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A09841 A newe treatise of the right reckoning of yeares, and ages of the world, and mens liues, and of the estate of the last decaying age thereof this 1600. yeare of Christ, (erroniouslie called a yeare of Iubilee) which is from the Creation, the 5548. yeare. Conteining sundrie singularities, worthie of observation, concerning courses of times, and revolutions of the heauen, and reformations of kalendars, and prognistications: with a discourse of prophecies and signes, preceeding the latter daye, which by manie arguments appeareth now to approch. With a godlie admonition in the end, vpon the words of the Apostle, to redeeme the time, because the dayes are evill. By M. Robert Pont, an aged pastour in the Kirk of Scotland. The heades are set downe in certaine propositions, in the page following. Pont, Robert, 1524-1606. 1599 (1599) STC 20104; ESTC S114916 62,367 102

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betweene our reckonings of 44. yeares but the matter space is not great in substance For doubtlesse that Antichristian kingdome as it hath begun already to fall so shortly shall it come to vtter ruine For Babylon muste needes fall according to the Prophecie of the Revelation In the which we finde also at the end of the 14. Chapter this number of 1600. where it is said That the Vine-presse of Gods wrath was troden without the Cittie and blood come out of it to the horse bridies by the space of 1600. stades or furlungs This number some of the learned vnderstande to be meant of yeares as though after the out-running of 1600. yeares the end shalbe when the wicked shalbe tormented in hell after the similitude of a woundrous great bloud shed in the field But in my judgement that number is rather to be vnderstood of a space of grounde conteining so many Fur-longs or stades For there being eight Furlongs in a myle of our reckoning they come to 200. of our common myles which was the longest reaching of the boundes of the Land of Israel For by the citie is signifyed Spirituall Ierusalem the Church of God within the which the Elect and godly are conteined And the tredding of the vine-presse without the Citie is meante of them that are out of the true Church which are in a far greter number vpon whom Gods wrath doth fal as it wer comprehending the whole space of the Land without the citie But to returne to that Treatise of the second comming of Christ the author insisteth very much vpon the number of 5555. from the creation of the world which after his reckoning endeth in the year of Christ 1593. yeares but after our count the 1607. yeare of the which number he gathereth a great mysterie Because it conteineth both an Arithmeticall Geometrical proportion of numbers to wit an Arithmeticall in proceeding by Foure fiues and a Geometrical by reason the parts therof are made vp in progres by multiplication of 10. As fiue-times ten mak 50. ten-times 50. mak 500. ten times 500. make 5000. Or if ye like to proceed the cōtrary way the tenth part of 5000. is 500 the tenth part of 500. is 50. the tenth part of 50. is 5. wherof he gathereth that after the cōpleiting of 5555. years frō the Worldes creation there shall fall foorth a merveylous change of the estate of the World as indeed there was not such a concurrence of numbers since the yeare of Christ 496. Neither shall the like so long as the World lasteth Now because of the perfection of the number of fiue aboue other numbers it comprehendeth in it all vnities of the which all other numbers do consiste be they eauen or odde and because distributiue justice standeth in Geometrical proportion hee gathereth and supposeth that the Lord God maker and governour of all things by this proportionable agreeing of numbers would leade vs to a certaine deepe consideration of a perfite expyring and ende of all thinges So that hee trusteth the comming of the Sonne of GOD to judgment shortly thereafter to insue To the which he addeth many other arguments and conjectures to the same purpose As to me albeit I like not to follow any Pythagorical superstition in observation of numbers yet in so far as we may haue any good ground out of holy Scriptures or evident reason For such reckoning I think it not altogether to be refused having the concurrence of other good testimonies to confirme the same As indeed there appeares to be some greate mysterie in the conjoyning of so manie fiues to-gether For before it or with it the manifolde Eclipses that are to fall out with their effects and specially that fearefull Eclipse of the 1605. yeare wherein the Sun shall be allutterlie darkned at Noone-daie whereof the effectes shal continue certaine yeares thereafter pretende great mutations and perturbationes to ensue in those few yeares following As wartes seditiones pestilences famine with many other grievous calamities and Tragicall eventes such as treasons conspiracies