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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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my beloued sonne in vvhom I am vvel pleased ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. Desert Of this word desert in Greeke eremus commeth the name Eremitages and Eremites that liue a religious and austere life in deserts and solitatie places by the example of S. Iohn Baptist whom the holy Doctors therfore call the Prince and as it were the author of such profession S. Chrys ho. 1 in Marcum ho. de Io. Baptista Hiero. ad Eustoch de e●stod virg Isid li. 1. c. 15 de diu off Bernardus de excel Io. Baptista Wherewith the Protestants are so offended that * they say S. Chrysostom spake rashly and vntruely And no maruel for whereas the Euangelist himself in this place maketh him a perfect paterne of penance and Eremitical life for desert or wildernes for his rough and rude apparel for abstayning from al delicate meates according to our Sauiours testimonie also of him Mt. 11 8 Luc. 7 33 they are not ashamed to peruert all with this strange commentarie that it was a desert * full of townes and villages his garment was * chamlet his meate * such as the countrey gaue and the people there vsed to make him thereby but a common man like to the rest in his maner of life cleane against Scriptures fathers 〈◊〉 reason 2. Doe penance So is the Latin word for word so readeth al antiquitie namely S. Cyprian ep 52 often and S. Augustine li. 13 Confes c. 12. and it is a very vsual speache in the New Testament specially in the preaching of S. Iohn Baptist * Christ him self and * the Apostles to signifie perfect repentance which hath not onely confession and amendment but contrition or sorow for the offense and paineful satisfaction such as S. Cyprian speaketh of in al the foresaid epistle But the Aduersaries of purpose as * namely Beza protesteth mislike that interpretation because it fauoureth Satisfaction for sinne which they cannot abide Where if they pretend the ⸬ Greeke word we send them to these places Mat. 11 21. Lu. 10 13. 1 Cor. 7 9. where it must needes signifie sorowful payneful and satisfactorie repentance we tel them also that * S. Basil a Greeke Doctor calleth the Niniuites repentance with fasting and hearecloth and ashes by the same Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And more we wil tell them in other places 8. Confessing their sinnes Iohn did prepare the way to Christ and his Sacraments not only by his baptisme but by inducing the people to confession of their sinnes Which is not to acknowledge them selues in general to be sinners but also to vtter euery man his sinnes 9. Fruite worthie He preacheth satisfaction by doing worthy fruites or workes of penance which are as S. Hierom saith in 2. Ioel fasting praying almes and the like 10. The axe Here preachers are taught to dehort from doing euil for feare of Hel and to exhort to doe good in hope of heauen which kind of preaching our Aduer doe condemne 11. In water Iohns baptisme did not remitte sinnes nor was comparable to Christs Baptisme as here it is playne and in manie other places Hiero. adu Lucifer Aug. de Bapt. cont Donat. li. 5. c. 9. 10. 11. Yet is it an article of our Adu that th one is no better then the other which they say not to extol Iohns but to derogate from Christes baptisme so far that they make it of no more valure or efficacie for remission of sinnes and grace and iustification then was Iohns thereby to mainteine their manifold heresies that Baptisme taketh not away sinnes that a man is no cleaner nor iuster by the Sacrament of Baptisme then before that it is not necessarie for children vnto saluation but it is ynough to be borne of Christian parents and such like erroneous positions wel knowen among the Caluinists 12. Floore This floore is his Church militant here in earth wherein are both good and bad here signified by corne and chaffe til the separation be made in the day of iudgement contrarie to the doctrine of the Heretikes that hold the Church to consist onely of the good 16. Opened To signifie that heauen was shut in the old law til Christ by his Passion opened it and so by his Ascension was the first that entered into it contrarie to the doctrine of the Heretikes See Hebr. 9 ● and 11 40. CHAP. IIII. Christ going into the desert ●o prepare him self before his Manifestation ouercometh the Deuils tentations 12 Beginning in Galilee as the Prophet said he should 18 he calleth foure Disciples and with his preaching and miracles draweth vnto him innumerable folowers verse 1 THEN * IESVS was ledde of the Spirit into the ″ desert to be tempted of the Deuil ✝ verse 2 And vvhen he had ″ fasted fourtie daies and fourtie nightes aftervvard he vvas hungrie ✝ verse 3 And the tempter approched sayd to him If thou be the sonne of God commaund that these stones be made bread ✝ verse 4 Who ansvvered said It is vvritten Nor in bread alone doth man liue but in euery word that procedeth from the mouth of God ✝ verse 5 Then the Deuil tooke him vp into the holy citie and set him vpon the pinnacle of the Tēple ✝ verse 6 and sayd to him If thou be the sonne of God cast thy self dovvne for ″ it is vvritten That he wil giue his Angels charge of thee in their hands shal they hold thee vp lest perhaps thou knocke they foote agaynst a stone ✝ verse 7 IESVS sayd to him againe It is vvritten Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God ✝ verse 8 Againe the Deuil tooke him vp into a very high mountaine and he shevved him al the Kingdoms of the vvorld and the glorie of them ✝ verse 9 and sayd to him Al these vvil I giue thee if falling dovvne thou vvilt adore me ✝ verse 10 Then IESVS sayth to him Auant Satan for it is vvritten The Lord thy God shalt thou adore ″ him onely shalt thou serue ✝ verse 11 Then the Deuil left him and behold Angels came and ministred to him ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And * vvhen IESVS had heard that Iohn vvas deliuere vp he retyred into Galilee ✝ verse 13 and leauing the citie Nazareth came dvvelt in Capharnaum a sea tovvne in the borders of Zabulon Nephthali ✝ verse 14 that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas sayd by Esay the Prophet ✝ verse 15 Land of Zabulon land of Nephthali the way of the sea beyond Iordan of Galilee of the Gentils ✝ verse 16 the people that sate in darknesse hath seen great light and to them that sate in a countrey of the shadow of death light is risen to them ✝ verse 17 From that time IESVS began to preach and to say ″* Doe penance for the Kingdom of heauen is at hand ✝ verse 18 And IESVS * vvalking by the sea
18 See therfore how you heare For he that hath to him shal be giuen and vvhosoeuer hath not that also vvhich he thinketh he hath shal be taken avvay frō him ✝ verse 19 And * his mother and brethren came vnto him and they could not come at him for the multitude ✝ verse 20 And it vvas told him Thy mother and ″ thy brethren stand vvithout desirous to see thee ✝ verse 21 who ansvvering said to them My mother and my brethren are they that heare the vvord of God and doe it ✝ verse 22 * And it came to passe one day and he vvent vp into a boate and his disciples and he said to them Let vs strike ouer the lake And they launched forth ✝ verse 23 And vvhen they vvere sailing he slept and there fel a storme of vvinde into the lake and they vvere filled and vvere in danger ✝ verse 24 And they came and raised him saying Maister vve perish But he rising rebuked the vvinde and the tempest of vvater and it ceased and there vvas made a calme ✝ verse 25 And he said to them Vvhere is your faith who fearing marueiled one to an other saying Vvho is this trovv ye that he commaundeth both the vvindes and the sea and they obey him ✝ verse 26 * And they sailed to the countrie of the Gerasens vvhich is ouer against Galilee ✝ verse 27 And vvhen he vvas come forth to the land there mette him a certaine man that had a deuil novv a very long time and he did vveare no clothes neither did he tarie in house but in the monumēts ✝ verse 28 And as he savv IESVS he fel dovvne before him and crying out vvith a great voice he said Vvhat is to me and thee IESVS sonne of God most high I beseech thee doe not torment me ✝ verse 29 For he commaunded the vncleane spirit to goe forth out of the man For many times he caught him and he vvas bound vvith chaines and kept vvith fetters and breaking the bondes vvas driuen of the deuil into the deserts ✝ verse 30 And IESVS asked him saying Vvhat is thy name But he said Legion because many deuils vvere entred into him ✝ verse 31 And they besought him that he vvould not commaund them to goe into the depth ✝ verse 32 And there vvas there a heard of many svvine feeding on the mountaine and they desired him that he vvould permit them to enter into them And he permitted them ✝ verse 33 The deuils therfore vvent forth out of the man and entred into the svvine and the heard vvith violence vvent headlong into the lake and vvas stifled ✝ verse 34 which vvhen the svvineheards savv done they fled and told into the citie and into the tovvnes ✝ verse 35 And they vvent forth to see that vvhich vvas done and they came to IESVS and found the man out of vvhō the deuils vvere gone forth sitting at his feete clothed and vvel in his vvittes and they vvere afraid ✝ verse 36 And they also that had seen told them hovv he had been made whole from the legion ✝ verse 37 And al the multitude of the countrie of the Gerasens besought him to depart from them for they vvere taken vvith great feare And he going vp into the boate returned ✝ verse 38 And the man out of vvhom the deuils vvere departed desired him that he might be vvith him But IESVS dimissed him saying ✝ verse 39 Returne into thy house and tel hovv great things God hath done to thee And he vvent through the vvhole citie preaching hovv great things IESVS had done to him ✝ verse 40 And it came to passe vvhen IESVS vvas returned the multitude receiued him and al vvere expecting him ✝ verse 41 And * behold there came a man vvhose name vvas laîrus and he vvas Prince of the Synagogue and he fel at the feete of IESVS desiring him that he vvould enter into his house ✝ verse 42 because he had an only daughter almost tvvelue yeres old and she vvas a dying And it chaunced vvhiles he vvent he vvas thronged of the multitudes ✝ verse 43 And there vvas a certaine vvoman in a fluxe of bloud from tvvelue yeres past vvhich had bestovved al her substāce vpon Physicions neither could she be cured of any ✝ verse 44 she came behind him and touched the hemme of his garment and forthvvith the fluxe of her bloud stinted ✝ verse 45 And IESVS said Vvho is it that touched me And al denying Peter said and they that vvere vvith him Maister the multitudes throng and presse thee and doest thou say Vvho touched me ✝ verse 46 And IESVS said Some bodie hath touched me for I knovv that there is vertue proceded from me ✝ verse 47 And the vvoman seeing that she vvas not hid came trembling and fel dovvne before his feete and for vvhat cause she had touched him she shevved before al the people and hovv forthvvith she vvas made vvhole ✝ verse 48 But he said to her Daughter thy faith hath made the safe goe thy vvay in peace ✝ verse 49 As he vvas yet speaking there cōmeth one to the Prince of the synagogue saying to him That thy daughter is dead trouble him not ✝ verse 50 And IESVS hearing this vvord ansvvered the father of the maide Feare not beleeue only and she shal be safe ✝ verse 51 And vvhen he vvas come to the house he permitted not any man to enter in vvith him but Peter and Iames and Iohn and the father and mother of the maide ✝ verse 52 And al vvept and mourned for her But he said Vveepe not the maide is not dead but sleepeth ✝ verse 53 And they derided him knovving that she vvas dead ✝ verse 54 But he holding her hand cried saying Maide arise ✝ verse 55 And ″ her spirit returned and she rose incontinent And he bade them giue her to eate ✝ verse 56 And her parentes vvere astonied vvhom he commaunded to tel no man that vvhich vvas done ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VIII ● That did minister It vvas the custome of the Ievves that vvomen of their substance did minister meate and drinke and cloth to their teachers going about vvith them vvhich because it might haue been scandalous among the gentiles S. Paul maketh mention that he vsed it not And they ministred to our Lord of their substance for this cause that he vvhose spiritual benefites they reaped might reape their carnal things 20. Thy brethern These brethern of our Lord vvere not the sonnes of the B. Virgin MARIE the mother of God as Heluidius vvickedly taught neither are they to be thought as some others say the sonnes of Ioseph by an other vvise for as S. Hierom vvriteth not only our Lady vvas a virgin but by reason of her Ioseph also that our Sauiour might be borne of a virginal matrimonie But they are called his brethren according to the visual speach of the Scriptures because
