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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15297 The true copye of a prolog wrytten about two C. yeres paste by Iohn Wycklife (as maye iustly be gatherid bi that, that Iohn Bale hath writte[n] of him in his boke entitlid the Summarie of famouse writers of the Ile of great Brita[n]) the originall whereof is founde written in an olde English Bible bitwixt the olde Testament and the Newe. Whych Bible remaynith now in ye Kyng hys maiesties chamber.; Dore of holy scripture Purvey, John, 1353?-1428?; Wycliffe, John, d. 1384, attributed name.; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1550 (1550) STC 25588; ESTC S119922 80,292 256

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And after he was mekyd for hys herte was reysede both he and the dwellaris of Ierusalem weren mekyd and therfore the vengeaunce of God came not in the dayes of Ezechie And Ezechie was full ryche noble in al hys werkis he did welsumlie what euer thynge he would Nethelesse in the message of princis of Babilon that weren sente to hym to axe of the greate wondre y t byfell on earth God forsoke hyme that he was tempyd and althyngis weren knowne that weren in hys her●…e Than died Ezechie and Manasses hys sonne reigned in Ierusalem lv yere And Manasses dyd euil byfore God bi abhominaciō of heathē men whych Goddy ▪ tried byfore the sonnis of Israel And he byldyde hygh placis and made auteris to Baalym and dyde manyfolde Idolatrie and seruyd to wythcraftis and se●…tyd Idoles in the temple of God And he disceiued the puple of Iuda and the dwellars of Ierusalē that they didden euil more thē heathen mē which the Lord had distried from y e face of the sonnis of Israel And God spake to hym and to hys puple they nolden take hede Therfore he brought on hē the prince of the oost of y e kyng of assiryens they token Manasses and boundē hym wyth chayns and gyues and lede hym into Babilon And after that he was anguishid he preyede his Lord God and he dyde penaunce greatlie before the God of his fatheys And he preide hertely and besought God God herd hys preyer and brought him ayene into Ierusalē into his rewme And Manasses knewe that the Lord hymsilfe is God And he dyd awaye Alien goddes and simulacres either Idolls fro goddis house and destried auteris whiche he had made in the hyll of goddis in Ierusalem and castid al out of the Citie And he restored the aulter of god and offered on it Sacrifycis and heriynge And cōmaundid the puple of Iuda to feare the Lord God of Israel And nethelesse the puple offerid in hygh places to here lord God Manasses died Amon his sonne reigned for him ii yere in Ierusalē And he dyd euel in goddes sight as Manasses his father had do offered serued to all Idolis which Manasses had made And he reuerēced not y ● face of God as Manasses reuerēced and he dyd manye greater trespasses And whā his seruāts hadden conspirid ayens him they kylleden him And y ● puple kylled hem y e hadden slayne Amon maden Iosie his sōne king for him he reigned xxxi yere in Ierusalē Iosie did that that was rightfull in goddes sight and yede in the weys of Dauid his father bowed nether to y ● rightside nether to y e leftesyde In the. viii yere of his rewme whā he was yet a childe he beganne to seke y e god of Dauid his father And in y e. xii yere after y ● he began he clensed Iuda and Ierusalē fro hight places Imagis Idoles They distriedē before him the Aulteris of Baalim the simulac●…is that werē put aboue he kytted downe and alto brake wodis grauē Images and scaterid the rēlifis on y ● biriellis of hem y e werē wunt to offer Further more he br●…nt the bonis of priestes in the aulteris of Idolis And he clensed Iuda Ierusalē distried all Idolis in the cities of Manasses and Effraim and of Simeon tylto Neptalim In the eightenth yere of hys rewme whan the Londe and the Temple of God was clensydde he sent worthye menne to repareyle Goddis house and so they didden in dede And Elchie the greate pryeste yafe to Saphā the scriueyne and solemne messager the boke of goddis lawe and he bare it to the Kynge And whan the Kynge hadde heard the wordis of the Lawe he torent his clothes And he cōmaūdid Elchie other greate men to go prie the lorde for the kynge and ●…or y ● residews of Israel and Iuda on all the wordes of the boke of goddes lawe for why greate vengeaunce of God hath dr●…ppid on vs ●…or oure fathers kep●…ē not y e words of God that they dyddē al thinges that bene wrytten in this boke Therfore Elchie and they that weren sente togider of the Kynge ye●…n to Olda a Prophetesse the wyfe of Sellū and God seyd by her that he shall bryng in on this place and dwellers therof euilles and all curssi●…ges that bene wryttē in this boke of goddes lawe For they forsokē God and sacrifyed●…n to alien goddes to terre him to wrathfulnes in al the werkes of her hondes But for thou kinge of Iuda ●…eardiste the wordes of the boke were meked in goddes sight weptiste and rentist thy clothis I haue hearde the saith God and thou shalt be borne into thy Sepulchre in pece and thyne e●…ne shullen not se all the euyll whiche I shall brynge in on this place and on the dwellars therof And when Iosie had hearde these wordes he clepide togither al the elder men of Iuda and Ierusalem And he stied vp into goddes house and all men of Iuda and the dwellars of Ierusalem stieden togider Priestis and Dekenis and all puple fro the leaste tilto the moste And in audience of hem the kynge reade in goddes house all the wordis of the boke And he stod in his trone either seate of dome and sinote bonde of peace before God that he shulde go after God and kepe his hestis and wytnessynges and iustifyingis in al his herte and in all his soule and do tho thinges that ben written in this boke whyche he had reade And he chargid greatly on this thing al mē that weren founden in Ierusalem Beniamyn and the dwellars of Ierusalem dyden by couenaunt of her Lorde God of here fathers Therefore Iosie dyd auoide all abominations fro all the contreis of the sonnis ▪ of Israel and made al men that werē residue in Israel to serue here lorde God In al y e dayes of hys life they yeden not awey fro the Lorde God of her fathers Afterward Iosie made paske in Ierusalem and ordeined priestis in her officis bade hem ministre in Goddis house And bade dekenies serue God hys puple Israel make hem redie bi here houses and kynreddis in the depar tinge of eche as Dauid kyng of Israel commaūdid and bade hē serue in the sentuari by the meines cōpanies and deakenis and that they be ha●…owide and offer paske and make redie here bretherne therto And Iosie made suche a paske y t none was lyke in Israell fro the dayes of Samuel the prophet Neither ani of the kyngis of Israel made paske as Io sie dyd to priests and dekenis and to al Iuda and Israel and to the dwellars of Ierusalem For he yafe to al the puple that was foūden in Ierusalem in the solemnitie of paske xxx thousande Lambrens kyddis and other shepe three thousand of oxē After that Iosie had repareilide
