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A52317 Terra pacis a true testification of the spiritual land of peace, which is the spiritual land of promise, and the holy city of peace, or the heavenly city of Jerusalem, and of the walking in the spirit, which leadeth thereunto / set forth by H.N. and by him newly perused and more plainly declared ; translated out of Base-Almaine.; Terra pacis. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1649 (1649) Wing N1131; ESTC R16943 81,471 191

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TERRA PACIS A TRUE TESTIFICATION OF The Spiritual Land of Peace which is the Spiritual Land of Promise and the holy City of Peace or the heavenly Jerusalem and of the holy and spiritual People that dwell therein as also of the walking in the Spirit which leadeth thereunto Set forth by H.N. and by him newly per used and more plainly declared Translated out of Base-Almaine Depart out of thy land and from thy Kindred and out of thy Fathers house and travell into a land that I will shew thee Gen. 12 Act 7. I will lead thee on the ●●ght path that the course when thou goest be not painful unto thee and that thou stumble not when thou runnest Take ●he information to heart leave it not keep it for it is thy life Go not in the path of the ungodly and walk not in the way of th● wicked leave the same and go not therein depart therefrom and pass by it Prov. 4. London Printed for Samuel Satterthwaite at the sign of the Sun on Garlick Hill 1649. THE PREFACE of H. N. To the Spiritual Land of PEACE H.N. Wisheth to the good-willing Reader and unto all Lovers of the Truth which read or hear these present Testimonies of the Land of Peace that they might be prepared to be an upright people for the Lord and taught to the kingdom of heavens and also to have obtained in their spirit and minde ●●n the obedience of the Love the simple eyes of the true Sight the spiritual ears of the godly Hearing and he second birth in Jesus Christ whereby they might understand in spiritual maner the holy and spiritual understanding that is witnessed therein to the end that the same which becometh seen and heard migh be rightly judged according to the Spirit of the heavenly Truth also the waye that lead●●● to the Life entered into a ●●ght and so the true Life of the Living and the pleasant Lands of Peace become inherited rightly and according to the Truth O yea that it come to pass even so IN these true Testimonies of the worthy Land of Peace O ye good willing Hearts which love the Truth there is out of an inclination of Love witnessed and described unto you by Writing the many maner of weldernessed Lands together with the sundry kindes of Travel and Vnrestfulness of the disorderly people of the wicked world and the a Isa 54. Apo. 18. departure out of the same as also then immediatly following the entrance into the spiritual Land of Promise b Isa 32. Heb. 4. Apo. 21. the Rest of all the children of God to the end that every one which loveth the Rest of the Lord in Jesus Christ might forsake the said wildernessed lands and so according to this our direction enter into the noble commodious Land and into the holy c Isa 60. City of Peace 2. Therein is likewise evidently declared unto you with clear manifestation the holy people of the same Land and how lovingly peaceably and uprightly they live in that same good Land 3. Into the Which good Land of Rest and Peace d Isa 13. and 54.55 Ier. 3 and 17. and 23. and 31. and 33.50 Ezech. 20. the Lord will now in the last time under the obed●ence of the Love according to his Promises assemble 〈◊〉 people or his Elect and be gracious unto them and so will through the service of his Love e Isa 65. and 66. Ezech. 34. and 37. 2 Mach. 2. bring them into the same out of all Wildernessed Lands and separate them from all disorderly and seditious people 4. O ye children of the Kingdom consider of the minde and the lovers of the Truth humble you now every one under the obedience of the Love and f Ioh. 13. and 15. 1 Iohn 3. and 4. have or exercise love among each other to the end that ye may remain unoffended also g Ioh. 8. 2 Ioh. 1. know the Truth in the Spirit through the Love and live in all Truth and upright righteousness 5. For I will open my mouth h Psal 49.78 Matth. 13. in similitudes reveal and witness the riches of the spiritual heavenly goods as parables and figure forth in writing the mystery of the Kingdom of God or Christ according to the true beeing 6. He that hath ears to hear let him hear and who so hath eyes to mark let him mark what the Spirit of Love saith and bringeth to light by his Minister 7. I looked and behold to the children of the Kingdom the Family of the Love of Jesus Christ it is given to understand i Matt. 11. and 13. Luke 8. and 10. the mystery of the heavenly Kingdom but to those that are therewithout it is not given to understand the same for that cause all spiritual Vnderstandings do chance unto them by Similitudes Figures and Parables 8. Verily the strange people together with all those that have their forth-going without the Family of Love are k Deut. 32. Sap. 2. and 5. Psal 14. ignorant and all the enemies to our godly Testimonies of the gracious Word of the Lord and of our most holy Service of Love are l Gal. 3. resisters of the Truth of God For that cause also they have heard very painfully with their ears and m Isa 6. Matth. 13. Act. 7. and 28. hardned their hearts against the Truth They have likewise wholly shut to the sight of n Ier. 5. and 7. and 16. their eyes before the Truth to the end they would not see the same nor her Requiring and altogether stopped the hearing of their ears before the calling-voyce of the Truth for that they would not hear the same nor the Requiring thereof because they would in no wise understand in their hearts the Truth and her Requiring as also for that they would not turn them to the Truth and her Requiring neither shew forth any upright Fruits of Repentance o Ioh. 5. nor yet come to the godly life and have even so in the hardness of their hearts turned them about to the condemnation 9. For that cause likewise their portion or inheritance is not with the children of the Kingdom in the Family of Love p Psal 1. Wis 2. and 5. but with the children of the wicked world whose q Iohn 8. father and head is the devil himself 10. Seeing then that they through their resisting against the Love and the requiring of her service are become children of r Rom. 9. Ephe. 2. wrath and through the seed of the old Serpent are grown disobeyers of the Requiring of the Word of Jesus Christ and of the Doctrine of his Service of Love as also a ſ Deut. 27. and 28. Eccl. 41. cursed people even to be coheirs of the everlasting fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels therefore verily they understand nothing at all of the wisdom of God the Father nor yet of the upright beeing of Jesus Christ the Son
of God and man 11. Therefore cometh now likewise the u Ezec. 7. end and Gods mighty hand upon the ungodly which have had no will to Gods Love x Rom. 2. 2 Thess 2. nor liked that the Love should r●ign over them But Gods mercy cometh over his Elect which sigh and pray night and day unto him y Luke 18. and have an hunger and thirst z Matth. 5. after the Righteousness 12. For truly the gracious time cometh and is now already come wherein the blessed people of the Lord shall a Isa 60.61 and 65. and 66. Eccl. 2. delight recreated and rejoyce them 13. In which this gracious time there shall nothing be figurely or Image like nor yet also the Testimonies of the Truth of God b Matt. 13. Luke 8. any Parables or Similitudes to the children of the Kingdom for through Gods heavenly Truth the Light of Life-from Heaven all whatsoever is of God and Truth becometh now published unto them c Ioh. 16. openly nakedly or clearly from the right hand of God the Father and they are made heirs therein under the obedience of the Love 14. Yea the holy Spirit of Love which is a comforter of the heart whom the Father sendeth in the name of the Truth the Beeing of Christ he d Ioh 14. and 15. and 16. teacheth and declareth all things unto them namely all what was spoken unto them in times past concerning the Truth as Parables or Similitudes for in times past the whilest the covering which is the foreskin of the flesh of sin was yet before their hearts and the Vail which is the flesh of Christ still before the clearness of the fare of God and Christ they could not g Ioh. 16. endure that which is the clearness of the holy Ghost it self 15. But when as now in their new birth the Vail● departeth from their hearts so is it all th●n Light and life unto them through the holy Spirit of Love h 2 Cor. 3. and 4. Col. 2. which cometh unto them out of the Father i Ephe 5. from the uncovered face of Christ as also k Iohn 14. and 16. remaineth with them everlastingly and leadeth them into all Truth It is very true 16. Come now all hither O ye peaceable children together with all ye which love the Truth and Peace and have your Forth-going in the Spirit l Rom 6.8 Phil. 3. to the life of the new birth in Jesus Christ according to the Requiring of the Word of the Lord and his service of Love 17. Fly now m Zach. 2. out of the North and out of all wildernessed Lands Rest not your selves among the strange people nor among any of the enemies to the house and service of Love but assemble you with us into n Isa 60. Zach 8. Apo. 21. the holy City of Peace the new Jerusalem which is descended from heaven and prepared by God like a garnished Bride for her Husband 18. O Jerusalem thou holy City of the great King o Isa 60. the Light of thy God of Israel doth now rise up over thee according to the Promises 19. Therefore p Isa 51. and 52. and 60. Baruc 5. stand now up and set thy self in the high place and look round about thee towards the East or Sun rising and behold the Comfort which cometh unto thee from God 20. Behold q Isa 43. thy children assembled them together from the Sun rising and going down rejoycing them in the holy Word and are mindfull of God 21. They were r Bar. 5. led away captive from thee on foot by the enemies But now thee Lord bringeth them unto thee and exalteth them with Honor as it beseemeth the children of the Kingdom 22. For God will bring down ſ Isa 2.40 Bar. 5. all high Hills and make the high stony rocks and the Vallyes plain that Israel may t Gen. 23.33 walk and dwell free without fear to the honor of his his God 23. The Groves and u Bar. 5. all pleasant sweet-smelling trees shall shadow Israel round about by the commandment of the Lord. 24. For God will now in this day of his Love x Bar. 5. be gracious unto his people and through his mercy bring Israel again y 2 Mac. 2. with joy as also lead them continually with his Righteousness in the clearness of his Majesty c. 25. Now this passed over will in the Testimonies of the spiritual Land of Promise rehearse more at large touching the holy ones of the God of Israel and of their garnishing as also distinct the wildernessed lands and the unpeaceable people from the good land and the peaceable people to the end that the death and destruction may be understood and known from the life and preservation of salvation z Deut. 30. Ier. 21. Eccl. 25.35 and that no man may err ignorantly 26. But hereforth on following in this our Preface before the beginning of the spiritual Land of Promise we wil rehearse the mercy of God where through this lovely rest of the spiritual land of Promise is out of Gods heavenly truth appeared unto us and the knowledg thereof given us to understand therefore hear and understand ye dearly beloved 27. Forasmuch now as we had a great desire to the place a Psa 95. Heb. 4. of Rest and Peace which God hath promised and that we sought after the same with a fervent longing for that we might finde it or come to the knowledg of the same holy Land of Promise so hath the God of heaven been gracious unto us and not shut from us the knowledg of his holy Land which he hath promised unto his People as a land of Rest and Peace b Exod. 3. Heb. 4. neither yet covered nor hid from us his Truth of the same 28. But verily we are gone thorow or passed beyond many and sundry maner of wildernessed lands and ignorant people and so have considered of the nature of every land and people 29. In all which we have found the strange ignorant people very unpeaceable and divided in many kinde of maners dispositions and natures as also vexed with many unprofitable things to a great disquietness and much misery c Isa 42. and 59. unto them all 30. The whilest we considered diligently hereon so found we by experience that every people had their disposition and nature according to the disposition and nature of the land wherein they dwelt or were born 31. But when we passed thorow and perused used all this same so have we through the mercy of God at the end of all this found a lovely land d Isa 26.60 Zach. 8. or a peaceably city whose people and none other is a peaceable concordable and lovely people agreably minded living peaceably and are faithful to each other Into the which peaceable City and unto the peaceable people of the same the Lord the God of heavens hath
