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A02727 The Messiah already come. Or Profes [sic] of Christianitie both out of the Scriptures, and auncient rabbins, to convince the Iewes, of their palpable, and more then miserable blindnesse (if more may be) for their long, vaine, and endlesse expectation of their Messiah (as they dreame) yet for to come. Written in Barbarie, in the yeare 1610, and for that cause directed to the dispersed Iewes of that countrie, and in them to all others now groaning under the heavy yoake of this their long and intollerable captivitie, which yet one day shall have an end ... Harrison, John, fl. 1610-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 12858; ESTC S116532 67,755 80

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of the preaching of the Gospel which began at Ierusalem and from thence was spread over all the world Which the same Isay foresawe when talking of the Messiah he sayth In that daie shall five cities in the Land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan c. In that daie shall the alter of the Lord be in the middest of the Land of Egypt and a piller by the border thereof unto the Lord. And the Egyptians shall knowe the Lord in that daie and doe sacrifice and oblation and shall vow● vowes c. which could not be verified of the Law of Moses for by that Law the Egyptians could haue nether alter nor sacrifice but it was fulfilled upon the cōming of Christ when the Egyptians were made Christians Also in another place and the yles shall waite for his Law The same was likewise foretold by God in Malachie where he sayth to the Iewes and of the Iewish sacrifices I haue no pleasure in you neyther will I receiue an offring at your hands for from the rising of the sunne unt●ll the going downe of the same my name i● great among the Gentiles and in everie place incense shal be offer●d 〈◊〉 my name and a pure offering for my name is great among the Gentiles s●●th the Lord of Hosts Wherein we see first a reprobation of the Iewish Sacrifices consequently of the Law of Moses which dependeth principally thereupon Secondly that among the Gentiles there should be a pure maner of Sacrifice more gratefull unto God then the other not limited eyther in respect of tyme or place as the Mosaicall Law sacrifice was For so sayth God in Ezechiel I gaue them statutes which were not good and judgments wherein they shall not liue that is not good to continue perpetually nor shall they live in thē any longer but til the time by me appoynted Of which tyme he determineth more particularly by Ieremie in these words Behold the dayes come sayth the Lord that I will mak a newe covenant with the house of Israel and Iudah not according to that covenant which I made with their Fathers c. where you see a new covenant or Testament promised different from the old whereupon I conclude the old Law of Moses by the Messiah must be changed into a new The tyme of his manyfestation with all other circumstances NOw for the tyme of his manyfestation with all other circumstances of his birth lyfe death resurrection ascension and those things also that fell out afterwards if we shall consider how particulraly precisely they were all foretold by the Prophets and how long before some hundreths some thousands of yeares before they fell out as also how exactly they were all fulfilled in the person of our blessed Saviour all directed like so many lynes to one center we shall as it were in a mirrour see and behold both the truth of Christian religion setled vpon a most firme unmovable center as also the vanitie of all other religiōs whatsoever especially this most vain expectatiō of the Iewes to this day of their Messiah yet for to come as vaine and fond altogither as was that opinion of one of the Phylosophers which the word center hath put me in mynd of that the earth forsooth did move and the heavens stand still how far they are degenerate not onely from all true light vnderstāding in heavenly matters but also even from cōmon sense and reason it selfe in things of that nature tending therevnto And first for the tyme. Daniell who lived in the first Monarchie foretold that there should be three monarchies more the last the greatest of all to witt the Romane Empire and then the eternall King or Messiah should come his 〈◊〉 are these In the dayes of these Kings shal the God of heaven set vp a kingdome which shall never be destroyed Dan. 2.44 And just according to this tyme was the Messiah born namely in the dayes of Augustus Caesar Luk. 2. as both we Christians account and the Iewes acknowledge even in those halcyon dayes of peace when the temple gates of Ianus were commannded to be shut and vpon that very day when Augustus commaunded that no man should