After these thynges Solomon byldyde a noble house to himsilfe and a famous temple to God in Ierusalē And after that the temple was fully made al the elder mē and pryncis of linagis and Dukis and of meinies of the chyldren of Israell weren gatherid to Kynge ▪ Solomon in Ierusalem to brynge the arke of God fro Siō in to hys owne place in y e temple Than the Kyng axed of God many prayeris and profetis for hē that preiden deuoutly in the temple and God graunted tho After these thyngis God halowed the temple and certified to Solomon that if he kepte all hys cōmaundementes he shoulde set the trone of Solomons rewme on Israel wythouten ende And if the puple of Israel and here chyldren kepte not Goddis heestes but worshipen alien goddis he shall do away Israel fro the fat of y ● lond whych he yafe to hem and God shal caste awaye fro hys syght y e temple which he halowed to his name and Israel shal be into a prouerb either fable either tale to al puples this house shall be into ensample After this the Quene of Saba came to Solomon and had greate araye of mē and iewelse and yafe many iewelse to Solomon he ayene to hir Also Solomō taught hyr al things that she had in hir herte she blessed God Solomon and his seruaūtis and yed in to her lond Than Solomon made manye sheldis bucleris of golde and made a greate trone of Iueriand clothed it with fine golde Than kynge Solomō was mangnified ouer all kyngis of the earth in ryches and wisdome And al y e earth desyred to see hys face and to heare his wisdom which his God had yeuen in his hert After al these things Solomon whan he was elde louid gretli mani hethē womē had a. M wiues principales secōdaris And thā his herte was be shrewed peruertid bi tho women y ● he suid alien Gods and worshipid hē Therfore God reised ā aduersari to Solomō in his lyfe departed his rewme in y ● time of Roboā his son yafe x. linagis to Ieroboā his seruāt kept oo linage to his son for the merite of Dauid his father And thys departing bifelmich for y ● Roboā forsoke y ● coūcel of olde wise mē surd the coūcel of yong mē spake hard wor des to y ● puple Thā Roboā gathered proudli al y ● house of Iuda the linage of Beniamin an hūdrid thousand foure score thousand of chosē men warioures that thei shulden fight ayens the house of Israel and bringe ayene the rewme to Roboā sonne of Solomō But God for bad this war to Roboam al his puple for whey thys worde of departyng of y rewme was don of God Thā Ieroboam made two goldē calues and bade Israel worshyp tho stie no more to Ierusalem and seide Israel ●…o thes ben thy Gods y t ledden the out of Egipte And he made vnworthi prestis of the laste or visest men of the puple that werē not of y ● sonnes of Leui. And he made temples in hygh places Also whā Ieroboā stode on y ● auter casted incēs a mā of God came frō Iuda by the word of God seide A son Iosias by name shal be borne to y ● house of Dauid and he shall ●…lea on thys auter the priestis of hygh places that brenen nowe incens in thys auter And he shall brene bonis of men on thys auter And y e prophet yafe this token That the auter should be clef●… and the ashis therin shal be shed out Than Ieroboam helde forth hys hond bade take that prophet and hys hond was drie he myght not drawe it ayen And by prayer of the prophet the honde was healed and the token befelle on the auter as the prophet seid And for y t the prophet eat bread in that place ayens godis byddynge yea bi dysceyte of a false prophet y ● tru prophet of God was flayne of a lyon by the weye homeward After these wordis Ieroboā turned not ayene fro his worst wei but ayeneward of the last or vilest puple he made priestis of hygh placis Who euer wolde fyl hys hond was made pryeste of hyghe placis And for this cause y e house of Ieroboam synned and was distried and done awaye ●…ro the fare of the earth After thys the prophete Ahia that was bluide for elde knewe the wife of Ieroboam that feined hir to be an other wōman And he bifore seide to hir y ● hir sike sōne shuld die in hir entring into hyr house that y e house of Ieroboā shuld be destried vtterlie for hys syns And Israel shall be dreuē out of his lond for the syns of Ieroboam y ● sinned made Israell to do sinne Also the puple of Iuda did Idolatri Therfore the Kyng of Egipt toke awai y e treasurs of gods house and of the ●…ingis house and the goldē shieldis of Solomon for which Roboā made sheldis of bras batayle was bytwyx Roboā and Ieroboam in all daies Than Abia reigned iii. yere in Iuda yede in al the synnes of hys father After hym roose Kyng Asa in Iuda and he did ryghtfulnes bifore God and dyd aweye Idolatrie Sodomitis fro the londe And his hert was perfect w t god in al dais And shortli amōg all the kinges of Israell was none feythful to God Some werē good amōg the kinges of Iuda And this fygurith that a monge men of holye churche ben some good out amōge heretikis is none good vtterlye as Ierōe seith After many euel kingis of Israel rose Achab the worst of al bifore him And he weddid Iesa bell an heathen woman the doughter of Mechaal king of Sidonies and Achab did manifold Idolatri Than rose Helye the prophet and seyde to Achab that in iii. yere and an halfe neither rayne neither dewe shal be After thys the prophete Helie hyde hymsilfe in the stronde of Carith ayens Iordan and dranke water and was fedde of rauens there whyche broughten to hym breade flech in the euētyde morowtide And after that the stronde was dryed vp God bade Helie go in to Sarepta of Sidonies there he was fed of a wydew y e pot of mele y e pot of oyle failed not to y ● wide we til God yafe rain on y e erth Thā Heli reised to life the dead childe of a wōmā at whōe he was myche susteyned And after many dais God bade Heli shew him to Acab y ● God shuld yeue rayne on the lond And Helie dyd so greate hunger was in Samari Than Helie appearid fyrst to Abdie that drede God and fede an hūdred Prophets of God whan Iesa bell kyllyd the Prophets of God And Heli swore to Abdie by the lorde of oostes that he wold appeare in y t daie to Achab Than Achab axid Heli. where thou
and drūkenesse ▪ shalbe stoned of al the citie A man shal kepe the oxe shepe of hys brother that is straied awei bring it a●…en to hys brother so of other beasts of eche thyng And if thou knowest not whose tho ben y ● shalt kepe tho stil til thi brother seke and receiue tho Who euer doeth auoutrie shal be deade And if a man defoul a virgin he shal wedde hir and yeue fifti sicles of siluer to hir father Thou shalt not take a seruaūt to his lorde whych seruaūt fledde to thee but he shall dwel with the in a place that pleaseth hym None whore shal be of the doughters of Israell neither a lechour of y ● sonnes of Israel Thou shalt not lene to thy brother for vsurie If a man hate his wyfe he shal wryte and yeue to hyr a libell of forsakyng But this is forbedun of Christ in the gospel of Mathew in the. v. and xix chapter Whan a mā hath take late a wife he shal not go to bateil neither any commune office shal be put on him but ●…o yere he shal be glad with hys wife take hede to his hous He that proloineth hys brother whych is a fremā and seleth hyin he shal be slayne Thou shalt yelde at