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A72252 Philadelphus, or a defence of Brutes, and the Brutans history Written by R. H. Harvey, Richard, 1560-1623? 1593 (1593) STC 12913; ESTC S125405 54,281 112

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and in the Temple of Caerwin was he buried Bladud built a Temple in Caerbadon there Sisill was buried Bladud fell downe vpon the aultar of Apollo when his flying failed him Prophane places Ebranke built a Castle in Edenbrough The Caue of Elstrid built by Locrin. The bellies of beastes were the toombers of Madian and Memprise Places out of this Iland mentioned are Neerer vs Germany thence Elstrid was brought by Humber thence Ebranke brought great spoyles Gallia whence Ebranke got many riches there Aganip the husband of Cordeil was Ruler Leyr and Ferrex in their neede fled thither Farder from vs Latium in Italy whether Ebranke sent his 30. daughters Athens in Greece where Bladud was taught and schooled For the trauailes of Brute before hee came to vs pertaine not to vs in respect of the places or otherwise Till hee was of our Commonwealth he was not with vs but against vs. THE GENEALOGY OR ISSVE OF CLOTO CLoto Duke of Cornwall descending from Corin Great Brutes nephew began the second family of the Brutan kinges and begat Mulmucie Mulmucie begat two sonnes of Conwen his wife the first was Belin the second was Brenne a verie personable man yet hee left no knowne seede behinde him Belin begat Gurguint Gurguint begat Guintelin Guintelin begat Sisill the second of Martia his wife Sisill begat Kymar the second Kymar begat Elane Elane begat Morind of his concubine Tanguestela Morind begat 5. sonnes the first Gorboman the second Archigall the third Elidure the fourth Vigeny the fift Peridure which died without any naturall issue onely Elidure begat Gorboman the second These are the 14. Generations of Cloto in the kingdome of Locry which 14. onely are well registred and acknowledged as true heires in the succession of the Brutan Crowne There are differences of Houses aswel for number as for time but opinion destroieth nature often or else some families would last euer the force of education is mightie THE ARTES AND ACTES OF Cloto and the Clotoans are in their Vertues and Vices Their vertue or Iustice appeareth in Diuiding Mulmucy of all the kings was first crowned with gold hee founded the Temple of Troynew Belin the first brother possessed the first part and Bren the second inherited the second after that Bren fled out of this Iland and left no children Belin tooke his kingdome for his owne Elidure being a younger brother to Archigall gaue ouer the kingdome vnto him accounting it rightly Archigals good for his life time Peridure after the death of his elder brother Vigeny tooke the kingdome into his handes because Vigeny died without issue and ioyned his owne kingdome and this in one Rewarding Mulmucy made of his Temples priuiledged sanctuaries that none should die or suffer any violence in them his lawes which he writ approue his righteousnesse Belin repaired the olde Citties which other kinges had built aforetime hee offered sacrifices and giftes freely to the Gods and most solemnly thanked them for the victorie he got against Brenne and his Norwaies He ordained three archflamins in three Citties hee confirmed his fathers lawes Martia was generally allowed for Ruler and king of the realme euen in the dayes of her husband and her sonne because her gift in iudgement was most singular and vnmacheable Gorboman repaired all the Temples in his whole kingdome throughout Elidure was chosen king three sundry times for his vpright dealing in all cases That constant vertue is happy that findeth her friendes constant like herselfe Punishing Belin would not restore Brens kingdome vnto him because hee had lost it by falshoode and in triall of warre Belin would not deliuer Guilthdake the Danish intruder out of prison and send him home to his kingdome in Denmarke vntill hee had taken a most sure order for a yearely tribute in consideration of his present deliuery to bee payd to Belin and his heires for euer Gurguint when the Dane denyed hys yearely tribute plagued the Dane incessantly by fire and sword till hee agreed to pay him the yearely tribute which was lawfully due to the king of Brutanie Archigall was depriued of the kingdome by his subiectes for his wicked life When Morind had ouerthrowne the Mores that inuaded his land hee burnt them before his face because they had burnt in some partes of this Countrey Heere wee may well consider the Iustice of Heauen which slewe many of Brens souldiers and wounded him to death when hee had spoyled a Temple Their Vice or Iniustice appeared in Diuiding Archigall sought by all meanes to aduaunce base men and rude vassals whom hee fauoured most and to pull downe the great and rich men whom hee liked not so much as them Like will to like tyranny respecteth onely herselfe Peredure and Vigeny enuying the grace and glory of their brother Elidure made warre against him and tooke him prisoner and kept him in hold while they liued without any other reason but the vnreasonable power of