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A12674 A proclamation for reformation, published and commanded (to be obserued as law) by the high and mighty Philip the fourth, King of Spaine, for the gouernment of his kingdomes. Containing 23. seuerall chapters, wherein his Maiesty with the aduise of his councels hath ordered, and reformed many notorious abuses in the commonwealth. Faithfully translated out of the originall Spanish coppy printed by his Maiesties command; Proclamations. 1623 Feb. 10. English Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV); Philip IV, King of Spain, 1605-1665. 1623 (1623) STC 22992.9; ESTC S126332 31,941 96

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so that according to Law if it should bee proued the contrary of that which they containe they cannot prejudice because the truth doth not moue for the only will Wee ordaine and command that if the said Confessions be not helped with some other reason whereby it may be induced that the matter is not in sole termes of confession it is not sufficient to hinder the nobility and purenesse but proceed to qualifie it as if the same had not beene and according to that which shall arise let the determination bee ruling this according to law ITem Because some of the Tribunals and Communalties which require Acts of nobility and cleannesse doe draw nearer or faster more then other qualities of the proofe and qualification and particularly the Colledges not contenting themselues with the affirmatiue how that they are cleane but also require that the contrary hath not bin heard nor doubted which quality and verification hath giuen occasion that many families remaine noted vniustly by the malice and hatred wherewith many goe forwards in this matter and if now it goe in the same forme besides the foresaid inconueniences it would preiudice the rest of the Communalties and Tribunals in the which they require nobilitie purenesse We do ordaine command that all that which is disposed and contained in this Act be kept accomplished and executed vniformally and equally in all Tribunals Communalties and Colledges without any exception or difference Chap. XXI Meanes for increase of people LIkewise because the increase and multitude of people is the onely and principall foundation of Common-wealthes for the increase and conseruation whereof greater diligence and care is to bee applyed though that many thinges contained in this Act doe in some sort prouide and are therevnto directed desiring to hinder and stay the Diminution herein which dayly encreaseth and to preuent the causes from whence it hath proceeded and to dispose the matters of Gouernment and quiet of the Subiects in such sort that there may be hoped great multiplication and increase and considering the great importance that there is to procure by all wayes and meanes that this our Intention may haue his desired effect hauing considered the greatest meanes which may bee auayleable hereunto Wee doe ordaine and Commaund that no person of what estate condition or quality soeuer may depart out of these our Kingdomes with his House and Family without our Licence vnder penalty of the losse and forfeyture of the goods that they shall leaue therein and that the Iustices and Officers of the Ports and any other person whatsoeuer may stay and detaine the said persons and goods that they shall carry with them and shall be very carefull to vnderstand the departure of any and diligent for the execution and whosoeuer shall not obserue the Contents of this Act shall be depriued of his Office Likewise because by the great concourse of people in this our Court and the great multitudes which reside in the Citties of Siuill and Granada there arise many inconueniences as well by the number which liue Idely and the danger wherein they liue in such a confusion the meanes wherby they procure their maintenance as in the other Cities Townes Villages of the Kingdome for the great importance that there bee an increase in all partes that the Land may be preserued and Iustice better administred Wee doe Commaund that as touching the Gouernment of this our Court that therein there may not bee more persons then needfull and so great a concourse be diminished and euery one may be knowne who hee is what Occupation or cause of residence hee pretendeth and how long hee hath resided that the confusion hitherto may bee remedied being precisely obserued and kept that which is ordayned concerning the Registers and Diuisions and shall bee ordayned by those of our Counsell and for many reasons of vniuersall benefit which haue beene considered Wee doe likewise Commaund that those sixe Diuisions whereinto the Court is diuided and in euery one of which one of the Iustices of our House and Court with his Officers is commaunded to liue and reside bee deuided into sixteene Diuisions