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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26109 Astrological predictions of Englands happy success and compleat victory over the French, Dutch, & Dane, this year 1667 the rebuilding and flourishing of the city of London in great glory : the Kings commanding the treasures of his enemies to repair her ruines : with several remarkable prophecies of the same nature. 1667 (1667) Wing A4083; ESTC R9407 10,635 26

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Generality of Holland find great opposition in their Vocations and Callings they seem now more sensible of their present sad condition then for some years before for whenever the Hollanders come out to Sea they are sure to be worsted by firing burning or taking their best and most serviceable Ships killing and destroying their most able and serviceable Commanders and men neither will the Dane or French speed better The Dane seems to lose his honour by not fighting and much aspersed therefore Providence seems to blesse the French King with answerable success viz. with the Captivity of many of his Ships and men but this Nation seems blessed with some remarkable testimony of Gods favour in or near the month of May highly to the honour of his Majesty and satisfaction and content of the whole Kingdom for there is probability of much Honour conferred on deserving persons And we have cause to believe his Majesty to be much honoured near the time by several Embassadors from Foreign parts to congratulate his successes but Heaven we fear hath not such blessing for the Hollanders Divine Vengeance having as yet not scourged them sufficiently for their former insolencies The King of Denmark threatned with War and many sad mischances near his own confines a sturdy Enemy and powerfull watching all opportunities against him The French King seems to expend much money and to make great preparations to little purpose he will in a short time be sensible of the first Comets influence for evil and not for good About June strange News from Holland as if all were in an uproar we believe they will be then in a sad and fearfull condition The Hollander from the ill success he shall find in July if he submit not before unto a Peace shall perceive its in vain to strive against the King of England whose Forces though not without much blood shall obtain so remarkable a Victory over both French Dutch and Danes as the like hath not been heard of in any age If Providence have assigned that month for a Sea-fight it s the Ultimum vale of the Hogens But if Providence retard the actions intended in July untill August then they seem more ponderous and weighty at that time all parties being better prepared And those Navies those Souldiers who are under the Dominion or dwell in the Land of Mars as the English do shall overcome their Enemies because there is much of choller anger and boldness in them whereas in Saturnine people such are the Hollanders there is much fear and cowardice by reason of their want of heat Towards September mens minds begin to hearken after Peace and many general rumours dispersed and spoken of to that purpose yet some of the male configurations in August may manifest their sad influences in September unto the greater glory of England but exceeding misfortune of our Enemies whether Dutch Dane or French whose imperious King findes great obstructions in his Civil affairs at home and lesser satisfaction in his Military proceedings abroad so that we may truly say of him he may expect little gain nor gainfull returns in such things and actions from which he thought to have reaped great gain his Confederates will reap no benefit from his assistance and therefore there will follow Controversies and disgusts between them viz. there is much probability of a breach of the League betwixt him and the Dutch and others In November the Monarch of Great Britain visited from parts beyond the Seas by several Agents for settlement of all differences and controversies so that if the Dutch be not ordain'd for a full destruction a peace in probability is near at hand but if they shall still wilfully neglect his Majesties civility and clemency let them note this Prediction which will operate and be in full force against them all 1667. viz. unexpectedly they shall receive much dammage from whence they least expected it constantly troubl'd with quarrellings and controversies amongst their Martial Commanders by whose malice much detriment happens unto them a sudden wreck or subversion of their Estates which is most part in Ships with shame and scorn many will be depos'd from their Authority they will in 1667 be so shaken with all manner of misfortunes they will not know what to do The Prophesie of ARISE EVANS in his Book called The Light of the Jews written 10 years since In which Book he positively foretold the King's Restauration and that it should be so miraculously as it was viz. without Bloodshed He afterwards speaking of a War that should arise between Holland and the King he pronounces these following words to declare the success of that War THE false envious perfidious ingratefull covetous Hollander being proud reproacheth the King with foul language because of his former afflictions by which God refined and fitted him for future glory and takes all occasion and advantage to do what mischief they can to the King and his Subjects neither will they forbear but still go on in their malice against the King that God might utterly destroy them and blott out their Names from being a STATE under Heaven for proud Holland shall be made the first Object