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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04905 A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the Fryday before Easter, commonly called good Friday, in the yeere of our Lorde. 1579. By Iohn Knewstub Knewstubs, John, 1544-1624.; Knewstub, John. Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by H.N. aut 1579 (1579) STC 15046; ESTC S101374 39,484 98

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of the law when visions reuelations were often and vsual yet were they then subiect to the word to be cried by it nay to be ouerruled of it According as we reade If there arise among you a Prophet and geue thee a signe or wonder and the signe or wonder which he hath told thee come to passe saying Let vs goe after our gods thou shalt not hearken vnto the words of the Prophet yee shal walke after the Lord your God and shall keepe his commaundementes and hearken vnto his voyce but that Prophet shal be slaine because he hath spoken to thrust thee out of the waye wherin the Lord the God cōmaundeth thee to walke If in the times when visiōs reuelations had their best alowance and the most lawful title that euer they had all that notwithstanding they were to geue vp their account vnto the written woorde of God and frō thence to receiue their Quietus est We may not then in those times receiue suche wares vnder the alone warrant of their own weights when faith must fight against miracles and reuelations for the woorde whiche in the infancie of the Church was helped by miracles vnto the woorde How can there be any true gedlinesse among this people among whom God is not licenced to speake in his woorde what pleaseth him but the woorde strained by their spirite to speake after the liking of miserable men Great is the vngodlinesse likewise of those men who hauing banished superstition and fantastical reuelatiō yet for al that leaning vnto the hold of their profession of the trueth as vnto a sufficient fortresse doe not submit themselues to any often and earnest vse of the woorde and prayer with conscience and care to haue theyr wayes reformed by it and with perswasion of any great necessitie that they haue of it We can not geue our selues vnto these dueties vnlesse we shal be in the expectation and looking after the hope of an other life therfore very fitly doeth the Apostle ioine vnto these seueral duties that we haue hearde of this speache Waiting for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the mightie GOD our Sauiour Iesus Christe For it cannot come to passe wee should be taken of from things here below vnlesse we be assured els where No man wyllet goe thyngs assured for vncertaine Faith must geue vs assuraunce of greater glory from GOD ere wee can let goe the houlde that we haue heere Therefore it is made a speciall note of God his Children necessarily ioyned to his worship to be in expectatiō of the latter day and the glory therof When Paul wil set out the commendation of the Thessalonians and fame that was geuen out of them in all places he doeth no otherwise commend them then that they were turned from idols to serue the liuing God and to wayte for his sonne from heauen which should bestowe vppon them this benefitete to deliuer them from the wrath to come And in the seconde to the Thessa. perswading them by that which was in mosle reuerence and regarde with them and likest to bring them into the earnest consideration of his words he frameth his speach thus I beseech you brethren by the cōming of our Lord Iesus Christ and our gathering together and vniting vnto him So that the looking for the last day semeth to him to be in great reuerēce regard assured expectation among them when he maketh their reuerence vnto that the matter and ground of this exhortation And when he laboureth to lift them of the earth cōmonly he reareth them vp with no other instrument than this the waiting for the glory hope of another life In the 3. to the Col. he reasoneth thus When Christ which is your life shal appeare then shall you appeare with him in glory mortifie therfore your earthly mēbers vncleanes couetousnes which is Idolatry And in the 3. to the Phil. opening the meane of their stay frō hunting after the earth w the false Apostles which minded earthly thinges He sayth thus But our conuersation is in heauen from whence wee looke for a Sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus who shal chaunge our vile body that it maye be like his glorious body In the xi to the Hebrues the obedience of Abraham in leauing his owne coūtrey not knowing where he should become is ascribed to this that he waited for a Citie that had a foundation whose maker is God for al things in the world are subiect to corruption The great things that are spoken of Moyses in accounting the rebuke of Christe to be of more value then the treasures of Aegypt and his not fearyng the fury of the kyng is onely imputed to this that he was as if he had seene him that is inuisible The comming of the glory of that great God was alwaies before his eies The greatnesse of the thing and the excellencie of it