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A00002 The brides ornaments viz. fiue meditations, morall and diuine. 1. Knowledge, 2. zeale, 3. temperance, 4. bountie, 5. ioy. Aylett, Robert, 1583-1655? 1625 (1625) STC 1000.5; ESTC S115415 64,217 134

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From heauenly Knowledge haue their maintenance And alwayes in her company are seene None without Knowledge may neere Loue aduance With her are Diligence and Temperance True Faith so neere her euer doth attend You would her take for Knowledge at a glance Though often Faith doth so her selfe transcend That shee beyond the reach of Knowledge doth ascend Not Faith alone but Workes accompany True Knowledge who in words doth make profession He knowes God but in Workes doth him deny Is ev'n a lyar by his owne confession How many from this rule doe make digression That would in Knowledge be accounted high But giue themselues to Pride Lust and Oppression Enuy dissembling Schisme Idolatry Alas true Knowledge neuer kept such company Some onely seeke to know that they may know And this is foolish curiositie And some of Learning make a goodly show And this is base and idle vanitie Some Knowledge seeke for their vtilitie Or their preferment which is filthy gaine Some to teach other which is Charitie Some by this Knowledge seeke Heav'n to attaine To know and walke not right is damnable and vaine I liken this true Knowledge to the flower Or blossome springing from the root of Grace That doth most gloriously adorne Loues bower And fills with pleasant odours all the place Which blossome beautifull in little space It selfe into most goodly fruits doth spend Faith Mercy Peace each good and perfect grace Which fruit so farre the flower doth transcend God Men and Angels tast it and the same commend As Blossomes doe not from root liuely spring That after blowing haue a fruitlesse fall So Knowledge that in Workes is vanishing Had neuer any root from grace at all But is like to good seed that 's said to fall From sowers hand downe by the high-way side Whose rooting being shallow loose and small Could not the Suns hot scorching heat abide But in the blade with some small light affliction dide Some liken heau'nly Knowledge to the Sunne Then which in this world nothing more to sight Obiected is But we by Sinne become Like him borne blind depriu'd of naturall light Till some Power supernaturall enlight And though more plaine in this world nothing's showne Than Gods eternall God-head goodnesse might Yet vntill Grace enlighten 't is vnknowne No cause hereof in God but in our selues is knowne Knowledge is like the talents which the Lord When he went forth did to his seruants lend The first who his one talent vp did hoard Like him that for his Knowledge doth contend But therewith not himselfe nor others mend Hee that with talents two gain'd other twaine Is he that doth his time and labour spend To saue himselfe and those with him remaine But he that gaind the fiue seeks all mens soules to gaine I Knowledge to the Virgins Lamps compare Which foolish maids had common with the Wise Oile workes of Pietie and Mercy are Which foolish Virgins idlely doe misprise But when one Loe the Bridegrome comes out cryes The foolish Virgins Lamps are spent and done Wherefore they must to merits merchandize And borrow when they of their owne haue none The Churches Treasury will furnish ev'ry one Like Widowes Oile that doth encrease by spending Like flames that lightning others gaine more light Like Vsurers coine that doth augment by lending Like Ioy that most encreaseth by delight Like Manna that the Angels food is hight Whereof each gathers what may him suffice Except such as in Flesh-pots more delight Like Springs which more you draw the faster rise Like Tutors who by teaching Schollers grow more wise No Simile can her so well expresse As infinite and boundlesse treasury Or Sea of waters which become no lesse Though Fountaines all with streames it doth supply How infinite is this grand mystery To lay of nothing this huge Worlds foundation One God three persons in the Trinitie Oh depth of Knowledge Gods owne Incarnation Obedience Passion Resurrection Exaltation Oh! I am drown'd here Elephants may swim My Lambe-like Muse in shallow Fords must wade And seeke for Knowledge to desist from Sinne And make Faith Mercy Pietie my trade By Faith I know Christs merits mine are made The rest are-fruits of my Sanctification Abundant Knowledge doth with sorrow lade To Know and doe God's willis delectation And onely by Christs merits bringeth to Saluation