so that few men may truste one another wherewith the common societie of men is like to be dissolved and all licencious libertie to wickednesse to haue place And shortlie Loue to waxe colde and selfe-loue to waxe hote with all other such enormities and corruptiones as the Apostle PAVLE prophecieth to fall foorth in the latter dayes in his Epistles And namely in matters of Religion new sectes and heresies shall aryse with a merveilous defection from the faith according to the wordes of our Maister Christ When the Sonne of man shall come beleeue yee he shall finde faith in the earth But the most evident testimonie of all is the agreement of those said heavenly signes with the prophecies of the Revelation of the sixt and seventh trumpets For the end of the sixt trumpet and Vi●le and the beginning of the seaventh vnder which now we are agree together as they doe in all the reste Nowe the summe of all those tokens and signes is to declare how when God sendeth his Worde and Preachers of the Gospell in the worlde men refusing the same are tormented with wartes and manie other calamities and that by his juste judgement This is meant first generally by opening of the seaven seales of the closed booke For at the first seale opening the white horse and the ryder with his bow bent signifyeth the Preaching of the Evangel At the second seale opening the red horse with his rydar betokeneth the sworde blood and battel which God sendeth in the VVorld being disobedient to the preaching of the Gospel Like wise the black-horse with his ridar and the ballance in his hande at the opening of the thirde seale signifyeth dearth famin sent for the same cause And the fourth horse being of pale colour with his ridar Death at the opening of the fourth seale declareth the plague of pestilence and other deadly diseases punishing mens rebellion and disobedience to the Gospell At the opening of the fift seale The Saintes Martyrs for the testimonie of the trueth craue revenge at God hand for the innocent shedding of their bloud At the sixt seale opening the great earth-quake with obscuratiō of the Sunne and the reste of the signes therein specified declare great troubles in general corruption darkning of the truth with bloudy persecutiō throwing down of the Ministers of the Gospell so that the Church did lurke in obscurity for a time and many made defection from the Romane Empyre But in the meane time GOD had his servantes marked as is specified in the seaventh chapter Finally at the seaventh seale opening the silence for halfe an hourse signifyeth a little rest by God graunted to his Church in the middest of these troubles And there-with is declared howe GOD accepted the prayers of his Saintes offered by Christ. All these thinges I say testifie in general the estate of the Church and such troubles as haue f●llen foorth
of Vine-yardes That libertie should bee granted vnto servantes and that it should be called a yeare of rest vnto the Lorde And by like reason it was also institute that the Israelites should number vnto them seaven Sabbathes of yeares conteining 49. years immediatlie in the beginning of the 50. yeare thereafter the trumpet of a Iubilee should be blowne the 10. day of the seuenth Moneth whereon fell the solemnitie of reconciliation proclayming libertie to all the inhabitantes of the lande so that everie man might returne to his owne possession as at more length is set foorth by MOYSES in the law Now albeit that the law specifyeth that these Sabbaticall yeares and Iubilees should be kept by the people of Israel when they were come in the Land which the Lord was to giue them obtayn rest therin because they could not wel keep the same before that time yet the reason of this sacred reckoning proceeding by the number of sevens hath a grounde in the naturall Lawe which was before the written Law of MOYSES and the ensample of GOD himselfe who was before all Lawes And thereby wee may well gather that this Sabbaticall reckoning hath respect even to the beginning of the world and is to be counted even from that first Sabbath wherin the Lord rested from all his workes So that as God rested the seventh day of creation in like manner the Sabbaticall yeares and yeares of Iubilee should proceede from that beginning For MOYSES himselfe who wrote the holy historie from the creation of the worlde to his dayes knew well ynough the just reckoning of these Sabbaticall yeares and by the Spirite of Prophecie also hee knew what time the people should obtaine peaceable rest and possession of the Lande of Chanaan that then they might begin to reckon by these Sabbatical years and yeares of Iubilee For an evidence whereof wee finde by just reckoning which hereafter is to be sette downe that the 6. yeare of the governement of IOSVA wherein the Israelites obteined peaceable possession of the Lande the same being devided amongst them was a Sabbatical yeare and also the complete 