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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08538 An epitome of Ortelius his Theater of the vvorld, vvherein the principal regions of the earth are descrived in smalle mappes. VVith a brief declaration annexed to ech mappe. And donne in more exact manner, then lyke declarations in Latin, French, or other languages. It is also amplyfied with new mappes wanting in the Latin editions; Theatrum orbis terrarum. English. Abridgments Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1601 (1601) STC 18857; ESTC S120945 62,009 264

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the chief cittie thereof which is so called it is the greatest cittie of all Barbarie hauing in it 500 Moschees to wit churches wherein their Mahometical seruice is said for the inhabitants are Mahometaines as those of Marocco also are they are vncourteous vnciuil espetialy toward strangers they are of a pale-tauny collour often subiect vnto agues by reason of the vnhole somnes of the ayre The cittie of Marocco whereof that kingdome also taketh appellation is not as it was of old hauing lost the third parte of the wonted greatnes thereof as the yet remayning ruynes do testify where were wont to bee goodly edifices there are now gardens groues of palme trees That which doth now retaine any beauty therin is the royal pallace which the King Mansor caused to bee buylded FESSE and MAROCCO THE TABLE A AByssine 108 Africa 4 America 5 Ancona 71 Andalusia 12 Aniovv 20 Asia 3 Abruzzo 80 Artois 37 Austria 52 B Barbarie 109 Bauaria 55 Bohemia 53 Berry 21 Brabant 39 Brandenbourg 49 Brescia 74 Britannia 18 Burgundie countie 26 Burgundie Duchie 27 C Calis Bullen 29 Candie or Creet 87 Carthage porte 107 China 100 Como lake 72 Corfu 86 Carsica 83 Crema 77 Cremona 76 Cyprus 88 D Denmarck 47 Ditmers 46 E Egipt 106 England 6 Europe 2 F Fesse 110 Flanders 40 France 15 Franconia 57 Friuli 62 Friesland 44 G Gades 14 Gasconie 16 Geldres 41 Germanie 32 Greece 89 H Henalt 36 Holland 43 Hungarie 91 I Illyricum 90 India 101 Inferior Germanie 33 Ischia 84 Istria 63 Ireland 8 Italia 61 L Larius lake 72 Liege 34 Limousin 22 Lituania 95 Liuonia 96 Lorraine 28 Lutzenburg 35 M Malta 85 Marroc 110 Milan 65 Misnia 48 Mosscouie 98 N Namure 38 Natolia 105 Naples 79 Nortgoia 56 Normandie 19 Northern Regions 97 O Orange 23 Oruieto 70 Ozvviczin 92 P Padua 73 Palestyne 104 Persia 102 Perugia 69 Picardia 31 Piemont 26 Poictou 17 Polonia 95 Pomerania 50 Portugal 11 Prouence 25 Prussia 94 R Roome territ Russia 98 S Salisburg Dioces 54 Sardinia 82 Sauoy 24 Saxonie 48 Scotland 7 Sclauonia 90 Siena territ 68 Sicilia 81 Silesia 51 Spaine 10 Suitzerland 60 Svveden 97 T Tartarie 99 Tercera 9 Thuringia 48 Tirol 59 Transsilunia 92 Tunis 107 Turkie 103 Tuscane 78 V Valencia 13 Vermandois 30 Verona 75 VV VVestphalia 45 VVirtenberg 58 The VVorld 1 Z Zara Zebenico 64 Zator 92 Zeland 42 AN ADDITION OF CERTAINE MAPS VNTO THIS EPITOME OF THE THEATRE OF ABRAHAM ORTELIVS LIMAGNE THis region conteyneth the best parte of the countrie of Auuergne It is most pleasant delectable with goodly forests pure fointaines hot bathes mines of siluer and many sortes of good frutes in it is a certaine water that turneth thinges cast into it into stone Here in is the chief cittie of all Auuergne called Clerment the which francis Belforest affirmeth to haue bene of old tyme that much renowmed cittie Gergonie where Vercingetorix King of Auuergne was wont to kepe his residence In this cittie in the yeare of our lord 1095 was hild the great counsel by meanes of Pope Vrban the fifth about the solicitation of Christian Princes to vndertake war against the infidels for the winning of the Holy land more Christian Princes nobillitie were here then met together then scarsly can bee remembred to haue bene at one tyme place in one assembly Here was also holden in the yeare 1374 a generall meeting of the states of France vnder King Charles the fifth about the expelling of the Englishmen out of such strong places as they then possessed in Auuergne LIMAGNE CHAMPAGNE THe name of this prouince is not ancient the first knowne author that nameth it Champaigne is Aimon as it seemeth it taketh this appellation because it is a champaine vnhillie countrie It is frontyred on the east syde with Lorraine on the south with the Duchie of Burgundie on the west with Brie on the north it hath Retelois It is very plentiful of wyne corne in it are sundry principal citties townes whereof Trois Rbemes are the chief The first beeing a ritch cittie of marchandise where great