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A62650 Two journeys to Jerusalem containing first, a strange and true account of the travels of two English pilgrims some years since, and what admirable accidents befel them in their journey to Jerusalem, Grand Cairo, Alexandria, &c. by H.T. Secondly the travels of fourteen Englishmen in 1669. from Scanderoon to Tripoly, Joppa, Ramah, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, the river Jordan, the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah, and back again to Aleppo. By T.B. VVith the rare antiquities, monuments, and memorable places and things mentioned in holy Scripture: and an exact description of the old and new Jerusalem, &c. To which is added, a relation of the great council of the Jews assembled in the plains of Ajayday in Hungaria in 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. By S.B. an Englishman there present. VVith an account of the vvonderful delusion of the Jews, by a counterfeit Messiah or false Christ at Smyrna, in 1666. and the event thereof. Lastly, the fatal and final extirpation and destruction of the Jews throughout Timberlake, Henry, d. 1626.; Brett, Samuel.; R. B., 1632?-1725? Journey to Jerusalem.; T. B. 1692 (1692) Wing T1277A; ESTC R219326 92,206 197

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with their Horrible and Mu●derous Hands and finally Wishing that his Innocent Bloud should be on them and their Children Which accordingly soon after happened to the utter Desolation of their Countrey the Romans laying waste and levelling to the Ground the Magnificent Structures and Buildings thereof so that herein was verified the Prophecy of Christ while he was upon the Earth That one Stone should not be left upon another And as for the People Divine Vengeance did continually pursue them till the most part were destroyed and the rest Dispersed throughout out the World even to this Day For first the Inhabitants of Caesarea slew of the Jews in one Day about 20000. and such as fled were taken and Imprisoned by Florus the Lieutenant of Judea To Revenge this Slaughter the Jews set upon the Syrians in which Skirmish 13000 of them were slain The People of Alexandria put 50000 to the Sword They of Damascus 10000. and Antonius a Roman Captain ●lew in Ascalon 10000 and Cestius another Captain ●lew 80040 Persons And now to come to the Wars managed here by Vespasian This Vespasian in the Seige of Aphaca slew and took Prisoners Seventeen Thousand one Hundred and Thirty Persons in Samaria 11600 and in Iosepata 42200 Persons In Joppa so many Killed and Drowned themselves that the Sea threw up four Thousand two Hundred and the rest so totally perished that there remained none to carry tidings to Jerusalem of the loss of the Town In the City of Tarichea were Slain and made Captives Forty five Thousand besides those which were given to King Agrippa In Gamala there perished Ninety Thousand and none left alive but only two Women In Gascala Five Thousand Men died by the Sword In the City of Gadara were slain Thirty two Thousand two Hundred beside● an infinite number that D●owned themselves In Jerusalem it self there died Eleven Hundred Thousand Jews partly by Sword and Famine the worse Enemy of the two there were found 2000 in Privies and Sinks and Ninety Seven Thousand were taken prisoners in so much that 30 Jews were sold for a Penny Now that Ierusalem was able to contain such a number of People is evident in that when Cestius was Lieutenant of Jury the High Priest at his Request numbered the People which came to Eat of the Paschal Lamb and found them to be two Millions and Seven Hundred Thousand living Souls all sound and Purified And when Titus laid Siege to the City it was at the Feast of the Passover when most of the People were there assembled God as it were thus Imprisoning them All these Massacres besides divers others Omitted and infinite Numbers slain in the Fields and Villages which drowned themselves and were privately made away Amounting to almost two Millions of People happened in the compass of four Years beginning in the twelfth of Nero and ending in the second of Vespasian Yet was not the whole Nation Rooted out till 136. For then this Miserable People having stirred two notable Rebellions First under Trajan and afterward under Adrian the Emperours they were all banished their Native Country and never again suffered to inhabit it but as Strangers After this Desolation the Jews were dispersed over the World and especially in Spain where Adrian Commanded many of them to dwell yet found every where so little Favour that having divers time been put ●o grievous Mulcts and Ransoms they were at last quite thrust out of Europe The first Christian Prince that expelled the Jews out of his Territories was that Heroick King Edward 1. who was such a sore Scourge also to the Scots and it is thought divers Families of those Banished Jews fled then to Scotland where they have propagated since in great Numbers Witness the Aversion this Nation hath above others to Hogs-Flesh Nor was this their Extermination for their Religion but for their notorious Crimes as poisoning of Wells Counterfeiting of Coins falsifying of Seals