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A07894 A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1611 (1611) STC 18263; ESTC S112963 308,814 636

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that were in Ierusalem chose F. Ermingard d'Aps to bee their Mayster The second day of October in the same yeare the Citty of Hierusalem was submitted to the power of Saladine 88. yeares two months and seauentéene daies after that it was deliuered by Godfrey of Bullen from the handes of the Infidels Frederick the first sirnamed Barbarossa then holding the Empire of the West and Isaac the Angell that of the East at Constantinople Vrbane the third beeing Pope of Rome and Phillip the second called Augustus Gods Gift and Conquerour raigning in Fraunce Then were expulsed out of Hierusalem the Knightes Hospitallers Templers and al the Latine Christians of which Christians the Hospitallers redéemed from captiuity of the barbarous to the number of two thousand with their Money All the Churches of the cittie were then polluted and prophaned except the Temple of the Resurrection which was bought with a great summe of Money by the Christians of the East After the losse of Hierusalem the Knights Hospitalers were continually in Armes faithfully assisting the Christian Princes that had put on Crosses for the recouery of the holy Land and did actions of high desert at the siedge of Ptolomais which after a long siedge of thrée yeares was regayned from the Infidels by the Christians the twelft day of Iuly 1191. And in that Citty the Knights of Saint Iohn kept then their ordinary aboad and residence And in the verie same yeare the Christians wonne a notable victorie against the Barbarians and Saladine theyr chiefe wherein they were worthily assisted by the knightes Hospitallers and Templers The yeare following beeing 1192. in Winter dyed Ermingard d'Aps the great maister in the cittie of Ptolomais and then was chosen in his place 11 Geoffrey de Duisson In his time there was truce taken for fiue yeares betwéene the Christians that were in the holy Land and Saladine by which meanes many Lords and Gentlemen of diuers Nations who had worne the Crosse and gotten great store of goodes and possessions returned home to their Countries and gaue their goods to the Brotherhood of saint Iohn which greatly did augment their renennewes And after the death of Henry Earle of Champaigne the Hospitallers and Templers remayned gouernours and administrators of the kingdome of Hierusalem howbeit that by the fewer number of Christians there abiding election was made of Amaury de Lusignan who had succéeded the king of Ierusalem in the kingdome of Cyprus with consent of the Patriarch the Prelats and Barons of the Realme in the yeare 1194. when soone after died Duisson the Great-Maister and then succéeded him by election 12 F. Alphonso of Portugall a knight of the Order of Saint Iohn and of the Royall house of Portugall though it dooth not appeare certainely to what king he was Sonne He made very worthy and commendable statutes whereof to this day there are some inuiolably kept But because he was of too stiffe nature ouer-rough surely and seuere hee encurred the hatred of the greater part of the Knights Hospitallers Which was the cause that hee renounced his Maistershippe and shipt himselfe for returne home to Portugall in the same yeare of his election But he dyed the first day of March in the yeare 1207. 13 The same yeare that Alphonso renounced the Great Maistershippe to wit in the yeare 1194. Geoffrey le Rat who was Graund-Pryour of Fraunce was chosen Mayster And Saladine then dying his Sonne Noradine Lord of Alepo succéeding him About this time Simon Earle of Montfort was sent by King Phillip Augustus with an Army into Syria where finding much disorder he tooke truce for tenne yeares with the Infidels in the yeare 1198. In the time of this tranquile estate there chanced a great difference betwéene the Knights Hospitallers and Templers grounded on this occasion The Hospitallers complayned that the Templers had enterprised too farre vppon their iurisdiction with much contempt and violation thereof Which quarrell after manie rough encounters and skirmishes was appeased accorded by the interposition of king Amaury the Patriarches of Antioch and Hierusalem and other Princes and Christian Prelats who comprimitted this difference in the name of Innocentius the third which fell out very successiuely For after that God the onely Staffe and stay of all affaires in the holy Land had permitted this friendly vnity betwéen these two millitary Orders of Knight-hood King Amaury of Lusignan so preuailed that the Great Mayster and Knights of Saint Iohn might liue with him in the Isle of Cyprus where hee graunted the gouernment of the Kingdome to them In the yeare 1205. King Amaury dyed so did Quéene Isabell who appointed her Daughter Mary which she had by Conrade of Monferrat to be her heire and he left her to be tutoured and guided by the Knightes Hospitallers and Templers In the yeare 1260. Geoffrey le Rat the Great Mayster dyed and then succéeded him 14 Guerin de Montagu of the language of Auuergne who with the Knights of his order ayded Lyuon King of Armenia against the Turkes and Barbarians that had intruded into his Kingdome In recompence whereof he gaue them the citty of Salef with the castles of Camard and new castle and their dependances Hee likewise recommended his heire and Kingdome to the Knightes of the Hospitall of Saint Iohn which guift was confirmed by the Pope the fift of August 1209. Then were Iohn de Brienna and Mary his Wife Heire to the Kingdome crowned King and Quéene of Hierusalem At length in the yeare 1230. Guerin the great Maister died in the citty of Ptolomais and during his tyme all the Christians affaires in the holy Land depended very much vppon the Knightes Hospitalers and Templers who albeit they had many contentions betwéen them yet did they still agrée together in all matters against the Infidels After him succeeded 15 One F. Gerin of whom no other name is found remembred Richard Duke of Cornewal and Brother to Henrie then King of England arryued soone after in Palestine with an Army of forty thousand men and did many worthy actions there The great Maister also and his knights with him bearing him company fought valiauntly against the Corasmine Infidelles There the saide Mayster was taken and sent as a Prisoner to the Soldane of Egypt where he died and in his place the Knights of S. Iohn elected in the citty of Ptolomais for their great Maister 19 Bertrand de Comps in the time of Pope Innocent the fourth and when the Generall Counsell was called at Lyons 1245. This great Maister was present in a furious battaile fought against the Turcomans that wasted all the country about Antioch in the month of August 1248 where hauing receiud sundry deadly wounds he ended his daies And in the Citty of Ptolomais on the 24. of Aug. was elected as Great maister 17. Peter de Villebride In his time Lewes K. of France called S. Lewes tooke on him the crosse against the Infidels with
and a marriage concluded of Alice the daughter of Lewes to the son of England The King died at Paris hauing raigned 43. yeares and lieth buried in the Abbay of Barbeau which was founded by him 42 Phillip Augustus sir-named Dieu-donne Gods gift succéeded after his Father in the year 1181. He banished all the Iewes out of Fraunce and yet afterward permitted them entraunce againe ordaining many Edicts against Blasphemers as also the vsury of the Iewes He did put to death the Albigeois Heretiques and them of Besiers augmenting greatly the Cittie of Paris instituting Sheriffes and Alder-men commaunding the stréetes to be paued building also the Halles for Studentes and the Church-yard of S. Innocent and enclosing with wals the Vniuersity side Hée went to recouer the Citty of Hierusalem with Richard Cueur de Lyon King of England and falling off from him returned home into France Hee hadde afterward great wars against the said K. Richard and Iohn without Land his brother who succéeded him about the titles of Normandy Aquitain Poictu Maine Aniou Auuergne He won the battaile at Bouines against the Emperor Otho and other French Lords who were entred into rebellion against him In which battell perished fifty thousand men and Otho himselfe was enforced to flight the Earle of Flanders and the Earl of Bolongne being taken Prisoners by which reason the king was called the Conqueror He raigned 43. yeares died at Mante aged 59. lieth buried at S. Denis leauing two sons and a daughter 43 Lewes the eyght succéeded after his Father in the yeare 1224. In the life time of his Father hee crossed the Seas and made Warre in England attayning to no such successe as hee expected Hee renewed kindnesse and Brotherhood betwéene the French and Germaines tooke Auignon and warred vpon the Albigeois He raigned thrée yeares and lyeth buryed at Saint Denis 44 Lewes the ninth succeeded his Father Lewes the eyght in the yeare 1227. Blaunche his Mother in regard of his young yeares was appointed to bée Regent whereat some Lords were discontented but she tooke order sufficiently with them She maintained the warre against the English and agréement was made with them vpon solemne Oath to holde Aquitaine doing homage and to yéelde vp Normandie Ponthieu Maine and Poictiers The king being in peace exercised himselfe to liue Religiously building Churches Hospitals and Monasteries enriching them with rents reuennues In the 24. yeare of his raigne hee went to recouer the Holy Land descended into Egypt and tooke Damieta He was afterward so rudely assayled that he was taken by the Soldane but deliuered againe vppon his restoring Damieta and paying a great ransome Hee bought of the Venetians the Crown of Thornes as was supposed with other Relickes of the passion caused them to be safely kept in the holy Chappel at Paris Many Shepheards vnderstanding that the King was prisoner arose vp in armes and made great spoile in France but they were foyled by them of Orleance and Bourges The king at his returne did very seuerely chastise blasphemers And passing afterward into Affrica tooke Carthage and assailed Thunis where the Pestilence happening in his Campe he died of a flux of blood He raigned 34. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis Behold briefely the life and death of King Lewes ninth of that name who afterward by Pope Boniface the eight in the time of Phillip le Bel was cannonized among the number of Saints in Romes Kalender and called S. Lewes His raigne was truely in piety religion sanctitie and iustice His youth was much tormented with rebellions subleuations seditions of some Lords but his manly yeares did disperse them as the Sunne doth dimme clouds Hee was deuoute vpright valiant liberal seuere and yet clement vsing all these Vertues according as hee knewe them to be néedfull 45 Phillip the third Son of S. Lewes was proclaimed King in the Campe before Thunis in the yeare 1271. but was afterward Sacred at Rheimes He was Sur-named Phillip the hardie and at his comming back into France he had many difficulties about the death of Phillip his impoysoned Sonne in the Warres of Foix and Terracon Vpon an Easter day in the euening houre all the French being then in Sicily were euery one slaine whereon grew the By-word of the Sicilian Vespres or Euening The king died at Parpignan in the fortith yeare of his age and lieth buried at Saint Denis hee married Isabel Daughter to Peter of Arragon by whom he had Phillip Charles and Marie And then remarrying Marie Daughter vnto Henrie Duke of Brabant he hadde by her Lewes and Margaret 46 Phillip the fourth Sur-named le Bell or the Fayre Sonne to the fore-named Phillip succéeded his Father in the yeare 1286. both in the Kingdome of France and Nauarre in right of his wife In his younger daies he had a Schoolemaister a Roman borne and a great Diuine named Gilles who caused the King to write an excellent worke yet to be séene called The Institution of Princes As the King was at Paris being returned from his Corronation at Rheimes this Diuine according to the Vniuersities ancient custome which was to make a learned spéech after the kings sacring made a singuler Oratiō to him to encrease his desire in following Vertue piety preseruing his subiects in peace and tranquility He built the sumptuous Pallace of Paris subdued the Flemings who had forsaken his part giuen aide to the English against him the Earle of Flanders and his two sons beeing then taken prisoners The King left a Garrison in the countrey but they were slaine in a commotion of the people Whereupon the Earle of Flanders hauing giuen his faith to the King was sent thyther with one of his sons but being able to do no good he returned backe againe to the King and died soon after at Compeign The k. went thither himselfe in person at the first had no better successe but at length he charged them so furiously that he foiled 36000. wheron they were constrained to make attonement and pay him 200000. Crownes The day of Coutray was afterward fauourable to the Flemmings but deplorable to the French the English preuayling mightily against them Then came the Bulles of Pope Boniface against Phillippe but they were burned in the Court of the Pallace which made Boniface to excommunicate the King but Bennet his Successour absolued him againe In his time was the Papall See trans-ferred to Auignon where it continued thréescore ten yeares Rome being then gouerned by Legates The king died at Fountainebleu which was the place of his byrth hauing raigned 28. years and lieth buried at S. Denis 47 Lewes the tenth Sur-named Hutin after the conformity of his manners succéeded his Father in the yeare 1314. and had his right also after his Mother in the kingdome of Nauarre Enguerrand de Marigni General of the Finances being accused to haue robbed the