he heard him gladly ✝ verse 21 And vvhen a conuenient day vvas fallen Herod made the supper of his birth-day to the Princes and the Tribunes and the cheefe of Galilee ✝ verse 22 And vvhen the daughter of the same Herodias came in and had daunced and pleased Herod and them that sate vvith him at the table the King said to the damsel Aske of me vvhat thou vvilt and I vvil giue it thee ✝ verse 23 and he svvate to her That vvhatsoeuer thou shalt aske I vvil giue thee though the halfe of my kingdom ✝ verse 24 Who vvhen she vvas gone forth said to her mother What shal I aske But she said The head of Iohn the Baptist ✝ verse 25 And vvhen she vvas gone in by and by vvith hast to the King she asketh saying I vvil that forthvvith thou giue me in a platter the head of Iohn the Baptist ✝ verse 26 And the King vvas stroken sad Because of his othe and for them that sate together at table he vvould not displease her ✝ verse 27 but sending the hangman commaunded that his head should be brought in a platter ✝ verse 28 And he beheaded him in the prison and brought his head in a platter and gaue it to the damsel and the damsel gaue it to her mother ✝ verse 29 Which his disciples hearing came and tooke his body and they put it in a monument ⊢ ✝ verse 30 And * the Apostles gathering together vnto Iesus made relation to him of al things that they had done and taught ✝ verse 31 And he said to them Come apart into the desert place and rest a litle For there vvere that came and vvent many and they had not so much as space to eate ✝ verse 32 And * going vp into the boate they vvent into a desert place apart ✝ verse 33 And they savv them going avvay and many knevv and they ranne flocking thither on foote from al cities and preuented them ✝ verse 34 And going forth IESVS savv a great multitude and he had compassion on them because they vvere as sheepe not hauing a shepheard and he began to teach them many things ✝ verse 35 And * vvhen the day vvas novv farre spent his Disciples came to him saying This is a desert place and the houre is novv past ✝ verse 36 dimisse them that going out into the next villages and tovvnes they may bie them selues meates to eate ✝ verse 37 And he ansvvering said Giue ye them to eate And they said to him Let vs goe and bie bread for tvvo hundred pence and vve vvil giue them to eate ✝ verse 38 And he saith to them Hovv many loaues haue you goe and see And vvhen they knevv they say Fiue and tvvo fishes ✝ verse 39 And he commaunded them that they should make al sit dovvne by companies vpon the greene grasse ✝ verse 40 And they sate dovvne in rankes by hundreds and fifties ✝ verse 41 And vvhen he had taken the fiue loaues and the tvvo fishes looking vp vnto heauen he blessed and brake the loaues and gaue to his Disciples to set before them and the tvvo fishes he deuided to al. ✝ verse 42 And al did eate and had their fill ✝ verse 43 And they tooke vp the leauings tvvelue ful baskets of fragments and of the fishes ✝ verse 44 And they that did eate vvere fiue thousand men ✝ verse 45 And immediatly he compelled his Disciples to goe vp into the boate that they might goe before him beyond the straite to Bethsaida vvhiles him self did dimisse the people ✝ verse 46 And * vvhen he had dimissed them he vvent into the mountaine to pray ✝ verse 47 And vvhen it vvas late the boate vvas in the middes of the sea and him self alone on the land ✝ verse 48 And seeing them labouring in rovving for the vvinde vvas against them and about the fourth vvatch of the night he commeth to them vvalking vpon the sea and he vvould haue passed by them ✝ verse 49 But they seeing him vvalking vpon the sea thought it vvas a ghost and cried out ✝ verse 50 For al savv him and vvere troubled And immediatly he talked vvith them and said to them Haue confidence it is I feare ye not ✝ verse 51 And he vvent vp to them into the shippe and the vvinde ceased and they vvere farre more astonied vvithin them selues ✝ verse 52 for they vnderstoode not concerning the loaues for their hart vvas blinded ✝ verse 53 And * vvhen they had passed ouer they came into the land of Genezareth and set to the shore ✝ verse 54 And vvhen they vvere gone out of the boate incontinent they knevv him ✝ verse 55 and running through that vvhole countrie they began to carie about in couches those that vvere il at ease vvhere they heard he vvas ✝ verse 56 And vvhithersoeuer he entred into tovvnes or into villages or cities they laid the sicke in the streates and besought him that they might touche but the hemme of his garment and as many as touched him vvere made vvhole ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. ● The carpenter As his countrie-folkes seeing him not only to be a poore man but also knowing as they thought his vvhole parentage to be but vulgar not reaching to his Godhead and diuine generation did take offence or scandal of him so doe the Heretikes take like offence at his parson in the B. Sacrament saying why this is not God for it is bread made of corne by suck a baker of the same moulde that such a lofe is not marking that it was not made Christ by baking but by Consecration and the vertue of Christs vvordes 3. They were scandalized This scandal rose partly of enuy of his equals by birth who reputing them selues as good as he tooke skorne to be taught of him Wherevpon Christ saith A Prophet is not without honour but in his owne countrie signifying as it is plaine in Luke the malice and enuy of the Iewes his countrie men in refusing him Io. 1. and that the Gentils would more esteeme of him 5. He could not It is said that he could not worke miracles there not meaning that he was not able but that on their part there wanted apt disposition to receiue them And therfore he would not of cōgruity worke there vvhere their incredulity vvas so great that it vvould not haue profited them And for this cause he saith * els where to them that wil see and enioy his miracles Only beleeue 8. Not two coates He forbiddeth superfluites and to careful prouision of bodily things when they are about Gods seruice in gaining soules And for the contrariety that seemeth here and in S. Matthew vnderstand that there he forbiddeth them to carie rod or staffe to defend them selues here he permitteth a vvalking rod or staffe to leane and stay vpon there he forbiddeth shoes to couer al the foote such as we vveare here he permitteth sandals that is
them al Bishops and Lawful Pastors to be his witnesses from Hierusalem to the ends of the world 39. Searche the Scriptures He reprehendeth the Iewes that reading daily the Scriptures and acknowledging that in them they should finde life and saluation they yet looked ouer them so superficially that they could not finde therein him to be CHRIST their King Lord life and Sauiour For the special maisters Scribes of the Ievves then were like vnto our Heretikes novv vvho be euer talking and turning and shuffling the Scriptures but are of al men most ignorant in the deepe knovvledge thereof And therfore our Maister referreth them not to the reading onely or learning them without booke or hauing the sentences thereof gloriously painted or vvritten in their Temple houses or coates but to the deepe searche of the meaning and mysteries of the Scriptures vvhich are not so easily to be seen in the letter CHAP. VI. Hauing vvith fiue loaues fed fiue thousand 16 vvalking also the night after vpon the sea 22 on the morovv the people there vpon resorting vnto him 27 he preacheth vnto them of the Bread vvhich he vvil giue telling them that he is come from heauen and therfore able to giue such bread as cā quicken the word euen his ovvne flesh and that al his Elect shal beleeue as much 60 Many not vvith standing do murmur at this doctrine yea and become apostataes thoug he tel them that they shal see by his Ascension into heauen that he is descended from heauen but the Tvvelue sticke vnto him beleeuing that he is God omnipotent as he said Among vvhom also that no man be scandalized he signifieth that he foreknovveth vvhich vvil become a traiter as among the foresaid vvhich vvould become apostataes verse 1 AFTER these things IESVS vvent beyond the sea of Galilee vvhich is of Tiberias ✝ verse 2 and a great multitude folovved him because they savv the signes vvhich he did vpon those that vvere sicke ✝ verse 3 IESVS therfore went vp into the mountaine and there he sare vvith his Disciples ✝ verse 4 And the Pasche vvas at hand the festiual day of the Ievves ✝ verse 5 Vvhen IESVS therfore had lifted vp his eies and savv that a very great multitude commeth to him he saith to Philippe Vvhence shal vve bie bread that these may eate ✝ verse 6 And this he said tempting him for him self knevv vvhat he vvould doe ✝ verse 7 Philippe ansvvered him Tvvo hundred penie vvorth of bread is not sufficient for them that euery man may take a litle peece ✝ verse 8 One of his Disciples Andrevv the brother of Simon Peter saith to him ✝ verse 9 There is a boy here that hath fiue barley loaues tvvo fishes but vvhat are these among so many ✝ verse 10 IESVS therfore saith Make the men to sit dovvne And there vvas much grasse in the place The men therfore sate dovvne in number about fiue thousand ✝ verse 11 IESVS therfore tooke the loaues and vvhen he had giuen thankes he distributed to them that sate in like maner also of the fishes as much as they vvould ✝ verse 12 And after they vvere filled he said to his Disciples Gather the fragments that are remaining lest they be lost ✝ verse 13 They gathered therfore and filled tvvelue baskets vvith fragments of the fiue barley loaues vvhich remained to them that had eaten ✝ verse 14 Those men therfore vvhen they had seen vvhat a signe IESVS had done said That this is the Prophet in deede that is to come into the vvorld ✝ verse 15 IESVS therfore vvhen he knevv that they vvould come to take him and make him king * he fled againe into the mountaine him self alone ⊢ ✝ verse 16 And vvhen euen vvas come his Disciples vvent dovvne to the sea ✝ verse 17 And vvhen they vvere gone vp into the shippe they came beyond the sea into Capharnáum and novv it vvas darke and IESVS vvas not come vnto them ✝ verse 18 And the sea arose by reason of a great vvinde that blevv ✝ verse 19 Vvhen they had to vved therfore about fiue and tvventie or thirtie furlonges they see IESVS vvalking vpon the sea and to dravv nigh to the shippe and they feared ✝ verse 20 But he saith to them It is I feare not ✝ verse 21 They vvould therfore haue taken him into the shippe and forthvvith the shippe vvas at the land to vvhich they vvent ✝ verse 22 The next day the multitude that stoode beyond the sea savv that there vvas no other boate there but one and that IESVS had not entred into the boate vvith his Disciples but that his Disciples only vvere departed ✝ verse 23 but other boates came in frō Tiberias beside the place vvhere they had eatē the bread our Lord giuing thankes ✝ verse 24 Vvhen therfore the multitude savv that IESVS vvas not there nor his Disciples they vvent vp into the boates came to Capharnaū seeking IESVS ✝ verse 25 And vvhē they had found him beyond the sea they said to him Rabbi vvhē camest thou hither ✝ verse 26 IESVS ansvvered them and said Amen amen I say to you you seeke me not because you haue seene signes but because you did eate of the loaues and vvere filled ✝ verse 27 ″ Vvorke not the meate that perisheth but that endureth vnto life euerlasting vvhich the Sonne of man vvil giue you For him the Father God hath signed ✝ verse 28 They said therfore vnto him Vvhat shal vve doe that vve may vvorke the vvorkes of God ✝ verse 29 IESVS ansvvered and said to them This is the vvorke of God that you beleeue in him vvhom he hath sent ✝ verse 30 They said therfore to him Vvhat signe therfore doest thou that vve may see and may beleeue thee vvhat vvorkest thou ✝ verse 31 Our * fathers did eate Manna in the desert as it is vvritten Bread from heauen he gaue them to eate ✝ verse 32 IESVS therfore said to them Amen amen I say to you Moyses gaue you not the bread from heauen but my Father giueth you ″ the true bread from heauen ✝ verse 33 For the bread of God it is that descendeth from heauen and giueth life to the vvorld ✝ verse 34 They said therfore vnto him Lord giue vs alvvaies this bread ✝ verse 35 And IESVS said to them I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shal not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shal neuer thirst ✝ verse 36 But I said to you that both you haue seen me and you beleeue not ✝ verse 37 Al that the Father giueth me shal come to me and him that commeth to me I vvil not cast forth ✝ verse 38 Because I descended from heauen not to doe mine ovvne vvil but the vvil of him that sent me ✝ verse 39 For this is the vvil of him that sent me the Father that al that he hath giuē me I leese not thereof
his elect that crie to him day and night I say to you he vvil quickly reuenge them And if God do not heare the Saincts sometime nor graunt their requestes is it therfore consequent that they do not or may not pray Then Christ him self should not haue praied his father to remoue the bitter cuppe of death from him because that petition vvas not graunted 10. Reuengest thou not They do not desire reuenge vpon their enemies for hatred but of charitie and zeale of Gods honour praying that his enemies and the persecutors of his Church and Saincts that vvil not repent may be confounded and that our Lord would accelerate his general iudgement that so they might attaine the perfect crowne of glorie promised vnto them both in body and soule vvhich is to desire the resurrection of their bodies vvhich then shal triumph perfectly and fully ouer the persecutors that so cruelly handled the bodies of the elect vvhich shal then appeare glorious to the enemies cōfusion 11. Til their fellovv seruantes be complete There is a certaine number that God hath ordained to die for the testimonie of truth and the Catholike faith for conformitie of the members to the head CHRIST our cheefe Martyr and til that number be accomplished the general condemnation of the vvicked persecutors shal not come nor the general reward of the elect CHAP. VII The earth being to be punished 3 they are commaunded to saue them that are signed in their foreheads 4 vvhich are described and numbered both of the Ievves and Gentiles blessing God 13 Of them that vvere clothed in vvhite stoles or long robes verse 1 AFTER these things I savv foure Angels stāding vpon the foure corners of the earth holding the foure vvindes of the earth that they should not blovv vpon the land nor vpon the sea nor on any tree ✝ verse 2 And I savv an other Angel ascending from the rising of the sunne hauing the signe of the liuing God he cried vvith a loud voice to the foure Angels to vvhom it vvas giuen to hurt the earth and the sea ✝ verse 3 saying Hurt not the earth and the sea nor the trees til vve signe the seruants of our God in their foreheades ✝ verse 4 And I heard the number of them that vvere signed an hundred fourtie foure thousand vvere signed of euery tribe of the children of Israël ✝ verse 5 Of the tribe of Iuda tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Ruben tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of God tvvelue thousand signed ✝ verse 6 Of the tribe of Aser tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Nephthali tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Manasses tvvelue thousand signed ✝ verse 7 Of the tribe of Simeon tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Leui tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Issachar tvvelue thousand signed ✝ verse 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Ioseph tvvelue thousand signed Of the tribe of Beniamin tvvelue thousand signed ✝ verse 9 After these things I savv a great multitude vvhich no man could number of al nations and tribes and peoples tonges standing before the throne and in the sight of the Lambe clothed in vvhite robes and palmes in their hands ✝ verse 10 And they cried vvith a lovvd voice saying Saluation to our God vvhich sitteth vpon the throne and to the Lambe ✝ verse 11 and al the Angels stoode in the circuite of the throne and of the seniors and of the foure beastes and