nyght to a pore man his wedde and in the same dai thou shalt paye to a ●…edy traueilour hys hyre Fathers shoulen not be slaine for the sonnes neither sonnes for the fathers Whan thou reapest corne iu y ● feeld foryetist an hādful thou shalt not turne ayene to take it but thou shalt suffer that a comling fatherles chylde and wydowe take it awaye Aud so of gatheryng of olyues and of gatheryng of grapes Whan tweyemen ben at debating and the wife of one wole deliuer hyr housband fro y ● hond of the strōger and take him by the pryuimembres she shalleese hir hond withouten ani mercie And there God for bydith false weightes and measurs a more and a lesse Also dekinnis sholen prouoūce and seye wyth hygh voice to all the men of Israell He is curssed that dothe Idolatrye or breaketh any cōmaūdement of God or doeth ayens any part of the lawe of God and al the puple shal sei●… A men Also God bi●…teth greate prosperitie to his puple if thei kepe his he itis and thei shulē be blessed in citi blessed in fielde y e fruit of here wombe the fruit of here lono shal be blessed al thynges that pertein to hem shulē ve blessed ' they shulē haue victorie of here enemies and mani prosperities of soule body shulē bifale to hem And if they kepe●… not goddis hestis thei shulen be eurssed in citie felde The frute of here wombe al thinges that perteyne to hem shulen be curssed God shal sēde h●…m hunger thryst pestilence feuer colde and brenning and he ate corupte ayer tyll they perishen Enemyes shulen haue victorie conquere hem and take of hem prisoners And yet God shal punishe hem wyth huge vengeaunce that al that hearē be astonied Nethelesse if whā al these vengeaūces ben fallē on hem thei repēten ve ryli in y ● here ●…utnen aythe to God obeien to his hestis in al he●…e herie al here soule y ● lord shal haue mercy on hem brynge hem ayene to here lōde fro al folkes amōg which they werē scatered And god shal bles hē make ●…em to be of m●…re nūbre thā hete fathers werē and shall turne al y ● ●…uisses on here enimies And God shal yeue to hē abūdāce in al wer kis of here hands in al thi●… os that per teyne to hem Moses spake all these words to al the puple of Israel and bade hem dread not here enimies for God shal go befor his puple euer come here enimies A●…d Moses ordeined ●…osue to be leader of the puple before all the multitude of the sons of Israel Moses wrot this law and af●…it to priests y ● ●…ons of Leui to the eldermē of Israel badehē rede y ● words of this law bifore al Israel in y ● heating of al men womē little childrē and comlings ether cōuersis to the feith of Iewes that thei hear and learne and dread our lord God and kepe fyl al the wordes of thys lawe Moses by goddis cōmaundement wrote a greate songe taught it the childrē of Israel that it should be into wytnessynge ayens hem And Moses clepyd togithere all the elder mē teacheris and clepid heauē and earth into witnessyng ayens hem And whan Moses had filled al the wordes of thys greate ●…oung he styed in to an hyl and was deade there God buried hym and manne knew not his sepulchre tyl into thys daye Chrystē men sholdē mych read and heare ●…un this boke of Deutronomi that comprehendeth all the law of Moses disposeth men for to beleue in Christe and heare and kepe hys wordes ¶ The. iiii chapiter THe vi boke whyche is clepid Iosue telith in general y t Iosue brought the puple into y t lōd of behest depar ted it by lot to hem And firste howe God bihight to Iosue y ● none shulde moū a●…enstōd him his puple in all y ● daies of his lyfe And God bihight y ● Iosue shuld departe by lot to hys puple y ● lond of bihest And God cōmāded him to kepe al y e law how not fro it but thincke therin by days and nyghtes that he kepe do tho things that ben writen therin After this Iosue sent aspies to behold the londe the Citie of Ierico and they entriden in the house of a cōmon woman Raab and weren sauyd there by counsel and helpe of the woman Thā Iosue bade the priests take the Arke of the bond of peace of the lord and go bifore the puple thei diden so And whanne the priestis camen and broughten the arke to the brink of Iordan y ● great water of Iordā wente aweie to the dead sea and the hygher waters stoden styl as a wal so that the puple passed by the drie bottome and the priestis stoden on the drie earth in the myds of Iordā Also Iosue bade xii men of the. xii linages of Israel take xii grete stones fro the bottome of Iordan and set tho in Galgalis where the puple settid tētis in the next night after the passyng of Iordan take xii stonis of the lond and put in the middis of Iordan where the Arke had stond and bade that fathers shulden teach here children howe they passeden by the drie bottome of Iordan for god dried the waters thereof as he had do before in the red sea And the priestis prynces and al the puple obeiden to Iosue Than Iosue circumcidid the puple that was vncircumci dyd xl yeres in deserte the Puple made pask in the. xiiii day of the
earth ayens Dauid ayens al y ● seruaūts of kyng Dauid And whan Abissay wuld slea this curssar Dauid bade hym suffer Semei to curs hym and seyde God cōmaundid hym to curs Dauid The kynge sayde to Abissay and to al his seruāts Lo misonne y ● yede oute of my wom be sechith my lyfe that is to slea me Howe mych more now this son of Gemini Suffer ye him to cursse by cōmaūdemēt of the lord if in case the lorde behold mitormēt yeld good to mefor this curssing to daye Afterward Absalō defoulid openli hys fathers wyfes before al Israel Than Achitofell yafe a fel councel to pursue Dauid in that nyght with xii thousāds of mē and slea hym before y ● he were ware But this coūsel was distried bi goddis wyl and by a wyse coūsel of Cusy the frend of Dauid Then Absalō gadride y ● powre of Israel to make opē warayens his father Nethelese Dauid for pitie charitie cōmaūdid thre princis of his ooste to kepe Absalon alyue y ● he myght repente and be sauid And whan Dauid knewe that Absalon was slaine he made so greate sorowe that almoste he was dead And al the puple was in point to forsake Dauid Thā for this peril Dauid left hys mourning sat opēlie in the yate to comfort al hys oost Afterthis the councell of al Israell came to Dauid y t thei shouldē bring hym into hys rewme worshypfully And Dauid foryafe the opē treason to hem that they hadden do afore and steride swetly mē of Iuda that weren specialli his traitors to come and brynge hyme into hys rewme and foryafe here treason And he foryafe the souereyne treason to Amasa that was of his owne kyn and was prince of the ooste of Absalon to slea Dauid And Dauid swore to make thys Amasa prince next Ioab And foryafe the sin and cursyng and treason to Semei swore that he shuld not dye Yet before Dauid came to Ierusalem a newe debate roos bytwixe the mē of Israel and the men of Iuda for this bringing ayen of y e kyng was not telde fyrste to men of Israel And bi stiring of Siba a mā of Belial y t was of y e kyn of Saul all Israel was d●…partid fro Dauid suid this Siba And in thys tyme Ioab killed bi treson y ● noble knight Amasa Thā this Siba passed bi al the Images of Israel til