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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04926 A faythfull admonition made by Iohn̄ Knox, vnto the professours of Gods truthe in England whereby thou mayest learne howe God wyll haue his Churche exercised with troubles, and how he defendeth it in the same. Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1554 (1554) STC 15069; ESTC S108127 51,531 126

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A FAYTHfull admonition made by Iohn̄ Knox vnto the professours of Gods truthe in England wher by thou mayest learne howe God wyll haue his Churche exercised with troubles and how he defendeth it in the same Esaie ix After all this shall not the Lordes wrath ceasse but yet shall hys hande be stretched out styll Ibidem Take hede that the Lorde roote thee not out bothe heade and tayle in one daye THE EPISTLE OF A BAnyshed manne out of Leycester Shire sometyme one of the Preachers of Goddes worde there to the Christen reader wysheth health delyueraunce and felicitie THere hath bene no tyme syth the fyrst fashionynge of man whiche hath not had her manyfold myseries and great troubles by which God chaistened and punished all men for their euel lyfe and vnthanckfulnes to hym continually refusyng his callyng and warnyng wherof the ryghteous and iuste had their partes althoughe it was for their cōmoditie profit but to the vtter destruccion of the wycked and vngodly for iudgement begynneth at the faythful which are called the housholde of God in the Scripture and the punyshment wherby God chasteneth them cōmeth alwayes to them for the best either to the bringyng of pacience or the acknowlegyng of their synnes or for the auoidynge of the eternall condempnatiō And their fashion is when they perceaue the hāde of the Lorde to be vpon them or vpon others by any maner of trouble as pouertie sycknes banishment fallynge awaye of faithful frendes encreasyng of foes or any other lyke trouble Immediatly they turne to God are hertely sorye for their synnes and vnthankful nes confesseth them selues giltie calleth earnestly for mercye whiche God for and in Iesus Christ graūteth vnto thē of his great goodnes according to his promise So as in y e myddest of their troubles he hath vsed al wayes to comforte them yea helpe and deliuer them as it appeareth by Noe Abrahā Loth and the patriarkes Dauid and Ezechia kynhes Helye Hieremy and Daniel prophetes Susanna a woman Peter Paule and the reste of the Apostles together with al good persones in all tymes and ages who in their great troubles chaunges of estates and kyngdomes and destruccion of their cōmō wealthes after they had turned to God from whence those plagues came foūd reliefe helpe cōforte and deliueraunce in these and the lyke miserable necessities Thys was the onely remedye and defence for all good men thyther hath bene their chef refuge there fastened they their hope and rested not cōtinually callyng vpon hym vntyl they obreyned their requestes or els y t whiche made moste for Goddes glorie and their commoditie and profyt but cōtrarie wyse it is wyth the peruers vngodly For so sone as they are plaged or punyshed they grudge agaīst God they hate hym and speake dispitefully against hym they ascribe theyr plagues to euel luck or to misfortune they are nothyng moued by them to acknowledge their great sinnes therfore they call not vpon him but eyther they do runne in dispaire or in contempt of God and therfore it can not be thought y t their punyshmentes are tokens of the rest quietnes that they maye haue after thys lyfe but rather to be the begynnyng of their tormentes whiche they shall thē suffre The examples wherof are lykewyse set out to vs in y e holy Scri ptures as of Cain of the Iewes as wel before the cōmyng of Christe as after his ascention of wycked Iesabel of Iudas the traitor and of the thefe whiche was hanged vpon the left syde of our Lorde Jesus Christe with diuers many mo who in all their troubles either grudged againste God forsoke hym or spake wordes of despite against hym and his prophetes or els fell into dispaire or in contempt of hym any of which are causes of goddes further displeasure and of sendyng of his greater plages to haist their destruccion yet the order of the punyshmētes of God wherin he declareth his merciful nature is to be obserued of vs which is he plageth not cōmōly al offenders with one maner plages in one tyme although they be all a lyke gyltie but he stryketh some sorer thē others begynneth in some one coūtre or citie that y e residue mighte be moued