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A07619 The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles with a short description of their originall, from the comming of Gathelus their first progenitor out of Græcia into Egypt. And their comming into Portingall and Spaine, and of their kings and gouernours in Spaine, Ireland and Albion, now called Scotland, (howbeit the whole number are not extant) with a true chronologie of all their kings. Their reignes, deaths and burials, from Fergusius the first king of Scotland, vntill his Royall Maiestie, now happily raigning ouer all Great Brittaine and Ireland, and all the isles to them appertaining. With a true description and diuision of the whole realme of Scotland, and of the principall cities, townes, abbies, fortes, castles, towers and riuers, and of the commodities in euery part thereof, and of the isles in generall, with a memoriall of the most rare and wonderfull things in Scotland. By Iohn Monipennie. Monipennie, John. 1612 (1612) STC 18014 80,300 130

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The abridgement or Summarie of the Scots Chronicles with a short description of their originall from the comming of GATHELVS their first Progenitor out of Graecia into Egypt And their comming into Portingall and Spaine and of their Kings and Gouernours in Spaine Ireland and Albion now called Scotland howbeit the whole number are not extant with a true Chronologie of all their KINGS Their Reignes Deaths and Burials from FERGVSIVS the first King of Scotland vntill his Royall MAIESTIE now happily Raigning ouer all Great Brittaine and Ireland and all the Isles to them appertaining With a true description and diuision of the whole Realme of Scotland and of the principall Cities Townes Abbies Fortes Castles Towers and Riuers and of the commodities in euery part thereof and of the Isles in generall with a memoriall of the most rare and wonderfull things in SCOTLAND By IOHN MONIPENNIE Printed at Brittaines Bursse by Iohn Budge 1614. To the most High and Mightie Monarch IAMES by the grace of God King of Great Britane France and Ireland defender of the faith c. IT May be by many iustly most gracious Soueraigne imputed to me for no small presumption to present to your Royall Maiestie a Prince of so great learning and excellent iudgement these simple fruits of my vnskilfull endeuours taken in this short abridgement In most humble and obedient manner I do preferre vnto your Highnesse these my weake and vnlearned labours according to my ability which how vnworthy they be of so great a princely fauour as wel for the meannesse of me the writer as for the plainnesse and rudenesse of the stile yet if for the worthinesse of the matter and of your Maiesties great accustomed clemency vouchsafe then your Highnesse fauourable regard they shall be as fortunate as if they had beene composed by greater more learned men wherein briefly ●…ay be seene the great and infinite mercy of God towards your royall person that it hath pleased his superexcellent wisedome by his mighty power to preserue your Highnesse ancient Kingdome of Scotland vnconquered vnder the Empire and gouernment of one hundreth and sixe Kings your Maiesties royall progenitors and in speciall when almost the whole world was brought vnder the Romane Empire by the sword Also to reduce in one peaceable Monarch these ancient mighty landes many Ilands which haue bene diuided in many seuerall Kingdomes one of Britons seuen of Saxons one of Scots one of Pictes one of Orkenay and sixe of Ireland also some of the valiant and illustre noble actes of your Highnesse most royall and ancient progenitors and of their raignes liues deathes and burials Accept them most mightie Monarch I most humbly beseech your royall Maiesty in your Highnesse gracious protection and according to my bounden dutie incessantly with all humility I will pray the great God of all might and power to his eternall glory long to preserue your Royall Maiestie and your gracious Queene in blessed health and peace to raigne ouer these your Highnesse great vnited Kingdomes and to enlarge the same and your Maiesties most royall and hopefull posterity to the worlds end Your Maiesties most humble and obedient Subiect IOHN MONIPENNY THE ABRIDGMENT OR SVMMARY OF the Scots CHONICLE WITH A SHORT DESCRIPTION of their originall from the comming of GATHELVS their Progenitour out of Graecia into Egypt and of their Kings and Gouernours in Spaine Ireland and Albion howbeit the whole number are not extant with a true Chronologie of all their Kings lineally descended from FERGVSIVS the first King of Scotland vnto his sacred Maiestie now happily reigning ouer all Great Britaine Ireland and all the Isles to them appertaining GATHELVS son of CECROPS King of ATHENS by his insolence made many inuasions in Macedonia and Achaia in Graecia And because he could not suffer correction he with many valiant Grecians came into Egypt followed Pharao in his warres against the Aethiopians who with great cruelty had wasted the most part of Egypt vnto Memphis the principall citie of that Realme Pharao with support of Gathelus vanquished and ouercame the Aethiopians in a most dangerous battell And Gathelus valiantly vanquished and wanne their principall citie called Meroe After this great victory he being a lusty person strong of body and of a great spirit wan great fauour with the King and his familiars that the Kings daughter SCOTA was giuen in marriage vnto Gathelus with many lands Shortly after Pharao died and another Pharao succeeded who opprest the Israelites with great seruitude and tyranny Gathelus abhorring such cruelty conferring with MOYSES also hauing respons of the Oracles of Egypt was foreseene of the plagues to come vpon Egypt made prouision for all things necessary for sayling and tooke shipping with his wife Scota his valiant Grecians and many Egyptians from the riuer Nilus the yeare of the world 2453. After long sayling and trauell he arriued at the land of Numidia being stopped to land he pulled vp sailes and with dangerous and painfull passage through the Straites he landed in one part of Spaine then called Lusi●…nia by his arriuall called Portgathel now Portingall at his landing the olde inhabitants came against him with arrayed battell whom he vanquished He builded one Citie vpon the riuer Munda then called Brachare now called Barsolona Then after he came into the North part of Spaine now called Gal●…ia where he builded a citie called Brigance now Compostella where he reigned with Princely dignity and instituted lawes and named his people Scottes after his wife Scota for she had born vnto him two sonnes twinnes HIBER and HEMICVS He brought with him from Egypt the marble fatall chaire which was transported to Ireland and to Albion now called Scotland wherein all their Kings were crowned vntil the time of King Edward the first who transported the whole ancient regall monuments of Scotland with the marble fatall chaire to Westminster where