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A13830 The Spanish Mandeuile of miracles. Or The garden of curious flowers VVherin are handled sundry points of humanity, philosophy, diuinitie, and geography, beautified with many strange and pleasant histories. First written in Spanish, by Anthonio De Torquemeda, and out of that tongue translated into English. It was dedicated by the author, to the right honourable and reuerent prelate, Don Diego Sarmento de soto Maior, Bishop of Astorga. &c. It is deuided into sixe treatises, composed in manner of a dialogue, as in the next page shall appeare.; Jardin de flores curiosas. English Torquemada, Antonio de, fl. 1553-1570.; Lewkenor, Lewis, Sir, d. 1626.; Walker, Ferdinand. 1600 (1600) STC 24135; ESTC S118471 275,568 332

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present at a spectacle so fearefull horrible cruell And if this Monster were not in such a desert place farre of from those parts which are by the people enhabited hee were able to dispeople and bring to desolation the vvhole Country for yet as it is those that are neerest liue in great feare and dread of him LVD Truly I remember not that euer I heard of a more terrible and cruell Serpent and therefore I much wonder why the people of that Countrey doe not seeke some remedy to deliuer themselues of so miserable a feare and scourge as he is vnto thē AN. Neuer thinke but that they haue done their best though perchance it hath little auailed them BE. Their only remedy must come frō God which is that time shal end his life to doe which the force of man suffiseth not As for my part I wonder not at all that there should be a serpent so great fierce as this is for both Plinie Strabo alleaging Megasthenes write of Serpents in India which are so great that they deuoure a Stag or an Oxe whole in at once Pliny also by authoritie of Metrodorꝰ saith that there are some so huge that they reach the birdes which flie in the ayre in time of the Emperor Regulus there was one found about the shores of the Riuer Bragada 120. foote long to destroy which there was a whole Army of men sette in order as though they had gone to assault a mightie Citty AN. But nowe turning to our former discourse I say it is a thing strange and meruailous that in so great an extremity of cold as that of the North there should breede so many venemous Serpents the number of which is so great that the people is with them miserably afflicted especially the Sheepheards whose trade of life being most in the open field meet with them oftenest and therfore they neuer goe vnprouided of necessary remedies to apply presently when neede requireth But being wearied with matter so full of contagion and poyson I will passe forward and come vnto their trees whose kinds and qualities are diuers rowing in that extreamity of cold Snow and Ice to such an exceeding height and greatnes that there are no better found in the world to make ships and maine masts of then they are But seeing they are smally different from ours I will spend no time in describing theyr particularities onely I will tell you of one called Betulnye which is in growth very great and tall and all the yeere long continually greene without casting his leafe for which cause of the common people he is called the holy Tree not vnderstanding his vertue and property which is so hote that in despite of the cold hee retaineth alwayes his greenenes and verdure so that many Serpents make their nests and dens vnder his rootes through the warmenesse and heate of the which they defend themselues against the rigorous sharpnes of the colde which all the other trees not enduring as they shoote forth their leaues fruites in the Sommer so shed they them againe in the Winter returning to their naked barenes The like also doe all their hearbes and plants of which many are such as we haue commonly heere and many farre different of vs neither knowne nor vsed BER I am of opinion that in these Lands there are generally all such kinds of thinges as are in others excepting alwayes the difference of the soyles the quality of which maketh some better some worse and of greater and lesser vertue in their kinds and operations But let vs detaine our selues no longer about thinges of so small importance I pray you therefore tell vs if that be true of which we reasoned the other day that is if all these Prouinces and Lands are enhabited of Christians for if it be so I wonder we should haue heere no more particular knowledge and notice of a matter so important AN. Make no doubt at all of that which I haue tolde you for all those of the Kingdome of Norway which is very great and contayneth many mighty Prouinces and those of Dacia Bothnia Elfinguia Laponia Lituania Escamia Filandia Escandia Gronland Island Gothland Westgothland Swethland Sueue and Denmarke with many other Septentrionall Regions and Prouinces euen to the Hiperbores amongst which also are sundry of those that the great Duke of Muscouia and Emperour of the Russians possesseth all these I say are vnder the banner and fayth of our Sauiour Iesus Christ though differently For some follow the Church of Rome others obserue the ceremonies of the