This is the Knowledge which our Sauiour meant When as he it eternall life did call To know God and the Christ which he had sent This is the Knowledge so much sought of all Before and since the Law and euer shall Though till Christs time it was so shadowed As couer'd it in types and signes seem'd small But since Times fulnesse is accomplished Behold they all in Christ are easie to be read By this did Abel offer of his Sheepe The fat and God accepted his oblation By this so well Gods Law did Henoch keepe Hee him exalted from earths habitation For this did Abram Ieaue both house and Nation Assured that from out his Loines should spring That Knowledge which to know was his saluation Herein did Dauid though he were a King Take more delight than Crowne or any worldly thing See next his royall sonne King Salomon Then whom arise a Wiser neuer shall Who knew plants natures eu'n from Lebanon Her Caedars tall to Hysope by the wall Who as in Wealth in Knowledge passed all Yet after hee had traced Uanitie And found how sonnes of men thereby did fall Him to this Knowledge did againe apply And swanlike sang Christs Churches Epithalamy Wake I or sleepe or am I in a trance Or doe another Salomon behold A Dauid who doth far and wide aduance His gracious scepter But no bounds can hold His Knowledge secret things for to vnfold Law History Arts and Philosophy All noble sciences that can be told Yet seemes to loue alone Diuinitie Which truely can direct in Peace to liue and die Who as hee is the Learnedest of Kings So 't is his Ioy and Glory for to be The King of learned men which in all things Makes God to prosper him as all may see This makes him raise to place of high degree Men of great knowledge well to rule the Land And put downe Ignorance and subtiltie Which highest in their owne conceits doe stand Long sway thou Brittons Scepter with thy sacred hand And when thy Cloake Elias-like must fall Vpon Elisha thine vndoubted heire Inherite hee thy Peace and Knowledge all And in thy Spirit rule as in thy chaire But I must leaue this field so ample faire Teach mee O Lord to know and doe thy will And let thy grace againe in me repaire Thine Image lost and all corruptions kill Thus we thy will on Earth as they in Heav'n fulfill This knowledge must stand by vs at our last When as wee ready are our soules to tender To him that for false knowledge curious tast Though guiltlesse did his life to Iustice render For this the Holy Ghost doth more commend her That bare
let our hearts be alwaies mercifull And like the fertile ground yeeld plentifull Encrease of all the seeds which thereon grow 'T is Bountie that doth fill our garner's full He sparing reapes that sparingly doth sowe True Bounty 's noble hand no want did euer know But ah too many couetous of Praise And Glory doe by fraud and rapine spoile Other 's that they thereby there names may raise And some goods gotten by much care and toile Spend on their pleasures and thereby beguile Their poore and needy neighbour of his right Drinking and surfetting in ease the while And spending frankly on some base delight Like Brutes are bountifull to their owne appetite Some onely by their Bountie seeke for fame And these are onely to Ambition free Some Patrons now aday's such Shepheards name To feed the Flocke as loose and Idle Bee Wealth vnto wealth to adde they all agree Mo man respects the needy and the poore The emptie vessels emptie still we see They that are full to them is added more Dry hills want water when the valley's swim with store As Knights which of the noble Order are Of Garter that they better may be knowne A golden George about their necke they weare Nor doe the same at any time lay downe Whereby their noblenesse should be vnknowne So Nobles alwaies weare Benignitie Whereby whose Sonnes you are yee may be showne For nothing proues you Sonnes of the most High More than your Bountie and true Liberalitie But of salse bountie you doe vainely boast Delighting in vaine pastime oyle and Wine And gluttons feed for glory to your cost Whil'st at your doores the poore may sterue and pine You welcome such as you inuite to dine But scarce afford the poore scraps at your gate Which shew that all your bountie is to Ioyne Credit and Glory to your great estate And but for Crowes and Kites or Daw's do lay a Baite You for a million at a cast will play And hazard all your fortunes at a game And grudge not for one daintie bit to pay A thousand and then glory in the same With gold you tricke and trim vp some loose Dame The sinke that sucks vp all your Liberalitie Thus lauish you to your