call him Lord was this Prince of peace borne Therefore to him agreeth this circumstance of tyme very fitly most vainly therefore doe the Iewes after this tyme expect for another Secondly Iacob who lived many yeares before prophesied of this tyme very precisely as already hath bene aleadged that the Mes●iah whom he there calleth Shilo should come at that tyme when the scepter or goverment regall was departed from the house of Iudah which was in the dayes of Herod and never till then who first vsurped that government his father in law King Hircanus with all his of●pring of the blood royall of Iuda togither with the Sanhedrim put to death The genealogies of the Kings and Princes burned A new pedegrie for himselfe divised In a word all authority regall whatsoever belonging to that tribe at that tyme quite extinguished And just according to this tyme was our Saviour borne namely in the dayes of Herod Math. 2.1 Therefore to him agreeth this circūstance of tyme very fitly most vainely therefore doe the Iewes after this tyme expect any longer Thirdly God himselfe saith by his Prophet Hagga● that the Messiah whome he there calleth the de●ired of all nations shall come in the tyme of the second temple which was then but new built farr inferior in statelynes and glory to the former built by Solomon which the old men in the book of Ezra testify by their weeping when they sawe this second temple and remembred the glory of the first The words of the Lord by his Prophet Haggai are these Speake vnto Zerubbabel who is left amonge you that sa●e this hous● in her first glory and how doe you see it now is it not in your eies in comparison of it as nothing yet now be of good cheere ô Zerubbubel for thus saith the Lord of hosts yet a litle while and I wil shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the drie land And I will move all nations and the desire of all nations shal come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of hostes The glory of this last house shal be greater their the first c. which must needs be vnderstood of the coming of the Messiah to wit his personall presence in this second temple in whom is the fulnes of glory therefore could he and none other fill it with glory being himselfe indeed the King of glory Lifte vp your heads ô yee gates and be yee lift vp yee everlasting dores and the King of glory shall come in So doth Mallachie prophesy in these words The Lord whom yee seeke shall speedily come to his temple even the m●ssenger of the covenant whom yee desire behold he shall come sayth the Lord of hosts c.
albeit she were dead aboue two thousand yeeres before they were slayne aboue one thousand and fiue hundreth before Ieremie wrote this prophecie Among which Infants Herod also for more assurance slewe an infant of his owne for that he was descended by the mothers side of the line of Iuda Which crueltie comming to Augustus his eares he sayd he had rather be H●rods swine then his sonne for that he being a Iewe was prohibited by his religion to kill his swine though not ashamed to kill his sonne Sixtly his flying into Aegypt herevpon as also to fulfill that prophecie out of Aegypt have I called my sonne which I say inlargeth further saying Behould the Lord rideth vpon a light cloud which is his flesh or humanity and shall come into Aegipt and all the Idols of Aegipt shall tremble at his presence which later pointe Eusebius sheweth was fulfilled most evidently in the sight of all the world for that no nation came to christian religion with so great celerity and fervour as did the Aegyptians who threwe downe theire Idols before any other nation And as they had beene the first in Idolatrie to other countries so were they the first by Christ his cōming vnto them that afterwards gave exāple of true returne vnto their creator It followeth in Isay I will deliver the Egiptians into the hands of cruel Lords these were the Roman Lords and Princes Pompei Caesar Antonie c. a mightie King shall raigne over thē c. this must needs be Augustus the Emperor who after the death of Cleopatra the last of the blood of the Ptolimies tooke possession of all Egypt and subjected it as a province to the Romaine empire But after these temporall afflictions threatned against Egypt behold a most Euangelical promise of deliverance In that day shall fiue cities of the land of Egypt speake the language of Canaan c. In that day shall the altar of the Lord be in the middest of the Land of Egypt c. They shall crye unto the Lord because of their oppressors and he shall send them a Saviour and a great man and shall deliver them c. The Lord of Hosts shall blesse them saying Blessed be my people of Egypt c. This blessing I say the Egyptians obteyned by our Saviours being in Egypt whom