miraculously e Psal 4. brought us 32. It is true the whole earth is unmeasurable great and large and the lands and people are many and divers but the most part of the lands are beset with grievous labour and with much trouble f Eccl. 1.2 and 3. and 6. and the pe ple captived with many and sundry unprofitable v●x●tions 33. But the g Bar. 5. children of the Kingdom have a land that is void of all molestation and a City that i. very h Isa 60.65 peaceable which also is i Isa 35. and 54. Ier. 33. inhabited with no maner of vexation or unprofitable labor but with joy in all peace 34. Wherefore the people that dwelleth therein is likewise a wise and understanding people according to the nature of the same good land and it is a people of one maner of k Iohn 17. Act. 4. nature and disposition concordable peaceable and lovely 35. Verily without this one City of Peace or land of the living there is no convenient place of Rest on the whole earth neither yet without the Commonalty of this one maner of people of the same city any meete people l Deut. 4. among whom such an understanding is to be found or that can live so peaceably as this same 36. But this land of peace which with his lovely people is ful of joy and liveth in concord is a secret land and is severed from all other lands m Deut 10 4 Esdr 7. and people 37. It is also known of no man but of his Inhabitants and of those which come into the same that be assembled with them But the entrance into the same is n 4 Esd 7. Matth. 7. very straight and narrow for that cause it is found of few but there are many that run past it or that have not any right regard thereon 38. Seeing then that the entrance into this same good land is very straight and narrow and becometh found o Luke 13. of few neither is it rightly regarded therfore remaineth this good land of the Living unloved and unknown of the most part of strange people and of all unbelievers of our godly Testimonies 39 Wherefore to the end now to incourage all people to the love of the same so will we out of inclined love partly describe the state of the good land and the upright dealing of the lovely people and testifie of every ones disposition and nature that if haply there might be any one found that did know his estranging from the same and had a desire with all his heart to assemble him with us thereunto 40. For verily in respect of the excellency thereof it is the best-worthy p Psa 48. Prov. 3. and 8. to be loved and for love thereof to q Matt. 16.19 forsake all whatsoever is without it for it is much better more precious and beautiful yea and more excellent rich and joyful or living r Isa 64. 1 Cor. 2. then all what may be found devised or invented upon the universal earth 41. But whosoever loveth not the same above all things neither yet doth for the love thereof forsake deny give over or ſ Matt. 10. and 16. Luk 9.14 Ioh. 12. leave himself with all that he hath he shal not enter into it 42. But if there be any one that is of the disposition or nature of the same or whose lusts and desires stand inclined or are affected towards it such a one verily shal for the worthiness cause thereof love the same as also not think it tedious to assemble him unto us t Num. 12 1 Cor. 9. and 10. and to pass thorow that way that leadeth thereto 43. Wherefore to the end now that all those which desire under the obedience of the Love to dwell in this good Land with this People of Peace might be gathered together into the same without harm and unhindered and that no man should remain without it for want of any knowledg of the Way So will we shew the neerest Ways and the needfullest Means and Guides that lead thereunto because that every Traveller may still keep the right High way and not turn from it neither u Deut. 5. 17. Josh 1.23 Prov. 4. to the right side nor to the left but may keep so much the more diligent Watch until that he be come thorow the Gate into the holy x Apo. 22. City of the good Land We will also for that men should in no wise erre nor be deceived on the way distinct and mark out those Land Places and People which are most needful to be y Deut. 2. 3. over passed and z 2 Cor. 6. left as likewise all whatsoever is deceitful and harmful and will in like maner evidently shew according to the Truth how wherewith and where-through all harmful and destroying things together with all the enemies or adversaries and all tempters and assaulters are to be resisted and overcome which would let and hinder the traveller from coming into the good Land 44. And if now also there be any man in the journey that is become deceived or erring upon the way through any of the deceitful things which we do shew hereafter following or which hath set down a Num. 32. himself to rest any where upon the way to the intent to live quietly and is not yet come into the holy b Apoc. 21 City thorow c Psa 118. John 10. the Gate Let not him pitch his Tents there neither yet make him there any Tabernacle for to dwell there but let him give ear d Num. 32. Prov. 4. and credit to our undeceiveable councel of the Wisdom and set his feet in the right way that leadeth thereunto and so travel forward to the good Land of the Living and of the true e Isai 32. 60. Rest and Peace 45. For whosoever is not yet come into the holy City through the Gate or Door f John 10. he is not yet also come to the upright g Heb. 4. Rest of the Children of God 46. Wherefore ye dearly beloved seeing now that this way to the holy Land is perilous h 4 Esd 7. to pass through for him that is unexpert therein so have we thought good out of hearty love to testifie and shew forth distinelly and that altogether to the preservation of the traveller the most part of the wildernessed places of the strange people and the perils of deceit each one according to his pernitiou● disposition and nature to the end that every one may be of good cheer and may without fear pass through the way rightly and without harm and for that no man should remain lost except he would himself As likewise for this cause That if happily any man should be faln into error upon the way or should chance to be deceived and seduced by any of the same he might yet understand and perceive in which place of error
and among what sort of unrighteous or ignorant people he is or hath united himself and also how far off or neer-by he is to the good Land of Peace and to the peaceable people of the Love 47. Behold ye dearly beloved like as hereafter followeth have we out of an inclination of love shewed and described in this maner because that every one of us namely ●●e to whom the Lord hath given i 4 Esd 10 Ephes 3. Col. 1. to know or to understand the secretness of the good Land or of the heavenly Kingdom might with all lovers of the truth be turned to the same good Land of the Kingdom of Peace with one consent of minde and with a good courage as also enter into and pass through the way k 4 Esd 7. Luke 13. that leadeth to the same Life with a good faith and firm hope whereby to unite the same with us and with those l sal 32. 33. peaceable people in all m John 17 ● phes 4. love and concord who do always live in peace and in all upright righteousness 48. For this same good Land n Psal 78. 132. Matth. 25. is the upright place of rest which God hath prepared reserved and kept for his People from the beginning of the world for to possess them with the same in the last time 49. Moreover this same Land is a Land full of Joy Life and Songs of Praise and likewise full of all maner of Riches of God For therein is the secret Treasure o Matth. 13. Col. 2. of all spiritual and heavenly Goods It is also a Land wherein Wine and Oyl Hony and Milk and all Sweetness to a joy and life floweth abundantly like as we shall hereafter following rehearse more at large of the same 50. Rejoyce you now with this p Psal 96. Isa 44.49 O ye Heavens and recreate thy self now with us thou Earth and all ye that hope upon the Good Give ear now to the Truth understand and consider well of the strange States of the wildernessed Lands and People to the end that ye may forsake or q Deut. 2. pass by them and have also a good regard unto the lovely State of the good r Isai 35.60 Land and of the holy People whereby to love the same and to unite you or to become one being with them For all this same each one particularly is hereafter following described unto you in writing even according to the Life and Truth Take it to heart THE Spiritual Land OF PEACE Hear and understand taste and perceive that which is spiritual heavenly and everlasting and not that which is earthly natural and corruptible Col. 3. CHAP. I. I Looked and behold There is in the world a very unpeaceable Land and it is the wildernessed Land wherein the most part of all uncircumcised impenitent and ignorant people do dwell and which is first of all needful for the man to the end he may come to the Land of Peace and to the good City of Life and Rest to a Gen. 12. Apo. 18. forsake and to depart out of the same Which unpeaceable Land is situate or lieth against or on the other or contrary side of the East or rising b Zech. 2. of the Sun where neither Day not Sun ariseth or shineth at any time For when the Sun cometh neer unto the same then goeth she always under or is c Isa 5 60. 4. Esd 14. covered with the Darknesses of the Land and for that cause she d Sap. ● shineth not there nor yet giveth any cleerness in the same because that the e Exo. 10. Psal 105. Sap. 17. darknesses are too thick over the whole Land 2. This same unpeaceable Land hath also a City or Strength wherein the people of the Land do put their confidence The name of which City they themselves which dwell therein do not know but onely those that are come out of it and it is named Ignorance according to her own proper nature of the darknesses 3. For the f Isa 8 9. 4 Esd 14. darknesses have wholly covered the same Land and also the people that dwell therein which darknesses are so g Exod. 10 Job 12. thick that they may be felt 4. And whosoever do dwell or are born therein they are likewise so ignorant that they will not out of it neither yet desire any better because they have never seen the Light of Heaven in his upright righteousness nor yet known nor loved the h Isa 59. Rom. 3. Life of Peace in his upright Being 5. They run from one place and come to another yet is it altogether in the same Land but they will not depart out of it Therefore is also the Proverb verified in them which saith It is evil to be born in an evil Land CHAP. II. THe people which dwell therein know not their Original or first beginning also they keep not any Genealogy or Pedigree neither do they know from whence or how they are come into the same And moreover then that they are a Isai 56.59 Matth. 15. altogether blinde and b John 9. blinde born 2. And yet over and above their blindness although their eyes be shut they are all bound over their eyes with blinde clothes that which also they have willingly over their eyes For with the same they suffer themselves to be directed and led into all error of Ignorance perswading themselves that the blinde cloathes are the light of their eyes which do give light unto them on whom likewise they have a confidence in their forthgoing and desire not any better And therefore the blinde ones are led there with blinde clothes 3. The blinde clothes are called c Isa 56. Matth. 15. 22. Luke 6. blinde guides because the blinde ones in the darkness and in the Land of Ignorance are led by them into all ignorance but that same do they themselves neither know nor understand 4. And although one should take away the clothes from their eyes in the same Land of Ignorance and so should open their eyes in the knowledg yet might it not help them any thing at all to a beholding of the true Light but it should be unto them more evil then good because of the darknesses d Job 10.12 Isa 5. 9 which are spred over the whole Land therefore must they also in the same still groaping after the way be led in the darknesses and must likewise oftentimes e Matt. 15. Luke 6. with their blinde guides fall into the ditches 5. For whosoever doth not forsake the same Land and his darknesses as also the blinde guides in the same and suffereth not himself to be led into the true light by the seeing guides of the Family of Love f John 11. he must oftentimes stumble or become offended and also many times g Prov. 4. stagger and fall and that altogether because he is not taught nor
appeasement according to the flesh proving of the belief in a shew of comforting with the Worldly beauties h Matth. 4. Luke 4. profering of the possession of all the riches of the earthly corruptibleness to the end to forsake in respect thereof the true invisible beeing Gods i Wisd 7. Col. 1. eternal Power and Might the everlasting uncorruptibleness and the heavenly Riches of the perpetual Immortality wherein no k Apo. 21. corruption can remain or endure 5. But let no man suffer himself to be discouraged at the passage of the l Heb. 10. Iam 1. 1 Pet. 21. way nor seduced by the molesters but have all your longing O ye lovers m Psal 42 of the upright Vertue after the most holy beeing of the good land of the living and keep stil your eyes fixed upon the leading Star 6. Have a diligent regard unto the Compass that ye turn not out n Ioh 23. on a●● side 7. Forsake not the holy Cross nor the serviceable gracious Word of the Lo●● which is o Matt. 24. administred and given unto you to p Eccl. 15. feed upon by the Elders and Minister of the same for food of life to the e●● that ye may there-through be preserve● from all destruction in the way of yo●● Journey til unto the entrance into the good land and that all whatsoever is destroying may fly q Ier. 4. from you for even s● in your constancy the holy Cross shall 〈◊〉 unto you an Altar of the true burnt-offering and the serviceable gracious Word 〈◊〉 the Lord a safemaking gift or offering Christ upon the same Altar r Heb. 9. in the holy 〈◊〉 the true Tabernacle of God and Christ upon which Altar your Gift or Offent which ye offer up unto the Lord upon th● holy Altar in the holy becometh sanctifie through the same safemaking Gift or O●fering the serviceable gracious Word 〈◊〉 the Lord and kindled or set on fire for burnt offering to the consuming of all th● enemies of the good life wherethrough then likewise your willing Debt offering Sin-offering and Death-offering shall be acceptable f Isa 56. Rom. 12. unto the Lord and ascend up before him from the same Altar t 2 Cor. 2. as a sweet savour 8. Therefore be not afraid u Deut. 20. Isa 41. 1 Mac. 4. of all your enemies for God hath made them all dismaid through the holy Cross of Christ the true Altar of his holy Offering in the Holy and given them into our hands for to be vanquished CHAP. XIII IN this same thorowfaring land men find also a crafty murderer that both high and low wide and farr runneth all over this same land and he is named a Num. 13. and 14. Vnbelief 2. Of this wicked Villain it behoveth us to be b Heb. 3.4 very wary for by him there are many murdered and so they remain without the Rest because they lose the Compass and forsake the Cross through unbelief and also because they cover their eyes from the Light of heaven and will no longer behold the Leading Star 3. Therefore herein there is great danger to pass thorow namely for all those that will follow their own counsel and are c Num. 13. and 14. fainthearted or wavering in faith keeping no diligent watch unto the Compass and for fear of sustaining damage do hastily cast the Cross from them 4. But the travellers that give no regard unto their own counsel or opinion shall not fear the danger of sustaining damage but shall continue of d Ephe. 6. good courage for it is all nothing and vanity whatsoever meeteth them upon the way It is all to be overcome through the patience for there through it consumeth it self e Psal 37.68 like unto smoke and there is nothing at all found that is any-what or that remaineth over but the good land with his holy Inhabitants and godly Riches 5. Therefore let men travel thorow boldly f Heb. 5. and 10. and 11. with faith and a firm hope and not doubt g Matt 14. nor grow wavering then is there nothing that can endamage nor destroy them CHAP. XIIII IN this Land there lieth also a dangerous river wherein a Psal 69. many travellers be drowned and choaked that hold them not unto the counsel of the Law of the Lord and therefore have no regard unto the Compass nor have suffered themselves to be made fast on the Cross 2. For that cause it is likewise very needful that the travellers do take diligent heed hereof also regard wel the Compass and hold them unto the Cross that they run not in the same 3. This river is named b Rom. 6 Ephes 4. A desire in the pleasures of the flesh And in the same there are also Fishes who have their nature according to the name and nature of the river but let not the traveller take upon him c Rom 6.13 Gal. 5. 