into Habela Bethmaka al chosē mē werē gatherid to him And Ioab hys oost bise gidē thes cities wolden distrie the greate citie Habela and a wyse woman of y ● cite sauid it by her coūsell made Siba to be slayne and al y t puple to be sauid on boeth sides Also vii men of the kyn of Saule weren slaine of Gabonits by sufferyng of Dauid by coūcell of God For Saul kyllid wyckidly the mē of Gabaō And for this sin of Saul hū ger was made thre yere in the daies of Dauid And after this vēgeaunce don on the house of Saul God dyd merci to the lond Thā is set a great ●…onge of Dauid whyche he spake to God whā he had deliuered him frō y ● hond of al his enimies Thā sueth the noūbre of strong men of Dauid At the last Dauid for pride ayene the law noūbred y e puple of Israel Therfore lxx tho●…sand of mē weren deade by pestylence Than Dauid repented hym sore meked hym to God and seide thus I it am that fynned and did wickedli ●…hat han these men do that ben sheepe that is simple and innocent in cōparison of me I bisech the that thyne hande be turned ayens me ayens the house of my father Than God sent y e prophete Gad to him bade him make an auter offer brent sacrifices and peaeible sacrifices And god did me●… cie to the lond the vēgeaūce ceassid of Israel Th●…s processe of thys ii boke oughte to ●…yre kyngs lords to mercie and ryghtfulnes and euer to be ware of idelnes that broughte Dauid to auoutri other mischeuis and euer to be meke to God and hys prestis and sore repent here misdeds and make amendes to God men wilfulli foryeue wrōges don to hem and euer be ware of pride extorcions lest God take vēgeaūce on all y e puple as he did on Dauid his puple And euer to be patiēt merciful as Dauid was to get remissiō of sin bifore don to get peace prosperiti and heuenli blysse wythouten ende The. v. Chapiter THe iii. boke of kyngs tellith fyrst howe Adonias sōne of Dauid wolde haue reignid and Dauid in his life ordeined Solomō to be king he reygned bifore y e death of Dauid Than Adonias fled for dred to y e tabirnacle of god held y e corner of y e auter tyl Solomō sayd y ● if he wer a good mā he shuld not die Else if iuil were foūdē in him he shuld die Thā Dauid in y e time of hys dyinge charged Solomō to kepe well Gods law to quite to the sonnes of Bersellaye the truth and kyndnes of her father and to punishe Ioab for his trecherous manquellyng of Abner and of Amasa in the tyme of peace And to punish wisely Semei for his worst curssing which he did to Dauid After these things Solomō made Adonias to be slayne for he purposed gilefuly to be Kyng And Solomon casted awai Abiathar that he was not the preist of the Lorde and exiled him also For he assentid to Adonias and was traytor to the Kynge And Solomon commaūded Ioab to be flayne in the tabernacle at the auter for he had slayne gylefully two princis in peace wythouten wittynge of Dauid And the King ordeinid Sadoch priest for Abiathar Than the Kinge commaunded Semei that he should not go out of Ierusalē And if he passed the strond of Cedron he should be deade And Semei acceptid this And for he passid these boūdis the Kinge commaundyd him to be slaine And so he was slaine by cōmaūdement of the Kyng After thes thyngis the reume was confirmed in to the hondis of Solomon he weddyde the daughter of Pharao King of Egipt Thā God bad Solomon axe of him what him liked And he axid that God shuld yeue to him wise herte y t he might deme hys puple and make discrecion either departynge bytwix good euyl And thys axynge pleased God ful mych Therefore God yafe to hym a wyse herte and vnderstondyng in so mych that none before him was like hym neyther shall ryse after hyme Also God yafe to him richesse and Glorie that none amonge kyngis was lyke hym in all dayes byfore Than for Solomon yafe a wyse sentence of dome bitwix tweie cōmon womē y ● passide the wit of cōmon men theye dredden the Kyng and seiden Gods wisdā was in him to make dome Than is tolde the worshipful household and meinie of Solomon
and hygh placys and he Brake Imagys and hewed downe wodis and cōmaundyd the puple of Iuda to seke the lord God of her fathers and do his lawe kepe al hys heestis He reigned in peace and bildid stronge cities wyth walles and toures and yates and locks And he had in hys ooste three hūdred thousand of Iuda men bearing shee●…dis and speeris And of Beniamin two hūdryd thousande and lxx thousande of men of Armes of archars And he ouercame the Kynge of Ethiope that came wyth x. hūdred thousand mē iii. hūdred charis And Asa had the victorie for in trist of gods help he came ayens this grete multitude Than y e prophet of God seid to Asa and al hys puple The lorde is wyth you for you weren with hym If ye seken him you shoulē fynd him And if you forsaken hym he shall forsake you Mani dayes shulen passe in Israel wythouten veri God ●…nd without priest and teacher and lawe and Asa hys father hadde take And the Lord was w t Iosaphat he yede in y ● fyrst weyes of Dauid his father And he hopyd not in Baalim but in God almighti and yede in hys commaūdemētis and not by the synnes of Israell And God confirmide the rewme in the hond of Iosaphat and he had ful mani richessis and myche glorye And whan hys hert had take trif●…e for y ● weis of the lorde he dyd aweye also hygh placis and wodis fro Iuda where y ● puple made offringe ayens the law And Iosaphat in the thyrd yere of hys rewme sente fyue of his princis that they shulden teache in the cytes of Iuda And he sent ix dekenis w t hem and. ii prists wyth hem and they haddē the boke of goddis law and taughtē the puple in Iuda And they cōpassiden all the cities of Iuda and taughtē al y e puple And therfore the drede of the lord was made on al the rewmis of londis that weren by the compas of Iuda and dursten not ware ayens Iosaphat And he had redye at hys honde xi C. thousande and. ix thousand of knyghtis and men of Armis and archars outake other which he leftin walled cities and in al Iuda And Philisteis Arabies broughtē to Iosaphat yefts and tributis and many thousaūds of shepe buckis of geet And after thys doinge Iosaphat was alyed to Achab and yede wyth hym to bateyle into Ramothe of Galaad iiii hundrid prophetes that weren dysceyued by a spyrite of leasynge excytyden Achab to thys warre byhyghten prosperyte and victori to him But Micheas a trew prophete of God teld to Achab that he shoulde dye in this bateyll and so it was in dede And Iosaphat that was in most perile of thys bateyle was sauyd by goddys helpe After thys bateil Iosaphat turned ayene in peace to Ierusalem a prophete of God mette wyte hym and seyde Thou helpest the wycked man and arte ioyned in frendship wyth hem y t haten God and therfore thou deseruist the wrath of God But good werkes ben foūdun in the for thou dyddist aweye wodes fro the londe of Iuda and madest redi thyne hert to sech the lorde God of thy fathers Therefore Iosaphat dwellid in Ierusalem And efte he yede oute to the puble ●…ro Bersebee tylto the hyll of Effraim and cleppid hem ayen to y ● lord God of her fathers And he ordeined iudgys of y ● londe in al strōge cities of Iuda bi eche place And