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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08280 A mirror for the multitude, or Glasse Wherein maie be seene, the violence, the error, the weaknesse, and rash consent, of the multitude, and the daungerous resolution of such, as without regard of the truth, endeaour to sinne and ioyne themselues with the multitude: with a necessary conclusion, that it is not the name, or title of a protestant, christian, or catholicke, but the true imitation of Christ, that maketh a Christian. By I.N. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1586 (1586) STC 18613; ESTC S120153 80,770 136

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shoulde not yeelde nor be discomforted or dismayed he willeth vs by the answere which hee gaue vnto Paule when he prayed that the buffets of sathan might bee taken from him and cease in him to assure vs of helpe he saide that his grace is sufficient for vs. This no doubt was written for our learning for our comfort although spoken to Paule to assure him so to vs and for vs to assure vs of Gods defence and protection in al our troubles if in like sorte wee holde our selues by the same grace that alwayes offereth it selfe vnto vs whēsoeuer wee bee persecuted whensoeuer wee bee blamed of the worlde or whensoeuer Sathan by any meanes seeketh to buffet vs or discourage vs for the testimony of an vpright and sound conscience For what is the cause that they which liue godly they which professe the truth of god boldly they which take Gods true religion in hande effectually and seeke to maintaine the same perish to manifest it openly to sowe and disperse it generally and to acknowledge Christ constantly are misliked of the multitude condempned sclaundered reproued rayled at reuiled imprisoned hated afflicted persecuted and cruelly martyred Is it not beecause they truste and beeleeue in the liuing GOD beecause they repose their cheefeste and sole confidence in the mighty God of hoastes and doe disclaime the manners the conuersation the profession and vaine deuises of the multitude who collour their actions and paint their practises with counterfait holinesse giuing all the causes of their conspiracies of their tirannous treasons treacheries and bloudsheds the glose of the loue in religion when indeede the word of God reproueth forbiddeth condemneth punisheth these wicked practises and practisers altogether disallowing the courses of their coūsells the prooceedings of their practises and the dealing of their deuises wherby they as we see according to the ancient enterprice of Sathan seeke to bring all the fauorers followers and supporters of Christs gospell the members of Christs church his whole flocke and especially the chiefe proppes thereof heere on earth to vtter consusion But deare Christians seeing the worde of God so much disaloweth and God so much disliketh and condemneth the practises and pollicies of this peruerse and peeuish people whose desire and onely seeking is for the shedding of innocent bloud let vs vtterly refraine our affections from all familiarity of their faction yea and let vs carefully bewarre of indifferency as though we cared not which side did preuaile It is a daungerous thing to bee neither hote nor colde to be effectuall in neither side for of such saith Christ Euomam eos ex ore meo I will spewe them out of my mouth Therefore in the name of our good and victorious captaine Christ Iesus I earnestly exhort you that we may al arme our selues with a constant desire and ardent zeale to maintaine the truth and not to winke at those that vnder collour of Catholickes desire a chaunge Wee although wee were assured to enioye not onelye our goodes landes liberties and liues but to haue for our reward of ioyning with them great preferments highe places and honours and dignities For better shall the poore begger and base seruilian fearing the Lord professing his name be then the high mighty Monarch denying the same and reuolting from his truth for there is no respect of persons with him but he that feareth him and walketh in his wayes is accepted with him And he verily denyeth him that resteth indifferent that can saile with euery winde Let vs therefore bewarre of inconstancy and take heede that for feare of losse of goods lands liberties or our liues wee runne not with the multitude nor ioyne our forces to the greatest part or likeliest companye of forreine powers that take part with our domestical traytors for surely it is most daungerous And the resolution to runne with greatest number is both weake and wicked grounded vpon vnbeeleefe a foundation laide vppon the san des slippery and deceitfull and of no assurance whatsoeuer perswasions reasons or argumentes they alledge to induce vs or whatsoeuer practises they put in vre to moue or incourage vs to set our helping handes to their deuises For we haue had sufficient try all of their tirannyes many proofs of their pernicious practises and do plainly see that they deceiue most when theyflatter fairest They haue dispensations to dissemble what dealing is there then with them who will play with him that can cog who will trust them that may lie by authority who will confederate themselues with such