forcible entry Punishing Kymar the second being hated of some vngratious and desperate subiectes was slaine by them most wrongfully the more vnhappy man hee that coulde not foresee Morind was of so violent and boisterous a nature that whosoeuer offended him should surely dye for his fault though it were but a small trespasse because hee was displeased Euery offence is not deadly no man liueth without offences but a Prince without patience doth euer most mischiefe Their Vertue or fortitude is seene in Peace at home Mulmucy built Blackwell Hall and Malmesbury hee beganne to cut and lay out 4. High-waies vniuersall to this Land he restored chiualry Belin built those 4. waies and finished them he built a Citie and a Hauen with faire gates in Troynew and a Tower Guintelin built a Cittie Gorboman the first built two Citties Peace abroad Bren built some Citties in Italy and repayred some Warre at home Mulmucy vanquished 4. great Dukes which warred with him for the crowne of this kingdome Belin ouerthrew Brens armies twise he took Guilthdake prisoner and those ships that were sent against the Land Morind slewe an Irish Sea Monster he destroyed a Duke of the Mores and hys men that arriued in this Iland to destroy it Warre abroad Belin and Bren sayled together with both their forces into Gallia and subdued it Bren sought afterward newe kingdomes abroad he vanquished great partes of Italy and sacked Rome it selfe he got infinite spoyles in Macedonia Gurguint sayled into Denmarke and forced the king there in his owne Land to yeald vnto him Reuenging Bren gathered himselfe an Army in Norway to recouer his kingdom of Belin thereby So he prouided for himselfe afterward in Armoricke against Belin vppon the same cause and for the like purpose Their Vice or extreme Fortitude is in Ambition Bren arose with all his powers against Belin to take from him his right Dominion if hee could Vigeny and Peredure conspired against Elidure and tooke his kingdome from him by open force Rage Bren threatned Belin with wordes of great defiance
if he had not his kingdome of him againe He spoyled the Temple of Macedonia in despite of all gouernment Pusillanimitie Elidure was content to bee taken and prisoned rather then giue any cause of bloudshed among his people by meanes of warre Their Vertue or Prudence is set forth in Writinges Mulmucy made many positiue lawes in his natiue language and caused them to be published that all men might read them for their direction and better aduisement Marcia a queene made many statutes to teach the subiects aright and easie way of morall life Right in respect of the crooked way and easie in respect of the loose and carelesse way which breedeth sorrowes Doinges Mulmucie fauoured all learned men of all kindes being minded to vse euery one in his mistery Belin fortified the late kingdome of his brother and now his owne kingdome with his owne souldiers and put out all Brens men for his sake and his owne safetie hee allowed his fathers lawes for his time lesse any man should obiectiuely quarrell with him Archigall seeing by dayly experience the dayly miseries of a wicked and inconsiderate life learned a new lesson and led his life orderly euer after Bren knowing his owne bodily beautie applied himselfe to that vaine and got goodwill by marrying great women in forraine Landes when he could not stay at home Belin was more carefull of his owne land then for outlandish goodes and returned from Gallia to Brutanie where his greatest charge was Their vice or folly is in Conceite or opinion Mulmucy dedicated a Temple to Apollo as if the dead man were wise and mightie Ignoraunce Elane ruled fondly and vnrulily Presumption Morind fought with a Sea monster and made no man of his counsell herein Improuidence Kymar was slaine by his enemies in time of hunting where they tooke him alone at a dead vantage The best Remedie against Follies Wichery is a tryall of all causes which belong to any effect Hee that can follow this Rule infallibly cannot be foyled in his Actions Their Vertue or Tēperance is known by Liberalitie Mulmucy accounting the Cittie and the Countrey two pillars of his kingdome priuiledged the waies which went to Citties and which were for plowes that the Cittizens and husbandmen of the land might be loued the more and better vsed for their immunities among themselues and with souldiers Bren gaue much treasure to his Noble Lordes in little Brutanie to winne their goodwill and wage battell with their helpe against Belin. A man alone is but halfe himselfe Marriage Bren married the Duke Elfinges daughter in Norway he married the dukes onely daughter of little Brutany and thereby was mightie in both places for fauour and power but I cannot tell certainly what became of his first wife he was an od man of wit and practise Concord Conwen the mother of Belin and Bren ioyned her two sonnes in one yea euen them two which was somewhat strange but what may not wordes do if they be well tempered and seasoned with true modestie when they were readie with their armies to ioyne in battell insomuch that straitwaies they ruled their former rages and went brotherly together against