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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11090 The post of the vvorld VVherein is contayned the antiquities and originall of the most famous cities in Europe. With their trade and traficke. With their wayes and distance of myles, from country to country. With the true and perfect knowledge of their coynes, the places of their mynts: with al their martes and fayres. And the raignes of all the kinges of England. A booke right necessary and profitable, for all sortes of persons, the like before this tyme not imprinted. Verstegan, Richard, ca. 1550-1640. 1576 (1576) STC 21360; ESTC S116185 36,307 121

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¶ THE POST For diuers partes of the world to trauaile from one notable Citie vnto an other with a descripcion of the antiquitie of diuers famous Cities in Europe The contents doe farther apeare in the next leafe folowing ¶ Very necessary profitable for Gentlemen Marchants Factors or any other persons disposed to trauaile The like not heretofore in English. Published by Richard Rowlands Jmprinted at London by Thomas Cast ▪ 1576. A Briefe description of the antiquitie of diuers famous cities in Europe The vvayes and most vsed passages from one notable citie to another in Germany Bohemia Hungaria Polonia Lyttaw and the low countries vvith Italy Fraunce England Spayne and Portingale The value of the coyne vsed in sundry Regions Also the principall Fayres and Marketts VVith the varietie of Myles TO THE RIGHT worshipfull Syr Thomas Greasham Knight R. Rowlands wisheth continual encrease of renoumed worship and Vertue AFTER that I Right vvorshipfull had perused thys small Pamflet conteyninge a briefe collection of the most vseall and accustomable wayes leadinge from the one notable Citie in Europe to an other being vvritten vvith no smal labour and industry and not vvithout great cause very necessarily published in the high Almaine tongue and the like also to be seene in the French and Italian I thought it a thing very vncurteous and vvorthy of reproofe to vvith-hould so needefull a cōmoditie any longer from our voulgare spech vvhereby I vvas the more imboldened to the finishing therof at such times as I might best attēd vpon the same I haue moreouer set downe the antiquitie of many cities vvorthy of memory the founders of their auncient monuments the vvhich I haue diligently collected out of sundry approued aucthors It resteth now that I therein most humbly craue your good vvorships furtheraunce as of one most vvorthy for your great experience and trauailes into forreyne Realmes in the Princes vvaighty affaires as it is not vnknowne so that therby it might the better vnder your protection passe forth into the handes of many And although right vvorshipfull this briefe collection doth contain no pleasant history nor delightful new deuised matter yet doubtlesse a thinge of necessitie to be desired especially of all suche Gentlemen as are adicted to trauaile vvhich hetherto haue vvanted the same beside Marchants or Factors in forreyne countries dispersed as their trafique requireth But to be briefe I cease further to reherse perticulerly the commodities thereof Desiring your vvorship to take in good part the first fruites of my labours trusting hereafter if God lend me good successe to impart vnto your vvorship some further matter of more delight or pleasure in the reading thereof And thus I desire almightie God to preserue you vvith your verteous Lady in health and prosperous felicitie Your worshippes most bounden to commaund Richard Rowlands ¶ A godly prayer very needefull to be vsed and sayde before any Iorney be taken in hand O Lorde Iesus Christe with thy almightie euerlasting heauenly Father in vnitie with the holy Ghost very trwe and euerliuinge God as thou diddest leade the children of Israell out of the lande of Egipt into the lande of Promise through the vnfrequented Wildernesse in great safetie in the daye tyme by