as haue no faith but like the Camelion can turne them selues into all colours and by dispensation perswade themselues free to breake what promisse vowe contract or loyall obedience soeuer Oh detestable diuelish damnable drunken drousie doltes that winke in the day light stare in the darke night that straine out a gnatte and swallowe a camell that followe sathan and forsake Christ that persecute truth and preach lies that by wicked and sinister meanes seeke to plucke downe the godly most religious princes to set vp Antichristian authority crying out and saying crucifie Christ crucifie Christ and deliuer vs Barrabas hang Paule and saue Iudas And yet they are in the catholike way they are in the way of life they are the church the church the church Alas if these men be the church who is their chaplaine surely not Christ hee neuer taught mē to murther any much lesse the innocent he neuer commanded to rebell much lesse to kill their soueraignes Butlo their fruits declare of what they came he that taught Symon a Monke of Swynsted Abbey in Lincolnsheere to poyson king Iohn and absolued him before the fact teacheth these present treacheries But seeing their fruits be wray the substance of their profession Let vs passe ouer their horrible deuises and diuelish practises with more silence for the ripping vp of all their wickednes would make the godly to vomit throughe the lothsomnesse thereof Wherefore let vs craue of God their conuersion or vtter confusion the extirpation of them if it were possible out of the lande they are worse then the frogges of Aegipte yea what can bee more perillous then their pollicies and practises But they are men and therefore haue we so much the lesse cause to fear their forces for God is on our side though the multitud be of theirs Let vs not feare therfore the braggs of corruptible fleshe althoughe they haue already cast lots vpon our garments possessions and goods and although they saye come let vs deuoure them vp quick let vs set vpon them and destroy them let vs ouerthrowe them that they rise not againe these are vayne wordes these are of the vaunts of vaineglorie and shall returne as prickes in their owne eyes and as their owne swords into their owne bowels For God who is true and these men lyers hath spoken it and he wil
cordes from vs their cordes of falsehoode flatterie and tyrannie where with they endeuour to binde vs vnto their willes Let vs not be wonne by their allureinents nor feare their forces domesticall or forraine for God that dwelleth in the heauens shal laugh them to scorne and they that feare his name shall haue them in derision he shall breake their bowes in peeces gnappe their speares in sunder and make their artylerie their munition and other their martiall prouisions scurges and roddes to correct themselues for although hee haue a long time winked at their wantonnesse wylinesse and they haue flattered themselues nianye yeares in a foolish hope and a diuelish desire of ouerthrowing the truth and the chiefe protectors thereof here in earth let vs assure our selues that hee will not haue his glorie defaced nor permit his owne power to come into sclaunder but by a fewe of his true and faithfull seruantes will showe himselfe able to vanquish the greatest multitudes of his aduersaries And although he be able to confounde them euen with the breath of his mouth yet will hee showe his power extending ayde vnto his seruauntes taking the defence of his trueth in hande the aduersaries where of he sometimes consoundeth euen with the hands of his aduersaries risin● one against another He suffered Shenacheryb King of the Assyrians a longe time to flatter himselfe and to boaste and bragge of his mightie multitudes and his huge hoaste of mightie menne who did in the brauerie of his owne conceite make open proclamation as it were agaynst the liuing God the God of trueth blaspheminge and sayinge knowe yee not howe and what I and my Fathers haue doone in other Countryes howe wee haue conquered manie Nations raunsacked Cities and brought their people into great subiection bondage and seruitude Why doeth Hesekyah then perswade you to trust in anie other but in mee and to feare anie besides mee For were the Gods of other landes of force to withstande my multitudes the power of my mightie men of warre and to deliuer the people out of my handes Noe more shall yee bee able to stande before mee And therefore yeelde your obedience and loyaltie to mee and my ministers or else I will deale in the like measure with you Here are great and glorious wordes heere are terrible and sharpe speeches thundering as he would haue throwen downe heauenlye Ierusalem and haue plucked the King of Kinges out of his throne And I praye let vs a little compare the hawtie bragges of the Romish Shenacheryb with this Assyrian Kinge and by the successe of the one coniecture of the ende of the other The itteration or repetition of the bragges boastings and thundering vants of Senacheryb of Rome is needlesse being so plainely euery where noted and especially from the sea of Rome from Spaine Fraunce and such like hoat and furious Countryes where the sunne of perdition shineth But as this Assyrian Shenacheryb and his Fathers by Gods permission preuayled a