here the Prophet calleth by his owne name Iesus a Saviour a great-man Finally the comming of Iohn Baptist his forerunner or Messenger as was propheci●d Behold I will send my Messenger and be shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye seeke shall speed●ly come to his temple And againe I will send you Eliah the Prophet that is to say Iohn the Baptist in the spirit and power of Eliah as an angell from heauen expoundeth it appearing to Zacharias his father in the temple sent to foretell him both of his birth as also by what name he should call him euen Iohn saying thou shalt call his name Iohn he shal be great in the sight of the Lord c. he shall goe before him in the power and spirit of Eliah And therefore our Saviour in plaine termes he calleth him Eliah Mat. 11 14. And if you wilt receiue it this is that Eliah which was to come he that hath ears to heare let him heare And as our Sauiour gaue him his due before a multitude then assembled calling him Eliah So did this Eliah also giue our Saviour his due in acknowledging him for the Messiah not assuming unto himself that honour offered unto him by the Iewes but refusing it absolutely and laying it upon Iesus our Saviour the true owner Then this is the recorde of Iohn when the Iewes sent Priests and Levites from Ierusalem to aske him who art thou and he confessed and denyed not and sayd plainly I am not the Christ I am not the Messiah I baptise you with water but there is one among you whom ye knowe not he it is that commeth after me which is preferred before me whose shoe l●tchet I am not worthie to unlose These things were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan where Iohn did baptise The next day Iohn seeth Iesus c●mming to him and sayth behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world This is he of whom I sayd after me cōmeth a man that is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not but bec●us● he should be declared to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water So Iohn bare record saying I sawe the spirit come downe from heauen l●k● a doue abiding upon him And I knewe him not but he that sent me to baptise with water he sayd unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit come downe and stay still upon him that is he which baptiseth with the Holy Ghost And I sawe and bare record that this is the sonne of God According as it is in the other three Euangelists more at large expressed how that Iesus when he was baptised came strait out of the water and loe the heauens were opened unto him And Iohn sawe the spirit of God discending l●ke a doue and lighting upon him And loe a voyce came from heaven saying This is my beloved sonne in whom I am well pleased The next d●y Iohn stood againe and two of his disciples and he beheld Iesus w●lking by and sayd Behold the Lambe of God and the two disciples heard him speak and followed Iesus All this was done at Bethabara beyond Iordan in the sight and hearing of a number of people there present as three of our Euangelists doe report which they would never haue presumed to haue done had not the matter beene most evident and without all compasse of denyall or contradiction And truely no one thing in all this storie of Iesus life doth more establish the certaintie of his being the true Messiah then that Iohn the Baptist whose wisedome learning vertue and rare sanctitie is confess●d and recorded by the writings of all our adversaries should refuse the honour of the Messiah offered unto himself and lay it upon Iesus and also should direct those disciples that depended upon him to the onely following and imbracing of Iesus doctrine which is most evidently proved that he did for that somany followers and Disciples as himselfe had not one appeared ever after that was not a Christian. These circūstances I say of the birth cōming of the Messiah into this world so lōg before foretold by the Prophets fulfilled so exactly in the person of our blessed Lord Saviour wel considered I may at length conclude Heaven and earth concurring men and Angels with all other creatures applauding therevnto yea God himselfe from heaven pronouncing it this is my beloved sonne in whome I am well pleased That therefore as sure as God is God and cannot lye nor give testimony to any vntruth so sure is Iesus Christ the sonne of God the true Messiah and
