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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13311 An apologie or defence agaynst the calumnacion of certayne men which preferring wylfull wyll and carnal reason before the playn trueth of Gods gospel, (do sclaundre those men, which for the better seruinge of God with a more pure conscience, according to his holy word) haue abandoned theyr liuinges and vocacion, abydinge as exyles in poore estate oute of theyr natyue cou[n]trye. I. T., fl. 1555. 1555 (1555) STC 23619; ESTC S103238 12,085 24

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aunswere of his wyfe or take it in good parte but condemning her as an aduoutresse would repudiat and forsake her And shal we perswade oure selues to please God Exod. xx Deut. vi beyng a ialouse God as the scripture calleth him who requyreth of vs the whole man to serue him withal when as we geue the greater parte of his creacion to the seruinge of Idols saying God knoweth hath my harte Well God deale with vs according to his greate mercy geue vs an hart to repēt knowledge our offences least we perishe in our sinnes for as God is mercyful so is he iust Christ saith Luk. xiiij Math. x. Luke ix he that setteth more by father or mother wife childrē landes riches or coūtryr then by me is not mete for me nor worthye to be my disciple Reade the whole Chap. in Luke examen what the buylding of the towre signifieth Ye haue heard often taught preached that he the wyl professe the Gospel in tyme of prosperitie should cast accompt with him self what may happen to him for the same in the dayes of aduersitie Or els in vayne hath he begon to buy lde and shal be called a foolishe buylder I thinke there be a great many of honest good men in that towne which in times past haue bene feruent Gospellers and yet at this daye loue the trueth sorowing in their hartes the impiete of this tyme. That yf it were not for feare to lose theyr liuinges riches countrie to become poore in a straunge land would folowe seke Christ in the wildernes Apoca. xij searching with paine to seke out the narowe way But alas so colde is oure loue to Christe which hath so dearelye bought vs that we could be cōtent to loue him so that we lose not by him But these doubtes to tast miserie poull vs from folowing poore Christ So frayle is our lyfe such a lumpe of synne corrupte tabernacle we are wrapped in That seyng the best waye knowing the better parte we can not chuse it nor walke in the same I pray God this sentence be not verified vpō vs. Luke xij He that knoweth his maysters wyll doeth it not shal be beaten with many strypes By many tribulacions must we entre into the Kingdō of heauē Christ sayth Luke ix he that putteth his hand to the plough loketh backe is not mete for the kingdō of heauē mat 24. x. It is not ynough for vs to haue begon in the knowledge of Christ oneles we perseuer folowe him to the end Closing our dayes in his peace which peace of Christ is better in a beggers bosome at the howre of death thē a mountayn of gold to a ryche mā with a troubled consciēce Christ sayth my shepe heare my voyce now my frēd because the voyce of oure shepeherde Christ Iohn x. is not to be heard in that towne where ye dwell Therefore I other men of that place haue abandoned our lyuinges vocaciō to seke oure shepeherd christ that we might heare his voice and participate his sacramentes purely ministred according to his holy worde in the place to our great comforte to prayse him where to our great consolaciō we now remayne In the which companie how ioyfull it is to be amōg The Prophete Dauid describeth in the lxxxiiij Psalm Psal 84. which I most hartely requyre you not onely to reade but diligentlye to marke examin what the Prophete meaneth in the same by th●● place to iudge whether we haue righte in our doyuges or are iustely to be condēned O my frend in that towne where ye presentely inhabite the gospel of Iesus Christ hath bene moste plenteously preached purely taught the space of seuen yeares Mat. xiij Mar. iiij And yf there shoulde no good groūd appeare after so much long sowinge of so good sede to bring forth encrease of good corne it mighte well be called a cursed place an yll soyle I saye this my frend yf al mē of that town which were called gospellers should obserue the ordre of this vnhappye tyme submitting thē selues to this vngodly religiō What a cause of triumphe should the papistes haue to reioyse perswadig blowing abrode no trueth or religion to be trew but onely that which they now teache set forth because all mē obserue the same But for because they see a noūbre of good godly learned mē with the losse of their liues spilling of their bloud to testifye it an vntruth As also a great noūbre of honest mē of good cōuersacion doe departe theyr countrey leauing their riches liuinges some of thē beginneth to doubt whether his religiō be a truth or not Other which are of the worst sorte of papistes that most setteth forth this religion be ashamed to make greate boaste of their doctrine for that in the tyme of the gospel lyke dissemblers hipocrites they gaue place to the trueth and would in no wyse suffre for theyr religiō And nowe they seing men to dye and suffre penurie in a straūge land it maketh them poul back their to much boasting of their religion so that by this meanes it appeareth most playne to him that hath but halfe an eye that the gospel is a moste manifeste trueth and pure religion in that men suffre for the same which is promysed to all them ij Tim. i● that wyll lyue godly in Christ Iesu These causes my frend many other moued me with other mē to vnder take this painful iourney greuous exyle Examen the boke of genesis pōder wel the doyng of the old Patriarke Iacob who forsoke no smale substaūce riches beside the comodite of his coūtrey dwelling place Gene. 43. onli as the scripture sayth Because of famyne that occupied the soyle and land where he dwelte and in much payne and great trauayle in his olde dayes with a greate familie drew into Egipte a people in maners condicions not agreeyng with his nature Yf our father Iacob dyd vndertake this long and painful iourney to seke meate for the body cōsidre my frend how much more we that are called Christians which haue professed Christ ought to seke for the fode of the soule which is the preaching of Gods holi word participacion of his holy Sacramētes by the which we waxe strong in fayth pacience all good workes Mat. iiij as Christ our mayster sayth Man shal not lyue by bread only but by euery worde the procedeth oute of the mouth of God Christ commaundeth by Esay the Prophet Esay lij saying to his people Away away get you out from thence and touche no vncleane thing Ieremie in another place cryeth Ierem. li. saying Flee away from Babilon euery man saue his lyfe O my frend do ye thinke that the word of the spirite of God speaking so earnestly with such vehemence by the●●nouthes of