49. yeare of a Iubilee So that from the creation vnto that time there wil be 357. Sabbathes of yeares and 51. Iubilees And the next yeare thereafter which was the 7. yeare of IOSVA will be found a just beginning from the which forward the people reckoned both their Sabbaticall yeares and yeares of Iubilee whereupon it followeth that this manner of counting by Sabbaticall yeares is the most sure reckoning of the yeares and ages of the World and may wel be deduced brought to this present yeare commonly counted the 1600. from the birth of Christ. In the which reckoning wee haue to proceede after this manner First taking an fixed yeare out of the Scripture being surely a Sabbaticall yeare for an fixed stay or ground and then reckoning from the same backe to the beginning of the Worlde and like wise forward to the yeare of the Nativitie of Christ and so consequently to this presente yeare These stayes or rootes of time in Greek are called Epoche in Latine Aera temporum And wee shall take the ground therof for our present reckoning out of the 28. chap. of the Prophet IEREMY where he reckoneth the first yeare of K. Zedekiah wherein Hananiah the false Prophet prophecyed against him to be the 4. year of Sabbath or week of years So that the 4. year of Zedekiah by his reckoning was a Sabbatical year also the 11. yeare Next we haue to remember that the coūting of these Sabbatical yeares after the Law of Moyses is from the tenth day of the seventh Hebrew Moneth called Tishri which answereth for the most part to our September and not from Ianuarie which beginneth our yeare By reason whereof the one halfe of the Sabbaticall yeare preceedeth the beginning of our yeare and the other halfe or little more followeth after Therefore it is that some reckoning with the Iewes from Tishri or September count a year more then others that reckon from Ianuary But because the count made from Ianuary comprehendeth the most parte of the Sabbaticall yeare I. with the most number of Christian reckoners follow it Thirdly by this reckoning wee suppose the Worlde to haue bene created in this seaventh Moneth called Tishri which then probably was the first Moneth of the yeare albeit it was institute thereafter at the departing of the Israelites out of Aegypt that Nisan or the Moneth of Abib aunswering for a greate parte to our March should be the first Moneth Now comming to our counte let vs take the elleventh yeare of ZEDEKIAH which being a Sabbaticall yeare was called the yeare of desolation because from it begouth the captivitie of Babylon and let it be the ground of our reckoning That yeare I saye counting back was the 3360. yeare from the creation of the world which being divided by seavens hath for the quotient number as the Arithmetickes tearme it 480. Sabbathes of yeares no superabundant od years And to prooue historicallie this to be a just reckoning of the yeares of the Worlde by particular count of the Scripture wee haue first from the creation to the floud of NOAH 1656 yeares Then from the floud to the promise made to ABRAHAM 367. yeares And from the departing of the Israelits out of Aegypt 430. years And frō the departing to the buylding of the Temple by SOLOMON 480 yeares And last from the buylding of the Templ● to the elleventh yeare of ZEDEKIAH 427. yeares The whole summe of these yeares collected come justly to 3360. years Now to trie other reckonings which haue not respect to Sabbaticall yeares not to bee right let vs take for example the supputation of them who suppose ABRAHAM to haue beene borne the 130. yeare of TERAH his father not as the Scripture speaketh in the 70. yeare By that count we must adde to the former reckoning 60. yeares moe And so the 11. yeare of ZEDEKIAH would be from the creation the 3420. yeare which yeares being divided by seavens there will remaine after the division conteining 488. Sabbathes of yeares 4. superfluous and odde yeares And so aggreeth not that the 11. year of ZEDEKIAH should be a Sabbaticall yeare as I haue proven it to be by reckoning of the Prophet IEREMY An other example Supposing as some others do that the children of Israel remayned in Aegypt the whole space of 430. yeares whereas by our former count which may be verifyed by Scripture their remayning there was onely 215. yeares By this their rekconing we must adde other 215 yeares to our former count and so the 11. yeare of ZEDEKIAH would be the 3575. yeare from the beginning of the world Nowe dividing the number by seaven there will remayne after the division of 510. Sabbathes of yeares 5. odde yeares whereby we may vnderstand that reckoning not to be right The like wee may perceiue in all other reckonings that
