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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65106 The works of Publius Virgilius Maro translated by John Ogilby.; Works. English. 1649 Virgil.; Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. 1649 (1649) Wing V608; ESTC R34729 215,167 464

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move at his Verse As mongst the Poplar shade in dolefull strains Rob'd of her young sad Philomel complains Whom scarce yet fleg'd some rustick having found Took from the nest but she doth woes resound Perch'd on a tree and the whole night laments Filling all places with her sad complaints No love nor other bed could him intice Alone he goes through Hyperborean ice And Tanais snow wandring through bitter coasts For ever wedded to Rhiphaean frosts Pluto's vain gift Eurydice he mourn'd The Thracian Dames because their beds he scorn'd Him at their Bacchanalian orgies tore And strew the young mans limbs about the shore His head then from his Ivorie shoulders torn Was down the channell of swift Hebrus born And whilst his dying tongue could move at all Eurydice Eurydice did call And all the banks resound Euridice This Proteus said and lept into the Sea And where he lept did make the fomie wave Under his body with huge strokes to rave Then thus Cyrene spake to ease his care My dearest son now lay aside all fear Since the whole cause is known of thy mischance The Nymphs with whom in groves she us'd to dance Have sent this sad destruction on thy Bees Then humbly them appease with sacrifice And there the yielding Dryades adore They will forgive if thou with vows implore But first know how thou shalt thy offering make Foure of thy large and best-fed bullocks take Which now on tops of green Lycaeus use As many of thy unbroke heifers choose Then with great care for these foure Altars raise In the high Temples of the Goddesses And from their throates let forth the sacred blood Then leave their bodies in a shadie wood And when the ninth Aurora brings the day To Orpheus Ghost Lethaean Poppie pay And a black sheep then view the grove again Pleasing Eurydice with a fat Calf slain He the Commands of 's mother straight obey'd Went to the temple and foure Altars made And foure of 's largest bullocks forth he took As many comely heisers never broke And when the ninth day bright Aurora shew'd He worships Orpheus and the wood review d. A wonder not to be believ'd he sees From the dissolved entrails swarms of Bees Which from the broken ribs resounding flye And in a thick cloud sallie to the skie On a tall trees top-branch they cluster now As grapes hang dangling on the gentle bow Thus tillage beasts and trees have been my theame Whil'st mighty Caesar at Euphrates stream Thunders with war and Conqueror Laws ordains For willing Realms and heaven with valour gains To mee sweet Capua breeding then imparts Pleas'd with the study of contemned arts There a bold youth I chanted rurall aires And Tityrus sung in cool shade free from cares THE FIRST BOOKE OF VIRGIL'S AENEIS THE ARGUMENT JUNO a storme procures the Trojans tost By Neptune's favour gaine the Lybian coast Venus Complaint The King of Gods relates To her Romes greatnesse and insuing fates Hermes to Lybia sent Venus appears And in a mortall forme Aeneas chears He visits Carthage and lost ships regains Dido the weary Trojans entertains But whilst glad guests full cups and banquets move She takes a fatall draught and drinks long love I That on small reeds once plaid rurall strains And leaving woods inforc'd the neighbouring plains To satisfie the greedy Villager A gratefull worke for swains now horrid war Arms and the man I sing who first did come Driven by fate from Troy to Latium And Tyrrhen shores Much toff'd by Land and Sea By wrath of Gods and lasting enmity Of cruell Juno suffering much by Wars Whiles he a Citie builds and Gods transfers To Latium whence Latine Originalls The Alban fathers and Romes lofty walls Say Muse the cause what God prophan'd or why Heaven's Queen incens'd one fam'd for piety Did to such royles dangers so great compell What I can in heavenly minds such passions dwell There was an ancient Citie Carthage south From Italie opposing Tybers mouth By Tyrians held rich fierce in War vvhich place Iuno was said more than all lands to grace Samos neglected here her arms and here Her Chariot was that this earths sway should beare If Fates permit she fosters and intends But she had heard that from Troys stock descends A Progenie should Tyrian Towr's deface Hence of vast rule in War a haughty race Must come from Lybias fall so fates fore-told This fearing Juno minding Wars of old She for deare Argos first ' gainst Troy did wage Her cruell griefe and causes of her rage Were still awake deep Paris choice remain'd Fix'd in her breast th' affront of forme disdain'd And the loath'd stock rapt Ganimed highly grac'd With these more vext on all shores Trojans cast Reliques of Greeks and sterne Aeacides She far from Latium drove round the vast Seas They wandred long inforc'd by various chance Such labour 't was Romes Empire to advance Scarce out of Sicilies view their sailes they raise Glad for the maine and plough the foming Seas When Iuno thus who nourish'd in her breast Th' eternall wound vanquish'd shall I desist Nor yet this Trojan Prince from Latium turne Because the fates deny could Pallas burne The Argive Fleet and sinke them in the Sea For one mans crime Ajas impietie She cast Ioves winged lightning from a cloud D'spers'd their Ships with winds the Ocean plowd Him breathing flame his breast quite thorow struck With whirle-winds snatch'd and on a sharpe rock stuck But I heavens Queen sister and wife to Iove So many years War with one nation move And who will now Saturnias power obey Or suppliant on our altars honours lay Such things revolving fir'd with discontent She to the Land of storms Aeolia went Coasts big with tempests Aeolus here confines In vast caves strugling gusts and thundering winds In prison chains they scorning their restraint Round their darke dungeon roar with loud complaint In a high tower here scepter'd Aeolus swayes Softens their furie and their rage allaies Else in their rapid course with them they 'd beare Sea Land high Heaven and sweep them through the ayr This fearing them Iove in a cave imures And under weight of mighty hils secures Then did a King by firme decree ordaine Who knowes to check or when to give the reine To whom thus Iuno then was suppliant Aeolus for Heavens great King to thee did grant With wind the floods t' incense or to appease A race my foe now saile the Tyrrhen Seas Bearing to Latium conquer'd Gods and Troy Raise thou a storme and their crazde Fleet destroy Or through the waves their scatter'd bodies send Twice seven most beauteous Nymphs on us attend The fairest Deiopeia I will joyne To thee in wed-lock dedicate her thine Still to remaine for such especiall grace And make thee father of a beauteous race When Aeolus thus 'T is thy part to injoyne Commands O'Queen but to obey is mine Thou in this realme and throne didst me invest By thy means I with Iove and
