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A54044 The New-Covenant of the gospel distingnished [sic] from the Old Covenant of the law and the rest or sabbath of believers, from the rest or sabbath of the Jews, which differ as much from each other, as the sign and shadow doth from the thing signified and shadowed out : in answer to some queries of W. Salters, tending to enforce upon Christians the observation of the Jewish sabbath ... whereto are added Some considerations propounded to the Jews, tending towards their conversion to that which is the life and spirit of the law / by Isaac Penington ... Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679.; Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. Some considerations propounded to the Jewes. 1660 (1660) Wing P1180; ESTC R40658 44,112 58

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this Jerusalem was a type of an inward building in the Spirits of Gods people both in its rearing up in its scituation in its standing in Gods dealing with it all the time of its standing and lastly in its downfall and utter desolation There is an appearance and building of God in the Spirits of his People which is to give way to and be swallowed up in a fuller and higher appearance But the fleshly spirit getting into this building will not give way to the further and more inward spirituall appearance of the Spirit but will have the first building stand as the building and will entertain no further appearance of God then as it can comprehend it subject it and afford it a place in the first building Hereupon God distresseth Ariel even the City which David built saying within his heart surely that which I have built will I break down and that which I have planted will I pluck up even this whole land So he causeth the overflowing scourge to pass even over Thy whole land O Immanuel Now when the enemy enters within the holy City and within the holy Temple it is time to fly and exceeding great distress will befall that Disciple whose flight is either on the Winter or on the Sabbath day Do not imagine at this but if the Lord open it not at present wait his season for the thing is true and sealed both by the openings of the Light eternall and by sensible exercises and experiences from that Light Thus I have answered such of the Queries as concern the seventh days Sabbath Such as seem to argue the unwarrantableness of observing the first day of the week for a Sabbath I leave to those to whom they are tendred and of whom an Answer seems so conscienciously zealously desired as I do not see how it can be reasonably neglected or denied that by weighty evidence of Scripture he may be reduced if he hath erred but if not but it be truth vvhich he hath therein held forth the Lord may be honored in mens bovving and subjecting to every truth of his by vvhat instruments soever it pleaseth him to make it manifest Some Queries sent in writing upon occasion of an Epistle directed to all such as observe the Seventh Day of the week for a Sabbath Answered Query 1. IF the whole Law of Moses the Law of the ten Commandments as well as the Law of Sacrifices were both added upon one and the same account for transgressions Then why doth the holy Spirit in the Scriptures lay forth such an antiphitical use of them I suppose he means anti-tipical the one that sin might abound Rom. 5.20 the other sacrificing for sin Heb. 9.7 8 9. Ans. That the Lavv of Moses vvas added because of transgression is manifest from that Scripture quoted by me in my Epistle as vvel as from other Scriptures and one end vvhy it vvas added in relation to transgression vvas that the offence might abound vvhich vvould make the Sacrifice or propitiation for sin appear more necessary and more acceptable And the sacrifices also relate to the sinner some referring to the sin committed others to the thankfulness and acknovvledgement due for the peace mercy and blessings of God tovvards his poor sinful erring creatures both vvhich vvere to last till the time of reformation from the sin Heb. 9.10 Gal. 3.19 But that they vvere both added upon one and the same account that I did not affirm that is vvrongfully put upon me Now though both these were added because of transgression yet they had not both the same use and service in relation to transgression but the one was added to discover sin and to make it appear exceeding sinful Rom. 5.20 the other to blot it out to take it away to make atonement for it which the sacrifices did making the sinner upright and perfect as relating to that outward state and capacity though they could not as pertaining to the conscience Heb. 9.9 Qu. 2. If the whole Law the ten Commandments as well as the Sacrifices were representations figures or shadows of somewhat relating to Christ the Seed Then what did they in general or either of them in particular represent figure or shadow forth before they were written in Tables of stone or since they were written in Tables of stone more of Christ then then now Answ. That the ten Words were some of the Precepts of Moses and appertaining to the first Testament