many Princes Prelates of France who went and besieged Damieta where they were ayded by the knightes hospitallers Templers and the City was soon after surrendred to K. Lewes in the yeare 1250. Then did the Soldan of Egypt giue battel to the christians wherein King Lewes with his brethren Charles and Alphonsus the King of Cyprus as also the Great maister many knights of the hospitalers Templers were all taken prisoners Whych surprizall caused an attonement betwéene King Lewes and the Soldane the hospitall Knights lent mony to King Lewes to pay his ransom In the year 1251. Villebride the great maister dyed in the City of Ptolomais succéeded by election 18 Guillaum de Chasteau-neuf or de Castelno of the spéech of Auuergne He was a great obseruer of Iustice pope Alexander 4. gaue to the knights hospitallers the castle lands of Bethania in the yeare 1256. In his time the Christians lost their vtmost hope of any succour from the Princes of Europe and in the yeare 1280. the Great Maister of Castelno died when as the Hospitall Knights of S. Iohn elected in his sted 19 Hugues Reuelle or Reuel in the tyme of Pope Vrban the fourth who gaue to the knights of S. Iohn Mont-Tabor 1261. and in Anno 1262. they bought the Castle of Assur but in the following two yeares they tooke from the Sarazins a Castle named Lilion whereuppon the Soldan of Egypt concluded to worke the ruin of the Knights Hospitallers and as an instance he forcibly tooke from the saide Knights in the year 1265. the Castle of Assur at the surprizal wherof there were slaine to the number of 90. knights of S. Iohn which greatly abated their power and repute And in the yeare 1267. the Knights hospitallers and Temples were assailed and much confused in battaile by the Sarazins néere to the City of Ptolomais for they wasted and spoiled al the countrey thereabout In the yeare also 1270 the Knights of S. Iohn lost the Castle of Cracquo which was assaulted by the Soldane and all the knights within it were put to the sword It is likewise saide that this Great Master Reuel assisted King Lewes in the voyage to Tunis where the said King died of the plague and that in the ende about the yeare 1278. the Great Maister Reuel ended his daies hauing helde fiue Chapters or assemblies of the Brother-hoode of S. Iohn wherein manie notable Statutes were made for gouernement and reformation of the Order 20 After his decease Nicholas Lorgus was chosen Great Maister who not to swerue a iot from his predecessor wel knowing that nothing sooner procureth the ruine of Common-weales Comminalties then discord and dissention tooke such paines to reconcile the Knights hospitallers with the Templers that he drew them to accord and made them good friends In the yeare 1282 the Knights of S. Iohn woon a famous victorie against the Sarazins who proudely came to besiedge the Castle of Margate their very principal Fortresse which was very manfully defended by the Hospitallers and in the ende quitted at composition by the knights who returned with their Ensignes displayed to the Citty of Ptolomais And in the yeare 1288. Lorgus the Great Maister died with very griefe because hee saw the Christian affaires in the Holy land dailie to fall from il to worse without any means or hope of remedy 21 In the same yeare Iohn de Villiers a Frenchman borne was created Great Maister of the Order In his time the Citty of T●ipoly was taken from the Christians by the Infidels as in like manner were the citties of Sidonia Ba●uth in the yeare 1289. all which were ransacked ruined and burned and the citty of Tyre brought vnder the Soldanes subiection whereon the christians of Ptolomais were gladde to séeke their owne peace During which time the Great Maister went to Brundusium with the Great Maister of the Templers to sollicite the christian Princes of the Croisade and the Soldane came to assaile the citty of Ptolomais which was vertuously defended by the Knights of the Hospitall and Temple with many braue sallies forth vpon the besiedgers Especially the Great Maister Villiers who was sore wounded with long sustaining the whol charges of the Barbarian Infidels the Knights Barricadoing themselues in a quarter of the Citty which yet was afterward taken on Friday the 18. of May the same yeare 1292. With this great losse the Christians were driuen out of the holy land 191. years ten months thrée daies after it had bin Conquered by Godfrey of Bullen The Great M. with the rest of his Knightes fled for safety to the Isle of Cyprus where they were very kindly entertained by the K. of the Island who assigned to thē the Templers the Citty of Limosson which was a Port Towne or Hauen on the Sea There did they inhabite and there did the Great Maister assemble two generall Chapters one in December 129● and the other in October 1293. making therein dyuers good Statutes for the Order and in the yeare 12●● he dyed at Limosson then succéeded him 22 F. Odo des Pins borne in Prouence in the time of Pope Boniface the eyght He incurred the hatred and disgrace of the knightes of his Order by reason of his negligence and couetousnesse And there was a purposed determination to depriue him of his Great maistershippe but it was impeached by the Pope to auoide scandall and at length he was cited to appeare at Rome in person to answere to the complaintes of the Hospitallers and thitherward he trauailed But before he could sée Italy he dyed by the way in the year 1296. hauing in the precedent yeares held two generall Chapters at Limosson Hee caried also along with him a manuscript Chronicle wherein hee had appealed certaine letters of the Popes containing excommunication whereby he pursued and reléeued his owne appeale 23 The Knights hearing the death of theyr Great Maisters des Pins elected at Limosson the twenty foure day of March 1296. F. Guillaume de Villaret to succéed him who was of the same Countrey of Prouence and Prior of S. Gilles where he was at the time of his election But hauing intelligence thereof he trauailed immediatly to the Kingdome of Cyprus and gouerned in his charge very prudently In his time Vsau Cassanus King of the Tartares became a Christian and recouered the Citty of Ierusalem where hee placed the Knightes Hospitallers and Templers in Garrison in the yeare 1300. Hée tooke the Citty of Damas likewise but it was quickly regained by the Infidels and the Hospitallers and Templers returned then to Cyprus againe where the Great Maister departed out of this life in the yeare 1308. hauing helde fiue generall Chapters at Limosson and séene the vtter ruine of the Knights Templers 24 The great Maister being dead Folquet de Villaret of the same Nation of Prouence was elected in his roome He was a man of liuely spirit and great courage and
dignity of Senators in Aldermen It hath vnder Officers and according to the qualitie of Lawes so hath it seueral Courts and generall assemblies vpon appointed daies At parting with the name of Portgraues and Prouosts in the first yeare of K. Richard 1. the cittizens obtained to be gouerned by 2. Baliffes who in auncient déedes were called Sheriffes as the Lawe tearmeth the Shire Balliua vsing the same office of Shriuewick as the Portgraues before did The names of the first Bayliffes or Officers entring into their dignity at the Feast of Saint Michaell the Arch-angell Anno 1189 were Henry Cornehill and Richard Reynere King Richard also at that very time appointed a supreame Officer aboue the rest by the name of Maior which worde was borrowed from the Haebrew word Mar and signifieth Dominus Lord a word vsed by the Franconians and old Saxons their Neighbours of whom English-men haue their Originall but called Maire as the French did their Maires of the Pallace Thus was the chiefe Gouernor called Lord Maire or Maior because they vnderstood not that the epethite Maire or Maior implyed no lesse then lord without any other additions yet thus was it thē giuen for a larger augmentation of Honor. Now as the Goldsmiths yéelded London a Prouost before named Leofstanus euen so the same Company albeit not as yet rancked into a List of Brother-hood gaue London likewise the first Lord Maire or Maior in Dignity whose name was Henry Fitz-Alwin Fitz-Liefstane and being so appointed by the King he continued in that supreame Office from the first yeare of King Richard the first vntill the fiftéenth of K. Iohn which was more then twenty foure years Henry Cornehill and Richard Reynere béeing first chosen Bayliffes serued then as Sheriffes by all likelihood to the said Henry Fitz-Alwin Fitz-Leifstane Maire whereby very well may bee obserued the progresse and continuaunce of those seuerall elections and choyces euen to this day the Sheriffes beeing first appointed and then the Lorde Maire after chosen at the Feast of Saint Michaell the Arch-aungell at the first by King Richard it was ordained King Iohn in like manner after this high Dignity begun by his Brother graunted them frée liberty by Charter to chuse by voyces and handes yearely out of the twelue chiefest and principall Companies their Praetor or Maire Also two Sheriffes whereof the one should be called the Kings Sheriffe and the other the Citties Sheriffe which in that forme hath continued euen to this instant Nay more he graunted them full power and authority not onely to chuse theyr Sheriffes at their owne pleasure but also vppon iust occasion either of contempt mutiny disobedience or other offences to degrade and depriue them The Forrest of Middlesex and the Warren of Stanes being laid open in An. 1218. the King afterward in the yeare 1226. confirmed to the Citizens of London frée warrant and liberty to hunt a limited circuite about the Citty and in the Warren of Stanes Also that the Cittizens of London shoulde passe Toule-frée thorough al England and the Kedeles or weres in the Riuer of Thames or Midway to be pluckt vp and destroyed for euer When the Franchises and liberties were thus confirmed by King Iohn he granted moreouer that either Sheriffe should haue two Clarks and two Sergeants also that the Citty should haue a common Seale and that the Maior should bee presented to the Barons of the Exchequer and they then to admit him as lawful Lieutenant and Deputy vnder the king to gouerne the Citty Hauing thus briefly discoursed how the dignity of honor began in this famous Citty both in the stile of Lord Maior and Sheriffes as briefly wil we also part their progresse and succession from that first woorthy man Henry Fitz-Alwin Fitz-Liefstane Gold-Smith to the as worthy Man Sir William Crauon now gouerning this present yeare 1611. Henry Fitz-Alwin Fitz-Liefstane Goldesmith beginning to take that high office on him in the first yeare of King Richard the first who was also for his valour and courage Surnamed Cueur de Lion continued still in the same Dignity for more then twenty foure years and then deceassing in the 15. yeare of King Iohn he was buried in the Priory of the holy Trinity néer vnto Aldgate In the said 15. yeare of King Iohn either to serue out the remainder of that yeare or to go on in a new election Roger Fitz-Alwain was chosen Lord Maire but I neyther find his freedom or his death albeit he continued as it séemeth in Office but one yeare the like did Serle Mercer and William Hardell in the yeares 1214. and 1215. And then began the raigne of King Henry the third Son to King Iohn the 19. of October 1216. Iames Alderman and Salomon Blasing Lord Maiors serued out this yeare by seuerall parts each after other Serle Mercer was againe chosen Lord Maior and continued in the Dignity sixe yeares together Richard Renger beeing chosen Lord Maior continued so the space of foure yeares Roger Duke or Duck was Lord Maior of London foure yeares Andrew Bokerell Pepperer was Lord Maior of London seauen yeares together Richard Renger Lorde Maior againe one yeare William Ioyner Lord Maior one yeare who builded the Quier of the Gray-Fryers Church in London and afterward became a lay brother of that house Gerard Bat Lord Maior one yeare and béeing elected againe for the ensuing yeare the King would not suffer it because he had béene charged in the former yeare with taking Money of the Victuallers and could shew no reason for it Reginald Bongey was Lorde Maior two yeares Raphe Ashwy Lord Maior one yeare Michaell Tony Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Gisors Pepperer Lorde Mayor two yeares Peter Fitz-Alwin Lord Maior one yeare Michaell Tonny Lord Maior againe one yeare Roger Fitz-Roger Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Norman Lord Maior one yeare Adam Basing Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Tolason Draper Lord Maior one yeare Richard Hardell Draper was Lorde Maior sixe yeares together Iohn Gisors Pepperer againe Lord Maior one yeare William Fitz-Richard was Lorde Maior two yeares Thomas Fitz-Richard was Lorde Maior foure yeares together Will Richards againe Lord Maior one yeare Allen le Zouch Lorde Maior one yeare and beeing a Baron of the Land and chiefe Iustice also he was slaine in Westminster Hall by Iohn Warren Earle of Surry in An. 1270. Sir Stephen Edwards Lord Maior one year Sir Hugh Fitz-Othon was made Custos of London and Constable of the Tower by reason of a great quarrell happening betwéene the Gold-smiths and the Taylors so that the King gaue the kéeping of the Cittie to his Son Prince Edward who made the saide Sir Hugh Fitz-Othon Custos of the Citty and Constable of the Tower as his Deputie But Prince Edward quickly obtained of the King his Father to haue the
