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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20476 The explanation. of the true and lavvful right and tytle, of the most excellent prince, Anthonie the first of that name King of Portugall, concering his warres, againste Phillip King of Castile, and against his subiectes and adherentes, for the recouerie of his kingdome. Together vvith a briefe historye of all that hath passed aboute that matter, vntill the yeare of our Lord. 1583. Translated into English and conferred with the French and Latine copies. By the commanundement and order of the superiors.; Explanatio veri ac legitimi juris, quo serenissimus Lusitaniae Rex Antonius eius nominis primis nititur. English António, Prior of Crato, 1531-1595.; Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent. 1585 (1585) STC 689; ESTC S100205 44,552 60

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declared how for his deliuery out of prison he had promised the King of Castile to assay by all manner of meanes to kill the said King Don Anthonie Or if he could not bring that to passe how at least he would finde the meane to procure certaine french companies or other strange souldiers ouer whome he hoped to be appointed captaine to rise against his maiesty at such time as hee should be readie to ioine battail or in hand to execute any like enterprise or else would do some such thing as should cast the person and campe of the said King Anthony into some notable danger wherein the very trueth is his meaning was to haue kept promise with the said King of Castile For it came to passe within a litle after when King Anthony was ouercome in a sea-battail at the Isle of S. Michael while the Marquisse of S. Crosse remained in the same Isle that the said Edward de Castro being with King Anthony in thislle of Tercera earnestlie perswaded the french companies which were there in garrison whome he had won to him by gifts and otherwise that the Portugalls went aboute to murther them all suddenlie shewing to them for proofe thereof a letter written by King Anthonies agente which though falselie he vouched to containe such matter and likewise made the portugalles on the contrariside beleeue howe they were in the like daunger at the Frenche mens handes When he had laid this foundation he went aboute to put the matter in execution and so handled the same that one day the Frenchmen first made them readie to set vpon the portugalles and slewe Anthony Baracho a gentleman of portugal But as eche party began to put themselues in armes it came to passe by the great dexteritie and wisedome of a portugall Captaine who in time smelled this treason that the matter proceeded no further but all was well pacified the Traitour apprehended Who vppon the falling out of the matter otherwise then he expected woulde presentlie haue retired into the saide Isle of S. Michaell to the Marquis of Sayncte Crosse in an Englishe ship which he had hired for that purpose for a great some of monie Thus the traitor being taken conuict of his treason aswel by his owne confession in the prison as openlie vpon the scaffold was at last beheaded Yet the saide king Don Antonie in remēbraunce and consideration of his former seruices would haue pardoned him had not the common people souldiers made great instance for the open punishment of so great dangerous a treason About the same time Sebastian Caruaillo another Portugal was executed in the said Isle of Tercera for enterprising to kil the said king Don Anthonio Also for the like cause a Castilian gentleman of thorder of the knightes of Malta was afterwardes executed in Fraunce Further for the like offence Iohn Francisco and John Rodrigues desosa were prisoners in France and vpon their conuiction were sent in captiuitie to the said Islande of Tercera a little before the taking thereof by means whereof they recouered their liberty contrary to their desarts But the saide Iohn Rodrigues had neuer escaped from execution in France had not the most excellēt princesse the Queene of England with whom he had beene king Anthonies Ambassadour made intercession for him Whosoeuer therefore shall rightlye consider all these daungers and greate inconueniencies whiche the saide King Don Anthonio hath endured and escaped may easilye iudge that all this came not to passe without gods peculier prouidence and diuine sufferance that some great matter of importance is hid thereunder namely a great hope is to be conceaued therof that almightie God will vse the sayd king Don Anthonio as a fit instrument to breake the great powre force of the King of Castile wherby through his excessiue and vnmeasurable ambition he would else in tract of tyme inuade not onely all christiandom but also al the rest of the worlde that vnder the faire colour of maintaining the Catholike Romish religion vnder pretence whereof he hath thus manye yeeres afflicted thinhabitantes of the lowe countreys otherwise a good and curteous people that in former tyme had alwayes bene good faithfull subiects to him his auncestors to thintent that vpon the subduing of thē according to his fātasie he might easily freely spred his armies ouer England Germany France other nations either for that they receiue or at least permit in their countries any other religiō thē only the catholike Romish religiō or els vnder some other kinde