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A78099 A brief explication of the Office of The Blessed Virgin Marie Mother Of God together with a small treatise concerning the institution thereof &c. / composed by the R.F.E.VV. Priest and Monke of the Order of S. Benedict. Byfleet, John Edward, b. 1607. 1652 (1652) Wing B6401A; ESTC R203969 220,898 605

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for thy loue for he is the Lord thy God and they to wit all that shall beleeue in him shall adore him according Daniel 7. to that of the Prophet All peoples Tribes and tongues shall serue him And the daughters of Tyre of that great cittie neare to the land of Iuda called Tyre by whome are signified the Gentils shall present him with gifts all the rich of the earth shall beseech thy countenance shall with humble praiers and gifts seeke to winne thy fauour that they maie bee admitted to bee of thy traine and by thy meanes bee brought vnto his presence All the glorie of that daughter of the King who sometymes is called the Queene the spouse of Christ and the Church is within in interiour vertues and beautie of her mynd not in exteriour vaine fading things in borders of gold in workes of charitie clothed round about with varieties with the acts of diuers vertues In these consisteth her glorie and with these she trimmeth and adorneth herselfe that she maie appeare amiable in the eies of her spouse who is not delighted with exteriour vaine dressings and attyre Virgins shall bee brought to the King after her in the first principall place after her Virgins shall bee brought to thee ô Christ and next after them her neighbours holie widowes and such as lead their liues in lawfull wedlocke vsing it for the true end for which marriage was instituted and not for carnall delectation shall bee brought to thee They shall bee broug●t in ioy and exultation of body and spirit they shall bee brought into the temple of the King into the Kingdome of heauen after their passadge out of this place of banishement For thy Fathers in the place of the holie Patriarks and Prop●ets thy Fathers ô holie Church ô spouse of Christ there are borne to thee sonnes Apostles Bishops and Priests thou shalt make them Princes ouer all the earth and they shall prescribe lawes to the whole earth which neuer yet any temporall Monarch could doe They and all those they shall begett in Christ Iesus shall bee mindfull of thy name in all generation and generation shall seeke to dilate thy glorie in all ages Therefore shall peoples of all nations ●●ome the holie Apostles and their successors haue taught and inst●ucted Confesse vnto thee for euer shall praise thee vnto the end of the world and for euer and euer for eternitie This their praise shall beginne in this world and continue in the future without end By the espoused here mentioned all Expositors doe vnderstād the holie Church because the Apostle in the 5. to the Ephesians doth most clearly teach that the holie Church is the espoused of Christ Notwithstanding all that is here spoken of her in this Psalme maie alsoe bee fitly applied to euery perfect soule and principally to the Blessed Virgin who although she bee the Mother of Christ according to the flesh is neuerthelesse the espoused of Christ according to the spirit and amongst the members of the holie Church is deseruedly alotted vnto her the cheifest place of dignitie which is the reason that this Psalme is appointed to bee song in all her feasts and in the feasts of the other holie virgins The title and argument of the 45. Psalme and fift in the Nocturne Office VNto the end to the Sonnes of Chore A Psalme directing to the end which is Christ to the faithfull who shall imitate Christ crucified For secrets for hidden mysteries which shall bee reueiled in the later daies This Psalme is fitly placed next to the former for in the former was foretold the exaltation of the holie Church by the spirituall nuptialls with Christ our Lord in this is foreshewed the persecution which shall happen vnto her after the departure of her beloued spouse vnto his heauenly Kingdome her deliuery from those afflictions which shall principally come to passe towards the end of the world The exposition of this Psalme OVr Lord is à refuge vnto vs when we are inforced to fly persecution and strength when we tollerate it and in both flying and tollerating he is an helper and comforter in tribulations which haue found vs exeeedingly which haue happened vnto vs aboue measure Therefore will wee not feare when the earth shall bee troubled although the earth bee wonderfully shaken and mountaines transported into the heart or middest of the sea with great violence Or thus therefore we that hane placed our confidence in God will not feare when earthly men who haue had their affections wholly bent vpon terrene transitory things shall tremble with great horror in the daie of iudgement and the proud and mightie men of the world shall bee throwne into the very depth and middest of hell Or thus as being the words of the Primitiue Church hauing placed her hope in our Lord Iesus Christ Therefore we will not feare with à carnall humane and inordinate feare when the land of Iuda or the people of the Iewes shall bee troubled labouring in vaine to extirpate the young plants of Christ and blot out the memory of him in mens hearts neither will we then feare when the Apostles and disciples of Christ shall bee inforced to leaue Iewrie and passe to the Gentils inhabiting the middest of the earth Their waters haue sounded the clamours false accusations of the Iewes and Gentils haue sounded before the tribunalls of the Presidents Kings whither they haue conuented the disciples of Christ and were troubled to behold that they laboured in vaine to hinder the propagation of the Christian faith the mountaines were troubled the high Priests and the Princes and Potentates of the earth were moued some to impatience and persecution and others to Pennance and imitation in his strength beholding his diuine power in whose name the Apostles wrought wonderfull signes and miracles for confirmation of the doctrine which they promulgated The two following verses are expounded diues waies and first of the Militant Church The violence of the riuer the fountaine of sacred Baptisme maketh the militant Church the Citty of God ioyfull with spirituall gladnesse The highest God who alone can make cleane him that is conceiued of vncleane seed hath sanctified his tabernacle the Church of the elect or the elect themselues who according to the Apostle are the temple of the liuing God in whome he will dwell walke God is in the middest thereof of the foresaied temple as à strong pillar sustaining it on all sides who saieth of himself that VVhere there bee two or three gathered Math. 18. together in his name there he is in the middest of them It shall not bee moued the holie Church shall not faile in her faith nor bee suppressed or ouerwhelmed by tentation and tribulation because God will help it in the morning presently soe soone as she shall call vpon him for aide early in the spirituall Aurora to wit in the instant of infusion of grace or illumination of the holie Ghost Secondly they are