the most proportionable that may bee and that in euery one of them doe reside some one of our Counsell in the Houses which Wee commaund to bee allowed for them who wee Commaund and Charge carefully to know and vnderstand the quality of the people that liue therein and the Professions and imployments they haue what occasions there are of scandales and offences towards God and whatsoeuer else shall bee executed and done in the said Diuision that by the Authority of his person and Office hee may procure it to rest in a conuenient and setled estate and that for the accomplishing and executing of the diligences and occasions which shall bee offered there bee appointed to euery one a Purseuant of the Court which shall liue in the same Diuision and that the Iustice of the principall Diuision ought to repaire to those of our Counsell who shall liue within it and giue an account to them of what shall happen and that they may appoint him what shall seeme conuenient that by this care and correspondency there may be a consideration and accompt of the whole And wee Commaund that henceforward no person of what estate condition or quality soeuer may come to liue and reside with his House and Family in this our Court or in the said Citties of Siuill and Granada nor may bee admitted or suffered in them vnder punishment of a Thousand Duckets of the person offending and from the Iustice Gouernment who shal admit permit them to liue there from each particularly Two hundred Duckets and let it bee set downe for an Act to remaine And because by the non-residence of the Nobility and Gentry at their houses and habitations there haue beene found most grieuous inconueniences as well in the publicke gouernment of the Kingdome and whereby the neigh bourhood Villages are decreased and depopulated for that it is most absolute that the seruants and vassals which were sustained by them doe follow them and in the part where they goe doe liue idlely and vnaccommodated for that those that remaine behinde and are not wel gouerned nor maintained in peace and Iustice as they ought neither are the Iustices carefull to remedy it rather in many cases and occasions proceed absolutely seeing themselues superiours from whence resulteth the morgaging and decay of their houses and estates seeing besides the losse of the commodity and small charge wherewith euery one liueth vpon his owne and the Obligations in the Court and other great places being greater the expences must needes be greater and therefore they encreasing and the Tenants and Rents decreasing because all suffer declination and decay by their absence it is of absolute necessity that they must consume and decay and although their owne conueniencie being so well knowne might be sufficient to oblige them to procure the remedy that
A PROCLAMATION FOR REFORMATION Published and Commanded to be obserued as Law by the Hie and Mighty Philip the fourth King of Spaine for the Gouernment of his Kingdomes Containing 23. seuerall Chapters wherein his Maiesty with the aduise of his Councels hath Ordered and Reformed many Notorious Abuses in the Commonwealth Faithfully translated out of the Originall Spanish Coppy Printed by his Maiesties Command LONDON Printed for Nathaniell Butter Nicholas Bourne and Thomas Archer A TABLE OF THE seuerall Chapters Chap. 1. For reducing Offices in Townes to a third Number Chap. 2. That Sutors may not reside in the Court in any one yeere aboue thirty dayes Chap. 3. That Commissioners nor Executors of commissions may bee seut Chap. 4. That fiats of examination of Clearkes of these Kingdomes bee not allowed for the space of twenty yeeres Chap. 5. A prescription or reformation in the excesse of Seruants Household-stuffe and forniture of houses and in the apparrell of men and women Chap. 6. That nothing made of Wood or any Mettall be garnished or gilt with Siluer or Gold and that there may not be taken for the making or fashion but the fifteenth part of that which it shall weigh being of gold and the sixt being of siluer Chap. 7. That no kind of thing may be imbrodered Chap. 8. That there be made no Hangings for the Sommer of strange stuffe and eight yeeres are allowed for the wearing out of those that are made Chap. 9. That neither Gold nor Siluer be worne in stuffe of silke or trimming Chap. 10. That Trimming be not worne vpon garments Chap. 11. That Cloakes of Silke be not worne Chap. 12. That Cloth or stuffe of Wooll or Silke made within or without the Dominions may not bee sold without it haue a marke Chap. 13. That nothing made out of the Kingdome may be brought in Chap. 14. That they shall weare no bands but of the twelft part of an ell and the cuffes but of the eight breadth both without garnishing Chap. 15. What Titles each Ranke shall haue is renued Chap. 16. Of the moderation of the Dowry Iuels and apparrell Chap. 17. That to