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A03047 Here begynneth the boke intituled Eracles, and also of Godefrey of Boloyne the whiche speketh of the conquest of the holy londe of Iherusalem ...; Godfrey of Boloyne. English. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1481 (1481) STC 13175; ESTC S106551 242,893 284

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and aroos a crye a noyse and a clamour so grete thurgh alle the toun That ther was nothinge spoken of but of this hounde· They assembled and put out of doubte that this was not doon ne caste there but by the Cristyens Alle the hethen men Accorded to this poynt that alle the cristen peple shold be put to deth with the swerd And there were theyr swerdes drawen redy out And they also that sholde smyte of their heedes· Emonge the crysten men was a yonge man of a moche grete herte and of grete pyte And spak to the peple and said to them ffair lordes trouthe it is That I am not culpable in this thinge ne none of yow as I byleue certaynly But it shold be ouermoche grete dōmage yf we alle shold deye thus ffor by this shold alle the Cristendōme be quenchid in this londe Wherfore I haue thought in my self How I shal delyuer yow alle by thayde of our lord Two thynges I desyre of you for the loue of god That one is that ye praye for my sowle in your orisons That other is that ye deporte and honoure my poure lygnage ffor I will take this thinge on me and saye that I all one haue doon this fayt whiche they put on vs alle they that doubted the deth had grete Ioye whan they herd this and promysed to hym their orisons and thonoure of his lygnage In this maner that they of his lygnage eue●more on palmsonday shal bere tholyue whiche signyfyeth Ihu Criste whan he cam in to Iherusalem Thus this man cam to fore the Justice And said to them that the other Cristen men were nothyng culpable in this fayt and sayde that he hym self had doon the dede whan they h●rde this they delyuerd alle the other And he only had his heed smeten of How at the requeste of Themperour of Constantynoble the crist●n men obteyned lycence to bylde agayn the chirche of the holy se●ulcre capitulo .vijo. sVche diseases suffred the peple of our lord in this tyme but Ihu cryste that wel can sette remedyes in thinges m●ru●illous out of ordre recomforte them after ffor t●is vntr●we prynce of egipte hetam deyde and his sone named d●●●r regned a●ter hym This daher renewed the alyaūces with themperour of constantynoble whiche was a Romayn and named Elio●●litans he prayde the said daher whom he moche lou●d that he wold suffre that the Cristen men myght reedefye the chirche of the holy 〈◊〉 whiche his fader had do beten doun̄ he graunted it for the loue of themperour It was not longe after that this emperour deyde and after hym regned Constantyn whiche had to surname Monoma●ques whiche is to saye in grece as a man fyghtyng allone T●e poure cristen that were in Iherusalem had lycence for to make agayn their chirches but they had not the power for their pouer●● And herupon they had a counseyl that they wold sende to themperour and requyre hym for goddes sake that he wold helpe and socour of his Almesse for the reedefyeng of this holy werke Ther was in the toun̄ of Iherusalem a good man named Iohan Cariaintes born in Constantynople had ben a grete gentilman of the contre as of his lignage But yet was he more gentil of herte good manere This man was comen on pylgremage to the holy sepulcre and had lefte alle the bobaūce and thonour of the world had taken thabyte of relygion ffor to folowe our lord Ihesu Criste in ponerte in the place where he suffred pouerte messease for vs This said Iohn was prayd of alle the cristen peple there that he wolde entrepryse this message for to go to themperour for the loue of god and of them he dyde it with a good wylle and departed and cam in to Constantynoble and spak to themperour and dide alle that he was requyred ffor themperour graunted that he wolde make alle the dispences that shold be nedeful to the byldyng of this holy chirche and wolde reedefye it at hi● owen coste This Iohn was moche Ioyous whan he had so wel accomplissyd his message and toke leue of themperour and cam agayn in to Iherusalem whan he had said to the peple the good tydinges that he brought they made grete Ioye And many we●te grete terees for pyte by cause they thoughte that our lord wolde not alway forgete them whan he had doo to them suche c●mforte In this tyme was patriarke in Iherusalem an holy man named nycesores Themperour held ryght wel his promesse ffor he sente without taryeng grete partyr of his tresour and dide do make the chyrche of the holy sepulcre moche hye in thestate and manere that it is yet And was ful made the yere of thincarnacion of our lord a M xlviij And had ben xxxvij yere destroyed This was ryght the yere to fore that our peple recouerd the cyte Whan the Cristen men there had made agayn the chirche they were moche Ioyous and were also therin well comforted of all theyr mescases and repreues that they suffred wherof they had grete plente not only in Iherusalem But also in alle the cyt●es aboute as in bethleem And in the cyte where Amos the prophete was born named Tecua As ofte as the Caliphe sente in to the lande a newe bayly so ofte were sette on them new tributes taillages whiche they myght not well paye yf they payed not anon they menaced them for to caste doun their chirches to the ground saide they had of their lord cōmandement so to doo thus in this sorow were the cristen peple one while vnder them of egipte another tyme vnder them of Perse but this was not but yet a begynning to them as whan they cam vnder the power of the turques ffor the turques conquerd the Royame of perse and also of Egypte Thus the holy cyte fylle in to their demayne whiche demened it so cruelly tormented it so cruely that it semed to the peple of our lord that they had be in fraunchise and in grete reste vnder them of Egypte and of perse Thus helde the turkes them there viij yere Of the turkes fro wens they cam and how they grewe in to grete puisaunce and dide chese them a kynge for to mayntene their warres capitulo vijjo. for as moche as we haue spoken of the turkes shal ofer speke of them in this book me semeth good that I saye to yow fro whens this peple cam first wherby they had so grete power The turke turkemans cam out of a lynage Roce of a contre toward the Eest whiche is in surye And were a peple moche rude without ordynaūce ne had no contreye ne no certayn dwellyng place But went all aboute fro londe to londe sought pastures for their beestis ne neuer duellid in castel ne toun̄ And whan they wolde meue from one place to another t●enne wente euery lynage by hym self And they made in euery kynred or lygnage a
●He hye couragyous faytee And valyaunt actes of noble Illustrous and vertuous personnes ben digne to be recounted put in memorye and wreton to th ende that ther may be gyuen to them name Inmortal by souerayn laude and preysyng And also for to moeue and tenflawme the hertes of the Redars and hierers for ●●●che we and flee werkes vycious dishonnest and vytuperable And for tempryse and accomplysshe enterpryses honnestes and werkes of gloryous meryte to lyue in remembraunce perpetuel ffor as it is so that thystoryagraphes haue wreton many a noble hystorye as wel in metre as in prose By whiche thactes and noble fayttes of thauncyent conquerours ben had in remembraunce· and remayne in grete large and aourned volumes and so shal abyde in perpetuel memorye to thentente that gloryous Prynces and hye men of noble and vertuouse courage shold take ensample tempryse werkys leful and honneste Fyrst for goddes quarell in mayntenyng oure fayth and the libertees of holy chirche· For the recuperacion of the holy land whiche our blessyd lord Ihesu Criste hath halowed by his blessyd presence humayne and by shedyng therin for oure redempcion his precious blood ffor the releef of suche cristen men as there dwelle in grete myserye and thraldom̄ And also for the defence of theyr Royammes Londes Enherytages and subg●●tes And for thyse causes tendeuoyre theym in theyr noble persones with alle theyr puyssaūces and power tadresse and remyse theym in theyr auncyent Fraunchyses and lyberte Acordyng to that we fynde wreton in holy scripture of many noble historyes· which were here ouer long to reherce· But in especial of thre noble and mooste worthy of alle other that is to wytte fyrst of duc Iosue that noble prynce whiche ladde and conduyted the Childeren of Israhel the chosen people of God oute of deserte in to the londe of promyssyon the Londe flowynge Mylke and hony· Socondly of Dauyd the Kynge and holy Prophete Whome God chaas after his herte And achyeuyd many grete Bataylles gouernyng the sayd chosen people of God by the space of fourty yeris And the thyrde of the Noble Iudas Machabeus· how he deffended the sayd people in fyghtyng many and merueyllous bataylles· for veray zeele and loue of his lawe and mayntenyng of the same· vnto the deth ffor which causes a forsayd the names of thyes thre abyde perpetuel for thre of the moste beste and Nobleste of the Iewys And in the nombre of the moost digne and moost worthy aNd by cause valyaunce and prowesse is remembryd emong the gentyles paynmes· as emong the brewes I fynde wreton of the incredible cheualrous prowesse of the noble and valyaunt Hector of troye whos excellent actes wryten Ouyde Homer Virgyle Dares Dyctes and other dyuerse· and eche better than other reherchyng his noble vertues strengthe and humanyte Secondly of Alysaundre the grete kynge of Macedone· which domyned and had to hym obeyssaunt the vnyuersal world And the thyrde the noble Iulyus Cezar Emperour of Rome· whos noble actes ben wreton by poetes as lucan stace and other And dayly remembryd as newe and ffresshe as he yet lyuyd whiche thre ben sette as for the moost worthy emong the gentyles and paynems nOw lete vs thenne remembre· what hystoryes ben wreton of Cristen men of whom ther be many wreton· But in especial as for the best and worthyest I fynde fyrst the gloryous most excellent in his tyme and fyrst founder of the round table Kyng Arthur kyng of the brytons that tyme regnyng in this Royamme of whos retenue were many noble Kynges Prynces lordes and knyghtes· of which the noblest were knyghtes of the round table· of whos actes and historyes there be large volumes and bookes grete plente and many O blessyd lord whan I remembre the grete and many volumes of seynt graal ghalehot and launce lotte de lake Gawayn perceual Lyonel and tristram and many other· of whom were ouer longe to reherce and also to me vnknowen But thystorye of the sayd Arthur is so gloryous and shynyng that he is stalled in the fyrst place of the mooste noble beste and worthyest of the cristen men Secondly of Charlemayn the grete Epemrour of Allemayne and kyng of ffraunce whos noble actes and conquestes ben wreton in large volumes with the noble faytes and actes of his douze pieres· that is to saye Rowlond and olyuer with the other whos name and renommee abydeth also perpetuel and is stalled in the second place emonge the most worthy of Cristen men Of alle thyse historyes a for reherced the bookes and volumes ben had in latyn ffrenssh and Englysshe and other langage tHenne as for the thyrd of the Cristen prynces taken reputed and renommed for to be egal emong thyse worthy best that euer were· I mene the noble Godefroy of Boloyne whiche now but late not yet four C. yere syth he flowred· and was stalled in the thyrde stalle of the moost worthy of Cristen men whos hystorye is made and wreton in Latyn and ffrensshe in large and grete volumes And as not knowen emonge vs here whiche ben adiacent and neyghbours to the place of his natyuyte whos noble hystorye I late fonde in a booke of ffrenssh al a longe of his noble actes valyaunces prowesses and accomplysshement of his hye empryses In whiche I fynde very causes as me semeth moche semblable and lyke· vnto suche as we haue nowe dayly to fore vs· By the mescreauntes and turkes emprysed ayenst Cristendom And yet moche more nowe than were in his dayes ffor in his dayes the turkes had conquerd vpon Cristendom but vnto the braas of seynt George by Constantynople· And had no foote on this syde the sayd Braas· But at this daye it is so that they haue comen ouer and goten that Imperial Cyte Constantynople a forsayd and many Royam●● and countre to the grete dommage and hurte of alle Cristendom To the resistence of whom as yet fewe Cristen prynces haue put theym in deuoyr· Thenne I returne agayn vnto the conqueste at suche tyme as they were come to the sayd Braas that by the dylygent solicitude of a 〈◊〉 heremyte the sayd Godeffroy of Boloyne· and other dyuerse prynces lordes and comyn peple auowed the croysyng and empryse to warre agayn the mescreauntes And to recouere the holy Cyte of Iherusalem whiche afterward they achyeuyd and conquerd fro the sayd braas vnto the holy lande and recouerd the holy cyte of Iherusalem as in this sayd boook al a longe and playnly shal appere· In whiche cyte the sayd Godeffroy was elect and chosen for his vertue prowesse and blessyd di●posicion to be kyng of the sayd Iherusalem· and the londe therabout tHenne I thus vysytyng this noble hystorye whiche is no fable ne fayned thynge· But alle that is therin trewe Considerynge also the grete puyssaunce of the Turke grete enemye of oure Cristen fayth destroyar of Cristen blood and vsurpar of certayn Empyres and many Cristen Royammes and countrees And now late this sayd yere
for tappese yf ony noyse arroos Atte laste they cam to malleuylle wherof ye haue herd to fore whiche stondeth on the ryuer of the dunoc There they 〈◊〉 tyl alle the hoost were passed by shippes wherof were but fewe But to fore he had don sette ouer a thousand men wel armed for to kepe the arryuyng on that other syde whan the hoos● of the comyn peple were passed the kyng cam to the duc to the barons and brought the hostages that were delyuerd to hym he made to them moche ioye and honour at departyng· and gaf to euerych grete yiftes ryche Aftir he toke leue and retorned home ageyn The duc and the barons passed ouer with their peple and cam to bellegraue a cyte of hongrye of whiche we haue spoken to fore And there they lodged them After they passed thurgh the wodes til they cam to the cyte of nyz and after to stralyce How the duc godeffroye sente his messagers to themperour of constantinoble to th ende that he shold delyuer huon le mayne and other that he helde in prison cap o xxxiij o hEre may be knowen the euyl disposicion and deceyte of the grekes ffor syth themperours latyns faylled in constantynople and th empyre cam vnto the grekes of whom the fyrst was nycofores Anon the barbaryns that were aboute them· the blacz and the comans they of hongrye whiche ben toward the eest supprised and toke thyse londes that were so good plentyuous and delytable And conquerd alle fro the dunoe vnto constantinople· And on that other parte vnto the see Adryane There is a cyte in lombardye nygh to the londe of the marquys named Adre is right a litil cyte But by cause it is nygh the see of venyse and of Ancone hath this see the name of the see Adryane in wrytyng This see goth right nygh constantinoble vnto a xxx myle This euyl peple of th empyre of constantinoble had wel wonue vpon the grekes xxx iourneyes of lengthe· And x of brede ffor aboue this see that I haue spoken of is a countre named Epyre. The chyef cyte is named duras of whiche pycrus was somtyme kynge· Another is named Mayene that is in the myddle of the londe where ben also noble Cytees Nyz and stralyce In this londe was Archade Thessale and machedone Of thyse thre landes euerych was called Trace And alle thise were conquerd vpon the grekes But afterward ther was an Emperour named Basilie recouerd thise londes· And brought the blacz and the bongres longe afore this tyme in suche wyse that the two danemarches were comen agayn to his po wer but yet wold not the grekes suffre to repayre agayn the townes ne laboure the lōdes which shold be right good to th ende that none shold enhabyte there· By cause they holde it for a strengthe And that nothyng shold be fonde therin Also in espyre whiche extendeth fro duras· vnto a mount named bagula●s And endureth foure iourneyes by that passed the other barons But the Duc and his companye passed by danemarche la Ma●en whiche is named other wyse Mese They cam by a destrayte whiche is named the Cloys●●e of seynt Basyle And syth they descended in to a playne Where they fonde grete plente of vytaylle and of pastures And cam vnto A●ine po● whiche is a moche fayr cyte and good There herd