while in oppressing manie Countryes Cities and people Yet at the length when hee thought himselfe sure of the praye and spoyle of Ierusalem suddenlie came the power of him who neuer fayleth the faithful and destroyed all the valiant men Princes and Captaines euen his whole armie to the number of one hundred fourescore and fiue thousande men And this great boasting tyrant himselfe flying vnto Niniuie and in the temple of his Idols as a iust rewarde for his arrogancie pryde and blasphemie Adramelech and Sharazar his owne sonnes slewe him with a sworde Euen so althoughe that Shenacheryb of Rome and his predecessors haue these manie yeares preuayled with force and falshoode bewitching the heartes of manie Kinges Countryes Nations Cities and people saying who is the Lorde am not I hee that haue brought so manie into my subiection seruitude and bondage Why doth then Hesekyah of Englande perswade her people to trust in anye besides mee for as I haue doone to Spayne to Fraunce and diuerse other Countryes Cities and people so will I doe vnto Englande I will bring them into their woonted obedience vnto my decrees or else will I send my multitudes and my mightie men to beseege their Cities and to vanquish their people in such sorte as they shall not escape Here is much a doe heere are great wordes a fryuolous ostentation of a mortall man the enemie of God a member of Sathan friende to no good man a poyson to euerie Christian soule that is defiled with his enchauntmentes the pitch of perdition which who so toucheth is polluted with a deadly filth can hee not looke into the course and confusion of this Assyrian King and sette him as a mirror or glasse to beholde his owne proceedinges and what shall become of him without his vnfeyned conuertion And cannot his adherentes call to minde the ende of this Assyrian armie surelie were they not besotted with the confidence in their owne power and strengthes they woulde call it to minde and tremble for feare that their successe in the seruice of suche a mayster cannot bee good nor take a salutarie ende Wherefore with diligence in the feare and reuerence of the mightie GOD of heauen let vs eschewe their faction and marche vnder the banner of Christes trueth assuring our selues that as the Lorde with the breath of his mouth ouercame so mightie a multitude of the Assyrians thyrsting for the spoyle of Ierusalem And as he raysed such as discended from the loynes of that Assyrian King to kill him for his tyrannye and pryde So is hee able to resist or confounde the multitudes of our enemies the enemyes of the trueth abroade and at home And further if with patience wee wayte his good pleasure he shall rayse vp such as haue discended of the bowels of the Romish Shenacheryb to turne euen their forces and their powers against him in the iudgement of GOD to confounde him It is not in vayne that our mercifull God commaundeth his children to call vppon him in the daye of trouble and hee will heare them and releeue them against whatsoeuer aduersaries for hee hath no respecte of persons but he that walketh in the trueth and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him he bringeth the proude boasting of the arrogant to howling and weeping and exalteth such as are lowly in him There was no comparison betweene great G●lyah and little Dauid to the eyes of those that sawe them both march towardes the combate For naturall reason coulde not haue iudged the victorie to go with Dauid for that that in respect of his stature person there was no more equalitie than betweene a little mouse and a great Elephant and as their persons strengthes were farre vnlike so were their weapons and externall instrumentes of warre for the strong man had farre the greater oddes for hee was armed for the purpose with speare and shielde and poore Dauid was naked onely a slinge in his hande
the foundation of their deuises to come from the wel-spring of wickednes frō him that can dispence and giue tolleration for murthers and al wickednes els whatsoeuer and say further that the wise the learned the mightye and the multitude agree and giue not onelye their consents but their helping hands with money and force to further their enterprises And therefore is their madnes in taking such actions in hande so muche the more to bee tollerated and borne withall naye to be fauoured and accepted Alas poore weake defence a slender excuse were there not two hundred and fiftye Captaines famous men ioyned themselues to Korah Dathan Abiram whose generall consent was neither a sufficient excuse neither a proofe that their rising and rebellion was lawfull But Moses told Korah another tale for sayd he thou and all thy companye are gathered together against the Lorde This agreeth with the word of God to Paule when he went to persecute the christians namely that he persecuted God himselfe And thus we see that although these men arme them-selues with the glorious title of the Catholik church their deuises manifest and plainly betoken that their harts are set against the church against Christ christians And therefore although they outwardly pretend great showes of holines deuout workes of charitie therby win vnto themselues credit in the world glory of their long continuance