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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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Haddon Mercer was also M●● by the Kings commandement Sir Richard Haddon Mercer Maior About Christmas was a Bakers house in w●●wicke lane burnt with the mistresse of the ho●● and two women seruants In Lent the King deliuered all prisoners London which lay for xl s. or vnder William Butler Shriue Iohn Kerkeby Shriue William Browne Mercer Maior Who deceased the 22. of March and forthwith Laurence Ailmer Draper was elected and ●orne he tooke his oath at the Tower and kept 〈◊〉 feast This yeare Sir William Caple was commaun●●d to ward by Empson and Dudley and put in ●it by the King for things by him done in his ma●altie for that he was charged that false mo●y had come to his sight and had not done due ●unishment vpon the party that to him was ac●used to be the coyner of it but were this true or not for that he would fall to no agréement he was by Darby and Sympson and other of their compa●● whereof there was a Iury bound to the ●●dles of Dudley and Empson indited and af●●r by Dudley put in prison some while in the ●●unter some time in the Shriues house while William Butler was Shriue and then deliuered vnto Thomas Exmew and forasmuch as he would not agrée to pay the King 2000. li. was commanded to the Tower where he lay till at length hee was let goe free Also Thomas Knesworth that had béene Maior and his Shriues Robert Shore and Roger Groue were sent to the Kings Bench vnder the custodie 〈◊〉 Sir Thomas Brandon where they were put to their fine of 2000. pound The Citty of Norwich was sore perished and neare consumed with fire for as some haue wri●●ten there was more then 160. houses consumed with most part of their goods Stephen Genings Maior Marchant tailour by the Kings letters for his election Thomas Exmew Shriue Richard Smith Shriue This Stephen Genings founded a free Gra●●mer Schoole at Woluerhampton in Sta●●shire c. This yeare was finished the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy néere vnto Charing Crosse whi●● was a notable foundation for the poore done by King Henry the seuenth vnto the which bee pur●chased lands for the relieuing of 100. poore people More by Indenture septipartite dated the 19. yeare of his raigne he established thrée Monkes Doctors or Batchelors of Diuinitie to sing and to preach in Westminster Church diuers fea●● and euery Sonday for euer An anniuersary yearly of 20. li. to be distributed to the poore by 2. 〈◊〉 péece to 13. poore men and 3. poore women founded by him in an almes house for the same poore men women prouided in the saide Monastery 12. d. a yeare Also a wéekely obit and each of th●● to giue to 140. poore people each one a peny Eig●● brethren conuerses to bee found meate drink● cloathing lodging for euer Thrée schollers 〈◊〉 kept at the Vniuersitie 10. li. the yeare to each 〈◊〉 euer The 13. poore men one to bee a Priest ag●● 45. yeares a good Gramarian the other 12. to 〈◊〉 aged 50. yeares euery Saturday the Priest 〈◊〉 receiue of the Abbot or Prior foure pence the day and each other two pence halfe peny the day for euer for their sustenance and euery yeare to each ●●e a gowne and a hood ready made and to 3. women to dresse their meate and kéepe them in their 〈◊〉 each to haue euery Saturday 16. d. and ●uery yeare a gowne ready made more to the 13 ●●re men yearely 80. quarters of coales 1000. 〈◊〉 good fagots to the vse of their hall and kitchin 〈◊〉 their mansion A discréete Monke to be ouerséer to them to haue 40. s. the yeare c. And to this 〈◊〉 Abbot and Prior to be sworne King Henry died at Richmond the 22. of Aprill ●hen he had raigned 23. yeares and 8. moneths ●nd was buried at Westminster in the new chappell which he caused to be builded Hee left issue Henry Prince of Wales which succéeded in the kingdome Lady Margaret Quéene of Scots and lady Mary promised to Charles King of Castile Henry the eight HEnry the eight at the age of eightéene yeares began his raigne the two and twentieth of Aprill Anno 1509. Of personage hee was tall and mighty in wit memory excellent The 3. of Iune he married la●y Katherine his first wife who had béene late wife 〈◊〉 Prince Arthur deceased On midsomer day the ●ing Quéene were crowned at Westminster George Monex shriue Iohn Dogget shriue Thomas Bradbury Mercer the 18. of October Sir William Capell Draper the 12. of Ianuarie Maiors Sir Richard Emson Knight and Edmond Dudley Esquire who had bene great Counsellors to Henry the seuenth were beheaded on Tower hill th● 18. of August This Edmond Dudley in time of his imprisonment compiled a Booke intituled the 〈◊〉 of Common wealth Iohn Milborne shriue Iohn Rest shriue Henry Kebel Grocer Maior This Henry Kebel builded Aldermary Church in London and did many other workes of chariti● in his life Henry the Kings first sonne was borne on Ne● yeares day but died on S. Matthewes day n● following Nicholas Shelton shriue Thomas Mirfyn shriue Roger Acheley Draper Maior The Nauies of England and France mée● at Britaine Bay fought a cruell battell in wh●●● the Regent of England and a Caricke of Fra●● being grappeled together were burned and the Captaines with their men all drowned the Eng●lish Captaine was Sir Thomas Kneuet who● with him 700. men In the French Carike 〈◊〉 Sir Piers Morgan with xi hundred men Iohn Collet Deane of Paules erected one 〈◊〉 Schoole in Pauls Churchyard in the year● 1512 for poore mens children to be taught frée c. Robert Holdernes shriue Robert Fenrother shriue William Copinger Fishmonger Maior Sir Richard Haddon Mercer Maior The stéeple and the lanterne on Bow Church in Cheape was this yeare finished In Iune the King with a great army in person went into France and there conquered Turwin the 22. of August and tooke the Citie of Turney by appointment the 29. of of September In this time Iames king of Scots inuaded this land with a mighty army but by the diligence of the Quéene with the policy and manhood of the Earle of Surrey the Kings Lieuetenant he was himselfe slaine at Bramstone with 3. Bishops 3. Abbots 12. Earles 18. Lords besides Knights Gentlemen eightéene thousand Scots and all the ordinance stuffe taken the 9. of September Iohn Dawes Iohn Bridges Shriue Roger Basford Shriue William Browne Mercer Maior Sohn Tate Mercer Maior The seuenth of August peace was proclaimed betwéene the King of England France during their liues All the hedges within one mile of London euery way were pulled downe and the ditches filled vp in a morning by a number of yong men Citizens of London because those inclosers had béene hinderance to their shooting In October a marriage was made betwéene Lewis the 12. King of France and Lady
Earle of Essex and the Lord Thomas Howard the Earle of Southampton sir Water Rawleigh other braue Commanders with 18. of the Quéenes ships many English Marchants ships and 12. Hollanders shippes made a warlike voiage to the Isles of Terceres In the moneth of August the price of Wheate in the Markets of London fell from thirtéene shillings the bushell to ten shillings Rie from nine shillings to sixe shillings and so to thrée shillings but then rose againe to the old greatest price This yeare also Arnold Whitefield Chancellor of Denmarke Ambassador and Christian Barnkun his assistant from the King of Denmarke arriued héere these had audience at the Court then at Tibols on the seuenth of September and were answered by her Maiesty without pawse to euery point of their ambassage and feasted Henry Roe Iohn Moore 28 September Richard Saltonstall Skinner 28 October Monday the 3 of Octob. began the reading of the Diuinity lecture in Sir Tho. Greshams Colledge by him founded in Bishops-gate stréet The 23 of October the honourable Lord Charles Howard Lord high Admirall of England was created Earle of Notingham at Westminster A Parliament began at Westminster on the 24 of October on the which day diuers people were smuldered and crushed to death pressing betwéene White-hall and the Colledge Church to haue séene her Maiesty and Nobility ryding in their Robes to the said Parliament This yeare Pepper was sold for eight shillings the pound The 25 of Ianuary one named Ainger was hanged at Tiburne for wilfully and secretly murdering of his owne Father a Gentleman and a Counsellor at the Law at Graies Inne in his chamber there The ninth of February the Parliament hauing granted thrée Subsidies of foure shillings the pound lands and two shillings eight pence the pound goods and sixe fiftéenes was dissolued and brake vp On the third of Aprill Twiford Towne in Deuonshire was burnt by casuality of fire beginning in a poore cottage a woman there frying pancakes with straw the same fired the house and so to the Towne about one of the clocke in the afternoone the rage of which fire lasting one houre and a halfe consumed 400 houses burned downe one hundred and fifty thousand pounds consumed in money Plate Marchandise houshold stuffe and houses fifty persons men women and children consumed an Almes-house preserued with poore men therein in the midst of the flames two thousand pounds wéekely was bestowed there in the market on Mondaies in Deuonshire Carsies nine thousand people maintained by the cloathing of that town in Cornwall and Sommersetshire It was the Earle of Deuonshires chiefe seate where yet standeth his castle or court place Thus much certified to her Maiesty On the first of May Sir Robert Cicil and other Ambassadors returned out of France and came to the Court. The 12 of Iuly one Iohannes alias Buckley a Priest made beyond the Seas hauing béene arraigned in the King Bench on the third of Iuly and there condemned of Treason for comming into this Realme contrary to a Statute was drawne to Saint Thomas a Waterings and there hanged and quartered his head set on the pillory in Southwarke his quarters in the high-wayes towards Newinton Lambeth c. On the fourth of August Sir William Cicil Knight of the Order Lord Burleigh Master of the Wardes and Liueries Lord high Treasurer of England a famous Counseller to the Quéene Maiesty during all her raigne and likewise had béene to King Edward the sixt who for his singular wisedome was renowned throughout all Europe departed this mortall life at his house by the Strand his body was conuaied to Westminster with solemne funerall and from thence secretly to Stanford and there buried among his Ancesters The third of September died Philip the second of that name King of Spaine at Madrill at 72 yeares of age his sonne Philip succeeded him This yeere 1598 the 12 of the moneth of Nouember William Cotton Doctor of diuinity sometimes Cannon of Paules was consecrated Lord Bishop of Excester He strongly maintained the Rites and Gouernement of the Church And liued so long that hee saw the change of Bishops throughout all the Bishoprickes of England and Wales The first of September in the afternoone thunder and lightning at London two great cracks as it had béene the shooting of great Ordinance some men smitten at the Posterne by the Tower of London and one man slaine at the Bridge-house in Southwarke ouer against the Tower Edward Holmdon Robert Hampson the 28 of September Sir Stephen Some Grocer the 28 of October The second of October arriued the Earle of Comberland being returned from the seas and hauing made spoyle of the strong Towne and Castle of Saint Iohn de Portarico c. The 9 of Nouember Squire of Gréenwich was arraigned at Westminster condemned of high Treason and on the thirteenth drawn from the Tower to Tiburne and there hanged and quartered The 14 of Nouember the Quéenes Maiesty came to Westminster and was there most royally receiued by the Maior of London Aldermen and Shrieues in scarlet and a great number of wealthy Citizens in Veluet coates and chaines of gold all on horse backe in the euening by Torch-light In the moneth of December great frosts the Thames nigh ouer-frozen at London In the beginning of the moneth of Ianuary souldiers in diuers shires as also in the City of London were pressed and furnished of all things necessary for the warres and were sent into the Low countries there to serue in place of old souldiers from thence to bee transported into Ireland The subsidy men in the city were seased at eight pence the pound goods or lands toward this charge Also in this moneth great lones of money were demanded and granted by the citizens of London The moneth of February a fiftéene was granted and paid by the citizens of London for the setting forth of more souldiers into Ireland The 27 of March about two of the clocke in the afternoone Robert Deuereux Earle of Essex Lieutenant Generall Lord high Marshall c. departed from his house in Seding lane through Fenchurch stréet Grace-street Cornehill Cheape c. toward Iseldone High-gate and rode that night to Saint Albons towardes Ireland he had a great traine of Noblemen and Gentlemen on horsebacke before him to accompany him on his iourney his coaches followed him he had also by the pleasure of God a great showre or twaine of rain and haile with some great claps of thunder as he rode through Islington The moneths of March Aprill and May cold and dry but on Whitsonday great haile and high waters the like of long time had not béene séene the extreame violence of this Tempest made London stréetes more fresh and faire then euer was séene before In the Moneth of August by the Quéenes appointment politickly to preuent daungerous annoiance of her
Iuly 1616. were created Barons viz. Sir Iohn Hollis Knight was created Baron of Hawghton and Sir Iohn Roper Knght was created Baron Tynchham of Tyncham in Kent Tuesday the 16 of Iuly 1616. the Earle of Arondell was sworne a Priuie Counsellor The 20 of Iuly the Lord Carew was sworne a Priuie Counsellor At Woodstocke vpon Tuesday the 27 of August 1616. Sir George Villers Knight of the Garter and Master of the Horse was created Viscont Villers and Baron of Whaddon By vertue of a speciall Commission from his Maiesty and from the Citie of London bearing date the fifteenth of May this yeare 1616. Peter Proby Alderman of London and Gouernour for the new plantation of the Prouince of Vlster in Ireland accompanied with Master Mathias Springham Merchantailor and Master Clement Mosse Solyciter for London with others did there establish such Lawes and constitutions for the City of London Derie and the Borough of Colerame as should thenceforth be obserued and kept according to the Tenor of the Kings Charter granted to the City of London in that behalfe The sayd Alderman Proby by vertue of the Kings Commission did there also Minister oath vnto all officers and others for the well gouernment and making of true accompts He caried ouer thither with him two rich swords the one whereof he deliuered to Sir Iohn Vawghan Knight Maior of Lonon Dery and the other to Trystram Beryfford Esquire Maior of Coleraine for that time being and to be borne before them and their successors for euer There was also sent vnto the Maior of London Dery a great gilded Man being sent him from the Gouernors and Assistants for that plantation Alderman Proby with his company went from London the eight and twenty of May last and returned to London the 28 of August 1616. what is more to be said touching this businesse I must referre you to my larger booke Sonday being Michaelmas day Doctor Androwes Bishop of Ely was sworne a Priuy Counsellor at Hampton Court The fourth of October Doctor Mountague was translated from Bathe and Wells to Winchester and forthwith he expelled all Inmates out of Winchester house on the Banke-side reduced diuers parts thereof from fowle noysomnesse vnto swéetnesse and comlinesse he repayred the whole house throughout and builded some part new and enclosed a great part of the wharfe and made a new faire paire of staires into the Thames he spent almost thrée thousand pound in the repaire and beautifying this ancient house which for a long time had béene suffred to run to ruin Allan Cotton Cutbert Hacket Shrieues Sir Iohn Leman Knight Fishmonger a batcheler Maior In his Maioralty the old ruinous Gate called Aldersgate was quite taken downe and fairely new builded from the foundation The riuer of Thames cleared of shelues in all parts and the Hauen of Quéene Hyth cleansed and likewise the making of the great wharse on the South-side of the riuer by the Willowes and also the new strict order for the passage of Cars and Carts in the stréets for the preseruation of all passengers Thursday the last of October 1616. viz. Alhollond Eue Prince Charls came in great state by Barge from Barne Elmes to White-hall accompanied attended by diuers great Lords and others of honorable rancke and quallity besides his owne traine and was most ioyfully met at Chelsey by the Lord Maior Aldermen and Citizens of London each Company in a seuerall Barge and distinguished by their seuerall Armes in their rich Banners and stately Streamers besides the Royal sound of Drum and Trumpet and great variety of excellent Musique besides all which and the infinit number of people vpon the shore and in Boates and Barges to behold this ioyfull daie there was also at the Cities charge in honour of his Highnesse creation more particular pleasant Trophies and Ingenious deuices met him vpon the water then euer was at any former creation of any Prince of Wales And vpon Monday the fourth of Nouember at White-hall where the Kings Maiesty inuested crowned Prince Charles Prince of Wales at this solemne creation were present most of the Nobility of the Land The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and diuers other Bishops and reuerend Prela●s all the Iudges of the Law sir Edward Cooke onely excepted there were present also the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London in their scarlet Robes as were the Iudges In honour of this ioyfull creation there were made fiue and twenty Knights of the Bath who performed all their Ceremonies in the vpper Parliament house and the next Sonday withall Magnifisence being lustily mounted they rode to White-hall and were there Knighted by his Maiesty Iames Lord Maltreuers Algernon Lord Percy Iames Lord Wryothesley Edward Lord Clynton Edward Lord Beauchamp Lord Barkley Lord Mordant Sir Alexander Erskin Sir Henry Howard Sir Edward Sackuill Sir William Howard Sir Edward Howard Sir Montague Barty Sir William Stourton Sir Henry Parker Sir Dudley North. Sir Spencer Compton Sir William Spencer Sir William Seymor Sir Rowland Saint Iohn Sir Iohn Candish Sir Thomas Neuill Sir Iohn Roper Sir Iohn North. Sir Henry Carey In honour of this ioyfull creation there were solemne Tryumphs performed at Lowdon in the County of Salop the fourth of Nouember and published by Master Daniell Powel Gentleman Also in honour of this creation there were forty young gentlemen selected out of the foure Iunes of Court who fought at Barriers viz. the one halfe against the other Thursday the seuenth of Nouember Thomas Elsmer Lord Chancellor of England was created Viscont Brackley And William Lord Knowles was created Viscont Wallingford and Sir Philip Stanhope Knight was created Baron of Shelford and vpon the next Satterday the Lord Maior feasted the Knights of the Bath Satterday the 16 of Nouember 1616. Sir Edward Cooke Knight was discharged from his Office viz. from being Lord Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench. Monday the 18 of Nouember Sir Henry Montague Knight the Kings Sergeant at Law was sworne Lord chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench. This Sommer and haruest was so dry that passengers were anoyde with dust in the high-waies the 20 of Nouember Sonday the 8 of December 1616. Arthur Lake Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Bishop of Bathe and Wells Lewis Bayly Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Bishop of Bangor Monday the 16 of December 1616. Marcus Anthonius de Domynis Archbishop of Spalato in the Territory of Venice was very honorably entertained and receiued at Lambeth by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury with whom he remained and writ a briefe declaration of his Reasons for leauing that Prelacy and forsaking his Natiue Country which Booke was presently published in eight Languages and disperst through Europe and in Sommer following he printed in London the first foure of his ten bookes intituled of the Common-weale of the Church Monday the two and twentith of December Sir Thomas Edmonds Knight