it remaineth to this day The Scots shall brooke that Realme as natiue ground If words faile not where euer this chaire is found Gathelus sitting in his marble chaire within this citie of Brigance gouerned his people with Princelydignity peaceably and instituted lawes And seeing his people encrease with such great multitude and not willing to violate the bande made with the old inhabitants being informed by diuers expert explorators that there was an Isle opposite to Spaine on the North with a rude people inhabited hauing no lawes nor manners Therefore he brought all the shippes he could get with expedition to the next Sea port with sufficient prouision with Hiber and Hemicus accompanied with valiant warriours and ordeyned Hiber to be Admirall to passe the said Isle which they obeyed hoisting sayles with fortunate windes arriued the fift day after in the said Island Immediately landing their people then pitched their Tents on the next trenches The rude inhabitants amazed at the arriuing and landing of such a multitude of warriours fledde with their cattell and goods into their Cauernes Hiber commaunding
certaine of his warriours to passe forth and if the inhabitants would bee willingly subdued no slaughter to be committed vpon them The inhabitants being brought as prisoners to the Admirall and seeing him mercifull rendred themselues and their goods and he receiued them with such beneuolence that he suffered the olde inhabitants to encrease with his people vnder one name and lawe and called the land Hibernia now Ireland Hiber returning into Spaine left his brother Himecus with a strong garrison of valiant warriours with wiues and children to inhabite the land and to holde the same vnder obedience and subiection At his returne into Spain his father being deceased he succeeded King and augmented his Empire and conquered sundry lands from the Spaniards hauing with him at all times a strong guard of valiant men By his puissance and ch●…alrie he subdued the people in such manner that he was holden in great estimation and reuerence that they were constrayned to seeke his peace the land being named after Hiber Hiberia the Scots and olde inhabitants grew vnder one name and bloud with such tender and friendly beneuolence not remembring of old iniuries each one willing to defend his neighbour as well in peace as warres as his brother or father Of Hiber descended by long progression a great posterity lineally succeeding amongst whom were many noble and famous Kings howbeit the whole number of them are not extant HIMECVS gouerned Ireland in great felicity iustice and tranquility both the Scots and the olde inhabitants during his life time Immediatly after his decease arose an odious controuersie betweene the Scottes and the olde inhabitants for the gouernement euery nation contending to haue a gouernour of their owne blood which contention enduring long time at last they created two Gouernors betweene whom was continuall battels and great slaughter on eyther side through ambition and burning desire to be sole Gouernor of all Ireland After long and dangerous battels the two people broken with sundry displeasures were constrained to take peace howbeit the same endured but a short time each one of them pursuing other with battell and yet they dwelt many yeares together by enterchange of peace and warres while at the last the Scots suffering many iniuries sent their Embassador to METELLIVS who was then King of the Scottes in Spaine desiring to haue support against the old inhabitants of Ireland declaring them to be a rude wilde people impatient to suffer any Empire aboue them So that the Scots can haue no tranquility vnlesse the said people were the more speedily tamed and subdued This foresaid message was the more acceptable to the King Metellius for it concerned the Common-wealth both of the Scots nation in Spaine and Ireland descending by long progression of our lineage and blood and willingly satisfying the aforesaid Ambassadours request trusting the same to be no lesse honour and glory to himselfe as profite to his friends Therefore the King sent his three sonnes HERMONEVS PTOLOMEVS and HIBERT with a great Armie of valiant men into Ireland where they with right dangerous battels vanquished the olde inhabitants and brought them vnder subiection Hermonens returning into Spaine left his two brethren to gouerne the land who gouerned the same long time after in great tranquility and iustice ins●…ituting lawes and instructed the Priests to make insence and sacrifice in the same manner as the Egyptians vsed so both the people encreased many yeares in great felicity peace and riches during the Gouernement of Ptolomeus and Hibert and long after their decease But too great prosperity engendreth euill maners and causeth men to worke often displeasures vpon themselues finding no forraigne enemies to inuade them at home The people after long peace were diuided for the gouernement contending for the same with great rigour and slaughter on both sides vntill the one had almost vtterly destroyed the other if they had not been reconciled by a noble man named Thanaus principall Ambassadour sent by the King then raigning ouer the Scots in Spaine reioycing of the felicity succeeding to his friends and to cause them by his prudent consultation to encrease together vnder one minde Thanaus being a prudent man bearing nuturall affection to both the parties perswading them at sundry conuentions to remoue all contention and to elect one whom they thought most expedient to be their King and to be obedient to him in all their gouernment Through this perswasion the whole people had such feruent desire to haue one King that all olde iniuries being forgotten they appointed Thanaus to elect a King whom he thought most expedient and hee seeing their mindes willing to haue a nuturall King declaring to them that there is in Spaine a noble Prince of great seuerity and iustice named SIMON BREK well accustomed with your lawes and lineally descended from the ancient King Metellius whom he thought most fittest to be their King The whole people hearing the name of SIMON BREK were well content to haue him their King because that name was esteemed very fortunate in those dayes Then after with consent of the whole people Ambassadours were sent into Spaine to request the said Simon to come into Ireland to be their King Hee knowing by graue aduisement the intent of the Ambassadours prouid●…d a great Fleete of Ships with all things necessary and finally by prosperous windes arriued in Ireland where hee was solemnly receiued and crowned in the chaire of Marble which he brought out of Spaine esteemed as a most rich jewel in those dayes from the beginning of the world 3314. From the floud of Noah 1658. From the building of Rome 102. Before the birth of Christ 651. He reigned with great felicity peaceably forty yeares being specially counsailed by the aforesaid Thanaus to whom he gaue sundry lands lying in the South part of Ireland beside the riuer