the Ladies of the Court there shall be giuen but a Million of Marauedis in Dowry and a Petticoat Chap. 18. That his Maiesty will not glue any Office nor place of Iustice nor of his house in Marriage Chap. 19. Priuiledges which are granted to the state of Matrimony Chap. 20. The meanes whereby the Nobility is to be appeased Chap. 21. Meanes for increase of People Chap. 22. That there may not bee Grammer Schooles but in Citties and Townes where there shal be a Iustice or Deputy Chap. 23. For the Abollishing of publike stewes Licence and Taxation LAzaro de Rios Angulo Secretary to the Kings Most Excellent Maiesty executing by his commandement the office of Secretary of the Councell Chamber do testifie vpon my fidelity that the Chapters of Reformation which his Maiesty is pleased to command to be obserued for the gouernment of the Kingdome were taxed by the Lords thereof euery one at the price of twelue pence which containeth twelue sheets and they command that they may bee sold for this price and not aboue and likewise they command that no Printer of these Kingdomes may print the said Chapters and Acts but hee that shall haue licence and appointment from Hernando de Valleio Secretary of his Maiesties Chamber and that there may bee no doubt of the commandement of the said Lords of the Councell nor supplication of the said Hernando de Valeio I gaue these Presents in the Towne of Madrid the 14. of February 1623. Lazaro de Rios PHILIP By the Grace of GOD King of Castile Leon Arragon of both the Sicilies Jerusalem Portugall Navarra Granada Toledo Valencia Galicia the Malorcas Sivill Sardinia Cordova Corcyca Murcia Iaen the Algarves Algecira Gibraltar the Canarie Jlands the East and West Indies and of the Ilands and firme Land of the Ocean Sea Archduke of Austria Duke of Burgundie Brabant and Milan Earle of Auspurgh Flanders Tiroll and Barcelona Lord of Biscaye and Molina c. To the Infantes Our deare and welbeloved Brethren and to the Prelates Dukes Marquises Earles Priors of Orders Lieutenants and Deputie-Lieutenants Governours of Castles Forts and Chases and to those of Our Councell Presidents and Masters of Our Requests Iustices Marshalles of Our house Court and Chancery and to all Iudges Iustices Assistants Governors High-Sherifes and Vnder-Sherifes Bayliffes Provosts and to Councels Vniversities Mayors Aldermen Recorders Town-clarkes Knights Squires Constables Officers and other good men and Subiects whatsoeuer of what estate preheminence or dignitie soever they are or may be within all the Citties Villages Townes and Provinces of these Our Kingdomes and Dominions as well to those that are as to them that shall be and to all and every one of you to whom this Our Edict or any thing therein contained shall or may appertaine in any manner whatsoever Greeting KNow yee that Our Royall will and pleasure is that in these Our Dominions having acknowledged it a most important and sufficient meanes for the wellfare and conservation of them there be instituted appointed and established certaine Bankes and Treasuries where may be brought in and received the Subsidies and ayde moneys which seeme to accord and are agreeing with the Lawes Ordinances Statutes and Priviledges and that there be ordained certaine Squadrons of Sea-Forces for the defence of the Sea and too the intent that by their execution the ends may be secured which are pretended for the vniversall benefit of Our Crowne restoring of Commerce and profit and ease of persons of every condition and qualitie it hath seemed necessary to restore and reduce to a convenient estate some things of the government wherein by the change of time and other accidents many inconveniences haue beene found and it may be feared that if they are not prevented may increase for that the one helping the other the effects which they procure may be greater and more certaine And having by Our speciall Commandement diligently discussed and vpon the whole with great care and consideration consulted and deliberated it was concluded that Wee should command and by this Our Edict Wee doe command which Wee will haue observed as a Law and Act of Parliament as if it had beene made and enacted in Court of Parliament that from hence forward these things following be observed and kept Chap. I. Reducing of Offices to a third part FIrst Wee ordaine and command that the Offices of Maiors and Aldermen Sheriffes Constables Bayliffes Clarkes Proctors of the Cities Villages and Towns where through the excessiue number of them they are found inconvenient and preiudiciall to the government causing many grievances which haue beene and are daily suffered diverting the ends wherevnto they were ordained be reduced to a third part in the forme by the meanes and with the qualities which are contained in the Commission which for their execution Wee haue caused to be sealed by