is noted in these woordes The glory of the great God our Sauiour Christe It is the same glory the great God our Sauiour Christe inheriteth that we waite for It is worth the waiting for there is cause why wee shoulde be mooued to sobrietie hauing so great thinges in expectation We beseech you saith Paul that ye would walk worthy of god who calleth you to his owne kingdome and glory The glory of this worlde deseleth our eyes and therfore must we be drawne vp by meditation of greater thinges before we shall bee able to let these be of small reckoning with vs The greatnesse of that glory once throughly digested woulde set these in a base and lowe place it would make them vanish assmoke from our presence The expectation of a transitorie kingdome when it is once deuoured and digested by hope we see it maketh men neglect liues goodes landes friendes children and countrey to hazarde all The merchant that is in expectation of some great gaine we see into what vnknowen countreis into what daungers by the Seas he wil commit himselfe The great regarde and care that is had euery where to the thinges heere below the greedy followyng after them the careful pursuing of pleasures profites and honors do plainly speake that the hope of another life is not yet setled in the heartes of a great number Let vs cal to remembrance how that this is our day to waite it is our time to serue when Christ which is our life shal appeare then shal we be glorious and appeare with him in glory There is no pleasure which the lord hath not matched with some griefe and paine to take of if it might our delite and to fasten it in surer thinges If the glory of God cannot preuayle with vs yf it cannot chaunge our taste howe shall wee looke for renewment If so great hire as is his owne glory cannot allure vs brutish senselesse must our nature needs be What a greater argument can wee haue of our blockishnesse then that so great things can get no more attendance
him the oppressed of a Patrone Thus doeth Iob cleere himselfe in the 29. of Iob. I deliuered the poore that cried and the fatherlesse and hym that had none to helpe him the blessing of him that was ready to peryshe came vppon me and I caused the widowes hart to reioyce I was the eie to the blind feete to the lame I was a father to the poore and when I knewe not the cause I sought it out diligently I brake the iawes of the vnrighteous man pluckt the pray out of his teeth Thus did Iob discharge him of the defence hee did owe vnto them lendyng his eye vnto the blind to spie out the right of his cause and his hande to the oppressed to plucke the pray out of the vnrightecus mans teeth Mare and besides this the whole land hath title to a defence and saftie by them fromsinne Forsimre and wickednes vnpunished ●●keth the lande giltie of blood and bringeth the wrath of GOD vpon it Which wee haue notably prooued vnto vs in the 21. of Dent. A man is founde dead it is not knowen who sine him the elders and iudges must come foorth and measure to the Cities that are rounde about hym that is slayne the Elders of the Citie next to the slayne man must take a Heyfer out of the droue and bring it into a stony valley and strike of the Heyfers necke and washe theyr hands ouer the Heifer that is beheaded testifie say Our hands haue not shed this blood neyther haue our eyes seene it O Lord be merciful to thy people Israell and lay no innocent blood to the charge of thy People Israel and so the blood shal be forgeuen them so shal yee take away crie of the innocent blood This care and prayer was there to vnburden the lande of blood euen when the malefactour coulde not be founde and this confessing of a kinde of guiltinesse in the Elders and Iudges next vnto that Citie for that yf iustice had beene straightly looked vnto by them it is credible the malefactor durst not haue approched so neare Thus woulde the Lord teache vs that wickednesse vnpunished crieth out against the 〈◊〉 wherein it is committed Nowe seeing by the expresse commaundement of God there was suche care taken to purge the land of murder or manslaughter when the authour thereof was vnknowen And that not otherwyse then by sacrifice prayer and solempne protestation before the Lorde of theyr innocencie eyther for doeyng it or seeing it done they were discharged of the daunger thereof What conscience and care ought yee and all other that sit in iudgemēt to haue that you make not your selues and this lande guiltie of the blood by winking at sinne and wickednes especially by letting the murtherer that is manyfest escape you And yf the whole land where wickednesse committed against the second Table is winked at bee founde guiltie of the blood wee stande in greater danger of that iniquitie that directly concerneth the glory of God I meane the offences doone against religion and the true woorshyp of GOD And the whole lande is to looke for defence against so great daunger at the Magistrate his hande And because it is a duetie they owe vnto vs it standeth them vpon to seeke the peace of their owne conscience in that calling which cannot be other wife compassed then in the true discharge of that