he cōmaundyd thus to y e Iudgis Se ye what ye owen to do For ye vsen the dome not of mā but of y ● Lord. And what euer thynge that ye shall deme shal turne into you The drede of the lorde be with you and do you al thyngis with diligence For why neither wyckednes neither takynge of parsons neither couetise of yiftis is anentis your Lorde God And in Ierusalem Iosaphat ordeinid Dekenis and priestys and pryncys of meinees of Israel that they shulden deme to y e dwellars therof y ● doome and cause of God And he cōmaūdid to hem and seyd Thus ye shulen do in the dreade of the Lorde faithfully and in a perfect hert Ech cause that cometh to you of your brithern that dwellen in here cities bitwix kinrede and kynrede where euer is questian either doubte of the lawe of cōmaūdemēt of ceremonies of iustifiyngs shewe ye to hem y t they do not sinne ayens the lorde and wrath either vēgeaunce come not on you on youre brethern Therefore do ye thus and ye shulen not do sinne And Amarie your pryeste eyther byshop shall be soueraine in these thingis y ● perteyne to God After thes thingis y ● sonnis of Amō the sonnis of Moab with menne of Idumee weren gadryde togither to warre ayens Iosaphat Than Iosaphat yafe hym all to beseche God and preachyd faistnge to al Iuda and al Iuda was gatherid to bisech the Lorde And Iasaphat knoleched that he had not power to ayenstonde so greate a multitude of enimies Than God cōfortid hym hys puple by a prophere that theye shulen not dreade this greate multitude of enimies For God hym selfe should fyght ouer●…ōe her enimyes wythoute stroke of hys puple and so it was in dede At the laste Iosaphat made frenshyppe wyth Ocosie Kyng of Israel whos werkis weren ful euil they weren felows to make shypps that shuldē go into Tharsis Therfore God bi his prophete seyde to Iosaphat For thou haddist bonde of peace wyth Ocosie God hathe smitten thy werkis and the shipps bene altobroke migten not go into Tharsis Thā died Iosaphat and Ioram hys son reignyd for hym Thys Ioram weddyd the doughtyr of Achab and kylled hys o●…●…retherne and yede in the weis of the 〈◊〉 of Israell as y e house of Achab had do He dyd Idolatrye and made the dwellaris of Ierusalē and also of Iuda to breake goddys lawe Therfore Edom and Lobna yeden a waie fro his Lordship for he had forsake the Lord God of his fathers And therfore god reised ayēs hym philisties Arabies that costen wyth Ethiopiens And theidistri eden the londe of Iuda and token awaye the cattell that was foundune in the house of the Kyng and token awaye hys wife and sonnes outakē Ioachim the youngeste And God smote Iorā wyth vncurable sorowe of wombe two yere so that he rottide on erth and castyde out hys entrailles died in worst sicknes and hys sonne Ocosias ceygnyd for hym and did euyl as the house of A●…hab For why his mother excitid hym to do wyckyd●…ie And thei of the house of Achab weren his coūcellours into hys death and he yede in the coūsell of hem And therfore Hieu whā he distried the house of Achab killid Ocosie and the prince of Iuda and the sonnis of the brithern of Ocosie After thes thingis Ioas was made Kyng bi y ● help of Ioiada the priest and the curssed womā Athalia
y e sōnes of Israel tokē of her brithern of Iuda ii C. thousand of women of chyldren and of damsellis preye wythouten ende and baren it into Samari And Obed the prophet of God seide to the mē of Israel that they hadden do greate crueltie and synnyd ayens God ▪ And bade hem leade ayene the prisoneris of Iuda Forwhie greate vengeaūce of God neighith to you Therfore the princis of Israell maden the warriours to forsake the praye and al thyngis whych they haddē take And y e princis clothiden hem that weren naked and refreshiden hem with meate and drynke and annoyntynge wyth oyle for traueil and sentē hem home benignely Than Kyng Achaz sente to the Kyng of Assiriēs and axid helpe And Idumeis camē kylliden moni men of Iuda token great praie And Philisties token many Cytyes of Iuda and dwelliden in tho And God made lowe the puple of Iuda for Achaz the Kyng of Israel for he had made hym naked of helpe for he hadde dyspy●…id God And God brought ayens hym Teglathfalasar the Kynge of Assiriens y t tormētyd him and distried for none ayenstod Therfore Achaz spoyllede goddis house and the house of Kyngis and princis and yafe yeftis to the Kynge of Assiriēs and netheles it profityd nothynge to hym And Achaz in the tyme of hys anguyshe encreasyde despysynge ayens God and offryde sacrifyce to goddis of damaske and he sayd The goddis of Sirie helpē hem whyche Goddis I shal please with sacrifices thei shulē helpe me whan ayenwarde they weren into falling to him to all Israell Therfore Achaz rauishid and brake all the vessellis of goddis house and closed the yatis of goddis temple made to hym auteris in all the corneris of Ierusalē and in al the cities of Iuda to brenne incence terride God to wrath And he died And Ezechie his sonne reygned for hym xxix yere in Ierusalem He dyd that y t was pleasāt in goddis sight bi al things which Dauid his father had do And he openid the yates of goddis house in the fyrste yere of hys rewme and made priestis and deakenis to clense and hale we the temple the auter of God with al the vesseles purtenauncis of the temple And he gaderid togidyr al y e pryncys of the citie styed into goddis house And they offriden vii bullis vii rames vii lābren vii buckis of gete for sinnes for the rewme for the sentuary and for Iuda And he seyd to the priests the sonnes of Aarō that they shuldē offer on the auter of God and theye didden so And he ordeynyd dekinys in the house of God wyth symbalis and psalteries and harpis by the ordinaunce of Dauid and of Gadde y e prophet of the Kyng and of Nathā the prophet For it was y e cōmaūde mēt of god bi y e hōd of his prophits And dekēs stodē heldē the organis of Dauid and preistis helden trumpettis and Ezechie cōmaūdid that they sholden offer brent sacrificis on the auter And whan brent sacrificis weren offirid they begunen to singe heriyngis to God to sowne wyth trumpetts dyuers orgains which Dauid the Kynge of Israell hadde made redie forto sowne And Ezechi and the princis cōmaundiden to the dekeines that they shuldē herie God wyth the wordis of Dauid and of Asaph y e prophete And Ezechie sent to al Israell and Iuda and wroote epistlis to Effcaim and Manasses y t they shuldē come to goddis house in Ierusalem and make paske to the Lord God of Israel And it plesyd the ●…ynge and all the multytude And they demidē to send mesengers into all Israell fro Bersa bee tylto ●…an that they shuldē come make pa●…ke to the Lord God of Ierusalē And currours yedē out wyth Epi●…s by the cōmaūdemēt of the kyng and of his princis into al Israel and Iuda as the Kynge had cōmaūdyd and preachid Sonnes of Israell turne ayene to y e lorde God of Abra ham of Isaac of Israel he shal turne ayene to the remnauntis that ascapiden the hondis of the Kyng of Assirians Serue ye to y e Lord God of your fathers the wrathe of hys stronge vengeaunce shal be turnede ayene fro you For if ye turnē ayene to the lorde youre britherne your sonnes