what famine was in the Cittie of Ierusalem with pestilence and strange deathes ye may reade in Iosephus de bello Iudaico So in these latter daies what warres haue bene and yet continue Nation rysing against Nation and kingdome against kingdome even amongst vs Christians the fearefull effects can declare whereby we appeare to be made a pray to the Tyranny of the Turke vnlesse God of his mercy bridle his furie As to the Pestilence Famine and earthquaks such thinges were in the first comming of Christ as namely the famine whereof Agabus the Prophet fore warned as that terrible Earth-quake that was in the time that Christ suffered with other the like plagues So we haue seene daylie see many such feareful accidents more grieuously vexing the World nor ever they did manie yeares of before The third signe is persecution of the servants of God and especially of those that foreshewe faithfully the Gospell of Christ as it was in his first comming So is it notour what innocent blood hath bene shed for renewing the true Preaching of the Gospell in our dayes because these things are in recente memory vppon the particulars I need not to insist The fourth signe fore-tolde by our Maister Christ is the abundance of iniquitie that shuld accompany both his commings which with the reste of the signes of his first comming is properly to be applyed to the Nation of the Iewes whose iniquities 〈◊〉 to such exceeding measure that to overcome all the rest they regarded not to Crucifie the Sonne of God And nowe in these latter dayes vniversally amongst vs Christians what abundance of all impietie and wickednes what vnkindly dealing what vntruth Yea amongst the better sort who is not either cold or carelesse I neede not seeke examples they are so ryfe The first signe is the Preaching of the Gospell vniversally the which maketh all the other signes to worke effectually For these signs otherwise being natural or after a maner common being joyned with the Word are made Sacraments as was the Rayne-bow in the dayes of Noah signifying that there should not be an other like floud to destroy the whole world so in these latter times such signes preceeding Christ his latter comming and their significations declared by his Gospell prognosticate vndoubtedly his latter comming to judge the world by fyre For as it was in the dayes of Noah when a merveilous security was in the world notwithstanding the Preaching of Noah and preparation of his arke And as the Preaching of Christ and his Apostles was securely contemned by the Iewes So now a dayes the cleare light of the Gospell shining againe to the Worlde and making all men without excuse worketh no more in the minds of the most parte then 〈◊〉 were raw flesh which cannot digest vpō a lothsome stomack And as to the sixt token of signes in the Sun the Moone the stars concerning the shaking mooving of the powers of the heaven such thinges appeared in the first cōming of Christ when that most famous star appeared which declared to the Wise-men Christ his birth when that extraordinary darknes fel vpon the land of Iudaea in time of his suffring which albeit I take it not to haue bin an Eclipse of the Sun by interposition of the Moone between it the earth which could not then be without the whole motions of the heauen had bin changed yet was it an evidente darknes both in the Sun in the aire throughout all the Land of Iudaea The like whereof was in Aegypt vniuersally except where the Children of Israel remayned being the ninth plague wherewith the Lord smot that land Now likewise haue we seen in our dayes divers apparitions in the heaven namely that most notable star or comete which appeared in the yeare of our Lord 1572. most cleare without any spowting haires or beames from it the which the most learned did take for a signe of the approching of the Lord to judgemente against the bloudy tyrants of the earth namely that Herode of France We haue also seene now lately that great Eclipse of the Sunne the 1598. yeare whereof the effect yet continueth And as to the commotion or shaking of the powers of the heaven I shew of before how the signes are changed from their former places so that Aries is come to Taurus and Taurus to Gemini for the most parte and so foorth the reste To speake of the Triganes and great conjunctiones I will not now enter For I suppose the force thereof to be now greatlie debilitate by reason of the alteration of the signes and so leaue the discourse to others The seaventh and last signe is of the comming of the Sunne of man Christ himselfe who as hee appeared in his humanitie taking vpon him our nature wherein he suffered for our sinnes So is he to appeare in the cloudes in his seconde comming fearefull to the wicked and comfortable to the Electe The which seaventh signe resteth onelie to come For other sixe i● a manner are come alreadie albeit it may be they appeare more evident hereafter Alwaies wee see howe the signes of the first and second comming of Christ do agree so farre as wee haue yet seene And as for this present yeare and yeares shortlie to come hereafter there appeares no lesse but rather greater mutationes yet to follow which may bee the thirde