a Cloude and in the darke night by a Firy Piller Euen thou O Lorde which dyddest guyde the Wyse men from the rysing of the Sunne vnto Bethlem and home againe into their owne countrie by a Starre preseruinge them from all hurtes and daungers So likewise O heauenly Father I most humbly desire thee that in this my Iourney thou wilt be my guide and protectour that I may accomplish and bring this my way to an ende in health and gladnesse Preserue and kéepe me from all perills of Soule and body so that by thy fatherly protection I may ouercome all perills and daungers through Iesus Christ thyne onely welbeloued sonne our Lord and Sauiour Amen ¶ Here foloweth the varietie of myles GEntle Reader whē thou shalt finde in this Booke Italian Myles then maist thou know that 5. Italian Myles containe one Germaine Myle When thou fyndest French Myles then thrée French Myles doe contayne one Germayne Myle If thou fyndest Spanish Myles they are equall in lengthe vnto Germayne Myles If thou fyndest English Myles then doe 5. English Myles make two Germayne Myles If thou shalt sée Hungarian Myles then accompt two Hungarian Myles for thrée Germayne Myles If thou fyndest Switzers Myles then accompt two Switzers Myles for thrée Germayne Myles GENTLE Reader I thought it good to aduertise thée the I haue orderly marked in the margent by certaine letters whereby thou shalt know which are Cities Villages or houses of Religion lying in the way as thus The letter C for a Citie the letter M for a Market Town K for a Kloyster and the letter V for a Village so foorth And on the other side the Myles from one place to an other and for the halfe Myle this letter d. ¶ Here foloweth the most vsed wayes and passages from one notable Citie in Germany vnto another With certain brief descriptions of the antiquities of diuers Cities And first of Augspurge THe Citie of Augspurge is of great antiquitie taking the name after the Emperour Augustus after many conflictes had of the Romans began to florish but of late yeares it is so encreased in all aboundaunce of riches and gorgious buildinges that the like Citie is not found in all Germany Beside that for marchandise it may compare with any citie in Europe forasmuch as their trafique stretcheth through all places aswell in Africa as in Europe ¶ From the Citie of Augspurge vnto Nurnberg V Gerschho●en 1 V Langkwaide 1 V Westendorf 1 V Merding 2 C Thonawerd 1 K Kaiserszhaim d. V Buchdorf d. C Monhaim 1 V Dietfurt am hanen kamm 2 C Weysenburg 1 V Ellingen d. M Pleinfeld d. V Gmynd 1 V Ritters bach 1 C Schwabach 2 C Nurnberg 2 The summe of Myles is 18. The Citie of Nurnberge is replenyshed with cunning Artificers in all kinde of Sciences by which the Marchaunts thereof and the whole citie is chefly maintained conueying the said worke into all landes The Region or countrie there about is very barron vnfrutefull insomuch that with great labour and trauaile it can scarcely yeld any commoditie From the citie of Nurnberge to Leiptzig V Buch 1 V Erlang 2 V Bayrszdrof 1 C Forchhaim 1 V Hirschhaid 2 C Bamberg 2 V Ratoldesdorf 2 V Kaltenbrune 2 C Koburg 2 C Newstattlm 2 V Iudenbach on the thuringer forest 1 C Grafenthal at the ende of the Forest 3 C Salfeld 2 C Rutelstat 1 C Rhall 2 C Ihena 1 V Dornweck 2 C Naunburg 1 C Weysenfelz 2 C Litzen 2 C Leiptzig 2 The summe of Myles 36. From the citie of Nurnberg to Leyptzig another way on the Bergstet V Schnatten 4 M Thumbach 5 C Rewitz 4 C Eger 5 C Falckennaw 5 C Elenbogen 1 C Karlestat in the which