our Lord by their voice that would be verified on the part of the vicked man which Isaie the Prophet writeth This people Isaie 29. honoreth me with their lipps but the heart is farre from me The argument and diuision of the Inuitatorie Psalme which is the 94. in number THe Prophet doth inuito all men that loue God to come and reioyce and praise our Lord with him Secondly he assigneth diuers reasons to moue them thereunto Lastly he exhorteth them that when soeuer or in what manner soeuer God almightie shall be pleased to reueale his will vnto them that they giue diligent attention thereunto and put it in execution without delay least being disobedient to his holie inspirations they receaue the same sentence with our fore fathers in the desert where of Six hundred thousand men fit to beare armes onely two vdzt Iosue and Caleb did enter to possesse the land of promise The explication of the Inuitatorie Psalme COme all you that beleeue in the true God in what part of the world soeuer you reside come in spirit by the feete of your affections Let vs reioyce not as vaine worldlings doe whose greatest delights end in sadnesse but To our Lord the Creator and conseruer of vs all Let vs make iubilation to God our Sauiour let vs expresse with our voice to God our protector our Sauiour and tower of refuge what we conceiue towards him in our hearts but want words to explaine Let vs preuent his face in confession Let vs hasten by thanksgiuing and attributing all our good vnto him to preuent him least he come and taking vs vnprouided to receiue him doe iustly taxe vs with neglect and slothfull ingratitude Let vs vpon the first touch of his diuine grace accuse ourselues condemne the euill we haue done that when he shall come he maie find something to approue and like well of but nothing to condemne or cause his displeasure And in Psalmes let vs make iubilation t● him and in spirituall songs let vs expresse our intime thoughts and affections Let vs doe this first Because our Lord is à great God not like the Gods of the Gentils which are framed of gold and siluer by the hands of men hau●ng mouthes and cannot speake eares and cannot heare feete and cannot walke but God who is of himself from all eternitie and who is soe great à God that he maketh Gods not Gods by nature but by grace for he hath giuen power to those that beleeue in his name to be the Sonnes of God And he is alsoe à great King aboue all Gods for he exerciseth acts of soueraignitie not onely ouer all the former false Gods and those that are Gods by grace but alsoe ouer all Kings Princes and Iudges of the earth who are called Gods by participation of his diuine authoritie Our God infinitly surpasseth all these denominatiue Gods in greatnesse and therefore with good reason ought we to make iubilation vnto him as alsoe Because he repelleth not his people although he seeme to be angrie with them for à tyme pern●tting great afflictions to fall vpon them and seeming to neglect their petitions when they call to him for releife for indeed he is soe benigne and mercifull that he cannot vtterly abandon them or refuse to receiue them when they recurre vnto him by true contrition and confidence in his goodnes and clemencie but will conuert all to their benefitt Neuerthelesse he maie seeme since to haue repelled the Iewes who were then his sole elected People but indeed he hath not repelled any of them but such as would by noe meanes be wone for the residue being many thousands of both sexes who would harken to his voice were receiued to mercie by his onely Sonne Christ Iesus who was the angular stone that ioyned the two walls of the Iewes and Gentils in one The chaffe onely was repelled but the good corne laied vp in the graneries His dominion is not limited within the land of Israel but is extended to the vttermost confines of the earth Because in his hands in his power are the ends of the earth and he beholdeth the hights of the mountaines not onely the highest places of the earth but alsoe the Emperours Rulers of the earth These high mountaines for a tyme did oppose his Church and endeauour to roote out the Christian faith but shortly after they humbled themselues vnder his mightie hand Moreouer let vs reioyce to our Lord Because the sea is his and he made it and placed limitts thereunto which it shall not ouerpasse his hands formed the drie land and made it fit for habitation Come let vs adore fall downe before God for he regardeth those a farre of that are high in their owne conceits but he beholdeth the humble with a gracious aspect Come therefore with reuerence and submission all you whose sinns haue made you remote from God come with humble but yet firme confidence in his mercies Let vs weepe before our Lord that made vs Come securely for he will not contemne the worke of his hands which he hath formed to his owne image and similitude Since that we burne inwardly and are scorched with the conscience of our offences it is meet that with flouds of teares we seeke to extinguish those flames Alas such is our wretched state that we can blemish and defile the sacred image of God in our soules but we are altogether vnable to restore it to its primitiue luster and beautie with out the helpe of him that formed it Come therefore let vs humble ourselues in his presence and deplore the lamentable estate whereunto we haue brought ourselues through our manifold iniquities and then we maie be confident of pardon for he hath saied he will not despise an humble and contrite heart He is both willing to remitt all how exorbitant soeuer and powerfull to effect his will Because he is the Lord our God and we are his people and sheepe of his pasture In the text of the holie Bible the last part of this clause is placed in this order And we the people of his pasture and sheepe of his hands vpon which words S. Augustine in his explication of this Psalme saieth Behold how elegantly the Prophet hath changed the order of these words placing them as it were improperly that we might vnderstand those to be the sheepe which are the people For he saieth not the sheepe of his pasture and the people of his hands which might seeme to sute better with those words because sheepe doe properly belong to the pasture but he saieth the people of his pasture to shew thereby that the people are his sheepe for there are sheepe which we buye but not which we haue made He had saied before let vs fall downe before him that made vs and therefore he fitly tearmeth vs here the sheepe of his hands for noe man can make himself sheepe He maie buye sheepe or haue sheepe giuen him or maie come by them by
borne Church is explicated the grace of Baptisme is commended the benefits of God recounted the Incarnation of Christ is designed the faithfull are inuited to the consideration of the diuine workes the diuine power is openly declared à most sweet and paternall admonition is contained the magnificence of our Sauiour is set forth and finally the most excellent benefit of his holie Incarnation is repeated to shew that it cannot bee to oft remembred Let vs therefore endeauour to sing this Psalme with all feruour of deuotion beseeching almightie God in our hearts to bee our refuge and comfort in all our necessities both corporall and spirituall The title and argument of the 86. Psalme and 6. in The Nocturne Office TO the children of Chore to the faithfull imitators of Christ à Psalme of Canticle à Psalme containing spirituall ioy In this Psalme is sung the praise of the Cittie of Ierusalem by which noe doubt the Christian Church ought to bee vnderstood For although that which is saied in the beginning of the Psalme to wit That the foundations thereof are in the holie mountaines maie bee applied to the terrene Cittie of Ierusalem yet the rest to wit That the Babylonians Aegiptians and Tyrians are in it doth not squarre therewith But to the Church militant or triumphant all that is saied doth fitly agree The exposition of the Psalme THe foundations thereof The Prophet expresseth not the name of the thing whereunto the word thereof hath relation for the same reason as it maie seeme which moued S. Marie Magdalene to saie vnto him whome she supposed to bee the gardiner Sir if thou hast taken him away tell me where thou hast layed him c. O excessiue loue She beleeued noe mans minde could bee ignorant of him with whose feruent loue hers was filled and wholly possessed In like manner the Prophet in regard of the ardent loue he bore towards the holie Church doth not expresse the name thereof and yet the words following doe shew that he had relatiō thereunto as being the thing he foretold in his heart His words are these The foundations thereof to wit of the holie Church which I contemplate in spirit are collected and established in the holie mountaines in Christ the mount of mountaines principally and secondarily in the Apostles and Prophets who doe sustaine the spirituall fabricke of the Church according to that of the Apostle Other 1. Cor. 3. foundation noe man can laye beside that which is layed which is Christ Iesus and in another place Build vpon the foundation of Ephe. 2. the Apostles and Prophets Our Lord loueth the gates of this spirituall Sion our Lord accepteth and approueth of the Sacramēts vertues Exorcisme Catechisme Baptisme of the holie Church which are as it were the gates entrances into à spirituall life aboue the tabernacles of Iacob before or rather then the rites and ceremonies obserued by the children of Israell whilst they liued in tents and Pauilions In the Prophecy of Malachias God almightie doth seeme to dislike and reiect the Synagogue and her manner of worship and to approue and gratefully accept of the Christian Church and the forme of seruice vsed therein I haue noe Malach. 