yet maintained by the Merchant-Taylors and the greater part of S. Andrews Vnder-shaft Parish Church in London Lorde Maior one yeare Thomas Bradbury Mercer sonne to VVilliam Bradbury of Branghing in Hertfordshire Lord Maior part of the yeare and Sir VVilliam Capell the rest wherein dyed King Henry the seauenth and Henry the eight his sonne began his raigne the 22. of Aprill 1509. Henry Keble Grocer son to George Keble of London Cittizen and Grocer Lord Maior one yeare Roger Acheley Draper sonne to Thomas Acheley of Stanwardine in Shropshire Lorde Maior one yeare Sir VVilliam Coppinger Fish-Monger son to VValter Coppinger of Buckseill in Suffolk And Sir Richard Haddon Mercer were Lord Maiors this yeare by seuerall partes each after other William Browne Mercer sonne to Iohn Browne Cittizen and Mercer of London Lord Maior one yeare George Monox Draper borne in London Lord Mayor one yeare Sir William Butler Grocer son to Richard Butler of Bindenham in Bedfordshire Lorde Maior one yeare Iohn Reest Grocer sonne to William Reest of Peterborow in Northamptonshire Lorde Maior one yeare Sir Thomas Exmew Golde-smith sonne to Richard Exmew of Ruthin in Cheshire Lorde Maior one yeare he made the Water-Conduite in London wall by Moore-gate c. Thomas Mirfin Skinner sonne to George Mirfin of Elie in Cambridgeshire L. Maior one yeare Sir Iames Yardford Mercer sonne to William Yardford of Kidwelley in Wales L. Maior one yeare Sir Iohn Brugge Draper sonne to Thomas Brugge of Dymmocke in Glocestershire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Iohn Milborne Draper son to Iohn Milborne of Long-Melford in Suffolke L. Maior one yeare Sir Iohn Mundy Gold-Smith son to William Mundy of Wycomb in Buckinghamshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Thomas Baldry Mercer son to Richard Baldry of Stow-market in Suffolke Lord Maior one yeare Sir William Baylie Draper son to Iohn Baylie of Thackstead in Essex Lorde Mayor one yeare Sir Iohn Allen Mercer son to Richard Allen of Thackstead in Essex Lorde Mayor two yeares Sir Thomas Seymor Mercer sonne to Iohn Seymor of London Fish-Monger who was Sonne to Robert Seymor of Walden in Essex Lord Maior one yeare Sir Iames Spencer Vintoner son to Robert Spencer of Congleton in Cheshire Lord Mayor one yeare Sir Iohn Rudstone Draper son to Robert Rudstone of Hatton in Yorkshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Raphe Dodmer Mercer son to Henrie Dodmer of Pickering-Leigh in Yorkshire béeing frée of the Brewers he was from them translated to the Mercers and Lorde Mayor one yeare Sir Thomas Pargitor Salter sonne to Iohn Pargitor of Chipping-norton in Oxfordshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Nicholas Lambert Grocer son to Edmond Lambert of Wilton in Wiltshire L. Maior one yeare Sir Stephen Peacock Haberdasher sonne to Stephen Peacock of the Citty of Dublin Lorde Maior one yeare Sir Christopher Askew Draper son to Iohn Askew of Edmonton in Middlesex Lord Maior one yeare Sir Iohn Champneis Skinner sonne to R. Campneis of Chew in Somersetshire Lorde Mayor one yeare Sir Iohn Allen Mercer againe Lord Maior one yeare and made a priuy Counceller to the King for his great wisedome Sir Raphe Warren Mercer son to Thomas Warren of London Fuller who was sonne to William Warren of Fering in Essex L. Maior one yeare Sir Richard Gresham Mercer son to Iohn Gresham of Holte in Norffolke Lorde Maior one yeare Sir William Forman Haberdasher sonne to Willi● Forman of Gainsburgh in Lincolnshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir William Hollis of London Mercer L. Maior one yeare Sir William Roche Draper sonne to Iohn Roche of Wixley in Yorkshire Lorde Maior one yeare Sir Michaell Dormer Mercer son to Geffrey Dormer of Tame in Orfordshire L. Maior one yeare Iohn Cootes Salter son to Thomas Coots of Bearton in Buckinghamshire Lorde Maire one yeare Sir William Bowyer Draper son to William Bowyer of Harston in Cambridgshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir William Laxton Grocer sonne to Iohn Laxton of Yongdel in Northamptonshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Martin Bowes Golde-Smith sonne to Thomas Bowes of Yorke Citty Lorde Maior one yeare Sir Henry Hubberthorne Merchant-Taylor son to Christopher Hubberthorne of VVadingworth in Lincolnshire L. Maior one year In whose time died King Henry the 8. and King Edward the sixt began his raigne the 28. of Ianuary 1546. Sir Iohn Gresham Mercer son to Iohn Gresham of Holte in Norffolke Lorde Mayor one yeare Sir Henry Amcotes Fish-Monger son to William Amcotes of Astrap in Lincolnshire L. Maior one yeare Sir Rowland Hill Mercer sonne to Thomas Hill of Hodnet in Shropshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Andrew Iudde Skinner son to Iohn Iud of Tonebridge in Kent Lord Maior one yeare Sir Richard Dobbes Skinner son to Robert Dobbes of Baitby in Yorkeshire L. Maior one yeare Sir George Barne Haberdasher sonne to George Barne Cittizen and Haberdasher of London Lord Maior one yeare Sir Thomas White Merchant-Taylor son to Thomas White of Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire Lord maior one yeare Then died king Edward and Queene Mary began her raign the 6. day of Iuly 1553. This sir Thomas White founded S. Iohn Baptists Colledge in Oxenford and gaue 2000. li. to the Citty of Bristoll to purchase 100. and 20. li. land yearely c. Sir Thomas Lyon Grocer son to Iohn Lyon of Peryfare in Middlesex Lorde Maior one yeare Sir William Gerard Haberdasher sonne to Iohn Gerard Cittizen and Grocer of London who was son to William Gerard of Seddingbourne in Kent Lord Maior one year Sir Thomas Offley Merchant-Taylor sonne to VVilliam Offley of the Citty of Chester lord maior one yeare Sir Thomas Curteis Fish-Monger sonne to Iohn Curteis of Enfield in Middlesex he was frée of the Pewterers and from them translated to the Fish-Mongers Lord Maior one yeare Sir Thomas Leigh Mercer sonne to Roger Leigh of VVillington in Shropshire Lorde Maior one yeare In which yeare died Quéene Mary and Quéene Elizabeth began her princely raigne the seauentéenth day of Nouember 1558. Sir William Huet Cloth-worker son to Edmond Huet of Wales in Yorkshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir William Chester Draper sonne to Iohn Chester Cittizen and Draper of London Lord Maior one yeare Sir William Harper Merchant-Taylor son to William Harper of the Towne of Bedford lord maior one yeare Sir Thomas Lodge Grocer son to William Lodge of Cresset in Shropshire Lorde Maior one yeare Sir Iohn White Grocer Sonne to Robert White of Farnam in Surry Lorde Maior one yeare Sir Richard Malory Mercer son to Anthony Malory of Papworthamus in Cambridgeshire Lord Maior one yeare Sir Richard Champion Draper son to Richard Champion of Godilming in Surrey Lord maior one yeare Sir Chtistopher Draper Iron-monger son to Iohn Draper of Melton Mowbrey Lord Maior one yeare
A Briefe Chronicle of the Successe of Times from the Creation of the World to this instant CONTAINING The Originall liues of our ancient Fore-Fathers before and after the Floude As also of all the Monarchs Emperours Kinges Popes Kingdomes Common-weales Estates and Gouernments in most Nations of this Worlde And how in alteration or succession they haue continued to this day Printed by W. Iaggard Printer to the Honourable Citty of London and are to be sold at his house in Barbican 1611. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE SIR VVILLIAM CRAVON Knight Lord Maior of the Cittie of London Sir HENRIE MONTAGVE Seriant at Law to his Maiestie and Recorder of London And to all the Knights Aldermen and Worshipfull Bretheren the carefull Fathers and Gouernours of this Honourable Estate HAuing collected these briefe notes Right Honourable Right Worshipfull and my most respected concerning the Successe of Times in most of the Kingdoms thorow the World euen from the Creation to this instant yeare 1611. and modelled them all in this slender Volume that such as fauour Reuerend Antiquity might receiue both pleasure profit thereby I thought it part of my duty in regard of some fauour and respect lately by mee receiued to present your Honor and Worships there-with as a token of my gratitude and as a promise of my vttermost imployment in these or any other endeuours whereto my meannesse in ability by you shall be commaunded I know right well and such as know me haue heard me daily confesse it that I of infinite others was the most vnmeetest to vndergoe such a serious businesse which required if not the best able yet those that therein are much better seene then my selfe Neuerthelesse importunitie of Friendes that greeue to see no willing hand put to the plough or at least such euen like my selfe more forward then wise their perswasions I say and some regard had of the times necessity euery man beeing borne for the good of his Country hath vnder your Honorable and Worshipfull fauour made me thus aduenturous Concerning the helpes I haue had in this laborious trauaile the Authors themselues who haue best written and discoursed of those seueral Kingdoms and Nations euen them no other haue I herein followed borrowing beside some such matters from them as to my knowledge haue not in any of our Chronicles heeretofore bin remembred or at the least not plainly reuealed In our home affaires especially the antiquity of this famous Cittie I haue with others deliuered my opinion therin yet swaruing from some who haue beene thought ouer-scrupulous sometime straining at a Gnat yet very ealy swallowing a Camell The Dignitie that your Honor holdeth of Lord Maior of this Cittie and those graue Senators the Alder-men your Brethren I haue aymed at the Original Antiquitie thereof some Authors tearming them Domesmen Eldermen or Iudges of the Kinges Court But that the name of Alderman declareth both verie Reuerend Originall and great Antiquitie I find recorded that in the time of King Eadgar one Ailwin a man of the bloud Royall and for the speciall great authority and fauour hee had with the King being Sir-named Healf-Koning that is Half-King was Alderman of all England who founded that famous Monasterie in the Isle of Ely Our learned and worthy Antiquary M. Camden hath obserued the Epitaph engrauen on his Tombe containing these wordes Hic requiescit Ailwinus incliti Regis Eadgari Cognatus totius Angliae Aldermannus et huius sacri Coenobij miraculosus fundator Heere resteth Ailwin Cozin to the Noble King Eadgar Alderman of al England and of this holie Abbey the miraculous Founder Whereby appeareth that the Title of Alderman in those ancient reuerend and respectiue times was an addition of honor and high repute as distinguishing them that deserued that grace to be men of greater grauer and more sollide iudgment in matters appertaining to the Weale-publique then others vncapable of such especiall dignity Of such worthy Fathers hath this famous Cittie beene plentifully furnished from time to time as in our Chronicle may more at large appeare and to you those graue Senators and worthily styled Aldermen out of intire and dutifull affection haue I consecrated the liuing memorie of these my poore labours wishing to you all vnfeignedly that as heauen hath bestowed this earthly honor vpon you so hereafter it may crowne you with neuer dying happinesse Yours in all dutie to be commaunded A. Mundy To the Maister Wardens Assistants and whole Liuery of the Honorable Company of Merchant-Tailors being the worthy Society of S. Iohn Baptist anciently deriued from S. Iohn of Hierusalem and the famous Knightes of that religious Brother-hood Also to the Wardens Substitutes and the sixteene men of the same Company c. IT hath beene my hap worthy and worshipful Gentlemen among the variety of Collections to build vp the body of this briefe Chronicle to meete with an ancient and much esteemed Record of a Society and brother-hood styled by the name of S. Iohn Baptist of Hierusalem and how many Great Maisters haue gouerned that Society from Anno. 1099. to this present yeare with some briefe obseruations of their liues and actions as in Follio 187. more at large appeareth Concerning the originall progression seuerall Fortunes of this Military Brother-hood beeing tearmed Knights Hospitallers or Knights of the Hospitall of S. Iohn Baptist of Ierusalem next Knights of Rhodes and lastly Knightes of Malta I refer you there to be further satisfied yet some thinges beeing there accidentally omitted may fauourably and not vnnecessarily here be remembred These Brethren by solemne profession were bound to serue Pilgrims and poore people in the Hospitall of S. Iohn at Ierusalem and to secure by their man-hood their passages thither they charitably buried the dead were continually in praier mortifyed themselues with Watchings and Fastinges were courteous and kinde to the poore whom they called their Maisters and fed them with white Bread when themselues did eate browne They grew to be loued and liked of all sortes and through the liberal bounty of good Princes and priuate persons admiring their piety and prowesse they rose from this low degree to so high an estate and great riches that about An. 1240. they had within Christendome nineteene thousand Lordships or Mannors as the Knights Templers had nine thousand the Reuennewes and Rentes wherof in England fell afterward also to these knights Hospitallers of S. Iohn Baptist. And this estate of theirs growne to so great an height made way for them likewise to as great honors So that their Prior in England liuing then in the goodly Pallace of Saint Iohn Baptist of Hierusalem in the streete which receiued name of that house and is called yet to this day Saint Iohns-street was reputed the Prime Baron of the land and called the Lord of S. Iohns beeing able with fulnesse and abundance of all things to maintaine a very honorable Port. In successe of time as this worthy Citty grew to encrease not onely in large
extendure and beautie of buildings but also in election of Companies and Corporations for better supply of the Magistracy and conueniency of all the aptest meanes thereto belonging this Branch of your honorable Society of S. Iohn Baptist deriued of that ancient and memorable Stem of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem grewe to burgen and spread it selfe in goodliest manner Beeing Tailors of the Linnen-Armory and brethren of Saint Iohn Baptist as most Companies in those times had a Saintes appellation they grew to be great in Kinges fauours who thought it no indignity to themselues to be stiled in the Brother-hood of S. Iohn Baptist and from theyr Guildes first Creation by King Edward the third with authority to hold a feast yearely at Midsommer and to make choyce of a Gouernor or Mayster according to the order of a Great Maister among the Knights Hospitallers of Saint Iohn Baptist of Hierusalem and Wardens to assist and ayde him in that weighty charge they proceeded on still by the ensuing Kings in further additions of gracious regard till King Henrie the seauenth confirmed their Charter naming them Merchant-Taylors of the Brother-hood of Saint Iohn Baptist to continue still the memorie of their Originall Heere may I not also forget that as the Knightes Hospitallers at Hierusalem were alwaies respectiue in seruice to Pilgrims and Trauailers euen so as if such an humble condition did well merit not to be forgotten in this Brotherhood at the beginning they did vse ech yeare to chuse a Pilgrime who attended the seruice of the Maister of the Company and trauailed in behalfe of the whole Society One of the Pilgrimes names is recorded by Iohn Stow to be Henrie de Ryall and that name of Pilgrime continued vntill the eleauenth year of Richard the second when the foure Wardens were then called Purueyors of Almes now called quarterage of the fraternity Seauen Kings haue borne Bretherens name of that Society viz Edward the third Richard the second Henrie the fourth Henrie the fift Henrie the sixt Edward the fourth and Henrie the seauenth and as is credibly affirmed wearing the Liueryhood on their shoulders they haue gone on the election day from the Hall to the Pallace of Saint Iohns in Saint Iohns Streete there to heare diuine seruice and graciously permitted the Maister to goe on the vpper-hand such in those times was