Birsus which lands are now called Dowdall where hee dwelt with the people he brought with him out of the famous citie Brigance now called Compostella They were called Brigandes of whom after by processe of time descended many valiant and noble men who came with Fergusius the first King in Scotland by whom al the lands now called Galloway were then called Brigance whose inhabitants were euer full of manhood and strongest enemies against Romanes Britaines and Pickes Simon deceased his sonne FANDVF succeeded King after Fanduf succeeded ETHION after Ethion succeeded GLAVCVS after Glaucus succeeded NATHASIL after Nathasil succeeded Rothesay ROTHESAY was the first King that brought Scots with him into Albion The first Isle that he inhabited he called after his owne name Rothesay the remanent Isles were called Hebredes after Hiber the eldest sonne of Gathelus Rothesay hearing the death of his father Nathasil returned into Ireland and was there crowned King The yeare that Scots were brought out of Ireland into Albion was from the Empire of Simon Brek in Ireland 216. yeares from the beginning of the world 3530. The Scots spread in sundry parts of Albion lying farre North
in Normandy was from the Incarnation of Christ 886. yeares The valiant deedes done by the Danes in sundrie parts of the world was in great admiration to all people Rowland called Robert begat on the Emperour Charles his daughter WILLIAM who succeeded after his father To William succeeded RICHARD the first to him succeeded RICHARD the second who had two Sonnes ROBERT and GVSTARD Robert begat WILLIAM the bastard Duke of Normandy who conquered England and vanquished both Englishmen and Danes and possest the crowne thereof And Gustard past into Italy and made many and cruell inuasions in Cicill Calabre and Naples In this time the Murrayes and Rosses inuading each other with cruell killing 2000. men were killed on either parties the King came vppon them with a great army and punished the principall mouers of this trouble to the death he dyed in peace the 11. yeare of his raigne and buried in Icolmkill 75 CONSTANTINVS tertius Ethus sonne began to raigne the yeare of the world 4874. in the yeare of Christ 905. after the raigne 1245. a valiant prince not fortunate in Warres he married the Prince of Wales his daughter she bare to him one sonne being vexed with Warres in the time of King Edward and Athelstane his bastard sonne he became a Chanon in Saint Andrewes and died the 40. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 76. MILCOLVMBVS primus Donaldus sonne began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4913. in the yeare of Christ 943. after the raigne 1283. a valiant Prince and good Iusticiar he married the Lord of Twylths daughter she bare to him two sonnes and one daughter A confederacy was made betweene England and Scotland that Cumber and Westmerland shal be perpetually annexed to the Prince of Scotland raigning for the time to be holden in fee of the Kings of England By vertue whereof Indulfus sonne to Constantine the third as Prince of Scotland tooke possession both of Cumber and Westmerland The King passing the rest of his dayes in peace seuere Iustice which caused a conspiracy in Murrayland where this noble King was traiterously killed the 9. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill The murtherers and their assistants all apprehended were cruelly tormented and put to death 77. INDVLFVS Constantinus tertius sonne began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4922. in the yeare of Christ 952. after the raigne 1282. a noble valiant Prince He vanquished in battaile Hagon Prince of Norwaye and Helricke Prince of Denmarke and was killed by a Stratageme of Warre the 9. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 78 DVFFVS Milcolumbus sonne began his raign the year of the world 4931. the yeare of Christ 9●…1 after the ragin 1291. a good Prince seuere Iusticiar He was trayterously murthered by one Donalde Captaine of Forres in Murrayland and his wife was buried secretly vnder a bridge at Kinlus The murtherers being apprehended were seuerely executed and put to death the 5. yeare of his raigne and buried in Icolmkill 79 CVLENVS Indulfus sonne began his raigne the yeare of the world 4936. the yeare of Christ 966. after the raigne 1296. he was marryed to the King of Brittaines daughter a vitious Prince killed by Rodardus a noble man at Mesfen whose daughter he had defloured the 4. yeare of his raigne and buried in Icolmkill 80 KENNETHVS tertius Duffus brother began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4940. in the yeare of Christ 970. after the raigne 1300. one valiant and wise Prince and seuere Iusticiar for one time he caused 500. notable theeues to be hanged on gibbets and inhibited their bodies to be taken downe beside the Castell of Bertha to giue example to others The Danes with a great Fleete of ships arriued in the mouth of Taye and destroyed the towne of Mountrose killing all the people demolishing the wals wasting the whole country comming thorough Angus with great cruelty and laying a strong siege to the Castle of Bertha The King came with a great army there followed a dangerous and cruell battaile with vncertaine victorie valiantly defended on both parties At the last one Haye with his two sonnes enforcing the Scots that were fugitiue to returne and by their valiant courage renewing battaile the Danes were vanquished and fugitiue the most part of them being slaine The King enriched Haye and his sonnes giuing them a great part of the spoile of the Danes with as much land as a Falcon flew ouer of one mans hand vntill she lighted called the Falcons stone So he obteined the whole lands betweene Tay and Arrole sixe miles of length and foure of breadth This was the beginning of the noble and ancient surname of Hayes decorate with great honours riches and lands valiant defendours of the realme of Scotland This noble King so long decorate with Iustice the blinde and immoderate affection that he had to his sonne was occasion that he killed by poyson Malcolme Prince of Scotland and Lord of Cumber and Westmerland He abrogated the old lawes concerning the Kings and instituted The King being deceased his eldest sonne or Nephew notwithstanding what age soeuer he were of and though he were borne after his fathers death shall succeed to the crowne The Nephew borne on the Kings sonne shal be preferred before the Nephew gotten on the Kings daughter and the Nephew gotten by the Kings brother shal be preferred before the Nephew gotten on his sister These lawes to be obserued amongst all other nobles in succession of their heritage When the King is young one noble man of great prudence and authoritie shal be chosen gouernour of the Realme vntill the King come to age of fourteene yeares and then the King to gouerne his Realme by his owne authoritie All other inheritours shall succeede to their fathers heritage after the expiration of one and twentie yeares and within that