2 Tim. 2. Iude. 1. to go into the same river nor to catch her fishes neither yet suffer himself to delight to eate of them 4. These fishes are named d Ier. 5. Phil. 3. 2 Pet. 2. Meate of the temporal delights in stead of the everlasting good 5. Some fishes are likewise named Ease in the flesh in stead of zeal to the righteousness e Iohn 2. Honor of the world in stead of the Rest in the Spirit and of the honor of God 6. Take you every one diligent heed of this deceitful River and of her Fishes It seemeth indeed to be a very pleasant water for one to refresh and recreate himself in and the taste of the fishes doth also provoke a desire for to eate stil of them but it is all meer deceit f Wisd 5. 1 Cor. 7. 1 Ioh. 2. vain and nothing 7. This river hath in her bottomless deepness a very evil rewarding For if one sinke into the same unto the bottomless depth thereof then findeth he nothing there but g Iob 18. Psal 11. Psal 34. Apo. 21. burning pitch brimstone heate and flames of the hellish fire 8. That is the reward of this river towards all those that run to the same and drown or choak themselves therein 9. Therefore let no man intend nor endevour him to take on any sweetness of life so long as he is not yet come to the Rest of the good land for as long as one is in the journey he must account of himself as a h 2 Cor. 5. 1 Pet. 2. Heb. 11. Pilgrim or walker in strange lands who suffereth nothing to delight him in the same for to take it on him inasmuch as he hath no inheritance nor continuing place therein i Heb. 13. 10. After this maner likewise let every one stand minded and not take on any thing k 1 Cor. 9 according to his own pleasure but proceede on right-forth towards the holy l Heb 11. Apo. 21.22 City which is named
delightful Essence good By means whereof we flourish The Kingdom i Luke 7. Apo. 12. of the new man pure That out of God doth rise Is now with us here present sure In upright heavenly wise 7. A peaceable k Isa 2. Dan. 2. Kingdom have we now here As Scriptures said before Here is no l Isa 30.65 Apo. 21. wailing nor mourning there Vex ye your hearts no more But now with us associate For in the heavenly m Act. 1. Phil. 3. beeing Is our King he doth n Isa 60. illuminate Us all as is agreeing To Scripture where we reade the same Rejoyce therefore and sing This new-new-land Song o Psa 96.98 unto the Name Of him our heavenly King 8. Ye Princes of our God most high Ye p 1 Pet. 2. Apo. 5. people of the Lord Which do agree in q 1 Cor. 1. unity Come all with one accord Your joy increase and eke fulfill The truth receive also Gods Spirit r Wis 1 5. is on the path and will Rebuke the ſ Ioh. 16. world his fo Of her self framed righteousness t Isa 29. 2 Cor. 1.2 And th'arrogant wise ones are VVith their contentious spitfulness Laid down in silence there CHAP. XXX BEhold in such a minde of the living beeing do the peaceable people live with joy in this City of Rest and Peace not fearing any enemies a Isa 26. Apo. 11. for their City is very well walled to their preservation as also fortified about with a strong defence 2. For upon the walls of this City there is a strong peece of Ordnance whereof all the Enemies of the same are sore afraid as to be cast down by the strong peece of Ordnance And this peece of Ordnance is named b Isa 11. Ephe. 6. The Power of God Against which peece of Ordnance none of all the Enemies of this good City can bide standing 4. But although now that the Enemies with arrogant boldness and hardiness were so subtil and crafty that they themselves knew how to invent cunning or subtill bulworks for a defence unto them also through audacious boldness did not fear the peece of Ordnance The power of God and so with all the multitudes of their power would venture to besiege this City of Life to the end to get her costly Riches and the free and excellent Heritage of all the children of God for a prey unto themselves yet is notwithstanding all their labour subtil indeavor and purpose c Psa 37. Isa 29.54 in vain And this plentiful Land remaineth for all that in his freedom and the heritage of the children of God continueth likewise unharmed and unvanquished 5. For out of this City there floweth an unsearchable or infinite deep River with also a very tempestuous winde is such sort d Isa 17.29 that this River with the same winde gusheth vehemently forth as with an exceeding violent thorow-rushing stream and breaketh out with such violent force like burning heat e Psa 50. Isa 30.34 Ioel. 2. Mal. 4. and flames of fire to the devouring of all the Enemies of the same good City 6. And thus after this maner in the rushing forth of this same River the tempestuous winde f Ier. 4. groweth so exceeding windy and forcible g Nahum 1. even as it were a terrible tempest and so rusheth forth very swiftly with the River among all the Enemies of the good City 7. And this same boysterous storm giveth such a hugh terrible sound like a wonderful great roaring noise of many multitudes of Trumpets and Shalms and like a terrible thunderclap wherewith h Psa 48.78 it overthroweth all the subtile bulworks where-through this strong unmeasurable deep River with the tempestuous winde doth then likewise i Isa 17.29 put to flight and destroy all the enemies of the good Land and they do all disperse abroad and consume away as if they were k Iob. 21. Psal 1. and 18. and 35. Chaffe and Dust 8. This infinite deep river wherewith the stormy winde doth violently arise to a terrible tempest is named l Isa 13. Iudae 1. The righteous Judgment of God The stormy winde is named m Isa 11. Ioel. 2. 2 Thes 2. The Spirit of the Almighty God CHAP. XXXI THis unmeasurable deep and mighty strong River and this tempestuous winde proceedeth forth out of a a Psa 46. water-fountain within this good City and they have alwayes their course of stream and rushing of winde round about the City to the b Isa 29. destroying of all her Enemies because that the holy people of this City c Ier. 23.33 Ezee. 34. may dwell the more peaceable without fear and may remain for evermore 2. Out of this water-fountain whereout the strong River floweth and whereout the tempestuous winde bloweth the children of Peace in this City do learn all their wisdom and fetch thereout all their d Eccl. 24. Understanding and Knowledg Which wisdom that they learn there-out is also an holy wisdom and that same Understanding which they fetch thereout is a godly Knowledg 3. This water fountain is named e Heb. 1. The Mystery of God and of his infinite beeing 4. Wheresoever now this River floweth and this winde with his rushing and tempestuousness bloweth or stormeth even there may none of all the Enemies of the good Land nor yet any thing whatsoever is not of God continue and f Iob 21. Psal 1. and 35. Isa 5. and 17. the ungodly must all perish there like like Chaffe and Dust that is dispersed abroad with the water and the winde 5. Forasmuch then as this delectable plentiful City is thus mighty and excellent and standeth comprehended in a Light g Isa 60. wherein no Darknesses can come therefore is she also invincible of all her Enemies and none likewise can subdue her nor bring her into bondage but she remaineth a free City for evermore 6. And all the people of this City h Mat. 17. are free also and do all live in freedom There is likewise no free people in the whole world but only this people of this good City named Gods Vnderstanding 7. There are also to be found many strong i Ba● 3. Champions in the Knowledg that would enter into this good City through the power and Riches of their Knowledg but it is unpossible for them for who so turneth not himself about and becometh k Matt. 18.19 Mark 10. as a childe neither yet cometh to the submission wherein one l Rom 6. burieth the Lusts and Desires as dead wherein the Equity is found and entreth not into it through the m Ioh. 10. Nature of God he shall not come into the same 8. And if so be also that any man do chuse and enter into another way that liketh him better then this and that he would in that sort go into the good City and not thorow the n Ioh. 10.
spirituall holy City of Peace a 1 Reg. 8.10 have no heads nor Kings that are borne of the Flesh and and Blood of Sinne For their King or the Head of their Body is the eternall and most mighty King b 3 Reg. 8 2 Par. 2.6 who is so great and glorious that no creature c Esa 66. Act. 7. nor any house made by the work of mans hand no nor yet all the heavens of heaven can comprehend or containe d Psa 104. Jer. 25. him 2. This great glorious King is a e Esa 9. peaceable Prince in this good City and this King is named f Col 1. Goas-true being as his name is also mentioned g Supra 26. before bearing all things h Heb. 1. with the Word of his Power and clenseth his people from the sin through himself and is fore-seen and chosen to be an heire of all things for that it may all live unto him 3. To this noble King of the heavenly glory do they live and are obedient unto him not by compulsion but out of inclined love and out of a good i 1 Pet. 1. nature of their God like-fellow-members k 1 Cor. 12. of one body of the godly truth who doe show forth nothing else but love and peace according l Joh. 13.15 1 Joh. 4. to the disposition and nature of their King named Gods-true-being which Prince m Esa 9. shall raigne for evermore according to the promises 4. This King of peace and his peaceable Commonalty of Kingly people and this Land of Peace is named A Kingdom of Kings because they are every one Kings n 1 Pet. 2. Briests and Anoynted ones that dwell in this Land 5. And besides this one Kingdome of Kings there are no Kingdomes in the whole world that are rich of Kings but they are altogether poore of Kings and are all likewise bond-servants o Rom. 6. 2 Pet. 2. and captive slaves 6. And therefore also is this City of Peace only a Kingdome of Kings and they are all likewise free p Apo. 22. Kings and Lords that dwell therein The same City also with all what joyneth thereunto is an abundant rich land as likewise full of all Commodities that doe serve the people to the life and joy 7. This people of this same Land q Deut. 4. is also an understanding wise people For they have their inhabiting in Gods understanding and stand comprehended in the light of life r Joh. 17. being united in Gods true being 8. There is likewise no right understanding nor wisdome to be found in the whole world but only in this Land of Peace among this lovely people therefore is also this Land the best of all Lands and the people that dwell therein the most understanding and righteous people CHAP. XXXIX THis Land bringeth forth a fit herb for the food of the people and it is named a Deut. 8. Sap. 16. Mat. 4. John 6. Gods living Word by which food they doe live and rejoyce them in the good tast thereof and there is no other food taken by them for seeing they are heavenly and spirituall men so eat they likewise no other but the heavenly and spirituall food 2. In this Land there is also very good b Pro. 9. wine whereof the people of the Land doe drink and become exceeding merry therein and it is named The mind of God 3. There is likewise a c Apo. 22. living fountaine wherein the people of this City doe delight them and take their recreation and refreshing in the same the fou●tain is named A firme confidence in God 4. This people goeth also very gorgiously apparelled and the Garments are so very clear that one may behold the inward Members of their body naked and bare quite thorough them 5. Which apparell of the people and their garnishing or the Jewells of their beauty are named d Apo. 19. The justification of the Saints 6. To be short all manner of riches and all the Ornaments of God be found in this Land among e Esa 64. 1 Cor. 2. this lovely people the Members of the truth of God which peaceable people doth possesse the wealthy land of the godly understanding 7. In which plentifull Land there are no sundry chosen-out God-services nor severall Religions or Ceremonies used but the God-service that they doe use and with the which they are serviceable unto all men f Eph. 4. Col. to an unity of heart with them in all love is one only and true God-service which extendeth to the holy Spirit of love and to the everlasting life as also unto the holy City of Peace and of her peaceable people which God-service is well pleasing before God and to a salvation of men and it is named g Joh. 13. 1 John 3.4 The Service of Love with the administration of the spirituall and heavenly goods 8. Which service of love they do likewise h Rom. 12 15. Eph. 4. show forth on each other in peaceableness of heart and the same is their religion or God-service they know not also of any other Religion or God-service then of the service of love i Joh. 13.15 Col. 3. 1 Pet. 1. c. 3. 1 Joh. 3.4 and to love one another and so to keep themselves pure k Jam. 1. or unspotted of the world 9. Which pure God-service and most holy Religion and the ministration of the gracious word and service of love that tendeth thereunto is availeable before God and acceptable l unto him and not any other that be used without the same God-service of love CHAP. XL. THe people of this Land do in their God-service serve the most high God a Deut. 5.32 Psal 18. Esa 45. who is God only and they are subject to no other Gods nor Lawes nor Ceremonies but only to the Lord their God and to his most holy service of love 2. Also they are not subject to the creatures nor to any created thing as properly to belong thereunto but onely to the Creator b Gen. 1. Rom. 1. that hath made all creatures and created things 3. This God whom only they serve is a secret c Esa 45. God a God that dwelleth d Psal 2. 22. 115. in the heavens moveth above all heavens who likewise hath comprehended all in his hand whatsoever is 4. The same God is exceeding great glorious and miraculous and besides him there is no e Deut. 32. God more neither in heaven nor upon earth whose Name is knowne only in himselfe and in his 5. He is the f 1 Joh. 4. Love the g Joh. 14. Truth and the Spirit and the Spirit is the everlasting life in the truth and in the love 6. He is the true substance of all substances h Joh. 1. the true life of all lives the true light of all lights the true mind of all minds 7. He is the true power or