eternall shame All that your Fathers got by their Frugalitie And left to you to spend in bounteous hospitalitie Braue Alexanders deeds for ay commends His wondrous confidence and bountie rare Who dealing out amongst his faithfull friends Lands houses townes he gold and all did share When one besought him wisely to forbeare For what said he alas is left the King New hopes of gaming more said he there are Thus on his fate and fortunes venturing The Heau'ns propitious seem'd to him in eu'ry thing But ah poore Prince thy hopes are all but vaine As were the Benefits thou didst expose But we are certaine of eternall gaine If bounteously Gods blessings we dispose Ah! what is it if worldly things we loose And thereby gaine vs an Eternall Crowne Which heau'nly Bountie layeth vp for those That their owne glory willingly lay downe And what they reape by Bountie bounteously haue sowne Such all within most gloriously shall shine Their vestiments shall be of twined Gold They shall of Hony tast and spiced Wine And all the Bridegroomes fruits both new and old He gently will such in his armes infold And satisfie their sense with pleasing smell No eare hath heard no tongue hath euer told The Ioy and Bounty that with him doe dwell But more of these where next of heau'nly Ioy I tell MEDITAT V. Of Spirituall and Heau'nly IOY HOw should a heart opprest with worldly cares Of Spirituall inward Ioy now rightly sing Since none her knowes but who her image beares And feeles the Spirits inward witnessing All sacred stuffe I to this building bring No helpe but he that Abba Father cry's Can teach my Muse to touch this golden string I therefore here forbeare prophane supply's My Spirit wholly on the holy Spirit rely's Well said the King All worldly things are vaine And trauell which beneath the Sun he found Compared to left drop or minutes gaine Which Spirituall Ioy did to his heart propound No reach of Wisards skill no wit profound Is able this true Ioy to comprehend This Musicke wholly to the Saints doth sound The inward man can onely apprehend Sweet liuely Spirituall Ioy which neuer shall haue end No Muses darling euer yet did dreame Of this sweet wind which where it lists doth blow This onely is sweet Israels Singers theame Which he by heau'nly influence did show And then most when the outward man brought low By paine of body or by griefe of mind Did from his pen diuinest comforts flow Most heau'nly Ioy 's which he was wont to find To grow more strong within as he without declind Oh Ioy of ioy 's vnspeakeable delight Eu'n when our soules the powers of hell doe shake And vs with Iustice and due vengeance fright When as our guilty conscience is awake That all with terrour tremble horrour quake That then our gentle beame of heau'nly Grace Not onely shall from vs this horrour take But in Loues armes vs in an instant place They onely know this Ioy that haue beene in this case If euer I receiued strength and skill From Heau'n to scale the hill of contemplation I now doe hope Gods gracious Spirit will Me fill with Ioy for his sweet meditation Oh blessed Spirit who by sweet inspiration Directest eu'ry holy Prophets quill Enlighten mine by heau'ns illumination That most diuine sweet Ioy 's it may distill Into the Readers heart and Mine with comfort fill No tongue could euer tell no heart conceiue Therefore no Art is able to define What is the inward Ioy which we receiue By peace of conscience and Grace diuine But sure it is that speciall marke or signe Which on our soules the holy Spirit of Grace Most gently doth imprint and liuely line Whereby we doe behold Gods cheerefull face And spiritually feele our Bridegroomes sweet embrace There is a naturall and carnall Ioy Besides this inward Ioy spirituall By one we common blessings here enioy By th' other we in Sin and errour fall Those be partakers of Ioy naturall That health of body haue and worldly store The carnall Ioy we sinfull pleasures call Excesse of meate and wine Lips of a whore And all mans vaine delights 'gainst rule of heau'n lore These Ioy 's which with false pleasures vs deceiue Are not of kin to Ioy spirituall For that they alway's doe our hearts bereaue Of inward Ioyes pure food Angelicall Gods goodnesse is th' efficient cause of all And though each person in the Trinitie May seeme to haue a working seuerall Yet all in one and one in all agree With Ioy here to begin mans true felicitee There many causes are materiall Why we this inward Ioy in vs should haue Gods freest grace which doth most surely call All those that he elected hath to saue The Peace of conscience which