of pretence whatsoeuer This is the marke he shooteth at wil easily hitte except thother christian Princes before theuill creepe any further haue speciall regard to oppose thēselues to his power force by ayding the prouinces vnited of the lowe countreys nowe greately afflicted and also and that most specially the sayde Kinge Don Anthonio who with thayde of some reasonable nauie of ten or twelue thousande men furnished with victualles munition and other necessaries may in shorte tyme without anye greate difficultie recouer his kingdome Whereunto thincredible affection which the Portugalls beare alwayes to their King naturall prince together with thauncient hatred they haue alwaies borne to the Castilians their auncient ennemyes woulde serue for a greate furtherance As the lyke meane serued the prince of Oranges for a greate effect in the sayde lowe countreyes to mainetayne warres there so longe against the forces of the sayd Kinge of Castile Further if King Don Anthonio had recouered Portugall driuen away the castilians he might also easily in short time aswel reduce into his power and dominion the townes of Aphrica with the townes and countreys of the Easte Indies and Brasile where the garrisons consist all of naturall Portugalles as also take from the king of Castile his power by sea consisting chiefely of Portugal shippes Marriners Who without doubte for the naturall affection they beare towarde their Kinge and Countrey and the rather bicause their wiues children landes and goodes remaine in Portugall and for the naturall hatred they beare to the Castilians vnder whome they serue against their willes will easilye come and yeilde themselues to the sayde King Don Anthonie as wee haue seene the lyke example in the sayde lowe countreys when the wars began for the driuing away of the spanyardes Also it is to be noted how the people of Portugall beare a generall hatred against the king of Castile his Castilians not onely in respect of their auncient enmitye against the sayde Castilians but also and most principally for the greate iniuries and indignities which they haue suffered at their handes since the sayde King of Castile by force violence possessed their countrey Whereby all mens mindes are so bent and inflamed against him and his Castilians that their chiefe wishe and expectation is for the sayde kinge Don Anthonie by the ayde of some Princes to enter into Portugall with an armie not onely for their deliuery
places where he passed the people shewed themselues so ioyfull as the like thereof was neuer seene before at thelection or receiuing of any of the saide former Kings When he came to the Cathedrall Church he was there receiued with great honour and reuerence by all the Cleargie with the celebration of all ceremonies thereunto by custome appertaining and from thence was conduced to the Regall Pallace The next day the gouernours magistrates with the most noble and principal men of the citie together with the three estats of the realme caused the royall standard to be caried before them through all the principall streets of the citie crying aloud God saue king Anthonie grant him long life In thend they came all to the said Pallace where they swore him for King binding themselues to him by othe● whereof likewise publique actes were made Don Anthonio making protestation thereupon in the like sort that he had made at Santaren when hee was there chosen and sworne for king whereof also a publique act was made and enrolled as abouesaid Now when it came to the knowledge of the gouernours of the Realme then remaining at Setuball that Don Anthonio was chosen King the greater part of them withdrew themselues into Castile to wit Iohn Masquerennas Frauncis de Sa and Diego Lopez de Sosa thother two namely tharchbishop of Lisbone and John Tello de Meneses came within three myles of Lisbone and sent to King Anthonie beseeching him to voutchsafe to receaue them into his fauour which they easely obtained at his hands sith the one of them namely John Tello de Meneses had alwayes shewed himselfe to beare a good affection to the common wealth and tharchbishop had alwayes shewed himselfe a neutre where contrariwise thother three which were fled into Castile being wonne and corrupted by the king of Castile with giftes and promises had alwayes openly mainteined his quarrell and yet in thende did pennance for their horrible treason For shortly after they dyed al for very griefe and melancholy that they had sold their countrey and could obtaine little or nothing of all that had bene promised vnto them on the behalfe of the king of Castile by his ambassadors Within certaine dayes after king Anthonie departed from the citie of Lisbon to Setuball where still remained the deputies of the townes with the high Chauncelour the principall Counsellours of the realme and many of the nobilitie By whome he was likewise created and sworne King with all solemnities thereunto conuenient Where the third time he made the like protestation that he had made afore in Santaren sending two of the said deputies from thence to the king of Castile with commission to declare vnto him that if he would desist from force of armes and submit his cause to the determination of the Iudges thereunto authorised that then he would doe the like and lay downe the name and dignitie of king And hauing first giuen order for the defence