store of paper is made the other an vniuersitie the staple for wynes of those partes whereof the countrie people haue among them an old prouerb that hee that hath the purs of Troys the seller of Rhemes is able to make war against the King The cittie of Rbemes is very ancient as apeereth by Ceasars comentaries and in this cittie the kinges of France are wont to bee anioynted CHAMPAGNE TOVRAINE THis countrie of Touraine beeing not great hath on the west syde Anion on the south Poictou on the east the territorie of Blois on the north the countrie of Maine parte of Veudome The chief cittie is called Towers which may be reconed among the richest citties of France aswel for the fertillitie of the countrie about it seeming rather gardens then feildes as also for the industry of the inhabitants both in their trasike of marchandise and in their skil in the woorking weauing of silk as fyne wel as yf it came out of Italy VVestward from Towers downe the riuer of Loyre is the cittie of Amboise situate in a healthful ayre moste pleasant territorie Vpon the riuer of Indre which falleth in fyne into the Loire standeth the towne of Laches which hath a faire castle the which through the situation of the place is held impregnable for that it standeth on a rock In this castle was discouered a passage through an Iron gate into a deep caue or dongeon therein was found sitting a Giant resting his elbow vpon the syde of the place where he sat his head vpon his hand as yf he had slept but beeing touched his flesh fel to duste the bones only remayned besydes him stood a cofer which beeing opened their was found in it whyte linen folded together but in the opening of it it brake in peces How this Gigant came to bee here so set seeing no records do shew it s it is left vnto sundry supposals Diuers othergood townes there are in this territorie as Pa●tr●y Chastillion Cormery Beaulieu others TOVRAINE THE TERRITORIE of BLOIS VPon the riuer of Loyre about the midway betwene Orleans Amboys lieth the cittie of Blois whereof the territorie about it is accordingly named The soile is very fruteful espetially in corne and the ayre so holesome that sundry noblemen beeing sickly haue bene by their phisitians aduysed to go liue for the recouery of their health in this cittie or territorie for which cause of holesomnes of the ayre diuers kinges of france haue not only here much resyded but haue made it the nercery or place for the bringing vp of their children The cittie of Blois is very ancient at a place called Orcbeze which is about two leagues from it was sometyme Ceasars Magasin or the place of prouision of graine
ruled this cittie the rule thereof is stil continued in that famile The territories of Siena Perugia are in this epitome perticularly described The cittie of Luca albeit within the boundes of Tuscane is a free cittie state by it self Viterbo lieth not farr from monte Fiascone which yeildeth the moste excellent wyne of all Italy Pisa is situated somwhat neere the sea not far from the hauen of Linorno TVSCANE THE KINGDOME of NAPLES AT the farthest southeast end of Italy lieth this kingdome of Naples the limits whereof are in the west the riuer Tr●nt● in the north the Adritatyk sea the sea of Sicilia in the south and the Ionish sea in the east And herein are enclosed besydes a parte of Latium 8 of the goodliest regions of Italy as namely Terra di Lauora Basilicata Calabria inferiore Calabria superiore Terra d Otranto Terra de Barri Puglia Piana and Abrazzo The country generally is mountanous yet are there also plaine euen fieldes faire riuers it is very fruteful yeilding aboundance of all necessaries it hath also faire hauens as Gaeta Taranto Naples and Brindiso If we look into the histories of former ages wee shal not see any knowne kingdome in the world that hath seemed more vnforunate then this hauing bene as it were the very butte whereat fortune hath shot her sharpest-hedded arrowes heer haue the Romanes the Gothes the Lougebards the Greekes the Saracius the Normannes the Frenchmen Spagniards at seuerall tymes had their seueral dominations It is at this present vnder the comaund of Philip the 3. King of Spaine who hath there his vice-roy for the gouerning thereof The noble cittie of Naples which lendeth that name to the whole kingdome is situate on the sea syde at the foote of pleasant hilles it is great spatious inhabited with the nobilitie of the whole realme who haue herein their goodly palaces gardens so pleasant it is without the cittie by reason of the fyne walkes odoriferous trees that it seemeth an imitation of Paradise