of Germaine miles 13 From Laquila to Neapolis C Ciuita Relenga 14 Popolay 8 Salmona 8 Rocca di valde Scuro 8 Castell di sango 10 All Fornello 15 All Sesto 12 Caluy 17 Cappoa 10 Verza 8 C Neapolis 10 The summe of Italian miles 120 of Germaine miles 24 The cittie Neapolis is of great antiquitie and was called of olde tyme Parthenope as Titus Liuius saith the whole kingdome taketh the name of the cittie Neapolis From Neapolis to Rome Alla Rocca 30 Molla 18 Funny 17 Maruty 16 Salmonety 20 Bollutrie 15 C Rome 20 The summe of Italian miles 129 of Germaine miles 26 From Rome to Genua Alla Isola 8 Bachan 6 Monte roch 6 Ronsiglion 8 Vitterbo 8 Monte Fiastan 10 Bulstena ● Sant Lorentz 3 Pome cenym ● Impaia ● Secorso 4 Alla Scala 5 Th●rmir 8 Lusignan 8 Senis 8 Saggia 9 Pogi Pontz 3 Castell Fiorintin 10 Ponto seco Mulinaso 7 Galeno 4 Luca 11 Pietra Santa 16 Mossa 6 C Sarsana 10 All Porgadro 16 Mattarana 7 All Boacha 7 Saint Estri 8 Chianey 8 Ropola ● Retho 6 C Genua 15 Italian miles 257 Germain miles 53. d. From Rome to Genua by Millan Baccano 12 Montorosso 8 Ronsigliono 12 Vitterby 86 Saint Lawrentzo 1 Alla Paglia 16 Iholiuero 17 Siena 17 All Tauernello 17 Fiorentza 15 Scarparia 14 Fiorentzola 10 Discaregalaze 10 Bollogna 20 A. Modena 20 Rotz 15 Borgo de s Anthony 15 Piasentza 20 Castel Postelengo 10 Lodena 12 Mariano 10 C Millano 10 C Pauia 20 Voghera 12 Iortona 10 Arquata 14 Butzala 12 C Genua 14 Italian myles 392 Germaine myles 78. d. From Aquila to Ancona All Borgeto 15 Darony 15 Spoletti 10 Verzina 15 Sarauell 7 Poluerina 8 Dorentina 10 Passa de Mazarata 10 Ciuita ducata 5 Recanata 10 Loretta 3 C A●cona 15 Italian myles 123 Germaine myles 24. d. The citie Anthona lieth on the sea Adriatum hauing a famous hauen for shippes such as the like is not in all Italie there is great trafique of Marchandize and plentie of VVine and corne vvith other necessaries From Ancona to Venice Sinagaglia 20 Fang 15 Pessera 5 La Catholica 01 Rymina 15 Cesznadiga 15 All Safsio 10 Raueno 10 Premar 18 Mangiauaca 10 Bolloni 18 Gora 18 Fornazi 18 Chioea 18 C Venice 25 Italian miles 225 Germain miles 45 From Augspurg to Inspruck Triend and Venice Zum Stadell ain Ainodin 4 C Landtsperg 2 V Romenkessell 1 V Soya 1 C Schongaw 2 K Rottenbuch 1 V Amberg 3 K Ethall d. M Partakirch 1. d. M Mittewalo 3 S●efeld ain Weyi●r 3 M Zierell 1 C Insp●uck 2 M Matrach 3 V Staynach d. Lyg ain Klausen 1 Ouer the Prenner forrest to Gossensafz 2 V C Stertzing d. Beysser ain aidodin 3 C Brixen 1 C Klausen 2 V Colman 1 V Blumaw 2 M Botzen 1 M Newmarckt 3 M Sant Michell 2 V Neu●s 1 C Triend 1 The summe of myles 49 From the cittie Triend to Venice V Persen 5 M Leue 5 M Wurgen 10 M Grin 15 C Felters 1 Vener ain ainodin 7 V Carnudo 8 C Treuiso or Derfis 15 C Maiesters 10 C Venice 5 The summe of Italian miles 95 of Germain myles 19 So that the whole summe is from the citie of Augspurg in Germany vnto the citie of Venice in Italie is 6 8 Germayn miles From Beissern to Venice through the Busterdale and through the Caluber is somewhat nearer M Mulbach 1 C Braunecken 3 V Niderdorff 3 Gasthausz 3 V Hayden 1 The summe of Germain myles 11 V Monat 8 C Maiesters 10 C Venice 5 V Saint Martin 9 V Barauell 3 V Spithalie 5 V Lungeron 5 V Plaszburg 10 V Teutscen Eck 01 C Speroual 7 C Kyniglon 7 V Lobotina 8 C Derfis 7 The summe of Italian myles 94 of Germayne myles 18 The citie of Venice is a rich citie of great povver both by lande and by vvater the citie is alvvaies gouerned by the Ducke thereof hath in subiection diuers prouinces The Italian prouerbe speaking of Venice and other cities agreeth therevnto vvhich is Venice the richest Milane the greatest Genua the proudest Florents the fynest Bononi● the fruitfullist Rauenna the oldest Neapolis the noblist and Rome the head of cristendome From venice to Rome C Padua 15 Rouigo 25 C Ferrara 20 Saint Piero Castle 16 Saint Gortzo 5 C Bolognia 10 Pionora 8 Coian 8 Saint Cargolasino 4 Predo Mala 5 Fiorenzola 5 All Ioff 5 Saint Carparin 5 Voglia 6 C Fiorenza 8 Saint Cassan 9 Thauernelo 8 Pogi pontz 5 Stagia 3 Senis 9 Lusignan ● Thormere 8 Alla Scala 8 Rerasco 5 Impaia 4 Pome Cenim 8 Sant Lawrentzo 8 Bulsiena 3 Montofiascon 6 Ronziglione 10 Monto Roscho 8 Bachan 6 Isola 6 Rome 8 The summe of Italian myles 265 of Germain myles 53 From Augspurg to Ferraria The way from Augspurg to Inspruck and Triend is already before prescribed Then further from Triend to Ferraria Stekho Allwurget Allzerin Vrsulango Isol●a de la gschalla Ostia Soll C Ferraria myles