the milde nature of Princes shewing by their owne example how Magistrates and other their meaner Ministers ought to be held in honor and respect Passing ouer the Dukes Earles Lords Byshoppes Knightes and Gentlemen who haue likewise beene Bretheren of that honorable Society and many other memorable persons of whom this little limit alloweth no speech I wil conclude this Epistle with a briefe note of two or three worthy Bretheren among infinite other whose deserts doe iustly challenge perpetuall acknowledgement Sir William Fitz William the elder being a Merchant Taylor and Seruaunt sometime to Cardinall Wolsey was chosen Alderman of Bread-street-Ward in London in Anno. 1506. And going afterward to dwell at Mylton in Northamptonshire in the fal of the Cardinall his former Maister he gaue him kinde entertainement there at his house in the Countrey For which deede being called before the King and demaunded how he durst entertaine so great an enemy to the State his answere was that he had not contemptuously or wilfully done it but onely because he had been his Maister and partly the meanes of his greatest Fortunes The King was so well pleased with his answer that saying himselfe had too few such Seruaunts immediatly hee knighted him and afterward made him a priuy Counceller This worthy Knight dying gaue an hundered pounds to poore Maids marriages His debs and debtors ouer whose names he had written Amore Dei remitto he freely forgaue He gaue to the Vniuersities forty pound to the poore thirty pound to mend the high-waies betwixt Chigwell and Copersale in Essex 50. pounds to mend other high-waies about Thorney and Sawtrie Chappell and the Bridge fifty pounds more And to the Merchant-Taylors his Bretheren hee gaue his best standing Cuppe as a friendly remembrance of him Sir Thomas White Lord Maior of this honourable Citty and a worthy Brother likewise of that Society beeing a louer of Learning and an earnest furtherer thereof first purchased the Hall in Oxenford called Glocester-Hall for Students and Schollers to receiue there the benefit of learning But his priuate thoughts very often solliciting him that he should in time meet with a place where two Elmes grewe and that there his further forward purpose should take effect At length he found out the place where at his owne cost and expences hee founded the famous Colledge in Oxenford called Saint Iohn Baptist Colledge where those two Elmes as I haue heard are yet standing endowing it with such liberall Guifts Lands and Reuennewes as would require too much time here to be remembred Beside his prouision for Learning in this worthy place he erected other Schooles as at Bristow Reading and a Colledge at Higham Ferries More he gaue to the Citty of Bristow the summe of two thousand poundes to purchase Land amounting to the yearely valew of an hundred and twenty pounds the Maior and Cittizens paying therefore yearely an hundred pounds Eight hundred pounds must bee lent to sixteene poore Clothiers fifty poundes each man for ten years space sufficient security being giuen by them for the same Afterward that eight hundred poundes was to passe to other sixteene Clothiers according to discretion of them put in trust Two hundred poundes beside was reserued for prouision of Corne and needfull occasions for the poore in the order and care of the Maior Aldermen and Cittizens c. Then according to his will which remaineth yet to be seene out of this bountifull guift to Bristow these memorable braunches and beneuolences were by himselfe deuised and ordered beginning in the yeare ●577 and thence forward they went on according to his owne direction Then was brought to the Merchant-Taylors Hall an hundred and foure pounds the hundred pound to be lent for ten years space to four poore men in the Citty of Yorke And the foure pound ouer plus to be imploied about the charges paines that no man vsed in the businesse might receiue discontentment Then in An. 1578. the like summe was to be deliuered thence to Canterburie and so thence-forward the same summes yearely to the Citties and Townes following orderly 1579. Reading 1580. The Merchant-Tayl●rs themselues 1581. Glocester 1582. Worcester 1583. Excester 1584. Salisbury 1585. West-Chester 1586. Norwich 1587. Sothampton 1588. Lincolne 1589. Winchester 1590. Oxenford 1591. Hereford East 1592. Cambridge 1493. Shrewesbu●ie 1594. Ly●ne 1595. Bathe 1596. Derby 1597. Ipswitch 1598. Colchester 1599. New-Castle This summe of one hundred and foure pounds passing yearely to these fore-named places from the Merchant-Taylors Hall and to the good intended vses of the giuer that there might bee no breathing while for so iust a Stewards Talent but to haue it
kept on in continuall imployment for the poore the same order was to take beginning againe as before at the Cittie of Yorke and so successiuely while the World stands to the Townes before named in selfe-same course as it had the originall with great care and obseruaunce in them to whom it belongeth that the dead may not be abused nor poore mens right iniured But did he thus shut vp his Pursse and say to himselfe I haue giuen sufficient No hee did cast his pittying eie next on the Citty of Couentry distressed at that time in great and grieuous manner What his instant beneuolence was he tooke it to bee but as an houres Sun-shine after a whole day of storme and tempest although it might yeeld some comfort were the season neuer so short But to establish a certainty that no dismay or doubt should euer after bee able to remooue euen as a worthy Piramide erected to perpetuity he gaue to the Citty of Couentry 1400. pound therewith to purchase Lands rising to the anuall value of 70. li. Twelue poore Inhabitants of that Citty were to haue in free Almes twenty foure poundes each man forty shillings yearely on the eleauenth day of March Four young men were also to haue fortie poundes yearely ten pound each man and for nine yeares space vpon sufficient security giuen And their turnes thus serued then foure other young men to haue the like summe and like limitation and so from nine yeares to nine yeares for euer Afterward it was ordred to two poore men of the same Citty and lastly to one in which nature according to the seuerall limitations it doth yet and doubtlesse shall for euer continue Also the same summe to one young man in Northampton next in the Citty of Leicester Thirdlie in Nottingham Fourthly in Warwick Then returning to Couentrie again for one year it repasseth to the said Townes againe each after other yearely for euer And least his worthy intent should faile in the continuance hee enlarged his first gift to Couentrie of 1400. poundes to 2000. and 60. pound to bee imployed as hath beene remembred fortie pound yearely being paid out of it to Saint Iohn Baptist Colledge in Oxford And allowances also by himselfe giuen in each place that bonds should be made without any charge to the receiuer Sir Thomas Row Lord Maior of this famous Citty and a worthy Merchant-Taylor beside his charitable cost and charges in building the new Church-yard in Bedlem for such Parishes as wanted benefit of buriall Gaue forty poundes yearely to maintaine tenne poore men for euer such as were not Bretheren of his owne Society but chosen out of fiue seuerall Companies viz. Clothworkers Armorers Carpenters Tylers and Plaisterers As considering that by ouer-toyling labour dangers fals bruizes and such like inconueniences they were soonest like to become impotent and vnable to helpe or maintaine themselues Therefore to each of these ten men hee freely gaue the sum of foure pound quarterly to be paid them at the Merchant-Taylors Hall during their liues and then to succeede to other men in the same Companies according to due consideration of iust cause and most necessity Lastly worthy Gentlemen to hold yee no longer in matter better knowne to your selues then mee because it is in your owne eyes and eares almost dailie the neuer dying memory of a yet liuing and long may he so be Brother Merchant-Taylor shall be my conclusion This vertuous and Religious man knowing Death to be an vnindifferent Executor and Life much more worthy of trust and imployment hath preuented that gripple greedy Tyrant and made such large Legacies to Life that Death neuer deserued to be put in trust withall If men of this World such as GOD hath liberally bestowed his blessings on would with this good-minded man consider that let their willes bee neuer so wisely made yea all Art and Dexterity therein to the very vttermost imployed yet death and his long wide gaping Children haue many hangers on many meanes deuises but many more tricks and vnfaithfull performances they would trust life the better as this man hath done and let death haue only the reuersion which is the easier to bee considered on It is not for my pen to set downe his praises leaues of Marble or Brasse are meeter for those Carracters that the deuouring teeth of Time may neuer deface Let this th●n 〈◊〉 ●ome addition to your honour that you haue su●h a ●orthy Brother mindful of the works of Mercy to th●●oore among your selues and many places else-where carefull of offendours whom law sentencing with Death by the Watch-bell of Prayer are encited to compunction and hopefull of al goodnesse to pursue 〈◊〉 vertuous determinations euerie where So that w●en ●is Dooue shall finde no resting place for his foote 〈◊〉 reason of this Worldes tumultuous waues hee may returne to the Arke of blessednesse the happy home that he you and all else that feare God should daily long for Yours euer A. MVNDY TO THE ANCIENT WOORTHY AND RIGHT Worshipfull Company of the Gold-Smiths the Maister Wardens Assistants Liuery and likewise to euery louing Brother and member thereof LEt me not be thought Right Worshipfull Society more bolde then becomes me that in search of Antiquitie and Successe of Times guided by good obseruation and probable Authorities I thus present you in vnfaigned affection what I haue gathered concerning your worthy Brother-hood If I had time heere to set downe without preiudice to any other Misterie whatsoeuer that which Holye Writ recordeth of you and of men then most expert in your profession this poore Epistle would encrease it selfe to a very large discourse and exceede the limit wherto I haue tied my self in the whol labor I passe ouer the captiuity of Gods chosen people in Babylon and the Offices of those three especiall chosen men Zerubbabell Ezra and Nehemiah the first being their Captaine to guide them home and prouided that the Temple was builded the second reforming manners and making a plantation of Religion the third and last to builde vp the wals and make a new Citty of Ierusalem againe Yet let me tell you that among the multitude of Officers and Offices appointed to this businesse for building the walles the Merchants and Goldsmithes do beare a remarkeable note the very words in Scripture being these Betweene the Chamber of the Corner vnto the Sheepe-gate fortifyed the Gold smiths and the Merchants Beside that which is spoken of Malchi●h the Goldsmithes sonne fortifying to the house of the Nethinims And then of Bezaleell the Sonne of Vri filled with the Spirit of God in wisedome and vnderstanding to worke in Gold Siluer Brasse who had Aholiab ioyned with him to make all curious workes appointed by God himselfe for the Tabernacle of the Congregation the Arke of the Couenant and the Mercy-seat c. If these be not Testimonies of extraordinary honour and respect in the very names of Merchants and Goldesmiths but much more in the matter of so
doe affirme aboue two hundred thousand men At length he iournyed into Italy which he well-néere vt●erly ruined and retiring afterward into his owne Countrey of Hungary he died within fewe following moneths and on the day of his nuptials which was in the yeare of Iesus Christ 443. The Lombards were a Northerne people decended out of Denmarke as Eusebius maintaineth and no other reason had they to leaue their Countrey but onely a desire to win some other There happened in the time of Seno or Sweno as some call him King of Denmark a very great dearth or scarsity in the Land of victuals and because the people endured it very impatiently it was concluded by the King and his Councell to ease the Countrey of so many men as were ready to famish that all such persons as were vnable either for war or labor of the ground should be slaine whether they were old or young But this seuere Edict being reuoked they then resolued to make a leuy of all sorts of people that by the help of armes might trauaile to find out some other dwelling so to disburthen the charge of the Countrey This being put in execution they trauailed so far and carried themselues so couragiously in trauersing diuers lands that they came at last into Italy and there conquered the Countrey which was called Istria making themselues absolute Maisters thereof Now because these people were long and tall of stature the Italians and Istrians called them long Barbarians which by corruption of the word and succession of times made them tearmed Longbards or Lombardes Some are of opinion that vnder the raign of Valentinian the Emperor they began to make thēselues first knowne which was about the yeare of Christ 385. and that they became commaunders in Istria in the yeare 570. Likewise according to Diaconus the Emperours made peace with them in the yeare 730. and euer since they haue held that Country which at this day is named Lombardy Let it here be further noted that where in any History mention is made of people tearmed Daces or Danians the Nation of Denmarke is thereby vnderstood out of which countrey many great Armies haue trauailed at sundry times and haue mightily troubled diuers kingdomes among which they continued long time in England but were thence expelled about the yeare 860. The Normanes were people of Norduegia or otherwise called Normania or Norwey a Countrey in the North being much addicted to crueltie and inhumanitie because they vsed many great Piracies on the Sea An hundred and fifty thousand men of this Nation bestowed themselues in vessels on the Sea and took possession of that part of Gaule or Fraunce which was then tearmed Neustria now Normandie which was doone in the yeare of Iesus Christ 600. others saie 884. and in the time of Charles le Gros. But bée it howsoeuer they haue since then kept it against all encounters of the Emperours Kings of France and England preseruing it still by the Name of Normandy and themselues reckoned to bee people of vndaunted courage There are diuers others