which is det and due on theyr behalfe That which is recorded in the 22. of Iosua doth notably direct magistrates with what care and vigilancie they are to deale against corruption in the worship of god It is woorth the notyng to obserue howe they were afrayde of the Altar erected by Iordan insomuche that they geathered them togeather to goevy to warre against theyr brethren so soone as they heard that an Altar was builded in that place Albeit their brethren had no ill meaning in that matter Naye as afterward they doe professe their meaning therin was very good godly but cōscience of duty experiēce of plagues where suche offences as there they feared had escaped without punishment made them ielous ouer euery occasiō afrayd of euery light suspition as appeareth by the speache which they had to theyr brethren Haue we to litle say they for the wickednesse of Peor whereof wee are not cleansed vnto this day yee are turned this day from the Lord and euen to morowe hee wyll be wroth with all the congregation of Israell Did not Achan trespasse greatly in the execrable thing and wrath fel on all the congregation of Israel and this man alone perished not in his wickednes The Lorde put it into the minde of our magistrates in lyke maner that when soeuer they shall heare of an Aultar erected in any secrete corner of this land false worshyp vsed they make no delay vntyll they haue seene the offence punished Wee see thē what cause magistrates haue to watch ouer euill and what occasion wee haue to commend them to God by feruent prayer that they may sincerely serue the Lorde in so great a callyng leaste the whole lande shoulde be araigned before the iudgement seate of the highest and all found guiltie of much blood outrage and Idolatrie which hath long laide vpon the land vnpunyshed which plague the Lorde in mercy keepe farre from vs. Iustice and Iudgement they are the strong holdes and fenced places of this land they are the keyes of our Countrey they keepe vs better then all the Blocke-houses or places of defence wheresoeuer they are better able to encounter with our enimies then any garyson of men howe well practised soeuer they may bee But contrarywise the neglect of iustice is woorse then rebellion it pulleth Princes out of theyr thrones maketh the lande cast out her inhabitants ioyneth with forra ne power openeth the gates of all our castles and houldes taketh the weapon from the warriour taketh the hart from the valiant Souldier wisdome and forecast from the wise Coūcellour poisoneth al our munitiō And in the fifth of Esai The Lorde vnder the similitude of a Vine doeth most liuely declare how he wil deale with his people when iudgement and righteousnesse can not be founde among them He wil breake downe the wal thereof and it shal be troden downe he will take away the hedge and shal be eaten vp It is our part therefore to pray for our magistrates those that be in place of iustice that they may looke to the cause of the Widowe Fatherlesse and oppressed that they may purge the lande of blood by takyng punishmēt vpō malefactours that they may haue courage and the feare of GOD that they may hate couetousnesse so that our Prince may sit sure among vs our holdes strongly fortified our hedges still vpholden that we may long inioy peace to the better honouryng of our god And theyr owne safetie doeth require great care in this behalfe Shalt thou reigne saith the Prophet to Iehoikim because thou closest
ouerselling his commodities hath gotten a fleese bryngeth the sweate of his browes that is his blood which he hath plentifully powred out and made no spare of it throughout the whole yeere into a narrowe rowme Neither can hee geue a true report of any loue he found at theyr handes more then one might finde at the hande of a Turke or Infidel In the 25. of Leuiticus the people of GOD are charged not to oppresse one another in buying and sellyng but as the yeere of Iubile was nigh or farre of so to sell dearer or better cheape Wherein the seller was bounde to regarde the profite of him that bought for longer then the yeere of Iubile he coulde not possesse it At which tyme by the lawe of God it must returne to the owner againe The yeere of Iubile is abolished but the law of conscience being the equitie of that law remaineth that a man shoulde regarde not himselfe onely but also the state of another Wherby it is apparant it was not lawfull for a man to take whatsoeuer he coulde get without regard what a hargaine his neighbor was like to haue at his hands We are exhorted by the Apostle to make conscience of such matters in the first to the Thes 4. Let no man oppresse or defraude his brother in any thing for euen the Lorde is a reuenger of suche thinges Knowe you not sayeth Saint Paule that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God And what right hath any man to another mans money not geuing him the vaiue or worth of it in wares or marchaundize Bee not deceiued sayth the holy Ghost in the same place Neyther Theeues couetous persons nor extorcioners shall inherite the kingdome of god The want of equitie and conscience in this behalfe is notably