1. will in you to wit the Synagogue saieth the Lord of hostes and gift I will not receiue of your hand But of the holie Church he saieth From the rising of the Sunne euen to the going downe great is my name among the Gentils and in euery place there is sacrificing there is offered to my name à cleane oblatiō Morally by Sion are vnderstood the speculators of celestiall things and by Iacob the supplanters of vices Our Lord therefore doth loue Sion to wit the vertues and good workes of contemplatiue men more or better then the tabernacles of Iacob to wit the inhabitants of the earth designed by Iacob who although they liue in the grace of God haue not as yet throughly mortified their coneupiscences and altogether subdued vice but haue need to combate daily against inordinate motions Nothwithstanding that these labour more then speculatiue perfect mē yet they merit à lesser guerdon or reward then they because their acts doe not proceede from such sincere perfect and feruent loue as the acts of contemplatiue persons neither doe they operate soe readily peaceably sweetly and delightfully as contemplatiues and speaking absolutely by how much the more readily quietly delightfully any man doth execute the worke of God by soe much the more doth he merit Glorious things are saied of thee ô Citty of God not onely of the triumphant Church but alsoe of the militant to wit that the Sonne of God shall visite her in person and that all nations tribes and peoples shall flocke vnto her from all parts of the earth and make suite to be admitted to inhabite within her walls which is insinuated by the words that follow I will bee mindfull of Raab and Babylon knowing me Raab in this place is not the proper name of that woman who hid the messengers of Iosue but according to S. Ierome it is here an apellatiue name designing as à propertie pride or proud whereby are designed the Pagans giuen to idolatrie and rebellious to God and Babylon is by interpretation confusion The sense therefore of these words seemeth to bee I will bee mindfull by shewing mercie of Raab and Babylon to wit of the proud Gentils and of those that liue in the confusion of sinnes knowing me by faith after I am soe mindfull of them This our Lord performed sending his Apostles to the whole world of whome S. Simon and Iude preached the Gospell to the Babylonians and conuerted the greatest part of them to the faith of Christ Behold the forreiners the Philisthians and Tyre and the people of the Aethiopians these were there to wit in the Citty of Christ These nations are here expressed by name because they bordered vpon the land of Iuda and did first embrace the Christian faith yet by them are designed all the infidels of the whole world which came o● shall come to ioyne in vnion of faith with the holie Church Shall it not bee saied of Sion Man and man is borne in her and the highest himselfe founded her As if he should saie yes it shall bee saied of Sion that many men or almost euery man shall bee regenerated in her by the Sacrament of Baptisme and that God founded her These words are otherwaies deliuered by very many of the most learned and auncient Fathers as followeth Shall not man saie to Sion and man is borne in her and he the most high hath founded her As if the Prophet had saied Yes verily Man shall saie to Sion to wit to the holie Church as followeth and Man is borne in her Christ God and man is borne of the B. Virgin the most worthy member in the Church and he to wit Christ our Lord soe borne in the Church according to his humane nature being the most high according to his
stealth but our Lord made vs wherefore we are the people of his pasture and sheepe of his hands which he of his ineffable goodnes hath vouchsafed to make vnto himselfe Our Sauiour saieth My sheepe heare my Ioh. 10. voice If therefore you will be his sheepe To daie that is euery daie whilest it is saied to daie for the daie here mentioned shall endure vntill tyme shall cease If you shall heare his voice that is come to know his will either by the lawfull preachers of his holie word or by reading the holie Scriptures or the writings of the holie Fathers or by his interiour motion or otherwise in what manner soeuer he shall please to manifest his will vnto you Doe not harden your hearts be not disobedient to his gracious inuitation and call but receiue it thankfully and put it in execution without delaie The Hebr. 4. Apostle did exhort the Hebrews by these words to embrace the doctrine of Christ shewing that the daie was then come whereof the Prophet spake soe many yeares before For sa●eth he if Iesus that is Iosue had giuen them rest the Prophet would not haue mentioned another daie In tymes past our Lord spake vnto his people by the mouth of Moyses and other his holie Prophets but now in the law of grace by his onely Sonne Christ Iesus Let vs therefore mollifie our hearts let vs not be As in the prouocation according to the daie of the tentation in the desert at the waters of contradiction and other places in the desert VVhere our Lord saieth your fathers tempted me proued me and saw my workes They doubted in their hearts whether I we●e of power to giue them food defend them from their enemies and bring them to the land of Promise but they experienced me by my wonderfull workes to be the onely true God What should moue my people to be soe incredulous and obdurate What could I haue done more to shew my loue vnto them then that I haue done I brought them from Aegipt where they were oppressed I dried à passadge in the red Sea that they might passe without difficultie drowned their enemies in their sight I went before them in forme of à clowde by daie and like à piller of fier by night I fed them with Manna for Fortie yeares space in all which tyme neither the garments they wore nor their shooes were the worse for wearing Fortie yeares was I nigh to this generation guiding them teaching them working wonders amongst them and experiencing alwaies to winne their hearts And saied by my Angel to Moyses by him to them These alwaies erre in heart They erre not through ignorance they know what they ought to beleeue what they maie lawfully desire and what to doe to please me but they will not know I haue often instructed them in my waies by my seruant Moyses But they haue not knowne my waies that is they haue disliked would not approoue of my waies and therefore all remedies fayling I haue sworne to them in my wrath We must not conceiue by these words that the passion of anger is in God but onely that he swore to proceed to punish them as if he had been possessed with anger and wrath against them for S. Thomas saieth Anger is attributed to God metaphorically If they shall enter into my rest that is into the land of Promise I will cease to be that I am as I liue they shall not enter for their incredulitie These oathes are vertually included in the former words which doe seeme to be spoken by the figure Aposiopesis wherein something is not formally expressed which yet is vertually included in the sense of the words By the place of rest here mentioned is signified eternall happines for the land of Promise was à figure of the celestiall countrie It is not here expressed who shall enter into that rest but in the booke of Numbers we read that our Lord Num 14. saied My seruant Caleb who being of another spirit hath followed me him will I bring into this land and Iosue and the litle ones whome they saied should be à prey to the enemies By Iosue and Caleb maie be vnderstood the small number of the Iewes who filled with the spirit of God did follow the doctrine of our Sauiour and by the multitude of those litle ones the fulnes of the conuersion of the Gentils whome the holie Church brought forth in the last age litle ones indeed because they entred by the gate of humilitie The Apostle speaking of the Rome 11. Gentils saieth that they were wild oliues were taken and grafted in some of the oline branches wich were broken and soe made partakers of the roote and fatnesse of the oliue The faithfull therefore of the Iewes w●ich are signified by the boughes of that oliue which were not broken all true Christians who shall perseuer in the vnion of the Catholike Apostolicall doctrine who are ment by the wild oliues which were inserted into the oliue tree these shall enter into that place of rest