and Crucifying of Christian Children with other Villanies This happened in the Year 1291. And 16 Years after France followed our Example It was near 200 Years after that Ferdinand turned them out of Spain and five years after him Emanuel of Portugal did the like But the Countreys from whence they wer● Last expelled were Naples and Sicily in the Year 1539. In other parts of Christendom they reside yet in great numbers as in Germany High and Low Bohemia Lituania Poland and Russia In Italy also they are found but in no Countrey subject to the King of Spain They live very quietly at Rome under the Popes nose and St. Mark makes no scruple to entertain them at Venice In sundry places of the Ottoman Empire they are very numerous so that it is thought Constantinople and Thessalonica only have near twenty thousand Asia is full of them as Aleppo Tripoly Damascus Rhodes and indeed all places of commerce and traffique There are numbers also in Persia Arabia and about Cranganor in India In Africk they have their Synagogues and Lumbards as in Alexandria Grand Cairo Fesse Trimesen and divers places in the Kingdom of Morocco there are about 100 Families left in Jerusalem But the place where they are most unmingled is Tiberias which the Turks gave to Mendez the Jew for some signal services thither they oft bring or send the bones of their dead friends who have left large Legacies to be there interred from other places The City of Jerusalem was afterward redified by Elius Adrianus and given to the Christians from whom it was taken by Cosroes and the Persians in the Year 615. and from them forcibly wrested by Haumar and the Saracens in 637. Next it fell into the power of Cutlu Moses and the Turks in 1009. under whose oppressions when it had long groaned Peter the Hermite stirred up the Western Princes to relieve the distressed Christians whose designs attained their wished effect under the Banner of the Victorious Prince Godfrey of Bullen in the Year 1099. This Godfrey for his merits was to have been invested with the Royal Wreath of Majesty which he denied thinking it unfit to wear a Crown of Gold where his Saviour had worn a Crown of Thorns yet for the common good he accepted the Title after whom reigned these Christian Princes Baldwin the 1. Baldwin the 2. Fulk Earl of Anjou Baldwin the 3. Almerick Baldwin the 4. Baldwin the 5. Guy of Lusignan the last King of Jerusalem during whose time Saladine the Sultan of Egypt won the Kingdom which his Successours defended against all invasions till the Year 1517. when Selinus the first Emperour of the Turks added the Holy Land together with Egypt to his Empire And so the whole Countrey of Palestine with the City of Jerusalem are under the dominion of the Turks to this day and is inhabited by some Christians who make a great benefit of shewing the Sepulchre of Christ and of late years also by Moors Arabians Greeks Latins Turks Jews nay I may say with People of all Nations The whole
The manner of Travelling upon Dromedarys Page 66. Lodon Printed for Nath Crouch Two Journeys TO JERUSALEM Containing First A strange and true account of the Travels of Two English Pilgrims some years since and what admirable Accidents befel them in their Journey to Ierusalem Grand Cairo Alexandria c By H. T. Secondly The Travels of Fourteen Englishmen in 1669. from Scand●roon to Tripoly Ioppa Ramah Ierusalem Bethlehem Iericho the River Iordan the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah and back again to Aleppo By T. B. VVith the Rare Antiquities Monuments and Memorable Places and Things mentioned in holy Scripture And an Exact Description of the Old and New Ierusalem c. To which is added A Relation of the Great Council of the Iews Assembled in the Plains of Ajayday in Hungaria in 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. By S. B. an Englishman there present VVith an Account of the VVonderful Delusion of the Iews by a Counterfeit Messiah or false Christ at Smyrna in 1666. and the Event thereof Lastly The Fatal and Final Extirpation and Destruction of the Iews throughout Persia in 1666 and the remarkable occasion thereof Collected by R. B. and Beautified with Pictures LONDON Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey near Cheapside 1692. TO THE READER THE following Relations containing matters very considerable and remarkable cannot certainly be displeasing to any good natur'd Reader for it may be some diversion to observe what Wonders are told of those once famous Places in and about Jerusalem and what New Legends are daily added as it may stand with the Interest that is to say the profit of the Priests As to the Great Council in Hungaria in 1650. and the strange Delusions wherewith the Jews were possest by a Counterfeit Messiah or False Christ in and about Smyrna and many other Countries Likewise their utter Extirpation out of the Kingdom and Dominions of the Emperour of Persia in 1666. We may with our Author observe how signally the hand of the Almighty has been stretcht out against the Jews so that if they were not under a Judicial hardness of heart certainly these continued Tokens of Divine Vengeance would cause them to Reflect upon themselves and by a serious Repentance