Ferraria a very auncient citie lyeth very faire and pleasauntly on the vvater Pado garnished vvith sumpteous pallases bauing very broade and vvyde streetes the trafique of marchandise there is great From Ferraria to Augspurg throuh Schweytzerland Figeroll Ostia Isola de la gschalla Schona Compena Pisgiera Lunado Pressa Isra Schullago Loffer Abro Edell Inn Abrigo di Zappo Zu Adiram ouer the hill a post gschiaffo Schull monte Perlina All ponto Rosina La Alba Burgunde Lenntz C Khur The summe of Italian myles 51 From the citie Khur to Lindaw V Zittsers 1 C Mayenfeld 1 On the staig d. V Baltzers d. V Zum Baurin d. V Fussen am See 1. d. C Lindaw 1 V Trysen d. V Schon d. C Feldtkirch 1 V Klauzen 1 myles ● From Lindaw to Augspurg C Wangen ● C Lewkirchen 3 C Menmgen 3 C Mindelhayn 3 V Menchingen 3 C Augspurge 3 myles 18 From Lions in Fraunce to Millayn Volpilera 5 Iorna 4 Ponto Pionesin 3 Khiambri 5 Momekana 2 Gabella 4 Saint Michell 4 Occesa 4 Linneberg 3 Noua lesa Pasar la monte 4 Susa 1 Vigliana 4 Iurino 3 The summe of French myles 46 Zean 13 Verzell 16 Nouara 10 Biffalora 10 C Mayland 18 The summe of Italian miles 67 The whole accoumpt from Lions to Millain is 28 Germain miles From Venice to Mayland C Padua 25 C Vizenza 18 Alla torre de Confini 13 C Verona 17 Peschara 10 Disenzano 8 Pressa 18 Pontoia 20 Martinenga 5 Cassan 13 C Mayland 18 The summe of Italian myles 165 Germain myles 33 From Neapolis to Cossenza Portici 4 Tore dell Greco 4 Tore dell Nuciata 6 Scaffada 4 Nocera de Pagy 6 Cana 6 Selerno 4 Anquillara 4 Saint Leonaro 2 Tauerna Pinta 4 Gieuolle 8 Alla Scaffa 4 A. Duchessa 6 Scorsso 2 A. Saynt Martino de Cessignano 1 A. Goletto 7 A. Intagliado 2 A. Pollo 2 A. Tauera Ateonia 4 A. Sala 4 A. Alto Monsso 8 A. Cassainoue 4 A. Laco Nigro 8 A. La
there is a Bath of hot water 1 C Ioachims thall 4 C Annaberg 4 C Khemnitz 4 C Benickh 2 M Kroburg 2 C Leyptzig 4 The summe of myles 45 From Nurnburg to Leyptzig another way through the Margraue his land K Weyfsenaw 4 C Begnitz 2 C Barreitz 4 C Bereneckh 1 C Zum gfresz 1 C Munchberg 1 V Zum hof 2 C Plawen 3 M Newenmarckt 2 C Zwickaw 2 V Langenlumpen d. C Altenburg 3. d. C Borne 3 C Leyptzig 5 The summe of myles 32 Another vvay vnto the Citie of Liptzig V Heroldtsberg 2 K Weysenaw 2 C Bodenstaine 3 C Barreith 3 C Bereneckh 2 C Gfresz 1 C Siben wurst 1 C Munchberg 1 C Hof in voitland 2 V Zibern 1. d C Plawen 1. d. V Mila 2 C Zwickaw 2 V Gesznitz 3 C Altenburg 1 C Born 3 C Leyptzig 2 The summe of myles is 33 Another vvay from the citie of Plawen vnto Leyptzig vvhich is somevvhat neerer but in the vvay are many Hills V Hedern 1. d C Winschendorf or sainct Veytsberg 1. d C Gera 1 C Zeyts 2 C Pega 2 V Zwencka 2 C Leyptzig 2 The summe of myles is 33 From Nurnberge vnto the Schonaw in Saxony V Erlang 3 V Bayrsdorff 1 C Forchhaim 1 C Bamberg 4 V Ratoldsdroff 2 C Koburg 4 V Esfeld 3 C Trettenhutten in the Schonaw 2 The Summe of myles 20 From Nurnberg vnto Preszlaw in the Schlesy From Nurnberg vnto Leyptzig as is before in the first leafe 36. meyle then further as folowith V Eylenburg 3 V Belgram 4 C Hamnitz 8 C Bautzen 3 C Gerlitz 3 C Newstatlin 1 C Buntzell 2 V Tenbsall 2 C Zum haned 3 C Lignitz 2 C Newemnarckt 4 C Preszlaw 4 The Summe of myles 75. From Augspurge to Franckfurt V Biber 1 V Hoegen 1 M Zuszmerhamsen 1 V Gletwing 1 M Burgaw V Knoringen 1 C Guntzburg 1 C Leyphaym d. V Ober●ala V Vnder●ala 1 C Vlm 1. d. C Geyslingen ● C Goppingen there ●s the sowre well 2 C Eszlingen 4 C Candtstatt 1 C Fayhingen 2 C Pretta 3 C Brussell in Swaben 3 V Reynhausen where as men passe ouer the Riuer Ryne 2. d. C Speyr d. V Oberszhaim 3 C Wormbs 2 C Oppenhaim 3 C Mantz 2 C Franckfort 4 The summe of myles is 44 The Ci●ie of Mentz was of auncient tyme callid Mogountia and lay not at the first so nigh the Riuer of Rhein as it now doth as plainely appeareth by a wall foundation of the citie yet to be sene which standith on the side beyond the same citie But where the citie now standith there was at the first