time they shal be gouerned by curatours or guardians and vntill those yeares be outrunne they shall not be admitted to claime their heritage He proclaimed his sonne Malcolme Prince of Scotland and Lord of Cumber and Westmerland Once when the King was lying in his bed he heard a voice saying O Kenneth belieue not that the cursed killing of Prince Malcolme is hid from God O thou vnhappy tyrant which for desire of the crowne hast killed an innocent inuading thy neighbour with treasonable murther which thou wouldest haue punished with most rigour if it had bin done by any other person then thy selfe Therefore thou hast incurred such hatred of God that thou and thy sonne shal be suddainly killed for thy nobles are conspired against thee The King was greatly affrayde of this voice and being very penitent confessing his offence to a Bishop who comforting him he did sundry good workes appertaining to a Christian Prince At the last King Kenneth comming to the Castell of FETHERCARN was as appeared thankfully receiued by FENELLA Lady thereof where in the midle of the Castle most curiously wrought was an Image of
brasse the similitude of the King with a golden apple in his hand The King perceiuing the same suspecting no treason counselled by the said Lady being alone in the tower the Castle being apparelled with rich Tapestries of golde silke ouerlayed or thicked with copper The King taking the apple with violence out of the hand of the Image immediately the titups of the Cross-bowes were throwne vp being made with such engyne one of them shot the King thorough the body The Lady was fugitiue There he died the 24. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 81 CONSTANTINVS quartus surnamed Caluus Culenus sonne began to raigne vsurping the crowne in the yeare of the world 4964. in the yeare of Christ 994 after the raigne 1324. he was killed in battaile at the town of Crawmond in Louthaine the second yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 82 GRIMVS Duffus sonne began his raigne in the yeare of the world 4966. in the yeare of Christ 996. after the raigne 1326. a vitious vsurper of the crowne killed in battaile by Malcolme his successour the eight yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 83 MILCOLVMBVS secundus Kennethus third sonne beganne his raigne the yeare of the world 4974. in the yeare of Christ 1004. after the raigne 1334. a valiant and wise King he was often victorious against the Danes In his time beganne the auncient noble name of KEITH whose house is decorated with great honours being Marshall of Scotland The King repaired and enlarged the Cit●…y of Aberdene then called Murthlacke he was killed by conspiracy of some of his nobles in the Castle of Glammess The 30. yeare of his raigne he married the Duke of Normandies daughter who bare to him three sonnes and two daughters buried in Icolmkill The murtherers fugitiue in the night chaunced into the Loch or Poole of Forfarr being frozen ouer couered with snowe were all drowned therein by the righteous iudgement of God 84 DVNCANVS primus Malcolme second daughter Beatrix her sonne began to raigne in the yeare of the world 5004. in the yeare of Christ 1034. after the raigne 1364. a good and modest Prince In his time was THANE or Earle of Lochquhaber Banquho Of whome are descended the auncient and royall name of STEVVARTS He was trayterously killed by Makbeth the 6. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 85 MACBETHVS Dowoda Malcolme second daughters sonne began to raigne in the yeare of the world 5010. in the yeare of Christ 1040. after the raigne 1370. in the beginning he was a valiant Prince and seuere Iusticiar instituting many good lawes at last by illusion of Witches and Sorcerers he became a cruell tyrant and oppressor at last killed in a battaile vanquished by his successor King Malcolme Cammore and killed by Makduff Thane or Earle of Fiffe the 17. yeare of his raigne buried in Icolmkill 86 M●…LCOLVMBVS surnamed Cammore Duncane the first his sonne began to raign in the year of the world 5027 in the yeare of Christ 1057. after the raigne of Scotland 1387. he was a religious and valiant King he rewarded his nobles with lands and offices and commaunded that the lands and offices should be called after their names he created many Earles Lords Barons and Knights They that were called Thanes as Fiff Menteith Athole Lenex Murray Caythnes Ros Angusse were made Earles many new surnames came in at this time as Calder Lokart Gordoun Seytonne Lawder Wauane Meldrome Schaw Liermond Liberton Struchquhan Cargill Rettray Dondas Cock●…urne Mirtoun Me●…es Abercrummy Listye names of offices Steward Du●…ard Bannerman At this time William Duke of Normandy conquered England holding battaile with King Harold and killed him in the yeare of Christ 1066. Edgar within age rightfull heire of England seing the crowne conquerd was desperate to succeed any way to the gouernement To eschew all apparant d●…unger he tooke shipping with purpose to returne with his mother and sisters into Vngerland by contrary winds he arriued in Forth in a part called the Queenes Ferrey King Malcolme was at that time in Dunfermling he came and tenderly receiued the said Edgar with his mother and sisters and married Margaret eldest sister to the said Edgar William the conquerour hearing of his marriage exiled all the friends of the said Edgar wherefore they came into Scotland many people to King Malcolme whome he receiued and gaue them lands as their surnames Maxwell●…nd ●…nd sundry surnames came out of Vngerland to Queene Margaret as Creitchton Fotheringham Giffard Melwill Borthuike out of Fra●…nce came into Scotland Fraiseir Scincler Boswell Moutray Montgomery Cambell Boyes Beton Taylifer and Bothwell In King Malcolmes time was the Recrosse erected with the King of Englands Image on the one side and the King of Sotlands on the other this stone crosse was march betweene the two Realmes standing in the middle of Stan-moore Queene Margaret foresaid daughter to Edward sirnamed the Outlaw sonne to Edward Ironside King of England a very religious Queene after called S. Margaret who beare vnto King Malcolme sixe sonnes Edward the Prince Edmund Etheldred Edgar Alexander and Dauid and two daughters Matilda or Mawde sirnamed Bona wife to Henry the fourth sirnamed Beauclerke King of England of whose vertues are extant an Epigram Prosperit ie reioyced her not to her griefe was no paine Prosperity affrayed her al 's affliction was her gaine Her beauty was no cause of fall in Royall state nor pride Humbly alone in dignitie in beauty onely good She founded the Church of Carliel The other daughter was married to Eustatius Earle of Bolloigne King Malcolme builded the Church of Durham and Dunfermling Hee was killed at the siege of Anwike by one Robert Mowbray who vnarmed vpon a light horse came out of the Castle of Anwike with a Lance in his hand the keyes of the Castle vpon the point of the Launce King Malcolme looking earnestly thereunto the aforesaid