strength i Job 9. of all powers or strengths the true understanding of all understandings the true righteousnesse of all righteousnesse 8. He is the true k Mal. 1. Eph. 3. Father of all Fathers the Lord of all Lords l 1 Tim. 6 the King of all Kings 9. He is the true begetter of all Generations For he it is which m Esa 45. 66. John 1. begetteth all that whatsoever is born of the truth out of the truth and through the truth out of whom also all what is any thing is be gotten for he himself begetteth his children out of himself 10. He is n 1 Cor. 8.15 Heb. 1. all in all who likewise hath comprehended all in himself 11. He is the true o 1 Joh. 4. love of all lovelinesse the upright p Joh. 14. truth of all truth 12. He is the true q Mat. 11. meeknesse of all meek ones the true r Joel 2 Jona 4. mercy of all mercifull ones 13. He is also the true nature of all naturalnesse 14. To conclude He is all what his people is unto whom he is a Paradise full of joy and a Å¿ 4. Esd 2. Apo. 2.22 tree of life or a living Tree full of all sweetnesse and fruits of everlasting life 15. He it is that was t Mich. 5. Heb 13. everlasting from the beginning He it is that is now presently he it is that shall remain for ever 16. He is the everlasting unbroken the everlasting undevidable the everlasting perfect good 17. This living God is their only God for he only is God and none els u Deut. 32 Esa 45. and besides him there is no God more as is already said this God do they love x Deut. 6. 10. Mat. 22. with all their hearts minds and thoughts 18. Seeing then that they are borne and brought forth out of him so is likewise all their life sence and mind only in him y Joh. 17. and God himself in like manner is in them with his mind life or Spirit and so they are one being with each other namely God and z Jer. 31. Ezek. 37. his people of peace 19. And the same the living Godhead with the Manhood is the only true being or substance in this peaceable Land of rest and peace 20. The same is also the a 1 Cor. 13 perfect of all perfection which shall continue for ever to the which state God hath created the manly generation b Gen. 1. 4 Esd 6.7 for to make them heirs therein and called or bidden them thereunto by Jesus Christ 21. The same perfection are likewise Gods promises c Gen. 12. 17.22 to the blessing of all generations of the earth and out of the same perfection is the true service of love ministred to a godly life in the last time 22. And wheresoever now the same cometh in the Spirit and maketh it selfe known essentially there doe all d 1 Cor. 13 peece-works divisions and dissentious cease and the love getteth there the victory and remaineth there for ever never breaking nor decaying any more CHAP. XLI WHosoever now forsaketh all the desolate lands and people as is before said also hath his respect diligently bent upon the a Mat. 2. leading star in the East and walketh on rightly according to the compasse as likewise forsaketh not the Crosse and so cometh to the submission by him shall be found the equity with the which he entteth into Gods b 2. Pet. 1. Apo. 22. nature and so he cometh into this good Citie full of all riches of life and joy 2. By which means he hath a free entrance into this holy City of Peace named Gods-understanding for to become one only c Rom. 12. Eph. 4.5 body with all the Saints of the heavenly company the which are the peaceable children of love in the Land of the living 3. He now therefore that is in this manner come thereunto essentially may as then in the love and in the unity of peace go out d John 10. and in without harme and may walk thorough all Lands Places and Cities bring unto all lovers of the good Land that are seeking the same good e Esa 33.52 Rom. 10. tydings give them good incouragement as to respect all the enemies like f Job 21. Esa 5.7 chaffe and as nothing show them the next way for to go into g Esa 30. the life and so lead them with him into the good Land and assemble h Jer. 3. them to the holy and peaceable people of the Lord to an unitie of heart with them in all love for that same is the concordable service of love to the life ministred by the i Eccl. 6.8 Heb. 13. Elders in the Family of the Love of Jesus Christ and whosoever turneth himself there-from and is not obedient to his requiring he doth severely erre and turneth him away from his Salvation 4. The next way therefore to go into the foresaid life is this That one doe forsake k Mat. 16. Mar. 8. Luk. 9.14 all what he hath taken on and not any more to take on nor desire any thing and so through the service of love to enter into the simple life wherein all faithfulnesse and truth is found and no slandering nor stumbling l 1 Cor. 13 or offensivenesse nor any blameing of others that do labour after righteousnesse and concord and are minded to the peace of Jesus Christ 5. For the simple life is the equity of the nature of God and by the same one goeth into the holy Citie of rest and peace 6. Whosoever now is even thus as is said under the obedience of the love become uniform with the children m Bar. 5. of the Kingdome and that his Spirit Word or Speech doth flow out of and into the same secret Kingdome even like unto a n 4 Esd 3. living breath of God that floweth out from God and into him again Hee verily is become a fellow-elder in Gods holy and godly understanding with the Elders in the Family of Love and can very well walke in freedome among all people and also remaine still very free united with the peaceable ones in the City of peace and can live in the upright o Eph. 1.4 righteousnesse 7. For the k knowledge separateth nor hurteth not him p Gen. 2. 8. The Devill q Mat. 4. Joh. 12. overcometh not him 9. The sin r Rom. 6. or the evill delighteth not him 10. He feareth not the death Å¿ Oze 13. not him 11. The Serpents deceit nor her poison s Mar. 16. cannot kill him for he hath eaten of the Wood of Life t Apo. 2. which standeth in the middest of the godly Paradise and liveth eternally not fearing any burden of condemnation for that cause also the hell cannot condemne him 12. Nor the accuser v Apo. 12. accuseth not him 13. The foolishnesse
led to the cleerness of the h Psal 38. John 9. true Light nor to the truth of the upright Life whereby to behold the same true Light in his upright Righteousness and to inherit the upright Life in his peaceable Being 6. And although now one should speak much of the light to any of the blinde people in the Land called Ignorance and should in most evident maner expound or open the same unto them in their knowledg and that they then should have no lust nor will to depart out of the darknesses of Ignorance neither yet to be taught nor led to the true light of the upright life So could it not doubtless profit them to the entrance into the rest of life but it should be unto them much more to a disquietness to an offence and to a death because they remain inhabiting in the Land and in the City of Ignorance For the whole City of the same Land is full of Ignorance For that cause also she hath her name according to that she is her self 7. Wherefore it is much better for the people of the same Land the whiles they dwell therein and have no desire to depart out of it through the fear of God that men give them in their blindness and ignorant error to understand of the i Ezek. 18. Mic. 6. Matth. 18. obedience which they ow to God and his Word and to require the same of them then that men should open the eyes of the k Gen. 3. disobedient knowledg unto them in their disobedience and so then if they endevor them not to obedience to let them go on still with their blinde guides till such time as they understand that they are blinde and be led by the blinde ones and that they then likewise grow desirous after some better thing and would very gladly or good willingly be taught to the Land of Peace and to his peaceable people and be led into the same 8. Verily that the same councel is the best councel to be used among the blinde people that know not their error I have sufficiently proved by experience among those that are ignorant of their error and among the decliners from us and our godly doctrine Let every one therefore take diligent heed that he tye or binde not himself too fast unto his error with his knowing wisdom nor yet boast him of his knowledg but let him study or endevor himself to enter into the upright Christian life and to the true understanding of God through the right l John 10. door of the Humility and Obedience of Jesus Christ and to become assembled to the family of Love as also taught and exercised obediently in the requiring of his Doctrine so shall it then assuredly not miss or fail to bring him to the true Light and to the Life of the upright Righteousness CHAP. III. THis forementioned City named Ignorance hath two Gates the one standeth in the North or Midnight through the which men do go into the City of Darkness or of Ignorance 2. This Gate now that standeth in the North is very large and great and hath also a great door because there is much a Zech. 9 Matth. 7. passage of people thorow the same and it hath likewise his name according to the nature of the same City 3. Forasmuch then as that men do come into Ignorance through the same Gate therefore is it named b Mic. 7. Luke 21. Men know not how to do And the great door where-through the multitudes of people do run is named Vnknown error and there is else no coming in to the same City named Ignorance 4. The other Gate standeth on the one side of the City towards the East or Spring of the Day and the same is the c Matth 7. Luke 13. narrow Gate through the which men travel out of the City of Ignorance and do enter into the straight way which leadeth to the Life of the Righteous 5. Now when one travelleth out through the same Gate then doth he immediately after espie some Light and that same reacheth to the rising of the Sun 6. The name of this Gate wherethrough men travel out of the Land of Ignorance we will rehearse d Infra 7. hereafter For we will now write forward of the maner of the ignorant Land and People CHAP. IV. THis Land of Ignorance is in it self so utterly wildernessed and incompassed and be-set with so many a Eccles 1. 2. 4. 5. Isa 41.59 vexations troubles and unprofitable labors that by means thereof there is no convenient place to be found there to sowe any Corn in b Lam. 2.4 Amos 8. for the food of men therefore there groweth neither c Jere. 14. Corn nor Grass in the same Land 2. The people of this Land do all likewise live in confusion or disorder and are very diligent d Eccles 5. Isa 44. in their unprofitable work and labor And although all their work be vain or unprofitable yet hath every one notwithstanding a delightful liking to the same For according to the nature of the Land they are all ignorant and inclined to unprofitable works 3. Forasmuch then as that they all have such a delight to such unprofitable work e Isa 24. so forget they to prepare the Ground for Corn and Seed to live thereby according to the good manly Ordinance and so they live not by the manly food but by their own f Ezek. 4. Hos 4. 9. Mic. 6. dung for they have there no other food to live by 4. There is oftentimes hunger but no man hath any lust or yet desire to any other food g Jere 36. 44. then to his own dung for their stomack and nature is accustomed and naturally inclined thereunto 5. Wherefore seeing they are not fed with any bread b Job 33. Eccles 14. but with their own filthiness or dung so is there likewise no satisfying among them 6. Seeing then that they understand not what kinde of Food serveth them to the good Life but through their Ignorance do sustain themselves by their own dung therefore they do not understand also how to prepare themselves the good things i Deut. 32. Luke 19. that serve them unto peace and to a peaceable life but do vex and trouble themselves out of measure for to make those things diligently and that k Psal 4. with a delight which are unprofitable and which do afflict themselves or bring them to much incumbrance 7. The vain or unprofitable works and the preparations or endevors of the foolish people where-through the whole Land every where is exceedingly burthened with great molestation and labor are these CHAP. V. THey make there divers sorts of Puppet works or Babies for to bring up the children in vanity there are made likewise many kinde of Balls Tut-staves or Kricket-staves R●ckets and Dice for that the foolish people should waste or spend their time therewith
