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A64987 Fire and brimstone from heaven, from earth, in hell, or, Three discourses I. Concerning the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah formerly, II. Concerning the burning of Æetna, or Mount Gibel more lately, III. Concerning the burning of the wicked eternally, with fire and brimstone / by Thomas Vincent ... Vincent, Thomas, 1634-1678. 1670 (1670) Wing V437; ESTC R23063 78,865 146

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any place or Town which was in it's way remains nothing being to be seen but confused heaps of ragged stones which yeilding a noisom fume strick terrour and astonishment in all that behold it The first breaking forth of this burning Flood of Fire was on the Munday t●…e 11th of March which in it's progress devided it self into several lesser streams and filled the whole Countrey therebout with Fire and Brimstone in many places where these streams did come great flames were seen to arise together with thick smoke as from the mo●…ths of so many great Furnaces After the Flood of Fire was come down the Mountain and towards the foot which is not so steep it did not move with that swiftness as before yet nothing could divert it's course but it overturned and consumed all where ever it came The first streams continued their course for twelve days together and after hopes that the fury was now spent on Fryday the 22d of March the Mountain Aetna roared and thundered smoked and flamed again most hideously at the mouth shook trembled throughout most dreadfully unto the very foundations and cast forth such heaps of scinders stones and ragged Rocks out of it's bosom and bowels at those breaches before made in it's sides that they grew together and were raised into two large and high Hills and this acccompanied with another stream of it's liquid melted matter which overtook the former currents and thrust them forward with great fury But on the 25th of March the Mountain bellowed with a greater noise than ever before and was shaken with such violence and force that a large part of the head and top fell into the breast a●…d bowels and that the depth of half a mi●…e as some do judge And then issued forth fiery streams in so great abundance that joyning forces with the former they made great havock and desolation destroying the habitations of no lesse than seven and twenty thousand persons the Towns of La Guardia Malpassa Campo Rotundo La Potielli Antonino Pietro Mosterbianco Monpileri Falicchi Placchi were wholy consum'd and ruin'd Yea the Image of the blessed Lady of the Annunciata ●…o highly reverenced by the Superstitious Papists unto which many resorted in Pilgrimage from remote parts was not spared whatever power the Intercession of that Virgin Lady hath with her Son in Heaven for persons here upon the Earth as the Papists ridiculously fancy yet nothing could now avail to secure her Image from being swallowed up by this devouring fiery stream whereby all may see that there was no difference between the stones of that Image and those of the other buildings in that place which equally felt the fo●…ce of the fire Other places were ruin'd in part as Ma●…calucia Giovanni de Galermo with many other and at length the burning streams do approach near unto Gates and Walls of the City Calania in their course destroying Fields Gardens Orchards and Vineards about it which filled the Inhabitants with such fear that far the greatest part of them removed themselves and their goods out of the City Yet what ever the danger and fear was the Lord preserved the City from being swallowed up by these devouring streams part of these streams were congealed on the Land one of them emptied it self under the Wals of the Castle into the Sea in four fathom Water which held it's current in the Sea two fathom high above it and to the astonishment of all spectatours burned in the Sea it self for a great while and making progress into the Sea a mile in length and a mile in bredth was not quenched by the water of the Sea until having spent it self it did of it self congeal CHAP. V. Concerning the Concomitants of the Eruption and burning of Aetna WHilst the Mountain of Aetna or Gibel did thus vomit flames of fire at the top and streams of fire at the side accompained with such horrid noise and cracking in the Air such dreadful trembling and shaking of the Earth other things also were very observable at the same time such as the swelling of the Sea unto a great and unaccustomed height with great raging and roaring Waves the Floods of Water did seem to lift up their heads to see this dreadful spectacle of the Floods of fire and the Waves of the Sea did lift their voice in great tumult as being amazed at the horrid aspect of the Waves and Streams of Flames and Brimstone The Winds also which raised this Tempest in the Sea were high having broken loose from their habitation and with great noise and blustring whirled about the Land in fierce blasts beating upon the houses and unsheltred people in the Fields as if they would contend for force with the raging and irresistable fire The Clouds were gathered thick in the Sky and arrayed the Heavens with black attire hiding the comfortable and refreshing beams of the Sun from the sight which if sometimes it deed peep thorow the Clouds it was with a pale countenance as if it had been struck with fear and dared not to appear in such a dismal place Storms of rain often powred