they saye and trouthe it was that themperour of constantynoble had enprisonned huon le mayne broder of the kynge of ffraunce· and many other barons that cam with hym ffor thise noble men were hasty and cam by lombardye in to puylle ffro thens they passed to duras And soiourned for tabyde the other barons whiche ought to come in to tho partyes ne they supposed to haue doubted ony thyng in the londe of the grekes that were cristen as they were But the baylly of duras toke alle the moost grete barons and sente them in yrons to themperour of Constantynoble to doo his wylle with them he helde them in prison and abode the comyng of the other barons by cause yf they cam with grete power he wolde delyuer them for theyr loue and yf they cam not with grete myght he thought not lyghtly to lete them passe whan the duc godefroye and the other barons herd tydynges of this prisonment he toke good messagers and sente them with theyr lettres to themperour And they prayde and warned hym that he shold sende to them without delaye this hye and noble man huon le mayne and alle his companye ffor they helde hym for lordes bretheren and felaws of this pylgremage And herin he had don more his wylle and his force than right whan he had reteyned one so gentil and hye prynce· How the duc godefroye constreyned themperour by force to rendre and delyuere his prisonners capitulo xxxiiijo. iN this tyme was Emperour a greke moche fals and ful of tricherye and was named alexes and to his surname Conius he was moche acqueynted and pryue with that other Emperour Nychofores bothomat in suche wyse that he made hym his steward And was the grettest man of the londe sauf themperour He by his malyce purchaced euyl and harme ayenst his lorde by thassent of grete peple that he helde aboute hym and toke hym and helde hym in his prison vj yere tofore that our pilgryms cam theder The messagers of the Duc and the other barons demanded of this Emperoure Huon le Mayne lyke as they were commaunded and the other prysonners in lyke wyse Themperour answerde shortly that he wold not delyuere them They retourned in to the hoost and said to them thansuer of themperour whan the duc the other barons herd this they were moche wroth And concluded emong them by theyr counseyl that they wold playnly make warre ayenst hym that dyde so grete oultrage to holde so hye a prynce in prison ne wolde not answere by mesure ne reason They habandonned to the hooste to take in that contre where they were in Alle that they coude fynde· And brente alle the townes Thus abode they in thise partyes and destroyed alle the contre And dyde moche grete dommage and harme and· grete plente of proyes and other gaynes cam in to the hoost of the barons Themperour sence vnto the duc and vnto the other barons that they shold doo holde theyr peple in pees And that he wold delyuere huon te mayne and the other prisonners· They agreed and acordid gladly· And cam with alle theyr bataylles renged and in ordenaunce to fore constantynoble· as for tassiege the toun Anon yssued oute huon the mayne· doene dancelle Guylla ne charpentier Clarembault de venduel And entred in to the ●auyllon of the Duc And thanked hym moche and alle the other of theyr delyueraunce And the duc and the hooste receyued them with moche grete ioye ffor they had moche grete ang●e and gre●● despite of that was don to them The grete despyte that themperour toke that duc
toure wythdrewe them to their habyllemens and to thengynes alle in saufte whiche were a grete way of About mydnyght the fyre had soo brente and wrought that this tour fylle doun to therthe with so grete a noyse and tempeste that it semed that alle therthe trembled And ther was none but he had grete horrour and feer in his herte Oure peple made hastely do sowne the trumpettes and crye to armes for to come dilygently to thassault How after that this engyn had so wel wrought The wy● of solyman with two of her childeren wente out of the toun and were taken by our men capo. lxijo. tHe wyf of Solyman that longe had be in mes●ase of drede had so grete feere that almost she deyde for drede· and sayd she myght no lenger see it ne suffre and made sodanly make redy a vessel and put it on the lake for ●escape by nyght But our● peple that were in the shippes for to kepe the water fro theyr en●●myes cam ayenst her and toke the lady with her two sones that she had with her thenne in her companye· They presented them in the mornyng to fore the barons· They made them to be kept right surely with the other prisonners that they had The Turkes in the toun were thenne in grete meschief as wel for then●●e that was so grete and brode as for their lady that they had loste thēne they axed trewes for to speke to the barons to gyue ouer the toun and them self in to theyr handes Tacius the greek of whom I haue spoken to fore whiche was moche double and malycious spak to the noble men that had the gouernaunce of the toun in counseyl And shewd to them that thyse pylgryms were straun●gers of ferre countrees and euyl and cruel men ● And shold doo to them alle the harme they myght· And destroye the peple and the londe yf they yelded the cyte to them But and yf they wold aduowe and take themperour to theyr lord And yelde them to hym theyr lyues sauf and theyr goodes in to his hande ▪ he shold kepe them well and saufly and shold doo to them grete good ● ffor ●e was theyr neyghbour So moche sayd he and dyde that they of the toun toke theyr counseyl cam to the barons and sayd to them that they wold put in the handes of themperour theyr lyues sauf theyr bodyes the cyte and theyr godes This displesyd not moche to the barons ffor theyr entencion was for to passe forther hoped that themperour wolde departe the gayn proye and goodes of the toun generally in thoost· neuertheles to fore that they wold graūte them this thynge they sayde that they shold delyuer entierly and doo come in to the hoost alle the prisonners of pieter theremyte that were in the castel of counthot And in lyke wyse alle the other that they had taken in the siege and them to fore that Solyman helde And this don they acorded that they shold yelde them to themperour Thenne the barons prynces and knyghtes and also the comyn peple sente by one· acorde messagers to themperour for to sygnefye hym how they of the cyte had yelded them to hym Therfore they sente to hym that he shold sende of his hye and noble men with grete nombre of peple for to resseyue the toun And the persones of whom they had many ffor they alle acorded that the honour shold be his· And that the toun shold come in his demayne· And the prisonners at his wylle They that had enterprised theyr vowe for taccomplysshe had purposed for to departe fro this place and to goo forth vnto the lande of surye How themperour sente grete barons for to receyue the sayd toun after that our peple had acerteyned hym that they wolde yelde it Capitulo lxiij gRete ioye had themperour of thyse tidynges he taryed not but sente of his moost priue men as wel barons as knyghtes with grete quantite of men of armes that resseyued the cyte in his name And garnysshed it of alle thynge that was nedeful dyde repayre the walles and alle that was broken of the torettes Alle that euer they founde in the toun of Armures of Rychesses and of vytaylles they seased for themperour And sente the prisonners in to Constantinoble Themperour sente to euerych of the barons special lettres presented to them grete yeftes And thanketh them moche of thonour that they had don to hym And of this that they so wel kepte theyr promesse ffor that toun had don grete gryef and anoyaunce to th empyre The mene peple that moch had trauaylled in the siege and had holpen with grete courage compleyned sore ffor they had hoped that alle the hauoyr and goodes of the toun shold haue ben departed emonge them But themperours men bare it alle away· And they that trauaylled for it were not rewardid the worde that was moche grete cam vnto the barons they sayd that they had grete wronge ffor the couenaūtes made bytwene themperour them were suche that yf they gate in theyr waye ony cytees that had ben to fore themperours they shold deyluere the cyte the londe to themperour but the proyes gayne shold be d●parted in thoost Ayenst thyse couenaūtes dyde themperour· but it was not tyme thenne ne place to make argument ne debate ayenst the Grekes therfor the noble men made the comyn peple to tarye· to th ende that they shold not ●npesshe this pylgremage thus was suffred that the wyf of soliman his ij sones grete plēte of prisoners were ledde in saefte vnto thēperour which made moch grete feste to the lady her childeren as longe as they were in the toun he helde them moche honorably after in short tyme he sente them agayn to solyman alle ●uyte delyuerd without demandyng of ony raunson this dyde he to th ende to haue the loue and grace of the turkes in suche wyse that ther was bytwene them a counseyl acorde to greue our peple also for another rayson that is to wete yf they were in such poynt of another cyte or place that the cristiēs cōstreyned so by force that they shold not be aferd to yelde them frely in the hande of themperour thus was taken the cyte of nycene the yere of thyncarnacion of our lord a M lxxxxvij the xx day of the moneth of Iuyn How our hooost departed on theyr iourney how som departed fro theyr felawship and how solyman determyned tassayle them Capitulo lxiiiio. tHe hoost of the pylgryms departed by the commaundement of the barons the iij daye to fore thentree of Iuylle fro the place where they had holden siege they wente two dayes to gydre moche peasybly after lodged them by a brygge for the ease of the water On the morn after theyr customme atte spryngyng of the day they passed the brygge duryng the derknesse of the nyght ffor it was not wel day Or perauenture they departed wetyngly
they fonde this grete occis●on and slaughter at the gate Thenne began a sorow and a moche grete crye in the toun Alle men put the blame and culpe on Bawdwyn and hys knygtes ffor they wold auenge the deth of theyr bretheren whom the sarasyns had so shamely and vylaynously slayn By cause that the knyghtes of bawdwyn and also he hym self wold not suffre them to come in to the toun· And in dede the men of foote sayd this was don by grete oultrage grete falshede· And yf they had not lyghtly withdrawen them in to the toures they had smyten them alle to deth The knyghtes helde them alle stylle tyl that the footemen were cooled and after sente messagers whiche spak to them and requyre them to forbere so long tyl that Bawdwyn had spoken to them they were content to here Bawdwyn speke Bawdwyn excused hym to fore a●e and swar and affermed that for none other thynge thentre was deffended them but for that he had sworn to them of the toun that by hym shold none entre tyl the grete hooste cam By thyse wordes and by cause other entermeted to make the peas and spoken debonayrly to the mene peple was bawdwyn acorded to the foote man and his knyghtes also In this toun they soiourned and abode a certayn whyle vntyl a mornyng they sawe in the see nygh them a shippe aboute in myle fro them They yssued oute of the toun and descended to the see they that were in the ship approched to them in such wyse that they spak to gydre they of the ship sayde that they were cristen men they demaunded of what contre and they answerd of fflaundres of holande and of ffryselande And trouth it was they had be escumours of the see and robbers the space of viij yere· Now they repented them And by penaunce cam in pylgremage to Iherusalem they desyred them to come a londe And they cam and made to gydre grete ioye they had a maister ouer them named guynemer And was born of boloyne vpon the see in the londe of Erle Eustace fader of the said duc Godeffroy whan ●e herde that Bawdwyn the sone of his lord was there· ●e lefte his ship And said he wold goo with hym to Iherusalem be was moche ryche of this euyl gayne And had many men with hym that be ladde in his ship thenne Bawdwyn lefte v· C men of armes for to kepe the toun wel in poynt And after he toke his waye for to seke somme auentures as he dyde to fore ●e helde the right way al he cam to the cyte of anamyster· whiche tancre had goten by force of armes vpon the turkes as I haue sayd you to fore Bawdwyn thought wel that he wold not lete hym entre in to the cyte ▪ And therfor he lodged hym in th● gardyns about Tancre knowe that bawdwyn whiche loued hym not was so nygh hym And ●e had not forgoten the wronge and the oultrage that bawdwyn had don to hym Thenne he dyde do arme his men· and sayde that thenne was tyme for to venge hym ffor he was nygh ●is retrayt· bawdwyn was for fro his They sente Archiers to fore in grete nombre for to hurte and slee theyr horses whiche they had sente in to the pastures Tancre had with hym fyue honderd men of armes in good poynt and wel horsed And smote in sodanly in to the peple of bawdwyn whiche were not aduysed of them they slewe many and moo they hurted the men of bawdwyn ran hastely to arme them cam fought with them that ran by the tentes ther● began a bataylle bytwene them moche grete and fiers but it ●ndured not ●●nge ffor tancre had not so grete plente of peple that myght endure ayenst the m●n of bawdwyn· therfor they wold withdrawe them in to theyr toun but theyr enemyes enchassed them strongly so moche that they muste flee there was a brygge ouer a water bytwene the hooste and the cyte the peple of tancre entred so thyck that many were lost and slayn vpon the brygge and drowned in the water whan they were put in to the toune agayn they were moche angry in theyr herte and wold take more peple and returne agayn but the nyght cam that destroubbed it In this scarmuche was taken Rychard le pryncipat cosyn germayn of tancre and robert danse both two were noble men· by their counseyl and atysement tancre had ronne vpon Bawdwyn· Of that other syde was taken a moche noble man named Gylbert de Mountcler· they were moche angry on that one syde and on that other for them that they had loste ffor they doubted that they had ben slayn or drowned whan it cam on the morn and theyr hertes a lytil aswaged they sente messagers eche to other And knewe certaynly that thyse men that were taken lyued of whom they dredde that had ben deed· and good men wente byt wene And medled for to speke of pees in suche wyse that they cam agayn to entier concordaunce and parfyght loue by the grace of the holy ghoost that adressyd theyr hertes They amended theyr trespaas eche to other And kyssed to gydre as frendes in good fayth How the sayd Bawdwyn retorned to the grete hooste And how Tancre mayntenyd hym moche wel in conqueryng contrees Capitulo lxxvjo. bAwdwyn had counseyl whan he was come to Maraze as I haue recompted that he shold goo no ferther forth But retorned in to thoos● of the barons By cause he herd saye how the duc his brother had be hurte peryllously And wold see and knowe of his estate and how he ferde theyr counseyl was that tancre shold goo forth Bawdwyn lefte with hym guy neuers And them that were in his companye comen fro the shippe They passed alle syly●e and bete doun alle the forestes of the hethen men that they myght fynde they brente the townes and slewe theyr enemyes· And after cam vnto a Cyte called Alexandrye the lasse that they toke by force and conquerd al the c●ntre about· The hermyns and turkes that dwellyd in the montaynes of this contre herde tydynges that Tancre and his men were so valyaunt and so myghty that nothyng myght holde ayens● them And sore dredde that lyke as he conquerd the playne· he wold come vpon them in the montaynes And destroye the londe entierly and the peple· ffor tappease his courage they sente ta hym good and certeyn messagers· whiche brought to hym grete yeftes as gold syluer precious stones clothes of sylk horses and mubett●s they sente hym moche largely ffor whiche cause Tancre lefte them in peas· Thus dyde he wel his honoure and his pronffyt in alle places that he went by in suche wyse that it semed wel to euery man that oure lord god adressyd his way and mayntened his w●rkes vertuosly How bawdwyn conquerd a grete contre vpon the turkes by the counseyl of a knyght bermyn named panc●ace cao. lxxvij o nOw ye haue herd how Tancre nayntened hym