We hope alsoe that those broken branches shall againe be reunited to the naturall oliue towards the end of the world Beho●d à Psalme full of ioye and sweetnes à Psalme apt to inflame à pious soule with the fier of the holie Ghost It importeth vs to sing or recite it in the beginning of the morning office with all attention and spirituall feruour that soe by beginning the worke of God with ardour we maie passe the rest of the daie with profitt Let vs therefore doe that whereunto we are inuited in this present Psalme and when we rise to the morning office let vs beginne with couradge and alacritie let vs banish from our hearts all vaine thoughts impertinent fansies let vs carefully busie our hearts with God alōe saying to ourselues in our interiour or to such as are present Come let vs exult to our Lord c. and with à recollected and amorous mind let vs put in practise those most noble acts whereunto this Psalme doth inuite vs which are these that follow vdzt To exult and make iubilation to our Lord To preuent ●is face in confession of praise and confession of our sinns with teares of contrition To fall downe before him and adore our maker VVhat is vnderstood by Hymnes Psalmes and Canticles AFter the Inuitatorie Psalme followeth an Hymne by which is signified that the mind being now inflamed with the diuine loue cannot containe it self any longer but must needs breake forth into à more sweete expression of its interiour affections An Hymne maie be thus defined an Hymne is à Poeme declaring certaine workes of God benefits shewed towards mankind or thus An Hymne is à Poeme recounting the vertues and praise worthy actions of the holie Saints or exhorting vs to amēd our liues The vse of Hymnes is most auncient S. Ierome affirmeth that all the Psalmes of Dauid before or after which Alleluia is placed are
The Canticles of the old Testament might not bee song but onely in the land of Promise but such new songs as these of the new Testament maie bee song by all the inhabitants of the earth and therefore Sing to our Lord all the earth this new and most sweet song That for the excessiue Charitie Ephes 2. wherewith God the Father hath loued vs he hath sent his onely Sonne into the world Sing ye to our Lord and blesse his name praise him and recount his wonderfull benefits with iubilation of heart saying See what manner of Charitie the Father hath 1. Io● 3. giuen vs that we should bee named and bee the Sonnes of God Such sweete sentences as these are called à new song not onely in regard of the newnesse of tyme but alsoe in respect of the new and fresh deuotion of the mynd and for that they ought to bee song by renewed men in whome vaine and dishonest loue raigneth not any more but true Charitie Let vs therefore reforme the affections of our heart and out of the feruent loue we beare towards our Sauiour seeke for and inuent new songs in his praise according to the grace and internall light that God hath giuen vs as the fond louers of the world doe compose songs of him or her whome they loue carnally Shew forth his saluation praise ye and di●ulge ye Christ by whome in whome God the Father doth saue vs from daie to daie euery daie for as daie doth succeed to daie without ceasing soe it is meet that praise should succeed to praise O all ye Apostles and Disciples of our Lord and all others whosoeuer their lawfull successors that haue the zeale of the diuine honour and brotherly charitie Shew forth his glorie among the Gentils which shall bee conuerted that they may beleeue and to those that are already conuerted that they maie encrease in loue and shew forth his maruelous workes in all peoples his creation of the world Redemption of mankind sending of the holie Ghost all other his wonderfull workes It is most meet that ye doe this Because our Lord is great and exceeding laudable He is an infinite and immense goodnes and he is as laudable as good therefore cannot bee sufficiently praised by any creature he is terrible aboue all Gods more to bee feared then all those which the Gentils did adore as Gods Almightie God in himselfe is all sweet benigne and louely for as S. Iohn affirmeth 1. Ioh. 4. God is charitie Yet he is saied to bee terrible in regard that he is as it were constrained to seeme soe to proud stubborne and disobedient people who will not bee wonne by lenitie and sweetnes Moreouer he is saied to bee terrible because it is more greeuous to bee separated from him then from all the creatures or delightfull things in the world as alsoe for that none can inflict soe cruell torments as he can whence is that of the Euangelist Feare not them that kill the Math. 10. body and are not able to kill the soule but rather feare him that can destroy both soule and body into hell For all which reasons it is manifest that he is more to bee feared then the Gods of the Gentils as alsoe Because all the Gods of the Gentils are Diuels reprobate Angels who for their pride and disobedience were throwne downe by him from heauen and cannot hurt vs further then he shall please to permit but our Lord made the heauens It is generally knowne that many of the Gentils did worship certaine wicked men for Gods to wit Saturne Iupiter Mercury Priapus c. and that many others did adore the Sunne Moone Starres fire water and the beasts of the earth as S. Paul doth infinuate to the Romans How then can all the Gods of the Gentils bee saied to bee diuels To which maie be answered that those wicked men are called diuels by participation of diuellish wickednesse like as some men are called Angels by participation of Angelicall dignitie and office as S. Iohn calleth the Pastors or Apoc. 2. Bishops of the Seauen Churches in Asia Angels and the Prophet Malachias calleth Malach. 2. à Priest the Angell of the Lord of hostes as concerning the other things which were adored for Gods although they were not diuels yet because those that exhibited worship vnto them beleeuing certaine deities to bee in them did by such their worship serue the diuels therefore it is that all the Gods of the Gentils are saied to bee diuels and the things that are immolated to them to bee immolated to diuels Confession and beautie in his fight holinesse and magnificence in his sanctification This verse is expounded by the holie Fathers fower seuerall waies and in effect as followeth First that in contemplating God is seene all beautie and matter of praise holinesse and magnificence in his sanctuary Secondly that praise and puritie is exercised in his presence holinesse and diuine worship in his sanctuary Thirdly that praise is sung to God by his Saints in heauen for the beautie which they behold in him who is indeed the fountaine of all sanctitie puritie glory and Maiestie as is acknowledged by those blessed spirits of whome consisteth the triumphant Church wherein he doth manifest this his beautie which is here tearmed his sanctification or is sanctuary Fowerthly that in those whome God almighty is graciously pleased to behold with the eies of his mercie this his sight causeth remorse of conscience and confession or acknowledgement of their faults by which meanes they attaine to interiour beautie and puritie of heart Bring ye to our Lord ye families of Gentils bring ye to our Lord glorie and honour bring ye to our Lord glorie vnto his name The Prophet repeateth here Bring ye to our Lord three tymes and endeth with glorie to his name as in the beginning of the Psalme he repeated thrice Sing ye to our Lord ending with blesse his name thereby as the holie Fathers doe note obscurely insinuating the most high mistery of the B. Trinitie which afterwards in the new testament was to bee diuulged more clearely Take ye vp hoastes bring with you gifts and sacrifices not such bloudy sacrifices as are now offred in the Temple but such as the Apostles and their successors shall teach you to offer to wit the sacrifice of à contrite heart confession of sinnes praier fasting almesdeeds and the like according to that of S. Peter Bee ye Epist 1. c. 2. à holie priesthood to offer spirituall hoastes acceptable to God by Iesus Christ And enter into his courtes into the Catholike Churches and other places deputed to the diuine worship and especially into the Temple of your hearts descending into your interiour and there praising and adoring God within you by contemplation loue and watchfull custody of your senses for The temple of God is holie 1. Cor. 3. which you are Adore ye our Lord in his holie courts adore ye in his