taxed by Solomon Prouerb 20. It is naught it is naught sayth the buyer but when hee is gone apart he boasteth It toucheth this naturall corruption where euery man woulde haue regarde onely of him selfe euen without any respect of another when not onely his owne thoughtes but euen his owne wordes doe oftentimes condemne his dealyng both of iniurie and dissunulation Our carefull walking in the wayes of righteousuesse haue plentifull promises of blessing from the Lorde so that if his worde be of any credite with vs wee may bee well assured that by suche dealinges our gaines will growe to be the greatest He that walketh in his integritie sayth Solomon is iust and blessed shall his children bee after him He that foloweth after righteousnes and mercy shall finde life righteousnesse and glory A faithful man shal abounde in blessing but hee that maketh hast to be rich shal not be innocent Men who being greedy of gaine had sodainely attained vnto wealth were the most infamous of al other men euen among the Heathen so that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 grewe with them to be a name of greatest reproch A verlet is not more odious with vs then hee was with them The order that is heere obserued may in no wyse bee neglected for sobrietie is set before righteousnesse in this place Wee must liue soberly and righteously sayth the Apostle Without sobrietie and temperance righteous and iust dealing cannot be holden vp and mainteyned for if a man haue not learned to bee rich and to be poore hee shall neuer holde out the course of iustice and righteous dealyng when it lyeth vppon the losse of fauour estimation credite wealth or countenance to proceede in iustice and righteousnesse Hee shall neuer buie and sell with conscience that hath not accounted with himselfe to carry a low saile and lower then he hath done if God see it so good Wee shoulde haue more iustice if wee had more sobernesse in the lande for if whatsoeuer come the olde estate muste bee holden iustice and righteous dealyng must some time bee stretched It is this temperaunce and sobrietie that strengtheneth righteous dealyng and iustice For yf wee coulde bee content to bee humbled in the worlde yf GOD coulde not otherwyse bee serued or a good conscience maynteyned wee shoulde haue more power to doe iustice and to liue vprightly in our callyng what soeuer But while men are so drowned in profites pleasures and honors in the world they are neuer put to any straite but iustice is stretched that the olde compasse may be kept and theyr estate vpholden Let vs imbrace this temperaunce and sobernesse so shall we holde fast this reine of iustice and vpright dealing in our places callinges Many good lawes wee haue made to cause vs to liue iustly one with another but litle fruite of them for why the roote is not touched Wee haue taken so large a measure of port and countenaunce beeing voyde of this temperaunce that the cloth must needes be cut out thereafter The sobrietie that pleased our fathers in attire in faire port in cositenance wil not suffer vs we haue taken a larger measure and therfore must we not stretch out the cloth they haue left vs accordingly Muste not our rents be raised our reuenues encreased the prises of our ware augmented our paynes dearer our giftes greater our pleasuring of men better considered our paynes more rewarded our liberalitie to the poore or to any good purpose lessened our compassion abated and so our fathers good report decayed Let euery man cast more of temperaunce so shall he be able to afoorde a better peniwoorth of righteous and vpright dealing in his callyng whatsoeuer For sure while the measure is so infinitly inlarged the cloth must needes bee set vpon the Tainters and excessiuely stretched It shal be in vayne to make lawes against iniurious and vnrighteous practises yf before this great excesse and intemperancie that ruleth in all estates be not repressed For if that in no case may bee abated howe can it bee but that the olde ordinarie dealinges in righteousnesse and equitie must be racked The great want of sobrietie that is euery where speaketh that there is muche vnrighteousnesse in this land and so consequently doeth plainly and euidently foretel vs that the righteous God hath a quarell with the inhabitants of this our countrey for the vnrighteousnesse thereof which increaseth in euery kyngdome as moderation and sobrietie abateth Now how sobretie decayeth and intemperancie is dayly augmented euen hee that is most giltie herein wil not seeme to deny it Whereby it is euident that this land shal not be able any long time to beare the vnrighteousnes thereof For this great intemperancie telleth vs that the burden of vnrighteousnesse which it beareth is growne to suche greatnesse as cannot long be fusteined if our reformation herein be not speedily attempted and taken in hande which the Lorde in mercy graūt may be throughly thought vppon by you who haue especiall helpe in your handes to perfourme it Toliue righteously is the request of our God The grace of God that bringeth saluation hath appeared and teacheth vs to liue iustly His graces offer