they fal in the sight of the throne vpon their faces and adored God ✝ verse 12 saying Amen Benediction and glorie and vvisedom thākesgiuing honour and povver and strength to our God for euer and euer Amen ⊢ ✝ verse 13 And one of the seniors ansvvered said to me These that are clothed in the vvhite robes vvho be they whence came they ✝ verse 14 And I said to him My Lord thou knovvest And he said to me These are they vvhich are come out of great tribulation and haue vvashed their robes and made them vvhite in the bloud of the Lambe ✝ verse 15 therfore they are before the throne of God and they serue him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth in the throne shal dvvel ouer them ✝ verse 16 * they shal no more hunger nor thirst neither shal the sunne fall vpon them nor any heate ✝ verse 17 because the Lambe vvhich is in the middes of the throne shal rule them and shal conduct them to the liuing fountaines of vvaters and * God vvil vvipe avvay al teares from their eies ⊢ CHAP. VIII 1 The seuenth seale being opened there appeare Angels vvith trempets 5 and vvhen an other Angel povvred out fire taken from the altar vpon the earth there folovv diuers tempestes 7 In like maner vvhiles foure Angels of the seuen sound their trempets there fall sundrie plagues verse 1 AND vvhen he had opened the seuenth seale there vvas made silence in heauen as it vvere halfe an houre ✝ verse 2 And I savv seuen Angels standing in the sight of God and there vvere giuen to them seuen trompets ✝ verse 3 And an other Angel came and stoode before the altar hauing a golden censar and there vvere giuen to him many incenses that he should giue of the praiers of al sainctes vpon the altar of gold vvhich is before the throne of God ✝ verse 4 And the smoke of the incēses of the praiers of the sainctes ascended from the hand of the Angel before God ✝ verse 5 And the Angel tooke the censar and filled it of the fire of the altar and cast it on the earth and there vvere made thunders voices and lightenings and a great earthquake ✝ verse 6 And the seuē Angels vvhich had the seuen trompets prepared them selues to sound vvith the trompet ✝ verse 7 And the first Angel sounded vvith the trompet and there vvas made haile and fire mingled in bloud and it vvas cast on the earth the third part of the earth was burnt the third part of trees vvas burnt and al greene grasse vvas burnt ✝ verse 8 And the second Angel sounded vvith the trompet and as it vvere a great mountaine burning vvith fire vvas cast into the sea and the third part of the sea vvas made bloud ✝ verse 9 and the third part of those creatures died vvhich had liues in the sea and the third part of the shippes perished ✝ verse 10 And the third Angel sounded vvith the trompet and a great starre fel from heauen burning as it vvere a torche and it fel on the third part of the floudes and on the fountaines of vvaters ✝ verse 11 and the name of the starre is called vvormevvod and the third part of the vvaters was made into worme wod and many men died of the vvaters because they vvere made bitter ✝ verse 12
and Iohn the sonnes of Zebedee vvho vvere Simons fellovves And IESVS said to Simon Feare not from this time novv ″ thou shalt be taking men ✝ verse 11 And hauing brought their shippes to land leauing al things they folovved him ⊢ ✝ verse 12 * And it came to passe vvhen he vvas in one of the cities and behold a man ful of leprosie and seeing IESVS and falling on his face besought him saying Lord if thou vvilt thou canst make me cleane ✝ verse 13 And stretching forth the hand he touched him saying I vvil be thou made cleane And immediatly the leprosie departed from him ✝ verse 14 And he commaunded him that he should tel no body but Goe shevv thy self to the Priest and offer for thy cleansing * as Moyses commaunded for a testimonie to them ✝ verse 15 But the bruite of him vvent abrode the more and great multitudes came together to heare and to be cured of their infirmities ✝ verse 16 And he retired into the desert and praied ✝ verse 17 * And it came to passe one day and he sate teaching And there vvere Pharisees sitting and Doctors of Lavv that vvere come out of euery tovvne of Galilee and Ievvrie and Hierusalem and the vertue of our Lord vvas to heale them ✝ verse 18 And behold men carying in a bed a man that had the palsey and they sought to bring him in and to lay him before him ✝ verse 19 And not finding on vvhich side they might bring him in for the multitude they ″ vvent vp vpon the roofe and through the tiles let him dovvne vvith the bed into the middes before IESVS ✝ verse 20 ″ Vvhose faith vvhen he savv he said Man thy sinnes are forgiuen thee ✝ verse 21 And the Scribes and Pharisees began to thinke saying who is this that speaketh blasphemies who can forgiue sinnes but only God ✝ verse 22 And vvhen IESVS knevve their cogitations ansvvering he said to them Vvhat doe you thinke in your hartes ✝ verse 23 Vvhich is easier to say Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee or to say Arise and vvalke ✝ verse 24 but that you may knovv that ″ the sonne of man hath povver in earth to forgiue sinnes he said to the sicke of the palsey I say to thee Arise take vp thy bed and goe into thy house ✝ verse 25 And forth vvith rising vp before them he tooke that vvherein he lay and he vvent into his house magnifying God ✝ verse 26 And al vvere astonied and they magnified God And they vvere replenished vvith feare saying That vve haue seen maruelous things to day ⊢ ✝ verse 27 * And after these things he vvent forth and savv a Publican called Leui sitting at the Custome-house and he said to him Folovv me ✝ verse 28 And ″ leauing al things he rose and folovved him ✝ verse 29 and Leui made him a great feast in his house and there vvas a great multitude of Publicans and of others that vvere sitting at the table vvith them ✝ verse 30 And their Pharisees and Scribes murmured saying to his disciples why doe you eate and drinke vvith Publicans and sinners ✝ verse 31 And IESVS ansvvering said to them They that are vvhole neede not the Physicion but they that are il at ease ✝ verse 32 I came not to call the iust but sinners to penance ⊢ ✝ verse 33 But they said to him * Vvhy doe the disciples of Iohn fast often and make obsecrations and of the Pharisees in like maner but thine doe eate and drinke ✝ verse 34 To vvhom he said why can you make the children of the bridegrome fast vvhiles the bridegrome is vvith them ✝ verse 35 But the daies vvil come and vvhen the bridegrome shal be taken avvay from them then they shal fast in those daies ✝ verse 36 And he said a similitude also vnto them That no man putteth a peece from a nevv garment into an old garment othervvise both he breaketh the nevv and the peece from the nevv agreeth not vvith the old ✝ verse 37 And no bodie putteth nevv vvine into old bottels othervvise the nevv vvine vvil breake the bottels and it self vvil be shed and the bottels vvil be lost ✝ verse 38 But nevv vvine is to be put into nevv bottels and both are preserued together ✝ verse 39 And no man drinking old vvil nevv by and by for he saith The old is better ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 3. One ship Simons It is purposely expressed that there were two shippes and that one of them was Peters and that Christ went into that one and sate downe in it and that sitting he taught out of that ship no doubt to signifie the Church resembled by Peters ship and that in it is the chaire of Christ and only true preaching 6. A great multitude of fishes Likewise by this significatiue miracle wrought about Peters fishing is euidently forshewed vvhat wonderful successe Peter should haue in conuerting men to Christ both Ievves and Gentiles as vvhen at one draught that is to say * at one Sermon he drewe into his ship which is Christes Church a great number of men as he did now fishes and so continually by him self and his Successors vnto the worlds end 7. Beckened to their fellowes Peter had so much worke that he called for helpe and ioyned vnto him the other ship representing to vs his Copartiners in the preaching of the Gospel and the coniunction of the Synagogue and the people of Gentilitie vnto Peters ship that is to the Church of Chriss Ambro. li. 4. in Luc. c. vlt. 10. Thou shalt be taking men That al this aforesaid did properly meane Peters trauailes to come in the cōuersion of the world to Christ and his prerogatiue before al men therein it is euident by Christ special promis made to him seuerally and apart in this place that he should be made the taker of men though to other he giueth also as to Peters cooperators and coadiutors the like office Mat. 4. 19. 19. Went vp vpon the roofe A strange diligence in procuring corporal health of and by Christ and an example for vs of the like or greater to obteine saluation of him either for our selues or our frendes and to seeke to his Church and Sacraments with what extraordinarie paine soeuer 20. Whose faith Great is God saith S. Ambrose and pardoneth one sort through the merites of others therfore if thou doubt to obtaine forgiuenesse of thy great offenses ioyne vnto thy self intercessors vse the Churches helpe which may pray for thee and obtaine for thee that which our Lord might denie to thy self Amb. li. 5 in Luc. 24. The sonne of man in earth By which act * saith S. Cyril it is cleere that the Sonne of man hath power in earth to remit sinnes which he said both for him self and vs. For he as God being made man and Lord of the Law forgiueth
the very end of the vvorld 25 And then vvhat signes shal come of the last day terrible to the vvorld 28 but comfortable to vs of his Church 34 so that vve be alvvaies vvatchful verse 1 AND beholding he savv them that did cast their giftes into the treasurie riche persons ✝ verse 2 And he savv also a certaine poore vvidovv casting tvvo brasse mites ✝ verse 3 And he said Verely I say to you that this poore vvidovv hath cast more then al. ✝ verse 4 For al these of their aboundance haue cast into the giftes of God but she ″ of her penurie hath cast in al her liuing that she had ✝ verse 5 And certaine saying of the temple that it vvas adorned vvith goodly stones and donaries he said ✝ verse 6 These things vvhich you see * the daies vvil come vvherein there shal not be left a stone vpon a stone that shal not be destroied ✝ verse 7 And they asked him saying Maister when shal these things be and vvhat shal be the signe vvhen they shal begin to come to passe ✝ verse 8 Vvho said See you be not seduced for many vvil come in my name saying that I am he and the time is at hand goe not therfore after them ✝ verse 9 And vvhen you shal heare of vvarres and seditions be not terrified these things must first come to passe but the end is not yet by and by ✝ verse 10 Then he said to them Nation shal rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom ✝ verse 11 And there shal be great earth-quakes in places and pestilences and famines and terrours from heauen and there shal be great signes ✝ verse 12 But before al these things they vvil lay their hands vpon you and persecute you deliuering you into synagogs and prisons dravving you to kings and presidents for my name ✝ verse 13 and it shal happen vnto you for testimonie ✝ verse 14 Lay vp this therfore in your hartes not to premeditate hovv you shal ansvver ✝ verse 15 For I vvil giue you mouth and vvisedom vvhich al your aduersaries shal not be able to resist and gaine say ✝ verse 16 And you shal be deliuered vp of your parents and brethren and kinsemen frendes and they vvil put to death of you ✝ verse 17 And you shal be odious to al men for my name ✝ verse 18 and a heare of your head shal not perish ✝ verse 19 In your patience you shal possesse your soules ⊢ ✝ verse 20 And vvhen you shal see Hierusalem compassed about vvith an armie then knovv that the desolation thereof is at hand ✝ verse 21 then they that are in Ievvrie let them flee to the mountaines and they in the middes thereof let them depart and they in the countries let them not enter into it ✝ verse 22 for these are the daies of vengeance that al things may be fulfilled that are vvritten ✝ verse 23 But vvo to them that are vvith childe and that giue sucke in those daies for there shal be great affliction vpon the land and vvrath on this people ✝ verse 24 And they shal fall by the edge of the svvord and shal be led captiue into al nations and Hierusalem shal be troden of the Gentiles til the times of nations be fulfilled ✝ verse 25 * ● And there shal be signes in the sunne and the moone and the starres and vpon earth distresse of nations for the confusion of the sound of sea and vvaues ✝ verse 26 men vvithering for feare and expectation vvhat shal come vpon the vvhole vvorld for the povvers of heauē shal be moued ✝ verse 27 and then they shal see the Sonne of man comming in a cloude vvith great povver and maiestie ✝ verse 28 But vvhen these things begin to come to passe looke vp and lift vp your heades because your redemption is at hand ✝ verse 29 And he spake to them a similitude See the figtree and al trees ✝ verse 30 Vvhen they novv budde forth fruite out of them selues you knovv that summer is nigh ✝ verse 31 So you also vvhen you shal see these things come to passe knovv that the kingdom of God is nigh ✝ verse 32 Amen I say to you that this generation shal not passe til al be done ✝ verse 33 Heauen and earth shal passe but my vvordes shal not passe ⊢ ✝ verse 34 And looke vvel to your selues lest perhaps your hartes be ouercharged vvith surfetting and drunkēnesse and cares of this life and that day come vpon you sodenly ✝ verse 35 For as a snare shal it come vpon al that sit vpon the face of al the earth ✝ verse 36 Vvatch therfore praying at al times that you may be accounted vvorthie to escape al these things that are to come and to stand before the Sonne of man ✝ verse 37 And the daies he vvas teaching in the temple but the nightes going forth he abode in the mount that is called Oliuet ✝ verse 38 And al the people in the morning vvent vnto him in the temple to heare him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXI 4. Of her penurie To offer or giue almes of our superfluites is not so acceptable nor meritorious as to bestow some of that which is of our necessarie prouision and which we may hardly spare from our selues for that procedeth of greater zeale vvil and intention which be more respected of God then the substance of the gift CHAP. XXII Iudas doth sell him to the Ievves 7 After the old Paschal 19 he giueth to his disciples the bread of life in a mystical sacrifice of his body and bloud for an euerlasting comemoration of his Passion 21 He couertly admonisheth the traitour 24 Against their ambitious contention he shevveth them that the maioritie of any among them in this vvorld is for their seruice as his ovvne also vvas 28 and hovv he vvil exalt them al in the vvorld to come 31 foretelling Peter the singular priuilege of his faith neuer failing 33 and his three negations 35 and hovv they shal al now be put to their shiftes 39 And that night after his praier with svveating of bloud 43 he is taken of the Ievves men Iudas being their captaine yet shevving them both by miracle and vvord that they could doe nothing vnto him but by his ovvne permission 54 Then in the cheefe Priestes house he is thrise denied of Peter 63 shamefully abused of his keepers 66 and in the morning impiously condemned of their Councel for confessing him self to be the Sonne of God verse 1 AND the festiual day of the Azymes approched vvhich is called Pasche ✝ verse 2 and the cheefe Priests and the Scribes sought hovv they might kil him but they feared the people ✝ verse 3 And Satan entred into Iudas that vvas surnamed Iscariote one of the Tvvelue ✝ verse 4 And he vvent and talked vvith the cheefe Priests and the Magistrates hovv he might betray him