and imbracing of the Doctrines of the Lord Iesus Christ the True Messiah and Saviour of the World to endeavour to remove that Curse which their Forefathers wished might fall upon themselves and their children when they Crucified the Son of God and the Lord of Life and Glory and under which they have so severely smarted in most Nations whither they have been scattered for above these sixteen hundred years As to the Reality of these brief Relations they were all written by several Englishmen of undoubted Veracity and Credit and who were upon the Places where these remarkable things were Transacted and therefore need not beg but may rather command Belief R. B. A Brief Description of Palestine with an account of the Ancient and Modern State of those Countries IN Former Ages this was one of the most famous Provinces of Syria Called 1. The Land of Canaan from Canaan the Son of Cham who by his often chasings was driven to possess and inhabit the same 2. It was called the Land of Promise because God had promised it to the Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob and their Seed 3. Israel of the Israelites from Jacob who was surnamed Israel 4. Judea from the Jews or People of the Tribe of Judah 5. Palestine by Ptolomays and others quasi Philistini The Land of the Philistines a potent Nation that dwelt there 6. The Holy Land by the Christians because herein was wrought by Christ the Work of our Salvation This Country is situated in the midst of the World between the Third and Fourth Climates the longest day being 14 hours and a quarter between the Midland Sea and Arabia from which it is Bulwarked beyond Jordan with a continual Ridge of Mountains on the East lyes Celosyria and Arabia Petrea on the South Idumea the Wilderness of Pharam and Egypt in the West a part of Phenicia and the rest hath the Mediterranean Sea and on the North are the Mountains of Libanus and a part of Phenicia It is distant from the Equinoctial 31 Degrees extending to 33 so that in length from Dan unto Beesheba it containeth not more than 400 Miles and where it is broadest not 50. This famous Land was once commended above all Countries under the Sun for the Salubrity of the Air being seated under a Temperate Clime where Winter is not too cold nor Summer too hot and for Fertility a Land that flowed with Milk and Honey adorned with Beautiful Mountains and delightful Valleys the Rocks producing excellent Waters and no part empty of delight or profit for the Soil yields abundance of all fruits and increase This Land aboundeth in sweet Springs and Pleasant Pastures where they feed a great many Flocks of Sheep and Herds of Cattle and Cows which give excellent Milk as is in any Country in the World There is also brave Hunting and Hawking for Dear Goats Hares Partridges Quails and other Birds they have all kind of Fowl also there are Lions Bears and Wolves found in abundance The Land of Canaan was heretofore divided into 30 Kingdoms and Kings when the Israelites conquered it most of the Ancient Inhabitants being for their sins by God excluded the Land and put to the Sword by the Israelites who Ruled this Land about 400 Years by Princes and Judges till the time of Samuel These Princes or Judges were not all of one Tribe but the Best Gravest and Eldest Selected and chosen out of every Tribe Afterwards the Israelites growing weary of this Government at their earnest request the Lord appointed them a King and so their Government was Changed into a Monarchy which continued many Ages but process of time the Israelites endured many Miseries and Afflictions till at last they saw the utter Ruine and subversion of their Kingdom VVhat Alterations happened to this Nation and with how many several VVars they were Plagued either for their own stiff-neckedness that they would not be Obedient to their own Prince or brook any forreign Government or that for their Rebellion and Sins the VVrath of God was oftentimes Kindled against them or that Forreign Princes were Ambitious to Incorporate this happy Land Holy VVrit and Historiographers VVitness the same at large how many times were they subdued and brought into Bondage because of their Sins and that they did not behav-themselves well for sometimes their Neck were brought under the Yoaks of their Neighbours as the Egyptians Chaldeans Medes Persians Macedonians and Romans and yet they would never cease their Rebellions Seditions and Conspiracies till they had brought their Government and Countrey to utter Destruction by Persecuting and putting to death the Saints and Prophets sent them from God yea and at last Crucifying the Son of God the Lord of Glory and the Saviour of M●nkind