of God's wrath for fighting against King Charles and despising him Therefore blessed and happy shall those Kings and People be that shall take their Power and Authority from King Charles and live under his protection for all his proud Enemies that shall despise him and refuse to submit unto him shall be destroyed Afore this time when the Hollander begged a relief from England and had it they then called themselves The poor distressed States but now being rich and proud they disdain all Kings and call themselves The High and Mighty States of HOLLAND and would have England to be theirs but the English shall destroy them The same in his Eccho to the Voyce from Heaven recites a Prophesie of Mr. Truswells the Recorder of Lincoln which is as followeth The Lilly shall remain in a merry World and he shall be moved against the seed of the Lyon and he shall stand on one side amongst Thrones of his Kingdom and Country which Kingdom is the Land of the Moon which is to be devided throughout all the World And there came the Son of Man bearing three wilde Beasts in his Armes with a Company of People he shall pass many Waters and he shall come to the Land of the Lyon looking for help with the Beasts of his own Country And in that year there shall come an Eagle out of the East and his Wings spread with the Beams of the Son of Man And in that year shall be destroyed Castles upon Thames and there shall be great fear over all the World and in part of the Land There shall be great Battles among many Kingdoms That day shall be the Bloody Field and the Lilly shall lose his Crown and there shall be Crowned the Son of Man And in the fourth year many Battles shall be for the Faith and most of the World shall be stoopen but the Son of Man with the Eagle shall be preserved and there shall be a Universal Peace over all the World Then shall the Son of Man receive a miraculous Token and there shall be great plenty of Fruits and then he shall go to the Land of the Cross I will not undertake to interpret the aforesaid Prophesie only from my Author take notice That by the Lilly is meant France and by the Son of Man bearing three wilde Beasts in his Armes is meant the King of England The rest will be then understood of course Thus we have led you through the learned Judgments of all our famous and most knowing Astrologers who as you heard do all unâ voce fore tell Happiness and Success to his Majestye in all his Undertakings May they all prove unto him the words of Truth and Certainty and truly there is little reason to doubt since they have walked by the rule of that Art which although it layes no claim to Infallability yet hath never in it self been detected of Falshood For proof of which I will quote you an Assertion out of Gaffarell's unheard of Curiosities c. 13. sect 3. and so conclude His words are these All the Learned among the Antients called the Heavens Sacred Books among whom the Learned Origen interpreting after this manner that is subtilly and queintly that Passage in Genesis Et er unt in signa affirms as he is reported by Eusebius That the Starres were placed in this order in the Heavens for no other end but to shew by their divers Aspects Conjunctions and Figures whatever is to happen while the World endures as well in general as particular yet not so as if They were the Cause of these Things never any such thing came into the Thought much less into the Writings of this Learned Man For as the Prophesies that are written in Books are not the cause those Events which they foretell but the sign In like manner saith he may the Heavens very justly be called a Book wherein God hath written all that hath been is and hereafter shall be And for confirmation of this he citeth a Passage out of a Book the Title whereof is Narratio Joseph a Book in his time highly esteemed by all men wherein the Patriatch Jacob giving his Blessing to all his Children tells them That he had read in the Tables of Heaven all that ever was to befall them and their Posterity Whence the same Origen concludes as well in his Tract on this Question Utrum Stellae aliquid agant as in his Book de fato cap. 6. that some Mysteries may surely be read in the Heavens Let no Man therefore cavil at or question the aforementioned Judgement but rather heartily pray That they may be certainly fulfilled to his Majesties Honor and Glory and his Peoples Happiness and Satisfaction FINIS
and at last he shall settle the distracted condition of many Nations in peace If the rules of the Antients hold true we must adjudge happiness to England therefore let no true English heart fail him or be much troubled with the rumour of the Times or be weary in assisting his Majesty in person or purse for at the Suns entrance into Aries there is the most promising position of Heaven for his Majesties successes against all Enemies whatsoever that yet hath been since the Wars we have had be they Dutch Dane or French And we may judge the greatest Transactions of Europe and of highest concernment will be managed by his Majesty of England his Counsellors and Conductors both as to War and Peace with great m●gnanimity and haughtiness of Spirit as unto the Martial part and with as great Gravity and Prudence on the Civil And although the general Affairs of Christendom seem to be managed something confusedly yet in England they are carried on with great courage and vivacity of Spirit with sincerity and upright hearts and intentions In some Countries matters are carried on with high words and great brags and boastings in other places with nothing but deceit fraud juggling and underhand dealing in other places with subtle