Greek church cleauing wholy there-vnto others of them followe the Catholique Church but ioyntly there-withall certaine errors that are there spread abroade LV. But leauing this till an other time and returning to our former purpose I pray you tell me if the Emperour of Russia be so great a Monarch as heere it is sayd he is AN. No doubt but he is so great and mighty that there are fewe or no Princes of Christendome besides equall vnto him in gouernment and signeury of manie Kingdomes Prouinces Lands and Countries as partly may be vnderstoode by his tytles in a Letter which he wrote to Pope Clement the seauenth the beginning of which was as followeth The great Lord Basilius by the grace of God Emperour and Lord of all Russia great Duke of Blodemaria of Muscouia of Nouogradia of Plescouia of Finolenia of Yfferia of Iugoria of Perminea of Verchia of Valgaria Lord and great Prince of the neather Nonogradia of Cernigonia of Razania of Volothecia of Rozeuia of Belchia of Boschouia of Iraslauia of Beloceria of Vdoria of Obdoria of Condinia c. This Letter was written in the Citty of Muscouia which is his principall seate and from which the whole Country taketh his name in the yeere of our Lorde 1537. LU. Are all these Kingdomes Lands and Prouinces which you haue named enhabited with Christians AN. It is to be supposed that they are though I cannot affirme the same for a certainty for perchaunce hee hath gotten some of them by conquest the people of which may yet remaine in their idolatry as for the law of Mahomet it is there of small force Yet for all this this Duke or Emperour or what you list to call him being so mighty a Prince as he is there is notwithstanding a Prouince and Nation of people called Finnes which liue in a manner vnder the Pole so valiant and stoute in Armes that they hold him at a bay yea and sometimes enter into his Country with fire and sword making great conquests vppon him BER So that the neerest Nation to them that liue vnder the North-pole is that of the Russians Muscouites AN. You say true it is so indeede of one side marry on the other side is Bothnia Fynland and some others which are vnder the very Pole but on that side of Russia and Muscouia the old Cosmographers for far that they went reached not
and that he name giuen vnto him of Aethiopia was but through error because the people would haue it to be so Iohannes Teuronicus in his book of the rites customes of Nations is as well deceaued also in this matter as the rest following the cōmon opinion that he of Aethiopia in Afrique should be Prester Iohn the other hauing raigned beene subdued in the end of Asia where as I said the great Cham or Tartare holdeth his Empire signeury who as it is thought is one of the puissantest mightiest monarches of the world so he entituleth himselfe King of Kings Lord of Lords This matter though otherwise well knowne and verified is also confirmed by Marcus Paulus Venetus who was along time resident in Townes Citties of his Empire and by an English Knight likewise called Iohn Mandeuile who seruing him in his warrs receaued his wages pention BER You haue great reason in all this which you haue said and now I call to memory that the Aethiopians beganne to receaue the faith of S. Phillip the Deacon and afterwards by the preaching of S. Mathew the Apostle and therefore they vaunt them selues to be the first Christians that were in the world in community But leauing these there is a prouince of Christians in Asia called Georgia the which say they were so called because they were conuerted by S. George but I rather take it to be the ancient proper name of the Prouince These Georgists are also called Yuori they haue their Embassadours alwaies in the Court of the Sophie I knowe not whether they pay him tribute or no their Country is very colde and full of Mountaines Those also of Colchos are christians now called by an other name Mengrels There is another kind of people called Albanes who maintaine the Christian religion There is another country of Christians who are called Iacobits on the Mountaine Sinay there are other christians named Maromites And all the coast of India is inhabited of christians from the entry of the Red-Sea where the citty of Aden standeth to the citties of Ormur Dia Malaca and frō thence forward to the kingdoms of Iapon China which are verie great mighty and hereabouts border many other Kingdoms citties Ilands as Zamora Taprobana Zeilan Borney and the Iles of Molucco whence the spice cōmeth with many other Regions great little where dwell infinit numbers of Christians as well Portugals as other which through their good example haue conuerted themselues to the Christian faith the like is hoped that those wil doe which liue vnder the subiection of the great Cham seeing they drawe so neere vnto it which should be a great augmentation of christianitie so that by this meanes Christianitie goeth as it were compassing round about the whole world The christianitie of the Armenians is notorious to all men in the greater of which they are in a manner all christians and in the lesser the greatest part There are likewise christians in Sury in Egypt where as yet remaine sundry signes