shal be bound in heauen and vvhatsoeuer you shal loose in earth shal be loosed in heauen The earthly Princes in deede haue also povver to binde but the bodies onely but that bond of Priests vvhich I speake of toucheth the very soule is self and reacheth euen to the heauens in so much that vvhatsouer the Priests shal doe beneath the self same God doth ratifie aboue and the sentence of the seruants the Lord doth confirme for in deede vvhat els is this then that the povver of al heauenly things is graunted them of God Whose sinnes so euer saith he you shal reteine they are reteined What povver I beseche you can be greater then this one The Father gaue al povver to the Sonne but I see the same povver altogether deliuered by the Sonne vnto them And as this concerneth the Priests high authoritie to absolue so therevpon concerning confession also to be made vnto them the ancient Fathers speake in this sort S. Cyprian de Lapsis nu 11. They saith he that haue greater faith and feare of God though they did not fall in persecution yet because they did onely thinke it in their minde this very cogitation they confesse to Gods Priests sorovvfully and plainely opening their conscience vttering and discharging the burden of their minde and seeking holesome medicine for their vvoundes though but smal and litle And a litle after Let euery one my brethren I beseeche you confesse his sinne vvhiles he is yet aliue vvhiles his confession may be admitted vvhiles satisfaction and remission made by the Priests is acceptable before God S. Cyril or as some thinke Origen li. 2 in Leuit. calleth it a great part of penance when a man is ashamed and yet openeth his sinnes to our Lords Priest See also Tertul. li. de Poenit. S. Hiero. in c. 10 Ecclesiastae S. Basil in Regulis br●u quaest 229. Who compare sinners that refuse to confesse to them that haue some disease in their secrete partes and are ashamed to shew it to the Physicion or Surgeon that might cure it Where they must needes meane secrete confession to be made to them that may absolue And S. Leo ep 80 most plainely as before S. Cyril expresly nameth Priests That confession is sufficient vvhich is made first to God then to the Priest also And againe It is sufficient that guiltines of mens consciences be vttered to the Priests onely by the secrecie of confession S. Hierome in 16 Mat. saith that Priests loose or binde audita peccatorum varietate hauing heard the varietie and differences of sinnes S. Paulinus writeth of S. Ambrose that as often as any confessed his sinne vnto him for too receiue penance he so vvept for compassion that thereby he caused the peniten● to weepe also He addeth moreouer that this holy Doctor was so secrete in this case that no man knew the sinnes confessed but God and him self And S. Augustine ho. 49 de 50 homilijs to 10. saith thus Doe penance such as is done in the Church Let no man say I doe it secretly I doe it to God in vaine then vvas it said Whatsoeuer you shal loose in earth shal be loosed in heauen See S. Ambrose de poenitentia through out S. Cyprian de Lapsis the booke de vera falsa panit in S. Augustine beside al antiquitie which is ful of these speaches concerning absolution and confession CHAP. XXI Appearing againe in Galilee where Peter was fishing with his fellowes and causing them after they had al night taken none to catch a great multitude which Peter draweth to land where he also dineth them 15 He expressing what this fishing signified maketh Peter his Vicar committing vnto him the feeding of his lambes and sheepe 18 and reuealeth vnto him that he also shal be crucified to the glorie of God 20 admonishing him to minde that rather then to be curious about Iohns death verse 1 AFTER IESVS manifested him self againe at the sea of Tibérias And he manifested thus ✝ verse 2 There vvere together Simon Peter and Thomas vvho is called Didymus and Nathanael vvhich vvas of Cana in Galilee and the sonnes of Zebedee and tvvo others of his disciples ✝ verse 3 Simon Peter saith to them I goe to fish They say to him Vve also come vvith thee And they vvent forth and got vp into the boate and that night they tooke nothing ✝ verse 4 But vvhen morning vvas novv come IESVS stoode on the shore yet the disciples knevv not that it vvas IESVS ✝ verse 5 IESVS therfore saith to them Childrē haue you any meate They ansvvered him No. ✝ verse 6 He saith to them Cast the nette on the right side of the boate and you shal finde They therfore did cast it and novv they vvere not able to dravv it for the multitude of fishes ✝ verse 7 That disciple therfore vvhom IESVS loued saith to Peter It is our Lord. Simon Peter vvhē he had heard that it is our Lord girded his coate vnto him for he vvas naked and cast him self into the sea ✝ verse 8 But the other disciples came in the boate for they vvere not farre from the land but as it vvere tvvo hundred cubits dravving the nette of fishes ✝ verse 9 Therefore after they came dovvne to land they savv hote coles lying and fish laid thereon and bread ✝ verse 10 IESVS saith to them Bring hither of the fishes that you tooke novv ✝ verse 11 Simō Peter vvent vp and drevv the nette to the land ful of great fishes an hundred fiftie three And although they vvere so many the nette vvas not broken ✝ verse 12 IESVS saith to them Come dine And none of them that sate at meate ' durst aske him Vvho art thou knovving that it is our Lord. ✝ verse 13 And IESVS commeth and taketh the bread and giueth them and the fish in like maner ✝ verse 14 This novv the third time IESVS vvas manifested to his disciples after he vvas risen from the dead ⊢ ✝ verse 15 Therfore vvhen they had dined IESVS saith to Simon Peter Simon of Iohn louest thou me more then these He saith to him Yea Lord thou knovvest that I loue thee he saith to him FEEDE MY LAMBES ✝ verse 16 He saith to him againe Simon of Iohn louest thou me he saith to him Yea Lord thou knovvest that I loue thee He saith to him FEEDE MY LAMBES ✝ verse 17 He saith to him the third time Simō of Iohn louest thou me Peter vvas stroken sad because he said vnto him the third time Louest thou me And he said to him Lord thou knovvest al things thou knovvest that I loue thee He saith to him ″ FEEDE MY SHEEPE ✝ verse 18 Amē amen I say to thee vvhen thou vvast yonger thou didst girde thy self and didst vvalke vvhere thou vvouldest but vvhen thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thy handes and ″ an other shal girde thee and leade thee vvhither thou vvilt not
chose Steuen a man ful of faith and of the holy Ghost and Philippe and Próchorus and Nicánor and Timon and Pármenas and Nicolas a stranger of Antioche ✝ verse 6 These they did set in the presence of the Apostles and praying they imposed handes vpon them ✝ verse 7 And the vvord of God increased and the number of the disciples vvas multiplied in Hierusalem excedingly a great multitude also of the priests obeied the faith ✝ verse 8 And Steuen ful of grace and fortitude did great vvonders signes among the people ✝ verse 9 And there arose certaine of that vvhich is called the Synagogue of the Libertines and of the Cyrenians and of the Alexandrians and of them that vvere of Cilicia and Asia disputing vvith Steuen ✝ verse 10 and they could not resist the vvisedom and the Spirit that spake ✝ verse 11 Then they suborned men to say they had heard him speake vvordes of blasphemie against Moyses and God ✝ verse 12 They therfore stirred vp the people and the Auncients and the Scribes and running together they tooke him and brought him into the Councel ✝ verse 13 and they set false vvitnesses that said This man ceaseth not to speake vvordes against the holy place and the Lavv. ✝ verse 14 for vve haue heard him say that this same IESVS of Nazareth shal destroy this place and shal change the traditions vvhich Moyses deliuered vnto vs. ✝ verse 15 And al that sate in the Councel beholding him savv his face as it vvere the face of an Angel ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. Murmuring It commeth of humane infirmitie that in euery Societie of men be it neuer so holy there is some cause giuen or taken by the weake of murmur and difference which must euer be prouided for and staied in the beginning lest it grow to further schisme or sedition And to al such defects the more the Church increaseth in number and diuersitie of men and Prouinces the more it is subiect In al which things the spiritual Magistrates by the Apostles example and authoritie must take orders as time and occasion shal require 3. Seuen men We may not thinke that these Seuen here made Deacons were onely chosen to serue profane tables or dispose of the Churches mere temporalles though by that occasion only they may seeme to some now elected no expresse mention being made of any other function for diuers circumstances of this same place giue euidence and so doth al antiquitie that their Office stood not principally about profane things but about the holy Altar The persons to bē elected must be ful of the Holy Ghost and wisedom they must after publike praier be ordered and consecrated by the Apostles imposition of hands as Bishops and Priests were afterward ordered ep ad Tim where S. Paul also requireth in a maner the same conditions in them as in Bishops Al which would not haue beene prescribed for any secular stewardship Yea straight vpon their Ordering here no doubt by commission of the Apostles which they had not before their election they preached baptized disputed and as it may appeare by the wordes spoken of S. Steuen that he was ful of grace and fortitude they receiued great increase of grace by their Deaconship But S. Ignatius ep 2 ad Tral can best witnes of their Office and the Apostles maner and meaning in such things who writeth thus It behòueth also to please by al meanes the Deacons vvhich are for the ministerie of IESVS CHRIST For they are not seruiteurs of meate and drinke but ministers of the Church of God For vvhat are Deacons but imitatours or folovvers of Christ ministring to the Bishop as Christ to his Father vvorking vnto him a cleane and immaculate worke euen as S. Steuen to S. Iames c. S. Polycarpe hath the like in his epistle ad Philippenses And S. Denys writeth that their Office was about the Altar and putting the holy bread and chalice vpon the same S. Clement also Apost Const li. ● c. 61. that their Office among other things is to assist the Bishops and read the Gospel in the Seruice c. S. Cyprian in diuers places ep 65. ep 49 ad Cornel. calleth Deacons the Churches and the Apostles Ministers and their Office administrationens sacram an holy administration S. Hierom affirmeth in caput 7 Michcae and in episto 85 ad Euagriun● tom 2 Where he checketh some of them for preFerring them selues before Priests and putteth them in remembrance of their first calling that they be as the Leuites were in respect of the Priests of the old Law finally by S. Ambrose li. 1 Off●● c. 41 and Prudentius in Hymno de S. Laurent speaking of S. Laurence the Deacon We may see their Office was most holy See S. Augustine also of the dignitie of Deacons ep 14● ad Valerium Conc. Carthag 4. can 37. 38 39 41. CHAP. VII Ste●●● being permitted to answer beginning at Abraham shevveth that God was with their fathers both in other places and also long before the Temple 4● and that after it vvas built it could not be as they grosly imagined a house for God to dwel in 51 then he inu●igheth against their stifneckednes and telleth them boldly of their traiterous murdering of Christ as their fathers had done his Prophets afore him 54 Whereat they being vvood he seeth heauen open and IESVS therein his Diuine Maiestie 57 Whereat they become more mad so that they stone him to death Saul consenting he commending his soul to IESVS and humbly praying for them verse 1 AND the cheefe priest said Are these things so ✝ verse 2 Vvho said Ye men brethren and fathers heare The God of glorie appeared to our father Abraham vvhen he vvas in Mesopotamia before that he abode in Charan ✝ verse 3 and said to him Goe forth out of thy countrie and out of thy kinred and come into a land that I shal shevv thee ✝ verse 4 Then vvent he forth out of the land of the Chaldees and dvvelt in Charan And from thence after his father vvas dead he translated him into this land vvherein you doe novv dvvel ✝ verse 5 And he gaue him no inheritance in it no not the pase of a foote and he promised to giue it him in possession and to his seede after him vvhen as he had no childe ✝ verse 6 And God spake to him That his seede shal be a sciourner in a strange countrie and they shal subdue them to seruitude and shal euil intreate them fourehundred yeres ✝ verse 7 and the nation vvhich they shal serue vvil I iudge said God and after these things they shal goeforth and shal serue me in this place ✝ verse 8 And he * gaue him the testament of circumcision and so he * begat Isaac and circumcised him the eight day and * Isaac Iacob and * Iacob the tvvelue Patriarches ✝ verse 9 And the Patriarches through