us with furious Auster did surprise And on the rocks with conquering billowes bore A few of us swom hither to your shore What a strange Nation 's this what barbarous land Such customes use the hospitable strand We are denyd by force prohibited Upon the margents of your coasts to tread Aeneas was our King for pietie Justice and prowesse non more great then he Which man if fates preserve if yet he breath If cruell shades receive him not in death You need not feare nor shall you e're repent That you did us in courtesie prevent We have in Cicilie Cities Arms and Lands Where great Acestes sprung from Troy commands That we draw up our Navie condiscend To rigg them new tackling and oars to mend That if our King and friends be found then we May steere our course with joy for Italie And Latium seek But if no help be found And thou best Trojan Princei'th ' tempest drown'd Nor of Ascanius hope Sicanian roads Whence we sail'd hither and prepar'd aboads Old King Acestes we at last shall finde I leoneus said the Trojans with one minde Gave full applause Then Dido briefe and modestly declares O Trojans feare not and seclude your cares To settle our new State we find so hard That we our consines are inforc'd to guard Of Trojans who of Troy who ignorant are Those Worthies Valour fury of that War Tyrians are not so dull nor yet the Suns Chariot so distant from our City runs Seek you great Italie Saturnian lands Or Erix shores the King Acestes strands I 'le safe disinisse you and supply your want Will you alike with us this City plant This town I build is yours your ships forsake 'Twixt Tyrians Trojans I 'le no difference make Would the same wind had hither brought your Prince But I will issue forth Commands from hence That he be sought through all the Lybian coast Should he in Desarts be or Cities lost Achates and the King with these words fir'd Long since to break the gloomy clowd desir'd Then bold Achates to Aeneas said Great Goddesse son what doubts may now disswade Thy friends and ships all safe thou seest but one Which in our sight the raging Seas did drowne All sutes thy mothers words Scarce these he said When suddenly the circumsused shade Purg'd to thin aire and forth Aeneas stood His garb his face and person like a God Venus had trim'd his haire youths beauty dyes His cheeks she breath'd glad honours on his eyes So Ivory grac'd by art so Silver would Or Parian marble shew set in pure gold And sudden unexpected did appeare Then to the Queen I whom you seeke am here Trojan Aeneas scap't the Lybick Seas O thou alone pittying our miseries Who us Greeke reliques spent by various fates Of land and sea thou joyn'st associates To thee and thine we nor all Dardans straine Through great earth scatter'd can require againe The Gods if there be any Providence Or Justice will the pious recompence Sure must reward thee O! what age of worth What so great Parents such as thee brought forth Whiles convex'd hills have shadows to the maine Whilst rivers run whilst poles the stars sustaine Thy honour name and same shall last what land So-ever me invites Then his right hand I lioneus takes his left Sergestus meets Bold Gyas stout Cloanthus all he greets At the first sight Dido was much dismaid And wondring at so strange a story said What dangerous fate pursued thee Goddesse son What forc'd thee on these Barbarous shores to run Art thou Aeneas whom faire Venus bare Neer Symois streams Dardan Anchises heire Teucer I call to mind expel'd his land To Sidon came did Belus aid demand New Realms to gain my father then subdu'd Cyprus and conquerour held in servitude Since then I understood the Trojan fate Thy name and every Graecian Potentate He though a foe your valour did commend And said himself did from your stock descend Therefore bold Trojans to our Court advance We in such dangers tost and various chance At length our selves did in this countrey plant I know t' help others taught by my own want Then she Aeneas to the Court conveys And the Gods honours on the altars payes Next to the shores twenty fat beeves she sends With them a hundred swine to feast his friends And with the ews as many fatned lambs With wine Lyaeus joy But all within with royall pomp was grac'd And midst the Hall a stately feast they plac'd Wrought carpets with proud scarlet did infold Huge silver tables where was grav'd in gold Her Grandsires acts in a long series stood Drawn from so many Princes of the blood The King for love paternall never sleeps Sent down in hast Achates to the ships To tell this to Ascanius then repaire With him to Court who was his fathers care To bring gifts sav'd from Troy the long robe which Was purl'd with gold and with imbroideric rich A vail the edge with bright Acanthus wrought Fair Hellens dresse which she from Argos brought To Troy and fatall marriages set forth Her mother Laedas gift of wondrous worth The Scepter too which once Ilion bore Priams first daughter the Pearl-chain she wore And Coronet with gold and jemmes inchac'd For these Achates to the Fleet did haste But Venus now new arts new counsells took That Cupid should like young Ascanius look And in the furious Queen he might inspire The flames of love and pierce her bones with fire Double tongu'd Tyrians doubtfull house she fears Fierce Juno frights with night increast her cares Therefore to winged love she briefly said Deare son my strength deare son my chiefest aid Who only sleights great Jave's Typhoan fire I fly to thee suppliant thy aid require Thou knowst thy brother my Aeneas hath Felt on all Lands and Seas firce Juno's wrath And of our sorrow hadst as great a sence Him Dido courts and stayes with blandishments Junonian entertainments I suspect Nor she so great occasion will neglect Therefore I plot first to deceive and bind The Queen with flames lest some power change her mind That she with me Aeneas love involve Which to effect know this is my resolve The Royall boy for Carthage do's prepare By his dear Father call'd my greatest care Brings gifts preserv'd from Troyes flame and the deep In high Cytherum him I le cast asleep And in Idalium's sacred mansions lay Left he appearing should our plot betray Assume his form onely one nights short space Use art a boy put on a boyes known face That when glad Dido hugs thee at her lap At royall feasts crown'd with the cheering grape When she imbracing shall sweet kisses give Inspire hid flame with deadly bane deceive His mother love obeys his wings he leaves And joyfully Ascanius garbe receives But V●nus through Julus limbes distills Sweet sleep and bears to the Idalian hills And in soft Marjerom the boy she layd Whose flowers imbrac'd him with a pleasant shade But Cuptd then his mothers will