they must needs be understood of an eternall King and kingdome as must also those other words of God in the psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee aske of me and I will giue thee the Heathen for thyne inheritance the ends of the earth for thy possession Thou shalt crush them with a rod of yron and breake them in pieces like a p●tters vess●l which prophecie was never fulfilled in Salomon nor in any other temporall King in Iewrie after him And much lesse this that followeth They shall feare thee as long as the sunne and moone endureth from generation to generation In his daies shall the righteous flourish and abondance of peace so long as the moone endureth His dominion also shall be from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth They that dwell in the wildernesse shall kneele before him and his enemies shall lick the dust The Kings of Tharshish and of the yles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring gifts yea all Kings shall worship him all nations shall serue him His name shall be for ever his name shall indure as long as the sunne all Nations shall be blessed in him and shall blesse him And blessed be the Lord God euen the God of Israel which onely doth wonderous things And blessed be his glorious name for ever and let all the earth be filled with his glorie Amen Amen And so he endeth as it were in a traunce ravished beyond measure with the sweet and heauvenly contemplation of this spiritual and everlasting kingdome of the Messiah for to him and to no other can all these circumstances and hyperbolicall speaches of David rapte with the spirit of prophecie properly and primarily apperteyne though literally the Iewes understand them of Salomon as they doe many other places in like case applying them onely to the type never looking to the substance whereof those types and figures were but shadowes and semblances God of his mercie in his good tyme take away the vayle from their hearts that at length they may see the true Salomon in all his royaltie not any longer to grope at noone dayes wincking with their eyes against the cleare sunne like their forefathers as it is in Esay a most fearefull judgment of God layd upon that Nation of old objected to them many tymes and oft both by Christ and his Apostels but in vayne goe and say unto this people ye shall heare indeed but shall not understand ye shall playnly see and not perceiue make the heart of this people fatte make their eares heavie and shutte their eyes least they see with their eyes and heare with their eares and understand with their hearts and convert and be healed Whereupon ensueth euen upon this wincking and wilfull obstinacie a most severe denunciation of finall desolation Lord how long sayth the Prophet and he answered untill the cities be wasted without inhabitant the houses without a man and the land be utterly desolate c. But yet a tenth reserved to returne a holy seed remayning in due tyme to be converted This judgment and desolation hath been along tyme upon them they feel it and groane under the burden of it as their forefathers did in Egypt under Pharaoh yet wincking shutte their eyes and will not see it I meane acknowledge the true cause of these so great judgments revealed from heauen upon thē euen the contempt of Gods holy Prophets sent unto them from tyme to tyme but especially of the Messiah whose blood lyeth heavily upon them euen to this day as their forefathers desired his blood be upō us on our children which all the world seeth is come to passe yea they themselues feele it yet wincking with their eyes they will not see it But there is a tenth to returne c. The rest which will not this their Messiah to raigne over them let them look into that parable in the Gospel there shall they finde a farre more fearefull destruction denounced then the former The first being but for a tyme but a type of the other but a beginning of woes the other eternall for ever and ever The first he pronounceth with teares over Ierusalem the second he denounceth as an angrie Iudge provoked at length to execute his fierce wrath upō them without any compassion at all His words are these Moreover those mine enemies which would not that I should raigne over them bring them hither and slay them before me Which words of our Saviour although they will in no wise beleeve no more then they did the former yet shall they find his words one daye as truly fulfilled to them in the one as they haue done alreadie in the other And howsoever hitherto they haue esteemed of him as a false prophet a deceiver yet hath he been to them but too true a Prophet in all their calamities both first and last And so after this long digression I come to the next The Prophecie of Ieremie THe sixt which confirmeth the former is that of Iere. 23 5. Behold the dayes come sayth the Lord that I will rayse up unto David a righteous braunch and a King shall raigne c. And this is the n●me whereby they shall call him the Lord our righteousnes This was spoken of Davids seed aboue 400 yeeres after David was dead and buried which proveth manifestly that the former promises were not made unto him for