THE Abridgement of the English Chronicle First collected by M. Iohn Stow and after him augmented with very many memorable Antiquities and continued with matters forreine and domesticall vnto the beginning of the yeare 1618. By E.H. Gentleman There is a briefe Table at the end of the Booke Imprinted at London for the Company of Stationers 1618. Dextera Domini me exalt abit To the Right Honorable Sir George Bolles Knight Lord Maior of the Citie of London and to the Right worshipfull the Aldermen his brethren And to Sir Anthony Benn Knight Recorder of the same Citie Edmond Howes Gentleman wisheth all health and felicitie RIght Honourable and graue Senators the blessed and peaceful entrance into this land and ioyfull possession of our Leige Lord of his immediate right of the Imperiall crowne of England and the vtter banishment of all doubt in the Regall succession with the vniuersall hearts applause of all his Highnesse English subiects who with one consent acknowledged their loue and dutie vnto his lawfull right in Soueraigntie all which in the speedy effecting and establishing of peace in this kingdome was much more then either our neighbour Nations held possible to bee so easily performed A appeared by their great admiration vpon the certaine knowledge thereof or was rightly vnderstood of the multitude that wholly enioyes the benefite as too plainely appeareth by their wilful ingratitude forgetfulnes seeing their long continued feare so quickely supprest and beyond all expectation conuerted into as great freedome and tranquilitie as either their hearts could wish or is enioyed by any other nation All these and many other high blessings of Almightie God still succeeded one another no man would once hold vp his finger to make present acknowledgement or publicke vnderstanding vnto posterities of the boundlesse and wondrous workes of God in these our daies as also of the manifold remarkable accidents which haue happened of late yeares These motiues I say with the earnest perswasions of diuers graue and honourable personages who neuer ceased to accite mee vnto this present Act of Chronologie haue directly caused mee to performe this generall businesse in which my tedious labours I haue been intollerably abused and scandalized by Thraso Momus Zoylus and other backebiters detractors concerning whom sith it is the least of offences to offend offenders I will neither vexe my selfe nor trouble your patience in seeking to please the enuious and insatiate But forasmuch as I highly prize the good content of the honest wise and vertuous thus was the course and manner of my proceeding herein After I had well obserued that no man would lend a helping hand vnto the late aged painefull chronicler neither in many moneths after his death that any would expose or shewe themselues to prosecute so good a worke and albeit that in this interim before there were many named to haue already entred into this Labyrinth yet not one appeared whereupon I remembred the saying of the Philosopher That the naming of many friends is a maine impediment vnto friendship And as in that so in this then for my own cleare satisfaction full assurance that I would neither preiudice nor preuent any others better proceeding I entered into particular conference with euery man whose names had beene diuulged Some of them of honourable rancke and reuerent qualitie all of them learned of good sufficiency some whereof answered me they thought that the giuing out of their names in this sort was rather done by their secret enemies of purpose to draw them into capitall displeasure and to bring their names liues into a generall question then for any other intent of good other saide who doth this worke must flatter which I cannot neither will I wilfully leaue a scandall vnto my posteritie Another said I cannot see how in any ciuil action a man should spend his trauell time mony worse then in that which acquires no regard nor reward except backebiting detraction And one amongst the rest after he had sworne an oath saide I thanke God that I am not yet madde to wast my time spend two hundred pound a yeare trouble my selfe all my friends onely to gaine assurance of endlesse reproch losse of libertie and bring all my dayes in question like as these spake so did many others And in conclusion I sawe it vtterly refused of all And by this time it was generally obserued that this worke was wholly neglected Then many of my friends began againe to animate me and very seriously required me to make supplement whose kinde perswasions preuailed so farre that I promised them to doe my indeuour onely for one yeares space wherein my good will exceeded my best experience as I found afterwards for that it is not a yeare or two wherein a man may obtaine the particularities of truth neither accomplish any thing to the effect in this solide and variable imploiment Then forthwith I repaired to the most honourable superiours vnto whom I humbly signified my zealous loue dutie and diligence in this generall seruice of my Prince and Country Of whom I receiued very gracious incouragement honorable instructions And after that vpon conference with diuers graue Elders louers of vertue and fauourers of the Cities honour by whose direction with all meekenesse I manifested my willingnesse vnto the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen being then resolued neither to breake my former promise nor to neglect so great and generall a good for any deprauing speeches or maleuolent aspects with all integritie since which time I haue spent in this busines sixteene yeares without any great cause of encouragement May it therefore please your wisedomes rightly to vnderstand that in all my proceedings I haue neither presumed too farre of my selfe nor done ought that might discourage or preuent any other And thus much for the cause and maner of my proceeding Now right honourable and most worthy Elders whose state and gouernment is renowned through the world what is hee that hath any vnderstanding and knowes not London to bee the most flourishing and peacefull Cittie of Europe of greatest antiquitie happiest in countinuance most increased chiefe in prosperitie and most stored with plentie and here I might alleadge many ancient presidents of pleasures profits time and state whereof neuer any subordinate Magistrates could equall yours But seeing few wordes to the wise suffice I will onely speake a word or two by the way The promised blessing vnto the ancient Israelites to possesse a land that flowed with milke and hony is with seuen fold measure heaped on your heads your citty filled more aboundantly with all sorts of silkes fine linnen oyles wines and spices perfection of Arts all costly ornaments and curious workemanship then any other Prouince so as London well deserues to beare the name of the choicest storehouse in the world and to keepe ranke with any royall Cittie in Europe her Cittizens rich and bounteous witnesse their franke-giuing of more then
Edgar the Outlawes sonne to be heire to the Kingdome but because this Edgar was within age by his testament hee made Herold the sonne of Goodwine Regent vntill the young Edgar should be of age to receiue the kingdome notwithstanding he immediatly after the death of Edward pronounced himselfe King which thing shortly after brought destruction both to himselfe and all England This Edward raigned 23. yeares 6. moneths and odde dayes he was buried at Westminster which hée had newly builded This yeare 1055. Henry the 4. Emperor of that name and 90. in number began his raigne and in the 43. yeare of his raigne the city of Lubeck was founded by a Pagan Read my larger booke HErold gaue to young Edgar the Earledome of Oxford but Harold the King of Norway assaulted England both by sea and land Whose attempt whiles Herold of England prepared to withstand William Duke of Normandy came into England with a well appointed Army alleaging that by right it was due to him by the gift of King Edward his kinsman and also by oath established betwixt Harald and him He landed at Pemsey the 28. of September Harald notwithstanding he was bare of men by reason of the battaile that hée had fought against the men of Norway yet hearing of Williams comming went straight wayes against him Both armies being brought into array the battel was fought wherein great slaughter of Englishmen was made And the Normanes got the victory on the 14. of October King Harold was shot through the braines with an arrow when he had raigned 9. Moneths and was buried at Waltham in Essex where hee had founded a faire Colledge THus endeth the raigne of the Saxons who had now continued sometimes in warres with the Britaines then with the Danes and now with the Normanes the space of sixe hundred yeares VERSES A thousand sixe and sixty yeare it was as we doe read When that a Comet did appeare and Englishmen lay dead Of Normandy Duke William then to England-ward did saile Who conquered Harald with his men and brought this land to bale WILLIAM CONQVEROVR WIlliam Duke of Normandy surnamed Conquerour bastard sonn● of Robert the 6. Duke of the Du●chy and cousin germaine to King Edward after the battell at H●stings came to London when with great ioy he was receiued both of the Cleargy and people and crowned on Christmas day which day by the Historiographers of that time was accounted the first of the yeare following and so named 1067. But after the account of England now obserued the yeare beginneth not vntil the 25. of March This yeare through the great suite and labour of William the Bishop of London King VVlliam granted the Charter and liberties to the same VVilliam Bishop and Godfry of Portgrine and all the Burges of the same Citty of London 〈◊〉 as large forme as they enioyed the same in the time of Saint Edward before the Conquest 〈◊〉 reward whereof the Citizens haue fixed 〈◊〉 his graue being in the midst of the great Isle of Saint Paules Church in London this Epitaph following TO William a man famous in wisdome and holines of life who first with Saint Edward the King and Confessour being familiar of late preferred to be Bishop of London and not long after for his prudency and sincere fidelitie admitted to be of Councell with the most victorious Prince VVilliam King of England of that name the first who obtained of the same great and large priuiledges to this famous Citty the Senate and Citizens of London to him hauing wel deserued haue made this KIng William besieged Exeter which the Citizens and other English men held against him King William gaue to Robert Cummin the Earledome of Northumberland against whom the men of the country did arise slew him with nine hundred of his men and King William came afterward vpon them and slew them euery one AG●lricus Bishop of Durham being accused of treason was imprisoned at Westminster The Englishmen that were fled out of England hauing Edgar to be their captaine returned out of Scotland and suddenly set vpon the Garrisons that King William had set at Yorke put them to ●●ight slewe them possessed the Citty and pronounced Edgar to bee King but not long after King William came with a great army and recouered the Cittie constraining Edgar to returne againe into Scotland Such a dearth was in England that men did eate horses cats dogs and mans flesh King William bereued all the Monasteries and Abbeyes of England of their gold and siluer sp●ring neither Chalice nor Shrine The castle of Ledes in Kent was builded by Creueceur and the Castle of Oxford by Robert O●●ley two noble men that came into England with William the Conquerour In a Counsell holden at Windsore 〈◊〉 Prouince of the Church of Canterbury 〈◊〉 the Church of Yorke was examined and approued King William with a great power inuad● Scotland and forced Malcolme to do him homa● and fealty Gregory the seaueth Pope excommunicated all committers of Simony and remoued married Priestes from executing of diui● Seruice whereof arose great troubles in E●●●land King William caused a Castle to be builded a Durham and Earle Waltheothus of Northu●●berland to be beheaded at Winchester hée saith into Britaine and besieged the Castle of Dole● but preuailed not Walter Bishop of Durham bought of King VVilliam the Earledome of Northumberland wherein he vsed such cruelty that the inhabitants slew him The earth was hard frozen from the kalende● of Nouember to the middest of Aprill Vpon Palme Sunday about noone appeare● a blashīg Starre neare vnto the Sunne Malcolme King of Scots waffed Northumberland flew many and tooke a great prey This yeare King William builded the Tower of London Thurstone Abbot of Glassenbury in his Church caused thrée Monks to be slaine eightéene men to be wounded that their blood ran from the Altar ●awne the steps This yeare was a great winde on Chrstmas day a great earthquake and roaring out of the earth the 6. of Aprill Henry Earle Ferrers founded a Church within his Castle of Tutsbury Alwine Childe a Citizen of London founded the Monastery of Saint Sauiours at Bermondsey in Surrey King William caused enquiry to bee made how many Acres of land were sufficient for one plough by the yeare how many beastes to tilling of one hide how many Citties Castles Farmes Granges Townes Riuers Marshes and Woods what rent they were by yeare and how many Knights or Souldiers were in euery shire all which was put in writing and remained at Westminster King William tooke homage and oath of allegeance of all England tooke of euery hide of land sixe shillings and sailed into Normandy When the Normanes had accomplished their pleasure vpon the Englishmen so that there was no Noble man of that Nation left to beare any rule ouer them it was brought to passe
following being the 24 of May they were admitted to the Common pleis barre and the same day kept their solemne feast in the middle Temple hall At this feast Sir E. Philips was chosen the Kings Sergeant you shall vnderstand that albeit some of the Sergeants were knighted yet amongst themselues they had no precedence but euery man held his place according to his antiquity The 1 of Iune there was one whipped through London for presuming to come to the Court hauing his house infected The 4 of Iune Valentine Thomas hauing béene many yéeres prisoner in the Tower was arraigned at the Kings Bench Barre and there condemned of high treason for conspiracy against our late Quéene and some of her Councell and the 7 of Iune about sixe of the clocke he was drawne from the Kings Bench in Southwarke to S. Thomas Waterings and there hanged and quartered About this time came Ambassadors from many forraine Princes namely Monsieur Rosney from the French King Don Iohn de Tassis from the King of Spaine others came from the Archduke from the King of Poland the Signory of Venice the Duke of Florence and the States of Holland The twenty one of Iune Roger Earle of Rutland was sent Ambassador vnto Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke to solemnise the Baptisme of his sonne and to present him with the Garter being attended by W. Segar Norroy King of Armes he returned into England the thirtieth of Iuly The 2. of Iuly the King solemnized the feast of S. George at Windsor and enstalled Prince Henry Knight of the Garter and there the chiefe Ladies of England did their homage vnto the Quéene There were also made Knights of the Garter with Prince Henry the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Southampton the Earle of Marre and the Earle of Pembrooke Within few daies after were made diuers Proclamations for the apprehension of Anthony Copley Sir Griphin Markham Knight and William Watson and William Clearke Priests and about the same time were apprehended as traytors the Lord Cobham and his brother the Lord Grey sir Walter Rawleigh and others The 21. of Iuly at Hampton Court Henry Wri●●hesley Earle of Southampton was created and restored the Lord Thomas Howard created Earle of Suffolke Charles Lord Montioy created Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Egerton Baron of Elesmire sir William Russell Baron of Thornehaugh sir Henry Grey Baron of Grooby sir Iohn Peter Baron of Writtle sir Iohn Harington Baron of Exton sir Henry Danuers Baron of Dawnsey sir Thomas Garrerd Baron of Gerrardes Bromley sir Robert Spencer Baron of Wormeleighton sir Thomas Edmonds is sent Ambassadour Lieger to the Arch-duke The twenty thrée of Iuly the King made sixty and one Knights of the Bath Against this time of Coronation the citizens had made wondrous great prouision but through the terrible encrease of pestilence in the City and Suburbes their sumptuous Pageants and other triumphant entertainments stood like ruines being not yet finished and the King constrained to omit his former determination in ryding through London as Kings haue accustomed and all Londoners prohibited by Proclamation from comming at Court there died that wéeke of all diseases eleuen hundred and thrée the twenty fiue of Iuly being Munday and the feast of Saint Iames the Apostle King Iames the first of that name King of England and the most noble Lady Quéene Anne his wife were both crowned and anointed at Westminster by the most reuerend Father in GOD Iohn Whitgift L. Archbishop of Canterbury in presence of all the Nobility and diuers others namely Sir Robert Lee Maior of London in a Robe of crimson Veluet all the Aldermen in scarlet gownes and twelue Citizens admitted to attend them The twenty sixt of Iuly the King sent for all the Aldermen of London to Westminster and knighted them and the same day the King knighted sir Christopher Parkens Doctor of the Law Master of the Requests and Deane of Carlil● At this time the Bishops commanded the 5 of August to be held as a Holy-day with prayers preaching and thanksgiuing to God for the Kings escape from being murthered by Earle Gowry in Scotland The plague encreased still most grieuously in London and thereupon it was ordayned that euery Wednesday there should be a generall fasting and prayer with preaching throughout the land to draw the people vnto humble and hearty repentance of their sinnes This yeare Bartholmew Fayre was forbidden and Michaelmas tearme adiorned vnto Mensem Michaelis and to be kept at Westminster but by reason of the sicknes it was afterward held at Winchester and the Lord Maiors triumphs and great feast at Guild hall was this yéere omitted At this time there was a strict Proclamation against Inmates and diuers new built houses and sheds standing noysomely ch●aking the stréetes or other places all which were by expresse order beaten downe there was also great care and prouision for the banishing of Rogues and Vagabonds according to the tenour of the Statutes in that behalfe Sir William Rumney Sir Thomas Middleton Shrieues Sir Thomas Bennet Mercer Maior The 8 of October Robert Lord Spencer was sent by his Maiestie vnto Fredericke Duke of Wytenberge to inuest him Knight and Companion of the most noble Order of the Garter and returned before Christmas The 4 of Nouember the Lord Cobham the Lord Grey of Wilton were conueied from London Tower vnto Winchester to be arraigned and to that purpose the 19 of Nouember were also conueyed from the Tower to Winchester Sir Walter Rawleigh Sir Griffin Markham Knights George Brooke brother to the Lord Cobham Anthony Copley Gentleman William Watson and William Clearke Priests and the same day out of the Gate-house at Westminster went Sir Edward Parham Knight and Brooksby Esquire of Leycester-shire they were all condemned of high treason saue onely sir Edward Parham who was acquitted by the Iury. The 29 of Nouember were executed the two Priests and sixe dayes after was George Brooke hanged and the ninth of December sir Griffin Markham and the two Barons after they had bin seuerally brought vpon the scaffold in the Castle of Winchester and had made their confessions and prepared themselues likewise seuerally to die vpon the sudden the Kings warrant written with his owne hand was there deliuered to sir Beniamin Tichborne high Shiriffe of Hamshire commanding him to stay execution these thrée and sir Walter Rawleigh were returned prisoners to the Tower the 15 of December From the 23 of December 1602 vnto the 22 of December 1603 there died of all diseases within London and the Liberties thirty eight thousand two hundred and forty foure whereof the plague thirty thousand fiue hundred seuenty eight and the next yéere following London was cleare of that infection and then were all the shires in England grieuously visited note the worke of God The 29 of February died the most renowned and reuerend Father