a Boolwerke or hold in defence of the citie against the Germaines who foūdid this citie at the first it is not perfecttly knowne but doubtlesse it is a citie of great Antiquitie and lieth very pleasantly whereas the Riuer of Mayn doth flow down from Franckforde and the Riuer Rehyn also desending from the highe countrie there is no citie on the Rehin whereas more aunciēt Monuments are found Claudius Drusus about the tyme of the Emperour Augustus erectid in this citie for an euerlasting memory a huge Rocke like vnto a Towre of stone the which there is yet to be seene the Emperour Iulianus when hee warred with the Germans made at this citie a bridg ouer the Rehin and after him the Emperour Charles the great by great labour and cost foundid an other bridg on the Rehin the which was ● hundrith paces long for so broad the Rehin runnith in that place but this bridg cōtinued not long for it was after consumed with fire in the space of three hovvres and nothing of the said bridg remayned but the foundation being vnder the vvater It is said about the yeare 425 that Saint Albaine for the faith of Christ vvas martered in this citie From the citie of Mantz vnto Antwerp by land D Pingen 4 V Drechshausen 1 C Sanit Gwer 2 V Wesel● 1 M Probhart 2 V Renus 1 V Canelius 2 V Andernach 3 V Sennsich 1 V Ehendorff 2 M Vitrich 2 M Duren 3 C Ach 4 V Gulppen 3 C Masterichte 2 C Hasell 4 V Diest 3 C Harsell 2 V Stingen 2 C Lier 2 C Antwcrp 2 The summe of myles 48 From Mantz to Colen to passe on the Ryne V Winckell 3 C Koblentz 10 C Colen 13 The summe of myles 26 THe people enhabiting about the citie of Colen before the byrth of Christ vvere called the Vbi and this vvas the principall and chiefe citie although not called by this name but after the enhabitants there about the Romans kept themselues of auncient tyme in this citie vvhen as they hild continuall vvares vvith the Germans the Emperor Iulius Ceaser in short tyme built a bridge of vvood ouer rhe riuer of Rheyn vvhich runneth alongst this citie by meanes vvhereof he might alvvaies geue assault on the Germans Aftervvardes in tract of tyme vvhen the citie vvas repayred vvith curious and costly buildings then vvas the bridge made vvith stone for the surer passing ouer but vvho founded the same it is not knovvn And after the Bishop Bruno by commaūdement of the Emperour Otto the first brake dovvn the saide bridge to the ground bicause that many robberies murthers vvere cōmitted on the sayd bridge by night The citie of Colen after that the people called the Vbi had the possession thereof it vvas named Agrippina of Marcus Agrippa so it continued long after vnder the Romans vnto the tyme of Marcomyrus king of France vvho draue the Romans from thence about the yeare of our Lord. 400. and called the citie Colonia After that vvas the citie taken againe from the French kinge by a Duke of Saxony vvho vvas then created Emperor In the yeare 1388. vvas the Vniuersitie of Colen erected the priuileges thereof confirmed From the citie of Colen by land to Antvverp V Wida 1 V Stainstrasz 4 C Gylch 2 V Peckendorff 2 C Herell 2 C Masterichte 3 V Bilsa 2 V Hasell 2 V Diest 3 C Yetigkomb 2 C Lier a fair citie 2 C Antwerp 2 The summe of myles 27 An other vvay from Augspurge to Heydelberg and Franckford M Zuszmerhansen 3 C Gyntzberg 3 C Leyphaim d. C Albeck 1 V Wetterstetten 2 V Launsen 1 C Geisleingen 3 C Goppingen 2 C Eszinligen 4 C Randtstatt 1 V Stam. d. C Grieningen 1 C Biettingken 1 C Beingken 1 C Brackena ouer a hill 1 V Stetten 1 V Riechen 1 V Angeloch 1 V Wiseloch 1 M Leyman 1 C Haydelberge 2 The summe of myles ●● The citie of Heydelberg as some affirme taketh the name of certayne berries grovving on the mountaines nigh the same citie vvhich are called Heydelberies But as some saye the name is taken of the heathen people vvhich of olde tyme inhabited in the mountaines theraboutes The citie standeth very pleasantly for the fayre ryuer Necker runneth forth along from the high hills fo cōmodious for the people that it is to be thought