the common enemy Gurguint liued peaceably so did Guintelin so did Sisill the second so did Kymar the second so did Gorboman the second A sober heart maketh peace a drunken head strife Mercie Gurguint meeting with a Nauy of 30. strange shippes in the Scottish Seas and seeing plainly their extreame neede and hearing withall their pittifull Supplication gaue them his goodwill to dwell in Ireland and assured them of his good fauour so long as they liued well and neighbourly Elidure for his notable mildnesse and mercifull nature was named Meeke he heartily lamented his brother Archigals poore and wretched estate therefore he fayned himselfe sicke that by these meanes all his Noblemen and Lordes might come and visite him and at their being with him hee sued to them as it had been for his life That he might resigne his kingdom vnto Archigall Their Vice or Intemperance is known by Anger Morind was outragious alwaies and intollerable in his heate Maleuolence Archigall gaue himselfe to breede quarrels chiefly against his Noblemen and Rich-men Incontinency Bren being wounded to death in a tempest sent from the cloudes slew himselfe in a desperate rage Who can saue him whom God hateth It was wonderous that the Heauens should fight for Apollo I may thinke the Sprite of the Ayre was suffered to play this part to vpholde Apollonisme THE CHRONOLOGY OF Clotos offspring AFter the yeare of the worldes Creation 3480. there was ciuill Warre continually in this Iland for the space of 50. yeares in which time vainglorious Xerxes was weakened of the Greekes both by Sea and Land then the 12. Tables of Lawes were brought to Roome then Euripides was born then Esdras began to restore the Temple at Ierusalem Mulmucy began in the yeare 3530. and raigned 40. yeares in which time Bellum Peloponnesiacum began and ended then Socrates died violently by poyson malice Belin began in the yeare 3570. raigned 26. yeares in the first fiue yeares he and his brother Bren liued quietly together in this time Roome was taken of the Gauls now Aristotle was borne may the world be glad thereof Gurguint began in the yeare 3596. and raigned 19. yeares in this time Xenophons greeke History is ended now Alexander the great is borne to begin a peece of a new world Guintelin beganne 3615. and ruled 26. yeares in which time Plato dyed the more the pitie then Isocrates and Demosthenes plaied their partes with Philip then the Greeke Monarchy began to go on foote hereabout Buchanan begins his Scottish kinges 330. yeares before Christes Natiuitie Sisill began 3641. and ruled 7. yeares in this time Alexanders kingdoms were deuided betweene his worthies Kymar the second began 3648. and ruled 3. yeares in this time Cassander restoreth the Cittie Thebes the 20. yeare after Alexander destroyed it Elane began 3651. and raigned 9. yeares in this time Seleucus beganne his raigne in Syria and Demetrius deliuered Athens from the Macedonian yoke Morind began 3660. and raigned 8. yeares in this time Flauius a Secretary published the Ciuill Lawe which the high Priest onely knew aforetime Gorboman began 3668. and raigned 11. yeares in which time Decius the sonne deuoted himself to death for his Country Rome in the wars of the Samnites Archigall began 3679. and ruled 5. yeares in this time the Consul T. Coruncanus began first to professe the Ciuill Law now Pirrhus the Epyrote made warre with the Romans Elidure began 3684. and ruled 5. yeares in this time Ptolomeus Philadelphus entertained many learned and wise men Archigal began again 3689. and ruled 10. yeares Elidure began againe 3699. and ruled 2. yeares Vigeny and Peredure began 3701. and ruled 9. years in this time the 70. translated the Bible into greeke in this time the first Punick war beganne now Phalereus the Rhetorician now Theocritus the Poet now Euclides
called Caerlud by his owne name but Stenny would haue it keepe the olde name in honour of the predecessors and Troians from whom he came It is iustice both to respect our auncestors and iustice to consider our own glory This were a pretty question for discourse which name ought to take place and stand in force if it were well handled Diuiding and deposing Cassiuelan the 2. sonne of Hely was the Protectour and Gouernour of the Realme in the minoritie and nonage of Luds two sonnes hys two nephewes Kingdomes are too heauy for childrens shoulders Cassiuelan ordained a common sacrifice to God that gaue him the victory against the Romanes and a publicke feast to his Nobles that helped him in the battels deuised many pastimes in honour of God and men Tenancy was made king by the treasonable absence of his elder brother Androgy Euery one of these kings hath his right succession except Cassiuelan which vsurpeth Punishing and correcting Cassiuelan summoned Eueline to appeare before him the Councell to answere for the death of Hirelda When he could not preuaile with Androgy by faire meanes he made warre vpon him to plague him for his stubbornesse Ought Androgy to bee at his call a disputable matter of great vse Nature preferreth the kings son to the Crowne before the kings brother but Pollicie preferred Cassiuelan before Androgy a