they had wel considered what name that house should beare then with one consent they all agreed it should be called Hicks-hall after the name of the Founder and then the Founder gaue it freely to them and their Successors for euer Vntill this time the Iustices of Middlesex held their County Court or méetings in a rude common Inne called the Castle néere Smithfield-bars anoyde with Carriers and many other sorts of people The said Sir Baptist Hicks hath also builded a very faire Hospitall of frée stone at Camden in Gloucester-shire for sixe poore men and six women allowing them competent mainetenance for euer he also repaired the Parrish Church and gaue them a Bell. This yeare vpon sondry apparant reasons of present ensuing famine the Fast of Lent was straightly commanded to bée strickly kept and that all persons should vtterly abstaine from killing and eating of all manner of Butchers flesh which course tooke good effect as you read at large Edw. Rotherham Allexander Prescot Shrieues Sir Ioh. Swynarton knight Merchātaillor Maior Friday the 16 of October 1612. at 11 a clock at night arriued at Graues-end the most illustrious young Prince Frederick the fifth of that name Count Palatine of the Reyne c. being very Princely accompanied and attended he was receiued by Sir Lewis Lewkenor Knight Master of the Ceremonies whom the King had sent thither before to attend the comming of the Prince vpon knowledge of his ariuall the King sent spéedily the Duke of Lenox with other Earles and Barons to signifie his hearty welcome and the next Sonday they accompanied the Palsgraue by Barge from Graues-end to White-hall where Prince Charles Duke of Yorke receiued and entertained him at his first landing and brought him vp into the great Banqueting-house where he was likewise entertained by the King Queene Henry Prince of Wales and the Lady Elizabeth The 29 of October the Palsgraue dined at the Guild-hall and was accompanied with the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the Duke of Lenox being the great Feast day of the Lord Maior after dinner the Lord Maior in the behalfe of the City and himselfe in signe of loue and hearty welcome presented the Palsgraue with a Bason and Eure and two faire Liuerie pots curiously wrought and richly gilded and in euery of them was engrauen Ciuitas London Friday the sixt of October died the most Noble and hopefull Prince Henry Prince of Wal●s hée was Royally buried in the Chappell Royall at Westminster the seuenth of December Spon Saint Thomas day the Palsgraue and Graue Mawrice were elected Knights of the Garter and vpon Sonday the 7 of February the Palsgraue in person was enstalled at Windsor and Graue Mawrice was enstalled by his Deputy and kinsman Count Lodowicke of Nassaw The 14 of February being Shroue Sunday the Lady Elizabeth was married vnto the Palsgraue In honour whereof there were sundry warlike Tryumphs and Trophies vpon the Thames thrée daies before the daie of marriage and vpon the wedding day there was Tilting and other Royall entertainements of Time and that night there was a Maske of Lords and Ladies and two nights after that there were two seuerall Maskes performed by the Gentlemen of the foure Innes of Court all which were set out and adorned with more sundry propperties speeches and ingenious deuices then euer was any before in this Kingdome and the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London in the behalfe of the citie and themselues presented the Bride with a very faire chaine of Orientall pearle Vpon Easter day the King the Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth receiued the Sacrament in the Chappell of White-hall and the next day Prince Charles was confirmed or Bishopped in the same Chappell by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in the presence of the King and Quéene the Prince hauing beene formerly conferred withall by the Lord Archbishoppe and the Lord Bishop of Bathe and Wells touching the principles of Religion vnto whom hee manifested such princely vnderstanding and forwardnesse and there withall vpon the sodaine gaue such ready answeres and reasons of his Faith as draue them and all the rest that heard him into great admiration the Prince being then but twelue yeares of age the 19 of February last Satterday the tenth of Aprill 1613. the Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth set forward on their iourney for Heydelberge being accompanied with the King and Quéene and Prince Charles and went by barge from White-hall to Gréenewich and vpon Twesday they all in like manner went by Coach to Rochester where the next morning the Palsgraue and the Lady Elizabeth tooke their leaue of the King Quéene and Prince and then rode to Canterbury and from thence to Margate where the Lord Admirall of England with nine ships and pinaces attended their comming and receiued them and their traine and with them there went to conduct them the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Arundell the Viscont Lisle and the Lord Harrington all these were imbarked the 23 of Aprill but through contrary windes it was the 25 of Aprill before they arriued at Flushing and from thence passed through the vnited Prouinces and through the Dukedome of Cleaueland Gulych and through the Bishopricks of Collen and Tayer and through part of Hessia in all which places they were most kindly entertained and presented with many princely presents and being arriued at Heydelberge they were likewise as ioyfully receiued and welcomed by the Princes Electors and others with great Tryumphs and royall entertainements The Palsgraue during his abode in England demeand himselfe so Nobly that he won the hearts of the whole Nation and at his departure hee exprest his Princely bounty in guifts and rewards The 17 of Aprill 1613. at Alington in Lancashi●e was borne a maiden child hauing foure Legges foure Armes two Bellies ioynde to one backe one head with two faces the one before and the other behinde and this yeare likewise was great Ship-wracke by violent tempests there happened also sundrie Inundations and strange accidents and much dammage done by fire in diuers places and vpon Saint Peters day the Globe on the banckside was burned The practise of Armes and Millitary discipline in the Artillery Garden by the Citizens of London formerly mentioned in the yeare 1586. being for the space of almost foure and twentie yeares quite neglected and in a manner forgotten beganne this yeare 1613. to be practised in farre more excellent manner then formerlie and shortly after vpon the example of this warlike exercise of the Citizens of London then the young Gentlemen of the Innes of Court and Middlesex and others beganne the like practise of Armes in a place called the Couent Garden and after that they made themselues a more conuenient place in a field betwéene Saint Iames and Saint Gyles The 24 of October sir Pecksall Brocas knight did penance at Paules Crosse for standing conuicted before the high Commissioners for secret and notorious
th● for the space of more then thirty miles good pro●fitable corne ground was turned into a chase 〈◊〉 wilde beastes Remingus Bishop of Dorcheste● remoued his sea to Lincolne where hee builded new Church There was a great water flood so that hils we●● made soft and consumed and with their fall ouer●whelmed many villages King William builded Battell Abbey in S●sex another at Selby in Yorkeshire the th●● at Caen in Normandy in which hee was buri●ed He gaue great priuiledges to Saint Marth●●le graund in London Pauls Church in London burnt In a prouince of Wales called Rose 〈◊〉 found the Sepulchre of Gawen vpon the Se●●shore who was sisters sonne of Arthur the great King of Britaine being in length fourtéene so King William being at Roan in Normand● went with a great Army into France spoyli● all things as he passed Last of all hée burned 〈◊〉 Citty of Meaur with our Lady Church a● two Anchorits that was inclosed there The Ki●● cheared his men to féede the fire and came hi● selfe so neare that with the heate of his harne● he got a disease Also the Kings horse leaping o●uer a ditch did burst the inner parts of the King with the paine whereof hee was sore afflict●● and returned to Roan where shortly after 〈◊〉 ended his life the ninth day of September 〈◊〉 the yeare of our Lord 1087. When hee had raig●ned twenty yeares eight moneths and sixtéene dayes Hee was buried at Caen in Normandy and had issue by Matild his wife daughter to Baldwin Earle of Flanders Robert Curthose vnto whom hee gaue Normandy Richard that died young William Rufus to whom he gaue England and Henry to whom hee gaue his wiues inheritance and treasure Daughters Cicely Abbesse of Caen Constance wife to Stephen Earle of Bloys Margaret promised to Harold King of England and Elienor betrothed to Alfonso King of Galicia WILLIAM Rufus WIlliam Rufus the third sonne of William Conquerour beganne his raigne the ninth day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1087. He was variable inconstant couetous and cruell he burdened his people with vnreasonable taxes and what he thus got he prodigally spent in great banquetting and sumptuous apparrell Otho Bishop of Bayon and Earle of Kent with his brother Robert Earle of Mortaine and Hereford and almost all the Nobles of England raised warre against King William would haue had Robert his eldest brother to be King but William by faire wordes pacifying some of the principall conspirators besieged the residue in the Ca●stell of Rochester And lastly ouercame them Lanfranke Archbishop of Canterbury decea●sed hee renewed the great Church of Canterbury hee repaired the walles of that Citty bui●●ded two Hospitals the one of Saint Iohn th● other at Harbaldowne He restored the Churc● of Rochester King William Making warre against his bro●ther Robert Duke of Normandy at length agré●●ment was made betwéene them that if one 〈◊〉 them died without issue the other should succe●● in the inheritance Malcolme King of Scots did homage to King William A great tempest fell on Saint Lukes day specially in Winchcombe where a great part of the Stéeple was ouerthrowne And in London the winde ouerturned 606. houses and the roofe● Bow Church in Cheape wherwith some persons were slaine King William builded the new Castle vpon Tine Osmond Bishop of Sarisbury founded the Cathedrall Church of Sarisbury In England fell a wonderfull aboundance 〈◊〉 raine and after insued so great frost that Horses and Carts passed commonly ouer great Riuers which when it thawed the Ice brake downe many great bridges Malcolme the King of Scots cōming into England was sodainely slaine with his sonne and heire by Robert Mowbrey Earle of Northumberland Iohn Bishop of Welles by nointing the Kings hands transposed the Bishops sea to Bath King William builded againe the cittie of Carlile which was destroyed by the Danes 200. yeares before he also builded a castle there and out of the South parts of England sent men to inhabite there This yeare was a great famine and so great a mortality that the quick were scant able to bury the dead The Welshmen spoiled the citty of Glocester with a part of Shrewesbury and won the Isle of Anglesey The Bishopricke of Thetford was translated to Norwich King William with a great power entred Wales not being able to follow the Welchmen amongst the hils hee builded two Castles in the borders and returned Great preparation was made by the Christians to goe against the infidels at Ierusalem Peter the Hermite being their first leader and after Godfrey of Bullen Robert Duke of Normandy tooke his iourney towards Ierusalem and laide Normandy to gage to his brother King William for 6666. pound of siluer All the land that sometime belonged to Earle Goodwin by breaking in of the sea was couered with sandes and there is yet called Goodwin sands King William in Normandy gaue himselfe to warres so that with exactions and tributes he did not onely shaue but flea the people of England The Christians tooke the Cittie of Ierusalem placing there a King and a Patriarch THe fiftéenth of Iuly 1098. after thirty sixe dayes siege the Cittie of Ierusalem was yéelded vnto Godfrey of Bollen Duke of Lorane chiefe leader of the Christian Army against the Sarazens to recouer the Holy land hee was accompanied with thrée Kings and diuers other Christian Princes namely Robert Duke of Normandy eldest sonne vnto William the Conquerour hee had an hundred thousand Souldiers all of them marked with the signe of the Crosse This renowned and victorious Prince before hee entred into Armes morgaged his Dukedome vnto the Bishop of Liege for great summes of money wherewith hee furnished himselfe in this expedition he was chosen King of Ierusalem but would not bee crowned with a Crowne of gold because our Sauiour Christ was crowned with a crowne of thornes This Christian Conquest was performed about fiue hundreth yeares after the Persians had got possession of Ierusalem and the Holy land Peter the Hermite who had seene and felt the Turkish outrages tooke great paines in going to all Christian Princes to contract them vnto this seruice Pope Vrban the second in the Councell of Cleremount was also very forward in this businesse King Godfrey dyed of a feuer hauing raigned one yeare and was buried neare vnto the holy Sepulchre after him succéeded his brother Baldwine and raigned eighteene yeares hee made great wars vpon the enemies of our faith After the death of King Godfrey Ierusalem continued fourescore and eight yeares vnder Christian obedience and then became subiect vnto Turkish tyranny After King William was come out of Normandy he kept his Court at Westminster in the new Hall and hearing men say it was too bigge he answered This Hall is not bigge enough by one halfe King William being a hunting word was brought him that his people were besieged in Maine
〈◊〉 London and punished the bakers vpon the Tu●●berell and did many other things contrary to th● lawes of the Cittie The King caused the walles of the Cittie 〈◊〉 London to be repaired Richard Owell shriue William Skwie shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior The Lords held a Parliament at Oxford whe● were chosen 12. Péeres which had authoritie● correct the breakers of these ordinances the King his brethren the Noble men and Barons taking their oath to sée the same obserued A Iewe 〈◊〉 Tukesbury fell into a priuy vpon the Saturd●● and would not for reuerence of his Sabboath 〈◊〉 plucked out wherefore Richard of Clare Earle 〈◊〉 Glocester kept him there till Munday at whi●● time he was dead Robert Cornehill Shriue Iohn Adrian Shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior The king cōmanded the Maior that he shuld ca● to be sworne euery stripling of 12. yeares of a●● or vpward to be true to y e king his heires th●● the gates of y e city should be kept w t harnessed 〈◊〉 Iohn Adrian Shriue Robert Cornhill Shriue Iohn Gisors Pepperer Maior The Barons nobles of the realme held a Parliament at London in the new Temple and the King held himselfe in the Tower of London Adam Browning Shriue Henry Couentry Shriue William Fitz Richard Maior K. Henry published at Pauls crosse the Popes absolution for him all his that were sworne to maintain y e articles made in the parliament at Oxford Iohn Northampton Shriue Richard Pickard Shriue William Fitz Richard Maior The Barons armed men against the King and all this yeare houered about London without any notable of act rebellion This yeare 1263. all Christian nations on the other side the sea sustained great dangers outrages by the miscreant Sarazens so as the Christians was constrained to vse their best meanes to suppresse them And in Paris there was a great Councell held of Prelates and Barons to deuise means for their countries safety In the 10. yeare of the raigne of Richard the Emperour there was a blazing star séene 3. moneths At this time there was a Schisme amongst the Princes Electors in Germany and they elected Richard Earle of Cornwall brother to K. Henry of England he was chosen in the yeare 1257. or as some say in the yeare 1255. with him was likewise chosen A●phonso King of Castile he raigned 18. yeares in his time flourished the great Clarke S. Thomas Aquinas I●hn Taylor shriue Richard Walbroke shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Maior There was slaine of Iewes in London to the number of 700. the rest were spoiled their Synagogues defaced because one Iewe would haue forced a Christian man to haue paid more then 2. d. for the vsury of 20. s. the wéeke Robert Monpilet Shriue Osbert Suffolke Shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Maior A battell at Lewis betwéene K. Henry the Barons in which battell the King with his son Edward Richard Earle of Cornwall with many other Lords were taken by Simon of Mountford Earle of Leicester and the Barons Gregory Rokesley shriue Thomas of Lafford shriue Thomas Fits Thomas Maior Edward being now at libertie allied him with the Earle of Glocester gathering to him a great power warred so freshly vpon Simon of Leicester that at the end he with many other of the nobles were slaine in the battell at Euisham A parliament was holden at Winchester when all the statutes made at Oxford were disanulled London was in great danger to haue bin destroyed by the K. for displeasure he had conceiued but the Citizens wholly submitted both liues goods in●● the kings hands The King gaue vnto his son Edward the Maior and 4. Aldermen many other were committed to seuerall prisons Edward Blund Shriue Peter Anger Shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard Maior The king gaue to diuers of his houshold seruants about the number of 60. houses housholds within the Cittie so that the owners were compelled to redéeme their houses and goods or else to auoid them The 11. of May was the battell of Chesterfield against them that were disherited where many were slaine Iohn hinde shriue Iohn Walrauen shriue William Richard Maior Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester allying himselfe with the exiled Gentlemen rose against the K. the 8. of April with an army entred the city of London therein builded bulwarkes cast trenches in diuers places the King gathered an army came towards London pitched his tents at Stafford and taried there the space of one moneth The sixt of Iune the Earle of Glocester in peaceable manner rendred the Citie vnto the King Iohn Adrian shriue Lucas Ba●ecourt shriue Alin Souch Maior Variance fell betweene the fellowship of Goldsmiths and Taylers of London causing great rufflings in the City and many men to be slaine For which riot twelue of the chiefe Captaines were hanges Walter Haruie Shriue William Duresme Shriue Sir Stephen de Edward Maior The riuer of Thames was so hard frozen from S. Adrewes tide to Candlemas that men beasts passed on foote from Lambeth to Westminster the marchandise was carried from Sandwich and other hauens to London by land Thomas Basing Shriue Robert Cornehill Shriue Hugh Fitz Otonis Maior The Nobles of England assembled at London to entreate of diuers matters whereof there arose discord betwixt Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey and Alin de la Souch Lord Iustice of Ireland before the Iustice of the Bench where the saide Alin Souch was wounded to death Walter Potter Shriue Taylor Shriue Iohn Adrian Vintner Maior The stéeple of Bow in Cheape fell downe and slew many people men and women Richard King of Almaine and Earle of Cornwall brother to K. Henry deceased and was buried at Hailes Gregory Rokesly Shriue Henry Walis Shriue Iohn Adrian Vintner Maior In Iune began a great riot in the City of Norwich through the which the monastery of the Trinity was burned wherupon the King rod downe and making inquirie for the chiefe doers thereof caused 30. of them to be condemned drawne hanged and burnt Richard Paris shriue Iohn Bedell shriue Sir Walter Haruie Maior K. Henry died in the 16. of Nouember in the yeare 1272. whē he had raigned 56. yeares 28. daies he was buried at Westminster he builded a great part of the same Church he left for his heire his eldest son Edward Edmond Crowchbacke Earle of Leicester and Lancaster and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret King Edward surnamed Longshankes EDward the first after the Conquest sonne to Henry the third surnamed Longshanke began his raigne the 16. of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then beyond the sea Iohn Horne shriue Walter Potter shriue Sir Walter Haruie Knight Maior This yeare fell a great variance at Oxford betwéene the Northerne and Irishmen wherein many Irishmen were slaine Nicholas Winchester Shriue Henry Couentry Shriue Henry Walles Maior On St. Nicholas euen were great