Robert Mowbray ran the King through the left eye and ran hastily into the next wood King William changed the name of this valiant Knight calling him Percey of whom are descended the Earles of Northumberland King Malcolme died the six and thirtieth yeare of his raigne and his sonne Prince Edward both buried in Dunfermling 87 DONALDVS septimus Malcolme Cammore his brother vsurped the Crowne sirnamed Bane beganne to raigne in the yeare of the world 5063. in the yeare of Christ 1093. after the raigne 1423. Hee was expelled by Duncane bastard to Malcolme the first yeare of his raigne 88 DVNCANVS secundas bastard aforesaid vsurped the Crowne killed by Mak-pender Thane of Mernis by procurement of Donald the seuenth who after was crowned He gaue the North and West Isles to the King of Norway to haue his assistance to recouer the crowne he was taken captiue by his Nobles and his eyes put out he died miserably in prison the third yeare of his second raigne buried in Dunfermling 89 EDGARVS Malcolme Cammors sonne began to raigne in the yeare of the
world 5068. in the yeare of Christ 1098. after the raigne 1428. a good and religious King the first annoynted King he builded the Priory of Coldingham and died peaceably the ninth yeare of his raigne buried at Dunfermling without succession 90 ALEXANDER the first sirnamed Fierce succeeded his brother the yeare of the world 5077. in the yeare of Christ 1107. after the raigne 1437. a good and valiant King he builded the Abbeyes of Scone and Saintcolms Inch he married Sibilla daughter to William Duke of Normandy the seuenteenth yeare of his raigne he died in peace buried in Dunfermling 91 DAVID primus King Malcolms third youngest sonne began his raigne the yeare of the world 5094. the yeare of Christ 1124. after the beginning of the raigne of Scotland 1454. a good valiant and very religious King he builded many Abbeyes as Holy-rood-house Kelso Iedborugh Melrose Newbottell Holmcultrane Dundranane Cambuskenneth Kinlosse Dunfermling Holme in Cumber two Nunneries one at Carliel the other at north Berwick he founded two Abbeyes besides new Castle the one of S. Benedicts order the other of white Monkes hee founded 4. Bishopricks Ros Breichin Dunkeld Dunblane ordeyning them great lands rents and possessions al out of the patrimony of the crown King Dauid of Scotlād in his time possessed Northumberland Cumber Huntington and Westmerland he married the inheritrix of the aforesaid lands called Mawde daughter to the Earle of Northumberland and Iuditha daughters daughterto William the Conquerer King of England In the time of King Stephen of England he repaired the towne of Carliel with new wals his sonne Prince Henry died with great lamentation of the whole Realme hauing three sonnes and three daughters King Dauid caused Malcolme eldest sonne vnto Prince Henry late deceased to be declared Prince of Scotland After that he past into Northumberland and made William his second Nephew Earle thereof after he went to Carliel where he made Henry the Empresse her sonne Prince of England Knight taking his oath hee should neuer take Northumberland Cumber Westmerland and Huntington from the Empire of Scotland afterwards this victorious and religious King Dauid died in peace being greatly honoured and beloued of his subiects and neighbors the nine and twentieth yeare of his raigne he died in Carliel and buried in Dunfermling MILCOLVMBVS quartus sirnamed the Mayden nephew to King Dauid began his raigne in the yeare of the world 5123. in the yeare of Christ 1153. after the raigne 1483. a good and milde Prince he builded Cowper Abbey in Anguisse and subdued sundry rebellions died at Iedbourgh buried at Dunfermling the twelfth yeare of his raigne 93 GVILIELMVS sirnamed the Lion succeeded his brother Malcolme in the yeare of the world 5135 in the yeare of Christ 1165. after the raigne 1495. a good valiant King vnfortunate he married Emigerda daughter to the Earle of Bewmont who beare to him two sons and two daughters he builded the Abbey of Abirbrothoke she builded the Abbey of Bamerinoch after that the Castle of Bertha was demolished by inundation of waters King Guilliam narrowly escaping with his wife and children his young sonne and nurse perished and sundry others he founded and builded the towne called Perth and graunted sundry great priuiledges thereunto now called S. Iohns towne The King continuing in peace died the nine and fortieth yeare of his raigne buried in Abirbrothoke 94 ALEXANDER 2. succeeded his father in the yeare of the world 5184. in the yeare of Christ 1214. after the raigne 1544. a valiant and good King and seuere iusticiar hee pacified all rebellion in his Realme he agreed with King Henry of England and married his sister reteyning Northumberland Westmerland Cumber and Huntington and King Alexanders two sisters were married vnto two great Princes of England He past into France and renued the auncient band in the meane time Iane his Queene died without any succession The next yeare he married at Roxbourgh Mary daughter to Ingelram Earle of Coucey in Fraunce of great beauty who bare to him a sonne Alexander who succeeded after him he died in peace the fiue and thirtieth yeare of his raigne buried in Melrosse 95 ALEXANDER tertius succeeded his father in the yeare of the world 5219. in the yeare of Christ 1249. after the raigne 1579. a good young Prince being at his coronation nine yeares of age After that the Kings of England and Scotland with their Nobles conuened in Yorke where king Henry the third of Englands daughter Margaret was married to King Alexander of Scotland Enduring his tender age the Realme of Scotland was wel gouerned by his Nobles be comming to perfect age willing to execute iustice summoned the Earles of Mentieth Athole and Buchquhane and the Lord of Strabogy which were all of the name of Comminges and for non comperance denounced them rebels They with their assistance being a great number because there was of the same name by the aforesaid Lords thirty Knights and landed men They imprisoned the King in Striueling a certaine space King Acho of Norway came into the Isles with many Danes King Alexander to resist him came with a great armie there followed a cruell and dangerous battell long with vncertaine victory at last the Danes being vanquished and foure and twenty thousand of them killed Acho was fugitiue to his Ships his whole Nauie by tempestuous storme being spoyled returned with foure Ships left of his whole Fleete into Norway Then after his sonne Magnus renouncing all title to the Isles contracted his sonne Hanigo to be married with King Alexanders daughter one yeare of age at their both perfect age At this time Alexander Earle of Carrike past to the holy land hauing a daughter Martha who succeeding in his heritage who married a Nobleman Robert Bruce sonne heire to Robert Bruce Lorde of Anandale in Scotland and Lord of Cleueland in England This Martha aforesaid inheritrix of Carike in the third yeare beare the Noble and inuincible Champion Robert Bruce King of Scotland Margaret sister to King Henry the third of England beare to King Alexander two sonnes Prince Alexander and Dauid one daughter Margaret married vnto Hanigo Magnus sonne King of Norway who beare to him Margaret called the Mayden of Norway In this time died Dauid King Alexanders second sonne Alexander the Prince was married at Roxburge vnto the Earle of Flanders daughter whereat many of the Nobles of Scotland and England were present for thetime The third yeare after Prince Alexander died at Lundors the twentieth yeare of his age to the great lamentation of the whole Realme for in him failed the whole succession of King Alexander the third except the Mayden of Norway who was begotten on his daughter Margaret before rehearsed King Alexander by counsell of his Nobles after the death of his first Queene married Ioleta the Earle of Drux daughter in Fraunce by whom he had no succession He builded the Crosse Church of Peblis He died of a fal off his horse ouer the west craig at