that doe sauour of this their first originall and doe yet proule vppon the Seas committing many cruell Robberies The Nation which we call Swesses Zuitzers or Sweues who at this daie are auxiliarie to the French came out of Sweuia or Sweueland a Northerly Region like vnto the other They likewise by the dearth of food among them departed forth of their Countrey about the yeare of Grace 800. and went so farre as the Rhine which they would haue passed but were hindered therein by the Franconians Thence went they to the Land of the Heluetians who dispising the Suessians because they were poorely and wretchedly apparelled rude in their féeding and not looking like souldiers suffered them to wander about their Countrey At length perceiuing the kinde sufferaunce of the Heluetians they sought to abide in a certaine Canton of their Land Which when the Heluetians noted they demaunded of them to what ende they thus wandered about the World They answered that they were poore people and sought but to weare out their liues in trauaile by deluing or labouring in the Earth And séeing that there was wast Ground in those partes vnlaboured or any vse made of it béeing Hilles and Vallies enuironed with Lakes they desired the Heluetians to permit them to woorke in those rough Fieldes as yet not cultiue and they should receiue the benefit thereof onely allowing them but nourishment for their pains This was all that they séemed to pretend iustifying their requests with solemne oathes and protestations Theyr desire was graunted and not long after the Countrey wherein they liued was not onely called Suesia in regarde of the Swesians there dwelling but likewise the ancient Inhabitants had the same name giuen then and yet the country is very hilly and vnapt for Ryding Howe afterward it came to be called the Lande of Cantons or Leagues shall at large be shewne in our Generall history Iustinian and other Emperors both before after him entitled themselues Lordes of the Allemaignes for hauing receiued some victories ouer the Allemaignes But this may not be said as some doo that those victories were obtayned against the Germaines For euen at this daye when we speake or write of Allemaigne therein is comprehended all the Nations which are contained throughout Germany and that do speake the Language of the Tentones But as for Allemaigne or Almaines the Romains neuer vnderstood or meant any other people then those of Suaba And to speake vprightly they haue euer bin the true and ancient Allemaines as Cornelius Tacitus plainely confirmeth Drusus Nero was the first that styled himselfe Germanicus for hauing rather angered the Germaines then foyled them as diuers other Emperours afterward did Moreouer by Germany is to be vnderstood nine and forty great Prouinces as well of the lower part as the higher part of the sayde Germany comprizing the Countrey of the Suisses and Heluetians Now concerning the Alaines or Alans many haue supposed them to be a people of Germanie But therein they were and are deceiued for Ptolomy knew them whom he placeth in a parte of Scythia Capitolinus bestowes them in Dacia Marcelinus Plinie Dionisius the Poet giues them a being in Sarmatia of Europe Iosephus in his last Booke affirmes their aboade to bee betwéene the Riuer Tanais and the Palus Moeotides And saith moreouer that in his time the Alaines or Alanes accompanied with the Hyrcanians both robbed and spoyled all the Region of the Medes As for my selfe by that which I haue gathered from such as haue written on the actions of the Gothes I am perswaded that those Alaines were theyr companions and that oftentimes in their warres for their owne aduantage they sundered them-selues from them as one while they did with the Vandales But questionlesse their discent was from Scythia according to Ptolomies affirmation If we shall speake of the Gepides Girpedes
was then in Aquitaine hardly brooking this disgrace mooued great warre against Charles the Simple which continued for long time Neuerthelesse at the houre of his death hee entreated the Princes of Fraunce that they should restore the saide Charles to the Kingdome because in true right it appertained to him This Odo brought vp as a noueltie to haue a great many Floure-de-Luces without any direct number in the Armes of Fraunce which continued so till the time of Charles the sixt He raigned nine years and lieth buried at S. Denis 31 Charles the third sirnamed the Simple son of Lewes le Begue or the Stammerer began to raigne soly in the yeare 900. After his Tutours death who had held the kingdome in the minority of his yeares The warre of the Normans continued stil yet the king fel into acquaintance with Raoull or Rollo their Duke and gaue him his daughter in marriage endowed with all the Land which then was called Neustria and afterward made a dutchy and named Normandy with especial condition that he should be baptized Robert Earle of Paris Brother to Odo lately deceased pretended to vsurp the kingdom and drawing many Lords into his faction crowned himselfe King But Charles with the ayde of the Emperour Henrie gaue him battaile néere to Soissons wherein the saide Robert was vanquished and slaine Héereat Hebert Earle of Vermandois his Brother in Law was highlie displeased yet hee dissembled it for an apt time and one day pretending to feast the King he entreated him to lodge in his castle of Peronne No sooner was he entred but he did shut him vp in a Tower where hee dyed compelling him to resigne the Kingdome to Raoull Brother to the Duke of Burgundy Hee left by Theargina his Wife a Sonne named Lewes who fledde for his safetie into England This King raigned alone 14. yeares and lyeth enterred at Peronne 32 Raoull of Burgundy Sonne to Richard Duke of Burgundy was made King in the year 917. This man not being of the linage of kings would néedes bée crowned at Soissons as well by fauour of Hugh the great Earle of Paris as also of Hebert Earle of Vermandois who then kept King Charles the Simple Prisoner seazing his person vnder coulour of feasting him and constrayning him before his death to resigne his Kingdome in presence of many Lords and to giue it as a frée guift to the sayde Raoull which yéelded the greater authority to his raigne The Quéene Theargina wife to King Charles the Simple séeing such troubles in France made her retirement into England to the King her Brother with her Son Lewes called Lewes of beyond the Sea Raoull made a voyage into Italy pretending to get the Empire which was then in strife and there he vanquished Berengarius an Italian Prince who laide some claime thereto But finding himselfe not wel affected of the Italians hee with-drew thence into France where hee dyed of a very strange disease béeing eaten with wormes notwithstanding all remedies applied by his Phisitions He raigned about tenne yeares died at Auxerre and was buried at S. Colombe néere Sens. 33 Lewes fourth of that name sir-named Lewes d'Outre-mer or of beyond the Sea Son of Charles the Simple was made K. in the yeare 929. being then in England with the K. his vnckle the Princes Prelats and Barons of France sent for him into England whither his Mother Theargina had carried him for refuge when Hebert had betraied King Charles her Husband he was crowned at Laon. The King had debate with Raoul of Burgundy about the Kingdome and made warre vppon the Emperour Otho for the Dutchy of Lorraine but peace being made betwéene them he tooke to Wife Herberge Sister to the said Emperour At his returne home into Fraunce hee caused Hebert Earle of Vermandois to bee hanged who had procured his Father to dye in Prison Hugh the great Earle of Paris who then held the full sayle of the kingdome raised the Normans to rebell against the King But the King drawing him to his side he rebelled from him again because he had made an agréement with the Normans without him and caused them also to alter their purpose with a fresh begunne warre wherein the King was taken Prisoner and carried to Rouen Afterward he was deliuered to the great Earle Hugh who detained him at Laon but the Emperour Otho came to his succour deliuered him Lewes raigned twenty seauen yeares and lieth buryed at S. Remy of Rheimes 34 Lothaire Sonne of Lewes d' Outremer or of beyond the Sea was made King in the yeare 956. At the beginning of his raigne Hugh the great Earle of Paris gouerned all the affaires of France but he dyed soone after leauing thrée Sonnes to wit Hugh Capet who afterward vsurped the kingdom Otho and Henry who were successiuely Dukes of Burgundy and was sumptuously enterred at Saint Denis Lothaire raigned 31. yeares and lieth buried at S. Remy of Rheimes 35 After King Lothaire Lewes his Sonne fift of that name succéeded in the gouernment in the yeare 986. He raigned but one yeare died without any heire and was the last King of the race or linage of Charles the great his burial was at Compeigne Charles Duke of Lorraine who was his Unckle and néerest Heire hearing of his death would néedes passe into France to make himselfe King But the French hated him extreamely as well because he had continually pertaken with the Allemaignes sworne enemies then to the French as also in regard hee was a bad Prince to his owne Subiectes So that they would not receiue him for their King but wholy ranne to Hugh Capet then Maire of the pallace a very wise and woorthy man Hee perceiuing that the French fauoured and affected him knew well enough how to sow both in their eares and hearts an vnliking opinion of Charles Duke of Lorrain to make him the more hatefull to them He first laid before them how hee had permitted the Allemaignes frée passage when they came and warred on France Next that he had maintained the chéefe enemies to the crown of France wherein hee stood guilty of high treason And so by consequent was disabled of any succession to the said Crowne ¶ Heere endeth the second generation of the Kinges of France in the ligne Masculine being the race of the Carlouingians and which continued after Pepin for the space of 233. yeares HVgh Capet Sonne to Hugh the great Earle of Paris possessed himself of the Crown of France in the yeare 987. He was by some of the French proclaymed King at Noyon first of al soone after in the Citty of Rheimes partly by fauour and partly perforce Crowned King of Fraunce and made his entrance into Paris whereuppon Charles Duke of Lorraine took Rheimes Laon and Soissons Hugh Capet with a potent Armie besiedged Laon where hee tooke Charles with his Wife and Children by Treason in the Byshop of
the Worshipfull Maister William Dios Esquire Remembrauncer of the Honourable Citty of London WHether this Lande were peopled before the flood or no it is no part of my purpose to argue heer thereon albeit Dominicus Marius Niger and Berosus do affirme that well as this Islande was inhabited with people long before the dayes of Noah as any other Countrey or part of the world beside But after the floud according to Annius de Viterbo Berosus and others when Noah deuided the earth among his thrée Sonnes that part which is now knowne by the name of Asia fell to the lot of his eldest Sonne Sem Affrica to his second Sonne Cham and Europe withall the Isles thereto appertaining to his third Son Iaphet among which this Island now called Brittaine with other Isles thereto belonging was certainely numbred Iaphet Noahs third Sonne by some called Iapetus by others Atlas Maurus because hee died in Mauritania in the iudgement of Bodinus auouching the consent and authority of the Hebrew Greeke and Latine Writers was the first that peopled the Countries of Europe deuiding it also by the Grand-fathers example among his Sonnes of whom Tuball according to Tarapha had the rule of Spaine Gomer the Italians and Samothes was the founder of Celtica which contained in it as Bale testifieth a great part of Europe but especially those Countries now called Gallia and Britannia which peopling of this Island by Iaphets Children is affirmed to be 200 yeares after the floud Samothes being the sixt Sonne of Iaphet and called by Moses Mesech by others Dis had for his portion as Wolfangus Lazius auoucheth the Countrey betweene the Riuer of Rhine the Pyrenean Mountaines where hee founded the kingdom of Celtica tearming his people Celtae which name was as indifferent to them of Gallia as to the Inhabitantes of the Isle of Britaine This King Samothes is reported to bee a Man excelling all other in that age in learning and knowled●e that of him thē arose a sect of Philosophers both in Britaine Gallia which were cald Samothei as Aristotle and Secion do say were surpassing both in the Law of God man and therefore greatly addicted to religion especially them of Britaine which not onely made the whole nation to take name of them but as Bale and Doctor Caius affirme the Island it selfe was named Samothea which was the first peculiar name it had before the arriuall of Albion Magus the Sonne of Samothes was second King of Celtica after his Father This Magus was likewise so famous for his learning that the Persians Magi or Diuines are said to come of him Sarron succéeded his Father Magus in the Countrey of Gallia and the Isle Samothea of whom Diodorus Siculus reporteth that a sect of Philosophers descended among the Celtes who were called Sarronides Druis or after Seneca Dryus raigned after his Father Sarron indifferently ouer the Celtes and Samotheans Of him came the Philosphers called Druides whom Caesar anoucheth to haue the charge of common and priuate sacrifices the discussing of pointes of Religion the education of youth the determining of matters in variance and full power to interdict so many from the Sacrifices to their Gods and societie of men as disobeyed their award If any doubt arose in the Countries about matters of Discipline they alwayes resorted to these Druides who as Humphtey Llhoyd witnesseth made theyr chéefest aboade in the Isle now called Anglesey and there at all times receiued their resolution Bardus the Sonne of Druis was the fifth King ouer the Celtes and Samotheans a man much renowmed for inuention of Musique and Ditties and he made an order of Philosophicall Poets or Herauldes calling them Bardi after his owne Name Of these Bardi Nonnius Strabo Diodorus Stephanus Bale and Sir Iohn Price doe thus record That they vsed to Register the Noble exploits of auncient Captaines and to draw the pedegrées and Genealogies of such as were liuing They did so excell in singing swéete Songes and Ditties to theyr Harpes that if two Armies had béene ready to ioyne battaile and any one of these Bards by