delayes Treacheries and feigned devices however great preparations are ordering as well for Sea as for Land for the major part of this year we must expect Military actions And truly some high design will be in hand which will almost put the world to a stand what it may be if it be lawfull to conjecture the series of it we have great confidence that the whole Honour and Glory of that action that design or designs be they by Sea or Land shall redown'd unto the high Renown and Honour of his Majesty of Great Brittain and to his Naval Forces whereever engaged and against whatsoever Enemy or Enemies either Dutch Dane or French and this to the great comfort of all his Majesties loving Subjects for the configurations of Heaven were never more propitious for advancement of the whole British affaires then in this year 1667. All the Planets argue that neither the Hollander or their Confederate the French though highly industrious and Active are very ready or well provided for any action toward the Spring yet as was said before they use great industry but whoever fight against Providence are sure to be worsted and vanquished as we do not question both Dutch and French will be whenever they shall dare either singly or joyntly to incounter his Majesties Navy or Navies Nay more probably the Plague is like to come among the Hollanders both into their Cities and Towns and Ships amongst their Seamen then follows a consumption and decay of their Estates and Fortunes in all the habitable parts of the World wheresoever they Traffick Besides they are threatned with irreconcileable differences and discords amongst their Principal Officers and Grandees as also commotions and murmurings in the vulgar sort of people nay perhaps one Province against another True it is the Heavens seem to give hopes of accommodation in the present War with Holland and France if we could believe the Hollanders were as yet sufficiently chastised for their former insolencies or had suffered that measure of misfortune which Providence hath assigned for them both by a fearfull Plague Pestilence Insurrections Deluges by Inundations and drowning part of their Territories scarcity of all sorts of Provisions loss in their Fishing-trade loss of their Navies and Merchants Ships in all and every Place Kingdom and Country A wilfull and obstinate people they are signified to be in not embracing those gracious opportunities of Peace which otherwise might be obtained from his Majesty of Great Britain It s probable they expect or are in hopes of assistance from the French King and Denmark and perhaps ayd is intended them but it seems for a time either retarded or their Ally not capable in condition or may stand upon some Articles or Covenants not before mentioned or thought upon And we say further that Providence it is like directs his Majesties Forces or Navies so happily that they keep Mounsieur from acting or joyning with them so that the Holl●nder shall meet with all manner of impediments hinderances and delayes in all their Affairs and a general ill disposition of whatever belongs to them in their own Dominions And that their Rich men their Antient men their Ministers their Boores or Rustical people their Mariners and Sea-faring men every one in his kind will be weary of this their War with England Et blasphemabunt se invicem viz. They will blaspheme and curse one another and all those who at first introduced them to this fatal and unlucky War And shortly after in his discourse upon the Ingress of the Sun into Cancer the 11th of June he saith If the Lord God in mercy to the Hollanders incline not their hearts to mediate for Peace ere this time as there is no great probability they will then is their Condition represented to be sad within a few months following For saith he that King who rules over Gemini and that is the King of England shall be exalted or much magnified and shall be Victorious over his Enemies In his Monthly Observations are these passages Many reports fly abroad as if some Treaty for Peace were in hand People willingly embrace that Intelligence but time makes it appear a Vapour Our Enemies have not yet had a sufficient share of the second Comets influence let them expect it with a sad interest in this Summer but we may expect an happy Unity among our selves and perceive Gods mercies generally to smile upon the Actions of his Majesty and Grand Affairs of the whole Nation infinitely to the satisfaction of all sober persons An appearance of drawing Forces into Normandy the French King being active but Providence seems to contradict his intentions and the prudence of his Majesty of England prevents all fear of French Invasion Whether the French King resolve upon War or Peace is no matter if his Navies will peep out of their Harbours they must return home again if they can but assuredly destruction or captivity or sinking will be the final end of most of those who shall encounter his Majesty of Great Britains Sea Forces this year And in March he saith thus The Monarch of Great Britain seems in greatest readiness for Action and best provided The Dutch fearfull of a Plague and Consumption of their Seamen nor in a present capacity of undertaking any great design The French seem at a stand some emergent misfortune having happened unto them or feared to happen among themselves suddenly Ne verbum quidem de Dano The Dane cannot get out of his Harbors No peny no Pater-nosters The Swedish Nation seem the most active of all Europe and there is reason for some violent storm is like to break forth upon them from a barbarous people if not prevented The Amsterdam Merchants as also the