of Culane situate vpon the sea coast Next lies the lands of Straithbogy where is the Castle and Pallace of Straithbogy the speciall residence of the Marquesse of Huntley the Castles of Fendrough Pitlurge Carnbarrow Rothemay the Lord Saltouns chiefe residence Kinnardi Crombie Achindore Lesmore Balwany Blarsindy Drymmyn Dusky Ballindalloch Balla Castle and Aikenway these foresaid countries are plenteous in cornes bestiall and in fishings Next vpon the North is the water Spey abundant in Salmond and all new fishes Endlong Spey lies Murrey-Land wherein is situate the Citie of Elgyn vpon the water of Lossy the Bishop of Murreyes seat and speciall residence with a Church most curiously and sumptuously builded which now in part decayes In Murrey are many strong Castles other strong houses as the Castles of Blairy Monynesse the ancient strong Castle of Vrquhart the Castles of Spynay with a pleasant Loch abounding in fishes the Castles of Innes and Duffus the Castle and towne of Forres the great Castle of Tornuaye the principall residence of the Earle of Murrey The Castles of Cadall and Kilrauicke with diuers Gentlemens strong stone houses adiacent about the towne of olde Erne In Murrey are two famous Abbeyes Pluscardy and Kinlus the Castle of Louat the Lord Louats residence There is also the most ancient towne of Innernes and the strong Castles thereof situate on the water of Naes which descends from a Loch named Loch Naes thirtie foure miles in length this water of Naes is alwaies warme and neuer freezeth in such sort as in winter time yee falling into it is dissolued by the heat therof West from Lochnes there lies eight miles of continent ground And that small peece is the onely impediment that the Seas ioyne not and make the remanent of Scotland an Iland for all the land that lies betwixt the strait and the Deucalidon Sea is cutte by creekes and Loches of salt water running into the land From the mouth of Naesse where it enters in the Germane Sea North lies Rosse shooting in the Sea in great Promontories or heads The countrey of Rosse is of greater length nor breadth extending from the Germane to the Deucalidon Sea where it riseth in craggy and wilde hils and yet in the plaine fields thereof there is as great fertilitie of corne as in any other part of Scotland There is in Rosse pleasant dales with waters Loches full of fishes specially Lochbroome It is broad at the Deucalidon sea and growes narrow by little and little turning Southward from the other shore the Germane Sea winning the selfe an entrie betwixt high clintes runs within the land in a wide bosome and makes an healthfull port and sure refuge against all tempests and stormes the entrie of it is easie and within it is a very sure hauen against all iniuries of Sea and a hauen for great nauies of ships Loch-broome is abundant of Salmond and all other fishes The townes in Rosse are the City of the Channory the Bishops seat with a strong Castle the towne of Rosemarky the Castles of Read-castle Dingwall the Abbey of Bewly the castles of Cromarty Miltoun Fowlis Ballingoun the town of Tane the Castles of Catboll Torbat Loselun Kayne with many others the waters in Rosse are Cromarty the water Tane the water of Naes Also Mountains of Allabaster and hils of white marble there is many other parts in Rosse too longsome to describe Next Rosse lies Sutterland the speciall towne is D●…norch with a strong Castle the Castls of Skibow Pulrossy Skelbo Clyne Dunrobene the Earle of Sutherlands residence with goodly Orchards where growes good Saphron the riuers are Ferryhuns Brora Helmsdeaill abundant in Salmond and other fishes and good store of bestial there is also hilles of white Marble with salt and coale Next Sutherland lies Stranauern the castle of Far where the lord of Makky hath his speciall residence The Castles of Tunge this countrey Stratleigh with sundry Ilands as Ship-Iland Hyp-Iland Marten-Iland Conne-Iland are vnknown to the Author Next lies Caithnes where it marches with Stranauerne is the furthest North countrey of all Scotland and those two draw the breadth of Scotland in a narrow front In thē are three Promontories or heads the highest wherof is in Stranauern called Orcas or Taruidum the other two not so high are in Caithnes Veruedrum now named Hoya and B●…rebrum now called Dunsby at the foot of this hill there is a pretie hauen for them that trauell from Orknay by Sea there is mountains called Ordhead Hoburnhead Madēs Pape the Castle of Berydale with a riuer abundant in Salmond other fishes The Castle of Dumbeth with a goodly riuer with the towns of Wcik Thirso with Ichone a riuer The Castle of Gerniggo the Earle of Caithnes special residence The Castles of Akergile Keis Pressik old Weik Ormly Skrabstar Dunray Brawl and May Dunnethead isa hil of Marble the riuers are the riuer of Berridale Dunberth Weik Thirso Fors. This countrey is abundant in cornes bes●…all Salmond all other fishes Of the Iles of Scotland in generall NOw refleth it to speake somewhat of the Iles they are diuided which as it were Crowne Scotland in three classes or rankes the West Iles Orknay Iles Shetland Iles the west Iles lye in the Deucalidon sea from Ireland almost to Orkenay vpon the west side of Scotland they are called Hebrides and by some Aebudae They are scattered into the Deucalidon sea to the number of three hundreth and aboue Of old the kings of Scotland kept these Iles in their possession vntill the time of Donald brother to King Malcolme the third who gaue them to the King of Norway vpon condition that he should assist him in vsurping of the Kingdome of Scotland against law and reason The Danes and Norway people kept possession of them for the space of 160. yeares and then King Alexander the third ouercomming the Danes and Norway men in a great battell thrust them out of the Iles yet afterward they attempted to recouer their libertie partly trusting to their owne strength and partly mooued by seditions in the maine land of this Countrey creating Kings of themselues as not long ago Iohn of the house of Clandonald did vsurpe the name of King as others had done before In foode raiment and all things pertaining to their family they vse the ancient frugalitie of the Scots Their bankets are hunting and fishing They seeth their flesh in the tripe or else in the skinne of the beast filling the same full of water Now and then in hunting they straine out the bloud and eate the flesh raw Their drinke is the broth of sodden flesh They loue very well the drinke made of whey and kept certaine yeeres drinking the same at feasts It is named by them Blandium The most p●…rt of them drinke water Their custome is to ●…ake their bread of Oates Barly which are the onely kinds of graine that grow in those parts Experience with
