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A58942 Sacred geographie. Or Scriptural mapps 1. Of all the earth, and water, at the creation. 2. Of paradice [sic], and the countries circumjacent, inhabited by the patriarks. 3. Israels forty years perigrination through the wilderness. 4. Canaan, or the land of promise. 5. The travels of S. Paul, and other the apostles. 6. Jerusalem, as it stood in our Saviours time. Collected both from sacred and prophane authority, by learned persons selected thereunto by the National Congreagation of Dutch Devines, for the more profitable reading of the Old and New Testament. And to be bound up with Bibles. Translated into English by J. Moxon, hydrographer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. London, printed by Joseoph Moxon, and sold at his shop on Ludgate hill, at the signe of Atlas. 1671. Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691. 1691 (1691) Wing S223D; ESTC R219071 54,504 99

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After 7 days persuit of his Father in law and Uncle Laban and a great power he brought with him he was overtaken Yet nevertheless Laban being warned of God not to hurt Jacob made a convenant with him Gen 31. 48 49. not to hurt each other Here they made a heap of stones in memorial of the covenant and called the name of it Gilead and Mizpah And from thence Laban returned home in peace Jacob travelling a little further meets the Angels of God and called the name of the place Mahanaim at Fig. 20 in the Mapp From hence Jacob and all his Family and followers passed over the foord Jabbok Gen. 32. 22. Here it was that Jacob wrestled with God and obtained his blessing and was called Israel wherefore he called the name of the place Peniel at Fig. 21. in the Mapp And here he met his brother Esau coming against him with 400 men yet they imbraced and parted friendly from one another Esau to his dwellings in the mountains Seir at Fig. 22 in the Mapp Gen. 33. 16. and Jacob journied to Succoth on the River of Jordan at Fig. 23 in the Mapp where he built an house From thence he came neer the Citty of Shechem in Canaan at Fig. 17. in the Mapp From hence God commanded him to go to Bethel and make there an Altar unto God that appeared unto him when he fled from his brother Esau. Gen. 35. 1. From hence Jacob travelled towards Ephrath which is Bethelem at Fig. 24. And within a little way of the place Richel dyed with hard labour of her son Benjamin and was buried there Gen. 35. 19. and Gen. 48. 7. Israel travelled again from thence and pitched his Tents beyond the Tower of Edar at Fig. 25. in the Mapp From Edar he went to his Father Iscaac in Mamre at the Citty of Arbak at Fig. 11 in the Mapp And Isaac being 180 years old dyed and was buryed by his sons Esau and Jacob in the Sepulcher of his Father Abraham at Machpelah at Fig. 12 in the Mapp Israel being compelled by famine and invited by his son Joseph goes into Egypt that is the land of Cham also called Mitsraim where Joseph receives him with joy and duty and entertains him with great kindness and liberallity giving him with the consent of Pharaoh the Land of Goshen at Fig. 26 in the Mapp to live in The soules that came out of Egypt with him were in number 70. And Israel being very old and dim of sight dyed there and was carryed by his son Joseph and the rest of his children and a great train of Egyptians very magnificently into the land of Canaan and buried in the Sepulcher of his Father and Grandfather at Machpelah which is before Mamre at Fig. 12 in the Mapp Gen 50. 13. Thus is the curteous Spectator presented with a short Narration of the several Countries Stations and Dwellings of our first Parents from Adam downwards to Jacob and by the corresponding figures in the Mapp and this Narration is directed to find the scituation of every place in question which he shall read of in the Bible wherein they are concerned with very great ease speed and delight A short discourse upon the Perigrination of the Children of Israel Together with a Geographical description of the several places they travelled to between Egypt and the land of Canaan THe land of Promise is by some old Writers called Palestine as is conjectured from the name of the Inhabitants of the land called Philistines a Nation descended from Cham one of the sons of Noah And yet may this Land be properly called the Land of Promise in regard of the promise God made to Abraham Gen. 12. 7. and Gen. 13. 15. It takes the name of Canaan from Canaan one of the sons of Ham and is devided into particular Provinces according to the several names of Chams sons who were the first possessors of those Provinces as you may more perfectly see in the Mapp of Paradice And lastly this Land is called the Holy Land alluding to what God said unto Moses in Deut. 3. 5. Draw not nigh hither Put off thy shoes from thy feet for the Place whereon thou standest is Holy Ground Notwithstanding this was not spoken by God in the Land of Canaan but in the Wilderness of Sin by mount Horeb. Yet however we may account this a very proper name for this Land because the holiness of the Lord was there preserved The Holy Citty of Jerusalem stood in it and the most Holy and true Son of God had both his birth and conversation in it The extream bounds of this Land reaches Fastwards to Arabiathe Stony Westwards to the Great Sea Northwards to the Hills of Labanon and Southwards to the Wilderness of Paran Edom and Kadesh It s length between Labanon and Paran is about 150 English Miles The bredth between the Great Sea and the River of Jordan is various for in some Places it is about 50. in others about 60. Miles over This Land is watered with several smal Rivolets or Brooks some emptying themselves into the Great Sea and others running into the River of Jordan a famous River taking its original from two smal Lakes by the Woods of Labanon called Jor and Dan who running a little way unite both their streams and names and from thence is called Jordan This River Jordan runs from thence into the Lake Merom and from Merom into the Sea of Galilee otherwise called the Sea of Chinereth And lastly running from the Sea of Chinereth it looses its self and name in the Dead Sea or Vale of Siddim In this Valestood formerly those wicked Citties Sodom and Gomorrah and in the time of Lot was a most exceeding fruitfull plot of ground compared to the Garden of the Lord to witt Paradice Gen 13. 10. This Sea or Vale is also watered with the Brooks Zered and Arnon and is nevertheless as Josephus writes a salt and unfruitful Lake Tacitus Egysippus Pausanius and others write wonderful things of this Lake which for brevity we shall here omit Yet this we ought to remark that herein is found driving upon the waters a species of Pitch called Asphaltum from whence this Lake hath also obtained the name of Mare Asphalticum This Pitch being melted hath a noysom stinck and is used both in medicines and by the Inhabitants there-abouts for the pitching of Vessels But to proceed This Land of Canaan is a very fruitful Land producing Corn Wine Oyl Sugar Balsome Figgs Herbs and Flowers and is very truely termed a Land flowing with milk and honey Exod 3. 8. and in several other places It is beautified with many fair Hills Vales Fields Fountains Rivers Woods Citties Vi●lages and strong Castles exceling many other Lands in the World and therefore given by God for an Inheritance to the Father of the faithful and his Seed the children of Israel as a type of the Heavenly Canaan the place of perfect and accomplished joy and happiness The exceeding