earthquakes lightnings thunder with a huge dragon and a blazing starre which made many men sore afraid Vsury was forbidden to the Iewes and that they might bee knowen the King commaunded them to weare a Tablet the bredth of a palme vpon their outmost garmēts A Frenchman brought into Northumberland a Spanish Ewe as big as a Calfe of two yeares which Ewe being rotten infected so the country that it was spread ouer all the Realme Lucas Batecourt shriue Henry Frowicke shriue Gregory Rokesley maister of the Kings Mints and therefore a Goldsmith I thinke Maior King Edward builded the Castle of Flint strengthened the Castle of Rutland other against the Welshmen There was a generall earthquake by force whereof the Church of Saint Michael of the mount without Glastenbury fell to the ground The blacke Friers Church at London was builded by Robert Kilworby Archbishop of Canterbury Iohn Horne Shriue Ralph Blunt Shriue Gregory Rokesly Maior The statute of Mortmaine was enacted Michael Tony was hanged drawen and quartered for treason Robert de Aria shriue Ralph le Feuere shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior King Edward gaue vnto Dauid brother to Leoline Prince of Wales the Lordship of Frodisham Iohn Adrian Shriue Walter Langley Shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior Michaelmas Tearme was kept at Shrewsbury Reformation was made for clipping of the Kings coine for which offence 267. Iewes were put to execution Robert Basing shriue William Mazaliuer shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior Whereas before this time the penny was wont to haue a double crosse with a creast in such sort y t the same might be easily broken in the midst or in 4. quarters so to be made into halfpenies or farthings it was now ordained that pence halfepence farthings should be made round At this time twenty pence weighed an ounce of Troy weight Thomas Boxe Shriue Ralph le Lamere Shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior Dauid brother to Leoline Prince of Wales moued all Wales almost to rise against the King William Farrendo Goldsmith Shriue Nicholas Winchester Shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior There was such a frost that 5. arches of London bridge and all Rochester bridge was borne down and carried away with many bridges more William Mazaliue● Shriue Richard Chigwell Shriue Henry de VVales Maior The Bakers of London were first drawne vpon Herdels by Henry Walleis Maior and corne was then first sold by waight This Henry Walleis caused to bee erected the Tonne vpon Cornhill to be a prison for night walkers and other suspitious persons He also caused to be builded an house called the Stockes to bee a market for flesh and fish in the midst of the Citie Iohn Pecham Archbishop of Canterbury sendeth commandement to the Bishop of London to destroy all the Synagoues of the Iewes within his Diocesse Ralph Blond Shriue Anktein de Beteuil Shriue Henry de Walleis Maior Leoline Prince of Wales was slaine and his head was set vpon the Tower of London Also Dauid the brother of Leoline Prince of Wales was taken and beheaded Iordan Godcheape Shriue Martin Boxe Shriue Henry Walleis Maior Edward the Kings first son was borne at Carnaruan in Wales Phillip of France surnamed the Faire began his raigne in the yeare 1285. he builded the stately Palace for the Parliament in Paris he tooke Guy the Earle of Flanders and carried him his two sons prisoners to Paris In his time Pope Clement the 5. was consecrated at Lyons And the Cathedrall Papall was transferred from Rome vnto Auignon in France and there remained 70. yeares during which transmigration there were 3. Cardinals appointed to gouerne Italy In this Kings raigne the Hospitelars of St. Iohn tooke Rhodes and draue out the Turkes and were afterwards called Knights of the Rhodes This Phillip bare great hatred vnto the Kinghts Templars which at this time flourished throughout Christendome whose name order of Templars began presently after the conquest of the holy land by Godfrey of Bullen as well for their religious resolute defending the Temple suppressing all manner of thieues and robbers that offended the Christians in Iudea as their continuing warlike seruice vpon the common enemies of Christs religion viz the Turkes and Sarazens who by their oath were bound not to turn their face from their enemies This honorable order by degrées became most famous was by this time dignified and receiued in euery Christian nation which Knights for the most part consisted of yonger brothers of noble birth and haughty courage were possest of faire pallaces endowed with great priuiledges reuenews for their maintenance These men presuming vpon their proper merits kindred ally●nce and large possessions became very proud and insolent but whether their great pride or aboundance of wealth caused their sudden suppression ●s not directly set downe in any history therefore I submit my opinion vnto the saying of the holy Scripture to wit Pride goeth before destruci●n The Kings displeasure towards them preuailed so far that hee procured the Pope to suppresse them with confiscation of their lands goods in their places for the Christian seruice against the forenamed common enemies of our faith they ordained the order of the Knights of the Rhodes This King raigned 28. yeares and was buried at S. Denys read Gaguin 7. booke ● Emilius 8. booke In the yeare 1522. the Isle of Rhodes was yéelded vnto Sultan Solyman vpon Christmas day after it had béene besieged 6. moneths with great strength and fury and then that name and title of Knights of the Rhodes ceased but for as much as the maintenance of such a speciall order was as propicious to the Christian seruice as odious vnto Turkish infidelitie the Emperour Charles the 5. in the yeare 1529. gaue vnto the late Knights of the Rhodes the Isle of Malta since which time they haue ben called the knights of Malta hauing vpon all occasions extremitie whatsoeuer right worthily performed their oath maintained their order and reputation for which cause the inue●●rate malice of the Mahometists continued as great towards them as to any former ordered Christian seruitors whereupon as well in ha●● to suppresse them as to encrease further oppression vpon Christendom the forenamed Solyman t●● 10. of May 1565. sent Mustapha Basha with ● mighty host against them who won certaine hol●● and forts within the Island And with all violen●● they besieged their chiefe citie called Bourg by 〈◊〉 and land whom the forenamed Knights and the● friends as religious valliantly resisted as w● insallying foorth vpon the strongest part of their enemies campe as maintaining their wals water-workes rampiers Albeit of themselues it was not possible for them to make long resistance against so strong cruell enemies hauing already endured 4. moneths terrible siege by which time the K. of Spaine sent fresh supplies vnto them and ●ing conioined so stoutly repulsed Mustapha that in gladly raised his siege and departed with
losse of 25000. of his men and of Christians there were slaine 5000. besides 240. Knights of the order Laurence Ducket Goldsmith grieuously wounded one Ralph Crepin in West Cheape and then sled into Bow Church after that certaine euill disposed persons friends to the said Ralph entred the Church in the night time and slewe the saide Laurence lying in the stéeple and then hanged him vp placing him as though he had hanged himselfe But shortly after by relation of a boy the truth of the matter was known for the which a woman and sixtéene men were put in prison and afterward more who all were drawn and hanged saue the woman who was burnt The great Conduit in Cheape was begun to be builded Stephen Cornehill shriue Robert Rokesley shriue Gregory Rokesley Maior A Iustes was proclaimed at Boston in the faire time whereof one part came in y e habit of Monks another in the sute of Canons who had couenanted after the Iusts to spoile the faire for the atchiuing of their purposes they fired the towne in 3. places Walter Blunt Shriue Iohn Wade Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior On New yeares day at night as well through vehemencie of the winde as violence of the se● many Churches were ouerthrowne and destroied not onely at Yarmouth Dunwich and Ipswich but also in diuers other places of England Thomas Crosh Shriue Walter Hautaine Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior The Summer was so excéeding hot that many men died through the extremitie thereof and yet wheate was sold at London for 3. s. 4. d. the quarter and such cheapnes of beanes and pease as the like had not béene heard of William Hereford Shriue Thomas Stanes Shriue Ralph Sandwich Custos Great haile fell in England after insued great raine that the yeare following wheate was raised from 5. d. the bushell to 16. d. so increased yearely till it was lastly sold for 20. s. the quarter William Betaine Shriue Iohn of Canterbury Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior Rice ap Meredith was by the Earle of Cornwall taken drawen hanged and quartered Falke of S. Edmond Shriue Salomon le Stotell Shriue Sir Iohn Briton Custes The transgressions of diuers Iustices was tried out punished accordingly some lost their goods and then were banished some as wel of the Bench as of the Assises were sent to the Tower The King banished all y e Iews out of England giuing them to beare their charges till they were out of the realme the number of Iewes then expulsed were 15. M. 9. persons Thomas Romain Shriue William de Lier Shriue Iohn de Breton Custos The wool staple was ordained to be at Sandwich Ralph Blunt Shriues Hamond Boxe Shriue Ralph Sandwich Custos King Edward adiudged Iohn Ballioll to bee true heire of Scotland Quéene Elianor died at Herdby a towne neare to Lincolne she was brought to Westminster and there buried The king made at euery place where she staied a costly crosse with the Queenes image vpon it Charing Crosse and the Crosse in West Cheape of London were two of them The Minoresse a Nunnery without Algate of London was founded by Edmond Earle of Leicester brother to King Edward Henry Bole Shriue Elias Russel Shriue Ralph Sandwich Custos Thrée men had their right hands cut off in west Cheape for rescuing a prisoner rested by an Officer in the Cittie of London Robert Rokesly Shriue Martin Aunsbresby Shriue Ralph Sandwich Maior The water of Thames ouerflowed the bankes and made a breach at Rotherheth beside London the low ground about Bermondsey and Toth● was ouerflowed Henry Boxe Shriue Richard Glocester Shriue Sir Ralph Sandwich Maior The King passing with an armie against the Welshmen builded the Castle of Beawmarish in the Isle of Anglesey The Welshmen were consumed by famine their woods were felled and many castles fortified Rice ap Meredith was brought to London The Frenchmen arriued at Douer and spoiled the towne Iohn of Dunstable Shriue Adam de Halingbery Shriue Sir Iohn Breton Maior Iohn Baliol King of Scots contrary to his allegiance rebelled King Edward won the Castles 〈◊〉 Barwicke and Dunbarre hee slew of Scots 25. thousand he conquered Edenborough where he found the regall ensignes of Scotland Thomas Suffolke Shriue Adam Fulham Shriue Sir Iohn Breton Maior The King increased the tribute of the woolles tasking for euery sacke 40. s. where before th● time they paid but halfe a marke The Scots by instigation of W. Wale●s ●ebelled and put the Englishmen to much trouble Iohn de Stortford shriue W. de Stortford shriue Sir Iohn Breton Maior Fire being kindled in the lesser hall of y e pallace at Westminster the flame therof being driuen with winde fired the building of the Monastery next adioyning which with the pallace were both consumed S. Martins Church in the Vintry at London was now builded by the Executors of Mathew de Calumbaris Richard Rotham Shriue Thomas S●ly Shriue Henry Waleis Maior This realme was troubled with false money called Crockden and Pollard coined in parts beyond the seas and vttered for sterling K. Edward tooke to wife Margaret sister to Philliple Beaw then King of France Iohn de A●mentiers Shriue Henry de Fingrie Shriue Henry Waleis Maior K Edward made his voiage against the Scots wherein he subdued a great part of the land tooke the castle of Estreueliue with other and made the Lords sweare to him fealty Lucas Hauering shriue Richard Campes shriue Elias Russell Maior The K. gaue to Edward his son the Princedome of Wales and ioyned there unto the Dukedome of Cornewall and the Earledome of Chester Robert Colleuer shriue Peter de Boscube shriue Elias Russel Maior The Scots rebelling made William Waleis their leader wherefore the king hauing his army ready passed ouer y e whole land none offring him battel Hugh Port Shriue Simon Paris Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior Richard Grauesend Bishop of London deceased who is reported to haue purchased the Charters liberties of the Cittie of London in the yeare of our Lord 1392. in the 16. of Richard the second The vntruth whereof I haue thought good thus much to note The K. returning out of Scotland cōmanded the courts of the Kings bench and the Exchequer which had now remained at Yorke seuen yeares to be remoued to their old places at London W. de Combematin Shriue I. de Bereford Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior K. Edw. ordained Iustices of Tirelebastō against intruders into other mens lands truce breakers extortioners murtherers and such like offenders W. Waleis which had oftentimes set Scotland in great trouble was taken brought to London where he was hanged headed and quartered Roger Paris Shriue Iohn Lincolne Shriue Sir Iohn Blunt Maior Robert Bruce caused himselfe to bee crowned King of Scots wherof when King Edward heard he went with hast into Scotland where he chased the said Robert Bruce and
so that the quicke might vnneth bury the dead The beasts cattel also by the corruptnesse of the grasse whereof they fed died horse-flesh was counted great delicates the poore stole fat dogs to eate some in hid places did eate the flesh of their owne children The Théeues that were in prison did plucke in péeces those that were newly brought amongst them and gréedily deuoured them halfe aliue Hamond Goodcheape Shriue William Bodele Shriue Stephen Abingdon Maior There arriued in England two Cardinals to make peace betwéene England Scotland and to reconcile vnto the K. Thomas Earle of Lancaster When they came neare vnto the towne of Derlington certaine robbers Gilbert Middleton and Walter Selbie being their Captaines suddenly set vpon the family of the Cardinals robbed them of their treasure but the Cardinals came to Dirham where they tarried a few daies for answere of the Scots and so returned to Yorke Gilbert Middleton was taken carried to London and there drawne and hanged Sir Iosseline Denuile his brother Robert with 220. in the habite of Friers did many notable robberies they spoyled the Bishop of Dirhams pallaces leauing in them nothing but bare wals for the which they were hanged at Yorke William Causton Shriue Ralph Ballancers Shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The new worke of the Chappell on the South side of the Church of S. Paul in London being begunne there were found in the foundation more then 100. heades of Oxen and Kine which then confirmed greatly the opinion of those who haue reported that of olde time it had béene the Temple of Iupiter and that there was the sacrifice of beasts Edward de Bruse the king of Scots brother who by the space of 3. yeares had assaulted Ireland and had crowned himselfe King was taken by English men and beheaded at Dundalke Iohn Brior shriue William Furneis shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The towne of Barwicke was betraied to the Scots through the treason of Peter Spalding A great murrain of kine happened dogs rauens eating of the kine were poysoned and did swell to death so that no man durst eate any béefe Iohn Pounting Shriue Iohn Dalling Shriue Iohn Wengraue Maior The king being at Yorke the Scots entred England came to Yorke and burnt the suburbs of the citty tooke sir Iohn of Britaine Earle of Richmond prisoner with many other Many herdsmen certaine women of England would goe séeke the holy land to kill the enemies of Christ as they saide but because they should not passe ouer the great sea they slew many Iewes in the parts of Tolose and Gascoine wherefore many of them were taken and put to death Simon Abingdon shriue Iohn Preston shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Thomas Earle of Lancaster with many Earles and Barons came to Sherborn and from thence with baners displaied to S. Albones from thence they sent to the King being at London requiring him to banish the two Hugh Spencers At length the King granted to their petition so that Hugh Spencer the elder was banished but the yonger Hugh could not be taken Reginald at Conduit Shriue William Prodom Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior Certaine leapers who had couenanted with the Iewes to poison all the Christians in Europe laid poyson in Iewels springs and pits for the which many were burnt Roger Mortimer the Earles of Richmond and Arundell submitting themselues to the King were sent to the Tower of London After this when the Kings Army and the Army of the Barons met neare vnto Burton vpon Trent the Earle of Lancaster fled and the King pursuing them to Burbrige Thomas Earle of Lancaster was taken and beheaded at Pomfret Richard Constantine Shriue Richard Harkeny Shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Andrew Harkeley Earle of Carleil was charged with treason for making peace with the Scots for which he was sent to Yorke hanged headed and quartered Iohn Grantham Shriue Richard of Ely Shriue Hamond Chickewell pepperer Maior Roger Mortimer Lord of Wigmore gaue his kéepers a sléepy drinke escaped through all the watches of the Tower and passed into France Adam of Sarisbury Shriue Iohn of Oxford Shriue Nicholas Farendon Goldsmith Maior King Edward sent the Quéene his wife vnto her brother the French King to establish the peace who went ouer with a small company by her mediation a peace was fully finished whereupon Edward the Kings sonne went ouer Bennet of Fulsham Shriue Iohn Cawson Shriue Hamond Chickwell pepperer Maior Whiles the Quéene with her sonne remained in France longer then the Kings pleasure was would not come againe without Roger Mortimer and other Noble men that were fled out of England the King banished them both and all o●●●r that tooke their parts Gilbert Morden shriue Iohn Cotten shriue Richard Britaine Goldsmith Maior Isabell the Queene with her sonne Edward Edmond of Woodstooke the Kings brother Roger Mortimer and many other Noble men that were fled out of England arriued at Orwell besides Harwich in Essex immediately the Earle Marshall the Earle of Leicester the Bishops of Lincolne Hereford Diuelin and Ely being ioyned to the Quéene made a great army The Cittizens of London beheaded such as they tooke to be the Quéenes enemies they tooke also Walter Stapleton Bishop of Exceter and beheaded him and two of his seruants because hee gathered a great army to withstand the Quéene Richard Rothing shriue Roger Chanticle shriue Richard Britaine Goldsmith Maior This Richard Rothing Sheriffe builded 〈◊〉 Parrish Church of Saint Iames at Garlick 〈◊〉 in London The Quéene besieged Bristow wh●● was seene rendred and the morrow after her c●●ming Hugh Spencer the elder was drawne 〈◊〉 hanged The King Hugh Spencer the younger and Robert Baldocke determined to flye into 〈◊〉 Isle of Lombardy but being in great danger 〈◊〉 the sea at last arriued in Wales where they 〈◊〉 taken the King was committed to Henry 〈◊〉 of Lancaster his kinsman Hugh Spencer was condemned at Herefor● where he was drawne hanged headed and quartered Simon Reading was drawne and hanged Robert Baldocke died in Newgate The Quéene with her sonne Edward Roger Mortimer and other went to Wallingford Castle and before the twelfth day came to London where they were ioyfully receiued On the morrow after they held a Parliament where by common decrée they deposed the King and elected Edward his eldest sonne He was thus deposed when he had raigned ninetéene yeares sixe moneths and odde dayes Edward the third EDward the third about the age of fourtéene yeares beganne his raigne the twenty fiue of Ianuary in the yeare of our Lord. 1326. In feates of Armes he was very expert At the beginning of his raigne hee was chiefely ordered by his Mother Isabell The inhabitants of the Towne of Bury besieged the Abbey burnt the gates wounded the Monkes bare out all the gold and siluer ornaments bookes charters the assay to their coine stamps and all