Horse it hath fiue great Riuers rich in Salmond and many little waters plenty of Salmond and other Fishes The Sea running in the land on all sides make many Salt waters Thrée principall and 13. others all rich in Herring There is in it a fresh water Loch and ●…e Castles About the Skye lye little Ilands scattered here and there Oronsa fertill in Corne and store Cunicularia full of Bushes and Connyes next is Paba 8. miles frō Paba Southwest lyes Scalpa which besides sundry other commodities hath woods full of troopes of Déere Betwixt the mouth of Zochcarron and Raorsa lies Crulinga 7. miles of length and two of bredth there is a sure Hauen in it for ships There are in it also woods full of Bucke and Déere Halfe a mile from Crulinga is Rona full of wood and hadder with a good Hauen in the innermost Lorh thereof in the mouth of the same Lorh is an Iland of the same Name called Ger-loch From Rona sixe miles Northward lyes Flada Two miles from Flada Euilmena Upon the South side of Skye lyes Oronsa and a mile from it Knya Pabra and great Bina and then fiue little Ilands Next vnto them is Isa fertill in Cornes Beside it is Ouia then Askerma and Lindell●… 8. miles from Skye Southward lyes Linga and Gigarmena Benera Megala Pana Flada Scarpa Veruecum Sandara Vatersa which by many other good commodityes hath a Hauen commodious for a number of great Ships whereinto Fishermen of all Countreys about conuene certayne times of the yere ordinarily These last nine Ilands are subiect to the Bishop of the Iles. Two miles from Vatersa is Barra running from the Northwest to the Southeast seuen miles in length fruitfull of cornes and aboundant in Fish there runneth in it a Lorh with a narrow throat growing round and wide within in it there is an Inche and therein a strong Castle Upon the Northside of Barra there riseth an Hill full of Hearbs from the foote to the head vpon the top whereof is a fresh water Well The spring that runneth from this Well to the next Sea caryes with it little things like as they were quicke but hauing the shape of no beast which appeare although obscurely in some respect to represent the fish that is commonly called Cockles The people that dwell there call the part of the shore whereunto these things are carryed The great Sands because that when the Sea ebbes there appeares nothing but dry Sands the space of a mile Out of these Sands the people dig out great Cockles which the Neighbours about iudge eyther to grow as it were of that séede that the springs doe bring from the well or else indéede to grow in that Sea Betwixt Barra and Wist lye these Ilands Oronsa Onia Hakerseta Garnlanga Flada great Buya little Buya Haya Hell S●… Gigaia Lingaia Foraia Fudaia Erisoaia From these Ilands Vistus lyes Northward 34. miles of length and 6. of bredth The tide of the Sea running in two places of this I le causeth it to appeare thrée Ilands but when the tide is out it becommeth all one Iland In it are many fresh water Loches specially one thrée miles long The Sea hath worne in vpon the Land and made it selfe a passage to this Loch and can neuer be holden out albeit the Inhabitants haue made a wall of 60. foote broad to that effect The water entereth in amongst the stones that are builded vp together and leaues behind it at the ebbe many Sea Fishes There is a Fish in it like to the Salmond in all things except that with the white wombe it hath a blacke backe and wanteth scales In this Iland are many fresh water Loches sundry Caues couered with Hadder In it are fiue Churches Eyght miles West from it lyes Hel●…ther Vetularum pertayning to the Nunnes of the I le of Ione A little further North riseth Haneskera about this Iland at certayne times of the yéere are many Sealches they are taken by the Countrey men Southwest almost 60. miles lyes Hirta fertill in Cornes and store and specially in Shéepe greater then any other Shéepe in any other Ilands About the 17. day of Iune the Lord of this Iland sendeth his Chamberlayne to gather his dutyes and with him a Minister who baptizeth all the Children that are borne the yéere preceding and if the Minister come not euery man baptizeth his owne Child This Hirtha is the last and farthest Ile in Albion so that betwixt the I le of Man being the first I le in Albion and this I le there is 377. miles Returning to Wistus from the north point thereof is the Iland Velaia two miles long and one mile of bredth Betwixt this point and the Iland 〈◊〉 lyes Soa Stroma Pabaia Barneraia E●…saia Keligira little Saga great Saga Harmodra Scaria Grialinga Cillinsa Hea Hoia little Soa great Soa Isa great Seuna little Seuna Taransa Slegana Tuemon All these Ilands are fruitfull of Cornes and store Aboue Horea is Scarpa And halfe a mile towards the West Equinoctiall from the Lewis lys seuen little Ilands named Flananae some holy place in old times of girth or refuge rising vp in hill●…s full of Hearbs Further North in the same ranke lyes Garn-Ellan that is she hard I le Lamba Flada Kellasa little Bernera great Bernera Kirta great Bina little Bina Vexaia Pabaia great Sigrama Cunicularia plenty of Conyes little Sigrama The Iland of the Pigmeis wherein there is a Church in which the Pigmeis were buried as they that are neighbours to this Iland beléeue Sundry strangers digging déepely in the ground sometimes haue found yet to this day doe find very little round heads and other little bones of mans body which seemes to approue the truth and apparance of the common bruite In the Northeast side of the Iland Leogus there are 2. Loches running foorth of the Sea named The North and South Loches wherein at all times of the yéere there is abundance of Fish for all men that list to take them From the same side of the Loch somewhat more Southerly lyes Fabilla Adams Iland The Lambe Iland Item Hulmetia Viccoilla Hana Rera Laxa Era The Dowe Iland Tora Affurta Scalpa Flada Senta at the East side thereof there is a passage vnder the earth vaulted aboue a flight shoote of length into the which little Boates may eyther sayle or row for eschewing of the violent tide Somewhat Eastwards lyes an Iland named Old Castle a roome strong of nature and plenty of Cornes Fish and Egges of Sea Fowles to nourish the Inhabitants At that side where Lochbrien enters is situate the Iland Ew More Northerly lyes the Iland Grumorta both these Ilands full of Wood. The Iland named The Priests Iland lyes the same way profitable for pastorage of Shéepe and full of Sea Fowles Next vnto it is Afulla and great Habrera then little Habrera and néere vnto it The Horse I le and then Marta Ika These last mentioned Ilands lye all before the