great number of Citties in this Land is almost incredible yet that you may the better conceive of it we have thought fit to add a Catalogue of the Kingly Citties which Joshua by lot devided to the children of Israel as follows To the Tribe of Ruben Hesh●●n Madian P●tra To Manasse G●●al F●a-D●r Ta●●a●● M●g●●●● Israel Th●●z● Ashtaroth Domas●●● Ed●●● Gesur Maachath Zoba Them●●● Madon To Gad Rabbah To Benjamin ●●thel A● Gibe●● Jer●sa●●● Jericho To Simeon Debir Gerar. To Zebulon Jok●eam Simron Mer●● To Issachat Apbek To Asher Achsaph Lassor●n Tyre Zidon To Naphtali Hazor Edrei Heleph Hamm●th To Dan. Ekron Gath. Lac●is To Judah Harad Arab. Makked●h Lib●a Eglon. Bes●k Hebron Adullam Tappua To Ephraim G●●ur Tappuah L●ssaron Samaria in all 52 Kingly Citties This Description of the Land of Canaan may be thought unproper in this place since we pretend to shew you the children of Israels forty years wandering through the Wilderness But because you may know what Land it was God had ordained for them after their Trials and Travels and because we intend in our Discourse upon the Mapp of Canaan to treat mostly upon the Actions and Passages of our Saviour Jesus Christ in this Land therefore we thought fit to insert this Discourse here and to omit it in the next Mapp Wherefore Having thus given you an account of the Land of Promise we come next to shew the Perigrination of the children of Israel towards it through the Wildernesses of Paran Zin Kadesh c. where for your information take notice that the double prickt line in the Map shews the passage they made and where you find six little round thus besides the prickt line it shews where they pitched their Tents Each Station is marked with numerical figures to which the numerical figures in the Mapp and Book bear particular referrences But to the purpose God having purposed that the posterity of Abraham should remain as strangers in a strange Land 430 years And this time being expired he took notice of their miserable bondage and how they were supprest and tasked of the Egyptians he heard the sighs and complaints of his People and therefore sent his servants Moses and Aaron to lead them out of Egypt into the Promised land And because King Pharaoh opposed them therefore God sent all sorts of plagues upon Egypt so that at last Pharaoh and his people were not only willing to let them go but even in a manner drove them out of the land The children of Israel therefore gathered themselves together from all parts of the land to Rameses and ate the Paschal Lamb on the 14. day of the moneth Ibib. Exod. 13. 4. which with us is part of the moneth of March and by them accounted the first moneth of the Year 2583. years after the Creation of the World The next day to wit the 15 day of the first moneth they journeyed from thence to Succoth at fig. 1. in the Mapp and from thence to Etham at fig. 2. on the edge of the Wilderness and there encamped themselves From thence they turned to Pi-hahiroth at fig. 3. between Migdal and the Sea where they were overtaken by the Egytians But God set his Angel behind the camp to guard it And having provided a Pillar of Cloud and a Pillar of Light the one to guide them in the Day and the other to light them in the Night placed the Pillar of loud behind the Israelites and it became a Light to them but Darkness to the Egyptians so as they could not come at them Israel being thus beset on each side with high mountains behind with an Enemy and before with the Red Sea cryed unto the Lord who by the hands of his servant Moses caused the Waters to part and they went over on dry Ground But when the Egyptians persued them the Waters returned again and covered them and their Chariots so that they were all drowned in the Sea and not one of them escaped Hereat the People rejoyce and Moses and Miriam sing praises to the Lord for their deliverance But journeying farther come to the bitter Waters of Marah at fig. 4. where they encamped and murmurred against Moses who by the Lords direction threw a Tree into the Waters and they became sweet Exod. 15. 25. From hence they journeyed to Elim at fig. 5. and encamped there where they found twelve Fountains of Water and seventy Palm Trees From thence they came to the coasts of the Red Sea at fig. 6. And from thence to the Wilderness of Sin at fig. 7. and encamped there on the 15 day of the second Moneth after they came out of the Land of Egypt Here they again murmurred against Moses for want of Flesh calling for the Flesh pots and Bread of Egypt Wherefore the Lord pittying them sent them their dayly bread from Heaven which they called Mannah and caused a great number of Qua●●s to come out of the Sea to seed them with Then they journeyed from Sin and set up their Tents in Dep●k●● at fig. 8. From thence to Alush at fig. 9. Thence Rep●●dim at fig. 10 where there was no Water to drink wherefore the People again murmur at Moses and tempred the Lord and therefore the name of the place was called Massah and 〈◊〉 Exod. 17. 7. Nevertheless the Lord commanded Moses to smite the Rock and there came forth Water for the People to drink Here also Amalek came forth against Israel and Moses and Aaren and Hur went up to the top of the Hill where Moses lined up his hand 〈◊〉 Prayer to the Lord and Israel prevailed but when his hands grew heavy so that he could not hold them up Amalek prevailed against Israel therefore Aaron and ●ur got a stone for Moses to sit on and held up his hands steddy till Amlek was quite discomfited Afterwards came Jethro the Father in law of Moses and Priest of Midian whom Moses received with reverence and love And Jethra brought with him his daughter Zioporah Moses wife and her two sons Gerskon and Eliezer Jethro seeing the great paine and trouble Moses had in judging the People concels him to seek out Wise Couragious and Jastmen fearing God and set them as Rulers over thousands over hundreds and over tens and what causes were too great for them they should bring before Moses This pleased Moses well and he did so And his Father in law departed into his own Countrey The same day the Israelites departed out of Riphidim and encamped in the Wilderness of Sinai at fig. 11. against the Mountains which are also in part called Horeb Here God came down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the People and gave them his Law first by word of mouth and afterwards to Moses in two Tables written on Stone by God himself after he had been forty dayes in the Mount with God Exod. 32. 16. and Deut. 9. 9 10 11. But Moses coming down and seeing the Idolatry of the People towards the Golden Calf waxed