evidencie and argument of the approching of the latter daie For as to the signes of the heaven so manie and so greate Eclipses namelie of the Sunne haue not bene seene these manie yeares by-gane as shall be within sixe yeares to come What other heavenlie tokens wilbe annexed thereto the Lord knoweth But this I see that after or before the effecte of one Eclipse be ended immediatlie falleth out an other as this presente 1600. yeares at the ende of the effecte working of that Eclipse which was in the 1598. yeare signifying and bringing greate Windes and drought In the ende of Iune falleth out an other Eclipse of the Sunne and so foorth in the rest As to other particulars that are to fall foorth this yeare I will speake sparingly thereof for I pretend not the Spirite of prophecy neither do I depend much vpon the conjectures of Astrologues notwithstanding I shall recite that which I finde in others concerning the estate of this yeare and certaine yeares following thereafter shortely declare mine owne opinion following the grounds which I haue already laid I reade in the Treatise called The seconde comming of Christe whereof Scheltco a Geueren is the author his conjecture that about this 1600. yeare shall be the end of the periode of the Papisticall kingdome But he taketh vp his periods by full 500. years where as by our reckoning the greater period conteineth only 490. yeares And againe he counteth from the creation of the world to this 1600 yeare of Christ 5562. yeares more then our former count 14. yeares So that there will be a difference
A NEWE TREATISE OF THE RIGHT RECKONING OF YEARES AND AGES of the World and mens liues and of the estate of the last decaying age thereof this 1600. yeare of Christ Erroniouslie called a yeare of Iubilee which is from the Creation the 5548. yeare Conteining sundrie singularities worthie of observation concerning courses of times and revolutions of the Heauen and reformations of Kalendars and Prognostications with a discourse of Prophecies and signes preceeding the latter daye which by manie arguments appeareth now to approch With a godlie admonition in the end vpon the words of the Apostle to redeeme the time because the dayes are evill By M. ROBERT PONT and aged Pastour in the Kirk of Scotland The heades are set downe in certaine Propositions in the Page following LVKE 17. As it was in the dayes of Noe so shall it be in the dayes of the Sonne of man EDINBVRGH PRINTED BY ROBERT WALDE-GRAVE PRINter to the Kings Maiestie Anno 1599. Cum Priuilegio Regio The propositiones and heads to be handled in this Treatise 1. THat the most sure reckoning of the ages of the worlde is by Sabbathes or weekes of yeares and that they who count without respect thereof are in an errour and that by iust account this 1600. yeare of Christ is from the beginning of the world the 5548. yeare 2 That this yeare of Christ 1600. by right reckoning is neither a Sabbaticall yeare nor yet a yeare of Iubilee and that the true Iubilee of Christianes is alreadie accomplished with detection of the abuse of the counterfaited Iubilees holden at Rome 3 That the Iubilee of the Papisticall Romanistes neither doth rightly counterfaite the Iewes neither the Seculare yeares of the auncient Romanes And of diverse manners of reckoning the ages of the Worlde and of mens liues 4 That in our time the signes and revolutiones of the heaven are changed and remooved from the olde accustomed places And therefore the vulgare Prognosticators reckoning by the olde rules are in an errour 5 That the Iulian or Romane Kalendare might receiue an easier reformation and that the late attempted reformation thereof is not well taken vp but giveth occasion of errour in reckoning 6 That there is a merveilous sympathie of periodes of times in reckoning by seuens by Sabbatical yeares and of the manifold mysteries of the number of seauen 7 That there is an appearant dangerous alteration to fall out this yeare within few yeares hereafter and of the Prophecies and signes declaring to vs the world to be neare an end 8 An admonition to all men to prepare themselues and to redeeme the time because the dayes are evill TO THE RIGHT REVEREND● NOBLE LORD ALEXANDER SEYTON L. Vrquhard and Fyvie President in the Senate of Iustice and Provest of Edinburgh c. All health and felicitie in Christ. YOur Lordshippes gentle humanitie toward all honeste and well-hearted men and namely towards me since my first acquaintance hath mooved mee to dedicate to your honour this parte of the fruite of my studies knowing that amongst the rare Mecenases of this Land your name is with the highest ranke vnder his Maiestie to be mentioned The first cause I confesse that mooved mee to publish this Treatise in our English tongue was to disswade the too curious conceites of certaine men desirous to be at Rome this approching 1600. yeare commonly called a year of Iubilee wherof they shuld receiue no profit