shulē haue mercie bifore her lordis that leade hē prisoneris And thei shulenturne ayene to thys lond Therfore currouris yeden swyftly fro citie to citie bi the lond of Effraim and of Manasses and of Zabulon and they scordiden and bimowi den y e messengers Nethelesse some of Aser Manasses and of Zabulō assentiden to the councel and camen into Ierusalē Goddis honde was made in Iuda y ● he yafe to hem one herte and they dydden the worde of God by cōmaūdement of y e king and of pryncys And many puple weren gatherid in Ierusalē to make solēnite of paske in y e second monthe And they distrieden y e auters y ● werē in Ierusalem And theye dystryeden al thingis in which incens was offrid to Idolis and castiden forth into the stronde of Cedrō Whan these thyngis weren halewyd ryghtly all Israel yede out y ● was founden in y ● cities of Iuda And they braken semulacris either Imagis he wedē downe wodis destrieden high places auteres And not only of Iuda Beniamin but also of Effraim Manasses til thei destridē tho vtterly And Ezechie ordeyned cōpanies of Priestis of Dekenis by her departings ech mā in his owne office as wel of prists as of dekēs to brēt sacrificis to pesible sacrificis that they shuldē mynister knowledge synge in y e yates of y e castelles either oostes of y ● lorde And Ezechie commaūded to y e puple to yeue to prestis dekenis here partis y t is the fyrste fruitis tithis y ● they myghten yeue tent to y e lawe of God And there is told mych of y ● payinge dealing of tythis other holy thingis Than it sueth howe Senacherib blasphemed god of Israel howe Ezechie cōforted y ● puple ayens his blasphemie and pride Ezechie and Esaie the Prophet preiden ayens the blasphemie and crieden til into heauen And God sent hys Angell and he kyllyd eche strong man and warryour and Prince of the ooste of the Kyng of Assiriens And he turnid ayene wyth shenshyppe into hys londe and hys owne Sonnys kyllyden hym wyth swerd And God sauid Ezechie and the dwellars of Ierusalem fro the honde of Senacheryh Kynge of Assitiens and fro the hond of all men and yafe to hem reste by cumpas After these thyngys Ezechie was sicke to the death and he prayed to God and God hearde hym And the herte of Ezechie was reisid to pride and Wrath was made ayens hym and ayens Iuda and ayens Ierusalem
the bokes of Gods lawe and defoulid the temple of Ierusalem and compellyd men for dreade of death to do Idolatrie and forsake God and his Lawe And he toke vesseles and tresourys in the temple and bare into hys lo●…de And he brente the Citye of Ierusalem and dystried the housis therof and the wals therof in cōpasse And he toke the hygh toure of Dauid and set men of armis therin to lette men come to Ierusalem and they dydden mych harme to the puple of Israell ▪ And who euer helde the boke of Goddis testamente and kepte hys Lawe was slayne by cōmaundement of Antioke the Kyng And women that circū●…ididen here chyldren weren slayne by cōmaūdement of Antioke the Kyng And thei hangiden chyldren by the neckis by all the houses of men of Israell and kyllyden hem that circūcididen chyldrē Than arose Matathias y ● pryst and fled fro Ierusalem into Modin and byweilede greatly thys distryynge of the puple of the temple and citie and of al the lond And he ayene stode the Kynge and hys ministers and kyllid the Kingis ministres that cōpelliden men to do Idolatry And he killid a man that did Idolatri on the auter dystried the auter wheron Idolatrie was done Than Matathias and hys sonnys fledden into hyllis and leften all thyngis whych they hadden in the Cittie And mani men that soughtē dome ryghtfulnes and woldē kepe Gods Lawe camen to hem into deserte Heathen men made wars on hem in Sabates and manye dieden in here simplenes for thei nolden make battel in Sabatis Than manie Iewis weren gaderyd to hym and maden a greate Ooste and weren redye to fyght in Sabattis and thei kylliden synnars in greate wrath And Matathias and hys fryndes compassiden and dystrieden auters and circumcididen chyldren whych they founden in al the coastis of Israell And they pursuiden the chyldren of pryde and the werke hadde prosperitie in his hondis And they gotten the law fro the honds of heathen men and of kyngs yeauē not strēgth to the sinful mā And whan Matathias was in poynte of Death he comfortyd hys sonnis to put here lyues for the law of God bi ensample of Abrahā and other holy mē byfore goyng And he ordeynid Iudas Machabeus to be Duke of bateyl and ordeynid Simont hys sonne to be Fadyr and priest to hem for he was a man of counsell Than bene tolde manye batteylys of Iudas Machabeus ayens heathen men and of great vyc torie bi Goddis help Than Iudas Machabeus made frendshyp wyth Romaynis for her prudence ryghtfulnes powre And whan Iudas was deade in batteyle the puple ordeined Ionathas hys brother theyr prynce and Duke for to hollde war ayens heathen men Than ben telde many bateils of Ionathas vyctories whyche he had ayens heathen men Than Ionathas after many vyctories sente to renulle frenshy pe wyth Romayns and Sparcyatys that weren of the Kynne of Iewis And Ionathas and hys sonnis weren slayne at the laste bi treasonne of Trifon that was an heathē manne and myghtie Duke Than Simont was made Duke of the Puple and in the styd of Iudas Machabeus of Ionathas and he dyd many bat teylis and strong had great victories ayens heathen men And Iewis hadden much reste vnder hym and he made stronge holdys and cy●…yes in Iuda And he renullyde frendship wyth Romaynis and Sparciatys and hade mych glorye of hys folke and of heathen Kyngys And at the laste Symont and his sonnis werē slayne by treasone and Iohn hys sonne was Prynce of priestys after hys fathe●…ys dayes and dyd manye bateyls ayens heathen men The seconde Boke of Machabeys tellyth mych the same sentence of the fyrste boke and hath a fewe speciall poynts of Eliodorus and of Eliazarus and of the noble Wydo we and hyr seuen sonnis Eliodorus was sente of the Kynge to take awaie the treasuris of the Temple of Ierusalem and bere tho to the Kynge And thoughe the treasourys weren kepte for the lyfelode of Wyddowes and fatherlesse chyldren and some weren another manys goodis Eliodorus wolde algate beare al to the Kynge But God made hym hys felowis sore aferd And Elidorus was beaten almost to death of a ferdful one sytynge on an horsse that hade two younge men aboute him And Elio dorus was cast downe to the groūd and was borne out on a bere and ley doumb●… And whan the hyghste Prieste offrid sacrifice and preied for y e helth of Eliodorus God grauntyd lyfe to hym And he thankyde God and the hygheste priste and yede to the King and tolde hym howe it stode And he wytnessid to al men the greate werkis of God whych he had sene with hys iyen Than is tolde of the curssyd dedys of Iason the prieste that came in by Simonie and woulde brynge the Iewis to Idolatrie and Sodomitie and to forsake God and hys Lawe Than is tolde of the greate crueltye of Antiochus whych he dyde ayens the Iewes and the holie place of Ie rusalem and God suffrede thys for the synnes of y e puple for why God chees not folke for the place but