freese Again I pluck'd another tender bow That better I might hidden causes know And this rinde also a black blood did sweat Amaz'd I humbly rurall nymphs intreat And powerfull Murs who rules the Getick field To blesse the signe the Omen prosperous yeild On a third after my whole strength I true And with my knees on th' earth did strugling lie Shall I be dumb or speak a grone I heare Sound from beneath and these words piere'd my eare Why tear'st thou me Aeneas spare the dead Prophane not pious hands Troy hath not bred Me strange to thee from no root flows this gore Fly cruell coasts ah fly this treacherous shore I 'm Polydore this iron crop of spears Hides me here slaine and cruell javelins bears Then was my mind perplex'd with doubtfull scar Amaz'd struck dumb crected was my haire This Polydorus with vast summes of gold Unhappy Priam secretly of old Sent to the King of Thrace but when he found Trojan arms fail and Troy beleaguer'd round The Dardan fortune and her power declin'd With conquering arms and Agamemnon joyn'd Breaks laws kills him and wealth with blood did gain Dire thirst of gold what dost not thou constrain In mortall breasts When lessened was my fear I to my father and prime men declare The prodigy and their advises crave All vote as one those impious shores to leave And with full sails from tainted friendship fly We Polydore interre his monument high With earth erect to Ghosts sad altars plac'd With mourning garlands and black Cypresse grac'd Round Ilium dames with flowing tresses stood Cups flowing with warm milk and sacred blood We as the custome offer and we lay The soule intomb then lowd last rites we pay Whence when we first might trust the sea again Soft Southern breezes calling to the main The waves appeas'd we launch and fill the strands The Port forsake Cities retrcit and lands A sacred Isle is plac'd amidst the seas Pleasing the mother of Neriades And the Aegaean Neptune most this land The heavenly Archer wandring to each strand With lofty Mycon then and Gyaros binds Made firme to dwell in and contemne the winds Here landing a safe Port and pleasant shore W'injoy'd Apollo's Citie we adore King Anias Phoebus priest and King of men Crown'd with blest wreathes and Laurell met us then And streight his antient friend Anchises knew We joyne right hands and to the Pallace drew In his old temple Phoebus I implore He would safe dwellings to the tirde restore A stock a lasting City grant unto The poore remains of Troy all that the foe And fierce Achilles rage hath sparde what way Now must we seek whom follow or where lay The next foundations Father now impart One blessed Omen and revive our heart Scarce said when suddenly the temple shakes Apollo's Laurell the whole mountain quakes Within the Tripos rung prostrate to ground We fall when to our ears approch'd this sound That land bold Dardans did your sires maintaine The same with joy shall cherish you again Seek your old mother there the Trojans shall For endlesse generations governe all Thus Phoebus then with joy they all demand And noise confus'd where was that happy land Apol'o to the wanderers had design'd My father then calling old things to mind O Peeres he said your hopes now understand Creete plac'd amid'st the Sea is great Jove's land Mount Ida there from thence we sprung this Isle A hundred Cities hath a most rich soyle Hence our great sire hath not my memory faild First Teucrus to the Rhetian Kingdoms saild And sought a Realme Ilium as yet unbuilt And Pergam towers they in low valleys dwelt Hence Cybele the Choribants the hill Ida with silence at the altars still The Goddesse Chariot with joyn'd Lyons drawne Therefore where heaven Commands let us goe on Appease the winds for Gnossian Kingdomes steere Nor long 's the course if so please Jupiter O●r ships in three dayes may reach Creete This said He deserv'd honours on the altars payd A bull to Neptune such was Phoebus right To storms a black sheep to faire winds a white Fame flyes that driven from his fathers seat Idomeneus left deserted Creet Lands and Courts vacant of an enemy We leave Ortygian Ports through Seas we fly And green Denysa Naxus viny head Olearus and white Parus Cyclads spread Through seas and floods thick set with Iles we steer'd The Saylers raise their cry and their Mates cheer'd Now let 's to Creet our Gransires countrey sayle When at our sterne attends a rising g●le And then to th' ancient Curets shores we run The wish'd for Cities walls I there begun Stil'de Pergamus our men pleas'd with the name I call to serve the gods and high towres frame And now our Fleet was drawn high on the sands While in the choosing of new wives and lands Our young men were employd to whom I soon Gave lawes and severall habitation When on the sudden a most sad disease By heavens corrupted influence did seize The trees and corne 't was a destructive yeare They die or at the best faint bodies beare Hot Syrius scorcheth then the barren fields The grasse is burnt nor food the parch'd earth yeilds To th' Oracle my father then would have Us goe and put to Sea there pardon crave What end our toyles should have where his command Bids them they should addresse for what course stand 'T was night when sleep profound did mortalls seize Gods sacred formes and Phrygian deities Which I from Troy and through the burning towne Had brought appear'd before me then laid down To take my rest cleer by much light displai'd Which through the windows the full Moon convaid Then thus they spake with these did ease my care What Phoebus at Ortygia would declare Lo here he sings and us to thee did send We through Troys flame did thee thy arms attend We in ships measur'd the rough seas with thee And to the stars shall raise thy Progenie And give thy city rule great walls prepare For greater things long flight nor labour spare Change seats Apalla not advis'd these lands Nor thee to plant in Creet tho God commands There is a place the Greeks Hesperia stile Aenotrians till a rich and potent soile An antient land posterity they same Since cal'd it Italie from their Captains name These are our proper seats hence Dardan first Old Jasius sprung this place our grandsires must Rise let thy aged father understand These truths Corytus seek Ausonia's strand For Jove Dictean fields denyes to thee Such visions speaking Gods astenish me Nor was it sleep their visages I knew Their vailed haires and present faces view Cold sweat then flows through all my limbs I rise My hands and voyce extending to the skies And did due offerings pay which done to old Anchises every circumstance I told He knows the double stock the doubtfull race Sees his new error of the antient place Then said Dear son busies in Troys affaire Cassandra only did such