disco●●●ted by the Amalekites and the Cana●ni●es and persued and consumed even unto Hormah From Rithmah the Lord commanded them to go to Rimmon-Parez at fig. 15. from ●immon-Pare● to Lithnah at fig. 16. from thence to Rissa at fig. 17. then to Kehelathah at fig. 18 then to Mount Shapher at fig. 19. then to Haradah fig. 20. then to Makheloth fig 21 ●hen to Tahath fig. 22. then to Tarah fig. 23. then to Mithkah fig. 24 then to Hashmonah fig. 25. then to Moseroth fig. 26. then to Bene-Jaakan fig. 27. then to Hor-hagidgad at fig. 28. then to Jotbathah fig. 29. then to Ehronah fig. 30. then to Ezion-g●ber fig. 31. on the Red Sea from whence Salomon sent his Ships to Ophir for Gold 1 Kin. 9. 26. While they were in these last recited Journeys Korah Dathan and Abiram conspired against Moses and Aaron and begat a rebellion in the People for which the Earth opened and swallowed them up alive and the men that were with them and all their families and Goods and 250 of their partakers that offered falfe Incense were consumed by fire that came out from the Lord. Where at on the morrow all the People murmurred against Moses and Aaron telling them that they had killed the People of the Lord. At which the anger of the Lord was so kindled that he sent a Plague among them that destroyed 14700 Souls Then the Lord to put an end to the grudgings of the People commanded Moses to cause all the Princes of each Tribe to bring every one his Rod and write thereon his Name and put them before the Tabernacle of the Congregation and to write Aarons name on his Rod and put it there also and the mans Rod whom the Lord should chuse to be chief Priest should bud So on the morrow Aarons Rod was budded and brought forth blossoms and bare ripe Almonds Numh. chap. 16. and ch 17. By this time God had led them 39 years through several Wildernesses and in the first moneth they removed from Esiongeber into the Wilderness of Zin to Kadesh at fig. 32. Here Mariam dyed and was burieed And here the People again murmur against Moses and Aaron for want of Water whereupon Moses prays unto the Lord who directs him to assemble the Congregation and to take his Rod and speak unto the Rock before them which he did but smote the Rock twice and there came forth Water abundantly for them and their Cattle For which twice striking upon the Rock the Lord reprehends Moses and Aaron of unbeleef since he only commanded them to speak to the Rock and tells them they shall not bring the Congregation into the Land which he had promised them This was the Water of Meriba so called because of the strife between the People and the Lord. Numb 20. 13. From hence Moses sent messengers to the King of Edom desiring passage through his Countrey but he denying it the Camp journeyed to Mount Hor fig. 33 where Aaron dyed in the tortieth year after the children of Israel set forth out of the land of Egypt being aged 123 years Numb 13. 38 39. While they were at Mount Hor King Arad a Can●anite warred against Israel but Israel overcame them and destroyed their Cities From Mount Hor the Camp removed to Zalmonah at fig. 34. towards the Red Sea to go about by the land of Edom to Punon fig. 35. where the way seemed very grievous to them so that they again fell to murmuring against the Lord and Moses Wherefore the Lord sent fiery Serpents among them which stung many of them to death But upon their confession of their sins and Moses praying to the Lord God commanded Moses to make a fiery Serpent and to set it up for those to look on that were bitten that they might live Numb 21. 5 6 8 1 9. From Punon they came to Oboth fig. 36. thence to Jie-abarim fig. 37. on the borders of Moab Thence they came and pitched on the River Zared fig. 38. thence to Dibon-gad fig. 39. then to Almon-blath fig. 40. from thence they passed by the Well Beer and came to Mattanah fig. 41. then to Nahaliel fig. 42. then to Batmoth fig. 43. in the Plain of Moab even to the top of Pisgah at this * figure in the Mapp From hence Israel sent messengers to Sihon King of the Amorites desiring his leave to pass through his Countrey but instead of giving leave he raised an Army and fought against Israel But Israel overcame him and took his Countrey from him and possessed it and put all his People to the sword In this encamping the Israelites commit fornication with the Women of Moab and Idolatry with Baal-Peor which so kindled the anger of God against them that he sent a Plague among them which destroyed 24000 Souls After which God commanded Moses again to number the People and he found the number of males of 20 years old and upwards to be 601630. besides the Levites who were numbred to be 23000. males from a moneth old and upwards Numb 26. But the Lord commanded Moses to revenge himself on the Midianites so he selected 1000 out of every Tribe and sent them against the Kings of Midian and slew them and all the males and took their Women and their Cattle and all they had and fired their Citties and Villages He sent forth also and took Og King of Boshan and his Countrie and all the Lands about Jordan on this side Here Moses received command of the Lord to go up into the top of this Mount Pisgah and take a view of the land of Promise for that in regard of his disobedience to the Lord at the Waters of Meribah he should not enter thereinto but Joshuab should ledd the People over And here Moses dyed when he was 120 years old and was buryed in a Valley in the land of Moab over against Beth. peor but his Sepulcher is concealed Deut. 34. 6. After Israel had mourned 30 daies for Moses God commanded Joshuah to pass over Jordan and take possession of the Promised Land Therefore Joshuah sent out two men to Jericho to spy the Land who returning brought tydings how much discouraged the Inhabitants were because of them Whereupon the Camp removed to Shittim and came to Joraan and lodged there before they went over Three daies after the Officers went through the Camp commanding the People to be in readiness against the Ark removed to pass over Jordan And so soon as the feet of the Priests that bare the Ark touched the brinks of the Water the Water parted but the Priests with the Ark went into the middle of Jordan and there stood till all the children of Israel went over on dry Land And for a perpetual memorial of this miracle God commanded Joshuah to cause one man out of every Tribe to take a Stone out of the midst of the River where the Priests feet stood and leave it at the place where they should encamp that night which was at Gilgal
and they again devided it among their Sons The children of Japhet inhabited Europe the Northern part of Asia and America as we may gather from Ezeck 38. 6. 15. and 39. 2. Shem spread himself over the South part of Asia and America And Ham possessed the Land of Canaan Arabia and all Africa Yet the Posterity of Shem drove out the Canaanites and possessed themselves of Canaan and most parts of Arabia The sons of Japhet were these Gomor Magog Madai Javan Thubal Mesech and Thiras Go●ers sons were Askenas Riphat and Togarma Askenas is held by the Scribes to be the Father of the French and Germans Riphat the Original of the Finlanders L●planders and the inhabitants of Condora Obdora and Jougoria where Ancient Geographers have placed the Hills of Riphai which at this day is called by the Inhabitants thereof the G●rdle of the World And Togarma the first Inhabiter of Sweden Denmark and Norway From Magog are desended all the People of Scithya now called Tartarie Ezech. 38. 2. 39. 6. And from Madia the Medes 2 K●●g● 17. 6. Jos 13. 17. Jer. 25. 25. Dan. 5. 28. 6. 1. 8. 20. The Children of Javan are these Elisa Tharsis Kithim and Doda●im From Elis● have the Greeks which are called Aeoles their Original Ezech. 37. 7. From Tharsis the people of Cilicia wherein is the City of Tharsis wherein the Apostle Paul was born From Kithim those of Cyprus Macedonia and Italy have there Original Numb 14. 24. Isa. 23. 1. Jer. 2. 10. 1 Mach. 1. 1. Of Dodanim are descended the Greeks called Dores which are the People of Cariae Rhodes Pelepon●esus and Scicil●e Thubal is accounted the Father of those of Iberia Albania and Spin. And Mesech a Father of those of Cappadocia Moscovia Polonia and other People that use the Sclavonian Language Ezech. 27. 13. 32. 26. 38. 