down from the Clouds which seemed in compassion to weep to weep Floods of tears endeavouring thereby to contribute some help for the extinguishing of the flames but all the Rain which fell was so far from quenching or allaying that it did but the more encrease and exasperate the fury of the Fire which hereby burned so much the more feircely In the City there was danger of the Houses overthrow by the Winds and Earth-quak or their being devoured and swallowed up by the Deluge of Fire In the Fields and Countreys there was danger of being destroyed by Thieves and Robbers who took advantage of the peoples confusions to set upon them murdering many and spoiling them of their choicest things which they had saved out of their ruin'd houses Great was the dread and terrour which now did possess the hearts of the people Our Saviour foretells Luke 21. 25 26. That on Earth there should be distresse of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the Waves roaring and men●… hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming upon the Earth Such was the distresse and perplexity of these people It is said in the Relation That people ran with cryes and lamentations about the City and Countrey expecting nothing but to be swallowed up or consumed by the Fire having no other apprehensions bu●… of death and a general Conflagration Had the Christian religion taken place there in the purity and power thereof it might have born up the spirits of the sincere and established Christians against overwhelming fear and amazement in all those storms and danger If of the vertuous Man much more may it be said of the truely Religions Si fracitus illabatur orbis impavidum ferient ruinae though the frame of the Earth and World should crack and be dissolved yet such a one would be undaunted under it's ruines
help or relief refuge faileth them and there is no escaping no enduring of this pain and yet they must endure it until extremity of pain doth take away all sence of pain The terrour of the Sodomits through apprehensions of their present and unavoidable death before them was great but surely the way and manner of it namely by Fire from Heaven did cause greater terrour If it had been an ordinary Fire of which some natural cause might have been assigned it had not been so much but when it was a miraculous fire from Heaven created on purpose by the Lord to destroy those Cities surely their dread was extraordinary they could not chuse but see the more immediate hand of God in it and withall his frown and dreadful displeasure with the Fire ●… Brimstone which fell down from Heaven upon their houses and bodies they had scalding drops of Gods wrath ●…ch fell down upon their consciences we may think what impressions they had of the wrath of the Sin-revenging God on their spirits which caused a great●… horror within than the bare apprehension of death in any shape could of it self effect when the guilt of so great Sins and the apprehensions of so great wrath did meet together in their consciences and they had no time nor way to get the guilt of Sin removed and the wrath of God appeased when conscience before asleep was awakened in the midst of flames when there was a Fire above the Sodomits the Fire of Gods anger Fire about and upon the Sodomits the fire which came down from Heaven Fire beneath the Sodomits the fire of Hell and fire within the Sodomits the fire kindled in their consciences O the horrour when Hell was already begun within them in the flashes and sparks of it words cannot utter the horrible anguish which then they had upon them CHAP. VI. Concerning the Persons that escaped 4 THe persons that escaped this dreadful judgement were Lot and his Family Like as it was in the Old World Noah was an upright man in his generation when the whole world besides were wicked and God provided an Ark wherein he saved Noah and his Family when all the kindreds and Nations of the world besides were drowned in the Deluge of Waters which was brought upon the Earth so also Lot being the only upright and righteous man in Sodom when all the City together with the neighbouring Cities were wicked God provided a Zoar for Lot whilst he brought a Deluge of fire upon those wicked Cities which consumed them and all the wicked together which dwelt in them 2 Pet. 2. 5 6 7 8. When the destroying Angels were sent unto Sodom God remembred righteous Lot and a mark for preservation was set upon his forehead because he did sigh and cry out for the abominations which were committed in the midst of the City And God remembred Abraham his Friend who had made intercession for Lot therefore he sent him out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the City wherein Lot dwelt CHAP. VII Concerning the Spectators of Sodom's burnings 5 COncerning the Spectators of this Judgement Abraham however remote his habitation was had a plain prospect of this Fire and burning of Sodom We read Gen. 19. 