and their Court Here they at sacred festivals resort And fathers when a Ramme was offered sate As was the custome at long boards in state Cut in old Cedar the Effigies there Of antient Italus Sabinus were Who first set Vines his hook still in his hand Old Saturne and bi fronted Janus stand In th' entrance with some of the ancient straine Who bold in Warres were for their Countrey slaine Then many arms on sacred pillars fixt With captive chariots battell axes mixt Helms and huge bars of gates the posts adorne With darts and shields and prowes from Galleys torne Horse-taming Picus a short garment wore A little shield an augure staffe he bore Whose love when slighted Circe could not gaine She with her charming wand and hellish bane Chang'd to a bird and spots his colour'd wings In such a Temple in th' old Throne of Kings Latinus sate and calls the Trojans in And thus with pleasant language did begin Say Trojans for your City we have known And stock your voyage hath to us been shown What is your sure what cause inforc'd you come Through many swelling waves to Latinum Mist you your course or by some tempest tost For many so in the deep seas are lost That thus you have enter'd anchor'd in our road Nor scorne our friendship know from Saturns blood We Latines sprung who without Laws or tye Justice afford like the old deitie Now I recall but time obscureth fame That old Aruncus said Dardanus came To Phrygian Idas cities from that place To Thracian Samos now call'd Samothrace VVhom now from Tyrrhen Coryths city gone Heavens starry court hath in a golden throne And fills the number of the deities He said then Iloneus thus replies Great King from honour'd Faunus sprung not tost By waves and tempests came we to your coast Nor mist our course we by advice were brought And have with willing mind thy city sought Driven from our realms which once Sol looking down From high Olympus saw of most renown From Jove we sprung the Dardan nation are Proud of their mighty grandsire Jupiter The King himself deriv'd from Joves high race Trojan Aeneas sent us to this place How great a storm cruel Mycene hurl'd On Trojan fields and by what fates each world Of Europe Asia strove if any man Dwell in far lands beyond the Ocean These he hath heard or who so ere resides VVhere hot Sols lines stretch'd out four zones divides Through vast Seas from so great a deluge bore A small seat for our gods a harmlesse shore VVater and aire common to all we crave Nor shall we be your realms disgrace nor have Your glory light nor shall forget your grant Nor Latium irk Troy in her lap did plant I. by Aeneas fates and right hand swear If any try'd his faith or force in war Us many Realms nor slight us that we bring These wreaths and speak like men petitioning And many Nations to themselves would joyne But fate did us unto your shore design Hence Dardan sprung and here returns again Us Phebus did with great commands constrain Tiber to seek and blest Numicus spring Besides small gifts of former wealth our King Presents to thee from burning Troy convaid In this gold cup Anchises Offrings made When Priam Laws establish'd this he bore And he this sacred Crown and Scepter wore And robes the art of Trojan dames At Ileoneus speech Latinus bent A stedfast look and fixt his eyes intent Upon the earth the King not much approv'd Wrought purple not with Priams Crown was mov'd As in his daughrers match he was delaid Fortunes revolving which old Faunus said This was the son fate told from forraigne strands Was call'd with equall auspice to these lands Whose progeny in valour should excell And by their prowesse the whole world compell Then joyfull said you Gods assist our tasks And your owne signe take Trojan what thou asks Nor I despise your gifts rich fields enjoy VVhilst I am King and what you brought from Troy Aeneas if such love he us intend If to joyn leagues he hasts and be stil'd friend Let him approach nor feare our amitie T' imbrace your King of peace shall th' earnest be And to your Prince from us beare this reply I have a child paternall lots deny And many prodigies from heaven debar To match at home a son must come from far This they foretell remaines for Italy Whose stock shall raise our name unto the sky This I beleeve is he the fates require And if my mind prompt rightly I desire This said he chosen horses did command Faire steeds three hundred in high stables stand And bids they should be to the Trojans led Whom gallant trappings grac'd with skarlet spread Gold portalls hung gold did their breast infold And with their teeth they champ'd the burnish'd gold The King a Chariot sent which foure steeds drew Of heavenly race fire from their nostrills flew Of the same kind who were of Circes breed Stole by a Mare leapt with a heavenly steed With these gifts and the answers of the King The Trojans bravely mounted peace did bring But then behold from Argos did repaire Joves cruell wife and flying cuts the aire The Trojan Fleet and glad Aeneas she Saw through the skie as far as Sicily Sees how they houses build and leave the flood Now trusting land with sharp grief fixt she stood Shaking her head thus forth her woes did powre Ah hateful race and Troys fate crosse to our In Dardan fields why did they not expire Or captives took why did not Iliums fire Consume these men midst arms through flames they past My power I feare weary lies down at last And I with hatred satisfied rest I bold these fugitives with waves distrest My self and all the floods against them bent And fury of the winds and waters spent How helpt my Syrts Scylla Carybdis vast Since now through Tybers wish'd streames they have past Free from the Sea and us could Mars destroy The mighty Lapithes could heavens King annoy At Dians suit so much old Calidon What were those great offences they had done But I great wife to Jove unhappy I Left nothing unassay'd did all wayes try Aeneas I am vanquished by thee But if my own power not sufficient be Undaunted aydes I le seek where ere they dwell Will heaven not grant my sute I le raise up hell Grant spight of us he must in Latium seate And that Lavinia shall be his by fate Yet we may work delay in such great things And may destroy the subjects of both Kings Let son and father joyne such rates being paid Trojan and Rutile blood shall dowre thee Maid Bellona give thee nor alone a brand Shall pregnant Cisseis beare to waste the land A Paris and such births she shall enjoy And funerall Fires againe for rising Troy This said she dreadfull to the earth descends And from th' infernall shades and seats of fiends Wofull Alecto calls who breeds sad warre Rage Treachery