3. And Thiras an Original of those of Tharsis Misia and Illyria So that the blessing Noah gave laphet came upon him when he said God spread forth laphet and let him dwell in the Tents of Shem and let Canaan be his Servant This blessing we here see accomplisht for God so spread forth Iaphet that his Posterity possessed the Nothern parts of the Earth And God hath also given him the third and fourth Monarchy of the world At this day the Lord hath plentifully blessed him in some parts of his possessions in spiritual blessings in other parts in Temporal blessings as we may see the Kingdoms and Countries of Christendom As also in the Moscovites Tarters and Turks who at present have the command over much of Shems and H●ms Posterity Rome the Empress of the fourth Monarchy had in the time of Vespatian thirteen Italian miles and almost one quarter Plin. lib. 3. cap. 5. Flavius Vopiscus witnesseth that the Imperour Aurelian inlarged the compass of this City to 30 Italian miles The sons of Shem were Elam Asshur Arphaisad Lud and Aram. Elam was a father of the Elamites that is of the Inhabitants of the Lands of Susiana Elymais and Persia Dan. 8. 2. Where the Prophet witnesseth that Susa or Susari scituate on the River Vl●i which the Greeks call Euleum is a City in the lands of Elam Here the Monarchs of Persia kept their Court as being the Imperial City of the second Monarchy and had in its circuit 120. Stad that is 15. Ital. miles for 8. Stad makes an Ital. mile Strab. lib. 15. From Assur had the Assirians who had the first Monarchy their Original whose Imperial City was Ninive a City of God whose circuit was three dayes Journey Jonas 3. 3. With which agree ancient writers who witness that Ninive was in length 150. Stad in bredth 90 and in Circuit 480. Stad that is 60 English miles Arphachsad was a Father of the Babilonians and Chaldeans who were called by the Hebrews Chasdim from one of the Posterity of Arphachsad The Imperial City of which lands was Babel of whose great power glory and command the Holy Scripture witnesses in several places Isa. 13. 19. 14. 12. 47. 7. Ier. 51. 41. 58. Dan. 4. 30. With which agree Historians and Chronologers for among the rest Herodotus witnesses that Babel was four square each side having in length 120. Stad that is 60 English miles Herodotus lib. 1. Yet Strab● an Author of credit makes this City less saying that the wall of this City was in circuit 385 Stad that is 48 English miles and one Stad Among other of Arphachsads Posterity was Heber his Sons Son who was a Father of the Hebrews who had two Sons one called Peleg because in his time the world was devided for Peleg signifies in English deviding His brother was called Iaketan who had many Sons to wit Almodad Saleph Hazarmaveth Sarah Haderam Vzal Dikela Obal Abimael Seba Ophir Haevila and Iobab These spread themselves from Mesa to Sephar at the Hill towards the East Gen. 10. 25. Many of the Learned understand by Mesa the Hill Masium which is a part of the Mountains of Amani And by Sephar the City Sipphara Scituate in Mesopotamia upon the River of Euphrates But yet there is more ground to think that their Habitations was from the River of Tigris towards the East to the farthest parts of the East Indies Yet nevertheless Elams posterity inhabited also between the borders of these vast stretched forth Lands for the land of Hevila borders towards the West on the spring head of the River of Pison which is an arm of the River of Tigris And Ophir Hevila's brother is held to be the Father of the Inhabitants of the Lands of Pegu Sian and Aurea Chersonesus that is the Golden Peninsula where at this day stands the Famous City of Malacca so that by the mountains towards the East we must understand the Hills that part the East Indies from China From the Land of Ophir Solomons Ships brought Gold Precious Stones and other rich Commodities Performing their Voyage in three yeers time 1 Kin. 9. 26. 10. 12. 22. For this reason Benedictus Arias Mountanus understands by Sephar and the Mountains towards the East the Lands and Mountains of Peru and saies that therefore the Gold wherewith King Solomon covered the Temple is called Gold of Peraim that is both the Peru's for the last silable aim signifies in the Hebrew tongue a number of two 2 Chron. 3. 6. Also the name of the land of Jucatan which lies between Mexico and the Island Haiti otherwise called Spaniola sounds very like Iaketan the name of Ophers Father Led the son of Shem is held to be a Father of the Inhabitants of Lydia and other Countries in Asia the less From Aram Luds brother have those of Syria Mesopotamia and Armenia their Original for these mighty Kingdoms and their perticular Provinces are called in the Holy Scripture the Land of Aram although they are distinguished from one another by several names for example Aram Damasci Aramzobe Aram Naharam that is Aram between the two Rivers
of Euphrates and Tigras which lands the Greeks call Mesopotamia 2 Sam. 8. 3. 5. 10. 6. Iud. 3. 8. The Inhabitants of these Lands are at this day as well of themselves as of the Neighbouring Nations about them called Aramei and Asamei The Children of Aram are these Uz Hull Gether and Mas. From Uz are descended those of Cele Syria called in the Holy Scripture the Land of Uz where Job dwelt Job 11. From Hull are descended the Inhabitants of Palmiaren from Gether those of Apamena and from Mas the People of Pieriah Comagena and Cyrestica See the Map of the Travels of St Paul The sons of Cham are these Cus Misraim Put and Canaan Cus from whom the desart and stony Arabia was called the Land of Chus Begat Seba Hevila Sabtha Raema Sebtecha and Nimrod From Seba and Hevila are descended the dwellers of the desart and stony Arabia Psal. 72. 10. Isai. 43. 3. These Countries were afterwards overcome by the Posterities of Abraham the Edomites and the Isralites and by them possessed You must understand that desart Arabia is so called not that it is wholy desart and un-inhabited But because it hath many desart places and few Cities because the dwellers therein live most in Tents as those who for grasing of their Cattle often change Places Sabtha or more properly Sabbetha is one of the Predecessors of the Inhabitants of Arabia the happy wherein in former times was the City of Sabbotha From Raema are descended the People that inhabite that part of Arabia the happy that borders on the Persian Sea where Ptolomie places the City of Rhegama Among the Sons of Raema were Sheba and Dedan From Dedan are descended the dwellers of Dedace in Ethiopia and the Troglodites as may be gathered by the Marchandize mentioned in Ezeck 27. 15. 38. 13. Seba was also the Progenitor of the People of Ethiopia Isai. 45. 14. From hence came the Queen of Saba or more properly Sheba to King Solomon 1 King 10. 1. Mat. 12. 42. And here reigned the mighty Queen Can●●es Act. 8. 27. And at this time here reigns that potent Prince untruly called Presbiter John for he is neither Presbiter nor Priest but is indeed the mightiest Monarch of this world The People of Arabia and other Mahumetans call him At●clabassi and his own Subjects Acegue and Neguz of the Abissines or Moors From Mitsraim are descended the People of Egypt And therefore the Hebrews from him call that land in their language Mitsraim And also to this day the Inhabitants and bordering People call it Mìsri From Mitsraim are also descended these following Nations to wit Ludim the Inhabitants of the Common-wealth of Mariot in Egypt Anaemim the Inhabitants of Marmarica and Cyrene Leabim the people of Lybia Scituated between Marenmaricam and Egypt Naphthuhim The Moors on the borders of Egypt whose chief City is Napatha or Naphtha Pathrusim which Ptolomy calls Phorusios and Pliny Pharusios those of Getulia who border on the great Ocean Sea Isai. 11. 