materiall temple to wit in the house of Praier yet much rather in his immateriall temple to wit the mynd or spirit for our Sauiour saieth God is à spirit and they that adore Ioh. 4. him must adore in spirit and veritie and in another place VVhen thou shalt praie enter Math. 6. into thy chamber and hauing shut the dore praie to thy Father in secret to wit with à setled and recollected mynd Let all the earth bee moued before his face let all the inhabitants of the earth bee moued to chast loue admiration and obedience and bee auerted from their bad waies and conuerted to God attending the benigne presence and sweet Maiestie of Christ Saie ye ô ye Apostles and ye that shall succeed them vnto the Gentils to whose conuersion and information ye are sent that our Lord hath reigned in the whole vniuerse and especially in the hearts of the faithfull by faith and Charitie Concerning which you are to note that God hath raigned in heauen and earth by his omnipotency euen from the beginning but his spirituall Kingdome in the hearts of men where he raigneth by faith beganne not especially in the hearts of the Gentils vntill the cōming of our Sauiour who by his passion and death dispossessed and cast forth the diuell as maie bee gathered by these words of our Lord Now the Prince of the world Ioh. 12. shall bee cast forth and I if I bee exalted from the earth will draw all things to myselfe S. Augustine and diuers others of the auncient Fathers doe read the last part of this verse as followeth Our Lord hath reigned from the wood to wit from the holie Crosse whereon he redeemed the world Which words of the wood were aunciently in the interpretation of the 72. Interpreters and haue been raced out by the Hebrews as S. Iustine affirmeth which notwithstanding Fortunatus hath placed them in the Hymne which is sung by the holie Church in Passion weeke The Prophet sheweth here by the effect that our Lord hath raigned because he hath exercised his regall power For he hath corrected the round world which shall not bee moued he hath conuerted the vniuersall Church spread and di●ated through the whole world from Idolatry and vice by his owne increpation and reprehension according to that of the Prophet He stroke the earth with the rod of Isa 11. his mouth c. as alsoe by the preaching of his disciples and other seruants and hath established it soe firmely that notwithstanding it shall bee soie shaken by the tempests and whirlwinds of tribulation and tentation yet shall it not bee moued in whole whilst the world shall indure He will iudge peoples in equitie The iudgement here mentioned is the iudgement wherewith our Sauiour iudged in his first comming to wit the iudgement of discretion or seuering one from another mercifully calling some to faith and grace and iustly forsaking others which discretion was altogether most iust notwithstanding that our weake iudgements are not able to comprehend the reason thereof Let the heauens bee glad and the earth reioyce the Sea bee moued and the fulnesse thereof to wit all therein contained the fields shall bee glad and all things that are in them What is spiritually vnderstood by these hath been sufficiently declared in the precedent Psalmes Then shall the trees of the woods reioyce before the face of our Lord because he cometh because he cometh to iudge the earth By this repetition of be cometh is insinuated the two commings of Christ in both which the Prophet inuiteth all creatures to reioyce in his first comming because he came then in the forme and shape of à man and sought to winne all hearts vnto him by his sweet benigne conuersation consecrating and disposing all things towards their perfection and the end for which they were created and in his second comming alsoe because he will come to refine and renew and constitute them in such perfectiō that they shall remaine for eternitie He will iudge the round world in equitie to wit without respect of persons and peoples in his truth to wit in iustice rendring to euery one according to his workes Tha title and argument of the Psalme and 8. in the Nocturne Office TO this Dauid when his land was restored to him For that there is noe mention at all made in this Psalme of King Dauids recouery of his Kingdome which Absalon had taken from him the expositors thereof doe generally agree that King Dauid vpon occasion of the recouery of his land being inspired by the holie Ghost did sing the restoring of the Kingdome of Christ in the hearts of all mākind which the diuell had vsurped by fraudulently inducing our first parents to transgresse Gods commandement and had withheld from him vntill he by his painefull death vpon the Crosse vanquished that tyrant and obtained all power in heauen and vpon earth In the first verse the Prophet speaketh of this saied restoring of Christ our Sauiours Kingdome vnto him to wit al mankind or the Church of the elect according to that Aske of me and I will giue thee the Gentils Psal 2. for thy inheritance and thy possession the ends of the earth but in the rest of the Psalme he describeth the dreadfull comming of Christ to the generall Iudgement when his Kingdome shall bee established in such sort that it remaine for euer The exposition of the Psalme OVr Lord of whome it is saied in the Apoc. 19. Apocalipse That he hath in his garment and in his thigh written King of Kings and Lord of Lords from the tyme of his glorious Resurrection hath reigned in the militant Church or in the hearts of his elect wherefore let all the earth reioyce let all nations liuing vpon the continent or maine land congratulate him in this his regall dignitie and not onely they but alsoe let many Ilands bee glad let the inhabitants of great Britanie Ireland Cyprus Sicilie all other Ilands very many in number which shall bee conuerted make triumph and signes of ioy thereat for of these the Prophet Isaie saieth The Ilands shall expest his Isa 42. Ibidem law and againe They shall giue glorie to the Lord and shall declare his praise to the Ilands A cloud and mist shall appeare round about him when he shall come to iudge the world with much power and Maiestie that Infidels and reprobate Christians maie neither haue à cleare veiw of his glorified body with their externall eies nor of his diuinitie with their internall but onely some litle glimpse of his glorie to their greater confusion Iustice iudgement with mercy and iudgement seueritie of iustice shall bee the correction or supporters of his seate or the sentence of correction which shall proceed from his tribunall Iustice and iudgement according to S. Ierome is here saied to bee the correction of the seate of our Lord because the iudgements of God before he cometh to iudgement doe seeme somewhat imperfect in
abuse you I will voluntarily freely of my owne accord and with most ardent charitie sacrifice to thee offer vp my selfe vpon the Crosse to thee o eternall Father to regaine thine honour and reconcile man vnto thee as the Prophet Isaie foretold saying He was offered because himselfe Isa 55. Ioh. 10. would and as hee affirmed saying I am the good Pastor I yeeld my life for my sheepe and againe Noe man taketh away my life from me Ibid. but I yeeld it of my se●fe c. And will confesse to thy name with confession of praise because it is good essentially good pure perfect and infinite goodnesse as it is written One is good God who alone is Math. 19. most praise wor●hy for himselfe Christ our Sauiour in all his life did confesse to his eternall Father with confession of praise whence he saieth of himselfe I Ioh. 8. seeke not my owne glorie and againe The things that please God I doe alwaies I confesse vnto thee alsoe Because thou hast deliuered me out ●f tribulation in the daie of my resurrection when thou wilt raise-me to an impassible life whereof the Apostle maketh mention saying Christ risyng againe from the dead now dieth noe more death shall noe more haue dominion ouer him c. And myne eie hath looked downe vpon myne enemies I haue not feared them nor regarded their malice but haue remained constant and victorious in all conflicts Although Christ when his Passion approached did of his owne accord admitt some apprehension of feare yet he had not any inordinate feare but of his owne power when himselfe pleased did depose that feare he foe admitted and went bouldly to meete his enemies that ca●n to lay hands on him whence is that