Nottingham considering how this land was misgouerned by a few persons about the K. intending reformation of the same assembled at Radcote Bridge with a power of forty thousand came to London and pitched in the fields neare to the tower where the King kept his Christmas Shortly after they caused the King to call a parliament whereof hearing Alexander Neuell Archbishop of Yorke Robert Ver Duke of Ireland and Michael de la Poole Earle of Suffolke fled the land died in strange countries The king by the counsell of the aboue named Lords caused to be taken Sir Robert Tresilian chiefe Iustice of England sir Nicholas Brember late Maior of London sir Iohn Salisbury knight sir Iohn Beauchamp sir Simon Burghley sir Iames Barnes knight Iohn Vske a Serieant at Armes which by the authoritie of the said Parliament were conuict of treason and put to death Robert Belknap Iohn holt Iohn Locton Richard Gray William Burgh and Robert Fulthrope Iustices with the Lords which before had voided the land were banished for euer Thomas Austen shriue Adam Carlohul shriue Nicholas Twyford Goldsmith Maior Statutes made of the Staple to bee brought from Middleborow to Calice Iohn Walcot Shriue Iohn Louely Shriue William Venour Grocer Maior In Oxford the Welsh and Southerne schollers assailed the Northerne whereby many murders were done on each side Iohn Francis shriue Thomas Viuent shriue Adam Bawne Goldsmith Maior This Adam Bawne prouided that from parts beyond the seas was corne brought to London plentifully to the furtherance of which good work the Maior and Citizens tooke out of the Orphans chest in their Guild-hall 2000. markes to buy corne and the Aldermen laid out each of them 20. pound to the like purpose The good man of the Cock in Cheape at the litle conduit was murdered in y e night time by a thiefe that came in at a gutter window as it was known long after by the same thiefe when he was at the Gallowes to be hanged for fellony but his wife was burnt therefore and thrée of his men drawne to Tyborne and there hanged wrongfully Iohn Chadworth Shriue Henry Venor Shriue Iohn Hinde Draper Maior Vpon Christmas day a Dolphin came vp the riuer of Thames to London bridge foreshewing the tempests that followed shortly after or else the disturbance of the Citizens which through y e Kings displeasure they came into because the Londoners had denied the lending of 1000. pound which the king demanded of them Hee caused the Maior Shriues Aldermen to be summoned to a Counsell at Nottingham there imprisoned them disanulling all their liberties and made sir Edward Dalengrige Warden of London Gilbert Maghfield Shriue Thomas Newington Shriue William Stondon Grocer Maior When the King saw the Londoners sore repent their trespasses he came to London where the citizens receiued him with so great glory as might haue séemed to receiue an Emperour in his triumph with such gifts did honour him that the worth thereof could not bee estéemed By this meanes the King became more tractable to grant them their liberties and then the Kings Bench from Yorke and the Chancery from Nottingh●● were returned to London Drew Barentine shriue Richard Whiting●on shriue Iohn Hatley Grocer Maior Qéene Anne died at Shene in Southery and was buried at Westminster William Brumstone Shriue Thomas Knowles Shriue Iohn Froshie Mercer Maior King Richard made a chargeable voyage into Ireland which came to small effect Roger Ellis Shriue William Skirrington Shriue William Moore Vintner Maior The Kings of England and of France met besides Calice and there concluded a peace King Richard tooke to his wife Isabell daughter to the French King Thomas Wilford Shriue William Parker Shriue Adam Bawne Goldsmith and Richard Whittington Mercer Maiors This yeare 1397. Tamberlaine being Lord of a a certaine wast countrey and rude people in the East who not long before had assembled great numbers of strangers vnto his aid ouerthrown the Persians vnderstanding that Baiazeth the Turkish Emperour had won diuers kingdomes and many strong Citties from the Christians as also discomfited the Christian Emperiall army which consisted of Gréekes Italians Germanes Hungarions Seruians Myssians Frenchmen and others and that he still persisted in extreame pride of his inuincible strength fortune with a mightie hoast had besieged Constantinople eight yeares being fully perswaded that there was no power vpon earth that could redéeme the Cittie out of his hands because he knew the Princes of Christendome to bee at dissention among themselues And therupon secured himselfe y t if Europ could not preuaile against him there was no other power that durst encounter him And whilest hée thus thought the saide Tamberlaine the yeare alone written came vpon him with a very mighty hoast in a set battell vpon Mount Stella where Pompey fought with Mithridates hee ouercame this Baiazeth being the fourth of that name flew two hundred thousand Turkes tooke him prisoner put him in an iron cage and so carried him in triumph from place to place This Baiazeth was crowned in the yeare 1373. Amurah the second was crowned 1414. he was the first that ordained the Emperiall Band or guarde of renegate Christians commonly called Ianezaries And in the yeare 1447. Constantine the 7. was crowned Emperour of Constantinople being before that K. of Morea he was surnamed the Dragon for his cruelty which he exercised vpon the Turkes for reuenge whereof other ancient grudges Mahomet sonne of Amurat the 2. in the yeare 1452. after hee had done great spoiles and damage vpon Gréece hee also conquered their chiefe Citie Constantinople tooke Constantine the Christian Emperour prisoner then cōmanded his head to be cut-off and with great derision caused his head to bee showne throughout all the Turkish campe And among other things of worthy note and obseruation you shall vnderstand that whereas the famous Citie Constantinople was at first dignified reedified enriched aduanced by a Constantine whose mothers name was S. Helen the same Citie was lost subiugated vnto Turkish slauery by a Constantine whose mothers name was likewise Helen This Mahomet was the second of that name and the eight in ranke of Turkish Emperours was the first that arrogated to his title the name of Great whose successors euer since haue béene called the great Turke or grand Signor Therefore Baiazeth the fourth by reason of sundry his victories against the Christians and cruell murthers which he had performed on his kindred friendes was surnamed the whirlwinde or thunderbolt of heauen And Tamberlaine after his conquest calling to minde all his fortunes considering how many mighty Princes he had subdued surnamed himselfe the scourge of God Thomas Duke of Glocester King Richards Vncle was murdered at Calice The Earle of Arundell and many other were put to death for that they rebuked the King in certaine matters somewhat liberally Richard Askam Shriue Iohn Woodcocke Shriue Richard
was at Church hauing raigned ten yeares Reade the supplement of Chronicles The Dukedome of Ferrara for want of heires male returned to the Church againe about the yeare 1596. and Pope Clement the 8. tooke possession thereof and conuerted it to a commonwealth retaining the regall power thereof vnto himselfe and his successors The Scots were ouerthrowne at Hallidon Hill Earle Dowglas was taken many other there were drowned in the riuer of Twéed about 500. Richard Marlew Shriue Robert Chicheley Shriue Iohn Walcot Draper Maior A great battell was fought neare vnto Shrewesbury betwéene King Henry and Henry Percy the yonger vnto whom was ioyned sir Thomas Percy Earle of Worcester vncle to the said Henry almost all the Gentlemen of Ches-shire Sir Henry Percy was slaine sir Thomas Percy taken and beheaded and of the commons on both sides about 5000. slaine The town of Plimouth was burnt by y e Britons Thomas Falconer shriue Thomas Poole shriue William Askam Fishmonger Maior The Frenchmen came to the Isle of Wight but those of the Isle rising against them they were glad to depart The Lord of Cassels in Britain arriued at Black poole 2. mile out of Dartmouth with a great Nauy Where of the rusticall people hee was slaine and xvii ships were taken fraught with wines William Louth Shriue Stephen Spilman Shriue Iohn Hinde Draper Maior The sonne of Owen Glendouerdew was taken and 150. with him were taken and slaine Richard Scrope Archbishop of Yorke and Thomas Monbray Earle Marshall imagined diuers articles against the King because he had put downe King Richard offering themselues for those articles to liue and die which caused great numbers of people to resort to them but they were taken and presented to the King at Yorke where they were both beheaded Henry Berton Shriue William Cromer Shriue Iohn Woodstocke Mercer Maior Iames the sonne of Robert King of Scots being nine yeares old sayling towards France was by tempest of weather driuen vpon the coast of England where being taken he was presented to the King and remained prisoner till the second yeare of Henry the sixth Nicholas Wotton shriue Geffery Brooke shriue Richard Whittington Maior A pestilence consumed in the Citty of London about 30000. Sir Robert Knowles Knight deceased he builded anew the bridge of Rochester hee reedified the Church of the white Friars at London where hée was buried he founded a colledge at Pomfret c. Henry Pomfret Shriue William Hallon Shriue William Stonden Grocer Maior A frost lasted 15. wéekes Henry Earle of Northumberland and the Lord Bardolph came into England with a great company pretending by proclaimation to deliuer the people from the great suppression that they well burdned with but by sir Thomas Rokeby Shriue of Yorkeshire he was encounted at Bramhaunnor there slaine the Lord Bardolph was wounded to death Thomas Dacke Shriue William Norton Shriue Drew Barentine Goldsmith Maior This yeare was a great play at Skinners well neare vnto Clarken well besides London was of matter from y e creation of the world there were to behold the same the most part of Nobles and Gentiles in England and forthwith after began a royall Iousting in Smithfield betwéene the H●nowayes and our English Lords Iohn Law shriue William Chichely shriue Richard Marlow Irenmonger Maior Vpon the euen of S. Iohn Baptist Iohn the Kings son being in East Cheape after midnight a great debate happened betwéene his men men of the Court till the Maior with other Citizens ceased the same K. Henry founded a Colledge at Battlefield in Shropshire where he ouercame Sir Henry Percy and other Iohn Penne shriue Thomas Pike shriue Thomas Knowles Grocer Maior The guild Hall in London was began to be made newly by the foresaid Maior Aldermē A squier of Wales named Rice ap Dee which had long time rebelled against the King was brought to London and there drawne hanged and quartered Iohn Rainewill Shriue William Cotton Shriue Robert Chichely Grocer Maior The K. caused a new coine of nobles to be made which were of lesse value then the old by 4. d. in a Noble King Henry founded the Colledge of Fadringhey in Northamptonshire Ralph Leuenhinde shriue William Seuenoke shriue William Waldren Mercer Maior● After the fortunate chances happened to K. Henry being deliuered of all ciuill diuision he was taken with sicknesse yéelded to God his spirit the 10. of March Anno 1412. when he had raigned 13 yeares 6. moneths and odde daies he was buried at Canterbury H●●ry the fifth began his raigne the 20. of March in the yeare 1412. This Prince excéeded the meane stature of men he was beautious of visage his neck long body slender and leane and his bones smal neuertheles he was of maruellous great strength and passing swift in running Sir Iohn Old Castle for diuers points touching the Sacrament before the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishop of London Winchester and other was conuict and committed to the Tower of London out of the which he brake Iohn Stotton Shriue Iohn Michael Shriue William Cromer Draper Maior Certaine adherents of Sir Iohn Olde Castle assembled them in Thickets field neare vnto the citie of London but the King being warned tooke the field afore them and so took of them such numbers that all the prisoners about London were ●●●led diuers of them were after executed Iohn N●anset Esquire with 9. of his men slew Iohn Tibbey Clarke Chancellour to the Quéene for the which déed the said Esquier and foure of his men fled to S. Anns Church within Aldersgate and after for swore the land Iohn Michael Shriue Thomas Allin Shriue Thomas Fawconer Mercer Maior This Thomas Fawconer caused to breake the wall of London neare vnto Colman stréet and there to make a gate vpon the moore side where was none before He also caused the ditch to be cleansed The King rode to Southhampton where was discouered a great conspiracy against him by Richard Earle of Cambridge sir Thomas Gray and Henry Scrope with other who were executed at Southhampton The King entred the sea with 1000. saile and the third night after arriued in Normandy He laid siege to Hartflew which was yéelded to him Hee sought the battell at Agincourt where hee had a maruellous victory About this time Philip the French King began to set a custome or impost vpon Salt which was neuer before William Cambridge Shriue Allen Euerard Shriue Nicholas Wotton Draper Maior K. Henry arriued at Douer The Maior of London with the Aldermen and crafts riding in red with hoods red and white met with the King on blacke Richard Whittington Shriue Iohn Couentry Shriue Henry Barton Skinner Maior This yeare it was decréed by a court of common counsaile that a lantherne candle light should be hanged out at euery doore in the city in the winter On Easter day at a Sermon in S.
ordained a number of chosen archers to giue daily attendance on his person whom he named Yeomen of the Guard King Henry sent vnto the Lord Maior of London requiring him and his Citizens of a prest of 6000. markes Wherefore the Maior with his Brethren and Commons granted 2000. pound which prest was repaied againe the next yeare following Wheate was sold for 3. s. the bushell and bay salt at the like price The Crosse in Cheape was new builded Iohn Perciuall Shriue Hugh Clopton Shriue Henry Collet Mercer Maior Iohn Perciuall being the Maiors Caruer was by Hugh Brice late Maior chosen Shriue of London for the yeare following The king married Elizabeth the eldest daughter al Edward the fourth by which meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster were vnited Francis Louel and Humphrey Stafford rebelled in the North which commotion was quieted by the Duke of Bedford there was slaine Iohn Earle of Lincolne the Lord Louell Martine Swart and other there aboue foure thousand This battel was sought high to a village called Stoke On the twenty one of September Quéene Elizabeth brought foorth her first sonne named Arthur Iohn Fenkill Shriue William Remington Shriue William Horne Salter Maior King Henry comming to London made W. Horne Maior of London and Iohn Perciuall Alderman Knights betwixt Hornsey and Iseldon A prest for the King in the Citie of London of 4000. pound and shortly after was another prest of 2000. pound which were both repaied againe the next yeare William Isaake Shriue Ralph Tinle● Shriue Robert Ta●e Mercer Maior A taske of the tenth peny of all mens goods and lands was granted to K. Henry to aide the Duke of Britaine against the French King through which taske the commons of the North made all insurrection and slew the Earle of Northemberland wherefore Iohn Achamber their Captaine with other were hanged at Yorke William Capel Shriue Iohn Brooke Shriue William White Draper Ma●or Roger Shauelocke a Taylor within Ludgate of London being a ma● of great wealth flew himselfe for whose goods was great busines betwéene the Kings Alm●er and the Shriues of London H. Coote ● Reuil Shriue Hugh Pemberton Shriue Iohn Mathew Mercer Maior King Henry required a beneuolence which was granted towards his iourney into France Henry the Kings second sonne borne at Gréenwich the 22. of Iune The Conduit in Grace stréet was begun to bee builded by the Excecutors of Thomas Hill late Maior Wheate was sold at London for twentie pence the bushell Thomas Wood Shriue William Browne Shriue Hugh Clopton Mercer Maior This Hugh Clopton during his life a Batcheler builded a stone bridge at Stratford vpon Anon. King Henry tooke his voyage into France with a great Army to aide the Britons against the French King William Purchase Shriue William Welbecke Shriue William Martin Skinner Maior King Henry returned into England Two Pardone ●s were set on the Pillory in Cornehill thrée market dayes for forging of false pardons and for that one of them had fained himselfe to be a Priest he was sent to Newgate where he died the other was driuen out of London with shame enough A riot made vpon the Easterlings or Stilliard men by Mercers seruants and others of the City of London for the which many of them were sore punished Robert Fabian shriue Iohn Winger shriue Sir Ralph Austrie Fishmonger Maior This Ralph Austrie roofed with timber couered with lead the Parish Church of S. Martin in the Vintry and also glazed the same Church c. King Henry holding his roial feast at Christmas at Westminster on the twelfth day feasted the Maior of London Ralph Austry and his brethren the Aldermen Commoners after dinner he dubbed the Maior Knight and caused him his brethren to tary behold the disguisings other disports in the night following shewed in the great hall hanged with arras staged all along on both sides which disports being ended the K. Quéene and Ambassadors and other States being set at a Table of stone 60. Knights Esquires serued 60 dishes to the Kings messe and as many to the Quéenes neither fish nor flesh the Maior with 24. dishes to his messe of the same maner seruice with sundry wines in most plenteous wise Finally the King and Quéene being conueied into the Pallace the Maior with his company in barges returned and came to London by the breake of the next day Wheat was sold at London at 6. d. the bushell bay salt for 3. d. halfe peny Nantwich salt for sixe pence the bushell white herring for 6. s. the barrell red herring at 3. s. the cade red sprats 6. d. the Cade and Gascoine wine at 6. l. the tun Nicholas Alwine Shriue Iohn Warner Shriue Richard Chaurie Salter Maior Sir William Stanley was beheaded on tower hill White herring being good were sold for 3. s. 4. d. the barrell at London Perkin Warbecke arriued at Deale in Kent where when hee and his company saw they could haue no comfort of the country they withdrewe to their ships againe but the Maior of Sandwich with certaine commons of the countrey vickered with the residue that were vpon the land and tooke aliue of them 169. persons who were hanged in Kent Essex Sussex and Norfolke Thomas Knesworth Shriue Henry Somer Shriue Sir Henry Coliet Mercer Maior The 16. of Nouember was holden the Serieants feast at the Bishops place of Ely in Holborne where dined the King Quéene and all the chiefe Lords of England In Aprill was concluded an amitie and entercourse betwéene this land and the countrey of Flanders c. The Scots entred England and by the setting on of Perkin Warbecke did much harme Iohn Shaw Shriue Richard Haddon Shriue Sir Iohn Tate Mercer Maior This Iohn Tate newly builded and enlarged S. Anthonies Church in London a Colledge of a goodly foundation with a frée Schoole and certaine almes houses for ●oore men Sir Reignald Bray with others of the Kings Counsell declared to the Maior of London that the K. desired to borrow of the Citizens 10000. li. The Maior desired respite till the 5. day following at which time was assembled at the Guild-hall the common counsell thither came the forenamed sir Reignald Bray with other of the Kings Councel at which day with great submission and praier made vnto them to bee good meanes for the Citty vnto the Kings Grace the commons lastly granted to lend vnto the King 4000. li. which of his Grace was well and thankfully accepted and truly repaied By meanes of a Parliament that was granted to the King a commotion was made by the Commons of Cornewall which vnder the leading of Iames Lord Audley with Michel a Blacksmith and other came to Blacke-heath where the King met with them discomfited and tooke their Captaines there was slaine of the rebels about 300. and taken about 1500. The Lord Audley was beheaded on the Towerhill the
shire as brought from other countries adioyning Hee also builded almeshouses for poore people nigh S. Helens Church in London gaue lands to the Company of Skinners in the same Citie amounting to the value of 60. l. 3. s. 8 d. the yeare for the which they be bound to pay 20. l. to the schoolemen 8. l. to the Vsher of the free schoole at Tonbridge yearely for euer and 4. shillings the wéeke to 6. poore people at S. Helens 8. d. the péece wéekely and 25. shillings 4. d. the yeare in coles amongst them for euer More Alice Smith of London widdow late wife to Thomas Smith of the same Citie Esquire and Customer of the Port of London in her last testament bequeathed landes to the value of 15. pounds by yeare for euer to the Skinners for the augmenting of the pensions of the poore inhabiting the eight almes-houses erected by the saide sir Andrew Iud her father in the said St. Helenes in Bishopsgate-stréete She also hath giuen to the Hospitals and to the poore of other parrishes and good Preachers the summe of 300. pound As also to poore Schollers in the Vniuersities the summe of 200. pound Of which her last will and testament she made her sonne Thomas Smith late shriue of London and Richard and Robert Smith her Executors who haue performed the same according to her godly and charitable mind On Saint Valentines day at Feuersham in Kent one Arden a Gentleman was murdered by consent of his wife for the which fact she was the 14. of March burnt at Canterbury Michael master Ardens man was hanged in chaines at Fenersham and a maiden burnt Mosbie and his sister were hanged in Smithfield at London Greene which had fled came againe certaine yéeres after and was hanged in chaines in the high way against Feuersham and blacke Will the Ruffian that was hired to doe the act burnt at Flushing in Zeland The 14. of February D. Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester was depriued of his Bishoppricke and so committed to the tower againe Into his place was translated Doctor Poinet The 24. of Aprill a Dutch man was burnt in Smithfield for an Arrian The 25. of May an Earthquake at Blechingly Godstone Titsey Rigate Croidon Benington Albery and diuers other places in Southery The 9. of Iuly the base monies coined in the time of King Henry the eight and Edward the sixt was proclaimed the shillings to goe for 9. pence the groat for thrée pence which tooke effect immediately The sweating sicknesse began in London the ninth of Iuly which was so terrible that people being in best health were suddenly taken dead in 24. houres and twelue or lesse And it is to bée noted that this mortalitie fell chiefely on men of the best age as betwéene thirty and forty yeares Also it followed Englishmen as well within the Realme as in strange Countries the first wéeke died in London 806. persons The seuentéenth of August the shilling which of late was called downe to nine pence was called to sixe pence the great to two pence the halfe great to a peny the peny to an halfe peny Iohn Lambert Iohn Cowper Shriues The sixtéenth of October E. Seymer Duke of Somerset the Lord Gray of Wilton Sir Ralph Vane Sir T. Palmer Sir Miles Partridge Sir Michael Stanhop Sir T. Arundell Knights and diuers other gentlemen were brought to the tower of London the next morrow the Dutches of Somerset was also brought to the tower The liberties of the stilyard were seased into y e kings hands Sir Robert Dabs Skinner the 28. of October The 30. of October was proclaimed a new coine both of siluer and gold souerains of 30. shillings Angels of 10. shillings c. The 6. of Nouember the old Quéene of Scots rode through London toward Scotland after shée had laine foure dayes in the Bishop of Londons Pallace The first of December the Duke of Somerset was arraigned at Westminster and condemned of fellony The seuenth of December was a muster of horsemen before the King at S. Iames. The 22. of Ianuary Edward duke of somerset was beheaded on the tower hill The 26. of February sir R. Vine and sir M. Partridge were hanged on the tower hill Sir M. Stanhope with sir Thomas A●undell were beheaded there The last of April a house neare to the tower of London with thrée last of powder was blowne vp the gunpowder makers being 15. in number were all slaine The 16. of May was a muster of horsemen before the King at Gréenewich The 26. of Iuly began the preparing of the Gray Friars house in London for the poore fatherlesse children and that moneth began the repairing of S. Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke for poore impotent and lame persons The third of August at Middleton 11. miles from Oxford a woman brought foorth a childe which had two perfect bodies from the Nauill vpward and were so ioyned together at the Nauill that when they were laid in length the one head and bodie was East the other West the legges of both the bodies grew to it at midst where the bodies ioyned and had but one issue for the execrements they liued 18. dayes and were women children The 8. of August were taken at Quéene brough 3. great fishes called Dolphins and the wéeke following at Blacke wall were sixe more taken and brought to London This moneth of August began the great prouision for the poore in London toward the which euery man was contributary and gaue certaine money in hand and couenanted to giue a certaine wéekely The 7. of October were two great fishes called Whirlepooles taken at Grauesend William Garrard Iohn Maynard Shriues Sir George Barne Haberdasher Maior This Sir George Barne gaue a Windmill in Flusbury fielde to the Haberdashors of London the profits rising thereof to bee distributed to the poore almes people at the same company The seuenth of October were thrée great fishes called Whirepooles taken at Grauesend which were drawne vppe to the Kings Bridge at Westminster In this moneth the King damanded of the marchants aduenturers by way of prost of euery broad cloth then shipped to Borwins mart twenty shillings sterling to be paid at Anwerpe for certaine debt there and they to haue the Kings hand for the repaiment thereof which did at that time mount to more then fortie and eight thousand pound The first of Nouember being the feast of all S. the new seruice Booke called the Booke of common prayer began in Pauls Church and the like through the Citie the Bishop of London Doctor Ridley executed the seruice in the forenoone and preached at Pauls Crosse in the afternoone The 23. of Nouember the children were taken into the hospital of the gray Friars called Christs Hospitall And also sicke and poore people into the Hospitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke in which two places the children and poore people should