of ancient christianity in many other parts though in respect of their farre distance from hence we haue no plaine and perticuler knowledge of them I haue read in the chronicles of Portugall that vvhen the Ilands of Catatora were founde out the enhabitants were all christians in their beliefe though God wot passing ignorant in the misteries of the same for they onely worshipped the Crosse because they said that God the redeemer of mankind died vpon the same as for the rest they held a few precepts the chiefest of which was to obserue the law of Nature They called themselues by the names of the Apostles and other Saints whereby it may be thought that some good christian man had arriued in that Iland and conuerted thē to the faith through whose death or departure from thence they remained so smally endoctrined in that Beliefe through the which they should worke their saluation As for the christianity of the West Indies new discouered world we al know it hold it for a thing most assured that asmuch as is shall be discouered will embrace the Catholick faith because that people easily discouereth the error of their Idols and false gods knowing him whom they serued to be the verie deuill himselfe for some of them were of the same beliefe as those of India Maior of whom I spake before who held him in solemne reuerence with sacrifice temples But since the christians arriuall in those parts now they see the dreadful state of damnation wherin they stood withall the deuils authority daily decaying for he speaketh nor appeareth now no more vnto thē as he was wont to doe there come daily such mighty numbers of them with such sorrowfull contrition repentance to receiue the Christian faith that it is wonderfull in which after they are once throughly instructed they perseuer with such ardent charity zeale and perfection that trulie I am ashamed to say how far they doe excell vs of vvhom they receaued it LVD At one thing I do much vvonder and that is how the christianity of these Indies remaineth so cleere without Heresies considering the foule contagious infection that is here amongst vs no doubt but diuers haue gone out of these parts thither that haue not beene of the soundest in Religion but it seemeth that God hath layde his hand vpon that Country for the preseruation of the same to the end he may be there honored serued BE. Wee haue vnderstood that Christendom is far greater then we thought it had been if we all could agree in one vnitie of acknowledging obeying the Catholique Church and couer our selfe vnder the blessed protection thereof not as many doe who beare only the name of Christians but are indeed children of damnation following other fantasticall Churches professing new haereticall doctrines I pray God that wee may liue to be all liuely members of one true and Catholique Church the Spouse of Christ that we may one day see the prophecie fulfilled Et erit vnum Ouile vnus Pastor and there shal be one flold one Sheepheard LV. That wee may see say you this were to promise your selfe a longer life then those of whō we yesterday made mention considering the diuersitie of supersticions factious Sectes wherewith the world is infected AN. Say not so for whē soeuer it shall please God to touch the harts of all those in the world with his mercifull hands he can in one yeere yea in one month day houre or moment so illuminate lighten not only all haereticall Christians but also Turkes Moores Pagans and Iewes and all erronious Sectes ouer the whole world that they may see and repent their owne error reconcile themselues into the bosome of our holy Mother the Catholique Church to th' end the prophecies you haue said may take effect but let vs not looke
of but the most part tooke it to be the iust iudgement of God vvhom it pleased to make this man an example to the vvorld in suffering him to end his dayes so miserably and to haue his tong torne out of his head and carried away for he vvas noted to be a great outragious swearer and blasphemer of Gods holy name vvhile hee liued LU. And may it not be that the vvhirle-vvind catching this man in the midst thereof might haue povver to vvorke these effects as vvell as vvhole Rocks to be vvhirled vp and trees to be turned vp by the rootes by the furious buffing together of vvindes when they meete AN. I confesse vnto you that the force of whirle-windes are very great and that they worke often very dangerous and damageabe effects as that which destroyed Algadefres ouerthrowing the houses and buildings and making them all flat with the earth in like sort it is passing dangerous at Sea when two contrary winds take a ship betweene them for sildome or neuer any shippe so taken escapeth but as for this which happened in Benauides I cannot iudge it to be other then the worke of the deuill through the permission of God as by two reasons it appeareth the first that they being two men together the one was saued the other that the dead mans tongue was wanting could not be found LU. You haue satisfied vs as concerning the power which the deuil hath and the limitation thereof therfore passe on I pray you with your former discourse AN. The fourth kind of Spirits are those which