souppe he made the knyghtes of his contre to take out somme turkes that he had in prison· And made theyr throtes to be cutte And after smote them in pyeces and arrayed them for to be rosted· Thenne began they to demaunde what he wold doo Thenne Buymont sayd to his men And ●ad his men also to saye to other that alle the barons had thus ordeyned and sworn that alle the espyes that myght be taken in thost shold be rosted and secuyd at the tables of the barons And the barons shold ete them by their oth· thyse tidynges were anon spred thurgh out thoost that suche Iustyce was don in the lodgys of buymont· Alle men ran theder for to see this merueylle The turkes them self that were comen in to thoost for to espye were moche affrayed· And euerych of them thought longe or he was departed fro the lodgys by cause they doubted that they shold be seruid in lyke wyse Aftir whan they were retorned home to their lordes that had sent them they sayd to them And tolde al aboute the countrey that suche men as were come for tassiege Anthyoche suffred moche mesease And were harder ayenst trauayll and laboure than stone or yron Of cruelte they passed alle beres and Lyons ffor the wylde beestes ●te men alle Rawe· But thyse men roste them afore after deuoure them· This tydynge was in suche wyse knowen and publysshyd in alle paynemye that after the Soudan and the grete admyrals myght neuer fynde man that wolde come and espye the hoost They that were in the Cyte assyeged were so effrayed and had so grete hydour of this that fro that tyme afterward the counseyl of the barons was better kept and more secretely than it was to fore How the Caleph● of Egypte sente his messagers with grete y●ftes vnto our hoost Capitulo Co. eMong other mescreauntes grete lordes and prynces· The caliphe of Egipte was the moost myghty of men and moost ryche of goodes he sente his messagers vnto the barons that were in thoost· And I shal saye how and by what occasion Grete hate and moche fiers hath hen bytwene the Turkes of thoryent and the Turkes of Egypte And hath be of auncyent and long tyme By cause they discorde in theyr creaunce and mysbyleue And eche sayd to other and yet doo that they be fals sarasyns as I haue sayd to fore in the begynnyng of this book· And therfore they ben ofte in warre Somtyme one partye is aboue And another tyme that other In the tyme that our peple were to fore Anthyoche this caliphe of whom I speke now helde alle the londe of Egypte vnto the Cyte of Sureye whiche conteyneth wel xxx Iourneyes longe The Soudan of Perse a lytyl tofore that oure peple cam had conquerd the toun of Anthyoche wy●che is by the Royame of egypte and alle the londe entierly vnto the the braas of seynt george as I haue sayd to fore Now had the calyphe of egipte in moche suspection the Sowdan of Perse· and moche plesyd hym his destruction and dommage And had moche ioye that Solyman had lost Nycene whiche Solyman was neuew to the sayd Soudan and was so enfebled of his men· And also ●e was plesyd that our cristen peple had besieged the Cyte of Anthyoche Therfor he sente good messagers to speke to them whiche brought right grete yeftes And moche ryche presentes yf they wold receyue them And they sayde that the Caliphe was redy for to gyue to them socoure and ayde right largely of men of good and of vytayll· and prayd them moche derely that they wold mayntene and contenue theyr siege The barons of our hoost receyued the noble men that were comen and sent from hym honorably and made them to soiourne with them And they that were wyse knewe anon the wyt●e vygour of our barons· begonne to haue moche grete doubte suspection that our peple were so valyaūt that yet they sholde do grete dommage in theyr londe so that they deuysed in this thyng as ye shal mo we here in redyng hoolly this book How Ancean the lord of anthyoche and his barons sente vnto the turkes theyr neyghbours for to demaunde socours capo. Cjo. tHe lord of Anthyoche and the other grete and noble men of the toun seyng that our men suffred so moche famyne and mesease as we haue sayd to fore and for alle thyse thynges wol● in no wyse leue theyr siege but shewed by theyr countenaunces that this trauayl greued them not wherfore they were moche abasshyd And thenne Ancean by the counseyl of his men and them that were moost pryue with hym sente messagers and lettres to his moost ryche neyghbours And prayd hym right derely for the honour of theyr lawe· for the sauyng of them self And for his loue that they wold come and socoure them without taryeng And he sente them word in what maner they shold approche secretely to Anthyoche And after they shold couere them in a busshement nygh by And there abyde the pylgryms like as they had ben acustomed and at suche tyme as they shold come to the brydge ffor there shold they sprynge out of the toun And shold assaylle them whyle they were besy in fyghtyng they that were embusshed shold sodenly breke come by hynde on them fyght And so shold they be enclosed bytwene them within And them withoute in suche wyse that none shold escape They that herd thise lettres and thyse messagers doubted them moche of oure peple wherfor they acorded gladly to this counseyl· they assembled them of hallape them of cezayre them of haman and of other cytees about tyl they were a grete nombre of peple And this dyde they the moost secretely they myght as was to them commaunded and began to departe and approuche Anthyoche And cam to a castel named harant whiche is fro thens a .xiiij myle there they lodged and thought on the morn as sone as the scarmuche shold be bytwene the pylgryms and them of the toun they shold smyte in with theyr spores vpon oure men And oure cristen men were in grete peryl But one thyng ther was thenne that tho and other tymes dyde them grete good ffor ther were cristen men hermyns and surryens in the cytee● of whiche the turkes were departed whiche anon lete the barons of thooste haue knowleche how it was concluded bytwene the turkes They assembled anon for to take aduys herupon· And was acorded emonge them that alle they that had ony horses to ride on shold be arayed And on horsbak as sone as it were nyght And that euery man shold drawe in to his bataylle lyke as they were assygned And after shold yssue out of thoost without makyng ony noyse· the peple on foote shold abyde styll alle and be redy to deffende the lodgys yf ony thyng sourded ayenst them How oure peple knewe the couyne of the turkes of thenbusshe that they made and of their victorye and gayne that they
two They suffred them to come in· whan they were comen in One of them spak in this manere Fayr lordes we haue vnderstanden that ye be assembled here for to chese a kyng that shal gouerne this ●onde whiche thyng ple●●th vs moche And we holden it for right wel don yf ye doo it in the manere that ye ought to doo it ffor without doubte the spyrituel thynges be more digne and worthy than the temporall Therfore we saye to you that the moost hye thynges ought to goo to fore And thus wolde we that ye shold doo And thordenaunce shold not go forth other wyse than it ought to be Now thēne we praye you and requyre you in the name of oure lord that ye entremete not you to make a kynge til that we haue chosen a patriarke in this toun that can gouerne the cristiente· yf it plese you that this be don fyrst it shal be good and wee l for you And we shal thenne holde hym ●or kyng that ye shal gyue to vs· but if ye wylle do otherwyse we shal not holde it· for good ne wel don But we shal discorde And after that ye doo shal not be f●rme This word● semed outward to haue somme apparence of wee l But it cam of euyl purpoos· Ther was therin but deceyt and trecherye Of this complot and barate was mayster capytayne a bisshop of Calabre horn of a cyte whiche was named lamane This bisshop acorded moche to one Arnold of whome I haue spoken to fore whiche was ful of desloyalte he was not yet subdeken· and was a preestes sone and of so euyl and fowl lyf that the boyes and garsons had made songes of hym thurgh thoost and yet not with stondynge alle this the bisshop of Calabre ayenst god and reson wolde haue made hym patriark ffor they knewe ouermoche euyl therfor were they both acorded to gydr● They had made a bargain bytwene them that as sone as this Arnold shold be patriarke the sayd bisshop shold haue tharchebissoprych of bethlehem But oure lord ordeyned this thynge in another maner as ye shal here Ther were in thoost many clerkes of euyll contenaunce· that lytle entended to the seruyse of our lord· they litil preysed relygyonand honneste ffor syth the tyme that the valyaūt bysshop of puy was dede which was legat of 〈…〉 the bisshop william of Orenge was in his place whiche was a relygyous man· and moch doubted our lord but he abode not longe after but was deed in suche wyse lyke as ye haue· herd Thenne was the clergye without pastour and garde And lete them falle in euyl lyf The Bisshop of Albare conteyned hym holyly in this pylgremage· And somme other that were noble· But the comyn of the clerkes made it alle ylle How the duc Godeffroy was chosen kyng of Iherusalem and how he was presented to our lord in his chirche of the holy sepulcre capitulo Clxxxxijo. He wordes that the Clerkes had brought to the barons in theyr electyon was not moche preysed but ●●etted it to grete folye ne therfore letted not to doo that they had bygonnen· To th ende thenne that they myght knowe the better the couynes of alle the barons· they ordeyned wyse men that shold enserche the lyf of eueryche of them and the maners They dyde do come to fore them suche men as were moost pryue of the barons and toke eche of them a parte by the leue of theyr lordes· And toke of them theyr othes to saye the trouthe of that they shold be examyned that was of the lyf and manere of theyr lordes withoute ●●syuge and fayllynge of the trouthe· Thus it was acorded emonge them It was a grete thynge whan the lordes abandouned t●em self ●enserche theyr lyues ▪ But the wyse men that made this enquest were trewe men and helde alle thyng secrete that as ought not to be knowen Many thynges were sayd to them of whiche they toke but lytil hede· Emonge alle other thynges they that were moost pryuee of the duc Godeffroye whan th●y were demaunded of his maners and his tetches· they answerd that he had one manere right greuous and ennoyous ffor whan he herd masse and the seruyse of oure lorde he coude not departe out of the chirche but sente after payntours glasyers vnto the clerkes gouernours of the chirches he herd gladly the ryngyng of the belles and entendeth mocheyf they discorded so longe that it displesyd moche to his felawship and seruauntes· And oftymes his mete appayred by cause of his long taryeng in the monasteryes and holy places whan the wysemen herd this and that this was the grettest vyce that coude be founden in the duc they had moche grete ioye ffor they thought wel that he dyde this for the loue of oure fayth and for thonour of our sauyour whan they had herd alle that they wold enquyre of the Barons they spak to gydre And grete partye of them were acorded vpon th erle of tholouse if it had not be for one thynge ffor alle they of his countre· that were moost pryue with hym· thought that yf he were chosen kyng that he shold abyde there and reteyne the peple of his countrey· And yf he were not chosen he shold sone retorne in to his countrey fro whens he cam and that desyred they moche· Thefore m●n w●ne that they were forsworn wyllyngly And sayde vpon hym somme euyl 〈◊〉 of whiche he had no blame Neuertheles he had neuer Intencion to retourne to his londe as it appered after ffor euer after he abode in the seruyse of our lord whiche he had enterprysed whan the barons herde all the tetches after many wordes they acorded al ▪ vpon Godeffroy of boloyne And named hym to be kyng and was lad with alle the peple with grete ioye vnto the chirche of the holy sepulcre And presented to oure lorde Euery man was glad grete and smal ffor he was the man that had the hertes of alle the comyn peple How the duc godeffroy after his election requyred th erle of tholouse that he shold delyuer to hym the tour dauid cao. Clxxxxiij iN this maner was the duc godeffroy chosen to be kyng· and lord of the holy Cyte of Iherusalem Th erle of tholouse helde the g●ettest fortresse of the toun whiche was called the tour dauyd The turkes had delyuerd it to hym lyke as ye haue herd to fore It is sette in the hyest parte of the Cyte toward the weste strongly walled with square stones and ther on mē may see ouer al the Cyte entierly whan the Duc sawe that this tour was not in his power It semed to hym that he had not the seygnorye whan the grettest fortresse of alle the countre was not in his possession Therfor he demaunded th erle of tholouse in the presence of the barons· prayd hym debonayrly that he wold delyuer it to hym Th erle answerd that he had conquerd it· and thenemyes of
hath assaylled the Cyte and castel in the Isle of rhodes where valyantly he hath be resisted but yet not withstondyng he hath approched more n●r hath takē the Cyte of Ydronte in puylle· By whiche he hath goten an entre to entre in to the Royamme of Naples· And fro thens withoute he be resisted vnto Rome ytalye to whos resistence I beseche almyghty God to prouyde yf it be his wylle Then̄e me semeth it necessary and expedyent for alle cristen prynces to make peas amyte and allyaunce eche with other· and prouyde by theyr wysedōmes· the resistence agayn hym for the defense of our fayth and moder holy chirch also for the recuperacion of the holy londe holy Cyte of Iherusalem In whiche our blessyd sauyour Ihesu Crist redemed vs with his precious blood And to doo as this noble prynce Godeffroy of boloyne dyde with other noble and hye prynces in his companye· Thenne for thexhortacion of alle Cristen prynces Lordes Barons Knyghtes Gentilmen Marchanntes and all the comyn peple of this noble Royamme walys yrlond I haue emprysed to translate this book of the conquest of Iherusalem out of ffrenssh in to our maternal tongue to then●en●e ●encourage them by the redyng and heeryng of the merueyllous historyes herin comprysed and of the holy myracles shewyd that euery man in his partye endeuoyre theym vnto the resistence a fore sayd And recuperacion of the sayd holy londe for as moche as I knowe no Cristen kynge better prouyd in Armes and for whom god hath shewed more grace And in alle his empryses gloryous vaynquysshour· happy and eurous than is our naturel lawful and souerayn lord and moost cristen kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of englond and of ffraunce and lord of Yrlond vnder the shadowe of whos noble protection I haue achyeued this symple translacion that he of his moost noble grace wold adresse styre or commaunde somme noble Capytayn of his subgettes to empryse this warre agayn the sayd turke hethen peple· to whiche I can thynke that euery man wyll put hand to in theyr propre persones and in theyr meuable goodes Thenne to hym my moost drad naturel and souerayn lord I adresse this symple and rude booke besechyng his moost bounteuous and haboundaunt grace to receyue it of me his indigne and humble subgette William Caxton· And to pardonne me so presumynge· besechyng almyghty god that this sayd book may encourage moeue and enflamme the hertes of somme noble men· that by the same the mescreauntes maye be resisted and putte to rebuke Cristen fayth encreaced and enhaunced and the holy lande· with the blessyd cyte of Iherusalem· recouerd and may come agayn in to cristen mens hondes· Thenne I exhorte alle noble riten of hye courage to see this booke and here it redde by which ye shal see what wayes were taken what noble prowesses and valyaunces were achyeuyd by the noble companyes especial by the said noble prynce godeffroy of boloyne duc of Loreyne by whiche he deseruyd the name of one of the moost worthy that euer were and ys stalled in the thyrd stalle of the Cristen conquerours And in the nynthe of the mooste worthy where his name and renomme shal remayne and abyde perpetuel And for to deserue the tenthe place I beseche almyghty God to graunte and ottroye to our sayd souerayn lord· or to one of his noble progenye I meane my lord Prynce and my lord Rychard duc of yorke and norfolke to whom I humbly beseche at theyr leyzer and playsyr to see here redde this symple book ▪ by which they may be encoraged to deserue lawde and honour· and that the●r name and renomme may encreace and remayne perpetuel ● And after this lyf short and transytorye All we may atteyne to come to the euerlastyng lyf in heuen· where is ioye and reste without● ende Amen tHenne for to knowe the content of this book· ye shal ●lay●ly see by the table folowynge wherof euery chapytre 〈◊〉 al a longe ▪ The fyrst chapytre treateth how Eracles conau●●d Perse· And slewe Cosdroe and brought in to Iherusalem the veray Cross● Capitulo 〈◊〉 How the puyssaunt Cosdroe wasted th empyre of rome for 〈◊〉 the deth of themperour Mauryce fader to his wyf cao. 