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A63369 Loyal poems and satyrs upon the times since the beginning of the Salamanca plot written by several hands ; collected by M.T. Taubman, Matthew, d. 1690? 1685 (1685) Wing T245; ESTC R10358 49,198 138

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d'st better far Neglect The Plots abroad and those at home Inspect Thou need'st not fear the Jesuits but the Leagues Of VVife with Courtier Islington Intreagues VVas it well known to each contented Sot VVhat don at home how Jacky was begot Hee 'd be more jealous of his VVife then th' Plot But of all Pates Cit has the softest one The better crys the VVife to graft upon But he by such dam'd dullness is undon VVhile on him Every Rascal puts a trick Care Curtis Baldwin and Seditious Dick Such Rogues as these do still suspicions give And make new Plots that no man can believe One makes him hope another makes him fear Just like four Masty Dogs upon one Bear VVho knows not which the true or false to call But honestly dull Soul believes them all These are the Knaves who make the Cits suspect Their Prince that he their safety does neglect VVhose only care Heaven knows is to protect These are the Villains who our Jarrs encrease Nor till they 're hang'd can we e're hope for Peace Each Cobler's Statesman-grown and the bold Rabble Convert each Ale-house-board to Council Table One Censures this another blames that fashion And thus they settle the Affairs o th' Nation On Votes and Councils are their Judgments past And in what form they please Affairs they cast Thus Colledg did but he was hang'd at last Iter Boreale AFter long practis'd Malice in the South Brutus the Peoples Ear the Peoples Mouth At length most prudently has Sally'd forth And cautiously retir'd to his North. His Poyson he has left behind in London By whose Infection Whigland's Chiefs are undon Charter lies bleeding Ecchoing Orphans crys Reach Heaven whilst the guilty Causer flies Whole Corporation suffers for Believing Sneaksby who but one Garret had to live in Yet had he had his Arbitrary Swing Wou'd all our Nobles to his Nine-pence bring Wou'd curtail Monarchs and by grand Debate Reduce Great Britain to an Hamburg-State For Eighty Two shou'd be as Forty Eight But since great Ends by Providence are cross'd And Jesuit-Whig Designs in Blanket's toss'd Since Jurors must no longer be forsworn Nor private Sence ' gainst Solemn Oath Suborn Since Oats Deposals are Immortaliz'd And Elliot still remains Uncircumcis'd Since Loyalty must take and All are for 't Since Pomfret Eloquence won't take at Court Since Ryots for the Publick-Weal can't be Secure without Invading Royalty And Legal Bearings up against the Power In Peoples Right force Demagogues to th' Tower Since all the Juice of Tony's Tap's quite spent Which suckled long both good old Cause and Trent For some who this way look are that way bent Since Bacon's Brazen Head fix'd on his Shoulders TIME WAS Can only say to Property Upholders Since Legal Monarchy must rule the Rost And care determin'd is to keep his post Since Envy Hatred Malice do small feats Party detected in all holy Cheats Thousands of Guineys can't have Influence On him who hath of Loyalty due sence Since neither Wapping Treats nor VVhigshead Clubs Assert the Right of Perkin or the Tubs Since truth and only truth must now prevail Maugre St. Tony's Tap or Stephens Flail And Brutus lately Londons Demagogue No Office has but where Men Disembogue 'T is time high time to quit that hated place VVhere nought but Loyal must dare shew its face So Fiends Associate VVizards still forsake Cajoll'd with hopes untill they come to stake Thus inmate Rats who first espy the flaw In Ruinous Buildings prudently widraw Neswells VVhig Babells sall parting seems to say Perish ye with your Cause so I be out oth'way THE MAD-MENS HOSPITAL OR Presbyterian Itch. I. OH happy Soil unhappily possess'd Your Natives now invade your Sacred peace And that Religion we all profess'd Must now by Exterpation succease Our Laws are broken Birthrights ta'en away Banish'd or Murder'd Innocents betray II. This Hell bred Change hath Reformation brought By bold Interpritation of Text VVhat was believ'd and our Forefathers taught By new dark Lanthorn Lights is now perplext New Government 's set up the Rabble see A way to Rule the Church and Monarchy III. Oh treble damn'd Rebbles to God and King Who first put Arms into the Round-Heads hands Taught them to know their Brutish strength who bring A right of Levelling to all Mens Lands Like Hounds unhunted left to their own Chase Seize all that cross their way Noble or Base VI. They love the King as School boys Masters love Let them do what they will How good a Man Correct them he 's a Tyrant none above If they admit then Govern them that can Break up the School A Common-Wealth their Cry's Learning hath Foold the World and taught us Lyes V. Thus in this wilfull and presuming Age Where Reasons Blinded with Opinion For currant Truth upheld by th' Peoples Rage They Spurn at Truth and true