but rather domage with losse of time expenses For your L. knows wel ynough the maners of Rome as I am perswaded allowes not of that pompose superstition yet if your L. wil take paines not being fashed with more weighty matters to reade this whole discourse I trust you shall finde other heads whereof you shal like verie well that haue troubled the heades of learned men and not bene so exactly found out Wishing your L. to accept of this smal token of my good fauor towards your honor and to accept of me amongst the clientele of your friendship wherfore God-willing ye shall not finde me vnworthie To whose almightie protection I commit your L. This last of October 1599. Your L. ever ready to power in God ROBERT PONT TO THE READERS HAVing in hand a more large work● concerning controllment and examination of times by occasion of this incident 1600. yeare of Christ which is reckoned by the Papistes and others applauding to their superstition to be a yeare of Iubilee I thought good to prevent that errour by this little Treatise discevering thereby the vanitie of divers men of this Ile of others far cuntries who with great los of time and hazard not onely of their substance and liues but also of their soules and consciences minde to visite that Idole the Pope and to be present in Rome onely to see his yeare of Iubilee falsely being counterfaited to the imitation of the Iubilees of the Iewes but indeede derogatory to the true Iubilee and spirituall libertie purchased vnto vs by our Saviour Christ. And for-as-much as this instante yeare is the ende of a great Period of time to witte sixteene hundreth yeares from Christ his nativitie wherein there appeares diverse great mutationes to fall out aswel in the estate of Religion as in civill affaires and common wealthes I haue herewith not onely discovered diverse erroures in reckoning of times and ages of the Worlde and laboured to finde out the right reckoning but also touched the revolution of the heauen and reformation of Kalendars and Prognostications and declared my iudgement concerning the Prophecies and signes of the latter day appearing nowe shortly to approche If any be not satisfied with the brevitie of this Treatise I re●●itte them to my more ample discourse to be set out in Latine if GOD graunt me abilitie and time wherein the proofe of these propositiones with other matters of the like arguments will be conteined at large Read learne-well and try Then judge advisedly OF THE DECAYING ESTATE OF THE worlde this instante 1600. yeare of Christ. FIRST PROPOSITION That the most sure reckoning of the age of the worlde is by Sabbath's of yeares and they that count not considdering the same are in an errour and that by iust account this 1600. yeare from Christ his birth is from the beginning of the worlde the 5548. yeare IN The beginning as the Spirite of God recordeth by MOYSES after that the Lord in sixe dayes had created the Heaven Earth with all the furniture thereof Hee rested vpon the seventh day Therefore hee blessed it and hallowed it This is also repeated in the fourth Commandemente for the perpetuall observation of that daye and because the number of seauen by that reason is a sacred nomber and most meete for al kinde of reckoning It was ordained also in the lawe that amongst the people of God everie seventh yeare should be holden holy wherin the land should rest frō labor so that therin there shuld neither be sowing of cornes nor cutting
bee lovers of themselues boasters proude cursed speakers dissobedient to Parentes vn-thankfull vn-holie vvithout naturall affection truce-breakers false accusers intemperat fearce despisers of them which are good Traitours heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more then of GOD hauing a shew of godlinesse but denying the power thereof Turne away therfore sayth he from such Surely if ever there was any time since the beginning of the world or any age where-into such corruptions and maners of men abounded this may bee holden the principall wherevnto charitie is waxed could and all kinde of iniquity waxed ho●e and hath full libertie And albeit the Apostle in this place by the last times meaneth in a manner the whole estate of Christs kingdome that was to follow his dayes yet the nearer the Sunne draweth to an ende the more danger and greater troubles no doubt were to ensew For as Christ himselfe doth forewarne vs In these latter dayes shall aryse warres and tumultes of warres famine pestilence pers●cution for the Gospell with other calamities and inconveniences which fall out against mens bodies but the corrupt and evill maners of men also should infect the soules of those that bee not ware with them and that which is worse the Apostle here meaneth not only that such vices shal reign in these latter times amongst the vngodlie and enemies that are without the Church but even of domesticall professoures with the same that would be reckoned