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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04678 Here after foloweth a treatyse take[n] out of a boke whiche sometyme Theodosius the Emperour founde in Iherusalem in the pretorye of Pylate of Joseph of Armathy; Here after foloweth a treatyse taken out of a boke whiche sometyme Theodosius the Emperour founde in Jherusalem in the pretorye of Pylate of Joseph of Armathy. 1511 (1511) STC 14806; ESTC S103814 4,624 14

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and sayd vnto me be not aferde Ioseph loke vpon me and knowe thou full well that I am he Thenne loked I vp and called hym mayster Helyas supposynge that he hadde ben Hely the prophete / thenne he spake vnto me and sayd I am not Hely but I am Ihesus whose boody thou letest be buryed / thenne for by cause I was somdele doubtfull of it I sayd vnto hym yf thou be he shewe me the tombe wherin I layde the. Thenne he toke me by the hande and broughte me vnto the place where I interyd hym Furthermore he shewed me the clothe in the whiche I wrapped his body and also the sudarye that I bounde his hede withall Thenne these thynges seen I knewe well that it was Ihesus and I honoured hym as my dutye was recytynge these wordes Blessyd be he that is come in the name of god Thenne he toke me by the hande and soo ledde me in myn house in the Cyte of Aramathya sayd vnto me reste thou here peacybly these fortye dayes go not forth frome thy house And I shall goo vnto my dyscyples that hath grete luste for to seme And this sayd and done Ihesus vanysshed awaye Thenne after these fortye dayes were hole and fullye complete Ioseph of Aramathya aboue reherced stedfastly fyxed his mynde in the feruente loue of the fayth / gaue hym selfe to the dyscyplyne and doctryne of saynt Phylyp the appostle of our blessyd lorde Ihesu Cryste And whan that he was suffycyently instructe in his lore and techynge / bothe he and his sone Iosephes receyued of saynt Phylyp the holy sacrament of baptysme / and after that Ioseph was sente vpon a message frome saynt Iohan the appostle euangelyst from ephesye vnto the gloryous moder of Ihesu cryste oure lady and also after that was presente with saynt Phylyp and other dyscyples what tyme that / that gloryous vyrgyn was assumpte in to heuen And as many thȳges as euer he herde and sawe of oure lorde Ihesu cryste and of his blessyd moder oure lady saynt Mary / he shewed theym and preched theym in dyuerse regyons and places and conuerted moche people vnto the crysten fayth and baptysed them And at the last xv yere after the gloryous assumpcyon of our blessyd lady he toke his sone Iosephes with hym and wente to saynt Phylyp in to Fraunce and consequently as it is wryten in a boke called Graall Ioseph of Aramathia whiche buryed the body of oure lorde Ihesu cryste after that he was baptysed of the holy man saynt Phylyp the appostle came in to grete Brytayn whiche was promysed to hym and his yssue he brought with hym his wyfe and his sone Iosephes whome our sauyoure before that tyme hadde made a bysshop and consecrate hym in a Cyte called Sara / there came with hym syxe houdred persones of men and women and mo / the men made a solempne vowe for to lyue chastely frome theyr wyues vnto the tyme they hadde entered in to grete Brytayne and all the nombre brake this vowe excepte xxxvii whiche were cōmaūded by our sauyour to passe ouer the se saylynge vpon the shyrte of Iosephes and soo came to londe vpon Ester euen in the mornyn̄ge / the resydue of them for as moche as they were penytent and sory for the transgressyon of theyr vowe at thynstaūce prayer also of Ioseph were brought ouer in a vessell whiche kynge Salamon crafrely had made to cōtynue and dure vnto crystes tyme / and the same daye that theyr cōpanye came vnto londe vpon Iosephs shyrte they applyed vnto londe in the same vessell whiche god had prouyded for theym whiche were gyded by a duke of Medor named Natianiis whome Ioseph baptysed byfore in the cyte of Sara / and with theym came also the kynge of the same cyte called Mordrams to whome almyghty god after that appered shewed to hym his syde handes feet perysshed with the spere and nayles / and whan the kynge Mordrams sawe that he was moued with compassyon and sayd O my lorde god what man was so bolde and so presumptuous thus to dele with the / our sauyour answered to hym agayne and sayd The false kynge of Northwales hath this wyse done with me whiche hathe put my seruaūt Ioseph of Aramathya with his company in pryson and full vnkȳdly denyeth them theyr lyuȳge for by cause they shewed preched my name in his realme / therfore sayd almyghty god vnto mordrams / gyrde the with thy swerde aboute thy myddell and goo with all hast possyble vnto that partyes and take vengeaūce vpon the tyraunt delyuer my seruauntes oute of pryson daunger / whan the kynge a woke of his slepe he was full glade of that vysyon shewed vnto hym and so set his realme his housholde in good waye toke a grete company with hym toke his Iourney and as god was his guyde he came vnto the place where the kynge of Northwales the tyraunt was and commaunded hym he sholde promytte and suffre the seruauntes of almyghty god to passe out of pryson and to be at lyberte / the tyraunt wolde not in no wyse condescende vnto kynge Mordrams commaundement / but with grete indygnacyon charged hym shortely without delaye to voyde out of his londe whan kynge Mordrams herde this langage he came fyersly vpon hym with his company and with and duke Naciamis aboue sayd with condygne and Iuste vengeaunce slewe hym / thenne this done kynge Mordrams wente vnto the pryson where that vnhappye kynge hadde Ioseph and his company in holde / with grete Ioye brought them forth and shewed vnto them the vysyon made vnto hym of god and theyr delyuerynge thenne all they in grete myrthe thanked god hertely Thenne kynge Mordradms gaue the realme kynge dome of Northwales with the appertenence vnto one called Celydomus sone vnto duke Nacyanus and gaue hym also to be his wyfe Labell the kȳges doughter of Persye whiche Labell the sayd Celydomus with helpe and socoure of his fader hadde before with grete dyffyculte conuerted vnto Crystes sayth whose doubte and meruaylous actes be wryten in the bokes named Grall aboue reherced ¶ Thus endeth the lyfe of Ioseph of Armathy Enpryted at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the sonne by me Wynkyn de Worde Wynkyn de Worde W C