Religion Those Beast like Rights which greater Beasts perswade Are the false Opticks of their Cheating Trade VI. Poor Country Men the whole worlds hate or scorn Led by a creeping Will ih ' Wisp's false Fire Like him to Malice and to Mischiefs born Leads you to perish in a poyson'd Mire Pride made a Devil what is' t made thee so Malice So coupled both together go VII But tell me yet Madmen have Intervalls What end do you propose suppose your Plot Shou'd take effect that Pallaces and Halls The King the Duke Lords Papists and who not Shou'd in one Ruin fall what wou'd Succeed Cutting of Throats make one another Bleed VIII For the great King will not descend to reign You in his Members Crucify him here In time compleat when he will come again 'T will be to your Confusion and Fear Order Supports the World nothing can stand VVithout it Beasts have Order and Command IX These very Sects who now together joyn Will then divide and each their Claim advance This is the Truth I hold that Lordship 's Mine 'T is false 't is not 't is for the K. of France For when that one anothers Blood we draw 'T is time a third shou'd come to give us Law STATE CASES PUT TO Iack Presbyter JAck if you have one Grain of Sence That 's free from pride and Impudence Say something in your own Defence But Lye not VVhy dost thou make our Blood recoil VVith noise of Plots and Popish Guile VVhile you 're the Traytor all the while And Bygot VVhy dost thou brood upon the Plot To hatch the Mischiefs Room cou'd not And play th' old Game but we have caught Ye Napping VVhy did the little Dorset Eel To make the Brain sick Crowd Rebel Sad storys in the City tell And Wapping What did the western progress mean When a fine Duke did march between L. Gray and Tommy to be seen o th' Women How Country Protestants did run To Gaze upon a Royall Son God bless him or wee 're quite undone For Freemen What meant Ben Harri's Appeal So full of Loyalty and Zeal VVas it not written for
Sense The Sacred Nine Elected you Supreme And Swore Allegiance to your Diadem And all the Jobbers of the Rhiming Crew Are Rebels e'en to them when so to You. Th' Old Loyal Bloud when your kind Beams withdrew Unmurmuring Slept till they return'd anew Then like the Lust of Plants its Automs strong To deck th' old Branches to shoot forth young Westminster was an Autumn to our Lays But th' Oxford Nipping Spring had kill'd our Bays Had not your Mercy and Dissolving Skill Stopt both their Doing and our Suffering Ill. Had we th' Hesperian Fruit you shou'd not pull We'd freely drop you a whole Checquer full But equal Heaven has given it to the Dull Wit by Camelion Nourishment conceives And was Decreed only to put forth Leaves Hail Sacred Sir altho we have no Banks Yet we can pay what none can give You thanks Thanks for the Numerous Blessings which you shed Like the Impartial Sun on every Head Thanks for the Factious Deluge you put by And thanks for th' humble stoop to tell us why But thanks above all thinking for your Care To stop that Tap which wou'd have drown'd your Heir Illustrious James thou cou'dst not bear such thing Wert thou not Son and Brother to such Kings How cou'd we think from Justice thou shou'dst fly A Land which does it to their King deny The Sh'riffs of late such Naturalists are grown They 'l turn no streams back to the Fountain Throne And those grand Jews that Ignoramus bring For Barabbas wou'd Crucifie their King The Polish Prince is Charm'd he scorns weak Buff His Conscience of Impenitrable stuff Arms the small Patriot Plot and Witness Proof 'T is such a Knot as wants the Gordian Knife For some Conspire his Death and some his Life And Nineteen Unbelievers Damn to Save That Head so lately Destin'd to a Grave Once more Hail Sacred Monarch may kind Stars Prosper your Peace and Guard you in your Wars Let God arise who your Avenger is And Scatter both Your Enemies and His May Heav'n attend your Councils and Dispose Success to all that 's Yours except your Foes Long may you Rule this Island with your Nod And let the stubborn feel your angry Rod Exceed your Father and be like Your God The Excellency of MONARCHY A Panegyrick I. IF wanting wings one may ascend the Skys And Phaebus view without an Eagles Eyes Then rouse up Muse from thy Lethargick strains And having first invok'd the God of brains Let the grand Subject of thy Measures be No rule to England like a Monarchy II. It is the Image of that Domination By which Jehova rules the whole Creation Angels nor Saints do in his Kingdom share God is sole Monarch they but Subjects are Whose Laws are such as when they did Rebell Sequester'd not but sent 'em straight to Hell III. As old as that paternal Soveraignty God plac'd in Adam Rul'd his People by Disown'd by none but them whose minds aspire And Envy One shou'd have what All desire For be 't a Few or Many we live under Such shall Repine still whilst not of the Number IV. The Ancients did a Monarchy prefer Made all their Gods Submit to Jvpiter And where Affairs and Nations first began Princes Decrees were th' only Laws of Man Experience