fortune entred among them they had not the power to strike vntill he left singing and went from the Armies When Bardus was deceased the Celts began to affect liberty and addicting themselues to pleasure and ydlenesse would liue no longer vnder the strict orders of their auncient Kinges which brought them the sooner vnder subiection to the Gyant Albion who straited Celtica and the Celtes within the boundes of Gallia tearming this Island formerly called Samothea Albion according to his owne name and subdued the people albeit the Title of Samotheans according to the iudgement of diuers Writers had continued from Samothes to Albion the space of 310. yeares This Albion was the fourth Sonne of Neptune whom Moyses calleth Nepthuim and who did put his said Son in possession of this Island by conquering the Samotheans as he did the like to his other Sonne named Bergion in Ireland and the Orkenies which were brought vnder his obeysance Concerning the Historie of Hercules Lybicus whom Moyses nameth Laabin his Conquests in Spaine his passage into Italy against Lestrigo and lastly his killing Albion and his Brother Bergion it being nothing incident to my present purpose I leaue it Also the Story of Danaus Daughters being fifty in number that they should arriue in this Island after the slaughter of their Husbandes the fifty Sonnes of King Aegyptus and that one of those Ladies should bee named Albina of whom this Land should bée called Albion I passe it ouer likewise and will now procéede to the knowne History of Brute Yet not daring to enter into so rich a Mine of hidden treasure till being guided by the Light of Brittaine the learned labour of a worthy Gentleman and Antiquarie Maister Henry Lyte of Lytescarie Esquire and which with his owne hand hée presented to our late Soueraigne Quéene and matchlesse Mistresse on the day when shee came in royall manner to Paules Church I be guided therein for my better direction vsing his owne words The Light of Britaine BRitannia Maior the Countrey of the bright Britona called Britomartis the president of Britaine that is to say the chast Diana of Calydonia sylua Astrorum decus Syluarum dea casta et innupta custos et cultrix nemorum metuenda Virago terror syluestribus apris This Britannia maior was first found by Brute of Albania the Conqueror of the Greeks the mightie deliuerer of the Troyans and first founder of the Noble Britaines Who by the Oracle of the bright Britona called Diana of Calydonia sylua Astrorum decus brought the remaines of the Albanian Troyans of Asia from Albania Calydonia sylua Aetolia in Greece to Albania Calydonia sylua and Aetolia in Briraine Before whose most happy and fortunate arriuall there was neither Towne Citty Countrey Riuer Region or place of name in Britannia for Britannia
and all our famous Riuers of Britain with the Deucalion Sea and Islandes of Brittaine especially Archadia Aemonia Arachne are glorious records of Brute and the Troyans the founders of Britaine Diuers our most ancient Citties and Townes of Britaine as Oxford vpon Isis and Themis Troia-noua vppon Isis Themis and Rhea Albanorum Yorke Brigantium ciuitas Antandros turned to S. Andros Parthaon Perthe turned to Saynt Iohns Town Albanum ciuitas turned to S. Albanes Chester and Doriscestria with the auncient Townes of Derby and Leicester and Tyanton vpon Tamares Riuer of Britaine with diuers other Townes and Citties of Britaine are Records of Brute and the Troyans Founders of Britaine The diuers Nations and people of Britaine as the Troy-nouants Brigantes Scotobrigantes the people of Albania Calydonia and Aetolia the Iberi the Albani and Georgij the people of Derbie and Leycester the people of Chester that came from Cestria Epiri with the Dores loues and Cares and the Tamarites of Tyanton commonly called Tanton All these are Records of the Noble people of Greece and Asia the remaines of the Troyans that came into to Britaine with Brute To these adde a Catalogue or Register of the ancient Princes Noblemen and Gentlemen of Britaine whereof there are some remaining to this verie day beginne wee then thus Brute Corineus Locrine Camber Albanacte Madan Mempricius Ebranke and hys twentie Sonnes Brute Greensheild Assaracus and Cecilius c. Belinus and Brennus Cambra or Cambria Antenors Wife Cambra Belinus Daughter Conidagus King of Albania slewe Morgan at Glammorgan Conidagus builded the Temple of Minerua at Bangor in Wales the temple of Mars at Parthaon now S. Iohns town of Aetolia in Scotland Aruiragus in whose dayes a Ioseph of Aramithia preached in Brittaine Leile Androgeus Brother to Cassibelanus this Androgeus let Iulius Caesar into Brittaine Pirrhus Alexander Arcadius Alexander Audax Achaius Etolus Helena Coile Constantine Graye Persie Dercie Carie Busir or Bousir Cicell Cydne Dennis Bridgis Andros Carowe Caros Tracie Rhese ap Rhesus Oen or Owen King of Calydon Brent the son of Hercules Thinn Euance Bryce Hil Drake Calais Nele Gryne Dorill Hodie Crane c. These and infinite more beside whiche Brute brought with him from the Countries of Isis and Themis and from Albania Calydonia Sylua and Etolia in Greece to Albania Calydonia Sylua and Etolia in Britaine are vndoubted records of him and the Troyans Founders of Britaine Thus much out of Maister Lytes Light of Brittaine which worthy Gentleman being deceased his Son Maister Thomas Lyte of Lytescarie Esquire a true immitator and heyre to his Fathers Vertues hath not long since presented the Maiesty of King Iames with an excellent Mappe or Genealogicall Table contayning the bredth and circumference of twenty large shéets of Paper which he entitleth Brittaines Monarchy approouing Brutes History and the whole succession of this our Nation from the very Original with the iust obseruation of al times changes and occasions therein happening This worthy worke hauing cost aboue seauen yeares labour beside great charges and expence his highnesse hath made very gracious acceptance of and to witnesse the same in Court it hangeth in an especiall place of eminence Pitty it is that this Phoenix as yet affoordeth not a fellowe or that from priuacie it might not bee made more generall but as his Maiesty hath graunted him priuiledge so that the world might be woorthie to enioy it whereto if friendship may preuaile as he hath bin already so shall he be still as earnestly sollicited Brute the sonne of Siluius hauing vnfortunately slaine his father in hunting as he shot his Arrow at a Deare was therefore bannished his Countrey whereupon he went into Grece where a great number of the Troyans liuing before in seruitude resorted to him and by his valour hee gaue them liberty by conquerring Pandrasus King of that Country who was descended of the Noble Achilles Hee compelled him also to let him haue his faire Daughter Innogen in marriage with furniture money victuals and Shipping wherewith after many hard aduentures passing along the straits of Gibralterra and coasting along the shore on the right hand hee met with Corineus and another company that came with him from Troy likewise with Antenor Ioyning then their powers together they sayled on til arriuing within the riuers mouth of Loire which deuideth Aquitaine from Celtike Gallia supposed to bee Gascoigne they landed in the Dominions of a King called Goffarius and Surnamed Pictus by reason hee was descended of the people of Agathyisi who were other-wise termed Picts King Goffarius with his men dyd sharply resist those new commers but sustayned the worst twice in the last conflict Brutes Nephew named Turnus was slaine in whose memory Brute builded there a City which to this day is called Tours in Touraigne Departing thence he and his traine came to the Isle of Britaine and landed at the hauen now called Totnesse Anno. 2855. and after the destruction of Troy 66. before the building of Rome 368. years which was before our Sauiours natiuity 1116. almost ended He found this land desolate sauing a few Giants who in short time were vanquished for Corineus wrastled with the strongest of them named Goemagot or Gogmagog at a place beside Doner where hee cast him headlong downe from one of the rockes in regard whereof the place is called Gogmagogs Leap or fal Brute builded London calling it Troy-newydh or Troia-noua He begate on his wife Innogen 3. sons among whom he deuided his kingdome before his death To Locrine who was the eldest hee gaue the middle part calling it Loegria or Loegiers To Camber his second sonne he gaue the west part of the Island calling it Cambria or Cymbry deuided from Loegria by the riuer Seuerne To his third son Albanact he gaue al the North part entitling it Alban or Albania according also to his name To Corineus his deare estéemed friende and companion hee gaue that part of the Land which after him to this day is called Corinwall Lastly when he had gouerned this land 24. yeares Hee died and was buried at that new Citty which he had builded Anno ante incarnat Christi 1132. Locrine after his Father Brutes death was king of Loegria and Lorde Paramount of the whol Island of Britain In his time Humber or Humyr King of the Hunnes entered into Albania and slew Albanact But Locrine and Camber to reuenge their brothers death met in Arms with Humber neere to an arme of the Sea that parted Loegria and Albania where killing him in the fight they threw his body into the water which in memory of his name is yet called Humber Locrine married Guendolen Daughter to Corineus but falling in loue with Estrilde a strange Lady in King Humbers Campe hee reiected his wife which caused her to raise an army againste him In triall of that fight Locrine was slaine and Guendolen drowned Estrilde with her Daughter Sabrine
or Hauren in the Riuer of Seuerne so called after her name Locrine raigned twenty yeares and left a Sonne named Madan Madan sonne of Locrine and Guendolen began his raigne ouer the Britons an mundi 2909 He vsed great tyranny among his people builded Madancaistre now called Dancaster Hauing ruled this land 40. yeares hee was deuoured of Wolues other wild beasts as he was abroad in hunting He left 2. sons Mempricius Manlius Mempricius eldest sonne of Madan succéeded his Father and slew his Brother Manlius for better confirmation of his gouernement He fell into vnlawfull lusting after women so that hee forced his peoples wiues and daughters and albeit he had a wife and many Concubines yet he vsed the abhominable sinne of Sodome So that becomming hatefull both to God and man being one day lost of his people as he was hunting hee as his father was eaten of wilde beastes after he had raigned 20. yeares Ebranke sonne of Mempricius by his lawfull wife succéeded in rule ouer the Britons Hee had one and twenty wiues on whom he begat twenty Sonnes and thirty Daughters He was the first Prince of this Land that euer inuaded Gallia now called France from whence he returned with great riches and triumph Hee builded the Citty of Caerbranke nowe called Yorke about the 14. yeare of his raigne in Albania or Scotland hee builded also the Castle of Maidens and the Cittie of Alclud He gouerned Brittain very nobly forty yeares and lieth buried at Caerbranke or Yorke Brute Tarianlas or Greeneshield Sonne of Ebranke succéeded his Father in the regiment of Brittaine Hee sought to bring all Gallia vnder his subiection and some do auouch that hee performed it albeit Brinchild gaue him a great foile in Henault He raigned twelue yeares and was buried by his father at Yorke Leill the sonne of Brute Greenshield raigned after his Father He builded the Citty called Caerleil that is to say Leill his Citty or the Citty of Leill and repaired also Carleon now called Chester which is saide to bee built before Brutes entrance into this land by a Gyant named Leon Gauer Leill raigned 25. yeares and was buried at Carleill Lud or Ludhurdibras the Son of Leill ruled Britaine after his Father He builded the Citty of Kaerkin now called Canterbury the Citty of Caerguent now called Winchester and Mount Paladour now cald Shaftsbury Aquila a Prophet or Bardh of the British nation wrote diuers Prophesies concerning the building of Shaftsbury Lud raigned 29. yeares and was buryed at Canterbury Baldus or Bladus son of Lud-hurdibras succéeded his Father in the rule of Brittaine Hee was skilfull in the Sciences of Astronomy and Nigromancy he builded the Citty of Caerbran now called Bathe and made there hot Bathes though William of Malmsbury is of the mind that Iulius Caesar made those baths which cannot bée so because Iulius Caesar neuer went so farre that way into the Land This Bladud was so proud of his art that he would needes presume to fly in the aire but hee fell on the Temple of Apollo in Troy-nouant and was there torne in pieces hauing raigned twenty yeares Leir the Son of Bladud followed his Father in Britaines gouernment being a Prince of most Noble Nature and gouerned his Subiectes very royally He builded the Towne of Caerleir now called Leircester And because the History of his thrée Daughters Gonorill Regan Cordeilla with their seuerall marriages to Henuinus duke of Cornewall Maglanus Duke of Albania and Agauippus prince of Gallia is very wel known and all the fortunes thereto belonging I am the easier induced to passe it ouer with all the troubles happening to King Leir through his owne weaknesse Leir raigned forty yeares and was buried at Leircester Cordeilla youngest daughter to K. Leir succéeded as Quéen and Gouernesse of Britain but her two Nephewes Cunedagius and Morgan sons to hir as vnkind Sisters made short hir time of gouernment after the decease of her Husband Aganippus For they imprisoning her and shee being a Lady of vnconquerable courage gréefe and despaire of liberty made her there to slay her selfe after she had ruled fiue yeares Cunedagius and Morgan deuided the whole land between them after Cordeillas death But enuy and couetous desire in either to rule alone raised them in armes against each other Morgan was slaine in Cambria by Cunedagius and the place of his death is yet called Glan-Morgan Morgans land he not hauing raigned aboue two yeares with his Brother who afterward builded thrée temples one to Mars at Perth in Scotland another to Mercury at Bangor in Cambria and the third to Apollo in Cornwall He raigned 33. yeares and was buried at Troy-nouant Riuallus Son of Cunedagius next ruled Britaine in whose time it rained blood 3. daies together which blood engendered such multitudes of Horseflies that many people were stung to death by them In his time was the City of Rome builded he raigned 46. yeares was buried at York Gurgustius son of Riuallus raigned 37. years Sysillius or Cecilius Brother of Gurgustius 49. yeares Iago or Lago Cozin to Gurgustius twentie eight yeares Kinimacus or Kinmarus Son of Sisillius 54. yeares Corbodug Son of Kinimacus 43. yeares or by some 62. yeares Ferrex and Porrex Sons or Gorbodug raigned ioyntly till ambition deuided them Ferrex being slaine in battaile the Mother of them both wrought afterward the death of Porrex After which great troubles endured for the space of fifty yeares for the Sole-Monarchie of this land became then a Pentarchie as deuided betwixt fiue Kinges or Rulers And héere ended the line of Brute The Pentarchy 1. Rudacus King of Cambria or Wales 2. Cloton King of Cornewall 3. Pinnor King of Loegria 4. Staterus King of Aibania 5. Yewan or Owen King of Northumberland Mulmutius Dunwallo the Sonne of Cloton who was allowed for most rightfull Heire hee succéeded as Sole-Monarch of Britaine after his Father This Mulmutius builded a Temple in Troy-nouant cald the Temple of Peace which some do hold to be that ancient monument called Blackwell-Hall He builded also two Townes Malmsbury and the Vies and was the first king that was crowned with a Crowne of Gold He made diuers good Lawes which long time after were called Mulmutius lawes being turned out of British into Latine by Gildas Priscus long time after translated out of Latine into English by Alfred K. of England and mingled among his statutes He began to make the foure great high waies of Britain and gaue priueledges to Temples Ploughes Citties high waies leading to them so that whosoeuer fled to them should bee in safety from bodily harme and thence he might depart without preiudice to his person In regard that he was the first king crowned with a golden Crowne most writers giue him the name of the first King