Salomon his sonne or any other temporall King of his line but onely for the Messiah who was called so peculiarly the sonne and seed of David The Prophecie of Ezechiel THe seauenth which also confirmeth the other is that of Ezec. 34.23 I will set up ashepheard over them he shall feede them euen my servant David c. In which words the Iewes themselues doe confesse in their Talmud that their Messiah is called by the name of David for that he shall discend of the seed of David and so it must needs be for that King David being dead so long before could not now come againe in his owne person to feed them him self The Prophecie of Isaie THe eight is the prophecie of Isaiah 2.2 It shall be in the last dayes that the mountayne of the house of the Lord shal be prepared in the toppe of the mountaines and shall be exalted aboue the hilles and all nations shall flowe unto it c. for the Law shall goe forth of Syon and the Word of the Lord from Ierusalem He shall judge among the Nations Which verie words Michah repeateth cap. 4.1 and are applyed there as also here unto the Me●siah they can haue no other meaning by the judgement of the Iewes themselues In that daie shall the budde of the Lord be beautifull and glorious and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent Vnto us a child is borne unto us a sonne is giuen and the gouvernment is upon his shoulders he sh●ll call his
world should endure six thousand yeares that is two thousand before the lawe two thousand under the lawe two thousand after that vnder the Messiah Which last two thousand yeares by all computation could not begin much from the birth of Iesus And your Rabbins long since complayned in that their Talmud that there seemed to them in those dayes seaven hundreth and odde yeares past since the Messiah by the Scriptur● should have appeared and therefore they doe marveyle why 〈◊〉 so longe deferreth the same much more then may ye marvel vpon whome the ends of the world are come An other observation cabalisticall they have vpon those words of Isa. 9 7 The increase of his goverment and peace shall have no end where the Hebrew word is lemarbeh signifying to increase or multiply ad multiplicandum In which worde because they finde mem to be shut which is not vsual in the middle of a word they gather many secrets and amonge other that seeing mem signifieth 600 yeares so longe it should be from that time of Isai vntil the time of the Messiah which accompt of theirs falleth out so just that if you reckō the yeares frō Achas King of Iuda in whose time Isay spake these words vntil the time of Herod vnder whom Christ was born ye shall find the nūber to fail in litle or nothing A much like observation hath Rabby Moses ben Maimon in his Epistle to his countrymen the Iewes in Africa concerning the time of the Messiah which he thinketh to be past according to the Scriptures above a thousand yeares he lived about the yeare of Christ one thousand one hundreth forty but that God deferreth his manifestation for theire sinnes since which time hath passed almost 500. yeares more and yet yee heare nothing of his cōming Consider this yee Iewes of Barbary for to you partly seemeth this Epistle to be written Will you then stay still and say stil after so many hundreth yeares past and gone that for your sinnes God deferreth yet his cōminge putting it of from one five hundreth yeares to another so in infinitum it is all one as if you say that for your sinnes God hath broken his promise nowe a thousande and six hundreth yeares and consequently it may be for your sinnes the Messiah will never come this must be your last refuge you may aswell say the one as the other But howsoever you make your selves sinfull yea out of measure sinful yet let God be iust and righteous in his promise as it is written make not him a lyer as you have done hitherto To this purpose also apperteyneth the narration of one Elias as Rabby Iosua reporteth it in the Thalmud that the Messiah was to be borne indeed according to the scriptures before the destruction of the second temple for that I say saith of the synagogue before she traveled she brought forth and before her paine came she was delivered of a man childe that is saith he before the Synagogue was afflicted and made desolate by the Romans she brought forth the Messiah But yet saith he this Messiah for our sinnes doth hide himself in the seas and other defarts till we be worthy of his comming Which is asmuch in effect as if he had said the one as probable as the other that perhaps for our sinnes and vnworthines the Messiah may not come at all but returne to heaven backe againe from whence he came And why I pray you not have stayed aswell in heaven all this while rather then in the seas and desarts for so many