amongst the members of his Church for GOD will haue the same so exercised that she shall be subject to beare albeit not to foster such pestiferous corruptions within her bosome for which cause we haue al great neede in these daies of this fore-warning that wee should learne in time to beare patientlie our estate and to eschew the evil example of those men who are now mingled amongst vs whose companie is declared to be the more dangerous that he shewed that such men polluted with so manie erroneous faults should neverthelesse professe outwardlie and haue a shew of godlinesse for so is the nature of Hypocrites to cloke their sinnes with extreame impudencie Of such sorte were the Pharisees of old and in our time the filthie Papistical Clergie and over-manie of those who pretend aye reformed Religion For the Apostle here maketh a catalogue of such signes as appeare not outwardlie incontinent but lurk and are hid vnder a certaine feined holinesse For where shall wee finde an hypocrite but he is proude a lover of himselfe and contemner of others yea fearce cruell and deceitfull but fo hee will not appeare to mens eyes vnlesse he be more narrow●ie espyed by them that haue the spirit of discretion to know them by their fruits Of these Hypocrites the Apostle Paule in his other Epistle to Timothee giveth two examples which hee declared also shall be in the latter dayes wherein some shall departe from the faith taking heed to deceivable spirites yea teaching devilish doctrine to witte forbidding mariage and commanding to abstaine from meates which God created and ordained to bee received with thanks-giving Noting in speciall besides vther heretickes the Papistes with their superstitious decrees wherby they binde the consciences of men with these two errovrs many vthers contrarie to the libertie of the Gospel persecute by fyre sword true Christians that wil not assent to their devilish decrees therefore wee may well conclude these are the dangerous dayes whereof Paule meant and that the faithfull haue great neede to take heede to them selues And by all appearance this same present yeare of Christ 1600. with certaine fewe yeares immediatly following are like to be yeares of great troubles to the Church of God and persecution intended by the Papisticall tyrannie against all true professoures of Gospell wherein they may be able to invade as may witnesse that late League made in Ferrar at the mariage of the King of Spaine and that mis-made Cardinal Albertus Arch-duke of Austria celebrate by Pope Clement the eight which hath bene interprysed to be begunne and to take execution in some parts of Almanie and of the Low cuntries and great vowes and preparationes made as we heare not onely against those cuntries but against this Ile of Brittaine and inhabitantes thereof the which the Lorde in his mercie turne to the confusion of the interprisoures thereof as he did before And giue vs grace that wee may with watching and prayer depend vpon his majestie trustling and waiting for his deliverance occupying the time and ocasion offered to vs of peace and quietnesse in such sorte that suddane destruction apprehend vs not before wee beware according as wee haue bene forewarned of our maister Christ and of his Apostle Peter declaring that his latter comming to iudgement shall be as in the dayes of Noah when as they were eating and drinking marying and giuing in Mariage vnto the day that he was entred into the Arke and then came the floude and destroyed them al. So shall the comming of the Sonne of man be sayeth he We see now the worlde is in as great and greater securitie then it was then and al the sins that reigned thē in the world aboūd now more then they did Therefore the sinnes that we reade of them of that age were two in speciall the one was the vnlawfull conjunction in mariage of the children of God or the faithfull seede with the cursed posteritie of CAIN and that there were then Gyants in the Earth to witte mightie oppressoures vsurping ●yrannicall dominion over men such as was not seene in the worlde of before And haue wee not these and manie moe greater sinnes and enormities raignning at all libertie in our dayes for who now seeketh allyance of mariage with the Godlie for vertue or Godlinesse cause But be they Godlie be they vngodlie the first question is what may they spend how much men may giue with their daughters as to tyrāny oppressiō was there ever greater since the world stood But besides these specials kindnes fidelitie and loue true feare of GOD which is principal where be they to be founde But in place thereof craft doublenesse deceite insatiable greedines and such other sinnes as was recited before and prophecied by PAVLE beare the swinge in such sorte that it is marvell howe a common societie can stande anie longer amongst men And if this were onelie amongst the Romane sorte of prophane menne it were more to be borne with but even they who will be in account haue place in the Church of God are no better for the most part And to cease now to speake in particular of other forrayne cuntries comming to our selues in this Iland what is there in England and Scotland but a naked profession of Religion with out fruites following In England a proude ambition both in Church and amongst the whole multitude Yea proude profanitie with contempt and disdayne of others In Scotland a sluggish securitie and in both the Landes a loath-some haiting of the worde