haue meat drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmas day in the afternoone when the Lord Maior and Aldermen rode to Pauls the children of Christs Hospitall stood from St. Laurence lane in Cheape towards Pauls all in russet cotton the masters of the hospitall formost next the Physitians and Surgeons which children were in number 340. King Edward kept his Christmas with open houshold at Gréenewich George Ferrers Gentleman being Lord of merry disports al the xii daies who so pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had great delight in his pastimes On the fourth of Ianuary the saide Lord of merry disports came by water to the Tower where hee entred and after rode through Tower stréete where he was met and receiued by Sergeant Vaus Lord of misrule to master Iohn Mainard one of the Shriues of London so conducted thorow the Cittie with a great company of young Lords and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lord Maior where he with the chiefe of his company dined and at his departure the Lord Maior gaue him a standing Cuppe with a couer siluer and gilt of the value of x. pound the residue of his Gentlemen and seruants dined at other Aldermens houses and with the Shrieues In the Moneth of Ianuary the King fell sicke of a cough which grieuously increased and at the last ended in a consumption of the lights The first of March began a Parliament at Westminster and brake vp on the 31. of March then being Good-friday a subsidie was granted of 4. shillings the pound lands and two shillings eight pence goods The third of Aprill being Munday after Easter day the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thence through the City to the sermon at saint Mary spittle all cloathed in pl●nket coats with red caps and the mayden children in the same liuery with karchiefes all which were there placed on the scaffold of eight stages and there sate the Sermon time The tenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was sent for to the Court and at that time the King gaue to him for a workhouse for the poore and idle persons of the Citie of London his place of Bridewell and seuen hundred marks lands of the Sauoy rents with all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy toward the maintenance of the said workehouse The 20. of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Cabot thrée great ships well furnished were sent forth for the aduenture of the vnknown voiage to Muscouia and other east parts of the North seas King Edward being about the age of sixtéene yeares ended his life at Gréenewich on the sixt of Iuly when he had raigned 6. yeares 5. moneths and odde daies and was buried at Westminster The tenth of Iuly was proclamation made of the death of King Edward and how he had ordained that the Lady Iane daughter to Francis Dutchesse of Suffolke which Lady Iane was married to the Lord Gilford Dudley fourth sonne to the Duke of Northumberland should be heire to the Crowne of England The 11. of Iuly Gilbert Pot Drawer to Ninion Sanders Vintner dwelling at Saint Iohns head within Ludgate was set on the pillory in Cheape with both his eares nailed and cleane cut off for words speaking at the time of the Proclamation of the Lady Iane. Lady Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight fled into Framingham Castle in Suffolke where the people in the country almost wholly resorted to her In Oxford Sir Iohn Williams in Buckinghamshire Sir Edmond Pecham and in diuers other places many men of worship offering themselues as guides to the common people gathered great powers and with all spéede made toward Suffolke where Lady Mary was Also the 13. of Iuly by appointment of the Counsell the duke of Northumberland the Earle of Huntington the Lord Gray of Wilton and diuers other with a great number of men of armes set forward to fetch the Lady Marie by force and were on their way as farre as Bury The 19. of Iuly the Counsell assembled themselues at Baynards Castle where they commoned with the Earle of Pembrooke and immediately with the Maior of London certaine Aldermen and the Shriues Garter King of armes and a Trumpet came into Cheape where they proclaimed the Lady Mary daughter to King Henry the eight and Quéene Katherine Quéene of England France and Ireland The 20. of Iuly Iohn Duke of Northumberland being at Saint Edmonsbury and hauing sure knowledge that the Lady Mary was at London proclaimed Quéene returned backe againe to Cambridge and about fiue of the Clocke in the euening he came to the market crosse and caused the Lady Mary to be likewise proclaimed Quéene of England but shortly after he was arrested in the Kings Colledge And the 25. of Iuly hee with other was brought vp to the Tower of London vnder the conduct of Henry Earle of Arundell Thus was the matter ended without bloodshed which men feared would haue brought the death of many thousands Queene Mary MAry the eldest daughter to K. Henry the eight beganne her raigne the sixt of Iuly in the yeare 1553. she came to London and was receiued with great ioy entred the tower the third of August where Thomas Duke of Norffolke Doctor Gardiner late Bishop of Winchester and Edward Courtney sonne and heire to Henry Marquesse of Excester prisoners in the Tower discharged The fifth of August Edmond Bonner late Bishop of London prisoner in the Marshalsey and Cuthbert Tunstall Bishop of Durham prisoner in the Kings Bench were restored to their Seas shortly after all the Bishops which had béene depriued in the time of King Edward the sixt were restored to their Bishoprickes also all beneficed men that were married or would not forsake their opinion were put out of their liuings others set in the same The 11. of August certaine Gentlemen minding to passe vnder London bridge in a whirrie were there ouerturned and 6. of them drowned The 13. of August maister Bourne a Canon of Paules preaching at Pauls Crosse so offended sonne of the audience that they breaking silence cried pull him out and one threw a dagger at him whereupon master Bradford and Iohn Rogers two Preachers of King Edwards time with much labour conuaied the saide master Bourne out of the audience into Paules Schoole The 22. of August Iohn Duke of Northumberland Sir Iohn Gates sir Thomas Palmer knights were beheaded on the Tower hill The 4. of September was proclaimed certaine new coines a soueraine of gold of 30. s. the halfe soueraine 15. s. an Angell x. s. the halfe angell 5. s. Of siluer the great halfe groat and peny Also bas● coines to be currant as before At the same day by proclamation was pardoned the Subsidie of foure shillings the pound lands and 2. s. 8. d. the pound of moueable goods granted in the last Parliament of King
Edward Thomas Ofley William Hewet Shriues The last of September Quéene Mary rode through the Citie of London to Westminster A Dutchman stood on the wethercocke of Pauls stéeple holding a streamer in his hand of fiue yardes long and bowing his knée when the Quéene rode by vnder him were two scaffolds one aboue the crosse and the other beneath the bowle of the crosse both set with streamers wauing and torches burning On the morrow the Quéene was crowned at Westminster by Doctor Gardiner Bishop of Winchester The 25. of October the Barge of Grauesend was ouerturned and 14. persons drowned Sir Thomas White Merchant Tailor Maior This Sir Thomas White a worthy Patron and protector of poore schollers and learning erected a Colledge in Oxford now called S. Iohns Colledge before Bernards Colledge he also erected S. Iohns hall sometime Glocester Colledge in Oxford for one hundred of schollars or more and adioyned it to his Colledge Hee also erected schooles at Bristow and Reading moreouer this worshipfull Cittizen in his life time gaue to the Cittie of Bristow two thousand pounds of ready money to purchase landes to the yearely value of 120. pound for the which it is agréed that the Maior Burgesses and commonaltie of Bristow in Anno 1567. and so yearely during the tearme of ten yeares then next ensuing should cause to be paide at Bristow an hundred pound of lawfull money The 800. pound to be lent to sixtéene poore young cloathiers and frée men of the same towne for the space of ten yeares fiftie pound the péece of them putting sufficient sureties for the same and at the end of tenne yeares to be lent to other sixtéene at the discretion of the Maior Aldermen and foure of the common counsell of the saide Cittie The other 200. l. to be imploied to y e prouision of corne for the reliefe of the poore of the same Citie for their ready money without gaine to betaken And after the end of 9. yeares on the feast of Saint Bartholmew which shall be in Ann. 1577. at the Marchant-tailors hall in London vnto the Maior and commonaltie of the Cittie of Yorke or to their Attorney authorised an hundred and foure pound to be lent vnto foure young men of the said Citie of Yorke frée men and inhabitants clothiers alwaies to bee preferred viz. to euery one 25. pound to haue and occupy the same for the tearme of tenne yeares without paying any thing for the loane of foure pound ouerplus of the 104 pound at the pleasure of the Maior and commonaltie for their paines to bee taken about the receits and paiments of the said 100. l. The like order in all points is taken for the deliuery of 104 pound in the yeare 1578. to the Cittie of Canterbury in the yeare 1579. to Reding 1580. to the company of the Marchant-tailors 1581. to Glocester 1582. to Worcester 1583. to Excester 1584. to Salisbury 1585. to Worcester 1586. to Norwich 1587. to Southhampton 1588. to Lincolne 1589. to Winchester 1590. to Oxford 1591. to Hereford Cast 1592. to Cambridge 1593. to Shrewsbury 1594. to Linne 1595. to Bathe 1596. to Darby 1597. to Ipswich 1598. to Colchester 1599. to Newcastle And then to begin againe at bristow 104. pound the next yéere to the Citie of Yorke and so forth to euery of the said Cities and townes in the like order as afore and thus to continue for euer More this Sir Thomas White gaue vnto the Maior and commonaltie of Couentry the summe of 1400. pound to purchase landes and tenements to the value of seuentie pound by the yeere which the said Maior and Communaltie did purchase by the onely procurement and aid of the said sir Thomas White for the reliefe and preferment of the Common-wealth of the said Citie of Couentry being then in great decay The rents and profits whereof he hath deuised to be yeerely conuerted as followeth First that twelue poore men Inhabitants of the foresaid Citie shall haue paid vnto them in free almes the summe of 24. pounds yeerely the same to be paid vnto them vpon the xi of March yeerely or within vi daies after viz. to euery of them xl s. a peere for euer Further hee hath deuised that for the space of tenne yeeres within one yeere after his decease to foure poore young men of the said City xl pound yeerely viz. ten pound to each of them for ix yeeres following the receit thereof in freelone And after those ix yeeres be expired to other iiii poore young men of the said Citie likewise for ix yeeres so from ix yeeres to ix yeeres for euer And after those ten yeeres be expired he doth deuise that the said Maior or Communaltie and Bailifes of Couentry for the space of thirty yeeres shall imploy the said xl l. yeerely to two yong men of the said Citie for nine yeeres in free lone for euer and so likewise after those nine yeers from nine yeeres to nine for euer And after those thirty yeeres bee expired the said summe of forty pound yeerely to be deliuered in free lone to one young man of the said Citie for nine yeeres and so likewise from nine yeeres to nine yeeres for euer And after that he doth deuise the said summe of fortie pound to bee paid and deliuered to the Towne of Northampton the same to be deliuered to one young man for nine yeeres in free lone and so from nine yeeres to nine yeeres for euer And then the next yeere after that to the Towne of Leicester as aforesaid And the next yeere after that to the Towne of Nottingham as aforesaid And the next yeere after that to the Towne of Warwicke as aforesaid And then againe to Couentry for one yeere and so to the other townes aforesaid one after another for euer And he doth deuise to the Master and Wardens of the Marchantaylors to see the said deuise truely executed and performed according to the couenants twenty s. yeerely for euer And to the Maior Recorder and tenne Aldermen of Couentry for their paines in putting foorth the said money sixe shillings eight pence to each of them for euer and to the Steward and towne Clerke for making of the Bonds continually without any charge to those that receiue the said mony twentie shillings yeerely for euer this is in the Records remayning in the Marchantaylors Hall And furthermore as I haue receiued from Saint Iohns Colledge in Oxford the same Sir Thomas White inlarged the gift of 1400. pound aforesaid to be deliuered to the Citie of Couentry to the summe of 2060. pound or thereabout towards the purchasing of lands within the City of Couentry or neere to the same the rents whereof to bee imployed as is before rehearsed with addition also to pay yearely fortie pound to the said Colledge of Saint Iohns in Oxford for annuitie for euer Cardinall Poole was sent for to returne to England The 12. of Nouember Doctor Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Lady Iane that was
Church of S. Faiths vnder Pauls Church in London to giue to twelue poore people euery friday 12 pence in money and 12 pence in bread Item to Christs Hospitall in London yearely for euer 6 pounds and 100 pounds in many to purchase lands Item to Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke foure pounds yearely Item to the Hospitall called the Sauoy somtime 10 pounds at once to buy bedding for the poore Item to the Cloth-workers in London 4 pounds in the yéere Also more his late dwelling house with other to the value of 30 pounds the yeare to the intent they should hire a Minister to say diuine seruice euery Sunday Wednesday and Friday and that foure Sermons euery yeare after his decease bee preached in the Church to the said house belonging called S. Iames in the wall by Creple-gate and also to giue to 12 poore men yearely on the first of October to euery one a Gowne of good Fréese ready made a shirt of good locoram a strong paire of shooes And 12 poor women 12 gown● of the like Fréese 12 smockes and twelue paire of shooes for euer Item he erected a frée Schoole and sixe almes houses at Sutton valens in Kent where hee was borne and appointed for the Master twentie pounds and the vsher tenne pounds yearely for euer and to the sixe almes-houses tenne pounds yearely with an orchard and gardens Item towards a free Schoole at Maidstone in Kent Item to set poore Clothiers aworke in the country of Suffolke one hundred pounds To the towns of Ludlow and Bridgenorth each of them a hundred pounds The 31 of May Martine Frobisher with one Ship and two Barkes furnished for that purpose sailed from Harwich in Essex towardes Cathay by the Northwest Seas and entred his straits beyond Quéene Elizabeths fore-land about thirty leagues where he went on shore and finding store of gold Ore as he had bin enformed fraught his Ship and Barke caught a man woman and child of that country and then on the twenty foure of August returning arriued at Milford hauen on the twentieth of September The 20 of Iune W. Lumney a poore man in the Parish of Emely in the county of Worcester being kept in prison by a wealthy Widow he hauing a Mare of 22 yeares old with Foale within thrée daies after his Mare foaled a Mare Colt the which immediatly had an Vdder out of the which was milked the same day a pint of Milke and euery day after gaue aboue three pintes to the great sustentation of the said poore mans wife and children the which Colt continued in that sort long time after as hath béene séene of many thousands The fourth fift and sixt dayes of Iuly was the Assises held at Oxford where was arraigned and condemned one Rowland Ienkes for his seditious tongue at which time there arose amidst the people a dampe that almost all were smothered very fewescaped that were not taken at that instant the Iurors died presently shortly after died Sir Robert Bell Lord chiefe Baron Sir Rode Olie Sir W. Babington Master Weneman M. de Olie high Shrieue M. Danuers M. Harcourt M. Kirle M. Pheteplace M. Greenewood M. Foster M. Nash Serieant Baram M. Stephens c. There died in Oxford three hundred persons and sickened there but died in other places 200 odde from the sixt of Iuly to the twelth of August after which day died not one of that sicknes nor one of them infected not another nor any one woman or child died thereof On Sunday the fourth of August betwéene the houre of 9 and 10 of the clocke in the forenoone whilst the Minister was reading of the second Lesson in the Parish Church of Blib●rough a town in Suffolke a strange and te●●le tempest of Lightning and Thunder stroke through the wall of the same Church into the ground almost a yard déepe draue downe all the people on that side aboue 20 persons then renting the wall vp to the Reuestry cleft the doore and returned to the Stéeple rent the timber brake the chains and fled toward Bongey sixe miles off the people that were stricked downe were found groueling more then halfe an houre after whereof a man and a boy were found stack dead the other were scorched The like flash of Lightning and crackes of Thunder rent the Parish Church of Bongey nine miles from Norwich wrung in sunder the wires whéeles of the clocke slew two men which sate in the belfrey and scorched another which hardly escaped The stone Tower of London Bridge being decayed was taken downe and a new foundation drawne Sir Iohn Langley Lord Maior of the City of London laide the first stone the 28 of August in the presence of the Shrieues of London and the two Bridge-Masters Nicholas Backhouse Francis Bowyer Sir Thomas Ramsey Grocer This sir Thomas Ramsey Lord Maior of the City of London with the goodly and vertuous Lady Dame Mary his wife both liuing being seised of lands in the right of the said Dame Mary and of her inheritance haue giuen the fée simple of the same lands being the yearely value of 243 l to Christs Hospitall in London The rents and profits whereof are limited to be imployed as followeth viz. vnto Peter House in Cambridge shal be giuen yearely forty pound to the finding of foure schollars and two fellowes there More tenne pound yearely towardes the relieuing of the poore harboured in the Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew in London and other tenne pounds yearely to the relieuing of poore Prisoners in the foure Prisons of London to wit Newgate Ludgate and the two Counters this to be continued for euer the residue to be conuerted towardes reliefe of the poore children of Christs Hospitall aforesaid This gift she afterward in her widowhood confirmed and augmented greatly both in her life and by her Testament The 11 of Nouember at night was seene a blazing Starre with a long streame which was nightly séene till eight of the clocke Tae 19 of Nouember the new Sergeants at the Law seuen in number held their feast in the Temple of London The 17 of Ianuary one Simon Pembrooke dwelling in Southwarke being vehemently suspected to be a Coniurer by commaundement of the ordinary Iudge for those parts appeared in the Parish Church of Saint Sauiour at the court holden there which Simon busied in entertaining a Proctor and hauing money in his hand leaned his head vpon the pew wherein the Proctor stood which after he had done a certain space the Proctor began to lift vp his head to sée what he aild and found him departed out of life and straightway the said Simon fell downe ratling a little in the throat and neuer spake word after This was done euen as the Iudge came into the church who said it was the iust iudgment of God towards those that vsed Sorcery and a great example to admonish others to feare the iustice of God After his clothes