of the same life against the mindes of the false light of the good-thinking Knowledg is held forth and evidently declared unto him whereby he becometh then likewise humbled in all his mindes and thoughts and there is also made known unto him what maner of sinner and how d Matt. 15. unclean of heart he is without the upright beeing of the true light and life that proceedeth out of God and so in the Knowledg of his sins and of the upright Righteousness as also of the first entrance of the way to the land of the living he beginneth to perceive and to get a little e Prov. 4. wisdom of the holy Understanding where-through likewise he is the more ready to consent to pass over and to travell thorow the small way that leadeth to the life 3. This light now that is held forth before the traveller or wherewith he is met in the passing thorow the fear of God and the beginning of wisdom is called f Matth. 3. Luke 3 Act. 2. and 3. The grace of the lord in the confession of sins through which light the traveller is prepared to the true life of the upright Righteousness and washed with the water of Repentance to the knowledge of Salvation in the forgiveness and in the cleansing of his sins 4. With which and through which light and his foregoing service the traveller is g Gal. 3. led and proceedeth on even unto the good land of the upright living ones 5. And although now that this light in the foregoing of his service be lesser then the great day-light of the good land yet reacheth it notwithstanding to the great h Isa 60. Mal. 4. Apo. 22. day-light of the same land And moreover albeit that the least in the kingdom of the good land be greater of light then the same foregoing light i Mat. 11. Luk. 7. yet doth it for all that bring the traveller to the greatest and chiefest light in the kingdom of the good and peaceable land 6. But in travelling forward upon the way for to come to the good land of Peace so do the k Psal 34. Eccles 2. Act. 14. 2 Tim. 3. perils then first make manifest themselves Therefore must the traveller keep a diligent watch in the said grace of the Lord and in the obedience to the Requiring of the same foregoing service and so constantly follow after the requiring of the grace of the Lord l Eccl. 2. Heb. 13. and of the service of love according to the counsel m Prov. 1. and 2. and 3. and 4. and 5. of the wise or elders in the same for otherwise he becometh hindered and deceived upon the way by the sundry maner of temptations and conceited lights that do oftentimes meet with him to the leading away or seducing of him from the right way 7. Wherefore to the end now there should no man remain n Heb. 3.4 without the Rest of the Saints of God which dwell in this good City except it were then through his own unwillingness or good-thinking Knowledg so will we mark out both the perils of seducing and also the means unto preservation for that no man should err upon the way o Deut. 13 Ier. 28. nor be seduced or deceived by any false ends 8. The Lord vouchsafe to strengthen the courage of all hearts that desire to go into the life of peace and to give them wisdom that they in any wise through p Num. 14. Heb. 4. unbelief nor through any good-thinking wisdom become not hindered from entring into the godly life by the many maner of temptations that do chance unto them by the sundry false ends and so might happen to stay by the way 9. Therefore hear and understand when one now entereth into this gate named q Prov. 15. The fear of God and will travell forward toward the good land thorow the door named r Pro. 1.2.9 Eccle. 1. The beginning of wisdom in the light named The grace of the Lord in the confession of sins so shall he not then run on rashly without discretion according to his own good thinking or immagination nor yet unadvisedly without the counsell of the Å¿ Pro. 4. and 5. Eccle. 8. elders in the wisdom of the love and of the upright beeing of Jesus Christ for whenas the wisdom doth first begin in the traveller so is she at that time but small in him yet as young or growing on and he himself is yet also but young of understanding and small of comprehending in the godly wisdom 10. For that cause the traveller in the youngness of his understanding must in the beginning when the wisdom groweth first in him have his proceeding forward according to the counsel of his elder in the Family of Love who hath obediently performed the requiring of the gracious Word and his service and so is grown up therein unto the t Ephe. 4. old age of the godly understanding of the gracious Word of the Lord and well exercised in the passing over the way to the good life and land of the Living to the end that he may likewise to the overcoming of all foolishness and seducing that meeteth him attaine to the u Eccl. 6. and 8. 1 Cor. 13. old age of the manly wisdom without harm and so go into the good land of the upright Wise and Understanding ones 11. Now when the traveller passeth thorow this said gate and door and so beginneth to travel forward towards the good land then doth he finde in the way of his forth-going two kinde of wise ones or counsellers that do meete with him 12. The one of those wise ones presenteth himself before him out of the Family of Love to his preservation and he standeth on the right side of the way and his form is not very amiable nor pleasant according to the mindes of the flesh to behold nor yet his sayings and counsel to be obeyed because that he is contrary to all mindes and knowledges of the flesh x Rom. 7.8 or standeth minded against them notwithstanding if the traveller have no regard unto him neither doth daily receive any counsel of him unto obedience nor yet follow his counsel then shall he not come to the rest and he is named y Exod. 20. Deut. 5. The Law or Ordinance of the Lord whereunto also is joyned the safemaking doctrine and serviceable ministration of the holy and gracious Word under the obedience of the Love 13. And the same Law or Ordinance with the adjoyning doctrine and serviceable ministration doth z Gal. 3. and 4. sustain and keep with the counsel and instruction of the elders in the holy understanding of the gracious Word of the Lord and his service of Love the disciples of the Wisdom the whilest they are yet young and unexpert in the same that they may remain preserved and a Col. 1. 2 Pet. 3. growing up in the godly Wisdom may in the
b Eccl. 8. old age of the holy Understanding and in the experience of the manly wisdom inherite the c Prov. 7. Ephe. 1. heritage of the peaceable land 14. The other Wise one cometh before him out of the thoughts of mans good-thinking and out of the opinion of the strangers from the Family of Love which wise one cometh often unto him to the intent to draw him away d Prov. 5. from the way that directeth to the land of the living and he standeth on the left side of the way and his form is sweet and friendly according to the mindes of the flesh to behold and his sayings and counsels delightful to be obeyed but if the traveller do regard him and cleave unto him and follow his counsel then becometh he altogether deceived and at the last ●indeth himself in many calamities and miseries and he is named e Rom. 8. The wisdom of the flesh whereunto is taken on the corruptible doctrine and ministration of mans good-thinking with the which many people be seduced and led away from the way of the passing over to the good land of the living 15. These two wise ones on both sides do give unto the traveller several counsel 16. The Law or Ordinance of the Lord requireth the traveller the obedience to her Requiring and so with a simple heart to accomplish f Matt. 3. all righteousness obediently and testifieth unto him that that same is g Pro. 3. and 4. the right wisdom of the upright people of the good land and councelleth him likewise that he in the obeying of the Requiring of the ministration of the gracious Word of the Lord should draw away his senses and thoughts from all unprofitable and corruptible things and so to let it be delightful unto him to love the God of life h with all his heart and to serve him only that he might come to such an upright i 2 Pet. 1. nature and good beeing h Deut. 6. and 10. Matth 22. as the people of the good land have and so then might live with the same peaceable people in k Ephe. 1.4 the upright Righteousness and Holiness 17. But The wisdom of the flesh with the doctrine of her good thinking doth in all things set forth her self there-against much subtiller and more prudent then to live so in the l Wisd 1. singleness of heart obediently and requireth of the traveller to do his diligence or indeavour to know all secrets and so counselleth him not to hear to believe nor to obey m Gen. 3. Rom. 1. the Law and Ordinance of the Lord nor the Elders in the same ministration but to endeavour him of himself to discern the best and the worst through his imagination of the knowledg and to excel all things with the knowledg n Ier. 9.11 and 13. and 18. as also to live according to the best of the good-thinking or judgment of his own heart 18. Besides this The wisdom of the flesh holdeth forth likewise before the traveller divers sorts of knowledg according to the desire and pleasure of the flesh because he should chuse such things to follow after also sundry kindes of o Col 2. 2 Tim. 3. false holiness and false freedom and many kindes of joy in the vanity and in the foolish and earthly p Wisd 2. Rom. 11. 2 Pet. 2. corruptible things to the end he should cleave unto them with a loose heart according to his own opinion and pleasure and to frame his own Righteousness joy and friendship there-out even as though the same also were a good holiness or Paradise of life and a good freedom but q Pro. 5. Wisd 3. Rom. 6. the end is the death and destruction 19. If so be now that the traveller do beleeve and follow the counsel of the wisdom of the flesh then doth he subject his heart unto two false and deceitful props the one is named r Phil. 2. and 3. 2 Pet. 2. Self-seeking the other ſ Gen. 3. Negligence toward the Law or Ordinance of the Lord and so he cometh into many kinde of errors through the wisdom of the flesh CHAP. VIII BUt if the traveller have an hearty desire to come into the rest of the good land and that his heart be inclined a Ephe. 4. unto Unity with the peaceable people then must he utterly forsake all the counsel of The wisdom of the flesh how pleasantly and prudently soever the same attempteth him in the Knowledg and all those likewise that are enemies to the Family of Love and that are captived with the fleshes wisdom or good-thinking and with the disobedience to the Requiring of the Word and service of Love for the end of the counsel of the wisdom of the flesh and of her servants or captives is nothing but deceit and extendeth to all b Wisd 5. Eccl. 21. grievous misery bitterness c Rom. 6.8 and sins of death and therefore must the traveller with all his heart follow the d Psa 119. counsel of the Law of the Lord according to the counsel of the said e Pro. 4. and 7. elders in the holy understanding 2. And although it seemeth at the first to be somewhat painful and bitter yet doth the end of the same for all that extend to all joy sweetness and f Rom. 6. and 8. righteousness of life and bringeth the traveller to the good land of rest and peace 3. But the principall counsel of the Law or Ordinance of the Lord is this that the traveller or lover of the good land shall in the beginning of his journey g Eccl. 7. submit himself altogether under the Requiring of the holy and gracious Word of the Lord and his service of Love and enter obediently into the Requiring of the same and prepare h Eccl. 2. his soul to temptation and so shall call and pray unto his i Psal 18. and 19. and 116. God in all his temptation and persevere stedfastly in the Law or Ordinance of the Lord even till into the good land of Peace 4. And this good counsel of the Law of the Lord giveth the traveller also two Instruments with him in the journey or by the way the one serveth him for to continue there through in the right way and it is a compass the which is the right Christian way sure that alwayes pointeth him rightly unto the good land this compass is named k Mat. 16. Mar. 8. Luk. 9.14 The forsakeing of himself for the good lifes sake As long as one goeth on according to the same in the Obedience of the Requiring of the Law of the Lord he cannot err 5. With the other instrument all the enemies and all the temptations that would hinder the traveller from coming into this holy place be overcome 6. This instrument of victory is the Cross of Christ and it is named l Lam. 3. Heb. 10.12 Iam. 5. Patience or
e Psal 40. Heb. 10. the Lords will he obtaineth a good salvation of the peaceable life 4. And whosoever likewise hath not an hearty desire to the good life he also remaineth not constant in this way But whoso bideth constant til unto the f Matt. 10. and 14. end he shall be saved and rejoyce him in the everlasting life 5. Moreover in this land the travellers have not much sweetness of the herb of life wherewith they be g Exo. 16. fed in their hunger nor yet much satisfying of refreshing of the Fountain-waters h Exo. 17. Num. 20. wherewith they be refreshed in their thirst because that in the same land there is no perfect satisfying i Isa 41. of hunger and thirst to be found nor come by for the herb wherewith they be sustained to the Life and the Fountain-waters wherewith they be refreshed do k Eccl. 24. make them still the longer the more hungry and thirsty and as long as they are travelling in this land towards the good land of Peace they have stil hunger and thirst l Matth. 5. Luk. 6. after the righteousness but in the good land they become all satisfied 6. The herb wherewith the travellers be m 2 Cor. 3. Gal 3.4 sustained to the life is named The serviceable Word of the Lord and the Fountain-waters wherewith they be refreshed are named n Ier. 23. and 31. and 33. Luk. 22. 1 Cor. 11. The promises of Salvation in the new Testament of the blood of Jesus Christ CHAP. XI IN this land named Many maner of walkings there lie also fair hills that seem to be somewhat a Num. 33. Deut. 2. delightful of which the traveller must beware for it is nothing but Deceit Vanity and seducing 2. These hills are garnished with divers trees which do likewise bring forth vain and deceitful● fruits 3. Now because of this garnishing of the trees and for the delectation of their vain fruits many travellers do suffer themselves to be seduced there-with b Num. 32. and do make their dwelling among them and so they remain without the good land of Life and of Rest 4. And seeing they are grown somewhat weary c Heb. 12. and grieved or somewhat d Num. 11.14 unbelieving or doubtful in the ministration of the Word therefore do they suffer themselves the more easily to be drawn away with the same for it hath a shew as if it were to their preservation and welfare or were some holiness 5 For that cause do the travellers also the more easely cleave unto it and so they leave the forsaking of themselves taking on e Exod. 16.17 Num. 11. their self seeking that is They take on their own f Rom 10. righteousness and made g Col. 2. holiness or their h Phil. 3. ease in the flesh They likewise leave the patience and become negligent towards the Law or Ordinance of the Lord following their i Gen. 3. self choosing wherewith they according to their own pleasures be drawn away by the deceit of the wisdom of the flesh 6. If they now bide not constant till unto the end of the travelling through k Num. 14. Psal 95. then remain they also without the good pleasant Land and do estrange themselves from the holy City of Peace and Rest 7. These hills are named l Prov. 3. Isa 5. Taken on wit or prudence Riches of the spirit m Rom. 1. 1 Tim. 1. Learned knowledg n 2 Tim. 3. Taken on freedom o Ezek. 13 22. Good-thinking prophecy Zeal after chosen holiness p Mat. 23. Col. 2 Counterfeit righteousness New invented humility q Luk. 18. Pride in ones own spiritualness Vnmindful of any better c. 8. The Trees that grow upon these hills are named r Judae 1. Coloured love Litteral wisdom greedy towards owns flattering-alluring s Cor 1. or 2. reproving of natural ones t Matth. 4. promises of vanity ſ 1 Tim. 4. exalting of his own private invention pleasure in chosen holiness u Mat. 23. Luk. 18. greatly esteeming his own working of private righteousness 9. These trees do bring forth altogether one maner of fruits which be all likewise called by one maner of name and the name of their fruits x Psa 57. Wisd 3. and 5. Eccle. 34. is Vain Comfort with which fruits the people that have left the forsaking of themselves and the Cross with the Meate-offering and Drink-offering and have not brought their Debt-offering to the Lord and that seek their Rest or make their dwelling among these deceitful hills do let themselves y Isa 29. be fed 10. If therefore the travellers have left the forsaking of themselves and the patience with the Meate-offering and Drink-offering as also the accomplishing of their Debt-offering or are growing doubtful in the belief z Heb. 10. so finde they then some refreshing among these hils through the shadow of the trees They get likewise some satisfying through the vain comfort and are also at the first somwhat glad therethrough also singing and crying out We have it we have it we are illuminated born anew and come to the rest and to the best of all II. But alas when the Sun ariseth somewhat high then do the fruits a Psal 34. Matth. 13. wither namely the vain comfort and when the Winter cometh then stand the trees barren and it is all b Iob 20. Wisd 5. deceit and seducing 12. Therefore there is no true Rest but in the good land of Eternity which is ful of all pure hearts and souls of the living CHAP. XII THe whilest then that the traveller doth travell toward this good land by the leading Star Belief and Hope so cometh he clean th●row all the deceit by means of the a Matt. 16. Forsaking of himself For that ●t is a good compass unto him which pointeth to the good land 2. And with the Patience he likewise b Heb. 10. and 11. and 12. overcometh all assaults for that is unto him a good blessing of the holy Cross and a good armour to the conquering c Ephe. 6. 2 Pet 4. of all his assaultings where through all his enemies d Iam. 4. slye from him and so he may pass by all what is destroying free without harm 3. For there are many Molesters and destroyers to be found in this land which do grievously vex the travellers and would also destroy e Luk. 21. 1 Pet. 5. let or hinder them that they should not come into the good land of Peace But they do all fear and tremble before the holy Cross 4. The molesters that do oftentimes meete the traveller for to hinder his passing forward and to bring him to destuction are named f 2 Pet. 3. trying of The Belief g Num. 14. Matth. 24. 2 Pet. 3. Doubt or distrustfulness to come to the good land tempting with a chosen