Land containeth Four Regions Idumea Judea Samaria and Galilee Idumea beginneth at Mount Cassius or as some will at the Lake Sirbon reaching to the Eastward of Judea The Chief Cities are Maresa Rhinocorura Rapha Antedon Ascalon Azotus and Gaza Maresa was the birth place of th● Prophet Micah Near unto this Town Juda● Macchabeus overthrew Gorgias Rhinocorura● Rapha and Antedon are Towns of no grea● note Of Ascalon Sir George Sandis writeth thus in his Travels That it is a place now of no great Reckoning more than that the Turk doth keep there a Garrison Venerable heretofore amongst the Heathen for the Temple of Dagon and the Birth of Semiram● begotten of the Goddess Decreta who enflamed with the love of a certain youth that Sacrificed unto her and having by him a Daughte● ashamed of her Incontinency put him away and Exposed the Child to the desarts and confounded with sorrow threw her self into a lake replenished with fish adjoyning to the City this Decreta is said to be that Dagon the Idol of the Agrotonites mentioned in the Scripture which signifieth the first of sorrow who had her Temple close by the Lake with her Image in the figure of a fish excepting the Face which resembled a Woman But the Infant nourished by Doves which brought her Milk from the pails of the Pastures after became the wife of Ninus and Queen of Assyria whereupon she was called Semiramis which signifieth a dove in the Syrian tongue in Memorial whereof the Babylonians did bear a Dove in their Ensign● confirmed by the Prophesie of Jeremiah who foretelling of the devastation of Judea adviseth them to flee from the Sword of the Dove Azotes where was a sumptuous Temple built to the Lieutenant to Demetrius eight miles beyond that stands Acharon or Ekron where Beelzebub was worshipped to whom Ahaziah sent to enquire of his health Lastly Gaza or Aza one of the five Principal Cities belonging to the Palestines called Philistines in Scripture Gaza signifieth strong and in the Persian language a Treasure so said to be called by Cambyses who Invading Egypt sent thither the riches Purchased in that War it was also called Constantia by the Emperour Constantine first famous for the Acts of Sampson who lived about the time of the Trojan Wars whose force and fortunes are said to have given to the Poets their Invention of Hercules who lived not long before him And it was afterwards famous for two Wounds there received by Alexander the great and was then counted the Chief of Syria Also there lyeth Joppa now Jafta a Famous Mart Town and a good Haven where Jonah took ship to fly to Tarsus where Peter raised Dorcas from death to life and where he lying in the House of one Simon a Tanner was in a vision taught the Conversion of the Gentiles This City they report to have been built before the Flood Here Reigned Cephcus the son of Phenix whose Daughter Andromeda was by Perseus delivered from a Sea Monster some of whose Bones the people had wont to shew to Strangers even till the Flourishing of the Romans Here lyeth Gath also the Country of the huge Giant Goliah Judea is the Chiefest part of Palestina and is of the same extent now as it was when it was the Kingdom of Judea and entertained the two great and Puissant Tribes of Juda and Benjamin It lyeth between the Midland Sea and Lacus Asphaltites or the Dead-Sea and betwixt Samaria and Idumea It took this name from the Tribe of Judah in which lyeth the once famous City Jerusalem Besides Jerusalem also there are in this Country divers others Town and famous Cities as Jericho Turris Stratonis afterward named Caesarea Hebron formerly now Arbea also Mambre and Carioth that is to say a Town of four Men the Birth-place of Judas Iscariot who betrayed our Saviour Jesus Christ Emaus and divers others and Beyon Jordan Markherus a Town with a strong Castle here stood the Towns of Sodom and Gomorrah which for their Sodomy and Abomination were consumed with Fire from Heaven and lye now buried in that cursed Lake Asphaltites so named of the Bitumen which it Vomiteth called also the Dead-Sea perhaps in that it nourisheth no living Creature or for his heavy Waters hardly to be moved with any Wind so extream Salt that whatsoever is thrown thereinto not easily Sinketh Vespasian for a trial caused divers to be cast in bound Hand and Foot who Floated Aloft as if supported by some Spirit They say that Birds Flying over it fall in as if Inchanted or Suffocated with the Poyson of the ascending Vapors Samaria lyeth in the midst between Judea and Galilea the Land is so called from the Metropolis Samaria Built by Omri King of Israel and now called Sebasta the Towns in ●t are Sichem afterwards Neapolis Capernaum Betzaida and Chorazin Galilea lyeth between Mount Labanus and Samaria and is divided into upper and lower Galilea upper Galilea bordered upon Tyrus called otherwise Galilea-Gentium or the Heathenish Galilea Lower Galilea lyeth near unto the Lake of Tiberius and to Nazareth In it are the Towns of Naim Cana Nazareth and Gadara The Holy Land is seated between two Seas and the River Jordan it hath within it many Navigable Lakes and Meers abounding with Fish the River Jordan is called by the Hebrews Jordan and runneth through the midst of this Country dividing it into two Parts St. Jerome Writeth that this River Springeth out of two Fountains not far distant one from the other the one called Jor the other Dan shooting out like two Horns which meeting together make the great River Jordan The Chief Mountains in the Holy Land are Mount Hermon lying in the East part thereof and Mount Tabor in the West both of them being very Great and High so that the other Hills about them are but Arms and Branches of them For the Mountains Ebal Betheron Mispa or Mospoa and Bethel are reckoned