the head was great for the chap of the iaw was thrée yards and a quarter in length with téeth of thrée quarters of a yard compasse great eyes and two great holes ouer them to spout water her taile was fourtéene foot broad in thicknes from the backe to the belly she was foure yards and a halfe This yéere 1583 the Quéene being at Barne Elmer at the earnest suite of sir Francis Walsingham shee entertained twelue Players into her seruice and allowed them wages and liueries as Groomes of the Chamber and vntill then she had none of her owne but diuers Lorde had Players Iames Earle of Desmond in Ireland secretly wandring without any succour being taken in his cabine by one of the Irish his head was cut off and sent into England where the same as the head of an Arch rebell was set on London Bridge on the 13 of December The 13 of December through negligence of vndiscréet persons brewing in the Towne of Nantwich the fire being carelesly left set vpon some light matter and so burst forth to the roofs of the house and in short time increased that from the West end of the Towne the flame was dispersed so furiously that in short space a great part of the South side and some of the East side was burned downe to the ground Which fire beginning at sixe of the clocke in the Euening and continuing till sixe of the clocke in the Morning consumed in a manner all the whole towne and about the number of two hundred houses beside brew-houses barnes stables c. In all about 600 houses Iohn Someruile of Edstow in Warwickshire of late discouered and taken in his way comming to haue killed the Quéene confessed that he was moued thereunto by certaine traiterous persons his kinsmen and allies and also by often reading of certaine seditious bookes lately published for the which the same Someruile Edward Arden Esquire Mary Arden his wife father and mother in Law to the said Someruile and Hugh Hall Priest were on the 16 of December arraigned in the Guild hall of London where they were found guilty and condemned of high treason On the 19 of December I. Someruile and E. Arden being brought from the Towre of London to Newgate and there shut vp in seuerall places within two houres after Someruile was found to haue strangled himselfe And on the morrow after E. Arden was drawne from Newgate into Smithfield and there hanged bowelled and quartered whose head with Someruiles was set on London Bridge and his quarters on the gates of the City On the 10 of Ianuary William Carter was arraigned and condemned of high treason for printing a seditious and traiterous booke intituled A Treatise of schisme and was for the same on the next morrow drawne from Newgate to Tiburne and there hanged bowelled and quartered and forthwith a booke was published intituled A Declaration of the fauourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners c. The 7 of February were arraigned at Westminster I. Fenne George Hadocke I. Munden I Nutter and Thomas Hemerford all fiue were found guiltie of high treason and had iudgement to be hanged bowelled and quartered and were executed at Tiburne on the 12 of February The 21 of May Francis Throgmorton Esquire was arraigned in the Guild-hall of the city of London where being found guilty of high treason he was condemned and had iudgment to be drawne hanged bowelled and quartered The tenth of Iuly next following the same Francis Throgmorton was conuayed by water from the Tower of London to the Blacke Fryars staires and from thence by land to the Sessions hall in the old Baily without Newgate where he was deliuered to the Shrieues of London laid on a hurdle drawne to Tiburne and there hanged and quartered This yeare 1584 the rich and most flourishing City of Antwerpe was strongly besieged by Alexander Duke of Parma with eleuen thousand men All which was in vaine except hee could stoppe all reliefe by water therefore he made a Bridge ouer the great Riuer of Scheld by meanes whereof the Citizens were wholly impeached of all maner of succour so as they were constrained to submit themselues again to the King of Spaine gouernment hauing endured a yeares siege during which time fiue hundred gallant Marchants at their owne charges became resolute Souldiers skirmishing daylie with the enemy vntill by their owne forwardnesse and the chance of warre they were either slaine or taken Stephen Slanie Henry Billingsley Sir Thomas Pullison Draper The 12 of Nouember the Quéene returning after her Progresse came to her Manor of S. Iames where the Citizens of London to the number of two hundred in coates of Veluet and chaines of gold on horsebacke and 1000 of the Companies on foot hauing torches ready to giue light on euery side receiued and welcommed her And on the twenty foure day of the same moneth her Maiesty and the Lords rode to the Parliament which was that day begun at Westminster In the moneth of Ianuary deceased Edward Fines Lord Clinton Earle of Lincolne and Lord Admirall of England Knight of the Garter and one of her Maiesties priuy Councell and was buried at Windsor The 21 of Ianuary Iesuites Seminaries and other Massing Priests to the number of 21 late prisoners in the Tower of London Marshalsey and Kings Bench were shipped at the Tower Wharfe to bee conueyed towardes France and banished this Realme for euer Henry Earle of Darby appointed by her Maiesty Ambassadour to Henry the third French King to inuest him with the order of the Garter on the 26 of Ianuary passed with his traine from London to Grauesend and from thence to Douer where they embarked landed at Calleis on the first of February and returning againe landed at Douer on the 11 of March. The second of March W. Parry was drawne from the Tower through the city of London to Westminster and there in the Palace Court hanged and quartered for high treason as may appeare by a booke intituled A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons practised by William Parry c. hee was a cunning Traitor This yéere sir Walt. Mildmay Knight one of her Maiesties priuy Councell founded a Colledge in the Vniuersity of Cambridge and named it Emanuel colledge The twenty nine of March the Parliament was dissolued at the breaking vp whereof her Maiesty in the Parliament house made an Oration as ye may reade in my larger labours About the 24 of Aprill by commandement from har Maiesty the citizens of London appointed out of the companies of the same city to the number of foure thousand men with armour ensignes c. the greater part whereof were shot the other were pikes and halbarts in faire corslets all these were trained vp vnder expert Captaines and other officers who mustered and skirmished daily at the Miles end or in Saint Georges field
it séem● ringing of bells making of bonefires and ●ing of Psalmes The Quéenes Maiesty foreséeing the g●rall dearth of corne and other victuals grow partly through the vnseasonablenesse of 〈◊〉 yeares past partly through the vncharita● gréedinesse of such as bee great corne maste● but especiallie through the vnlawfull and 〈◊〉 much transportation of graine into for● countries by the aduice of her honour● Councell published a proclamation and b● of orders to be taken by her Iustices for reli● of the poore notwithstanding all which the ●●cessiue prices of graine still encreased so 〈◊〉 wheat and meale was sold at London for 〈◊〉 the bushell and in some other parts of t● Realme dearer The 8 of February being Wednesday accor●ding to sentence lately giuen by the nobili● Mary Steward Quéene of Scots about tenne of the Clocke before noone was executed and suffered death by beheading vpon a scaffold set vp for that purpose at the great Hall of the Castle of Fodringay in the presence of George Talbet Earle of Shrewsburie Henry Grey Earle of Kent principall Commissioners and others the Gentlemen of the Country neare adioyning to the number of about 300 all her apparell was burned but her body with the head was royally buried at Peterborow on the first day of August next following The 15 of February the Parliament began at Westminster wherein was granted to her Maiesty towards her charges for the defence of this Realme a subsidy by the Clergy of 6 shillings the pound and of the temporalty two shillings eight pence goods and foure shillings lands with two fiftéenes c. Munday the twenty foure of Februarie a man hanged for felony at Saint Thomas of Waterings being begged by the Chirurgions of London to haue made of him an Anatomie after he was dead to all mens thinking cut down stripped laid naked in a Chest throwne in a Carre and so brought from the place of execution through the Borow of Southwarke and the city of London to the Chirurgions hall neare vnto Aldersgate the chest being there opened and the weather extreame cold he was found to be aliue and liued till thursday next following and then died The twentie thrée of February a gunpowder house at Radriffe was blowne vp with much harme Sir Thomas Bromley knight Lord Chancellour of England deceased on the 12 of Aprill and was buried at Westminster This yeare 1587 Master William Sanderson of London Fishmonger attained the perfection of making the great round globes viz. Celestiall and Terrestriall On the 16 of Aprill deceased the Dutchesse of Somerset at Hanworth and was buried at Westminster Edward Earle of Rutland Knight of the Garter departed this life at London on the 18 of Aprill and was very honourably conuaied from thence to his Castle of Beauoyre and buried in the Parish Church at Bettifford The 29 of Aprill Sir Christopher Hatton knight late Vicechamberlaine and one of her Maiesties priuy Counsell was made Lord Chancellor of England at Croidon on the 3 day of May being the first day of the tearme he rode from Ely place in Holborne to Westminster there to take his oath before whom went about the number of forty his gentlemen in one liuery and chaines of gold diuers Pentioners and other Gentlemen of the Court vpon foot-clothes the officers and Clarkes of the Chancery and then the Lord Chancellour hauing on his right hand the Lord Treasurer and on the left hand the Earle of Leicester after whom rode certaine of the Nobility the Iudges of the Realme and many knights The 22 of May was published by proclamation an order granted by the Quéene in fauour of her Subiects for the transporting of clothes out of the Realme to wit that the Merchants of the Stilyard resident in London and all other Merchants strangers or other of the realme may buy of the Clothiers any cloth vnwrought vnbarbed or vnshorne and shall haue full liberty to ship and carry away out of the port of London any such cloaths and further that all Merchants strangers and English that shall not haue liberty to buy cloathes at Blackwell-hall or within the liberties of the City of London may buy all manner of clothes in the Citie of Westminster The 18 of Iune Robert Earle of Leicester was made Lord Steward of the houshold Robert Deuorex Earle of Essex was made master of her Maiesties horse The fiftéene of Iune Robert Earle of Leicester tooke shipping at Margate in Kent toward the Low Countries where he remained not long but returned This yeares was a late spring and a cold Sommer so that at Midsomer Peason in the cods were sold at London for 8 pence the pecke yet after were plenty no cherries ripe till Saint Iames-tide or Lammas and then such plenty that they were sold for a penny the pound The 7 of September sir Thomas Henage was made Vicechamberlaine Thomas Skinnet Iohn Catcher Sir George Bond Haberdasher Richard May Merchant-tailor lately deceased gaue to the Chamber of London 300 poūds toward the new building of the Blackwell Hal which at length tooke effect Vpon this gift the said Blackwell hall was taken downe a new foundation was laide and within the space of ten moneths after with the charges of 2500 l. the same was finished Great prouision was made this yeare both by Land and Sea to withstand the inuasion by the Spanish Armado against the Realme for besides the generall forces of the Realme appointed to be mustered trained and put in readinesse in the seuerall shires for the defence of the land there was also a leauy made of two seuerall armies the one to make the body of a campe to reside at Tilbury in Essex to encounter with the Enemy if he should attempt to land in any place of that country whereof the Earle of Leicester Lord Steward of her Maiesties houshold was Lieutenant Generall as also of the Armies leuied against forraine inuasion The other to be imploied for the guard of her highnesse person vnder the charge of the right Honourable the Lord Hunsden Lord Chamberlaine to her Maiestie The campe at Tilbury consisting both of horsemen and footemen raised out of all the shires were of Lancers 253 of light horsmen 769 of footmen 22000. the armie for the guard of her Maiesties person Lances 481 light horsemen 1431. footmen 34050. The Nauie set forth and armed to the seas consisted partly of her Maiesties shippes partly of the ships of her subiects which were furnished out of the Port townes whereunto they belonged of this Nauie the chiefest and greatest part was vnder the charge of the Lord Charles Howard of Effingham Lord Admirall of England and were addressed to encounter with the Spanish Fléet the rest of the ships were assigned vnto the Lord Henry Seimer Admirall of the Fléete to guard the narrow Seas and to impeach the issuing forth of the ships and vessels prepared by the Duke of Parma at Dunkirke The
a Councell to him and taking order for setting all things in his realme of Scotland began his voyage towards England King IAMES PResently vpon the death of Queene Elizabeth of famous memory the Nobilitie of this Land and Priuy Counsellors of Estate vnto the said Queene acknowledged the immediate right of Iames the sixt then King of Scots and within sixe houres after her death the said Lords and Counsellors gaue full satisfaction vnto the people by three Proclamations the first at the Court gate the second at the high Crosse in Cheape and the third at the Tower by the name of Iames the 1. King of England Scotland France and Ireland defendor of the Faith c. The King being then full 36 yeares of age and crowned King of Scots in his infancy began his raigne ouer the great Isle of Britaine the 24 of March 1602. The Nobility and State aforesaid with all speed sent Sir Charles Pearcy and Master Thomas Sommerset with letters vnto the King signifying the death of the Queene and tender of all their duties loue and allegiance but Sir Robert Cary rid poste and brought the first newes to the King and as he rode gaue knowledge vnto his brother Sir Iohn Cary then Gouernor of Barwicke This calme and discréet course of the English Lords in proclaiming the King and quiet setling the whole Estate without faction or interruption was as plausible vnto all his Highnesse Subiects as admited of all forraine nations The 5. of Aprill the King came from Edenborough to Dunglasse and the next day to Barwicke and vpon the morrow after came newes of many disordered persons that were in Armes in the borders whereat the King was somewhat troubled and forthwith there was power sent to suppresse them and after that when the King came to London he with the aduice of the Lords of his Counsell set all the parts of the northborders in as good condition as any other part of his dominions The 8. of Aprill the King went from Barwicke to Wytherington and then to Newcastle and from thence to Durham to Yorke to Grimstone to Dancester to Newarke vpon Trent to Beuercastle to Burleigh to Hinchingbrooke to Godmanchester to Royston to Standon to Theobalos where the Lords and ether of the Priuie Councell and many other of the Nobility attended his comming and did their homage vnto his Maiesty And here the King made of his Priuie Councell the Lord Henry Howard the L. Tho. Howard who was also made L. Chamberlaine and the L. Mountioy there the King made 28 knights The 10 of Aprill diuers prisoners were discharged out of the Tower among whom the Earle of Southamton was the chiefest The 27 of Aprill there were thirtéene persons slaine and blowne in peeces by misfortune at the Gunpowder mill at Redriffe The 7 of May his Maiesty came from Theobalds to London against which time Master Iames Pemberton and Master Iohn Swinnarton shrieues of London and Middlesexe had furnished themselues with 80 men on horse backe in faire Liueries but Master Pemberton being sicke M. Swinnarton with the whole traine attended at Waltham to receiue his Maiesty as the shrieues of other Coūties had formerly done in all the Kings progresse from Scotland And at Stanford hill three miles from London the L. Maior Aldermen in scarlet robes accompanied with the chiefe officers councellors of the City 500. graue Citizens in veluet coats and chains of gold wel moūted attēded his Maiesty there met him also diuers his Highnes officers as Sergeants at armes Heralds Trūpeters euery one in due place y e Duke of Lenox bare the sword the L. Tho. Howard receiued his Maiesty into the Charterhouse where he staied 4 daies made 80 knights you shall vnderstand y e whilst the King was in his iourney many prisoners were released out of diuers prisons the Maūdy very solemnly performed And the 28 of Aprill at Westminster a very Royall obsequy for the late Quéene Elizabeth according to the Kings appointment by his letters to the Lords of the Priuy Councell all auncient English rites and customes were fully obserued except only the feast of Saint George which his Maiesty deferred vntill his personall comming vnto some of his owne palaces The 7 of May proclamation was made for suppression of all manner of former Monopolies that hindered commerce and protections that impeached mens suits in Law and against the annoyance and oppressions done by y e Salt-peter men Purueyors and Cardmakers The 11 of May the King rode priuately from the Charterhouse to White-hall and went from thence by water to the Tower of London and there the 13 of the same he made Barons viz. Robert Lord Cecill Baren of Essenden Robert Lord Sydney Baron of Penshurst William Lord Knowles Baron of Graies Edward Lord Wotton Baron of Marley he also made xi knights The 16 of May Proclamation was made to prohibite all manner of persons from killing of Déere and all wilde foule according to the Tenour of diuers statutes for preseruation of the Kings game of hunting and hawking The 19 of May proclamation was made for the suppression of disordered persons in the North-borders and for the mutuall peace and amity of both Kingdomes The 20 of May the King made Knights sir Iulius Caesar sir Roger Wilbram masters of the requests sir William Waad sir Thomas Smith sir Thomas Edmonds clerks of the priuy Councell and sir Thomas Lake Clerke of the Signet The twenty two of May the King knighte● sir Robert Lee Maior of London sir Iohn Crooke Recorder and sir Edward Cooke his Highnes Atturney generall And that day the King made a great feast and was serued with great state and at night sundry fire-workes vpon the Thames the Court being at Gréenewich In the last yéere and last terme of Quéene Elizabeth there was a call of Sergeants at Law viz. Thomas Couentrie Robert Houghton Laurence Tanfield I. Crooke Thomas Foster Edward Philips Thomas Harris Iames Altham Henry Hubert Augustine Nichols and Robert Barker these receiued writs from the Quéene de statu gradu seruientum ad legem suscipiendi returnable tres Pascae next following being the second returne in Easter terme but the Quéene dying in the meane time their Writtes abated which notwithstanding the King being aduertised thereof in Scotland from the Councell of England of their late election gaue order for the rest of their procéedings according to their ancient laudable customes so far forth as that they procéed by new Writs in his name returnable the day aforesaid and added vnto their number thrée others viz. Iohn Sherly George Snig and Richard Hutton these fouretéene vpon Tuesday the seuenth of May being the next day after the returne of their writs made their appearance before sir Thomas Egerton Lord Kéeper of the great Seale in the high Court of Chancerie and were then sworne Sergeants at Law and vpon Tuesday