3 C Regenspurge 3. d. ●he summe of myles 22. d. From the citie of Nurnberge vnto the citie of Remspurge V Feicht 2 V Virrieden 1. d. C Newen Marckt 1. d. V Deyningen 1 V Hemaw 4 V Deirting 1 C Regenspurge 2 The summe of myles 13 Erom Nurnberge to Landshut V Rottenbach 2 V Allers burg 2 C Freystatlyn 1 V Bergin 2 V Berngnes 1 V Altenstain 2 C Newstatt 2 M Pfesters Hausen 3 V Weichmichell 2 C Landts Hut 1 The summe of myles 18 From Nurnberge to Mynchen or Municke V Kornburge 2 V Schwandt 1 V Stain 2 V Daimesing 2 V Greding 2 V K●eding 1 C Ingolstat 3 C Plaffenhofen 4 M Pruck 4 C Mijnchen 3 The summe of Myles 24 From Nurnberge to Nordlingen and Vlm. C Schwabach 2 V Wasserman 2 V Erlbach 1 C Guntzenhausen 1 C Knotza 1 C Ottingen 2 C Norlingen 2 V Kessingen V Dietingen 1 C Gienga 2 V Langenaw 2 C Vlm 2 The summe of myles 13 From Nurnberge to Braunschweyck K Weyssenaw 3 C Bottenstain 1 C Barreith 2 C Sangerhausen 3 C Gotta 7 Wolfenbitell a Castle 6 C Braunschweyck 4 The Summe of myles 26 The citie of Braunsckwick was founded in the yeare 878. and toke the name of a prince called Bruno and at the first vvas but a small village but at this present is a great citie multiplyed vvith people and adourned vvith very faire buildinges From Braunschwick to Schwerein C Halberstatt 3 C Maydenburg 8 C Stendell 4 C Werba 3 C Sanaw 3 C Hagelburge 4 C Blawen 4 C Mayenen 1 Zu Roten Mor a Castell 2 C Schwerein 2 The summe of myles 34 From Nornberge to Dillenberge at Westwald V Firth 1 V Langen Zcen 2 M Marckt Derlabach 2 Wimpffen vnder those of Nurnberge 2 V Ergersen 1 V Sonderszhof●● 2 V Ab 1 V Wittich hausen 3 V Grienszfeld vnder the subiection of the Earles of Leychtenberg 1 C Bischofs ham 1 M Kilsen 1 C Miltenburg 2 C Oschenburg vnder the Bishope of Mantz 3 C Hana vnder their owne Earle 4 C Fridberg a rich stat 3 M Watzler 3 C Dillenberg 3 The summe of miles 34 From Augspurge to Kopffstain M Bruck 5 C Mynchen 4 V Peysz 3 C Feldkerch 2 C Aybling 1 C Rosenhaim 1 V Vischbach 2 C Kopffstain 2 The summe of miles 20 The citie Regenspurge vvas long called Ratispona the vvhich name it yet retaineth in the Latine It is foūd to be either built or nevvly reedified by Tiberius the Emperour and at that tyme called Tiberina In the yeare 1114. vvas built the stone bridge hauing 24. arches ouer the riuer Thonaw or Danubie vvhich passeth alōgst the citie The learned and famous Philosopher Albertus Magnus vvas Bishop of this citie in Anno. 1262. but aftervvard for his great desire of natural Science he gaue ouer the Bishopricke and departed to Colen vvhereas he studied many yeares dyed and vvas there buried From Regenspurge by vvater vnto Wyen V Stauff 1 V Schrenckhofen 1 V Zum Gfatter 1 C Straubing 3 M Bunga 1 C Deckendorff 3 K Nydern Alta 1 M Tauf kirchen 2 M Filtzhofen 1 V Sambach 1 C Passaw 3 M Hafuerzell 2 V Engerzell 1 V Rana 1 Schlegellē then a great hye hil a Forrest 1 M Ascha 2 V Freyenstain 1 M Ottensauim 3 C Lyntz 1 Spylawerk a Castell 2 C Mathausen 3 M Vndern Woltza 3 M Zum Gtrudell 3 V Serwingstain beim 2 Strudell 1 C Ips 2 M Bechling 2 C Melck a citie and Kloister 1 Schonbihell a Castel d. Ackstain a Castell d. V Spitz 1 M Weissen Kirchen 1 C Dietenstain 1 C Stam C Krembs K Ketwin ouer 1 Againstit V Mautern M Holenberg 1 V Saint Iohnnes in der Aw 1 C Dullen 2 V Offlein 3 C Kloister Newberge 1 M Nuntzers Drof 1 C Wien 1 The Summe of myles 60 From Wien to Augsburge by land C Kar Nuwburg 2 M Stockeraw 2 V Hauszleyten 1 V Absdorf 1 C Grauenwerd 2 C Krembs C Stain 2 V Durnsrayn 1 M Weissen Kirchen 1 V Spitz hauing a grene Church Steple 1 V Agspach 1 V Emersdorf 1 V Marbach 2 M Bossenburg 1 C Greyn 3 Here men pas ouer the wood called Sperea C Berg 3 C Mathausen 1 C Lynts 3 M Alckhosen 2 K Deferdingen 1 V Wald Kirchin 2 M Beyrbach 1 K Saint Wilboldt 1 V Sigartingen 1 V Tanfkirchin 1 M Scharding 1 V Rothof 1 V karch hain 1 V Biren bach 1 C Pfarkirchen 1 M Eckenfeld 2 M Gangkhofen 2 M Vilszbiburg 2 M Geiselhauson 1 C Landts hut 1 C