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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55718 The present state of Hungary. Or, A geographical and historical description of that kingdom giving an account of the nature of the country, and of its inhabitants, of its government and policy; its religion and laws; of its division into counties and provinces; of its towns, castles, forts, rivers lakes, mountains, product, mines, minerals, and other rarities. Together, with the memorable battles and sieges that have happened there since the time of the Romans; but more particularly since the Turkish invasions. To which is added, a short account of Transilvania, and the lofty titles taken by those Turkish emperours, who have made war in those countries. 1687 (1687) Wing P3266; ESTC R218986 53,134 187

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his Armies passed the Rivers of Save and Drave in the year 1526. He was Victorious in the Famous Battle of Mohacz which I mentioned before wherein Loüis II. King of Hungary unfortunately perished At Bagdet he was crowned King of Persia and subjected Assyria and Mesopotamia He made six Expeditions into Hungary and took the strong Towns of Strigonium and Alba-Regalis He also subjected Aladulia and the Kingdom of Aden besides many other Towns upon the Red-Sea He made Algiers Tri●utary took Pialli Tripoli and the Gerbes and after all these Victories whilst he besieged the strong Town of Siget in the lower Hungary he died ●n Five-Churches as hath been mentioned before This Emperour took to himself the ●ollowing Titles in the Credential Letters of the Ambassador whom ●e sent to the Emperour Ferdi●and I the Lord of all Lords the Ruler of the East and West who am able to do and ●ot to do whatsoever I please Lord of all Grecia Persia and Arabia Ruler over ●ll things that can be Subject to a King ●nd Lord the Great Hero of these Times ●nd mighty Giant of this vast universe Lord of the White and Black Seas and ●he Holy City of Mecha shining with the Brightness of God of the City of Medina ●nd the Holy and Chaste City of Jerusa●em King of the most Noble Kingdom of Egypt Lord of the Country of Ionia and Cities of Athens and Sena of the Holy Temple of God Zabilon and Bassio Ret●aam and Magadim the Seat and Throne ●f the Great King Nashin Rettham and Lord of the Island of Algiers and Prince of the Kingdom of Tartary Mesopotamia the Medes Georgians and of all Greece Morea and Anatolia Asia Armenia Walachia Moldavia and all Hungary with a great many other Kingdoms and Dominions whereof I am Emperour that thrice great Caesar Sultan Solyman the Son of the great Emperor Sultan Selim who have Authority from God to Rule all People in a bit of Iron and power to open the Gates and Doors of all Cities and strong Holds all the ends of the Earth none excepted are delivered into my Hands I the Lord of the East from the Land of Tscin to the utmost bounds of Africa whom God hath made a valiant Warriour in the edge of the Sword amongst whose most potent Kingdoms the impregnable Castle of Cesarea is reckoned the least and the Empire or Dominion of Alexander the Great the meanest of my Hereditary Dominions with me is the Strength of the whole World and Virtue of the Firmament Zelim II. Emperor of the Turks Son of Sultan Solyman II. called the Magnificent succeeded to him in the year 1566. being about Fourty two years of Age this Emperor having subjected Nicosia and Famagusta seized the Island of Cyprus a Kingdom belonging to the Venetians in the year 1521. but after that loss the Christians gained the Famous Battle of Lepanto the 7th of October the same year Haly Basha was killed there and it is not doubted but that it was the greatest Blow that the Ottoman Empire had for a long time received and indeed if the Christians had known how to make the best Advantage of that Victory they might without doubt have taken Constantinople where all were in a general Consternation And to see how great a Victory that of the Christian Princes was we may only read the Triumphal Inscription exposed by the Romans in the Capitol in memory of it and of Marco Antonio Colonna Duke of Paliano Knight of the Golden Fleece Great Constable of Naples whom Pope Pius V. made General of the Ecclesiastical Forces who solemnly received the Standard in St. Peter's Church at Rome and who in that memorable Battle commanded as Lieutenant General being upon his return received in Triumph in the City of Rome Marcus Antonius Ascanij Filius Fabricij nepos Columnae Marsorum Hernicorum Dux initâ inter Pium V. Pont. Max. Phillippum Hispaniarum Regem Catholicum Rempublicam Venetam Societate Classis Pontificiae Praefectus De Turcis Non. Octobris ad Echinadas Navali praelio victis DC Navigiis in potestatem