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land_n city_n great_a lord_n 2,295 5 3.5103 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09944 A historicall relation of the famous siege of the citie called the Busse Herevnto is added a generall mappe of the whole campe and siege, with particular mappes of all the seuerall approches in euery quarter. Compyled togeather and designed according to the iust measure and rule of geometrie by Iames Prempart, ingener to his Majestie of Sweden. Prempart, Jacques.; Hondius, Hendrik, b. 1573, engraver. 1630 (1630) STC 20202; ESTC S121882 37,247 44

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the Dukes-Wood but commonly being called the BUSSE And so this Citie builded a Townehouse a Court to entertayne the Duke likewise many Churches and in these latter times exceeding manie Monastaries And in the yeere of our Lord 1380. the foundation of the greate Church called Sainct Iohns Church was layde Also in those times the Cittie was enlarged and made greater and newe Walles moates and Bolwarkes and foure seuerall gates made to it vnder the commande of this citie at present doth belong Kempenlande Peellande Maselande and the Lande of Oosterwyke in which Landes are scituate foure chiefe Townes as Helmont Eyndhoven Megen and the Grave besides three score and twelue Villages wherein are one hundred and one Parish churches Through this citie of the Busse runneth a faire Ryver called the Diese it lyeth 2. leagues from the Ryver called the Mase 3. leagues frō Heusden and 12. leages frō Anwerpe This citie is marveillous strōg by reasō of the lande which lyeth roūde about it being verie lowe meddowes which almost continually are overwhelmed with water especially in the Winter season insomuch that none can assaulte it from without Besides the strong Fortification of this citie of high Bulwarkes very broad Moates Hornworkes halfe Moones It was strengthened with three greate and very strong Fortresses or Sconces twoo of them neare the Vuchter gate where some high grounde lyeth The greater and outwardmost is called the Fort Isabella The lesser which lyeth betweene that and the citie is called Sainct Antonio And the other which lyeth on the Eastside of the citie in a Morrace is called the Petler-Sconce Thus much touching the describing of the citie to you Nowe to returne to this present Siege the Prins of Orenge by order of the Lordes the States Generall did beginne very timely in the yeere sente vp some shipping with Ordinance Amunition and other warrelike necessaries to Nimmegen and to the Sconce of 's Gravenweert After this aboute the midst of Aprill Anno 1629. the Prins caused the most parte of his Forces to be raysed out of theire Garrisons taking theire Rendevous towardes the said Sconce And so with a greate Resolutenesse and courage on the 24. of Aprill early in the morning at 6. of the clocke his Eccellence departed out of the Hage with a braue Trayne of Valliant Commanders and Officers and went directly for Utrick from thence for Arnhem and so for 's Gravenweert Where his Eccellence finding his Troopes in readinesse instantly departed and marched to the Mokerheath and there the whole Army stood in Battell the 28. of Aprill and quartered that night vnder the Heavens Canopy The next morning at the breake of daye they marched forward to the citie called the Grave over the Bridge and so directly towardes the BVSSE where a Troope of Horse came that same euening And the next daye which was the 30. of April they viewed the Citie and in the afternoone aboute three a clock his Eccellentie came thither with his whole Armye enquartering himselfe with 134. Companies at Vucht a Village very neere to the twoo greate Sconces called Isabella and Anthonio and tooke his owne lodging in a faire ould building called Heymshouse The other chiefe Quarters his Excellence ordered in this manner Counte Ernst at Hintem with 50. Companies Counte William of Nassau the Governor of Heusden at Orten with 32. Companies The Lorde of Brederode aboute the Petteler-Sconce with 26. Companies and the Count of Solms at Engelen neere Crevecoeur for the safetie of our Victuall and Amunition Shipping which laye there And one the 11. of Maye Mons Pinsen came thither with 23. Companies and tooke his Quarter at Deuteren In the meane time all the Quarters being layd out and every Regiment and Companye hauing theire ground giuen them His Excell caused certaine thousandes of Husbandemen to come out of the Betuw the Tieler and Bommeler-Weerd and other places to the campe which with the helpe of the Souldiers did in few dayes entrench euery Quarter and being defensible as so many bees to theire hiues so each Souldier brings some thing to make himselfe a Hutt This being done his Excellence rides about to view the ground The Line of circumvallation being nigh 30. English Miles in circuit The Siege running thus from the right side of the Dam where a Riuer called the Dommel was stopt it ran along by Generall Cicills Regiment and so to Coronell Harwords from thence to the French and Walloones and along the Heath to the stone Gallowes Then a long to Deuteren from thence to the Busse-Sloate and so along the men of warre to Engelen and Crevecoeur and from thence on the other side of the Riuer called the Diese downe to Orten from thence to Hintem where Count Ernst his Quarter laye and so forward to Coudwater and to the Lord of Brederods Quarter and thence along the Uffrouws Sconce and Berkel-Sconce to the Dam where the out Line met againe The Governor of the BVSSE called Grobbendoncq hearing that our Army came marching towardes the Citie and seeing our Horsemen making a bravado in compassing and viewing thereof could not beleeue or be perswaded that it was intended to besiege him but that the plott was layd to besiege Breda Yea hee said playnlie that he did thinke the Prins was not so vnwise for to beginne such a foolish acte But presently after perceiuing that he setled his Quarters and his Army approching towardes the Citie and to annoye it hee began to ponder his owne negligence that he had not provyded the Citie sufficiently of Men Ordinance and Gunpowther although a little before he could haue had certaine thousand weight of powther from Luyke which for the couetuousnesse of monnie tooke noe effect This newes comming to Brussels and other places in Braband some set very light by it esteeming this Citie to bee invincible but others considering theire vnpreparednesse and wante of men and monnie were much amased The Archduchesse sent one Post after another for Spayne caused her chiefe Commanders of warre to assemble and beganne to laye theire witts togeather howe to rayse monnies for the paye of theire Souldiers that so they might gett them in feelde Grobbendoncq wrote in all hast for more men and powther and that the Archduchesse would vse some speedie meanes to releeue the Citie some of the Enemies cheefe Commanders when they heard of this as I am credibly informed sayd smylinglie that Grobbendoncq was one of those stout and valliant men which did not feare the Divel himselfe yea scoffed at him and as it were desyred to see hem As this Governor did often wish that the Prins would come and visit him but when he sawe him indeed he was as sore affrayde as the rest and desyred soonest to be rid of him His Excellence the first daye of Maye suffered divers Women Children Nunnes Maydservantes to departe out of the Citie The Troopes of Horsmen which laye in Garnison within the Citie thought also to passe out of the Citie without anie