will avow it where ther 's Any One Honest Man is sooner found then Many V. The Rational Soul performs a Princes Part She rules the Body by Monarchick Art Poor Cranes and little Bees with shivering Wings Observe their Leaders and obey their Kings Nature her self disdains a crowded Throne The Body's Monstrous has more Heads then One VI. A Monarchy's that Politick simple State Consists in Unity Inseprate Pure and Intire A Government that stands When others fall touch'd but with Levelling hands So natural and with such skill Endu'd It makes one Body of a Multitude VII In order wherein later things Depend On former that 's most perfect doth Attend On Unity But this can never be The Pop'lar state nor Aristocrasy For where or All or Many bear the sway Such Order to Confusion leads the Way VIII A Monarchy more quickly doth attain The end propos'd for t is the single Brain That ripens Councel and Concealeth best Princely designs 't is deeds proclaim em blest Whilst numerous Heads are rarely of one Mind Slow in their Motion louder then the Wind. IX Treason nor Fear so suddenly divides Th' united strength that in a Crown resides Sedition prospers not it seldom here Results the Object of a Prince's fear Then when an Empire Rome was nere so strong Nor Triumph'd under other Rule so long X. A Monarchy abates those Feverish fits Of Emulation a free state begets A Prince cannot his Reins so quickly slack Or throw his burthen on anothers back But where so many Rulers have Command The works Transfer'd and tost from Hand to Hand XI The People or the Nobles to Debate The deep Concernments of a troubled state Set Times and Places have assign'd them they First Meet and then Adjourn from Day to Day Whereas a Monarch who by Natures one Deliberat's allways never's off his Throne On His Majesties Recovery AT WINDSOR I. THanks High and Mighty one by whom Kings Reign We now return unto our selves again The Head affected cou'd the Members all Lye otherwise then Apoplectical So when a Spring Head has not passage clear The Brooks subside and Gasping Fish appear II. WINDSOR whose lofty Top Mounts to the Sky WINDSOR that Writers do so Magnifie How had thy name sneak'd under ground and fail'd Had the Blood-thirsty-Traytor PLOT prevail'd Or had so good a Prince by Nature dy'd Nature and Thou as guilty had been Try'd III. In thee too long for shame without a Tomb. The best of Kings lay after Martyrdom Regardlesly full Thirty Years were spent 'T was well his Vertues stood his Monument Whence let Contrivers do well or amiss MOVSOLVS never had the like to His. IV. His Sacred Urn disturb'd who cou'd have heard Without Convulsive Fits what good Men fear'd The Perfume of whose Ashes clear'd the Air More then Arabian Spices cou'd by far So that the Paroxism had Remedy Not from dull Phisick but by Sympathy V. Ask the Physician what an Ague means He 'l talk of Ebollition in the Veins Ferment and Circulation stopt and Chat What Baker knows and Brewer from his Fat Take him aside and smile him in the Face Indeed quoth he an Agu's our Disgrace VI. And so it had been with a Witness sure Had Providence not found a Soveraign Cure That Providence that slumbers not nor sleeps But his Anoynted still in Safety keeps Vouchsafeing Combinations to Reveal When the Foundation 's laid as deep as Hell VII Whether the Breathing of a Vain gave ease And did the Preternatural Heat appease In Royal Blood whose Spirits are so fine They of themselves might to give ease incline We argue not but I dare promise it 'T was not the Jesuits Powder checkd the fit VIII Summon Apothecaries let
no Foe but still she felt a wound The bleeding Dear thus trembling stands at bay But can't find where the close hid Archer lay As on the winding Banks and watery Maze Where fam'd Meander cuts her crooked ways The lost distracted Traveller doth gaze At last kind Fate or Providence doth bring The poor Despairing Soul unto the Spring So some kind Angel genius of this Isle VVhere peace alass with thee cou'd never smile Hath taught us now to make her flourish still Shew'n us the hidden source of all her Ill Reason the Plummet with the Line shall be Both stretch'd to Fathom and to measure thee Lead throw the Labyrinth of all thy tricks All the wild Mazes of thy Politicks THE Whig Caball TH' sullen night worn threadbare when I lay Expecting the Approach of Early Day Such Loyal thoughts did in my Bosom rage As drew my Curses on this Factious Age With tears I mourn'd our sinking Countrys Fate And shadow'd glory of the Royal State Till slumbering at the last a glimmering Light Methought was shown to my Mysterious Sight When I descry'd a Treasonous damn'd Caball Hells mounting Engines that wou'd sink us all And rise upon our King and Countrys fall Dark were their Looks and knowingly I saw Villains they were and such as fled the Law Printers and those who had abus'd the times Religion was their Cloak to hide their Crimes Envious as Eiends like Hells Divan they sate What wou'd Hell more to ruin Church and State So vile as these it never cou'd appear Had