redactis Demersis fugatis Christianos XV. mill in libertatem assertis Hostium XXX mill caesis X. mill captis Re optimè gestâ Ut Victoriâ omnium maxima in mari partâ Ex S. C. Pij V. S. P. authoritate More Majorum Prid. Non. Decembris anno à Christo nato M.D.LXXI Triumphavit Ad ejus rei memoriam sempiternam Diem hunc antiquis Triumphalibus fastis adscribendum Et monumentum hoc in Capitolio ponendum Censuit S. P. Q. R. ut superiorum aemulationi Praesentis aevi gloriae posterorum incitamento Testaretur in promerendis honoribus ac tribuendis Neque virtutem neque benignitatem priscam Adhuc deesse Romanis Coss Rom. decreverunt curaverunt Selim the Turkish Emperor died of an Apoplexy the Thirteenth of December 1574. Amurath III. Son of Selim II. began to Reign about the end of the year 1574. He presently put to death five of his Brothers according to the Cruel custom of the Ottomans and refused to prolong with the Emperor Maximilian II. the Truce which he had concluded with Selim II. He took Tauris which he Plundered and defeated the Marovites and Drus of Mount Libanus After that he made a powerful Invasion into the Country of the Croats who were worsted at first but they afterwards killed Ten thousand Turks and obliged the rest to let them live in quiet Amurath died at Constantinople the 18th of January 1595. at the Age of Forty eight Mahomet III. Son of Amurath III. began his Reign in the year 1595. by the death of One and Twenty of his Brothers and Ten of his Fathers Wives whom he left with Child and whom he caused to be thrown into the Sea. He never was at the Head of his Army but once The Christians under the Conduct of Count Mansfield took Strigonium Alba-Regalis under the Command of the Duke of Mercaur in the year 1601. and the Lower Town of Buda under the Arch-Duke of Austria He lost the Forts of Vice grad Balbocz Petrinia Haduan Palota and Vesprin and on the other side the Knights of Malta seized Lepanto The Armies of Mahomet were beaten by the Vaivod of Walachia and by the Prince of Transilvania who defeated Sinan Basha and so Moldavia Walaohia and Transilvania shook off the Ottoman yoke The Turks on the other hand had some advantages and re-took two or three Towns as Pest Canisa and Alba-Regalis but that was not comparable to their losses Mahomet demanded Peace of the Christians who refused it He was an Infamous Man so plunged into Debauchery that neither domestick Disorders nor Forreign Wars could ever make him forsake it that made the Janisaries mutiny to pacifie whom Mahomet was forced to deliver up his greatest Friends to their Rage and pretended to banish his Mother who was thought to be the cause of all the Calamities of the State. He caused his eldest Son to be Strangled and
Christ Crucified Ibrahim Emperor of the Turks was the Son of Achmet and succeeded to his Brother Amurath IV. in the year 1640. When this last died the Officers of the Port had a great deal ado to make him come out of the place where he had been in a manner Prisoner for three or four years suspecting it to be only a pretext to render him Criminal The Sultana his Mother persuaded him of the truth having shown him the dead Body of his Brother he came out and having been crown'd he gave himself wholly over to Voluptuousness which was fatal unto him The loss of one of his Sultana's whom the Knights of Malta took in the year 1644. betwixt Rhodes and Alexandria made him undertake to be revenged on Malta But he turned his Arms against Candie and took the Canea in 1645. In the mean time he grew cruel his Pleasures made him abandon all care of the Affairs of the Empire and he became insupportable to all Men. The Militia and Officers conspired against him and sent for the Mufti and other considerable Persons of the Law on design at first to put to Death the Grand Visier Then they resolved to depose Ibrahim who expressing a great Contempt and much Haughtiness did so incense those mutinous Spirits that they strangled him the 18th of August 1649. and placed Mahomet his Son upon the Throne Mahomet IV. was Born the second of January 1642. and was raised to the Throne ten days after the Death of Sultan Ibrahim his Father who was strangled by the Janisaries In the years 1663. and 1664. He took in Hungary the Towns of Newheusel Fort-Serin or Serin-wart afterwards demolished and some other places The loss he sustained at the Battle of Raab or St. Godard made him resolve to make Peace which he did the 17th of September 1664. He hath been more unfortunate in the present War wherein he hath lost Gran Newheusel and a great many other strong Places and Battles mentioned before He took the City of Candie in the year 1669. after a very long and tough Siege The Venetians have taken many important Places from him in this War both in