or Covenant all which Precepts were sprinkled with blood cannot be denied And the Apostle distinguisheth the Precepts of Moses under the Law which were sprinkled with the blood of the Sacrifices under the Law Heb. 7.19 from the Precepts of Christ which he writes in other Tables ch. 10.16 which also are sprinkled with blood but not with the blood of Bulls and Goats but with his own blood and he that receives any of these Precepts out of the blood of Christ cannot truly and spiritually obey them though he may strive much to form his spirit into the obedience thereof Now the time and season of their signification was the time which God allotted them under the Law wherein was the use of signs but the Gospel is a state of substance of bringing the life and immortality into the heart and into the possession of believers which the state of the Law shadowed So that they are not signs since the Gospel since Christ put an end to the Law-signs shadows and figures not yet before the Law to Believers so far as they were in the New Covenant For as the thing signified cometh so that which signifieth it passeth away though that was a mixed state wherein God gave a taste of both Covenants before his perfect dispensing or bringing forth of either Qu. 3. If the whole dispensation of the Law was given to the Jews and not to the Gentiles and so the Gentiles not bound to that Law but another way for them to know the mind of God Then whether that Law cited Rom 2 15. which the Gentiles shewed the work of in their hearts be another Law contrary to that Law that was given to the Jews even the ten Commandments Ans. The Law which is the substance is not contrary to the Law which is the shadow but is the comprehending and fulfilling of it The Law in the Spirit written by God's power and presence in the heart and mind is not contrary to the Law in the letter but is an higher and more glorious Ministration of it The one commandment which God gave by Moses to the Jews Deut. 30.11 which was the commandment of life and death as relating to their inward and eternal state ver. 15. was not contrary to the ten commandments which God had commanded them before by another covenant which he had made vvith them as an outward people and which was to be their Rule as to their outward state for they were chosen by God to be an holy people outwardly and so an outward Rule
and the full course of his Pilgrimage be finished Yet if it were possible for man after he is come to Christ to abide perfectly with him to cease from lust to keep within the faith to draw naturally in the yoke to bow in the Spirit continually to the Father of Spirits there would be a continuall Sabbath kept in the passage even before the great full and perfect Sabbath in the end The hardness and unease of the labour is because of a part contrary to the life which when it is worn out there will be no more labour but the yoke will become the rest and all the motions and operations of life will flow forth naturally in the rest And here is the Patience and Faith of the Saints to wait under the yoke under the daily cross to that Part which is to be brought and kept under till all the bonds of Captivity be broke through by the life and the vail of flesh rent from the to the bottome the remaining of which is that which stops the free current of life and then shall the soul enter into the holy of hol●es obtaining the full possession of the everlasting inheritance and of the eternall redemption and know sorrovv tears bonds sickness death captivity no nor so much as grapling with them or travelling out of them no more but the enjoyment of the plenty and fulness of the life reaping all the pleasant fruits of life in the rich land of life for evermore SOME CONSIDERATIONS Propounded to the JEWES That they may hear and consider and their Hearts at length may be Turned towards that which alone is able to Convert Them to God that they may once more become his People and enter into an Everlasting Covenant with him that may not be broken that so they may abide in his Love and Covenant of Life and remain his People for ever Consideration I. WHat great Love Mercy and Kindness God shewed to that People above all Nations and Peoples under Heaven Of his own free love he set his heart upon them chusing them to be a People to himself He brought them out of Egypt by a mighty hand and outstretched Arm he mightily preserved them in and led them through the Wilderness He entred into a Covenant with them to become their God and betrothed them unto himself for his own Lot and Inheritance He gave them righteous Laws Judgments Statutes and Ordinances both of Worship towards him and of an upright Demeanour and Conversation among themselves and towards all men He drove out the Heathen from before them and gave them a pleasant Land to possess even the glory of all Lands a Land flowing with Milk and Honey He built an habitation for himself among them first a moving Sanctuary or Tabernacle afterwards a more setled abiding place or Temple which Solomon built wherein was the Ark of his presence where he was to be sought unto and