yeres to no purpose I am parswaded if Balaams Asse were aliue againe and did heare these and such like your idle fantasies dreames touching your Messiah the very asse woulde reprove you to your faces and make you ashamed of them wherof though I have read somewhat in divers authors yet coulde I hardly beleeve any such absurdities to be delivered much lesse defended by any reasonable creatures till I had heard some thinge my self I urged that place of Genesis to one of them to witte that the Scepter should not depart from Iuda till Shilo came that is the Messiah which being so long since departed and gone I asked what reason they had as yet to expect for a Messiah he answered the Scepter was not departed they had their sheckes that is to say chief men of their tribes in all parts where they inhabite Moreover that some of the Moores forsooth had brought them word of a people or nation of the Iewes inhabiting in a farre countrie he could not tell me the place where but first there is a river to be passed two trees growing on eyther side directly one against another which two trees everie saturday and no day els doe of their owne accord bowe one towards another making as it were a bridge for men to goe ●ver Now the Iewes by reason that day is their Sabath may not attempt to passe over it But the Messiah at his comming shall bring them al●ogether into the land of promise they knowe not how rebuyld the citie and sanctuarie in a trice much more glorious then ever it was before To which purpose he alledged that place out of the Psalmes The Lord doth buyld up Ierusalem gather tog●ther the dispers●d of Israel So likewise interpreting that of Hag. the glorie of this last house shal be greater then the first of this third imaginarie temple So literally applying that of Isai that in those dayes the wolf should dwell with the Lambe the leoparde lye with the kidde the calf and the lyon the fa●te beasts together and a litle childe to leade them c. That these things should thus come to passe literally according to the verie Hebrewe characters This is all the knowledge they haue in the Scriptures the bare Hebrew letters and no more Yet can they not speake one word of the true spirituall language of Canaan but in steede of Shiboleth like those Ephraimites they pronounce Siboleth no interpretation spirituall of the celestial Canaan the heauenly Ierusalem of the spirituall temple of the mysticall bodie of the Messiah that is to say his Church no relish at all of the Spirit of God or any spirituall worship amongst them And yet forsooth they will be the people of God alone and who but they the children of Abraham and of the promise and none but they yea they are so vaynly puft up with the foolish pride of this their high pedegree that they thinke verely and will speake it confidently I haue heard it from them that none of them unlesse for verie heynous offences as perjurie or such like shall be judged after this life or be in daunger of hell fire they onely to haue their punishment in this world and not els As though hell fire were onely prepared for us gentiles and heauen onely for the Iewes which unlesse they repent they shall find quite contrarie if the words of our
heare the mourning of the prisoner and deliver the children appointed unto death that they may decl●re the name of the Lord in Sion and his praise in Ierusal●m For God will saue Sion and bui●d the cities of Iuda that men may dwell there and haue it in poss●ssion the seed as of his servants shall i●●erit it and they tha●●●ue his name sh●ll ●w●l● ther●in Surely the Lord wil● not sayle his p●ople neyther will he fo●sake his inheritance He hath alway remembred his covenant and promise that he made to a thou●and generations Thou wilt thinke upon thy congregation which thou hast possessed of old on the rodde of thine inheritance which thou hast redeemed and on mount Sion wherein thou hast dwelt Yea when the Lord turneth againe the captivitie of hi● people which will be when they turne unto him by hartie repentance not before when they cryed to the Lord in their trouble he delivered them out of their distresse then will he make euen their verie enimies to become their friends giue them grace favour in the sight of all those kings and princes under whom now they liue and groane in most miserable slaverie and bondage as in their former captivities may be observed He sawe when th●y were in affliction and heard their crye He remēbred his covenant towards them and repented according to the multitude of his mercies and gaue them favour in the sight of all them that led them captiues for the hearts of Kings are in the hands of the Lord as the rivers of waters he turneth them which way soever it pleas●th him So