the Morea and elsewhere His greatest delight is in Hunting wherein he spends most part of the year For that reason it is that he resides commonly at Adrianople that he may be near the places where there is most Game He goes often to Larissa and spends sometimes Eight or Ten Days together under magnificent Tents pitched half a League from that Town upon the Banks of the Peneus The Turks in his time have made many Conquests from the Poles from whom they have taken Caminiec and some other places Sobieski great Mareshal of the Crown and at present King of Poland was at that time General of the Polonian Army who defeated the Turks at the Famous Battle of Gotzchin in the year 1673. He eluded their Projects the two years following and at length reduced them to desire a Peace Since that the Turks undertook a War against the Moscovites and got some advantages over them in the year 1678. and the Poles having confederated with the Emperor and Republick of Venice in the year 1683. continue to Harass and make head against them in Podolia Russia and the neighbouring Territories These are the Titles that Mahomet IV. takes to himself Mahomet Sultan by the Infinite Graces of the Almighty Creator and by the abundant Miracles of the chief of the Prophets Glorious Great Invincible and always Victorious Emperor of the Emperors of Constantinople and Trebizonde King of Kings Distributer of Crowns to the greatest Princes of the Earth Keeper of the two sacred and most august Cities Mecha and Medina Protector of the Holy Jerusalem Master of the great Sea Lord of the greatest part of Europe Asia and Africa conquered with our Victorious Sword Lord of the East and West of the great Anatolia Bithinia of the great City of Nice Nichomedia the great Chalcedonia Phrygia Lycia Pamphylia Tarsis Paphlagonia Caramania Capadocia Cesarea of the great and little Armenia Iberia Georgia Mingrelia the Iron-Gate Turcomania of the Curdes Parthians Medes Persians of Tauris Assyria Mesopotamia Diarbeck of great Babylon Balzara Chaldaea of the Holy Land Syria Judaea Canaan Galilee Jerusalem Samaria Phenicia Palestine Aleppo Erzerum Damascus of the great Antioch of the Tyberiade and Caspian Seas of the three Arabias the Stony Desart and Happy the Indian and Red Seas of Aleppo Ethiopia Egypt Alexandria and Grand Caire of Barbary Thunis Tripoli Fez Morocco Cyprus of Rhodes all Greece Peloponesus Thrace Great Romania Macedonia Thessaly Corinthia Chersonesus Albania Bosnia Servia Bulgaria Slavonia Moldavia of Themeswar Dacia Hungary Wallachia Scythia the greater and lesser Tartary and of an infinite number of other Countries Kingdoms and Empires Isles Streights People Families Generations and of so many Thousand Millions of Valiant Soldiers who rest under the obedience and Justice of me who am Emperor Mahomet son of the Emperor Ibrahim by the Grace of God the Retreat of the greatest Princes of the World and the Refuge of honourable Emperors This Prince Mahomet IV. has Children the Sultana Queen who is his chief Wife brought him his first Son she is called Eumenia a Greek by Nation he hath a Brother called Solyman and his eldest Brother named Osman is a Dominican Monk called Father Dominick of St. Thomas who was taken with his Mother by the Galleys of Malta sayling to Alexandria upon a Pilgrimage to Mecha This Emperor is the greatest Enemy of Christendom May Heavens grant that the projects of that Infidel Prince against the Christian Religion may be disapointed and that the proud Empire of the Crescent may one day be subject to the glorious Standard of the Cross under the Auspices of that great Caesar who under the lovely name of Leopold hath merited to be the first and XIV Emperor of the most August House of Austria who by his great Prudence and exemplary Piety by his Constant and indefatigable Pains and by the Grace of the Great God of Armies hath happily procured to Christendom all these great Victories to the shame and confusion of that fierce and barbarous common Enemy and under the Conduct of the Valiant Charles IV. Duke of Lorrain that brave Hero to whom Christendom is obliged that it had time to Relieve Vienna when with unparalled Speed he marched thither and in view of the Enemy supplied the place with Provisions Ammunition and 12000 of the best men in the Army who defeated the Turks and Rebels before Presbourg that having taken that Town had a design to make a Bridge there over the Danube thereby to facilitate the passage of the Turkish Convoys to their Camp before Vienna who flew like lightening to save the King of Poland from the extream Danger wherein he was being engaged with the Body of the Ottoman Army near Barkan and who after gained the Battle of Barkan that we mentioned before This is that Prince who considering that his