by the example of their punishmentes and haue tyme place to turne to hym who seketh not the death of a synner but hys amendement and lyfe as it appeareth by the storye of Achab after his wyfe Iesabel had caused Naboth to be put to death howbeit where he threatneth to punyshe the earth wyth some one plague as honger noisome beastes the sworde or pestilence he threateneth all iiij at once vpon Ierusalem which bear the name of his people but were disobediēt vnto hym whiche may worthely make vs feare the more because we the people of England are in the lyke case amonge whom he hath sent alreadye the deuourynge swerde and a greate sort of slowe bellyed hote and cruel beastes to destroye But let vs follow the exāples of all good men in doinge as the Lorde our God commaundeh vs yet in these our plages whyche is to turne to hym wyth all oure hartes and call vpon hym it is he onelye that maye can and wyll delyuer vs let y t vaine truste of mās helpe be forgotten leaue of to seke swete water in filthy puddels what comfort can the sycke mā haue of one that is moche sycker then hym selfe and loketh for nothynge els but for death let the noble men of England leaue inconstancie luste and couetousnes and turne to God a ryght and let the people do the same lyke as there is no man that feleth not or feareth not some great plague to come vpō him because of his synne euen so let euery mā repent turne to God cal for helpe betyme for there hath bene no tyme sence the ascencion of our Lord Iesus Christ wherin there hath ben greater plages then ther is now in oure tyme for besyde bloody warre soden death great vntruth opē periurie diuision straūge cōsumyng fyres chaūge of great estates cōmon wealthes ouerflowyng of great cities lādes by water honger pouertie without petie so as it should appeare y t God causeth the very elementes to fyght agaynst the world which somtyme he caused to defend his people he hath suffred al so y t trueth of his word the true maner of worshipping of him accordig to the scriptures to be cleane takē away as it was by Christ threatned to the Iewes in y e gospel of S. Math. in token of his further indignatiō the honger and thirst after hym and his kyngdome is takē from the most parte of y e whole realme that it may be altogether voide of that good blessyng which Iesus Christ our Lorde speaketh of in y e gospel of S. Math. sayeng Blessed are they which honger thrust after ryghteousnes c. Ho suffreth for thy vnthankfulnes O Englande false
against hym was sent Esay the Prophet to assure him by Goddes promise that his enemyes should not preuaile against hym and to confirme him in the same the prophete requyred him to desire a signe of God either from the heauen or beneth in the depe but suche was the deadly desperacion of him that alwayes had despised Goddes prophetes and had moste abhominably defiled him selfe with Idolatrye that no consolation could entre into his herte but desperatlye and with a dissemblyng and fained excuse he refused all the offers of God And albeit God kept touch with that hipocrite for that tyme whiche was not done for his cause but for the saftie of his afflicted Churche yet after escaped he nat the vengeaunce of God The lyke we rede of Zedechias the wretched and laste kynge of Iuda before the destruccion of the citie of Ierusalem who in his great fear and extreme anguyshe sente for Iere mie the prophet and secretly demaū ded of him howe he myght escape the great daūger that appearedwhā the Caldees beseged the citie And the prophete boldly spake and commaūded the kynge yf he would saue his lyfe and the cytie to render and geue vp him selfe into the handes of the kinge of Babylon But the myserable kynge had no grace to folowe the prophetes counsel because he ne uer delyted in y e sayd prophetes doctrine neither yet had shewed vnto hym any frendly fauoure But euen as the enemies of God the chief pre stes and false prophetes required of the kynge so was the good prophet ●…uel intreated somtymes caste into prison and somtymes iudged condempned to dye The moste euident testimonie of the wilfull blyndynge of wicked Idolatrers is writtē and recited in the same prophete Ieremye as foloweth After that the cytie of Ierusalem was brente and destroyed the kynge ledde awaye prisoner his sonnes chiefe nobles slayne and the hole vengeaunce of God powred out vpō the disobedient Yet ther was lefte a remnaunt in the lande to occupie possesse the same who called vpon the prophete Ieremye to knowe con cernyng them the will and pleasure of God whether they should remain styl in