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A26898 Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated including the chief part of the government of Christian princes and popes, and a true account of the most troubling controversies and heresies till the Reformation ... / by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing B1224; ESTC R229528 479,189 470

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servants of Satan do and be at peace among your selves Heb. 13. 7 17 24. Remember them which have the rule over you which have spoken to you the word of God Obey them that have the rule over you and submit your selves for they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you Salute all them that have the Rule over you The Elders of the Church are to pray with and for the sick Jam. 5. 14. They must feed the Flock of God among them taking the oversight of it 1 Pet. 5. 1 2. Thus you see their Office and work 2. And that they were not to bring any new Doctrine further appears in that they have a charge to Preach no other doctrine 1 Tim. 1. 3. Nor to be tossed as children with every wind of doctrine Eph. 4. 14. Nor carried about with divers and strange doctrines Heb. 13. 9. 3. Yea if any man bring not the doctrine of Christ we must not receive him into our houses or bid him God speed lest we be partakers of his evil deeds for he that abideth not in this doctrine hath not God 2 John 9. 10 11. Gal. 1. 8. 9. Though we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel to you then that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed As we said before so say I now again If any man preach any other Gospel to you then that ye have received let him be accursed And Rom. 16. 17 18. Now I beseech you Brethren mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them 1 Tim. 6. 3. If any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholsome words the words of our Lord Iesus Christ and to the Doctrine which is according to Godliness he is proud knowing nothing but doating 4. And if all Ministers must be receivers of new Doctrines the Church would never know when it hath all but would be still obeying an imperfect Law 5. And it would be an oppression to the Church instead of a Direction to be so overwhelmed with new Doctrines and Precepts 6. And it would accuse Christ the Lawgiver of such mutability as wise Princes are not guilty of to be still changing or adding to his Laws 7. There was great occasion for the New Testament or Gospel upon the great work of our Redemption but there is no such cause for alterations since 8. The Priests before Christ were not to receive new Laws as is said 9. The Companions of the Apostles that wrought Miracles had not all new Revelations but did it to seal up this Gospel 10. What need we more then actual experience that God doth not give New Revelations to the world and none since the Scripture times have sealed any other by Miracles And thus I have proved to you the two sorts of Ministers as Paul plainly distinguisheth them 1 Cor. 3. 10 11 12. Eph 2. 20. There are Planters and Waterers Master builders that lay the foundation and others that build thereon Other foundation can no man lay then that which is laid but every man that buildeth hay or stuble and loseth his work doth not nullifie the Ministry We are built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ being the head corner-stone but we are not built on the foundation of every Pastor Teacher Elder Bishop or Deacon Though both in their places Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors and Teachers are given for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the Edifying of the body of Christ Eph. 4. 11 12. That we might be one united Body having one fixed standing doctrine ver 14 15 16. And how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him mark whence the Church receiveth it God also bearing them witness but not every Elder or Teacher both with signs and wonders and with divers Miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will Heb. 2. 3 4. Prop. 2. And now that these later Ministers need not prove their calling by Miracles I prove thus 1. God never imposed such a task upon them nor commanded the people to require such a proof and not to believe any but worker of Miracles 2. God gave not all the gift of Miracles that were employed in his work even in the Apostles daies Are all workers of Miracles saith Paul some had by the Spirit the word of wisedom and of knowledge and others Tongues and others Interpretation and others Miracles 1 Cor. 12 29 7 8 9 10. 3. They that have the Holy Ghost are owned by Christ and so have many without working Miracles See Rom. 8. 9. 1 Cor. 12. 3. Gal. 5. 18 22 23 24. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Eph. 3. 16. 5. 9 18. 1 Pet. 1. 2 22. Rom. 15. 13 16. Tit. 3. 5. 4. The Law of Moses was kept and taught by Priests and Levites that wrought not Miracles 5. If the Laws of all Nations may be kept without Miracles so may the Laws of Christ. 6. If humane writings are kept without Miracles as Homer Virgil Ovid Cicero Livy c. so may the Laws of God much more as being the daily subject of the belief meditation conference preaching controversies devotions of Christians through the world and translated into so many Tongues 7. There is nothing in the Nature of the thing that requireth ordinary Miracles Cannot men sufficiently prove without Miracles that there have been such men as Caesar Pompey Aristotle or which be Calvins or Bellarmines writings c. Much more evidently may they prove what doctrine is essential to Christianity and the Scripture that contains the whole 8. Else Parents could not teach their children nor bring them up in the Nurture and admonition of the Lord Eph. 6. 4. Nor teach them with Timothy from a child to know the Scriptures which are able to make men wise to salvation through faith in Christ 2. Tim. 3. 15. Must no Parents teach their Children to know Christ but such as can work Miracles 9. The Doctrine which we preach is fully confirmed by Miracles already by Christ and his Apostles There needs no greater then Christs own Resurrection nor more then were done which Universal unquestionable History and Tradition hath brought down to our hands 10. It is a ridiculous expectation that every person should see the Miracles before they do believe Then if Christ had done Miracles before all Ierusalem save one man that one man should not be bound to believe Or if I could do miracles in this Town or Country none must believe me ever the more but those that see it And so you may as well say I should not believe that there is any Sea or Land City or Kingdom France Spain Rome c. but what I see Are these men