〈◊〉 How this puyssaunt kyng entred in to Iherusalem and demau●●ded dylygently of the temple and reedefyed it· and assigned g●●te reuenues· to entretiene it capitulo iijo. How Charlemayne by his lyberalyte gate for the prouffyt of cristen peple in hethenesse· thamyte of hethen prynces· capitulo iiij Of the noyse that sourded emonge the ●ethen peple discordynge in theyr lawe And how they of egypte yssued oute of theyr londe ▪ and of the euylles and harmes that they dyde· capitulo v How thafflyction Iniuryes and tormentes of cristen men grewe in the tyme of Calyphe hetham capitulo vj How at the requeste of themperour of constantynople the cristen men obteyned licence to bylde agayn the chirche of the holy sepulcre Capitulo vij Of the turkes fro whens they cam· And how they grewe in to grete puyssaūce· dyde chose theym a kyng for to· mayntene their warrys· Capitulo viij Of thorryble synnes regnyng thēne in Cristiente as wel in thyse partyes as in tho partyes capitulo· ix Of a bataylle that themperour Romayn of Constantynople had ayenst a prynce of thoryent named belphet capitulo x Of many maner tormentes that the Cristen peple suffred for their synnes in that tyme capitulo xj How after they had ben· iiij C lxxxx yere in the seruage of the hethen men our lord pourueyed remedye for his cristen peple ca xij How Peter theremyte enterprysed the more hardly his viage by the reuelacion or vysyon that he sawe in his sleep cao. xiij o Of the persecucions of the chirche in that tyme And how the pope Vrban was put out of the see of Rome by the Bysshop of Rauenne ● Capitulo xiiij Of a general counseyl that the pope Vrban ordeyned for the reformacion of holy chirche and thamendement of the people ca xv How many noble and hye men and other moyen peple of the royamme of ffraunce crossyd theym for to goo ouer see cao. xvj The names of noble men that enterprysed this pylgremage as wel on this syde the see as beyonde the montaxnes cao. xvij Of thauentures that a Rowte of Cristen men in this vyage of whom one gaultier without knowleche was capitayn cao. xviij How Peter theremyte was chyef and Capitayn of a grete hooste in this vyage toward the holy londe capitulo xix How somme of thoost of Peter theremyte vnwytyng hym sette fyre in the subarbys of Nyz at theyr departyng capitulo xx How Peter theremyte was aduertysed of al this· and of the harme that ensiewed Capitulo xxj How themperour of constantynople beyng aduertysed of thies oultrages sente his messagers to Peter theremyte capitulo xxij Of the mayntenyng of thoost of Peter theremyte· And how thre M
grete comfort of ryche yeftes of large almesses cam· vnto the peple of surye and also fro the londe of antioche But thenne they had loste alle had none hope that euer ony ayde ne socours shold come to them wherfor they supposed euer to be in seruage captyuite without ony raūson Of many maners of tormens that the cristen peple suffred for theyr synnes in that tyme capitulo xjo. wHyles that this tyme was so peryllous for the seygnorye of thyse hethen men cam oftymes in pylgremages the grekes and the latyns in to Iherusalem ffor to praye oure lord and crye hym mercy that he wold not forgete thus his peple yet many cam theder in grete perylle ffor alle the countrees by whiche they shold passe were ful of theyr enemyes and ofte they were robbed and slayn And whan they myght escape and come to the holy cyte they myght not entre therin But eche persone muste paye a besaunt for trybute wherof happed ofte that they that were despoylled had not wherof they myght paye this trybute myght not entre in to the town And for this they suffred Colde hungre and grete mesease And many deyde And herof the Casten men of the town were moche greued For they susteyned them that lyued And muste burye them that were dede and sec●e such thyng as was nedeful to them self other They that myght entre in the town were yet more greued ffor som were murdred in the holy places of the cyte secretely was doon to them moche 〈◊〉 repreef openly· Ther was fyl the caste in theyr visage other spytte in the myddes of theyr visage som men bette them w●erfore the cristen men of the town that had som acqueyntaūces with the hethen men conduyted and ladde th●m to th●yr p●lgremages for to kepe them to theyr power There were in the cyte of them of Malfe which is a cyte of puye●l which had a chirche in 〈◊〉 n●med saynte marye de la latyne whereby was an hospital of ●ou●e peple where as was a chappel that was named saynt Iohn ●l●●mont This saynt Iohan was a patriark● of All●●andr●● 〈◊〉 of the chirche of our lady had in his cure in his 〈◊〉 this hospital pourchassed alle that was nede●ul for them There were receyuyd alle the pour pylgryms whiche had not w●erof ●●●yue And this how 's was of moche gre●e cha●yte Thus were ●f ●●ccisten peple in grete disease in the toun But there was nothyng that displesyd them as whan they had made theyr deuocion● 〈◊〉 holy places in the toun with grete traueylles grete cos●●e And whan they were in the seruyse of our lord the hethen 〈◊〉 cam in with grete noyse crye· and satte vpon the aulce●● threwe doun the chalyces brake the lampes the tapres yet for more to angre the cristen peple they toke ofte the patriarke which was thē●ne by the herde and by the ●eer And threwe hym down to the grounde defowled hym vnder theyr feet of whiche alle 〈◊〉 had grete sorowe moche pyte In thyse so●owes meseases we●re the cristen men in the londe of S●r●e as I haue sayd you to fore CCCC four score ten yere and alwey cryed vnto our lord for mercy with syghes treres prayde hym deuoutly that he wold not alle forgete them But the good lord that aftir the tempeste derke weder can wel brynge clerenes and fayr season behelde this peple in pyte And sente to them comforte and delyuerance of the tormentes in whiche they had longe ben How aftir the had ben four CCCClxxxx yere in seruage of the hethen peple our lord pourueyed remedye for his cristen peple capitulo xij i Haue wel said to you byfore that out of many londes cam pilgryme in to Ihrlm emong all other ther was one which was of the royame of ffrance born in the bisshopprych of Amyens That is to were one named peter whiche had ben an heremyte in a wode And therfor he was called peter theremyte this was a litil man of body as a persone had in despite lytil preysed by semblaunt But he was of a merueyllous grete herte of moche clere engyne and good vnderstondyng and spak right wel whan he cam to the gate of Iherusalem he payd the trybute of a besaūt entred in to the cyte and was lodged in a good cristen mans how 's This petre alwey enquyred demaūded moche of his hoost of the gouernaunce estate of the cyte And how the cristen men conteyned them vnder the hethen men And how theyr lord demened gouerned them his hoost whiche had longe ben in the towne tolde to hym alle the maner playnly of the tymes passyd And how the cristent● had be defowled And the holy places dishonoured whiche was sorouful to here And he hym self which a good while had be in the town for to doo his pylgremage sawe wel perceyued a grete partye of the caityfnes in which the cristen men were he herd saye that the patriarke was a good wyse man deuote religyoꝰ which was named symeon Peter thought that he wold goo speke with hym demande of hym the estate of the chirches of the clergye of the peple he cam to hym dyde so as he though● And asked of hym alle thise thynges The patriarke apperceyued wel by his wordes and his coūtinaunce that he was a man that dredde god right wyse and vnderstondyng And began to telle to hym by layser alle the meseases of the cristen peple whan peter herde thise sorowes of the mouthe of this good man whom he byleuyd wel coude not absteyne hym fro grete syghes wepyng many teeres for pyte ofte d●māded of the patriarke yf ther were ony cōseil remedye for this werke the holy deuote patriarke answerd hym· we haue made many orysons prayers vnto oure lord god for to receyue vs in to his mercy and grace But we apperceyue wel that our synnes be not yet purged ffor we ben certaynly in the culpe and blame whan oure lord whiche is so rightwys holdeth vs yet in the payne But the renōme of the contrees by yonde the montaynes is moche grete here that the peple there and specially of them of ffraunce ben good cristen peple and moche stedfaste in the fayth And therfor oure lord holdeth them at this day in moche grete peas and in hye puissance yf they wold praye our lord that he wolde haue pyte on vs or that they toke counseyl for to socoure vs we haue certaynly hope that our lord shold helpe vs by them for taccomplysshe oure werke ffor ye see wel that the grekes and themperour of Constantinoble whiche ben our neyghbours and as kynnesmen maye not helpe ne counseyle vs ffor they them self ben as who sayth destroyed And haue no power to defende theyr owne lande Whan peter herd this he answerd in this maner fayr fader trouthe
it is that ye haue sayd ffor of that londe am I· And god be thanked the fayth of oure lord is moche better holden there and kepte than it is in ony other londes that I haue ben in syth that I departed on my Iourneye fro my contre And I byleue certaynly that of the mescase and seruage in whiche thise hethen mysbyleuyd peple holde you Inne that by the playsyre of almyghty god by theyr good wylles they shold fynde coūseyl and ayde in this your grete nede werke wherfor I counseyl you one thyng yf it be aggreable to you seme good that is that ye sende your lettres vnto oure holy fader the pope and to the chirche of rome vnto the kynges prynces barons of the occident weste parte In which late them wete playnly how it is with you that ye crye to them for mercy that they wolde socoure you for the loue of god for his fayth in suche maner that they myght haue honoure in this world sauacōn of their soules in that other for that ye be pour peple ye haue no nede to make grete dispēcis yf ye thynke I be sufficiaunt for so grete a message ffor the loue of Ihu Criste remyssyon of my synnes I shal entreprise this vyage and offre my self to take so moche traueyl for you And I promyse truly to you that I shal late them haue knowleche how it is with you yf god sende me grace to come thydre whan the patriarke herd this he had moche grete ioye he sente anon for the moost saddest wysest men of the cristen pepl for the clerkes laye men sayde shewde to them the bounte and the seruyse that this good man offryd to them They were right glad And thanked hym moche Thenne anon withoute taryenge they made theyr wrytynges and sealed them with theyr seales and delyuerd them to peter theremyte How the said peter theremyte entreprised the more hardyly his vyage by thapparicōn or vision that he sawe in his sleep ca xiijo. tRuly our lord god is swete pyteous and mercyful ffor he wylle not suffre to perysshe ne to be loste them that haue in hym ferme and stedfast hope And whan the men lacke helpe god sendeth to them his ayde And this may clerely be seen in this werke for fro whens cometh that this pour man whiche was lytil despysed persone wery and brused of so grete Iourneye and waye that durste enterprise so grete a dede and werke how myght he wene that our lord wolde accomplysshe so grete a werke by hym as for to dylyure his peple fro the myserye and caytyfnes that they had ben in nygh fyue C yere But this hardynesse cam to hym of the grete charyte that he had in hym And the fayth wrought in hym for the loue that he had to his bretheren In thise dayes happed a thynge that moche lyft vp his herte to poursue his enterprise ffor this good man whan he had taken this message and charge therof he wente moche ofter than he was woonte to doo to the holy places in the cyte and cam on an euentide to the chirche of the holy sepulchre and made there his prayers deuoutly with grete plente of teeris Aftir this he sleepte vpon the pamente hym semed that our saueour Ihesu Criste cam to fore hym and charged hym self to doo this message And said to hym petre aryse vp hastely and goo surely thedyr as thou hast entreprysed ffor I shal be with the It is now tyme from hens forth that my holy Cyte be clensed and that my peple be socoured Petre awoke in this poynt And was fro than forthon more abandouned vnto the waye and also sure as his Iourneye and message had be doon he entermed and appoynted his departyng for to doo his erande And had leue and benediction of the patriarke he descended doun to the see and fonde there a shyp of marchauntes that wolde passe in to puylle he entred in to the ship the which had good wynde in shorte tyme arryued at bar peter yssued out wente by londe to rome he fonde in the contre the pope vrban and salewed hym in the name of the Patriarke and of the cristen peple of Surye and delyuerd to hym theyr lettres sayde to hym by mouthe moche truli wysely the grete sorowes the miseryes and vyletees that the cristen suffred thenne in the holy londe as he that was expert therof and coude wel saye to hym the trouthe Of the persecucions of the chirche in that tyme and how the pope Vrban was putte oute of the see of Rome by the bysshop of Rauenne cao. xiiij iN this tyme Harry themperour of Allemayne had a grete debate ayenst the pope Gregory the seuenth to fore this Vrban and the discorde aroos for the rynges and the croses of t●e bisshoppes that were dede in th empyre For suche a customme had ronne a grete whyle there that whan the prelates were deed t●e rynges and croses of them were brought to themperour And 〈◊〉 gaf them to his clerkes and his chapylayns or whom he wolde 〈◊〉 sente to the chyrches and bad them that they shoolde holde them for theyr bisshops and archebisshops without other election o●ther proef by whiche holy chirche was adommaged sore For he sente ofte persōnes that were not propice therto The pope grego●●● sawe that this customme was ayenst the right and lawe 〈◊〉 and also ayenst reason and prayd hym amyably to leue this 〈◊〉 the loue of god of holy chirche and for sauacion of his sowle 〈◊〉 it apperteyned nothyng to hym Themperour wold not leu● 〈◊〉 for the pope wherfor the pope cursed hym herof themperour had so grete despite so gtete desdayne that moontinēt he began to wa●●● ayenst the chyrche of rome ayenst the pope he made to rise an ad●uersarye Tharchiebisshop of rauenne whiche was named Gilbert was wel lettred moche riche This bisshop trusted ouermoch● in thayde of themperour And in the plente of his rychesse ● And he cam to rome and deposed and put out the pope of his se● by fauour force And becam so fel and of so gre●e pryde that he had that he forgate his wytte reson that he ought to haue by his clergye And sette hym self in the see And made hym to be holden for pope as he that wel wende to haue ben it ● I haue said you to fore ● that at that tyme Cristen peple were in gret paryll thurghout all the world that the comandemens of the gospel were moche forgoten and of holy chyrche And men ranne faste and haboūdantly to the werkes of the deuyl to all synnes whan this discorde and Scysme was so grete Thenne alle trouthe was goon the fayth of our saueour was lyke as it had ben alle perysshed The bysshoppes the abbottes and the prouostes were beten sette in prison And