of a towne called Monte Maior which was in daunger to be besieged by the duke of Alua he returned from thence to the citie of Lisbon In the meane while the king of Castile howe much the more he was moued by Don Anthonio and others to commit his cause to be determined by way of iustice so much the more he endeuoured to get the kingdome by force making great offers notwithstanding to Don Anthonio in consideration that he shoulde yeeld vp the royal name and renounce his action to the kingdom But neuerthelesse Don Anthonio seeking the libertie of his countrey more then his owne benefit would neuer yeelde to accept any condicions howe great soeuer they were Now when Don Anthonio was come backe to Lisbon hee dispatched letters immediatly to all cities and townes of the kingdō and to the townes and castles of Aphrica and thylandes and firme lande subiect to the crowne of Portugall certifying them how he was chosen and sworne king and therefore required them all from thenceforward to take knowledge him for their king the like also was written to all the said townes Castles Islandes and firme land by the said gouernours and magistrates of the citie of Lisbon Immediatly vpon the deliuerie of these letters Don Anthonio was in all places acknowledged and proclaimed king in all solemnitie and that so greatly to the ioy and contentation of all thinhabitantes as is scant possible to bee beleeued In the meane space king Don Anthonio ceased not to prouide as farre as laye in his power for the defence of the saide Citye of Lisbone which is the chiefe Citye of the realme for that the Duke of Alua approched from daye to daye with a greate armye whiche hee brought by land sea amounting to about sixe and twenty thousand fighting men aswell horsemen as footemen all olde soldiors and well appointed the most parte of them comming by lande the rest by sea in fiftye gallyes and about as manye great shippes At laste these two armies comming by lande and sea mette and ioyned together at the towne of Setuball whiche was quickelye brought vnder the power of thennimie by reason it was neyther anye strong towne nor prouided of gunpowder whiche in greate plentye together with thartillerie and other munitions of warre had bene before that conueyed into Castile by the sayde gouernours vnder coloure of thexpedition whiche was pretended into Aphrica The Duke of Alua hauing thus taken this towne of Setuball caused the moste parte of the footemen to be imbarqued in the gallyes and the rest in the greate shippes wherewith he wente to the towne of Cascais standing by the Ocean sea seuen myles from Lisbon hauing in his company Anthonie de Castro lorde of the same towne who a little before yeilded him selfe to the sayd Duke Through this mans labour and industrie the Duke in fewe daies easilye got this towne into his handes where Diego de meneces a gentleman of a noble house was gouernour who after the yielding vp of the towne was beheaded by the Duke of Aluaes commaundement and one of the Captaynes called Henry Perera hanged vppon a gibette notwithstanding that eache of them had yeilded himselfe After the taking of this towne of Cascais the Duke of Alua remoued his campe to the strong castle of Saint Iohn within three myles of Lisbone wherein Iristan vaz de vegna was captayne a man verye notable in militarye experience hauing made greate tryall of his valiauncye in theast Indie and nowe when the sayde Duke by the space of one daye had beaten the Castle with great ordinaunce withoute doing it anye harme the nexte daye the sayde gouernour thoughe hee wanted neyther munition nor anye other necessaries yet after parle with the Duke of Alua yeilded the Castle into his handes vppon the Dukes promise that the King of Castile should yeilde vnto him a greate pencion yeerelye during his lyfe but euen as traitors by gods iuste iudgemente are commonly payde according to their desert so this man was so farre from
whence he began to batter the walles of the towne with his artillery but forasmuch as he got little this way by reason of the great space which was betweene him and the towne he determined to passe ouer the riuer to that side which lyeth next Porto And in the ende accomplished his determination with certaine barques and boates which for the same purpose he had procured from all partes For King Don Anthonies men were not able to hinder the said passage by reason they were for the moste part vnarmed and vnexperienced King Anthonie seeing his affaires in these hard termes determined to make his retrayte to the towne of Viane a port also of the sea intending there to embarque himselfe for Fraunce with many noble men and others following him to about the number of fiue hundred with whom he came to Viane verye late in the night weary and euill at ease not yet throughly healed of his wounds In this place he prepared fiue ships the next daye and furnished them with victualles and all other necessaries for the sayde embarquement Now when all thinges were ready therevnto and the king and his companye almost all embarqued there chaunced a great tempest with a contrary winde out of the sea whereby the ships were all stayed and could not depart out of the hauen In the meane space Sancho Dauila sending his horsemen before came after himselfe with the reste of his armye to besiege the towne Wherefore King Anthonie fearing least