his maiestie by natural curse of yeres but yet if the thing maye be brought to passe which was ment in the mariage in a king thei shal kepe old riche robes for high festif●l dais If there be any man that doth not vnderstande this saying of Spaniardes let the Q●enes highnes so lōg as her grace ▪ 〈◊〉 haue any fauourable frendship of the kinges maiestie kepe her selfe as heig● in auctorite as rich as she is at this presēt or els her grace shall perceiue perfectly as she maye partly at this present that Spaniards naturally loue freshe wares yōg deītie dishes and chaunge of new thīgs I thinke the Quene will blame me for showing this one trueth but by that time her grace shall be glad to tie horsses vnderneth her chamber windowe to suffer vile stinking dōg hils at her priuie chamber staires to see her garde chamber garnished about with plaine wals finely furnyshed with riche pallets of st●ōg corse canuas wel stuffed with strawe the wals most comly colored with coles to see sitting amōg her graces ye mē curriers carmen and coblers woode monges vintners and waggeners pointers pīners and pedlers showe makers surgeaunts and sadlers boke binders bakers bre●ers with al kīde of lowsie loiterers and euerye one a bagge a budget or a bot●ell ●anged open beefore him tyed vnder hys arme or behinde vpon his backe more like a moste misordered hospitall then a kynges garde chāber that nother her highnes nor any of her nobilitie can passe that way For in dede the gard● in the kīges courte be suche bawdye burly beastes that they neuer come in the kinges chappell excepte for necessite when straūgers come to the courte and abyde the smell of suche a stinkinge stue Her grace will say I speake not all VVhen her pallice gates shal stand open without porters that not only beggers slaues and all kinde of wretches but also oxen kine hoggishe olde swinne shepe and lambs goats kiddes and rammes cattes dogges geese duckes cockes and hennes with all other suche good houshold stuffe may enter into her courte and standing rubbing rowteing diggēg deluing and donging before her chāber windowe like a good fermers house in the countrey whē her highnes hall shall be one daye hanged with riche arreisse and halfe a yeare after ether shut and locked vp or els furnished finely with spinners silke-twiners weuers of laces rop makers coblars and botchers of olde hosen moste shamefullie without all order and be glad to kepe within her most princelike palice a vile stingking baudy tauerne that euerye one of these fore saied craftes men and all other baudes beggers slaues and vile drōken wretches maye bie within her courte breade beare nuttes apples and chese and fetche wine and water out of the kinges
the crovvn to the right heires I haue sent you the copy of the sāe will b●cause ye may know perfectly that she shall neuer bee able to restore the crown again to the right heires Then seing the Quene and all your lordships doe knowe assuredly before hand that she shal neuer be able to make recompence in restoringe the crowne againe to the right heires and yet will presume to doe suche wrong as vnlawfullye to take it from thē ye must nedes graūt and beleue it truely that not onelye the Quene but also your lordeships if ye resist not this wickednes and al other that help her or geue her such cursed counsell may be sure for such deuilishe presumpcion to goe to the deuil and be damned withoute mercye For Christ hath iudged youre doinges before hande saying whosoeuer sinneth againste the spirite shall neuer be forgeuen in this world nor in the world to cōe Do ye not know my lordes that ther was neuer traitor against king or Quene that colde lōg prosper wil your lordships sek the destructiō of the quēe the hole realme think to lyue prosperously afterwards wil ye be false traitors to the Quene al your own coūtrey think to be put in trust made mē of great power in straunge contries There is no man at this present that thinketh any treason to remaine in ani of the quēs most honorable coūsel but surely if ye crown king Philippe though ye could doe it by a iust law or if ye receue him in with disceitfulnes guile aide fraude or subtiltie to destroie the lande vndoubtedlye all the world will accoumpt you rancke traitors and the very Spaniardes thēselues durst neuer reste in quietnesse till it were rewarded accordingli ●il ye crowne the king to make him liue chast with his wife contrary to his nature peraduenture his maiestie after he ●ere crowned would be content with one woman but in this meane time his grace wil euery night haue v. or vi to see whiche of them pleaseth him best If thei wer ladies or gētle wemen it were