enclyned to synnes acustomed to doo ylle as I haue said to fore aftir they herde this prech●●g entreprysed so vygorously the werke of our lord and auowed them to ward this pylgremage as ye shal here ffor it semed that euery man ought to entreprise tauenge the wronge and shame that the hethen dyde to our lord and to his peple in the londe of Iherusalem Ye shold haue seen the husbonde departe fro his wyf And the faders fro the childeren and the childeren fro the fadres And it semed that euery man wolde departe fro that he louyd best in this wrold for to wynne the Ioye of that other Ther was so grete affraye and so grete a meuyng thurgh alle the londe that vnneth ye shold haue foūde an how 's but that som had enterprised this viage I saye not that alle that wente were wyse and of pure entencion toward our lord ffor som monkes wente out of theyr cloystres without leue of theyr abbottes or pryours the recluses wente out of the places where they had ben closed in and wente forth with the other Som wente forth for loue of theyr frendes to bere them felawship Other wente forth for bobaunce les● they shold be reputed for euyl and not good And som there were that wolde withdrawe them for theyr creancers and haue respite of theyr dettes But how that it was theyr entencions within theyr hertes semyd good for the grete enterpryse that they shewed outward And it was of grete nede that this pylgremage was chosen at that tyme ffor there were in the world so many synnes that they withdrewe the peple fro our lord And it was well behoueful that god shold sende to them som addressement by whiche they myght come to heuen and that he gaf them som traueylle as it were a purgatorye to fore theyr deth At this counseyl auowed presently this pylgremage the good bisshop of Puy named Aymart whiche aftirward was legate in the same hoost and conteyned hym moche wysely truly Also the bisshop of Orenge whi he was an holy man and relygyous auowed t●ere the same viage And ynowhe of other whiche were not at that counseyl that enterprised the same vowe Our holy fader had commanded made the bisshops to holde it that alle they that wolde auowe this pylgremage shold sette the signe of the crosse on their right sholdre ffor thonoure of hym that bare the torment of the crosse vpon his sholders for to saue vs and taccomplysshe this that oure lord sayth in the gospell Who that wil lyue aftir me renye hym self take the crosse folowe me wel forsaketh he hym self that leueth that the flessh loueth for sauyng of his sowle whan one of the grete barons was croysed so on his sholdre in a contre alle the peple of the contre that were also crossyd cam to hym and chees hym for theyr captayne and made to hym feaulte for to haue his ayde and warantise in the waye of the sayd pylgremage The names of noble men that enterprised this pylgremage as wel on this side as beyonde the montaynes capitulo xvij o iN the Royame of fraūce and of Allemayne hughe the yonger brother of the kyng of fraunce Robert th erle of flaundres Robert Duc of Normandye Sone to kynge William of Englond Stephen th erle of chartres of bloys which was fader to erle thybauld the olde whiche lyeth at laigny Raymond th erle of tholouse and many knyghtes of that londe The valyant man Godefroy of buyllon Duc of lorayne with his two bretheren Bawdwyn and eustace And one theyr cosyn Bawdwyn sone to the counte huon de Retel Th erle garnyer de gres Bawdwyn the erle of henawde Ysoart the erle of ye Rembout th erle of Orenge William th erle of forests Steuen th erle of Aubmalle Rotrout the erle of Perche Hughe the erle of saynt pol many barons knyghtes that were not counted As raoul de bangenel Euerard du puisat Guy de garlande which was s●eward of fraunce Thomas de ffe●re Guy de possesse Giles de chanmoūt Girard cherisy Rogier de baruyle Henry dāsique Centon of bea rt Guillem aman●ux Gaste the bediers Guillem de montpellyer and Gyrard de Roussilon ye may wel knowe that with this peple were croyssed moche grete plente of knyghtes and other with grete nombre of comune peple whiche peter theremyte gadred in the Royamme of fraūce in th empyre of Allemaygne And by yonde the montayns men croyssed them also Buymount the prynce of Tarente whiche was soon to Robart guychart that was Duc of puylle Tancre his neuew his sustres sone and many other grete barons of this londe that were not so renommed ne knowen as thise were There was grete Appareyllemens and araye that was made for this pylgremage The grete men had enterprised that assone as the wynter was passed they wold putte them on this pylgremage· The mene peple the knyghtes· the barous and other aftir they were acqueynted that one with that other sente to eche other lettres and messages for taccorde to goo to gydre and apoynted the tyme of departyng and of the waye that they sholde holde And whan Marche was come ye sholde haue seen horses arrayed with sommyers palfroyes and stedes tentes and pauyllons· and to make armures ye maye wel knowe that there was moche to doo of many thynges ffor the barons were acorded that they shold not goo alle to gydre ffor no contre myght suffyse ne fynde that which shold be nedeful for them ffor whiche cause alle the hoostes neuyr assembled as ye shal here tyl they cam vnto the cyte of Nycene The mene peple charged them self not moche with tentes ne Armures ffor they myght not bere it And therfor euery man garnysshid hym aftir that he was with moneye and goodes as moche as he supposed shold be nedeful for hym Whan the daye of departyng cam ther were grete sorowes grete wepynges and grete cryes at departyng of the pylgryms ffor there were but fewe howses but of them som wente And suche howsholders ther were that they wente alle and caryed theyr wyues and bare theyr childer●n with them It was a merueyllous thynge to see this meuynges ffor it had not byfore be acustomed to see suche thynges in fraunce ne neuer byfore was crosse born ne taken for pylgremage Of thauentures that a Rowte of Cristen men had in this viage Of whome one Gaultyer withoute knowleche was Captayne capitulo xviij o tHe yere of thyncarnacion of our lord M. four score xvj the eght daye of Marche cam a gentilman a knyght right noble named Gaultier without knowleche to his surname with hym cam a merueyllous grete plente of folke a foot ffor ther were but fewe men a hors bak in this rowte they passed in allemayne and drewe hem toward hongrye The Royamme of hongrye was alle enuyronned with grete waters and large mers●●s and depe lakes in suche wyse that none myght entre ne
the defaulte of the pylgryms ffor yf ye haue doon it by Iustyce or in deffendyng you and youre londes or other wyse that they wold enforce and take ony thyng away yf it were so The duc and his felaws wold take it more lightly But yf it be doo without their trespaas or for hate that ye had to them thus murdred them they that sente vs hether lete you wete by vs. that they haue lefte theyr owne coūtreyes for tauenge the wronges the oultrages that haue ben don to the peple of oure lord And yf they finde that ye haue so doo they be not in wylle to passe ferther tyl they haue to theyr power auenged the deth of the pylgryms of our lord And herwith godefroy that acounted this to the kyng made an ende of his wordes The kyng was in his palays where he had grete plente of barons of his Royamme and of other peple thenne answerd and sayde Godefroy it plesyth me moche that ye be come in to this contrey for to speke to me It is a moche good thyng for me for two causes that one is that ye be of myn acqueyntaūce and my frende longe syth And we shal afferme and renewe our loues and our acqueyntaunces in this youre comyng That other cause is that I knowe you to be a man wyse· resonable of good wille and am moche ioyous of this that ye shal here my excusacion trouthe it is that we haue the name of the cristiente it were shold be moche fayr to vs· yf we had the werkes But they that ben passed tofore with peter theremyte and with godechan haue not the werkes of pylgryms ne of cristen men ffor we receyuyd peter theremyte his peple in oure londes and in our townes with grete debonayrte And departed with them oure vytaylles and other thynges we gaf to them But they lyke as the serpent that prycketh or styngeth hym that kepeth hym warme in his bosomme hath guerdonned rewarded vs for our good dedes for in th ende of the royamme of hongrye whan they ought to thanke vs and rendre graces to god to theyr frendes They toke by force one of oure best castellis And put to deth alle that were therin and caryed the beestys with them they toke alle the maydens of the town lyke rowters theues The company of godechan cam after them they abode not to forfaytte til the ende of our Royamme but assone as they were entred and passed the yates of hongrye they began to make alle thoultrages they myghte They brente the townes slewe the men enforced the wymmen and bare away alle thynges they dyde so moche that for theyr trespaces were wel worthy to haue hate of god of the world we that be here in the place in the dygnyte by whiche we ought to kepe the peple as long as it shal please god and our barons that haue sworn the feaulte of the Royalme myght not wel endure thus to destroye our peple and our contrey but haue put to the hand by force in vs defendyng The thyrde companye cam also with folke a foote we doubted the noyse and debate in suche wyse that we wold not suffre them entre in to our londe ne come emonge vs Our lord that Iugeth alle the wordes knoweth alle thyng wote wel that it is thus that I haue lyed to you no worde Now we praye you that ye excuse vs oueraal where ye shal here speke of it whan he had said this be sente the messagers in to theyr Innes where they had moche grete honour and grete feste The kyng toke counseyl of his barons and ordeyned his owne messagers whiche he sente to the duc godefroy and to the prynces that cam He had spoken ynowgh to godefroy dasque and made hym grete c●ere and gaf to hym and his felawshippe yeftes And aftir toke leue of hym and retorned al to gydre ● with the messagers whan they were comen to fore the duc godefroy one of them sayd the message in this manere· The kyng of hongrye saleweth you my lordes And sendeth yow worde that he knoweth certaynly by renōme that ye be a man of moche hye lygnage puyssaūt of peple wyse and trewe of herte prudent and valyaunt of body in suche wyse that your prouesse is born in to many londes ffor thyse thynges our lord the kynge whiche neuer sawe yow preyseth and loueth yow moche in his herte And hath moche grete desire to doo you honoure These pylgryme that ben with you And that haue enterprysed so hye a pylgremage be preyseth moche and desyreth moche to see them· and to worshippe and to haue theyr acqueyntaunce ffor he holdeth hym selfe wrous and gracious that our lord hath sette hym in such a poynt that he may doo seruyse and bounte to one so valyaunt a man· Therfore vnto you fayr lord and to the hye men of your companye be prayeth requyreth and demandeth for a synguler yefte that it wold plese you to come see hym at one his castel named Cipe●on ffor be desireth moche to speke to you at leyser doo that ye wille demaūde How the said kynge sente for to fetche the duc godefroye And how he wente and of the deuyses that they had to gydr● cao. xxxij wHan the duc and his barons had herd the messager thus speke he drewe them a parte and toke counseyl They acorded wel that the duc shold goo he sente for suche companye as h● wold haue And wente forth with thre honderd horse withoute m●● on his way hit was not long but he cam to aperon he passed the brygge and fonde the kynge whiche made to hym grete ioye and moche honour· And long they spak to gydre And the kynge excused hym of the deth of the pylgryms vnto the duc lyke as he had doon to the messagers At th ende the kyng cam so to poynt that they were appeased goodly The kyng acorded to hym the passage thurgh his royamme yf he wold sette hym suche hoostages as he shold chese for to kepe the pees Alle this was graunted And he demanded in hostage Bawdwyn brother of the sayd duc his wyf and her maygne they were delyuerd to hym gladly Thus entred they with alle theyr peple in to the lond of hongrye The kynge helde to them wel his couenauntes ffor he dyde doo crye in alle the townes as they shold passe and also thereby that they shold selle to them vytaylles good cheep and that noman shold meue to them no debate The duc commanded also and made to be cryed that none on payne of his lyf were so hardy to take ony thynge fro the lond ne fro no man ne for to doo no wronge but holde them for felawes and bretheren Thus it happed that they passed alle hongrye without ony maner stryf or noyse· The kynge rode alwey nyghe to thooste on the lyfte syde ledyng his hostages with hym redy
began to ordeyne thurgh the town how they myght yssue oute with moche more affraye and strenger than they had But the nyght cam that destourned their counseyl This was an euident thynge that themperour had d●n the barons passe the brygge by tricherye and vntrouthe for to haue closed them as within barryers How after this our peple began to destroye the contre And ofa message of buymont vnto duc godefroye And the answer of the duc vpon the same· capitulo xxxviijo. aS sone as thoost apperceyued on the morn the day it was cryed that euery man on payne of deth shold arme hym on horsbak and on fote The Capytayns of som bataylle were ordeyned for to lede the peple in fourage The other sette them in ordynaunce for to kepe their lodgys ffor wel they apperceyued certaynly that themperour pourchassed for them alle the euyl that he myght They that wente for vytaylle withdrewe them wel lx myle They pylled al aboute them alle the townes that they fonde And brought Corn Wyn Beestys and other Rychesses Wherof the londe was full that vnnethe myght they conduyte alle And they were oute sex dayes And aftir retornned in to the hooste with alle this merueillous gayne whyles as they conteyned thus· Messagers cam fro Buymont to fore the Duc And salewed hym in theyr Lordes name And delyuerd to hym lettres whiche saide in this manere He salewed in his letrres the duc as he ought to salewe suche a man Aftir they sayde knowe ye sire that ye haue to doo with a moche vntrewe man whiche alwey sette his herte and purpoos to deceyue them that truste in hym Specially he hateth the Latyns to the deth And doth his power in alle maners that he can to doo euyl to our peple And yf ye haue not yet apperceyued it ye shal knowe al by tyme as I saye to you ffor I knowe wel the malyce of the grekes And also the trycherye of themperour Therfor I pray you that ye withdrawe you fro constantinoble And retorne to ward the playnes of andrenoble or of sympole and there ye may wyntre you where as is grete plente of alle goodes And I my self yf it please god assone as the sprynge of the yere cometh shal come and hast to meue And shal assemble with you And shal helpe you as my lord and frende ayenst the vntrew prynce that entendeth to doo euyll with alle his power vnto cristiente whan the duc had herd thyse lettres by the coūseyl of his barons He sente to hym ageyn other lettres that after the salewyng spak thus we thanke you gretely And so doo the other prynces that ben with vs of the loue and trouthe that ye haue sente vs And knowe ye certaynly that we haue founden on the prynce and on the peple of grekes lyke as ye wene wel to knowe we knowe wel that ye saye it of wysedome and of trouthe But we doub●e moche the armes that we toke in our contrey for to warre on the hethen men shold retorne and conuerte ayenst them that bere the name of cristiante as we our self doo we attende and desyre moch your comyng Thenne yf god will whan ye shal be comen we shal doo take you to our counseyl How themperour appesed the duc godefroye and sen●e for hym and of the honour that he dyde to hym capitulo xxxix tHemperour was moche anguyssous emong his pryue coūseyl thought how he myght appese to hym the duc his peple by cause he destroyed his contre of which he herd the clamours right grete and ofte And by cause that he knewe that the messagers of buymōt were come had brought tidynges that he wold hastely come he sente ageyn his messagers to the duc prayd hym that he wold come speke to hym yf he doubted of ony thyng he wold sende Iohn his sone in hostage in to the hoost This message plesyd moche to the barons whan they herde it they sente canon de montagu bawdwyn de borgh for to receyue the hostage they receyued hym and delyuerd to Bawdwyn brother of the Duc whiche abode for to Reule and gouerne the hoost and to kepe the hostage The duc and other barons wente in to Constantynople to fore themperour which had moche desyred them The grekes made to them grete Ioye merueyllously what someuer they thoughte Themperour kyssed them alle And demanded of euerych his name for to honoure euerych by hym self as he that wel coude do it they were wel beholden of alle them of the palays At last themperour satte in his mageste and the barons aboute hym And sayde to the duc thyse wordes we haue herd saye many tymes in this londe that thou art of hyghe lygnage and of moche grete power in thy contre and a good knyght and trewe in suche wyse that for the fayth of Ihesu criste ●enhaunce hast enterprised to warre ayenst the mescreauntes and hethen peple whiche greue the cristen peple merueyllously ffor alle thyse thynges we prayse the and loue in our herte And wylle honoure the with grettest honour that we may doo ffor thou art worthy and dygne It playseth vs and therto acorden our barons that we cheese the auowe for our sone And we put our Empyre in to thyn hande that thou kepe it as our sone from henssforth in good estate and in termes of loue whan he had seyde this he dyde hym to be clad with the robe of an Emperour And to sytte by hym And thenne the barons made to hym right grete feste solempnyte aftir the custom of the londe in suche thynges And thus was the pees affermed bytwene the prynces and also bytwene the peple Of the yeftes that themperour made to duc godefroye to the barons and to the gentilmen of his hoost·capitulo xlo. aNone whan this was don the tresour of themperour was opened was presented to the duc and to his felawship so grete yeftes and so grete rychesses that it was merueylle to see Ther was grete plente of gold of syluer· and of precious stones many clothes of sylk ryght ryche vayssellys of dyuerse facions whiche were merueyllous of facions and of matere Oure peple meruellyd moche of this grete rychesse Thyse yeftes cessed not at the fyrst tyme but fro the day of the Epyphanye vnto thas●encion tyde themperour gaf to the Duc euery weke as moche as two myghty men myght susteyne of pierrye of pens of gold of copper and of tyn he gaf to hym ten muyes euery muye is four busshellys· But the duc departed alle thyse thynges vnto knyghtes and alle aboute where he sawe that it shold be wel employed Whan they had ben with themperour a lytil whyle they t●ke leue cam agayn in to the hoost They sente agayn Iohan his sone whom they had holden in hostage moche honourably Themperour dyde do crye vpon peyne of deth that noman shold doo harme to the pylgryms but shold do selle