of the Prophet He is neare Isa 50. that iustifieth mee who is he that shall condeme mee Let vs stand together who is myne aduersarie Let him come Behold the Lord God my helper c. There are two causes for which we ought cheefly to praise almight is God The first is his goodnesse for which rea●ō our Sauiour saieth in the first place I will confesse to thy name because it is good The second cause is the exhibition of his benefits which is signified by those words Because thou hast deliuered me c It is more worthy and meritorious to praise honour and loue God in respect of his goodnesse then for his benefits because it proceedeth purely from the diuine charitie yet in imitation of our Sauiour we ought to praise and loue him for both respects Concerning the words in the 3. Verse to witt They haue not set God before their eies That man is truely saied not to set God before his eies who either doth not beleeue or if he doe doth not attend the diuine prou●dence who doth not feare the iudgements of God who cannot be withdrawne from committing sinne neither by the terror of paines nor the loue of reward but transgresseth the law of God without remorse and con●erseth without reuerence in the sight of ●●e eternall iudge who beholdeth allthings Ioh 15. Of such an one it is written Distresse shall compasse him as a King that is prepared to battle for ●e hath stretched out his hand against God and hath runne against him with necke vpright c. and in another place They subuerted their sense and declined their eies that they would not see heauen nor remember iust iudgements Behold here how great à fire of loue is contained in this short Psalme Let vs learne out of it to offer ardent praiers to God to haue recourse vnto him with confidence in all persecution and tentation to addresse our speech vnto him amorously confidently and faithfully to sacrifice ourselues vnto him promptly to praise and giue thankes vnto him in all occurrences ioyfully and to acknowledge his benefits gratefully The title and argument of the 84. Psalme and second in Prime VNto the end to the children of Chore à Psalme In the following Psalme the Prophet treateth of the captiuitie of mankind vnder the Prince of darknesse from which we are set free by Christ our Lord. In the three first verses he forerelleth our freedome from that thraldome and in the rest he praieth that this his Prophesie maie quickly bee fulfilled The reason why he expresseth things to come by words of the pretertense is because what vnto vs is future in the prescience and decree of almightie God is already done The explication of the Psalme O Lord th●● hast blessed thy land At length thine anger o Lord which thou didt● conceiue against mankind is appeased and in stead of the malediction which thou gauest after sinne to thy creature thou hast now brought a benediction and hast sanctified it by the comming of thy deare Sonne who must saue it Thou hast turned away the ●apti●itie of Iacob to witt the sentence of being eternally depriued of thy blessed S●cie●ie in heauen for originall sinne and the spirituall captiuitie whereby man was detained in thraldome by the deuill This captiuitie of Iacob to witt of thy elected people corporally or spiritually desce●ded from the Patriarke Iacob thou hast ●uerted from them Thou hast for giuen the iniquitie of thy people pardoning thy poore creatures as well the originall sinne where with they were defiled as all their other iniquities and chardging thy onely beloued sonne Christ Iesus with them according to that of the Prophet Isaie Our Lord hath put Isa 53 vpon him the iniquities of vs all c. Thou hast couered all their Sinnes vnder the mantle of thy infinite charitie by which thou hast gra●● iustified sinners Yet we must no● thinke to haue this thy iustification imputed vnto vs and to participate of the merits of the Passion of thy deare Sonne Christ Iesus vnlesse they be applied vnto vs in due manner by faith charitie and the Sacraments Thou hast m●●gated all thy wrath Indeed the meritorious satisfaction which our beloued Sauiour hath giuen thee in our behalfe hath soe fully appeased thy●e anger that thou hast conuerted the seuere reuenge of thy iustice into the mild effects of mercie Thou hast turned away from the wrath of thy indignation from the great reuenge of thy iustice Conuert vs o God our Sauiour and 〈◊〉 thy wrath from vs. Since thou art ●oe sweetly inclined to mercie on thy part bring to passe I beseech thee that we maie performe what is requisite on our part permitt not that the continuation of our wicked liues depriue vs of the benefit● of this vniuersall ransome but conuert vs totally vnto thee and thy seruice ô God our saluation O Iesus in whome alone lies our assurance our conuersion is in thy hands Hasten it benigne Lord for by this meanes thou wilt hinder that wee shall noe more prouoke thy iust indignation which we most humbly beseech thee to diuert from vs. VVilt thou be wrath with vs for euer subtracting thy helpe and grace for our demeritt or wilt thou extend thy
or industrie doth flourish not being sowed or cultiuated soe the wombe of the Virgin did flourish soe the inuiolate chast intire bowells of Marie brought forth the flower of eternall viriditie whose beautie and glorie shall neuer fade Yet least it might seeme impossible to any that à Virgin should bring forth Christ the Prophet sheweth the manner of his generation to witt that it is not effected by humane but diuine power For our Lord certes will giue benignitie to witt supernaturall fecunditie to the preelected Virgin and plenitude of grace as the Angell declared vnto her saying Haile full of grace our Lord is with thee c. And our land the blessed Virgin Marie our saluatrix and aduocatrix shall giue her fruit bring forth Christ our Lord of which fruit S. Elisabeth prophesied saying Blessed Luc. 1. is the fruit of thy wombe But in a spirituall sense our Lord will giue benignitie when as he filleth our hearts with grace giueth mercifull audience to our praier iustifierh vs gratis preuenteth the impious conserueth the iust and perfecteth proficients and our land giueth her fruit when as our body becometh obedient to the spirit and imploieth it selfe in pious exercises for then we fulfill that of the Apostle I beseech you exhibite your bodies à Rom. 12. liuing host pleasing to God Iustice shall walke b●f●re him Christ our B. Sauiour shall teac● nothing of Christ but what is iust and holie and shall set his stepps in the waie he shall accomplish in worke whatsoeuer he shall soe teach for à Doctor is then saied to set his steps in the waie when by liuing well he sheweth the doctrine to be true which he proposeth to others and is the waie to eternall life S. Augustine expoundeth these three last verses in effect as followeth Truth is risen out of the earth truth of confession of sinnes and the praise of God begane to arise through Christ out of the mouthes of terrene men and then Iustice hath looked downe from heauen that it might iustify them soe confessing their sinnes and rendring praise Yet this truth of confession of sinnes shall not arise out of the saied earth through the proper forces thereof but through the aide of the preuenting grace of God for it is our Lord that will giue benignitie who will make iustice shine in the hearts of sinners and by this meanes Our earth will giue her fruit Moreouer man soe iustified by the grace of Christ will alwaies haue iustice before his eies that he maie performe all things according to the rule of iustice and soe Iustice shall walke before him bearing the law of God before him as a torch that he maie not walke in darknesse and soe secure and ioyfull ●e shall set his stepps in the waie that he maie happily attaine to the celestiall countrey in the end What vnderstanding is able to conceiue much lesse expresse the dignitie and praise of this present Psalme wherein first the diuine benefits are most deuoutly called to remembrance and afterwards this most efficacious praier is annexed Conuert vs ô God our Sauiour Which verse is with good reason appointed to be saied at Compline against the darkenesse of the night the deceits of deuills and infinite necessities of man to the end that daie light then departing our mynd being conuerted to God maie bee illustrated on all sides with the light of grace and being abstracted from all sensible things maie bee immerged in the intelligible immutable and cheifest