good man before a bad Their Vice or Iniustice is in Diuiding Cassiuelan appointed vnto Androgy the eldest sonne of Lud the Citty of Caerlud and the land of Kent and to Tenancy the younger sonne the Land of Cornewall and kept the kingdome from them though they were his elder brothers true sons and vsurped it himselfe by force He is not fit to be a Protector that is ambitious it is a wofull thing to be a childe among our enimies or amongst the enuious sectaries Reuenging Androgy being vnable of himselfe to withstand Cassiuelan sent letters to I. Caesar in Gallia and certified him that if he would come into Brutany he should be welcome when hee had gotten Caesars Army to set vppon Cassiuelan in the valley of Dorobernia or Canterbury and the fight had endured till both partes were almost weary he came vpon Cassiuelan with a fresh reply and put him to flight and thus he displeased the whole realme to please himself yet his owne hurt was neuer the lesse for making the misery of his Country greater But when Cassiuelan thought to punish Androgy he punished himselfe as much as him he did euen put fire to Brimstone and flaxe to the flame It was traiterously done of him to warre against his legitimate king and of Androgy to make his natiue Country subiect to outlandish Powers Their Vertue or Prudence is in Order Cassiuelan brought vp Androgy and Tenancy Princes sonnes princely in all points Cassiuelan considering that the two victories which he had gotten of the Romans concerned himselfe and all his Noblemen most specially caused an assembly of them to be made that in a generall meeting there might bee a generall thankesgiuing to God almighty and to one another for their seruices and actes done in the Field Nothing teacheth men more courage then a beleefe of heauenly assistance with an honourable remembrance of their vertues this way of harting men is chiefest Desire of knowledge Lucy seeking al means to make his people true and louing among themselues and hearing that Christians were without hatred and falshood desired to heare their religion and receiue their doctrine and sent two Noble schollers Eluane and Meduine to Eleuthery Bishop of Roome with letters desiring to be taught Christianitie Reformacion Lucy changed the three Archflamins and the 28. Flamins into three Archbishops and 28. Bishops he destroyed the Temple of Apollo in the Ile Thorney and made a Temple in honour of the Almighty God which we now call Westminster Discipline Lucy seeing that men were executed for disobeying the law because heerein they disobeyed God and that the kings pardon was not so much to be esteemed as a pardon from God and perceiuing the heartie and vnfained repentance of some offenders and knowing that God forgaue such men thought it no reason that such Penitents should be put to death but reserued to a better vse wherefore he ordained that if any man did offend by mischance and repent him or any one were oppressed and could not otherwise escape oppression then by appealing to Gods word that such men should get them into the Temple of God and ther approue themselues to be true godly men and so be safe both body and goods Their vice or folly is in Permission the Brutans forgetting the true title that Luds two sonnes had to the kingdom of their father and feeling the liberall gifts of Cassiuelan an vsurper suffered him to keep the Rule Key of all the Land and taught one another to disinherit one another by causelesse and deceitfull popularitie and flattery Hatred the Brutans could not agree vpon a king no not in fifteene yeares space when Lucy was dead though euery countrey must needs see one nearer the Crowne then another if they could aduise thēselues marke euery family in good māer They could not foresee the miseries of forrain Dominion they were blinded with malice selfewill among themselues Improuidence Cymbelin was brought vp in Roome both in contempt of all his own countrey learning in slauery to outlandish with Coil the second was brought vp in Roome as if hee were borne to serue Roome and not to serue Brutany Of the two extreames it is safer to haue our men vplandish then outlandish plain then perilous Deceit the Brutans set great long sharp stakes closely in the bankes where the Romanes should arriue and so troubled them extreamely in theyr landing a poore and pittifull inuention to slay and Host Their vertue or temperance is in Behauiour Lud was bountifull in housekeeping and by that means beloued generally Cimbelin with the moderate vsage of himselfe so pleased the Emperour that he loued him greatly and receiued manie good words and gifts from him if this were not intemperance to please an enemy Aruirage got into such fauour with Claudius the Emperor that he married his daughter Genissa if this were not incontinence to be linked with outlandish that was mightier then himselfe He was beloued of his subiectes for his vsage toward them in all cases Marius was of honourable demeanour euery way He accepted the pitition of the vanquished Pictes he allotted to them the fardest part of Albany afterward he gaue himselfe to the wealth of the realme Lucy was loued of all his subiectes for his good life hys loynes were in the cloudes and hys seed among the starres he had rather be a father in Morals then in Naturals such was his abstinence It may be Galaxias the milky bright way in heauen was made in honour of such men as Lucy was no meaner then a Saint Marriage the Brutans would not in any case ioyne their daughters