emulatiō * sold Ioseph into Aegypt and God vvas vvith him ✝ verse 10 and deliuered him out of al his tribulations and he * gaue him grace and vvisedom in the sight of Pharao the king of Aegypt and he appointed him Gouernour ouer Aegypt and ouer al his house ✝ verse 11 And there came famin vpon al Aegypt and Chanaan and great tribulation and our fathers found no victuals ✝ verse 12 But vvhen * Iacob had heard that there vvas corne in Aegypt he sent our fathers first ✝ verse 13 and at the * secōd time Ioseph vvas knovven of his brethren and his kinred vvas made knovven vnto Pharao ✝ verse 14 And Ioseph sending called thither Iacob his father and al his kinred in seuentie fiue soules ✝ verse 15 And * Iacob descended into Aegypt and * he died and our fathers ✝ verse 16 And they vvere translated into Sichem and vvere * laid in the sepulchre that Abraham * bought for a price of siluer of the sonnes of Hemor the sonne of Sichem ✝ verse 17 And vvhen the time drevv neere of the promisse vvhich God had promised to Abraham the people * increased and vvas multiplied in Aegypt ✝ verse 18 vntil an other king arose in Aegypt that knevv not Ioseph ✝ verse 19 This same circumuenting our stocke afflicted our fathers that they should expose their children to the end they might not be kept aliue ✝ verse 20 The same time vvas * Moyses borne and he vvas acceptable to God who was nourished three moneths in his fathers house ✝ verse 21 And vvhen he vvas exposed Pharaos daughter tooke him vp and nourished him for her ovvne sonne ✝ verse 22 And Moyses vvas instructed in al the vvisedom of the Aegyptians and he vvas mightie in his vvordes and vvorkes ✝ verse 23 And * vvhen he vvas fully of the age of fourtie yeres it came to his minde to visite his brethren the children of Israël ✝ verse 24 And vvhen he had seen one suffer vvrong he defended him and striking the Aegyptian he reuenged his quarel that susteined the vvrong ✝ verse 25 And he thought that his brethren did vnderstand that God by his hand vvould saue them but they vnderstood it not ✝ verse 26 And the day folovving * he appeared to them being at strife and he reconciled them vnto peace saying Men ye are brethren vvherfore hurt you one an other ✝ verse 27 But he that did the iniurie to his neighbour repelled him saying Vvho hath appointed thee prince and iudge ouer vs ✝ verse 28 Vvhat vvilt thou kil me as thou didst yesterday kil the Aegyptian ✝ verse 29 And Moyses fled vpon this vvord and he became a seiourner in the land of Madian vvhere he begat tvvo sonnes ✝ verse 30 And after fourtie yeres vvere expired there * appeared to him in the desert of mount Sina an Angel in the fire of the flame of a bush ✝ verse 31 And Moyses seeing it marueled at the vision And as he vvent neere to vevve it the voice of our Lord vvas made to him ✝ verse 32 I am the God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob And Moyses being made to tremble durst not vevve it ✝ verse 33 And our Lord said to him Loose of the shoe of thy feete for the place vvherein thou standest is ″ holy ground ✝ verse 34 Seeing I haue seen the affliction of my people vvhich is in Aegypt and I haue heard their groning and am descended to deliuer them And novv come and I vvil send thee into Aegypt ✝ verse 35 This Moyses vvhom they denied saying Vvho hath appointed the prince and Captaine him God sent prince redeemer vvith the hand of the Angel that appeared to him in the bush ✝ verse 36 He * brought them forth doing vvonders and signes in the land of Aegypt and in the redde sea and in the * desert fourtie yeres ✝ verse 37 This is that Moyses vvhich said to the children of Israël A prophet vvil God raise vp to you of your ovvne brethren at my self him you shal heare ✝ verse 38 This is he that * vvas in the assemblie in the vvildernesse vvith the Angel that spake to him in Mount-Sina and vvith our fathers vvho receiued the vvordes of life to giue vnto vs. ✝ verse 39 To vvhom our fathers vvould not be obedient but they repelled him and in their hartes turned avvay into Aegypt ✝ verse 40 saying to Aaron Make vs goddes that may goe before vs for this Moyses that brought vs out of the land of Aegypt vve knovv not vvhat is befallen to him ✝ verse 41 And they made a calfe in those daies and offered sacrifice to the Idol and reioyced in the vvorkes of their ovvne handes ✝ verse 42 And God turned and deliuered them vp to serue the host of heauen as it is vvritten in the booke of the Prophets Did you offer victims and hostes vnto me fourtie yeres in the desert O house of Israël ✝ verse 43 And you tooke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the starre of your God Rempham figures vvhich you made to adore them And I vvil translate you beyond Babylon ✝ verse 44 The tabernacle of testimonie vvas among our fathers in the desert as God ordained speaking to Moyses that he should make it according to the forme vvhich he had seen ✝ verse 45 Vvhich our fathers * vvith Iesus receiuing brought it in also into the possession of the Gentiles vvhich God expelled from the face of our fathers till in the daies of Dauid ✝ verse 46 Vvho found grace before God and * desired that he might finde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob ✝ verse 47 And * Salomon built him a house ✝ verse 48 But the Highest dvvelleth ″ not in houses * made by hand as the prophet saith ✝ verse 49 Heauen is my seate and the earth the foote-stole of my feete Vvhat house vvil you build me saith our Lord or vvhat place is there of my resting ✝ verse 50 Hath not my hand made al these things ✝ verse 51 You stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hartes and eares you alvvaies resist the holy Ghost as your fathers your selues also ✝ verse 52 Vvhich of the prophets did not your fathers persecute And they slevve them that foretold of the comming of the Iust one of vvhom novv ✝ verse 53 you haue been betraiers and murderers vvho receiued the Lavv by the disposition of Angels and haue not kept it ✝ verse 54 And hearing these things they vvere cut in their hartes and they gnashed vvith their teeth at him ✝ verse 55 But he being ful of the holy Ghost looking stedfastly vnto heauen savv the glorie of God and IESVS standing on the right hand of God ✝ verse 56 And he said Behold I see the heauens opened and the Sonne of
man standing on the right hand of God ✝ verse 57 And they crying out vvith a loude voice stopped their eares vvith one accord ranne violently vpon him ✝ verse 58 And casting him forth vvithout the citie they ″ stoned him and the vvitnesses laid of their garments * beside the feete of a yong man that vvas called Saul ✝ verse 59 And they stoned Steuen inuocating and saying Lord IESVS receiue my spirit ✝ verse 60 And falling on his knees he cried vvith a loude voice saying Lord lay not this sinne vnto them And vvhen he had said this he fel a sleepe And Saul vvas consenting to his death ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VII 33. Holy ground If that apparition of God him self or an Angel could make the place and ground holy and to be vsed of Moyses with al signes of reuerence and feare-how much more the corporal birth abode and wonders of the Sonne of God in Iewrie and his personal presence in the B. Sacrament may make that countrie and al Christian Churches altars holy And it is the greatest blindnes that can be to thinke it superstition to reuerence any things or places in respect of Gods presence or wonderous operation in the same See S. Hierom. ep 17 18. 27. of the holy land 48. Not in houses The vulgar Heretikes alleage this place against the corporal being of Christ in the B. Sacrament in Churches by which reason they might haue driuen him out of al houses Churches and corporal places when he vvas visible in earth But it is meant of the Diuinitie only spoken to correct the carnal Ievves who thought God either so to be conteined compassed and limited to their Temple that he could be no vvhere els or at least that he vvould not heare or receiue mens praiers and sacrifices in the Churches of the Gentiles or els vvhere out of the said Temple And so as it maketh nothing for the Sacramentaries no more doth it serue for such as esteeme Churches and places of publike praier no more conuenient nor more holy then any other profane houses or chambers For though his person or vertue be not limited to any place yet it pleaseth him condescending to our necessitie and profite to vvorke his vvonders and to be vvorshipped of vs in holy places rather then profane 38. They stoned him Read a maruelous narration in S. Augustine of one stone that hitting the Martyr on the elbovv rebounded backe to a faithful man that stood neere Who keeping and carying it vvith him vvas by reuelation vvarned to leaue it at Ancóna in Italie vvherevpon a Church or Memorie of S. Steuen vvas there erected and many miracles done after the said Martyrs body vvas found out and not before Aug. ●o 10 ser 38 de diuersis in edit Paris CHAP. VIII So farre is persecution from preuailing against the Church that by it the Church greweth from Hierusalem into al Ievvrie and Samaria 5 The second of the Deacons Philip conuerteth vvith his miracles the citie it self of Samaria and baptizeth them euen Simon Magus also him self among the rest 14 But the Apostles Peter and Iohn are the Ministers to giue them the Holy Ghost 18 Which ministerie Simon Magus vvould bie of them 16 The same Philip being sent of an Angel to a great man of Aethiopia Who came a Pilgrimage to Hierusalem first catechizeth him 16 and then he professing his faith and desiring Baptisme doth also baptize him verse 1 AND the same day there vvas made a great persecution in the Church vvhich vvas at Hierusalem and al vvere dispersed through the countries of Ievvrie and Samaria sauing the Apostles ✝ verse 2 And ″ deuout men tooke order for Steuens funeral and made great mourning vpon him ✝ verse 3 But Saul * vvasted the Church entring in from house to house and dravving men and vvomen deliuered them into prison ✝ verse 4 They therfore that vvere dispersed passed through euangelizing the vvord ✝ verse 5 And Philippe descending into the citie of Samaria preached CHRIST vnto them ✝ verse 6 And the multitudes vvere attent to those things vvhich vvere said of Philippe vvith one accord hearing and seing the signes that he did ✝ verse 7 For many of them that had vncleane spirits crying vvith a loud voice vvent out And many sicke of the palsey and lame vvere cured ✝ verse 8 There vvas made therfore great ioy in that citie ⊢ ✝ verse 9 And a certaine man named Simon vvho before had been in that citie a Magician seducing the nation of Samaria saying him self to be some great one ✝ verse 10 vnto vvhom al harkened from the least to the greatest saying This man is the povver of God that is called great ✝ verse 11 And they vvere attent vpon him because a long time he had bewitched them vvith his magical practises ✝ verse 12 But vvhen they had beleeued Philippe euangelizing of the kingdom of God and of the name of IESVS CHRIST they vvere baptized men and vvomen ✝ verse 13 Then Simon also him self beleeued and being baptized he cleaued to Philippe Seing also signes and very great miracles to be done he vvas astonied vvith admiration ✝ verse 14 And vvhen the Apostles vvho vvere in Hierusalem had heard that Samaria had receiued the vvord of God theysent vnto them Peter Iohn ✝ verse 15 Vvho vvhen they vvere come praied for them that they might receiue the holy Ghost ✝ verse 16 For he vvas not yet come vpon any of them but they vvere only baptized in the name of our Lord IESVS ✝ verse 17 Then did ″ they impose their handes vpon them and they ″ receiued the holy Ghost ⊢ ✝ verse 18 And vvhen Simon had seen that by the imposition of the hand of the Apostles the holy Ghost vvas giuen he ″ offered them money ✝ verse 19 saying Giue me also this povver that on vvhomsoeuer I impose my handes he may receiue the holy Ghost ✝ verse 20 But Peter said to him Thy money be vvith thee vnto perdition because thou hast thought that the gift of God is purchased vvith money ✝ verse 21 Thou hast no part nor lot in this vvord For thy hart is not right before God ✝ verse 22 ″ Doe penance therfore from this thy vvickednesse and pray to God ″ if perhaps this cogitation of thy hart may be remitted thee ✝ verse 23 For I see thou art in the gall of bitternes and the obligation of iniquitie ✝ verse 24 And Simon ansvvering said ″ Pray you for me to our Lord that nothing come vpon me of these things vvhich you haue said ✝ verse 25 And they in deede hauing testified and spoken the vvord of our Lord returned to Hierusalem and euangelized to many countries of the Samaritans ✝ verse 26 And an Angel of our Lord spake to Philippe saying Arise and goe tovvard the South to the vvay that goeth dovvne from Hierusalem into Gaza ″
sent of God at the continual praiers of the Church made for her cheefe Pastor 19 being puffed vp vvith such pride that at Casarea he refuseth not to be honoured as God 23 is miraculously striken of Gods Angel 24 And so after the persecutors death the Churches preaching prospereth excedingly verse 1 AND at the same time Herod the king set his hādes to afflicte certaine of the Church ✝ verse 2 And he killed Iames the brother of Iohn vvith the svvord ✝ verse 3 And seing that it pleased the Ievves he added to apprehend Peter also And it vvas the daies of the Azymes ✝ verse 4 Vvhom vvhen he had apprehended he cast into prison deliuering him to foure quaterniōs of souldiars to be kept meaning after the Pasche to bring him forth to the people ✝ verse 5 And Peter in deede vvas kept in prison But ″ praier vvas made of the Church vvithout intermission vnto God for him ✝ verse 6 And vvhen Herod vvould haue brought him forth the same night Peter vvas sleeping betvvene tvvo souldiars bound vvith ″ tvvo chaines and the keepers before the doore kept the prison ✝ verse 7 And behold an Angel of our Lord stoode in presence and light shined in the house and striking Peters side he raised him saying Arise quickely And the chaines fel from his handes ✝ verse 8 And the Angel said to him Gird thee and put on thy shoes And he did so And he said to him Put thy garment about thee folovv me ✝ verse 9 And going forth he folovved him he knew not that it vvas true vvhich vvas done by the Angel but he thought that he savv a vision ✝ verse 10 And passing through the first the second vvatch they came to the yron gate that leadeth to the citie vvhich of it self opened to them And going out they vvent forvvard one streate and incontinent the Angel departed from him ✝ verse 11 And Peter returning to him self said Novv I knovv in very deede that our Lord hath sent his Angel and deliuered me out of Herods hand from al the expectation of the people of the Ievves ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And considering he came to the house of Marie the mother of Iohn vvho vvas surnamed Marke vvhere many vvere gathered and praying ✝ verse 13 And vvhen he knocked at the doore of the