more tolerable but bakers daughters and such other poore whores is to abominable In Antwerp before shroftide ther wer● as there be many at thys present certeine merchauntes which had verye faire wiues whom the king cold not haue priuely But hearyng by chaunce of spyes that some of the same wiues wer vpon a night with their neyghbours wife to helpe her in her trauel or laboure of childe the kinge with certaine other wente masking the therin womans apparell and the kinges maiestie as all Spaniardes reported for a greate honore helde the wiues backe till she had brought forth her childe But what was wrought amongest the middwiues afterwardes lette other men iudge for I had not knowē this but that all Spaniards bragged of it themselues that we mighte reioyce to haue for our king in Englād suche a stowte bolde and myghtye prince as durst maske amōg wemen and plaie the midwife at midnight I could not for shame write this but that I thinke the Quenes highnesse hath heard tel how sharpeli the go●d bishoppe of Castila was checked because he desired the king to kepe him selfe for his wife and told him it was not lawful for him to liue in such lothsōe lechery The notable sermō that this good bishoppe made though he lost his rochet for speaking agaynste lechery and such other vices is talked of so much throughout al these parties that I am sure this tale cānot be hidden I write his name because the Quenes highnes is bounde to geue him thankes and rewarde him wyth another bishoprick that would put himselfe in such daunger of trouble to cause the king her graces husband to loue her But know ye their reportes they saye the good bakers daughter is more worth in her goun then Quene Mary without her croū God witnesseth with me that it greueth my hart sore to heare such vile reportes and so vnlike similitud●s They say olde wiues muste be cherished for their yong riche giftes For old wiues say they for faire wordes and a litle craftie cuckering wil geue al that they haue but how they be vsed afterwardes let the Quenes Ladies and gentill wemen discusse If the king do so much esteme his wife in these dayes when he seketh to obtaine by her honor and great commodite after what sorte will he vse her highnesse when he hath obtained his purpose doth the Quenes grace thīk to cause the kynges maiestie still to remaine in Englande with geuynge him the crown No I assure you plaīly and perfectlye the counsell of Spaines purpose is to establyshe other matters they haue determyned and agreed amonge themselues to a poynte a viceroye with a greate armye of dronken douche men with diuers other souldiers And that the lord Paget knoweth by the false flatteryng words whych I heard the Emperour speake before him to the kīg the xv day of Aprill biddinge the king make much of that man for he was worthy to be cherished promising to make him the greatest man in England● to kepe vs in subiecciō as I haue tolde you before and lette the Quens highnes liue at her bedes like a good auncient Ladie Ye se the further I goe and the more I write the greater euils I find ▪ but I promes you assuredlye ●f I shoulde write so muche of their viciousnes as I know most perfectly the ladies and gentell wemen woulde be muche ashamed VVoulde to god the honorable ladies of Englande knewe the vile reportes which Spaniardes haue reported by them for then I assure you the good Ladies would not loue to kisse so pleasauntlye and so many times with straungers nor to receue and sende into Flaunders so many milke mouthed messengers and moste vntrewe taletellers nor receue send so many tokens with so louing and humble cōmendacions to their most louing or rather most dissemblynge Spaniardes in whom lyeth all their loue all their hope all their trust and confidence Oh moste abominable whores for I speake of no good Ladies were ye borne in Englande do ye liue in Englande haue Englishmē kept you all this long tyme doe Englishe men put all their trust in youre honesty because ye shoulde be Spaniards whores ▪ and leauing your own naturall husbandes and frendes putte all your trust all your loue whiche is very littell to those whom ye ought to loue al your hope al your comfort in vile pockie Spaniards If I beyng an englishe man shoulde haue so lytle honesty and tell so many of your names openlye as I haue heard Spaniardes name to bee their whores many of you would lose your frēds many be banished the courte many be deuorced from their husbands sent to their most trusty and moste louing Spaniardes I would name diuerse of you which within these few days haue sent your messengers whō I could also showe and tokens to spaniardes in Flaunders like