the place for the folke Than Eleazarus cheese to dye a sharpe Death rather that he woulde breke Goddys lawe in a litle pointe to eatte porke yea to feyne to eate porke After thys it sueth howe the blyssyd wyde we and hyr vii sonnys weren martyryd for they noldenne breake Goddis lawe and howe gloriously the blessede mother comforted hein to take Death with ioye for the law of God Thys story of Machabeys shoulde styr Christen men to holde Goddys law to life to death And if knights shulē vse y e swerd ayens any curssyd men they shouldē vse it ayens lords and pryestis principally that woldē compel men for drede of prisone and death to forsake the trueth and fredome of Christis gospel But God for hys greate mercie yeue verye repētaūce to hem that thus pursuē tru men and graunte patience mekenes and charitie to hem that benne thus pursuyd Amen The. xii Chapiter But it is to wytte that holy scripture hath iiii vnderstōdyngis Literal Moral Aligorike Anagogike The Literal vnderstōdyng teachith the thynge done in dede And litteral vnderstandynge is ground and foūdement of iii. gostli vnderstondingis In so mych as Austē in hys Epistle to Uincent other doctours seyne Only by the lytteral vnderstondyng a mā maie argu ayens an aduersari Aligorike is a gostli vndirstōding that teachyth what thyng men owē to beleue of Chryste eyther of holye Churche Morall is a gostly vnderstandyng that teachyth menne what vertues they owen to sue and what vyces they owne to flee Anagogik is a gostly vnderstandynge that teacheth men what blisse they shullenne haue in heauen And thes iiii vnderstondingys moune be taken in thys worde Ierusalē For why to y ● literall vnderstondynge it sygnifieth an earthly cytie as London or such an other To Alygorye it syngnyfyeth holy churche in
As in the tenth Chapter of Genisis it is seyde of the Sonnis of Noe. The Ilis of the heathen folke in here contreys weren departid of the sonnes of Noe eche man by his langage And within the same x Chapter it is seyde These ●…en the sonnis of Cham in kynreddes and langagis And afterwarde it is seyd in the xi Chapter The londe was of oo langage and of the same wordis Wherof it is open that this that is byfore seyde of y e departyng of langagis is seyde by Anticipacion In like maner in ii Chapter of Genesis After that Moses in i. Chapter had discreuid the creation either making of nought of heauen and of earth the departing ourning of y ● world he sayde these benethe generations of heauen and of earthe in the daie in whiche tho weren made Wherof it is open that this is seyde by recapitulacion either rehersyng of thing done bifore The. vii rule is of y ● deuell of his body For as Gregorye seyth in the tenth Homelie Certis y e deuill is heade of al wicked mē And all wycked mē be membres of thys heade And therfore the knettynge togither of the hede to the membres the scrip ture that speakith of one passith in y e same knittinge togither of reason to speake of y ● tother As in the. xiiii Chapter of Esaie Wher y ● scripture weake●…h of the king of Babilō that was a membre of the deuil it passith to speake of prince of fendis whan 〈◊〉 is seyd there Lucifer that risidiste ●…ly howe feldist thou downe fro heauen And in the. xxviii chapter of Ezechiel wher the scriptur speaketh of y ● prince of Tire it passith to speak of the deuil when it is addid Thou a signet eyther a printe of y ● lykenes of God were full of wysedome and perfecte in fayrnes in the delicite of Paradise of God Lire seyth al this in the seconde prologe of Genesis Here Lire rehersyth the sentence of S. Austin of Isidre in these rulis and declarith hem openly by holye Scripture and reasone and countrith not Austin but declarith hym full myche to simple mens wyt and addith more by Scripture and reasōe y ● Austine touchith not Though these rulis and keyes of Scripture bryngin men to greate vnderstāding therof yet men motē take hede what is seyde of Chryste of his godheade and what by hys manheade For Chryst by his māheade is seyd lesse than the father and by the godhead he is sey de euē wyth the father And for asmuch as Chryst is boeth God and man we grauntē that God was deadly and dyed on the Crosse. Not by his godheade but by the māhead of Chryste that was ioyned in oneheade of persone wyth the godhead And we graunt as the Gospel doth that man whyle he was deadly vpon earth was in heauē for his godheade was ther he also by reasone therof Also we moun graunte well that a man made both heauen and earth For Christe by his godheade which Christe is and was mā dyd thus Also holy Scriptur tellith oft the thoughtis of men and of the wor dis dedis And whā the thoughtis wordis and dedis of men ben contrari oo Gospellar tellith y ● thoughtis a nother tellith the wordis and by this equiuocation either diuers speakinge they bene accordid Yea whan they semen contrarie in wordis Also ofte in storiall mattir scripture rehersyth the cōmone opinion of mē and affirmeth not that it was so in dede In this maner the Gospel seith that Ioseph was the father of Chryste though he neuer gendrid Christ. For Mary Christis mother was euer clene virgine Thus the Gospell seyth that at the beheadyng of Iohn Baptiste Herod was sorie yet as doctours seyne he was full glad therof But he feined him sory ▪ for the puple the puple gessid hym sory Also though scriptur do reherse how holimē liuiden doth cōmend hem grea●…li it appreuith not all here dedis For many great sāctis erridē foule in many points And thoughe scripture do tel the stories of euil mē and dampnid it repreueth not herefore all thyngis which thei didē For though thei werē hemsilfe ful cursid thei didē many good dedis of kynd sometime peraduēture many good dedis of vertue if they werē in grace for a tyme. At the laste take ye good hede whan the scripture speakith by commaundement to all men whā it geueth commaundement to certen personnes of dyuers statis In the fyrste poynte all men moten do as it seith In the seconde tyme the personis of statis spicified motē nedis obeye Whan scripture speakith only by counsell men mouue be saued though they do not the counsell As full many men and womē moune be saued though they take not virginitie neither continence neither yeue all here goodis to poore men And yet these bene here counsellis of Iesu Christ in the Gospell The. xv Chapter EOr as mych as Christ seith that the gospel shal be prea chid in all the worlde and Dauid seyth of y ● Apostlis and here preachyng y e sowne of hem yede out into eche londe the wordis of hem yeden oute into the endes of the worlde efte Dauid seith the Lorde shall tell in the scriptures of puples and of these pryncis y t werē in it that is in holye chirche as Ie●…ome seyth on that verse holy wryte is the scripture of puples for it is made y ● al puples shuldē know it and the princis of the chirch y t werē therin benthe Apostlis y ● haddē autoritie to writen holye wryte for by that same that the Apostlys wryttyden here scripturis by autoryti and confyrmynge of the holy goste it is holy scripture and feyth of chrysten men And thys dygnitie hath no man aftir hem be he neuer so holy neuer so kūnynge as Ierome wytnessyth on that verse also Chryste seyth of the Iewis that criden Osanna to him in the temple that though they werē styll stonis shoulden crye and by stonis he vnderstōdith heathen men that worshipen stonis for here Goddis and we English men ben cōmen of heathen men therfore we ben vnderstonden bithese stones that shulē crye holy write and as Iewes inter pretyd knoleching singnifien clerks that shulden knowlech to Godde by repentaūce of synnis and bi voice of Gods heriynge so oure lewide men suing the corner stone Christ moun be syngnyfyede by stonys that bene harde and abydinge in the foūdemēt for though couetouse clarkys bene wode bi simoni heresie mani other sinnis and dispisen and stoppen holy write as mych as they moune yet the lewde puple cryethe after holye wryt to kun it and kepe it with grete cost and perile of here lyfe For these reasones and other wyth cōmune charitye to saue al mē in our rewme which God wol haue sauide a symple creature hath translatyde the
