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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39782 A Discourse concerning militia's and standing armies with relation to the past and present governments of Europe and of England in particular. Fletcher, Andrew, 1655-1716. 1697 (1697) Wing F1294; ESTC R5238 13,616 32

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to second him For Henry the Eighth was an unthinking Prince The Reigns of Edward the Sixth and Queen Mary were short and Queen Elizabeth loved her People too well to attempt it King James the First was a Stranger and of no Interest abroad King Charles the First did indeed endeavour to make himself Absolute tho somewhat preposterously for he attempted to seize the Purse before he was Master of the Sword But very wise Men have been of Opinion that if he had been possessed of as numerous Troops as those which were afterwards raised and constantly kept up by King Charles the Second he might easily have succeeded in his Enterprize For we see that in those Struggles which the Country Party had with King Charles the Second and in those Endeavours they used to bring about that Revolution which was afterwards compassed by a Foreign Power the chief and insuperable Difficulty they met with was from those Forces And tho King James the Second had provoked the Nation to the last degree and made his own Game as hard as possible not only by invading our Civil Liberties but likewise by endeavouring to change the Established Religion for another which the People abhorred whereby he lost their Affections and even those of a great part of his Army yet notwithstanding all this Mismanagement England stood in need of a foreign Force to save it and how dangerous a Remedy that is the Histories of all Ages can witness 'T is true this Circumstance was favourable to the Nation that a Prince who had married the next Heir to the Crown was at the Head of our Deliverance yet did it engage us in a long and expensive War And now that we are much impoverished and by means of our former Riches and present Poverty fallen into all the Corruptions which those great Enemies of Vertue want and Excess of Riches can produce that there are such Numbers of Mercenary Forces on foot at home and abroad that the greatest part of the Officers have no other way to subsist that they are commanded by a wise and active King who has at his Disposal the formidable Land and Sea Forces of a Neighbouring Nation the great Rival of our Trade A King who by Blood Relation other particular Ties and common Interest has the House of Austria most of the Princes of Germany and Potentates of the North for his Friends and Allies who can whatever Interest he join with do what he thinks fit in Europe I say if a Mercenary Standing Army be kept up the first of that kind except those of the Usurper Cromwel and the late King James that England has seen for thirteen hundred Years I desire to know where the Security of the Liberties of England lies unless in the good Will and Pleasure of the King I desire to know what real Security can be had against a Standing Army of Mercenaries backed by the Corruption of a Nation the Tendency of the way of Living the Genius of the Age and the Example of the World Having shown the Difference between the past and present Government of England how precarious our Libert●●● are and how from having the best Security 〈◊〉 them we are in hazard of having none at al●… 't is to be hoped that those who are for a Standing Army and losing no occasion of advancing and extending the Prerogative from a mistaken O●inion that they establish the antient Government of England will see what sort of Patriots they are But we are told that only Standing Mercenary Forces can defend England from the perpetual Standing Armies of France However frivolous this Assertion be as indeed no good Argument can be brought to support it either from Reason or Experience yet allowing it to be good what Security can the Nation have that these Standing Forces shall not at some time or other be made use of to suppress the Liberties of the People tho not in this King's time to whom we owe their Preservation For I hope there is no Man so weak to think that keeping up the Army for a Year or for any longer time than the Parliament shall have engaged the Publick Faith to make good all Deficiencies of Funds granted for their Maintenance is not the keeping them up for ever 'T is a pitiful shift in the Undertakers for a Standing Army to say We are not for a Standing Army We are only for an Army from Year to Year or till the Militia be made useful For England cannot be in any hazard from France at least till that Kingdom so much exhausted by War and Persecution shall have a breathing space to recover Before that time our Militia will be in order and in the mean time our Fleets Besides no Prince ever surrendred so great Countries and so many strong Places I shall not say in order to make a new War but as these Men will have it to continue the same The French King is old and diseased and was never willing to hazard much by any bold Attempt If he or the Dauphin upon his Decease may be suspected of any farther Design it must be upon the Spanish Monarchy in case of the Death of that King And if it be objected that we shall stand in need of an Army in such a Conjuncture I answer that our Part in that or in any other foreign War will be best managed by Sea as shall be shown hereafter Let us then see if Mercenary Armies be not exactly calculated to enslave a Nation Which I think may be easily proved if we consider that such Troops are generally composed of Men who make a Trade of War and having little or no Patrimony or spent what they once had enter into that Employment in hopes of its Continuance during Life not at all thinking how to make themselves capable of any other By which means heavy and perpetual Taxes must be entail'd for ever upon the People for their Subsistence and since all their Relations stand engaged to support their Interest let all Men judg if this will not prove a very united and formidable Party in a Nation But the Undertakers for a Standing Army will say Will you turn so many Gentlemen out to starve who have faithfully served the Government This Question I allow to be founded upon some Reason For it ought to be acknowledged in Justice to our Army that on all Occasions and in all Actions both Officers and Souldiers have done their part And therefore I think it may be reasonable that all Officers and Souldiers of above forty Years in consideration of their Unfitness to apply themselves at that Age to any other Employment should be recommended to the Bounty of the Parliament But the Undertakers must pardon me if I tell them That no well-constituted Government ever suffered any such Men in it whose Interest leads them to imbroil the State in War and are an useless and insupportable Burden in time of Peace Carthage after the first Roman War found how dangerous they