fates declare Now I recall these Kingdomes she foretold Due to our race and oft Hesperia would Oft Italie name but who could understand Trojans must come to the Ausonian strand Or whom could then divine Cassandra move Phoebus obey best things advis'd approve This said all glad performe what was injoyn'd This seat we leave a few being left behind Set saile in hollow keeles through vast Seas bore After we took the main nor any more Countreys appeare every where sea and skies With night and tempest big a clowd did rise The water horrid with the darknesse growes Winds rowle huge waves and mighty seas arose We through vast gulphs are tost stormes hide the day And heaven is to the hurnid night a prey Flames breaking often from the gaping clowds Drove from our course we wander through dark floods Nor Palinurus knows in such a skie Or day or night or what course now to ply Three dayes uncertain with blind mists we erre As many nights wander without a star The fourth day we did rising land behold And far-off hills which wandring clouds infold Sailes struck with ores the lusty Sea-men sweep The foaming waves and brush the azure deep Escap'd the floods first me the Strophades Receiv'd Isles mid'st the great Ionean Seas Greeks call the Strophades which Celaeno tooke And other Harpies after they forsooke Phineas bar'd gates and former boards through feare No monsters are like these nor more severe A plague or wrath of God ere rose from Styx The foule are Virgin-fac'd a loathsome flix Works on them still hook'd clawes and alwaies pale With hunger vex'd This having reach'd we for the harbor stand When we beheld fat heards about the strand And shaggie goats no heardsman on we fall Streight with our swords the Gods and Jove we call To share the prey then tables we prepare On winding shores and highly feasted were When from the hills did dreadfull Harpies rise And swift they shake their wings with hideous cries Our meat they seize and with foule tallons rend And with a putrid breath dire skreeches send Far more with-drawne under Arch'd rocks shut in With trees and with a horrid shade agen Tables we spread Altars with fire supplide Agen from lurking holes on th' other side Loud troops with pounc'd feet round our dishes swarm And spoyle our meat then that my friends should arme I gave command and fight with that dire race They did as I requir'd and in the grasse They leave their swords and hide their glittering shields That when they sounding flew through ample fields Misenus with his trumpet might a signe Give from a hill they charge strange battels joyn And horrid sea-fowle with their steele attempt But no stroke hurts their plumes their backs exempt From wounds they with swift flight to heaven are born And with fowle prints forsake their prey halfe torne Celaeno pearch'd alone on a high rock Unhappy Prophetesse thus silence broke For slaughter'd cattell and slaine bullocks are These fights O Trojans or prepare ye war Us innocent Harpies from our realms t' expell If so hear this these words remember well What Jove Apollo Phoebus me foretold I greatest of the furies now unfold Your quest is Italy Italy you shall sayle Enter her Ports with the implored gale But ere you shall surround your town with walls Dire famine for our unjust funeralls Shall make you eat your trenchers these she said And to the woods she flyes on wings displaid Then sudden feare doth my companions seize Cold blood benumbs their courage falls not peace Seek they with arms now but with vows and praier Whether they Goddesses or fowle birds are But from the shore my sire extends his hands Great powers implores and sacred rites commands You gods forbid these threats you Deities Avert such chance to save the pious please And order gave to loose our cables then And cleare our trembling anchorage agen Pregnant our sayles we fly through fomie seas What course the South winds and our master please Woody Zacynthus now from sea arose Dulichium Same high clift Neritos Ithacus rocks Laertian realms we fled And curse the shore cruell Ulysses bred Leucates cloud-crown'd mountaines next arise And Phoebus which the Sayler terrifies Here tir'd we came to the small Citie hast Our ships possesse the shores and anchors cast Then we unhop'd-for land at length injoy We purge to Jove Altars with vowes employ And Troys games celebrate on th' Actian soyle Naked my friends wrestle in flowing oyle To scape so many Graecian Cities we Rejoyce and thus to have steer'd through th' enemy Mean while the Sun had his great circle run And North winds vext the Seas Winter begun A brazen shield which Abas wore I fix Upon a pillar and this verse annex These armes from conquering Greeks Aeneas bore I bid them quit the Port fit to their ore Striving they cuffe the billowes brush the tide Pheacus airie turrets soon we hide By Epire to Chaonian Harbours bend Buthrotus lofty Citie we ascend Here fame incredible did my eares invade That Helenus Priams sonne in Epire swaide By Pyrrhus wife those realmes he did obtain Andromache march'd in her own stock again Amaz'd my bosome burns with strong desire To see the man and the strange chance inquire I doe forsake the Navy shores and bay Andromache then solemne rites did pay To Hectors dust with gifts his ghost implores Within a Grove nigh to false Sinois shores Before the citie made of sods she reares Two altars at his tombe her cause of tears Seeing me advance when Trojan arms she spide Distracted and with wonder terrifide Her limbs grew stiffe heat flyes she sounding falls And scarce at last thus she her speech recalls This a true face com'st thou thy selfe to me O Goddesse sonne liv'st thou if dead thou be Where 's Hector at these words she wept her cry Fills all the place to her distempers I In briefe with faltring voyce short answers give Through all extreames escap'd behold I live Doubt not for truth you see What chance attends thee left of such a Lord Can any worthy fate one smile afford Is Hectors wife turn'd into Pyrrhus bride With lookes dejected softly she replide O happiest virgin of King Priam's race Who on the enemies tombe and in the face Of Troy didst suffer death by no chance led Captive to touch a conquering masters bed We from our countries flames through all Seas borne Felt the proud youth Achilles off-springs scorne Both slaves who after with Hermione falls In love and Lacedemon nuptialls And me his slave to his slave Helenus joyn'd But him Orestes raging in his mind Inflam'd with love of 's lost bride did pursue Surpris'd and at his fathers altars slue Thus Pyrrhus dead part of his Kingdome yields To Helenus who stil'd these Chaon fields From Trojan Chaon all Chaonia nam'd And Ilian towers hath on these risings fram'd What wind what fare transports thee to this land What God thee ignorant brought to touch our