Orcades and the Ile of Wight how can they so fill it that it may not be well named of Diana a desart in comparison of the Cities and Kingdomes in other landes where she abode most The name of Gogmagog is no more monstrous then the name of Onosconcoleros nor Tentagol more vast and strange then Nabuchodonozor neither shall those Names preiudice the Historie more with vs then these Names haue done with other in the Historie of the Assyrians Thus I may verie iustly and reasonably maintaine and vphold the historie of Brute for anie thing that master Buchanan hath said against it Concerning Dioclesian and his daughters I haue willingly lost all that delight of reading and answering although I see euidently that this Historie which you account a tale may be defended for ought you haue alledged Yet master Buchanan taketh much vpon him and chargeth some bodie with impudencie and a lye and plaieth the Terrible schoolemaster and yet when he hath done his best and his worst it is not proued that 24. yeares were not sufficient for Brutes retinue and the inhabitantes of this land togither with other of their kindred that resorted hither and remained here to replenish the Country with men of War to erect three kingdomes to accomplish great Actes by sea and land Let him looke into the kingdomes of Grecia in olde time and he shall finde fewer men in a kingdome then Brute alone with his companie might raise in 24. yeares let him remember the huge kingdomes of three men Sem Ham and Iaphet let him consider that mightie Actions are not done by money and number but by industry and vertue let him proue eyther that this Generation of Brute cannot possibly be true or else cease to spend his time with opinions and likelihoodes that may be repelled with the like againe rusty Antiquities more reuerend then scoured Nouelties Yet we are not desirous that Brute should be our Conquerour we wish not subiection to him or anie other outlandish Nobleman we had rather winne the land that this Brute came from and subdue it vnder our feete but when Brutans haue published an Historie and allowed it a long time we would not haue a Scot so presumptuous as to controll it much lesse to reiect it as this one Scot hath done very rawly and vnaduisedly So I leaue you master Buchanan and wishe you to sacrifice vnto the wiser dimi-goddesse Palinodia TO HIS MOST LOVING BROther Master Gabriell Haruey Doctor of Lawes WHen I saw both how iestingly and seriously our Historie of Brute was reiected of some auncient and newe bookmen I tried their maruellous iestes and reasons and felt them too weake to moue me Now my Answere is on foot with their Reply I may iustly hold mine owne and stand on Brutes side against all challengers that are or will come I saye Puissant Brute is no fabulous Prince but a true example no counterfeit man but a corporall possessor of this Iland let them saye what they can With this minde I haue here taken one Essay of our Chronicles in the best historicall Methode that I could make out of the best Historiognomers I am sure any Historie is easier for memorie and readier for vse this way then any other way which I haue hitherto seene in other mens Collections Tables Directories or any such other inuentions yet as it is proofe so approue it or reproue it I am not wedded to myselfe nor tyed to any sect in the world but heartily wish euery man to take euerie thing as it is not as it is made of this and that scribler or pratler which can tell better howe to play the mocking Ape then the iust controller Almightie God defend you dayly and amend them one day you know my minde in all my matters and that I would those petite Momes had better manners the schollers head without moderation is like the merchantes purse pennilesse without all credite I desire that euerie student may smell as the Lillies of Salomon and that euerie wilde Lilly may be set in his Gardens I saye out Hemlocke out Bramble out Weedes and let the bloud of furious Aiax himselfe saith Ouid be turned into a pleasant herbe I write not this to flatter any that should seeke after me but to follow you good Brother in your last Letters in whose Example I euer yet dwelt and am like to dwell euen till my Soule shall dwell in the Commonwealth of Heauen I cannot bid you farewell in a better minde and in this respect I set me rest here I remember your counsell and beginne my Essaye 1592. the 14. of Iune Your louing brother R.H. AN ESSAY OR TASTE OF THE first part of our Brutan Chronicles The History of Brute and Brutans setteth forth Principally and antecedently their persons in them sheweth the geneallogy or issue which they had artes which they studied actes which they did This part of History is named Anthropology Accessorily and consequently the times when they beganne to Rule How long they ruled This part of