ordained fit places for Storehouses of Allome for the ready vse therof to such as would buy the same the King also gaue very gratious respect princely remuneration vnto all those who of late had taken paines béene at expences in the practising and atchieuing to bring this royall commodity vnto due perfection and then tooke the traffique thereof vnto himselfe This yeare the King had ayde of his Subiects throughout the Kingdome of England for knighting his sonne Prince Henry according to the Law of this land in the leuying whereof the Subiects were very fauourably dealt withall for whereas by the ancient law of this land the subiects ought to haue paid twelue pence in the pound of the yearely value of their lands his Maiesty very gratiously ordained seuerall Commissioners in the seuerall shires who according to the purpose of their commissions did so moderately demeane themselues as no man was compelled to pay any more then he would willingly giue being a very auncient duty due vnto the King and was now in a manner quite forgotten Robert Allyley being arraigned at Newgate for fellony stood mute and refused the ordinary tryall whereupon as the manner is the hangman came vnto him to binde his hands but Allyley resisted and with his Fist smote him on the face in the presence of the Iudges who presently remembred that this prisoner but the last Sessions before was there conuicted of fellony and for the same had obtained the Kings speciall pardon which pardons in generall are vnto all persons but onely vpon their good behauiour vnto the King and his subiects and thereupon the Court instantly gaue Iudgement that for the blow he gaue his hand should first be cut off And then his body to be hanged for that fact for the which he had his pardon according to which sentence he was presently executed vpon a Gybbet at the Sessions gate In December in the 34 yeare of Quéene Elibeth there were letters pattents graunted for fiftéene yeares to the East India Merchants trading to the East Indies and in May last 1609. The Kings Maiestie vpon mature deliberation in fauour of the said Company finding the same to be very commodious traffique and Nauigation and as propitious and honourable for this Kingdome renued and enlarged the foresaid letters pattents and Charter to continue for euer enabling them thereby to be a body corporate and politique The first gouernour of this Company named and ordained both in the first and last pattent was Sir Thomas Smith Knight who is also Gouernour of the Muscouy Company and president and treasurer of the Company and counsell for Virginea This yeare the said East-India Company builded a most stately ship at Detford of the burthen of twelue hundreth tunne being the greatest and goodliest ship that euer was builded in this kingdome by any Merchants At this time they also builded a Pinace of two hundreth and fifty tunne to attend her And vpon Saturday the 30 of December his Maiestie and Prince Henry with the Lord Admirall the Lord Chamberlaine the Earle of Worcester and many other Lords went to sée these ships launched and were all entertained with a banquet in the chiefe Cabin of the great ship and the rest were banquetted at a long Table in the halfe decke these rich and plentifull banquets were all serued in fine Chyna Dishes which were fréely permitted to be taken and carried away by al persons The King gaue the Gouernor a very faire chaine of gold with a Iewell wherein was the Kings picture highly commending his endeauour care and industry for the good of the common wealth maintenance of traffique and Nauigation for the which also his Maiest● with very gratious respect commended and thanked the assistants of that companie wh● likewise kissed his Highnesse hand the King called the great ship the Trade● Encrease and the other the Pepper Corne. Sebastian Haruie William Cokayne sheriffes Sir Thomas Cambell Iremonger Maior The sixt of Nouember the famous Doctor Lancelot Androwes Lord Almner Bishop of Chichester was transferred vnto the Bishopricke of Ely And the 3 of December George Abbot Doctor of diuinity Deane of Winchester was consecrated Lord Bishop of Couentry and Lychfield And Samuel Harsenet Doctor of Diuinity was consecrated Lord Bishop of Chichester And 12 of February the forenamed Doctor Abbot was transferred to the Bishopricke of London and was enstalled in Paules by his deputy Doctor Pasfielde The sixe of Ianuary at the Court of Whitehall in the presence of the King and Quéene and the Ambassadors of Spaine and Venice and of al the Péeres and great Ladies of the land and of many thousand of others there the Prince performed his first feats of armes viz. at Bar●yers against all commers being assisted onely with sixe other viz. the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Arundel the Earle of Southampton the Lord Hay sir Thomas Somerset and sir Richard Preston who shortly after was created Lord Dingwell against these challengers came 56 braue defendants consisting of Earles Ba●ons Knights and Esquiers euery challenger fought with eight seuerall defendants two seuerall combats at two seuerall weapons viz. at push of pyke and with single sword the Prince performed this challenge with wondrous skill and courage to the great ioy and admiration of all the beholders the Prince not being full sixtéene yeares of age vntill the 19 of February these feates of Armes with sundry statelie showes and ingenious deuises began before tenne a clocke at night and continued vntill thrée a clocke next morning being Sonday and that day the Prince feasted all the Combatants at Saint Iames house and then gaue thrée rich prises vnto thrée of the best deseruers defendants viz. vnto the Earle of Mountgomery M. Thomas Darcy sonne and heire to the Lord Darcy of Chich and vnto six Robert Gourdon In the yeare 1584. was discouered y e Country which is now called Virginea and was so called by Quéene Elizabeth and she assigned the same vnto sir Walter Rawleigh as being the chiefe discouerer thereof And in the yeare 1587. there were sent thither aboue 100 soules viz. men women and children since which time vntill the third yeare of his Maiesties raigne the yearely sending thither for plantation ceased and then vpon more exact discoueries there were sundrie yearely supplies sent thither of men women and children with all things necessary vnder conduct of captaine Newport and also in the Month of may there were sent thither nine ships with fiue hundred men women and children with all necessary prouision vnder commaund of Sir Thomas Gates Lieutenant generall Sir George Somers Admirall of Virginea and captaine Newport Vice Admirall with other expert captaines and resolute gentlemen And likewise at the end of this present yeare 1609. there was sent an other supply of thrée shippes with an hundred and fifty men being for the most part Artificers vnder commaund of the right Honourable Thomas Lord La Ware who
Adulteries The 26 of October ariued Olexsey Euanowich Iszazen from the yong Emperour of Russia Michaell Euanowich Vryoue hée returned the next spring and then the King sent Sir Iohn Merricke Knight Lord Ambassador to the sayd Emperour who according to his Commission with great paines and long trauaile made a firme Peace and League betwéene the King of Sweaden and the Emperour of Russia Thomas Benet Henry Iay Shrieues Sir Thomas Middleton Knight Grocer Maior The 4 of Nouember 1613. the Viscont Rochester was created Earle of Somerset and Baron of Branspeth and the same day in the afternoone Sir Edward Cooke Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of England was sworne a Priuie Counsellor Sonday the 26 of Decembert Robert Earle of Somerset maried the Lady Francis Howard daughter to Thomas Earle of Suffolke Sonday the 2 of Ianuary 1613. betweene the houres of twelue and one in the morning was Prince Henry Fredericke borne at Heydelberge in Germanie the first borne sonne of the most high borne Princesse the Lady Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the most High and Mighty Prince Iames King of Great Brittaine and wife to the most Noble Prince Fredericke the first Count Palatine chiefe of the Princes Electors he was christened the sixth of March. Thursday the 29 of March 1614. Sir Ralphe Winwood Knight Master of the Requests was sworne principall Secretary of Estate and Sir Thomas Lake Knight Clerke of the Priuie Signet was sworne a Priuie Counsellor The 15 of Iune died Henry Earle of Northamton and was buried in the chappell of Douer castle he founded thrée Hospitalls one whereof was at Gréenewich which he ordained should be for euer gouerned by the company of Mercers of London In the moneth of Iuly this yeare 1614. the King of Denmarke with thrée shippes arriued at Yarmouth accompanied and attended by his Lord Chancellor and Lord Admirall and diuers other of quallity and a competent Number of his Guard and others Friday the 22 of Iuly hee came to the Quéenes Court at Somerset house in the Strand the King of great Brittaine being then in Bedfordshire ryding progresse where hauing spéedie knowledge of his brothers a ryuall set forward instantly for London and vpon the next Sunday both the Kings the Quéene and and Prince Charles met at Somerset house where the Bishop of London preached before them And the first of August the King of Denmarke being accompanied with King Iames and Prince Charles went by Barge to Woolwich and to Graues-end where they dined and after dinner went aboord the King of Denmarkes shippe and there the King of Great Brittaine tooke leaue of his brother and returned that night to Theobalds Prince Charles accompanied his Vncle the next day to Rochester and and hauing viewed the Nauy Royall they returned to the King of Denmarkes Ship and the next daie Prince Charles returned to London and the King with a faire winde set saile for Denmarke hauing euery way exprest his Royall bounty as formerly The thirtéenth of Iuly Thomas Earle of Suffolke was made Lord high Treasurer of England and at this time Robert Earle of Somerset was made Lord Chamberlaine This Michellmas Tearme there was a call of Seargeants at Law viz. the eleuenth of Nouember At this time was finished and builded the new faire Counsell Chamber for the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London by reason the former Chamber was too little Sir Thomas Middleton Knight being then Lord Maior In September there was a generall muster of horse and foote throughout the Land and therewithall trayning of souldiers but chiefly in the City of London by the citizens them●selues many whereof by their former voluntary exercise of Armes and Millitary discipline was now so ready and expert that they taught o●thers And whereas at this time there was by the Lord Maior and citizens twenty select●● captaines chosen to traine and gouerne th● trained bands of London viz. sixe thousand● there were found in the said former company viz. of the Artillerie garden sufficient men ● be their Lieutenants and all other officers 〈◊〉 the apt and ready trayning of others fr●● whom vpon good obseruation all the shires 〈◊〉 England tooke example the captaines and gen●tlemen of the Artillerie garden demeand themselues so wel exercising all points of warre that it pleased Prince Charles to goe in person to the Artillery garden to sée their wéekely exercise of armes and to goe into Hoxton field to sée their great muster and trayning of the sixe thousand citizens which wéekely practise now vsed in the Artillery garden they were determined to remooue from thence and to hold their vsual Marshall méetings and practise of armes in the great third field from Mooregate viz. next the sixe Windmills which field Master Leat with great paines hath béene diuers yeares a preparing to that purpose At this time the riuer of Thames was cléered of stops pyles and weyres by the Water Bayly of London as he was appointed by the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen Master Hugh Middleton Citizen and Goldsmith of London borne in Denbigh-shire hauing spent fiue yeares time with the aduise and direction of the best and most skillfull Artizens imployed bestowed great summes of money forced to vse seuen hundred workemen at one time and endured infinit Callumny and detraction he brought a delicate Riuer of swéet water from two plentious springs viz. the one whereof is called Chawldwell néere Ware and the other Amwell in Herefordshire which two springs being vnited runne ioyntly togither to the North-side of London which Riuer with the Trenches to conuay it and the great Cesterne to receiue it with great difficultie was brought vnto desired effect in Sommer 1613. but the Currant was restrained from running into the Ceasterne vntill Michaelmas day in the yeare 1613. And that day there came to behold it the Lord Maior if London and Sir Thomas Middleton Knight Lord Maior Elect for the yeare ensuing brother to this Maior Hugh Middleton Master of this memorable worke with many Aldermen and a great number of graue Citizens and others who were entertained with excellent Musique and the royall sound of drums and trumpets with spéeches and other pleasant entertainements and at the lifting vp of the Scluce to let the Riuer runne into the Ceasterne there was a peale of Chambers since which time with all possible expedition this water is conuaied from this Ceasterne by pipes of Elme into all high stré● and chiefe lanes of the city and the suburbe● thereof the generall and particular benefit their of is vnualuable Peter Proby Martin Lumley Shrieues Sir Thomas Hayes Knight Draper Maior At this time was founded the Great Hospi●tall at the Charter-house néere London for fourescore men and forty children and the new built Hospitall at Dulwich in Surrey read my large booke The 17 of Ianuary 1614. it began to fréeze in ordinary manner and the 23
twice seuen fifteens in one yeare and their long continued charges and expence as well vpon all occasions by sea and land for defence of their Prince and Country as in ayding and relieuing their distressed neighbour Nations and in performing many other worthy matters for their owne honour the delight of strangers and the reliefe of the poore as otherwise so as without offence it may truely be said that the liberalitie of the Londoners is but halfe knowne to their common friends Peace and plenty in the highest degree possesseth now your gates and pallaces all nations repaire with willingnesse to bee partakers of your happinesse many other glorious Cities haue many waies wanted these incessant blessings witnesse the famous Citie Rome which hath beene often spoiled and sacked the City Mosco which not long since was twice spoiled with fire the first by her enemies the last was a priuate politicke practise of her owne Emperour The like misfortune hath befallen vnto the great Cittie Constantinople Stately Antwerpe hath felt the smart of diuers changes within mans memory Populous Paris of late yeares was glad to beat downe her owne Suburbs and cut her skirts shorter least other should sit vpon them Cracouia Lishbon and many other royall Citties were glad and faine to seeke and sue for that which is freely giuen vnto her These last haue I cited to bee as a looking-glasse to London sith it is as impossible for any to know their proper face feature without an obiect as it is for any people to bee truely sensible of their owne felicirie that haue not seene nor tasted others misery And thus right Honourable and graue Fathers although it was my meaning to haue vsed breuity yet being inforced to the contrary I craue your pardon least I haue offended by prolixitie And because I will for euer be exempt and free from all danger of all precurrant vipers lurking Adders and venemous tongues I here conclude with tender of my loue and the continuance of a double prentiship not onely of these my free offered labours in this Abridgement but also my larger Booke the which I likewise recōmend vnto your kind acceptation hauing as well formerly as at this present proclaimed a cessation from any further supplement or continuance of the generall English Chronicle to the end they might and shall for euer be truely vnderstood that I haue no coherence with the enuious who neuer did good themselues nor speake well of others being euer desirous to doe my best to auoide all impediments that may any way impeach others better proceedings wishing you all encrease of your hearts desire and euerlasting happinesse TO THE HONEST AND friendly Reader FOr thy sake with the rest of my louing Countrimen and for the modest delight of other Nations of what qualitie soeuer through the earnest perswasion of many my good friends fauourers of knowledge I was the rather induced to performe this businesse and to arme my selfe with my best patience against the daily iniuries and discurtesies which in these affaires I haue indured both in Court and Countrey without the least part of pride or presumption on my behalfe A time may come to their disgrace wherein I may retort their vndeserued malice But as concerning the ignorant proud and enuious it will be hard for me to escape their braine-sicke imputation For my owne part I acknowledge others excellency and my owne insufficiency What I haue done was in a kinde of voluntary necessitie as is euident for that euery man so far as I could perceiue though they thought it a very good worke yet they held it no wisedome to run headlong into iudgement and for the pleasure of others to waste their time spend their money displease superiors and endure the cruell censure of the multitude onely vpon hope of Master Stowes reward All which notwithstanding for the generall good of all men without intent of offence to any seeing so many memorable accidents like to be buried in obliuion I haue vndertaken sixteene yeares supplement and enlarged it with very many memorable antiquities And according to my promise I haue published my larger worke three yeares past The manifold abuses which haue beene offered me by the shape of man and the small respect by those of good spirit and solide substance haue so checkt my forwardnesse that I stand amazed hauing already beene condemned and i●dged before I was tried or heard to speake What I haue written is free from leazing Be thou therefore of what Religion or condition soeuer expect nothing here●● contained to be written for any purpose of flattery time seruice or offence truth I sought and truth is here set downe Peace and good thoughts possesse thee Farewell Thy very louing friend Edmond Howes A DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND SCOTLAND WALES and Cornwall BRitaine is an Island in the Ocean Sea situate right ouer against France one part of which Isle Englishmen doe inhabite another part Scots the third part Welshmen and the fourth part Cornishmen All they either in language conditions or lawes doe differ among themselues England is the greatest part which is diuided into 40. Counties which we call shires whereof ten that is to say Kent Sussex Surrey South-hampton Barkeshire Wilshire Dorsetshire Somersetshire Deuonshire and Cornwall doe containe the first part of that Island which part bounding towards the South standeth betweene the thames and the Sea From thence to the Riuer of Trent which passeth through the midst of England bee 16. shires whereof the first sixe standing Eastward are Essex Middlesex Hartfordshire Suffolke Northfolke and Cambridgeshire The other ten which stand more in the middle of the country are these Bedford Huntington Buckingham Oxford Northampton Rutland Leicester Notingham Warwicke and Lincolne After these there be 6 which border Westward vpon Wales as Glocester Hereford Worcester Shropshire Stafford and Chester About the middle of the Region Darbishire Yorkeshire Lancashire Cumberland On the left hand toward the West is Westmerland against the same is the Bishopricke of Durham and Northumberland which boundeth vpon the North in the Marches of Scotland These shires be diuided into xxii Bishoprickes Canterbury Rochester London Chichester Winchester Salisbury Excester Bath and Welles Worcester Glocester Hereford Couentry and Lichfield Lincolne Ely Norwich Oxford Peterborow Bristow And this is the prouince of the Archbishop of Canterbury which is the Primate of England with Wales Yorke Durham Chester and Carlile is the other prouince of the Arch-bishop of Yorke which is another Primate of England The Ocean sea doth bound England the first part of Britaine East and South Wales and Cornwall West The riuer of Twéede diuideth England and Scotland North. The length of the Island beginneth at Portsmouth in the South part and endeth at Twéed in the North containing 320. Miles Scotland after the ouerthrow of the Picts began at the riuer Twéed so méeting at the riuer Tine Therefore y e length of Scotland frō Twéed to the furthest coast is