of GOD casting off the yoke of discipline and licenceous liberty in all kinde of vngodlinesse yea meiting of the Lorde our God with extreame vnthankfulnesse in respect of his graces offered so long to both the Nationes Falsehood oppression murthers harlottries and all other such kinde of mischieuous dealing without hauing anie punishmente Yea filthie Swine and Dogges eating their owne vomite as was prophecyed in PETER and IVDE in their Epistles and namely such prophaine mockers of all religion hauing once professed the trueth aud now turning to Epicureisme develish Atheisme tanting at the promise of the cōming of the Lord Iesus to judgement saying that all worldlie things continue in the same estate they were frō the beginning so supposing the world never to haue ende that there shall neither be punishment for evill doing nor reward for wel doing after this life To whom Peter answered accordingly as in his second Epistle we may read howe they willinglie misknow howe the first worlde was destroyed by water and it resteth that the next which we are in be destroyed by fyre and that the long suffering of the Lord is if it were possible to bring al men to repētance and howe a thousand years is with him as one day and one daye as a thousande yeares as indeede what is the time if wee shall reckon all the ages from the beginning of the worlde vnto this present but as it was not sixe daies expleit for giueing to everie age a thousand yeares as some do the six thousand vet it wil lack foure hundreth forty fiue years if we count by hundreths the ages of the worlde which is now commonly the longest time of mans life there will be but fiftie fiue ages paste and we are now in the fiftie sixtage wherein all tokens of the latter times appeares for the most parte to be fulfilled whereof we haue spoken in our Treatise before and if we shall beleeue the Astrologues Saturne being Lorde of the revolution of the great Circle this yeare signifieth Sectes changing of estates and Kingdomes Seeing then all these things threatten vnvnto vs the hastie cumming of the Lord to judgment it becōmeth vs now not to neglect the occasion offred vnto vs so long as wee are in this present shorte life to do well for we know how occasion is paynted as the verse sayeth Fronte capillata est post hac occasio calva Occasion on the fore-head hath haire But ay behinde she is naked and baire Wishing al men therefore earnestlie as our Maister fore-warneth vs to lift vp their heades and waite for their approching redemption when the Lord shal appeare in the clowdes to the comfort of the faithfull And seeing there is no perpetuall remayning for vs in this world but after a certaine shorte space of time we all must needes change our dwelling place and compeare before that celestiall Iudge that wee learne to addresse our selues for that heavenly life while we haue time for it shall come to passe that time shall bee no more when as the seaventh Angel shal begin to blowe his trumpet For then as Iohn speaketh in his Revelation the mysterie of God shall be finished Let vs not therefore be like the foolish virgines but whē the bridgroome commeth let vs haue our Lampes reddy prepared with oyle to meet him and the more thornie and dangerous the way of the jorney of our life is in these euil dayes let vs be the more diligent warily taking heed to the steppes of our feet that we may walke as in lighte and not in darknesse the Lord will come shortly and put an ende to our labors receauing vs in his everlasting kingdome euen the Lord Iesus Christ. To whome with his heauenly Father and the holy Ghost be al honour and praise for euer Amen Gen. 2. 〈◊〉 Exod. 2● 11. Leuit. 2● Exod. 1● Gene 6. 7. 11. 12. 15. That to Exod. 12. Gal. 3. 1. King 4. Gal. 4. Lib. 4. ● 26 〈…〉 〈◊〉 C. V●ige 〈◊〉 before ci●ed C Quemadmodum vb S. 1 Cor. 10. 1. Tim. 4. ● Pet. 3. Da●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 15. Iob. 3. ● Gen● Propositi●● 37. Gal. ● Col. 2● Cor. 5. ●●cles 1. Act. 1. Luk. 〈◊〉 Mat. 〈◊〉 Genes● Genes Gen 6 7. 8 Genes 1● 〈…〉 Aened 6. ●word 10 Apoc ● Exod. ●5 Za●h 3. ● Act. ● Luk. ● 〈◊〉 12. Luke 11 〈◊〉 119 〈…〉 Apoc ● 〈…〉 Chap. 〈◊〉 Apoc. 〈◊〉 Mat. 〈◊〉 Mark 13. Luke 21. Matth. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Act 〈◊〉 ●●od 10. ● Tim. 3. Apocal. 7. Apoc. 8. Apoe ● Apoe 10. 11. Chap. 16. Psal. 1● 〈…〉 Phalm 〈◊〉 Rom. 〈◊〉 Colloss ● Math. 24 1. Tim. 4. 2. Pet. ● Iude. Math. 〈◊〉