gate there came forth a vvenche to see named Rhodè ✝ verse 14 And as she knew Peters voice for ioy she opened not the gate but running in she told that Peter stoode before the gate ✝ verse 15 But they said to her Thou art mad But she affirmed that it vvas so But they said It is ″ his Angel ✝ verse 16 And Peter cōtinued knocking And vvhē they had opened they savv him vvere astonied ✝ verse 17 And beckening vvith his hand to them that they should hold their peace he told hovv our Lord had brought him out of prison and he said ″ Tel these things to Iames to the brethren And going forth he vvent into an other place ✝ verse 18 And when day vvas come there vvas no litle a doe betvvene the souldiars vvhat vvas become of Peter ✝ verse 19 And Herod vvhen he had sought him and had not found making inquisitiō of the keepers cōmaūded them to be led avvay going dovvne frō Ievvrie into Caesaréa there he abode ✝ verse 20 And he vvas angrie vvith the Tyrians and the Sidonians But they vvith one accord came to him and persuading Blastus that vvas cheefe of the kings chamber they desired peace for that their countries vvere nourished by him ✝ verse 21 And vpon a day appointed Herod being araied vvith kingly attire sate in the iudgement seate and made an oration to them ✝ verse 22 And the people made acclamation The voices of a God not of a man ✝ verse 23 And forthvvith an Angel of our Lord strooke him because he had not giuen the honour to God and being consumed of vvormes he gaue vp the ghost ✝ verse 24 But the vvord of our Lord increased and multiplied ✝ verse 25 And Barnabas and Saul returned from Hierusalem hauing accomplished their * ministerie taking vvith them Iohn that vvas surnamed Marke ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 5. Praier vvas made The Church praied incessantly for her cheefe Pastor and was heard of God and al Christian people are vvarned thereby to pray for their Bishopes and Pastors in prison 6. Tvvo chaines These chaines are famous for miracles and vvere brought from Hierusalem to Rome by Eudoxia the Emperesse vvife to Theodosius the yonger vvhere they vvere matched placed vvith an other chaine that the same Apostle vvas tied with by Nero a Church foūded therevpon named Petri ad vincula Vvhere they are religiously kept and reuerenced vntil this day and there is a Feast in the vvhole Church for the same the first of August vvhich vve call Lammas day 15. His Angel If proper Angels saith S. Chrysostom be deputed by our Lord to such as haue only charge of their ovvne life as one of the iust said * The Angel vvhich hath deliuered me from my youth vpvvard much more are supernal Spirits at hand to helpe them vnto vvhom the charge and burden of the vvorld is committed Chrys in laud. Pauli ho. 7 to 3. 17. Tel Iames. He vvilleth them to shevv this to S. Iames Bishop of Hierusalem and to the Christians that they might see the effect of their praiers for him giue God thankes for S. Iames no doubt published cōmon praier for S. Peter CHAP. XIII The preachers of the Church of Antioche preparing thēselues the Holy Ghost out of them al chooseth Saul and Barnabas 3 They being first consecrated Bishops 4 go● their appointed circuite ouer al th● land of Cypres the Proconsul vvhereof is also conuerted seing the miraculous excecation of a Ievv by Paul 13 Thence into Pamphilia 14 and Pisidia vvhere in Antioche Paul preacheth to the Ievves shevving that IESVS is Christ 38 and that in him is saluation and not in their Lavv of Moyses 40 vvarning them to bevvare of the reprobation foretold by the Prophets 44 But the next Sabboth they blasphening he in plaine termes forsaketh them and turneth to the Gentiles Whereat the Gentils be as glad on the contrarie side 50 Finally the Ievves raising persecution they forsake them pronouncing them to be obstinate contemners verse 1 AND there vvere in the Church vvhich vvas at Antioche Prophets and Doctors among vvhom vvas Barnabas Simon that vvas called Niger and Lucius of Cyréne and Manahen vvho vvas the foster-brother of Herod the Tetrarch and Saul ✝ verse 2 And as they vvere ″ ministring to our Lord and fasting the holy Ghost said ″ Separate me Saul and Barnabas vnto the vvorke vvhereto I haue taken them ✝ verse 3 Then they ″ fasting and praying and ″ imposing hands vpō them dimissed them ✝ verse 4 And they being ″ sent of the holy
✝ verse 43 But the Centurion vvilling to saue Paul forbade it to be done he commaunded them that could svvimme to cast out them selues first and escape and goe forth to land ✝ verse 44 and the rest some they caried on bordes and some vpon those things that vvere of the ship And so it came to passe that al the soules escaped to land ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVII 23. An Angel S. Paul had many visions specially to assure him that he should to Rome and stand before Caesar our Lord him self before 23 ●● appearing to him and here an Angel for that purpose Vvhereby vve plaiuely see the special prouidence of God tovvard that See vvher his tvvo principal Apostles vvere designed to preach plant the faith liue die be buried and honoured til the vvorldes end ●1 Vnles these tari● Vvhen God reuealeth to vs any thing or assureth vs of any euent to come he dischargeth vs not thereby of our requisite endeuours and labours for atcheiuing the same not executing ordinarily his designements tovvards men othervvise then by their ovvne free vvil and actions S. Paul said not here Let vs do vvhat vve list vvorke vve or sit vve stil vvhether the mariners goe out or tarie vvithin vve are al sure to be saued for so God hath reuealed to me and he can not lie neither can it fall othervvise but contrarievvise saith he If these mariners leaue the ship you can not be saued So say al true Catholike preachers to Christian people Vvhat prouidence predestination or foresight so euer God haue of your saluation you are not thereby constrained any vvay you haue free vvil stil and can not be saued though you be predestinate except you keepe Gods commaundements repent you of your sinnes beleeue liue and die vvel And if it vvere reuealed to any mā that he vvere one of Gods electe that he should finally die in grace and be saued yet he vvere bound to vvorke his saluation vvith feare and trembling as ● S. Paul both did and taught lest he become reprobate no lesse then the same Apostle here and his sellovves though they had their life promised to them of God yet vvere bound to labour and vse al possible diligence that they might not be drovvned CHAP. XXVIII After their shipvvracke hauing vvintered in the Iland novv named Malta vvhere many miracles vvere vvrought by Paul they take ship againe and so by Sicile they co●● to Puteoli in Itali the Christian Romans comming a great vvay to meete him to his great ioy 16 Finally being come to Rome in his lodging he declareth to the Iewes his cause 23 and on day appointed preacheth IESVS vnto them 25 And seeing their incredulitie he shevveth hovv it vvas foretold by Esay 2● but that the Gentil● vvil not be incredulous 10 To vvhom be there preacheth tvvo vvhole yeres vvithout prohibition verse 1 AND vvhen vve had escaped then vve knevv that the iland vvas called Mityléne But the Barbarous shevved vs no smal courtesie ✝ verse 2 For kindling a fire they refreshed vs al because of the imminent raine and the colde ✝ verse 3 And vvhen Paul had gathered together some number of stickes and had laide them on the fire a viper issuing out of the heate inuaded his hand ✝ verse 4 But as the Barbarous savv the beast hanging on his hand they said one to an other Vndoubtedly this man is a murderer vvho being escaped out of the sea Vengeance doth not suffer him to liue ✝ verse 5 And he in deede ″ shaking of the beast into the fire suffred no harme ✝ verse 6 But they supposed that he should be turned into a svvelling and that he vvould sodenly fall and die But expecting long and seeing that there vvas no harme done on him being changed they said that he vvas a God ✝ verse 7 And in those places vvere lands of the prince of the I le named Publius vvho receiuing vs for three daies intreated vs courteously ✝ verse 8 And it chaunced that the father of Publius lay vexed vvith feuers and the bloudy flixe Vnto vvhom Paul entred and vvhen he had praied and imposed hands on him he healed him ✝ verse 9 Vvhich being done al in the I le also that had infirmities came and vvere cured ✝ verse 10 vvho also honoured vs vvith many honours and vvhen vve vvere sailing avvay laded vs vvith necessaries ✝ verse 11 And after three moneths vve sailed in a ship of Alexandria that had vvintered in the iland vvhose signe vvas the Castors ✝ verse 12 And vvhen vve vvere come to Syracùsa vve taried there three daies ✝ verse 13 Thence compassing by the shore vve came to Rhegium and after one day the South vvinde blovving vve came the second day to Putéoli ✝ verse 14 vvhere finding brethren vve vvere desired to tarle vvith them seuen daies and so vve came to Rome ✝ verse 15 And from thence vvhen the brethren had heard they came to meete vs vnto Apij-forum and the Three-tauerns Vvhom vvhen Paul had seen giuing thanks to God he tooke courage ✝ verse 16 And vvhen vve vvere come to Rome Paul vvas permitted to remaine to him self vvith a souldiar that kept him ✝ verse 17 And after the third day he called together the cheefe of the Ievves And vvhen they vvere assembled he said to them Men brethren I doing nothing against the people or the custome of the fathers vvas deliuered prisoner from Hierusalem into the hands of the Romanes ✝ verse 18 vvho vvhen they had examined me vvould haue released me for that there vvas no cause of death in me ✝ verse 19 But the Ievves contradicting it I vvas compelled to appeale vnto Caesar not as hauing any thing to accuse my nation ✝ verse 20 For this cause therefore I desired to see you and to speake to you for because of the hope of Israël am I compassed vvith this ″ chaine ✝ verse 21 But they said to him Vve neither receiued letters concerning thee from Ievvrie neither did any of the brethren that came hither report or speake any euil of thee ✝ verse 22 But vve desire of thee to heare vvhat thou thinkest for ″ concerning this secte it is knovvē to vs that it is gaine said euery vvhere ✝ verse 23 And vvhen they had appointed him a day they came to him vnto his lodging very many to vvhom he expounded testifying the kingdom of God and vsing persuasion to them of IESVS out of the lavv of Moyses and the Prophets from morning vntil euening ✝ verse 24 And certaine beleeued those things that vvere said but certaine beleeued not ✝ verse 25 And vvhereas they did not agree among them selues they departed Paul saying one vvord That vvel did the holy Ghost speake by Esaie the prophet to our fathers ✝ verse 26 saying Goe to this people and say to them Vvith the care you shal heare and shal not vnderstand and seeing you shal see and shal not perceiue ✝
of the Crosse and the bread saith he vvhich they receiue thought it be not the body of Christ yet is holy and more holy then the vsual bread of the table He meaneth a kinde of bread then halovved specially for such as vvere not yet admitted to the B. Sacrament either the same or the like to our holy bread vsed in the Church of England and France on Sundaies And it vvas a common vse in the primitiue Church to blesse loaues and send them for sacred tokens from one Christian man to an other and that not among the simple and superstitious as the Aduersaries may imagine but among the holiest learnedst and vvisest Such halovved breads did S. Paulinus send to S. Augustine and Alipius and they to him againe calling them blessings Read S. Hierom in the life of Hila●ion post medium hovv Princes and learned Bishops other of al sortes came to that holy man for holy bread panem benedictum In the primitiue Church the people commonly brought bread to the Priests to be halovved Author op imp ho. 14 in Mt. The 3 Coūcel of Carthage cap. 24. maketh mention of the blessing of milke honie grapes and corne See the 4 Canon of the Apostles And not onely diuers other creatures vsed at certaine times in holy Churches seruice as vvaxe fire palmes ashes but also the holy oile Chrisme and the vvater of Baptisme that also vvhich is the cheefe of al Priestly blessing of creatures the bread and vvine in the high Sacrifice be sanctified for vvithout sanctification yea as S. Augustine affirmeth tract 118. in Ioan. vvithout the signe of the Crosse none of these things can rightly be done Can any man novv maruel that the Church of God by this vvarrāt of S. Paules vvord expoūded by so long practise and tradition of the first fathers of our religion doth vse diuers elements and blesse them for mans vse and the seruice of God expelling by the inuocatiō of Christes name the aduersarie povver from them according to the authoritie giuen by Christ Super omnia d●monia ouer al Diuels and by praier vvhich importeth as the Apostle here speaketh desire of help as it vvere by the vertue of Christ to combat vvith the Diuel and so to expel him out of Gods creatures vvhich is done by holy exorcisme and euer beginneth Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini as vve see in the blessing of holy vvater and the like sanctification of elements Vvhich exorcismes namely of children before they come to Baptisme see in S. Augustine li. 6 cont Iulian c. 5. de E● dogmat 6. 31. Denupt concupis li. 1 6. 20. and of holy vvater that hath been vsed these 1400 yeres in the Church by the institution of Alexander the first in al Christian countries and of the force thereof against Diuels see a famous historie in Eusebius li. 5 c. 21. and in Epiphanius her 30 Ebionitarum See S. Gregorie to S. Augustine our Apostle of the vse thereof in halovving the Idolatrous temples to be made the Churches of Christ apud Bedam li 1 c. 30 hist Angl. Remember hovv the Prophet Eliseus applied salt to the healing and purifying of vvaters 4 Reg. 2 hovv the Angel Raphael vsed the liuer of the fish to driue avvay the Diuel Tob. 6. 