good least soe singular à grace should bee denied vs in regard of our sinnes it is most fitly added And auert thy wrath from vs Let vs therefore recite this verse especially at Compline with feruent affection and firme confidence In the following verses hope of obtaining mercie is inflamed and all pusillanimitie and diffidence is eradicated To conclude the verse Shew vs ô Lord thy mercie and giue vs thy saluation doth farre exceed in sententious sweetnesse all the delights of carnall things The title and argument of the 116. Psalme and last in Prime THe title is Alleluia fitly agreeing with the Psalme for therein the Prophet doth inuite all men both Iewes and Gentils to praise our Lord for the singular benefitt of the Incarnation of Christ for the accomplishing of what was foretold of him and for the conuersion of the Gentils Christ is the Corner Eph. 2. stone in whome the Gentils and Iewes are ioyned together constituting one Church wherein there is noe distinction of à Iewe and à Grecian for as the Apostle saieth In Iesus Christ neither Circumcision Galath 6. auaileth ought nor prepuce but à new creature Yet because there are more of the Gentils conuerted then of the Iewes the Prophet foreseeing this doth in the first place inuite them saying The explication of the Psalme PRaise our Lord all yee Gentils called to the faith praise him all yee peoples conuerted from Iudaisme Because his mercie is confirmed vpon vs the sweet effect of his diuine clemencie or his grace is more copiously then formerly conferred and roborated vpon the whole race of men by the comming of Christ And the truth of our Lord to witt the fulfilling of his promisses and the mysteries of Christ remaineth for euer in as much as concerneth the fruit acquired thereby that is the freedome of mankind of which truth S. Iohn maketh Ioh. 1. mention saying Veritie was made by Iesus Christ who fulfilled all that was foretold of him and therefore hanging vpon the Crosse saied It is consummate Or thus Ioh. 19. The truth of our Lord to witt the doctrine of Christ remaineth for euer as he himselfe witnessed saying Heauen and Luc. 21. earth shall passe but my words shall not passe Or finally thus The truth of our Lord Christ the Sonne of God who saied I am the veritie remaineth for euer which Iob. 14. the Iewes confessed saving to our Sauiour we haue heard out of the law that Christ abideth for euer This Psalme little in words but great in sense is exceedingly commended by the holie Doctors for it containeth summarily what is treated of at lardge in the rest of the Psalmes To bee briefe what can bee saied more delightfull to the Gentils almost destitute of hope or to such as are in miserie blindnesse and the state of perdition then this That the mercie of God is confirmed vpon vs Let this Psalme therefore be pronounced by vs with à certaine flame of holie deuotion The explication of the Chapter at Prime VVhat is she that cometh forth as Au●ora Cant. 6. rising To witt from her infancy wherein she begane to haue the vse of reason making incomparable progresse in à very short space preceding producing Christ the true daie of holie soules Faire as the Moone as the Moone next to the Sunne doth shine most resplendently in heauen and gouerneth the night soe the most illustrious Lady next to Christ our Sauiour the Sunne of Iustice
shineth most brightly aboue all others in the whole militant and triumphant Church and gouerneth the militant Church in an especiall manner which in respect of the triumphant is seated in darkenesse Neuerthelesse she is incomparably more beautifull then the Moone yea the Moone is saied to bee vnder her feete Apoca. 12. But she is faire as the Moone to witt as the holie Church for that the diuers graces and vertues which haue been here and there dispersed in many sundrie members thereof are collected exceedingly more perfect in her Elect as the Sunne Next after Christ as man she is acknowledged to bee the most eleganr and preelected as the Sunne is greater brighter and of more efficacie then the rest of the Planets and starres soe the most blessed Virgin next after Christ is greater in perfection brighter in wisdome and more efficacious in vertue then all the rest of the Saints as being Mother of the Sauiour of the world by whose meanes innumerable sinners are reduced to grace and saluation Terrible as an armie of à campe set in array In her was à well ordered and most harmonious connection of vertues à most excellent and singular constancie of perfection and by her Maternall authoritie she was constituted Empresse of the vniuerse and absolute Dominatrix of the aduerse powers The preamble to Tierce Sext and None THese three houres are often spoken of in the holie Scriptures expressely mentioned by the auncient Fathers and haue each one its proper mysteries which it representeth Tierce signifieth first Pilats sentence against our blessed Sauiour to the opprobrious death of the Crosse Secondly it representeth the comming of the holie Ghost at Pentecost Sext is in memorie of our blessed Sauiours exaltation vpon the Crosse and in imitation of S. Peter who is saied to Act. 1● haue ascended vnto the toppe of the house at that houre to praie None designeth our blessed Sauiours death and is in imitation of S. Peter and S. Iohn who went into the Temple to praie at the Ninth houre The Three houres space which is allotted for each of these three little houres hath relation to the blessed Trinitie as S. Cyprian affirmeth where he saieth That we obserue with the Prophet Daniel to praise the holie Trinitie thrice in the daie by these three Canonicall houres to euery one of which there is à Trinitie of houres and Psalmes alotted The title and argument of the 119. Psalme and first in Tierce THis Psalme and the fourteene immediatly following haue for their title A graduall Canticle not without reason for indeed they are repleat with affections towards God and proper for such as haue learnt by experience to esteeme themselues pilgrimes and banished men in the lands of their enemies sometymes lamenting the miseries of their exile sometymes sighing after the rest of the celestiall Ierusalem but euer exciting themselues to ascend and aduance forwards in the waie of our Lord. Theodoretus and Euthimius doe teach that these Canticles are to bee vnderstood according to the letter of the Ascension of the Iewes from Babylon vnto Ierusalem the holie Ghost foreshewing by the mouth of Dauid the calamitie of the Babylonian captiuitie and the ioy of their freedome But others doe rather hold that they were composed to bee sung by the Priests and Leuits in their ascension of the fifteene degrees or steps of the Temple of Salomon for that there were soe many steps not onely Nicolaus Liranus and other moderne authors but alsoe S. Augustine doth write in his treatise vpon the last Psalme There are saieth he soe many Psalmes which are tearmed Gradualls because there were the like number of degrees of the Temple Yet which soeuer of these opinions is to bee preferred it is certaine that they were figures of the ascension of the elect by the degrees of vertues whereof the Prophet speaketh in another Psalme saying They shall goe from vertue to vertue For by these degrees of vertues which are treated of in the saied Psalmes whereof the first is to depart from the vices of this world and tend by desire to the future world wee doe ascend from this vale of teares to the celestiall Ierusalem The sense therefore of the title is that This Psalme is à Graduall Canticle because according to the letter it was sung ascending to the Temple Yet spiritually it is called à Graduall Canticle to wit The exultation of the mynd for the spirituall progresse in vertue The explication of the Psalme VVhen I was in tribulation I cried to our Lord and he heard me When I haue seene my selfe opprest with afflictiōs troubles tentations I haue not done like those that murmure against God who when they are not able to secure themselues with their owne forces doe despaire and become obdurate rather to the contrarie I haue had recourse to my Lord most sweet and powerfull I haue cried with all my forces to present vnto him mine anguish he hath gratiously heard me O Lord deliuer my soule from vniust lips and from à deceitfull tongue Come ô my Lord for soe did I crie vnto him come and deliuer my poore soule from the assaults which are made against it by peruerse and blaspheming