11. ler. 44. 1 15. Plin. Book 6. ch 8. And Casluhim the Inhabitants of Cassiotidis lying in the entrance of Egypt coming from India and the Caphtorims that is the Inhabitants of Seir and other adjacent Countries From these people are descended the Philistims and Caphtorims Gen. 10. 14. Gen. 32. 3. Deut. 2. 22. From Put are descended the People of Africa the Less Mauritania in which is the River that Ptolomy calls Phehut and Plinie Funt And also in Numidia and other Countries towards the South Mauritania and Africa the Less are now called Barbary Numidia Biledulgerid and those Lands extending farther Southwards are called Azamaga Gualata Guiny which is the land of Black Moors From Canaan are descended the Sidonites Hethites Iebusites Emorites Cirgasites Hevites Arkites Sinites Arradites Zemarites and the Hamathites And their Countries extended from Sidon unto Gaza c. Gen. 10. 19. But almost all this Land of Canaan was for the many grievous sins of its Inhabitants by Gods Commandment given for an Inheritance to the seed of Abraham Nimrod the Son of Chus began to be a mighty man upon the Earth and the beginning of his Kingdom was Babel and other Cities in the land of Shinar Gen. 10. 10. Now in regard that the Posterity of Noah are thus placed in Europe Asia and Africa a question may arise how America being so great a part of the world became first populated and from whence and because the answer cannot be found either in Holy writ or prophane Authours the most we can do is but to offer at arguments and leave them to be accepted or rejected according as they may seem most probable or improbable to the judgement of the Reader Yet certain it is that the People of America had their Original from Noah For in the Flood God destroyed every thing that was upon the Earth from Man to Beast and Noah only remained and they that were with him in the Ark. Gen. 7. 23. But from which of Noahs sons is the task to find out in regard we have had so little knowledge of that part of the world till of comparatively late years It seems neerest the truth that those People that inhabite the Northern parts of America are descended from laphet for towards the North is but a small Sea both on the Western and Eastern side On the Eastern side of America between the Western parts of Norway and the Eastern parts of Island are not contained above 170 Leagues from whence by the providence of God Norway-Men Fishing at Sea in smal vessels might easily by stress of weather be forced over with a strong Easterly wind in less than three dayes time And afterwards either they or their Successors by the same Providencial cause might in less than one daies time be driven from the Western Shoars of Island upon the Shoars of Groenland which though it be not accounted a part of America yet in my Judgement it ought to be rather part of it than of any of the other three parts of the World and that because it borders so very near upon it that to this day it is unknown whether it be a part of that Continent or no. For several of our Country men and others have attempted to find a Sea Passage between them and yet cannot But if there be a passage it is a very small one and therefore we may probably conjecture would not longly hid since the necessities that that cold Climate is Subject to would compel rational Creatures as men are to seek Southerly for a warmer Scituation But here to shew the possibility of such an accident I mentioned only three daies time wherein men might be forced over from the Western parts of Norway to the Eastern parts of Groenland though we need not from hence conclude it was so but we may also think that America might as well be populated from any other part of Europe if we but allow that Navigations have designedly been made thither both by our
so wrath with them that in holy zeal he threw the two Tables out of his hands and brake them in peeces and took the Golden Calf and burned it in the fire and ground it to powder and shewed it upon Water and made the Children of Israel to drink of it Then Moses prayed unto God and obtained mercy for them And God caused Moses to hew two other Tables and with his own finger he wrote on them the words that were in the former Tables In the Mount Sinai Moses receives a command from God to make the Tabernacle with all its appertainces according to his directions and to require of all the People a Free will Offering besides a Tax of half a Shekel upon every male of 20 years old and upwards In this Tax were numbred 603550. men Exod. 39. 26. and in the former vers it saies it brought up in Silver 100. Tal and 1775 Shek of Silver Besides 100. Talents of Siverto cast Sockets which makes 200 Talents 1775. Shekels amounting to in our English Coin at 2. sh. 5. d. the Shekel the sum of 72565. lb. 6. sh. 3. d. Besides was freely offered in Gold 29 Tallents 730 Shekels which if we reckon to be worth twelve times its weight in Silver as according to the most usual received value it is it amounts to the sum of 127208. lb. 10. sh. o. d. To which added the Silver aforesaid 72562. 6. 3. makes the exact sum of 199773. 16. 3. English money This sum is for the Gold and Silver only The Brass imployed at out the Tabernacle and its appertainances was 70. Talents and 2400 Shekels which of our weight at 16 ounces to the pound weighs 6526. lb. 14. ounces which reckoned at 8. d. the pound the usual price of Bras with us comes to 217. lb. 11. sh. 3. which added to the former sum makes 199991. lb. 7. sh. 6. the just value of the mettal imployed about the Tabernacle Besides the Offerings of Blew Silk Purple Scarlet Fine Linnen Goats hair Ram skins dyed Red Badger skins Shittim wood Oyl Spices Sweet Incense and precious Stones which must needs amount to a very great price Nor is there in Scripture any mention made what the workmanship of all these materials cost but surely it would come to much were into be paid for The Women doubtless spun their blew Silk and Goats hair freely And we may conjecture that many men that had nothing else offered their Labour gratis to the building of this Tabernacle to the Lord. The Tabernacle being finisht was reared up Exod. 40. 2. the first day of the first moneth in the second year after they departed out of Egypt It and all its Instruments was annointed and hallowed by Moses And then a Cloud covered it and the glory of the Lord filled it All the day time the Cloud remained over it and Fire was in it in the night time and became a Light to all the Camp Now follows another Offering Numb 7. 2 3. of all the Princes and Elders of the Tribes And they send six covered Chariots and twelve Oxen two Princes joyned for a Chariot and each Prince sent his Ox to do service in the Tabernacle Each Prince offered also in the first Dedication of the Altar a Charger of 130. Shekels of Silver and a Bowl of Silver weighing 30 Shekels and an Incense Cup of Gold weighing 10 Shekels which was in all 2400. Shekels of Silver amounting to 590 lb. Sterling and 120 Shekels of Gold amounting to 358 lb. Sterling together 948 lb. Sterling They also offered 60 young Bullocks 72 Rams 72 Lambs and 72 He Goats for Burnt Offerings and for Sin Offerings and for Peace Offerings Thus was the Altar dedicated We have before found the People numbred from 20 years old and upwards but till now the Levites are not numbred Therefore God commanded Moses to number them from a moneth old and upwards and they were found to be 2.000 Every first born male is now also numbred and they are found to amount to 22273 Souls which with the Levites make 44273. which with the foregoing 603550 makes 647823 males Besides Women and Maidens and Youths under 20 years of age On the 20 day of the second moneth of the second Year the Cloud was taken up from the Tabernacle Numb 10. 