The understanding of God for in the same is m Col. 2. all fulness of riches n Ioh. 10. and all fulness of life and of joy to be found CHAP. XV. IN this unpathed thorow-faring land there do also spring or grow certain Thistles and thornes which do many times somewhat vex the traveller but with patience he may escape and pass thorow them all 2. The Thistles and Thornes are named a Num. 14 Wisd 17. Vncertain Consciences 3. Therein are likewise to be found divers natures of beasts that are minded to devouring the which also do pursue the travellers very stoutly in such sort that they sometimes retire a little because of them but before the Cross they do all retire back at the last 4. These beasts are named b Rom. 3. Gal. 5. Envy Wrath Churlishness or Vnfriendliness Cruelty Offensiveness Resistance or Disobedience Craftiness greedy desire of Honor Subtilty to deceit and Violence and also one of the most detestable beasts that will worst of all give way is named Hypocrisie c Luk. 12. or Dissimulation where under all maner of naughtiness is covered with a coloured Vertue d Mat. 6.7.23 or made holiness and he is indeed the subtillest beast who provoketh all the other beasts for to devour the travellers 5. Of which wilde beasts the travellers must take heede with great foresightfulness e Matt. 10. Ephe. 5. that they run not into the mouth of them and so be swallowed up CHAP. XVI NOw when the traveller is passed thorow all this said land and hath left all these abominations then cometh he to three Castles thorow the midst of the which he must pass and must leave them in like maner for he shall not neede a 4 Esd 2. to fear any thing of all whatsoever meetteth him in the journey 2. It is true when any thing meeteth him in any place that hath a shew or that he himself regardeth as if it were of some valu● hen doth it vant out it self so highly sometimes as if it were impossible to be overcome b Exod. 1● Num 13 but when one is gone thorow or past the same and then looketh about after it so is it nothing at all and is alt gether deceit c ●ob 20 Psal 37 vanity and bewitching 3. Upon these Castles there lie subtile watchers which are very crafty and wily but thorow the d Mar. 8. Luk. 9. forsaking of himself and with the patience one may pass by them but whosoever through unbelief hath lost the Compass and left the Cross him do they take captive to be their bondslave 4. The one of these Castles is named e Iob 1. and 2. Matt. 4. The power of the Devils assaulting the second f Heb. 12. The forsaking of Hope the third is named g Psal 55. Fear of death 5. The Watchers that lie upon these Castles for to take the people captive under the same as named according to their nature and these are their names 6. h 2 Cor. 11. Appearing like angels of light i bzec 13. and 22. Indeavoring to the stealing of the heart k Pro. 14.16 2 Tim. 3. Appearance of Vertue Subtil invention l Prov. 12. Col. 2. Confidence in Knowledg m Mat. 23. 1 Tim. 4. Made laws and imagined rights Disguised or unknown holiness Self framed Righteousness there goeth also among them n 4. Esd 16. Wisd 17. Rom. 2. Accusation of sins Fear of evil Fear of adversity Careful of destruction Fear of hell c. 7. These and such like before named are the Watchers of the Castles who do go out with many o ● Isal 35.57 su●till snares for to let the travellers and to catch them into their Captivity 8. But the p Mat. 16. forsaking of himself pointeth quite beyond as to forsake it all and with the patience one passeth thorow the same as if it were nothing for the Compass doth point only unto the Understanding of God to the end to bring the traveller to the same and to arm him thereunto forasmuch doubtless as all other things are q Wisd 5. seducing and foolishness CHAP. XVII NOw when one is passed beyond and hath left all this as is rehearsed then doth he a Num. 27. Deut. 34. come hard by the good land and he approacheth neer unto the understanding of God But many do run past the entrance thereof because they perswade themselves too soon that they have left it all and that they are grown so wise that they think it is not needful for them to near the serviceable Word of the Lord any more and think that therefore they cannot fail to know very rightly the entrance of the good land and also the maner how they shall go into the good land and so they lose the Compass coming even so yet into very great errors 2. For the neerer one cometh to the Land the more subtilly doth the deceit assault him for besides the entrance of this good land as the one wayes entrance joyned to the other there lieth also a way b Matth. 7. that leadeth to an abominable or horrible land and the same way is a pleasant way to behold and c Gen. 3. Pro. 14.16 pleasant likewise to enter into wherewith many be deceived supposing forasmuch as his coming in is so delightful and pleasant in beholding that the same is the very way that leadeth into the good land 3. Here it is very needful to have a diligent and sharpe regard to which of both these wayes the d Matth. 2. Star leadeth and upon which the Compas pointeth whither it be to the same pleasant way or to the peaceable life of the good land and also that the Cross be not forsaken for through e Heb. 12. 1 Pet. 2. the Cross one may perceive which of them is promised to be the Rest namely the pleasant way or the peaceable life of the good land 4. This pleasant way is named f Gen. 2.3 Knowledg of Good and Evil the which deceiveth many people because they perswade themselves that to know the good and the evil doth far excel the serviceable Word of the Lord and his Requiring and that likewise the same is the very best the most holy and the most prudent Understanding whereby to go into the good land and to inherit his Riches and so they judg that the Knowledg is the greatest or the chiefest Riches of God Howbeit it is nothing at all g Gen 3. Wis 2.5 but deceit pain labour trouble and no rest also nothing but Death and no Life 5. For if any man adjoyn him unto the knowledg of good and evil and maketh more account of it then of the Nature of God h Gal. 3. Heb. 7. whereunto the Law of the Lord is serviceable unto him then doth he forsake the door or gate serving to the entrance of the life and so chuseth to enter into the
deceitful way of the knowledg of good and evil thinking that he can want nothing there and so he entreth boldly into it i Num. 26 perswading himself that the same is the best and that he shall there-through go into the good land CHAP. XVIII NOw when any people are come into the same land whereunto the pleasant way of the Knowleg of Good and Evil leadeth and which in it self is full of a Num. 16 contention full of great and grievous incumberances and ful of all abominations of desolation then doth there appear immediatly unto them an inward or spiritual b Pro. 11. Matth. 22. Cor. 8. Col. 2. pride and an arrogant boldness against the discipline of the gracious Word and the obedience to the Requiring of his Service of Love the which deceiveth many namely for the most part all those that ground them upon the knowledg and so do think to obtain or to enter into the Life and the Truth by means of the knowledg of good and evil 2. For the inward pride getteth root in them and they suppose that they are somewhat singular c Iob. 11.12 Isa 5. Luke 18. above other people because they have so much knowledg to talk of the Truth and are so rich of Spirit therein perswading themselves that the riches of the knowledg is the very light of salvation and that same doth then make them presumptuous bold 3. Even thus verily do they in the knowledg arrogantly take upon them that d 3 Reg. 22. their Cause is sure and certain but it is all nothing else but abomination of desolation Contention Disagreement and intangling among the children of men 4. Therefore is also the same land into the which one cometh thus through the said knowledg named e Dan. 9. Matth. 24. The abomination of desolation because that it setteth it self in such a place or dignity and hath such reputation among many men as if it were the holy understanding of God it self Yea it doth also vaunt or give forth it self to be the same and so setteth it self in f 2 Thes 2. the hearts of men and will likewise be reputed and held for the same at mens hands whosoever now beholdeth the same g Mat. 24. Mark 13. let him consider thereon 5 But alas whosoever is come into this horrible land and hath taken a dwelling place therein such a one cannot rightly behold or consider the abominations of the same land nor yet very well come out of the same again because that the spiritual pride and the arrogant stoutness against the Love and her service is by means of the knowledg so deeply rooted in him and therefore he perswadeth himself that the h Col. 2. knowledg is a City ful of the wise riches of God and a good understanding of the holy Ghost 6. Howbeit it is all false and meer deceit because that the understanding of God the which is Gods true Being and Nature doth not bear sway nor hath the superiority therein but that the i Gen. 3. prudent knowledg and the rash bitterness together with all maner of falshood and self-seeking hath there the superiority and beareth the dominion Wherefore there is nothing there also but k Job 5. bottomlesness and no upright ground of unity of heart l John 17. Ephes 4. in the love nor yet the good life nor the truth And among the Inhabiters of the same there is likewise nothing but m Jam. 3. contention division or discord against the obedience to the entrance of the good life 7. In the same Land there is also a false light through the which the people perswade themselves that their cause is so much the more certain in the knowledg n Isa 5. Sap. 2. and they do likewise account the same false light for the best and most firm foundation which they have found in the knowledg for to build upon But the same light serveth them not to the life but nodoubt o Isai 58. 1 Cor. 3. to an Arrogant stoutness and to the intangling of men and to presumption and reproachfulness over others and to much sedition in the Lands or among the people 8. This false Light hath its original out of the Knowledg and is named p 1 Cor. 8. Col. 2. a lofty stout minde upon the Knowledg where-through the people of the land do suppose that it is their firm ground of faith where-from they must not start but stand firmly to it And even thus doth the false light ingender in them all a stout minde in their knowledg 9. Seeing then that the people do not know the q Ioh. 1.17 1 Cor. 2. true Light the which is a godly life therefore be they all by means of the knowledg the which they account for a skilful wisdom and true Light deceived and corrupted in this wildernessed land by the same false light besides the which they know no other r Rom. 1. perfect good and so they be held by the same in the deceit and do pluck over themselves there-thorow nothing else but all destruction and disturbance or dispersing of mindes and thoughts 10. But as long as they dwell in the horrible confused land they understand not that they are deceived and corrupted nor yet that they have missed the true entrance to the good land of the upright and concordable life and are gone into the Å¿ Wisd 5. way of error where-through they themselves do take on out of the knowledg many opinions false t Col. 2. 2 Tim. 3. holinesses or worldly foolishnesses to their own destruction CHAP. XIX THis same horrible land of desolation is like unto the intangled a Gen. 11. Babylon which was overthrown by the Word of the Lord and also the builders of the same were dispersed abroad every where because that the knowledges do there in loftiness of minde run one against another and cannot understand each other 2. In the same do likewise all maner of people dwel who are come into it out of many quarters or lands the which hath indeed a coming in but no passing thorow 3 Therefore they do never come thorow the same unless they do b Mat. 18. turn them about and come again to the same place where they were when they went into the pleasant way of the knowledg that leadeth them thereunto 4. But that can they not very well do because of the false c 2 Cor. 11. light which holdeth them so captive with deceit that they will in no wise depart out of it and also because that the inward pride and the stout lofty minde in the knowledg is too deep rooted in them 5. The people of this land are a strange wilde rebellious and seditious people and d Bar. 3. are a people divided in minde and grounded upon many kinde of grounds proceeding our of the Knowledg 6. Of the which some are without e 1 Tim. 1. 2 Tim. 3. 2 Pet.