History is named Chronology places in the Iland of Brutany This part of History is named Topography out of the Iland of Brutany This part of History is named Topography When a man is borne into the world he learneth some thing or other by learning he is brought to do somwhat but as all deeds are done in the compasse of a place so are they bounded with their beginning and ending THE GENEALOGY OR ISSVE of Brute BRute the first begat three sonnes of Innogen the first was Locrine the second Camber the third Albanact Locrine the eldest sonne begat Madian of Guendolin and Habren of Elstrid which had a skinne as cleere and white as Iuory or Lillies or Snow it selfe Madian begat Memprise Memprise begat Ebranke Ebranke a very goodly person among thousands and strong begat Brute the second and nineteene sonnes and thirtie daughters these fiftie children were borne vnto him of twentie women Brute the second begat Leyl Leyl begat Hurdibras Hurdibras begat Bladud Bladud begat Leyr Leyr begat three daughters the first was Gonorill the second Ragan the third Cordeil but left no sonne behind him Cordeil the youngest daughter as it came to passe succeeded hir father but Morgan and Conedag her two nephewes deposed her Conedag the sonne of Ragan being prouoked by Morgan the sonne of Gonoril his coosin german slew him in battell and ruled alone and begat Riuall Riuall begat Gurgust and Sisill Gurgusts brother succeeded Gurgust and Iago Sisils next kinsman succeeded Sisill and Kymer Iagoes brother succeeded Iago and begat Gorbodug Gorbodug begat Ferrex and Porrex of Wyden whose generations and issues are vnknown to vs as the issues of Ebranks nine and fortie children are not knowne very well nor the generations of Camber of Albanact of Morgan of Gurgust of Sisill and of Iago Thus the eighteene Rulers that came of Brute the first are come to an end as a tale that is tolde in sport or as a tree
loue hitherto for feare of Corin and not for liking Deceit by weapons Memprise slewe his manly brother Manlius by faithlesse craft to be out of his emulatiue danger and dangerous emulation Magicals Bladud dedicated his Bathes to Minerua a dead woman he taught Necromancy in all parts of his country he vndertooke to flie aloft in the ayre with deuised winges and meanes artificially and so fell downe inartificially and died sensibly neither could he become admirable this way as he hoped Wordes Leyr forgetting his Honour asked his three daughters a fond needlesse question as some vse to dally with young children and would forsooth heare of them that were women grown How much they loued him they might haue shewed on their finger Ignorance the Gyantes of this Iland being onely strong and wild men without any great forecast were subdued for want of arte and gouernment Sisill let all matters go and runne at auenture Iago had the same vile fault and died of a frensie as he liued with a megrim Their vertue fortitude is known by their Acts in Peace These honourable Rulers approoued their Princely magnificence and Philotimy in a braue maner Brute the first named this Iland Brutanie of his owne Noble and famous Name He built a fortunate Cittie by the Tems and called it Troy-new in perpetuall honour of his owne Countrey Ebranke built a faire Cittie in hys land Northward which he called Caerbranke after his owne name He built another Cittie with a Castle in Albany and called it Edenbrough in regard of his daughters Leyl built a Citie in this land Northward which he called Caerleyl by his own name Leyr built a Citie in the midst of his land and called it Caerleyr in respect of his owne name Thus they purchased their Glorie with heroicall expences and publicke actions profitably Then the vertuous subiectes shewed their excellent magnanimitie in good sorte They suffered not Madian to rule ouer them till hee was able to carry armour in the Field and lead an armie Duke Corin went to king Locrin with his ordinary battle Axe in his hand and behaued himselfe so manly and plainly with the king that he would not or durst not reiect Guendolin his spouse as he before had purposed Good warly rhetoricke Warre at home Those Dukes Maglan and Hennine suffred not their wiues king Leyrs two eldest daughters to be kept frō the Crowne by Cordeil the youngest daughter Locrin fought with Humber and flewe him in battle because he had slaine his younger brother Albanact the Prince and ruler of Albany Conedag and Morgan the sons of those two Dukes deposed euen Cordeil their aunt from hir vsurpation and royall gouernment Conedag defended his land against Morgan and put him to flight and slewe him and ioyned Morgans kingdome to his owne Guendolin the queene gathered an army against her husband Locrin the king and in their conflict he was slaine with an arrow abroad Ebranke got great victories and rich spoiles both in strange countries far off neere hand then returned home with his mony and men in safety ioy it is no lesse courage to get out of troble then to go through it This was their Fortitude in doing for their friends and vndoing their foes Their vice or extream fortitude is knowen by Couetous ambition Manly warred with his elder