lips which with à shamelesse impudence doe blaspheme denie thyne authoritie thy care of created things and proper being Deliuer me from these Infidels Atheists and libertines and from heretikes alsoe that haue an honied flattering tongue hiding vnder à deceitfull language the pestilent venime wherewith they traitorously seduce simple soules The two verses following are expounded three seuerall waies First as being the words of the Prophet speaking to his owne soule VVhat maie bee giuen thee or what maie bee added vnto thee to à deceiptfull tongue O my soule what remedy canst thou excogitate what counsell or aide maie bee prescribed to arme thee that à deceiptfull tongue preuaile not against thee beleeue me the most present and soueraigne remedie I can imagine is The sharpe arrowes of the mightie to witt the all powerfull word of God more percing then à two edged sword with the coales of desolation together with the examples of the approued seruants of God burning with charitie who haue been conuerted from bad life to religious conuersation Make triall therefore of this for the knowledge of the holie Scriptures is very powerfull against à deceitfull tongue in such sort that we shall neither become fraudulent nor be defrauded or ouercome by impatience if we will seriously ponder how much à deceitfull tongue is reproued therein for it is written Cursed is the deceitfull and againe The Malach. 1. Psal 5. deceitfull man our Lord will abhor●e and in another place He that speaketh sophistically is odious in euery thing he shall be defrauded Grace is not giuen him of our Lord Ecclesiast 37. for he is defrauded of all wisdome The words of the sacred Scriptures are tearmed sharpe arrowes because they transfixe the heart with the wound of Charitie mortifie sinnes
of the highest the first begotten of all creatures Our Lord sware God the Father firmely promised and sealed it with an oath and it shall not repent him he shall not retract what he hath soe auerred for he hath well weighed all circumstances before he soe sware to witt that thou ô Christ as man art à Priest according to the order of Melchisedech The office of a Priest is to be à Mediator and aduocate betweene God and his people to offer their praiers vnto him to pacifie him and blesse them All which are found in Christ and therefore he is à Priest Of him it is written If any man shall sinne we 1. Ioh. 2. haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the iust and againe VVhen we were enemies Rom. 5. Ephes 2. we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne who by the Crosse killed the e●mities in himselfe Moreouer he is à Priest for euer according to that of the Apostle Christ for that he continueth for euer hath an Heb. 7. euerlasting priesthood whereby he is able to sa●e alsoe for euer going by himselfe to God alwaies liuing to make intercession for vs. Finally he is à Priest according to the order of Melchisedech First because as Melchisedech offered to almightie God bread and wine soe he did offer or giue to his disciples his body and bloud vnder the formes of bread and wine by conuerting the bread into his bodie and the wine into his bloud Secondly because as Melchisedech is affirmed to be with out Father Mother and genealogie not that he had none of these but because the holie Scriptures for some hidden reason doe passe them ouer in silence soe Christ is borne out of the naturall course of humane generation in heauen without à Mother and vpon earth without à Father and VVho shall declare his generation Isa 53. Hebr. 6. Whence the Apostle to Hebrewes saieth Iesus the precursor for vs is entred made à high Priest foreuer according to the order of Melchisedech Our Lord on thy right hand Christ our Lord sitting on thy right hand ô God the Father Hath broken kings in the daie of his wrath such as haue opposed his holie Doctrine and persecuted him in his members These he hath broken by depriuing some of the life of grace others of their corporall life alsoe and condemning many to hell fire He shall iudge in nations he shall iudge nations themselues in his first comming with the iudgement of discretion mercifully assisting some and iustly relinquishing others and in his Second comming with the iudgement of remuneration rendring to euerie one according to his workes as the Euangelist witnesseth saying The houre cometh wherein all that Ioh. 5. are in the graues shall heare his voice and they that haue done good things shall come forth into the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill into the resurrection of iudgement He shall fill ruines supplie humane defects in his first comming by infusion of grace into emptie hearts and enriching voide minds with spirituall benedictions and in his Second comming he shall fill ruines to witt of the Angels with them that are saued repairing the celestiall mansions made vacant by the fall of the rebellious spirits He shall crush the heads he shall humble the hearts in the land of many in many places and habitations of men For in euery land he hath humbled some hautie spirits and at the last iudgement he shall by the sentence of eternall death crush the heads in the land of many captaines and potent men reigning with much ambition in many lands according to that of the Prophet The Lord of hostes hath Isa 23. thought it that he might plucke downe the pride of all glorie and bring all the glorious of the earth to ignominie Of the torrent in the waie ●e shall drinke Christ in this world shall suffer paine tribulation and most bitter death of which torrent he spake to S. Iohn Iames saying Can you drinke of the cuppe that I shall drinke of Therefore he shall exalt the head he shall glorifie and erect himselfe by rising in à glorified bodie and ascending to the Father that he maie sitt with him as iudge and Lord of all for Christ as God raised exalted and glorified himselfe as man according to that I haue power to yeeld my life and I haue power Ioh. 10. to take it againe Behold here à Psalme short in words but infinite in sense In it the twofold nature and simple personalitie of Christ is shewed Moreouer in it the session of Christ on the right hād of his Father the deiection of his enemies the promulgation of the Christian faith and the coetermitie and consubstantialitie of the Father and the Sonne is described and finally in it is declared the Priesthood and iudiciarie power of Christ We ought therefore to sing this Psalme with much reuerence singular deuotion and profound contemplation in regard of the dignitie sweetnesse and sublimitie of the sense thereof The Title and Argument of the 112 Psalme and Second in Vespres THe title is Alleluia which fitly agreeth with the Psalme it being wholly composed in the praise of almightie God cheefly for that he being of such excellencie as therein is declared doth not despise poore abiect and simple soules but contrary to the proceeding of worldlie Potentates doth elect them for his peculiar friends aduance them to great honours and showre his singular benefits vpon them The explication of the Psalme PRaise our Lord yee children pure and innocent people of what age soeuer The Apostle doth exhort vs to become such children saying Bretheren be not made 1. Cor. 14 children in sense but in malice be children and in sense perfect and our Sauiour saieth Math. 18. vnlesse ye be conuerted and become as litle children you shall not enter into the Kingdome of heauen Praise the name of our Lord to witt his infinite power and g●orie or himselfe who is signified by his name Be the name of our Lord blessed from henceforth now for euer from this instant with out delay and for eternitie let his name be celebrated From the rising of the Sunne vnto the going downe From morning vntill euening or from the East to the West the name of our Lord is laudable is à subiect worthie of all praise Our Lord is high aboue all nations of greater dignitie and excellencie then all the generations of men according to that of the Prophet Isaie All nations as if Isa 40. they were not soe are they before him and they are reputed of him as nothing and à vaine thing c. And his glorie aboue the heauens aboue the celestiall cittizens VVho is as our Lord who maie be found of soe great Maiestie and sublime nature that he maie be paralelled with the Lord our God VVho dwelleth on high and beholdeth the low things in heauen and vpon earth the blessed Spirits who by the