Eight miles from this cittie lieth the mount Somma of old called Veseuium accompted though now it hath left burning among the burning mountaines of the world heere Plinie the curious searcher of natural causes shewed himself too curius when of the fyre he was consumed THE KINGDOME of NAPLES ABRVZZO THis territorie lieth on the north east syde vpon the gulf of Venice other wise the Adriatyk sea and the other sydes are limitted with the riuers Tronto Salino the Apenyne hilles From whence the name Abruzzo cometh is vncertaine through the difference of opinions thereof This prouince is somwhat colder then the others of Italy it yeildeth much saffron though not so good as that of England nowrisheth great store of cattel It hath sundry high steepe mountaines that which is called Mounte Maiella is alwayes couered with snow Monte de la Virgine is very famous for the faire Church of the B. Virgin which is builded vpon the highest parte thereof The chief cittie is Aquila but of no antiquitie Beneuento is very old was first called Malenentum as both Plinie Liuius do witnes because the wynd was there so forceible that a man fitting on horseback was thereby throwne to the ground Ortano is a place exceeding ancient and there the ships out of Epirus Dalmatia do arryue with comodities for the faire or mart of Lanciano which lieth 4 myles from the sea is a towne of trafike Sulmo is wel knowne through the famous poet Ouid who heere was borne as himself doth tel vs. Ascoli is by Leander accompted among the chief townes of Abruzzo was the birth-place of Ventidius Bassus who of poore yea contemptible race himself beeing but a mule-keeper was by the Romaines made Consul a comaunder of the world of whose rising from so low estate to such greatnes the poet Iuuenal maketh memorie Aquino where S. Thomas the great diuine philosopher was borne is also in this territorie sundry other townes citties of name ABRVZZO SICILIA THis Iland kingdome lieth in the Mediteraneum sea at the northeast end thereof it is neere vnto the southeast end of Italy It is of diuers authors holden to haue bin continent with Italy that the force of the sea hath broken through deuyded it It is a fertile country but moste of all abounding incorne where with sundry partes of Italy from thence are serued The whole I le is deuyded in 3 partes the first is called Valle di Demona herein is the cittie of Catania more famous heretofore then at this present In this valley lieth Mount Aetna knowne through the world for the flaming syte thereof it was in opinion confirmed that the stuf or matter where through this fyre was caused was wholy consumed that therefore the fyre was ceassed but in the yeare 1536 the flame againe burst foorth to the great terror and annoyance of the inhabitants there abouts The cittie of Messino is also in this parte hauing a comodibus hauen neere thereunto is the dangerous Caribdis as much feared by sea as Aetna by land but the danger is now farr lesse then of old by reason that the hollow places on the land syde beeing stopped the sea yeildeth not such violence smalle botes may pas ouer there as ouer a calme riuer The second parte of the I le is Valle di Mazzara and in it is the cittie of Palermo therein the vice-Roy for the King of Spaine with moste of the Nobilitie resideth there is a plaine or spatious place where Constanza Normanna was deliuered of Frederyk the second vnder a pauilion vvould so bee deliuered not in any hovvs because it should not so be said that her chyld-bearing vvas vncertaine or by stelth this she did for that she vvas past the ordinary yeares of conception The third parte is Valle di Noto heerin lieth the ancient cittie of Syracusa famous heretofore through the infamous tyrants thereof It is at this present much decayed SICILIA SARDINIA THis I le lieth in the Midland or Mediterraneum sea hauing Tunes in Africa ouer against it on the south syde the I le of Corsica on the north The ayre of this country is not held very pleasing espetialy in somer That syde which lieth towards Corsica is hilly but that which is towards Africa is more plaine euen It yeildeth much corne good wyne Oliue trees it hath great store but no oyle is there made Many horses are there bred there are also wyld horses which are lesse then the other of lesse accompt Heer moreouer is bred a certaine heast called Musions which in other places is not found the skin heare thereof is lyke vnto that of the hert the hornes wreathing turned lyke vnto the hornes of a ram it is lesse in bignes then a hert it feedeth liueth vpon high mountaines and the