the great Whigland Lucifer been there When in an abrupt Voice I heard one Cry Rome's Idoll York shan't gorge our Liberty Rowz up my friends our Ruin's more then fear'd Their Bulls do roar so lowd we can't be heard With that he paus'd then said with much Distress What shall we do the Tyde of our Success Now seems to Ebb nor can we hope for less For even those will now believe no more Our shams who judg'd them Miracles before Interest 's our hook and Freedom is the Bait Bondage but nam'd you 'l see Rebellion Straight Each weak pretence deceives the Easy Crowd With them 't is Law what is by us allow'd But shallow are our Plots to searching Eyes They see what Mischeifs at the Bottom Lyes Our Sh'riffs and Juryes for their ends applause With Ignormaus Riots prop our Cause They doubt of peace from those that break the Laws There our Designes are Desp'rat and so crost Bold the Attempt must be to gain what 's lost Zealous Rebellion must secure us all We cannot fail while we pretend a Call With that like Fiends they Vanish'd and I woke Whilst all amaz'd and troubled thus I spoke O wretched Land how prov'd thy cureing vain Sign thy old wound is breaking out again The whole's Endanger'd by th' Infected part But Heav'n instruct our great Physitians Art There 's one way left to heal this desp'rat Wound Out off the Rotten for to save the Sound Were there no Cause for this now needful blow Religious peace then throwgh the Land wou'd Flow So Jehu Sion purg'd and faith did grow But let 's unite with pious Joy to sing Health to the best to Englands gracious King Blest may he bee his Queen and Royall Bed And bless great James whilst all their Foes ly Dead So we at last shall bruise the Serpents Head THE Presbyterian Club AS 'tother day Dick Harry Tom and I At th' Tavern sate in wine and mirth rais'd high As round the Boord the Chearful Brimmer went And Charles his health was drunk with one Consent The Duke of Tork's by Birthright next Ensu'd Confusion to all those who wou'd Exclude Thus went the Claret round till up the stairs The Drawer came laden with Stools and Chairs His Burthen thrice he did renew when I To satisfy my Curiosity Asking the Reason of his Task was told The Saints to night a Canventicle hold The Room was large well stor'd with Chairs Stools Pitty 't was to be fill'd anon with Fools We Torys big with Expectation wait As well to see 'em as to hear 'em prate When usher'd up in long procession came Baxter with many more too long to name Their looks their dress was such you wou'd have thought They really had practis'd what they taught VVith starch lawn Band and hats right gravely set Had you but seen 'em you had thought they 'd met There to set up a thorow Reformation VVhen 't was it seems only for Recreation Now round the Table all in Order sate Baxter at th' upper end as chief in State For Pride is to th' Elect as natural As to the Devil 't was before his fall Mean while the Brethren drink till warm with wine They all to Treasonable talk encline And in each glass the Kings Destruction vow The King nere more their Enemy than now Thus still the Zealous glass went round whom one VVith lift up hands and gogling Eyes begun I thought him by his Bawling Farringdon Half drunk to make a Godly speech and cry Oh Lord When will thou put an end to Tyranny When wilt thou free us from our Tyrants hands And settle on us all the Bishops Lands For tho Lawn Sleeves and Gowns are an offence We with the Churches Livings cou'd dispence Nay verily I think I cou'd submit To any thing but Popery to get The Diocess of Winchester I say I wou'd the Churches liveing were our prey Nay I pray dayly God wou'd make 'em so For I have little else with Prayer to do And tho the K. good Man be vainly lead i th' crooked path of Wickedness to tread 'T is Charity to wish the Tyrant Dead Wou'd he were mounting nay I wish he were Already crown'd in his Triumphant Chair That he from thence might see us act below Deeds that our once Lov'd Cromwell shall outdo Such deeds as even his Ghost shall fear to see While Satan trembles at our Tyranny Least coming thither we their Peace destroy And with intestin VVars his Relms annoy Least we by force shou'd their old Laws repeal And spight of Empire for a Common-weal Thus spake the Reverend Pimp with sober hum They as amazement had 'em all struct dumb Did silently applaud the speech whilst he As in Arrears did swallow Brimmers three And now the hour of ten drew nigh 't was time To part least staying prove a Godly crime Then being drunk for all of 'em were so B r himself cou'd not uprightly go Tho' he had much the odds of all the rest Who in 's sheeps Cloathing fed a greedy Beast Making the Scripture Prophecy prove good Which ne're till now was rightly understood Thus they and time it was the house Depart For I their Absence wish'd with all my heart Thus do the Saints solace themselves and thus They act those Crimes which they abhor in us THE True Presbyterian Without Disguise A Presbyter is such a Monstrous thing That Loves Democrasy and hates a King For Royal Issue