8 hovv Dauids harp and Psalmodie kept the euil spirit from Saul 1 Reg. 16 hovv a peece of the holy earth saued such a mans chamber from infestatiō of Diuels August de Ciuit. dei li. 22 c. 8 how Christ him self both in Sacramēts out of them occupied diuers sanctified elements some for the health of the body some for grace and remission of sinnes and some to vvorke miracles by See in S. Hierom against Vigilantius c. 2. hovv holy Relikes tormēt them In the historie of Iulianus the Apostata hovv the signe of the Crosse in the Actes cap. 19 hovv the name of IESVS yea and of Paul putteth them to flight Furnish your selues vvith such examples and groundes of Scriptures and antiquitie and you shal contemne the Aduersaries cauillations and blasphemies against the Churches practise in such things and further also finde these sacred actions and creatures not only by increase of faith feruor and deuotion to purge the impuritie of our soules and procure remission of our daily infirmities but that the cheefe Ministers of Christes Church by their soueraine authoritie graunted of our Lord may ioyne vnto the same their blessing and remission of our venial sinnes or spiritual dettes as vve see in S. Iames remission of al sinnes to be annexed to the vnction vvith holy oile vvhich to the Catholikes is a Sacrament but to the Protestants vvas but a temporal ceremonie and to some of them not of Christes institution but of the Apostles onely In their ovvne sense therfore they should not maruel that such spiritual effectes should procede of the vse of sanctified creatures vvhereas venial trespasses be remitted many vvaies though mortal ordinarily by the Sacraments onely S. Gregorie did commonly send his benediction and remission of sinnes in and vvith such holy tokens as vvere sanctified by his blessing and touching of the Apostles bodies and Martyrs Relikes as novv his successors do in the like halovved remembrances of religion See his 7 booke epistle 126 and 9 booke epistle 60. Thus therfore and to the effectes aforesaid the creatures of God be sanctified If any man obiect that this vse of creatures is like coniuration in Necromancie he must knovv the difference is that in the Churches sanctifications and exorcismes the Diuels be commaunded forced and tormented by Christes vvord and by praiers but in the other vvicked practises they be pleased honoured and couenanted vvithal and therfore the first is godly and according to the Scriptures but Necromancie abominable and against the Scriptures 14. The grace S. Augustine declareth this grace to be the gift of the holy Ghost giuen vnto him by receiuing this holy Order vvhereby he vvas made fitte to execute the office to his ovvne saluation and other mens And note vvithal that grace is not onely giuen in or vvith the Sacraments by the receiuers faith or deuotion but by the Sacrament per impositionem by imposition of handes for so he speaketh 2 Tim. 1. which is here said cum impositione vvith imposition 14. With imposition S. Ambrose vpon this place implieth in the vvord Imposition of ●ands al the holy action and sacred vvordes done and spoken ouer him vvhen he vvas made Priest Whereby saith he he vvas designed to the vvorke and receiued authoritie that he durst offer sacrifice in our Lordes steede vnto God So doth the holy Doctor allude vnto the vvordes that are said novv also in the Catholike Church to him that is made Priest Accipe potestatem offerendi pro viuis mortuis in nomine Domini that is Take or receiue thou authoritie to offer for the liuing and
And it is a case that Heretikes can not lightly bragge of no one sect commonly during so long vvithout intermission that they can haue many progenitors of the said sect Vvhich is a demonstration that their faith is not true and that it is impossible our Catholike faith to be false supposing the Christian religion to be true 12. Depositum A great comfort to al Christians that euery of their good deedes and sufferings for Christ and al the vvorldly losses susteined for defense or confession of their faith he extant vvith God and kept as depositum to be repaied or receiued againe in heauen Vvhich if the vvorldings beleeued or considered they vvould not so much maruel to see Catholike men so vvillingly to lose land libertie credit life and al for Christes sake and the Churches faith 13. A forme The Apostles did set dovvne a platforme of faith doctrine phrase of Catholike speach and preaching that not so much by vvriting as here vve see as by vvord of mouth to vvhich he referreth Timothee ouer and aboue his Epistles vnto him And hovv precisely Christian Doctors ought to keepe the forme of vvordes aunciently appropriated to the mysteries and matters of our religion S. Augustine expresseth in these vvordes li. 10 de ciuit c. 23. Philosophers speake vvith freedom of vvordes c. but vve must speake according to a certaine rule lest licentious libertie of vvordes breede an impious opiniō of the things also that are signified by the same Trinitie person essence Consubstantial Transsubstantiation Masse Sacrament and such like be verba sana as the Apostle speaketh sound vvordes giuen to expresse certaine high truthes in religion partly by the Apostles and first founders of our religion vnder Christ and partly very aptly inuented by holy Councels and fathers to expresse as neere as could be the high inestable or vnspeakable veritie of some points and to stoppe the Heretikes audacitie and inuention of nevv vvordes and prophane speaches in such things vvhich the Apostle vvarneth Timothee to auoid 1 ep c. 6 10. and 2 ep 2 16. See the Annotations there 18. Our Lord. To haue this praier of an Apostle or any Priest or poore Cath. man so relieued giueth the greatest hope at the day of our death or general iudgemēt that can be and it is worth al the landes honours and riches of the vvorld CHAP. II. He exhorteth him to labour diligently in his office considering the revvard in Christ and his denial of them that deny him 14 Not to contend but to shunne heretikes neither to be moued to see some subuerted considering that the elect continue Catholikes and that in the Church be of al sortes 24 Yet vvithal svveetenes to reclaime the deceiued verse 1 THOV therfore my sonne be strong in the grace vvhich is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 2 the things vvhich thou hast heard of me by many witnesses these cōmend to faithful men vvhich shal be fit to teach others also ✝ verse 3 Labour thou as a good souldiar of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 4 ″ No man being a souldiar to God intāgleth him self vvith secular businesses that he may please him to vvhom he hath approued him self ✝ verse 5 For he also that striueth for the maisterie is not crovvned vnlesse he striue lavvfully ✝ verse 6 The husbandman that laboureth must first take of the fruites ✝ verse 7 Vnderstand vvhat I say for our Lord vvil giue thee in al things vnderstanding ✝ verse 8 Be mindeful that our Lord IESVS Christ is risen againe from the dead of the seede of Dauid according to my Gospel ✝ verse 9 vvherein I labour euen vnto bandes as a malefactour but the vvord of God is not tied ✝ verse 10 Therfore I sustaine al things for the elect that they also may obtaine the saluation vvhich is in Christ IESVS vvith heauenly glorie ✝ verse 11 A faithful saying For if vve be dead vvith him vve shal liue also together ✝ verse 12 If vve shal sustaine vve shal also reigne together * If vve shal deny he also vvil denie vs. ✝ verse 13 * If vve beleeue not he continueth faithful he can not denie him self ✝ verse 14 These things admonish testifying before our Lord. Contend not in vvordes for it is profitable for nothing but for the subuersion of them that heare ✝ verse 15 Carefully prouide to present thy self approued to God a vvorkeman not to be confounded ″ rightly handling the vvord of truth ✝ verse 16 But profane and vaine speaches auoid for they doe much grovv to impietie ✝ verse 17 ″ their speache spreadeth as a canker of vvhom is Hymenaeus and Philêtus ✝ verse 18 vvho haue erred from the truth saying that the resurrection is done already and haue subuerted the faith of some ✝ verse 19 But the sure foundation of God standeth hauing this seale Our Lord knovveth vvho be his and let euery one depart from iniquitie that nameth the name of our Lord. ✝ verse 20 But ″ in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of siluer but also of vvood and of earth and certaine in deede vnto honour but certaine vnto contumelie ✝ verse 21 If any man therfore shal ″ cleanse him self from these he shal be a vessel vnto honour sanctified profitable to our Lord prepared to euery good vvorke ✝ verse 22 But youthful desires flee and pursue iustice faith charitie peace vvith them that inuocate our Lord from a pure hart ✝ verse 23 And * foolish and vnlearned questiōs auoid knovving that they ingender braules ✝ verse 24 But the seruant of our Lord must not vvrangle but be milde tovvard al men apt to teache patient ✝ verse 25 vvith modestie admonishing them that resist the truth lest sometime God giue them repentance to knovv the truth ✝ verse 26 and they recouer them selues from the snares of the deuil of vvhom they are held captiue at his vvil ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 4 No man being a souldiar First of al the Apostle 1 Cor. 7. maketh mariage the needful cares solicitude and distractions therevpon euer depending special impediments of al such as should employ them selues vvholy to Gods seruice as Bishops Priests are bound to do He that is vvith a vvife saith he is careful for the vvorld hovv to please his vvife and is distracted or deuided 2 Cor. 7. Secondly the practise of Physicke merchandise or any other profane facultie and trade of life to gather riches and much more to be giuen to hunting hauking gameuing shevves enterludes or the like pastimes is here forbidden Thirdly the seruices of Princes and manifold base offices done to them for to obtaine dignities and promotions are disagreable to Priestly functions not so to be their chaplens for his purpose to preach vnto them to heare their confessions to minister the Sacraments vnto them to say Diuine seruice before them and such other spiritual dueties for al such seruices done
fastes 17. The Churches fastes foresignified by Christ him self 23 mar S. Iohn Baptists and his Disciples fasting 24. Feare Many kindes of feare 685. The iustent men doe feare 685. See in F special faith and the vvord Saluation Seruile feare not il though not sufficient 685. 362 marg feare of hel profitable 173 marg Feastes or festiual daies pag. 7. nu 16. pag. 250. nu 22. p. 295. 335. 507. 638. 668. 700. prefigurated by the Iewes Feastes 239. marg Scriptures grosly abused by the Protestants against the Churches Festiuities and Holidaies pa. 418. 507. 540. Easter vvhit-suntide 295. 353. 467 marg 507. 700. Sunday 353. 467 marg 507. 700. 250. 211 marg called dies Dominica because of our Lordes resurrctiō 274 m. 700. 701. Greater grace giuen vpō these solemne daies 701. Free vvil pag. 32 marg 47. 55. nu 11. pag. 58. nu 16. pag. 72. marg 74. nu 34. pag. 142. 169. nu 30. pag. 219. 236. 370. 387. nu pag. 399. nu 15. 19. pag. 406. 407. nu 21. pag. 409. 466. 477. 482. 530. 568. nu 4. pag. 590. 650. nu 8. 179 marg 704. 706 marg 509 marg 589 marg Mans free vvil vvorketh vvith Gods grace 477. 464 marg 680 marg 329 ma. 466. 519 m. 649 m. 650. God and his grace force no man pag. 58. nu 16. pag. 236. nu 44. 400 marg Gods grace maketh mans vvil more free 243 marg 706 m. Predestination reprobation concupiscence take not avvay free vvil pag. 370. 399. 406. 407. 329 marg 404 marg 509 marg The Iewes blindnes and reprobation vvas through their ovvne free vvil 179 marg 255 marg 329. marg 372 marg 405 marg So vvas their betraying and crucifying of Christ and Iudas treason 296. the refusing of the Gospel vvhen it is preached 408. marg G GOD not author of sinne pag. 17. 36 marg 37. 97. 142. nu 34. pag. 296. nu 23. pag. 385. 387. nu 4. pag. 390. 406. 412. 643. 188 marg 255 ma. 704. 730 marg 404 marg 642 marg See Reprobation Free vvil The meaning of those places that sound as though God vvere author of sinne 37. 97. 255 marg 296. 730 marg 308 marg 390. 554 marg Hovv the death of Christ vvas by Gods determination 296. 300. marg Gospel It is not only the vvritten vvord pag. 109. nu 35. pag. 384. 486. 549 m. See Tradition The preeminence of the nevv Testamēt 477. 615. 618. 620. 623. The true libertie of the Gospel 477. 508. 510. 566. nu 9. pag. 643. 659. nu 16. pag. 396 and 398. m. He suffereth for the Gospel that suffereth for any article of the Catholike faith 109. Grace See Free vvil God offereth his grace and man may refuse it 706. 408 m. 519. m. 635 m. To consent therevnto is also by grace ib. 589. mar The valure of merites procedeth of Gods grace See Merites A man may fall from grace once had 702. Grace or giftes called gratis data 455 marg The Greeke text corrupted c 84. See the Preface H HAlovving or sanctifying of creatures pag. 576. The force of the same 577. holy places pag. 49. 309. 667 marg See Pilgrimage Church The holy land pag. 50. 309. 577. the holy Mount 667 marg holy bread pa. 576. holy vvater pag. 576. Holidaies See Feastes Holy things not to be profaned See Sacrilege Hel taken sometime for Limbus Patrum 296. Christ in soule descended into Hel. 187. 296. 518 marg 661. to deliuer thence the fathers and iust men of the old Testament 187. The Caluinists deny this article 83. 661. S. Augustine calleth them Infidels that deny it 661. 294 marg Their heretical translation for that purpose 296. Feare of Hel profitable 173 marg 362 marg Henoch See Enoch Heretikes Vvho is an Heretike pag. 599. Markes to knov thē p. 19. 353. 566. 591. 684. Going out of the Cath. Church pag. 337. 519. 520. 574. nu 1. pag. 599. 189 marg 678 marg 679. 675. Diuers names of Sectes and Sectaries 323. 648. Nicolaites a paterne of them 704. Running not sent 61. 154. nu 13. pag. 250. 330. nu 2. pag. 409. 496. nu 1. pag. 609. nu 4. 248 marg 489 marg Their dissension pag. 31. 32. marg 67. 94. 339. nu 37. pag. 532. Preaching othervvise contrarie to the faith receiued 455 marg 496. 497. 565. 582 marg Hypocrisie and svveete vvordes 70. 154. nu 26. pag. 384. nu 7. pag. 490. 591. nu 6. 9. p. 593. 669 marg 716. 421 marg 489. marg Vanitie in preaching and vaine glorie 154. Preaching licentiousnes and libertie 669 marg 670 marg 704. Meretricious and painted eloquence 582. nu 17. p. 539 m. Teaching nevv doctrine 565. 689. 636 marg Nevv termes and speaches 584. 585. Vaunting great knovvledge specially of the Scriptures 154. 232. 488. nu 4. pag. 566. 585. Their ignorance ib. and pag. 121. nu 24. pag. 670 marg 695. Boasting of the spirit 684. Contempt of Councels and fathers pag 338. 339. 499. 585. nu 20. pag. 625. Corrupting of Scriptures 475. 478. Denying the bookes of Scriptures and Doctors pag. 645. nu 14. pag. 345. nu 34. Controuling of the very text of Scripture and the sacred vvriters thereof pa. 139. 205. 314. nu 27. pag. 144 marg Their foule shiftes and vvrangling to auoid the euidence of Scriptures 219. 277. 672. 580. 581. 613. nu 10. pag. 687. 313. Slaundering the Church pag. 237. nu 53. Hatred of the See of Rome 423. Acknowledging no iudge of controuersies p. 472. 499. Despising of Rulers specially Ecclesiastical 693 694 marg Lacke of faith 261. 492. 319 mar Mutabilitie in faith and inconstancie pag. 471. 591. nu 13. Voluptuousnes pag. 423. 693 marg Seueral and secret conuenticles pag. 71. 96 m. 213. 189 m. 695. Synodes 53 nu 20. pag. 339. Their Clergie or Ecclesiastical orders p. 571. Hovv Heresies profite the Church 450. 680. Their many faithes 520. many analogies rules of faith 414. Their doctrine fables 565. They come to naught though supported a while by neuer so mightie Princes 303 mar Their markes agree to the Protestants 599. They may be forced to the Cath. faith p. 182. They may be punished by death p. 166. nu 53. 731. nu 6. p. 364 m. 626 m. To auoid their bookes sermōs seruice 94. 599. Not to marie with them 481. mar Not to communicate with them 598. marg 599. 689. 690. The examples of S. Iohn S. Polycarpe other Apostolike men 690. It is to dony Christ 27. nu 32. It is damnable 704. Vvhen and wherein it is tolerable to conuerse vvith them 689. Their bookes to be burnt pag. 350. They are iudged already 224. Vvho are easily seduced by them 716. Vvomē 591. Vvomen great promotours of heresie 568. Zeale against Heretikes 497. 690. 703. 704. Arch-heretikes signified by the starre that sel from heauen 715. m. Simō Magus the father of them al. p. 314. nu 18. Their king Abaddon that is destroier 715. They are resembled to