rule reckoning from Brute to this time 1822. yeares and nowe the whole Dominion of the Lande came to the Saxons Egbert the Son of Alcmund a petty Prince the son of Offa of the bloude of Ina King of the West-Saxons hauing bin banished by k. Brightrick into France after Brightricks death was repealed home and succéeded as the seauentéenth King of the West-Saxons He subdued the Cornishmen and seuearely punished the vnquyet Welch-men Bernulfe King of Mercia was ouerthrowne by him and Kent Essex Southrie and Sussex with their seuerall Kings al brought vnder his obeysance and the kingdome of Northumberland yeelded vnto him Then subdued he North-wales and tooke the Citty of Chester Afterward assembling a Counsell at Winchester he was there crowned King and Soueraign Lord of the whole land which he chaunged from the name of Britaine and from the seuerall appellations of the Heptarchie and called it Engle-lond or Angles-land that is to say The Englishmens Land wherof in Latine it was termed Anglia a name taken from the Angles whych of the three people then possessing it to wit the Iutes Saxons and Angles being indéede all but one Nation were the most valiaunt and populous In his time was the first inuasion of the Danes and hee had an ouerthrowe by them at Carrum which successe causing them to aduenture the like attempt the yeare following landing theyr Fléet in Wales and ioyning with the Welch-men they were ouerthrowne by K. Egbert at a place called Hengistenton and a great number of them slaine This glorious Prince hauing greatly enlarged the bounds of his kingdome and raigned seauen and thirtie yeares died and was verie Royally buried at Winchester Ethelwolph eldest sonne to the most victorious King Egbert succéeded next in the kingdom of England All the time of his raigne hee was grieuously troubled with the Danes inuasions but he had a worthy victory ouer them at Ockley in Southrey such as the like hath hardly béene heard of in the English Dominions He deuided the kingdom betweene himself his son Ethelbald hauing raigned twenty yeares was honourably buried in the Cathedrall Church at Winchester Ethelbald succéeded his Father Ethelwolphe by inheritance but to his second sonne Ethelbert in his life time he had giuen the kingdomes of Kent and Essex which he had conquered This Ethelbald presumed to defile his Fathers bedde and maried his Step-mother Iudith he raygned fiue years and dying was buried at Shirbourn Ethelbert second sonne of King Ethelwolph succéeded after his Brother Ethelbald in the regiment This Ethelbert droue the Danes out of Kent many times ouerthrew them put them to flight He raigned fiue yeares and was buryed by his Brother Ethelbald at Shirbourne Ethelred third Sonne to King Ethelwolph raigned next after his Brother Ethelbert Hee fought nine battails with the Danes in one year bearing still the victory away with him but dissention among the Saxon Kinges furthered the Danes in conquest of their kingdomes Ethelred was slaine in fight with the Danes hauing raigned fiue yeares and was buried at Winbourne Abbey Alfred or Alured sur-named the Great yongest Sonne to Ethelwolph succéeded his Brother in the Kingdome Hee was very greatly troubled with the Danes who inuading diuers parts of the Land did most cruelly wast it yet had he in one yeare seuen battailes with them and ouer-throwing them at length recouered his kingdome He builded 3. Monasteries one at Edlingsey afterward called Athelny neer Taunton in Sommerset-shire the second at Winchester called the New Minster and the third at Shaftsbury where his Daughter Ethelgeda was Abbesse But by perswasion of Neote a famous Learned Monke he built the Vniuersity of Oxford being himselfe a good Grammarian Rhetorician Phylosopher Musitian and Poet as also a most perfect Architect Hee raigned 29. yeares and six months and was buried in hys New-Minster at Winchester Edward sonne to King Alfred and Surnamed the Elder succéeded in the kingdome after his Father Hee subdued the Kingdome of the East-Angles and so enlarged the boundes of his Kingdome that he had most part of Great Brittaine vnder his obedience he built a new Town at Nottingham on the South-side of Trent and made a Bridge ouer betwéene the old Town and new He repayred Manchester in Lancashyre accounted then the Southend of Northumberland and built a Towne called by ancient writers Thilwall néere to the Riuer of Mercia placing therein a Garrison of Soldiors Diuer other Townes and Castels also he builded as two at Buckingham on either side the Riuer Ouse against the Danes incursions and another at the mouth of Auon he repayred the Towns of Toceter and Wigmore and hauing raygned 24. yeares was buried in the New Minster or Monastery at Winchester Athelstane or Adelstane eldest Son of King Edward succéeded his Father and as his Auncestors was crowned at Kingston on Thames A great army of the Danes Scots and Irish was ouerthrowne by King Athelstane Northumberland Westmerland and Cumberland yéelded vnto him Hee was the first of the English Kinges that obtained the gouernement of the whole Kingdome which continued so 140. years after though not without some interruption the Danes in the meane time vsurping the Crown by the space of thirty yeares The Welch Cornishmen ware subdued by him He builded two Monasteries one at Wilton in the Diocesse of Salisbury and another at Michelme in Somersetshire founding also a Colledge of Priests at S. Edmunds-bury There were fewe famous Monasteries in this land but he beautified them either with some new piece of building Iewels Bookes or Lands and caused the sacred Scriptures to be translated out of the most pure Fountaine of the Haebrewes into the English Saxon tongue He raigned 16. yeares and was buried at Malmesbury Edmund Brother to King Athelstane succéeded next after him and vanquishing the Danes was afterward vnfortunatly slain hauing raigned fiue yeares and was buried at Glastenbury Eldred or Eadred Brother to King Edmund succéeded next in the royall Dignity being crowned also at Kingstone vpon Thames Edwin and Edgar Sonnes to King Edmund were put by from ruling in regard of their tender age Eldred subdued the Northumbers repayred the Abbey of Abington built by King Ina but ruined by the Danes And hauing raigned nine yeares was buried in the olde Monasterie at VVinchester Edwine eldest Sonne to King Edmund succéeded his Vnckle Eldred and was crowned at Kingston This Edwin was wholly addicted to sensuality and pleasure banished Dunstane Abbot of Glastenbury for reproouing his Rape of Algiua his neere Kinswoman euen when hys Lords were sitting in Counsell He hauing raigned foure yeares was depriued and dying with greefe was buryed in the new Abbey at VVinchester Edgar Brother to King Edwine was annointed and crowned King at Bathe and afterward at Kingstone He was a great fauourer of Religious men and had a Fleete of three thousand and sixe
to the effusion of much blood He raigned 38. yeares sixe months and foure daies and was buried first at Chertsey and afterwarde remoued to windsore Edward Earle of March tooke on him the gouernment of the Realm being son to Richard Duke of Yorke that was slaine at Wakefield His raigne also was filled with many troubles broyles and Rebellions yet hee gouerned 22. years one month and eight daies and was buried at Windsore Edward the fift son to king Edward the fourth succeeded after his father being neuer crowned but deposed by his Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester when he had raigned two months eleuen dayes and with his brother was murdered in the Tower of London where both theyr bodies were obscurely buried Richard Duke of Glocester vsurped the kingdome two years two months and one day and was slaine in battell at Bosworth fielde by Henrie Earle of Richmond and buried at Leicester In him ended the line of the Plantagenets Henry Earle of Richmond surnamed Tudor son to Edmund of Hadham Earle of Richmond who was son of Owen ap Meredyth and Queene Katherine the French kings daughter wife to king Henry the fift This king Henrie builded and repayred in his life time many goodly houses beside his Mannor of Richmond and his Chappell at Westminster as Baynards Castle in London the goodly Hospitall of the Sauoy neere Charing-Crosse to which hee gaue lands for releefe of an hundred poore people Sir Religious houses for Franciscan Friers of the Obseruant and Couentall orders viz. at Richmond at Greenwich and at Newarke for Obseruants at Canterbury New-Castle South-hampton for Couentals Hee gaue also manie sums of money to good and godly vses And for that one of the goodliest Chappelles in Europe was by his meanes finished formerly begun by king Henry the sixt called the Kings colledge Chappell in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge I cannot omit the summe he gaue to accomplish the same which was 10000. lt viz. 5000. pounds in his life time and the rest by will at his death vnder his great Seale of England which was truely paide as is yet to be seen in the same Colledge Hee married his eldest daughter Margaret to Iames the fourth King af Scots of which happy marriage we enioy our dread Soueraign now raigning King Iames the sixt King Hentie raigned 23. yeares and somwhat more then 8. months and was buried in his new Chappell at Westminster Henry the eight sonne of king Henry the seauenth succeeded next in the kingdome after hys father He banished the Popes authority out of England and was proclaimed King of Ireland because the former Kinges were onely called Lords of Ireland He wun Terwin Tourney and Bullen in Fraunce and gaue the Church of the Gray Fryers in London to the Cittie to bee a place of releefe for poore people S. Bartholomewes Spittle the Gray Fryers and two parish Churches the one called S. Nicholas in the Shambles the other S. Ewin in Newgate Market were then made all one parish Church and he gaue in Lands for maintenance thereof fiue hundred Markes by the yeare for euer He raigned 37. years 9. months and 5. daies and was buried at Windsore Edward the sixt onely son to king Henry the eight was crowned king at Westminster Hée caused the Masse to be vtterly abolished Images to be defaced in Churches and the Lords supper to be ministred in both kindes There was then good orders deuised for the poores reliefe poore people were distinguished by thrée seuerall degrées in manner following Three degrees of poore 1. The poore by impotency 2. Poore by casualty 3. Thristlesse poore 1. The poore by impotency were also diuided into 3 kinds 1. The fatherles pore mans ch●●d 2. The aged blinde and lame 3. The diseased person by leprosie dropsie c. 2. The poore by casualty were also of three kinds 1. The wounded Souldior 2. The decayed Housholder 3. The visited with grieuous disease 3. The thriftlesse poore were likewise of 3. kinds 1. The Riotor that cons●meth all 2. The Vagabond that will abyde in no place 3. The ydle ●erson as Strumpets and others 1 Christs Hospitall was appointed for the innocent and fatherlesse childe to be trained vp in knowledge of God and vertuous exercises 2 Saint Thomas Hospitall in Southwark was appointed for reliefe of the aged blinde and lame 3 Bridewel was also appointed for the Vagabond ydle strumpet and vnthrift Of all which seuerall Hospitals this Vertuous yong k. Edward was the founder and gaue the lands of the Sauoy which then serued as a harbour to Loyterers Vagabonds and strumpets that lay all day in the fieldes and at Night were harboured there to the maintenance of these houses which Lands were of the yearelie value of sixe hundred pounds and he gaue 4000 Markes beside of Lands taken in M●●tmaine so yearely valewed This worthy young King raigned sixe years fiue months and eight dayes and was buried at Westminster Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight and Sister to King Edward succeeded after her Brother She married with the Prince of Spain who was afterward king and raigning 5. years fiue monethes and tenne dayes was buried at Westminster Elizabeth second Daughter to king Henrie the eight and Sister also to king Edward came next to her right in the Crowne of England To write of the Princely life and raigne of that Virgin Empresse and matchlesse Queene woulde require large Volumes yet all too little for her high deseruing merit Hauing liued well neere threescore and ten years and happily raigned 44. yeares 4. months and od dayes she died the 24 of March 1602. was buried at Westm The lines engrauen on her Tombe may serue for her further memory A Sacrifice to Posterity HAuing restored Religion to the Primitiue sincerity established Peace reduced coine to the iust valew reuenged Domestical rebellion succored France greeued by ciuill war supported Belgia ouer-come the Spanish inuincible Nauy pacified Ireland by driuing out the Spaniards and compelling the Rebels to yeeld to her pardon increased very much the Reuennewes of both Vniuersities by a Law for theyr prouision of Victuall enriched all England administring most prudently the Imperial state thereof 45. yeares in true piety in the seauenty yeare of her age in most happy peaceable maner departed this life leauing heere hir mortal parts enterred in this famous and renowned Church by her conserued til by the command of Christ they rise againe immortall Iames king of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland first Monarch of the whole Islands or Countrey was proclaimed king the 24. of March 1602. being the onely inheritour to k. Henry the seauenth and Elizabeth his Queene issuing from Lady Margaret eldest Daughter to them both In whose happy marriage ended the long ciuill dissentions of the two deuided families of Yorke and Lancaster And by his most rightfull succession in the deuided