in sylyce the grete hoost that folowed hym cam vnto marase Bawdwyn that had seen his brother the duc hool and sound had herd agayne tydynges of Tancre how he dyde by the contre where he wente ●e had moch grete desire to gadre to gydre peple goo serche the cōtre lyke as he dyde to fore But he had lost moche the good wyl and grace of thoost ffor they of thoost had herd tolde thoultrage that ●e had don to tancre and to his men And therfore many doub●ed for to entreprise the way with hym Buymont and his men also had not lyghtly suffred this thyng vn auengyd ne ●ad it ben for the loue of the duc his brother Therfor bawdwyn founde but ●ewe felawes that wold goo with hym Godeffroy the duc which● was a moc●e wyseman and of good wyll blamed and rep●e●yd moche his brother of this werke he brought hym herto that ●e knowleched his folye to fore alle the peple sayde that be had made amēdes to tancre after his will yet wolde amende it vnto his playsyr swar that he had doon it more by the counseyl and aty●ement of other than of hym self By thyse wordes ●e appeasyd the hertes of many men· ffor be was a moche valyaunt man and moch curt●ys neuer was per●●yued in hym vylō●e he had an her myne with hym moche pryue named pan●ra●e he was right wyse and an hardy knyght But he was ouermoche trycherous and vntrewe he was escaped oute of the prison of themperour of constantynoble And cam in to the hoost at nycene where he acqueynted hym with bawdwyn And he prayd hym and admonested that he shold take men and goo in to a countre where he shold lede hym to whiche was moche plentyuous and ful of goodes And yf he wold goo he shold conquere it lightly so ofte he said to hym herof that he began to take his way and departed with two honderd knyghtes and other men of armes ynough and feotemen grete nombre They folowed pancrace alle whiche brought them to ward byse in a moch ryche lond they that dwellyd in this londe were alle cristen men sauf a fewe turkes whiche helde the fortresses they were lordes of the contre and suffred not the cristen men shold meddle with ony armes in no wyse whan they that were of oure fayth sawe bawdwyn and his men· they were glad and ioyeful ffor they loued not the turkes· they delyuerd ouer the contre where they had puyssaunce in suche wyse that in a short tyme that he had conquerd alle the londe vnto the flood eufrates Bawwyn was moch drad doubted thurgh alle the contre ther about in such wyse that for drede they lefte hym alle the fortresses wel garnysshed and toke them without debate the cristen men whiche had receyued hym in to his londe bycam so fiers and hardy that they hunted alle the hethen men out of the contre ther were somme barons of the contre that seruyd bawdwyn with alle theyr puyssaunce and heelpe hym to brynge alle thyng to his wylle How they of rages sente theyr messagers to bawdwyn prayeng hym that he wold come to them· capo. lxxviijo. tHe renōme of this grete man of whom his prowesse wytte spredde oueral cam vnto the cytezeyns of rages hopyng by hym to be delyuerid of the seruage in whiche they had ben long The grettest men that had the gouernaunce of the toun sente certayn Messagers to Bawdwyn and prayd hym for the loue of God for his honoure and prouffyt that he wold come vnto theyr cyte whiche was named rages as is founden in the byble Thether sente thobye his sone yong Thobye for to demaunde the moneye that Gable his cosyn ought hym and on the way wedded sara his wyf the Cytezeyns of this cyte receyued cristen fayth anon after the deth of oure lord Ihesu criste by the prechyng of seynt Iude appostle brother of seynt Symon as it is foūde wre●on the book of Eusebee of ce●aire they helde yet fermly this lawe that tyme but the turkes that were about them constreyned them so moch that they made them paye greuous and grete tributes euery yere in so moche whan tyme cam for to gadre theyr fruytes· of theyr vynes and other they raunsouned them and muste paye at theyr wylle or ellys they wolde destroye alle Neuertheles in the toun durst noman dwelle but he byleuyd in Ihesu criste· ffor this only toun was holden hool and entierly in the fayth· the hethen peple had conquerd the other townes and therfor they greued moche the cristen peple of this toun ne wold not suffre them yssue out of the toun for to doo theyr nedes ffor on alle sydes of them was the puyssaunce of the turkes In this toun had the seygnorye a greek that was moche oold and had no childeren he had ben there syth the tyme that this londe was vnder themperour of Constantynoble· ffor he was sente thyder by themperour fro to be baylly· And whan the turkes toke alle the countrey be departed not thens· but abode alwey in his baylliage Neuertheles ●e was that made neyther hoot ne cold ne kept not the peple but at theyr wyll whan the Cytezeyns were acorded for to sende for bawdwyn he knewe it wel and was content whan Bawdwyn herde that they of rages had sente for hym by comyn coūseyl a●corde he toke coūseyl with his men fonde by his counseyl for to goo theder· he ordeyned lxxx horsmē without moo for to goo with hym he passed the ryuer of eufrates lefte the remenaunt of his peple in the fortresses that he had cōquerd in the cōtre to kepe them surely the turkes that dwellyd in this lāde knewe the tydynges how bawdwyn shold come to rages with a fewe men· made an embusshement by the waye where he shold passe sette there grete plente of men of armes thyse tydynges wer sayde to bawdwyn therfor he torned to a castel by whiche an hermyn helde be receyued hym gladly al his men moch honorably was lodged there ij dayes the turkes that were en●oyed to be so long so embusshed· yssued out and cam with baners displayed to fore the castel where bawdwyn was Inne none yssued out for ther were ouer many men The proye that they founde in the pas●ures they brought alle with them· And after torned in to theyr countrey On the thirde daye Bawdwyn yssued out and toke his waye and cam to Rages The duc of the toun that was a greek as I haue said to fore cam ayenst hym And alle the other on horsbak a foote with trompes and busyn●e The peple of the toun receyued hym with procession the moost honorably they myght· euerych peyned hym to make hym feste after his puyssaunce How the duc that was at rages varyed for to holde this that he had promysed to Bawdwyn capitulo lxxixo. gRete suspection had the duc in his
how that his Cyte was moche stronge and myght not lightly be wonne but he wold selle it hym yf he wold gyue hym .x M besauntes Bawdwyn aduysed hym herupon by counseyl acorded to bye it and payd to hym that sōme receyued the toun entierly Banduc rendred thostages that he had holden alle thenne And thus he conquerd the hertes and loue of them of the toun that they called hym theyr fader And they dyde alle that plesyd hym to theyr power and redy tobeye hym to the deth· How bawdwyn wente and assieged the toun of serorge nygh to rages and tokeit And of his ordenaunces· capo. lxxxijo. iN this londe was a Cyte named serorge wherin dwellyd none other peple sauf hethen men The lord of the toun was named bal̄ak the turkes that were therin dyde many traueyls and vylaynous oultrages so many that they prayde bawdwyn theyr lord for the loue of god and for thaffection that he had to them that he wold take counseyl and sette a remedye of this thyng he answerd curtoysly And sayde that he wold doo it gladly thenne he commaunded that euery man shold arme hym dylygently And whan they were redy they shold yssue out of rages and goo strayt for to assiege the cyte of sororge Thenne dress●d they theyr engyns and began to leye the siege And brak the walles ond torettes· The Turkes that were within the toun w●r● moch abasshed· ffor they thought wel that bawdwyn ne his peple wold not leghtly departe fro the siege ne they vnderstode of no socours fro noo syde wherfore they sente theyr messagers to bawdwyn And so entreted that theyr lyues saued· they wolde yelde the toun to hym Bawdwyn receyued the toun And put in the grettest fortresse one his bayly that shold doo his commaūdemen● in that countrey And ordeyned a moche grete tribute on them of the toun and lefte hem therin ffor he had not other peple ynough for to people the toun yf they wente theyr waye By the p●●se of this cyte was alle the way delyuerd of the hethen fro ●ages vnto anthyoche ffor to fore myght none· goo vnto the ryuer of ●ufrates for the peple of sororge Thus cam Bawdwyn to grete honour and to moche ioyous feste in the cyte of rages Now we shal leue to speke of Bawdwyn And shal speke now of the grete hoost● that cam be hynde after How the grete hoost cam to fore mares● And how the turkes that were within fledde And how our peple payned them to conquere countrees capitulo lxxxiijo. tHe duc godeffroy the grete plente of the barons knyghtes and noble men and other with them they passed moche greuous wayes and were comen by valeyes and montayn●s vnto a Cyte named Marefe· this is not that toun that I sp●k of 〈◊〉 fore ffor that is named Maraze This cyte named Marese was enhabyted with Cristen men· Neuerthelesse the Turkes helde the fortresses And had the seignorye of the toun· And euyl entreted the cristen peple thyse hethen peple herd of the comyng of our peple fledde by nyght for fere of them And ther abode none of the toun sauf they of oure fayth whan the hooste approuched the barons knewe the trouth of this toun Thenne they deffended generally that none shold doo no harme to them of the toune ne to theyr thynges They lodged them in a moche fayre place and delytable And had vytaylles ynough and good cheep They of the countre lete the barons of thooste haue knowleche that ther fast by was a ryche Cyte and ful of goodes named Artaysse And dwellyd in the fortresses of the toun none other but hethen men The prynces toke counseyl herupon And sente Robert the Erle of fflaundres theder he toke with hym Robert de Rosoye And Gossolyn the sone of aconon de montagu they were wel a thousand men of armes whan they cam to fore the toun Anon they assieged it· The turkes that were within trusted not the walles of the toun And wold haue withdrawen them to the gretter fortresses of the toun· But the hermyns and the other men of our fayth to whom the turkes had don lōg tyme grete shames moch harme in the toun whan they sawe oure men· they had grete affyance and truste in them And toke vnto them moche grete hardynesse And ranne to armes and er the turkes myght withdrawe them in to the fotresses and toures they slewe them and threwe their heedes ouer the walles to our men aftir opened the gates receyued them in to the toun with grete ioye therin they fonde al that they had nede of ffor the cyte was merueyllously ryche· ffro thens vnto Anthyoche was but xv myle this cyte of whiche I speke is vnder the patriarke of anthyoche for fere of oure peple were the moost parties of the turkes fledde in to anthyoche whan they herd saye that artayse was thus taken they had slayn them that were lordes they toke coūseyl emonge them for to aduyse how they myght hurte thoost· they choos out x m to whom they comāded ●accōplysshe this thyng they wente f●rth whan they approched thoost they put them all in a busshemēt sauf xxx wel horsed and ●●ghtly armed whom they sente forth for to drawe men fro thoost they approched so nygh that the hooste of the toun sawe them ffor they made semblaūt for to take fourriers and the horses nyghe them oure peple ran to armes began to folowe so ferr that they fought to gydre folyly vpon theyr watche they sprange out and wold haue ronne bytwene them and the toun for tenclose them in· but our men assembled them and ran to gydre and cam deffendyng them vntyl they cam into the toun in suche wyse that they loste noman The turkes sawe wel that they myght not recouure the toun and began to assiege it ffor they had peple ynowgh and after began tassayle it· they within deffended them wel that they without loste more than wan· whan the turkes sawe that the grete hoost made them redy and approuche And that they 〈◊〉 not they toke counseyl and retorned in to anthioche But the brygge that was bytwene they garnysshed moche wel ▪ 〈◊〉 Erle of fflaundres and the other that were wich hym 〈…〉 tayse went not out but kept the toun but that day a maladre toke goselyn the sone of aconon of montagu a yong man curto●s and moche valyaunt he deyde of that maladye And was 〈◊〉 that toun with moche worship and grete lamentacion How it was commaunded vnto alle the barons to come 〈◊〉 thoost for to goo vn to anthyoche and of som recountres that 〈◊〉 had in the waye capo. lxxx●●o. wHan the turkes that were come fro anthyoche for to re●o●ure artayse w●re departed from thens at the spryngyng of the day tydynges cam that the grete hooste was lodged nygh by ffor they had herd saye how th erle of fflaundres was besieged And therfor by comyn
many annoyes and grete trauaylles· And they myght not slepe this nyght· suche brennyng desire had they forto see the cyte which shold be th ende of their trauaylle· and thaccomplysshement of theyr vowe Them thought longe er the daye cam and them semed that thys nyght was moche lenger than the other ffor to a corageous desire ther is not haste ynowgh Of thardaunt desire that the peple had for to see Iherusalem And how the hoost approched and were lodged by ordenaunce Capitulo· CLxvijo. sYth that it was knowen certaynly in the lodgys that the Duc hadde receyued this nyght the messagers of bethlehem And that he had sente his men in to the toun The peple afoote abode neuer for leue of the barons ne myght not suffre til the day● was come· but began to calle alle the nyght for to goo vnto Iherusalem· whan they were goon a whyle forth One of the noble men of thooste named Gaste de bedyers had moche grete pyte of this peple that they shold be slayn in the waye· And therfore be toke his hors and toke .xxx men of Armes with hym wel ho●sed and ordeyned in arraye· And thought that he wolde goo nygh to Iherusalem for to see yf they myght fynde out of the toun be●●tes and other gayne for to take and lede a way with hym Alle thus as he thoughte it fylle thus in partye ffor whan he cam nygh the toun he fonde Oxen kyen largely in the pastures and but fewe that k●pt them· they fledde away whan they sawe our men come Gaste and his men began to gadre the beestes to gydre and droof them hastely toward thoost but the h●rdmen and kepa●s of them made a grete crye In the toun were turkes hardy and desyryng to doo armes They armed them dilygently ronne hastely after for to rescowe the proye gaste his men sawe them come· knewe well that they were not strong ynough for the turkes therfor they left this that they brought moūted vpon an hye montayne therby moche angry of this mesauenture whan they had abyden a whyle vpon this montayne· They behelde in to the valeye And sawe Tancre come fro bethlehem retornyng to thoost with an ● C. men on horsbak· whan Gaste sawe them he smote his hors with his spores cam to hym and told hym of his mesauentu●● and moche auguysshous and sayd that the turkes were not fer●●● they ran alle to gydre after them and ouertoke them ●r they myght to me in to the cyte In theyr comyng they discomfyted the turkes that they that myght fledde in to the Cyte The remenaunt they slew● And oure men recoueryd theyr proy● And brought i● in to thoost with grete ioye Alle they that were in the lodgys assembled about them· And demaunded of them ententyfly fro wh●n● this proye cam· They answerd that they had take it to fore the ya●rs of Iherusalem whan they herde named the holy Cyte of Iherusalem· and knewe certaynly that it was so nygh thenne began they tendrely to wepe And fylle doun on theyr knees and rendred thankynges to oure lord