increased by persecution 316 marg Peter Cephas Rocke al one 218 marg 44. 47. 216. Christ by giuing him this name designed him before hand to be the rocke foūdation of his Church ibidem 47. nu 18. p. 79. nu 75. He promiseth to build his Church vpon him that is his person 46. 47. at large He praieth that his faith shal not faile 206. The Church vvas builded vpon him he receiueth the Primacie 279. 516. nu 20. pag. 654. Vpon him not vpon his faith only or confession 45. 46. 47. Peters manifold dignitie preeminence 27. 40. 50. 52. nu 1. p. 94. 128. 131 m. 150. 154. 161 m. 206. nu 31. 224 m. 497. 500. nu 7. p. 278 m. 326. 442. m. S. Paul submitteth his doctrine to his approbation 499. The keies giuen to him what authoritie is signified by them 47. His authoritie to bind and loose 47. He doth practise his primacie 292. 293. 303. marg 337. 499. 501. nu 9. pag. 654. His successors the Bishops of Rome haue the same primacie authoritie 45. nu 17. p. 46. 47. 206. 280. 337. 499. 501. By the Rocke is signified not only Peters person but his Chaire and See the Church of Rome 46. 47. He breaketh the Churches vnitie that forsaketh this See or Chaire 501. 520. Christ is the Rocke foundation and head of the Church on vvay Peter an other way 46. 514. 515. 516. Peters ship signifieth the Church 150. He gouerneth and protecteth the Church continually 304. 668. The Protestants and Puritans disagree about his preeminence or primacie 280 marg They denied it before and now confesse it 280 marg They derogate from Peter as much as is possible 501. Beza thinketh the Greeke text of the scripture falsified in fauour of Peters primacie 27. Their folish argumēts against Peters primacie 312. 421 m. 501. Their impudent assertion that he was neuer at Rome 422. 500. 665. For this purpose only they deny that Babylō signifieth Rome 665. Their wrangling about the time of his being there 665. Their folish and greatest reason against his being there 421 marg 422. He and S. Paul planted the Church at Rome 288. 500. 383 marg 421 mar 370. He wrote from Rome 665. He vvas crucified there 280. A table of S. Peters Actes 374. Pilgrimage pag. 6. 311 marg to the holy land in the primitiue Church 49. to the holy Sepulchre 85. to the memories of Saincts 231. The deuotion of Pilgrimes and the maner of their deuotion in holy places 158. nu 44. pag. 85. See Relikes Pope The succession of Popes is an argument vsed by the Fathers against Heretikes 520. Popes 33 Martyrs pag. 654. and pag. 556. Their roome and dignitie called an Apostleship 520. Their supremacie 280. 515. 572. The practise thereof by S. Leo the great and S. Gregorie the great 280. Hovv they refused the name of vniuersal Bishop 280. The Councel of Chalcedon called the Pope vniuersal Bishop 280. They write them selues Seruos seruorum Dei 280. He is the ministerial head of the Church vnder Christ 515. S. Peters successor 280. 520. Not to communicat vvith him is to be against Christ or vvith Antichrist 33. nu 30. See Antichrist The Pope can not be Antichrist 71. nu 22. 29. pag. 231 marg 554 marg See Antichrist He may erre personally not iudicially 206. 253. 266. nu 13. pag 388 m. p. 502. nu 11. Vve may not respect the Popes person but the priuileges of his office 66. 67. 206. The priuileges and dignities of his office See Roman Church and Peter Praier See Canonical houres Long praier not forbidden pag 16. nu 7. To pray alwaies 190 marg The Churches collectes breife 16. nu 7. Seruice praier in the Latine tōgue much better then in the vulgar 461. at large S. Augustine our Apostle brought vs the seruice in the Latine tongue 461. It vvas alwaies in Latine through out the vvest Church 463. Our people at their first conuersion sang Alleluia not praise ye the Lord. 463. Sursum corda Kyrie eleison ibidem See Masse The peoples priuat praiers in Latine 462. It is not necessarie that they vnderstand either publike or priuate praiers 461. 463. They vnderstand them not being in the English tong neither are they any thing the more edified 461. 463. Their intētion deuotiō is as great acceptable in the one as in the other 462. 463. 43. hu 8. pag. 61. They are edified and take profite of the Priests fūctions though they neither heare nor see what he doth 134. and 135 m. They are taught the meaning of ceremonies and seruice and doe knovv them perfectly in al Cath. countries 461. 462. Latine praiers are and may be translated 462. S. Paules place falsely alleaged against the latin seruice or praier explicated at large and that he speaketh of no such thing much lesse against it 460. 461. 462. 493. An other obiection answered and vvhat it is to pray vvith the lippes only 43. num 8. Faith in praier 643. Vvhat is to pray vvithout intermission 382 marg 551 marg Our Lords praier or the Pater noster 15. 170. It is the first and last in al the Churches praiers and said most often The Aue Maria. See L. our B. Ladie Praier for the dead 361. 480. 687. The Saducees seeme to haue denied it 361. Aërius an old condemned Heretike denied it Other mens praiers intercessions for vs. 150. 420 marg Praying one for an other is of great force 420 marg 543. To pray for our persecutors 209. nu 34. Publike praiers more auailable then priuat pag. 471. The Priests praiers more auailable pag. 610. At the time of praier specially God sendeth comfortable visitations 319 marg Preachers that preach vvel must liue accordingly 104 marg 112 marg 386. marg Catholike preachers in time of persecution vvhat is their comfort 547. Predestination and reprobation declared at large pag. 406. 407. They consist vvith free vvil 370. 403. 406. 407. The mysterie of predestination and reprobatiō is humbly to be reuerēced not curiously searched 402. 403. 407. nu 20. 21. 412. No man must by occasion thereof be reachlesse and desperate in neglecting his saluation 403. 406. 359 marg Good vvorkes must concurre vvith Gods predestination 668. Vvhat and how far we may and should learne herein 403. 412. Heretical and presumptuous bookes of Predestination 407. 412. Priest The name in al languages almost the same 333. heretically changed into Elder ibidem The vvord Senior Auncient in the vulgar Latine translation is alvvaies in the Greeke Presbyter Priest 334 marg 664. 351 marg His office and vocation 609. 610. His dignitie 609. They are called Angels 701. They are coadiutors vvith and vnder Christ and worke in his name 92. 190. 444. 474. 480. 482. 429 marg Their authoritie to remit sinnes 21 24. 53. nu 18. p. 92. 151. 162 m 190. 276. 480. 252 marg The Protestants carpe at this authoritie as the Iewes did at Christ for
the same 158 marg They and not lay men are the dispensers of Christs mysteries 40. nu 19. 42 marg pag. 109. nu 6. pag. 321. nu 40. pag. 463. nu 34. pag. 4●0 He that despiseth them despiseth Christ 167 ma. The honour of Priesthod 67. 89 marg 360. 578 m. Preeminence before other 571. nu 4 pag. 616. 566. nu 20. pag. 484 marg Hospitalitie and almes tovvard them 163. marg 533 marg See Almes Hospitalitie The Protestants make it an odious and reprochful name 67. nu 13. pag. 130. They auoid the word in their English translations of the nevv Testament 333. Their perpetual continencie requisite 138. 570. nu 2. pag. 579. 580. 589. nu 4. 596. 437 marg 569 marg Mariage of Priests vnlavvful 21. 570. at large 575. contrarie to the auncient Canons 571. to the Councel of Nice 570. None euer lawfully maried after holy orders 21. 570. Paphnutius and the Nicene Councel concerning this matter 21. 570. Maried men being made Priests must no more companie vvith their vviues and that according to the example of the Apostles 21. 290 marg 444. nu 5. according to the custom of the primitiue Church 570. 571. The Church may annexe perpetual chastitie to holy orders 580. nu 4. in the marg The forbidding of such persons to marie is no condemnation of Mariage 575. Iouinians old heresie could neuer induce any one Priest to marie 582. Vigilantius and his follovvers much like to the Protestants in this point 570. See Vovv Priests crovvnes 665. Priests garments 701. Priests some properly so called some vnproperly 740. Al Christians are no more Priests then they are also kings that is vnproperly 657 marg 700. 709. Their spiritual hostes 658. CHRISTS Priesthod and the excellencie thereof 609. 610. 615. 616. 617. 618. 131. A Priest as he is man not as he is God 610. The Caluinists either Arrians or ignorant in auouching the contrarie ibid. His Priesthod eternal and hovv 131. 617. 618. 619. nu 3. in marg He concurreth stil in al priestly actions and is the principal vvorker 619 marg He is not the only Priest of the nevv Testament 609. 618. Many Priests of the nevv Testamēt properly and peculiarly so called and their Priesthod external not only spiritual 609. 616. 617. 618. 619. Princes hovv and wherein to be obeied 64. 121. 197 marg 415. 416. 658. 659. They may not vsurpe Ecclesiastical functions 64. 403. 609. nu 1. pag. 639. They haue no more right of supremacie in spiritual causes then Heathen Princes 659. Christ and his Apostles charged vvith disobedience to Princes 658 nu 13. Peter Iohn disobeied the Magistrats cōmaunding them not to preach in the name of IESVS 299 marg So must Catholike preachers ib. In things lavvful not to obey them is a mortal sinne 415. Heretical tumultes disobedience against their Princes 28. 488. Heresies agaīst rule superioritie 416. 659. nu 16. and 18. The obedience of Catholikes in al tēporal causes 416. The deadly sinnes of Princes superiors exempt not the subiectes from their obediēce as the Vvi●●fistes teach 659. Princes thē selues must obey be subiect in matters of saith religiō 639. Al are vnder Peter his successors 279. 280. 364 m. Their election creatiō far inferiour to Gods institution of the spiritual Magistrate 658. The temporal Magistrate is called an humane creature and why 658. nu 13. Praying for kings and Princes namely in the Masse 566. marg 567. Procession on Palme-Sunday 61. Prosperitie no signe of the true religion 13. marg Protestants See Heretikes Purgatorie 12. marg pag. 34. 94. nu 29. pag. 121. nu 24. pag. 187. 430. 431. 645. nu 13. pag. 661. None not perfectly cleansed can enter into heauen 743. marg Purgatorie fire passeth al the paines of this life 431. The same is released by the praiers of the liuing 317. A third place 162. 708 marg The Scripture abused against Purgatorie ansvvered 726. See Praier Sacrifice for the dead R REconciliation to the Cathol Church 14. nu 24. p. 471. nu 5. 〈◊〉 ●chisme Religion Men of no religion ●uters Atheistes 33. Most happie that suffer any losse for religion 114. m. 116. They that forsake their religiō to saue their landes are like Esau 635. marg See Persecution Religious life 561. Their profession is according to Christs counsel and the Apostles example 55. 151. 191 marg 296. nu 44. to the Saincts of the primitiue Church 410 marg 296. Vigilātius heresie against such as forsooke al for Christ 420 marg Diuers Religions of Dominicans Franciscans c. are not diuers Sectes 323. Their diuers rules and imitation of diuers holy men is the imitation of Christ him self 531 marg 547. Their liuing in common Apostolical 296. Their rising in the night to pray 79. nu 41. Their blessing 55. The contemplatiue life preferred before the actiue by our Sauiour him self in the persons of Marie and Martha 169. Both alvvaies in the Chruch ibid. See Monkes and Monastical life Eremities Relikes The touching of Relikes their vertue miracles 23 m. 24. 100. 133. 309. 312. 326. 350. 372. 577. 622. The touching of Christs person or whatsoeuer belonged to him 93 m. The hemme of Christs garment 23 m. 24. 40 marg 100. His sepulchre 85. 622. Mount Thabor and al the holy land 49. 577 his holy Crosse See Crosse S. Peters shadow 261. nu 12 302. 304. his chaines 326. S. Paules napkins or the napkins that had touched his body 350. His chaines 61. nu 12. 372. His blessing and vertue in the ile Malta 372. His prison and other memories there 370 marg The Relikes of S. Iohn Baptist Elias Abdias 40. S. Steuens Relikes 309. 312. S. Augustine of Relikes 309. 312. S. Chrysostom 261. 350. S. Hierom. 85. 133. 622. S. Gregorie 372. nu 20. The greater vertue of Relikes the more is the honour of Christ 261. 350. 246 marg Saincts Relikes of greater force after their death 350. Eliseus body 4. Reg. 13. Miraculous reseruatiō of Relikes from putiefaction 622. Relikes reserued in the old Testament 622. Vigilātius heresie against Relikes condemned of old and refuted by S. Hierom. 133. 350. nu 12. The deuotion of the old Christians tovvard Relikes 40. 372. 622. 274 marg The deuotion tovvard Christs body vvhen it vvas dead 131. 132. The Pagans abused holy Relikes as the Protestants do novv 40. Translation of Relikes 133. 631 marg 307. Reprobation at large 405. 406. Sinne is alvvaies the cause thereof ib. 127 mar It taketh not away free vvil 406. 707. Hovv God raised Pharao 406. 407. Hovv he is said to indurat ib. to giue vp into a reprobat sense 383 marg 385. nu 26. pag. 308 marg See God Free vvil Predestination Restitution of goods il gotten 195. Revvard Differēces of rewards in heauē 37. 193 marg See heauen Respect of revvard 16. nu 4. pag. 55. nu 27 pag. 631 marg 181 marg 706 marg Revvard what it signifieth 430.