enquired of by them and towards which their Prayers were to be directed and there was a Mercy-seat whereof they had large experience and he ever and anon sent Prophets among them to reprove their errors and blackslidings and to set them to rights again He raised up Judges likewise to defend them and although they were weary of his Government desiring a King after the manner of the Nations so vehemently that they even forced a King from him yet he took him away from them and after him chose a man after his own heart to feed Jacob his People and Israel his Inheritance who fed them according to the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands What should I say more what was wanting of Love of Care of Goodness of Kindness of Mercy of Gentleness of any thing that a People could desire of their God I say what was wanting of all this on Gods part What could he have done more for his Vineyard than he did do Nay he emptied upon them all the Goodness all the Mercy Love Favour c. that that Covenant would hold to the full yea and more too for he bare with them more than that Covenant required him to bear and redeemed them oftner than that Covenant engaged him yea many time turned he his anger away and did not stir up all his wrath as he might often have done according to the tenour of that Covenant Yea in all their afflictions he was afflicted and the Angel of his presence saved them And he was still ready to say in his heart Surely they are my People Children that will not lie at length they will see their error repent and be true to me insomuch as he was never weary of saving them of trying them again and again of stirring up his Bowels of Love and Pitty to Redeem them of sending his Servants and Prophets among them to warn and reclaim them even till at last it was manifest that there was no remedy but he must cast them off and provoke them to jealousie by a foolish Nation Deut. 32.20 21. drawing them nigh to him who had been Worshipping Stocks and Stones making them become a People who had long been no People and casting these out of his sight making them become no People who had so long been his chosen peculiar People in Covenant with him and nigh unto him above all the Families of the Earth Consid. II. What constant Rebellion and stiffness of Spirit that People all along expressed towards the Lord what wild sowre Grapes they still brought forth to him sowre Love sowre Obedience sowre Worship and Sacrifices such as the pure pallate of the Lord could find no relish nor savour in but as Moses had told them that it was not for their Righteousness God chose them to give them the good Land to possess for they were a Rebellious and stiff-necked People Deut. 9.6 7. So it was not for their Goodness that God continued his love to them for they were all along provoking him Jer. 44.4 When God came to shew that great Mercy to them of Redeeming them out of Egypt and bid them cast away their Idols they would not cast away their Idols Ezek. 20.7 8. neither did they regard that Mercy of Redemption from the House of Bondage and from the Iron Furnace but said to Moses it was better for them to stay in Egypt and to serve the Egyptians Exod. 14.12 Again in the Wilderness how did they provoke him all that forty years of Mercy how did they err in their hearts from his pure fear and from Love to him and from Faith and Confidence in him how did they murmur against him and against Moses and Aaron their Leaders how did they forget his Works and his Wonders continually When they came near the Land and should have gone in to possess it then they would not but repined and rebelled because of the talness and strength of the Enemy and of their Cities and when they were forbid to go then they would go and fight with
them What should I mention the time of the Judges and of the Kings how often the Lord made them smart by their Enemies in their own Land how often he gave them up to Captivity out of their Land even till at length that great Captivity of Babylon befel them and since that a greater Captivity and Desolation than that of Babylon Consid. III. Whether God having tryed this People even to the utmost by that Covenant which he made with them by Moses in Mount Sinai may ever please to try them so any more Or if there yet remain any Mercy or Love from God towards them whether it is not to be expected another way and upon another account This is very necessary and profitatble for them to consider that they may not be looking that way for Mercy and Favour from God in which it is never to come and so have their eyes and hearts diverted from that way according to which it is to come for this must needs put them back exceedingly if their eyes be looking out one way and the Love of God hath chosen another channel to run towards them in This may make them refuse the very Mercy Love and Redemption when it comes suspecting it not to be it because it comes not in the way and after the manner that they look for it Now God hath expresly said that when he shall be pacified towards them and shall look again upon them with an eye of Favour to do them