Moszburg 2 C Freysing 2 V Crantsperg 1 V Camerberg 1 M Inners dorf 1 V Zeydelbach 1 V Heritzhausen 1 V Parr 1. d. C Fridberg d C Augspurg ● The summe of miles ●● From Inspruck to wien by water C Hall in Inthall 1 V Schwatz 2 C Rottenburg 4 C Kopffstam 4 C Rossenhaim 7 C Wasserburg 10 C Braunaw 3 V Obernberg 3 M Scharding 4 V Freistetten 3 C Passaw 4 M Hafnerzell 3 C Mathausen 3 Bossenburg a Cast●●● M Marggrein ● V Kirchdorf ● V Emerszdorf ● V Spits ● C Krembs 2 C Grauenwerd 2 M Stockeraw ● V Entzers Dorf ● C Wien ● The summe of myles 73 From the citie of VVien to Inspruck by Lande V Kalenberg 1 C Kloster newberg 1 M Traszmaurn 4 C Hertzoburg 2 K Saint Boltin 1 M Linden Marckt 2 V Strenberg 4 M Lendin an der enns 2 M Obern berg 2 V Walts 4 V Lambach 2 M Schwantsz ● C Francken Marckt 2 V StrauszWalch ● V Vogelbruch 2 C Newenmarckt 2 C Saltzburg 2 C Reichenhall 1 V Loffers thall 4 V Werglen 4 V Schwatz 4 C Hall in Inthall 2 V Inszpruck 1 The summe of myles 53 From Wien vnto the citie of Ofen in Hungaria Schirechits 2 Vischermintz 2 Holbrunnen 2 Simerein 4 C Gomorra 8 Todes 2 C Gran 4 C Blindenburg 4 Kaltbach 4 C Alt Ofen 2 C Ofen 2 The summe of Hungarishe miles 36 Germain miles 54 From the citie of Wien to the citie of Hermenstat in Sibengurgen Bruck on the Leiben 4 C Preszburg 6 Scheytta 3 Bosing 3 Gutinarckt 3 Gret hongrish marckt 10 Schwarts Wasser 3 C Erla 10 Leberits ander theusa 3 Turkish dorf 3 Faul Wasser 4 Verbrunnen dorf 4 Thoberissen 2 Vngerish burg 4 C Eger 9 Masz 9 C Klausenburg ● Thormbvrg 2 Bewdorf 2 Mer sztoch 2 Engiten 1 C Stultzenburg 7 C Hermenstatt 6 The summe of Hungarish wyles 103. of Germain myles 154. From the citie of Botzen to Bootta in the Steirmarckt M K●lman 3 C Klausen 1 C Brixen 2 V Mulbach 2 C Braunecken 2 Thoblach 3 Inchingen 2 C Lientz 4 Stainfelden 4 Sachsenburg ● Spithal 4 C Villach 2 C Klagenfurd 4 Fleckenmartckt 6 Mernberg 4 C Botta 6 The summe of myles 51 From Villach to Laubach C Kronburg 6 C Laubach 6 The summe of myles 12 From Augspurg to Regenspurg and so to Prage in Bohemya C Fridberg
1 V Desing 1 C Aycha 1 C Schrobeuhausen 2 V Byrenbach 2 C Geysenfeld 2 V Schwayg 2 C Newstatlin 1 C Abensperg 2 C Regenspurg 4 M Nyttenaw 4 C Bruck 1 V Newkirchen 2 C Rotz 2 C Wald Mynchen on the Forest 2 M Deyntz 3. d. C Pilsen 5 V Rockenzaw 2 V Zerwitz 1 M Scheberach 1 C Weron 2 C Prage 3 The summe of myles 45. d. From Nurnberge to P●●ge C Lauff 2 M Herspruck 2 M Saltsbach 3 V Hirshaw 2 V Weythausen 5 V frawenberg 2 C Pilsen 6 C Scheberach 5 C Weron 2 C Prag 3 Myles 32 From Prage to Leiptzig C Schlen 4 Lanua 3 Comettaw 4 C Maria berg 4 C Khemnitz 3 C Benick 2 C Froburg 1 C Born 2 V Hemrichen d. C Leyptzig 2. d. The summe of myles 26 From Franckford to Leiptzig M Hana 2 C Ge●hausen 3 V Salmynster 2 C Staynach an der Strasz 1. d. C Schlichters 1 d. C Voll 2 C Kobell 2 C Fach 3 V Schonsee 1 C Eysenach 2 C Gotta 3 C Erdfurt 3 C Bittelstatt 2. d. C N●●kers berg 2. d. C Naumburg 2 C Weyszenfelsz 2 C Lytzen 2 C Leyptzig 2 The summe of myles 39 The citiie of Leiptzig is the chefe of all the cities in the countrie of Meiszen in the yeare 1408. vvas a vniuersitie erected in this citie Ther is also great trafique of marchandise dayly vsed From Leiptzig to Regenspurge C Altenburg 5 C Zwickaw 4 M Aurbach 3 C Neynkirchin 3 C Eger 3 K Waldsachsen 1 V Tirschenry● 2 C Newstatim 3 M Weyda 3 V Schnithittē ther by lieth a Castle called Wernberg 1. d. M Pfraimbdt 1. d. M Naburg d. V Schwartzenfeld 1 V Schwandorf 4 V Deybitz 3 C Regenspurg 4 The summe of myles 40 From Leypzing to Stolburg Morschenburg 3 Schafstatt 1 Altstatt 3 C Stolburg 5 The summe of myles 12 From Kinigstayn to Stolburg C Butschbach 4 C Giessen 2 C Zigenhan 3 C Dresen 3 C Hamburg 4 V Farr 3 M Eschpa 2 C Milhausen 3 C Northausen 4 M Heringen 2 C Stolburg 2 The summe of myles 32 From Nurnberg to Castle V Buch 1 V Thenneloe 1 V Erlang 1 V Bayrs dorf 1 C Forchaym 1 C Bamberg 4 V Bannach 1. d V Eberach 1. d V Drobstall 4 V Rumolt ● V Mayningen 3 V Wossen 1 V Herren