of an Hospital to the King and to the Physician May not one rule and punish by the Sword and another by the Word by Teaching and the Church Keys Is it not one thing to Fine and Beat and Banish and Kill a Man and another to sentence him unmeet for Church-Communion Marvellous that God permitteth the world to be deluded by such a blinded or blinding Clergy though as learned as Bellarmine that would make these things seem inconsistent and separate what God hath conjoined See here to what the Roman Clergy would reduce Kings they must be no Governors of the Church And if all the Kingdom be Christians are they not all the Church And so the Christening of the Subjects deposeth the King and maketh the chief Priest King that Christeneth them If he had said that Kings govern Churches but not as Churches but as parts of the Kingdom he had said falsly For they govern them as Churches though not by the same sort of Government as the Pastors do as they govern not Hospitals by the same sort of Government as the Physicians § 129. In Eugenius's Epistle it is honestly and truly said that If there had never been a painted or a forged Image neither Faith Hope nor Love by which Men come to the Eternal Kingdom would have perished I am of Bellarmine's mind now that this was none of the Pope's Epistle but the honest Emperor's and his Clergy Councils He thought it too bad for a Pope and I think it too good for a Pope He thinks that the Pope must be mad if he would have so condemned his Predecessor Adrian's Acts as this Epistle doth and I doubt he was not so honest as to do it But did not Bellarmine know how much more sharp and virulent Accusations Popes have laid on one another § 130. CCXLVI So powerful was Pius's Attempts to reform the Clergy that it drove Pope Eugenius the 2d for shame to call a Council at Rome not from the Antipodes but of 63 Bishops An. 826. who repeated some old Canons and among other things forbad such Feasts and Plays as our Wakes ar● on any Holy-days to be used § 131. Valentine was next chosen Pope Collectis in unum Venerab Episcopis Gloriosis Romanorum Proceribus omnique amplae urbis Populo in Pal. Later saith Anastasius but he lived but 30 or 40 days Historians agree not of it § 132. Gregory the 4th succeeded who saith Platina would not undertake the Papal Office till Ludovicus the Emperor had considered of the choice and confirmed it Which saith Platina Ludovicus did not out of Pride but lest he should lose the Rights of the Empire being by nature gentle and most humane and had ever upheld the Rights of the Church He setled Benefices on every Priest that Poverty might not hinder them You see here that the great Friend of the Church yet took that for the right of the Empire that none should be Pope against his consent § 133. Platina adding how he reformed the Clergy forbidding them gay Attire Ornaments Sumptuousness and Vanities saith thereupon Would thou hadst lived in our times O Ludovicus For the Church wanteth thy holy Institutions and Censure so much hath the Ecclesiastical Order poured out itself to all Luxury and Lust. So describing their abominable Pride and Vanity § 134. Pope Gregory added so much to the good works of his Predecessors by mending building adorning so many Temples Pillars and Posts with Stones Vestments Silver c. and removing the Bones of Saints if he mistook not that it is no wonder if Rome grew into greater pomp and splendor than ever before § 135. This godly Emperor having three Sons by his first Wife and marrying a second having two Sons by her the Sons of the first Wife hated the second Wife thinking her Son Charles had too much favor One Son Pepin apprehended his Father and the eldest Lotharius came in and approved it and the 3d joined with them and wickedly deposed him from his Kingdom of which anon § 136. Ludovicus called Councils at Paris Mentz Lyons and Tholouse for Reformation some say upon the warning of a Maid that being possessed of the Devil and speaking Latine said that this Devil executed Judgments on the Land for their Sins Injustice c. CCXLVII. The Council at Paris wrote a large Book for Reformation An. 829. with the rest of this Emperor's Constitutions worthy to be Translated for the common good that all ●ight see the difference between Reformers and turbulent Hereticks and Hereticators and proud aspiring Prelates The Book is a Treatise of pious Directions The 50th Chapter reproving the breach of the Lord's day saith that By sight and by certain relation they have notice that many working on that day have been killed with Thunde●bolts some punished by sudden Convulsions some by visible Fire their Flesh and Bones being in a moment consumed and turned into ashes and many other such terrible judgments Therefore they require that as the Iews keep their Sabbath all Men much more do spiritually observe this day of the Lord. The second Book doth notably shew the duty of Kings and Magistrates The last Chapter requireth those that are far from the Church to meet for Prayer in other places as being acceptable to God In the 8th Capitul Bin. p. 569. the Bishops say Beati Petri vicem indigni gerimus So that the Pope is not Peter's onely Successor others represent him if this Council did not mistake § 137. CCXLVIII We come now to a Council which sheweth you that the good Canons made by the Emperor for Church-Reformation were far from reforming the generality of the Bishops It is the Council at Compendium which too compendiously deposed the godly Emperor of whom the world was not worthy Calumniators pretended that one Bernhard a Courtier lay with Iudith the Emperor's second Wife The Sons of his first Wife hating her Pepin whom his Father had made King of Italy on this pretence Trayterously raiseth Arms against his Father Lotharius the eldest Son too much consenting persuaded his Father to let a meeting without Arms at Neomagus prevent a War At that meeting the Nobles Parentis Imperium legitimè prorogabant saith Binnius p. 575 and Pepin took up Arms again The Father conquereth his Son and taketh him Prisoner and might justly have taken away his life but he was stol'n out of Prison in the night Ludovicus depriveth him of his Kingdom of Italy and divideth it between his two Sons by the second Wife Charles and Rodolphus Hereupon Lotharius the eldest rebelling knew not how to conquer his godly and prosperous Father but by the Bishops Them he draweth into his Conspiracy that as Binnius himself saith Ut quem filii armis imperio deponere non possent horum saltem nundinariorum Antistitum suffragio judicio honore ac potestate imperiali privaretur successit impiis conatus impiissimus The last means of Treason was a Council of the base mercenary