with moche grete syghes of this that he had so moche loued them and conduyted that they myght see shortly the ende of theyr pylgremage that is to wete the holy Cyte of Iherusalem· whiche our lord so moche louyd that he wold dye therin for to saue the world Grete pyte was it to see and here the teres the cryes of this good peple They departed in this same maner And wente so forth that they sawe the towres and the walles of the toun Thenne lyft they vp theyr handes toward h●uen· and dyd of theyr hosen and shoes men and wymmen and kyssed therthe who that had seen this thaugh he had had an hard herte he shold haue be meuyd to pyte ffro 〈…〉 the waye greued them nothynge· but they wente moch lyghtly til they cam to fore the toun There they lodged them all aftir thordenaunce and deuyse of the barons whiche delyuerd to them the places Thenne semed verytably that the worde of the holy prophete was entirely accomplysshyd whiche sayd longe to fore Leua Iherusalem ● Aryse vp Iherusalem and lyft vp thyn eyen· And beholde the puissaunce of the kyng thy sauiour which cometh to onthynde the and put the oute of the bonde wherin thou art· O lord god how the hye barons the knyghtes the gentylmen of our hoost and alle the other generally men and wymmen were recomforted and reconcyled of the grete trauaylles and meseas●● that they had ●onge endured whan they founde them to fore the holy Cyte of Iherusalem And how eche of them had good wylle to conteyne hym self in this nede and werke Of the situacion of Iherusalem and descripcion and also of many other cytees townes countrees ther aboute cao. CLxviijo. tRouthe it is that the holy Cyte of Iherusalem stondeth bytwene two montayne●· wherof dauid sayth in the psaulter Fundamenta eius in montibus sanctis The fondementes o● it ben in the holy montaynes toward the w●st is the see and the londe of the philistees ·xxiiij myle vnto port Iaphe and that is the next part of the see Bytwene bothe is the castel of Emaus where as oure lord after his resurexion appered to two discyples There is modyn the cyte and the fortresse of the macha●ews There is the place temple where alymelech the holy preest gaf to dauid and to his squyers the loues of breed to ete that were offred vpon the table of our lord wherfor saul dyde do slee hym and the other admynystratours of the chirche and men of the toun There is lyde where seynt Peter heeled a lame man named Eneanx· and had leyen viij· yere paralityk There is also Iaphe as I haue sayd where seynt Peter reysed a dede woman named thabyte There was seint peter herberowed in a tanners how 's that tanned leder whan he receyued the message fro Cornelle whom he baptysed as is sayd in thactes of the apostles· toward the ●est is the flome Iordan And the deserte is by yonde where the holy prophetes were woont to repayre There is the vale sauage whiche is named the dede 〈◊〉 whiche was a moche fayr and delectable countre lyke a paradys to fore that oure lord made do synke .v. Cytees Sodome and the other as is sayd in Genesys On this syde Iordan is the cyte of Iherycho that Iosue wan more by prayer than by bataylle Theder wente oure lord Ihesu Caste ● and made a blynde man to see There is galgala where helyzeus the proophete dwellyd· Toward the south is the cyte of Bethlehem where our lord was born and l●yde in the crybbe emonge the beestes There by is t●cua the cyte where Amos and Abacuc the prephetes were born Toward northeest is Gabao where atte prayer of Iosue the sonne rested ▪ til he had vaynquysshed the batayll There is S●eirs where as our lord spak to the woman of Samarye There is
oure lord had yolden it to hym And therfor he helde it But he had concluded to goo in to his countre at ester And thenne he wold delyuer it with a good wylle· But in the mene whyle he wold kepe it This requyred he for to be more honoured and in the gretter surete· The duc answerd playnly that yf he had not the toure he wold leue all· ffor how myght he be lord of the countre whan another had gretter power and gretter strengthe in his londe than he● Thus were they in debate· The Duc of Normandye and th erle of fflaundres helde with the duc godeffroy Of the other barons ther were that counseylled· that he shold doo his wil with th erle of tholouse They of therles countre attysed and counseylled hym that he shold not leue the tour by cause they wolde gyue hym occasion by this discorde to retorne in to his countre At●e laste they acorded that the fortresse shold be put in the hande of the bisshop of Albare vnto the tyme that they were acorded what shold be doo therin whan he had it within a short tyme after he delyuerd it to the duc It was demaunded hym why he had so delyuerd it Thenne he answerd that it was taken from hym by force It was not knowen for trouthe whether it was taken from hym by constraynt or yf he delyuerd it with his gr●e and wyll whan th erle of tholouse sawe this he was moche angry And hym semed that the barons were not wel content with hym lyke as they ought to be consyderyng that by the way he had don to them many grete boūtres and good seruyses whiche they remembryd not as it was sayd ffor desdayne herof· And by atysement that his knyghtes made to hym· he enterprysed to retourne in to his countre And descended vnto the fflome Iordan And there bayned hym After he ordeyned his affayre for to departe out of the londe Of a Patriark chosen and elect in Iherusalem And how ther was founden a part of the very crosse Capitulo Clxxxxiiij tHis euyl man of whom I haue spoken to fore the bisshop of maturane was ful of grete malyce and of desloyalte And payned hym moche in alle maners to sette discorde bytwene the Barons and the people ffor they sayde that the Barons wold not suffre that a patriark shold be chosen by cause they helde the rentes of the chirche And wold not delyuer them ●e fond● moche peple that byleuyd hym and acorded to hym in suche wyse that by thayde of them ayenst the wylle of other also by thayde of the duc of normandye to whom he was moche pryue had ●e at his table in all this werk he chose for patriark this arnold that was his felaw in alle euyl condicions by force they sette hym in the seete of the patriarke in the chirche of the sepulcre This was ayenst reason ayenst alle right Therfore it happed ne fyll not wel to hym ne to that other Thenne it happed that a parte of the very Crosse was founden in therthe by the Chirche of the sepulcre in a secrete place ffor the cristen men that were in the 〈◊〉 to fore it was taken in so grete meschyef as ye haue ●●rd ▪ doubted that the turkes wold haue taken it fro them Therfore had they hyd it moche surely· and fewe knewe of it But a good man a suryen whiche that knewe it discou●●d it to the b●rons And whan they had doluen and dygged a good whyle they fonde it in a ch●ste of syluer lyke as he had to them sayd and deuysed Thenne was the ioye moche grete and they bore it a ●●●cession in syngyng vnto the temple· all the peple wēte after which 〈◊〉 for pyte As moch as if they had seen our sauyour 〈…〉 yet hangynge on the crosse They alle helde them for moche recomforted of this grete ttesour that our lord had thus discoueryd How the duc godeffroy payned hym to amende the Royamme of his good constitucions and estatutes cao. Clxxxxvo. gRete ioye was it thurgh the londe of this· that the valyaunt duc godefroy was chosen kyng· Alle they obeyed hym with good herte· he amended dylygently alle the discordes thurgh the londe And alle the other thynges that had nede of amendement in suche wyse that his power grewe fro day to day moche appertely Of hym shal I saye in shorte wordes the very trouthe he regned not but one yere and that was moche grete dommage ffor he had the wylle wytte and power to doo grete good in the Royamme for tenfeble thenemyes of oure lord Ihesu Crist· and for tenhaunce and exalte the Cristen fayth But our lord called hym fro this world to hym to th ende that the malyce of it shold not chaunge his herte in thonour wherin he was he was born in the Royamme of Fraunce at boloyne vpon the see whiche was somtyme a Cyte And nowe it is but lytil more than a castel· he cam of hye and noble folke and good crysten peple his fader was named eustace noble puyssaūt erle in that coūtre· whiche had doon many hye werkes boūtees vnto our lord noble werkes vnto the world his moder was a noble lady of gentilesse more noble of herte than of hyenes of lygnage She was named yde· was suster to the duc of Loreyne whiche was named godeffroy bo●ce he deyde withoute heyer· Therfor he lofte alle the duchye and the Countreye to his neuewe whiche bare his name And adopted hym in to sone and heyr Therfore he was duc of Lor●yne whan his vncle was deed he had thre brethren whiche were moche wise men and good knyghtes and also moch fathful and trewe That one was Bawdwyn th erle of Rages whiche after hym was kyng of Iherusalem The second was named Eustace whiche bare the name of his fader· And was Erle of boloyne The kynge Stephen of Englond toke his doughter to wyf whiche was namde Maulde· The barons of Surye sente for this Eustace for to make hym kyng after the deth of his broder bawdwyn· whiche deyde withoute heyer But he wold not goo ffor he doubted the barats discordes of the londe whiche he knewe wel The fourth broder was william a good knyght and a trewe ne he discorded not in the bounte of his bretheren Bawdwyn and Eustace folowed theyr lord and broder in the pylgremage to Iherusalem· the fourth broder guylliam abode in his countre for to kepe the londe Alle the four bretheren were of moche grete valeur But the duc Godeffroye lyke he was the oldest· so bare he awaye the prys and auantage of the other as he that was ful of vertues· of boun●●s and was moche noble and rightful withoute couetyse he dredde and louyd oure lord aboue alle thynge he honoured relygyous men and good he was moche ferme and constant of his worde he despysed merueyllously bobaunces pompes and dishonest●●s and hated them
desired moche to be auenged of so grete oultrage Therfor sente he for alle the barons of th empyre and assembled moche grete court and made to be sayd and shewde in the presence of them alle the pryde and rebellyon of them of Saxone· wherof he demaunded debonayrly counseyl and theyr helpe They acorded alle that this thynge was for to be auenged asprely They habandouned bodye and power to themperour for thamendynge of this trespaas They departed and eche wente in to his countre· Themperour somoned his hooste as strongly as he myght at a castel on the marche of Saxone· whan they were entred in to the londe theyr enemyes sayde that they wolde fyghte ayenst them ffor they were prowd and fiers in suche wyse that they sette but lytil by the power of themperour whan they knewe that they must fyght they ordeyned theyr bataylles ffor they had moche peple And had ynowe Thenne demaunded themperour of whom they were acorded that shold bere thaygle which is the fawcon of th empyre They choos to fore alle other for to doo that the valyaunt duc of Loreyne worthy and moost sufficiant to do it They reputed it for a moche grete worship that he was thus chosen by comyn acord of them alle Neuertheles he with sayde it and refused as moche as he myghte But he muste nedes take it on hym This daye cam and that one partye approuched that other in suche wyse that they assembled fiersly ther were many men put to deth ffor they were merueillously wroth eche ayenst other whyles thus as the bataylle was grete and fyers in many places· the duc Godeffroye that conduyted the bataylle of Themperour espyed a grete Rowte of men wherin was this Raoul whiche was lorde of saxone ayenst them in the duc dyde do assemble the peple of themperour The duc knewe this Raoul· and smote the hors with his spores ayenst hym· And with the gonfanon that he bare Iusted ayenst hym in suche wyse that he bare hym thurgh the bodye and slewe hym that he fylle doun deed in the place And Incontinent he redressyd and reysed on heygthe his baner alle blody his peple sawe that they had loste theyr lord and anon were disconfyted Somme fledde· somme fylle doun vnto the feet of themperour and put them in his mercy Alle the gentilmen and other gaf good hostages for tobeye euer after to hym and be at his commaūment Many other prowesses made the valyaunt duc godeffroye but it behoueth not to put them alle in this historye ffor my purpose now is for to recountre of the holy londe by yonde the see and not of them on this syde· but of them of whom ye may vnderstande that he was in his countre noble and a valyaunt knyght· Of his largesse ayenst oure lord I shal saye to you one thynge by whiche ye maye vnderstande the other In the duchye of Loreyne was a castel whiche was moost renommed and chyef of thonour of buy●lon And bare that name whan he shold meue to goo 〈◊〉 his pylgremage by yonde the see he gaf this castel as the mooste noble and hyest of his herytage vnto oure lord in Almesse in to the chirche of lyege for to abyde there for euermore How the valyaunt duc godeffroy augmented the holy chirche And how he wold neuer bere crowne· cao. Clxxxx●● sYth that he had thus by election the Royām● like as a deuoute and a relygyous man as he was 〈◊〉 louid moch holy chirch the seruise of our lord by cōseyl of the bisshops of other wise clerkes that were in thoost he ordeyned fyrst in the chirch● of the sepulcre of our lord and in the temple clerkes for to serue· establysshed chanonnes gaf to them grete rentes large herytages of which they shold take theyr pre●endes· he wold that the chirches in thoo partyes there shold be ordeyned after the establementis vses and custommes of the gre●e chirches of fraunce He began moche hyly wel had accomplysshed yf our lord had gyuen to hym lenger lyf He had brought with hym oute of his countre relygyous Monkes whiche sayde and songe theyr 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 al a longe the waye as he cam· he gaf to them 〈◊〉 Abb●ye in the vale of Iosaphat· and establysshed them ther● And endowed them there moche Rychely with good rent●s and reuennes And gaf to them grete pryueleges he was a very relygyous and deuoute man· And had his herte moche large vnto holy chirche· And gaf therto many grete thynges whan he was chosen to be kynge alle the barons requyred hym that he wold do hym be crowned and receyue thonour of the Royamme a● hyly as the other kynges in Cristendom doo he answerde that in this holy cyte where our sauyour Ihesu Criste suffred deth and had born a crowne of thornes vpon his heed for hym and for the synners he wold neuer bere yf it playsyd god crowne of gold ne of precious stones but hym semed that it was ynowe of that coronacion that he had the daye of his passion for to honoure alle the kynges Cristen that shold be after hym in Iherusalem ffor this cause he refused the crowne Ther ben sōme men that wyll not accompte hym emong the kynges of Iherusalem but me thynketh that therfore he ought not to be lassed ne dymynued of his honoure but the more and hyer exalted and enhaunced ffor he dyde not this for despysyng of the sacrament of holy chirche· but he dyde it for tesche we the bobaunce and pryde of the world and for the grete mekenes humylyte that he had in his herte wherfore thenne I saye not only that he was not kynge but he was gretter than ony kynge that holdeth ony Royamme syth that the holy londe of Iherusalem was conquerd How the turkes of Arabe and of Egypte made theyr somaūce for to come in to Surye tassaylle our cristen men cao. CCo. nEwly whan the cyte was taken yet er that the Barons were departed cam tydynges in to the toun of Iherusalem trew they were that the Calyphe of Egypte which was the mooste puyssaunt and myghties● of all the londe of thoryen● had somoned alle his power· knyghtes gentilmen and alle othe● that myght bere armes in suche wyse that he had assembled a grete hooste merueyllously· ffor he had grete desdayne and despy●e of this that so lytil peple whiche were of a straunge londe and ferre ●ountr●y were so hardy and durst come in to this londe and Royamme and had taken the cy●e whiche he had ●onquerd vpon his enemyes he made come to fore hym his con●stable whiche was prynce of his hoost· he was named Elafdales To this man he commaunded that he shold take all this peple with hym goo in to Surye And renne vygorously vpon this peple that were so folyssh and oultrageous that had torned his peas and made warre to his peple Therfor he commaunded hym that he shold efface and destroye