the ships would from the the land at last be vexed and suncke with the artillery of the enuemie and seeing he coulde not sayle out of the hauen by reason of contrary wind determined while he had time to saue him selfe from so apparant a daunger before thennemie had hemmed him in on all sides And therefore in all hast forsaking the shippes with great griefe he tooke his leaue of the principall noble men and others that were about him exhorting them euery man to prouide for their safety by the best meanes they could amongst whom the chiefe were the sayde Erle of Vimioso the Bishop of Guardia Emanuell de Sylua Peter Fernando and Diego de Meneses with manye other of the auncient nobilitie prayinge them to bee all of good courage hopinge at laste fortune woulde so chaunge that hee mighte gyue them honourable recompence for their good seruices doone vnto him and which he hoped to receaue at their handes in time to come Thus King Anthonie with all possible speede passed awaye on foot vp the riuer side hauing in his companye onelye his sayde Agent and one of his seruauntes called Thomas Cachero with twoo honeste Burghesses of the sayde towne of Viane who knewe the coastes of the countreye sending his treasurer before him with aboute fourtie men attending the same But hauinge in this maner passed but a little waye they spied vppon an hill not farre off a troupe of the ennemies horsemen beeing fiftie in number or aboue who seemed to come downe into the plaine fielde and directlye to take their course toward the king Wherefore for the auoyding of so present a daunger by his Agentes counsell hee caused the company attending his treasoure to depart from him and to martche and passe with the same ouer the playne fielde whilest him selfe with his Agent Thomas Cachero and the sayde twoo Burghesses of Viane helde on their waye by the riuer side This deuise tooke good successe for the ennemy directed his course straight towarde the greater companye making none accoumpt of the smaller number which passed by the riuer side Insomuch that while the ennemye spente his time to pursue and take the treasure amounting to little lesse then a million of golde The king founde meane when he was got a good waye of to saue him selfe with those foure that were in his companye by wading ouer the sayde riuer where it was shallow but yet the water came vp to their brestes as they passed thorough When they were thus come to the other side of the riuer beeing that side where the towne of Viane is scituate they spied a farre off other troupes of horsemen and foote men who by all likelyhood sought also for the King for which cause his maiestye and his companye thought good to goe ouer the riuer agayne to the same side from whence he came Vpon the accomplishment whereof they hidde them selues amongest bushes and young trees by the water side where they aboade all the same daye which was the twelfth of October fastinge and wette for it scant ceased from rayning all that daye At night they went a foote from thence by pathes and otherwyse as they coulde to a Village about two myles from Viane beeing there receaued into a poore wydowes house where hee rested all the same nighte and the daye followinge The nexte night hee departed from thence to other places thorough vnfrequented wayes and desartes taking with him to the companye hee had before a fift man whose name was Iasper de Gran whome hee founde vppon the shore at his firste passage ouer the riuer This Jasper was one of his olde and moste faythfull seruauntes who was the greatest meane that the Kinge had so happely escaped out of the Moores handes when hee was captiue in Aphrica Now for that Sancho Dauila coulde not finde the Kinge in the shippes neither in the Towne of Viane nor elsewhere there aboutes hee gaue order to all his horse men and foote men to disperse them selues in diuerse troupes and to passe into all places and Villages of the prouince adioyning called in the Portugall tongue Entre Dueroe Minho to seeke for King Anthonie promising great and ample rewarde to whosoeuer shoulde bringe him prysoner and wrote to the Duke of Alua remayning still at Lisbone to appoynt sufficient watch and warde in euery of the sea portes to watch diligently that King Anthonie embarqued not him selfe to depart out of the kingdome Also the Duke of Alua him selfe and Sancho Dauila withall wrote to the like effect to all townes and places of the Kingdome of Castile bordering vpon Portugall In somuch that great and curious search was made in euerye place for Kinge Anthonie Besides manye Spaniardes and Portugals were hyred and appointed to that busines by the Duke of Alua and other of the king of Castiles ministers But the king of Castile not so content proclaymed in all places that whosoeuer coulde bring king Anthonie either dead or aliue shoulde haue fiue and twenty thousande Duckates of golde for his rewarde Whereof open proclamations were set vppon the principall Church dores and also vppon the gates of the Citie of Lisbon and other places of Portugal and Castile and besides all this the King of Castile grieuouslye punished whomsoeuer he knew or suspected to beare good will to King Anthonie some by death some by perpetuall exile not sparing many men and women though they had let slip but a worde onely in fauour of King Anthonie Yet notwithstanding the king of Castile got