his couch she lies And him though absent thinkes she hears and sees Or for the father doth his sonne imbrace If so she might her raging love displace Now towers not rise nor Tyrians use their armes The harbour stops strong piles ' gainst all alarms Are at a stand works interrupted lye Huge Walls and Rampiers equalling the skie When Joves dear wife perceiv'd how great a bane Had seiz'd the Queen nor fame could her restrain In these words Juno did to Venus say You and your son bore gallant spoyles away A mighty conquest got and lasting fame When two Gods fraud one woman over-came I find thou fearst those walls we now erect And seats of lofty Carthage dost suspect But to what end why such debates firme peace Rather conclude and lasting marriages Let us prepare thou hast obtain'd thy aims Fond Dido burnes her bones are pierc'd with flames Let us in common with like auspice sway These men let her a Trojan Lord obey And Tyrian dowries I le permit to thee Venus for she perceiv'd the fallacie To keep the Roman sway from Lybia's stand Replide who fondly would such things with-stand Or rather would with thee in strife contend If to thy promise fortune condiscend Of fates I doubtfull am if Jove will grant Trojans and Tyrians in one town should plant Nations commix'd in firme leagues be conjoyn'd Thou art his wife try to perswade his mind Goe I 'le assist Great Juno then begun Leave that to us but how it shall be done And by what means I briefly shall declare Aeneas end the haplesse Queen prepare To hunt in Groves when Titan next displayes The morn the world discovering with his raies On them commix'd with haile a storme I le powre whilst nets surround the woods horse thickets scoure And I all heaven to thunder shall excite Their troops shall fly hid in opacious night The Trojan and the Queen shall take one cave I will be present if thy aid I have In wedlock firme I le dedicate her thine There Hymen them in private shall combine These faire proposalls Venus not denide Smiling when she her cunning drift espide Mean-while the morning from the Sea arose When through the gate a troup of prime youth goes With nets toyles spears and full-mouth'd hounds suppl●●● And forth Massilians bravely mounted ride At the Court gates the Trojan nobles staid Whilst in her chamber the faire Queen delaid In trapping rich with gold and purple fit Her proud horse stands and champs the foming bit With a great troop she guarded comes at last Her Tyrian habit a rich border grac'd Her quiver gold gold did her haire infold The button of her purple vest was gold Then all the Phrygian Lords in order went Sprightly Ascanius but most eminent For person and for honour last march'd up Aeneas and to them conjoyns his troop So Phoebus shewes when Lycia he forsakes And progresse to his native Delos makes Revells begins when dancing in a round 'Bout th' Altars Crets and Driopos resound He walks on Cynthus tops soft bowes infold His flowing haire and binde with purest gold His quiver rung such was Aneas grace Such honour shines in his majestick face After they come to the high mountains fide And unfrrquented woods behold they spide Wild goats affrighted running ore the clifts On th' other hand swift Dear put to their shifts In a thick heard the open champaigne take And lost in dusty flight the hills forsake But young Ascanius in the vallies prides In his fierce horse now these now them out-rides Wishing a Boare with those dull heards would blend Or a fierce Lyon from the hils descend Mean-while high heaven with murmurs loud contends And straight a showre commixt with haile descends The Trojan Nobles and the Phrygian traine With young Ascanius scatter'd through the plaine Seek severall shelters floods from mountains rave The Trojan Prince and Dido take one cave First earth and marrying Juno gave the signe Fire ayre both conscious of the Contract shine And Nymphs sit howling on the high-browd hils This the first day of death and first of ils The cause for neither forme nor fame did move Nor Dido judgeth this unlawfull love She stiles it wedlock gives her crime that name Through Lybist's ample Cities straight flies Fame Fame is an evill none more swift which gaines By motion strength in flying force obtaines Small first by feare to heaven advanc'd now shrowds Stalking on earth her head amongst the clouds To Coeus and Enceladus the earth Vext by the wrath of Gods they tell brought forth This sister last swift footed quick she flyes A huge fowle Monster in each feather lies A watching eye conceal'd and strange she bears As many tongues loud mouths and listning ears A watch by day on battlements she lights Or lofty towers and mighty towns affrights Falshoods and lyes of as the truth she tells And Nations then with various rumours swells Things feign'd and reall glad alike she sung Aeneas from the blood of Trojans sprung To marry him faire Dido condescends And the long Winter in vast ryot spends Carelesse of rule tooke with fowle lust such things From every mouth the cruell Goddesse flings And swift to King Iabrbas Courts she came And with these tydings did his soule inflame This Joves and ravish'd Garamantis son Had built within his vast dominion A hundred temples to his fathers name As many altars and the Vigil flame The Gods eternall watch he hallowed The soyle with blood of cattell daily fed And with fresh Garlands flowrie porches drest With the harsh rumour next his soule opprest He at the Altars mongst the Gods they say Suppliant to Jove with rear'd-up hands did pray Great Jupiter to whom the Moors being plac d On wrought beds feasting now rich Bacchus taste Seest this oh father or in vain our hearts Quake at thy thunder and when lightning darts From broken clouds with noise is fond our fear Wandring our coasts a woman purchas'd here A little seat to whom we gave rich lands To whom our lawes and This our match withstands And in her Kingdome Lord Aeneas states That Paris now with his effeminate mates In his Maeonian hat and perfum'd haire Injoyes the prise we to thy Temple bear Offerings and have in vain thy name extold Thus praying he the Altar fast did hold Th' all-potent heard then views the royall frame And lovers mindless now of better fame And such things then to Mercurie injoyn'd Fly son with speed and call the western winde And to the Troian Prince on swift wings glide Who now resolves at Carthage to abide And promis'd seats neglects this message bear With speed to him and cut the yielding air For him fair Venus no such promise gave And therefore twice from Graecian arms did save But one that should command Italian Realms Groning with war pregnant with Diadems A race must spring from Teucers noble line That shall their Laws to the whole world injoyne If him no glory of such