to th● good Land and so the love with h●● lovely meekness to become planted 〈◊〉 him g Ephes 3. and that he himself may be mad● free h John 8. by the same 4. For the same lovely Beeing of th● love is the life i Rom. 14. peace and joy and the Land of promise k Exod. 3. 13. Deut. 8. wherein Honey an● Milk floweth 5. If therefore the traveller or the love of the good Land will enter into the good Land then must he at the end of h●● journey finde himself to be altogethe● l Mat. 18. 19. Luke 19. turned about and good-willing to the will of the highest God like unto an obedient childe standing in m 1 Cor. 14. 1 Pet. 2. all singleness and simplicity under the love to the obeying of her requiring not knowing or being wise as touching this or that b●● that he hath onely intended or sought after n Phil. 3. the love for that he might live unto the same in her requiring 9. Behold to the same State doth the compass the Forsaking of himself and the Cross the Patience bring him and so he cometh before o Psa 118. the City gate of the holy Land 7. For whenas he now hath overcome or is passed through all these things with the forsaking of himself and in the patience then findeth he himself to be altogether p Matth. 5. poor of Spirit and to stand in the submission like unto a q Psal 40. Acts 9. good-willing one to the Lords will 8. Which submission is called r Rom. 6. Col. 2. The burying of the affections and desires for in the submission the traveller findeth himself to be quite emptied of the affections and desires through the obedience of the Cross therefore also he hath not loved his ſ Matth. 10. 16. Luk. 9.14 own life the which are his affections and desires but hath in the obedience of the Cross forsaken the same even unto the death t Col. 2. 3. and to the burying of the same own life namely of the affections and desires 9. Seeing then that the affections and desires are mortified and dead through the compass and the Cross and are buried by the Traveller in the submission as dead things so findeth he in the same submission the Key for to enter therewithal through the gate into the City u Apoc. 21.22 where the everlasting life peace and rest is 10. This Key is named Equity and with the same the traveller goeth through the gate named x 2 Pet. 1. The nature of God and so cometh into the holy y Isai 60. City of peace named Gods understanding for to possess in heir-like maner the everlasting good the heavenly Jerusalem where there is nothing but everlasting life z Isai 25. 35. 60 65. Apo. 7.21 and joy and where all sorrow and tears are done away CHAP. XXVI NOw when as one is come into this City of peace then is he received very lovingly and friendly by a Isa 9 32 33. the King of the same Land for he is not lordly b Isai 42. nor cruel or biting but c Joel 2. Matth 11. sweet-hearted and gentle 2. Even thus one becometh as then d Ephes 5. incorporated e Rom. 12. Col. 1. to the body of the same true King with the people of the same good Land even as a fellow-member of the King and of those same holy people and so they live together in one judgment and mind of the living God and that is the unity in the love and the onely judgment of the communalty of the holy people or of the heavenly company who are altogether one body with the Family of Love and are no more with each other but f Ioh. 17. Rom. 12. Col. 1. as one man in whom all the members of one minde Spirit or Life have their moving and do hold them together unto one head and so those same members are altogether one body with g Infra 38. their head 3. The head of their body is their King or Prince and is named h Col. 1. 2 Pet. 1. Gods true Beeing 4. This same is an upright i Isa 9. peaceable Prince and the members of his body are likewise very lovely and peaceable With whom the kingdom of Christ and of his Love is peaceably k Isa 60. inhabited for evermore 5. The names of the members of the body or the Saints of the true Beeing of God that are of one substance with the Family of Love are these 6. Meckness l Gal. 5. Ephe. 4. Col. 3. Courtesie Friendliness Longsufferance Mercifulness Naturalness Decentness Quietness Faithfulness Modesty Constancie Eyes of Simpleness m Psa 24. and 73. Marth 5. Pureness of heart Measureableness in works Helpfulness n 2 Pet. 1. Discreetness o Ephe 4. Concord Obedience to the true beeing of God Sweetheartedness Serviceableness out of love p Cor. 10 3. Laud Praise and thanks unto God c. 7. Such are the names of the lovely people that dwel in the holy City of Peace named Gods Vnderstanding 8. And according as every ones name is so is likewise his disposition and nature for all their disposition beeing and nature is according to the good Disposition or Nature of the Land and of their King 9. And no man can come into this good City nor become one body with these peaceable people except he do forsake q Isa 52. 2 Cor. 6. all the other forementioned confused lands and the detestable people for God hath not chosen any one of all them to his Kingdom neither can also the traveller enter into the holy Land or City of Peace with any of all them 10. But whosoever now hath forsaken all the confused Lands and people and in an humble heart with upright thoughts to the obeying of the Requiring of the Service of Love is come to the submission he goeth with the equity thorow the nature of God as is before said into Gods understanding r Supra 25 The which is the City of Rest that God hath reserved and left behinde for the children of God for an everlasting ſ Heb. 4. Rest because they should inherit the same in the last time according to the Promises t Isa 9. and 60. and 66. Luke 1. which Kingdom of Peace shall endure or continue still for evermore under the Obedience of the Love CHAP. XXVII THis City named Gods Vnderstanding hath very strong and invincible a Isa 26. and 52. Zach. 2. Walls Fortresses or Bulworks wherewith she is walled and fortified against all her enemies Therefore can no man climbe over into this city nor get the same by violence with any gain-fighting neither yet deceive her with subtilty 2. The Walls or Bulworks of this City are named b 1 Tim. 3. 1 Pet. 3. A free minde of the true Beeing 3.
fellowship with God the Father and his Christ and with the holy Ghost and all the Saints of God in the everlasting life And therefore seeing that they do know that that same wherewith they have fellowship is the fulness of all vertues and wisdom so do they hold them concordably unto each other b 1 Cor. 12 and 13. under the Love and stand affected only to this good City for there is no where any better thing to be found no not any where the like 11. For there wanteth nothing within this City but she is ful of all maner of c Apo. 1. and 22. riches and pure beauties which also are unspeakable with tongue and not possible to be written CHAP. XXXIII SEeing then that these precious riches are so utterly unknown to the people that are without them and that be not assembled unto them therefore also one a Isa 64. 2 Cor. 2. cannot well expound or declare unto them the unspeakable garnishing and joy of the same City nor the beauty and value of her riches nor yet make it known unto them in their knowledg namely how glorious and great how lovely peaceable and delightful they are 2. But unto those that are in this good City of Peace and to those that go into it thorow the gate of the City it is well known and not else to any others for to them it is given to understand b Matt. 11. and 13. Ephe. 3. the Mystery of the same kingdom but to those that are without it it is not given and therefore likewise all things happen unto them by Similitudes and Parables 3. Therefore all other lands and people are unperfect broken or divided but this good land is a perfect good this peaceable people is also an undivided people and are altogether c Ioh. 17. one in the love of their God and Christ therefore they are likewise no more but one body or one d Isa 2.4 man with each other in the same Love 4. For through the new birth in the Love of God and Christ they are all one e Rom. 12. 1 Cor. 12. it one beeing as many members of one body in one life 5. Whosoever also cometh into this good City of Peace he becometh f 1 Pet. 1. altogether born anew in the Spirit under the obedience of the Love through the said Love and her Service for he is changed in every part as g Rom. 12. Ephe. 4. in sences thoughts and minde 6. And whosoever is not born again thorow the Love and her service nor assembled unto it through the new birth h Ioh. 3. 1 Cor. 2.2 〈◊〉 likewise may not see or behold nor yet obtain these riches of God neither in th●● time nor ever hereafter 7. But he that goeth into it through the Love and her service and as new born in the Spirit to him also it is all i Isa 43. 2 Cor. 5. Apo. 21. new what he seeth heareth and knoweth in the same for he hath neither understood known comprehended nor inherited any of those things before that time 8. How were it then possible that one should be able to describe or express at full all the amiableness of this City and all the good decentness and orders of this land and people with all her k Isa 64. 1 Cor. 2. Riches and Garnishing together with all her Rest and Joy and with her unfained Love pure Life and peaceable Unity all which is to be found therein 9. But it is and becometh rightly known unto all those that come into this City of Rest and that are become united and agreeably minded with this lovely people for as then there is no more l Soph. 3. 1 Ioh. 3. evil nor evil suspition nor yet sight of evil in them for within the same one doth neither see nor think any thing else but all m Isa 51. and 54. Good Joy Rest and Peace in the everlasting life 10. And the comer in who through the counsel of the chief elder in the godly Understanding of God is passed thorow the Passeover of the way that leadeth into the same and so is come into this good City thorow the Nature of God and united with this lovely people in unity of the Peace and of the Love he rejoyceth him likewise with unspeakable n Isa 60. and 61. and 65. joy in the same land as also recreateth o Psa 96. and 112. himself exceedingly in her Garnishing and thanketh and laudeth God for the great grace and mercy that is chanced unto him through the love of God the Father and her Service 11. Even thus becometh his heart joyful in the lovely Beeing of the friendly people where through he feeleth himself to be changed in all points in his Spirit like one that is risen p Rom. 6.8 Col. 3. from the Death into the everlasting Life wherein all rest faithfulness q Zach. 7.8 and Truth all Love Peace and Righteousness is found 12. Yea all the whole peaceable people of the Love do likewise rejoyce them every one when as any one repenteth r Luke 15. for his sins and so cometh into this City under the Obedience of the Love and uniteth him with that same peaceable people which liveth and dwelleth therein CHAP. XXXIV IN this holy City there is also a Light which is an everlasting and very true Light a Isa 60. 4 Esd 2. Apo. 21.22 that alwayes shineth and continueth for evermore in that land Wherefore there is neither night nor darkness there but alwayes day and clearness 2. This same Light is not risen up through any riches of the knowledg of Good and Evil nor come forth through any wisdom of man but it is the very true light of Life b Joh. 1. 1 Joh. 1. that hath been from eternity and that shall remain for ever 3. And the same is named c Joh. 1. The everlasting Life that was with God the Father in the beginning and all whatsoever is made is made through the same but without the same there is nothing made of all whatsoever is made 4. This everlasting life serveth d Joh. 1. for a light unto men to a peaceable walking of their course is this holy City of Peace 5. And the same Light is an upright and undeceiveable Light e Joh. 1. to the illuminating of all people namely of those f Ioh 10. Apo. 22. that do go into the City of Peace thorow the gate and that are adjoyned to the peaceable people 6. Therefore also the true life and the promised rest of the heart is only in this good City of Peace for without the same and without the way or passing-over that leadeth into it and among all those that separate themselves there-from there is nothing but death g Gen. 3. misery and calamity for without the same are the h Apo. 22. Inchanters the Dogs and Wolves and all wilde beasts