tabarye whiche stondeth on the laye of Geme· And with that alle the pryncipalyte of Galylee with the Cyte· whiche was woned to be named porphire And nowe named Cayphas· and alle thappertenaunces of thyse thynges Tancre helde thyse londes so wel and so wysely that he was alowed of god honoured of the world he foūded the chirches of this countrey moche rychely he gaf to them grete rentes and endowed them with Aournementes fayr and of grete valure· Specially the chirche of Nazareth of tabarye and that of mount Tabor· he lefte them in hye estate and in moche ryche poynt But the barons that after hym haue be lordes of the countrey haue taken from them ynowgh of their tenours This Tancre was wyse and trewe And delyted hym to doo wel to the chirches as it appereth after whan he was prynce of Anthyoche· ffor he enhaunced the chirche of seynt peter and the pryncipalyte and seygnorye of āthyoche made he moch tēcrece enlarged as ye shal here How buymont and bawdwyn beyng certayn of the pryse and conqueste of Iherusalem wolde accomplysshe theyr pylgremage Capitulo CC·iiijo. wHyles that the Royamme of Iherusalem was in such estate Buymont the prynce of Anthyoche And Bawdwyn Erle of Rages broder of the duc godeffroy had herd certayn tydynges that the other barons that helde them to gydre as bretheren for the accompanye of theyr pylgremage had by thayde and helpe of our lord Ihesu Criste conquerd vpon the turkes and recouerd to oure fayth the holy Cyte of Iherusalem by whiche they had accomplysshyd theyr vowes and theyr pylgremages Therfor they assembled on a day named for to goo to the holy sepulc●e to th ende that· they were assaylled of theyr vowes And desired moche for to see the Duc and the other Barons to whom they wold gyue ayde yf they had nede ▪ that is to wete of their bodyes of theyr goodes and of theyr men that were vnder them Thyse two hye men were not at the takynge of the holy Cyte of Iherusalem ffor by the wylle of the pylgryms that one of them abode in Anthyoche And that other at Rages for to kepe soygnously and defende the turkes fro thyse two Cytees whiche were fer fro Cristiente· Eche man had to doo ynowgh in his countrey· But they lefte alle for to come to the other Buymont cam fyrst fro his cyte with a moche fayr company grete nombre of men of Armes on horsbak and a foote· he cam vnto a Cyte vpon the s●e named valerne on the castel of margat there he lodged hym maulgre them of the cyte· Bawdwyn cam fro his countrey sone after and so moch iourneied after that he ouertoke the prynce buymont to fore this Cyte And there they assembled In that same tyme were arryued pylgryms of ytalye at the lyche in surye Emong them was a good man wyse and wel lettred Relygyous and of grete honneste named daybart Archebisshop of Pyse Another was in his company Archebysshop of puylle of a Cyte named Acian● Thyse men with theyr meyne cam in the companye of thyse two barons for to passe more surely vnto the Cyte of Iherusalem· Of them was moche encreced thoost of thyse two prynces in suche wyse that they were wel .xxv M· on horsbak and a foote· Thus thenne helde they theyr waye by suche maner● that they fonde no Cyte but of theyr enemyes wherfore they passed with moch grete payne They suffred moche in theyr way for lack of vytaylles ffor they fonde none for 〈◊〉 hy●· And suche as they brought fro theyr countrey was faylled They ha●e grete cold and so grete rayne that nothyng myght endure it was so me●ueylous· It was in the moneth of Iuyll· whiche is moche rayny customably in that countrey ffor this cause many deyed of ●esease in that companye ffor in alle this longe waye they myght fynde none that wold selle to them ony vytaylle sauf they of Tryple ▪ and they of cesaire They had grete sarce●e of vytaylles for theyr horses Atte laste by the mercy of our lord they cam to Iherusalem There were they receyued with moche grete ioye· of god of the barons of the clergye and of alle the peple· They vysyted the holy places of the cyte in te●ris and grete sorowes of herte they fylle doun flat and stratched in the chirches they kyssed and ete therthe that our lord had bought After they cam in to theyr hostel lys where alle they of the toun made to them grete ioye whan the hye feste of the natyuyte of our lord Ihesu Criste approuched Alle the prelates and barons yssued out of Iherusalem· wente to Bethlehem There helde they theyr Cristemas There behelde they gladly and moche ententyfly the holy crybbe wherin the sauyour of the world laye bytwene the beestes deuoutly made they theyr prayers orysons in the place whiche is as a lytil dyche where the swete lady that was moder and vyrgyne after that she had chylded wrapped her sone with lytil and smale clothys gaf hym souke of the Mylke of her pappes How our Cristen men chosen a very Patriarke in Iherusalem and assigned to hym rentes cao. CCv o vN to this tyme had the See of Iherusalem ben without pastour and patriark that duely and truly had entred It was wel thēne v monethes that the cyte was conquerd Thenne assembled the Barons for to counseylle to haue suche a man that were worthy of honour myght to bere the faytes Ther were wordes ynowgh The somme wolde haue one and other wold haue another· Atte laste by the counseyl and good wyll of alle they chees this Daybart Archibisshop of pyse whiche was but newly come They constituted and sette hym in the siege of Patriark ffor he that had be made by this baratour arnold of whom I haue spoken to fore lyke as he was made ayenst right and reson In lyke wyse he retorned agayn to nought whan this good wyse man was sette in his dignyte The duc godeffroy and the prynce buymont cam to fore hym whiche had gyuen to hym this honour as for to be the vycayre of Ihesu Criste in that londe and thanked and preysed alle to gydre oure lord whan this was don they assygned rentes to the newe Patriark suche as his predecessour whiche was a greeke had holden· And other gretter aboue that in suche wyse that he myght honorably mayntene a good and honest company of peple Thenne bawdwyn and buymont toke leue of the duc and of the other barons and descended vnto flom Iordan and there bayned them ffro thens they wente by the Ryuer syde til they cam to tabarye Thenne passed by the londe named Fenyce And lefte cesayre on the right syde· After they cam to the Cyte named manbec After helde they the see syde and so moche exployted that they cam al hool and sound to Anchy●c●e How by thatysement of somme men a grete debate sour●ed bytwene the duc and the patriarke of
lete make the fourth part of the wallys of this holy Cyte The messagers that had thus don theyr message Retorned vnto the Patriarke· and to them that had sente them And recounted to them truly how they had don and sped They answerd that it shold be hard to be had not withstondyng they muste essaye· ffor they myght passe in none other maner they sente good messagers and trewe to this grete lord the Calyphe of Egypte Our lord helpe hym in such wyse that thei fōde in hym this that they sought shortly to say he delyuerd to them a good chartre sealid with his seal confermed with his propre hād that so closyng the iiij part he graunted to them the fourth part of Iherusalem· The messagers retorned· They that had sente them made to them grete ioye whan they knewe how they had achyeued their message The bailyes of Cypre passed in to Surye And they made the fourth part of the walles with the goodes of themperour lyke as he had commaunded· And this werke was made in the yere of thyncarcion of oure lord ·M·lxiij thenne was calyphe kynge of egypte bommensor And this was xxxvj· yere to fore the cyte was conquerd vnto this tyme the cristen men were lodged in the toun emonge the turkes comynly one by another· but fro thens forth that the Calyphe had commaūded the fourth part of the toun was delyuerd to them Thenne were the cristen men moche eased ffor whan they dwellyd emong the turkes· they that were theyr neyghbours dyde to them grete ennoyes and shames But whan they were by them self they dyde them not so moche yf they had ony debate emonge them self it was brought to fore the patriark ffor fro then̄e forth was in that part of the toun none other iustice but he thus gouned he it as his oune his iiij part is boūded as I shall saye to you· ffro the yate that the sōne goth doun which is named the yate dauid by the tour of the angle otherwyse named the tour tancre The walles that they made within is bounded fro the chyef way that goth fro that gate vnto the chaunge· And fro thens agayn vnto the west yate In this space stondeth the mount of Caluarye where our sauyour Ihesu Criste was crucified the holy sepulcre where he laye deed in· and out wherof he aroos fro deth to lyf The how 's of the hospytal· Two abbayes one of monkes another of nonnes The how 's of the patriarke And the Cloysture of the chanonnes of the sepulcre How the duc Godeffcoy for to augmente the Cristiente assieged one of the townes of the turkes ca o CCixo. iN this tyme after that alle the Barons that were come in pylgremage were departed fro the londe and retorned in to theyr countrees The valyaunt duc to whom the Royamme was delyud tancre whiche was abiden with hym· they were almost allone in tho partes· they were moche pour of good and of men vnnethe myght they make whan they dyde alle theyr power thre honderd men on horsbak· and two thousand a foote The Cyttes that the pylgryms had conquerd were ferre a sondre And none myght come to other without grete peryll of theyr enemyes The vyllages that were about the cytees whiche were called casians therin dwellyd the turkes that were theyr subgettis and obeyed to the lordes of the cytees but thise turk●s hated nomē more ●han they dyde the cristen men and pourchaced incessantly alle the harme euyl that they myght whan they fonde ony of our men allone out of the way gladly they murdred them· And somtyme they ledde to the Cytees of the sarasyns for to selle them yet thought they of gretter meschyef and folye ffor they wold not ere ne laboure theyr londes to th ēde that the lordes and men of the cytees shold not take theyr rentes and desired them self lyuer to suffre mesease rather than our peple shold haue ony good of auaylle The Cristen men were not well assured within the Cytees ffor they had but fewe people And there cam theuys by nyght that Robbed theyr houses and slewe them in theyr beddes And bare awaye alle theyr thynges· By this occasion many there were of the Cristen men that lefte theyr fayr tenementes and howses in the Cytees and retourned pryuely in to theyr countreyes ffor they hadde grete drede that the Turkes· whiche that dwellyd aboute them sholde assemble somme daye and take the townes by strengthe destresse and destroye them for euer in such wyse that neuer sholde be memorye of them· ffor hate of them 〈…〉 fyrst in that londe ●hat 〈…〉 ●●nement and his londe ● he shold 〈…〉 on● other· by cause ther were many that for 〈…〉 alle theyr thynges and fled away 〈…〉 was better assured they cam agayn and 〈…〉 them but by this lawe that was thus 〈…〉 were neuer herd whyles that the Royamme was thus 〈…〉 poue●te the valyaunt duc godeffroy which had moche gret● 〈…〉 and good hope in our lord· enlarged hi● Royamme· he assembled as moche peple as he myght And wente for tassiege a Cyte nygh to Iaph● on the see Syde named Arsur But he fonde it wel garnysshed of vytaylles· of men of Armes and other engyns· And ther were therin turkes many hardy and defensable· The hoost of the Cristen men that were withoute were but fewe and suffretous by cause they had no shippes· by whiche they myght defende the waye of the see· where they myght entre yssue whan it plesyd them ffor thise thynges the duc was constrayned to leue the siege· and departed thynkyng to come agayn to the same place whan the tyme shold be more couenable And that he were better pourueyed of men wherof he had nede for to take the toun· And so had he don yf our lord had gyuen hym long lyf in this world How the turkes brought presentes to the duc godeffroy at the sayd siege and of theyr deuyses to gydre cao. CCxo. iT happed in this siege of whiche I haue spoken a thynge that ought not to be forgoten· ffro the montaynes of the londe of Samarye in whiche is the londe of Napples cam summe turkes whiche were lordes of Casians theraboute and brought vnto the valyaunt duc godeffroy· presentes of brede· of wyn of dates and of other fruyte· It myght wel be that they cam more for te●pye the beyng and contenaunce of our men than for other thynge· they prayde so moch the men of the duc that they were brought to fore hym Thenne they presented to hym suche as they had brought The noble duc as he that was humble and without hobaunc● sat in his pauyllon on the 〈◊〉 lened vnto a sak full of stuff There abode he a part of 〈…〉 that he had sente in fourage whan they that had made 〈…〉 sawe the duc sytte so lowe· they merueylled th●m 〈…〉 of the peple that vnderstode theyr 〈…〉 that so hye a
he drewe his swerd and smote the camel on the neck where it was grettest· And smote it of as lyghtly as it had ben a sheep· whan the turke sawe this he merueylled ouer moche In such wyse that he was all abasshed whan he had a litil he thought hym he sayd in his langage I see wel sayd he that the duc hath a good swerd wel trenchant cuttyng But I wote neuer yf he coude smyte so grete a strook with another swerde· The valyaunt duc demaunded what he sayde And whan he knewe· he began to smyle a lytil And after sayd that he shold delyuer to hym his owen swerde The turke dyde so· the duc thenne smote therwith an other Camel· In suche wyse that he made the hede to flee of moche lyghtlyer than of the other thenne merueylled ouer moche the turk And sayde that it was more by the strengthe of the Arme· than by the bounte of the swerd he had wel preuyd that it was trewe that was sayd of the Duc in his Countreye· Thenne he gaf to the duc many fayr Iewellys of gold and of ryche stones and moche acqueynted with hym· And after retorned home in to his countre· The valyaunt duc cam vnto Iherusalem with alle his proye the trusses fardellys of his gayn which wer so grete that all the men of his companye were ryche In that moneth of Iuyll· the velyaunt duc godefroy whiche was gouernour of the Royamme of Iherusalem had a maladye and sekenes moch grete Alle the phisiciens of the contre were sente for· They dyde alle that in them was possible But alle auaylled not· ffor the payne encresyd alway more· After this he sente for men of relygyon as prelates curates other good deuoute men for to haue coūseyll of them for the helthe of his sowle he was moche wel confessyd and veray repentaunt with grete wepynges And in his right mynde with grete deuocion departed out of this world Certaynly we ought to thynke that the sowle was brought vp with angelis to fore the face of Ihesu crist he deyde the .xiij day of Iuyll the yere of thyncaruacion of oure lord· M j C he was entiered and buryed in the chirche of the holy sepulcre vnder the place of the mount of Caluarye where our lord was put on the crosse That place is kept moche honestly for to entere and burye the kynges vnto this day Thus endeth this book Intitled the laste siege and conquest of Iherusalem with many other historyes therin comprysed Fyrst of Eracles and of the meseases of the cristen men in the holy londe And of their releef conquest of Iherusalem and how Godeffroy of boloyne was first kyng of the latyns in that royamme of his deth translated reduced out of ffreusshe in to englysshe by me symple persone Wylliam Caxton to th ende that euery cristen man may be the better encoraged tenterprise warre for the defense of Cristendom and to recouer the sayd Cyte of Iherusalem in whiche oure blessyd sauyour Ihesu Criste suffred deth for al mankynde and roose fro deth to lyf And fro the same holy londe ascended in to heuen· And also that Cristen peple one vnyed in a veray peas myght empryse to goo theder in pylgremage with strong honde for to expelle the sarasyns and turkes out of the same that our lord myght be ther seruyd worshipped of his chosen cristen peple in that holy blessyd londe in which he was Incarnate and blissyd it with the presence of his blessyd body whyles he was here in erthe emonge vs by whiche conquest we myght deserue after this present short and transitorye lyf· the celestial lyf to dwelle in heuen eternally in ioye without ende Amen Which book I presente vnto the mooste Cristen kynge· kynge Edward the fourth humbly besechyng his hyenes to take no displesyr at me so presumyng whiche boook I began in marche the xij daye and fynysshyd the vij day of Iuyn the yere of our lord M. CCCC·lxxxj the xxj yere of the regne of our sayd sauerayn lord kyng Edward the fourth in this maner sette in forme enprynted the xx day of nouembre the yere a forsayd in thabbay of westmester by the sayd wylliam Caxton