Aeneas then Where hastes thou to what place Whom dost thou fly why driven from our embrace This said he ashes stirs and cover'd fire The Trojan lar and in old Vestas quire Suppliant with holy bread and full cups bends Acestes raising first and next his friends Both his dear fathers will and Joves command Declares and what shall now resolved stand Nor more advice these did Acestes grant They place the matrons willing People plant A city gave souls ignorant of great fame Ships half-consum'd repair new bancks they frame Oars cables fit but few their numbers are But of most lively courages in war Mean while Aeneas plows their city wals Houses allots this Troy that Ilium calls Acestes joys in his new realms and draws A Forum out gives Conscript fathers laws On Erix top a fane nigh heaven was rear'd To Venus and a sacred grove prepar'd And a Priest added to Anchises tombe And now the ninth day of their feast was come Altars they grace when soft gales calm the main And breathing Auster cals to Sea again Through trending shores complainings loud ascend Both day and night they with embraces spend Those Women now To whom before the Sea Seem'd rough nor could endure the Deitie Would fly and every danger now contemn With kind words good Aeneas comforts them And weeping recommends t' Acestes care To storms a lamb three calvs to Erix are Offer'd and then loose cables he commands And on the prow crown'd with cut Olive stands Holding a bowl and in the swelling brine He entrals casts and powrs forth liquid Wine Fair gales attend his sterne the sailers sweep The curled waves and brush the azure deep But Venus mean while exercis'd in cares To Neptune spake and such complaints declares Juno's sad wrath and unappeased breast Makes me descend to thee with this request Whom neither time nor Piety can move Nor fates can quiet nor commands of Jove Was 't not enough with fierce spleen to destroy The Phrygian city poor remains of Troy To force through miseries but bones and dust She persecutes can such a rage be just Thou know'st what storms on Lybian seas did rise By her commands commixing waves and skies And with Aeolian gusts what hils she rais'd Thus daring in thy realms Ah shame behold the Trojan Dames she drove To fire their Fleet and their ships lost did move Their friends to leave them on strange shores I crave Those yet remain may through their billows have Safe passe Laurentian Tyber touch if I Those wals require granted by destiny The deep seas Tamer then O Erycine Trust to our Realms from whence thou draw'st thy line I also have deserv'd who did withstand Heaven and seas rage so oft nor lesse by land My care of thy Aeneas witnessed Symois Xanthus when the Trojans fled Trembling before Achilles to their wals Who many thousands sent to funerals Full rivers groan'd nor Xanthus to the Seas Could find his course from strong Aeasides I in a hollow cloud brought off thy son Weaker in strength and Gods destruction Wishing that perjur'd Troy these hands did rear My mind is still the same then banish fear He shall in safety touch th' Avernid● coast One only shall he misse in th' Ocean lost One life for many must be paid At this the goddesse sad care intermits The God his steeds conjoyns and foamy bits Adds to the fierce and with ejected rein His azure chariot hurries o're the main Billows give place under his loud axe lie Waves level'd now and stormes forsake the sky Then varied shapes and mighty whales appear Old Glaucus troops Inons Palamon there The active Tritons Forcus finny train Upon the left hand of th'appeased main Thetis Thalia Spio Panope Melite Nise and Cymodoce Here Prince Aeneas flattering joys did find At last to raise his long dejected mind Then cheerfull to the sailors gave command To rear the top masts to their tackling stand All pull at once larboard and starboard hale Unfurl the shetes and hoyst the lofty sail The wish'd gale drives them Palinure preceds And being admirall the squadron leads All steer as he commands And now moyst night Had almost touch'd mid heavens vertick height The sailor on hard benches ' mongst his oars His weary limbs with quiet rest restores When from aetheriall stars soft Somnus glides Removes the airy darknesse shades divides With a sad dream poor Palinure to thee Upon the high sterne sate the deitie Like Phorbas and with these words did appear Palinure the sea it self thy ship will steere A soft gale breaths there is a time to rest Lie down steal sleep for eyes with toyl opprest And I thy charge shall for a while supply Palinure then said scarce lifting up his eye Wouldst thou I should a quiet sea beleeve To this inconstant monster credit give Should I Aeneas to false Auster leave And serene skies that me so oft deceive This said he fix'd unto the rudder lies Holds fast and on the stars he held his eyes The God behold in Lethe steep'd a bough Sleepy with Stygian strength shakes o're his brow And wandring eyes of him resisting clos'd Scarce were his nerves in quiet slumber loos'd Leaning that part being loose on which he stood He with the helm fals in the briny flood And oft in vain to his companions cries With wings the God mounts the aetherial skies Fearlesse the ship not slower a safe course sailes Nor in in his promise father Neptune failes Neer Syrens rocks once dangerous now they stood White with the bones of men beat with the flood Hoarse waves resound but when the Prince perceiv'd The ship to wander of her guide bereav'd Through nightly waves he did the helm attend Much sighing the misfortune of his friend O Palinure trusting fair feas and skie Thou naked on some coast unknown must lie THE SIXTH BOOK OF VIRGIL'S AENEIS THE ARGUMENT At Sybils cave Aeneas asks his fates Inspir'd she answers through a hundred gates Misenus rites the golden bough is found Hells dismal passage and the Stygian sound Rude Charon pleas'd a sop loud Cerberus takes Sad souls hem'd in with nine infernal lakes Dido is seen Deiphobus appears Hell and Elizium Every thousand years Souls Lethe drink and bodies reassume Anchises shews his son those Lords of Rome Must spring from him their character relates And after lets him forth at ivory gates THus he said weeping and with full saile stands Gliding at last to the Euboick strands They turn from Sea their prows their ships they moare And the tall Navy guards the winding shore The glad vouth leap'd on land streight some desire To force from flint the hidden seeds of fire Some teare the shelters of wild beasts the woods Whilst others looke about for fresher floods But good Aeneas sought high towrs which have Phoebus their Lord dread Sibills woundrous cave Secrets remote on whom the God bestows An ample mind and future things foreshews To Dians growes and golden roofs they came Daedalus flying Minos