brother Memprise to depriue him of the kingdome accounting it his owne if he could win it Leyrs two sons in law Maglane and Hennine expelled him out of his land and vsurped his place a while no time to count of Morgan raised war against Conedag his coosin german with whom he liued neighbourly aforetime but now he aspired to Conedags kingdome Porrex made sodaine war vpon Ferrex his brother and put him to flight and slewe him to be ruler himselfe alone Audacious anger When the people might do what they would in the raigne of Sisill they being naturally giuen to fighting fell to ciuil war among themselues and spilt much innocent bloud Rage is blinde villanes somtime turne wars to their vile vses Pusillanimity or base idlenesse Leyl for want of a good heart coulde not rule his subiectes when he was olde Cordeyl being at her wits end despaired of her libertie and murdered her selfe in prison Gorbodug liued without any memorable act like an idiote or a verie swaine Sisill by continuall ease fell into many colde and phlegmaticke diseases and at last a lethargy made an end of him as hee sowed so hee reaped of a lasie life came a lothsome death Their vertue or Iustice is proued in Diuiding in the generations of the eighteene kings the Crown is euer iustly possessed either by the sons or by the brethren or by the next of the kings bloud except the next to king Leyr Brute the first deuided Brutany among his three sonnes the eldest had the best third the youngest the worst part the middle sonne the meane part not so good as the best nor so ill as the worst Ebranke built a Temple in Caerbrank and appoynted an archflamin to ouersee it Leyl built a Temple in Caerleyl and ordained a flamin to rule ouer it Hurdibras built Caerkent Caeruin and Caerpalladour for the benefit of the countrey and in euery of them he made a Temple Bladud built a Temple in his Citie Caerbadon which was made by him for theyr vse that kept the Bathes or came to them Conedag and Morgan the sonnes of two sisters parted Brutany betweene them and liued quietly So did Ferrex and Porrex two brethren for a time but the comedie became a tragedie Rewarding Brute the first gaue Cornewall to Corin his fellowsouldier for ouercomming Gogmagog the Gyant in wrastling Locrin bestowed the spoyles of Humbers armies vpō the souldiers that woon them in battell Cordeil welcomed her father Leyr most reuerently when he fled vnto her for succour and restored him to his kingdom Kymar kept his land in right frame and order by giuing all braue men that they truely deserued the chiefe pollicy with good natures Challenging Corin seeing changeable affections of Locrin charged him with a promise and contract made betweene him and Guendolin and vrged him so straitly and seuerely that hee made him content to stand to his word the rather for that good seruice which Corin did his father Brute Reuenging Locrin reuenged the death of Albanact his brother with the death of Humber Guendolin fought against her owne husband to plague him for his whoredome and other iniuries and prouided so well for her selfe that in the triall of their Cause hee was slaine and his whore drowned with her base daughter the fiery and deceitfull roote Baaras with the leafe Conedag and Morgan deposed Cordeil from the kingdom which she held from them a long time with some title by her father though insufficient seeing these were the sonnes of her eldest sisters Wyden with her waiting women chopped her sonne Porrex in peeces by night for killing his brother Ferrex without any iust cause
in wedlocke with the Pictes whom they knew to be barbarous Scythians by discent of bodies and consent of mindes and very vnfaithfull Their vice or intemperance is in Rashnesse Hirelda and Eueline two knightes in gaming fell to wrastling and in heate fell to wordes and in anger fell to blowes in rage fell to wounds and Hirelda was slaine in the tumult that arose by these meanes A gaming not so profitable as the death of a good knight is hurtfull in a realme Disobedience Eueline being sent for by the Protector Cassiuelan and the Councell departed from the Court with Androgy his kinsman and tooke no leaue of them Will is it selfe witlesse a stomacke without a heart maketh a man a swine Reuenge Aruirage vsed such meanes that he got Hammon the Romane who siue his brother Guinder guilefully and when he had him in his handes he caused him to be cut in peeces and threw him peece by peece into the Sea at South-hampton satisfying herein his insaciable anger for his brothers death and supposing vainly and madly that he killed Hamon so many times as he had peeces of him Their vertue or fortitude is in Glorious desire Hely called the Ile of Ely after hys name that he might be famous for euer Marius set vp a Colosse in remembrance of the victory he had of the Picts with Marij Victoria grauen in it a warly Register Magnificence Lud repaired olde Temples and Cities and built new He made walles about Troynew and called the West gate Ludgate in honour of hys owne name and then dwelt most there because he had built most there Aruirage road about the realme to renew the decayed Cities which the Romans