27 28. And Abraham gat up early in the morning unto the place where he stood before the Lord and he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the Land of the Plain and beheld and lo the smoke of the Countrey went up as the smoke of a Furnace Abrahams heart did misgive him that those wicked Cities would not escape destruction what ever conditional promise the Lord had made unto him of their preservation therefore it is likely he arose and came to this place that he might see what became of the Cities and quickly he 〈◊〉 them to be all in flames by the great smoke which mounted up from them what his thoughts were is not mentioned but it is likely he was more than ordinarily affected with this more than ordinary Judgement such an appearance of God in the World clothed with such wrath and vengeance might well make even Abraham himself whatever Interest he had in God to quake and be astonished When he looked up to Heaven he saw God all in flames of anger when he looked down to the Earth he saw Sodom and Gomorrah all in flames of Fire He knew that Lot did dwell there and he did not know it may be but that Lot with his Family might be burning there and this might cause him to lift up his voice and weep be sure he knew that the wickedness of the Sodomits was very great and that the righteous of the place were very few if any when the Lord had promised him to spare the whole City for the sake of Ten righteous persons could they there have been found Ah Lord thought he what a wicked place is Sodom that it should not yeild Ten righteous persons O what an evil thing and a bitter is it to Sin against God and hereby to provoke him unto anger and what a fearful thing is it to fall into the hands of the living God when his anger is stirr'd up and doth burn thus like fire And if Abraham could so clearly discern the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah the Inhabitants of Zoar who dwelt so near might more clearly discern it An allarm they have in the morning which doth startle and awaken them they are called forth out of their houses to see this dreadful and tremendous sight The noise of Fire Fire Fire doth sound in their ear Fire from Heaven Fire in the Air Fire on the Earth Sodom on Fire Gomorrah on Fire Admah and Zeboim on Fire every place near them on Fire this they hear this they see the flames all about are very visible and very terrible O with what ruful countenances do they look upwards towards Heaven from whence the Fire did come and forwards towards Sodom and Gomorrah where the Fire was kindled they see all the Cities together in flames which being all cituated upon the Plain without any Mountain or Hill between they might in the Fields or on the tops of their houses have an easie prospect of And surely the Sinners of Zoar are now affraid and fearfulness doth exceedingly surprize the guilt●… surely their consciences now are awakened ●…nd do cause a trembling within them when they see God's vengeance executed in flaming fire upon their fellow-sinners before them Alas wo be to us who can endure such devouring fire who can bear such horrible burnings Hath Sodom and Gomorrah provoked God to destroy them with Fire from Heaven what then will become of us who have shared with them in the same guilt and have deserved the same punishment O whether can we flee to hide us from the wrath of God and shelter us from his fiery indignation Lot also who though he did not look back as his Wife did before he got into Zoar yet from thence no doubt
the Chief and most honourable of these Angels being the Son of God the Angel of the New-Covenant staying behind the other two Angels who went onwards towards Sodom revealeth unto Abraham what he was about to do unto Sodom giving him to understand that the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah was great and their sins exceeding grievous and that now he was going down to visit them for their sins whether he revealed to him what manner of destruction he intended to bring upon them we have no mention but whatever it were Abraham is full of fears because of Lot and therefore interceeds with the Lord in the behalf of the place as wicked as it was to prevent if possible the ruine and destruction thereof which was threatned Abraham knew of one righteous person namely Lot which was there and he hoped that there might have been others besides him if not of the City yet in Lot's Family and therefore he maketh bold to plead with the Lord that he would not destroy the righteous with the wicked because this would 〈◊〉 ●…eem just and right for the Judge of all the Earth to do and first he prayeth that if fifty righteous persons were found in Sodom the place might be spared for their sakes the Lord being very gracious readily promiseth it should be according to his request Abraham having enco●…ragement from one grant and fearing what the number of righteous persons in Sodom might be entreateth further that if five were wanting of the fifty the place might not be destroyed and having obtained his request herein he doth not rest but proceeds to beg with expressions of low humility that if but forty and then if but thirty and then if but twenty and last of all if but ten righteous persons were found there that the Lord would spare the place for their sakes Abraham speeds in his whole desire the Lord assuring him that he would not destroy the place if he found so many as ten righteous persons therein and Abraham leaves off asking before the Lord giveth any denial unto his suit and though Abraham did not request it yet the Lord himself did resolve it that not one righteous person should be consumed in the iniquity of the City and therefore as he sent Angels thither to destroy the place so they had a commission to save righteous Lot and his Family as we may see in the 19th Chapter The two Angels were now come in the evening unto Sodom whilst Lot providentially was sitting in the gate who seeing them enter riseth up from his seat and meeteth them and