11. and the Camp removed from the Wilderness of Sinai and rested in the Wilderness of Paran at fig. 12. in such order as you may read in Numb 10. 14. to 29. Here the People murmur against Moses wherefore the fire of the Lord burnt among them and consumed the outmost part of the Host and therefore the name of the Place was called Taberah And here the People again lusted and wept for the Flesh the Fish the Onnions and other fare of Egypt and loath Mannah wherefore the Lord sent them such numbers of Quailes out of the Sea that they even surfeited with them and so kindled the Lords anger against them that he sent an exceeding great Plague amongst them wherefore the name of the Place was called Kibi oth Hattaavah that is Graves of Lust. Numb 11. 34. From hence they took their journey to Hareroth at Fig. 13 here Aaron and Miriam for speaking against Moses were punnished Aaron by words from the Lord and Miriam with Leprosie so that she was shut out of the Host seven days And then the Host removed thence to Rithma in the Wilderness of Paran at Fig. 14. From hence the Lord commanded Moses to send forth 12 men to search the Land of Canaan who returned again in forty days bringing with them a Cluster of Grapes on a Bar between two of them and Pomgranates and Figgs and related it to be a Land flowing wihh Milk and Honey But yet that the People were strong and the Cittie 's walled and that there were Gyants among them which so discouraged the Israelites that they again fell a murmuring wishing they had dyed in Egypt or that they were dead in the Wilderness And were conspring to chuse themselves another Captain to lead them again into Egypt But Joshua and Caleb two of the twelve that were sent to search the Land strove to appease and incourage the People For which the multitude were about to stone them which so provoked Gods anger against them that he threatned to destroy them all yet by the Prayers of Moses the Lord forgave them but swore that none of them that had seen the miracles he did in Egypt and had so oft tempted him in the Wilderness should ever enter into the land of Promise only Joshua and Caleb for their obedience should but all the rest should dy in the Wilderness as they had wished Wherefore the People were sorry for what they done and as in dispair offered to go up to the place the Lord had promised them But Moses would not consent to it but councelled them to the contrary yet they presumed obstinately to go up though Moses and the Ark went not with them and were
towards Jericho Joshuah commanded them also to pitch twelve Stones in the middle of Jordan where the Priests feet stood to remain there for a memorial for ever The Lord of Hosts having thus brought the children of Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea and led them 40 years together through several Wildernesses and now set them on the other side of Jordan we shall leave them there and refer our Reader to the holy Bible for an Historical Relation of their several exploits in the Wars with the Nations that possessed the Land how they overcame them all conquered their strong Citties possessed themselves of the whole land and rooted out all their enemies How this land was afterwards devided among the twelve Tribes of Israel by Joshuah is marked in this Mapp with single pricks and the Capital name that is writ within them is the name of the Tribe that possessed so much of the land as is encompassed with those pricks The Citties of Refuge appointed Josh. 20. 7 8 are marked with a cross upon the Tower as you may see in the Mapp it self on your left hand just over the picture of both sides the Shekel A Discourse upon the Geographical Description of the Land of CANAAN Possest by the Israelites and travelled through by our Saviour Jesus Christ and his Apostles THe fullness of Time being come wherein God according to his eternal decree had ordained to send his Son into the World in humane shape and nature for the redemption of mankind the Angel Gabriel came and saluted Mary a Virgin at Nazereth at fig. 1. it the Mapp with a message from the Lord Luk 1. 28. telling her that the Holy Ghost should come upon her and the power of the most High should overshadow her and she should bring forth a child and call his name JESUS which accordingly came to pass when Augustus Caesar was Emperour of all the World and Herod the Terrarch was King of Jewry and Cyrenius Governour of Syria which was in the year of the World according to Mr John Butler in his Christologia 4000. then came Mary with her betrothed Husband Joseph to Bethlehem at fig. 2. a Citty of David for they were both of the Lineage of David to be Taxed according to the Decree of Caesar. And because there was no room in the Inn they were fain to make shift with a Stable where she fell in Labour and brought forth her first born Son wrapped him in swadling cloaths and laid him in a Manger The Angels soon carryed this joyfull news to Shepherds that were then keeping their Sheep and gave them signes how they should find the Child who straight way left their flock came to Bethlehem and found him out and publisht abroad the tydings that was brought them of the Angels Luk. 2. This Child was circumcised at eight daies old and his name called JESUS And when he was 33 daies old he was brought to the Temple at Jerusalem at fig. 3. by his Parents and presented to the Lord according to the custom of the Jews whither also being directed by the Spirit came Simeon a just man and one that feared God who took the child Jesus in his arms and praised God c. Whi●e they were yet in Bethlehem came wise men having seen his Star out of the East to worship him And the fame hereof coming to Herods ears caused him to assemble all the chief Priests and Scribes to learn of them the place of his birth who informed him it was to be in Bethlehem Wherefore he commanded the wise men to seek the Child with all diligence and bring him word that he might come and worship When these wise men departed from the King the Star went before them till it came and stood over the place where the Child was who when they had found they worshipped and presented with Gold Incense and Myrhe But they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod but to return to their own Countrey some other way Also Joseph was warned in a dream that he should take Mary and the Child and fly into Egypt Herod seeing himself mocked by the wise men gave strickt command to kill all the male children of two years old and under in Bethlehem and the coasts about it that the Prophesie might be ful●illed Jer. 31. 15. Herod being dead Joseph was warned of God in ●eam to return again with the child but hearing that Archelaus his son reigned in fudea he was afraid yet turned aside into Galilee to the Citty Nazareth Mat. 2. 