under Mount Hermon Gilboa Gerezin Saron and Mount-Carmel by the Sea side are counted under Mount Tabor There are also about Jerusalem Mount Sion Moriah Mount Olivet Mount Calvary and others with goodly Woods and Forrests full of all kind of Deer and many Wild Beasts In this Land especially in and about Jerusalem there were many Stately and Magnificent Buildings as Namely Mons Domus and the Castle of the Jebusites into which King David brought the Ark of the Lord where it remained till Solomons Temple was Finished The remainder and ruines of these Buildings are yet to be seen to this Day yea it is said that in the very place the Lord Christ Eat the Paschal Lamb with his Disciples There are also the Sepulchres of David and other Kings of Judah and the House of David which yet retaineth the Name of Davids Tower Upon Mount Moriah are to be seen some remainders of Mello Above all we must call to mind the most Excellent and Beautiful Temple of King Solomon upon which One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Men wrought Seven
Years continually till it was Finished The Glory and Magnificency thereof you may read in the Scripture The Temple of the Sepulchre at the first Building was highly Reverenced by the Christians of those parts and even until this Day it is much resorted to both by Pilgrims from all parts of the Romish Church and by divers Gentlemen of the Reformed Churches partly for curiosity and partly for Antiquity of the place It is Farmed from the Turk and kept by the Popes Creatures whosoever is admitted to the sight of this Sepulchre payeth nine Crowns to the Turkish Officers so that this Tribute is worth to the Grand Seignior Eight Thousand Ducats Yearly And thus much briefly for the Description of the Holy Land or Land of Promise A Strange and True ACCOUNT Of the Late TRAVELS OF TWO English Pilgrims And what Admirable Accidents befell them in their Journey to Ierusalem Grand Cairo Alexandria c. 1. Christs Sepulchre 3 Dives House 2 Davids House 4. v. Marys House Page But now to my journey toward the desart of Arabia which I was of necessity to pass before I could come to the Holy Land we departed from the Town Philbits travelling all night in company with the Caravan of Damasco and the 14th at 9 of the clock we pitched our tents at Baharo in the land of Gozan From thence we departed that night and the 15 at night we pitched at Salbia which is to the eastward of the land of Gozan and stands on the borders of the Arabian Desart there we stayed two days for fear of the wild Arabes and parted thence 17. We passed that night over a great bridg under which the salt water standeth This water comes out of the Sea from the parts of Damietta and by mens hands was cut out of that place some 150 miles into the main Land by Ptolomoeus King of Egypt who purposed to join the Red sea and the Mediterranean but when he foresaw that if he had gone through all his Country had been quite drowned he gave it over and built a bridge there to pas● over This place parteth Arabia and Egypt and no sooner had we past this bridg but we were set upon by the wild Arabes and notwithstanding we were more than 1000 persons yet a Camel laden with Callicoes was taken from us 4 of our men hurt and one mortally wounded and the Arabes ran away with the prey we being unable to help it because it was night The next day we pitched by a well of brackish water But I forgot to tell you that my fellow Pilgrim Mr. John Burrel escaped very narrowly in the last nights bickering there we rested our selves till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon which they call Lasara for the Arabians and Egyptians divide the day into four parts we departed the next morning to a Castle in the desart called Carga which is one of the three Castles which the Turks keep in the desarts to de●end all travellers from the wild Arabes Therefore there we paid a certain tax which was six●y pieces of silver of two pence a piece value for each man or boy and seventy six pieces for a Camel laden and fourteen ●or a Mule Having paid this imposition we departed and pitched again the 19. at another brackish well from whence setting onward we pitched the 20. of March at the second Castle called Arris k●pt also by the Turks in the said desarts where our tax was but twenty pieces of silver for each passenger and thirty for a Camel From thence we were guided by many Soldiers to the third Castle called Rachael making one long Journey of 24 hours together Here it is said that the Kings of Egypt and Judea fought many great Battles which to me seemed very unlikely because there is nothing to relieve an army withal except sand and salt water There we paid ten pieces every passenger and 20 for a beast So departing thence the 22. in the morning we came to Gaza in Pa●estine a goodly fruitful Country and there ●e were quitted of all the desarts In this town ● saw the place where as they told us Samp●●n pull'd down the two Pillars and slew the ●hilistins and surely it appears to be the same town by reason of the situation of the Country There we paid 22 pieces for each beast and ten each passenger From thence we went to a place called in Arabian Canuie but by the Christians