bowing himself toward the ground entreateth the favour of them that they would be his guests that night through his importunate request they refusing at first he prevaileth with them and so bringeth them home to his house where he entertaineth them with a feast They had not been long in Lot's House before the House was beset by the Men of the City upon notice of two extraordinary persons that were there possibly the bodies which those Angels had assumed were very beautiful to the eye and full of sparkling lustre being inform'd by such glorious spirits and this might entice the beastly or rather worse than beastly lusts of the Sodomits and enflame them with burning desires of committing that filthy sin with them which is not fit to be nam'd these desires bring the chief part of the City old and young from every quarter unto Lot's house who when they were come they require him to bring forth those Men as they supposed them to be that they might satisfie their lusts upon them Lot looking upon this as a piece of inhumanity and abominable wickednesse to offer such injury unto strangers that he got forth of his door and with fair words endeavoureth to perswade them the forbearance of this wickedness yea he is so far transported with desire of saving his guests from the filthy lusts of the Sodomits that inconsiderately he endeavours to divert them by making proffer of both his Virgin-daughters to them to be used or mis-used by them as they pleased so that his guests might be spared But the Sodomits are fully bent upon their wickedness and deafning their ears against his proposal they press in upon Lot and threatning to deal worse with him than with them they attempt to break open his door The Angels seeing what danger Lot was in amongst the furious and lustful multitude put forth their hands and pull Lot into his house and withall putting forth the power the Lord had given them they smite the Sodomits with blindness so that they could not find the door which notwithstanding that judgement of blindness upon their bodies being pricked forward by their blind and impetuous lusts they still seek after And now the ruine of Sodom is not far off the Angels reveal unto Lot who they were and that they were sent by the Lord to destroy Sodom and the Neighbouring Cities because of the crying wickedness which was in them therefore inquiring concerning his relations in that City they bid him bring forth all that belonged to him accordingly Lot goeth forth and calleth upon his Sons in Law and giveth them to understand what he had heard of the Angels concerning the near destruction of the City and therefore warneth them with all expedition to hasten out of the place but Lot seemeth unto his Sons in Law as if he had mocked and they give heed to none of his words The day being come that Sodom and Gomorrah must be destroy'd the Angels in the top of the morning hasten Lot to come forth and whilst he lingereth they lay hold on his hands and the hands of his Wife and Daughters and the Lord being merciful unto them bring them forth bidding him flee to the Mountain and escape for his life and not look back lest he should be destroyed which his Wife offering notwithstanding the warning to do was turned into a Pillar of Salt Lot being full of fears entreateth for Zoar and for his sake the Lord spared that City that Lot might retire unto it whilst he brought destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah and the other Cities of the Plain CHAP. III. A general description of Sodoms Iudgement together with the efficient cause which was God and the meritorious cause Sodoms sins BEing thus led by the clew or 〈…〉 story we are at length come to 〈…〉 most tremendous and dreadful Judg●…ment 〈◊〉 God executed upon Sodom Gomorrah namely that horrible tempest of Fire and Brimstone which the Lord rained upon those wicked Cities for their sins the relation and description whereof we have Gen. 19. from the 23d Ver. to the 30th The Sun was risen upon the Earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah Brimstone and Fire from the Lord out of Heaven And he overthrew those Cities and all the Plain and all the Inhabitants of the Cities and that which grew upon the ground And Abraham gat up early in
the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord and he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the Land of the Plain and beheld and lo the ●…ke of the Countrey went up as the smoke of a ●…urnace And it came to passe when God destroyed the Cities of the Plain that God remembred Abraham and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the Cities wherein Lot dwelled In treating of this subject concerning the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone I shall speak First Of the cause of this Judgement Secondly Of the Judgement it self Thirdly Of persons on whom it was inflicted and how they were aff●…cted Fourthly Of the persons that escaped Fifthly Of the Spectators Lastly Of the use and improvement which we may make of it Concerning the cause of this Iudgement The efficient cause was God The meritorious cause was Sodoms sins First The efficient cause of the judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah was the Lord. Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah Brimstone and Fire from the Lord out of Heaven Every judgement whereof there are second causes in nature is from the Lord but this judgement was miraculous and therefore the hand of the Lord was in it more immediately It was beyond the power of any second causes to effect this great thing and therefore the Lord doth put forth his own great power and stretcheth forth his mighty arm that he might take vengeance on the wicked Sodomits who had so highly provoked him by their sins It is said Deut. 29. 23. The Lord overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah Admah and Zeboim in his anger and in his wrath The Lord heard the cry of Sodom's sins and was wrath a fire of anger was kindled in his breast and fury came up into his face therefore girding himself with his irresistible power and clothing himself with flaming vengeance as with a garment he came done to plead with this ungodly and wicked people for their sins rendering his rebukes in such a way as never before was heard of It was the day of the Lords recompence the day of his wrath and fierce anger a day of trouble and distresse of wasting and desolation It was a day in which the Lord was revealed from Heaven in flaming Fire to take vengeance upon the Sodomits whom he punished with a most fearful destruction devouring those wicked Cities by the fire of his jealousie that he might make a speedy riddance of all the sinners which dwelled in them The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah Brimstone and Fire from the Lord out of Heaven By the Lord on Earth we are to understand the Son of God the second most glorious Person in the Trinity by the Lord in Heaven we are to understand the Father the first Person who hath committed all Judgement unto the Son Ioh. 5. 22. From whom he received power to execute the appointed vengeance on wicked Sodom Secondly The miritorious cause of the Judgement upon Sodom and Gomorrah was the sins of those wicked Cities when the Lord ariseth from his place to take vengeance upon a Nation especially in some notable and remarkable judgement he is first exceedingly provoked hereunto by the sins of that people It is said Gen. 13. 13. that the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly They exceeded all other Nations in their sins and therefore they exceeded all other Nations in their punishment And Chap. 18. 20. We read the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah was great and their sin was very grievous It was not their prayers which sent up such a cry unto Heaven no they were wholly irreligious and Ungodly but it was their sins like the blood of Abel which cryed from the ground for vengeance on him that shed it the cry of Sodoms sins was so loud that it came up into Gods ears and would give him no rest until he came down to punish Their sin was very grievous not only grievous unto righteous Lot who was vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked 2 Pet. 2. 7. But it was most grievous unto the most Holy and Righteous God it was as a heavy load upon him grievous and hard to be boarn it grieved God as it were to the heart and therefore he doth ease himself of the burden of their Sin by suffering it to fall down with a heavy weight upon themselves so as to crush and destroy them together There are five sins of Sodom spoken of together Ezek. 16. 49 50. Behold this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom Pride fullness of Bread and abundance of Idleness was in her and in her Daughters that is her neighbour inferiour Cities neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy And they were haughty and committed abomination before me therefore I took them away as I saw good The Sins were First Pride and Haughtiness Secondly Fulness of Bread Thirdly Abundance of Idelness Fourthly Unmercifulness to the Poor Fifthly Abomination The first Sin of Sodom was Pride and Haughtiness Prov. 16. 18. Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall The Pride and haughtiness of the Sodomits did discover it self in their carriage towards Lot Gen. 19. 7 9. Lot is meek and humble he speaketh fairly and kindly I pray you Brethren do not so wickedly But they are high rough and very haughty in their answer And they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came in to sojourn and he will needs be a Iudge As if they should have said Pray who are you that take upon you to speak thus unto us do you know whom you speak to you are a bold and saucy fellow to tell us of wickedness Will you needs be our Iudge shall we indeed be judg'd by such a fellow as you pray stay untill we make choice of you and place you in that office shall we submit our selves to be judged by one so contemptible No no we will never endure it it is below our birth and breeding to be curb'd by any one especially by you who are a stranger and of such a low spirit as dare not join with us in the way and practice of our City We will deal worse with you than with them we will make you know that we are your betters and that we have power in our bands to bring you to your knees and to tread you under our feet that we can do both with you and yours what we please we have been often provoked by you before now we will forbear no longer but make you to feel as well as to see in what disdain we have taken all your reproofs of our conversation Pride was grown to a great heigth in Sodom it was monstrously great and big-bellied conceiving and bringing forth many Daughters such as Hatred Malice Envie Revenge Wrath Strife Contention Bitterness evil speaking Slanders Backbiting Whisperings Tumults Brawls Blood and the like these and many other ●…ins