though their cunning collusions haue caught as in a snare with their inchantments bewitched the greatest part of the world brag of their vnion of their mutuall consent of their mighty adherentes great multitudes that ioyne with them yet seeing they haue forsaken the faith seeing they deny the truth fight against it seeing they seek to resist the passage of the gospel with out which there can appeare nothinge but the shadowes of good thinges seeing they set not forth but vtterly depraue the glory of God and the merits of his Christ. Seeing they goe about and endeuour as we see not onely to resist but to betray and ouerthrow Moses and Aaron We may say truly auere yea cōstātly affirme that they haue a golden vizarde vpon their leaden faces they haue the names but not the effect or fruites of Catholiques They call themselues the Church and are not of the Church Christ commandeth that the light of euerye good christian should so shine before men that they might see the fruites of the true light And is not murther of Princes Sacking of Cities Ouerthrowing of commonweales Nay of their own natiue countryes the fruits of their light Are not these the fruits and works of darknes which bewray their consciences to haue no true light Is this course which now they begun to take they way to make themselues cleane to take away the euill of their works from before the eies of the Lorde Is this course that they take the meane to become holye as our heauenlye father is holy No no but they eat the bread of malice deceipt of liyng slaughter which in their mouths seemeth sweet but the operation therof shall fill euen their bowels with deadly grauell But all ye that are infected polluted with this poyson of their practises callinto your minds for the loue of God the daunger of your estates here in earth where the law throgh the iust iudgement of God condemneth you the diuell deceaueth you and the merciful God leaueth and forsaketh you who al thogh he wil that al mē shalbe saued come to knowledge of the truth he detesteth abhorreth he cannot abide wilful contēners therof Receaue therefore with meeknesse the word of the Lorde which is able to saue your soules For beholde by it we heare the most comfortable promises of our mercifull God by it we may learne the way to his truth and to auoyde the pollicies practised against the same Let vs therfore yeeld with reuerence our eares to heare it our tonges with diligence to read declare it our hearts with ioy vnderstanding to cōsider it And thē may we rightly apply this saying vnto our selues Come vnto me all ye that trauaile and are heauie laden and I shal refresh you Loe deare Christian brethren what greater cōfort can we haue then this If any be burdened in conscience that he hath addicted himself too much to the crooked and by wayes of mans inuentions forsaking the direct rule of the sacred worde and endeuoureth duly to reforme himselfe and to bee clensed then I say here is water offered here is the liquor of life extended in the bason of Gods booke to refresh vs withall Let vs ioyfully receiue it and turne vnto God and verily we shall be saued We haue sufficient warning to flie the company of the enemies of God and Christ and to haue no fellowshippe with their vnfruitefull workes of darkenes let vs I say learne of Peter to saue ourselues from this froward generation so shall we eate the good thinges of the lande namely we shall enioye the thinges necessary for our pilgrimage heere and aboue all shall be fed with the breade tending to the feeding of our soules to life But if we refuse and become rebellious we shall be deuoured with the swoord for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Wherfore I saye let vs girde vp the loynes of our mindes and refer ourselues faithfully vnto our Lord God being sober trusting faithfully perfectlye on the grace that is brought vnto vs by the reuelation of Iesus Christ And let vs shew ourselues obedient not to fashion our selues to the course of our fathers who were led in ignorance neither according to the course of this world which with greedines followeth and imitateth the red Dragon who seketh to deuour the gospell of our Lord and sauiour and with tiranny to persecute euen to the death all the professors thereof But the trueth is great and it shall preuaile Yet haue these men that pretende these mischifes which haue beene so graciouslye by the almighty God reuealed had their onely confidence in the strength of the multitude of their confederates in respect of the great number of them and the little number and small company of the true and constant christians they cry out and saye they haue the truth with them for that so manye and so learned men as holde with them cannot be deceiued neither can so many and so mighty as take part with thē be conquered or resisted These are arguments which they ground vpon naturall reason and therfore doth the worde of God vtterly confound them as by the testimonie of the worde and truth of God shall appeare CHAP. 2. A most comfortable discouery by examples out of the holy Scriptures applyed to our time how daungerous a thing it is to measure our profession according to the mindes of the multitude and how vaine a thing it is to ioyne ourselues