Bersheba being upon the borders of Judea where we paid but 2 pieces of silver each one and four for a beast Departing thence the 23. in the morning we pitched our Tents upon a Green close under the walls of Ramoth in Gilead there I stayed all day and wrote eight letters for England by the Caravan which went for Damasco to be conveyed to Constantinople and so for England next day being the 24 in the morning I with other Christians set toward Jerusalem and the great Caravan went for Damasco but we pitched short that night at a place call'd in Arabian Cudechelanib being 16 miles from Hebron where the Sepulchre of our father Abraham is and 5 little miles from Jerusalem From thence departing in the morning being our Lady day in Lent and 9 before-noon I saw the City of Jerusalem when kneeling down and saying the Lords Prayer I gave God most hearty Thanks for conducting me thither to behold so holy a plac● with my eyes whereof I had read so ofte● before Coming within a furlong of th● gates I with my Companion Mr. Joh● Burral went singing and praising Go● till we came to the West Gate of the City and there we stayed because it is not lawful for a Christian to enter unadmitted My companion advised me to say I was a Greek only to avoid going to Mass but I not having the Greek tongue refused so to do telling him even at the entry of the Gate that I would neither deny my Country nor Religion whereupon being demanded who we were Mr. Iohn Burrel answering in the Greek tongue told them that he was a Greek And I an Englishman This gave him admittance to the Greek Patriark but I was seized on and cast into Prison before I had stayed a full hour at the Gate for the Turks absolutely denied that they had ever heard either of my Queen or Country or that she paid them any Tribute The Pater Guardian who is the defender of all Christian Pilgrims and the principal procurer of my imprisonment because I did not offer my self under his protection but confidently stood to be rather protected under the Turk than the Pope made the Turk so much my enemy that I was reputed to be a spy and so by no means could I be released from the Dungeon Now give me leave to tell you how it pleased God that very day to deliver me and grant me pass as a Protestant without yielding to any other ceremony then carrying a Wax-candle onely far beyond my expectation Here let me remember you
other five Englishmen that met me in Ierusalem from Galilee came through them of whom I had this Description they received of me likewise the Description of my Journey through Palestine The place where Christ fasted 40 days and 40 nights called Quarranto is from Ierusalem as Chelmsford is from London The River Iordan the very nearest part thereof is from Ierusalem as Epping is from London Iericho the nearest part of the plain thereof is from Ierusalem as Lowton Hall Sr. Robert Wroths house is from London The Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah is from Ierusalem as Gravesend is from Lon-don The River Iordan runneth into the Lake and there is swall●wed up which is one of the greatest secrets in my mind in the World that a fresh water should run continually into this salt Lake and have no issue out but there is lost And the Lake continuing still so salt as no weight of any reasonable substance will sink into it but floateth upon it so that a Man or dead Beast will never go down And further note that what fifth soever was brought into it by the River Iordan or any other substance it swims continually upon the water and being tossed thereon by the Weather in time it becometh a congealed froth which being cast upon the Banks and there dryed by the extream heat of the Sun becomes black like Pitch which in that Country is called Bitumen whereof I have brought some with me from thence This Lake is about eight or nine Miles broad and about a 100 Miles long from the North where the River Iordan falleth into it to the South-ward and hath no farther issue The fields where the Angels brought Tydings to the Shepherds lye from Ierusalem as Greenwich from London Mount Olivet lyeth from Ierusalem as Bow from London Bethania is from Ierusalem as Black-wall from London Bethphage is from Ierusalem as Mile-end from London The Valley Gethsemany is from Ierusalem as Ratcliff Fields lye from London Brook Cedron is from Ierusalem as the Ditch without Algate from London Mount Sion is near adjoyning to Ierusalem as Southwark to London Thus have I described the City of Ierusalem as it is now built with all the notable places therein and near the same and the Country about it By which comparisons you may well understand the situation of most places near it And thereby you may perceive that it was but a small Country and a very little plat of ground which the Israelites possessed in the Land of Canaan and is now very barren For within fifteen Miles from Ierusalem it is wholly barren full of Rocks and stony And unless it be about the Plain of Iericho I know not any part of the Country at present fruitful What is hath been in time past I refer you to the Holy Scriptures My opinion is that when it was fruitful and a Land that flowed with Milk and Hony in those days God Blessed it and that then they