are in the waters as well the Sea as Floods Riuers and Lakes these neuer cease to raise damps and stormes persecuting those which saile putting them in great and fearefull dangers through violent and raging tempests procuring to destroy and drowne the ships also through the ayde of monsters rocks and shallowes which are in the Sea the like doe those of the Riuers guiding in such sort the Boates that they make them to ouerturne and causing those that swimme to entangle them selues in sedge or weeds or bringing them into some pits or holes where they cannot get out and finally by all meanes possible they persecute and molest them so far as the limitation of their power extendeth The fifth kind of Spirits are those which are in the Caues vautes of the earth where they lie in waite to entrap those that digge in Mines and Wells and other workes vnder the ground whose death and destruction they couet and procure as much as they may These cause the motions and tremblings of the earth through the ayde of the windes which are therein enclosed whereby whole Citties are often in danger to be swallowed vp especially those which are built neere the Sea whole mountaines are heereby throwne downe infinite peoples destroyed yea and sometimes the Sea heereby breaketh into the Land wasting deuouring whatsoeuer it findeth before it The sixth and last kinde of Spirits are those who are in the Abysmes place whose name is Hell whose principall and proper office is besides the paines which they endure to torment the damned soules This is the place where is no order at all as sayth Iob but continuall feare horror and amazement BE. Seeing you haue declared vnto vs how many sorts of Spirits there are tell vs also I pray you whether they haue bodies or no because I haue often beaten my braines about this secrete without finding any man that could herein resolue me AN. You may well call it a secret considering the diuers opinions that are thereof for many say that they are pure Spirits as Apuleius who made himselfe so well acquainted with them writeth that there is a kinde of Spirits who are alwayes free from the strings and bonds of the body of vvhich number is Sleepe and Loue whom he termeth spirits vvhereby he seemeth to confesse that there are others which haue bodyes so thinketh S. Basile who attributeth bodies not only to these Spirits but also to the Angels The like is vnderstood by the words of Pselius They who followe this opinion alleage for the maintenance thereof the wordes of the Prophet Dauid where he saith He which maketh his Angels spirits and his ministers of fire c. They alleage also S. Augustine to haue beene of the same opinion saying that the Angels before theyr fall had all their bodies formed of the superior purest part of the Ayre and such those haue as yet which remained guiltlesse of Lucifers offence the bodies of whose followers were turned into a thicker and grosser ayre to the end they might be therein more tormented But the Maister of Sentences sayth in his second booke that this is not Saint Augustines opinion but falsely attributed vnto him and so the common opinion of all the holy Doctors is that both the Angels and deuils are pure Spirits as S. Thomas and Saint Iohn Damascene and S. Gregory who aunswere most sufficientlie to such doubts as may herevpon be mooued as how they may feele suffer and receaue punishment though Gaudencius Merula defend the contrary saying that thinges incorporat cannot onely suffer or receaue feeling of any bodily paine but that also to feele them in vnderstanding is vnpossible But as for this opinion holde it for a manifest error for truly Gaudencius in some of his opinions goeth farre vvide of the marke If I should heere rehearse each of the seuerall Doctors opinions I should beginne an endlesse worke leauing them therefore I will come to the poynt indeed that which the rest confesse to be the generall opinion as I sayde before of all or the most part of the holy Doctors of the Church which is that the Angels when it is necessarie doe fashion make vnto thēselues visible bodies for the effects which they pretend as we finde in many places of the holie Scripture whether it be of ayre thickned of fire or of earth it maketh no matter but that so it is see what is written of the three Angels that came to the house of Abraham in the likenesse of three beautifull young men and the Angell Gabriell appeared to the glorious virgine in a most goodlie forme and figure when he brought her the salutation The selfe same is permitted to deuils in their operations whose bodies though we call fantasticall because they vanish presentlie away yet they verily are visible bodies formed of some such substance as I said before but the same is so fine and delicate that it straight dissolueth vanisheth And because this is to the purpose of that which you asked mee and which we now discourse of I haue so lightlie passed ouer all the rest for there haue not wanted Doctors vvhich affirme the deuils to be in such manner bodily that they haue neede of foode vvherewith to sustaine themselues and that they feare stoute men and flie from theyr sharpe vveapons and that beeing striken they