the land ●…f Iudea as was ap pointed and permitted by the Caldees or yf they shoulde departe and flye into Egypt To certifie them of this their doute they desyre the pro phete to praye for them vnto God Who condescendynge and grauntyng their peticion promised to kepe backe nothing from them which the Lorde God should open vnto hym And they in lyke maner taking God to recorde and witnesse made a solempne vowe to obey what so euer the Lorde should aunswere by hym But when the prophete by the inspi ration of the spirite of God and assured reuelacion and knowledge of his wyll cōmaūded them to remain stil in the lāde that they were in pro mysyng them yf they so would do that God would there plante them and that he would repent of all the plages that he had brought vppon them And that he would be wyth them to delyuer them from the handes of the kynge of Babilon But contrarywyse yf they would not obeye the voyce of the Lorde but would agaynst his cōmaundement go to Egypte thynkinge that there they should lyue in reste and aboundaunce without any feare of warre and penurye of vic●…ualles then the veray plagues whyche they feared shoulde come vppon them and take them For sayeth the prophet it shal come to passe that all men that obstinatlye wyll go to Egypte there to remayne shall dye either by sworde by honger or pestilence But when the Prophete of God hadde declared vnto them thys playne sentence and wyl of God I praye you what was their aunswere the texte decla reth it saying Thou speakest a lye neither hath the Lorde our God sente thee vnto vs commaundyng that we shoulde not go into Egypte but Baruch the sonne of Neriah prouoketh thee agaynste vs that he maye gyue vs into the power of ●…aldeys that they myghte kyll kyll vs and lead vs prisoners vnto Babylon And thus they refused the counsail of God folowed their owne fantasies ●…ere maye be espied in this peo ple great obstinacie and blyndnes For nothyng which the Lord had be fore spoken by this godlye Prophete Ieremie had fallen in vayne Their owne eyes had sene the plages and myseries which he had threatened take effecte in euery point as he had spoken before yea they were yet grene and freshe both in mynde and pre sence for the flāme and fyre wherewith Ierusalem was consumed and brent was then scantly quenched yet could they not b●…leue his threate ninges then spokē neither yet could they folowe his fruteful counsail ge uen for their great wealth and sauegarde And why so ▪ Bycause they ne uer delyted in Gods trueth neither had they repented their former Ido latrie but stil cōtinued and reioyced in the same as manifestly appereth in the. xliii●… chapter of the same prophete And therfore would they and their wyues haue bene in Egypte where all kynde of Idolatrie and su perstition ●…bounded that they wyth out reproche or rebuke they myghte haue their bellies full therof in despite of Goddes holy lawes and prophetes In wrytinge hereof it came to mynde that after the death of that in nocent and moste godlye kynge Edwarde the sixte whyle that great tu multe was in Englande for the esta blysshyng of that moste vnhappye wycked womans authoritie I mean of her that nowe raigneth in Goddes wrath entreatinge the same argument in a towne in Buckingham shyre named ●…ammershame before a great congregacion with sorowful herte and wepynge eyes I fel into this exelamaciō D Onglande ●…ow is Boddes wrath kyndled againste thee ●…owe hath he begonne to punyshe as he hath threatened●… a longe whyle by his true Prophetes and messengers ●…e hath taken frō thee the crowne of thy glorie ánd hathe lefte thee without honoure as a bodye without a heade And this appeareth to be onely the begynnynge of sorowes whiche appeareth to encrease For I perceaue that the herte the tounge and hande of one Englyshe man is bente agaynst another and deuision to be in the hole realme whiche is an assured signe of de solacion to come O England ●…uglande doest thou not consider that thy common wealth is lyke a shippe sailyng on the Sea yf thy maryners and gouernour●…s shall one consume another shalte thou not suffer shipwracke in shorte processe of tyme O Englande Englande ●…lasse these plages are powred vpon thee for that thou woldest not knowe the moste happy tyme of thy gentle visitacion But wylte thou yet obey the voyce of thy God and submitte thy selfe to his holye wordes truely yf thou wilt thou shalte fynde mercye in his syght and the estate of thy cōmon wealth shall be preserued But O Englande Englande Yf thou obstina●…ly wilt returne into Egypte that is yf thou contracte