followed his Commandments but now being inhabited by Infidels that prophane the name of Christ and live in a filthy and beastly manner God cursed it and it is made so barren that I could get no bread when I came near it For one night as I lodged short of Ierusalem at a place called in the Arabian Tongue Cuda Chenaleb I sent my Moor to a house not far from the place where we had pitched our Tents to get some bread and he brought word there was none to be had and that the man of that house did never ●at bread in all his life but only dryed Dates nor any of his houshold whereby you may partly perceive the barrenness of the Country at this day only as I suppose by the curse that God laid upon the same For they use the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah very much in that Country so that the poor Christians there are glad to marry their Daughters at twelve years of Age unto Christians lest the Turks should ravish them And to conclude there is not that sin in the World but it is used amongst those Infidels who now inhabit therein and yet it is called Terra Sancta and in the Arabian Tongue Cuthea which is the Holy Land bearing the name only and no more For all holiness is banished from thence by those Thieves filthy Turks and Infidels that inhabit the same Having my Certificate sealed by the Quadrian and a Letter delivered me to shew that I had washed my self in the River of Iordan I departed from Ierusalem in the company of the Moor that helpt to get me out of Prison leaving Edward Abbot Ieffery Kerbie Iohn Elkins Iasper Tymme and Mr. Bedle the Preacher whom I met there by chance behind me in Ierusalem and which grieved me most the Gentleman of Middleborough Mr. Iohn Burrel that I met with at Grand Cairo who had born me company thence to Ierusalem forsook me there and stayed with the other five Englishmen and so was I left alone to the mercy of my Moor that never left me till I came to Grand Cairo Now what happened to me in my Travelling from Ierusalem to Cairo and from thence to Alexandria where my ship lay I will hereafter declare Departing from Ierusalem we got safe to Rama and from thence to Ascalon and so to Gaza which lyeth upon the Borders of the Desarts of Arabia At one of those two places I hoped to have some passage by Water either to Alexandria or to Damietta but failing thereof I was in a maze and knew not whether I were best go back again to Ierusalem or put my self desperately into the hands of the Wild Arabians to be by them conducted to Grand Cairo One of those courses I must take there was no hope of passage and yet I hoped I should find it at Ioppa And for that cause stayed at Gaza and sent my Moor to Ioppa to seek for passage but there was none to be had At last considering with my self that my haste into Egypt was great for I had left my man Waldred in Cairo with my stock of 1200 l. and my ship lay in the Road of Ale●andria with sixty men in her and whether they would depart without me or no I knew not For when I went from them to go up to the River of Nilus to Cairo I had no intent to go for Ierusalem I was forced in this extremity to make away all the mony I had about me and to put my self into the hands of two wild Arabians who undertook to carry me and my Moor without whom I durst not go to the City of Cairo in four days if I would pay them 24 Sultans of Gold when I came to the Materia near Cairo and upon that Condition they would deliver me safely there otherwise would carry me Prisoner with them or cut my Throat And so agreeing with them by my Moor who sp●ke for me and withal warranted me to go safely swearing that he would not leave me by any means the two Wild
Town there to remain in farther expectation of the Viziers sentence The Iews were not at all discouraged at this ill treatment of their Prophet but rather confirmed in their belief of him as being the accomplishment of the prophesie of those things which ought to precede his glory and dominion which consideration induc'd the chiefest persons amongst the Iews to make their visits and addresses to him with the same ceremony and respect in the Dungeon as they would have done had he then sat exalted on the throne of Israel several of them with one Anacago by name a man of great esteem amongst the Jews attended a whole day be●ore him with their Eyes cast down their Bodies bending forward and Hands crost before them which are postures of humility and service in the Eastern Countreys the undecency of the place and present subjection not having in the least abated their high thoughts and reverence towards his person The Jews in Constantinople were now become as mad and distracted as they were in other places all trade and traffique forbidden and those who owed money in no manner careful how to satisfie it amongst which wild crew some were indebted to our Merchants at Galata who not knowing the way to receive their money partly for their interest and partly for curiosity thought fit to visit this Sabatai complaining that such particular Iews upon his coming took upon them the boldness to defraud them of their right desired he would signifie to these his Subjects his pleasure to have satisfaction given whereupon Sabatai with