defaced he built a Castle at Douer to strengthen that part of the Land against forraigne Powers Wordes When the Romanes thought to terrifie the Brutans by their letters these sent them word that as they must so they would defend their Countrey from all forces Aruirage being for his Noblenesse made the Emperours sonne in law and wishing to haue a memoriall of Claudius his queenes and wiues owne father called the Cittie where he married Claudiocestria or Glocester the rather to be free frō tribute in respect of his wife though he were free of himselfe by his vertue Victories Cassiuelan made the Romans flie to their ships at their first battell and at the second beware the third Desertes Cymbelin in his youth led so manly a life in Roome that the Emperour Augustus made him a knight there in his order of knightes Exercise Hirelda and Eueline two braue knightes wrastled openly at the Feast which was made after the victories against the Romanes Warre Guinder denied to pay tribute to the Romans chose rather to sight with them then yeald otherwise Aruirage did the like and when they came against him he made them flie from the southeast part of this Iland to the southwest there he draue them from Excester and Totnes within seuen daies made all well Marius staied the fire and sword of the Picts in Albany and slew their armies Deuise Aruirage seeing his brother Guinder dead took on him presently his armour and Princely cognisāce that the Brutans might not suspect their kings death and be discomforted then hee continued the battel so stedfastly and heartily that the Brutans were stirred vp to fight valiantly by his liuely example till they ouerthrew the Romans Their vice or extreme fortitude is in Bold rashnesse Stenny Cassiuelans brother in the wars against the Romans canne to I. Caesar and puld hys sword out of his hand and slew Labienus a tribune of the Romans therewith and was slaine Obscure glory When Stenny was dead he was buried at Caerlud and the sword which he puld from Caesar with his deaths wound was buried with him that it might be a remembrance of one venturous action euen in a hole Abasement Cassiuelan was tributary to Roome nine yeares Tenancy was too deligent in paying tribute to Rome euen 3000. pounds in gold Cimbelin hauing choice to pay or not to pay tribute forgat the slauery of the act and payd it Aruirage was perswaded by his wife to pay tribute when he had resisted the Romanes valiantly He should haue sent such a wife for the tribute vnto Roome from whence she came and kept the mony in his cofers for warres Coil saw in his poreblinde eyes that it was best to yeald to Roome and agreed to pay tribute Androgy departed to Roome with Caesar a mad and fickle courage THE TIMES OF THESE KINGS CApor began his raigne in the yeare of the world 3894. and raigned two yeares now Mithridates raised warres in Asia and Lucullus was sent against him Dinel began in the yeare 3894. and rule 4. yeares in this time Verres spoiled Sicilia three yeares together now Vergill the Poet was borne Hely beganne 3898. and raigned one yeare in this time Hortentius the Oratour flourished in Roome Lud began 3899. and rule 11. yeares in this time the Poet Horace was borne the conspiracie of Catiline was detected Ierusalem was taken of Pompey Caesar entered the wars in Gallia Cassiuelan began 3910. and rule 19. yeares in this time M. Crassus spoyled the Temple of Ierusalem the ciuill wars began betweene Caesar and Pompey Caesar corrected the Roman yeare Ouid the Poet was borne Tenancy began 3929. and raigned 23. yeares in this time Mecaenas liued the patrone of Horace Vergill and other learned men and gouerned Roome and Italy in the absence of Caesar Augustus so named for that reuerence was giuen him in a diuine maner now Vergill dyed Cymbelin began 3952. and raigned 35. yeares now Horace died the Angel Gabriel was sent to Zachary and Mary Christ was borne the 13. yeare of his raigne Onid and Liuy dyed Guinder began 3987. and ruled 28. yeares nowe Iohn-baptist preached and was slaine Christ taught the Iewes Paul was conuerted Iames was slaine Seneca was made Neroes teacher Aruirage began 4015. and ruled 30. yeares in this time Paul did most of his Actes Iames the lesse was stoned 70000. Romanes were slaine of the Brutans Paul was beheaded Peter crucified Seneca and Lucan bled to death Marius began 4045. and raigned 52. yeares in this time Iohn euangelist writ his Reuelation Plutark and Tacitus liued Timothy was stoned Dyonisius slaine with the sword Coil began 4097. and raigned 54. yeares now Ptolony and Galen liued the Christians by their praier got a strange victory of the Marcomanni and obtained a mighty great raigne from heauen now Lent was appointed by Telesphorus Lucy began 4151. and ruled 12. yeares in this time the Gospel was first preached in Brutany by Fugacius and Damianus Commodus would be called Hercules and Deus but was strangled of his owne man in Vestilians house So this Generation of Capor and the 11. Caporites ended in the yeare of the world 4163. and seeme to haue endured the times of 274. yeares in the kingdome of Brutanie THE PLACES IN THIS HISTORY The places are