of Elie. 10. Gundeuill and Caius Colledge by Edmund Gundeuil Parson of Tertington and Iohn Caius Doctour of Phisicke 11. Trinity Hall by VVilliam Bateman bishop of Norwich 12. Clare Hall by Rich. Badow Chanceller of Cambridg 13. Katherine Hall by Robert Woodlark Doctor of diuinity 14. Magdalen Colle by Edward D. of Buck and Tho. L. Audley 15. Emanuell Colle by Sir VValter Mildmay c. In Oxford 1. Christes Church by King Henry the eight 2. Magdalen colledge by Wil. Wainfleet first fellow of Merton Colledge then scholler of Winchester and afterward Bishop there 3. New Colledge by Wil. Wickham Byshop of Winchester 4. Merton colledge by Walter Merton Byshop of Rochester 5. All Soules Colledge by Hen. Chichelie Arch bishop of Canterbury 6. Corpus Christi Colledge by Richard Fox Bishop of Winchester 7. Lincoln colledge by Richard Fleming bishop of Lincolne 8. Auriell Colledge by Abraham Browne Almoner to K. Ed. 2. 9. Quéens colledge by R. Eglesfield Chaplaine to Phillip Queene and Wife to King Edward the third 10. Balioll Colledge by Iohn Baliol king of Scotland 11. Saint Iohns colledge by Sir Thomas White Lord Mayor of London 12. Trinity Colledge by Sir Thomas Pope Knight 13. Excester colledge by Walter Stapleton bishop of Excester 14. Brazen-nose by William Smith Bishop of Lincolne 15. Vniuersity Col. by William Archdeacon of Du●esme 16. Glocester Colledge by Iohn Gifford who made it a Cell for 13 Monkes 17. Iesus Colledge by Hugh ap Rice Doctor of the Ciuill-law Hostels or Hals in Oxford Broade-gates Hart Hall Magdalen Hall Alburne Hall Postminster Hall Saint Mary Hall White Hall New Inne Edmund Hall ¶ The Names of the Shires in England and Wales THE first tenne Shires do lye betwéene the Brittish Sea and the Thames according to Polydore Kent Sussex Surrey Hampshire Barkshire Wiltshire Dorsetshire Sommersetshire Deuonshire Cornewall On the North-side of the Thames betwéene it and Trent which passeth thorough the midst of England are 16. other Shires sixe toward the East and the other toward the west Essex sometime all Forrest saue one hundred Middlesex Hertfordshire Suffolke Norffolke Cambridgeshire wherein are twelu hundreds Bedfordshire Huntingdon wherein are foure hundreds Buckingham Oxford Northampton Rutland Leicestershire Nottinghamshire Warwickshire Lincolnshire There are six also westward toward Wales Glocester Hereford Worcester Shropshire Stafford Chestershire These are the 32. Shires which lye by South of the Riuer Trent beyond which Riuer there are other eight Darby Yorke Lancaster Cumberland Westmerland Richmond wherein are fiue Wapentakes And when it is accounted as a parcell of Yorkshire out of which it is taken then is it reputed for the whole Riding Durham Northumberland So that in the portion somtime called Lhoegria there are now forty Shires In Wales also there be thirtéen whereof seauen are in South Wales Cardigan or Cereticon Penmoroke or Penbroke Caermardin wherein are nine hundreds or Commots Glamorgan Monmouth Brecknocke Radnor In North-wales likewise are sixe Anglescie Caernaruon Merioneth Denbigh Flint Montgomerie Which beeing added to those of England doe make vp 53. Shieres or Counties ¶ A Briefe Collection of the Originall Antiquity Increase and Moderne estate of the honourable Citty of London To the Worshipfull M. Cornelius Fish Esquire and Chamberlaine of the saide most famous Cittie COncerning the name of this auncient and worthy Citty by diuers Authors it hath bin as diuersly descanted on Tacitus Ptolomeus and Antoninus called it Londinium and Longidinium Amianus Marcellinus tearmed it Lundinum and Augusta Stephen in his Citties calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our Britaines Lundayn the old Saxons Londonceaster or Londonbeig Strangers Londra and Londres and the Inhabitants London By other writers whom some iudge fabulous it hath bin called Troia-noua or Troynouant New Troy according to the Name that Brute first founder thereof gaue it Dinas Belin Belins Citty Caer-Lud or Luds-Towne of King Lud who not onely re-edified but also gaue it that name Erasmus deriued it from Lindum a Cittye in the Isle of Rhodes and so by variety of iudgements it hath run into the like variety of names In which straunge streame of opinion howe a man may best carry himselfe without impeach to any is freely to leaue each man maister of his owne coniecture whether Londons true name took originall from any of these fore-mentioned or whether Woodes and Groues being named in the British toong L'lhwn London should receiue her title by way of excellency and be called The Citty or A City thicke of Trees because the Britains called those woods and Groues by the names of Citties Townes which they had fenced with trees cast downe and plashed to stop vp all passage But leauing the name we finde that London was burnt and destroyed howe faire soeuer it was built before by the Danes and other Pagan enemies about the yeare of Christ 839. but afterward in the yeare 886. Alfred King of the west-Saxons both restored repayred and made it honourably habitable giuing the charge and keeping thereof to his Sonne in Law Ethelred Earle of the Mercians with whom hee had formerly married his Daughter Ethelfleda That it was strongly defenced with wals I read that the Londoners did shut vp their gates and manfully withstood the Danes preseruing their king Ethelred within their wals this was in Anno Christi 994. Also in Anno 1016. when Edmund Ironside gouerned the VVest-Saxons Canutus the Dane brought hys Fleete to the West part of the bridge and threw a trench about the Citty as hoping by assault to win it but the Citizens repulsed him and droue him from theyr walles Those walles were from time to time wel maintained repayred with stones from the Iewes broken houses in King Iohns iime 1215. when the Barons entring by Ealdgate or Aldgate brake their houses downe And in K. Henries time the thirde when the walles and gates were repayred in more séemely wise then before at the common charge of the Citty The circuite of London wall on the landes side is measured thus From the Tower of London in the East to Ealdgate commonly called Aldgate 82. perches From Algate to Byshopsgate 86. perches From Byshopsgate in the North to the Postern of Criplesgate 162. perches From Criplesgate to Ealdersgate or Eldrich gate 75. perches From Ealdersgate to Newgate 66. perches From Newgate in the West to Ludgate 42. perches amounting in all to 513. perches of Assize From Ludgate to the Fleete Dike 60. perches From Fleet-bridge South to the Riuer of Thames about 70. perches Which perches in compleat number rise to 643. each perch contayning fiue yards and an halfe which in yards doe amount to 3536. an halfe containing 10608. foote that make vp two English miles more by 608. foote There were but foure Gates at first made in the wall of this Citty viz Aldgate Eastward Aldersgate North-ward
Burgesses of the Citty adding the Dagger into the Citties Armes which till that day was a red Crosse in a Siluer field onely Iohn Northampton Draper Lord Maior two yeares Sir Nicholas Brember Grocer knighted with Syr William Walworth Lorde Maior three yeares together Nicholas Exton fishmon lord maior 1. yeare Nicholas T●●ifield or T●ylorde knighted with Syr William Walworth Lord Maior one yeare William V●na●r Grocer Lord Maior one yeare Adam B●mme Goldsmith who prouided the Cittie of such plenty of corne from beyonde the seas that the Citty was able to furnish the countrey Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Hend Draper in whose time happened a great tumult in London because one of the bishop of Salisburies men had taken a Horse-loafe from a Bakers man in Fleete-streete and on the Byshops complaint to the King the Lord Maior being sent for to Windsore and other of hys Brethren the Maior Sheriffes and other substantiall Cittizens were there arrested the Maior committed to the castle of Windsore and the rest to other Castles and Holdes The King seized the citty into his hands appointing a Warden to gouerne it named Sir Edward Darling●●g knight c. But in short while the Kinges displeasure was pacified and the liberties of London restored and ratifyed William S●ondon Grocer lord maior 1. year Iohn Hadley Grocer againe lord maior one yeare Iohn Froshe Mercer Lorde maior one yeare William More Vintner L. Maior one yeare Adam Bamme Gold-Smith againe Lorde Maior one yeare Richard Whittington mercer Lorde Maior one yeare Drew Barentine Gold-smith Lord Maior 1. yeare At his expiration of Office beganne the raigne of King Henry the fourth the 29. of September 1399. Thomas Knolles Grocer lord maior 1. yeare Iohn Francis Goldsmith lord maior one year Iohn Shadworth mercer lord maior one yeare Iohn Walcote Draper lorde maior one yeare William Ascham Fishmonger lord maior one yeare Iohn Hend draper again lord maior one year he builded new againe the parish Church of saint Swithen at London stone Iohn woodcock mercer lord maior one yeare Richard VVhittington mercer agayne lorde maior one yeare In which year died of the plague more then 30000. people William Stondon Grocer againe lord maior one yeare Drew Barentine Gold-smith againe lorde maior one yeare Hee builded part of the Goldesmiths Hall and gaue them lands Richard Marlow Ironmonger Lorde Maior one yeare Thomas Knoles Grocer againe L. Maior one yeare he began anew to builde the Guild-Hall in London c. Robert Chichley Grocer Lorde Maior one yeare William Waldren mercer Lord Maior one yeare In his time died king Henry the fourth his sonne King Henry the fift began his raigne the 20. day of march 1412. William Cromar Draper lorde Maior one yeare Thomas Faulconer mercer who builded the Postern at Moorgate and lent the king 10000. markes vpon Iewels Lord Maior one yeare Nicholas Wotton Draper Lord Maior one yeare Henry Barton Skinner who first ordayned Lanthorn and Candle-light in the winter Euenings from Hallontide to Candlemasse Lorde Maior one yeare Richard Marlow Iremonger againe Lorde Maior one yeare William Seuenoke Grocer who founded a free Schoole and Almes houses at Seuenoke in Kent Lord Maior one yeare Richard Whittington mercer of whose worthy déeds we haue else where spoken Lord Maior again one yeare William Cambridge Grocer Lorde Maior one yeare Robert Chicheley Grocer againe L. Maior one yeare He gaue the plot of ground to builde the parish church of S. Stephens in Walbrooke thereon In his time died king Henry the fifte and King Henry the sixt began his raigne the 31 of August 1422. William walderne mercer again Lord Maior one yeare Newgate was then builded by Richard Whittingtons executors William Cromar Draper againe Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Michell Fishmonger Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Couentrie mercer Lord Maior one year Iohn Reinwell Fishm lord maior one yeare Iohn Gidney Draper Lord Maior one yeare Henry Barton Skinner againe Lorde Maior one yeare William East-field mercer Lorde Maior one yeare Nicholas wotton Draper againe Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Welles Grocer a liberall benefactor for newe building the chappell by Guild-Hald beside of his goodes was builte the Standarde in west-Cheape Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Parneis Fishmonger Lorde Maior one yeare Iohn Brokle Draper Lord Maior one yeare Roger Oteley Grocer Lord Maior one year Henry Frowicke Mercer L●de Maior one yeare Iohn Michell Fishmonger againe L. Maior one yeare Sir VVilliam East-field mercer who was made a Knight of the Bathe and gaue great bounty to rhe Water conduits Lorde Maior againe one yeare Stephen Browne Grocer Lorde Maior one yeare Robert Large mercer Lorde Maior one yeare Iohn Paddesley Gold-smith mint-maister Lord Maior one yeare Robert Clopto● Draper Lorde Maior one yeare Iohn Hatherley Ironmonger Lorde Maior one yeare Thomas Catworth Grocer Lorde Maior one yeare Henry Frowicke mercer in whose time Pauls Steeple was fiered with lightning and hardlye quenched Lord Maior againe one yeare Sir Simon Eyre Draper who builded Leaden Hal for a common Granary to the city c. Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Olney mercer Lord Maior one yeare Iohn Sidney Draper Lord Maior one yeare Stephen Browne Grocer againe Lord Maior one yeare Thomas Chalton mercer in whose time happened the Rebellion of Iack Cade of Kent Lord Maior one year● Nicholas VVilford Grocer lorde Maior one yeare William Gregory Skinner lord Maior one yeare Godfrey Filding mercer who was made one of the counsell to King Henry the sixt and King Edward the fourth lord Maior one yeare Iohn Norman Draper who was the firste maior that was rowed by water to westminster for till that time they rode thither on horseback lord Maior one yeare Stephen Foster Fishmonger who enlarged Ludgate Lord Maior one yeare William Marrow Grocer lorde Maior one yeare T●omas Canning Grocer Lord Maior one yeare Godfrey Boloine mercer who gaue a 1000. li. to poore housholders in London c. lord Maior one yeare Thomas Scot Draper lord Maior one yeare William Hulin Fishmonger lord Maior one yeare Richard Lee Grocer lord Maior one yeare In his time began King Henry the sixt his troubles and King Edward the fourth entered hys raigne the fourth of March 1460. Hugh witch mercer lord Maior one yeare Thomas Cooke Draper made knight of the Bath in the fifte yeare of King Edward the 4. Lord maior one yeare Mathew Phillip Gold-smith made Knight of the Bath the fift yeare of Edward the fourth and afterward knighted in field the tenth of Edward the fourth Lord