good it shall not be by their Covenant which could never last but was still broken on their parts but by his own everlasting Covenant which he would establish to them Ezek. 16.60 c It would therefore diligently be enquired by them What Covenant it is which is called their Covenant vers. 61. And what Covenant it is which is called Gods Covenant vers. 62. That they may withdraw their eyes and hopes from the one from whence their Redemption Recovery and Mercy cannot come towards the other from whence it is to come To which Query for their sakes it is in my heart to return this Answer Answ. Their Covenant is that which they entred into with God the Covenant that their hearts chose to unite with God by and that was to this effect That if God would shew them his Will they would obey it Go thou near said they to Moses and hear all that the Lord our God shall say and speak thou unto us all that the Lord our God shall speak unto thee and we will hear it and do it Deut. 5.27 Thus they thought but the Lord knew otherwise for O saith the Lord that there were such an heart in them c. vers. 29. and Moses knew otherwise he knew that they would corrupt themselves and that evil would befal them in the latter dayes Deut. 31.29 But Gods Covenant was the free Covenant he made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob the Covenant of his Grace the Covenant of his free Love whereby he was able to reach them in Egypt upon the cry of the Seed in them in the midst of their Idolatries and to bring them out and do them good notwithstanding their stubbornness and stiff-neckedness even before the other Covenant was made This Covenant of Love was Gods Covenant This is the Covenant God remembred to them in the days of their youth while they were young and tender and not yet grown up to be a people under the other Covenant and this is the Covenant which lasts for ever which is not founded upon their obedience but on God's free Love to them for his own Name sake and for their Fathers sake with whom he freely made it Quest What doth this Covenant contain Answ. Putting his Fear in the Heart writing his Laws in the Mind pouring of pure clear Water upon them to wash away the pollutions of their inward parts circumcising the filth of the Heart healing the backsliding Nature by creating of a right Spirit within and keeping of the created Spirit right by the presence of that Spirit which created it See Jer. 31.31 32. Ezek. 36.25 c. Hosea 14.4 This is God's Covenant this is the new Covenant which is to be made with the House of Israel and Judah when God redeems them and they can never be redeemed but by this Covenant but are to remain desolate until the Spirit be poured out from on high upon them Isai. 32.15 until their Hearts be circumcised to love the Lord their God untill his fear be placed there and they thereby caused to walk in his ways As therefore they receive the Spirit are brought into the fear have the Law written in their minds and become subject thereto so will they tast of this Covenant be brought into Redemption by it and become a glory inwardly and outwardly also upon the Earth Quest What is the way for them to have the fear of God put in their Hearts to have their Hearts circumcised to receive the Spirit and his Laws into their minds and so to come into this Covenant Answ. There is no other way but that to which Moses himself directed them after God had made the other Covenant with them and tryed them long by it together with many Temptations Signs and Wonders both before and after it and seeing by all these they had not had an Heart to perceive nor Eyes to see nor Ears to hear Moses at length directs them to another Covenant the Word whereof would give them Eyes to see and Ears to hear and an Heart to understand Which Covenant was a Covenant besides the former Deut. 29.1 And was indeed the Covenant concerning Life or Death eternal chap. 30.15 the other being but a Covenant of their outward state made with them after their coming out of Aegypt upon their deliverance there from and according to their choise to become a People to God according to it This Word Moses tells them was near them nearer then that which was spoken by God on the Mount and afterwards written in Tables of Stone The voyce of this Word and the Commandment thereof was nearer that they need not seek anywhere abroad for it but only listen at home to hear its speech obey it in the faith and live for ever Deut. 30.11 c. This is the way for them and all Men to come into this Covenant and there is no other There is a Light shining in the Darkness of Mans heart which Springs up in him and casts forth it's rayes to discover and draw him out of the Darkness Now as this Light is felt loved understood in Spirit hearkned and cleaved to in the pure Faith which it begets that which cleaves to it is drawn out of the darkness by it into the Covenant of the pure eternal Light where God is and whither all they are translated who are drawn to him in and by this Covenant as they are kept preserved and continue in the Faith Love and Obedience of it Now I would yet put these few