the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus King of Persia after that their seauentie yeeres captivitie in Babylon as also Darius and others to write in their behalf sundrie most favourable edicts for their returne into their owne countrie again with large liberalitie for the rea●difying of the temple of God in Ierusalem for the Lord had made them glad and turned the heart of the King of Asshur unto them to incourage them in the work of the house of God euen the God of Israel Therefore Ezra blesseth the Lord ●or all these extraordinarie favours saying Blessed be the Lord God of our Fathers which so hath put in the Kings heart to beautifie the house of the Lord that is in Ierusalem c. Yea rather then fayle of his promised deliverance to his people when they crye unto him in their distresse he will rebuke euen kings for their sakes As he did Pharaoh king of Aegypt in the dayes of old with this peremptorie commaund by the hand of Moses over and over Let my people goe that they may serue me or if thou wilt not c. inflicting upon them one plague after another till at length they were forced to driue them away as it is in that place Rise up get you out from among my people and goe serue the Lord as ye haue sayd And the Egyptia●s did force the people because they would send them out of the Land in hast for they sayd we dye all giving them favour in the meane tyme in the sight of the Egyptians also Moses was verie great in the Land of Egypt in the si●●t ●f Pharoahs servants and in the sight of the people Behold I haue made thee Ph●raohs God sayth the Lord so he brought out Israel from among them for his mercie endureth for evrr with a mightie hand and out stretched arme c. after four hundreth and thirtie yeeres captivitie in Aegypt And when the four hundreth and thirtie yeeres were expyred euen the self same day departed all the hosts of the Lord out of the Land of Aegypt And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them the way and by night in a pillar of fire to giue them light He divided the sea in two parts made Israel to passe through the mids of it and overthrewe Pharaoh and his host in the red sea for his mercie indureth for ever So leading them through the wildernes feeding them fortie yeeres with Manna frō heauen till at length he brought them safe sound as it were upon egles wings maugre all difficulties and oppositions of enimies what soever euen to the promised Land of Canaan the lot of their inheritance Where they continued in peace and prosperitie so long as they served him kept his commandements but when once they sinned against him or rather as often as they sinned for it was not once but often forgat the Lord their God which brought them out of the Land of Aegypt out of the house of bondage then he suffered their enemies to prevayle against them tyrannize over them sometymes one and sometimes another till at length they were caried captiues to Babylon Yet ever as the burdē of that psalm is whē they cryed to the Lord in their trouble he delivered them out of their distresse raysing up from tyme to tyme Iudges as he did Moses and Ioshua at the first which delivered them out of the hands of their oppressors Othoni●l who delivered thē out of the hands of the King of Arā as it is in that place where it is said that the children of Israel did wickedly in the sight of the Lord forgat the Lord their God served Baalim therfore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against Israel he sold thē into the hand o● Chushan-rishathaim king of Aram whō they served eight yeeres But when they cryed unto the Lord the Lord stirred them up a Saviour euen Othoniel c. So the land had rest fortie yeeres Ehud who delivered thē out of the hand of Eglon king of Moab Then the childrē of Israel ●gain cōmitted wickednes in the sight of the Lord the Lord strengthned Eglon king of Moab c. So they served Eglon king of Moab 18 yeeres But whē they cryed unto the Lord the Lord stirred thē up a Saviour Ehud the sonne of Gera c. So the land had rest 80 yeres And after him was Shamgar the sonne of Anath which slew of the Philistims 600 men with an oxe goad he also delivered Israel Deborah Barack who delivered thē out of the hand of Iabin king of Canaan And the children of Israel began again to do wickedly in the sight of the Lord the Lord sold thē into the hand of Iabin king of Canaan whose chief Captain was Sisera Then the children of Israel cryed to the Lord c. And at that time Deborah a Prophetesse judged Israel then she sent called Barak c. And the Lord destroyed Sisera all his charets c. And the land had rest 40 yeares Gedeon who delivered them out of the hands of the Midianites Afterward the children of Israel committed wickednes in the sight of the Lord the Lord gaue them into