much affectation took Pen and Paper and wrote to this effect TO you of the Nation of the Iews who expect the appearance of the Messiah and the Salvation of Israel Peace without end Whereas we are informed that you are indebted to several of the English Nation It seemeth right unto us to enorder you to make satisfaction to these your just debts which if you refuse to do and not obey us herein Know you that then you are not to enter with us into our Joys and Dominions In this manner Sabatai Sevi remained a Prisoner at Constantinople for the space of two Months at the end of which the Vizier having designed his expedition for Candia and considering the rumor and disturbance the presence of Sabatai had made already at Constantinople thought it not secure to suffer him to remain in the Imperial City whil'st both the Grand Signior and himself were absent and therefore changes his Prison to the Dardanelli otherwise called the Castle of Abydos being on the Europe side of the Hellespont opposite to Sestos places famous in Greek Poetry This removal of Sabatai from a worse Prison to one of a better air confirmed the Jews with greater confidence of his being the Messiah supposing that had it been in the power of the Vizier or other Officers of the T●rks to have destroyed his person they would never have permitted him to have lived to that time in regard their Maxims enforce them to quit all jealousies and suspicions of ruine to their state by the death of the party feared which much rather they ought to execute on Sabatai who had not only declared himself the King of Israel but also published Prophesies fatal to the Grand Signior and his Kingdoms With this consideration and others preceding the Jews flock in great number to the Castle where he was imprisoned not only from the neighbouring parts but also from Polana Germany Legorn V●nice Amsterdam and other places where the Jews reside on all whom as a reward of the expence and labours of their pilgrimage Sabatai bestowed plenty of his benedictions promising encrease of their store and enlargement of their Possessions in the holy-Holy-Land And so great was the confluence of the Jews to this place that the Turks thought it requi●ite to make their advantage thereof and so not only raised the price of their Provision Lodgings and other Necessaries but also denied to admit any to the presence of Sabatai unless for money setting the price sometimes at five sometimes at ten Dollars or more or less a●cording as they guessed at their abilities or zeal of the person by which gam and advantage to the Turks no complaints or advices were carried to Adrianople either of the concourse of people or arguments amongst the Jews in that place but rather all civilities and liberty indulged unto them which served as a farther Argument to ensnare this poor people in the belief of their Messiah During this time of confinement Sabatai had leisure to compose and institute a new method of Worship for the Jews and principally the manner of the celebration of the day of his Nativity which he prescribed in this manner BRethren and my People men of Religion inhabiting the City of Smyrna the renowned where live men and women and families Peace be unto you from the Lord of Peace and from me his beloved Son King Salomon I command you that the ninth day of the Month of Ab which according to our account answered that year to the Month of June next to come you make a day of Invitation and of great joy celebrating it with choice meats and pleasing drinks with many Candles and Lamps with Mu●ick and Songs because it is the day of the Birth of Sabatai Sevi the high King above all Kings of the Earth And as to matters of labour and other things of like nature do as becomes you upon a day of Festival adorned with your finest Garments As to your Prayers let the same order be used as upon Festivals To converse with Christians on that day is unlawful though your Discourse be matters indifferent all labour is forbidden but to sound instruments is lawful This shall be the method and substance of your Prayers on this day of Festival After you have said Blessed be thou O holy God! then proceed and say thou hast chosen us before all people and hast loved us and hast been delighted with us and hast humbled us more than all other Nations and hast sanctified us with thy Precepts and hast brought us near to thy service and the service of our King Thy holy great and terrible Name thou hast published amongst us and hast given us O Lord God according to thy love times of joy of Festivals and times of Mirth and this day of Consolation for a solemn Convocation of Holiness for the Birth of our King the Messiah Sabatai Sevi thy servant and first born son in love through whom we commemorate our coming out of Egypt And then you shall read for your lessons 1 2 and 3. Chapters of Deut. to the 17. verse appointing for the reading thereof five men in a perfect and uncorrupted Bible adding thereunto the Blessings of the Morning as are prescribed for days of Festival and for the Lesson out of the Prophets usually read in the Synagogue every S●●bath you shall read the 31 Chapter of Ieremiah To your Prayer called Mustas used in the Synagogue every