23. Jesus being twelve years old came upto Jerusalem with his Parents to the Feast of the Passeover and when the dayes were accomplisht his Parents went home thinking he had been in the company but he staid behind disputing with the Doctors in the Temple yet when they came back to seek him he went home with them In the 15 year of the Emperour Tiberius when Pontius Pilate was President of Judea Jesus came from Nazareth to Jordan not far from the Dead Sea viz. to Bethabane where he was baptized of John the Baptist at which time the Holy Ghost descended upon him like a Dove and a voice was heard saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Mat. 3. 17. From hence Jesus was led aside into the Wilderness where he fasted 40 dies and 40 nights and was tempted of the Devil but the resisted and the Devil left him Then Jesus went again into Galilee whither followed him Andrew Peter and Philip and dwelt at Nazareth Luk. 4. 16. where he taught in the Synagogue Coming from thence he went to Cana where at a marriage he turned water into wine Joh. 2. From thence he went to Capernaum with his ●other his Brother and Disciples yet staid not long there but went to Jerusalem because the Feast of Passeover was nigh The first year of his Ministery A o. 30. Jesus coming to Jerusalem to the Passeover shews his Divine authority in whipping the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple and overthrowing their Tables Joh. 2· 15. By these and other signes many believe in him Niced●mus a Ruler of the Jews came by night to him to be instructed of him Joh. 3. 1. From hence Jesus went into the land of Judea and tarryed there same time But John was baptizing at Enon by Salim and was shortly after imprisoned which when Jesus heard he returned again into Galilee through Samaria and came to a Citty called Sychar neer Jacobs Well where sitting to rest himself there came a woman of Samaria while his Disciples were gon into the Citty to buy meat to fetch water with whom Jesus discoursing and telling her of her own affairs she takes him for a Prophet and runs into the Citty telling the Cittizens what she had heard and seen whereupon they come out to him and hearing of his words many of them beleeve in him Joh. 4. 5. c. Having tarryed there two dayes he goes into Galilee where the
being troubled at left them and again took ship and came to Bethsaida v. 22. where he restored a blind Man to his sight v. 25. Hence he and his Disciples go Casarea Philippi fig. 18. where under way Peter confessed him to be the Christ Mat 16. 16. Mar. 8. 29. Six daies after Iesus took Peter Iames and Iohn and went up to the Holy Mount 2 Pet. 1 18. fig. 19 where he was transfigured and where appeared Moses and Elias talking with him and here it was that a voice came from Heaven declaring him to be the Son of God Mat. 17. 5. Coming again to the multitude he cast a Devil out of a Child Mat. 17. 18. Hence he goes to Capernaum where the Toll gatherers demand Tribute of him wherefore he sent Peter with his Angle to the Sea and told him that in the mouth of the first fish that sh●uld come up he should find a twenty pence peece which he bad him give for them both Mat. 17. 24. to 27. Afterwards he travels through Galilee and Samaria towards Ierusalem Luk. 9. 51. The fourth Year of Christs Ministery A o. 33. Iesus sends forth seventy Disciples by two and two to preach the Gospel and heal the sick c. Luk. 10. 1. Against the Feast of Passeover he departs out of Galilee into Iudea and dwells in Bethania fig. 20. in the house of Martha v. 38. Thence he went to Ierusalem to the Feast where the Jewes marvelled at his Doctrine Ioh. 7 15. Towards the Evenings he used to go to Mount Olives fig. 21. and stay there all night but in the Mornings came again into the City and preached in the Temple The Scribes and Pharisees to tempr Iesus brought a Woman to him taken in adultery who by the Law of Moses should dy And he bad them that were without sin to cast the first Stone at her wherefore they all departed and left her there without an accuser Ioh. 8. 3. to 12. Then he went through all Cities and Towns thereabouts teaching the People And comes in the Winter time again to Ierusalem and walked in the Temple in Salomons Porch where many of the Jews encompass him and would know positively if he were the Christ or No. But for his answers they went about to stone him and would have laid hands upon him yet he escaped them Ioh. 10. 22 to 40. and goes over Jordan to the place where he was baptized of Iohn and abode there v. 40. Afterwards he travelled through Galilee and Samaria teaching the People every where And in his way to Ierusalem he met ten leprous men whom he healed Luk. 12. to 20. Coming neer Iericho fig. 22. he gave sight to a blind Beggar man Luk. 35. c. And when he was entered into the City of Iericho he goes into Zacheus his house who was the chief Reciever of the Tribute Luk. 19. 1. c. Here he has news of Lazarus his sickness therefore goes to Bethania and meets Martha who tells him her brother is dead and buryed But Iesus having a great affection to this Family goes to the grave and restores him to Life Yet however the Jews seek to take him Ioh. 11. 1. wherefore he withdrew into the Wilderness and remained in a City called Ephrem or Ephraim fig. 23. Six daies before the Feast of Passeover he came again to Bethania to the house of Martha and sups with Lazarus Ioh. 12. 1. The next day he went to Bethphage at fig. 24. whence he sent two of his Disciples to fe●ch a she Ass whereon he rode into Ierusalem with great acclamations of the People who spread their garments and strewed branches in his way crying Hosanna in the Highest c. Mat. 21. 1. c. Coming into the Temple he again drove out the Changers of Money and all them that bought and sold in the Temple v. 12 13 Here he healed the halt and the blind that came to him v. 14. That night he went to Bethania and lodged there v. 17. And in the Morning again to Jerusalem where underway he cursed the Fig Tree which presently withered v. 19. The day time he spent in the Temple teaching the People and disputing with the Scribes Pharisees and Sadduces as you may read Mat. 21. Mar. 11. Luk. 20. and a nights he went out of the City to Mount Olives When now his disciples shewed him the beauty of the Temple he fore-told its destruction Mat. 24. 1. Mar. 13. 1. Luk. 21. 5. Two daies before the Passeover Iesus was in Bethania at the house of Simon the Leper where Mary the Sister of Lazarus annointed him Mat. 26. 7. Ioh. 12. 3. But Iudas who was a theef and kept the purse murmuring at the expence of so much precious oyntment was reprehended by Jesus Wherefore he went to the High Priest and Scribes and Elders to betray him Mat. 26. Luk. 22. 3 c. Jesus having eaten the Passeover his last Supper with his Disciples went according to his wont to Gethshemane fig 25. over the Book Cedron to pray Mat. 26. 36. Joh. 18. 1. where Judas with a band of Soldiers and servants of the High Priest came and betrayed him with a kiss Mat. 26. 49. The soldiers carry him into Jerusalem The next day he is condemned crucified and laid in the Grave Job 19. The third day he rose again from the dead and shewed himself to Mary Mug●●lene Joh. 20. 14. c. and also to two of his Disciples going to Emmaus fig. 26. who came and told it to the eleven Apostles when they were assembled at Jerusalem who told them that Peter also saw him And while they were thus speaking together He appeared among them and wished them Peace Luk. 24. Eight daies after He shewed himself again to his Apostles and let Thomas feel his wounds Joh. 20. 27. Afterwards he appeared the third time to his Disciples at the Sea of Tiberius that is the Sea of Galilee Joh. 21 Jesus having conversed now 40 daies with his Disciples after his resurrection went with them to Mount Olives which is a Sabbath daies journey from Jerusalem viz. about a Mile towards Bethania And having given them his Commands declared his Will to them and finally blessed them He was taken up in a Cloud and so went into Heaven Luk. 24. 50. The Disciples returned again to Jerusalem and there kept their Whitson Feast together and received the Holy Ghost A Discourse upon the Mapp of the Travels of S. PAUL and other of the APOSTLES BEfore you peruse this Discourse and Mapp be pleased to take notice that for the easier finding out of Places we have marked whole Countries with hollow Letters a thus and Cities with numerical Figures It happened that as the Jews in their exile were scattered all over Asia like co●strewed on the ground some seeds also whether by Land or Sea or both fell into Cilicia at e in the Mapp and particularly into the City of Tarsus at 7 in the Mapp Among others of this Nation