Braytingen 1 V Maresuoll 2 C Berckha 1 M Setze 1 C Retenburg 3 M Mels●●gen 3 C Castle 2 The summe of myles 34 From Nurnberg to the cittie of Dresen V Heroldtsberg 2 M Gschenaw 1 C Grauenwerd 1 V Bernfelsz 1 C Boenstayn 2 C Barreyt 3 C Bereneck 2 C Minchberg 2 C Hof in voyt lande 2 C Plawen 4 C Zwickaw 4 C Khemnitz 4 C Freyburg 4 C Dresen 4 The summe of myles 36 From Nurnberg to Magdenberg C Forchhaim 5 C Bamberg 4 C Koburg 5 C Limenaw 2 C Arnstatt 4 C Erdfurtt 4 M Grosz Symern 4 C Sangerhausen 2 C Manszfeld 4 M Stoszturt 2 C Magdenburg 4 The summe of myles 40 Madenburg is a citie of great antiquitie and toke the name of the Image of a mayden Godesse which the Citizens were wont to worship before they were cōuerted to the faith of Christ this citie liethe on the Riuer Elb. From Magdenburg vnto Sant Anna berg C Wittenberg 10 C Thorgaw 5 C Rochli●z 4 C Leyptzig 5 C Kohemnitz 8 C Anna berg 4 The summe of myles 36 From Anna berg to Mynchen in Bauarya C Ioachims Thal 4 C Schlackenwald 4 C Eger 2 K Wald Sachsen 2 V Weyden 1 C Newstatlin 1 M Pfraimbdt 4 M Hemaw 4 C Newstatlin on the Riuer Danube 2 M Gissenfeld 2 C Pfaffenhofen 2 C Mynchen 7 The summ of myles 35 From Nurnberg to Worms and so to Speyr V Fyrth 1 V Varnbach 1 V Langeren 1 V Marckt Erlbach 2 C Windtshaim 2 V Waldmerspach 2 V Aurnhofen 1 M Bibera 1 V Schefftersin 1 K Mergethaim 2 M Schwaygern 1 C Berlen 2 C Rosenburg 1 M Allaza 1 M Scheflentz 1 C Moszbach 1 C Eckermund 2 C Haydeiberg 1 C Wormbs 4 The summe of myles 28 From Nurnberg to Straszburg C Schwabach 2 C Eschabach 3 C Dinckelspyhell 4 C Elwang 2 C Gmind 4 C Shorndorf 2 C Kandtstat 4 V Ditzingen 1 V Weyssach 1 V Wormberg 1 Tieffenbrun a flight C Shot to Pfortza 1 V Langen staynbach 1. d. C Ettlingen d. V Malch 1 M Raltat 1 V Higelsa 1 C Stolhofen d C Liechtenaw 1 V Bischingen zum hohen Steg 1 C Straszburg 2 The summe of myles 35 From Augspurg to Strasburg V Biber 1 V Horgen 1 M Zuszmerhausen 1 V Gletwing 1 M Burgaw V Knoringē 1 C Gintzburg 1 C Leyphaim d. V Langenaw 1. d. V Weydenstetten 1 d. C Geyslingen 1. d. V Siessa 1 C Goppingen 1 M Ebers bach 1 V Blochingen 1 C Eszlingen 1 C Kandstat 1 V Ditzingen 1 V Weyssach 1 V Wormberg 1 Tieffenbrun a shot C vnto Pfortza 1 V Langen Stainbach 1. d. C Ettlingen d. C Malsch 1 M Rastatt 1 C Higelsa 1 C Stolhofen 1 C Liechtenaw 1 V Bischingen zum hohen Stege 1 C Straszburg 2 The summe of myles 31 An other vvay from Augspurge to Straszburge vvhich is nerer M Iuszmerhausen 3 C Gintzburg 3 C Vlm 3 C Blawbeiren 2 V Ihenenbeiren 1 C Minsingen 1 V Gechingen 1 C Reitlingen 1 V Derdingen ▪ 1 C Rottenburg am Necker 1 C Horb 2 C Dornstetten 2 C Knyebisz 2 C Noppenaw 1 C Oberkirch 2 V Bischingen zum hohen Stege 2 C Strasburg 2 The summe of myles 30 From Prage to Wittenberg and Hall in Saxony Welberg 3 Wudin 2 Leitmeritz 2 Aussig 3 Gotleben 4 C Dresen 3 C Meychsen 3 Stral 3 C Thorga 3 C Wittenberg Hall 6 The summe of myles 32 From Augspurg to Haylbrun V Aichstetten 1 V Arleszried d. V Reittern 1 V Newherberg V Altminster d. K Soltenbach d. V Holtza 1 C Laugyngen 1. d. V Stauffen d. C Gienga 1 ▪ d. C Haidenhaim 1 d. V Stanaich d. V Saint Bartleme 1 V Borge 1 C Gmind 1 C Schorndorf 2 C Wynnata 2 C Bo●mar 2 C Hailbrun 2 Mhe summe of myles 21 Here foloweth the wayes orderly lying betwene each notable citie saue onely the myles are not set in the margent yet at the end of each is the whole summe of myles set downe The citie of Antwerp vvas at the first but a castell vvhich as some say vvas kept of a Giant enhabiting therin it toke the name by a hande vvhich smitten of vvas cast into the riuer Schelt The place or countrie thereaboutes being very vvell situate began to be enlarged frō tyme to tyme vvith faire buildinges but of late vvithin this 60. yeare it hath so florished in all aboundaunce of vvealth by meanes of their great merchandize vvith all nations also vvas so sumpteously adorned vvith gorgeous buildings that it passed in that respect eache citie in Europe From Antwerp to Osenbruck