entrie of Lochbrie●… and from them North lye Hary and Lewis 16. miles of length and 16. of bredth These 3. make an Iland which is not deuided by any Hauen 〈◊〉 Port of the Sea but by the seuerall Lordships of the heritours thereof The South part is named Haray in it sometime was the Abbey Roadilla builded by Maccleude Har●…is a Countrey fertill inough in Cornes and good Pastorage with a high Hill ouercouered with grasse to the very top many Shéepe are séene féeding there masterlesse pertayning peculiarly to no man for there is neyther Woolfe Foxe or Serpent séene there albeit betwixt that and Lewis there bee great Woods full of Déere In that part of the Iland is a Water well stored of Salmond and other Fishes Upon the North-side it is well manured Upon the Sea side there are foure Churches one Castle 7. great running Waters and 12. lesse all plentifull of Salmond and other Fishes The Sea enters in the Land in diuers parts making sundry salt water Loches all plentifull of Herring with abundance of Shéepe In this Countrey is great abundance of Barley In this Iland is such abundance of Whales taken as aged men report their tenth will extend to 27. Whales also a great Caue wherein the Sea at a low water abides two faddome high and at a full Sea foure faddome déepe People of all sort and ages sit vpon the Rocks thereof with hooke and line taking great multitude of all kind of Fishes Southeast from Lewis almost 60. miles there is a fertill Iland low and playne ●…alled Rona well manured the Lord of the ground limits certayne number of Households to occupy it appoynting for euery Household few or many Shéepe according to his pleasure whereon they may easily liue and pay his rent In this Iland is a Chappell dedicated to Saint Ronan wherein as aged men report there is alwayes a Spade wherewith when any is dead they find the place of his graue marked Besides other Fishes in this Iland is great plenty of Whales Sixetéene miles from Rona West lyes Suilkeraia a mile of length but in it growes no kind of Hearbe not so much as Hadder Sea Fowles lay Egges there and doe hatch They of Leogus next neighbours vnto it get great profit thereby In that Iland is séene a rare kind of Fowle vnknowne to other Countreyes called Colca little lesse then a Goose they come in the Spring time euery yéere hatch and nourish their Young ones They cast their Feathers which haue no stalke like vnto downe Now follow the Iles of Orknay of olde called The Realme of the Picts lying scattered partly in the Deucalidon Sea partly in the Germane Seas The common people to this day are very carefull to kéepe the ancient frugality of their Predecessors and in that respect they continue in good health for the most part both in mind and body so that few dye of sicknesse but all for age They haue Barley and Oates whereof they make both bread and drinke They haue sufficient ●…ore of quicke goods Neate Shéepe and Goates great plenty of Milke Chéese and Butter They haue innumerable Sea Fowles whereof and of Fish for the most part they make their common foode There is no Uenemous Beast in Orknay There is is no kind of Trée except Hadder They haue an old Cup amongst them called Saint Magnus Cup the first man that brought the Christian Religion in that Countrey There are about 33. Ilands in Orknay whereof 13. are inhabited the remnant are reserued for nourishing of Cattell The greatest Ile is named Pomona The firme land thirtie miles of length sufficiently inhabited It hath 12. Countrey Parish Churches and one Towne called Kirkwaa In this Towne there are two Towers builded not farre the one from the other One of them appertaynes to the King the other appertaynes to the Bishop Betwixt these 2. Towers stands one Church very magnifique betwixt the Church and the Towers on eyther side are sundry goodly buildings which the Inhabitants name The Kings Towne and The Bishops Towne The whole Iland runnes out in Promontories or heads the Sea running in and makes sure Hauens for ships and Harbours for Boates. In 6. sundry places of this I le there are Mynes of good Lead and Tinne as is to be found in any part of Britayne This Iland is distant from Caithnes about 24. miles diuided by the Picts Sea In this Sea are diuers Ilands scattered here and there of whom Stroma lying 4. miles from Caithnes is one very fruitfull the Earles of Caithnes being Lords thereof Northward lyes South Ranalsa 5. miles long with a commodious Hauen with 2. little Ilands or Holmes good for Pastorage Toward the North lyes Burra Suna Flata Fara Hoia and VValles In these Ilands are the highest Hilles that are in all Orknay Hoia and Walles are 10. miles of length distant from Ranalsay eyght miles and more then twentie from Dunkirke in Caithnes North is the I le Granisa and Cobesa Siapinsa turning somewhat East lyes two miles from Kirkwaa euen oueragaynst it sixe miles of length Right West from Siapinsa are Garsa and Eglisa 4. miles of length In this Iland they say Saint Magnus is buried Next and somewhat neerer the continent land is Rusa foure miles of length and thrée miles of bredth well peopled Westward lyes the Iland Broca Some Ilands lye to the North as Stronza next Linga fiue miles of length and two of bredth Haa fiue miles of length and two of bredth By East lyes Fara And North from Fara lyes Wastra running out in the Sea in Promontories or heads Aboue Stronza at the East end of Etha lyes Sanda Northward 10. miles of length and foure of bredth most fertill of Cornes of all the Iles of Orknay but it hath no kind of fire within it making exchange of Cornes for Peats Beyond Sanda lyes North Ranalsaa 2. miles of length and two of bredth Upon the South si●…e of Pomona lyes Rusa 6. miles of length and from it Eastward Eglisa South Veragersa and not farre from it Westraa from which Hethland is distant 80. miles and Papastronza lyes 80. miles from Hethland In the midway betwixt lyes Fara that is the ●…yre Iland standing in the sight of Orknay and Hethland both it riseth in thrée Promontories or heads and shore Craig round about without any kind of entrance except at the Southeast where it growes little lower making a sure Harboro●… for small Boates. Next is the greatest Ile of all Hethland named The Mayne-land 16. miles of length There are sundry Promontories or heads in it specially two one long and small which runnes North the other broader in some part 16. miles runnes Northeast inhabited vpon the Sea coast There is good Fishing in all these parts the peoples commodity standing most by the Sea Ten miles North lyes Zeall 20. miles of length and 8. miles of bredth the Bremes Marchants doe bring all wares néedfull Betwixt this