Land for they do not see the Majestie of the Lord. 14. Lord they see not that thy hand is exalted but when they shall see it then shall they be ashamed CHAP. XLIV THerefore a Psa 113.133.135 exalt our God and laud his holy Name 2. Because he hath gotten the Kingdome and the Scepter of his Kingdome is made manifest 3. For the Lord is become b Psal 97. King wherefore his people do rejoyce 4. His Word hath shewed power his righteousnesse c Esa 45.51 is become manifest 5. His Spirit hath appeared like a light and confirmeth his salvation for ever 6. The same God hath renewed us in him and given d Esa 29.32 Act. 2. us a new understanding 7. A new creature e 2 Cor. 5. hath he brought forth the Image of God f Eph. 1. the upright righteousnesse 8. Therefore doe the people speake g Mar. 16. Act. 2. with new tongues the new song is in our mouth 9. Lord h Apo. 15. wonderfull are thy works for thou hast done marvellous acts i Psa 71.77 among us 10. The evill that was in us k Psa 10. Jer. 31.50 is now no where to be found amongst us that which we know not in the death is now apparent unto us in the everlasting life 11. With us the sin l Rom. 8. is now condemned in the sin the righteousnesse is declared unto us in righteousnesse 12. Among us the death is now swallowed up m Oze 13 in the death the everlasting life is come unto us in the renewing of our life 13. The hell is judged or condemned into the n Apo. 20. pit of hell the heaven is shewed unto us in the heavenly being Apo. 12.21.22 14. The lie is come to shame in the lie the p Psal 85.117 truth is risen up unto us in the truth 15. The darknesses are descended into 〈◊〉 bottomelesse pit to the darknesses the light hath illuminated us q Psa 36.118 in the light 16. The Idoll is fallen in his r Esa 2. Idolatry the living God is become knowne unto us in the God-head 17. Therefore doe we confesse the Majesty of our God and the sanctification of his people perpetually CHAP. XLV O Lord thou Almighty God great a Psa 139. and wonderfull are thy works 2. Righteous and true b Apo. 15. are thy wayes thou Prince and King of Saints 4. Who c Jer. 10. should not feare and love thee O Lord of life and praise thy name 3. Forasmuch doubtlesse as there is no holinesse but thou for thou only O Lord d 1 Reg. 2. art holy 5. All people shall worship thee e Psa 72.87 in thy presence where thou becomest manifest in thy holy Temple 6. For thy righteousnesses are known and thy holinesse is inherited by thy people 7. But not an holinesse made by mens hands but an holinesse that is from eternity and shall continue for ever 8. Therefore dost thou O God remain a God in eternity a King f Esa 9. Dan. 1.7 which shall reigne perpetually 9. Wherefore we are now joyfull in this portion and sing Heia Heia 10. Play to the g Psal 96.98 Lord a new Song and sing Alleluia h Tob. 13. Apo. 15. Alleluia CHAP. XLVI REjoyce now with joy ye a Psal 48. Esa 62. Soph. 3. daughters of Sion and recreate you ye Citizens and Inhabiters of the City Jerusalem 2. Shout now with triumph all ye generations of Israel and Juda and rejoyce you in all love ye children of peace 3. Behold your King appeareth b Zach 9. unto you in meekness and he cometh c Mat. 24.25 with Majesty 4. For that he would establish you heire-like in his d Jer. 31. Eze. 37. Sanctuary e Psal 68. for to possesse his Kingdome for evermore 5. But unto his enemies the resisters of the Love he appeareth in f Psa 5.7 Eccl 5. wrath and in rigour 6. For to thrust them from him g Mat. 7.23.25 and to shut them without this Kingdome for ever 7. For he will make an end of the iniquity and cast all falshood and offensivenesse h Mat. 13. out of his Kingdome 8. Hee will diperse the deceitfull i Psa 33. Pro. 15. thoughts his life disposition and nature k Es 65.66 will he bring to light 9. He will establish his Kingdome in peace l Esa 9. and the peace of his Kingdome shall have no end 10. Loe that is the spirituall Kingdom of Christ the heavenly King in eternity Alleluia Alleluia CHAP. XLVII WHerefore O ye souls shout now in your God for joy and rejoyce a Psa 62. Luk. 1. your mind in his Salvation 2. From whom you were turned away and are turned to him again 3. Behold that is the b Psa 118. Esa 28. 1. Per. 2. stone which saveth you the everlasting God of Israel who hath made heaven and earth 4. His Anoynting is at his right hand out of his spirit of salvation cometh the faithfulnesse and truth unto us 5. That which he hath striken and wounded c Deut. 32 Tob. 13. he hath annointed and healed againe 6. He can kill d 1 Reg. 2. Sap. 16. and make alive again he leadeth into hell and bringeth out againe 7. He thrusteth away and condemneth as it were in cursing e Esa 54.57.60 he calleth to him againe in blessing as his best beloved 8. He bringeth down to dust earth and ashes he f Psa 113. Esa 52. exalteth againe above all Cedar-trees 9. He suffereth to fall into sorrow as if it were nothing and that he esteemed it not 10. He rejoyceth it again and esteemeth it much more precious then gold silver and precious stones 11. Where is there a g Deut. 32 Psal 18.113 God like unto the God of Israel which sitteth above or over-spreadeth all heavens 12. He hath founded h Gen. 1. Psa 102. the earth upon his Word the Firmament is comprehended in him 13. Sun and Moon stand obedient i Psa 104. Esa 38. to his Commandement all the hearts of the living hath he in his hand 14. He doth all what he k Psal 114 will he respecteth l Sap. 6. Act. 10. no man neither wise nor simple 15. When he maketh up himself m Psa 76 Jer. 10. it must all bow to him and feare his mighty hand 16. He chasteneth or rebuketh for a certain time n Job 5 Psa 36. Mich. 7. but his goodnesse indureth for ever 17. Laud him all ye o Psa 138.148 Kings and ye Counsellers in the Land feare his Majesty all ye people 18. He that worketh wonders among the heathen and hath a lust towards his Elect. 19. He hath a pleasure p Deut. 10. in the house of Israel for that he would plant q Esa 49.11 the generation of Jacob in righteousnesse 20. He
u Eph. 2. allureth not him 14. The chosen righteousnesse x Col. 2. snareth not him 15. The holinesse prideth not him 16. The y Dan. 12. adhominations of desolation hinder not him 17. The deceitfull hills seduce not him 18. The vaine comfort relisheth or liketh not him 19. The unbelief z 4. Esd 6.7 destroyeth not him 20. The delight to live in a Gal. 5. pleasures choketh not him 21. The b Eph. 4. ignorance blindeth not him 22. Nor the leaders of the blind doe not lead him For God is his c Esa 60. Apo. 21.22 light and life and to the same godly being he liveth and not to any strange things which be in his passing thorough them hath forsaken wherefore he is not captivated under the onenesse nor under any ungodly being but only d 1 Pet. 1. 1 Joh. 4. under the love and the requiring of her service 23. And even thus is God with him and he is with God For the true Spirit or the true godly being of the love e Joh. 16. leadeth him into all truth and love and in this manner under the obedience of the love is all his conversation f Esa 32.51 65. Apo. 21. in rest and peace who likewise liveth without fear everlastingly in all godly and spirituall heavenly goods with all the children of the Peaceable Kingdome and of the Love 24. Behold that same is the lovely rest h Esa 66. Jer. 23.33 and the godly life in the glorious freedome of the Children of God in the last time according to the promises CHAP. XLII WE praise thee O Father thou Lord of heaven and earth for that thou hast hidden a Mat. 11. Luk. 10. these things from the proud-boasting wise and the prudent understanding ones and revealed them to the little and humble ones 2. The rich of spirit nor the great wise or industrious Scripture-learned ones have not understood the same but to the b Esa 57.66 poor of spirit and to the simple of understanding hast thou given it 3. Yea O Father c Mat. 11. even so hath it pleased thee for that the rich of spirit should have no cause to boast d Esa 29. Abdi 1. 1 Cor. 1. them of their wisdome nor the understandingones of their prudence but that they may every one bow them under the obedience of thy love and so may acknowledge that thou only O my God and Father art a true God 4. Therefore because that the Lord would through his hearty love make his holy Name great and commendable e Luke 1. he hath exercised power with his arme and dispersed those that are proud in the device of their own hearts 5. He hath thrust downe the mighty f Eccl. 10. from the seat but exalted the humble 6. The g Luk. 1. hungry hath he filled with goods and left those empty that were rich or satisfied 7. Therefore the Lord forsaketh none that seek him with h Jer. 29. Eccle. 2. all their hearts for he is a strength unto the poore to the simple and to the little ones of understanding a i Psa 9.18 Esa 25. strength in the time of sorrow a refuge from the tempest and a shadow from the heat when the Tyrants fret or rage like a storme against a wall 8. For that cause k Esa dismay not your selves O ye faint-hearted ones nor be not wavering-minded although the destruction do make up it selfe very high and that the decliners together with the good thinking wise and the Scripture-learned of the wicked world do slander or speak evill against this same and do persecute us for it shall all perish wating out like l Psal 10. Esa 50. Psal 37.68 Sap. 5. an old garment and like the smoke or vapour 9. For the Lord bringeth down the fury of the ungodly and maketh their heat strengthlesse like unto the heat in the wildernesse and woods 10. The Vine-branches of the Tyrants doth he wither with the shadow of his clouds n Esa 58 Eccl. 24. and bringeth forth his righteousnesse like a morning starre and his truth like a glorious cleernesse o Esa 60. or light of the Sun 11. And in peace p Esa 52.60 doth he set up again his holy City Jerusalem q Psal 79. ● Mac. 2.4 which the Heathen have trodden down 12. He doth now make manifest his holy Temple againe with joy r Esa 33.44 Apo. 21. and so permitteth his Tabernacle the Sanctuary of his dwelling to be beholden 13. And setteth up the same upon the top of the hill of Sion at Jerusalem that the hil of Sion may stand aloft ſ Esa 2. Mat. 4. and be exalted above all Hills even as the Lord hath forespoken the same by his Prophets 14. For the Lord of Hosts will now prepare upon his Hill of Sion at Jerusalem a sumptuous t Esa 25. Feast for all people of fat well marrowed Cattel and of pure wine wherein there is no dregs 15. And upon this hill he will take away u Esa 25. the covering or the veile wherewith all people are stopped and wherewith all Hathen are covered for the x 1 Cor. 15 death shall be swallowed up 16. And the Lord God will wipe off y Esa 25 Apo. 7. the tears from the faces of all the people and take away their reproach in the universall earth CHAP. XLIII BEhold that is the time of the Lords blessing in the which they shall sing this song in Judah 2. We have a a Esa 26. Supra 28. strong City the walls and the defence are our preservation 3. Open the gate b Psal 118. that the righteous people which keep the faith may enter therein 4. Thou alwaies keepest peace according to sure promise for men stay them upon thee 5. Therefore put your confidence in the Lord everlastingly for God the Lord is a stony rock for ever 6. He bringeth low those that dwell in pride and he casteth down the lofty City yea he throweth it downe to the earth so that it lyeth in the dust 7. That it is trodden upon with feet yea with the feet of the poor and with the feet of the simple 8. But the way of the righteous is plain and the goings of the humble dost thou O God direct aright 9. Therefore Lord c Esa 26. we wait upon thee in the way of thy righteousnesse for the lust of our heart standeth bent towards thy Name and to a remembrance of thee 10. We are desirous of thee in the night-season even with all our hearts and with our spirit do we walk up early unto thee 11. For where thy Law beareth rule in the Land there do the inhabiters of the earth learn righteousnesse 12. But although grace be profered to the ungodly yet do they learne no righteousnesse 13. But do nothing else but iniquity in the upright