the 3 Taverns 63 and so to Rome Here S. Paul first preached to the Jews but they being most of them hardned he preached two full years to the Gentiles having liberty to dwell in an hyred house of his own having only one Soldier for his guard Act. 28. 1 c. Anno 60. He continues prisoner in Rome and this year he wrote the Epistle to the Galatians Gal. 1. 1. And likewise he wrote to the Ephesians Eph. 1. 1. Anno 62. He was still prisoner but received dayly the benevolence of the Churches Epaphroditus brought him the good will of the Philippians by whom he returned his Epistle to the Philippians Phil. 11. 1. Then came Timothy with the alms of Ephesus And a while after came Onesinus run away from his Master by whom S. Paul returned the Epistle to Philemon Then came Epaphras to Rome and not unlikely be brought with him the alms of the Colossians to whom be returned an Epistle sent by Tychicus of Colophon And finally after 2 years imprisonment he came to a hearing before Nero and though most of his friends fell off yet was he acquitted 2 Tim. 4 16 17. And now being at liberty some think he prosecuted his Journey into Spain as he had promised Rom. 15. 24. Anno 63. He was in Spain or in his way thither preaching the Gospel This year S. James at Jerusalem suffered martyrdome in whose place S. Simon his brother was chosen Bishop Eus. Ecc. Hist. B. 2. ch 11. 23. Ios. Ant B. 20. ch 8. S. Paul in Gallia ordained Cresceus Bishop of Calcedon Dor. Syn. Anno 64. S. Paul out of Gallia took shipping and sayled into Greece Anno 65. S. Paul in Macedonia visited the Churches and landed at Troas i● Asia where Carpus was Bishop He left him his Cloak and certain parchment writings and went up into Phrygia unto Laodecea and from thence wrote his first Epistle to T●mothy at Ephesus 1 Tim. 3. 14. 15. promising shortly to come thither to him But it fell out otherwise For in the mean time the news arriving of the persecutions ar R●me he leaving off all farther thought hasted to be there And accordingly going from Laodicea to Miletum There he left Trophimus one of his Companions sick Hence he sailed away to Corinth where Erastus tarryed for him by appointment 2. Tim. 4. 20. And hence he sayled away to Rome where S. Peter also met him In the meantime the poor Christians in Rome were crucified torn with beasts and burnt in fire Tac. An. B. 15. ch 44. But S. Paul at Rome greatly encouraged and so did S. Peter From hence S. Paul at this time wrote his second Epistle to Timothy desiring his company S. Paul was clapt up a prisoner betrayed by Alexander the Coppersmith of Ephesus 2 Tim. 4. 14 15. Demas forsook the Faith Anno 66. S. Peter and S. Paul were both prisoners at Rome Timothy and Trophimus came to Rome to S. Paul Anno 67. June 29. S. Peter was crucified with his head downwards and Olympas and Rhodion his companions suffered with him S. Paul was beheaded and with him suffered his companions Aristarchus Trophimus and Pudens Eus. Ecc. Hist. B. 2. ch 25. Tertul. in Apol. ch 5. Dor. Syn. Thus ended the travels of this painful Father after he had spent some 32 years in preaching the Gospel and had run over many thousands of miles by Land and Water for the promulgation thereof The History of JERUSALEM BAbylon and Rome were not so much famed for their atchievements Warlike but Jerusalem was as famous as either and beyond them both for Stories Sacred and miraculous She stands in account for Antiquity far beyond Rome and but a few years on this side the confusion of Tongues much of the same date with the City of Babylon for according to the reckoning of Calistenes in his Letter to Aristotle from Babylon at what time it was taken by Alexander That this City had stood 1903 years And according to this computation was Babylon founded some few years after the confusion when ●●m passed over Euphrates with the Canaanites Mitsraimites and Phutites all following towards Egypt whereof Canaan dropt by the way and seated in the Holy Land In this pleasant and most fertile Countrey the numerous Off-spring of these prophane Canaanites overspread themselves and called it in parcels each Tribe after his Fathers name but remembring the whole Countrey by the name of their Grandsire Canaan Here several of his Sons built Cities among others Jebus built one and called it Jebus which some time after was called Jerusalem or Hierosolyma The authour of the Book of Joshua remembers it by this name but then was it only for that this sacred Pen-man called it as it had the name in his own age wherein the writer lived and not as it was in the dayes of Iohsua For until this City was conquered by K. David and established his Royal seat we find no other name it had but Iebus only from whence the Conquerour called it after himself Kiriath David or the City of David And under that name was it known all the daies of that famous King and after untill K. Solomon enlarged and beautified the City and adorned it with the sacred and never enough to be admired Temple of God therein which became more famous all over the World than ever was that one of the 7 Wonders of the World the huge Temple of Diana at Ephesus Now by reason of these noble additions of Salomon and for that it was an embleme of this Princes most peaceable reign and more for that it was enriched with the most sacred Temple of Peace wherein all People were to make attonement for their sins in order to obtain their everlasting peace with God it was ever after called Hierosolyma in the Hebrew tongue which was as much as to say the Inheritance of Peace or the vision of Peace And such especially was it in the daies of our Saviour when the Peace of God which passeth all understanding was preached and seen there reigning Phil. 4. 7. This City was held by the Iebusites while it was called Iebus from the year of its first foundation untill the taking thereof by K. David about 1170 years reckoning from about 20 or 30 years after the confusion or about 120 or 130 after N●●hs Floode at what time Jebus under his father Canaan sat down in those parts After reigned here   years King David 33. King Solomon son of David 40. Rehoboam son of Solomon 17. Abijam son of Rehoboam 3. Asa son of Abijam 41 Jehoshaphat son of Asa 25 Anion son of Manasseh 2. Josiah son of Anion 31 Athalia Wife of Ahaziah 6 Joash son of Ahaziah 40. Jehoram together with his Father 4 and after him 4. Ahaziah son of Jehoram 1. Amaziah son of Joash 29 Uzziah son of Amaziah 52. Jothan son of Uzziah 16. Ahaz son of Jothan under his Father and after 16. Hezekiah son of Ahaz 92. Manasseb son of