thou shalt tell to Priam under-ground That here a new Achilles thou hast found He said whilst Pandarus boldly did advance And cast at him a rough and knottie lance The aire receivs the wound Juno being there Turns it and in the gate she fix'd the spear But this good sword which in my right hand I Command with so much strength thou shalt not flie Our weapons are not like nor shall the wound Then with his sword raising himself from ground He with a mighty blow his forehead cleaves And on his downy cheeks a huge gash leaves Shook with his mighty weight earth did resound He stretch'd his dying limbs upon the ground His arms besmear'd with brain his cloven head On both sides hung over each shoulder spread The Trojans flie routed with trembling feare And if the Conqueror straight had took that care T' have broke the bars and let his souldiers in To th' war and nation that day last had been But fury and mad love of slaughter him Drove raging ' gainst the foe And first he Gyges maim'd and Phalaris slew And spears from flyers snatch'd at them he threw For Juno did both strength and courage yield Halys he kills runs Phegeus through his shield Alcander Halias Noemon Prytanus slew Whilst hot in fight of this they nothing knew And Lynceus as he charg'd and others calls With his bright sword surpriz'd them on the walls Whose head and healmet cut off at one blow Tumbles far off Amycus then a foe To savage beasts none better could annoint Weapons then he with poison arm the point Clitius and Creteus next the Muses friend Creteus that lov'd the Muses verses pen'd Pleas'd with the Lyre he numbers set to strings And still of horse and arms and battels sings At last the Trojan leaders at the fame Of this great slaughter in to rescue came And up with Mnestheus bold Serestus bends They saw the foe and their amazed friends When Mnestheus said Where fly you where d' ye go What other strength or bulwarks do you know Shall one man sirs and round inclos'd with wals Escape and make so many funerals And such great numbers of prime men destroy Base cowards Of your selves and haplesse Troy Have you no pity blush you not with shame For your old gods and great Aeneas fame With words like these encourag'd boldly then In a thick body they drew up agen But Turnus by degrees retreats from them Toth ' river and those parts lay neer the stream At which more fierce the Trojans with a shout Presse boldly on and gather round about As when a troop a Lion hath beset With cruel spears he makes a brave retreit Although forbid by valour and by rage Nor can though willing ' gainst such power ingage So unresolv'd bold Turnus did retire Whilst in his bosome boyls a flood of ire Yet twice where foes were thickest on he falls And twice he drove that party from the walls When from the Camp in a full body made ' Gainst one th' whole army drew nor longer aide T' oppose such forces Juno durst supply For Jove had sent bright Iris from the sky Who to Saturnia carried strict commands That Turnus should escape the Trojan bands Therefore his shield and strength too weak he found Orewhelm'd with darts with showres of arrows drown'd His hollow cask which arm'd his temples grones And solid brasse gives way to battering stones His plumes are beaten off nor doth his targe Sustain the blowes nor thundring Mnestheus charge Whilst thick their javelins a whole army throwes No intermission then a salt sweat flowes Ore all his limbs and a black river glides And faint short-breathing shakes his ample sides At last with all his arms a leap he gave Into the stream which on his silver wave Receiv'd him and on yielding billows bore From slaughter cleans'd to 's friends on th' other shore THE TENTH BOOK OF VIRGIL'S AENEIS THE ARGUMENT Jove calls a Councel and declares the fates Venus complains Juno recriminates Aeneas Tarchon and the Tyrrhens joyn'd Their men aboard they saile with prosperous wind The martial List Ships turn'd to Nymphs appear And sad Aeneas with their counsel cheer Landed they fight the Plain huge slaughter fills Aeneas Lausus Turnus Pallas kills Shap'd like Aeneas a fantastick shade Turnus provokes and thence to sea convaide Mizentius to revenge his son again Entring the fight is by Aeneas slain MEan while heavens mighty courts are open when The father of the gods and king of men A counsel calls from starry thrones all lands He views the Dardan camps and Latian bands And thus all plac'd he said You deities Wherefore so often change you your decrees And why in sharp debates ars you thus hot Latium to war with Troy granted not Why this unlawfull strife what jealousies made Or these or them take arms to fight perswade Just time of war nor hasten it shall come When cruel Carthage to the towres of Rome Through open Alpes shall great destruction send Then may they all things spoile with hate contend But now desist and make a happy peace Jove brief but beauteous Venus answered these At large Father of men and gods eternal king For to none else may we petitions bring Thou seest how Rutils boast and Turnus rides Triumphing through the bands who bold now prides In wars successe nor Trojans wals defend But they within their gates and works contend With blood their trenches flow and now their Prince Aeneas absent wants intelligence Must we be still besieg'd must we again The walls of rising Troy ' gainst foes maintain More armies yet shall once more Diomed Against the Dardans his Aeolians lead Then I new wounds as I suppose must feel And I thy race be pierc'd with mortal steel If Trojans without leave for Latium made Let them be punish'd neither grant them aide But if they all those Oracles obey Which Gods and Manes gave who thy decree Can alter then or why new fates ordain Of our fir'd Navie why should I complain Nor of the King of tempests and those loud Storms which he rais'd nor Iris from a cloud And now the fiends which only were untride Of all the world she raiseth to her side And straight Alecto sent from Stygian waves Who now through all th' Ausonian Cities raves Nor am I mov'd for realms whilst fortune stood We hop'd let them now conquer thou think'st good If no land thy sterne wife grants them t' injoy By smokie ruines of consumed Troy Father I thee beseech from arms detain Ascanius safe preserv'd let him remain Aeneas may be tost through unknown seas And whatsoever course fortune shall please He may pursue Let me but save the boy Ah let not cruel war the child destroy Mine lorty Paphos mine Amathus is Cytherum and Idalian Palaces Let him unexercis'd in cruel strife Of dreadfull war there finish quiet life Command aspiring Carthage then to lay Huge taxes on subdu'd Ausonia And Tyrian Towrs that nothing shall debar What