A DISCOURSE Concerning MILITIA'S AND Standing Armies With relation to the Past and Present Governments of EVROPE AND OF ENGLAND in particular Res est periculi plena summam Rei Publicae hominibus Mercenariis sine re sine spe quidvis ob pecuniam ausuris committere quorum profundam avaritiam incendat ad nova molienda occasio fortuna secum fidem circumagat Thuan. Hist London Printed in the Year 1697. A DISCOURSE Concerning Militia's and Standing Armies THERE is not perhaps in humane Affairs any thing so unaccountable as the Indignity and Cruelty with which the far greater part of Mankind suffer themselves to be used under pretence of Government For some Men falsly perswading themselves that bad Governments are advantageous to them as most conducing to gratify their Ambition Avarice and Luxury set themselves with the utmost Art and Violence to procure their Establishment and almost the whole World has been trampled under foot and subjected to Tyranny for want of understanding by what Methods they were brought into it For tho Mankind take great Care and Pains to instruct themselves in other Arts and Sciences yet very few apply themselves to consider the Nature of Government an Enquiry so useful and necessary both to Magistrate and People Nay in most Countries the Arts of State being altogether directed either to enslave the People or to keep them under Slavery it is become almost every where a Crime to reason about Matters of Government But if Men would bestow a small part of the Time and Application which they throw away upon curious but useless Studies or endless Gaming in perusing those excellent Rules of Government which the Antients have left us they would be enabled to discover all such Abuses and Corruptions as tend to the Ruine of Publick Societies 'T is therefore very strange that they should think Study and Knowledg necessary in every thing they go about except in the noblest and most useful of all Applications The Art of Government Now if any Man in compassion to the Miseries of a People should endeavour to disabuse them in any thing relating to Government he will certainly incur the Displeasure and perhaps be pursued by the Rage of those who think they find their Account in the Oppression of the World but will hardly succeed in his Endeavours to undeceive the Multitude For the Generality of all Ranks of Men are cheated by Words and Names and provided the antient Terms and outward Forms of any Government be retained let the Nature of it be never so much altered they continue to dream that they shall still enjoy their former Liberty and are not to be awakned till it prove too late Of this there are many remarkable Examples in History but that particular Instance which I have chosen to insist on as most sutable to my purpose is the Alteration of Government which happened in most Countries of Europe about the Year 1500. And 't is worth Observation that tho this Change was fatal to their Liberty yet it was not introduced by the Contrivance of ill-designing Men nor were the mischievous Consequences perceived unless by a few wise Men who if they saw it wanted Power to prevent it Two hundred Years being already passed since this Alteration began Europe has felt the Effects of it by sad Experience and the true Causes of the Change are now become more visible To lay open this Matter in its full Extent it will be necessary to look farther back and examin the Original and Constitution of those Governments that were established in Europe about the Year 400 and continued till this Alteration When the Goths Vandals and other warlike Nations had at different Times and under different Leaders over-run the Western Parts of the Roman Empire they introduced the following Form of Government into all the Nations they subdued The General of the Army became King of the Conquered Country and the Conquest being absolute he divided the Lands amongst the Great Officers of his Army afterwards called Barons who again parcelled out their several Territories in smaller Portions to the inferiour Souldiers that had followed them in the Wars and who then became their Vassals enjoying those Lands for Military Service The King reserved to himself some Demeasnes for the Maintenance of his Court and Attendance When this was done there was no longer any standing Army kept on foot but every Man went to live upon his own Lands and when the Defence of the Country required an Army the King summoned the Barons to his Standard who came attended with their Vassals Thus were the Armies of Europe composed for about eleven hundred Years and this Constitution of Government put the Sword into the hands of the Subject because the Vassals depended more immediately on the Barons than on the King which effectually secured the Freedom of those Governments For the Barons could not make use of their Power to destroy those limited Monarchies without destroying their own Grandeur nor could the King invade their Privileges having no other Forces than the Vassals of his own Demeasnes to rely upon for his Support in such an Attempt I lay no great stress on any other Limitations of those Monarchies nor do I think any so essential to the Liberties of the People as that which placed the Sword in the hands of the Subject But since in our time most Princes of Europe are in possession of the Sword by standing Mercenary Forces kept up in time of Peace and absolutely depending upon them I say that all such Governments are changed from Monarchies to Tyrannies Nor can the Power of granting or refusing Money tho vested in the Subject be a sufficient Security for Liberty where a standing Mercenary Army is kept up in time of Peace For he that is arm'd is always Master of the Purse of him that is unarm'd And not only that Government is Tyrannical which is tyrannically exercised but all Governments are Tyrannical which have not in their Constitution a sufficient Security against the Arbitrary Power of the Prince I do not deny that these limited Monarchies during the greatness of the Barons had some Defects I know few Governments free from them But after all there was a Balance that kept those Governments steady and an effectual Provision against the Encroachments of the Crown I do less pretend that the present Governments can be restored to the Constitution before-mentioned The following Discourse will show the impossibility of it My Design is first of all to explain the Nature of the past and present Governments of Europe and to disabuse those who think them the same because they are called by the same Names and who ignorantly clamour against such as would preserve that Liberty which is yet left In order to this and for a further and clearer Illustration of the Matter I shall deduce from their Original the Causes Occasions and the Complication of those many unforeseen Accidents which falling out much about the same time