chees Therfore Pharao Necao king of Egipt kilid Iosia in Magedo Ioathas hys sonne was made King for his father and he reygned thre monthis in Ierusalem and dyd euyll byfore God by al thingis the whych his fathers hadē do And this Pharao prisonid him in Reblatha and toke tribut of the londe an hundrede Talentys of syluer and oo talente of golde And this Pharao made kyng Eliachym y ● sonne of Iosie turnede hys name Ioachim And this Pharao led Ioachas into Egipt And Ioachim did euil bifore God by al things which his fadirs hadden do And this Ioachym was made seruāt iii. yere to Nabugodouosor Kyng of Babilō And eft he rebellid ayens ▪ Nabugodonosor And God sēt theuis of Cal des theuis of Sirie and theuis of Moab theuis of y e sōnes of Amō into Iuda y t he shulo distrie it as he spake by his Prophetis speciallie for y ● sinis of Manasses This Ioachim dyed his sōne Ioakim reigned iii. monthis in Ierusalē dyd euil bifore God as his fathers haddē do In y e time y ● seruātis of Nabugodonosor stidē to Ierusalē and bisegidē it Ioachim his mother Thā Nabugodonosor came to Ierusalē to ouircume it Ioachym his mother hys seruātis princis chaūberlaines yedē out to Nabugodonosor ▪ he trāslatid Ioachim hys oste ten ▪ M. manie craftie men into Babilon toke al the treasuris of gods house of the kingis house and beat to gydir al the goldē vesels whych Kyng Solomō had made in the temple And king Nabugodonosor ordeynid Mathanie y e brother of Iosie to be king clepid him Sedechie And he reignid xi yere in Ierusalē did iuil bifore God bi al thingis that Ioachym had do for God was wroth ayens Ierusalem Iu da tyl he casted hē awei fro his face And Sedechi yed awei fro the king of Babilō And in the. ix yere of Sedechie Nabugodonosor came wyth al his oste bisegid Ierusalem tillto the. xi yere of Sedechie thā the citie was broken Sedechie hys warriours fleddē by night the ost of Caldeis pursuid token him and brought him to Nabugodonosor in Reblatha Nabugodonosor spake dome with Sedechi kilio his sōis bifore him and puttid out his iyen and bounde hym wyth chaynis and broughte hym into Babilon Than Nabusardan the prynce of the oste brent gods house the kingis house and y ● houses of Ierusalē distryed y ● wallis of Ierusalē in cōpas And he translatid into Babylon the residue puple of Iuda outaken a fewe pore men vynetillars earthtilars and he brake all the brasē vessellis of metal in the temple and bare the metall into Babilon Than Nabugodonosor made Godolie to be soueraine of the puple lefte in the lond of Iuda And than all the Dukis of Knyghtis camē to Godolie in Maspha he made an oth to hem that it shulde be wel to hem if they wolden serue the Kynge of Babylon And Ismael that was of the kings bloude kyllyd Godolie and Iewis and Caldeis that weren wyth hym and all the puple of Iuda the princis of Knightis fledē into Egypt for dred of Caldeis At y ● last Euilmeradach Kynge of Babilon reised Ioachim fro prison and settid hys trone abou●… the trone of other kings that were wyth hym in Babylon And Ioachim eate euer bread in the Kyngis syghte of Babylon in all the dayes of his lyfe Thys processe of Godolie that suith is tolde largelier in the ●…nde of Ieremi thā here in y e ende of kings Thys processe of the fourhe boke of kyngis shuld stir al men and namely kyngis and lordis forto hate syn as Idolatrie couetise breakyng of goddis heestis for which the puple of Israell and the puple of Iuda was thus punishid and cōquerid of heathē men And forto loue vertues and kepyng of Gods heestis and distriyng of open synis for which many good kyngis as Ezechie Iosie and many other haddē great thāke and succour of God in many greate perylis blysse of heauē wythout●… ende God for his merci graūte this blisse to vs Amen The. viii chapiter THe bokis of Paralipe menon ben ful necessary to vnderstōd the storis of the old Testament in so myche as Ierome seith y t if a mā w toutē these bokis wold presume to haue y ● kuning of holi scripturs he scornith him silfe that is disceiuith makith him silfe worthy to be scornid For why the storis left out in y e bokis of Ryngis ben touchid in these bokis vnnoūbrable questiōs of the gospel bē declarid bi these bokis The. i. boke of Paralipomenō telith in the bigin yng the generations from Adā tilto Iacob so forth tilto Dauid t●… chith shortly many storis of Saul of Dauid of Solomō in the ende therof And howe Dauid ordeynyd priestis dekins in her office how by what seruice they shulen serue God The biginyng of the. ii boke of Paralipomenō tellith how Solomō axid of God wisdome to deme his puple god yafe to him wisdōe and kūyng riches glorie so y t nōe amōg kyngis either bifore either after him was like to him Thā is told how Solomō byldid the temple of Ierusalē an house to him silfe After this the quene of Saba came to Solomō brought mani preciouse ●…e welis to him preuid his kūing wisdome in many thyngis And all the Kyngis of the earth desyriden to se the face of Solomon forto heare y e wisdōe of god which he had yo●…ū in his herte After that it suith howe Roboā departid the ten linagis fro the house of Dauid And by hys pryde and hard wordes and by the ●…uyng of the councell of yonge men and whan the rewme of Iuda was cōfirmid to him he forsoke the lawe of Godde and all Israell dydde the same wych hym Therfor God sēt the king of Egipt w t vnnoūbrable puple on hē toke awaye y e treasours of goddis house and of the kyngis house And theye seruiden the king of Egipt to know the diuersytie of goddis setuice and of the seruise of the rewme of londis And after him reigned Abia his son and he treatyd wysly wyth y ● puple of Israell that they shulden forsake here synne warre not ayens goddis puple and the rewme of Iuda And for they wolden proudli warre ayens the rewme of Iuda ayens this coūsel of Abia ▪ he killed of hem by goddis helpe v. hūdrid thousand of stronge men Afer thys coūcel Abia died Asa hys son reignyd for hym And in the daies of As●… the lōd was in rest x. yere And Asa did that that was good and plesaunte in the sight of God And he distried auters of Idolatri